HomeMy WebLinkAbout05744 ORD - 04/27/1960• - I.IS:JKH:4 -25 -6D h + AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACQUIRE, FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY, CERTAIN LANDS AND EASE- MENTS IN CONNECTION WITH AND AS PART OF THE BASCULE BRIDGE REMOVAL AND RELOCATION PROJECT, INCLUDING 10.460 ACRES OT LAND FROM BERTHA WEIL, ET AL, 3.528 ACRES OF LAND FROM THE ESTATE OF ALEX WEIL, DECEASED, ET AL, AND :.295 ACRES OF LAND FROM WILLIAM I. COHEN, TRUSTEE, ET AL; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE SALESCONTRACTS AND DO SUCH ACTS AS ARE NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE ACQUISITION OF SAID LANDS AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS DESCRIBED IN SAID SALES CONTRACTS, COPIES OF WHICH ARE ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF; APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $194,751.00 OUT OF BRIDGE BOND FUND NO. 230, SAID ACQUISITION OF SAID LANDS BEING PROJECT NO. 230 -55- 9.27; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. THAT THE CITY MANAGER IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO ACQUIRE, FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY, CERTAIN LANDS AND EASEMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH AND AS PART OF THE BASCULE BRIDGE REMOVAL AND RELOCATION PROJECT, INCLUDING 10.460 ACRES OF LAND FROM BERTHA WEIL, ET AL, 3.528 ACRES OF LAND FROM 19E ESTATE OF ALEX WEIL, DECEASED, ET AL, AND .298 ACRES OF LAND FROM WILLIAM I. COHEN, TRUSTEE, ET AL. SECTION 2. THAT THE CITY MANAGER IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO EXECUTE SALES CONTRACTS AND DO SUCH ACTS AS ARE NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE ACQUISITION OF SAID LANDS AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS DESCRIBED IN SAID SALES CONTRACTS, COPIES OF WHICH ARE ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. SECTION 3. THERE I5 HEREBY APPROPRIATED THE SUM OF $194,751.00 OUT OF BRIDGE BOND FUND No. 230 FOR THE ACQUISITION OF LANDS HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED, BEING PROJECT No. 230 -55 -9.27. SECTION 4. THE NECESSITY TO ACQUIRE THE PROPERTY AS HEREIN - ABOVE DESCRIBED IN ORDER THAT THE BASCULE BRIDGE REMOVAL AND RELOCATION PROJECT MAY BE CONTINUED WITHOUT DELAY CREATES A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND AN IMPERATIVE PUBLIC NECESSITY REQUIRING THE SUSPENSION OF THE CHARTER RULE THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE 5744 OF ITS INTRODUCTION AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE SEVERAL MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL, AND THE MAYOR, HAVING DE- CLARED SUCH EMERGENCY AND NECESSITY TO EXIST, HAVING REQUESTED THE SUSPENSION OF SAID CHARTER RULE AND THAT THIS ORDINANCE BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE OF ITS INTRODUCTION AND THAT THIS ORDINANCE TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE, IT IS ACCORDING PASSED AND APPROVED, THIS THE 2 1 DAY OF ATTEST: , 1960. APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM THIS DAY OF , 1960: CITY ATT MAYOR THE CITY OF CO CHRISTI, TEXAS 3AL1ti' COW- 1 THE STATE OP '1 cOlpirr Op EMCEE,- sod* this at a il, 19bOs us cirrietis aatiOS ' h *roio by sod through its City tanalger with authority of the City Council, and isereinetter led 'Buyer % end Bertha eU, a widow', B. Weil, Ala Well, Sr., and M. harm hereinaftc? celled 'CNmeres WITNESSETRI PACTS!, Corpus Christi'. landee end rights - of -raa►y neOessery tor the ateOsplishaent gat the general plan of reloCating ra1i yordaend mellroad trweckew In tho City of Corpus CswittL 'ts vint tuck* tram certain oitj etreetes ind the overall pion of relocation of rsilroa*se add railrowd facilities required b e resovsl of the bascule Bridge and the rerouting of x'ailtolim a it and *round the City of Coreua Christi And over the new high lift bridge at the super dtoloslais, A po tics or the ids necesaarY bee aeaguir*d, to w Ouch psrpaaai consist of as ire LLa da dJo .ntng ox- the hortZ the ''mss *width Aallway y"* right-Of-way lath of Co Christi at a point between .Lexington Boulevard and Corer Pro- ducts Road to be used tor at ,ioint railroad, 3r with railroad freight station, motor freight warehouse and railroad shop and ytlurd ta*il;iti s. Additional-1N, thaw*_ la Ord a strip r land tor (a) road and street purposes to . he used for th oonatavetioa of a road nee scary for/Neese to the rail yard utilities and StoolsearYfor, an a1 to t*t*t* eoanectine, Lexington boulevard vith Corn Product* Wed and also conneetlhs with ae new *roelair$ to State, Highway 44 *t the west end of tho d (b) for drainage porpsaer to bae 'ualad for the ruction of a drainage ditaah and appurtenant taareellit eau, to . draln the Ntid r *4ts ` alld , Yaw apt a4Jsent area. xt f i a ntia mta►d that Corn Products Mo40 south of it* thtaraeotio* with that propoud new raid frog Laxia' oon "Boulevard will rill trey closed. lacetlonal .tor the *aid rail Yard and roadway have teen oade ands in ardor to,aulcea'tain a value of tha lands of O wner. needed fOr railroad yards and the value of the right. • needed, tha City' . of Corpus c iriast1 has CeU*Id Oregory Moor*. a vilified rasa rstatr .ppx*ia ar, to aspprolaa a the laid lands and right-or-way, And Oredor^f 3. *ore 'hos rna da An appraisal or the, strut vain* of said /and* and right - of -esj as of oovaaa?aear 24, 19,A. The City of ,Corpue Christi has notified taus. Oiroi of sai lands and ri t..or,ally that iandl needed for rail - read yarale, road and drainsgo pu ula*, will egt talon for the said pu rposts •y use of its p wsz of .eminent domain it t►atais- .+alrg., * id tilt the City of Corpus Christi is unwilling to offer or pay neat ror such laz+d e. and right -of -may the the appraised vieli&a as of lbvIar 2e, 1958, sa na de by Q;.gor, d. lrkaore. "Paola Oinlrs of the said lands, in 1ieai 4t' condemnation And with the Samge threatened and iaamdnlnt+. have Agreed to convsy, sY:c:x lends and .right- -ws„v 11 14 flooded for 18M44 purposes lax co a 'adoration of the payaaaallit, herein stated and the road and drain- ago ditch constrieti<xi hereinafter zerttietted. Accordingly*, Owners, and .fir MVO .ate the ro owl ► g. Amu 1. Owners bi tby ogre* to .oral end canvsy, and and o p rch's* from Owners, that certain land reams 1 Its and dcai rihed bj metals and Akioulids ih t-: Oeneraa3 Warranty Deod attached hereto as a.:1101t . A end &- aaae€ars 406444 tar drnlag* ditou and road purposes, deeseriitied �a• ym73 Otis bft 14 tsunda Walser a doneral Warranty to the Miai land x n the fora etta shed and inarked ishi%it A L for the id r end harmed FAblhit B. will pay to **nor*, eloping the sum or $112,99.$.00, .tl0, s so, this consideration for the oonveyaotea made by °Mere, . Buyer agrees that It will muse to Tae oon tr ete5 with ruble elevate ard ss pert of the ratite 'relocation projeot the drainage dtton sod facilities and 'raelaated wort its 414,au.wn Uzi Sheets 620A, (2O , and 2 c . dated harsh 25. ;94, ss PrtPlaVitt by` Ilarrinst04 and Cortelyou for buyer, and entitled '43outh Approach .gem' corn P. 4duots , N being at pert of 'Plan* .tor Bridge Over tae lake Cols, end also * pared road extend- Lig from Lozingtonloulevard to a :eoreaeetton with State High - l a 44 at tie mat end of the Joint yard and on the tAsertnt . 0..,w hereby. a at time !t riai Part or that, the warranty d eeds end. ,r of -wsir .4seds to ,::delivered ,ht e . Shaii be e to Such nominee* a►s.1sr may d. -rest at. ti of cLos . 4. owners agree-that, lfthey do not own all Of the: :reesrelonarr tntsreat in the minerals thereunder, they will :furnish sh 4 weileer ?33` AtT.400411 and egressfor eurrete Wie as re- . onset* the-minerals tr "s;i all O* . of the r8 :." Brea to in 'tom minerals. 3. Bigler tall, at its espen0C,s0dOire an - oaaaa>er► as . policy o#' title in *a# iseued toyawtranty 'title and '.•uit;- Co y of Capes Chrieti, ez**d 333 tit ogual ' ouato . ,:: Wteh poitoy l be iesueCimmseilkte4 urn tins olOalog *hie d..1 and fil ng of meager a ds eds for record. Pendind to �Yi Kit ds*1• t Q optnttn of tM e a dnttlg strtOX'Dl,r* the C tlirsr ty xltla and 'i'&'sst Cotapmny ehsawina title to ssjd r good in tM C 'tiers, vn the Ccnepan;r u * e t to sat4 policy ftpc* c1o$1i of 4s*1 szid. t12in at 4ae a 4ed sicXtt 1* t tor..a1osin , .eu1d 41 shsf be °low: t:t on. ntd ps }toy t1 'Mltta" titt th sccozbane!! Opl'4on ot'' the el s i tng ttn7s tc 'tr sno Tz *st CoapS — o .1d t �1a eha41 'bv dsr .d eo w1'�. the Dtttus theraot. to cstef an ob_ie !tion to t3t1e aea 'Herd 9sn'sa k op1n1oh, thsf he Qwnez;a *bsll rce g,nitit t3tss in which 'o CUr sssd obj etion a:' snow gq d titla, and aeacw s the ''%ns1 4pps r*1 at e*1d title b 1*14 duar <tlr !t 1e and 1st •attivsr a . T,; he event Est tsil?u'. so t* a urs • s z: Gett.s ,► ther3 Rio contract t f be canaa1iset a€ d rr3- t irned or re�ryyastay rnro�r oj epersU €`3c pert` *!snos beer or.. i+ ,ei 1t� t*t 1 po t1 n of hi' 1sf4 or the r+ECii d y *' ie now %14 meter lei b 3ess i 1, AM b,7 an Z41 which ; .1a sit not . recorded. '# be deed t be d�liwiprd t erecender waU ! . szb,ject to the r2 Y+GS of duh Ian re►lus, prior t ci e1 at t*tis t -. a ti m, s neit hair bear ss a by i 4?yyer" to ' csre err' aid maul soh 1 e in*llsr M* tt appU.s to the Zv to be orived hereunder. 7. hta tiiii�sastion +shall ba oioasd on or e%: c` t}itrtF (.; ) dew t* thtl fists. *d v*1orrci �u'lCS. tor the fist •19[O or the l p* t ovarM bl thiii ntract ;O of nit ntrs *fl1 Thqe& * reet. to tn40PT try mere* t'�pc eels I it bent on & * t of s sti taae�, tht* axernt' iet iesscutsd dp11cate on the date first *boy* a� CIW 0? $ C1flY3i? A kezi b 1: »4- GI`I . WARRANTY TM STATE 0? T1 lS COUNTY OF NUISCIS 4 THAT Bertha Weil, a widow, 0. a. Wit, Ale x fir 1. J. and X. 14irvel Weil.. of 'N;east County, Texts Y hsreinstter called 'Grantor.% tar end in oeetsiderraticn of Ten iwilars 010.0a) L d other values a consideration to t s In lend paid b C1;t ot Corpus Chs'iatl, reot.xpt o ' wallah 10 ire. * ao =:wledtrr-Gi. have *RANTED* SOLD aim COMM* and `uy tweet pres*ntt& do -4 snd COMM Unto t said Cityr of Carpus Christi, inerein- trtt:ex sometimes oallad'Orantes', stout as nominator rutted+ all that eartaitt trset, srtd parcel or laud lying and being *ituatod in %woe* county, Toni, and Ueaeritad at follows, `�aWitf ALL MI BY T 1LZ $ W$ B4141 :a part of Shares 4, ,, and G of the Portitiot of the Ashes MsBrito 'Natant to described in Partitrion toed roaordea .mot the limit . Accords of !tutee* County, Toms, in Volume 5a t 610g and a part an; '#t the tooter J. C. Xuaaell lands lying bttinten the said 1 oaride lands sad the right-of-way of the Texas Mexican Railer and site, as part ot atotions 6 and ?, ,wage VITA- of the StetIon- ppse�d Lands of 0. L. Ainnyey$ ��y fudinsi i tit *point '.3 6h north right -of -said' line or they. Texas N.*ioan Railway which Is the southeast corner ot *reel: ? of tail resell ?sr, - tition as deaeribod la Partition 3*ad dated August 16* 1556. as res rdee in VOX. 7 9, P. '424 or thi teen Records of Nuo0es CoasttKy4, Traorr,,, and btin afro the $owthwert Ocznor or 4 tract of limed Col silting ,ot t u O portions' of share/ 4 5, 0, sad ? of tiler i c3ctdo Patti- titan as recorded in Vol. ., p : =TO of the ,'?nib Raxsoi'do of hneaats County, a. -Xas, lying westerly of Lexington Blvd.'. from which true land herein dsaorttsd is ta4ef,' .fold point be- its s2so the point of 6iegiYitairig. Thomas, llort'h along the watt line of bas salt 4.11 Tract ,tDo8 shlot thih land la woo s distance of 12/.00 ttet< to t point. Norco* / N. 89' 38' :;0" E. feint to 4 poltit. Thence, X. 77' 1U .tau E. a distance 'of 2'34,:,7 root to a point., Thence.., L .� * 41$ .104 ii. .a distivaao of .210,.00 feet, to a point. .?hence L .I teat to $ „point. Mono*, ix, 0'. 41 .102' . tan. or 19G,0a s tttt to • paint. Tbart44 , 11. ' 1$+ 50 "' a. a 41411 cs at .0 ") feet to a ,point Then4444, 4r 41' 16 *4 * (dt. ta*e* of 25), teat. to a perm "t. Thence, L': 44• -1 ' diatanca o1' 969.01 eb tO aE po.Int. Thsnc &„ S. 04-' a1'' c'' ,E..s diatom* or a► rvv teat talk otftt .la t north .1t . of tM Tsutr- Pkintioon Mona *.. 8 ` 1B4 , .r it. 'vita, the nowt boun- dary line of Taza #- Nesiaatt Railer right•or-eay diarattb* of' 21 {.Q4 feet: to tip! point of begin» ntrit;, and containing 10.4L: acre* of 404 more or loss. TO AM AND irO MI the above dea eribad riae.1r, to- gather lrtth all and " int ri .eta and, ippertenaneta the. tc In Ooysloo d ing; tit* My *ijC0r#4114 Gt €:rlttti, its auccasaars and assigi$, ror r. ea do k'terez p oind 04:24 41V**1 e141, 4Aga4, Oiooutoro ON ad&lniet*tor*; to earrint and forever d.r. d all and adngular °:a 004 promos mto the eetd tiit7 eft' eo dhriati.x Ate �e ce$so s and s**i fa;, nainat awn . per*on laniseasever lawfully claiming er to slain th* Or any part t3Bree1% Tea 40.4 la at :Woe, oe, to all exaltations and rcl1 1C Botts or ail, ow and ainarals . haratotorc NW. '01•410.14 t an[t't that any. of O $1tOrs Ow any interF said land and eat in the oil. gas and other simnel*, tocrs la reserved to such shots, raapectively, all 011, gas anti other minerals in and laidar Via above *merited land, provided, hoiaevar,, that ingress and egress on the surface or the above .daserit land * atsy Purloin, related to • the dinsral or.raitip 1* kiercr4 rived tora*sr". Thia c iva anae le subject 'to eft certain a'l'n of l e4t'fd gas 1 July 1O, 1941 r Alex'dell, ,at a1, e* Maur, to Chico C- rporatirr . i# lutist*. : las:.in Vol. ae. 9, pogo 932„ of the Oil . and Aaas UMW Record* or Nuoces Coun%y. Tees') and as ,ts to such leas* Which are .of record, and is alio of *aeaet and to an All *as to of *very Wind and character. or record County,, Sets*, and arresting the above dettoribo0 lapel nrlaardot loss* running to Jest Eduard* tn. ais conveyabco,is trade and *ecsptad a ** re** condition and xestrictioi, which runs with tos !hood,. that the MAYO 4.strlbed land *ball be d only rbr railroad treetop . a11road stations, railroad ropai r tthops,.rallroad ot'ficta p railroad yam and facil1itt1$ appurtciant to railroad Yards, and also ter marehouaos.ror actor treight and napless* business toot; woarid ed, haaever,, trat. except for Lath motor freight and Arai pI'R3$ busdrosSes, the sidd I rd *hall not, .ua' :toedy for ory3�y any twain*** other than t J rA. Fa1�1'vOs0 uses for Us tern o this restriotUOn. This condition ill run. with 'tae alut asset •trectiv* fora poriod at ottonty (70) years fro* thin date and shall : ben binding von acrd be observed by tint O t.. herein' sun trail as its .s:ieoa-sssr's, legal re aentaativ*$ andLassigns, sod .sahall run In Cam or and to entaxces 1e by any parson who *roll haroaft+ r 414 '607 st the tsaot or land of Oc* t rs out of utrfiec: •tan above de*arlbed land is carvtslad. in *a of snot upon . any i11C1*tion f* r non -o ieerovarte of the above lovena nt and aondi- tion, end p4* oda ism Oki, ee enCioi Peed in4 net$oo* and any *that* remedy' ev*ilablo at Ito or .in stquitll°r and tsar .g:sts*ty 00MAitttAg *OR violation or non -o *?'vast shall oleo be lltblt ror Asa .attorney's foes. and costs. So act or omission on the part of any or tte, barratial*r os of thin rietrit►tlon shall, no a alalvar rases and condition. ajoaraatlee or ontc+rse4aat . �Si so= wan-, owls loom symi to b. luxt ttriort .tom u0 grip ' itho .use. -+1 %M: TNT ,a iATI 'tiP `ldw t THAT WN, Dort* Weil., s wssz*xr, C. Vii. $.t1 Atss: and ii. Harvey Weil of 14tisca* -Cf ,aty. TeMa, a etif.,:k h tlYinatter mailed 40ro tor*`', for and in eoraideratior. of Tip ,toners (410.00) and of r valuable Q.:sld* tions to its .tb by City of Coypu* Cbriett, re eipt of which is wry seknowleelged, beVe °p and CONFICYSD end by theft presents no ONOrt snd CONVEY utAo tp r *old arty or Cot, ds C 1a43, .ta a,liceisora and legal rtprtsontaciven, the r *. srws ominte rrtrpt 'g liberty, prS+Xilco and taionont of out in, on, over, undsr and *IONS a vori;+tin tract of laid, situnted in a ete* County Texas, end dosert1 *d ae Daiwa, 11 TRACT A .. c dark or Share* 4, 1, .nn4 Tor the i rt,itiorw of the Ames MONA* .:state as de *cruet In partition food rocOrded 10 tho t f4 (*cords pt *wee* CoUntY. 'Fens*, In Voles+ i5,, page X74, •z d a portion' Qr the tomer J. h400a11 %Ands lying ' *ttwein the s1d Ncliri4s lands and the right�Dt' -any or the Tam con railway and ariao 4 part of Section 7. ;lingo VZ,L . of the Ssetiouisod land* of 15. L. timely; DegAnntht at a 'point., in t71e no right ° -t•.wwsy' Brit of the Amos .Ne loon li*Xiiay Which 3* the soutbinst: corner of Peroei 7 or the yfe#,3. P*rti- 410n GC K g t 364 l9xG. as recorded in YQS. pp 42d or the Deed ' ^e eorde of Aces Comet', Toms*, *n4 boln4 also tip *oathoteet corner of s tract � of land _oyo�n�s,leting of tries* portions of �- beree '} 1J �.` *»4- F of hs.Xuaride -Partition no : Y rded tx. �roX. ; , P. ',lb-) Of the Deed iiseoF+ds *rx :# t?�eato Ga 'ty', Texas, 'li westerly erly of ilex• ssgton .i ulaVard, from watch tills easement its iaxen. (Zhe ce, North along the went lino of the still Wett . Trait tros which testis sa+ nt le titian a diatin00 or %J.5a Zstt • o s. point Wato14 is the point of ` **ginning. 'Mond*, �Noorth *long tt /mow said or (.�J.' _ root to * point. Thence. O. 80 lei. a t. a o moot to * point. alt line a dint a a 1** 01 2,111.77 241 10" 1r, a. + fiats st' 6,79.1 r Piet to '# Point in the 'swat ir10 of ietington • olevard. 3old west lino at t wi.ti point he t 4'.WVe', the 000ttr, of *Each: hairs 78' 1.7' 1V • diotahto or,L849,sa Awn.. tiktot of 4 .. ?4 root. •to a pout, • T# s, 'X. '°:r* 24' 1Q'4 . 1I1. !honchos; or 'Oak ,'t' rein toai nt. ';hence, s s9"' VP 2011 .8,1 toot to the dittfland,,, tof b & . sD4 *0;3413%10G . .853 acne $• #;fi`. ao o or e*s. Thls, tnto s ia, for idePttrilotinA 1111pat ;",a st TRAM M-Wri.voi..t or ba rlts 4, 1, 6 :and 7 of the Partition tion or tilt awes le11;ide Zatat* as +de., as ibtd- itian Deed xtrobede4• jzt tgte k ;loo tti of Nvootta Oo *ntS", Ulmer _ -.Ln VO3.tFi6* -"f , and. a p ptio a or the 'former thitoolx. lands lying botweef the said WAWde iltnda and :.4!1 rltiit.00t° •Stc. : ^. or tht Teruo %ora--- can 4 alp as part of t* tiork 7', ado, V',il, r i' the Stetiotilted r&,;da or iloginting At s point to ihei settb right- ot" -11ry 1tx a •or: •the 'eras Mor.laai: ': .11wa.° 11-40b, to , aoutriasat s ti ner of Pare44 7 of the t*1 _ tton t 1t sit 10,. 19 , .ee :1'e ;r.r 4d i.. Vol. • `M-Sr. IVO A2a dt' tho Desd .:tseoo da o iltatoea r.!t1t'ts, 1' X3ti and tiling alsc Or. ildsctn ut a '. rffr or $ twat st' 1*,t4 consist; €,z of thoat por- tions or 3harce 4, , f ant i � .; til* *arum partition so raaor'deed in li 1,. ,y, pogo X of t Q4 .:--'4-aortito Qt ,e et Colar€t(, Tog iitii, ;ling ator'iy• of i txin4toil Ira * Which the elate:opt le token. Fhonoe> x: 't '. Mom the - • west Itie or the tale {W.0 'turn r *MAIL this ease 3. 3.s taken ail dieltonnbe or c",-4.'61 t'a it .'tc a. point 'dhtalt xa tht point of sas:SPrii► , Thtnao 7A rF. along: the told Amet ;the a dlOtasce Of .i,6 :meet to * point In the o*Jth wadopy` at Guatro ML1pes Mu.rit A react X. 0'' :i8+ " 4 with tip ;south hounds.* or Centro , 1p *$ Ease?eent '.. ,Q. d±ntrwco or 2,11!". 88 toot to a point; Then at 3, 89. 24' 1 * Z wire said smith these st.r t CiasitM Mtlpaa taserent A a 4i*tancs of 1:0.0',2 tole* tb arc point; Tien* aooth a distant* of neat to s point; Thence $. ft." 16' 5o* It a distal-4e or t20 root to a point 'Shtirgles Saab a 41artaxe• of 5 i'e t to ail' p tg Thence !. a14 le. ', w distance di, L t � fl e1 so6i%h a, dietance ot 5 tee* tc 1k point; Thence L $ 18* 50" ii lk eiiStatrics fit 1134.40 root to the place of beg - inning. ',Ids tract i:a, for identiticr,tion, tailed 'Cwt. U1pss 'raiment eth*r with try loam**, end" morose to and tor. the 4 City or 0,.xis di C »'iSt1, ite 044aolleore end 11441 represen- tatives', for toner*i st>eet and 4 psis, tuallading by may of illustration, but pot n lis4i:t*$i4O, the ueoatrseeting et streets, drsina a 4itellees, sidenelka, ember Sutter* end appurtenance* upon said 'tract and ear ter the pu 1i0 :eek u t toot, with a teoa:;tle*,- carts. csrriagss and all other vehicles and s11, other MOW. ht trenSportatiet 4aces ar7' 0r convenient atoll tiest cad anell mss,; in. an and ispox geid -trot 1'erst • VG $ E one veY. et we taining et pit _ f yini. ' . lanSy seX'Vieias and nein- lines and -.1$s se sewers ,in, ,ss ;ib ,:'.tar,. sag aloe said tract or MY.. All otl., g4.0 anti idnee*ai. and *i� ral rightism +ereed to bliAtell . et record, 3+'rovft...44 ;,pryer, that tigress se on the aertace ot` trw* air,: Asa ;riz,ad ;land for shy icy the drintors herein tOrover waived. `;,. 4S casescat * ankle-et t o dated Just, ,kw, 1y43,, .t'.o• Alex dc'..i:s.ek a ., $.'P gesso x to Chums* Corporation, as Lessee, refeieed in Wives 59, pie J42„ at the 451, *nd y. i lease Aicort -4 G Sv ceCt s CwArity, ono adaevndoento to aeld reu* which arc, of record, and is *lei sut J4tot to all ZasehePt s of every tcitd and character of record in *aces .0s.4 ty and ee1'fwiting the above described land. 'x' i t it reserved to WI'anto's, t'..h*i2' `ultra, leSel mpreeeatatives etk saiW the a t6 =i t sue priviley e, L "et *t : their Asa, to ere** the above *ascribed le n& and Kt.: troctad thereon, Math railroad try za at two lciostt» * pprspriatsly loomed to serve the lands a•r owned by autos and lying : htarly 'thereof, embleet, . ,hover, ra h regulations regarding irides; *4 tainicenaniva or Win rs t road traau.a as aee applicable, in general, to railroad ere or public road' sod *treats. T Una= TO MOL all ana siriii 'thee rums and privileges attresiid uato the s*id Ctty Corpora Chris: +t ee*io i lOala rePreasotativel and the pablio, for perm or the 0) pliars from this data and for 14 long. r as the said 'ants srs usitd for said purposes 1, a "et' th* egdrStlori of said por1od, r Garr the !arssna- n of sold use of 4 i t:Cir tin*. :1t. ^, VA aforesaid right* and prirtis$sa :a ;Ail oaaat and all ,i4gatii herein granted *Call deq*nd revert to Ocantarail Vivo; Anti asolgll.> tit$ wit is grid tna Consideration Lon and its oiratand.ing that at road will be sonstradted on the land a} ave rued; ss Trost A and taros* adjoining * eateii4itg trot Lac ton 3oul.1,sr4 to Corn Product* Aoad dad Shama aostarlir 11aaww corn products i ►d, to 4. cfmnof ion with yy��Gt*ta J,xign*i$ do. A4' at appoint coat of t:'le' rail yard and $ t. '*. drainage ditch, will JAR constrained on tae land &bars daseribsd *s "1a'adt a, anon road to be constructed and cosplcti#d as a . paved roa4 and sat* ditch to be a+ natk lote4 within thrall () •years from this It is tarthor understood treat mss: Productii Road ►any class, Sit the southerly, emsd thereof and d rantorrs aonsont thereto, bead that hates soon *losing tom rood rtonstrotted from insinptGon Sirolays. t ,urn 'redacts PIA0 over the. .*id'm t horlian granted will ' .c •ztended tlsstarly Dra_n darn rectutts load to .a connotation with .tat* gighasy ro. cat: AD or mar thr lost he railroad yards. It is also underatood that adequats drainage st :htv i ., :tip provided aionz and t11"0 't r conaltz.:oted iais:_ra a trier to provide drainage for sdioldt: a lied the natural drainage of wAioh will to crossed by the dway cost ii ted '.4oreuwdir rend s t °:n r.ellroad yards to constr4ctcd to the :aa..th. Approval by Gm tors of piano a ;•d completion a: co7to.t.r.Iction According to plans. stall cons ats :i agr+redwut, gmlim trey :.iNa ' s ssd a themselves ■ed try+ it heirs and aseizne,. 40, -Olo `' Rft a 414 .°`:1 J44v.e 411 fi 14 ix i AntOr% re or land along and s> iii :d@ ' . 13.-or va or tali , Afszieen reilway C y" to eciep .opt. »erit aressai»gss now ax sses ing, or to : eg r6. the 0,paitiz4 or any crossings in VA' :Wet JMCrO SS tit said rislrosd r ; tiwoS`fepo► r es a teener - of direct access ess to StO,,,. Highway Wo. , it %i rasta::d r►strsststier; rind notintonance of he road !sex is wave &earibed extending Ltroa Iesi toL, ,D¢,;la!ti*_rd on She east_:t sy point y oc4nIal Ot,1:41 with ?ens , � := f AA near one o` th -.boi t rail: .. d- yard,. shol.'•.l toistrtt zt +f L�ftawit. .. rice to said htg:=., ,; ,•-. 'nyll... this - Cn'.A$ j =CZ* "10At k. the wtdereigied l:tthority. on this day per sonal i' a syea red HE7'aNA W IL1 sly, 3idor, C. A. oLL, Aux WEIL I A'. AM . HARVEY WEIL, +each karats cy acs tc be the person rw4;410 swami #a edbeerited tts th* :avowing instr. gene end asap ^slliesig . to as! that he exel:eted the sumo for the pirpos a consside-,a- tion %herein orprsssned, ds ex "' ,thum ASA ski, ' 017201i, this SALES CONTRACT THE STATE Or TEXAS /. COUNTY OP HUMES . TH23 AOREOCOCuade this 18th y of mil,. between the ,',City of Corp us Christi, acts herein by and hr lu8h ltss Par Manager with authority of the City Council, and hereinafter . eked dyer', and the bclite or Alex Deceased, *And trend through; C. IL ''Weil ands Lewis E. Well„ Independent X essutora. and Mke Weil,, s wide*, and Weise Weil, Ond,the ietste *fide Wheeler Weil, Deceased, d, as by rind through L Hervey Weal, Independent Executor or the Eetate of Ada Mtssler Weil, ;Deceased, herein ter called 'Owners', W1THES3T TIT PACT'S: The City of Corpus Christi is sequiring verio - lr+nds acrd rights-of-Vey necess for the accomplishaeni. of the general pi*n of relocating rail 7ards aad railroad tracks In the City of Corpus Christi. removing tracks from cep, city streetar, and the overall p3an of ;relocation of railroads and 'relltroad, raoi33tie"s required by the removal of the rule !idgee and the reooutine; of railroads in anti arou td the City. of CorpuiY Chi ti and over the new high lift bridge at the upper ah4nnel creasing. , A portion of the lards necessary to be acquired for purposes *enlist of certain hands adjoining on the north Medrlan Aellwar OeepitnY'e :.right- et*way great of to rti et ah, point between Lexington Soue mxad and dmot's RRad to be used tor a joint maimed yard cith_railx044 freight stator, motor freight ce e1 ouae acid ..railroad s;iop d facilities. Additionally. there le needed a strip l' Land for tai road end suet purposeu tote used for the constructional' &mad neceesery tor- .asscese to the rail yard i Utties And necs*sery for an alternate route connecting Ursinston Boulevard with turn products Bad and *leo connecting with a nsm crossing to State Highway 4,4at -tbs Met end of the ,Joint yard a (a) foxy 1ee±nags psarpos 1 to be used for the aons9trUction of 1s desiring. ditch and appurtenant facilities to drain the eel roadway and yard and adjacent arenas It is anticipated thet Corn Products Road aouth of its intersection th the, prope'aud a 'road from Lea Boulevard will use closed., loCations for the said sail and roadway have been made and in order to eacertath a Yalu of the lanais of Owners needed 'or railroad road rarde and the value of the right of-wer needed,, tit City or Corpus Christi has caused are gory re, a qualitied real estate apprsiawsr, to appraise Jr, end i gory g, Moore hes, made *aa Appraisal of the market value of said Undo and riot -of -war es of 2 oviaber 24, 1; i , arid, Fsisruavy 12, 1560, The City of Corpus vista toe z t itlead the owners d lend* and rit- of-waY that tai lands needed; for vali- d y'asxdai rem tend 4114114040 purp1acs, wl be taken to the Said purpoasea, bar use of its power of e t domain if oeuea- ▪ end that the City of Corpus Curt i xs unell in, to offer Rr par more Or owl Lands and right -ot r than the appraised as ti` Novefebez`24, 1953, and h 12s 19Oup as made • ' S E . The Owners of the said lands, . in lien of condemnation and threatedoisued,imainent, . have agreed to convey .arsuab lands and rift -Ofd is is needed for such purpose' is COn*id*sr+ation of the percent of such appraised value and to road and drainage ditch conetruction hereinafter timed. A43 ITS k► erB hereby awe to *Al and convey, and Buyer awes to preheat from Owners, s, that certain land needed for railroad yards described by metes and hounds in the denote]. Warrainty : Deed attached hereto as Behibat A and ease.. mental needed for dralne, a ditch and road purpcsse+; deacri'ted by motes and 'ho* Inds in tine Mesement attached hereto as .%si -. hit B. °mess win czeeutt and deliver 'a General varrutY Deed to the said lazu1. 40n the form attached and marked F,xhibit A and an !element for the said road and drainage ditch on the form Attae»:ed and marred larabit 33. '2. Bayer wi-: pa;- to Q' e,, in rash gat time of closing the sum or 4+L:�, IA.00. Also, ass a asetertal ,part of the consideration for the conreyazseca made by Olelers, Buyer agrees that it sins curio to be coma tee with reasonable di.*trateh and as part of the ZIAUIVari relt4CiAtiOrl project the drainaF a catch. and facIllities, and related 'work as down to Sheets MA, € 3 , Ind 420C, dated rC12 193. as pr's:.arittd . by Barrin„tQA . and Oort'clyou for Bayer, entitled *SouVb. AprprOach Bei Corn Flouts ," being; a art of "Plans for Bridge' Over rule lake anal"`, and . else a paved road extend- . irk from Zed °ton , Boulevard to a i reaction witb State, Nigh- way 44 at zhg. 'st end of the joint) d 14.04 on the easenent ebvred h reb;?. i wnera Siirfte that US. IfttrVitatyt deeds and ri ht or =iaLy deeds to be delivered hereunder Shall be wade to such nominees an B4er . direct at aurae of aware« 4. Owners agree theet, it . their do net coo an or Ilse revere .onna. r interest in the minerals; thereunder, they will furnish a waiver of Ingress and espies for eurfeoe, uaae ao re- 'poets the minerals cage all *were of the reversionary in- terests in the mineral*. a. sumo 411, at lte; e21100,01' stria", an tome* pot c3° of title insurance Is/rued by - cluOarity Titio and Trust C?1gx of Cc t14 Christi, 4exos, to waual.and customary' oh polloy. s.ia1i be issued 3mma4late+l4T :ton t cloning. ot.thia deal* Mtd 1 txfag or 3uye0a deeds for recertl. Pending ails of deal, Os opinion of the examin ng attornelim for the Ok ratty 'itl* a d Trust Company shOwins title tO *Sid Hope t ra, and. t �0 -C? +Pa i'I Bent Mai said policy ' or : l + of a rat and tiitni .art deed shall bed d saf'fits#.ent for alaa.nJA, and deal s 3 e closed thereon, and policy thereafter 'ie d its acoordenee ny on said titleb ,tr =7eti2 nek tt us ` he City. h" se .any objections to titie: are ."mile ill se opinion, tiled ttre Qie snail h s r on ble -time • in which o d objet and au +e y ' tt.t , atsd' sere the p rova1 or Said title, by said '{i4at my Title :Trost c '$ ai*toxn* e. in tire. *vent of failure sO to es ' Brae n defects,, tees gist contract ill be canaelled and t er DtWor Sotaroe spelt,* pe rfo move ne: t This t: etiirn -,hall ba closed an on bete th r (0) s Troia #,his lets. fits sOoms.tszSit fsr .:'ti tom` 341:40 on tbo is d cOve a id. 1Jir tnia contract ct not s bee psi by Qx'$ and Ibver s eot* to indaami4 Owners z ]� I1 t31 4tr shd,lielst 00 *cctuiit .at T:.W 7 tbti t to £t t 4bOV@ t51e., CITY CVISRAL DEED 'x08 'MCA_ KNOW ALL MI T11= PRESSIIM ' OF ICES 'BT The Estate of *tax lei,;, Deceeeud, acting, l end thronghO. D. Weil end i nto X. Weil, Independent txecu tore, : and Mine Wrxi,, a std M,, and 1$ tae 'Weil, and the Pettit* Wheeler Weil. Deeleased, acting by snd through M. . Ind•pindent Executor, ,hsreinsfter somat a celled "drentors ", ror and in eonaiderat1on of Ten Dollars ($10;QQ) other •ra14abaa cono1deration to u$ in hand Paid, br Olt Carpus Christi, the receipt of which iii hereby acknowledged, have 01 ', SOLh end CO) ED, a dn bit; these Preeents do, CRAMP. =Lend snd OMIT unto the maid City or Corpus Chriar1, hereinafter eoretimes caked fOtantee.: except ** herei ter_ noted, ell that certain tract. and phr al of isnd lying, and g situated in Mutece County. Texas, t and described as owe. to -witt aeing a port of Stares 2 and 1 of the Par- tition of the :JUMPS .8ta Bride ''Estate as de- scribed it Partition Deed recorded in the Dead. Records or Ngece* Caux,tyy TOMO, In Volume. 55$ Page 570, and a part also of Sections z, and 7, Range U'II, Pt the S_ ection- ized Lands of O. L. Kinney; and also being. entirely 04t of ire 7 or the Partition of the well Lends AS described by Partition teed dieted AmSuet 16, 1956,, recorded in Volume 7 9, page 428, of the teed Record. of 3iuecee County, Texas, ,Seeginn at a point in the north right -oL sey' line of he. Texas -Mexican Hallway which is the south- east corner of Parcel 8 and the :southwest corner of Parcel 7 of the Weil Partition of August.l €, 1956. as recorded in Volume 'j;•9, page 428. of the tea nt cor4s of Names County, TeXas e, -Mr. fir' e31' 45" W. along the said welt line .� .P1►,ree1 7 and foist line of Parcel 8'a distance P f'.83-teet_ t4 s point.. once, s. 7C' 16' . 20" K.4 feet to * point. Thence, N. 89* 18' ' W S. a distance of 1,0 ,..07 Feet to a point in the *art line of said Parcel 7. 'J Thew-, south along 'the sa .d *wet line of pare T a diatoms of 1at.001 feet to sss point in the north line of the Tau s -Mexican iii. Themes, 3 8* 1e, 50"w Vritt the not boundary lin* of Me*ioaat nallso r t-ot r a distance of 1,2-x1.7 test to ItLe point c'r begin- ning and con g 3,528 acres of land, more or lcs . TO AED X17 DODD the above ' described pre #s, • tier with all singular the rig1Yt '.ind appartenances there- to in enyals a telon its tics s si.d C1tr of .,eoz'pua rn rrstl, ite as saceaaos *rsd oasigne, forevs i4. And str t1o'Fie by i:U our- se :i 8a, ha i s, 4 11Ut r"s end ildminlatratera, to warrant forayer defend all and s1 filar the said premises =to tha said. • t7.0t ccr a Gtzrt'tll i.ti suscessrlara " "d 4014,4401#4974104t ewer, »X�1' ahoutoover lawfully c1rsiJ or t* 01401 e t`U iaeO any pert thereof. atrial d la subject to aU exceptions And ressar o . betels hses a affecting the f . totihe extant that Est Gisntore own av in-. tavast in the. oil, SOS send othersiiner40, there is reserved to gush ax*iitorai ' sessspectiae] , ell oil,' iaa ermanerala In and under the-above the-above described land; provided, 'fiver. tbat ingress end *groan on tits **fees of the *bore described land 'or any iorposs related to the ,s aervrt osziecs pis hereby. • ivsd foreirer a conveyance ,1s *abject to t.*t. cert*in oil and i+eaeo dated ally lea,, l543, from Alex Weil., et al, as Leaser/ to Chicago Cor' tioa * a s possess. record in Volume 594,440, oilmnd nes ors Remoras Of NuesestountY4 'Tian i, end anandatnte tO ,,strati: leis* ahleln arse nor 'record, sad is also ' JoetG to all tints or .wry rcind oh*r* ter . or peso in Essex unty, ''Yessii and sri`fectins ;the moue described lank. Woad. and.Occepted upon t *Wee* o• n4ttion And rags #tier!, which,runs eith the land, . that the ovs described lard, .mil be ufled omit torreilreed tracks. railroad stations, raUrda►d repair al va, i road offices, railroad yards and facilities appurtenant to railroad yards and also for earebodsea toi' motor fret arai •xpr.ssa business asysrn'' that apt fiat atwu% ae ar freigeht 3d lame shall not +rfed ,.for b r any businfeea other than rallroade sal railroad swea for tile WU of this x'estriotion. This s3on itido shall. runs with tkae land and be effective far a period Or 'seventy (7) 34aa from to and shall be .bind -414 uPon and be ()boomed by the tre herein, All weir en its s41;0esec ,.�,g lei :z^sprvoentat :vas - +onslii as end .441 ri i "la to i° 'f 'J�y end be onfo,t ceak', c 4 any person ?sift: shall nereaftor own ' o►' the txadt a lead of tlinntore out. be above Q' ;UM apt and: ors any viol* 4On or amt -v a of t p rat aove ant end ODAtitiOri, ' tnd ; tare n, the JUNO INKY be eti orde4 by • 1n , j et ty, shad any other newly available at dal or is : uitr. and the party cOakitting aattth violation or non -ob er 764146 a. 1], ar be 11& 1e for dash, at*' a. frees WA ousts. s. lfo at ,or itta,Isaion on the part Of ani at tha+ %ri- Glades of this restriction shall 'DO be a'.er of the operation or eraforoe t o ESTATE Or l ,' =MUD 1a, Independent EzeY & Tiolae ESTATE ''Ail wINEIM lam , =CEA= n, marl/ay wail.. =dependent Eseautor THE STATE OF TtaAS COZTt OF MUM 'Et"'C.D ME the maws ed a �thortty, OD this day e �usna � i" C. D. WEIL, �+,s `tcr ss to be the person whose name is s +°Qscrl,c•d to the :zt;;oirr- L.e atrune >nt„ a;1d acknowledged to, out that he executed the' sum tor the purpoose and rein s x i n therein +rea*ed m* in the gaPacity OWEN =DER NT iiko AND SEAL 0? OPPICZ this ._,. DP TES: aeon 0, Ms= `j' y.y(� ``��ry SEEM , tj'• }e }undersigned . '. \.ii lithe: tj, on l�tdhlyis day �q,a t.M ?_ hall r �appvare.1�' L ` 1s E, 4.li` • .��.A .v: o m t o" to 110 4/SC°,' 'DI;'.':'$On Whose name- is sUbecri1-ed to the fore,gaing instrument, and 04AhowlE ed to me tilatt be executes the aanc for cle mlrposei and consideration: therein +Impressed and ,in the capacf:ty therein stated, ars= uNtZ,I MT M. i AIM! ,, ID 0' OF'Icr t)-k1 14484 UM MIS ca MKT OP 164= 1 p� + 4 f 8'3TIZ *E,. the y undersigned aUthorit , on this +c�iY pe 'aont1IY ciVsl(�i'e f Y C . 4 5 i • widow, lC�?1 Am.'to c e to he th0 ern whose name la eutaari e4 to the tere going .inatrmcint, wad Cknow1edged to me 'taut she executed the some for the pArpc *ee arid consideration therein expressed. =MN O W MY HADD AflD SN .L 0? CPPT^^T, t OF TEXA COUNTY 0? NUE 2EPO4E !r, the undersign: •;xtheritYr on this dsy per. orally appeared molar WE?,D, known to ms., to be the persons whose name le subscribe4 to the toregoing foregoing instrument, and + c,-sowiecized to se tit he.executed the same tar the p oyes and coned - tlon therein expressed. - VEX UNDER HY HAND 4a oT ,�+ 3 THE' STATE s 1 COMM OF NVECE3 I. WE tate of alas Weil, recessed, gat by sod through C. S. Weil and Lewis E. 24114 `.' idepend t Exe- tutors, sand nee well, a widow. and Micas Well, and the ' tet* or Ade Wheeler Weil. mod, acting by and throwgh Harvey' Weil,, independent Executor, or Women Cont uy,, Tom, sometime hereinafter called ''Qr. =s0to ", forsnd in consideration of T svEol1a a ($10:00) end, other v* 1a, s;(ndderations to k in hind ,paid by Cit; ' Corpue Christi. tine; receipt 'of 4I 1-41) is hereby acknowledged, have ORANTEP , and COMM 811d bY th"e presenta do OHM and ddAVET unto the 6014 01117 of CotPt1+ Earistl, +t'tu euectigaa 4' leg*1 • .pi ientatives,, the free and unit is remit* use, liberty. privilege and eitioSent gal' gOing in, on, trap& + tusted 'in t , : 're lr, i desorlbed se 'oil to -wit: TRACT A being et part of 3b*res 2 and "of tho lartt - tton oi' the 44ses ilo.Bride Eit*tt a* described in Partitions lam; rsearded lath* :Peed . Worc of Mames County, Texas, in Velum 55, at me 570, and s part dleo of Sootier 7, Ruse 'i11,12 of the Seetioni*i4 Lards of .1i. 1. ginner, and also bed, entirely out et Star* 7 of the Pa. tition at th<e - Weil- Lands se-doserthed as b T ilrti- tion reed dltad August 1 196, recorded in 'Mute. Tag, page 428, of tie Ned Records of Hueae* County. . Tee) - ON All Y Taw PESSENT31 Beginning at a point in the nbrth rig htwt' y line of theleiss-Henticen 2siladY which is the +southwest corner ot` larval; 7 And the southeast corner of Pircel .8 of the well Partition of August lc, 19j6,, as, recorded in V01..7;,9 P. 428 of the food Records Of NUeces County, Tel as. Therms N. 0' 011 45" W. along the said west liU of! �l reene1 .and th eget line of Parcel 8 a. distance of 563.53 feet - to $ point which -is e the point of beginning. The on t , I. 0' 011 45" W. along the said vest Line of.Iarosl 7 4nd east line ,of Parcel 8 !e. distance of 60.00 feet to 4. point. Vie, H. 89 * -18' 50" E, * distanc. ot. 1252.0 feet •to a pout in the esst line of said Parer r, hence, douth along the skid lest line a die* times of 60.00. feet to *Point, Thiene* S. 89 18' 54" W. a distance of' 12:12.02 two to the point of beginning, and containing 1.724 *ores or land, mane or. less. Thle trsCt il, for identiticetien, sslled "a►r#1` ZsAate .i iement A.". TRACT Being a part of ;Shares 2 and :3 cf the Parti- tion of the Jame* MeNride ltstate, **described in Partition Deed recorded in the Dead Records Of Mime* C000ty, Z'suas, in Vole , 55, at page 570, srt4''a part' also of section "t, Range VIZ, or the Sectioniztd land* or H. 1, yt and elso being entirely out of Zhave abet Par -. tition of the Weil Bolds ** described by P*rti- Lion Deed dhted Anguet 1t . ;19'"f., reworded in Volsaas i59, Page 428, of the De*d ddaa of Nueces,0040tY, Texas, Beginning At A. point in the north right-of-may lips of ,the Texas axiom Railmayvhich 1* the. eouthweet corner or Parcel 7 ond the eoutheant or'ner of Parcel 8 of the Weil Partition of t 16, 19%, as retarded in Vol. 759, Dade . of the need Record* of btseces.'County, Texas. ice 11;0 ?l' 4 ,' W. elon3 the `s*id west Sine of Parcel i and the . east Ilne of Psz cel 8 a di* taboo of 77.t* feet to a. point whidlx ie.the Point t betginning, Thence if. 0' 01' 45" W. along the *aid Est line of parca7 1 and east lira* of Parcel 8 e idtstenee of 485,70, feet to,* point in the south boundary of Veil Estate Resenent As Theme L 9 18, 50 " Z. with the 'oath boundary of *L1 l telte Zaaeatent A a dtatahce of 1252.02 feet to a point in the 'east Line or said Parcel T. mane«' South along the fetid east line of `P,' 1-ce1 7 a distant* Qr 15 feet to a pesir,t ;' The e& 0. 8" 18' .50" W. .a" distances of 12.iA.52 feet to , a point; Thence S. 0', 01" 45" g. a distance of 466.43 feet to:* point; Thebes* a'. 76 . lb" .20" W. a 4iitan of 18.01 feet to a point of beginning. Tells treat le, for identi.tioatior,. cerxlyd Eztestek DISIM4bt B," TRACT 7: Iminea part of 204.45 acres of land, described in three tracts or parcels of land out of and a paw of 9ec_t1t?n 6, . hinge VI and Section 7, hangs e.1 of the Kinney Sectianized Linda and ell et part of the grant to Enrique Villareal known, is the Rincon del One, A£street No. 1, Maces County, all of sshien tracts ere fully described in * .certain deed trans ,«. to. Smith end vice, Minerva J. smith, and Doc anith and gire, Lena Minnie Smith, doted October 12 ., .1 , •which, treat of land . is hereinafter referred t ea the well 2 :145 *ere tract;; Beginning at a polxst its the north th rightaot- war line of the Tens -)zia&n Millar which is the eautheast corner or Tract ' 1 of the tsnfi +on Parrtttion of Zatuary, 29;1, and the southwest corer rsr_the 204.4:„i acre tract i'roio which the right - of -say herein described lee taken,f Thence, N. 0 6 W. a +diet*not of 57; . + fart aloirsg, the west line or the said Weil re trace to s p4irit bfitieV 3s the point of beginning. thence, D. 0" 064 W. a distance of 50.0 feet to a point.; Them , X. 89* 1,61 E. a discance of 1620.0 teet . to a point in the east line of the said Well Thence, S. 0* at E. a •di*t.$ijo* of 50.0 tat along the said east line to a point. Thence, 3. 89 161 W. a• dietanee or 1620. feet to the point of beginning, and tohtainirg 1.860 sores at land, more Or ,less. This trent le, for identification, called "Weil Estate Easeztnt C. togesther with tire'„ ig ss, ogree end regress to end for the Sald'Oity of Corpus Christi, it* succe*sors !an legal :represen- tastL.rss, tor genet street allzd road purpose* 344144141 t r Way of illssrtrattonr but not in .limitation, the eonst ot;ing of a t .ets, drainage ditches, a dreaxaur, sine„ gutters and apparteminces upon :.mod tract and ?pr for the public use by toot. Withtotoasebilss.. gentle, ClirrittOlk and other v* 1110140* and ails other mean ,,or tr neportation Daces or. convenient at all; _times and' in all .. season., in, alteig, . and upon *aid train and wsYr, sue iii .l so for Ilying, repairing, wOrwloihs and oaintainin public utility lines and stoma **were 1.43; on, over, .under : aus>ad ai ,g alatid to eat .oat ee4. • All Dili S and minstrels and stir tl sets a►rs ,;a. sgwsss on the,•eurf s .of the *bave es d ribid lead f'or .srny p'.: ole. relatedE to' 'the. ownership. ot- , a thereunder - is by tY .` rventors harerin forever ved tai +rased l.$ •a sebJeot- to .that wfi send g lean 414 .16, , .4943 s t Ales , rt a1, rise 'Xaasor, to. - Ch1caso 000 00004;: shore, assesses e: ice Yolusise .,59,. . 2, of t om OiI and Claa Lease Revolt, oa" *moss aoulnt:y, Teem, and amesadmI is to said leases Whit* are of record, and is also subject to all easements of every kind and eahaaraaeter of record in ineces Count; and affecting the above described land. There 1* reserved to dral.ntoris their %:eirs, 1e? r*- oa and stosino, the right and pr :vile gee, but at their expense, to Dross the itin4 aEovee deveribitd Otis Tract a end Trent li, and the road coast toe thereon, with raiirood trsciea at two 3o- oaatidno, and oleo the Isar% oboe doweribed ai Deaot C, and the road Construct*d thereon, , with railroad tracks at two locations., a*ah. or Allah tour trac $ being approprlatoly located to terve the -lands now owned hy O''antO s cod lying north of *testa A and B nand respectively, odoject, however, to such mulattoes rogarding gradate and maintenance or, ouch: railroad trao'ss .as are appileaVla in ems+ eral to railroad crossings of cubit* road* snd streets. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and strtt lav the rights and privi- leges aforesaid: unto ttas said City of Ct rp a Christi, its ageteessins and legal repreaeen tativos and the public, for a period of three () years from this date and for so long thereafter se th* sei lands are used for Said Wises and„ if not so used at #mot eespilat on of said period, or upon the ter action of Mi4 use at as later tom, thin the aforesaid rights and 'pvivilee as *ball ens* 1 rights t$rsia granted shall upon desk revert to Mahan ox's, it taairo,r leggy wps esentaat1vaa and ms's. Tie eiteewont is granted upon the ',e« n tie erat1on ond t o road will nO st o d+ t lent above described eaa T Pest A and Tract C atilt across adjoining loads extending from Leeriest= lioulovard to corn Products Road and thence westerly rives dam Produets Rand tae consneetion with at ar Highway No. at * point west of thy -rail yard and that a► dime OW% 1 'bey conitr'aucteed on the land abase &merited as Tract a, aaasesh r' to b* eonstructad and eo pi*t.d as a caved road and such ditch to hie 0aestructed within three (3) years from tbia date t. It is further underatood that Cow Pr lucta Road ,1r''be . closed at the aolAtherly end thereat and Mentor* ao een thereto, bud, that before such closing to road constr,?accted from Lexington Boulevard to Corn 'Products Road . ovsr the esteem It herein ,,ratted will be extended Beet- c:1;; Crow cv Road to a connection :11th State Nigh. Way NO. 44 it or near t7.10 west .i.41,o2 tht lailroad yards. It is also c.n_d stsad tt ,';. adequate dMinage etru'sturee :.ill be provided along end through the,ruad constructed hereunder to prev'icie drainageft= edjstnlng La'd. t he natural drainage Of which will rye: ,oUti d by tt e roadway eo ;trusted hal mde and by the railroad yar^de?: to be comet " ated to the south. =' `t;' avant') o; planecnd cc pleti'n of conaEtr-ac$ian eceording to r1 ?., .al/ co ettt >: - an eel-cement aria adequacy. drentorat, for themee1vee and their heirs and atssighs, hereby waiver and rselinoiao all ribatcs held 14 Gxantores as owners or land *long and adjoining the right -of -way of the Texan MemicenItAilway Company to €.f ep o. eta any crassinge now exiltleS# or to require the opening of any oroseinge in the Laths acme* the .std; railroad right-or-10Y its #+,.tea of direct 40,045 to State Sighwey ' ?.' 4L, At being underetoc4 thal . the construction tad maintenance of tilst roa4 hertinsbovc• 4e-, aer bsd, extending fro* Lexington Entalev*rd on the (M t to as paint of con ctiQf with State Highway No. 44 near the west ers4 or the joint railroad yam, shill conetttuts adequate access to *arid highway, gib t.isss ; dry of x 190. Lndopendont Lsecutore Wee Weil Eeve ' st Exmoutor TU.& STATE 0? - l CC'3T'Y or mots f , the undersigned autboriti« this ,+did r p c+nhixir C.:11. WZTJ to to be the pe whose este e 'eubosorihed to the fo regoing .inattw ent, AM: 4 a owfl dad 1 tt* 1110 that he exeout d the seoe for the, pis and consideration - � egaresst d owl it t opacity therein stated. auto Aso au or ornCz this 1960. $ot�t ry c, a eisss bounty, .raxas ATE Cotes or1 won *Ef t twelersigned aunty, on this .d earossiiy smeared LIS= I. WEIL, tmown to xte to he the wilco P� is subscribed to the foregoing .instrt ent, end to sot that kw esecuted the sera. for the �r e end etetif1derstie „therein expressed and in the capitol i stated. i UMR .iet BAXD � SEAL i tCi this srarrat Or -T or . 1 fatary Txo ; e ec►uaty .ae Urns mr the understood authority, on this do reeneU7 *SPeared :(lam" WIL, it widow, 9mo m to ro to lad the 9.aOf whose . twee la subscribed to the foregoing instriesect, . end acknowl to Ii tiwtt she executed ttae same for the end eons *t.taa therein *xpreSied:': Ul�h *Y ROD AND 08 OIOt this Ika ary ?Ufa c, ' tttsofee boa, authority, on this day per- sonally *neared 'MILE r„ bfotets tD ate to tie the pew wbot ruse is subscribed to the foregoing 1natruce it, end acknowledged to so that he executed the sugar tor tiara purpose* and considera- tion therein expressed. .1,0n TOE STATE O TEXAS t COUNTY OF 'NUECES 1k x AGRElltibe wade t> iatit between the City of Carpus* Christi, acting, min byr and ti sugh its UV *imager with authority or the City . Council *, and iaserelnsttei di a3.led "buyer", sera alt X Coen, me of the Louis airy Cohen Trust, the William A, Coben gust, the Ted .Donald Cohen Trust, the Ellen lebn 'Trust end the Louise Trust, hereinafter called c " QMfiesre', WITNESSETH: FACTS* The Cityot Corpus C ri ti is c; ui lng various lands and i ts- or.WaJ n ee YRry for the aceopillehmeat if the general :plan of relocating rail, use end railroad trams in the City of Corpus Christi, removing traoks.from certain city aptreete, and the owl plan of reiocation or ralir5ads and railroad facilities required by the rase of the Bascule • idge and the reroutes of railroads it and around the acltyr of Corpus Christi nand over the new high lift bridge at the upper channel croesing A portion of the landa xaacea ry to be aaaquired 'for Itch purpeeee . consist, s& certain land* adielning on the north the Texas !dinar Hallway Comity`s right-of-Ay y vast of Corpus Christi at a point beticxen Eton boulevard and Corn - dtactse Road to be used fora joint railroad . yard with railroad lgi'at station, moth r trelght warehouse and railroad sthp . and yard f'aeialitiee„ Additionally, there le needed rt strip of land for (aa) mud end street p .s to be used for the e aastruotion of as roam neeessary for access to the ail yard ▪ ollities and necessary for an alternate rout* connect Lexington boulevard with Corn Products Read and also a:onnecting • th aae new crossing to ate x',44 at the great end or the jai Yard and (b) to drainage pinea to be used tor the construction of '1 dralWeseditchend appurtenant facilities to drain the sssaid roadieW end end **Jane Area- It 1h anticipated tot t Corn products A044 south of its intersection with the proposed nera road trosicsington Bonlerard will be dlo . toeguehe for the aatid yard and roadwelr have bt.n side and, in ore to **certain a a* ► of %he a QL Owners needed for td yards and the value of the: Wit- -efweaY needed, the City. Of Corpus Christi haassused Orogpr8 A3 Moore, a qualifiet, dal estate apprai$ers tO *M tlsse the said landt and r t-*t ', and. ' M. Moore has made lin . appraisal of the earket value of said lands and, right -of- as of February 8 1900K The City of Corpus Ch Christiboonotified the of ssld lands aid . cht of that the Bandar -needed ter rail- road Ate, raid and drainage purposes, will be taken for the ode purses by Use Of its power et + ineilt 40sein if news- satyr and that the Ci' of 'Co 'pu* dbriet1. 1s vm1111AK *)oft" or, pay more for such lands and right-of-way than the appralaed ' . "Pall a a* of PebruarY S. 1964, 0* dregnil It. *ore. Tt* tiers of the s*la land*, in lieu of Bond Lion and itith the same thx ten 4 went, halm sgreed to eenver soh anda and right-of-ems se is needed for aqch pets in con. 'ideation of the wheat of - sunh appraised value and tho read and drainage ditch conatruction hOreirmaierwilitioned. Accordingly, Caner, and Myer have Bide the t llowing Owners hereby agree to tell and convey, and <er arm to ;;arsbsp from 4wieers,that tertian land needed 'KOr railroad yards described 6; inet.est end bound* In the Oen. erai merranty peed attached hereto u .E 4b4 A and easements needed` ter drainage ditch ash pua�potes, desarlbsd 'hY saeta;da and Wund* is in the tasement attached hereto as Exhibit M. execute and 4o er a e iirreot , Deed to the asaid, Lind cc the form attached and marked Exhibi t A end rw fa$* erat for the said road snd drainage dice Am, the form attached and iikrke41.thibit B r will-pay to *Meta, sn se eh et- time or c'iosing t ie sum of 436 ,2k7.O0. - Also,:foamaterial_part of the consideration ,t"aar the conveyance' made by bearers, 'buyer" agrees that-it ti use to be construe th.xfeaeonable with dispatch and ate sat the- railroad relooetien proj*ot the drainage _ditch and f cilit e$ and related 'sow as-Shown on ieete (20k , mod, dated Marc 25, 19 as prepured ty arringtoh and 4orteilnaulfor .sue, entitled 4douth Ano sch Carp Products mod," be * 'pert. of 'Plans tor: - 8rtd a Over. Tule- £ake ' 1e1", ae td, als i,13004 road ezta . Ins from ington MO uler*rd 'to a connection tl State Mat - ay 44 at then West 'end of the joint yl►rd imt on the easement eO red l'eatreby. 3. Viers agree that try warranty deeds end r t.. of-way deed* to be ,delivered hereunder shall be made to such nominees arcs r sari earoct at pia o> cse"na. Came* * e. that, if tilittli,40 tot own all of e ersiOnax r_ interim in the sines .ae thereunder, tttae, add. furnish as waiver of ingress end *green for eUrface use as ref- spa nt* he mineral le, el.l owner of the reWereionary t tents in the minerals 5. e'er will* at its ems, aacqutrat aria Dram s, policy aif tttlae 3nttita7ratitte issued by qty Title and Trust. Caampaqy of corpus desz'isti, i'ezas, in the haste l and custoisaw am, whia policlr''si ii be issued isosediately ..s s. the closing of this deal, and filing of yerte deeds for record Pending cl9Ltng of deer.l the opinion of the examining attorneys for the Titla . Tru*t , ehowl-s3g title to maid property geod Sn the ere, and the Co p r agr nt to issue said policy 440 closing of deal and tiling of deeds shall be deemed sufficient for cioarixig, end ,alai shall be. - clated thereon, said policy thereafter issued in accordance_ raewith, The own of the aexsin3ng attorney* for G Title end Trust Caleemoy Ofl aai4 title mil be da 4 luw asive es to the status thereof. cAft objections to title are relied i* a ieiniO J then the Centro shall haw: a reesonable tip in t ch to c utd objection and thaw good title, and secure %:h. EJoel approval l at Old title by amid CAISVantr Title teed T ust ca attorneys. I the SVOnt of 'i fi.lt * to eats, thy''', this contract atell be cancelled and . re turned or Woter astir arc *pacific performance here*f. 6. - T iie t ona- action -shall be closed on or before thirt$ (30) caja froP this ate. Ad :1em' tames for the 3960 n the *ovored,h7 this .00ritrOet shell Act paid by er* stet Moyer agrees te Indemnify erne from all liability and liena as account of each teas*. D WITNESS WUSREO7 this act' is xecuted in 441 ..c*te on the date firet above amotion44, £TTE$T$ ern op coma GW I en, a ere c Louis Jo Cohen Trust, the WiLtifee A. Cohen. Twit, that Ted Wald Cohen Trust, tM Wen Kahn Trust auna the . Louts* Kato -Vast G AL WAT RA T . Dub T ATE 0P' TIXAD KNOW AU WED 'Dir TRUE M=731 OP l Y T 1l "eii 19ar3: T. Cohen, x- rust*, iai' UAW" coon Truit, • $i11ta k..COnen' Trust,. the Dux .d. Trusts. the Ellen gatui Trust and . Louise taro: ?matt +r>alled "8 !asntor , tor ,and Ire eofsideratinn Dolly f * . '. other ralUable Coneideration to u4 Old by .nit3a ? Ca %. 'iati„ the ,seipt ef ah :. ixav* ',r W '" =ti he ft iearlea *lied " :3aatteir rttdi s11'thet Bert* trent, ps eel Fit land 11 a d situaatea4 t I ea County d 0r:it'd arrt fellows, to -wi't t Dei apart nt Shitres4 4042 of the Par.- titian of the Jame* McBride aatiteh e0 a or ' n Partition •Dead recorded in ttis Deed A$0Or de oi' l eaatera Count , xaa„ Vo11. cane 55 Att a 5701. and .a po*'tI n sat dee tionel 6. sand 7 a VT1 of the �itonia . n ney; and also being entirely out of - -;ire 8 a1 ti* Partition of the I ±1.lands as 0001,20111 in Partition Deed dated, August 16I 19%,: recorded in -volute* +99, P&P 42%, V ed Word* or-No00 CGi;ntd' ■ TAW Degltin1n at • point .in the north rlght-otocal 3Ldt t3t+Q Te a- $exican liallway which la t eouthweilt ro mer of Parcel and they southeast corner ♦ of :parcel 8 or Olt Mew Partition Pt IluauMF I 17. , es recorded in of •�JFO page :4 . *t the Deed Pee:vr la of N&Cet► courltlty TeaAa� e9s 184 * 3i.. along a r arch .1'.l.ne► rn+ i**- ex1caan Reltwt�t r a dtlt snot. of 33530 pot>ti 76" 160 " z *IliStaboo at 344489 int in the **at line Of ,aid Parcel int pt Parma ` f mine *� '1..0' 021 $3" E.. *long the aasid:. *et lie and welt .lip* of excel 8' sR dtataauza tr i7.03 .>teati< to the point of begin pine, and contaiping 0.298 acre* of ?mid, 00re or leas. TO HA a th ce>rberc with aall singnIer the rights /04 aPPurtonehooe there" to in a se belonging, unto the.said City at corpus Chriet ,, its Successors andaseigne# forever. And we do hereby rg Lind our- selves, our helm, Crecutornan4 administrators, to ta calvent and Forever defend and singular tWesaidpreriese unto the said of eru* tip its eocceesore And laiieneo odeihet *wary Derr- lawfully olataineoryto claim the sue an to all a .ptioxs and reserve. Ions or. ol: t gas end minerals heretofore ire a:footing the glad lend and, to the extent that Any or 3 renters eme07 . in- terest in the ai2.s ''fie and other minerals, there la reserved wash drantore, resift #veilto 03, yell . s And ot] r mlOorelo in and ander the *Save described 3snd. provided, Derr, that ss and B ease. on the surface or the oboe* a descril for Ion ; purpose e6 to thswineral Ownership is %ereby` sole forever, 'My eonveyance is sub t< to the eer Lain oU end See ids dated JuiT i64 1943, fres Ala% Weli, et al, as teener, to 'thi a o 0+04011AtIotl, as Lessee, retarded Volum '£ 'r I 502 { .Or ttee Oi i Lee** fteords of .a Coehtr, and 'anen4 Dnts to lush leans whiotiare of record, end is oleo subject to ell Brent of every kind and a t of rem in /Nee*. County., Texas, and *Meting the ysbova 4ssorib d n. This co banoe, .ta ; accepted uper h the *7 rN1s ition and restriction, Which most with the land, that tht ebove described ell be uasd on4,forrallread tracwg, Tlrroad atabtono, railroad repair shops, railroad offices, eio yardeitod facilities .appurtenant to railro*d yards.. and also for war Ib 1Us for neotor freight and eupreas tus n as ogee; provided, noweverk that emce , tour -a 3h rotor t' ht And express brasine'ssd, the said land shall not lee use for or by tidiness other than railroads and d -ate for the term of this raratridtibm. This caution axe[ be efi'et /It f*r a period of atveftt (t , ysatri .tea �► data end shall ba 'binding upon and be observed by the Grant** *ors, legal representatives and ar`e►r of and ho entaretab1A by ,sny . own any of the tz'ast ,of land of th 'h4 obove deocr x:ed Iax%d is-conveyed. In tb the land e1?'!in assigns person who seal a. antore out co aa of and ' any violation or no -obaas r of tho above covenant sno aondltibn, and Hereupon, the* 'be enforced. by injunction, and any 'other remedy avoilablo at iaw or in ecp Sty, and the ' ti committing *whin* wince sh _a1ao iisb];t tor ova, at#,dirs few# snd i**ion on the irt'' of Oty Of the biotin* =atria* of ;t is trtotion 0011 be .4 vain of tho or enforc t of ;thiit covenant and Condit a _ day of Tit MIX 00 allies Cohen. Tr'.tatea of the Louis Jay Cohan Treat, the 'William A. Cohen Trust, the Ted Donald n Trust, the Mon Kahn, Tit and the incise Malin Trust he underaigood authority, +on twit. day peroonaliy op,peared WILLIAM I. OMEN. known .to me "to be the person mixes* nom* is subscribed to the foregoing tottrunent, and acknowledged tome that he e*eou ed the''sant for the per - Pose" and ebnaidaration 'therein expressed and in the oapac'itY therein stated.. arm mot .M T HOD OD SEAL OF macs tixio da.7 of s 1960. ;V', :d!}' C Acne ' 'a TEE ST TE or mss' count or nrrits, '. Willie i, Coheen,F Trustee of the Lou ley Cary Trust, the Willie* A., CoMOTroet, theltd.roneld t Cohen i'. st, : the Ellen Eahn Ott snd the Louise Una 'rust, of !loom County, Tex*L sometime beretnartcr s*ilsd "aviato 's% toren& in Conilderetion of Ten tot (S10.00) otter valuable conside tlm* to us in hand paid by City of Codas airlotiA the receipt of *doh is hereby a acienowledgett, have ORANTIfend C and by these p crate 4o CEANT end arm nto Chit said City of Corpus Christi, its *Wetmore and Moil representetives, the tree $nd .t interrupteg ues, 3i Erty, liege and smeMent of seine in, On, over, under and *lion certain tract of lam situate in woes County, Texas, and sercrised as foliose, t o wit a Ulnas 'part or terns 1 end 2 of for Parti- tion of the Sagas McBride t$ta .r, a* described in Partition Dee recorded in the Deed Records' of &ueecs_ County, Texan, in volume 55, eat PINE0 57 , and a portion of Station . Range VII of the tionisrd lends or 3i. L. 4,s and also being entirely out of Share, 8 of the izti- tiun or ,tna dail Lands sir dettg1.b d In Parti- tion Deed dated August 16, 19,.-0:), recorded in Volume ,519, Date 428, Deed :R'ecords of Anent, County, j'TOxaa. i + nal ig at s point in the north right -of line of ,'the Tema -Weelcan *i1eri, wish line le Alm the youth line or "reel 8 of the well Par* tition Of AuVist 16, 1956. as rteorde4 in 'Volume ,9 759, page 42d of the Deed . eeoxde of Metes County,. ,die, said point being, the intersection r the' .r+R*t. lid of Co rn teoduats Raid with the south line of said parcel a; Thence L 0' 03' .� w. clang 'the last line of Gam iroducts Arad a diatoms of, 5t 3.5 feet toe point Mph it the point of begins ThenciOG 0" 03' 30" N. along the'eut line of Ce.s"ts Pre -ducts Raved a distance of 60.00 feetr to a point Thence* *. a9h i.8• 515' . a dlstsnee of 1,192. feet to'* point in the met line of s id Pamela. nee ' 15. 0'' 011 45° E. all t said must 1th. of P*x c0l 8 a d.istaxace of 00 .00 feat to • point. KNOW 1631 ift iiR'i'dt 0. 89e 50 L * ott aka or feet to ;tho pG1t of beginning n, Containing 1..642 atom** of land, wore or 1esa;, This tract is for 1dontitication b*11.4 "Adele viola Trutt 'Po, aent TRACT it Doing .a part of area 1 and 2 0t; the Part iVon of the James Warble Wtate, aea3 ,described in Partition Deed recorded in the Died **turtle of * dote* County, .l'ex *, in Volume a . et e 7O* Saul a. pte,°#. ion, t acot1one c and 7p Ruse ells of the Seca united lames of it, 40. money and also being entirely out of Share U of the Partition of tha Wail 'Ladd* Ter► deacribod in Pas tition Deed. dated August 16, 3.9%, roeorded i Volus .;5 98 page 428, Mod deeorda ot *Wee County, Tx*a t g nning at a point in '' rhf noi" tit right-4f line of the Taus .Nest tlwoy, which line tee &ls t south * of :Parcol t of tha' 3Z tertltion of Detester_ , 1956 as reco *d ' Volvo* ; 's< 42,, or 4.h's Deo* itecords cif )ueeee County', mss, at the irate section of the said north right-of-way line with; trice *peat line of said Parcel 7 and the east line of Parcel 3.. Wince fit. 0° 'C 01' 4;j''' W. *long the 4O On line of paid els - and a .a. distance or f.& foot to a point, ':which is tie point of t egixus ., Thence $. 76' 16' 20° M. a distssoi of 211,9 feet to its intersection with to north lira of a $O toot drainage sasepoot of _nerd in Vol. 266, pate 211:"... Tete R eeerd+ Of woo** ** county,. ThencsOlt. r " Y'. Along the north line Of said 30 toot drainage . eesement a diesnce of 155. t to a pointy Thence N. 64 16' 20" L a distant* of 3,51.15 :oat to a pointy WACO. N. 0* c4' 4 ' W. s d sts a. or 453.95 teat to a point in the south boundary at Adele • Trnet Zalmesont A; Them* if. 89' 18* " .g.. with the south tesidery or Adel:o Won Trust Sassient .a *-41startos at 37.50 'rest to * point In the oast line of mid Parcel 7; Thaene a .d. 0a Olt �� 'g. *iong .the COSofl boun.. dory of laid Osmosis - 7 i a dstance of !� '85.70 feet to the point or beginning. - This trent is, for identlfieatio x, coned Adele Veil Tenet Patement a'. together with tree s*, ogre. *: + . N*U to and ror t caid City or eorpu$ " its successor and lergae1 repro . tativen, for *3 ,Street and tvad purpo*es, 1.neludi»g; ty itiaua. it % tn liadltst r ''tile constructing street*, drainme 4tt+xhes, aide tee►i rat„ curbs, gotta appurttenano*e s o .d tact i. d for the PeeP.0,.Veiebr foot, eit atkt01741.0 ii , catrta, CarriageS luld all other irdhieite and *11 sport* lof neoesaary .dr.v*oaysnient at all Ones and in sal sessons, its, a On , and upon said tract arta tear, Mt well as ror :layer, reseiring, aervic1 t s n-nVi= a of public, atility lines and std sowers 3.n, on, Over, =her 'and aloe Get: or way. All oily pm and minerals ae,: mineral . z lights ors roomed to owner* i r000 4; provided, hosaver, and 0 suavaze of the above ribbed ownership or. YYwar, waived. Is s bjeCt o tot anol ate lease dated Jul lr l6, 1943, rms Alex wen, et al,' Letteor, to Chicago COrporst , a* li use► recorded in Volume .9, pose , et the Ot3 and Cate .lease Records of Paces Cow ty,, Teo& . ini its to 'ss1d leases which *re ' r record, and le also * ibJe st to all *mama or e i gng character of re;10 ? 132 Ai*cis COUnt7 Shit sifteting til above 440041" . red •t. fim 0204r Mire, isda1 and *Wino, the rt #at' a d . it trl ek, but at tram addition to the Crooke new *maim the abOVe described Tract A and appropilataly, located to serve the ,lauda roe monad by Granters in4 4 o tharly thereot, oubJeet, however, to such regulations r re tttg' grades and 'maintenance or suchh sailzsoa tracka as Are applioable in general to railroad *amassing* or public road* and stre `is, HOLD all and "insular tho rights Ana paivi1e s star+ee ie unto, the a at it or corpus Christi,, its eraodeew; 104 1e41 repree#eftaat.ivee ind the pub.itc, Tor period of tort€ (3i ar' from thiee date erd-fora0i'.ibat thereafter -as ti u1v lands aro used for said purpesess end, i- bob So Weed stt (t1l* expirsstia o ,' said period; ► :opus the ter tion of said use Ot a later ime, tt sn the afore. Bald rights Ind privt a es shell ceu. and ala right* herein. Vented ski n demand revert to grantors, their hstrs icrg*i repretontativecand >taaigna, s +east las gr%nt.d spots t.Dse. ebna eratibn and understa adi.ng that & rosy will onstrsetetch thaw land above desoribe d ass Tra t a aoro etzi„ oififg landet extend- ing flue lasingtom ova td Coxes rroducts R td an end 'thence e! eterly from c ri Prodscta Ptosd to s cannection write ate i# iwe W6a; ai s t e point west of the raid yard and that a drainage ditch will bee constructed' on the lend emus described as *set p....041croadte-bA'constructail ark` tonpleted e,a s wed road and &utb ditch to b'e conatruct+ wittttn- rea (3) ors frowthis dItee. it is further wsurptood.that Cell products Reed asiAA ipeed at the aouttsarly and thereo.%' and tAhters esoneesnt thereto, but 'that t etfore puokt C e104i the read CO1 $trusted fro* iedinaton gehleVard to Conn IrOdUcte grid over:'the ssement. reln grated will be exile Fiat -. *ply from Cara Products Aoad to a connection with State Sigh.: • way NO. +p sat Or i rsr th& west end of the rallraat Yards It is skew understood that_adeqoate dr&inaie atructuree gill two provided aiorsg, and tterough the .road conet:ruated her eunder to previdAltrainage fo,,;eltloirireg, land, the natural drainag Of Shioholil be Crowded by the roadw j CenetructoShereander Amity the railroad yard* to be - constrsacted to the south, Approval by Grantors Qt. plans, grid odapietion of .coCatr'udtton - asaaovdtog :tea Pleme00144 cOnati'tkt auk+ t< uawy� Ator,4 tor thesaiiivrsa ani their heard aind *satnaw..- hereby' naive and reilnq-aish *13. rights old by Creators de comers of sand a1Drag And AdiciAlOg tea rigt -at- ' of the Texas *axiom r }*1l i Company to 'gip opt aetsy orossinge- now existing, or 0 voquYirae the opening of any crossing* im the future, acruaasi t ria end railroad ri&A -of- ma►i sat a man' or direct aas aes tb State ,' a y Ve,. 44, it bed understood that the construction end maintenance sf t e road bereinaboVo described, eztending from LexingtOn Boulevard x n the east- to a point Qt conreetion with :Statae Higlreay SO. 14 near t se west end of the Je'int railroad Yir4,, sm constitute adequate wieses to said highway. WITY SS thtd da I 0 r 1 960. . �Iiti 3 1. +yunaen, Trustee of the 1-o1112' Jay C04411 crust, . the W 114s A. Cohen Trust, the Tea! Donald Cohen Yeast:, the Ellen Kahn Trust and the Louise !CAW T:muet TI • d'l'ATZ CA TEXAS COUNTY or' f mom ME, undereigned author t7, _o . day PerSomalif 0IPPeared WILD I. COHE ,.'known to me to be the peraon wbn$e Mike ie Subscribed to the foregoing instrument. and *eknowledged to me that he executed. the same for the pup- poses and consideration therein oareaped. UNDE3 iI . F A= fib, 01 OFFICE this , 19LO. wwrimmlmirammit77755-51; :AH:10 -20 -59 4-25-6o I CERTIFY TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE MONEY REQUIRED FOR THE CONTRACT, AGREEMENT, OBLIGATION, OR EXPENDITURE CONTEMPLATED IN THE ABOVE AND FOREGOING ORDINANCE IS IN THE TREASURY OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI TO THE CREDIT OF No, 230 RRinnr RFMnv4i ANn RrinrATinN RoNn FNNn PRni Nn 23n -55 -9 27 FUND FROM WHICH IT IS PROPOSED TO BE DRAWN, AND SUCH MONEY IS NOT APPROPRIATED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. DIRECTOR OF FINANCE CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FORE- GOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST F-OR THE SUSPENSION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLU- TION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; I, THEREFORE, HEREBY REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIRE- MENT AND PASS THIS ORDINANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTFULLY, MAYOR THE CITY OF OR S CHRISTI TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: ELLROY KING JAMES L. BARNARD MRS. RAY AIRHEART JOSEPH B. DUNN PATRICK J. DUNNE R. A. HUMBLE GABE LOZANO, SR. THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: ELLROY KING JAMES L. BARNARD MRS. RAY AIRHEART JOSEPH B. DUNN PATRICK J. DUNNE R. A. HUMBLE GABE LOZANO, SR. •