HomeMy WebLinkAbout05789 ORD - 06/15/1960bb:5 -11 -60 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY HAUNTER, FOR AND ON BEHALF CF TIC CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TO ACCEPT AND APPROVE AN ASSIGIMENT AGREEMENT 131 iWDEN THE CORPUS CHRISTI BANK & TRUST COMPANY, TRUSTEE, AND GULF COAST AVIATION, INCORPORATED, COVERING A COMMERCIAL HANGAR AND FIXED BASE AVIATION LEASE PLOT ON THE NEWT MUNICIPAL AIRPORT, A COPY OF SAID ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT BEING ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Corpus Christi, to accept and approve an assignment agreement between the Corpus Christi Bank & Trust Company, Trustee, and Gulf Coast Aviation, Incorporated, of a commercial hangar and fixed base aviation lease site or plot on the new municipal airport, a copy of said assignment agreement is attached hereto and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes as if copied verbatim herein. The City Manager is instructed, however, to accept and approve the afore- said assignment agreement on the same date that the City executes a lease agreement with the Corpus Christi Bank & Trust Company, Trustee, for the leasing by the City to the said bank of the lease plots on the new municipal airport site so that the acceptance and approval by the City of said assignment agreement shall be done contemporaneously with the leasing of said airport lands to the aforesaid bank, and the assignment by said bank to Gulf Coast Aviation, Incorporated. bb;S -.G -60 ASSIG1TEMT V7F SASE - , SAMAR AO FISD, 13ASF O TOR TIIC STATE OF TEXAS COUi= OF mULTES Thin ar. eenent mado by and between the Corpus Christi Dan k& Trust Company, T tee, hereinafter referred torus Aseiznor, and Gulf Coast Aviation, Incorporated a£ the County or Mums, State of Texas, horeinattor zeferred,to as Assi5noe. ;limns, the Assigmn,berein, the Corpus Christi Sank & Trust Company, Trustee, has, by agreement with tho' City of Corpus Christi, 1ega1] r become the Lessee of certain lands tax). lease sites, certain per- . tions oP which aro desi„cnate:l for comnercial,hanzar and fixed base operations, all as shown on the itaster Plan: or the new municipal airport on file in the,of.£ice of the Dirootor of Public t.'orbe of the City of 'Corpus Christi and as locates. within the mite of 'the new Corpus Christi Municipal Airport, Faeces County, Texas, and w EMAS, the aforesaid agreement between the Corp us Christi Bans & Trust Campasy, Trustee, and the City or Corpse Christi, was dully - - wile-zany approved by the'qualified voters at on election held. an Auwust 29# 1959# and - - ;diLiiEAS, the City of ,Corpus Chr oti proposes to maintain and o ierate 'the new municipal airport as a public airport and anuses inci- dent thereto, for the benefit or the publio, and WHEREAS, AssiCneo proposes to enrage in 'commercial #fans ar and- ' fixed base aviation operations, aye hereinafter defined, at the now Corpus - Christi Municipal AiaPort, anti WI '.AS, Assiolor deems it adva itaCeous to assizn Into AssiCnea a sits on the new municipal airport, as shown and described en Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and made apart hereof, as more particularSy de. scribed heroinaftar, to;;ether sift those privi7.sges, rights, uses and interests incident thereto, as hereinafter set Grit, °"d tii;m74A;, wse3r ee desires to obta1n and avail itself of t of those privileces, ri�,,ltts,- ar'oa, as hereinafter doe- _ ^_rl'�., and aryl interests istcidont thereto, as hereinafter set out, and and. rag, EF01r:', in conai aratian of the ore and yenta in consideration or they chavfte, tees, rontale, covenants arw a contained Vsar'oin, Um parties berate do horoby a:ree as follows_ :liLiI31' " . The City of 'Corpus Christi, a tmiuioipal corporation, s3,tu;.t�. And, owner of the � Corpus Christi in ;cos •.�ulty, Ted, tho t2 iQiPal Airport, does by the acceptance or this ocsi^enea4 and fin'. condit5 onia set out herein and- acre that sec to al of t8® torts =� tivri that this egTeat,e�t � �t4rod " in the event at a �ydi,Cia%3ns zasr and Assi, nee or that Asssit'sor, into contrary to law as ��'�' authority '� �� Corte '• %�� 'Dank a` Trust Coa�'tt1Y, � not have lei whatever reasonably into this asa'�" Cant, then the City acres to take necessary stops maybe mired to prorWs) :.osilsee with a Coos scant or lease or the space hereinafter dcacrit>e1. It is uraior"ai,ocl t aryl �zent musi. try and between the ,bias pia that this i row Christi, w copied and approved Ly the City �;ouncil of :it y of cif by awl thrcu: 1 its nit, ?;Mager, in wrtinC no.,c' Ttersin, b ore ''ity is bound by agy o- tlx., tom or conditions ca4 rorth heroin.- ai^as does hereby assiuninto pines, subject, to all or t! and the ;�re�w „t ott - a and covenants of this men the �'�, L _ - � �, �e73ygboY© tit',SCI'1�, between the City. of Cosh Christi and Asir s rte. � ty,;•,e? bane aviation opera- tions area aesi fatal for co �acrcir�7 ham, uc a^ t~tc aer��• ?suil•`rir►'' fw o , ttie Vast zi {,ion3 located �7era� -?�Y' the attarhorl edifies within the area `'n`'' ail' as shoes and descrlbod on dtsiring, marked' mar d hibit,A, vach ie s ada a part hereof for all intents cod purposes es if copied T ere atim herei3n. Izt this gvpnt that it be-' cartes necessary to more accivatoky c oscribe the esatosed premixes than an spew tats ileser hed on the aforesaid Zahibit A, than the parties here- . . to agree that a Notc9 ant" Bounds dea=ription vtZ]. bs pr the City end,attenhoI to the agreenent ani,beCem !pert of this a 'e t• In addition to the above d.sctibed promdseo, the mil,."" herein shell have ari option to lease this adds tionro area as' shown art, the ?fora_ aeiri Exhibit A, - vhtoh option shall be for the 'period of time and , - upon tho tame and conditions em hexer set out APTS u lit addition to tho privi1O QZ, uses, rights ant interests ate• tachi -to the ase3 d .137 virtue of the assiOr a t, the follow. ing uses, rests' and interests are ' by agreed upon by and between the parties% . usz OE A35In< Pie E3. Amines !ball use the mnises herein aastuld torn desiderata? hangar and fixed base aviation operettas; h e r o i n defined, d o o t h e r use, 0,01 be nada ©t .the erieignod premis without the'apecific V'itten ;seraioaion of the City prior to the be. of-any ether uses. - B. 111if09. hangar and fixed base operations are Iuereby dorined as the howling in w4 related atop aexl orrice elieee.and 41013agint -in air ectivit rolateei to the business or repairinz, leasin u, purchasing, Or otherwise al!quirim, exeban 1 di penning , A01 4�n�si� r- , a of l i nE in or diotr&buti ng aircraft of rarer: olasa en dertpt on isa- eluding enzines, rioters, aircraft instn-tuents, 'supplies and eaaeaoories1 the servicin; at eirm--rt with fuels anei lubricants; the ooeratsan O aerlai taxi eiir.1 e1 t- io services and serial adwatisingt aerial survey, aerial a1 X71 oto r and c; the art/rattan or °Chaste of jive , n vt ation, machanios, aer1n1 Ourvaxt Aerial phottigraphy1 ,aerial designing, aerial oonstruction; aeronastieal and allied research; the , operation of .the business or non•schFAilaid transportation of passengers; - the undertednp,' Of any phase of motion' activity or profit related to or contributing in'any war to air distribution or aerial-navigation, definition shall also inolude the - general and special privileges, rizhts, -. uses and intorests as set out - hereinafter in.Artiele paragraphq C and D. 0, GEI .L PRIVILMGES,-RIGHTS, USE, AND INTERESTS.'. In aai4- tior to the above described assi od spabe, the Assignee horoiza e1141' have the right to use the pub]ie grea , and publi airport facilities in- - eluding the runways, taxiarayrsy, aprona, ' ramps and n avigational ash' amt - realities In common with othara so authorised.. It is rautuall t agreed; however, that the right to nee the gublio airport'Pacilitiea shall. -be .• exercised subject to and in accordance with' the laws of the United States of America a¢td, tho Stato of Texas, and., thy, rules and regulations- pronnl- gated by their authority with reference to aviation and air .navigation, and in accordance with ali reasonable and applicable relosi regulations - and ordinances_ of the City-of. Corpus Christi. ' D. SPECIAL PRIVdIE�r^^# RI0}TS, UPS,4I -INT=73 - ttithout, - limiting the sights or the Assignee herein; 'the- Assignee oho' l have this £o]aawing special p privilegese'rights, uses, and intersataa_ i' -The right to sell aircraft Heels, lubricants add pre - paiJenta *lithe assigned prermises and on any other public apron, subjoot 'to the reasonable rules, regulations and ordinances of the City-o£ Coz7ua Christi. Ass%or'cad the City reserve the right, however, tb.lease or rent the apron immediately ad,3acent to the control tower annex building, known as sodas shown on the Master Plana of the rza.r municipal airport ;as the trnna4.ont apron, to an operator or operators as.a separate business for -the dispensing ar fuels, lubricants azid prepalente and/or for the operation of the tiedown realities located on said apron. 'In the event that the transient apr<tn is operated a a eieparate hyena- ueinese, i icl xrg_, --tbs dispensing of feels. lubricants and other- propellentb_andfor the operation -of the tip facilities; then Assignee 'she& have the right to the use of the tiedoz w an cad apron or to e3eli e.nd d epenee fuels.' 1ubrrcante ar proPoilents oni said apron, ' Ths &as ae hexeen ston.bs. ,the riglst to sell ,aircraft fueleallabricente and propellents to:-any andfor au et the *aieroini C 1 Zee and noU 3chedeed airlipie or aircraft using the airport and'to- sell. aircraft fuels, 1ubrieant8-" prcp9llents Within Sci private h�n[*R*', axe1a,1°ocated on the - , �s !rho Assigaeer,herei°n ahsu hove the right to store aixorat't fuuals, lubrlianto and pan is on-the asatped pees; eub ject to the - temps ' condi hens :aa hereinafter set, forth. Ames herein sheJ.l have the' right; to Ittaiiatein and serrate mobile equipment when rea3Onab]M and uecoss 7 to' f '. and c' pence aircraft - fuels. lubricants and ,propellents on the -ea signed Iira- m3see and .within the area as above atentioned. : 4e The Assignee herein shall. -have the right to maintain. store and service atrcraat gn971. .nciude the -hialgarteg of .said aircraft. major and minor acting and, repairing Of �t+ ro- 'in$peotton and Z.ic siX g of- name. and the right to purchase,•, and sell partes equip nt "ani, aircraft accessories. .54 The AssiZnge herein 0n17 -have the right to-pririrae and ell, within the assigned preEes, ae ronaotica'l.' eherte. pu'blica•: ;tuna, cars. ea nglaseoe, t.o4puterse radios. and other aviation resod items noxma7 7-eoad and dispensed hY commercial fixed based hangar, .. x 'ageratcrse :. d. 4 ps t ip Mall hays tale -KVA- to rte, %:ats an charter air-craft arsd to angace in the lraainees of • to obing' and/or otherwise instrutattng f]yix and airoratt taeettanioe." 7, Ths Aa3j a hsnain shall be atatitlsal to Piscs and erect signs era;, aCtreriiadng Material within the ban*, officer) and &lei)* on the aesipei Preelsoe at -'s tliseretimF -tad Aaai rill bare the :tart -to place arYi ;soot Agas sod otharmilvortimin aw. te3�lii tImi'ou"aida_af Rssi,'a?oo'8 buildings, sip arnd allow p14"o' i that 'Ulu fis *,'twat shape of- each 8izaii -11h"] Conioxii t4 the mare aka. _ pearaaaos or the airport aryl the bail i ,gs 10 atatl thereon. Th Itsaig'i.e' alln-11 also have the- rtest to per, awd 'root aM advortiling ma'F�rx* at -ether leoatio s the airport, Prcividad that xritten aissi ail ti btai,nol ifr a iho Airport 2iariagsrr Pier to the installation of av " "if. adrertieiiag mRterial at any, location outeida of bt' off the'tined = . ,ririmarrs, F. i HI"3a, U u J flD itii u ..1£L D, !pacifically agreal end etipulaitec) itlat teas foilowina privil s' woo cart inter data srs' xeladal troy tins Kati 1. Omni transportation ortation far hire.. 26' Western xTniorl.. ' - - ., Aot000bile rant .1 eetvics. - $. New anal anr►:r r salon ezoopt for tee viatian re-, . ]atei itana an r.entioned horanailova. _1lrvertisinl ooncaatons mment tirzi! that, t r be eon— ducted 'wi thin Ascri�}coo's barer' , - o.alozoe atxi tahops. 6. Barber, valet and'Ivrrcr>`rat. Qozvicoa. ' ?. Zile aalo of :food aril/or Artie: womb frxa ctis,^.erai_n; I+Yaobi nos_ locatcxi iitiiiu t11® banzpra, Caicos aixl[wr ahll a. • ' 8. The eialo of aijht and %or trip i zaranco. ' . -96 Cotreralallzr 1 n in the 7usinnas or ^11a11nt r tor+ • ratio= ;or 'IUrte03.9, of M ono. Other lei,,. • Tt knee herein ap!olf :.ic y ;•oat to cons .rgtat a afr i of cute C) hangar on the aac+i ad Fm aisee, are that the leannar shall car. rain a ttiatiteae as[ t alvo thodatril (4000)" egrrara .tent or now * wLtiiin the-04w tiex3aa hereon'. 4 is °Vend titn4 AaaSr s ittaU tta 1ixLted tO ttt©' oanotxttafinri at or* 4) hangar. tut that ong (1) batawar coat tiling the GSuvo- alortLitu ri'nii *van!' 'Soot _toot be misted as a coalition proaals tt -04 prix tia tltrt ',S t t2 lasAgisso saeyy' Woe): or i5sa7S of tits priri2ajOst rle;•t�. uxa • forth hevwiutalsose. Surt:utr woes' t° bO *Ito: oats ttvatiara at the store- - r i is 3i witd.iat ate eighty (18) IVs attar,ths dates*" ab" tip ameartt io S t- thu a244. r4to4 `atrri agrOosant arx2, 1u the - moat hissit, ea'o tazllaro or xaaNwaL tub lit matt cocstructiott, that bats Orgiqwont. arks sere soot shod trzarta ■at &all be of tart* Xoroo no effect hottovex, ttmt tie •tlaematte' • extostad tir Us*, "c^ittt, rr,�t2 pronrirIod Parthor that Sot t'e wont aZ a atrIke oar lrct ea[ GUI outwit)* t2Xt orottrOl of Aes7; tse dut'14 eatd period au se to' chakt. nee"e a 41 ;ti' to iscsisarle thoa said t oa -& Ul riot -bo mooted as Part- the aiorassici pared. i'rovitled further, hussy/ars that in the evict, tor sus radon, user. as at£oratootiarxni tstrtimxt /owe it tailor oana#a fiat, s,cithixi -tad ,ve (12 ) Suiathal,ffico' t is drate of this asseestie>as at thio oigampaant,, that Mos Weals* shall **Sire encl.beome m1.1.- and vot3 axxi aT•ns ttr forst War *Mat. taaivamo isirttwt' agresilt pry to Ma o *wtstwttan of our hats• gar ca. bpramosent oaf t as4saslIzewstoost to- srhxd.t. plOrro add sonar- ti aations. to the City for apto:;41:: 1"a vtt iw vet to i 14lte* it;w. view the sai,3 use wai epagai:Mitatiaip rd.tb reap t to the ilcurrral spta4Yaoafs of died trio, roapea, to to ttarei# oral tors or aatirtauatio n ps' si itn decision trit rt rt reasonable after rrosipt of said plans, Asicl the '4ty° 5p.aalflo�alYl,y woes * 'soot to ataaati r rwe of earl - o iTin.bA �W.4, �i�l. Par ecsao re'r .eit4 tsar ed��es -that, Uie prudaab have bevel i rod aril - does hereby agree to and loss accept the assiened,presides in its present Abyr4cal 'Conditions and at the exist 4g gird,1evel; andIesieneer.further aaeos to pay the-total coat of developing; said ,property except es otherwise- epeci:icaily. pravidel-herein. pT$CZ,3 - Thy teral of this assient and agrccaent shell be 3n years, aammencing on the state of the execution hereof and tezv1nating C years from said date, prgvicled, however, Assignee has not defaulted in ari r Qf the terns, conditions and provisions hereof. AnTICL VI; Aeaigrren agrees to pars the City ea rental for tiro use and occ[lpanoy _ . of the assigned promisee and for the privileges, rights, uses and intorosts.a* above set forth rental according to the following schedules; 1. Three cents (3¢) per square foot per year tor' tho area covered by hangars, shops, offices and/or other bnildirk;s. 2. tole cent (10) per square foot per year for the area:, within the assigned prod -see bet een the building sat -tack 33nes where . buildings could permissibly be, constructed. 3., Thirty -three and one -third 03-1X) percent of the gross income from parking and /or tiedovn facilities located on the ramp constructed by the City for tho benefit or Assignee end Assignee's operation, which ramp is shorn on Fxhibit A which is attached hereto. - k. Two (4¢) cents per gallon fQr Cnrft gallon of gasoline and/or other }rropo tents and fuels sold by and through Assignee's operations. $. -In tiro event Assignee desires to instill storage tank 'within the axe aesignedprenisos, than there 01102 be no additional charge, other than the aforerrentioncd ground rental, for such storage tanks. Asoic:eel agrees to eutnit its plans for the in tal.).atioa of the storage tanks to the - City prior to the installation thereof. In the event that Assignee desires to locate a fuel storage cite on property outside the aseiCnoci or optioned premises, ss ignee -ehaa'r. pray a a eutal or one cent (10) per gallon Per year - for each ga't lea of storage capacity of its gann'r ino, fuel and propellent storage tanks. That is, if Aeaignee desires to install eta-rage tadna off the aasi,,gled V F premises for the storage of one thousand (1,000) gallons, of gasoline or other fuel or propellent then the rentals for such gasoline storage that be scan» puted on the basis of one cent (10) per gallon for the one thousand (i,000)' gallon storage capacity of the tanI: for a rental. of Ten Dollars 010.00) per year which is an example only and the actual capacity of the storage tanks - actually installed by Assignee shall be used as the basis for determining the rent hereunder. ' 6. There shall be no charge for the option area mentioned herein. above and as shown on Exhibit A which is attached hereto until a hangar, office - and /or shops or sirilmv improvements are constructed on the Optioned premises. When and in the event construction of any hangar, office, shop and /or other related improvement is completed on the optioned premises, then the rentals shall be the same as mentioned hereinabove for the premises assig ed herein,- - except that the only rental for the 'aT" hangar area shall be three cents (0) per square foot per year for the area actually occupied by T hangars and five feet Surroiwnding. 7. At the end of each three year period after the execution of this arrcenentr either party hereto shall, have the right and option to request an adjustment in the ground rental rates, the Mamas sees and the rental for the fuel storage tanks, as above set out, which adjustment shr1l be computed' by snuitip]ying such rate and fee by a fraction, the denominator of which shall be the arithmetical average as of the date of this agreement of the indices (A) of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics for hourly wage rates of all workers in manufacturing and (TS) of all Commodity Uhoa.esale Prices, and the numerator of which'shali be the arithmetical average of sa-irl indices (A) and (D) for the last available twelve (12) monthly indices immediately pre. ceding the request for adjustment. This provision shall be effective in this manner as long as both indices above mentioned arc published by the United States Government in substantially the same torn and based on the same data as at the date of this agreement and in the event of substantial change in the . form =dimple o£,indioea, -this adjustment provision shall be re- designed to the mutual aaticfaotion of the parties hereto. As of the date of thin'agres- sent, the United States Bureau of Tabor Statistics index for hourly wage rates for all manu£aoturaing enployeee is and the Connuodity 1:holeaale Price index is , provided, however, that said formula must result in a change of at least 1/40 per unit or no adjustment ebn11 be woe, and, all adjustments sh)1 be rude to the nearest 1/40. . -9- rentals as set -out hereinabove shall not ocinaence fszitia73y , . until Assigns* heel wbetantiaal,Y owleted Abe pla nnad initial hangar, crape end shop' isproveuaaitel !wolf or begin dory 'b JiJ osei. ' Art 4r_ the r atele iw xt fnitia7.iyy arni iat order to.detDStta and coPpxto.the gr,ua1 santa m*, au i>aprovament nonetneoterl -upon tits assigned, preplan' shall io. crease the tom- rental frons ono Pant (11) per =Oars foot per year, to throe cents (N) par squire .poet Pas roar- on the tire±t day of thie teonth irmeadiately folla Ling the ConpietiOn, the' irrpravanent. The -c':round rentals ae sat Out here#nabove opts;~'. be Oce ated on a monthly basis' and. by come dur and payable on the flret da# of each calisular Month throughout -the tem at this an roaaeeat.: On the first day of th& next calendar math, after the 'annals baqin ander this essicoevat AleiZrice, shall ProPare a report in writing, on a tore AP,X VII - the Gity, ahoy, the total number' umbe __or Canons air gae0f0e, fatale, Aix/10r other proPelleVlie aa34' bar Assignee and fiat total cross receipts - , revs s the above eeatttened sFum during tho procoding calatedar moth .and slyLi3 euhellk, said mart to the Citr, alter with the rental to hi paid thereunder, prior to the tenth (loth) day of said Calendar eepnth._ 41011 ecl ait a, liko report end- par ant therofor •ar - each - succeeding south dvrinz the tam or this :001.cnc t. _ . " 'afraaa to I09ep tat anal aotsux'r to rooerda opt all :trans- ", actions, salsa and income, both tract,aaph_Bales and credit agee,e that in -any :way concern rental to -the City, and nuther arses that' all :books will 'acorns neriering saes, gbgai be open to'inepaction is ttte itsy of 032.1u3 ,- Christi-at sill. reasonable .tiesao. S. The City cr Corpus CIu'ict& heret p► appointsiti Airport Mane ae 'tt3 agent to receive a11= rvita13 and reports under thin a, -v0-- sent, and Assigme hero4f a7,eas to submit th© atorwatutioaed, reports azed p eats, t4 tlta - AirPOrt i na;6r. - 4 3a, r, tally agreed that the Dm:* dee3.wtate Others as agents to inspect #s_ Woke and recettie, as above eeeertionadt. provides such ixtePeetieue are ' peirfOrned at r+easanab1.e titling during 'writing hours. -, +tom ray +4 •i,+�ti�i Vra G`ity of Coraus C risti, by, a e»tanc9 or es not trritiatg hare lustier* and ea 'Consideration h_ereint elements awl awes ea follows* to.1 tt A.: To operate the nest "!;orpas ti It n cipal Airport as a wort flair; the tett of thin' rrN,:.t ent, subject -to and sistc! t with apt' p arsuant to S�pi sors Assurance* wren 'gip the n to the ihzited States flove+rmant ursier -tha Fer}erea At 4ot, arrt eub» joct. to the oon .tione aatd.' happ¢xtirA' t' no hired 3n !srtiele x ,i l ph E. of thio a4 tt. - . . H. To- construct and install proper and neeeesaay water, gat arhi sewage line -to a point adjacent to the premises aasianed h rein, se that water,- tae and eerrsge *service shalt be aamilahlo to , a point ' ireaediatoly - adL i m o jutant - the" area cav'ered by 'this anatfaient roay Ee connected 'kith Bald tJ6ter, gag and savage lines en the same bao3.6 rm 7,311$ to resirlerts within the ' City nt' Conroe Christi. Aes3:Tte• shall plq all obarreA for er, !Oa,' $der electricity erxl other pahiio tttili tie& sup'plied to Assi- -nee or sgni 's pratiase daring the tern o* 't this lease as such _ shames bocce* duo duxT payable. The !salvos heroin, as .:,deitional ccosidera covenants ind agues aal 17ellcurd,, to-Witi A...Assi ee aartns, at lima con spot end'gapenast to inprove the assiital proniaes by the constr tt hanr;mrs, orricoa, shup+e- andfor'other *II: te16t9, as = herciiitho,o mertiariad, and to maintain aai.1 improvememita and am ceat'prenisoe in a presentable eeniition sietent with good business practice ard, olu: , in amoarance and, shP xactor - to other air7ilar is roverments on the *inert. ' B. _Assignee- a. ztaea< ta_ cause to by remind. tram the aeaigie pralaes all waste, catbe„^v, - rattails j'auic 'egad gut parte- and outer ' a mt , to deposit -,:iie :sane or allow the 'setae to' sacwaulate,' =opt tosporarily, irt oorue£ion'4th eollootion for rtsxyval, en any Part - of the,steled pr adeaa'ar other pro,or4 - locatel Attila th►s airport site, pravicisd, 3',aerever, that the alit nay, provide r,srlaace oervi'e for -a reason able fso 1n iinc, with :ruin In kaepisg with, the ahamse aa.de to caaee tia1 eatehiia2zOante o*' a sLsflcrx r+atu t4, ' Aer!lnoo aPec '1cj a reoei,' ha cver,, ?aake act uata:pnwinion for and t di aao 'at vwf o -ails raid ,Zu4+rla its - and to diepose or ;me otr AN, airport iroportj. agrees not top ke e. of sa'meta oils rind tuiriconte ' ifl ruantitto5 into the airPOrt, eprstas. C ±' Assignee agrees -ghat -it or its tc_ianta and sub=1 rto a 1413. •t a' 1 time iitiotah_ good, Prom* wd_ntricient oe:vi =;e adequate, to, Ott: the deseanis for - service at the *rat, and t o A rep h !mid ee- vi ass 'on's fair, opted turd, - taay break to 41 where -tbereof,- sad,ta charge a fair' ranfartahia std mn.ctiecrininatcly prima tar a i. unit of sa10 of eery cet iawrid� that the Ass .ea or Ito Sr=i sad cob- 1eaaeee will bo allowed .to stake, roe :onnbl© and non cri;si.natory dtecotalta, rebates dr other iailnx tea or prioo ra3uot one- to ialtrie, : ?. phaaors. sill not tics, &icier -or permit uarpr pout to , fior *'u4Y ,i1q 7 r ireloral or ttatxty A. , lintt4lL.1=1 ( i.' The Ai ekpor d Wda vi o C Christi' 4.14Q13 atom!, indsrinifi ed }fir t; .6 An?za'aQe as' Lorvi n pro- ricaed. it .oSpreoi undo tdod and I Lod botvoon- tao p 'Lis ;wok's t a e Assi ox hemi n i: ,t-t :11141 t i Iepoodo it oon%ractiar exxi operator re teas to aT'. parties *for Z..a respective ants or orris• ion mid far those of its eigatai scrtranGer toaplwoout imriLoas, tenaniel and 44- loosatt , attd-tho 'Lae;icnor and the c'ity ai Cor .Christi. shall irr-rm_ 1 'oRY- be res ct ie3tile theta: ox.' It io slarther .agreed Vast in the von Of : tho airport end 1n Vac aalattonstu:Q, erection or ooruvttuottcn of any i<k przrrsoontS itinreozs, arkt -.ths a L^a .enjoxmt at the priYila,gss i+ Qxu f wont i, tare Assize-0e acreco to i!*inLr'y acrid save harmless the Assignor and tine City of Census Christi frcri any and al ?asses that i y'P zii at.1 rs7sit to tha Assi' nor enlior the City . of { lamas Christi issti f ner '1m ors the newt, Of tae Aasimee, Apsirsoe'o aaente, sc saantsa, employees-end. , v ,rvitees i for t�toms or it3 tenante and.. e11bacroneo iTlle en ai.; .3e ledro 47rees to carr1 Dfbiie iiebt!ity insurance in thisreinintr► strop of S . for ono pe zon eel! t -for one aecident and is addition t`.?Cr to to earryeLeullism of:1 - - insumice for Ieur er47 dama7e iL 14L!ty. lil insurren, to shall ba carried in a responsible COM,Q137, anI th8Z1, trrequosted by the City, tame the City of Corpus Christi as ata assured. ;haft policy 6asaT1, in addition,,'xs on orcod to rairld© for arose• 3.iaht74,ty between the assursda.', !lush polio shall bo in a fora satiefaater7 to the City of Corpus r:brigti. All said txs3iaieo 3hn9I ate for a u1i of teas (10) d _notice to tho b sty of Corpus Christtin t',le emit' of cateolkI or saterirS3. chance in the terms thereof. - - B. Ir rEE0. '2otiees to Asaesi for an tae Git' et CorJua Christi Shall be deemed sufficient if in irritiw, =Imaged, ed, posta.;'e prepaid, addressed to City tianager, P.C. Box 1622,.Corpud Christi, Texas other address as have been does; tat4d is aiam timo-'te tip. Houser to Assais„ nee el iritina and mailed, postace prepaid, dogma. mit,.ieiest if is ad4reasod to lissi7tee et C. TAXES. 'lice Ages cpeo a t4 pJ any and all reap, and ,personalproPert,Y tame levies %oe9 time to time upon the improvenanta pla kl Boom 'i *te cialissd premises. - P. - t.0 of the- torus, carrer,ants a+xd, .s>g rnttss herein ooxiteined shalt be bindinc uNirs and shall acs as io ti a tamest of =mesa= and aua1gn-or the reopeativ partioa hereto. S.' 31Ca;"6- C11IOdt;' In the'' event that the leek7100.8 3 vte.• ,eta or the'Airrart is damacei or do:strayedby acta at,Ctd or: thrn:sjx angry attack or for nIvr other rcazon.oateido the contra or Aa 1 ce the Citir or Corpus ChrioU tsr such an trttenti the; the alzvort ooarpt. Fra„ rsporate ett in aiiPert* then this agreeciont shall ttrarixsato, and &all no loner bo +G ari Any party herota. Srt the eveeit• that the 412471e4i pIC146 r o the, sis 'ii •e i Xie Or the ether. airxsrt *a<c 973ties retie' and necaaacuy for" a3{,. to'Camlle:A .Matti„'; sce'e tosireas arcs: part u..* dertro r3 ar dtne4bd- due- to Acts a Cod Or other Acts eate de• the cantrcil - oC Aini t the City Or 'Corpse- t11nitrti 'ttx etzch . =tent that the ocsizr•soe gxxmiseo not eeonali ca1i r ire i* od for the us= and pur ,o„em .Cor It ch _ , • then this - zs,+z'o rnt' and sim .Diem ah J.L isea Ausi3onded,c3ur the ' 01' taut partial (imam or doetruation and .49't not bacin or restate nt ] the ilanam hos beat re?airod.• it is , msQl r uaderataod, houever, that - the City of COrpue 'CLr3.sti: Ann • dotornine and sisal be the solo ju `„e ot; tbn extent nt -the CLIMIa o or 'doatruoti,cin to the airport and attali halo oPtiionn to either _declare this Lune terminated Cr, mg: nciei br to 4 t3 • airport tacit itiess Or in ease or 'eiiss -off deLstrr c tier tp AOAVIeeese ino - t to to either deelire 'so -ic se tmr atod, tu.•-seadad Cr to re. rca_ Asat,•nae to -r air him 1:srttrvrtt3. % 8 ', Tor. ;1"3ts opa14- rant andNrsaal©:tt shall be - su xsrdinate to•-the p?Ovisian9 or .a$77 eaiotirst; or _rutuu'ea ,agreement batmen ` fists rt ky� nC .porous C':tia vi and the _'tni`tor Gtatpq "regatire to the operaUs n t]r r ' xtet of,_t a ttrnor't;' the c :ittior. lsac been or an,y bEs requirec2 ea a ponditibn to,.t`se ersren2Ltnre at' re'ueral fo.rn1s for the ?e-' Yelgr tea. ar 'tho at r port{ ..`;bo tl t - -�ho- e.V'eet or. s cch averment Est' the kited States ba to talse. ar bi' the' prali es ender • thic neci,r:en?t ant trca tndnr'the controi of the City ;n: Cor?uo 711rilti or to anhat^.nt t f -t e -ooh -ve ibe or the soot:nal molipeci :©r start 1 _ iors41 ta.tiol.a" flir.oinalgyre, Oa lid,* '14,..1-1 aio Oft( -Of;th*-c:.00ltigtO:i Dft"^-1-40O-02 '4r4i"-ot te P11:421-911, r01-4- woo-, otlkdr itocolgtrf4 , 'UAW** t va,i .4x*'tfti,-tii..pro -62.1 ',Imprro#43ot rii su _ L2w;t-plact.14-"thorooka--4 ,;44-1.pdoar 4i1 t4 C tZ� „. . 1'1 eM4 SLI�t s tOrtior- int tactrj oiaotiotOitit"Or loot* 'ort.4r44. ti;41, tamei illuid,6,riti - diva trithilivliaoh, t ,Y*1115ViOttlo.200410 qULflt -and POroloil PrVertito the ovait14181141 tat/it to dao, - `` -drartiont ta4 tich,le 441 lueto, to th tr ctOrt?to C14.131. or-tIts Cp C OZw ;10;34 ritcf ittItnt3 ;0111:11-10,if fr11� - 3.1-1).A.vott to ¶L �t os wit or iU ep - - , - - P Ct tic»i ara:At cr,C pa4ellont.: o al0 :tor 1-4iovo ob41."gtlicieta4 ooLlo« J..1 CI* ot Chrptti p* te,temtat,41.14, rmt 'it r wo aftcr: btj .,06) isti4ii hen !Van ZtVerk to keelipee; 'er,leee-wtt, ottrittL.th:t.tho rert-tet , - O am" alto otItaz; airtlaats o Vii-pait ot kloicpro--„ irtio'AO)or,-001Or-ittOti.tf Or.Coriv,OChriati. the at.,t • • ; turcamta Vela agrottlent'ot ear t413o_gtor thArt/(Y)-461:91 'pri:LtYli 114. liorf'civOi _to liz4ioas, 10.1.airs - • - **laud '4* �r oorro4rx1 the- oo.-1,4t4.611,_providel,, bot_ztocfrp t-Aa_iterAor t.1;e, tit? o LcOrp40: itt ae to..14Fludo fl a, ina vith reaped to the artle,34-$ nareamant, taw oandition 0:510.1.01 As..0,:zmirt ot_ 0:74:eptuHr,,,, j,Extr.t: . L L 47:7"143t7tIV4rt,, nt itt tt 'te tto 'citt ArirO. . - ab * Liitaignee pr 'to-apy 04% ittiatgiongit. .- t.aiegtfer or:i _. n bs nmo rt: et this aseigdament and. ' *, tie -o cu that A gn borrows iisOO.5r or othereioe tiiu tt the Improy■msnts :to bo,,cc4struo_ted horeuirlpri .eaci„ In the event that- becomes necenOnry !Or ritip,, person , ' *rennet': rgayany or ('„ pOpreti on; that br otitor[Li.ne: Pl000 ea ' 'guaranteed payment -vi °'said• Ooastraction finaneing -to tako over &a , 3rlprotrv:ier t . bean a'of,._As�signee's fa 3uY'e < -ri usc1 ca' iabUi i h pad4 elaid lereon* pe5 is' 6;14%4 or Corp41retiOn * centime rto' operate the 'flied 'base' aviatdon t sratians conduct d- 1340 co6th omitufOSd$ The Ci o. Corptie'.Chrieti apeal. .call agrefs , to urinate all. wriat3on_operations, inkier ita - jur&mdtottoni •at,Cik%]iby". Fic d as sonn'aa 3t -.m 'ra§ ai►ably loe�dorla`a±tei' th opera ioits W1 er; th .s a ont ate. bed at the new ,Corpus Cnx sti S•huliei 7:.1i x ortt a 'the*: -it no 1eaeO• b..I.ease or piaci ac iti a� . avi et Eon t3.ons at= Ctdstlr.�'i' pp©ra ' ; 9a i'ax as the' Cit7'1e A.ble 'to controls °. at;aziltirie in the future. City Atto$ THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE WAS READn0 FOR THE PASSED TO ITS SECOND READING ON THIS THE //fit, DAY OF 19 46 , BY THE FOLLOWING VOTES ELLROY KING JAMES L. BARNARD MRS. RAY AIRHEART JOSEPH B. DUNN PATRICK J. DUNNE R. A. HUMBLE GABE LOZANO, SR. FIRST TIME AND THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE WAS Ego FOR THE PASS /D TO ITS THIRD READING ON THIS THE / e DAY OF 19 (p , BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: ELLROY KING JAMES L. BARNARD MRS. RAY AIRHEART JOSEPH B. DUNN PATRICK J. DONNE R. A. HUMBLE GABE LOZANO, SR. THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE WAS READ FOR T E THIRD TIME AND PASSED FINALLY ON THIS THE 5- DAY OF �o�ri4� ,19 ' , BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: TIME AND ATTEST: ELLROY KING JAMES L. BARNARD MRS. RAY AIRHEART JOSEPH B. DUNN PATRICK J. DUNNE R. A. HUMBLE GABE LOZANO, SR. ; PASSED AND APPROVED, THIS THE I DAY OF IS- , 19 6-0 s y :LZC4 CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO � L FORM THIS i� DAY OF 1959: MAYOR THE CITY OF TEXAS