HomeMy WebLinkAbout05820 ORD - 07/20/1960AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER, FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TO EXECUTE,CHANGE ORDERS NO. 26 THROUGH 41 TO THE BRASELTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF " THE BUILDINGS AT THE NEV'- CORPUS CHRISTI INTERNATIOlVAL-AiRPORT, COPIES OF SAID CHANGE ORDERS BEING ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, SAID CHANGE ORDERS COVERING CONSTRUC- TION WORK AT THE NEW CORPUS CHRISTI INTERffW'T_l(NAC 1RH€}RT; APP_RbPRIATING THE SUM OF $2970.00 OUT OF AIRPORT B4ff9_­FUND NO. 245 FOR PROJErT�. 245- 56 -6.2 TO BE APPLIED TO COVER THE COST OF SAID CHANGE ORDERS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHR IST I, TEXAS: SECTION 1. THE CITY MANAGER 15 HEREBY AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED, FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TO EXECUTE CHANGE ORDERS ND. 26 THROUGH 41 INCLUSIVELY TO THE BRASELTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CON- TRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE TERMINAL AND CONTROL TOWER ANNEX BUILDING AT THE NEW CORPUS CHRISTI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. SAID CHANGE ORDERS COVER- ING CERTAIN ITEMS OF CONSTRUCTION WORK AS SET OUT IN SAID CHANGE ORDERS, COPIES OF WHICH ARE ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF AS IF COPIED VERBATIM HEREIN. SECTION 2. THE SUM OF $2970.00 IS HEREBY APPROPRIATED OUT OF AIRPORT BOND FUND N0. 245 FOR PROJECT NO. 245- 56 -6.2 TO BE APPLIED TO THE CITY'S SHARE OF THE COST OF SAID CHANGE ORDERS. SECTION 3. THE NECESSITY OF MAKING CERTAIN CHANGES IN THE BRASELTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CONTRACT SO THAT THE NEW CORPUS CHRISTI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION MAY BE COMPLETED AND THE NECESSITY TO APPROPRIATE ADDITIONAL FUNDS TO COVER THE COST OF SAID CHANGES CREATES A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND AN IMPERATIVE PUBLIC NECESSITY REQUIRING THE SUSPENSION OF THE CHARTER RULE THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE OF ITS INTRODUCTION AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE SEVERAL MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL, AND THE MAYOR, HAVING DECLARED SUCH EMERGENCY AND NECESSITY TO EXIST, HAVING REQUESTED THE 5USPEN- 51ON OF SAID CHARTER RULE AND THAT THIS ORDINANCE BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE 5C131lir DATE OF ITS INTRODUCTION AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE, IT IS ACCORDINGLY So ORDAINED, THIS THE � 10 DAY OF JULY, 1960. ATTEST, A< - CITY SEC ET Y APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM THIS oZ6 DAY OF JULY, 1960: ITY ATTORNEY MAYOR THE CITY 0( C RPUS CHRIS I, TEXAS udra.0 rY viucl Lvv ... ii rE ,./ :..,, _•.ua.41'. 0 .: GAA Pra,Iect l�0 9 °41- 15o -5,3Q3 C,tty p 'roJeC, 24 56 :� I Goxitx act ' T e r,m final B- aildiny "� ontr61 Tow:e.r, FAQ &' 0perat' ons wilding " Contractor t raselton Construct-ion. Company CHANGE ADD DEDUCT For _nstallatlon on feeders to FAA equip- mont panel c - Feeder to i ?ird F! oor Pa -,.el 36ID.S9 . Feeder to Fif th s'le. _ Equ -pment Panel 33`.;.32 F; _e.,__ to Control Cab Ezulo ent Panel 1 410.0, 174.6' .. _.... -- - - - -- -- - -- — Reason for Change 1D Cr wus ell t.... y "...rl Ci ,:� 't Thi, .o I7° =,.T1 e I 6 Ctr_C T r, , .1 -:Lit, 1-1 C, C1%vzC: 1 FAA _pl'. c =1 t v arlous tlu � :c lat:_c has FAA E,tr.p7en?. Contract Price This Change Order 1 1 5 Mn,v Gontract Price 1 . ,S-lo 21 -2 70 Amount _ipprop-riatmod CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS By Director of Public "Works APPROVED City Manager Cite Attox•nc -Y Director of Finance RECD \v "MENDED: REAGAI\" & MCC,'. GJAA`-i 2LLY . JvtiI T 1'E I 0.;t Ci "7. t C I'PT'ED CONTRAC'TC)Fc � - -w E J Title m CAA k- rq�eet`l�io 9 ^4i -156 . yCity Proleef'Yip 2i45 —�-- .- - ,. C'orz"4ct Tettina1. Bu.ilcling, Gozx:tro;1. Tov�er; .A & Operas ohs Builaing - Contractor arasel'ton, Ctlgs"tmu,ction Company CHANGE ADD DEDUCT FurnisL all labor acid materials necessary to _ ��.epi�ne c�nJ -dILs eiSt ing the bottom of the cable chase across botton of 6h2s. and terr:inate with two linety degrea ells on each side of the 1242.00 chase. These conduits will be tvJo 4" (4 inch) coeld.uits. i Reason for Change T'r:eso o p.eceo o e,epho:,e con;Iu1 re lttea i;i or al pla:l as t,ha cal le", -F ")r Cuil cl i.l �iy� tD lJC stlliibBQ if: i.0 t cab l_., S; .,:t h@ Te?e, p - ?one. Co -.fl an I?eeds �., i ± C i� N sd'J G- li�li au_ ltl condo'- i:1 -C !"]_.5 ar °a Contract Price ; , �?` -; �nf 3.70 This Change Order 0 New Contract?=r.ire 22 7,5:: -.70 Amount Appropriated CITY OF CORPUS C HRIS'_ I; TEXAS By Director of Pubic Yb'"orlcs APPROVED City P✓Ianager C ity Alto rney Director of Finance ItE". iMMENDED- REAGT`_IV bi Mc" T�GI�Ai:1 C_0NSUU;LTIN" NC,T -_r H ZS 1 NFLLY riCl1-r -TEFJ y� Ci NTR_nCTOP, By �ov i ie 7cr.__E ,e,, nicaI e '_, 711 t e. tee Co_n�ract FrtcF ] 9'ngs J'�J iris Change Order I ew C, On ,- act Yr <29 9 / "r if!'" 011 COR?'ifS Ci- l-RiSTi., '1'EXl A -S 9y iDirectwr of 'ubji:, ti`Ior2ce; A R E�� i Atturre_y> U Y'%:tOi c,' F"UAarce. RECOMMENDS.' : `Gil," lDNSU'—TING ESN T�,iELT�Jti _._ CC NT 17Z�j -] CT OR - E Y- Reason. for Change .A ,.-1 Cv .:, �, _;'� _.... _�_ic'_1:.._ C 9GUl�:i: zi': 't i; ,'G - �. s .al ° °Ju5 no—L ".. time _ .?e ;-� a -5 �7 C'�. SU.0 F."_�+ -vQ Cont--act Prue 1� RE ThiS e 1 anae Orde a9 Neer nt_act Price i? --nou r Appropr a` ='d _ R.E-6,GAti & cCA ; C J1V "SL'T_,TT; rNG; Reason for Grange Contract Price 1 This Grange Order = 2! - New Contract PriLCe � �- Arr:ouni Appropriated �— -- By Director of Pub! :c Works AP » O. , E -IJ Director of F i,.anc2 REC MMENDED: tEAG i I : _vTcC,AL .:SAN ti OATSU-L TING ENT C cam? ED C - TR_!1C i'OR VT iile Ps��St��earRU_ Rea =on for Chan8c Ga;-,tract P-_ce N C'w C -it. a C s r'z C e c _.ut - L iL ✓13'C:'S10'.� ^� 7 113 �.=CE ltii�c - Contract Price 1 „ 33_ . l 13 REC;r MV,- FNDE1) This Change Order New Contract Pr c .._ r > C A 4 - Amoan ,pppropriat:,d RE GAN & cC_ _ .CITY O> CORPUS CHRISTI, `l'EXAS ��} By 1.0 C EPTE J Director of Public orl:s APPROVED City M, _.racer N. T",,Ar.T0ER -- City Attorne�y 3y �_ __ O:rector o` 1 finance Title _ &��� Reason for Change - 7'c, t ser, e r ha tix ,3 '.n' 3 r 0 a -5_ ira, hroij C7 - . door o°a . emu_ r. rc3 ra ?nit �s G =e o_ an y s�op�ane Contract Price 2 3'_ ; d'his Change Order 11 v ^C Feu Contract Price 1. -333 003. 3 Amount Appropria.t d CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS By Director cf P &blic vy uric= APPROVED City Manager City Atto rncy Director Oi -` mailce FiE� iJ`�1$vir.NI�uL� G REAGAN L McC iKG �' sI\Lr =RS , ,1 -1 v, 0 it AC:.="I 'I I ED ii2P5IL�T� y'd IiTE �'iif,TlO:inL AI.:a0'•.T Change Order No. 36 Dates June 20, 1960 FAA Project No. 9 -41 °•156 -5903 City Project No. 245- 56 -6.1 Contract° Terminal Buildings Control Tower, FAA a: Operations Bldg. Contractors Braselton Construction Company CHANGE ADD DEDUCT :Eliminate wire glass in south face of 3 ,ate positions, substi- tuting plain solex glass $97.00 Reason for Changer Wire glass not manufactured larger than 48 inches, 52 inches being th? spacing already fabricated fnr the nluntin�im mulli•nns, Contract prices $1,335,493.00 RECOMffENDEDs This change orders -97,00 New contract prices $1,335,,346.00 .�� REAGAN a McCAU AN CONSULTING EN INEERS CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS By DONNELLY AND WHITTET, ARCHS.` Director of Public Works APPROVED City Manager City Attorney Director of Finance ACCEP Titles CHANGE ORDER CORPUS CHRISTI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Change Order No. 37 Date: June 20, 1960 FAA Project No. 9 -41- 156 -5903 City Project No. 245-56 -61,.1 Contract: Terminal Building, Control Tower, FAA & Operation's Brag, Contractor: Braselton Construction Company CHANGE ADD Furnish and install handrail in Tunnel 152 at head of stairs at Terminal Building level,,and another at head of stairs at north . end of 152. 542.00 DEDUCT Reason for Change: Handrail was eliminated in original contract as conveyor belt from Terminal floor level to catering level was eliminated and would not be participated in by FAA. Until such time as conveyor belt is installed, these handrails must be in place for safety. Contract price: $1,335,396.00 This change Order: 542.00 New contract price: $1,335,938.00 CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS By Director of Public Works APPROVED City Manager City Attorney Director of Finance RECOMMENDED: REAGAN & McCAPdHAN CON-SULTING-EdbINEERS DONNELLY & WHITTET, ARCHSa. ACCEPTED CONTRACTOR B y el '� Title CHANGE ORDFR CORPUS CHRISTI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Change Order No. 38 Date: June 20, 1960 FAA Project No. 9 -41 -5903 City Project No. 245- 56 -6.1' Contracts Terminal Buildings Control Tower, FAA & Operations Bldg. Contrnctors Braselton Construction Company CHANGE ADD DEDUCT Reduce r: dth of sidewalk from 3' to 6' which runs on west, north and east: sides of the garage building at the Tower 93.50 Reason for Changes Requested by landscape architect to give more attractive planting around '-w illding, Contract price° $1.,335,938.00 This change order; -93.50 New contract price. $1,335,844o5G CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS BY Director of Public Works APPROVED City Manager City Attorney Director of Finance RECO 14ENDED s REhGAN & McCA HAN CONSULTING EKG NEERS d A i D6 NELLY & WHITTET, AR0IiS, ACCEPTED ,r o —� fU CONTRACTO By a Title CH:4NGE ORDER CORPUS CHRIS!'." 114TERNATIONAL AIRPORT Change Order No. 39 Date: JUNE 20, 1960 FAA Project No. 9 -41 --5903 City Project No. 245- 56 -6.1 Contract; Terminal Building, Control Tower, FAA & Operations Bldg. Contractor. 3r4selton Construction Company CHANCE ADD DEDUCT Furnish all labor and material necessary to make following $863.00 electrical changes: Trans -Teri ^s &race: Do not .install F -1 . nteicom. Mgr's office: Dc not i,ista i 1 D -1. Reservation 0 fice: Add i. intercom. Operation Office: Add I .nzercom. Br _an i _ff space: Move microphone fror, counter to Opers- Lions. Move inter- com :from Mgr's Office to Oper:,ti-ons,, Easter!: s �.ce: Reservations Are- Add 1 F -. hang -up handset equipped with retracti.cb.,..e cord, Oper<.:.iun.s Area. Add same ;-L ipment. Reason for chancre: Requec—'- by airlines, M� � Contract price :r $1,335,844.1.0 This change order 863.00 REC(j;JiMENDED- New contract price: $1,336y7C7.50 CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS By Director of Public Works APPROVED City Manager City Attorney Director of Finance REAcjAN & MCCA GHAN..FM CON ULTI -NG E GINEERS DONNELLY t WHITTET, ARCH.+!. ACCEPTED _ CONTRACT0 By -- - Title / CHANGE ORDER CORPUS CHRISTI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Change Order No. 40 Date: July 15, 1960 FAA Project No. 9 -41 -5903 City Project No. 245- 56 -6.1 Contract: Terminal Building, Control Tower, FAA & Operations Bldg. Contractors Braselton Construction Company CHANGE ADD DEDUCT Furnish all labor and materials $310.00 necessary to install one telephone o-•tlet and 1 duplex receptacle at each car rental counter. To be "t_,stalled by coming out of the panel in men's rest room, going through the floor in the closet under the slab and coming up at each car rental counter. Escutcheons will be used for each opening in ` the floor and wire mold fittings will be u,ed where conduit is ex- posed on the counters. 4 Reason for Change: This has been requested by car rental people to facilitate their operations. It was not installed under the orig- inal contract as the car rental booths were not included. Contract price: $1,33707.50 This change order: $310.00 New contract price: $1,337,017.0 RECOMMENDEDs CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS /y ;, By Director of Public Works APPROVED City Manager City Attorney NN 'b�c�or of Finance c REAGAN 6, McCAU;OAN CONSULTING ENGINEERS DONNELLY & WHITTET; A4tHS. ACCEPTED: CONTRACTOR By Title _........._. .._ _..� _gym.. -: � ... � _ _ ,L m.._ .. �: __ JAW AH.10 -20-59 6o 8 CERTIFY TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE MONEY REQUIRED FOR THE CONTRACT, AGREEMENT, OBLIGATION, OR EXPENDITURE CONTEMPLATED IN THE ABOVE AND FOREGOING ORDINANCE IS IN THE TREASURY OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI TO THE CREDIT OF NO. ail2E20ER1 anNo Fiimp Na. 245, THE SUN OF $2970.00 FUND FROM WHICH IT IS PROPOSED TO BE DRAWN, AND SUCH MONEY 1S NOT APPROPRIATED FOR ANY 07HER PURPOSE. DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Iw CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS oty DAY OF , 19_� TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FORE- GOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPENSION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLU- TION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; I, THEREFORE, HEREBY REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIRE- MENT AND PASS THIS ORDINANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTFULLY, MAYOR THE CITY OF 6PUS CHRI I, TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE$ ELLROY KING � G� JAMES L. BARNARD MRS. RAY AIRHEART tom, n 7 JOSEPH B. DUNN -^I— °�`° PATRICK J. DUNNE R. A. HUMBLE GABE LOZANO, SR. THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE FOLLOW ELLRoY KING JAMES L. BARNARD- MRS. RAY AIRHEART ,JOSEPH B. DUNN PATRICK J. DUNNE R. -A. HUMBLE GABE LOZANO, SR. FNG VOTE;.