HomeMy WebLinkAbout05852 ORD - 08/03/1960BWS:Mw 6 -24 -6o AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER, FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI AND BRANIFF AIRWAYS, INCORPORATED, 'COVERING THE RENTAL OF SPACE AT THE NEW CORPUS CHRISTI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AND THE USE OF SAID AIRPORT; A COPY OF SAID LEASE BEING ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. THAT THE CITY MANAGER IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED, FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI AND BRANIFF AIRWAYS, INCORPORATED, COVERING THE RENTAL OF SPACE AT THE NEW CORPUS CHRISTI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AND THE USE OF SAID AIRPORT, A COPY OF SAID LEASE BEING ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES AS IF COPIED VERBATIM HEREIN. 5852 Th s Cedars kireeaant, made eesd mewed iatai , t dad. - Uet evn t h 1; of Ca rus Christi, acting 'herein brand t3uo 12 Ito Citr, Ibmagar, vithauthority duly conf+ar °d her the City a C eil, a teuatcipnl o arooretlaq or' eniz4d anc} wiser under 114 1mn of the' - Stets of ie • erituated in Woos County, Series, hare. Inetarr referred to ocr tires as LESVkt, and Braniff Ai a re s, %morxrated, as- C sat Cprporat4an, tOreinnrtai` -sow We referred tv ae lasso .. es rue oil-" o£ else Connie Chxdati Into itria port, located In unease Gaunt?, i6mus, does hereby, Pop the tiles and peke and for the consideration so biareinafter stittedr eeraieb and lot. eats Ts3aees, and lessee coax bmtbtff hire end take from tensor, the .tollowin f premises enr., wit• out limiting-the gengraiity bereot, then Miaowing faei?„kiee, ri• :ts, licenses and privileges on end in Wien with ths A rtort, as tare parbinuiarly her..• Janitor act foetus P. Fib or d ;rDart: 'The use by -tes:,on, its-enpiowcon, ca • gmetss pates and invitees, 'n =boa with other duty autZ orisod users,- of the public rort•t r, or sad A1.r_gert endenpurtonanose. the sam¢s teina e3OI pa&tiau1ana ly denr-ribod is a tine tsrksd attached rordto gma red* a pert bereofi to4at er -uith 1113 faellitica, inprovatentl, ermin, en*.• and services s .icn have b:bA array be hezr+after rntlr1dsd for come tree at aria eoi,n salon with maid Airport. b: Scepl.1la Nt hte it elis^lgrt., to addlt4an to all eiehta else. - 'etere aentud in thin Dist, the - lessee ehall bs m tied ri,Ait to nee tb o Air- port for tam Wiwi= epecttic-purpoueas ' (1) The aperAticm of a t7rena,ortation ostom by aircraft Per the cam*, aP + a'9r Nnporty and tanii, inc1 xliri •s].L aativitiso ronsafabl7 necessary to veal operation,, herein ea rarariod to as asir • mumportetion43 (2) She tailing err lee dicx , ntto- + n;, repairls , meirstssinia,, conditionim5 earvicin31 perrkivip •etorias; ensib tretin; Of armlet or other equipment inctt,Alog tees use od a rue onebas amount of a nw nicntiy lacatad rime area which lessor mill keep in ;rood repair, earl inalading tlys r13ht to erect 'or ink and maintain 3n asigt ear rt, at loeatiaeas to be uutua'liy agreed Upon, adequate atom„ a Saesititien far almanacs, 'ail, Tresses en othnx fuel or at cot remit 1veet1,ou , in acoortiance arith in ur nae unoorwriteras standards, to4sth4r a3.th the »scary picas,. gape, actors, salters ruts«, athar appurtcnanaaa laoiCental to t o use tweet/ such structures and a .purtent=es to be and retain the xevarabbs property or Lessee, ` i3) roosals at- ticket*, locus eetatiwor ebi;mienta, hent'aing or reservations', and the loading ecad, tmloading of pereoms, _property. sr d =diet' maid-Airport 9j such rotor vehicyea o other teens of conneyaace as lessee ow dadire or r it 'in tha operation of it sir tremnportetionsystonb withtles r3 let to deli late the perticular Car:ior Or caarrlcre arbo shall or nay reLvlar, 2,q treoepsrt Zesoea's waasan are an'- rer4o to- ami,tr uc fha,iirportr P='oT r however, that nothin; contained to roles chr11 jxevent the City :entfa,3 ttw franchise or ZrerOi os for liwealne oerviorj (4) They purahsee at 6416—Airport 1.r lesseela a`a gasoline, foci, lubricating oil, groans, food, and other pssacin er tamales wr ottser sastorial4 ead,sumllearrom say parson or company of icosasgla3 choice,, end the sollo5 or aa4 et'!cata with-env Person or, rompt# of limos's ehriico Sox wort- to boa Cc:no Pox Wows; (5) -The inatallatioo and o 'tion or ideati4rlv,;; sib an the_ leaded premise*, taw gancsrul tTae sad ddsidn o' ouch sips to -be subject to tie opprovnl or the Airport :414olc+ra, ouch apprav4 that to ho urbitrurii,y wittuaaldi (6) Thu itastulla ob, teitatenanad esid , ope 'ration or couch radios . , =tract, notuorolai0x i. find aerial, nevt4etioo equipment end t-i t1 s ins . , and stmt the pre :awes heroin losoNl .eaka acid Air7ort as =7 be Aebbeb i'y' or C^Tfvestienit In the opinion or the She tact' its ope_ :t ions, ?rm. -Mod that the location or audh ec uiptiont end to 11t1os as aoi ;hi. ,interf re with A U and aropor toe of the Airport :dull be rrublect to the -e•p ro i1 of the Airport Mono- - ,rer, cue epprov►a1-not to b rbttiur :witiahcid; The riebtaar lie nssa and privilazpe granted 'Liao taws umlor Ws Articles 1 airith- respect to tho parnirranovaxo services nod activities in connection with its air raportatio t operations at tine Airport t, too cwaraisai by the Lessee Corona on b ha_tr or the lcssaa by way =marg. or parson dosi,3atior't by teases. • co Y,,ausiv+a :r37x,/ane in T¢rry c),jlyg, :Qxe1v i' a Saae/ /, 4 to-0 Sal or apnsozisats1y 4 7/, square feats e: wtli+at7 inoltties / /Lo agmro- feet of collator apace,. %ipe aware root of air cond tinned space, 8,7 square fat of non -air moil lotted sperm, subject to aadtvel mea a- sant st-the time of teld ng possession, in the ?eneinal Building, as the arms is mare particularly aht fortis and .shorn on plans and spcolfioations worked Dthibit B stteelled hereto :Wrw nide a pert tesrmo:, for sub' ogee as Leases may desire to nil. theme in connection with or incidental to ito opiraat!os of eel sir trauma portatlan ttyntes6 the i'.ise s shall have tba riht and option at any time and Iron tirm to tine during the tarn hereof and of any sztenaicai or-retinal, to lease CO the exclusive use ut itself or army. air transport c perry subsidiary to or affiliated with it, ant, "ad itie na1 apsoe at the Airport not newaaeu7 to the -lessor's opaiation of the Airport end at the time not leased to others, whether Ouch mace is adjacent to the spec* lased barmier or otherwise, to;yetber with *war all ri;3hts, facilities, licenses amd privileges anpartenast to scab spans end to the Airrsrt" upon the oros cremt . tor=e end cattdittc s as are herein established. D4 Fortin; se_oa, The uae Wraps.. .rd its sreployeos, in maim only wits). the other Air import operators wiz nay be lassos. of apace c;t the - Airport end their euplayess, o1 sdmquate vehicular perldn, apace located as near es possible to said Terminal Building without charge to Yeacta. or to amid enploAes. E. jaisastgaggsgulakzugjouias `ra. The full mud unreats'3oted rights uC acmes, ingseei and sus with respact to the premises outlined in parader A to p" above, for lessee, its employees, paaseesz :rte, guests, .atroua, levitate, suppliers of raatei1ale and furalehera of service, its or their eir- erstt, squiftenta vehicles, machinery and Other propergr, without a abergo to lessee, or to aaic persona or prox.Z t -., Pelleto ahsU have hold said premises, tecilttiea, ri1rte, licences gad privileges sat forth in ga>F ,'rapt i A to £ inclusive, of Article ,1, for a teem, pain,; an the di r of , Tt[/pvdL , 39,E and termisutian et the and of the airy of , j4-oydrA -* 1941, —,unless saasaar terminated as hereinafter provided, - - tensor sepronta t' t it has the r1 tit to "1 o maid property and ap- purtenaseca together with all the Facilities, riahta, 1icess es and 3rivi'[ezee, heratn Ointad, and hoes full paver end euthosity to eater into this lease in respect thereof, end covenants that epos performs of the ecreesepte on the_ -part of lessee to be performed hezeuneor, Lessee shall, ponceably have end enjoy_ - said premises, mss, facilities, rights' Wows sad privilpga3• Ismtsor * reee that it will envelop and imp xvvee arxd at ell idols- -seIntela rand operate with adequate earl efficient perec noel and keep is good re.. pair ee d Airport and Terminal Building" end the ,hppurtonencae, fec1litims end services nor whereafter connected therewith, said keep said Airport end iti apiaaca`co :tea from obatsnatiau, •crn„estias end interferon* for the sofa, OM.- violent sac propose* thereof by Ler.-ei*, and will raintoin raid operate said Airport so ae to entitle it to the appro u3 rating by the Federal Aviatiaei !gency and ell. other apinrapriate regulators euthoritie. in respect too a? L Fewest and _future operations of lassos; le2seor phall provide ache atw illosinatica for the leading ra, arcs, edjacsnt to the Terminal wilding with a minhasn of three-foot senile. et a distance of 75 feet tsars the rast, fence line. It in estireenl. maaretavd that the ieasar vilt keep the pnbilo ,epees lathe Terminal nut7,dina sttrestindar Yuas3,ehed, and will provide and supisiyr eclecinate light, electrtoity and rater for the public spacer heat during °old a_nd_air conditioninn claming' 1rarm weather weather /Sufficient to Keep tbs building ding at a reasonable texperaturerjealtore said other cLanexs socesswy td keep ties Airport medal ewes; # stludinit tan- scare ose1U ive mane, in the Teraina; &uiki1fg in cll bran ocat, ordorl , :sanit*ry end preeenteblep such personnel ea say.be necessary ti facilitate the . see of- the Airport end Terminal d►ui.lding and the e <,pm tenenoes, facilities axed serene.i es aroreeald by any one hereunder entitled to use the gene. I Lasso egress t.hest it will wide' in framer exclusive specs, dorms. .tic eater, reel: mica equi','mnt sad piping neesaetry for Woe; and heating Xii'J•' *eels eacluaiva• apace, tog tbcar with the ani aears hot end cold rater to air condition end heat amid space. _ k it,tr! v i? w .�, ��:<. 1 bp L**eor amino) ta end race that it it 'should farnish.rpese and facilities is the ,Terminal Wilding for the use-erf ez r :;ovartese tai agency or dom. pertnont requiring space therein, such epoca •area realities: shall he t5 »„i ohe t Without charge to the Loewe. .1721411 v Aovet]ante end 4W,O4 to abeam and obey all avaaonabi a end 'maul rules and reralatiene. not in comflict vita the provisions hore=af, -mbieh ray free tire to time riui toe tertt hereof be pror al„'eted. and enforced teesar for operation at uaid Airsert. - i r.;3Tl c Ate'� - a.'xeea tow r fewer Pur the nrn of all. the proud:i to facilities. ri, ttrsr lioeraea end privileges gyear sd hereunder. ‘Use tolls nx rentals, feces and avant 1. Tioyat Counter Aree $4.40 per sq, tt. par annum 2. Air Conditioned lffies upetae 3.°9O -per sq. it. Per emus 3.. zic .'b.3r conditioned Space 3.4' par sq.. it. perineum '.. 2.75 vermouth for each exclusive Public Address microphone locatetd in reeeee, exclusive seace. 5. '2.75 per nontb for each intez.mmsinicatien instrument lo- cated in Lessee's exclusive space. In the event that it become z xtual.1r a doable to install tin intez rnieaiion systems by the £tth ML i o Telephone Co. usnyi no that the iaterweornetiont 1 natal is not ?reefed by tensor, then this char> shall net Ocoee. 6, teeeee acmes to pay fsr tht; e1eotrienl eaery Comusord by Lessee in Lessee's exclusive apace on s metered brain at the City's coat. - ., Lowe eny.frott tiro to tiro teat space on the aitile:ld terns rutus1ly screed ipso batsmen teas -erties area at s locations as who raatuall y *reed upon. for the location of atop space. - Leegee any cr+ t time is time lease space fertile nterts,c or such and - ropallente at e : utually a6wsed unon location on the air Iola. up:A tm* end conditions xiutually n,Terd unan batmen -the parties, i. lessor vill roi8*op the electrical outlets trithin Lc as.ta exclusive area for the actual cost, exclusive at hats' to Lessor of the, lama ectuet1y aged. 30. iaadhna refusal-11 he paid by Lessee at the rata of etht (f ) onto her thousand pie of oo cerium certified wee Poling veijht of Lessee's aircraft landed attho air?crt. lend*: fee. Well be. ex-oxtail ¢a to basin os' the actual member of- 1andinro node at the airport. tut no charge will be made -for courtesy, test trainin3, or any other non — revenue flights. The shore listed xrntale and fees shell tecore ere earl yab on Ivathlytenli, Payments shell tea neide to the !inert longer or to stioh olhcr agency O the t r ss t 7 to srec fie lay/ deeigasted in trrit1n by the Lessor. The aorigoixi payments shall be mode on or before the 13th dare the calendar at'ntb- neott suecee4n3 t at far stiilch '">ayment is being reader provided that in no case will said eacent be parables until ten (3d) drays after receipt by the Lessee pf a writtesn hill therefor - 'n the Loser; and provided that the lessee gha2.t not he required to , in re epeot to art'g time or tines daft.; which the faoilitiea 1. 5 • N s s.. - oai'3 - E rk +Ye and parivilege% or said ilirsorL and prises dix not neoanre up or conform to t i atuniasai at in this e4:reen nt, or ere not for attar reed tulab1sa by the Isom - in all its said Operations and ticeizassoe Payrpents' shall be -prorated for any portion of a calendar month at the commencement and termina -tin of this Agreement. A LTt,4L.;; X111. VIIPSVIcqiwoa. ems ort 144 rentals, Pater Manse, a clee or opsxeting taxis, tolls or otb,or clergies, except those herein exproas4 provided, shall. be Shari* against or ode looted from, directly or iala21rtotly0:ae lemma or any other - person enga[ ad la, implying Leaven, for the privi11gee or booing, selling, using, storing, with.. drawing, handling, consuming or transporting materials or other ou ppliva, A04- tr m or on the Airports of or' pertormi g agroosonte,ror work, materials or /services at tine Airport= or traaaportisa;, min, unloadix39r Nine - ind Par* wn,r, pz p.rtd' or mil it top.from or on sold Alrporti or for any other or the p omisiea, iacilitiaa, rights, iicenaem aai privileges granted in this lease,', !holing oonta1ned bereia, h suever, shall prohibit the btu= f roZ rcntA reasonable "prepared on the ixlg spear for or ober Arks s /tie to a oaterlog sersica providing foal( or from Airport, granting franchisee for the operational' U oua1zis said 'daub and rentese ar Services or from charging a rlawago fee to operators vtmding fuels and lnbricaata! oaths airport, provided that no 'such flowage fee will be charged for_ fuels and - lubricants delivered into Lessee's aircraft at-the Airport. This provision is sot to limit the right of •iassor to licence or tax Ina general oar• sotsedisacrisdi n oils Y' sly office or business oporatioo located or conducted outside the boundaries of the Airport aril -wit tln, tba c e orate lime its of Lasaaar; and it is not to limit Lessor's rig}at'•ta ia.pnae gonaral nd not, discriminatory Id 7e1ome taxation on, personal or real property haying a taOzahlo - aitw within the corparatt Beats or Lasser. ' 1f say talcs other tutu ad valorem) -- or z aerel ealee taxes are tai by tests. ai a result et its operations, time :tsars and charges in Article= berme stall be dioinisbed to lii a *squats. LC sap property, part or all et ubi.oh is leased tax Loaaee, eha1i be partia.Uy' dam„* or wholly destroyed by tint or other casualty,F Lessor at its oast coat and expanse ',hall repair or reconstraaet the same with doe diLigenco and within a iv...eocable tine; end Lesaee'a reatalo and other charges with s espnet to - said property *Beall be ;aroportiltatol;r abated fxvm' the happening of such Cam or destruction until 'm it time ass tue premiss@ shall be plat ism ozddar, ARTict;Y that Lsmeet shat file a ral±zt,ery potition in b n rtptsy or that prwoldlege in heenkzkotgy chali be lactitut, s„ ainat it aol Lessee is t! 'oa er :4)441eatad bait + :.oat to mesa proLof, lino, or that ^h eou t elm tt a jtuladictl3u or imam* soul Pte tomato purlient '2o promedims br u44tr under the provisions of - Federal reorganisation oat, or that a receiver at Lessee' assets shall be appointed, or that Leiser ehall be divested or, or be prevented by any fiscal action as any tedsral -or •3tate authority Cron cmduotiari and operating its transportation system for the carriage orpersone,.priverty and mall tQ aircraft at the Airn.rt, or that Lessee sbaIl Tell to Poem, keep end observe aoy of tie terms, covenants or *matinee herein contained an the porter the-Lessee to be perfouresd, inept or Qbe$rred, tee Lassos may 41v* the Lessee fro— tars in vrittn to correct such oteditfan or cure such default and, if any ouch - canditian or default abal1 canto :,r thirty (3Q) des seta the receipt or - suck notice by U.K.' Leases,' the lessor stay, attar the lose oi amid thirty (30) y period and >rier to ilw dsarraeetion _of or curing or such oar ditdoti sr defaults , . tinlatwte gets ieaso by a twenty tit) days written notice! and the torn hesdlhy derided etelt tun .care and der 23r3 at the end of such thanks (20) days in the sane aannar nut to th;• saps e: iceot ea iP • it were the expiration of the ori;in« al tuna, fiwitL.X % catVgippi to l - lou4a_, its addition to szr rift a cancellation or Guy other rillt herein given to '' eases�,yyz enape d or c noel thin � �lQazoo in Ito entirely scour peed or � r o� of its 2l t here a at an �, � t (30) dqu s written notice, upon, or altar rho hat. soUng of expr one of the follow 1113 Bier tat - Certificate of Public Convenience and suspension or Necessity, or Lessee's ' A. The /t.rpinetian oi' leaSee +a/obli. tune or richt, 3rpoled by sole. trust or otharti/oop to the Adana Goiernmont for the carriage abated .Melt** air call to, 'rota or throtyjt Cory, Cariati, Teacup 8. fueijtatimm tei the Post Office rapertrrent, or any other co :patent goves ttel statf rity, of an airaait other than aai:t iUr ort as a tortainral p6lnt for Corl s tbxlr bi, Ted, ."oar the resolving and dispatching of United ..fates air mail; or thr basing by lasses o1 snottor airport for euCh — 7r Any failure or refusal 'bb ► indezei Avint ti d cmcy to permit Lassa to operates into, Cana or thrall:1i said Airport aue.h caircreCt as Unica say reasonably desire so to opaz'atai - ' D. 'lbw tb;: ch by Lees= of any of the Covenenia or ekxraetaernte herein contained end the Failure of Lessor to remedy such broach fora period. or thirty 00) days-after of a written n i ice or the cciatence of such breach; E. 'r}ss inrN41:1ty of Losses to use said prenisea and taollitisa contin- uirw fora ion:, r perinea than thirty (30) days whether duo to any law or order, rule or oi' -sly s, propriate dorainvztal authority !:^viva jurieiticdcet over thn premises or the operations of /seem or clue to )der, earthquese or other casualty. In the *rant that the lassos shall suspend this lease or any of its ob. ' ligetiosso, ea herein p rov5a nd, Lomsee niasil lsvo ih : further right, duriszu sins =pension, to causal t:.ie least or any of its obli„ atis os by eiv n,s" Lessor thirty (30) days' urittan r tioa of such cenodlation at any thaw prior to termination of thn r ;ma_'ttlon or cvont which gave rise to the suepamlonit ends if Lessee doer tot so dons :t, stab elispeac1ors ai;p71 terminate sixty (60) days attar termination of such omiitien or event and written notice Comma .tea toosor to Lessee. 3ho period of cny suspension of this lease in lte cntireiy eel/ raw added to the term of thin leaso or any renewal or extension thereof. HidS- UIVBIi Continued peeormenoe by eitbor potty p rmmuit to the terse of this a t!,anont aLt::r a dei'.t of wsy of the teria, covautia to ed3 tonUtions hs:ein contained to be performed,. kept or observed by the attzsr party shell not be deemed r weber of any rift to cancel. this lease for ousts defaults end no valets, of any mudh default ',hell be construed or act es a vaiver of aiq e° — e4ment default. :AV= Eli„ Utaste a,, is to yield end deliver to Lessor -possession of the pres1 c$ eawiusive7y loosed twain at the taz r.�ixu tioo of time lease, by az'trntion or otherwise, or of say renewal or erten:don hereof, in ;,rood condition in acconifene with its express oblivitions hes.•cttadsr, except for reasonable user and Wit., , f ire or othQr casualty,. aaa Lei, obeli have the right at satire dvr3ng, se d harm, or any renctm3, or extension hem:, wvl for ninety (90) days after the termination hereof, to mane any L- uildlo e. structures, or facilities it ray caeest or ens tcU.L on the to remove ell fixtures end equipaant onct o property, ia•. s ;a:'!lnd or pissed by it sit its axpensv, in, op or about the premises herein leaned; at:4cot, however, to Giiy vnliii lien shish Lessor may haw tldirrian Tor unpaid rants or fens, - - - Ladies shall-not at any tits amigo this Lase or o y part thereof without the oansent in writing a6 LaaS(4 provided, haw vdr, tb t without =eh aoseant Lem may assign t «lo ]Mean to say ooriorutlon with wbicia the lasso* ts7 serial or c..lnai4a to or wiiiab pry swayed to 'the business or this Lessees, corms: atbblst any of the space lleaed axcluoivaly to the teases berets:?er. lips tsaaso, under th. torus at this affeement, wil net be in control or possession of 8 .W birp(xt, sxmapt ss to the arto tboroof 1{:s.:od e x lual sly to Lessee, sad Tesle4 does cat a secs rosponeibLUtyr ror the c)nduct or onerstioe of the aaidLilizvort or Tor ties piiyeice1 or other c°.ttlitlona tam sue. - ovr r. it ie expressly un e.stecd. sal agreed Wend and bet+xan the Martial beset) t'tnt the 'lasses 3s sztri, shell be an in depezhce t aantaructar and open:Aar. resp�i3alrr to all peruse Tor all of lts seta or Olduoiarw and t e .Lessor a i.11, in no verbs respantib1a tborafor. It is - further . re.4 that in its and enjoyast -of the field, Pr :see and rael.7itio berein maimed te, the Jewels vin2 Indesnify nod leaves luutw^taao ti Lsssa:.frx any end all claim or losses that aurprcalratoly result to the Lctiser eras soy oclidLess on the p ert ate* Jocose, its duly eur employees' - thorieed apti erverrestr'.stivcro casi shall in eall ways hold! tbs liDa3Or harmless frors etas, provided tho teaser obeli *lye to the Imes pro A notice Qf 6117 *lairs yin ele or loss, or antiou la reepout t1 rate, and fix op7ortumity esesJeably 1a - Save+stiiate and defend cotinst eeyr claim er action bailed upon s11Al.d negligent employees' t, nthict of the lasseo or its duly eaiaorisad ass:nts or -refweeittatt1 . The Lessor barmier fgoea to saints n io safes c3nditi.on ail places Sn . and shout mid Airport which are used by, or r to esoessiblee to, tle Public, - ' aueh as ietitinc rooms, 1t tarias, parkin? Iota, streets, oideua3'is and other app s, etc., and .Ti.poor iu nrthi a;±eea to Indemnity arei holm Lester harmless ices i a'Z'. all claims. sic: a by pa ra ins who are, have boon, or will be potOkr;erls or tbo Lessee, ganinst the L.neae arlain z alit at amtt so r mar1t of the condition of sew' Qt the pvblio]y used premises is mod stioaat oaid r.it ort es,:l Lessor flambee agrees to reimburse tessee for any and all coats and =Tenser li mmed in Wand.' bbr(s -2- - Itu or nettling acY =Lx aYjiataa2M1 4 571' to the Xassor prodded for hare 11 el 3i' be •lark`ialliet i seat �lfatags prepaid, addressed to! Airport ria a Bon MU cAl`ytis Chr1.-1ti, TIM M; sad nations to the Easzeit If sent by registered coil, *stem prepaid, *ctdreeaed tQ X069,- FScCI10.n'ae :P• 114iI1, i(R ay, or to such other respective addressee as the partiLi say (10111.0304:1A 'writing rroz tiro to tin!), - ArelCU. XVII f, Fug; V 7: "'s._, r 3► _ IAeaor amts 'sod a rsee not t4 enter into any imej *mullet 31' _ aa�at with any ether air transpor t, Operator xitb roat'eot'to 'the- Air -ort _e go- taiaied sore- r*rnrablo terra Vas this loose or to mat tp mei other RIr trane- port - operator rights.' privilege" or coneessiend with respaot to the said Airport - whieh ero not !recorded tot the „Lessee } levier vellPso � easel tersnet-risttee privile;ec ,end oettcessibna are coeurrently aka available to the lams, �'. Mk?. .0 ,0il1 7CX Vhenevnr the tort 1 edora1 Aviation At,,,,oser la =id 312 t 3snaz.a it shall tt oonatrued as rererria4 to the Yctlerel iviatton e.aeney created by the Federal C.Avenagent-orie,4nally ale the civil Aeronautics Authority Alder the Civil Aeronautics Let of 1),d, or to such other *MIDI or *weenie* of the ihdorsi Covert. tent harm from tiara to time similaijurisdistica over the losses or Ito twines,* ,iTICI:,„XIX, - 'ibe artlale and paramaph baedinr s ore Inserted only in • "OW tt' certeenienee •tad far reference and in op- say datlneo -limit or describe the scope or ttltiaYt qt rung ;movie/on or Ws lease, Ic'trc. Gl: P tt is further **sweatily 11Rdsrot t old *screed by and bet e n artiste , her a'tbtdt is the went any oovenertt, condition er atvvisiola herein contained is bola to be iarraim 71i .coixt er ogY,oet4at jurisdiati n ,ar otbaVisis,,aMeeril to Itrtb, parti o to -be iuvv114, tb. inr+a 34tttiy eC any such aoresisnt, .ot>ndition -or orcovioim Asa In uo any efrevt oar oar aovcmutto aaxi9,tion or provision, 'herai canto nedf nravid4d, rar•r,, ,trot tha iuva3ix:ity of easy eu& aae:+oant, - oasaditioa or provisirn (boss tot aeatiriaLly prejudice eitbarr tba Iasaor or the Iea+ SS in its x tae -itdvo risis s add oblt;ations gogitainsd.in tbs valid noversiotat coaditiaos or,; l oos- of.tbia lean v. LT crass =mar* t parCios I o the day and 'yaw first, above arittsn• 11117.04t AIRWfAZB, ,INCr. AThD THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE WA R AD FOR PASSED TO ITS SECOND READING ON THIS THE P DAY OF BY THE FOLLOWING VOTES ELLROY KING JAMES Le BARNARD MRS. RAY AIRHEART JOSEPH B. DUNN PATRICK J. DUNNE R. A. HUMBLe GABE L. LOZANO, SR. THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE WAS READ FOR '8EC� 0 TIME D' PASSED TO ITS THIRD READING ON THIS THEDAY OF ,: , 194 8, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTES FIRST TIME AMP l4 ELLROY KING JAMBS L. BARNARD MRS. RAY AIRHEART JOSEPH B. DUNN PATRICK J. DUNNE R. A. HUMBLE GAGE L. LOZANO, SR. THAT 7115 FOREGOING impipiANcE w PASSED FINALLY ON THIS THE GIL DAY OF VOTES ATTESTS EAD FOR THt 7 RO 71116 AND , 19 6, SY THE FOLLOWING ELLROY KING JAMES Le BARNARD MRS. RAY AIRHEART JOSEPH B. OUNN PATRICK J. Duren R. A. Hume GABE L. LOZANO, SR. PASSED AND APPROVED, THIS THE DAY OF ITV =ECR APPROV AS TO LEGA FORM THIS DAY OF 19 �`f F ,- u ATTORNEY MAYOR THE CITY CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS