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05853 ORD - 08/03/1960
BWS:MW 6 -23 -60 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER, FOR AND al-BEHALF-OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI AND EASTERN AIRLINES; INCORPORATED', COVERING THE RENTAL-OF-SPACE-AT-THE-NEW-CORPUS-CHRISTI INTERNATIONAL -AIRPORT-AND THE-USE-OF-SAID AIRPORT; A COPY OF SAID CEASE-BETAG ATTACHED- HERETO AND -MADE A PART HEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. THAT THE CITY MANAGER IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED, FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI AND EASTERN AIRLINES, INCORPORATED, COVERING THE RENTAL OF SPACE AT THE NEW CORPUS CHRISTI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AND THE USE OF SAID AIRPORT, A COPY OF SAID LEASE BEING ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES AS IF COPIED VERBATIM HEREIN. 5853 TATC oF TEXAS Cs121TI,...11fUECE3 j Thio loam" Agreement, made and entered into by ami batmen the City.. of Cores Christi, acting herein by and_ throoah its City Manager, with anthoritr duly conferred by the City Conseil, 0 menicipal numeration ermined end exist.: leaned*r the lame of the :Ante of Tomne0iituated-in Rueeee County, Term, here- lnotter referred to sties se /Za.;.1), and reeternAir Incorporated, c:L Nampa)* Cornurationo hereinafter sometimes raforred to an 17.nlass, leasoro me eponsor and omner of the Carpus Christi International Air- port, located in Sums CounthrTexes, does hereby, for the tines and porpoise') and ter the consideraticcias hereinafter stated, dsmisol ecad let unto loasaeo and lessee does hereby hire end trine tarn Teaser, the foltesing promisee end, uita- out limiting the generalitybereof, V* Udx UitF., rktts, linen** end privileges on and in emmactionwith the Airport, en more porticularlyhore- ineftnr net forth, A Uma of Alinort. The rna by Drente, its employeeo, posoonaern, swots, patron') and Invitee*, in Cowmen with other dily authorised users, or the public portions or oald Airport and apptutemeneea, the ooze heina nom patricuien. lydeercollmel in adicrannerked Exhibit Ao attached beret* end made a part hereof, together mitk, all facilities, inprovorknts, equionent and porticos which have been array be harieifiewrativided for common use at or in connection with maid Airnort. In addition to all apt") *lame where granted in twit nment, the teases shall have the right tem* the MO. - port tor thn fo2la.rin3 alocifin (1) 7i a)aalac.ia o2 e trewortation eystirAhp eircrnft for t1 curia" apemen, property end nail, including ell *ivies reaamoah4 neeesoary to much operation, hereinafter referred to ex Pair trannivrtationwa (2). The lendin, takina offo ]au;, unloodirus retletrin4 ntainina, cmditioningo serricinc, perkic, 'Marina and testing or aircraft or • other equipment including the we of a reanonahlo amount-of arenaniantly boated ramp arse which Leaser mill keep in good repair, and including tharlaht to erect or .nateU and mai,tain on sale airlort, at 1401tiews t4 he mutual:Tweed upon, naogtmto rade naellities for aolive, oil, oreamis and other fuel or hire ,2-60 .spouse, at cOiv'enimit l+ cation e, in ac0ox ions with ianeranoe underwriters" , standards, toaethnr vith the mower ' piiaes, pumps, motors, filters sad otter appurtiewesece incidental to the use, thereof;' such ctrssaturee end btu tenenoes - to be grid remain :the severable property of Lessee; - (3) The pals oftidiets, doctz ntation of ebipssvats , handitng of reeervntions, end the loading end uz;.Loadinz of persona, property and mallet iald Airport by each motor vehicles wetter manna conveyance as Lassa, may desire or require in tbo operation of its air trusamportetion elites, with the right to deli ate the particular oerrier or oerrisrs who ehall or nay regular - ly transport leaeauts pneeencpre and care to end frost* i. rti provided haws. that stable„ c ntained be rein plush. prevent t6op City inn grs¢rting the franchise or fzeinerilnee for 34zrsine service; '(4) The purChael et said Airport of Lessee's requirements of gesaline, fuel, lubricating oil, !Imes*, food and other peseent'er supplion,, - end any other matarinle and aalTaiei fay perms% or aoTgssrsy of lessee's choice, and the =kin; of crcamanta with *' +erooa )rcopmaqrat co ors choimafor work to be clone for Lessee; a5) The installation and operatisetof identifying signs oaths leased preen sea, the General type and design of trodboizna to be eubjeot to the npptovnl-ot tiro Airport Iinta ez, such - apratnel not to be arbitrarily withheld; (6) Rim instellatiar, maintenancee and operation of such ratio, ewssinicatios, metorolodical sad aerial navigation equipment and +:codices In, en and a'uoat the premises heroin leased and said, Airport as say be necessary or ocmeni+en%t in the opinion, of the Leneeeee, for its operational provided that the location of auah equtpsosnt and facilities as mkit interfere with full and properties of the Airport shall, be eeubjeet to thz, approval. of the Airport In gcr, such approval not to be arbitrarily witbbcW; The ri t+> mess a*rd _privileges granted the Iaesee u dlir this Article I talth respect to the performance of zronmd,aerviomo r. activitieae in - canneetian with its air trttns?ortdtion o? orutiona at the All a-C zany be exerci +d - by the lessee for and on *nhalf of the raw, by any oo4suy or poroon designated bcr Lessee. C, : massive 3pe ail To ...a1 i3uik„f The sxcluoige use of a to. tea of a sto;_irate1y,2)7 sneers feet of evade, vfLieh includes , 2 c? stiva re feet of star space, -�, glare Peat of air esonditiooed apace, add %(1 square feet er nonmair conditicaed spew, subject to_ ai turml mac re, went et the time or takin3-p>Ie esnioa, in the Terminal am41 Inc, as the ease is'_. More particularly set forth sad ohm enplane and *unifications narked Exhibit attached hs! tto and ztade s part heroode Fat' such Arras as Lessee say deeira to ink# thereof in connection Stith or inoidentaX to it9 operation of an air trans. portatfm vein, Os Lines shall hive the right and option at W Guns earl ", from. time to time during the tent hereof and or eny extension or renewal, to lease for the eoclmive use of itself or at tn7 alr treerport clammy subsidiary tai or affiliated with -it, cry apace at the Airport t of ueeeesr27 to the Irseaorra operation of the Airport end at the throe not leaned to others, whether - sach apace is adjacent to the apace lowed hereunder or oth+wrlsO, too tIaar With any or all rirdtta, facilities, Weems and privilege* appurtenant to such spaaee and to the airport, Ism the woe gamma terms end coalitions as are hurein established, D. :terlguz :oaa The use by Deese* sad its oiooess, ire msan n oely with the other air tnanaport oPerstaat ileho say de lessees of opeca at the Airport and their' esployoes, of alequonte vehicular oarkinJ apace ]poated as near ae poeeiW.a to said Zormitsa3, hta1Ldial without charge to leness or to esid employees, Ef ,a t or p.©aarars% imlresn.end EJ es2% Tb+ itt}l ead unrestricted rtibta. of eocass, itt:Tese aa4 e;res with reppeet to than promises outlined is perss;rephs A to D above, for fesiee, -its eagaloyses, #anselu +ra, ; ie tg,, patr e", invitees, supplier* or ceturrnie sued Furnishers or services, its or their air. . craft, equiament, vehicles, xnchinery end other property, without charge to Lowe,' or to said' person" or proper, - ,Txrra - tf; lessee shall have and hold paid premises, fseillties, ri htn, liceneee . and privilege* set mirth in p aT�;'rapha A to E inrausive, of Artiala' 7, for a term • 8 on t .fL t; day of �A} 11:91/J - r 19.6a and terminating et the end of the 122-1day o.° / 7 tl 4 4 J i unless soaaaor 'tear mtod - as herein* tt,z provided, 'i4' bra 01.1=4:2=1: -- %snor represents that -it bee the right to lcase said proicrty aad ape courses to other with at the fee itien, rL t3, lineaaes and privileges fod, and baktellrewer and eats rrity to enter into this lc a5c in thereat and covenanta 'that. uaoac garfarmauce -ot' the a oeamente on the - - - part of teases to be pe>rtoVaed b reu).ia,, -I.re + Shall p aceably have and enjoy' sold ?ueoirx+sii espertonannas, realities rights, uuensds.aad privileges. krricY if. riy`e L> is rr. tA.L An, .)13E.,...v8. 2 Alit:. -34 Lesser. aka tbet it trill "svalop -ant improve, Sad at all tides' - meistain and aporst. with adequate and efficient parsoiess1, arx2 keep is ;;o44.1 re*. pair laid Airport add terminal anc: the sppurtenaseea,. taciliti and - services no,: =hereafter oonnicat•d thseivith, .and beep *aid Airaort and its approacaes tree tmm atastrtxct ion, c m,oaticn e e interference for tbe Vie, corr. Wnient one prnpor use thtrnor t17, Umiak, and vill maintain and operate Saki aRirport so men to entitle it to the anpreve d r tln> by the Federal- Aviation- Aecne sal ell other eopropriaite rs¢uletbryr enthoritias in respect to all. present .01 future eporatiotp or LIMOS,. tsar Shall provide adequate 333.ttrcixratiori LQr tbo leading snip area a+tyacett- to the Fersisnai 3aliieg with e, ?Antrum if tb*rs fast dna= tit a distance or 75 teat Prat; the, rasa fonocs lies, It is expressly ur exteteed that the Leaner vill keep the public apnea lathe Temaituel 'atirac+tin1 r turnisbad, Sad will provide end supply adequate, light, e1aetr'3.aity was vet.r for for pibU swat heat during Bold v at«her SUiTiolvnt to keep uildi , at s reracmabls, tcuaporaturel janitors end °tsar cleanoro necseserd. to bsep U* LIA4.41i ear all spacaa, 3aclradled Tea•- noose ercalt iva apaoa, in the Text anal hsi1i4.1; ,t 01 tiros a", "fat, ox►ieriy, -sanitary-end prssentableg -rush personnel es-ray he rx ceaaer'y to facilitate the ttss of the A1rport and ;gradual n1181 ; sari the appvrte taneei, facilities and s=vices es aaforeedd bionr. one beraunder entitlod to use the aare. - • Lesm r et reea thft it will provide, .ta Lessee's delusive space d ccse•• meoistuiael . ttitsont and piping aeertssetiry for cooling .nd 3boatiSg Lar• seals srzeluaii. paoa, together with the necessary hot and cold mater to kir condition and beat said apace. The lessor covenants and limos that it it fElrum hernias spew and - - fleeilities id ilea .Terninel 'uildinq for the use of ady:gevernmentel cloddy or de- partment requiring epees therein,. sues spew and facilities aandll. be A n1shad- iithaut she.. la the, Leese. K ;::;»3Lfiii -:;3, douses covenants and agrees to one erne a obey ail resosensbl^ etsi laurel rules :ere re a atiotis, not in eon/licit with the prevision* bereofp 'abler easy from tiara to time durtin the term haz''of be prortilgeted end enforced by Lessor for operation et said Airport. Lease woos to pry Leek for the use (tr a1.1 the rsY+ai,ise*, taci23tiesp rights, licensee and privileges Granted hea aimdsrs the following rentals,-fees 404 chargeel 1. Ticket Counter ewes 64,40 per no. it. par =nes 2. Air Looditianwd =lee s'pa cie -300 parse. it. per moos 3, ?'ate -L r Coreditimed Space - 3.40 per sq• it,' per *wan 4. .'. par :antis forelimb ezclvzsivrt z'ublia Wrens ncicro_rhoae located in ieeseoea exclusive aNaase. 5. > >. per month* Zor each inter cacasauics.i:ion instrument la- aatod Ms Lessee's exclusive apace. In the aunt that it becomes mutt2elty a;p.•ceablo to Instal an dnter.a ormaicsatiaa apt= by the 3autlrjeftt 7.1 l'oae;trne Company, so that the Inter- commarnicatios syntax is not provided by Lessor, 'Caen area ear obeli not beagle. Cs. Lessee same to eeay'for the electrical, energy ounstmamed by Leeseo in La©aeeeay %nive eansee on a retored basis at the Cit7'j psi, 7, Lessee may i'resn tinD to timer rent swam on the airfield upon tom ruttuAlYaGreea ,race; between 1114A parties and at such loeatians es may be agreed uPen, for tear+ location of shop apace. , Lessee ray Cross time to time lease r ce for rue storwN or feels an. ;?roprllonta at a mutually edreac'1 Isom locaticrl on the eirfiiId, 'pen tar- ,0 end a oetditio ii tattoo/1y agreed that battles t the parties. ,1. Loeser will relnmp the electrical outlets within Lessee's, exclusive area for the actual cost, sxobi the of labor, to Lessor of tho lumps actually used. - 10. Iondint; fwd will be paia by Lessee at the rote of tight (0) sent* par th- nmeart;t pomode of the mocitsm certified groaalanding weight o=' Lessee's aircraft landed at the eir)ort* tendio..1 fees malt./ be computed on the basis or the actual number or Isna1n_;a rode ' At the airport. The above Lilted rentals sod fees shall brooms due and ,able on ,a ems Path basic. :PkrzwAa Stall be miCem to the Atnoit 1,$71+Ser or to =bother Atber _swayer the City an maybe sprsciW'^±. ^_r11y deetnatod in writ +n; by the Leaser, The romping payments ah&U be re .a on of before the 15tu oC the ea1ender • sth ;test nuccesediun that Zor vhieh payment is bob mode; provided that 1A no ease will said =punt be payable lie: l ton {10) days sitter receipt by' the Iaa iM of a written bil/ 'therefor ;'rots, the Lesoor; and r rovided that the Leese* shall mot' be required to pa1Y in reispect to coy time or ti-;es durin5 which the realities -5- end privileges of said Air * .rt erxi lira deo. doreot eeasu up or contorts to the standard-sot is tiLlailovesent, or ,ore not for other masons uaablie b9 tao leases SA all its sal.: op+orati,ons end buei+saiaa. 6,1 Aar t;ct fp./01. 3. ism' at TAS,.11 ao rentals, - t'.eos /Some, notcho or operating taxes, tolls - or othe=r mss, except those 'heron *moss' xprsssiy provided, ah+ill ba charged it or caw lect:+d linai,directZ,y or indirectly, the lass.e or any other person en3aged la supplying lessee, for the priyllages -af boys, selling, using,.storin3, with. drnvrin j, isuc9Ling, m ; or transporting : irsteriala or otta. r suprilae to, _ free, or on the airports of taking or fmrformind arsepaante for uork,_tasterlsls or sarvioat+ at the Airports- of transporting, loading, arilo.Alog or handling p eons, property Or anall. tot I or an said Airports or fair any other oP'tics prssiaaa, feceilitiaa, right+, .license rend privileges, granted in this lasso. Ikrthing c?onteiied herein,- nowsvrr, ehe].l prohibit tbe.laa•ttr from- rent. 'leg apace a.'or or 'charging a fee to a catering, ferrite providing food, or sites 'grunting ersuohis.a for the.oporation of 1imoueiri end taxicab "and rent a.csr s.rvio.e or rem ebarglit4 * flowage roe to ,operators veacing roils and iubricanta- on the airport. Thia a;:�ftt.ion is rut to li^it the - rlht of rearm to license or tax • in a general ar- norodtecriminatory wry any office or 1 251n1 s toperetirm Inoe'ted. , or' aaaduatod outside the hanndarioa or the /airport, mica within t2a 'corporate 3Sm• its of lessors ,old it is not to lilt Lnsaorea right to *Moo ,general and €iota• dieorisinatory ad talarese taxatiar On *zonal or real property Stewing a taxably situa within, the corporate Brit$' of Teri-',, If say taxes otter 'than ad ta1Arce" or ',Morel 6131raa texas are Phid by Louie as.* rosuult or its operationo,;the - re.e and chau"ss *Article VII hereof shn]l 1s diastn1aied iq .Lice watts..' - AgTII:I;: i7G. oit CF iiitlICi1 /I :F' • I; .A.3Eb Pun IC any Wiper t , 'tom sir- alt of which is -leaped to leaner, shall be pertial]■ dyad or wholly destroyed by firs or eater aaaualty,- leaser at its a m coat end .zpensa shall repair or reconstruct the sane with due dllig oo seal within-a reasonable times and Lewes's tiutala and other *bargee with reapeet to said property !hall ba - proportionately abstad twee the: ttam:g ing of 'such damp p or destruction until such time as the premise* shall, be put in order. • ' JET iCk *. In tbs event that Leese shell file-a. voluntary p tit3on in bankruptcy' or fiat promo:At , in- bankz'uptcy strap be inatitutod against it and Ic3ee:ree is thereafter ed3udleated bankrupt pnrecent to roach <rrooeed.ia s, or that the wurt shall take jurisdiction of Lessee and its assets purest to procseai gs brought usher the provisions Of a 'federal reorresnisation act, or that a receiver of Lessee's aseasats obeli be appointi4, or the Irises shen be divested ef, ar tat prevented by any final action :f,eny Vedstsi. or State authority from conduatisl and operet1 . its tteasportetion sysatesa for the carriage of persons, property and sell by aircraft at the i it ort, or teat Lessee shell tail to , psrforni, hoop and observe any of t1, terre, covenants or conditions heeoirs cant9insdt cu the part art tie Lsseeo to be performed, kept or observed, the Lessor may the Lessee new tics in vritine; to correct such cxadition or curd such defaszs2t end, it icy" an r ouch condition or defriu1t Obeli continue for thirty 00) day attter the receipt of such notice by, the Leases, ti>e lee/Kirov, erter the lapse amid thirty (30) day-period aed prior to the eorreetion of or Caring of mob condition or defaults terminate this lease '- a twenty (?O) days- written .eot_icey &n3 thg term hereby demised shall therauoon caeasi and tapirs at the end of such tecnty (20) tinyi.in tiro sena Danner and to the pane refract as if it slags: the c ylratlea of ortrifri al term. Lessee, in addition. to aay :i;;Eht iT cancellation 'er any othor rigbt herein given to Lessee,, may suepond or cancel this tease Is its entisatar or sue.. pond or t rminste ell or any of its 'a bik:etion;s beresZ5e+r at say tine, by thir y (30) dayo' written notice, upin or cater the bevHoninz or anyone or the Trunk+ in; eventot A, Theterniostion alewives obligations or rliht, 5.731 by softe treat or otberviee,- to the yudera3 Goveramrent for the carrtaoo aF United States adz mail to, from or tb*ou_b Gor us c wisti, Texas; 89 E?eeklnetiatss by the Forst Orrioe repnrtsa+sst,, or sss3► otbsar saompet nt govertuant t authority, of an airport oth_r than timid Airport ass a texsainal point tor Corpus Cbriati, Tixs, for thoreociving and dispetchi&: of United itatoa ss3r mail; or the les inz by lessee of smother export for mu& purposes- Q. 'ny failure or Dermal byr the Federal rristion &vary to permit issue to operate Into, from or t] roEh said Airrort curls airaret as Lessee my reasonably [teyira so to operate' D. The breach tpr Leaser et ar4y of the covenants or imamate to herein e ntained and the failure of lessor to rawar ouch breach for n pined or thirty (30) dam after receipt of *written notice of the existence of sueb breach; s. The inshilitp of Lsseue to par geld promises *el facilities cootie. ninz For a 1 4r period than thirt7 (30) d ys whether cue to any lieu or girder, rule or re;p*u1aLti+on of' any appropriate jovernmenfial euth,ritp hpv'as_s jurtmellettan over the nr_ :i^_es or the operations •7! Imago or Ale to qty oarthquatay or afar casualty. In the event that: the Lessoe siseU ieu,ipend this lease or any of its ob. itsations. as herein prav od, teeace shalt have the further r&bt, during such suspension, to oanca1 this lease or aver ita obltations by iv]xi; Lessor thirty -(30) dip' written notice of such cancellation at any tine prior to tor:1114B ion or the condition or avant which gore rise to the suagensiozst and, it Lessee does not so meet ouch mispene on shall .tertatnate sixty (60) days after termination of cueh ra ditivn, er vent end urittvo notics thereof ft= Lessor to Lessee. The period at :any* suspension or 'thin lease Its i is entirety eb 31 iw added to the term of 'Lit, lean or any r4ccvel or extension tti®re i'e ontsnaad perforience by either lsnrty parouaut to the tc:res of thio azem©nt ai.'ter a darault oz any of the terms, -tents end conditions Iamb c- mta.fisted tote performed. hevt or of arveei. by the other party sball not he dewed a waiver of any stzht to cancel thio leeze for ouch default, and no waivcr of errs nob default ail bo construed or c.ct a: a waiver of any su ecquent default. ApTicm , mliipL,-, ;j ; 1' t',r,;ai'.ili -lessee aOses to yield and deliver to lessor poswssioo of tte premises exclusively leased beroiu st the ter &1n41mi a: this lease, by exrir tioa er 'otherwise, er or any renewal or extension hereof, in ,good condition in acCo damn With its se' obli lions iwIreune er, except for raaonahle voar and tetra firs- or other c.susltp,, and Lessee soil Nava the right at Any time .aur1rt:;, sal:.' terns - er *ny reneva3 or extol:elm hereof, and for ninety (90) days af't.:r the to 1natian h errot,' to remove avi buildt ., sWactures, or facilities it my c,:cct or install r ¢ r asses end to remove aii f 'b _es and equip :oat and :ether property In-- - ato ll*d gar placed by it at its ea?ease, id, Coca. about the premise* herein - leased; abject, txnnceer, to any,veti' Lion ehich k,avr mai have t'arson for unpaid rents or revs. tease shall rot at-any time wish n this lasso + r part thsreof without -tho consent its Writing or Wool provided, hArovers that without uch oataaent- Ioasoe may eazsign this lasso to-en earaorat-0oe with w ich the Lessee rosy_ verge or ow:sol3 at• or uhichzuiduccced to the bus:sa as of thin Lessee, =say sublet any oi' tits spews leased esclunivnly to me, lesson „herounie . 7ise Lome, ondar,tho tarns of this a.`oedment, will trot bo. xrl control or posssnosiaa of :said lirrostr uxoelrt as to tba prrta theriAaf 1easod exclusively to leasrsa, i-x3 4eaeze date not resume rose, otssibibity :or the_condwot or operation - of the esdd Airport or for the phyoica1 or other conditiaas or the some, law- over, it-is wrongly zroch ectctod oust ogeod by and boWeso -the parties hbrety that tlso Iaieo, is and. shall be "Independent cnntractar and operator, rocs; Bible to all parties star ail} c l its' note or omissions and the ssssor *bail its no who responsible tbetefor. it lo further eased that is its sue az enjoyx>asst (W U* - field, presisee and faeiiitias herein roL'axred to, .the Lewes will indemnify, and save harmless the Icon feu: auy-outd all claire ox' losses- that -nay proximately result to the-lessor fssoar any nS 1L e4aa on the Dart of the kesaaa, its duly ate. thorized spots ar rapresentxtivder -and ,hall- Snell ways hoist the Lassos leas sou tray sears, isr0vidad the leaser shall ;iVo to the Lessee prompt neti©e of any attn. des „err or1Q33, or saxtiau ;in- rospaa;t thaseto, and an °pout -unity seasonably to inveetizato and dei'end against any claim or- aetias blood i on a llezed sso511 ent_ osondUot of the lessee or its duly uuthied cents or reprsasaititivas. - The lessor harem ex -a„,-rrn to i_ .inta3sa' In earn conditics all pianos in srd a".5put said Air.ort -Mote' axe used b;, oracle acceaeibi to the public, ouches vsitinz soma, Iatrstorins, nntkin; lots, its, sidewalks end other approaches, etc,,, and lessor srth:r aerate to indemnify asst hold lessee harmless vast e:47 sex'. all alma, to4o by persona who era, have boon, or-will be poaas ere or this 1654U0, azaiast the law* arising out of and aA a result or the c:osxiition of any at the publicly 'aced promises in and shout said Airport and I aaor fsstrtbssr ads to reitburoe Woos far any sad all *oats an axpensan incurred is Wend- -9- Ina or watt:Linl any ouch claims. notinea to the lessor provided tar basin a hall be a u=cient 5t- eent by reatsterod roam., iyostag^e p preLlsid, addreined tot' bir;iart tanager P, .3, t"0* 172 Corpus Christi. Texan, and notices to Cal Lrrs:►se, if sent 'cif ropltatered sell, pentage prepaid, addressed to Lessee+ Eastern .,ir Linea uti hlinF, IA V44440120, Masao Neu 'Jerk" times Loki, or to such otter respective old es sco as the parties ma,T siesi &te la tiritinj . Cr= altos to tine C.XNUAAI' lira T3 4"illsii su;!.i. WRV,MAsa.,__d'1'..'14 Icos4r comment, and agues not to enter into any - eases, contract or- agreetent with eny , ttxr air transport operator vitb respect to tiao Apart taime141 wro favorable ttrai taco this leaps or to mast to ens other air tramp. ,:art :,perntor r%;nr , privilejes o. • anveerelons with respect to the pair' Airport eUch a o not sacca:t+rrd to the ;moo hereunder unler:;.+ the 044 tarns, rL;Lts, priva112- ee and CUt cesS n s ere oonnurrently redo evu 1a;=10 to the Lessee, 412144..ALL14 - ' 44.44 eittli.iusj 1144I i, iw uv n, the term h%yldaral Aviation Ad.mcy" le used its this lease, it shall .so construed as referring to the ied rel Aviation kency created by the federal - eo mAnt ant or:14ne117 ar the Livia Aesonantle, Authority utts?sr the anvil i.oronaatics Act of 1933, o to such other a;;-i.acv ur rl„eaeiee or the Federal Govern', most ha+.ia„; ors. tisc t. -ti- garner jurisdiction over the Lessee or its business. i7!s allele end paragraphismelinds are Insturtorlooly,so a matter of &ouzrenienat and i',4'r_ral'ellance anctla uo uoy de ?L' , limit or doscribe tta acopk or intent or any provision of tLis Lase. f rthor expreaely understood an.k agreed by and hotelmen the parties hereto that iss terse wrest ay covennni4 cauditlal or provision helots- contained la —10.. - ha* to ba b7 .r ot.as ;3uioaQti s. or �e option- - to bath peruse to ,he stiles `S ai fJtT or .cmp'amh eon at+ oar ditlea ' - or prov=sioti Ghi a is no. limo, et oot ray ot3ier viivehent, oned3tioa or ptudea . hersia soutainedi -grin s ewystros, toot "tile inve,Iidity Or any ouch arronenty aeoliti,aa► or pratfaloa dose- Dot mater2a14 proAs tao'sither the ILasor or t4 ese in ite x.ap r tivs r1te ob;ii*.totti Contains+'# ib the v*1id covanante, coniUttoes or Prnviolo s t1i1# ]base. rv4 written. -- THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE WAS yep FOR T FIRST TIME A/Np PASSED TO ITS SECOND READING ON THIS THE DAY OF , 19 N d, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: ELLROY KING JAMES L. BARNARD MRS. RAY AIRHEART JOSEPH B. DUNN PATRICK J. DUNNE R. A. HUMBLE GABE L. LOZANO, SR. THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE WA^VREAD FOR PASSED TO ITS THIRD READING ON THIS THE DAY OF BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: ELLROY KING JAMES L. BARNARD MRS. RAY AIRHEART JOSEPH B. DUNN PATRICK J. DUNNE R. A. HUMBLE GABE L. LOZANO, SR. THAT THE FOREGOING DINANCE WA AD FOR THE/THIRD TIME AND PASSED FINALLY ON THIS THE DAY OF , 190 6 , BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: ATTE-ST- CITY SEC APPROVE AS TO LEG FORM / THIS � DAY OF, 19 7fjTO(� TY ATTORNEY ELLROY KING JAMES L. BARNARD MRS. RAY AIRHEART JOSEPH B. DUNN PATRICK J. DUNNE R. A. HUMBLE GABE L. LOZANO, SR. PASSED AND APPROVED, THIS THE J DAY OF , 19 ' 6 . MAYOR THE CI HRISTI, TEXAS