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05854 ORD - 08/03/1960
Bws:Mw 6 -24 -6o AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER, FOR ,AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI AND TRANS -TEXAS AIRWAYS, COVERING THE RENTAL OF SPACE AT THE-NEW CORPUS CHRISTI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AND-THE USE OF SAID AIRPORT; A COPY OF SAID LEASE E`ING AT ACHED-HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. THAT THE CITY MANAGER IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED, FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI AND TRANS -TEXAS AIRWAYS, COVERING THE RENTAL OF SPACE AT THE NEW CORPUS CHRISTI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AND THE USE OF SAID AIRPORT, A COPY OF SAID LEASE BEING ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES AS IF COPIED VERBATIM HEREIN. F 1:; p8_ 3 4 ` STATi. OF Tf 7A5 ` This Lease AgAvemat, made aryl entered Into bq and bat°ieesn the City oC uox ui, Ghr3nti, aa'.Ihg heroin by ei.�rf3 throe h W City FW=t ,vr, WiW aWorltY duly conferrod by the pity L*unell, a atacipa2 cor,,oration or„fwiaed f axistr• inG under the Sam- oi' tto -rata of =a 09 01- tuated in pwccs - Covaty, Texast hosesw insiUr ace %rr d to somotives an Ua aft, =4 TretwTexag A#rweVu, it Tom Corpor+ at?.oa, l�erf:.iaet`t�x eaetet3.ttet3 s�art�d to as ,I�.,Si y ' lessor, ss spfsnsor and wnwr ok the UDrPW Chr SU kkLtMAtiML Al - port, looted in .fazvs County, ;_, does here y, for " uses 41W gua�?osee earl for the axwideration as bareas V:sr stmt --1, demUa snd lot,vato Z09tleo* and Lssose loop. hereby hire mid t ks from lessor, the fo7lowin; lSYei�t9e9 E�iti, vitk� 04 lisritin the generality hereof, •ti& .TPM sin;; taCilitjoq$ - rights, licenses - exua nrivao,; oa an and In conwatUt'1 with the Ar?ort, ae laws } 3l-ulwly h8re- !nr x'ter est ,forthit As Vag gg ca The Lase by lfww -0-6 ite wV20y "910 M:va�ers, gu ste, putrons emit jwdteca, its commn trith z thor duly autbor3sed u3ara, OP the 1.. public portions or s A3,2�W t WO fiw= tffTSayms, iii a ma-r�o beinig wore patI lar+y deooribvd in • a d%;;rom marked Ubibit A, ettaci ed ber+sto and rite a Part hOveatp to,,ether with ou x'hoilit:Lfa, Japsoeomeutcas, equiptaeat nad *GrvIoae Uh ch I'vO 'teen or may be hersidUr provided Tor use at or In Q*AnOct,100 with weld Air?*"- B. nse +'ia vex , +wort_ '1,% eadiUm tot all rUhts eln- Uhares ,Vcmted in We asgmatent, tae issaeo aha1U LAv,- the ri;�st to use tl* Air- port i'or the follovIng epees. IC pus°vseesst (1) Ttw operation ai a trawportation system by aircraft for the - dsrr3a;e cS z aaantay prs rty 9ml MU, ?nc].ui:s".•I; a-11 a0tir'ltiess rcawnablY necesmary to such operation, herelttarter refermd to as 'Air tz cs?sartetian"3 i27 The 3st%Un,:v teakilm! oft, loadin•;, va]oxl , repe�rinf;, wantcfioinl, 0Mditionifs >, eer Laing, parkin,,* atoriW and Mooting of aira aft or other fafjaipmsat inaludiA3 the use of a romonable SWWt Or OfliQZb`}vItl i0caw raw aroa vhich lessor failL keep in good - rePair, >A Including the sl ht to erect or imtan and rminta f1 an ORM eirfxor'e, at locations to be =*-,e.Ujr O',Tced uIsn, adoquato storage feci3.itiea t6r Oil, Ofe"ses3 and •ethos Awl or XUPPL .es# at O=iO ieat xvoatiaan, .1a amrclamtw tiritta 3xrsnr =06 ez�rri ere* ata3,•3nrds,.togetbar,vilth the newoearir p "s, pugs'- Mora,, filters Owl *tbor • APQUrtcnwrCaa InCidgn +..a7. to, 'tha ?4a tt araai'; such atruoturss au! appurt::uvoas to be mAd ri=alu the sewrablo proportyr of re e;- {3% 1"ae seta of is ts, dommentaatim a alkxwata. %maling . r -of erntiow.- end ttae.. WadinS =4 ml2amd4M of ,person, property aced ansU at , vajd Airport by auob mot -wr eghiclss or ntbor roams of tease as Lessee may deeirn or regulse itz the oporution of Its air traasportsation aptsm, wits the riAt to deslanato'the paittovJ= warrior or caraiara wbo 6au or Vey rem-•' transport, iegaemes pessar4;,er, am4 oaxgo to OrA fro, the ALrd,)rt, provubal,s houwar, tbat nothing coafAazed bsreta st all pronat tau► City Cram graeitinz tbo franoblos or irwablos for limmilm serV!icel (4) -i'he 7suobase et -'aaU Airport of iansea•a rc uiremeata of - gesolins, fue7,, lubriestim, oil, groos, fond and o'L%sr peas�engaer_euxp33ea, � - W otter sratariaU and suapliaaa from aq psrs'n Qr w rnnr of 8633601s 41V3s0,, and the mmkln; df"es_graements with any pars 3a or cavipa of s sahibm for work to be d-me for 7aesae; C3 }_ -r4a rota Utioz md bperstlon of idertify1m ei,aw on the },eased premista, tae- ,geaerr:l ty", a+ d daaiju of suA. &16%a to be subjeAt to the - VXovaal of the wort Panager, euab upgxo al not to bi. Arbltrru�:.lyF vltbhol l 7ee- ist�tin, r �mnece og(6) aiat'lon or suah lial oo i+ae�tioxi, > rv7z4lc.1 sad aerial evi anon squipraat QWA - faclUt L,,e in, on and about tbo promises said r'drport. m may be neeosaaxy, or cony' it In tho opi;::�q of the Losses tur its aaperatianal prar3+i+xi i�t the location af w=h egnUm rat sad tscilitisa' so aight Intsx-Tmrs vM ,iuU and pprsprra` use of the xirnort sha7,7, be subject is the aopra al o£ the Airport' ftm- Cer, such aWroval not 'fa be arbitr rIly ult,lhbe7s1; The ri. trta, 7lsenee>a _-tinted the Lamm wadar this Articllo T with respect to tho performacs of i;vouad eervicua and nctivitios its coraeotion v.!U its air transporfetIm 4pezatme eat the kart may be •eaxaarc3sed by the Us"s far and on W-AU of Us Uosee b7 m• wMmW or tmerson djuslowited - c• in @r„;3.n_a•'L laidd4R»_ . Me #:olnljW vas -of a to- -tax of resxirmtely � square feet of space, which includes - AU square fart of wuoter space, - sgmv fast ref air oonditimod armor, 'and aquam fe -t of non-dr aonc?StIoned Baca, subJect to actuai zmst*- amt-et thas tiara of takin3 possession, in the Terminal 0dJd1n,,,, sa the Aam Is mDm particu?.arly set Dorkh and abotnl on plans and sinciftwtions maned L&iblt B attechad Lasrato sad =t6 a. pert hcsmid °, for eueb wets na iosaee XV doulm to mko tharso: in ctmeotion wS.tXt or Ina3ciental to Its oparatiou of an air tram-, portatiors e,intcm. The reasee aliall Irme the r1jht and option at an timEa ana fr= t3" to tiro dt dn; the term haroof and of any extaaasiQn or r03esrm1, to las,� for thu excUalve uio of .3tailr'or oC -any air tramnart coq;wV Subsidiary L> or afti.lima t with it, asp ac&1itloma a~n&*& at tho Air,*' b not MDOSO ry t-: tbs_ Lssatoraaa' operation or tho ,6irjxsr4s Wd 'at the tiseo not jcaeed to othors, Vb$t_l- amh knew is sdjaaect to tine apa a ]a "ad hereunder or otherwise" togc,:tar with tury ur rs27 ri:3hts, ru Situ, 22oe m am and ?zrinils bts wVu-tclInut to meb d and to tb:� AIrport, upua the saw 9en.ral tom sac' aonditium as a" b6min Wabiitshade D. The usm bar tassee and Its arsiayces, in Ommn =Y wAL the other air trensport operrtors vho 1wr be 1e23e00 of S;moe at US Aimert, and thoir emloyeas} Of RftCJumete vatdeUUX Parkin„ swag located as near am p o"Ible to aa3d Terminal. BuIldia-, sw-itbmt dbea*Lft, to Lessee or to said �rzj3,oye v. tteaoess._JU, , �;Z. VW i` ll rind v=strIcted ri;�,t6 oi°'rwr an, aagreas arcs e4graus sibi respect to-the qre�iaai o;.t1k)_ d In rara3Tanhs A to D ,abt?ve, rot iesees, its r_mployaeoo paaaangarls, g4asta, patr=s invitses, atrpllere of materials and Amniobere ai servioo, its or UAIr air- craft, equir -mot, atsb.2olcs, machitaery and oar prs? arty, vithout c arse to %sssaeo, or to said per ;errs or r)ro_mlrty. Xassee shsU have and h'tlti sold ymeidsrat, fmcD tiez, rights, lic"'oes and pr;vUe.& as oat forth b u%wephs- -- A to S i<aalua ±set, of Attu T, for a to= noes enc,sa,- oa the _Sy_ . uay' ©h' A 9u f��; a 13,� and terriisu41s9 at Uia emi cad tile = av ve 29A�' vnlmss Asomar ta3rminated as 1*re ma tax ,Mvided. y iL "a'_ i.a,i rya _T ?"ssr rap. "3enta that It 'ksa tlse ri�ikt to lease Ba3cl LsroaerLg a»d ars.. our tenances tozathor with si3 the iUcIliti"o rights, licences azd nrivIlea ss herein, UmUd, and tms full power and mathority to eater into this leaea In respect turvors 071 covenants that Wft perf mom of the apeammi :s on the part at Lessee to be performed here= -wra laassee.aball Peaceably Uwe easel enjoy' ®airy prembese eu-s xUrtenan0ess flea utieass ,V10tss licenses. and grivUed es. ' zaseor+ a that it vill develop and Unrove, and at nil. time maintain and seta with adequate Oriel OVICIent personnel and keep In LOW M- pair WM tstr,*rt and Terminal buildings and the a%vWten AO"s facilitiaa and aeraic:a now or hereafter cornWAd t1mrawlth, and keeta NOA Afrsort its apprcaahms f"raa_ fr Qb stxuut mp wnmstlm and interforenoe for the eafts verAent and proper we thereof by Lessee, wd will mi t.in" aaa operate Gam bir,ort so as to entitle it to the ep ?rove3d ratinj by the Folaral Aviation A„vn" and ail other a::pabnrlatss rsegju tory autlxtritiee in x'espsct to all p reaMt ad ,tt ban operations of lems m, - Lessor shall provide ade*fite iisssgs4nution for the 4ma agdjocent to the aaerrmtnal Duild ng NYtb a mini.mm Oi tivvo coot candles at a distance of 75 feet 'fr41n the sump team lime it is wqm m!]y ndersstood t mt the Iassor will keep VA ;mbl to Spam $a +be Termlae7: bAUding +ettrectivaly rvrnipbed, or v3i11 ryrgvide and sapPl7 adequate lt;;ht, aleastrioity and water for the public rips") boat during colds weather aufficient to keep the bulMing at -a remondUe tomeraatW" JmAtores and sower cleaneve nemsealy to keep tine Airport and tell]. spate, iataluding Les- " Gj*vv exsluLioo space, In .Terninal Wilding at ail, 'tim".clemp a€naet, orderl p sanitary and nress- astable; such psrsonnel as m° be necovisaxI to facilitate Um =m of the Aivport and ernaipal building midi the a,putteimaaeem, fooll ties and - sarrloes as afaruseid Irl any one hereunder entitled to me the some' tses:or e;-mn that it will paovklav in Lessee's eLolvaive Space, do ar tic water® nechnnicmel e;ul -nmat amd piping; nacossary for doling and hc*tI"C Lee- 0"13 malusive Spam to,�at'hes with the mcessary loot god cold water to aIr condition and '!seat easel apaced " The Iaaaor oovenents and a rears that if it should ramUh. smo and faclUties In the Terminal ikAlding for the use or any g*verrnmntai agency or doo- partment requirin; #sae tlmrein, each atpace and facilities etge]l be furnisbal without charge t4 the Excess• ft(,Vs Am u"aiATI m 140900 cmn=to alnd knves to observe and aboy all ream m3able seed lmwiisl rulso SrA "guloim, not in 00,liCt. with the pravis3omas hasreaf, which Va Strom tim to time during the term hereof ba pranasli'atod mead entoreed by toasor far operatima at said Almort. . _ - ` L"Os agre a to pay Lesa�r for the use ol 41.1 t_-8 prer-Anco, facilities, right4, iiconses ana privIlegem granted haarsuAder, th© roUOUW MatalS, fOss and chargose 1. Tick at Camter Area t.40 per sq. ;M6 per an nM 2. . "ir C4MMI necl QUI09 Space 3.90 per sq. rt. per um-Air Conditioned Sp:aos 3.40 Per aq. ft. ,Per wn= 4. ;.2,75 per =nth for each exC7aaa3vea ftblic Addroas n1crop'hons 3caated in Lessee's exclusive s-mw. 5. ,2,Z per math ror eaa?s inter -cow vAcat on WAtraamynt la_ catod In Lessesto exclusive epaoe. :TP- tEe event UAt it bgo maa manually agmeabla to iseatoll on inter -o sicatica o"tem by the ;son gt !3en iaslepbone Co stay, so that than Inter -cos tstcatlqu Dystem Is not prwided by 10ssor, thou this char.-a shall not be mode. - 6. 7.,ess *jrmes to pay for the e1e9eaUvj energy cansumed by Lose" in Lessee's exclusive apace Cm a mtor-,C4 Umb at the City'a coat. 7. Lessee My Sim time to time rent v-pmas on t1w easti",lolst upon terw mutually #r,,�;Lcma up—M bo ueon tao Iva tics sit at such 3omt4ana es aq be Mtvaally &,''rbee3 upon, for time loaaation, or ahOp spSs. 0. lasses may rm timta to time laws epacs f;r VLJ stera,q or AMID wA pro; nenta at as. mutuouy a_-t4" aznon a„catim on the eirtiold,v W)on 'terms and conaltims mutually s,,med 'U bet4x ou the partles. 9. - Usmor will ze3ap the electrical outlets within LOaseaIa oxclualve wea3 for they actual cast,, exclusive 0C labar, to lasaor aT the i»s aactumuy wsao -lp. lading Coos wUI be Vall by Lassos at tho taste of $i ht 3¢) cents per thousand ra=ls of the modrum corUMed ;prose Iacling ,.,ht of lessee's aircraft 3aa3cw at the as3rr..Ort. Landlns, fees will be computed on Vie basis *2 tho tactual nuacber of o'n'e mWo at tbo aWaort. The above listed rentals axed fees shall c° duo ww jwzmbia on a m,aatlAy baaols, ehypnts shell be t w'is to the Airport ,s"r Qr to aa..cia other agency or the City as my be opeci€imny dayulmted in writing; by tho t ssor. The frra„*otV payments sal he v&le on r,r Wore the 15th slaw of the aaland r minth gent succaeding that ror which - myment is Win., nedel madded that In no ccz jo win said aawAmt bo payable until ton (10) deeys after recOl,Pt by the teeases of an wr?ttm bill limos tar f o the tessorl and provVed t1st the teases shall not be mgt.iied. to !emu j a mgpoct to any time c^ time during *blob the tae.Uition �l� and pprivitc 4as of Said Airport end premless ew not �a a � = , , ,:' c.ry, f orY to UZA, - stanaard Get In tbis earea ut, or mme not for other 3'®49,na uE +10 P7 tlio c >, *Oa In a. it-4 said oporations and baslstees9. .r �if� u is Ci 'iirk r!:: ait pis ' Into rentals, aeew, liaenes, csc3oo or o:eratinz,taxes, tol,s or other c bsrj; -,a, e °r- )t thaao herein exM$B V ,prodded, aboU be ohauged against or 001» 37eted from., altect3y or :bWireotly, ILL resaee or *%W other sac;Uon .csn„ra;ed 11a mr)p3 *s lessee, for the prIvI4zZcs cat` lurid,;, selling, 'av:uL, aorlm;s 'pit"• dmwin, s handlln� , conaumiX, Or trcauap rr 1 m®tr„r.}Ab or Oi ":'= Vawlitse toy from or on tae Airport; of makinj or jgxiormj-,4 aLwo+amanta for work, naa -WrIuU or_ cervices at the Alr;zort; of trawpuftlujp 1084l3: url10acl14; or lsandling Per- was, property or awl. to, from or on cult! Airport; or for mW other of the promises, Zacl =tle., ri_,,�late, licensou and ;ari.:ri2regos granted In tblb- 20080. 3otblas confab berein, bossevear, shall prohibit 't% Lessor from rent— In,, apam for or chugIng a fee to a oaterimg servioo provWing Food, or from grantiq; fv=diiaes for t2,o operation of 11maualne ma taxiwland rent -awcar se rvlcti or charl3n�' a1 fl.ov4„ge fcae to olsetatM -Vj mad A3, R1olo end iubrioants can Wa ai4 xyit. ale .provision is not to llmtt the riz;U,t or lesaar to Beers or tax in a general or maser al"tt*ry wV W off ao or buainc93 opera'cion low tud or e.,TZuotsd outOiele the beymdarUo 02 the Airport oM vitIAn the cOr°aorata Ur,. Its at lessor; and It In not t�,, alt Lessor's risht to Woae 90IMMI and non_ discrlidmtory od *Uw m tantion on peraonal or zeax Property having a taxa'blea situs uitbin tbo corIvrste JWU of Lessor, it wV taffies pthor than ad valorem or --=ral sales tawm are peld by louse cj r re-n t of Ita eJ r3xativno, the foLs and czrC,is in vticle VII hamoT shaU be 41minlabed 9.n like , musts• ,ARTEL: _ii. If w8' propel+► mart or atl a wWah io leased to Lens, sbel7. be putlall9 damva dam or wbouy deggrtroyad by fire or other casualty, Lessor at its om eost and ex_mae shoed repair or reemstruct the same Witt. dteee d.gl].i:;mw am3 Within a reasonable time; and tosseoe3 runts.% and other amr s vitb ftspert to said properV ahaU be proportionateI7 abated Ram tbo lAppenina a£ aucb age . or dentruc+t on mmtil such time m the premissa oball be gut in order. t 3,YkTTfYJ G, IMOR In the event that Haase shell filer a vobmtary petition in-bsa%r4fty or tbat proaesdin in baolrMtey Bair I be in3tItUtfA aPinst it SUd %Ouse is thereafter ad judia stsd bankarupt p rmmt to ouch procoadings, or tbut- the court (than te3w jm-ed3ction of ["me and its &mosto gairsuant to vroceedin4p bV*uAt unrior tie:+ provislons- or argr Adarea rtor;,-anisatiooa-act, or that a receiver of Lessee's fa,sets ohsll be appointed, or tbai ,Leease ab&U be divowW of or be prevented by ww rima salon Qt ww Federal or "Mate auth ,)rityr from o')nduetin., and o;roratind its tranaportatim system ,for the carriage o: 'Persons, property and wail by aircraft at the Airport, or that Laos" shalt #ail to perform, keep w d observe ,any a the taxaes, co ae nU or OmvUtsow herein contained on tbs part of the Teas" to be pa ormed, kspt' or observed, the lessor my Give the Tmssoo no- tice in writing to seamiest aunb condition or c=a, such default, Lid, If say such condition or det'ault shoU coati for tbirty (30) days after the receipt of such notice by the tease*, the Lassor W, after the lapse o£ *&W tyrirty W) -&w period sea prior to the correction or or cueing of much condition or de >Psultr termlowte tb.0 lease by a t ty t2o? dep'wrltten notine; Md ttao_'term bax*bV demised abiLU tiu supou cm6 and expirs at the mod of ouch t"Aftty (20) 110370 In the seas manger ged to tb& swo effect se if it Vera the expirat" or the orialn. - al tom _ Losses, in stuition to my dat of car countion or &v other ri ht herein given to Issue, may suagand or cannel 'tans lease in its entirely or sous+ pood or ter to all w MW of its cU)Jjptiona 3uvu3dor at w time, by this it �3 J einysa srx wscr uuticsr t3azosa or after the bupj*Mn' of wW one Of the ioltusr ing eventes A. They tarta9nqtiaf of ;[""Ole s ll-g"atioree or 3d_-)r4 Imposed by core- tract or bt:orriaeo to the Pcdezul tkrerawnt for the oarrl&< O oS United 5tntao air suel. to, Zrom or throu,;,h Wrdrus Qarleti, T,)=sl a. Lesiepwtion by the t uifiesa Lepeu air or any other �t+pstant gaverrmetal authority, of an wort other than sales - Airport as a temndnal. polut for Corpuu %; nristl, Tess, for tra reosiviud and dispatcbIng of United states air -no_u; or tits bwaing by-Lomas* of another vlr vrt for- ouch purpose; �7r LO AV failure or refusal by the r^ede =Al Aviation AgLmc ' to permit Esaaacu to operate into# from or thrQUA OW Air+ort such Miresru't as lessee MW r<.- asonmbl ' ecaJ= so 'Lo operated w - U breach by Tier a£ w of the co9ensnic, or eveemnta hersln - i contalned and the Tamura of lessor to remedy such brew for d pc AOII of trirty (30) days ral r rsaespt o.0 s, dritteli notice of the existence of -aub b+'ambl E. The Inability of lasaeo to use said premise and facilities cont3Y>- uiaa$ for A ]ringer poriaa than thirty ice) days whether doe to any 3aw or - orders : rule or regulstiw oP any saathority IAV3n; Jurisdiction over the TwOmUas or they opamtions- of Jessea, or duo to warp eWhgwIm or other casualty. in tLa av at tbat the TAOSW shell. OUSPIrld this 30884 ar ang of its ob- 1 ly'ati�rnaa ce Wrsiu praoviusU, lcaage silal l haw the further M,-ht, during such suspension, to camel this lease or aay o£ 149 0biagatioas by,givinj lessor thirty -, (30) dsp s saitten notice of such eance: stion at ecy time prior to toMinatiass of tb.:- a�nditioa or ovent u''3ah Gave rise t A the euspensionp aria if 1e98e0 does not so cancel,, such suspMMIM slA3,l, termfnste sixty (60) dom after terminaUM of suck condition or event en;i- urit'tsn =tie* tuerea frogs Lessor to less". The period of wW auapenelm of this lease in its entiretg shall be aided to the to= � "= lm-A or arm renewal or eattimio t thereof. Zvi" W aim t.�antinued porlIormmace by vithar parry pm—mmAt ,W the teraffi of this * aunt a:'eer A dUr4uZt of eny Of tiny tee, tenants and ccrxllticae- herein cant::lrnad to be porioz mop Impt or obonve i by the other, parW sbai3. aaat bo deemed a waiver of ate`" rlZbt to caawl this leads Tar such defmatp and zw waiver of aw _ wimb deTmnTlt shall be construed or mat a:+ a uaiyer of any submgLwnt deTault.- , ir..ssee Ads to yis]d. aid' Qellver ta- lessor ,posseesion of the prOmiass "CIMPU*17 "Back herein at thy+ Ur- I-stim of this lea", Isy es?s3rat3n� car ' otherwise, or of .say' renewal or e�ian i2ereoi', S» caui�3tion in accordance wit. its exp mm ob33gctiom berausUrl, exuspt tir reec=blo wear and tsar„ T% or other cawiolty, and losses shall Lava the ri ;ht at my tip+ 41uring OW term, Iser€� and r seine++- 1301 da ai-ter the termination. or any reaewa or mzverw m e , yo horeofm to rerovo say buildixV, Estructump or facilities it gay scoot or install on the premises and to mere- all fl;iftm end equipuent sad other proparty In- stalled or placed by It at its expense, In, cc or about the nremmissN bero3a leasedl subJect, 7.Maa+a+r, to MW Valid Uen wi lch rrasox my hove thereon for un040 rents Or fees. MAZ lea,ae shall not at O tiUfj aasi�n this lesao or stay part thaxeof Without tho ca t in tmixing of lonar` prov1del, hewer, that crithout such consent lessee ray alai;,, this lease to m' corporation Ath vbfch tho 3evao.a MY morge or corsol3date or uhiah amp suecoad to ties tualwas of 'this Ieffi=, or zaY sublet an of the a lowed esolusivo3y to the lessee hereunder. 3T�1�'%;ATIt'3+7 The Lessee, under tba terra of this A sent, win not be in 004U01 or gosspaoion of said tircrvrt, except as to the parts thereof leased exaiusierely to lessee, aW &,revues does n .t aoq=, -a ,:osuoms1bi3ity for the aWuct or operation or the said Alznort or for the ;o4Tm2ca1*Ory at"a'z OWditIM10 of the am.3. Iinf- avery it is w;pressly ems3ena'tooa ar+d a:�, by and- bet•.aeea the pertles hereto tl:et the lessee is and shalt be an lWenetulent contraeor and oNmtors rc.vwwlbls to al3 parties s:or an of its acts or m Awslt As W `the lessor shall it no lag be responsible therefor. It Is further agreed that In its eras aaa enjoyment of the field, promises and faoMtles barein .referred to, the Teases will,ina2etOi4 and save barmlese the .Lessor frrm wq and all claim or losses that may proxinate3y, - reevlt to the Loseor .from azW negl4ewe on the cart of the lessee, „.ts duly ae- t rbed a? oats or and obsU in all vap bout the Lessor bunlese Zrkz arm, pravUed the uoaaor shrL ivt to tho Lessen prourA motice of SAY 0193-s, damage or dotes, or action in resWot thaazato, and on ca,,- ,ortaan3ty aeasoaahly to I motLaste anti defend. o;'alwt arty cieIS or action b < uaoa asp ect tae„1# , t caadwt or th+3 Lessee or Its dung authorised adunts or reM3antat11%s. 'tea Lessor ho- outder agre€ia to maintain in aaxfe V)nditlOn C11 p3scas In and about said -dirT.ort which are used by, or rarer socassibla to, the publia, such as waiting, room, 3Aamtorlss, paten - lots, streets, sidewalM and otb?,r spproadbavy ate., and Lessor furtttra5r agrm to lnownUi 7 +and 'hold Ibsen havmUss born any end an clairs, maido by parsons who are, ;vm boon, or viler. be paasm-u'srs or UP %asow, saalmant tbt3 Lases arieie„ out of and as a renat of the condition of eat' of tzars publicly wed pr=lacs in and about said Airport and Lessor >uuth:rr agnv9s to re9.raianoee teepee f)rr arm eLA al3 conLq ana expezrsoo 1ncL: x1 in �2Gb._nd- 9- i :Ln. or settLw wa eu& aul m. . i k4,ti+xes t, the Lessor provided Tar herein ahsa bhe snfticient :21:' sent by iF3:: teYed wil , p3pSta.'a j!ft jaz, Od4c;,30O& tog &ir�,o� Ml1nB�`or torus C3riei i, 2c w; and 'wttws to the 1As39e, it cent W MAIStered ULU* 9astak,.-e nrspaid, sr��ares�d tr.) lbs9ao` int- ernstlawl Airaort, BnusL= 270 uses, or to eumb 4thsr reepaot:ivs ad4vases do 'tkw psx -ULa pay dealzmto in writin„ 1'sM t1w to t.Ise. " Gf €T7i�v LeSW *Wm-n nts and siege not to eater -Into ww lwact cont=13t ar agrwmt, with MW QVIer air trsnsaort oWrator vi,'th Mspact can- ulnw mare faverabla terms t1lan t is :Image or to omt to ins' Other air trans- port operc.F,or rights, aviuse>s or e3nosasioaa with rog�ct is the aaici Airport wiaSah exe aA- sccoMM to tba losses hsMMder unless the -ate tez�, ri;Pto, pr r b,63 gnu cunaesalona are concarrantly gusts avalUble to the Lessee. AF?T�"Gta; XVi�� Jhenevar the term " -- &l- AvUtUn 4fncr ie WyOd in this Imo, it eb&U to Cx=- sOd as referrin; to the fbderal.Aviation A,;mWy aroated by the 6etieial twvfartu ut or3,imlly as the rivil Aeromutics Wtrnrity un"r the Civil ' Aeromuties Amt of j938, ar film 'wash oti�er enayr ar nnclL ai t%e F ers2 QvasA• spent hxvin�,;, £ram time t� tire slcsilar jw- lodiotion over th:. d--eww or its business. { 4 y ' R'i,a article and V radr, %,-.h 3yaeriinwn azro iraarted only so s natter of wn- #eaieace and Par re%a*enoc aO lu uv Wa7 deff4al l pit Or de 3be tho acooa or intent of any plods lon 'Or this *age* it is i'uriiesr eupresa3Y va3erat�od Opal a rsad bT a bgtsrewa tbO Per'tias v.F hereto that in the anent sn,+)^ covencuot, cwoltian'oT provision herein oanieloOd Is s6-2-60 bold to to invalid by Court oomr3otent jurUdictim, or otberwisa &PPOM T WW of to both Parties to be laws-Uv,, the InTaUditY Or MW such *,)T Y►tP 00 "d 1 Una or provision amn in no w arrect any other covenants condition or PrOVIsift haroin contained; provided, however, tbAt thc inv&UditY Of 4XI such cOvOn"to c!njition or provision do" not WwriaUy prejudice either the lessor or the Ims- see in Its respective rUbta and obl-Uations contained in ths VOW c0vw=tsv wouditions or provisions of tIJ" lu."o. VNErOOF, the partleo horeto bwm wasuted these prasifttb as of the day and your first abavv wrAttoa. "S )RI TRANS-TM4S ADVAYS by --o" ATTLSTs CITY •1.1? Corl-Up, V•RD"T'l, TW3 =017 Secretary city NW&Ter APPP,MD 19.E TO VEAL F TU13 - UY V a 2:360 City Att*rMT r THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE WAS/Ji;F,AD FORT E IRST TIME AND PASSED TO ITS SECOND READING ON THIS THE DAY OF iq 00, BY THE FOLLOWING MOTEL ELLROY KING JAMES L. BARN ARD MRS. RAY AIRHEART JosEPH B. DUNN PATRICK J. DUNNE R. A. FUMBLE GABE L. LOZANO# SR. THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE WA READ FOR N It 0 TIME ND' PASSED TO ITS TNIRD READING ON THIS THE �DAY OF 19�i BY THE FOLLOWING MOTEL ELLRoY KING JAMBS L. BARNARD MRS. RAY AIRHEART JOSEPH S. DUNN PATRICK J. DUNNE R. A. HUMBLE GABE L. LOZANOL SR. THAT TNE'FOREOOING�ROIhANCE W EAD FOR THE THIRD TIME AND PASSEO FINALLY ON THIS THE DAY OF�' 1� W s BY THE FOLLOWING MOTEL ELLROY KING JAMES L. BARNARD - MRS. RAY AIRHEART JOSEPH B. DUNN PATRICK J. DUNNE R. A. HUMBLE GABE L. LOZANO, SR. PASSED AND APPROVED, THIS THE—j—DAY OF ATT�� C MDR ITV SCCUT I f THE CITY 6CORPUS C61 STIs TEXAS A AS TO iORM THIS DAY OF 19 d4 CITY ATTORNEY