HomeMy WebLinkAbout07299 ORD - 07/29/1964eiw:7/29/64 AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING THAT 10 -FOOT WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT HAVING ITS CENTERLINE IN LOT A OF AMENDED PLAT OF SAXET COM- MUNITY CENTER FILED IN THE MAP RECORDS OF NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS, IN VOL. 22, PAGE 81; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, THE 10 -FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT HAVING ITS CENTERLINE IN LOT A OF AMENDED PLAT OF SAXET COMMUNITY CENTER FILED IN VOL. 22, PAGE 81 OF THE MAP RECORDS OF NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS, IS UNNECESSARY FOR THE INSTALLATION OF UTILITY SERVICE TO THE LOTS ABUTTING ON SAID UTILITY EASEMENT HERETOFORE LOCATED IN SAID EASEMENT HAVE EITHER BEEN RELOCATED OR COMMITTED TO BE RELOCATED BY THE OWNER; AND WHEREAS, IT WOULD BE ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE PUBLIC TO ABANDON SAID EASEMENT: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. THERE IS HEREBY DECLARED ABANDONED THE 10 -FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT HAVING ITS CENTERLINE IN LOT A OF AMENDED PLAT OF SAXET COMMUNITY CENTER, IN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS, AND THE CITY MANAGER IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO EXECUTE SUCH INSTRU- MENT AS IS NECESSARY TO EVIDENCE THE ABANDONMENT OF SAID EASEMENT AT SUCH TIME AS THE OBLIGATIONS OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER, W. E. FRY HAVE BEEN FULLY PAID AND PERFORMED. SECTION 2. THE NECESSITY FOR IMMEDIATE ABANDONMENT OF SAID EASEMENT TO THE OWNER OF ABUTTING PROPERTY CREATES A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND AN IMPERATIVE PUBLIC NECESSITY REQUIRING THE SUSPENSION OF THE CHARTER RULE THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE OF ITS INTRODUCTION AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE SEVERAL MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL, AND THE MAYOR, HAVING DE- CLARED THAT SUCH PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE PUBLIC NECESSITY EXIST, AND HAVING REQUESTED THAT SUCH CHARTER RULE BE SUSPENDED AND THAT THIS ORDINANCE BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE OF ITS INTRODUCTION AND TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, THIS THE DAY OF JULY, 1964. ATTEST: / THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS CITY ECRETAR APPROVED AS TO EGAL ORM THIS ,,q_�DAY OF ��LY, 1964: CITY ATTORACY 9 7299 CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS ///// //// DAY OF , �9, TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FORE- GOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPENSION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; I, THEREFORE, HEREBY REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDINANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRO - DUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTFULLY, L THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JAMES L. BARNARD JAMES H. YOUNG JACK R. BLACKMON f ke JOSE R. DELEON 22v. M. P. MALDONADO ," W. J. ROBERTS R W. H. WALLACE, JR. THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE FOLLOWINGIVOTE: JAMES L. BARNARD JAMES H. YOUNG L JACK R. BLACKMON JOSE R. DELEON M. P. MALDONADO W. J. ROBERTS C° W. H. WALLACE, JR. ��_ r WILL E. FRY 758 AVONDALE DRIVE CORPUS CImISTI, TEXAS TELEPHONE TU -SSA July 25, 1964 Jv.2 < 9 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, City of Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, Texas Gentlemen: �W> Please consider this my request to have the easements, de- scribed in the field notes attached hereto, and which ease- ment involved is located on Lot A, of Saxet Community Cen- ter, abandoned and vacated. A replat relocating and dedicating new easements has been submitted to the Zoning and Planning Commission, and it was given conditional approval on April 289 1964. None of the easement to be abandoned and vacated joins or affects any other property, except that owned by me. All of the conditions of the Zoning and Planning Commission have been met. Attached hereto are copies of my letters to each utility head, agreeing to their proposals and require- ments. The conclusion of this matter has been delayed only by rea- son of my not understanding how to proceed. I am ready to start remodeling and building additions to the buildings on my property; but I cannot proceed with these improvements until the easement in question is vacated. Your prompt favorable action upon this request will be ap- preciated. cWE.r rely yours, i ' wl �l e' r McCLENDON & ASSOCIATES CUNSUL'1TNG ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS FILE JOB NUMBER OR DRAWER - -- C11AiFCT July 22, 1964 SUB-SUBJECT LETTER FILED BY - DATE iFIELD NOTES FOR A 10' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT TO BE ABANDONED AND SITUATED IN LOT A OF AMENDED PLAT OF SAXET COMMUNITY CENTER FILED IN VOL. 22 PAGE 81 OF THE BAP RECORDS OF NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS. BEGINNING at the northwest corner of Lot A of Saxet Community Center, a point in the easterly right -of -way of Villa Drive, Thence with said right -of -way 5290431W 110' to the northerly boundary of an existing 1G' utility easement{ Thence with said boundary line S 600171E 1001 to the most northerly or northwest corner of this tract and the point of beginning. THENCE S600171E 401 to an interior corner of this tract. THENCE N290431E 201 to a corner of this tract. THENCE 5600171E 10' to the most easterly corner of this tract. THENCE 5290431W 301 to the most southerly corner of this tract. THENCE N 600171W 50' to the most westerly corner of this tract. THENCE N290431E 101 to the point of beginning. ear a"1`e RRT /bg �� McCI E, NDON & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS FILE I JOB NUMBER OR DRAWER - -_ BUBJECr July 22, 1964 SUBSUBI= —__— FILED BY DATE _ FIELD NOTES FOR THE CE11TER LINE OF A 10' WIDE UTILITY EASMENT TO BE ABANDONED AND SITUATED IN LOT A OF AMENDED PLAT OF SAXET COMIUNITY CENTER FILED IN VOL. 22, PAGE 81 OF THE MAP RECORDS OF NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS. BEGINNING at the most easterly corner of Lot A, the most northerly corner of Lot B, a point in the southerly right -of -way of UpRiver Road as shown by said map of Saxet Community Center, Thence with said southerly right -of -way N58009140 "W 1161 to the point of beginning of the centerline of this 10' wide easement. THENCE parallel with and 5' normal to a portion of the westerly and northerly boundary line of said Lot A S33o26150 "W 1$9.85*; Thence N600171W 60, to the end and terminal point of the center line of this 10' easement. 1 e &s RRT/bg 4 �, . 3 i July 25, 1964 Honorable Mayor and',Membars b of the City Council, , Y , a ., . _ City of Corpus Christi, . Corpus Christi, Texas Gentlemen: Please consider this my request to have the easements, de- scribed in the field notes attached hereto,*and which ease- ment involved is located on Lot A, of -Saxet Community Cen- ter, abandoned and vacated. A repplat relocating and dedicating new•edlsdments has been submitted to the Zoning and Planning Commission, and it was given conditional approval on April 28, 1964. None of the easement to be abandoned and vacated joins or affects any other property, except that owned by me. All of the conditions'of the Zoning and Planning Commission have been met. Attached hereto are copies of my letters to each utility head, agreeing to their proposals and require- ments. The conclusion of this matter has been delayed only by rea- son of my not understanding how to proceed. I am ready to start remodeling and building additions to the buildings on my property; but I cannot proceed with these improvements until the easement in question•is vacated. Your prompt favorable action upon this request will be ap- preciated. S e\Y y 7) W 112 INTER - OFFICE COMMUNICATION Dept. Public Utilities k To Herbert Whitney City Manager APP70N`Q From G. C. Letch Director of Public Utilities Date July 29. 1964 _ Subject M='• Will E. Fry's Request for Abandonment and Relocation of Utilities in Easement on Lot A in Saxe, Communitv Center At your request I have checked with each of the division heads of the Water, Gas, and Sewer Divisions regarding the estimated costs of re- locating the water, gas, and sewer lines in the requested closing and the estimates that were submitted to Mr. Fry are as follows: Laying of approximately 140 feet of sanitary sewer lines and building of ne- cessary manholes, $500.00. The laying of approximately 170 feet of water line in the installing of one fire plug, approximately $700.00. The laying of approximately 65 feet of two inch gas line in the aband- onment of 185 feet of old line in the easement of lot A, approximately $330.00. It is my understanding that Mr. Fry has been discussing with the city's Planning Department and with Mr. Pilcher with the Legal Department re- garding his request for this change and a dedication of a new easement to replace the closing of the existing easement. As Mr. Fry is agreeable for the paying of the relocation of these utility lines and the dedication of a new easement so that to permit building expansion; I would recommend approval of this request. Find attached sketch furnished by McClendon and Associates regarding easement change. r� G. C. Letch Director of Public Utilities GCL:ekm Attachment Y.iLL E." FRY 758 AMMALE MM CORPUC QIiRI TI, TLFAS . a t July 21, 1964 City of Corpus Christi Canitary Cecer Iivision 1403 West Sroadway Corpus Christi, Texas Attentions Fir. D. 0. Z"athos:s. Lear Mr. M?atheass This letter is in confirmation of our conversation and oral agreement of July 20, 1964, ;relative to tae laying of new cower lines in the easement granted the City of Corpus Christi on Lot "E" of Caret Comaunity Center. I am to pay the city the eetiraated cost of 5:500.00 for the laying of approximately 11;0 feet of ranitarf sower lines and building four manholes. :aid manholes are to be placed in the easement, substantially as laid out on a plot flan furnished by me and in the eacerent as laid aA on the replat prepared by K. & M. Engineering Co. I appreciate your co= operation in this matter. Cincerely yours :ill E. Fry WILL E. FRY 758 AvorALE DRIVE CCRPW C?i.RIMI, TEX-$ July 21, 1964 City of Carpus Christi Atleo Cunn'nghwn U'ater `bperintondent 1317 Kastina Corpus Christi, Texas .Bear Mr. Cunninghami 4 Thie letter As in- confirr-ation of our conversation and agreexent of this morning, relative to the laying of approximately 170 fact of water line in the earenenb ranning from villa £rive to the rear of -the stores on lot "A„ axet 'hopping Center, The ectsei__Int $A as. laid drat vn 'a plat of Laid lot "A" prepared by A. & H.,Fngineerirg Co. 4 x .e _ ':' I agree to pay for a ix -inch fireplug; and valve and to pay the catimated cost of tt:o labor and pipe as estimato4 by you not to exceed Oo0.ON You are to furnish me bath a statement of estixeted cost, snd I am to pay ' you before vork is started. .Also, 7m are "to kill the'old line in the old ea;croat rennin;, to Bp River Road that is being abandoned. I appreciate your co- operation and the attention ycu have given this iratter. .incere7v yours Will E..FrY K "` R WILL E. FRY " 758 AVOIMALF. TRIPE , C(RFUS 0 RIFTI, TEXAS July 21, 1964 City of Ccrpus Christi B. P. hodbettor - Cas Iivision £uperintendent L225 °cuth Port Corpus Christi, Texas Attention: Mr.T. M. Berlet. fear P"r. Berlets In confirmation of our conversation and agreement of duly 21, 1961, relative to the laying of approximately 65 feet o£`new, twc -inch gas, line end the abandonment of 185 feet in an old abandoned easement :n lot "A ", Faxet Ehopping Center, I agree to pay you °330.00. 1•understand that this is the estimated cost of material and labor for the new work and pay for the salvage value of the bld line, which ie t-) be disconnected and abandoned. I appreciate your prompt attention and co- operation in this matter. .in ,�ly yours Will E. Fry •J L,4"ID YLANNINB • BOI7YRYd • I•AC1:1fEA'fN • ITIOilW.4Yd McCLENDON aft ASSOCIATES W.. W. WVLENDON CONSULTING ENGT.%'V"S AND SUR17BYORS O�rxs• REGISTERED xavmrn B.a.P.Y. Vt mxa Anuaeaa . P. O. BOX 3643 ura .-..0 w.• c.a. 127 X. 8-mv. CORPL *S CHRISTI. TEXAS, 78404 July 22, 1964 • STRUCTURAL DRRION' • WATER SUPPLY • BEWMAOR • APPRAIRALR A°aoc- ALL Ran a—, JOHN Y. RFL7NER OEOROR M. PYLE EUCUME C. BRRAV 1. R—Y Rareu To --- FIELD NOTES FOR THE CENTER LINE OF A 10' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT TO BE ABANDONED AND SITUATED IN LOT A OF AMENDED PLAT OF SAXET COMMUNITY CENTER FILED IN VOL. 22, PAGE 81 OF THE MAP RECORDS OF NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS. BEGINNING at the most easterly corner of Lot A, the most northerly corner of Lot B, a point in the southerly right -of -way of UpRiver Road as shown by said map of Saxet Community Center, Thence with said southerly right -of -way N580091401V 116' to the point of beginning of the centerline of this 101 wide easement. THENCE parallel with and 51 normal to a portion of the westerly and northerly boundary line of said Lot A S330261581V 189.851; Thence N600171W 601 to the end and terminal point of the center line of this 101 easement. RRT /bg f \� eas a e wjj e, -�� I � ' TELEPHONE MESSAGE STD form 36 (Rev. 6 -58) Date To M of (canAny) AL M. called at p.m. and left the following message: Please return ca110 Phone No. t. Returned your call= Will call again By: Ix RamT Remo To �. FIELD NOTES FOR A 10' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT TO BE ABANDONED AND SITUATED IN LOT A OF AMENDED PLAT OF SAXET COMMUNITY CENTER FILED IN VOL. 22 PAGE 81 OF THE MAP RECORDS OF NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS. BEGINNING at the northwest corner of Lot A of Saxet ' Community Center, a point in the easterly right -of -way of Villa N Drive, Thence with said right -of -way S290431W 1101 to the northerly boundary of an existing 101 utility easement; Thence with said boundary line S 600171E 100' to the most northerly or northwest corner of this tract and the point of beginning. THENCE S600171E 401 to an interior corner of this tract. THENCE N290431E 201 to a corner of this tract. THENCE S600171E 10' to the most easterly corner of this tract. THENCE S290431W 301 to the most southerly corner of this tract. THENCE N600171W 501 to the most westerly corner of this tract. THENCE N290431E 101 to the point of beginning. eas a e RRT/bg a' i i L,LN PLA A`NQ'G ' D • STRUCTURAL DEPIO:` • SMvHYS • WATER SUPPLY • I•AYElIENTH • 9RWRRAGE • HIGHWAYS • APPRAISALS McCLENDON & ASSOCIATES W,.. W. NCOLRNDON CONSUMING MiGYNERRS AND SURVEYORS AmGCUT¢a nwx¢¢ REGISTERED ALL R¢¢ia-- . )LIVxo Anu6aaa P. G. RCi 3643 JOHN Y. REL11'EH L M1LY¢Ce MII. C.7. 197 V. ST ..¢a ONORGH M. P 1 BVOE.VE O. VIidAN CORPL *S CHIUSTI, TEXAS, 76404 July 22, 1964 Ix RamT Remo To �. FIELD NOTES FOR A 10' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT TO BE ABANDONED AND SITUATED IN LOT A OF AMENDED PLAT OF SAXET COMMUNITY CENTER FILED IN VOL. 22 PAGE 81 OF THE MAP RECORDS OF NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS. BEGINNING at the northwest corner of Lot A of Saxet ' Community Center, a point in the easterly right -of -way of Villa N Drive, Thence with said right -of -way S290431W 1101 to the northerly boundary of an existing 101 utility easement; Thence with said boundary line S 600171E 100' to the most northerly or northwest corner of this tract and the point of beginning. THENCE S600171E 401 to an interior corner of this tract. THENCE N290431E 201 to a corner of this tract. THENCE S600171E 10' to the most easterly corner of this tract. THENCE S290431W 301 to the most southerly corner of this tract. THENCE N600171W 501 to the most westerly corner of this tract. THENCE N290431E 101 to the point of beginning. eas a e RRT/bg a' i