HomeMy WebLinkAbout10062 ORD - 01/06/1971ir ;n:l -o -jl - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A LEASE - PURCHASING AGREEMENT WITH RCA CORPORATION INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIVISION, OF NEW JERSEY, CONCERNING RCA SPECTRA 70 SYSTEM WITH SOFTWARE AND PROFESSIONAL SYSTEMS SUPPORT TO ASSIST THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ITS DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM, ALL AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE LEASE- PURCHASING AGREEMENT, A COPY OF WHICH 15 ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, AND AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE PROPOSAL FROM RCA CORPORATION INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIVISION, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY AND REFERRED TO HEREIN FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES AS IF COPIED VERBATIM HEREIN; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. THAT THE CITY MANAGER BE, AND HE IS HEREBY, AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO ENTER INTO A LEASE - PURCHASING AGREEMENT WITH RCA CORPORATION INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIVISION, OF NEW JERSEY, CONCERNING RCA SPECTRA 70 SYSTEM WITH SOFTWARE AND PROFESSIONAL SYSTEMS SUPPORT TO ASSIST THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ITS DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM, ALL AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE LEASE- PURCHASING AGREEMENT, A COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, AND AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE PROPOSAL FROM RCA CORPORATION INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIVISION, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY AND REFERRED TO HEREIN FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES AS IF COPIED VERBATIM HEREIN. SECTION Z. THE NECESSITY TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF THE AFORESAID AGREEMENT AT THE EARLIEST PRACTICABLE DATE IN ORDER THAT THE NECESSARY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MAY BE COMMENCED WITHOUT DELAY CREATES A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND AN IMPERATIVE PUBLIC NECESSITY REQUIRING THE SUSPENSION OF THE CHARTER RULE THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE OF ITS INTRODUCTION AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE SEVERAL MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL, AND THE MAYOR HAVING DECLARED SUCH EMERGENCY AND NECESSITY TO EXIST, AND HAVING REQUESTED THE SUSPENSION OF THE CHARTER RULE AND THAT THIS ORDINANCE BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE OF ITS INTRODUCTION AND TAKE EFFECT AND '0082 v BE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, THIS THE 6VIb DAY OF JANUARY, 1971. . ATTEST: CIT SECRE TA Y. 7 ROVED: D Y OF - NUA, , C Y ATTORNEY ;fWIAY R THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF NUECES EQUIPMENT LEASE AND SERVICE AGREEMENT CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI POST OFFICE BOX 9277 CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 78408 AND RCA CORPORATION' INFORMATION SYST DDS DIVISION CHERRY HILL CAMDEN, NE14 JERSEY 08101 The City of Corpus Christi, a municipal corporation and body politic under the laws of the State of Texas, hereinafter called the "City ", by and through its City Manager, R. Marvin Townsend, hereby covenants and agrees with RCA Corporation, Information Systems Division, a Delaware Corporation, hereinafter called "RCA ", for the considerations and undertakings hereinafter expressed, as follows: RCA hereby agrees to furnish to the City the equipment listed on Schedule A hereof, hereinafter more particularly identified, together with operational advice, support, and Instruction and the maintenance thereof, as hereinafter provided'. . 1. Term of Agreement. a. This Agreement is gffective from the date it is accepted and shall remain in force for seven years from the date Monthly Rental and Maintenance Charges shown on Schedule B commence•unless, fully paid or terminated before that time. b. After one year's use of the equipment or thereafter on any annual anniversary, the City may terminate the Agreement upon at least 60 days prior written notice to RCA and may then, if desired, lease the equipment on a month to month-basis at Commercial rates. C. In addition to the above, the City's liability beyond the then current fiscal period shall be subject to the appropriation of funds. 0 2. Charges. a. The Total Monthly Rental and Maintenance Charges shown on Schedule B entitle the City to the unlimited use of the equipment during a calendar month, exclusive of the time required for preventive and remedial maintenance. b. The charge for fractions of a calendar month shall be computed at the rate of 1 /30th of the Total Monthly Rental and Maintenance Charges for each day the equipment was installed. c. Charges shall commence as to each unit of equipment from the date it is installed. d. Unit Monthly Maintenance Charges shall be as shown on Schedule B for the term of the Agreement, unless changed by subsequent mutual agreement. e. The Monthly Maintenance Charges cover the maintenance of the equipment during a Principal Period of Maintenance consisting of the same nine consecutive hours a day (including eal g a period not exceeding one hour), Monday through Friday, excluding locally observed holidays. f. Except as otherwise herein provided in this Agreement, charges for maintenance service outside of the Principal Period of Maintenance or the selected Extended Principal Period(s) of Maintenance will be at RCA's standard rates applicable at the time of rendering such service. The minimum time charge for an initial service call in respect* of any item of equipment will be two hours, and additional service calls as to any item of equipment within the same calendar day will bear charges based upon actual working time. 3. Maintenance. Prior to the exercise of the Option to.purchase, RCA will maintain the equipment as follows; a. RCA will make periodic inspections and such preventive maintenance tests, repairs, adjustments and replacement of parts as may be necessary to maintain the equipment in normal operating condition, provided that such maintenance services are made necessary by normal usage of the equipment as determined by RCA. For the purpose of performing services hereunder. RCA shall have full and free access to the equipment, including such consecutive periods of time as' are required for preventive maintenance, consistent with non— interruption of City's scheduled operation of said equipment. —2_ Y �.y s -. b. The City will designate the.Principal Period of Maintenance or the Extended Principal Period(s) of Maintenance for each site in advance. The same Principal Period of Maintenance or Extended Principal Period(s) of Maintenance shall be applicable to an entire Data Processing System, consisting of a single processor and the peripheral equipment used in conjunction with it. C. The City may select Extended Principal Period(s) of Maintenance as indicated in Article 2f, as hereinafter modified. The consecutive hours per day of the Extended Principal Period of Maintenance selected for the equipment on weekdays (Monday through Friday) shall be the same consecutive hours every weekday; for all Saturdays, the consecutive hours shall be the same; and for all Sundays, the consecutive hours shall be the same. The City may choose different Extended Principal Periods of Maintenance for Monday through Friday, for all Saturdays, and /or for all Sundays. (For example, the periods, selected for Monday through Friday may be 7 A.M. to 11 P.M., all Saturdays 8 A.M. to 8 P.M., and for all Sundays 8 A.M. to 5 P.M.) d. Preventive Maintenance will be scheduled on a mutually agreeable basis within the Principal Period of Maintenance or the selected Extended Principal Period(s) of Maintenance. e. Only new .parts or parts of equal quality shall be used in effecting repairs. Parts which have been replaced shall become the property of RCA. f. Where repairs or replacements are due to the City's negligence, RCA will restore the equipment to normal operating condition at RCA's prevailing rates for labor and materials. g. The City is responsible for the performance of equipment Care as prescribed in the appropriate Equipment Operating Manual. h.- All remedial maintenance shall be provided on an "on- call" basis after notification that the equipment is inoperative. 4. Option to Purchase. a. The City has the option to purchase any or all of the equip- ment at any time upon payment of amounts due on that date plus any arrearages, 'and the sale price less accumulated purchase option credits as shown on Sckdule A. - 3 - b. Title to the equipment remains with RCA until the Option to Purchase, and prior notice of intent to purchase by the City is not necessary, or the accumulated Purchase Option Credit equals the sales price, and thereupon title to the equipment shall pass to the City without further action on the part of RCA except to execute and return to the City such instruments as may be required under then applicable Uniform Commercial Code to record vestment of title in the City. C. If desired by the City, the Option to Purchase need not be exercised and title will remain with RCA. d. When fully paid, Monthly Rental and Maintenance Charges will no longer apply. Thereafter, by mutual agreement, the City will pay RCA's standard maintenance rates applicable at the time of providing such maintenance S. Equipment Changes. a. The city has the privilege of extending this Agreement to cover and apply to additional equipment after initial installations. b. The City has the privilege of replacing units of equipment for any new items then in RCA's product line. c. After one year's use, peripheral items of equipment may be cancelled upon at least 60 days prior written notice. d. Equipment additions or replacements may carry a new Term of Agreement of seven years at the RCA prices in effect at the time such equipment is ordered. e. Purchase Option Credit accumulated on equipment units cancelled is not allowed. 6. Warranty and Damages. RCA warrants that the equipment listed on Schedule A when installed by RCA will be in good working order and that it will, properly used, perform according to the April 22, 1970, proposal Of RCA to City. RCA will make all necessary adjustments, repairs and replacements of the equipment while it is subject to this Agreement to maintain the equipment in this condition. All equipment is supplied subject to these warranties. RCA shall not be liable, including but not limited to Indirect incidental, consequential or special damages, for damages incurred by City or others arising out of or in connection with the leasing maintenance, use or performance of the equipment. - 4 - 7. Taxes. There shall be added to the charges provided for in thZ% Agreement amounts equal to any taxes levied after the date of this Agreement, at the 1970 tax rate and assessment ratio, however designated, levied or based on such charges or upon this Agreement or the equipment or any parts thereof or repair or replacement thereto or service rendered in connection with any of the foregoing, or the use of any of the foregoing, or any taxes or amounts in lieu thereof paid or payable by RCA in respect of the foregoing, exclusive of taxes based upon net income. 8. Payments. Invoices are to be paid within 30 days after date of invoice. 9. Supplies and Disc Packs. Operating supplies to be used with the equipment are to be furnished by the City and either meet RCA's specifications or otherwise operate satisfactorily with the equipment and neither damage it nor subject it to abnormal wear. The City shall not store or mishandle supplies or disc packs in a manner causing their use to damage the equipment. In the event the City fails to comply with the foregoing, and the equipment is thus damaged or subjected to abnormal wear, the City wi11 pay RCA its then prevailing rates for labor and materials to restore the equipment to good working order. 10. Site. The City will prepare the equipment site and maintenance area and furnish facilities as specified by the RCA Planning Guide at no cost to RCA. The City shall provide adequate storage space for spare parts and adequate working space including heat, light, ventilation, electric current and outlets, for the use of RCA's maintenance personnel. These facilities shall be within a reasonable distance of the equipment to be serviced and shall be provided at no cost to RCA. U. Alterations and Attachments. Alterations and attachments to the equipment may be made after the City has received written approval of same from RCA and has agreed to pay any additional maintenance charges. Any programming changes necessitated by such alterations or attachments will be the responsibility of the City. 12. Risk of Loss or Damage. While RCA has title to the equipment and City is paying Monthly Rental and Maintenance Charges, the City shall be relieved from all risks of loss or damage to the.equipment during periods of transportation, installation and 'during the entire time the equipment Is in the possession of the City, except when loss or damage is due to fault or negligence of the City. At all other times, risk of loss or -5- damage to the equip t shall be borne by the City 13. Transportation. All transportation, rigging and drayage • charges for the equipment from RCA shipping point to the City's site and return will be borne by the City. RCA will furnish a representative to supervise the packing and unpacking of the equipment at no charge. The method of shipment will be subject to RCA's approval. 14. Patents. The City agrees that RCA has the right to defend, or at its option to settle, and RCA agrees, at its own expense, to defend or at its option to settle, any claim, suit or proceeding brought against the City on the issue of infringement of any United States patent by any product, or any part thereof, supplied by RCA to the Customer under this Agreement. RCA agrees to pay, subject to the limitations hereinafter set forth in this article, any final judgment entered against the City on such issue in any such suit or proceeding defended by RCA. The City agrees that RCA at its sole option shall be relieved of the foregoing obligations unless the City notifies RCA promptly in writing of any such claim, suit or proceeding, and at RCA's expense, gives RCA proper and full information and assistance to settle and /or to defend any such claim, suitor proceeding. If the product, or any part thereof, furnished by RCA to the City becomes, or in the opinion of RCA may become, the subject of any claim, suit or proceeding for infringement of any United States patent, or in the event of an adjudication that such product or part infringes any United States patent, or if the use, lease or sale of such product or part is enjoined, RCA may, at its option and its expense: (1) procure for the City the right under such patent to use, lease or sell, as appropriate, such product or part, or (2) replace such product or part with other suitable products or parts, or (3) suitably modify such product or part, or (4) if the use of such product or part shall be prevented by injunction, remove such product or part and refund the aggregate payments and transportation costs paid therefor by the City, less a reasonable sum for use and damage and any maintenance furnished hereunder. RCA shall have no liability for any infringement arising from: (i) the combination of such product or part with any other product or part not furnished hereunder to the City by RCA, or (ii) the modification of such product or part unless such modification was made by RCA, or (iii) the use of such product or part in practicing any computer - controlled chemical, manufacturing or physical control process except where such product or part was.sold or leased for the 6 agreed written specific purpose of practicing such process, or (iv) the furnishing to the C it y of any information, data, service or application assistance, exclusive of software, programs, maintenance or operational handbooks supplied with the products or parts furnished hereunder.. RCA shall not be liable for any cost or expenses incurred without RCA's written authorization. The foregoing states the entire warranty by RCA, and the exclusive remedy of the City, with respect to any alleged patent infringement by such product or part. No transaction hereunder shall convey any license by implication, estoppel or otherwise, under any proprietary or patent rights of RCA, to practice any process with such product or part, or for the combination of such product or part with any other product or part. 15. General. a. Neither party shall be considered in default in performance of its obligation hereunder if performance of such obligations is prevented or delayed by acts of God or government, labor disputes, failure or delay of transportation, or by vendors or subcontractors, or any other similar cause(s) or any cause(s) beyond the reasonable control of the party. b. RCA will provide such instruction for the City's personnel as may be necessary to train the present operating and programming staffs, as well as new personnel, as more fully hereinafter stated. c. This Agreement expresses the entire understanding of the parties with reference to the subject matter hereof, and no representations or agreements modifying or supplementing the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing signed by a person authorized to sign Agreements on behalf of each party. d. This Agreement shall be construed and governed by the law of the State of Texas. . e. This Agreement is further subject to the representations, promises and guarantees set forth by RCA in its proposal to the City of Corpus Christi,, dated April 22, 1970, a true copy of which, marked Exhibit "A ", is annexed hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, and upon which the City has materially, wholly relied in deciding upon and entering into this Agreement, and is further modified, as to the City's pecuniary obligation to RCA in any one month for "call —in maintenance ", under Section (2), Paragraph (f) of this Agreement, in that, per the letter of D. D. Hill, Marketing Representative, RCA, Houston, Texas, dated December 17, 1970, a true copy of. Cat which is marked Exhibit "B ", is annexed hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, such period- maintenance of equipment listed in Schedules A and B, respectively marked Exhibits "C" and "D ", annexed to and by this reference incorporated herein, shall never total more than $340.00 for any month during the term hereof. Further, it is agreed that in the event the City subsequently causes an RCA Spectra 70/35 imulator to be installed under this Agreement, additional call -in maintenance for such imulator shall not be added into the charges, to the end that the City's- Equipment Schedules A and B, plus imulator maintenance, total monthly call -in maintenance charge shall not exceed $340.00. f. Without limitation or diminution of the foregoing, it is further hereby expressly agreed, for greater particularity and under- standing, that RCA shall furnish the City the kstems Support described as follows: RCA shall furnish systems support on a continuous basis without charge for the life of this contract. This service shall be furnished as reasonably required in addition to the twelve (12) man months submitted in the RCA Customer Support Program dated April 22, 1970, which is being adopted as part of this contract. g. Without limitation or diminution of the foregoing, it is further hereby expressly agreed, for greater particularity and understanding, that RCA shall furnish the City's designated personnel Education and Training described as follows: RCA shall train and re -train personnel (both management and operating personnel) of the City of Corpus Christi on a continuous basis as required to insure maximum effectiveness of the data processing system. This training shall be in excess of the four (4) man months specified in the Proposal dated April 22, 1970, which is being adopted as part of this contract. RCA will provide properly trained and qualified personnel for systems support, education and training of City personnel to assist the City. Assignment and retention of such RCA personnel for the above purposes in performance of this Agreement shall be subject to continuing mutual agree - went of the parties. - 8 - b. Without limitation or diminution of the foregoing, it is further hereby expressly agreed, for greater particularity and understanding, that the RCA Customer Support Program of said proposal of April 22, 1970, Pages I -51 through 58, shall be strictly observed by both City and RCA. i. It is further hereby expressly agreed that only newly - manufactured, unused RCA equipment shall be installed hereunder, except refurbished equipment may be installed upon prior written consent of the City. f. This Agreement is subject to acceptance by RCA at the Home Office in Cherry Hill, N. J., and, upon acceptance, RCA shall cause an Assistant Secretary, or other duly identified, authorized or acknowledged officer of the corporation, to furnish the City an original acceptance, accompanied by a sworn statement of such Assistant Secretary or other officer as to the identity of the person signing such acceptance and shall furnish City a true, certified copy of the minutes, by -law, or resolution of RCA authorizing such person to execute acceptance of this Agreement. This Agreement is executed in duplicate originals by the authorized officers whose signatures are affixed hereon. ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED: DAY OF JANIIARY, 1970: City Attorney ATTEST: Secretary CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI BY R. Marvin Townsend City Manager RCA CORPORATION, INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIVISION, CHERRY HILL Sy st +rn��nri� ttcrun�r Mr. Archie Walker Assistant City Manager pJ= City of Corpus Christi Post Office Box 1622 December 17, 1970 Corpus Christi, Texas 78403 SUBJECT: RCA Data Processing Equipment agreement 127-00-060 (Rev. 8/69) clarification as requested by City Management. Because the City of Corpus Christi cannot sign an open -ended agreement, RCA will not bill the City in excess of 5340,00 for any one month for call -in maintenance under section (2) Paragraph (F7 for the equipment listed in schedules A and B. Expeditious execution of the enclosed Contract will enable RCA to begin establishing education and conversion schedules and start providing complete services to you and your staff. Please sign five original copies and return to RCA. ' Sincerely D. D. Hill Marketing Representative EXH 1 i31 T "B" 0 Quantity Model SCHEDULE A EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE Description Unit Sales Price Extended Sales Price 'Monlhly Purchase Option Credit r • 1 70/35 -D Processor (32K) s 145,500 s 145,500 s 1,732.12 1 5030 Selector Channels (1) 8,550 8,550• 101.66 1 70/97 -20 Console 17,250 17,250 205.30 1 70/236 -10 Card Punch (300 CPM) 36,400 36,400 433.28 1 70/237 -10 Card Reader (1435 CPM) 31,550 31,550 375.50 .1 5211 -1 End of File N/C N/C N/C 1 70 /243 -30 Printer (1250 LP14) 50,950 50,950 606.46 = 1 ' 5333 -1 Form Stacker (Printer) 1,450 1,450 17.22 V. 1 70/432 -1 Tape Unit 30KB (2 Drives) 27,350 27,350 325.58 1 70/472 -108 Tape Controller (1 x 8) 33,950 33,950 404.14 1 70/551 Random Access Controller 25,500 25,500 303.48 1 5501 -18 I/O Feature N/C N/C N /C•, > 1 55'_2 Record Overflow Feature 500 500 5.80 2 70/564 Disc Storage Unit 25,510 51,020 607.38 Totals ' $429',970. i. TOTAL SALES PRICE $— �429,92U ' Equipmcnt Delivery Date within 90 days after acceptance of contract. ' -M ly Purchase Option Credit Is 1 /84th of the Extended Sales Price of the Equipment r 4 R 0 Total Total Total C h at Contract Date Monthly Rental: $_ 6, 538:00 Monthly Maintenance: $ 1, 3_9•.00 Monthly Charges: 1 7 ±$37.00 SCHEDULE B 1 P...ity Unit Monthly Extended Unit Monthly Extended j Model Rental Charge Sub -Total Maintenance Charge Sub - Tolal 1 70/35D $ ;x2,096 $ 2,096 $' 232.00 $ 232.00 1 5030 123 123 20.00 20.00 1 70/97 -20 270 270 27.50 27.50 I 1 70/236 -10 570 570 222.50 222.50 1 70/237 -10 494 494 180.00 180.00 1 5211 -1 N/C N/C N/C N/C 1 70/243 -30 798 798 258.75 258.75 . 1 5333 -1 23 23 5.00 5.00 D 1 70/432 -1 428 429 138.50 im,so 1 70/472 -108 531 531 72.00 72.00 to 1 70/551 399 399 54,25 54.25 x 1 5501 -18 N/C N/C N/C N/C Ilk 1 5512 8 8 1.00 1.00 • 2 70/564 399 798 68.75 ;3137.50 Total Total Total C h at Contract Date Monthly Rental: $_ 6, 538:00 Monthly Maintenance: $ 1, 3_9•.00 Monthly Charges: 1 7 ±$37.00 C /orpus Christi,, cas CP � day of �2 19 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspen- sion of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordi- nance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, f OR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter rule was suspended by the following vote: Jack R. Blackmon fF. Gabe Lozano, Sr. V. A. "Dick" Bradley, Jr�( Eduardo E. de Ases `1__ Ken McDaniel W. J. "Wrangler" Roberts/ Ronnie Sizemore The above ordinance was passed by the fo owing vote: Jack R. Blackmon Gabe Lozano, Sr. V. A. "Dick" Bradley, Jr,` Eduardo E. de Ases E' Ken McDaniel !� W. J. "Wrangler" Roberts ,/ , Ronnie Sizemore