HomeMy WebLinkAbout10105 ORD - 02/17/1971JKH:1 -12 -71 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN OIL AND GAS LEASE WITH CHARLES J. SMITH, TRUSTEE, ON PARK SITE, AS LOCATED IN GLEN ROYAL SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS; AS SHOWN IN VOLUME 9, PAGE 14, MAP RECORDS OF NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS, CONSISTING OF 1.055 ACRES, AND ON WESTSIDE-RECREATION CLUB SITE, BEING PARTS OF LOTS 1,. 2, 5, 6 AND 7, WOODLAWN #2 SUBDIVISION, AS SHOWN IN VOLUME 4, PAGE 5, MAP RECORDS OF NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS, CONSISTING OF 3.244 ACRES, FOR A THREE -YEAR PERIOD, BEGINNING MARCH 13, 1971 AND EXPIRING MARCH 12, 1974, FOR A CASH BONUS IN ADDITION TO ALL OTHER CONSIDERATION SET OUT IN THE LEASE FORM, TO BE PAID IN ADVANCE, ALL . AS MORE FULLY SET OUT IN THE LEASE AGREEMENT, A COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. WHEREAS, THE CITY COUNCIL HAS HERETOFORE ADOPTED SPECIFICATIONS AND DULY MADE PUBLICATION AS REQUIRED BY CHARTER AND RECEIVED BIDS ON DECEMBER 23, 1970; AND WHEREAS, THE BID MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE CITY, AFTER CONSIDERA- TION OF ALL BIDS SUBMITTED, AND DETERMINED AS THE HIGHEST AND BEST BIDDER SUBMITTING A BID ON THE BASIS PRESCRIBED IN THE NOTICE FOR BIDS, IS THE BID OF CHARLES J. SMITH, TRUSTEE FOR A PRIMARY TERM OF THREE (3) YEARS: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. THAT THE CITY MANAGER IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO EXECUTE, FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY, AND TO DELIVER THE SAME, AN OIL AND GAS LEASE COVERING 4.299 ACRES, CONSISTING OF TWO TRACTS: PARK SITE, LOCATED IN GLEN ROYAL SUBDIVISION, AS SHOWN IN VOLUME 9, PAGE 14, MAP RECORDS OF NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS, CONSISTING OF 1.055 ACRES, AND WESTSIDE RECREATION CLUB SITE, BEING PARTS OF LOTS 1, 2, 5, 6 AND 7, WOODLAWN #2 SUBDIVISION, AS SHOWN IN VOLUME 4, PAGE 5, MAP RECORDS OF NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS, CONSISTING OF 3.244 ACRES, SAID LEASE TO BE WITH CHARLES J. SMITH, TRUSTEE, COVERING A THREE -YEAR PERIOD, BEGINNING MARCH 13, 1971 AND EXPIRING MARCH 12, 1974, FOR A CASH BONUS OF $250, THE RECEIPT OF WHICH IS ACKNOWL- EDGED BY THE CITY, ALL OF WHICH TERMS ARE MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE LEASE AGREEMENT, A COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. 10105 VIIP:91.:a /7V I . OIL ANO GAS LEASE THE STATE OF TEXAS 1 COUNTY OF NUECES 1 • THIS AGREErENT MADE THIS 13TH DAY OF MARCH 197 1 , BETWEEN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, LESSOR, AND CHARLES J. SMITH, TRUSTEE . , LESSEE, WITNESSETH: 1. LESSOR, IN CONSIDERATION OF Two HUNDRED FIFTY AND No /100 DOLLARS ($250.00 (THERE SHALL BE A CASH BONUS MINIMUM OF fifty DOLLARS ($50.00) PER ACRE) IN CASH IN HAND PAID AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION OF THE ROYALTIES HEREIN PRO- VIDED, AND THE AGREEMENTS OF LESSEE HEREIN CONTAINED, HEREBY GRANTS, LEASES ,AND LETS EXCLUSIVELY UNTO LESSEE FOR THE PURPOSE OF INVESTIGATING, EXPLOR- ING, PROSPECTING, DRILLING AND MINING FOR AND PRODUCING OIL AND GAS, SUBJECT TO THE LIMITATIONS CONTAINED HEREIN, THE VARIOUS TRACTS, PARCELS, LOTS AND BLOCKS OF LAND LOCATED ANO DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO. NOTWITH- STANDING ANY OTHER PROVISIONS IN THIS LEASE, NO DRILLING OPERATIONS OR OTHER OPERATIONS BY LESSEE, OR HIS ASSIGN, UNDER AUTHORITY OF THIS LEASE, SHALL BE CONDUCTED ON THE SURFACE.OF ANY OF THE LAND HEREBY LEASED NOR WITHIN FOUR • HUNDRED FEET (1100') OF THE LAND HEREBY LEASED. 2. SUBJECT TO THE OTHER PROVISIONS HEREIN 'CONTAINED, THIS LEASE SHALL BE FOR A TERM OF THREE (3) YEARS FROM THIS DATE AND FOR SUCH ADDITIONAL PERIODS OF TIME AS MAY BE EARNED BY DRILLING OPERATIONS AS PROVIDED FOR IN PARAGRAPH 5 HEREUNDER (COLLECTIVELY CALLED "PRIMARY TERM") AND FOR AS LONG THEREAFTER AS OIL AND OR GAS IS PRODUCED FROM SAID LAND HEREUNDER OR PRODUCED . FROM LAND WITH WHICH IT IS POOLED. 3. THE ROYALTIES TO BE PAID LESSOR ARE (A) ON 01L, NO LESS THAN THREE - SIXTEENTHS (3/16TH6) OF THAT PRODUCED AND SAVED FROM SAID LAND, THE SAME TO DE DELIVERED AT THE WELLS OR TO THE CREDIT OF LESSOR INTO THE PIPE- LINE TO WHICH TIIE WELLS MAY DE CONNECTED; LESSEE MAY FROM TIME TO TIME PURCHASE ANY ROYALTY OIL IN ITS POSSESSION, PAYING TIIE MARKET PRICE THERE- FOR PREVAILING FOR THE FIELD WHERE PRODUCED ON THE DATE OF PURCHASE; (0) ON GAS, INCLUDING CASINGHEAD GAS OR OTHER GASEOUS SUBSTANCE, PRODUCED FROM SAID LAND AND SOLD OR USED OFF THE PREMISES OR IN THE MANUFACTURE OF GASOLINE OR OTHER PRODUCT THEREFROM, THE MARKET VALUE AT THE WELL OF NO LESS THAN THREE - SIXTEENTHS (3 /16TH5) OF THE GAS SO SOLD OR USED, PROVIDED THAT ON GAS SOLD AT THE WELLS THE ROYALTY SHALL BE NO LESS THAN THREE ^SIXTEENTHS (3 /16THS) OF THE AMOUNT REALIZED FROM SUCH SALE; WHERE GAS FROM A WELL PRODUCING GAS ONLY 1S NOT SOLO OR USED, LESSEE MAY, FOR A MAXIMUM OF TWO (2) YEARS BEYOND THE PRIMARY TERM PAY AS ROYALTY A SUM EQUAL TO THAT PAYABLE.AS MINIMUM ROYALTY UNDER PARAGRAPH 4 HEREUNDER, AND UPON SUCH PAYMENT IT WILL BE CON- SIDERED THAT GAS IS BEING PRODUCED FROM THE LAND POOLED WITH THE LAND UPON WHICH THE WELL I5 LOCATED, WITHIN THE MEANING OF PARAGRAPH 2 HEREOF FOR SUCH PERIOD, NOT EXCEEDING TWO (2) YEARS BEYOND THE PRIMARY TERM. LESSEE SHALL HAVE REASONABLE FREE USE OF OIL AND GAS FROM SAID LAND, FOR ALL OPERATIONS HEREUNDER, AND THE ROYALTY ON OIL AND GAS SHALL BE COMPUTED AFTER DEDUCTING ANY SO USED. LESSOR IS EXEMPT AS A MATTER OF LAW FROM ANY AND ALL STATE OF TEXAS SEVERANCE TAXES ON OIL AND GAS, AND NO DEDUCTIONS SHALL BE MADE FOR SEVERANCE TAXES IN ROYALTY SETTLEMENTS. 4. LESSEE IS HEREBY GIVEN THE RIGHT AND POWER TO POOL OR COMBINE THE LAND COVERED BY THIS LEASE OR ANY PORTION THEREOF FOR GAS OR OIL WITH ANY OTHER LAND, LEASE OR LEASES LOCATED ADJACENT TO OR CONTIGUOUS WITH, WHEN IN LESSEE'S JUDGMENT IT 15 NECESSARY OR ADVISABLE TO DO SO IN,ORDER TO PROPERLY DEVEOOP AND OPERATE SAID 'PREMISES, AND UPON NOTIFYING LESSOR, PROVIDED THAT NO UNIT FOR GAS SO CREATED SHALL EXCEED 320 ACRES PLUS A . TOLERANCE OF TEN PERCENT (105) IN AREA AND NO UNIT FOR OIL SHALL EXCEED 4O ACRES PLUS A TOLERANCE OF TEN PERCENT (105) IN AREA. IF PRODUCTION IS FOUND ON THE POOLED ACREAGE, IT SHALL BE TREATED'AS IF PRODUCTION 15 HAD FROM THIS LCASE, AS TO LANDS COVERED HEREBY AND INCLUDED IN ANY POOLED UNIT OR . UNITS. IN LIEU OF THE ROYALTIES ELSEWHERE HEREIN SPECIFIED, LESSOR SHALL RECEIVE ON PRODUCTION FROM A UNIT SO POOLED ONLY SUCH PORTION OF THE ROYALTY STIPULATED HEREIN AS THE AMOUNT OF HIS ACREAGE PLACED IN THE UNIT OR HIS ROYALTY INTEREST THEREIN BEARS TO THE TOTAL ACREAGE 50 POOLED IN THE PAR- TICULAR UNIT INVOLVED, BUT IN NO EVENT LESS THAN ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) PER YEAR. 5. IF OPERATIONS FOR DRILLING OF A WELL ARE.NOT COMMENCED ON LANDS OR ACREAGE POOLED HEREWITH ON OR BEFORE ONE (1) YEAR FROM THIS DATE, THE LEASE SHALL TERMINATE AS TO BOTH PARTIES UNLESS ON OR BEFORE SUCH ANNIVERSARY DATE LESSEE SHALL PAY OR TENDER TO LESSOR, IN THE OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE PETROLEUM INSPECTION DIVISION OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI; THE SUM OF FIFTY DOLLARS ($50.00) HEREIN CALLED DELAY RENTALS) WHICH SHALL COVER THE PRIVILEGE OF DEFERRING COMMENCEMENT OF DRILLING OPERATIONS FOR A PERIOD OF TWELVE (12) MONTHS. IN LIKE MANNER AND UPON LIKE PAYMENTS OR TENDERS ANNUALLY, THE COMMENCEMENT OF DRILLING OPERATIONS MAY BE FURTHER DEFERRED FOR SUCCESSIVE PERIODS OF TWELVE (12) MONTHS EACH DURING THE PRI- MARY TERM. THE CASH DOWN PAYMENT IS CONSIDERATION FOR THIS LEASE ACCORDING TO ITS TERMS AND SHALL NOT BE ALLOCATED AS MERE DELAY RENTAL FOR A PERIOD. BY THE TERMS "OPERATIONS FOR DRILLING" AND "DRILLING OPERATIONS" IS MEANT THE ACTUAL DRILLING INTO THE EARTH IN A BONAFIDE ATTEMPT TO DISCOVER OIL AND/OR GAS AND NOT MERELY THE PLACING OF MATERIALS AND/OR EQUIPMENT ON THE LAND. DURING THE PRIMARY TERM, ANY PORTION OF OR ALL OF THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED AS THE SUBJECT OF THIS LEASE SHALL BE HELD UNDER THIS LEASE ONLY .BY THE PAYMENT OF DELAY RENTALS OR ROYALTY PAYMENTS PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT UPON THE EXPIRATION OF THE PRIMARY TERM, SAID LEASE WILL TERMINATE AS TO ANY PORTION OR ALL OF THE LAND DESCRIBED HEREIN WHICH IS NOT POOLED IN A • PRODUCING UNIT. 6. IF PRIOR TO DISCOVERY OF OIL OR GAS ON SAID LAND LESSEE SHOULD DRILL A DRY HOLE OR HOLES ON LANDS POOLED HEREWITH OR IF AFTER DISCOVERY OF 01L OR GAS THE PRODUCTION THEREOF SHOULD CEASE FROM ANY CAUSE, THIS LEASE SHALL NOT TERMINATE IF LESSEE COMMENCES ADDITIONAL DRILLING OR REWORKING OPERATIONS WITHIN SIXTY (6O) DAYS THEREAFTER. IF AT THE EXPIRATION OF THE PRIMARY TERMS OIL AND/OR GAS IS NOT BEING PRODUCED ON LANDS POOLED HEREWITH BUT LESSEE IS THEN ENGAGED IN DRILLING OR REWORKING OPERATIONS THEREON, THE LEASE SHALL REMAIN IN FORCE SO LONG AS OPERATIONS ARE PROSECUTED WITH NO CESSATION OF MORE THAN THIRTY (30) CONSECUTIVE DAYS, AND IF THEY RESULT IN THE PRODUCTION OF OIL OR GAS SO LONG THEREAFTER AS OIL OR GAS IS PRODUCED FROM SAID LAND. IN THE EVENT A WELL OR WELLS PRODUCING OIL OR GAS IN PAYING QUANTITIES SHOULD BE BROUGHT IN ON ADJACENT LAND NOT POOLED WITH THE LANDS - COVERED BY THIS LEASE AND WITHIN 467 FEET OF OR. DRAINING THE LEASED PREMISES, LESSEE AGREES TO DRILL SUCH OFFSET WELLS AS A REASONABLY PRUDENT OPERATOR WOULD DRILL UNDER THE SAME OR SIMILAR CIRCUM STANCES; PROVIDED HOWEVER THAT SHOULD LESSEE BE UNABLE TO OBTAIN A SURFACE LOCATION ON OTHER LANDS ABUTTING THE LANDS LEASED HEREIN, THEN LESSEE SHALL BE EXCUSED FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY OR OBLIGATION TO DRILL SUCH OFFSET WELL, PROVIDED THAT WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS THEREAFTER LESSEE SEEKS AND OBTAINS THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF LESSOR TO USE THE SURFACE OF THE LANDS LEASED HEREIN FOR THE PURPOSE OF DRILLING AND PRODUCING SUCH WELL. 7. THE RIGHT OF EITHER PARTY HEREUNDER MAY BE ASSIGNED IN WHOLE OR IN PART AND THE PROVISIONS HEREOF SHALL EXTEND TO THE HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, BUT NO CHANGE OR DIVISIONS IN OWNERSHIP OF THE LAND OR ROYAL- TIES, HOWEVER ACCOMPLISHED, SHALL OPERATE TO ENLARGE THE OBLIGATIONS OR DIMINISH THE RIGHTS OF LESSEE. No SALE OR ASSIGNMENT BY LESSOR SHALL BE BINDING ON LESSEE UNTIL LESSEE SHALL BE FURNISHED WITH A CERTIFIED COPY OF RECORDED INSTRUMENT EVIDENCING SAME. IF SIX OR MORE PARTIES BECOME ENTITLED TO ROYALTY HEREUNDER, LESSEE MAY WITHHOLD PAYMENT THEREOF UNLESS AND UNTIL FURNISHED WITH A RECORDABLE INSTRUMENT EXECUTED BY ALL SUCH PARTIES DESIG- NATING AN AGENT TO RECEIVE PAYMENT FOR ALL. 8. LESSOR HEREBY WARRANTS AND AGREES TO DEFEND THE TITLE TO SAID LAND AND AGREES THAT LESSEE AT ITS OPTION MAY DISCHARGE ANY TAX, MORTGAGE OR OTHER LIEN UPON SAID LANG AND IN EVENT LESSEE DOES- S0, IT SHALL BE SUB - ROGATED TO SUCH LIEN WITH THE RIGHT TO ENFORCE SAME AND APPLY ROYALTIES' ACCRUING HEREUNDER TOWARD SATISFYING SAME. WITHOUT IMPAIRMENT OF LESSEE'S • RIGHTS UNDER THE WARRANTY IN EVENT OF FAILURE OF TITLE, IT IS AGREED THAT IF LESSOR OWNS AN INTEREST IN SAID LAND LESS THAN THE ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE ESTATE, THEN THE ROYALTIES TO BE PAID LESSOR SHALL BE REDUCED PROPORTION- ATELY. 9. SHOULD LESSEE DE PREVENTED FROM COMPLYING WITH ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED COVENANT OF THIS LEASE, FROM CONDUCTING DRILLING OR REWORKING OPERATIONS THEREON OR FROM PRODUCING 01L OR GAS THEREFROM DY REASON OF SCARCITY OR INABILITY TO OBTAIN OR TO USE EQUIPMENT OR MATERIAL, OR OY • OPERATION OF FORCE MAJEURE, ANY FEDERAL OR STATE LAW OR ANY ORDERS RULE OR REGULATION OF GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY, TIICN WHILE 50 PREVENTED THROUGH NO FAULT OF LESSEE, LESSEES OBLIGATION TO COMPLY WITH SUCH COVENANT SHALL BE SUSPENDED, AND LESSEE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE IN DAMAGES FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY THEREWITH; AND THIS LEASE SHALL BE EXTENDED WHILE AND 50 LONG AS LESSEE IS PREVENTED BY ANY SUCH CAUSE FROM CONDUCTING DRILLING OR REWORK- ING OPERATIONS ON OR FROM PRODUCING OIL OR GAS FROM THE LEASED PREMISES AND THE TIME WHILE LESSEE IS 50 PREVENTED SHALL NOT BE COUNTED AGAINST LESSEE, ANYTHING IN THIS LEASE TO THE CONTRARY NOTWITHSTANDING. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THIS INSTRUMENT IS EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE ON THE DATE FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI ATTEST: BY: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: / rh DAY OF .. ��, 1971: J TY ATTORNEY THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES R. MARV I N TOWNSEND CITY MANAGER LESSOR • CHARLES J. SMITH, TRUSTEE LESSEE • BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED AUTHORITY, ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED R. MARVIN TOWNSEND, CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSON WHOSE NAME IS SUBSCRIBED TO THE FORE- GOING INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSES AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED, AND IN THE CAPACITY THEREIN STATED AND AS THE ACT AND DEED OF SAID CITY. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, THIS THE DAY OF 1971. THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES I NOTARY PUBLIC, NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED AUTHORITY, ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED CHARLES J. SMITH, TRUSTEE , KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSON WHOSE NAME 15 SUBSCRIBED TO THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWL- EDGED TO ME THAT HE EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSES AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AID SEAL OF OFFICE, THIS THE DAY OF , 1971. NOTARY f1UIILIC, NUECES TEXAS COUNTY, EXHIBIT "A" • ATTACHED TO AID MADE A PART OF 01L AND GAS LEASE BY AND BET1;EEN TIIE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS, LESSOR • AND CHARLES J. SMITH; TRUSTEE, LESSEE (A) A tract of land known as Westside Recreation Club site, being parts of Lots Nos. 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7 of Woodlawn No. 2, an addition to the City of Corpus'Christi, Texas, as shown in Volume 4, Page 5 of Map Records of Nueces County, Texas, and, further, being the same lands as described as follows, to -wit: (1) The North 150 feet of the West one -half .(W /2) of Lot No. 1, Woodlawn Block No. 2, an addition to the City of Corpus Christi, Nueces County, Texas, accor- ding to Plat recorded in Volume 4, Page 5, of the .Nan Records of Nueces County,, Texas, and being the same land as described in Warranty Deed, dated Octo- ber 13, 1953, from May Elythe, a feme sole, to the City of Corpus Christi, a municipal corporation, as recorded in Volume 614, Page 30, Deed Records of Nueces County, Texas; consisting of 0.258 acres. (2) The Northerly 150 feet of the Easterly one -half of Lot No. 1, Woodlawn Block No. 2, an addition to the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, and being the same' land as described in Warranty Deed, dated September 10, 1953, from James A. Creighton and wife, Aileen Creighton, to the Gity of Corpus Christi, a municipal corporation, as recorded in Volume 611, Page 26, Deed • Records of Nueces County, Texas; consisting of 0.258 acres. Beginning at the most Easterly corner of Lot No. 2 of the Woodlawn Block No. 2 A ddition to the City of Corpus Christi for the East corner of this tract; Thence South, 30 decrees, 00' West with the South East boundry line of said Lot No. 2, a distance of 212.06 feet to a point for the South corner of this tract; Thence North 58 degrees 05' West, a distance of 97.6 feet to a r_oint in the Northwest boundary line of said Lot No. 2 for the West corner of this tract; Thence North 20 degrees 00' East with the Northwest boundary line of said Lot No. 2, a dis -' . tance of 212.06 feet to a point, being the most Northerly corner of said Lot No. 2, for the North Corner of this tract; Thence South, 58 degrees, 05' East with the Northeast boundary line of said Lot No. 2, a distance of 97.6 feet to the place of be- ginning, containin7 0.475 acres of land, more or less, and being the same land described in Warranty Deed dated October 9, 1953 from Ethel Nelson, a widow; to The City of Corpus Christi, a Municipal Corporation, end recorded in Volume 613, Page 270, _Deed Records of Nueces County, Texas; consisting of 0.475 acres. • Beginnint at a point, the most Southerly corner of Lot No. 5, Blk No. 2 of the Woodlawn A ddition to the city of Corpus Christi, Thence North 58 degrees, 0' Vest with the South boundary line of said Lot 5, a distance of 307.80 feet to n point for a corner of this tract; Thence North 30 degrees, 00' East, a dis- tance of 74.00 foot to a point for a corner of this tract; Thence North 58 derees, 05' West, a distance' of 135 feet to a point in the East boundary line of Erwin avenue for a corner of this trnct; Thence North 30 degrees, 00' Lint with the Cant boundary line of Erwin -Iv( nun, r, 61 :,tanco of 50,00 feet to n point, for a corner of thin tract; (3) (4) ago 2, continued (5). s (B) Thence South 58 dexroea, 05' East, a diotanco of 135 feet to a point for a corner of this tract; Thence North 30 degrees 00' East a distance of 74.00 feet to a point in the North boundary line of Lot 6, Woodlawn A ddition Blk. 2 for a corner of this tract; Thence South-58 decrees, 05' East with the North boundary line of said Lot 6, a dis- tance of 307.80 feet to a point, the most Easterly corner of said lot 6, for a corner of this tract; Thence South 30.00 degrees, 00' Ylest :with the 'East boundary lines of said lots 6 and 5,• a distance of 198 feet to the place of beginning, and.containing 1.554 acres of land, more or less, and being the same land described in Warranty Deed dated March 12, 1953 from Howard F. Erving. and wife, Rose Erving to the City of Corpus Christi, o municipal "corporation, and recorded in Vol. 590, Page 139, Deed Records of Nueces County, Texas; consisting of 1.554 acres A tract of land 99 feet in width and 307.80 feet in length, bein6 the Southeast 307.80 feet of Lot No. 7 of the Woodlawn Blk. No. 2 addition to the City of Corpus Christi, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as fo1lo'rs: Beginning at a point, the Northeast corner of Lot 7 • of said Woodlawn Addition for the Northeast corner of this tract, Thence South 30 degrees, 00'' West with the East boundary line of said Lot No. 7, a distance of 99.00 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 7, for the Southeast corner of this tract; Thence North . 58 degrees 05' West with the South boundary line of . said lot 7, a distance of 307.80 feet to a point for: the Southwest corner of this tract; Thence North 30 degrees, 00' East, parrallel to and 135 feet.East of - the East boundary line of Erwin avenue, a distance of 99.00 feet to a point in the North boundary line of said Lot 7 for the Northwest corner of this tract;. Thence South 58 degrees, 05' East with the North . boundary line of said Lot 7, a distance of 307.80 feet to the place of beginning, and being the same • land described in Warranty Deed dated ::ay 28, 1953 from C. D. Black and wife, Nora Black to The City of Corpus Christi, a Municipal Corporation, and re- corded in Volume 597, Page 233, Deed Records of Nueces County, Texas; consisting of 0.699 acres. Park site as located in Glen Royal Subdivision as shown in Volume 9, Page 14, Map Records of Nueces County, Texas, consisting of 1.055 acres. ---- , 1 / . • .1 • • • • : Sit 23. d ▪ ; 11 n1,4 • -J., • 414 /L•.,_- • • -: -f-.--..,--------::,, i:w- ---- . /,•• ..„:„., i v , / / .-‘ • .7.:77' .1-- 4.4 - • I- \ That the foregoing ordinance was read for t first time and passed to its second reading on this the /,,flay of -� -rte 19r7/ , by the following vote: Jack R. Blackmon Gabe Lozano, Sr. V. A. "Dick" Bradley, Jr. Eduardo E. de Ases Ken McDaniel W. J. "Wrangler" Roberts Ronnie Sizemore That the foregoing ordinance was rea to its third reading on this the c46 ��tJ day of by the following vote: Jack R. Blackmon Gabe Lozano, Sr. V. A. "Dick" Bradley, Jr. Eduardo E. de Ases Ken McDaniel W. J. "Wrangler" Roberts Ronnie Sizemore the second time.and • assed >tcr�Q.1 -c� , 19 , That the foregoing ordinance was re.d for the third time and passed finally on this the /,Qi day of , 19 `f/ , by the following vote: Jack R. Blackmon / GGLeJ Gabe Lozano, Sr. d(1L/ V. A. "Dick" Bradley, Jr. L GC/'.) Eduardo E. de Ases Ken McDaniel W. J. "Wrangler" Roberts [-wte/ Ronnie Sizemore ATTEST. /// City Sec PASSED AND APPROVED, this the /Wily y of . ,1 -1 C -f- , 19 %/ . et APPROVED AS TO //LDAY OF / o, /,.; Cit Attorney GAL FORM THIS T 19 AA, 4, CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS IN GLEN GLEN SUBDIVISION EN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS, AS SHOWN IN VOLUME 9, PAGE 14, MAP RECORDS OF NUECES COUN- ' TY, TEXAS, CONSISTING OF 1 055 ACRES, AND ON WESTSIDE REC- REATION CLUB SITE, BEING PARTS OF LOTS 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7, W00DLAWN No. 2 SUBDIVISION, AS SHOWN IN VOLUME 4, PAGE 5, MAP RECORDS OF NUECES COUN- TY, THREEYEAR3PE- RIOD, BEGINNING MARCH 13, 1971 AND EXPIRING MARCH 12, 1914, FOR A CASH BONUS IN ADDITION TO ALL SET OUT OIN THE CONSI RFORM, TO BE PAID IN ADVANCE, ALL AS MORE FULLY SET OUT IN THE LEASE AGREEMENT, A COPY OF WHICH 15 ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. WHEREAS, the City Councll hos duly heretofore made publication icatlOfl 00 required by Charter and recelved bids on Decem- ber. 23, 19701 and WHEREAS, the'Ciity, bid afers consideration at all bids submitted, and determined os the highest and best bidder b- mlHlna a 516 an the basis prescribed in ire Notice for Bids, Is the bid f Charles J Smith, Trustee fora pri- m y te1m of 991000 13) yews: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OR- , DAINED THE CITY OF CORPUS OF R CHRIS- ' TI, TEXA5. SECTION 1. That the City Manager Is hereby (outhorizetl d behalf directed 90 and on GdY.o05 to deliver 1 50 . ncg1s1, and Gas Lea0O r consisting at two 900015' Park Site, located Royal page a shown In Glen me 9, 14. Mp Records of Nueces Caurdo, 0400, conclsting of 1.055 acres, and parts West- side Recreation Club SO, 51� wn arts of Lots 1,2, 5 6 and 7, WQ 2 ge 5, 020p s Records of f Voiurne ' Cunty, Texas, consisting of 3.244 id lease to be it a farce- J. Smith, Trustee, IcovMargh 13, three- year period, beginning cosh 0banus909 March 5250, 92, h1974, ceiptr of which Is acknowledged by the City, all forth In which 10050 A91eome0Lua copy al which i5 elloched hereto and made a part hereof. "7-Mr. Leland Barnes Classified Manager`, == Caller - Times P: 6. Box 91364 - Corpus Christi,}Texas784Q8 Dear Leland: y� '='Herewith is a -copy of.an =Ordinance -pertaining to an oil' and "gasY,, - a. lease with Charles. J. Smith, Trustee, on'park sitesproperty. located °x =` in the -Glen Royal Subdivision and also d site on Lots 1 2, 5,:6, and 7; Woodlawn °No. 2iSubdivision: Kindly publish this ordinance January 18;:January 22,kand February . y 19; 1971. The vote on the second and third reading will be called _ to your office after the "reading.of the, ordinance for your inserting:_ (cfrat 11)( -ZIBTATE OF TEXAS, County of Nueces. }SS: PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT"'- Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day personally came Leiand. .Barlies , who being first duly sworn, according to law, says that he is the Classitiad..Manager of the Corpus Christi Caller and The Corpus Christi Times, Daily Newspapers published at Corpus Christi, Texas, in said County and State, and that the publication of Legal - An Ordinance authorizing_and directing City ,AanAgAr - - _t0 QXeaute Jac oil and gas lease with-Charles J. Smith -- ken Royal of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in Times on thelath. day of January 1921 ,mximiceeach day thereafter for tW.o oomgeoutiwet..m.ore...timea...on...Jan.uary 22, 1971, and on February 19, 1971, thrae Times. 32.,37 Le and G. Barn 8, . Adv. Mgr. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19.til day March 19 71 Louise Vick ary Public, Nueces County, Tex