HomeMy WebLinkAbout10158 ORD - 03/10/19713/10/7I:e AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT, A COPY MARKED EXHIBIT "A ", ANNEXED, WITH THE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE ON YOUTH EDUCATION AND JOB OPPORTUNITIES, FOR THE HEALTH AND WELFARE COMPONENT OF THE 1970 -71 HEAD START PROGRAM; AND DELCARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the City Council, on May 27, 1964, adopted a policy r " statement concerning poverty and need in the Corpus Christi community; and WHEREAS, the staff of the City and representatives from all areas of the'community have carefully studied economic conditions existing in the community; and WHEREAS, certain opportunities are available through Title II(B) of Public Law 88 -452 to participate with the Federal Government to mobilize the full resources of the community; and WHEREAS, the Community Committee on Youth Education and Job Opportunities of Nueces County, Texas, has received a Grant under Title II -A of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 from the Office of Economic Opportunity, Executive Office of the President of the United States; and WHEREAS, a certain component of the program to be provided by this grant can be executed by the City - County Health and Welfare Department of the City of Corpus Christi, Nueces County, Texas: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager of the City of Corpus Christi be, and he is hereby, authorized to execute a contract with the Community Committee on Youth Education and Job Opportunities for the following component activity: CG No. H -0129 Program Account 22, Health & Welfare, Full Year Head Start (Part Day). a true copy of said contract, marked Exhibit "A ", is annexed hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes. All actions taken in connection with the carrying out of said contracts and the adminis- tration of funds thereunder is hereby ratified and confirmed. 10158 SECTION 2. The necessity for immediate action to assure participation of the City with the Federal Government in the Economic Opportunity Program of the Federal Government creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared that such emergency and necessity exist, having requested that such Charter rule be suspended and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from /^ and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the 16 m) day of March, 1971. ATTEST• �z R Ctit Secret; APPROVED: 10/ TH/sts�� MAUI7�/�_ ty Attorney 1 aw 'e e YO THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS L,rc'incilt for Dolct,nalon- of Acilvities C�­ C'I 1) Grant No k_2.129 Tlii.s : rreCnlont entL•od. into :Is 0*1 - January •28 changes, including any incre.ase or decrease in the :`11 'tChnient.s and conditions 1971 " amount of the Dc-legate's com ponsation, which alnlexe,l 1;e.-Qto (which are expressly part are mutually agreed upon by , :rd between the sh:ffl govern certain activities of the G . rantec and the I)cjeg:,te, must be incorporated P. A. , 2 * 2 , Full, , Year , Head , , , , S�qcl:. (PAr.t Day) ... in written :amendments to this contract. (:lame o.,* progi•all, account for the delegated 5. CUMPLIANCE WITIr' LOCAL LAMS. The activities) ,in, need under CAP Gran,; \o?!—,9;??, Dolegate shall comply w;,'.,l all laws, .during the period .?4/1A .... to V 117,1.. . ., ordinances, and codes of the state and local gov- ­e , d out by q9U�P. Al�is4t. Nue&s 01. ibbpt.a i 8f Public ;iicnts. ernG. . Health, .& .W 1 4;e. COVENANT. AGAINST CO\TINGENT (name of delegate agency), hereinafter referred Fl-,'ES. The Delegate warrants that r.o person or to a.; the "Delegate", on behalf of Cos uni y, , selling agency or other organization has been em- .CP;,-,4, Q;,. I;P.,%t:l .4-.-TA OgPortunitiesployed or retained to solicit or secure this contract (name of grantee), hereinafter referred to as the upon an agrecnlent or understanding for a Com- mission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee.. The Grantee and Delegate agree as follows: For breach or violation of this warrant the i. WORI TO BE PERFORMFD. The Delegate Grantee shall have the right to annul this contr%cf shall,, ir, a sad factory manner as determined by without liability or, in its discretion, to deduct `the*Gran'tec, in Attauhnient *om -the •contract or otherwise recover the full "A". -.mount of such commission, percentage, bro.er- . 2. C=11LIANCE WITH APPROVED PRO- age, or contingent -lee, or to seek such other GRA'.%i. All activities authorized by this agree- remedies as legally may be aval'labla. _11'er, will be performed in accordance with the 7. SCHEDULE OF PAYMENT. Subject to re- approved work program, the approved budget, ce;pl; of funds from OEO, the Grantee agrees to the grant conditions and relevant 0,-'0 directives. reimburse the Delegate for authorized expendi- 3. n-,=PO TS, RECOlIMS & EVALUATIONS. lures. All advance of $8,699.... for estimated The Grantee shall supervise, evaluate, and pro- expenditures for oAq.W. (months) will be Me guidance and direction to the Delegate in the made to the Delegate, who will submit to the Conduct of activities delegated under this con- Grantee vouchers that are suiricient to support tract. The Delegate ,,-recs to submit to the payment under the Grantee's accounting proce- Gran tee such reports as may be requirea by OEO dures established or approved by the Grantee's directives or by the Grantee, including the re- accountant. Within . 9.Q ..... days the Grantee Ports 1. sled in other attachments according to will approve or disapprove payment of tha vouch- .the schedule there set out. ers, and will make add•tional payments equal to The Delegate also agrees to prepare and retain, the amount of such approved expenditures to the and permit the Grantee to inspect as it deems Delegate. In no event, however, will the De!e6-.-._e necessary for grant purposes (ill addition to ill- receive reimbursenlent for personnel costs ex- spec-ions,oa-horized by the conditions ill the grant ceeding or act non-personnel Costs from GEO) the record.,; listed in the attachments cxccedjljff1,k4,834• except as it h.,s received as well as other records that may be required prior written authorization from the Grantee, by relevant OEO directives, with the exception which is incorporated into and shall be attached of confidential -client information. the Delegate to this Conth act. further _,rce, that the Grantee -.-...y carry out S. TERNUNATION. Ti: e Grantee finny, by gv- mor.kor;ng and evaluation activities to include, ing reasonable written notice snecifying --la e- a* a mmimum, those listed in all attachments fective date, terminate this contract in whole or and will (!;`ective!y ensure the cooperation of the in part for cause, which shall inch-de: () employces and board members ill such for in), reason, off the Delegate to f-.z:�U in. a ef:r rt... timely anti proper mallner, its of ans under S. ClfAN02S. The Grantee may, from time to this Contract, "In.cluding con"pHan" -,he time, request changes in tlie scope of the services proved prognan and attached con.d`.:ons, Nvi-.-. of the Delegate to be performed hereunder. Such statutes and Executive Orders, and with such , Ov"01110 ),.Vnerally en! ;r -j ally time; by tho Dole- incurred in hnti' factory C of tine con• g:ItO to 01-:0 0'.- 10 the Gr:LIAOO of NjWrt'; that ;11'0 tract. Notwithstanding the :L110VO, the incorl•o"t or in,�onlplcte in any material respect; shall not be relieved of liability to the Grantee (S) illolroctivo or improper use of funds provided for dnmagcs sustained by the Grantee by virtue untior this contract; and 0 ) suspension or ter- of any breach of the contract by the Delegate i urination by Ol.,.O of the gralit to the Grantee gand the Grantee may withhold any reimburse- under which this contract is nindo, or tile portion ment to the Delegate for the purpose of set-off thereof delegated by this contract. The Grantee until such time as the exact amount of damages • may al: o assign and transfer this contract to due the Grantee from the Delegate is agreed upon another grantee when required to do so by OEO or otherwise determined. direction. DE 9. NO-Fl-' RAL SIIARE. The Delegate , - If the Delegate is unable or unwilling to com. will contribute $11.%540.. to'the program' funds. may be Illy with such additional conditions as m, Such contribution -shall be in cash in the amount • lawfully applied by OEO to the grant to the of and in-kind in the amount of Grantee. the Delegate shall terminate the contract n $-11 540. (If none, state "none. ") Grantee, by giving reasonable written notice to the Gr. a 10. REVIEW OF NEW DIRECTIVES. The signifying the effective date thereof. In such Grantee will submit promptly to the Delegate for event the grantee may require the delegate to comment those proposed additional directives ensure that adcquiitc arrangements have been that it receives from OEO for comment. Made for the transfer of the delegated activities In witness whereof; the Grantee and the Dele- to lnother:Delegate or to the Grantee. gate have executed this agreement as of•the date 4 . In the event of any termination, all property first above written, and finished or unfinished, documents, data, studies, and reports purchased or prepared by % the Delegate under this contract shall be disposed of according to OEO directives, and the Delegate By shall be entitled to- compensation for any un. R. Marvin'-Townsend City Manager December 1968 J DELEGATE ATTEST: P. COMMUNITY COMMITTEE ON YOUTH. EDU P RTUN TI�S _CgION AND. JOB 0 0 .City Secretary miis Salazar� "Acting Executive Director "'"-APPROVED: AY.O F 971 GRANTEE C1Y Attorney Director of Finance ATTACHPH NT "A" - HEALTH SERVICES TO BE PERF=VL D PERFOR *L1NCE STANDARDS Every Head Start Program must be designed to provide not only for health ex- aminations but also for correction or treatment of all medical and dental pro - blems. Preventive services and health education must be included. (Head Start Policy Manual, revised 1970). a INDICATORS (At a minimum the Agency shall be reasonible for the following:) 1. A professional member of the staff SHALL be responsible for planning the medical- dental component of the program. 2. All children shall receive medical examinati6ns and screening for vision, hearing speech, blood, urine, tuberculosis and lead poisioning. 3. Complete, accurate health records on all children shall be maintained. 4. All children shall have all of their immunizations completed. (Docum- entary explanation in all incomplete cases). 5. The agency shall have established a set procedure for attending to special medical problems. 6. Follow -up treatment records for medical and dental problems shall be main- tained on a current basis. 7. Health services shall be available on a continuing basis to the children in the program. 8. With the centers teachers' cooperation, parents shall receive, a statement of the services the children have received. 9. The agency shall attempt program visitations, (at the centers), by a dental consultant from UPHS Division of Dental Health and a medical consultant from the American Academy of Pediatrics. 10. The health services program shall have a health review committee. (Head Start Manual, revised 1970). REFERENCES Head Start Manual and Rainbow Series Booklet #2, Health Services. "": to ,p!:c-:)Ic G'z.-,cr;t1 Ic ii -A Jr 111-13 0" thc C-,tao:n-,niv., c.� 11,54:nr ar.;t" Cd. VOUMEERED SERVICES V unte"rod .cervices r.•.zv be counted Z� non-�-�,�c:crLl rhare for each hour worked by vol- 0! 'z - , . ' C. 1 untears. alit_ -.s Of vo sc-I.-Vicos v-111 not be Lccc:-p.:c!d u-,-.1e3s the services --ra a:i and scn3ibie pa-.c of the program, being "-sisted by OEO. A p -, 1 C=.ts e--z-.-.Szr-:zL zhat the services voluntccrc, will =Ice a rteaningful Lne, Gen _c:ole 'Co :.e cl=-.unity Lczi'". progrzini, Lctiviz:ias wI-lict"I involve a short pa-zio-, Of Vol..._ __e,'. by nuntbars of peopl,, not normally meet this standard, Also, V01-Unt.=3 S'-ould nct '-o USL-d -...ere it vculd be more effective to have work -,c-ffo=ad by ?aid, ?ro.:,,ss--on,.-s or non-profession-,is 2. 71-0 Services Of men..'Ders OE the professions listed in the attached serv- Z*-air capacity as pLrt r • of an LOpovad x7ork ray be vz:!-ued at r*-e The-z=es an ap-,-zOvCd-wO-.k- `-progra=. 3. A vol-unteer's services vill be valued at a rate liated in the appendi- for a proZession or cc ion C-..--,y the volu-ntecr zctua --,--y rerfo=s that: s?eciff-c type of serv- ice r-..d only if the volunteer is pro=assionally qualifted for thau tash. 7n of ter CZSCs , volunteered services will be valued at $3.60 per hour or at-:'-e bas --_ ..._.._ _:. .. stabiished by the Federal Govern-men t uhichever is the lhi,.'ner. T.- 'Includes services o'- uns,illed workers, as wall as the services of skilled i.o:.kers or pro - fessionals when they volunteer to work on tasks outside of their trade or profession. 5. a profa--sionzl or skilled worker is Paid for his services at a rate below z"--t sho•,r-. 37-. z:.-.a atzac-c6 1-ist, the difference 'between the. two rates may not be cour.tcd as r Partial to tllne non-.Fcdcral share, 5. ?e -sons N�a c-r-, se------e--x?Ioyed or arc partncrs in firms are always treated as volun- teers -.-*-.C.n services zze contributed. Persons I;*hz) rre C-.p-'OYeeS' I-OWCVCr, may in some cases have their time contributed by their ease, the value of the employee's services is, equal to the wage paid" the e=loy&a '--y his e=oloyer. • 3'.-er-3 ZZ-7 vo uatcrily contribute ther own time, and in such cases their time is val- e d a c c o zo z-e --ztes set forth in this memorandum. _._e Or su-'erViSor"r e-.,?-oyeos of other org--71-izz:tions may not be valued as a contribu- tion to r'- *e nc-.--edat:Ll _..are unless 25% or more Or the supervisor's normal wark week --'a e= -,-. actual of the employees of an 07-0- financed przogrLm.. 1 0 f 3 'IAR C� G5A DC C�-171.3 !.a. I M.0C Y;' A'-*-r;O:I 170. -().12'.) 1; 0o o❑ Youth I•""Ca;ftoll and 1 ED Lnc-.-Ious ;tG4 AND/On "GS C Z-C"7101: Z"(W za-. Cj ZI:C-rION. 207 "": to ,p!:c-:)Ic G'z.-,cr;t1 Ic ii -A Jr 111-13 0" thc C-,tao:n-,niv., c.� 11,54:nr ar.;t" Cd. VOUMEERED SERVICES V unte"rod .cervices r.•.zv be counted Z� non-�-�,�c:crLl rhare for each hour worked by vol- 0! 'z - , . ' C. 1 untears. alit_ -.s Of vo sc-I.-Vicos v-111 not be Lccc:-p.:c!d u-,-.1e3s the services --ra a:i and scn3ibie pa-.c of the program, being "-sisted by OEO. A p -, 1 C=.ts e--z-.-.Szr-:zL zhat the services voluntccrc, will =Ice a rteaningful Lne, Gen _c:ole 'Co :.e cl=-.unity Lczi'". progrzini, Lctiviz:ias wI-lict"I involve a short pa-zio-, Of Vol..._ __e,'. by nuntbars of peopl,, not normally meet this standard, Also, V01-Unt.=3 S'-ould nct '-o USL-d -...ere it vculd be more effective to have work -,c-ffo=ad by ?aid, ?ro.:,,ss--on,.-s or non-profession-,is 2. 71-0 Services Of men..'Ders OE the professions listed in the attached serv- Z*-air capacity as pLrt r • of an LOpovad x7ork ray be vz:!-ued at r*-e The-z=es an ap-,-zOvCd-wO-.k- `-progra=. 3. A vol-unteer's services vill be valued at a rate liated in the appendi- for a proZession or cc ion C-..--,y the volu-ntecr zctua --,--y rerfo=s that: s?eciff-c type of serv- ice r-..d only if the volunteer is pro=assionally qualifted for thau tash. 7n of ter CZSCs , volunteered services will be valued at $3.60 per hour or at-:'-e bas --_ ..._.._ _:. .. stabiished by the Federal Govern-men t uhichever is the lhi,.'ner. T.- 'Includes services o'- uns,illed workers, as wall as the services of skilled i.o:.kers or pro - fessionals when they volunteer to work on tasks outside of their trade or profession. 5. a profa--sionzl or skilled worker is Paid for his services at a rate below z"--t sho•,r-. 37-. z:.-.a atzac-c6 1-ist, the difference 'between the. two rates may not be cour.tcd as r Partial to tllne non-.Fcdcral share, 5. ?e -sons N�a c-r-, se------e--x?Ioyed or arc partncrs in firms are always treated as volun- teers -.-*-.C.n services zze contributed. Persons I;*hz) rre C-.p-'OYeeS' I-OWCVCr, may in some cases have their time contributed by their ease, the value of the employee's services is, equal to the wage paid" the e=loy&a '--y his e=oloyer. • 3'.-er-3 ZZ-7 vo uatcrily contribute ther own time, and in such cases their time is val- e d a c c o zo z-e --ztes set forth in this memorandum. _._e Or su-'erViSor"r e-.,?-oyeos of other org--71-izz:tions may not be valued as a contribu- tion to r'- *e nc-.--edat:Ll _..are unless 25% or more Or the supervisor's normal wark week --'a e= -,-. actual of the employees of an 07-0- financed przogrLm.. 1 0 f 3 'IAR C� G5A DC C�-171.3 es :,ov ,)!*,v C z; i 0 t F, , lawyers, ,Y or 3 znld accoun'tan": . . 3, :-I Lhe a7,PC.-,- rol! overi"Cad. 11'ecauze of this Ovorhe,,d Clument, 020 will 'not C!- .; e to no­Pciaral share Lhe voluncered _,orv-cc..n t1wx -would be tile ovorhead rC:!_,tcd to the services Of t',L.Ce profession s. 2 ncroas-I in, non-Fcd0r,­.l rcvu-irea,::nt mu., t alzio be satisficd with to nnv of voluntt-.Cered servicos. A�n.y se ,zvices contributed -for ,::,4.ch is -must Inc. in addition to services which .,,erg volun- zeero' SO-_,Ore t"10 01-7 the community action Program and muct not be c:-_'verted OL,-C- sorv`cos --,, the poor. 'n Wh-'Ch volunteered services _­.:o accepted as non-Federal share, the Zc1low- ....g co :cam__....,, an. rCqu-*rC*.,-,Cnts must be observed by the grantee during the execu- of the (1) L-.ount Of non- :Fedora? share ;which can be credited shall not c%cczd tha r:113unt On SLatem-c-ir.of CAP Grant, No. 1.4. '2) vo-unteer_-d so-v-,Ces cl-�inmod as no-,,-Fedo-:aj Share must be substcrtfs-ed b•,, z--'-.-.,2 cords or t-I'MIle :.-ocorLis wffiicil !,,:ve been signed by the volunteer crd .1 — z'sa bY --u?arvisory perso-nnel as rcquircd for all c-r.-.,_,joyoos. (See CIP G:7_D3 1, Section 2d). S,,; c- records =-,- show e:,.e actual hours EU,,:-c5 pC:.fr� and snould also -_'ndicLte the basis . ed, - f0z ecEC=-i-,in3 the rate of volunteer's contribution. (3) In value of volunteered services for n or' natisfying share no higher 'hourly rates -..ay be allowed t,-an rose scz forth in the appendix to this or obtained fro= 070 i upon S?Cca_- -request. In 0: volantecred Per So17; 1 1civiceS for Purposcs of Col..puting the Nun -i•ec ernl Share and Clcricn l roarIv "tc- ~ aCCC:.... _..._ and Auditor 7.50 2.75 17.00 a_ 70c'-nic__n _00 :) _.__.. ani Nutritionist 3.00 :Weer 7.50 =±Io Clerk 1.90 _ 16.00 Lyo_- ^ i.= 3.25 Nurse (Re _z.Steree) 3.417 \arse (Jthe:) 2.45 10.50 ?svch3iJ _st 7.00 Rec:tcr 4.00 _._,.__L_io: � ? e Grou idor:cer ^c_C- 3.15 jc JJi iniStr,:CJr (Public) 7.25 S ecre:- 3.0'0 SJciclyhcrker ( ?rofessioncl ?SW) 4.05 Sc..::�= W.)rk (other) 3._' Steno�raocr 2.50 Surveyor 2.55 =c caer (e.e::er.t�ry} 4.65 _ ...... _ (secondzry) 5.20 _.c_.. r ( college) 6,05 4.05 u-- or (defined as a person with one or more years of college.) 2.25 :VDist 2.10 C- °- anL Other _ - _ick-cso:, Stone -.:.son and Tile Setter 5.30 .us,- :r_.e_ 3.00 Ca- zanter 5.15 Ce -ent and Concrete Finisher - 4.95 Cool. 2.90 .,__- _7.z!:cr and S"-stress 2.25 __cc:rician 5.35 Gracing and Road Machinery Operator 01.10 Glazic._ 4.80 -L_ .:a- 4. SO r_L-:erer - 5.40 - °_ = -- 5.75 s -__- Coc? _cm-*th and Sheetmetai Worker 5.25 3.40 _-_ a a 0f 3 SC 2 . Act 0:30 cl: ............ fcz e,:-- ba vv.nwe L On. .-Cca cx.Ll. thezz cr.3y 02 in lz�c- -.::e E-2 0-? ......... ... Gf CJL7- 4"C, to O-Z hlL "ha Ono have SC .07 3f.1 7 , I --n-v zx-h ay lla-� in C, -,cluci, or ha., r,.*,mi-. s ,�ll cf Comtrac-'- Ponn for cf '22-0- P3 ll,-'LS C;Y 1.0t yr:Z C2 :c-- Vi-*- c:; of tk�: .7ara": C2 'n't C:7 c2 t� at cf a& y of -.=.-3 z;.l.G•.-.:z cn C.:'-,'-ndL..` Uac-'= tli`z gr=:t zd4= -o!'18 for X. I ill..:! lwtvc hocil or are to on—l-nm fill"'Is ill ay be ex- t...,.,,, rl' ::!1,.: ""'! 1'or th, 0' r'!:11 Oil tl:." :lcqllisitioll' owno- 'N -ON No "rn n ;l­.%: St:."'?.; On the ;:round 01' L -.Jon.0 origh", ::0-.-. denied th.0 proc'!L'is 0:' or to un"lor the progn-arn :1. rs „ of this fundin -g roc.ziest. Th.0 g l-".n eo ."IIZI iis agenciea Nvill cornnh, b.i 1.e 1):7-Pc',-o• C.- vc. '".0 ll-prov l ot* thke P.-c-Sio.ent, 1)11r- uan- I to t:-.o C-"v;l 11:gliz,, Act of 7. DISCI,:"­XATION 1\ L Ol"YE N T =11133;7-1). in al; hir g or eniployn-telit nlaC.a possi:):" uy Or ­onl this g'�alit action, I :T�St ench �r k:) wi'l r.o., ­�"'rinlinnto any ea or an:il`e.int for err plo.-;tent hc- nuse O:., e, cclo-. re::fz^on or nn'Lio.,.al are, (2) iv:fl 'tetion to ensure I.!­,,-,., app:!,ants .-a v.­:-.:-.!o-­M. ::nd tl-.:.t employees ;.re on-.p'oyment, without ragaird to -'-c2r ra- c3.c:. re.:gion or national origin. This a-pplv to, but not I-e lin-Jited, to, • "e Ena,:;!o%ment. i;pgrzxing, demotion, Or er: or recruit: '-.C:nt adverL`is- mg layc� cr ra-zcs of pay or ether _0=-.s o: and sellecLicn, for training, n-antee a its dele- I,). The g and "� I ga-.e agencies sha:l ccn-,ply with .I: applicable Stal- u zes: and Executive Orders on cqual employment an� this granz action shall be gov- ­ccd by _ provisions of all such Statutes and �-cc­z:ve O:dcrs, ;. - eluding enforcement provi- !ilon.s. as set h in CEO directives. 8. COVENA',T AGAINST CONTINCENT FEES 7— warrants that no person or ency or ether or7anizarir.n has, been or re-z-ned to solicit or s,,cu.- e this grant scion agr.:en-.ent or understanding for cr,:= broke:age, or contin- gent :Er2. zo: breach or vlok.t:on of this Nvarrant Lne Acvornmen- shall have the r1wht to �nntll this =n+ aczion or, in its discretion. 'o ­LC- fi%,m ',-e tl• ozll rwisc recovor the am = of !:uch coninilssion, percentage, or conth,- 'ce, or to :.vzA- %uch othe rcm,:i is ;:f; 'Inay 'IJL I.,-gally T Nv;th rogulntiotis, sunperld or tcrmlnutrt LM wllo;c or ill part for call Se, W;t;ch (1) Or of th6 of its dule"late to with thr., i"'C'udhi- aUachee conditions, cable statulos and Executive Ordl(.'rs' or S='l OHO directive:, as niay li(.-Come gene: a:;, at ally tine; (2) subin!'"ion by :..- ;tee or ­z delegaie n""encies to OEO of rerGrts whic, are hicoll-reet or incomplete in any materii-.1 resilt-c,; (13) ineffective or improper use of Federal funds by the grantee or its delegate agencies; mak- ing nny chz.ngc which sipgniEcanth t'-.e re,irosentaittive character of the grantee's policy making body or the gr:,Qe'r capacity to enlist community stn)-port; (3) failure e of the grantee to adequately monitor and evaluate pro- r.. ril activities dlele_czcd to otter agencies, or to provide effective guidance to such carrying out the purpose and activ ties of tl­e portions of the ar.prove-cl program C:zIegazed­o Eiel'2,. This grant may also be susp ended or tcr- minated in whole or in part in t e event the tee is a Community Action I A�encv and a n is racognizd by GAO as t:-.e c-- tion Agency for all or part of z1he arc,- ived by the Wrantc-2 in accordance with O'E0 6irect'vas. in such event part of the funds and the grantee's or delegate ag"zicies, functions, ,iltiorils, records (or copies), authority and parc-j- orty relating to assistance provided to the ,r=_ta or its delegate ag,­ntncs, under this grnnt ac-.:o-.i shall be transferred by the grantee end its dele- aate ai-,cncies to Puch newly reccnizez. agency. NO SOMens:on or termination w:11 --ffcct any ex- penditures or legally binding connnirrnents mace prior to receiving notice of the suspension or termination, provided such expenditures o. com- mitments were made in good faith and not :n anticipation o: term.ination and are otherwise a!- !ow,,blc. Funds shali not be treated as committed for this purpose solely by virtue of a g:-a-,-.erz's contract or other commitment to a delegate agen- cy. Upon suspension or termination, the d;sPis-.'_ Lion of unexpended Federal funds and property purchased with program funds will be sub,*,ct to CEO direction. Slil'1'Lti? i1�1'AL \0 \- DiSC;a ?iliF,IT70: CONDITIO:.S F01: HEAD START CHILD DCl'ELOP >:E:a PROCRUM-11 GRANTEES T::o ;allo, :in conditions apply to all Child Development Program grants, anti aro ; :apnlerWotary to the gencral conditions governing ,,rants under Soctions 221 and 222 of the 'Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. ( -See CAP Guide, Polur,:c 1, Exhibit 1, pp. -55-59.) SOT F.: Execution of tho standard D::O Civil 2ishts ,,ss,rarcO corm by the Itranteo „nd each delegate agency shall constitute agreement to comply with all grant conditions relating to non - discrimination, including the following: 1. Each Center shall serve a separate compact geographic area whose houndaries are drawn without regard to the race, creed, color, or nail onar origin of the residents of that area or of adjacent. areas. AnY Proposed deviation from this requirement must be formally sub- ... -tted ir, writ.ng to 0�0 with det fled justification of the purpose of the proposed deviation and must be expressly approved in writing by OEO prior to any grant. Within appropriate financial limitations, 00 is willing to consider proposals to deviate from a strict!} ^;eo - graa`.ic syst_em 4n.order.,to.ome:,come - a.partenn =of .segregation •which would result from use of such .a system. 2. rvery Center and class serving a geographic area shall be open to all eligible children in the area absolutely without regard to race, color' creed, or national origin. This applies to all recruitment se action, assignment, and tr . ;portarion.. Both professional and non - professional staff must also be recruited, selected, and assigned toithout regard to race, color, creed or national origin. There shall be no recruitment, selection or assignment of chiidren or staff or. a, basis or in any manner which results in segregation or discrimination. 3. There -shall be no segregation or discrimination within a program, Center, or class once children and staff have been selected and assigned. 4. The 'locations of particular Centers and classes shall not be selected, and the areas to be served by them shall not be gerrymandered, so as to produce segregation or discrimination. To the maximum extent pos- sible, the boundary lines of areas to be served by individual Centers shall be drawn so as to provide a mixture of eligible children living in adjacent neighborhoods, 5"' oility for particular Confers of classes shal•1 not be based on eligibility to enter a particular school in a succeeding school year if school eligibility will be based on race, color, creed, or national origin or if initial or presumptive school ascigrment will be made or, . suc:. a basis, subject to the right of the child or his parents to request transfer or reassignment to another school. Page 1 of 2 SC_O 6. AII_ L rcr.sporLation shall he absolutely nondiscriminatory and unsegre- 1;aLr shcLher it is provided by the grantee, a dcicgatc.egency, or other persons or groups. Except as specifically .pproved by 070, ro;;les and other Lr3nsporLation arrangements shall be based on purely f ;:nct_onal considerations. 7. Ail publicity and recruitment efforts must be designed to reach all groups equnlly effectively and must :hake clear that the program..wili be operated on a completely nondiscriminatory and unsegregated basis. S. it shall be the duty and responsibility of the grantee and all dele- gste a&encies to take such measures as may be necessary to insure that the program is operated in a completely nondiscriminatory manner. As used iin paragraphs (1) to (8), "discrimination" and " 'segregation" include all recruitment, selection, assignment, or different or separate treatment by t'! grantee, any delegate agency, or any contractor'besed on the race, color, creed or national origin of children or of professional or non- professional staff members. Such discrimination, and segregation include recruitment, selection, aid assignment of staff based on the race, color, creed, or national origin of the children assigned to a particular Center - -or < class and vice versa and include arrangemen•rs -designed to produce purely "token" integration. English- speaking and non- English- speaking children reed not be assigned to the same class where the language barrier is the basis for a special program for non - English- speaking children. f Page 2 of 2 SCi.`B 7 11:1VORTUNI V ACTICn 'CoUl.. S. 17.1C : Z�A(.-, L:� 140. I Pr= Yn. AC"'ICIII 140-- j Crd:'1;'0"::"T com"mi, youth Education and GRANY AOTHOnITY vi it C.ItIor"Illities, Ell AND/GR Z03 M '::C-:C'N ""M; SCCTI,)N- 203 ILC-' IG'N = +'/ the Special Condition bclo•a, in --Geaion to the r.p;;hCcb!C unlicr TICIC il-A or 111-5 of the Eml=.ic Cpno-, mizy Act UE 'HEAD -START POLNY W:- ".'Ij'"FEE (,,OT7-: 7hc '-ollowing conditions of this ,,rant are raquired by the Hcalt*a ::�ucation and ialfsr., Office of Child Davclopm.nt and should serve to lar a any conflicting requrem.ent stated in the "Head Start Manual 0: 01 iCICL and instructions. ") 'A" I si:�-.:y (60) days of tha c-factivc di:to of this grant, --ho Grantee shall sub-it to the Health 'Education cmd Welfare, Office Of Child i�evelo;mcnt: (1) a list of -,c:-.bcrs 6f the Head Start Policy C•=m":tou(s); (2) rn cccoptable --at of ' rule s by ,-iaicia ' t (t'oy) operates; 3) a descripticn of how cach mmbor of the was- elected or selectee. (-I) GL:--rantco of proper reprdsontativcs of poverty. THE CO%.2-'ITTE�- --f t"-Io •Grantee chooccs to use a Dnlo, ato e,^•nncy to the Grantee and the Dalo,--ta agency snal', umr-: in est&°I:shmant and operation of tha Co=:Ictce. Tha actual mcchr-.1'zin used in acco-,.pl-shing an effective Cozmitteo is tha docision of each Gra-,-,aa DciieZate Agency. (2) F:nzl responsibility for the fonmation and offcctivo oparati-M-1 of Co=rnittac re-ts with the Grantee. (C) O':� Co.12-117-PEES re should be a Policy Advisory Co=.ittoo for each 'Head Star:: Center unless that center has so few children L-1-at this would prove �maffcct:va. In this case, centers should join togothar In the tcn---tion Co='ittcc. (2) -.har2 should also bz a comnty-wide, advisory coz:=Ittca with rarra'-Cntatives fro-m each individual lica-6 Start Committee, the Grcr.tcc Dclega- a AZ,,r.cy. This Co=ittea should ,.:act to discuss the ;-,div'dual ;;rogrzms and to exchange ideas for program This advisory c�.Tnml'ztee will be responsible for uniform operation in the proLrama of the Gra-'Zaa: CO% At :cast G-.e-half (k ) of the m--mba;:s of the Co=ittce shall SC i =9 CA., C �: in .1,,c pro ; rat , elected d by the other C pare. n us. roccdur etc.) -t lean a c p as (,,o,,,-. - .3, ballotL;, c t paro.-.zs each class is suggested if there is one C (2) T *.-I or a should be at least one (1) oft the Board ot 0." t"a Grantee on tae Comm-'ztac. (3) :f zh----o 4-s.a Dclo tc A&C-acy, should be at least one ra?rcsontati've of its Loard on the Co=.Attaa. rona-i-,,,dar of the Gom7.-,ictcc Gould be persons fro-.1 the 4.'ho would. be able to giVe con-,tructive support to ; t-c oparat�on of the program (doctor.,., nurses, public health, educ azio" social workers, ctc.) • (5) from tl.-.. ?olicy Adv-1,-o-.y. Coz.=ittee of- the Dray., c,;:; c:1courasc:d. Thlesa nc-zso-.IG Could Siva Valuable Cortri- b u a.-.s, unon Cxpa. lGnCe, to new mew bzrs of t"-,a = coittca and would -eve _:y :a t"ne programs. ?arenzs of childran 4-1.1 the previous pr- a.e racc=ane--d in, order to =,couraga new parents on the to =Z"-a -frec'uant Contributions. , 7 It is assumed by HE— that the Head Start Comm-r ' t-,co would oain Its mev' as t*--- new program is ready to begin. 'Parents should ,-a Zola to 1-131"d Z--'zst =acting and elect rzprecenzativas as Boon as t. *':d:en are selected. -le --e proposed aSe--da for each meeting s*-ould be draftee by the "*.-a--'--.-..---., his oz:lcers and the Director of thc Feed Start program. T*.-a Cc-z,-.zz:ee should be made aware, at the first -mactin g of ::'-a zcan-�azds of an FEW funded Read Start pro�;ram, . the ai- 0 - Cne prozr---- and the Conditions (General' and S--�ecial) and the Changes �es Work Vndar W.14-,h the grant for the proaram is sl-Iculd be a minimum of one (1) moating per =onen, Ciuring Z.he znaz Cna prozram is in operation. During those months whan .-. a, c-- *rer, ra not in class, the need for m iuLs may be curtailed ?o---cy rdvisozy Co-Miztca accom,plishcs its , duties as stated balcw. ea..' meet ng', the Director of the ?-:03ram -(or his assistant) report on z'..r- -regress 04 the program. s*.c;;-d be a ran,-es.-.tativa o-- the staff of the Grantee (and t*- - a :;alez-rte Agency) prase-,t a: these --cetin'-s. (c) As -'a stated above, the com.ittea should be i-.1 operation -..-a year. it is expected that new -bars will join a C -p s.—:1Y before classes be.-in. It is -'elt necensary that the CO=ittea --,z-in active no that the duties of the Co==ittea are (I) body for read Start ?rog=tzi within the frame pa F, e 3 wor,,z of 1!Z*,,' policy nn,: with cec-1,sion in ::real specified below. Dovelo.p1p.61C of Bead SUtz"L applica"Lic'n. G, , ' , . As student scle.cuion. Is not possible until grant hn-- bt!cn approved for finidin3 by 1E."7, it Is the rur.j;cn3ib!1i':y of the Policy Advisory Cor..-Zitteo for the previous Yccr to help torlz-up the applicntlo-n. (bi Assist in d-avelop-.=nt Of Head Start application for cnsuinz; year with cooperation, Of Grnn;cn. (c) App:-ovc final draft of application.' (3) Participation In staff soloct1cn. (a) Participate in selection 0", - Read Start' Director. (Should be consensus bLti.con 'PAC and ndialnstrative agency). (b) Help establish criteria for total staff through cooperative efforts of the Policy Advisory Committee, the Grantee or the Delegate Agency. (c) Alert Head Start Director-•to capabilities or "Hang -cps" an applicart n1gliz have that would %.ork nZaninst the philosophy of Fc.,.d Start. Selection Of children: (.) -The Policy Advisory Connitt:Li�-. should !mow criteria of oligibility for cnrollmcnt in Ik-ad Start clan-,sos. (b) 11hc2n there are r.orc cpplicLtior.s tha-a slots avnilabla, t o Policy Advisory should set criteria for preference. (5). Additional Fcnpo*nLibiilitics: (a) 7.cspons!bIlity for 'covmunicatlr,„: with the parents of chi'_4rer 1-r, the proCrcu,, ;.s well " Ot1-..Lr interacted cltiz'.7'z, to encourage their participation in all Lspccts of the pro_-ram. (u-,for-esoen .•or%, clas room rc pair, for the program, volunteers, parents' mcctin�;s, transportation, babysittinG, ctc.). (b) Coordination of all needed and offered volunteer service_-. (c) Sinking sure that each child in the: pro,-ram receives the services to which to is entitled. Each child should rcco'va co• _'?Ictc medical examination and treatiunt, dental examination r.nd treatment, psychological or social services, if needed, field trips, etc. (6) Adopt set of rules or by-I.Lws 'ay which the Policy Advisory Co=nIttze will operate. Those -need not be elaborate in detail, but they •lhould specify time and place of meeting, souring man.imum attL-ndarca by working p&rcnts, election of officers, quorum., calling of spacial r'.ect:17.Z;s, 'onZth oz notice prior to raectings, method of notification of MLLtings, etc. If the Grantec, D&IeZatc Agency or the Head Start Covnittoo (PAC) feel zhau the above requirements present a special hardship, and It desires to conduct the program in a manner different than Is stated above, the Crc.ntee must obtain written permission from the Ka&!-,h Education and Welfare, Office of Child Development before making th", changae. ' of rice o1 �NOnuc Sp 1-. ollluz:lly -.00M,-AICjTY ACINON 11 CIAL CONDITION 2* IIIAIIT 1111, 1•110G11AM, Y,", ACTIOI* 11", Co�!iiiLtoc on YOILUI Job 0,)portuili-tj!cs H-0129 S=ECIAL CONDITION APPLICS TO: 1. ALL Poi CRAM ACCOUNTS IN . GRANT ACTION 11. I.JONLY PROGRAM ACCOUNT HUMOCR(S) ,:i:, I, "I'vicer I" Clio S•'l,cial nnditiou I)elow, in addition ED the applicabit, Gcneral Condition:, goverilinp .:-VICS Un,:er l'ILIC 11 or III-ii of the ].'cmiomic Opportimit• Act n1 1964 :is aniended. F7 :%!:7A7!,VX1S ON HEW FUNDING for this nt action h�vc bcc,i made available purusant to a resolution of Con7ress n,.,ov_`ding 1-c- the continuation of DEO activities at a currently authorized level un-:_41' c.. - :nropriation has been made for Fiscal Year 1971. Additional !ei,_2s -!a-. ivo or o-z!-,or ._seal limitations may be imposed on OEO funding. Accol•dingly, FE..., res rves to revise th-'s ­ant action in any manner which HEW me,, deem c-le- to tal, tn account of iegislative or other fiscal limitations 2 .�- Z ,-ra ms a �unz_ng. ay reduce the amoun t o f this g ran- as a 3 eCr :S tc _ D­ram account or accounts, may limit the rate of the grantee's to cc=i-, and spend _Funds, and may restrict the grantee's use of both ­zs unspen- :-u-,2s. is _ntentio-. to make any such -changes -on the basis of-generally :n-inciples. Ho.. -4 'ever, fiscal 1.-mitations may affect one class of programs i`an cz.-le-s; z.,rogra-_s having different time schedules may be affected re-ative priorities may be established takinZ account of various factors 'HEW -therefore reserves the right 1v and specif:cally anticipated. ru_- zc'man,:e ce--erm-nat ions on the basis of such variables without pr-:or consultation w-:T*- .he zron-ee. In accepting this grant, the grantee acknowledges Ii-E-14's authority to make such revision in z e z-anz program or budget. .-In no event, however, shall any revision made by HEW authorized by this condition effect ex-_-c-_H*_ures and legally binding co mitments made by to grantee before it received :-.czice of such revision,prov-'ded that such amounts have been expendec or co r.iztec. in coZ.faith and are otherwise allowable and that such expenditures and are consistent with the case withdrawal guidelines in H'1-1 directives. For s :;%:rC;ose, funds shall not be recognized as so committed solely because the , �ranzee as co-,.-,izte.o the; by contact or otherwise to a delegate agency. The grantee iz: responsible for informing delegate agencies of this provision before concluding any prcgram agreements with delegate agencies. s5 2 za;:c-S rn-!` -.1 . `7 CAP FSRM 29 tREV. AUG G81 REkLACES CAP FORMS 29. 29A. 29S. 29c, 296. DATED MAR 64 AND ('11 VC 69­_9S CAP FCR. 29c• DATED AUG 67, WHICH ARE 013Snl ETE. N,, AT EXPlRATION Or °TATUTO ::Y AUTHORITY _61 245, and 321 of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, „ er.en_ed, on ,..c, he Ji0 Director's authority to carry out programs under Tithed ..,.c _:_ the Ac spective1y,'w4il e::oire at the end of a oecificd scal year. s,-..t .y zuthor ty to carry out programs has been extended from time-to ._one. :c c event this authority expires during the term or rjeriod of this gra.. , t! e _ .._ si:ali be subject to suspension or termination if it is determined by a t.. __ze3 :ederal officials that continuation of the grant is not authorized by reason, Of he expiration of such authority. Any such �asnension and termination n2edynot be in accordance with the suspension and termination procedures in 0- S. regulations. - 7i�LZs '2 -•2 -age C11 .C.. ... Link ::IL U^ •i U;111 V • is 1' Cc::. t i " L•ua on Y"1111" 1ldue, >n :utd • ,109 t�; ; 0rt uui: ; a5 G'Yn. P..c•(Iz': ;oo. co:- is i_C•il�(11 :111 �'rr: 1: 01 Gi1AnY Au•it:Gi1'_iY 22..1 -222 ]LCCVIO : :n :....,............... C- Isrc'rloUj t ccc7luua:+o F-jcccYloriz1i ❑ cccrlqu cal ' iv scb;ect to tlta S;:ccic: Co :1,:irion ebo.m L•:Icw, in e4G:rior. to ti:q :77IiCCJ :q G: :c:cl C.o :C : : :G: un3er Title I! -A o: III -U of rbc 17.cono : :ie t: 1..-t O: mcnd : :d. INTERia SPECIAL CONDITIONS The folic inn special conditions cover matters which will be dealt with in OEO _nstructic:s.to be issued during the early part of 1969. Until such tir..a these _nstrucricns beccma effective, this grant is subject to all of the following Condit ions. In addition, the grantee Must incorporate these conditions into any delr_ga _,n ;ament.entered into prior to the effective date of the Instructions mentioned above. i. ...-.:'VAT nECC -1)S, ISS?EC :IONS. The grantee and its delegate agencies -:all inanc_ - ro;-am progress, evaluation., and other reports as required O O circctives, and shall maintain. such property, personnel, fines cial and other records c:d accounts as are deemed necessary by CEO to assure a proper accounting :c_ all program = u-,ds. The grantee and its delegate agencies and contractors s ^ail it cr.-s:te = nspedtio_s by OEO representatives, any shall effectively require C=Iovees .:nd board r..2m.bers to furnish' such information as, in the judgment'of the 030 re ?rasent�tives, -,. -.ay be relevant to a question of compliance with grant conditions end OHO cirectives, or the effectiveness, legality, and achievements of the program. _.;. Stet records will be made available to the authorized representatives of CEO ; or tae Cc- ptrolier General of the Unitcd States, and will be retained for three years ..:t . the ex-- ;Lrstion of this grant unless permission to destroy them is granted by the Director of OEO. 2. EXPENSES DISALLCi1ED. ao project funds shall be expended for the cost of .__cis for enp:oyees or officials of the grantee agency or delegate agencies except when on travel status. 3. I :.'_'EREST .PRNE"D 01 FEDEFAI, FUNDS. All interest earned on Federal grant _ :ds shall be reported on the financial report for the grant period and shall be returned to 07-0 by check payable to the U.S. Treasury. 4. PUBLICAMON AND ?UBLICITY. The grantee may publish results of the approved cor..r.uni` action program without prior review by OEO, provided that such publicacions Eck.ncalec.ee t.a the program is supported by funds granted by OEO pursuant to the provisions of the Ecoaomic Opportunity Act of 1964, and that five copies of each such ?ublic tion are furnished to OEO. 5. CG ?'r.IGn:S. If the grant results in a book or other copyrightable material, the aurhor is free to copyright the work, but OEO reserves a royalty -free, non- ' exclusive, snc irrevocable license to reproduce, publish or otherwise use, and to cuthorize others to use, all copyrighted material and any material which can be co ?yrit;.ted resulting from the a ?proved community action program. . 1 An .v discovery or itiv,nition arising out of or dov I e10-x_,d in the of vot-1k zi,*Od by th" sr.mit shall he P:OIil)t:ly znd fully re ported LO the Dircctoc of 0;:j as to whezhcr pa•ent pi-OLQCtion on such or :i.,covc,•v silsil and ;.o, rho rIphLI, in the Invention or discovery, includ-Lng rights under any nJLCI1t issues; thereon, shall be dir-po2.cd 01 ar.d administered, in order to protect the public interest. 7. LAI'Mr, STAN—DARDS. All laborer3 and t.,,cchnnict; era?loyed by contractors or sulocon-naccors in the construction, alteration or rcDair, inclu6in, painting a-nd of projects, buildings and works which are fec:crally cs-cisted under this grant shall be -:..id wages at rates not less than rhose•prevaiiing on s�milar CCnst,:Uction in "ha locality, as determined by the Secretary of Labor in accordance wit.. th i the Davis-Bacon Act, as amended (40 U.S.C. 276a-276a-5). S. 'REI-1,71OUS INSTITUTIONS. The grantee and its delegate agencies shall ensure that any -oart.of the approved prograva that is conducted by a church or church relate.- ;.nstizurion is .entirely non-sectarian in content and purpoac, and the OEO —ect,-ves on grants and delegations to churches or church related institution . s ire srtisfriad. 7 _T SPECIAL CONDiT 10,11 7 2. G.I.P17 1,G. PROGRAM YR. AG T ICA_, & 11-0-1.29 AC,:: „NT;; I.N aPANT ACTON S. f—I ONLY PCIOGRAM ACCOUNT .1u;Aock(s) Condition Mow, in ZU'di-ion .7 :a hc .ppi.icable Gcr.cral Cr.d:c';c r a" -hz: E-conom.ic Gppo,.u.jj.y ,kc, of ji;L,.. ­-."nds Zcr grcnz aczion have b.cen.mada availaoic pu=zuznc to -, rcsojuz-iCM. c -ass d Zor --`Q con--` noozzi on - 020 act' at c currc:nt,.y 0 i- v aut 01' ZC4 !IV-' a-, apPropriatior, has bce-,j made for Fiscal Yc:a:: 1970. an-- Co.-.trol Act of 1,,168 also impose limitations on z a c.NP­-`:L:r.0s of the FcdLra"_- Goverr,;nant. Accordingly, rescr,*cs t'-Q - to revise this grant action in any ,canner vlaich. ... _w urea_ to take account of legiz1azive or other fiscal I ::zt-ions progra•.s and funding. H.:W -may-reduce the amount J= Z_ * - r z.- 14- :_ t "t as a w'-Olc Or --s to cEnY Ona Oz mOro components, may m :.:.:a c� Z*-a S':`n_­2c's au-,'-0 4z:Y to and spand funds, and may restYict tae ZrL_.Zca,s us" o-- both f_ts unobli.latad and unspent funds. -s to ma`e any changes on the basis of 5cnerally aD",. icable 'as pr, g r, a'.-, S -fiscal limi'tations may affect one class 0 - 0 :,-an _`O, rams '2'v`ng eiffe:-ent t,*.-,,,3 rc',-Icd 1c c..y Zz - U 3 �- bb affected ffaranz ly: priori:icz ..ay be es::,abli_�hed tahinS account of various c­no: be _ally and s.,-)Pcificaily z�ntic;patcd. HET.,i there -a fore L serves nc.'.: ion on the basis c-2 tuch variables ,7 Z-3uz :;-icr ccnsulzazion. With the grantee. gran. t` -e grantee aclx.-.owlcd;es EZW'n authority . to mr,,:e s'ch �-rant program or budget. no cvanzs, hcw-aver, shZ.11 any revision made by EEW autho=ized by th�s and legally binding commitmazats made by t"-e rz.n=ae ,-4fcra 1Z recaivo­` notice Ot s'L1cn re-Virion, Provided that such nzl.la been expa-,ded or committed in good faith and ot%crujise ailowable ::--a: suc` cor=._*tments are consi-stent with tha- FEI.-I czs', _t - Cc' r a I Luca a I For tai., purpose, funds rnall-not'ba racozn4zcd as 3 s0le;_Y '-ccz.-,:se t.-.r- grantee ,,as comanittod them, by contract or z-aru-'se to a dalc.:.aze agency. The grantee is raspons,';Ila for nipormig Z, agency 0= PzOvisiG.'I before conclLdLn3 aw/ pro=�M zgracmants t*.-.e dalaazaza azency." ti<.J. A4G 4d; IIUPLAC AP FGtlC 25, 2�1. "L. �4. 64 AND CIO PAGE I OF PAGES OFFICE OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY - APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM PROGRAM ACCOUNT BUDGET rrers.,r, r' " "'''4'I " ",••.r• _ -� ( rrv• or Prin, rten.lYJ Rm1,ct 77„ „•�,,, R,.. n6 -Rn /58 I. APPLICANT AGENCY WIPlnuii Ly Coaunietcc on Ioutl�cTucatxon 2. DATE SU UMITTED 3. PROG RAAI YEAR ,1R,1 4. GRANT NO. And Job Opportunities 6/23/70 CND DATE: 11 -0129 _ - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- - 8/31/- 7.1- -- 5 _ PR OG RA -AI ACCO - U N'F - -- -- -- -'-- +• ;:,.A. NO. b, NAA1E ------ - - - - -- - - -� -- - -'— BEGINNING DATE i, END OA fE _ 22 L Corpus Christi- \ueces County Dept of Public Ile-alth and Welfare 9/1/70 �-II -� 8/31/71 o. SL•sMl7 TED AS PART OF (: L: ck unel:n{ _.__ _ _--- ______. _-__-___- _- ._- ___•- _- _.___--- I- •- _ - - - - -- I---_--_.--__•__- FUNDING REQUEST b. E_�]AAIENUMENT REQUEST (if 1h,s item is ch ecAcd� rzltnch (; /IP F'orn 256, "fusNf,crs tian fnrjP Ir: ' _ ' rodn,.n un, .I•ncn(•�rnt•'. SECTION I_ 13UOGET SUMMARY -- APPROVED PY— - REQUESTED PROGRAM YEAR o Z - _ --_ - -- - —_- - -- REQUESTED PROGRAM _ YEAR+ 1 REQUESTED PY 1 2 TOTAL O - - -- _ FULL -YEAR _ -- EX PAN OEO EXPANDED FF{ CATEGORY O TOTAL FEDERAL NON- TOTAL ---- - - -_ —' �i0 TTI Z V U PROGRAM O PROGRAM SHARE FEDERAL 111 1�1 f31 Z 191 SHARE O 2 PROGRAM 0 0 Z f TOTAL PROG RAAf o 0 2 Y. TOTAL PROGRAM p T F ISI l6] 1Tl l(II 101 110) I11) 1121 (1]1 1141 PERSONNEL — COSTS -_ -_ _100,111 -- - - -- 108 553 99,555 8 998 sAt. RIES !!' ---- D "ACES - 37,402 I 37,402 1.2 i FI •S ( r,aro, s --- — '` -, ^h% CO`,SULTA'JT5 3,740 3,740 _p_ 7•3 r A•.O CONTRACT S G R'CES 67,411 58,413 8,998 I NONPERSONNEL T' i COSTS _ - -__- 7,363 7,376 4,834 2,542 __ 4,225 4,225 -0- -FACE COS rS T.2 - -- - - -' -- A .•� -L -4 TALS -' - - -- -- -0- 922 /RULE __922_ - ?.3CC-.0, rt5I,F•PLIES 609 609 =0- -__ - -_ F._H L. LEASE, -_ -_ -__ __ -------- -_- _.__ -_ It 2.4 1•'.R Cif A CE OF -- -- --; EcuFMENT - - -- i� - 1 2.5 O:I1 F.R COSTS - -- - - -0- -0- -0- i TOTAL COSTS 107 474 115 2.9 104,389 11 .540 PAL - - li 97 429_ 104.389- 1hONFEDERAL "--'- SHARE 11,540 i CAP Fni7M Tt .�.�.. ..... __, PA SALAI Av0 VIAGI:l; PAIII — ------ TITI.t: 1IR POSIT10:1 ANN LJAI SAL.A fly flo 0 1: DC)l At t4l AM: I ff: . .... . ........ GA rl: :)Jiy li I' VIII I ft 11:1,11 ........ VI - I t 1105, fl}It: f:r,j il"J. 12 100 13,702 -0-- ll-".1 Nurse 6,630 12 100 1 6 264 1*2 100 6,2.64 -0- 1 6,390 - - -12 100 61 4,416 100 37,402 j.,rjjjq,,,j F.'.'10?1Al. j1r.jf',0Jj)jrj. -0- TOTALS, PAID - 31,402 .0- T()'rAI.S, Ij()j.jjjjj'-' jA : i ICt: 01 - LCON0,M1 I: OPPOR I UNI I Y -A PPL. I C S r 10: 1 VOU COMNIU! I I IY AC I [Or I PROGRAM NOGNMA ACCOUNT BLIDOI: I' SUITORI SIII:[:T de..(y) • . ...... ...... 'L I,'%% r A%:I:NC Y - col".".1 L too oil YoWL11 I-Miteit: toll & Job OppoL: Luai L I I L H (M.9 %M, C,­•%•; 01i i zLi. -Nuec"'.; Count' DATA 5 r c 117 %nouar o,t v;,t ui: or ir;::i '%2 ZY C!"WSIPTION OF ITrM AND LIAiii ron VALUATI . Oil AL Fl:rr.�I U:!- L;,l'i?AL E j A Ill: 43) 14) 37,4.02 -0- 3,740 -0- y i; c,i I 'x. ::r> 635 c:Wdroli $10 each 6,350 )5 cIt L L(11•:Ei Q, $5 unch -0- 3,135 V"_,Z CO 13'llt-1.11: $301)/;:,). 1.2 m".. 3,600 $-,'VOI,-.,). x L2 mos. -0- 3,600 ­c: k: 1; 6 h L Idn--n $ 3. 50 each -0- 2,223 (335 ? .1.0 each 63 ._O_ Tr".•ati,•nt 035 children C, 40. n-ach 25,400 -0- L,_. • L iL 575 c:iiIAren vy "W! '1.3,000 2'.1 T; i CfLcu 7.5 !r25 each 6:15 1 Q f t. 12 mos. -0- 922 3 f, I I G15 J) I Id 1*(-Il Q .25/cIlLIA 15) 1'01'ALS CARRICO I'ORWARD f*NO,'j AffACIIIA) VAGLS 1, 620'. A I- !i ri ir rA f I ill 11 r I' A r r;. ci i t: fj To rl%LS 10 11,540 P I A 2" /.'.1 '. rA 11 1 CI'll 71, IIA f16 A l'❑b0, 01111..111'. I'll.01 V FV• 1,1C, W LC, kl;•l'OR ru.1111 MIN Ic.1% 1111ti I OR c0•"Will IT AcItoll PRO Wix-1 NOGRMA ACCOUN BUDGE.1' SUITUNT SlIFET I .%;'I Y I.• I I _it v Co� DA f I*: •'COUNT �IIAM A(, IIII)IG C011ilLy 1) ----------- f,UL)(; I :T SU 1.1'01I uATA OF iTC:t ANO DASIS i011 VALUATIOA SNAM: (2) 3 1: lce supplios 501!.io x 9 Ino ZI L 9 r. - 0 :3 51 C:1,1:3 F I c q Laff Q 5 -,m ta I v ALIO.—X 9 MOS "cIjtal mos ni 11 L'a I valu'! x 9 Iron. ------------ 'ro "St - A . I CA$' flitit 13. DA If 0 AI'll 61, Wilril 11 • foul/Alzu V1101i TOTA 1.5 — ------ 1620 CPO 311.131 V­7. AUG 'A) Pr.I,LAc.I­, rAV FW0,11 .1, 1AP11 40); 21, (fl:11 r.f,); ARM n1, JIIAU W). '4AW 11 AIR: 011-.Mt I:Yl* VAGI: I OF VA,A•9 or i:conwiic ovroi, run I rY • A I ' P I . I CA I'1011 I'0 It CONUMUN I I Y AC 11014 PH OGUAM PROGRAM ACCOUN r BUDGET 1F/ 2* IIAII:,Ul,',IIT U f 13. c,,_.:,u:1ity cown'Juco Oil youth Ulleattoll & Job_0ppol:vvaLLW.,; 6/2.3/70 IJAII.: 8/jj/"j.j. — ---- ------- % 'PA, ;I,- 1. a.rl ) 1"ATE. _Uorpus 22 __ ChristL­Nuccos Comity Do.pC of PublAc Hoalth & Wollare 11 U11) GN AM 843 (1) (5) M 17) a. C—]runiw.Nc nccut:sr b.. (-_] A:.W.NOMUNT PEQut:s r itc,, i, w, ...... S EITII�N E 1. 13000t."I' SUMMARY . ........... . 100_,111 COST • CATEGORY d APPROVED PY TOTAL PrOGRANI 6 ----- ----- ttr.OuEs rt:D PROCRAM YEAR TOTAL1.1 FEDMIAL r 1, ROGRA SHANE CDEIAL SHARE 6 8,998 1, 1: (,0 1: 1* 1: 0 111:00RAI.A.YCAR I. I I'U1.4- . EAR EXPAND::13 T,j fAL COTAL 6 R L l,'j I­, f I' . 1) P 2 ro. V­7. AUG 'A) Pr.I,LAc.I­, rAV FW0,11 .1, 1AP11 40); 21, (fl:11 r.f,); ARM n1, JIIAU W). '4AW 11 AIR: 011-.Mt I:Yl* % , . <.. 11 U11) GN AM (1) (5) M 17) ON E L COSTS N 100_,111 103 ,553 99,555 8,998 4..:0 'AGES 37,402 37,402 0 FATS --- - - -- -- 3, 740 3 740 —0— CC'.T­ ,CT c ES 7,363 67,411 1- 5 3 , 'd 3 334 8,993 2. cosrs, 2 MA•EL 4,225 11,225 —0— ­jr FF -E';TA" _744-01-- _0_ < 7•3 cvrrurs 609 609 —0— 1-15-0 ---- ---- _0_ —0— 107,474 —17ir k04,389 44—.4'' 3-- To r AL COS TS rl:bKPAL' 1-0/1,329 UXUAL V­7. AUG 'A) Pr.I,LAc.I­, rAV FW0,11 .1, 1AP11 40); 21, (fl:11 r.f,); ARM n1, JIIAU W). '4AW 11 AIR: 011-.Mt I:Yl* ` "� F - A r I. ' --- '! Me 100 6,630 rul I 1'u'uli�i"Hoaltll rurse 6,630 12 -0- 'I -PUblic Assist. Worker .6,2164 12 100 6,264 -0� I 'Clerk Typiesr'll 11 12 OCL 0- To'rm.s' P"'Io -0- TOYALS, PAID "FRISOMIrl. 37,402 -0- TOTALS, V01.01ITri.i.'s � ^,^" _�� . --'--- ;^-=,i c"="LuQ x ms �n � --'---'—_'- .`~~.'`~'.^..~. NNIE ... 16.-MILINT Of? VALUE: OF ITCM DESCRIPT104 OF I'TEM ANO OASIS FOR VALUATION SIIARF SHARE Perscmiel Salaries 1.� -Fringe benefits 1.3 1 IlYsical Exams 635 chitilren 0 $10 each* 6,350 ._0__ -Dental Kits 635 @ .10 each �.edlical & Dental Treatment 635 children 40. each rx -"dical Dental Treatment 575. children PY I'D" 2.1 Staff Travel 116,000,111iles '~='^="`"^~"~=""""n,,"��� PROGRAM ACCOUNT BUDGET SUPPORT SHEET I: suwll r FCD t t I ('s 2 L7 & Job u-11— FlIZOGRAM ACCOUNT C017Eja ClIL!.sLL-N'lloces Count Do)t. Of PLlhtLc llonit-h & Wolran, MIDGET SUPP011T DATA - 1 • 11'. lln. I 3. VliUfIlA!l7I.AIl E' A. ritAlIfflo. C. LiCrINIIIIIG I A. CHDII10 cosy AMOUHT OR Y.'.LUr OF IML PCOERAL 110!14CDIVIAL: c,::., -f DESCRIPTION OF ITI,:,'l AND OASIS FOR VALU.VrIO:l -M.Wir. f3l - fFl 2.3 Office SUOPUCS 50/mo* X 9 mos.-' 2.4 6 D,,s s for 'staff '@ 10.1rP.O. rCnt.11'value x . 9 mos. -0..: 510 12 Chairs for staff @ 5./mo Rental value x 9' mos. Z Audiometers 15./ro Rcntal value x 9 mos . 3lcctric typewriter 30.lro,o, rental value x 9 mos. 270% TOTALS cmiful-D %'I'fkCll[:D PAGLS (y­y) 7• 911!517 IS ATTACHIZO TOTALS 450 ALPLACKS rAP 1011 IA 23, DATED AT'll fa, M11CII 11 OI)Wt.V.TjI, Corpus Christi, /Tj)Cas /0 W ay oY A_L1 / 19 %1 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspen- sion of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordi- nance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, �`�1 MAYOR ���� THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter rule was suspended by the following vote: Jack R. Blackmon Gabe Lozano, Sr. V. A. "Dick" Bradley, Jr Eduardo E..de Ases Ken McDaniel W. J. "Wrangler" Roberts Ronnie Sizemore The above ordinance was passed by the following vote: Jack R. Blackmon Gabe Lozano, Sr. V. A. "Dick" Bradley, Jr. Eduardo E. de Ases Ken McDaniel W. J. "Wrangler" Roberts Ronnie Sizemore