HomeMy WebLinkAbout10359 ORD - 07/21/1971TEXAS: AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING OUT OF N0. 2? STORM SEA /ER BOND FUND THE SUM of $8695, OF WHICH $8,40 IS FOR ACQUISITION OF PARCEL NOS. 2 AND 3 AND $255 IS FOR INCIDENTAL EXPENSES AND RELATED COSTS, APPLICABLE TO PROJECT NO. 295- 67 -46, CLARKWOOD DITCH HIGHWAY x/44 TO OSO CREEK; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE REAL ESTATE SALES CONTRACTS WITH THE OWNERS, BENNETT C. OCKER, ET AL; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION I. THERE IS HEREBY APPROPRIATED OUT OF No. 295 STORM SEWER BOND FUND THE SUM OF $8695, OF WHICH $8,440 IS FOR ACQUISITION OF PARCEL Nos. 2 AND 3, AND $255 IS FOR INCIDENTAL EXPENSES AND RELATEDf' COSTS, APPLICABLE TO PROJECT No. 295- 67 -46, CLARKWOOD DITCH HIGHWAY #44 TO OSO CREEK. SAID PARCELS ARE OWNED BY BENNETT C. OCKER, AND WIFE, EULA BELL OCKER; LORRAINE OCKER RUSSELL AND HUSBAND, E. R. RUSSELL; FRANCES ANNETTE OCKER MARTIN, A WIDOW; AND MELVIN F. OCKER AND WIFE, EDNA IV. O(KER,AND ARNOLD GCKER AND WIFE; MARY OCKER, AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Being a rectangular tract of land out of State Surveys 404 and 402, Nueces County, Texas, said tract of land being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a point in the center line of an existing 40 foot drainage easement, said point being N. 2 42' W., 94.07 feet and Pi. 890 35' 46" E., 20.0 feet from the southeast corner of Block 6, Clarkwood Townsite as shown by Map of record in Volume 4, Page 21 Nueces County, Texas, Map Records, for the NorthT;est and beginning corner of the tract herein described, Thence N. 880 45' �:, with the south boundary line of the Thomas B. Potter Tract, a distance of 155.0 feet to a point for the northeast corner of this tract, 0 Thence S. 1 42' E a distance of 633.03 feet to a point in'the North right -of -way line of the proposed State Hwy. No. 44 Cut -off, for the Southeast corner of this tract, Thence S. 850 19' 38° W., with the north right -of -way line of said highway, a distance of 155.21 feet to a point in the center line of said drainage easement for the south- west corner of this tract, Thence N. 1 a 42' W., with the center line of said easement a distance of 641.10 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 2.269 acres of land more or less. The above described parcel includes a 20 foot wide strip (0.295 acre more or less) covered by a drainage easement granted by H. J. Buckholt to the State of Texas and recorded in Vol. 210, Page 449, Deed Records of Nueces County, Texas. 1 ('359 SECTION 2. THAT THE CITY MANAGER BED AND HE IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TO EXECUTE REAL ESTATE SALES CONTRACT WITH THE OWNERS OF PARCELS 2 AND 3, BENNETT C. OCKER, ET AL, COPY OF SAID REAL ESTATE SALES CONTRACT MARKED EXHIBIT "A", BEING ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. SECTION 3. THE NECESSITY TO APPROPRIATE THE SUM HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED AND ACQUISITION OF THE AFORESAID PARCELS CREATES A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND AN IMPERATIVE PUBLIC NECESSITY REQUIRING THE SUSPENSION OF THE CHARTER RULE THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE OF ITS INTRODUCTI.ON BUT THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE SEVERAL MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL, AND THE MAYOR HAVING DECLARED SUCH EMERGENCY AND NECESSITY TO EXIST, AND HAVING REQUESTED THE SUSPENSION OF THE CHARTER RULE AND THAT THIS ORDINANCE BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE OF ITS INTRODUCTION AND TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGES IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, THIS THE LDAY OF JULY, 1971. ATTEST: • A City SEC ETAy MAYOR THE CITY OF C P S CHRISTI TEXAS APP VED: DAY OF JUL 19 LIT ATTORNEY 92 - Form 14 READ ESTATE SALES CONTRACT THE STATE OF TEXAS I' COUNTY OF NUECES I Parcel 2 • This memorandum of agreement made and entered into by and between Lorraine Ocker Russell and husband, E. R. Russell, Frances Annette Ocker Martin, a widow, Melvin F. Ocker and wife, Edna W. Ocker, Bennett C. Ocker, and wife, Eula Bell Ocker. AND ARNOLD OCKER AND WIFE, MARY OCKER, hereinafter called Sellers, of the County of Nueces , State of Texas, and the City of Corpus Christi, hereinafter called Buyer, of the County of Nueces, State of Texas, W I T N E S S E T H: 1. The Sellers, for the consideration and upon the terms hereinafter set out, hereby agree to sell and convey unto Buyer, and Buyer agrees to buy the fzTllowfng described property situated in Nueces County, Texas, to -wit: Being a rectangular tract of land out of State Surveys 404 and 402, Nueces County, Texas, said tract of land being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a point a in the center line of an existing 40 foot drainage easement said point being N. 1 421 W., 94.07 feet and N. 890 35' 46" E., 20.0 feet from the southeast corner of Block 6, Clarkwood Townsite as shown by Map of record in Volume 4, lage ' y uaces County, Texas, Map Records, for the Northwest and beginning corner of the tract herein described, Thence N. 880 45' N, with the south boundary line of the Thomas B. Potter Tract, a distance of 155.0 feet to a point for the northeast corner of this tract, Thence S. 1 421 E a distance of 633.03 feet to a point in the North right -of -way line of the proposed State Hwy. No. 44 Cut -off, for the Southeast corner of this tract, Thence S. 850 19' 38" W., with the north right -of -way line of said highway, a distance of 155.21 feet to a point in the center line of said drainage easement for the south- west corner of this tract, Thence N. 1 421 W., with the center line of said easement a distance of 641.10 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 2.269 acres of land more or less. The above described parcel includes a 20 foot wide strip (0.295 acre more or less) covered by a drainage easement granted by H. J. Buckholt to the State of Texas and recorded in Vol. 210, Page 449, Deed Records of Nueces County, Texas. - 1 - „ n •Fol-111 Via 2. The purchase price io .___$1750.()o 3. 3. The Sellers shall provide at the expense of Buyer, a Title Insurance Policy, irithout exceptions to said title being made in said title policy, which policy shall wholly insure and indemnify the Dwyer against any title defects or adverse claims thereto. Said Title Insurance Policy shall be issued through a reliable Title Insurance Company and shall be delivered to the Buyer on the date of the closing of this deal. 4. Upon the securing of the Title Insurance Policy provided for herein to be prepared by purchaser, Sellers agree to deliver a good and sufficient General Warranty Deed drac•.m in accordance zriith the provisions of this contract,- properly conveying said property to said Buyer, and Buyer agrees thereupon to make the cash payment. 5. All taxes to be paid by Sellers up to and including the year 19-LOL- 6. All current taxes, insurance, rents, and interest, if any, are to be prorated between the Buyer and Sellers for the year 19- 71 to date of closing, except as may be herein otherwise provided. 7. Buyer has this day deposited with the Title Insurance Company or Title Guaranty Company the sum of $175.00 Dollars as earnest money hereunder'to be applied on the cash payment above set out when deal is closed, at which time the balance of cash consideration shall also be paid. Should the Buyer fail to consumate this contract as herein specified for any reason, except title defects, the Sellers shall be entitled to receive said cash deposit as liquidated ' damages for the breach of this contract, or may at their option, enforce specific performance hereof. When the executed deed and any other necessary executed papers and the balance of the cash payment are in possession of the Title Insurance Company or Title Guaranty Company said title company will close the deal in accordance r 2 - PW 2 Form 14c with its usual and customary procedure. In the event Sellers fail to tender a deed conveying said property in accordance with the terms of the contract within the time *rovided herein the Buyer may enforce performance of this contract by inaction for specific performance thereof. 8, The Buyer agrees to accept title subject to all outstanding restrictive covenants and use restrictions, if any, of record, and all city zoning and regulatory ordinances, if any, applicable to said property, 9. AXAXXM this agreement and they acknowledged that they understand that this agreement is not binding on Buyer until properly authorized by the City Council and executed by the City Manager of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas. It is further understood however, that Buyer must execute this agreement within 30 days from the date of Sellers execution or this agreement shall be null and void and none of the provisions hereinabove set out will bind either party. - 3 - '02 - Form 14d EXECUTED in triplicate, either copy of which shall constitute an original, on this the day of lg u ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM THIS DAY OF) - , 19 City-AttZ Lwralno 0&mr Russell E. H. to seU FxE¢ceo AEWe to Ocher Mal -via F. Oc:ker Edna 1-7, Ww- Bezmett C. ocker 1 Oak a= Am old A� ! SELLERS CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS BY: City Manager BUYER e • - Form 14 -e THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES II BEFORE ME, The undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated and as the Act and Deed of said City. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This day of 19 THE STATE OF TEXAS Notary Public in and for Nueces County, Texas COUNTY OF NUECES BEFORE ME, The undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Frances Annette OaLw V=tla , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAM AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This the 078 441 day of 19' . Not Public in and for Nueces County, Texas JEAN E. STEWART NVary Public, In and for Nueces County, Tom THE STATE OF TEXAS MY ComnaLwon Expires June 1,183 COUNTY OF NUECES Q BEFORE ME, The undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared E. R.. Rtii sell and Lmya' uo Oelmr Z�' weal 1. , his wife, both known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they each executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and the said Laa,ra?no Ocker Russell. , wife of the said E. R. ibaasell , having been examined by me privily and apart from her husband, acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and declared that she had willingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract it. 1 L, GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, The day of A'T , 19. • Or ` '_ SLY Notary.Pu lic in 4hd for Nueces County, Texas J THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES I BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED AUTHORITY, ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED r'n yl a R 61nkn;+ AND E!,j an. [,i_ fr+L•as� _ v HIS WIFE, BOTH KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSONS WHOSE NAMES ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT THEY EACH EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSES AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED, AND THE SAID Eal"a 1J. GaL , WIFE OF THE SAID Y,-Al l a 001 HAVING BEEN EXAMINED BY ME PRIVILY AND APART FROM HER HUSBAND, ACKNOWLEDGED SUCH INSTRUMENT TO BE HER ACT AND DEED, AND DECLARED THAT SHE HAD, WILLINGLY SIGNED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSES AND CONSIDERATION. THEREIN EXPRESSED, AND THAT SHE DID NOT WISH TO RETRACT I.T. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, THIS Q9+41 DAY OF • NONUECESUCOUNTYN TEXASOR t "o V0 THE STATE OF TEY.AS ]� COUIv''lY OF NUECES BEFORE MTE, The undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Bennett C. Ocker , Imown to me to be the person whose name is subscribed-to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for.the purposes and consideration therein expressed. /GMN UTWER MY iIAND AMID SEAL OF OFFICE, This the day of otary ,Aib—lic in and for Naeces County, Texas THE STATE OF TEXAS Y COUNTY OF NUECES T BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED AUTHORITY; ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED Ara-41d 0--kw AND fiz Gam-" , HIS WIFE, BOTH KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSONS WHOSE NAMES ARE SUBSCRIBED 'TO THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT THEY EACH EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSES AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED, AND THE SAID maxi Oaker , WIFE OF THE SAID Amold Oaken , HAVING BEEN EXAMINED BY ME PRIVILY AND APART FROM HER HUSBAND, ACKNOWLEDGED SUCH INSTRUMENT TO BE HER ACT AND DEED, AND DECLARED THAT SHE HAD WILLINGLY SIGNED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSES AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED, AND THAT SHE DID NOT WISH TO RETRACT IT. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE; THIS �d DAY OF ,/ w iz c' , 19 T/ FLY .9 NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR i NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS Parcel PW 2 - Form 14 REAL ESTATE SALES CONTRACT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES This memorandum of agreement made and entered into by and between Lorraine Ocker Russell and husband., E. R. Russell, Frances Annette Ocker Martin, Melvin F. Ocker and wife, Edna W. Ocker, Bennett C. Ocker and wife, Eula Hell Ocker, Arnold Ocker and wife, Mary Ocker hereinafter called Sellers, of the County of Nueces , State of Texas, and the City of Corpus Christi, hereinafter called Buyer, of the County of Nueces, State of Texas, W I T N E S S E T H: 1. The Sellers, for the consideration and upon the terms hereinafter set out, hereby agree to sell and convey unto Buyer, and Buyer agrees to buy the following described property situated in Nueces County, Texas, to -wit: Being an 8.852 acre tract of land out of State Survey No. 402, H. S. & F. Certificate No. 1739, and out of that certain 160.77 acre tract of land known as First Tract described in Volume 796, Page 234, Deed Records, Nueces County, Texas said 8.852 acre tract of land being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the west boundary line of said 160.77 acre tract and the south right of way line of the new State Highway No. 44 for the north- west and beginning corner of the tract herein described, said point being in the centerline of an existing 40 foot wide drainage easement, Thence N. Be 36' 59" E., witL the south right of way line of said State Highway No. 44, a distance of 44.19 feet to a point for an interior corner of this tract, Thence N. 810 54' 20" E., with the south right of way line of said State Highway, a distance of 111.50 feet to a point for the northeast corner of the tract herein described, Thence S. 1 42' E., a distance of 2496.99 feet to a point, in the south boundary line of said 160.77 acre tract for the southeast corner of the tract herein described, Thence S. 890 02' W., with the South boundary line of said 160.;7 acre tract of land at 115.0 feet pass the east right -of -way line of an existing 40 foot drainage easement, in all a distance of 155.0 feet to a point in the west right of way line of said existing drainage easement for the southwest corner of the tract herein described; Thence N. l0 42' W., with the west right of way line of said existing drainage ditch, a8 1727.66 feet pass an offset corner of said ditch right -of -way, and contiaueing N. 1 42' W., now with the centerline of said drainage ditch in all a distance of 2479.64 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 8.852 acres of land more or less. The above described tract includes an 1.933 acre drainage easement conveyed to the State of Texas by H. J. Buckholt and recorded in Vol. 210, Pg. 449, of the Deed Records of Nueces County, Texas. - 1 - I'll ., - Form 1.1 2. The purchase; laic: i:; $669o.00 3. Th.c Sellers shall provide at the expense of Buyer, a Title Insurance Policy, without exceptions to said title being made in said title policy, which policy shall i.-holly insure and indcmni ='y the Duyer against any title defects or adverse claims thereto. Said Title insurance Policy shall be issued through a reliable Title Insurance Company and shall be delivered to the Buyer on the date of the closing of this deal. 4. Upon the securing of the Title Insurance Policy provided for herein to be prepared by purchaser, Sellers agree to deliver a good and sufficient General -ilarranty Deed iirav-,n in accordance with the provisions of this contract, properly conveying said property to said Buyer, and Buyer agrees thereupon to make the cash payment. 5. All taxes to be paid by Sellers up to and including the year 15 70 . 6. All current taxes, insurance, rents, and interest, if any, are to be prorated between the Buyer and Sellers for the year 19.71 to date of closing, except as may be herein otherwise provided. 7. Buyer has this day deposited with the Title Insurance Company or Title Guaranty Company the sum of $669.00 Dollars as earnest money hereunder to be applied on the cash payment above set out when deal is closed, at which time the balance of cash consideration shall also be paid. Should the Buyer fail to consumate this contract as herein specified for any reason, except title defects, the Sellers shall, be entitled to receive said cash deposit as liquidated damages for the breach of this contract, or may at their option, enforce specific performance hereof. When the executed deed and any other necessary executed papers and the balance of the cash payment are in possession of the Title Insurance Company or Title Guaranty Company said title company will close the deal in accordance - 2 - 4;47 PW 2 - Form 14c with its usual and customary procedure. In the event Sellers fail to tender a deed conveying said property in accordance with the terms of the contract within the time pwvUed herein the Buyer may enforce performance of this contract by inaction for specific performance thereof. 8. The Buyer agrees to accept title subject to all outstanding restrictive covenants and use restrictions, if any, of record, and all city zoning and regulatory ordinances, if any, applicable to said property. 9• 10. It is understood by all parties hereto that this deal is to be closed through the Title insurance Company or Title Guaranty Company on or before sixty (60) days from this date. 11, Sellers hereby reserve to themselves, their heirs and assigns, all the oil, gas and minerals, in, on, or under the surface of said lands. 12. By Sellers execution hereof, Sellers acknowledged that they have read this agreement and they acknowledged that they understand that this agreement is not binding on Buyer until properly authorized by the City Council and executed by the City Manager of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas. It is further understood however, that Buyer must execute this agreement within 30 days from the date of Sellers execution or this agreement shall be null and void and none of the provisions hereinabove set out will bind either party. - 3 - 2 - Form 14d - EXECUTED in triplicate, either copy of which shall constitute an original, on this the day of 19 Lorraine Ocker Russell E. R sse]l d Frances Annette Ocker Martin r Melvin F. Ocker - -- 'ATTEST: C City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM THIS ZZIL/my OF L C Attorney Edna f. Ocker Bennett C. Ocker a beu Ocker Arnold,p6er . Mary 0 er SELLERS CITY OF.CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS BY: City Manager BUYER - Form 14 -e THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES BEFORE ME, The undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, known to me. to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, f and in the capacity therein stated and as the Act and Deed of said City. GIVEN UNDER MY RAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This day of ` 19 Notary Baolic in and for Nueces County, Texas THE STATE OF TEXAS• COUNTY OF NUECES II t - BEFORE ME, The undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Frances Annette Ocker Martin , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This the a8 1rn day of oiu ng� , 19-2L—. , Notary,,nblic in and for Nueces County, Texas MEAN E- STEWART . s THE STATE OF TEXAS Notary Public, in end for Nueces county', Twi m 4 _ - My Commission Expires June _ii,.�_�s3... COUNTY OF NUECESS BEFORE ME, The undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared E. R..Ru.ssell and Lorraine Ocker Raassell his wife, both known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they each executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and the said Lorraine Ocker Russell , wife of the said E. R. Russell , having been examined by me privily and apart from her husband, acknowledged such Instrument to be her act and deed, and declared that she had willingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract it. l GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, The �� / day of • rC�(�i7�i!�. n�a Tr Notaric in an for Nueces County, Texas • 1THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED AUTHORITY, ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED _ Melvin F. Ocker AND Edna W. Ocker HIS WIFE, BOTH KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSONS WHOSE NAMES ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE-FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT THEY EACH EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSES AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED, AND THE SAID Edna W. Ocker , WIFE OF THE SAID Melvin F. Ocker y HAVING BEEN EXAMINED BY ME PRIVILY AND APART FROM HER HUSBAND, ACKNOWLEDGED SUCH INSTRUMENT TO BE HER ACT AND DEED,, AND DECLARED THAT SHE HAD WILLINGLY SIGNED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSES AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED, AND THAT SHE DID NOT WISH TO RETRACT IT. ' GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, THIS I'41 DAY OF ' NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FORv -oA�iY NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS bo�,Np� U�1 • � �y0° TITS STATE OF TE?'.AS • j 1 COUNTY OF NUECES j BEFORE 11E, The w dersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Bennett C. Ocker , ]mown to me to be the person whose name is subscribed-to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the some for.the purposes and consideration therein expressed. j GIVE UTMER MY IMM JLM SEAL OF OFFICE, This the 2 day of �xx� Notary PAlic in and for Nueces County, Texas j 0 THE STATE OF TEXAS j COUNTY OF NUECES j _. r BEFORE W, THE-UNDERSIGNED AUTHORITY, ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED Arnold Ocker AND Mary Ocker - , HIS WIFE, BOTH KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSONS WHOSE NAMES ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT THEY EACH EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSES AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED, AND THE SAID Mary Ocker , WIFE OF THE•SAID Arnold Ocker , HAVING BEEN EXAMINED BY ME PRIVILY AND APART FROM HER HUSBAND, ACKNOWLEDGED SUCH INSTRUMENT TO BE HER ACT AND DEED, AND DECLARED THAT SHE HAD .WILLINGLY SIGNED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSES AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED, AND THAT SHE DID NOT WISH TO RETRACT IT. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAT. OF OFFICE, THIS (f— DAY OF g..L,• DE Wrrr FLY NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR _ .. -...- ... ` . NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS RUIL12419ACI AiG POWEli OF A7."PORNEY ZIT: STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN 33Y THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF NUECES ) THAT I, EULA BELI, OCKER, of NUCCOS County, Texas, have MADE, CONSTITUTED AND APPOINTED, and by these presents do MAKE, CONSTITUTR AND APPOINT, P,ENNETT C. OCKER of Corpus Christi, Nueces County, Texas, my true and lawful attorney, for me, and in my name, place and stead to do any and every act and exer- cise any and every power that I might or could do or exercise through any other person and that he shall deem proper or advis- able, intendinL hereby to vest in him a fua.l and universal power of attorney, to act in, manage and conduct all of my prop- erty, businesses and affairs, and in my name, place and stead to do and exercise, or to concur with persons jointly interested therein in the doing•or executing of any and every act and any and every power that I might or could do if personally present and by way of illustration, but not in limitation of general power of attorney herein granted I intend that my said attorney shall have full power to buy, sell and convey, lease, mortgage, pledge, quitclaim or otherwise encumber or dispose of, or to contract for the acquisition, disposal or encumbrance of any and all of my lands, stocks, bonds, and other property v:hatso- 9 = ever; and to execute all necessary contracts, bills of sale, leases (includi.ng oil, gas and mineral leases and pooling and unitization agreements), releases, promissory notes, and to do and perform each and every act that he sees fit to do; and to deposit and withdraw, either in my attorney's name or my name or jointly in both his name and my name, in and from any bank- ing institution any funds, or negotiable instruments which may come into his hands or which I now or hereafter may have on de- posit; and to institute, prosecute, defend, compromise, and dispose of all litigation to my narae; and to act as my attorney or proxy in respect of my stocks, shares, bonds or other invest- ments which I now or hereafter hold; and to prepare, execute and file Federal income and other tax returns and other govern- mental reports, applications, requests and documents. Giving and granting unto my said attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing _ whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done as fully to all ;intents and purposes as I might or could do if personally pre- sent, and the above specifically named powers being in illustra- tion of the full, complete and general power herein granted and not in limitation or definition thereof. I agree and represent to those dealing with my said attorney -in -fact that this Power of Attorney may be voluntarily revoked alone by revocation entered of record in the office of the County Clerk of Nueces County, Texas. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this day of December, 1969. - WITNESSES; .--- :... •._:.'...-__:._' _.. �' :.. . _ . Eu a Bell Oc -er POWER OF ATTORNFY RMORDS NUCCCS COUNTY, IfXAU vrn ( ( rr THE STATE Oil TEXAS ) MUM MKILV6 COUNTY OF . NUECES BEFORE ME, the d signed auth city, n this day per- sonally appeared �j% I -.n �. 71 A/��, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribe as a witness to the foregoing instrument of writing and after being duly sworn by-me, stated on oath that he saw EULA BELL OCKER, the person who executed the foregoing instrur:ient, subscribe the same by placing her mark thereon and that he had signed the same as a witness at the request of the person who executed the same. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of December, 1969. Notary Public, Nueces County, Texas THE STATE OF TEXAS )•,,�9�'„ �a��yC� .•. COUNTY OF NUECES ) -- BEFORE NE thedq/rsigned author/ity, n this day per- sonally appeared //L L ,,(' /i / known to me to be the p rson whose name is subscribed 69 a witness to the foregoing instrument of writing and after bein.g duly sworn by me, stated on oath that he saw EULA BELL OCKER, the person who executed the foregoing instrument, subscribe the same by placing her mark thereon and that he had signed the same as a witness at the request of the person who executed the same. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SL`AL OF OFFICE this day of December, 1969. 1 -�4C ary Public, Nuec s County, Texts: . •.. THE STATE OF TEXAS ) nd �; !!!!1111111•,•• COUNTY* OF NUECES BEFORE NE, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared EULA BELL OCKER, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the pur- poses and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of December, 1969. h?" ° t'_ otary Pub ic, Nuec Coun�y;...�exas' -2- POWER OF MORMEY RECORDS NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS vni (I fart 492 CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS CERTIFICATION OF FUNDS (City Charter Article IV Section 21) July 1, 1971 I certify to the City Council that $ 8,695.00 , the amount required for the contract, agreement, obligation or expenditures contemplated in the above and foregoing ordinance is in the Treasury of the City of Corpus Christi to the credit of: Fund No, and Name No. 295 Storm Sewer Bond Fund Project No. 295 -67 -46 Project Name Clarkwood Ditch, Highway #44 to Oso Creek from which it is proposed to be drawn, and such money is not appropriated for any other purpose. , �921- G� 1 ee or o nance CLP FIN 2 -55 Revised 7 -31 -69 0 .: .", . . :. .. 0 CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS al4z DAY OF 19 / L TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; I, THEREFORE, REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTFULLY, ow ii OR THE CITY OF CO CHRISTI, TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: RONNIE SIZEMORE CHARLES A. BONNIWELL ROBERTO BOSQUEZ REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH THOMAS V. GONZALES GABE LOZANO, SR. J. HOWARD STARK THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE FOLLOW IG VOTE: RONNIE SIZEMORE CHARLES A. BONNIWELL ROBERTO BOSQUEZ REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH THOMAS V. GONZALES GABE LOZANO, SR. J. HOWARD STARK /