HomeMy WebLinkAbout10390 RES - 08/04/19718/4/71:e A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND PROVIDING FOR EXECUTION OF PROPOSED CONTRACT FOR COMMUNITY RENEWAL PRO- GRAM GRANT NO. TEX. R- 142(CR) (G) BETWEEN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PERTAINING TO THE PREPARATION OF COMMUNITY RENEWAL PROGRAM NO. TEX. R -142 (CR); AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, the United States of America (herein called the "Government ") has tendered to the City of Corpus Christi, Texas (herein called the "Public Body ") a proposed Contract for Community Renewal Program Grant, hereinafter mentioned, pursuant to which the Government would extend a Grant of Federal funds to the Public Body to aid in financing the cost of the preparation of a Community Renewal Program, designated Community Renewal Program No. Tex. R- 142(CR) (herein called the "Program "); and WHEREAS, this Public Body has given due consideration to said proposed Contract and has found it to be in the interest of this locality to execute such Contract; and WHEREAS, this Public Body is. duly authorized, under and pursuant to the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, to undertake and carry out the preparation of the Program: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The pending proposed Contract, designated "Contract for Community Renewal Program Grant, Contract No. Tex.R =142 s, (CR)(G) ", consisting of Parts II and II, under and subject to the provisions, terms, and conditions of which the Government would make a Grant of Federal Funds under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, to this Public Body to aid in financing the cost of the preparation of the Program for the Locality of The City of Corpus Christi, is hereby approved in all respects. SECTION 2. The City Manager of this Public Body in its behalf is hereby authorized and directed to execute said proposed Contract in two counterparts, and the City Secretary of this Public 10390 Body is hereby authorized and directed to impress and attest the official seal of this Public Body on each such counterpart and to forward such counterparts to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, together with two certified copies of the proceedings in connection with the adoption of this Resolution, two certified copies of this Resolution, and such other and further documents relative to the approval and execution of the Contract as may be required by the Government. SECTION 3. The City Manager of this Public Body is hereby authorized to file requisitions, together with necessary supporting documents, with the Government, from time to time as Grant funds are required, requesting payments to be made to it on account of the Grant provided for in the Contract, and to do and perform all other things and acts required to be done or performed in order to obtain such payments. SECTION 4. This Resolution shall take effect this day of , 1971. ATTEST: � O City Secretary OR THE CITY OF &US CHRISTI, TEXAS APPROVED: 4TH AY OF UST 971: C' ty Attorney i r -------------------------------------- UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF [LOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT FOR COMMUNITY RE14EWAL PROGRAM GRANT under TITLE I OF THE HOUSING ACT OF 1949, AS AIMENDED Part I Program No.. Tex. R -142 (CR) Contract No. Tex. R_42 (CR) (G) THIS AGREEMENT, consisting of this Part I and the Terms and Conditions forming Part II hereof (herein called the "Contract'), made and entered into on the date hercinbelow specified, by and between -the Ci ty of Corpus Christi. Texas (herein called the "Public Body') and the United States of America (herein called the "Government'), NITNESSETII: In consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and representations contained herein, the parties hereto do agree as follows: -- SEC. 1. Purpose of Contract. – The Government hereby agrees to make to the Public Body a grant of Federal funds (herein called die "Grant') -not to exceed D- ie'ht_y__Thousastd. One Dollars (S M. JQh.00 ) in total amount for the preparation of the Community Renewal Program (herein called the "Program') more particularly described in Section 2 hereof, and as authorized by Title I of the (lousing Act of 1919, as 5mended (herein called 'Title P). SEC. 2. The Program. – The program shall be for the following locality Corpus Christi.,.N—nes County, Texas and shall consist substantially of: Identification, measurement, and analysis of slums, blight, and deterioration; determination of the resources available and needed for physical, social, and economic renewal; identification of areas in need of renewal and recom- mer_dation of programs for their treatment; and preparation of general physical, social, and economic programs and schedules of costs and actions, both immediate and long range, for the improvement of living conditions through'various forms of public and private actions. HUD -3141 — (6.701 �' • SEC. 3. Special Condil inns. — Non9 SEC. 4. Counterparts of the Contract. — This Conlrael may be executed in tom J counterparts, each of \rhich shall be deemed to be :m original, and such counterparts shall constitute one and the same inslrumeut. I PART II TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARTICLE I - GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 101. Use of Certain Terms. — Except where the context clearly indicates olhorwisc, the following terns, as used herein, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this Section. The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development or the person authorized to act on his behalf. The term "Contract" means this Contract between the Government and Live Public Body, and includes Parts I and 11 hereof and any additional document, or documents, incorporated herein by specific reference, as well as any amendments. The,, term "Applies lion" means the written application for the Crant, as it may be amev:ded from time to time and approved Ivy the Secretary, together with all explanatory, supporting, or supplementary documents, heretofore filed with the Department of housing and Urban Development by or on behalf of Elie Public Body. SEC. 102. Preparation or Complelien 01 "r h Prugram. — The Public Body will commence and carry out the preparation or completion of the roe am with alpracti h c dispatch, in a sound, economical, and efficient manner, in accordance with the Application, Elie provisions of this Contract, and all applicable laws. The Public Body will incorporate in each contract or agreement made by and between it and third parties, in connection with the preparation or completion of the Program, such provisions and condilioas as may be required to assist the Public Body to carry out the preparation or completion of the Program and to assure appropriate observance of the applicable provisions of this Contract. SEC. 103. [Heeling Requirements of State or Local Law. — The Public Body will initiate and consummate all actions and proceedings, and will obtain all permits and approvals, requisite under applicable law in connection with its undertaking and carrying out of the preparation or completion of the Program and of the provisions of this Contract. SEC. -104. Competitive Ridding. — The Public Burly will give full opportunity for free, open, find eornp e!it ;ve bidding for cacti contract to be let by it .ailing for the furnishing orally materials, supplies, or equipment for use in the preparation or completion of the Program; will give such publicity to its advertisements or calls for bids for each such contract as will provide adequate competition; and Elie award of each such contract, when made, will be made by it as soon as practicable to Elie lowest responsible bidder: Provided, That in the selection of such materials, equipment, or supplies, file Public Body may, in the interest of slandardizatiori or ultimate economy, if the advantage of such standardization or such ultimate economy is clearly evident and an cppropriale provision for such action is included by it in the proposed contract documents upon which bids are invited, award a contract to a responsible bidder other than the lowest in price: Provided further, That if the estimated amount of Elie propuerd contract, as estimated by the Public Body is 52,500 or Iess, suclh contract may, except where contrary to Elie requirements of State or local law, be let on the basis of informal bidding: Provided further, That such purchases or contracts in amounts of 52,500 or less may, except where contrary to (lie requirements of State and local law, be made from time to time by the Public Body without negotiation or competitive bidding and without observance of the olhcr provisions of this subsection. WE FPW 0 HUD . .., SEC. 105. Equal Employment Opportunity. — In the carrying outof the work covered by this Contract, the Public Body will not discriainau: against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The Public Body will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees arc treated during cmploymcnt, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for train- ing, including apprenticeship. The Public Body agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and appli- cants for employment, notices to be provided by the Government setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. The Public Body will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Public Body, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, re- ligion, sex, or national origin. The Public Body will incorporate the foregoing requirements for this paragraph in all of its contracts for work covered by this Contract, other than contracts for construction and contracts for standard com- mercial supplies or raw materials, and will require all of its contractors for such work to incorporate such requirements in all subcontracts for work covered by this Contract. SEC. 106. Right to Reuse Consultant Prepared Materials. — Contracts between the Public Body and third parties for the development of methods for systems analysis, models, electronic data processing systems and related services shall provide that the methods, materials, and systems developed under the said contract are the properly of the Public Body and may be used as the Public Body sees lit including the right to reuse and publish the same without limitation. ARTICLE II - COMMUNITY RENE.NAL PROGRAM BUDGET AND ACCOUNT SEC. 201. Community Renewal Program Budget. — Prior to commencing the preparation or completion of the Program hereunder, the Public Body will prepare a budget therefor on forms prescribed by the Secretary. For the purposes of this Contract, no budget (or such revision thereof as may be prepared thereafter by the Public Body) shall be effective unless and only to the extent concurred in by the Secretary. Any such budget or revision thereof, so concurred in by the Secretary, shall be designated and is herein referred to as the "approved Community Renewal Program Budget." SEC. 202. Establishment and Maintenance of Corn mL Renewal Program Account. — The Public Body shall promptly deposit in an account in a bank which is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation all moneys which are provided by any source for financing the cost of the preparation or completion of the program and shall maintain a separate cash account of these moneys which shall be designated as the "Community Renewal Program Account." SEC. 203. Charges Against Community Renewal Program Account. — (a) The Public Body shall charge to the Community Renewal Program Account only such of its costs as are in conformity with the approved Community Renewal Program Budget: Provided, That the Public Body may pay costs or obligations out of the Community Renewal Program Account up to, but not exceeding, such percentage as the Secretary shall specify in excess of the amount shown in the last approved Community Renewal Program Budget for any of the account classifications therein, if the payment of such additional costs or obligations will not result in the payment of total costs or obligations in excess of the total amount shown in the last approved Community Renewal Program Budget. (B) The Public Body will not charge to the Community Renewal Program Account and will not use any portion of the grant in payment of: -3- • HUD(-3141 6- 0) • (6 -70) (1) Any items or costs except those incurred for llrc preparation or completion of the Program, or otherwise to earry out the provisions of the Contract: Provided, That the term "preparation or completion of the Program," as used herein, shall not include Lite preparation of a general plan for the development of the lucidity as a whole; the preparation of the workable program for eomnumity improvement referred to in Section 101 of Title 1; the preparation of surveys and plans for any specific urban renewal project; the survey of any specific urban area to determine whether the undertaking of urban renewal projects therein may be feasible; the development of building or housing codes or regulations and organizational arrangements for their enforcement; the preparation or completion of studies of the economic or social cost of slums and blight; the planning of specific public improvements or facilities, such as detailed determinations as to exact locations and designs; or duplication of work previsouly completed except where a revision or modification is necessary; (2) Costs incurred with respect to any action after the Secretary has requested that the Public Body furnish data to him concerning such action prior to proceeding further therewith unless and until the Public Body is thereafter advised by the Secretary that the Government has no objection to the Public Body's so proceeding; (3) Costs incurred by the Public Body after notice of the suspension or termination of any or all of the Government's obligations under this Contract in accordance with Section 501 hereof, unless the Secretary has consented in writing to the incurring of such costs; (4) Costs incurred prior to the effective date of this Contract or prior to the Secretary's approval of the Community Renewal Program Budget, whichever is earlier; or (5) Costs incurred contrary to the provisions of this Contract. ARTICLE M - THE GRANT SEC. 301. Total Amount of the Grant. — Subject to the maximum amount specified in Section 1 of Part I hereof, the total amount of the Grant shall not exceed two- thirds of t11e cost (as such cost is determined or estimated by the Secretary) of the preparation or completion of the Program. The term "cost," as used herein, means the total of all costs (including the cash value of services contributed directly to the preparation or completion of the Program) properly chargeable by the Public Body to the Community Renewal Program Account in accordance with the provisions of this Contract. SEC. 302. Progress Payments on Account of the Grant. — (A) Progress payments on account of the Grant may he made, in the discretion of the Secretary, prior to the completion of the Program, in such amounts and at such times as the Secretary may deem appropriate, and under or subject to such coildili nls m Lite Smreiary may specify in writing. (B) Prior to each progress payment on account of the Grant, the Public Body shall submit to the Secretary its requisition therefor, on a form or forms prescribed by the Secretary, and such certificates, opinions of counsel, and other data pertaining to the preparation or completion of the Program as the Secretary may require to justify or support the Grant payment requisitioned. (C) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract, the Government may elect not to make a particular payment on account of the Grant: (1) If the Public Body shall have made any misrepresentation of a material nature in its Application or any supplement thereto or amendment thereof, or in or with respect to any document furnished in connection therewith or pursuant hereto; -4- i HU* (2) If there is then pending litigation with respect to the Grant or the performance by the Public Body of any of its duties or obligations hereunder; (3) If the preparation or completion of the Program has been or is being undertaken and accomplished otherwise than in accordance with applicable law and this Contract; (4) If, after having furnished to the Secretary upon his request any data concerning any proposed action hereunder, the Public Body shall have proceeded further with such proposed action without having been advised by the Secretary that the Government has no objection to the Public Body's so proceeding; or (5) If the Public Body shall be in default with respect to any of the provisions of this Contract. SEC. 303. Final Grant Payment. — (A) Submission of Data With Respect to Completed Program. — Promptly upon the completion of all its activities under this Contract and the payment of all its costs and obligations incurred in accordance with the provisions of this Contract (other than costs and obligations which are disputed, contingent, or unliquidated) and the proper provision by it for the payment of all costs and obligations which are disputed, contingent, or unliquidated, the Public Body shall prepare and submit to the Secretary for his approval such records, reports, opinions, resolutions, and other data as the Secretary may require, showing the completion of such activities, the approval of the completed Program by the governing body of the locality, and the determination of the governing body of the locality that the completed Program conforms to the general plan of the locality as a whole. In lieu of the preceding provision requiring approval of the completed Program by the governing body of the locality, the Public Body may submit a statement from the chief executive of the locality indicating Ids endorsement of the completed Program. (B) Final Payment. — Upon the Secretary's approval of the submission of the Public Body referred to in subsection (A) hereof and of an appropriate requisition and Certificate of Completion submitted by the Public Body on formsprescribed by the Secretary, settlement and payment of the Grant payable pursuant to this Contract, less the total amount of progress payments on account of the Grant theretofore made to the Public Body under this Contract, shall be made by the Government. All payments made by the Government to the Public Body on account of the Grant shag he made subject to the Government's final audit and inspection of the Public Body's books and records relating to its costs and contributed services for the preparation or completion of the Program, and the Public Body shall promptly reimburse the Government to the extent that the aggregate of such payments exceeds the total amount of Grant payable to the Public Body in accordance with the provisions of this Contract and as determined on the basis of such final audit and inspeelinn. ARTICLE IV - RECOivDS, REPORTS, AUDITS, AND INSPECTIONS SEC. 4.01. Maintenance of Records. — The Public Body shall keep and maintain full and accurate books and records, in accordance with applicable standards established by the Secretary, with respect to all matters covered by this Contract, including records which will fully disclose the amount and disposition by the Public Body of any private or other non - Federal funds used for or in connection with the preparation or completion of the Program, and the cash value and relation to the preparation or completion of the Program of all noncash contributions in the form of services claimed to be directly contributed in connection therewith. Such books and records shall also fully document all receipts, deposits, expenditures, charges, and credits by the Public Body with respect to the preparation or completion of the Program and the Community Renewal Program Account. SEC. 402. Checks, Orders, and Vouchers. — Any check or order drawn by the Public Body in payment of costs incurred by it forte preparation or comp etion of the Program or with respect to any item which is or will be -5- -� HUD -3141 - - • I6 -70) chargeable against the Community Renewal Program Account will lic drawn only in accordance with a properly signed voucher then on file in the office of the Public Body, staling in proper delail the purpose. for which such check or order is drawn. Such checks and orders shall, when paid, together with the vouchers pertaining thereto, he kept separate and apart from other checks, orders, and vouchers of the Public Body. SEC. 403. Reports and Information. — (A) The Public Body will furnish to the Secretary such statements, records, other documentary data and information, and such periodic reports as he may request pertaining to the preparation or completion of the Program, the costs and obligations incurred or to he incurred in connection therewith; and any other matters covered by this Contract. Any proposed action by the Public Body under this Contract, concerning which the Secretary has requested the furnishing of reports or information, shall not be taken unless and until the Secretary has notified the Public Body that the Government has no objection to such proposed action. (B) Any book, pamphlet, report, or other informational release relating, in whole or in part, to the Program shall contahr appropriate recognition of the Government's participation with respect to the Program. (C) The Government shall have unrestricted authority to reproduce, distribute, and use, in whole or in part, any report, data, or materials submitted to it by the Public Body relating to the Program or any matters covered by this Contract. SEC. 404. Government Inspections and Audits. — (A) The Government shall have the right to inspect all work in connection with the preparation or completion of the Program and to inform the Public Body of any noncompliances with respect to such work, but the Government shall not issue orders or instructions to any contractors or subcontractors on such work. The Public Body shall lake afl steps necessary to assure that, for the purpose of this Contract, the Government may examine and inspect all work in connection with the preparation or completion of the Program, and all contracts, materials, equipment, payrolls, and employment conditions pertaining to such work, including all relevant data and records. (B) The Public Body shah, during normal business hours, make available to the Secretary and/or the Comptroller General of the United States for examination all books and records of the Public Body with respect to the preparation or completion of the Program and other matters covered by this Contract, and the Secretary and /or the Comptroller General shall have the right to make audits thereof including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, its contracts, payrolls, records of personnel, invoices, books of aeaounts, and other data relative to the matters covered by this Contract. (C) The Public Body will, upon the Secretary's request, promptly provide or cause to he provided reasonably adequate office facilities for the use of the Government's representatives who may be assigned to the examination or inspection of work relating to the preparation or completion of the Program, or of the records and other matters relative thereto. ARTICLE V - TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF CONTRACT SEC. 501. Notice of Suspension or Termination. — If the Public Body unduly delays the preparation or completion of the Program, fails to comply with any of the provisions hereof, or abandons the preparation or completion of the Program, or if for any reason the commencement, prosecution, or timely completion of the Program by the Public Body is rendered improbable, unfeasible, impossible, or illegal, the Government may, by written notice to the Public Body, (a) suspend any or all of the Government's obligations under the Contract until such time as the -6- (6-70) condition or situation resulting in such suspension has ceased or been corrected or (b) terminate any or all of Elie Government's obligations under this Contract. SEC. 502. Disposition of Certain Moneys on Termination of Government's Obligation. — Upon the termination of the Government's obblatrons under this Contract, the Public Body shall promptly sell, at fair market value, and credit to the Community Renewal Program Accr unL the proceeds from the sale of any and all materials, equipment, supplies, and property on hand which were acquired with Elie aid of Grant funds hereunder or, in the alternative, credit to the Community Renewal Program Account a sum equal to such fair market value out of funds (other than Grant funds) otherwise made available to it. SEC. 503. Remittance of Unexpended Balance of Grant funds. — Upon the termination of the Government's obligations under this Contract, the Public Body shall promplty remit to the Government the amount of the unexpended balance, if any, of Grant funds and proceeds referred to in Section 502 hereof credited to the Community Renewal Program Account pursuant to this Contract. The action of the Government in accepting such amount shall not constitute a waiver of any claim which the Government may otherwise have arising out of this Contract. SEC. 504. Termination of Contract Based on Fault of Public Body. — Upon the Government's termination of its obligations under this Contract pursuant to Section 501 hereof because of negligence or any misfeasance, malfeasance, wilful omission, or other fault on the part of the Public Body, the latter shall be deemed liable to Elie Government for the full amount of any payments on account of the Grant made to it pursuant to this Contract; and the Public Body shall immediately refund to the Government or make appropriate arrangements with the Government for the orderly refunding of such payments. ARTICLE IV - MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS SEC. 601. Interest of Certain Federal Officials. — No member of or Delegate to the Congress of the United States, and no Resident Commissioner shall be admitted to any share or part of this Contract or to any benefit to arise from the same. SEC. 602. Interest of Public Body Personnel and Other Public Offic". — (A) The Public Body shall adopt and enforce measures appropriate to assure that no member of its governing body or of the governing body of the locality and no official or employee of the Public Body or of the locality who exercises any functions or responsibilities in connection with the preparation or completion of the Program (1) may be admitted, directly or indirectly, to any share or part of this Contract or to any benefit to arise from the same, or (2) shall voluntari!y acquire any pemonal i itcrest in any property, camrcL, or proposed contract which would conflict with the performance of his duties or responsibilities under this Contract. If any such member, official, or employee presently, or in the future, acquires, owns, or controls any such share, benefit, or personal interest, he shall immediately disclose such share, benefit, or personal interest to the Public Body. Upon such disclosure, such member, official, or employee shall not participate in the preparation or completion of the Program or in any action affecting the preparation or completion of the Program unless the Public Body shall determine that, in the light of such share, benefit, or personal interest, the participation of such member, official, or employee in any such action would not be contrary to the public interest. The Public Body will promptly advise the Secretary of the facts and circumstances concerning any disclosure made to it pursuant hereto. (B) The Public Body will adopt and enforce measures appropriate to assure that no agent or contractor (or employee of such agent or contractor) employed in performing services in connection with the preparation or completion of the Program shall, presently or in the future, be admitted, d'irectl'y or indirectly, to any share of this Contract or to any benefit to arise from the same. • HUD -3141 (6-70) SEC. 603. Individual Liability of Public Personnel. — No memher of the Public Body's governing body, and no other officer of the Public Body, shall he individually or personally liable on any obligation assumed by the Public Body hereunder. SEC. 604. Bonus, Commission, or Fee. — The Public Body shall not pay any bonus, commission, or fee- for the purpose of obtaining Lite Secretary's approval of the Application, or any other approval or concurrence by the Secretary which may be necessary under this Contract. SEC. 605. Claim Against Government by Other Persons. — Nothing contained herein shall create or justify any claim against the Govcnunent by any person or persons employed by the Public Body or with whom the Public Body may have contracted or may contract relative to the preparation or completion of the Program. SEC. 606. Contracts for Federal Financial Aid. — Neither this Contract nor any acts in pursuance hereof shall obligate the Government to enter into any contract with the Public Body or any other entity for Federal financial assistance in connection with the Program or for the planning or undertaking of any specific urban renewal project in the locality, it being expressly understood that the Government will, in its sole discretion, determine whether or not any such contract will be entered into by it. SEC. 607. Provisions Concerning Certain Waivers. — Subject to applicable Federal law, any right or remedy which the Government may have tinder this Contract may be waived in writing by the Government by a formal waiver, if, in the judgment of the Government, this Contract, as so modified, will still conform to the terms and requirements of pertinent laws. SEC. 608. When Rights and Remedies Not Waived. — In no event shall any Grant Payment by the Government hereunder constitute, or be construed to be a waiver by the Government of any breach of covenant or any default which may then exist on the part of the Public Body, and the making of any such Grant Payment while any such breach or default shall exist shall in no way impair or prejudice any right or remedy available to the Government in re- spect of such breach or default. SEC. 609. How Contract Affected by Provisions Being Held Invalid. — If any provision of this Contract is held invalid, the remainder of this Contract s11a11 not be affected thereby if such remainder would then continue to conform to the terms and requirements of Title I and other applicable laws. i SEC. 610. Notices. — Any notice permitted or required under the provisions of this Contract to be given or served by the Secretary or by either of the parties hereto upon the other party hereto shall he in writing and signed in the name or on behalf of the party giving or serving the same. SEC. 611. platters To Be Disregarded. — The titles of the several Articles, Sections, subsections, and paragraphs as set forth in this Contract are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall he disregarded in construing or interpreting any of the provisions of this Contract. SEC. 612. Stale law. — Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, nothing herein shall require the Public Body to observe or enforce compliance with any provisions hereof, perform any other act, or do any other thing, in contravention of any applicable State law: Provided. That if any of the provisions of this Contract violate, or if compliance therewith would require the Public Body to violate, any State law, or if, because of any other reason, the Public Body cannot comply with any of such provisions, the Public Body shall at once so notify the Secretary. SEC. 613. Completeness of Contract. — This Contract and any additional or supplementary document or documents incorporated herein by specific reference contain all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties .8- #41 hereto, and no other agrccmrnts, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Contract or any parf sliall have any validity or bind any of the part ics hereto. IN %%TTNESS W11E.REOF, the Public Body bas caused tbis Contract to be duly executed in its behalf and its seal to be bercunio affixed and attested; and, thereafter, the Government has caused the saurc to be duly executed in its behalf this day of '19 , [SEAL] ATTEST: T. Ray Kring (Title) APPROVED: B/4/71: Clty_ Of Corpus Christi. Texas By (Signature) R_ Marvin Townsend (Type cr Print Nara.) City Manager (Title) James R. Riggs, City Attorney UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development APPROVED: By Director of Finance -9- Director, San Antonio MM Area Office )Title of officer rnrthorized to execure) O u. B. cov'!FN]f M P.mTTr. Qrnce ; I .: o . "­T9 i * TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS • CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS fL L7' .DAY OF FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT 15 INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; 1, THEREFORE, REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTFULLY, id� d OR THE CITY OF CO US CHRISTI, TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: RONNIE SIZEMORE L _ CHARLES A. BONNIWELL ROBERTO BOSQUEZ REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH THOMAS V. GONZALES GABE LOZANO, SR. J. HOWARD STARK r THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: RONNIE SIZEMORE , CHARLES A. BONNIWELL ROBERTO BOSQUEZ REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH Q THOMAS V. GONZALES GABE LOZANO, SR. /l J. HOWARD STARK