HomeMy WebLinkAbout10545 ORD - 11/03/1971JKH:10 -19 -71 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI ADOPTED ON THE 27TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1937, APPEARING OF RECORD IN VOLUME 9, PAGES 565, ET SEQ OF THE ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTION RECORDS, AS AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME, AND PARTICULARLY AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE N0. 6106, PASSED AND APPROVED ON THE 29TH DAY OF MARCH, 1961, BY AMENDING ARTICLE 3, DEFINITIONS, SUBSECTION 3 -1, BY MOVING, RENUMBERING, AND AMENDING THE PRESENT SUBSECTIONS 3 -1.66, 3- 1.66.1, AND 3 -1.67 TO 3- 1.48.1, 3- 1.48.2, AND 3- 1.48.3 AS HEREINAFTER PROVIDED; AMENDING ARTICLE 4, GENERAL PROVISIONS DISTRICTS AND DISTRICT MAPS, BY CHANGING THE NUMBER 1 IN THE LAST SENTENCE OF SECTION 4 -1 TO HEREAFTER READ "19" AND BY ADDING TO THE LIST OF DISTRICTS "T -1" TRAVEL TRAILER PARKS, MOBILE HOME PARKS, AND MOBILE HOME SUBDIVISIONS; ADDING A NEW ARTICLE, TO BE DESIGNATED AS ARTICLE 7A. "T -1" TRAVEL TRAILER PARK, MOBILE HOME PARK AND MOBILE HOME SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS; AMENDING ARTICLE 1 . B- GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT REGULATIONS, SUBSECTION 16-2, USE REGULATIONS BY ADDING TWO NEW ITEMS TO BE NUMBERED 17 AND 1 ); AMENDING ARTICLE 20. "1 -2" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS, SUBSECTION 20-2 USE REGULATIONS, ITEM 3 BY PLACING THE WARDS "SPORTS ARENA OR STADIUM IN THE UNCLASSIFIED USES SECTION; AMEND -. ING ARTICLE 21. "1 -3" HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS, SUBSECTION 21 -2 USE REGULATIONS. ITEM BY PLACING THE WORDS "AIRPORTS AND LANDING FIELDS" IN THE UNCLASSI_FIED_USES SECTION; AMENDING ARTICLE 25. SUPPLEMENTARY USE REGULATIONS - SPECIAL USES, BY CHANGING THE TITLE OF THIS ARTICLE TO SPECIAL PERMIT REGULATIONS, AND BY DELETING THE PRESENT SECTIONS 25 -1, 25 -2, 25 -3, AND ITEMS (1) THROUGH (11), SECTION 25 -4; REDESIGNATING ITEM (12) SECTION 25 -4, AS SECTION 25 -1 AND AMENDING THE 27TH LINE BY DELETING THE WARDS "ANY ONE OF" AND DELETING THE FINAL "S" IN THE WORD "RECOMMENDATIONS "; DELETING THE PRESENT ITEMS (A) AND (B); RENUMBERING ITEM (c) AS ITEM (A), AMENDING THE FIRST LINE BY DELETING THE WORD "RECOMMEND" AND BEGINNING THE SENTENCE WITH THE WORD "THAT "; AND AMENDING THE SEVENTH LINE OF THE SECOND PARAGRAPH BY CHANGING THE LETTER (C) TO (A); DELETING SECTION 25 -5 AND ADDING SAID SECTION TO ARTICLE 27. SUPPLEMENTARY HEIGHT, AREA, AND BULK REQUIREMENTS, SUBSECTION 27 -3.02 ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES, TO BE DESIGNATED AS A NEW SUBSECTION 27-3.02.06; RENUMBERING SECTION 25 -6, ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS BY THE COMMISSION, TO HEREAFTER BE DESIGNATED AS SECTION 25 -2; AMENDING ARTICLE 30, CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS, SECTION 30 -5, RELATING TO PROTESTS AGAINST AMENDMENT, SUPPLEMENT OR CHANGE IN ZONING; AMENDING ARTICLE 33, PERMITS, PLATS, AND FILING FEES, SECTION 33 -3, FILING FEES, SUBSECTION 33 -3.01 SO AS TO HEREAFTER PROVIDE FOR PAYMENT, IN ADVANCE,OF $60 FOR EXPENSES INVOLVED IN APPEAL OF CASES TO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, THE PLANNING COMMISSION HAS FORWARDED TO THE CITY COUNCIL ITS REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE TEXT OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS; AND /05 � WHEREAS, PUBLIC HEARING WAS HELD AT WHICH HEARING ALL PERSONS WISHING TO APPEAR AND BE HEARD WERE HEARD, TO CONSIDER THE SAME BEFORE THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI CITY COUNCIL, IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROPER NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC, SAID PUBLIC HEARING HAVING BEEN HELD ON OCTOBER 13, 1971, AT SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER OF THE CITY HALL IN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI; AND WHEREAS, BY MOTION DULY MADE, SECONDED AND CARRIED, IT WAS DECIDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THAT TO APPROVE THE HEREINAFTER SET FORTH AMENDMENTS WOULD BEST SERVE PUBLIC HEALTH, NECESSITY AND CONVENIENCE AND THE GENERAL WELFARE OF THE CITY AND ITS CITIZENS: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION ). THAT THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, PASSED ON THE 27TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1937, APPEARING OF RECORD IN VOLUME 9, PAGES 565 ET SEQ OF THE ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTION RECORDS, AS AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME, AND IN PARTICULAR AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE No. 6106, PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON THE 29TH DAY OF MARCH, 1961, BE, AND THE SAME IS HEREBY, AMENDED BY MAKING THE CHANGES HEREINAFTER SET OUT. SECTION 2. THAT ARTICLE 3, DEFINITIONS, SUBSECTION 3 -1, BE AMENDED BY MOVING, RENUMBERING, AND AMENDING THE PRESENT SUBSECTIONS 3 -1.66, 3- 1.66.1, AND 3 -1.67 TO 3- 1.48.1, 3- 1.48.2, AND 3- 1.48.3 TO HEREAFTER READ AS FOLLOWS: 3- 1. 48. 1 Mobile llo_me. A mobile home is a single- family dwelling designed for transportation, after fabrication, on streets and high",vays on its own wheels, or on trucks or'other trailers, and arriving at the site as a dwelling complete and ready for occupancy, except for minor aiid incidental unpacking and assembly operations, location on jacks or permanent foundations, connection to utilities and the like. 3- 1.48. 7. h1obile home Subdivision. A subdivision designed and intended for residential use, where residence is permitted in mobile homes, each being located on a separate lot. Such sub- division may retain a central management and may be operated as a condominium, retainin.g ownership of streets and common open spaces. 3- 1.48._3 Mobile I -Tonne Park. An area of land on which two or more mobile domes, ,being used for living purposes, occupy rental spaces. -2- 3 -1. 66 Trailer means any of the following; Travel Trailer: A vehicular, portable structure built on a chassis, designed to be used as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreational and vacation uses. Pickup Coach: A structure designed to be mounted on a chassis for use as a temporary dwelling for travel, recre- ational and vacation uses. Motor Flome: A portable, temporary dwelling to be used for travel, recreational, and vacation uses, constructed as an integral part of a self - propelled vehicle. _Camping Trailer: A folding structure, mounted on wheels and designed to be used as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreational and vacation uses. 3 -1. 67 Travel Trailer Park. A parcel of land in which two or more spaces arc occupied or intended for occupancy by trailers for transient dwelling purposes. SECTION 3. THAT ARTICLE 4. GENERAL PROVISIONS, DISTRICTS AND DISTRICT MAPS, BE AMENDED BY CHANGING THE NUMBER "i8" IN THE LAST SENTENCE OF SECTION 4 -1 TO HEREAFTER READ "19„ AND BY ADDING TO THE LIST OF DISTRICTS "T-1" TRAVEL TRAILER PARKS, MOBILE HOME PARKS, AND MOBILE HOME SUBDIVISIONS. SECTION 4. THAT A NEW ARTICLE BE ADDED TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE, TO BE DESIGNATED As ARTICLE 7A. "T -1" TRAVEL TRAILER PARK, MOBILE HOME PARK, AND MOBILE HOME SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, WHICH NEW ARTICLE SHALL HEREAFTER READ AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE 7A. "T -1" TRAVEL TRAILER PARK, MOBILE HOME PARK, AND MOBILE HOME SUBDIVISION RECULATIONS Section 7A -1. The regulations set forth in this article, or set forth elsewhere in this Ordinance when referred to in this article, are the regulations of the "T -1" Travel Trailer Park, Mobile lIome Park, and Mobile I-Tonie Subdivision District. This district is intended to preserve appropriate lancl for the development of single - family residences utilizing mobile home parks or subdivisions, and tourist accommodations which utilize travel trailer parks. It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, alter, or extend any travel trailer park, mobile home park, or mobile home subdivision area within the limits of the City of Corpus Christi unless lie holds a valid building permit issued by the City Building Of- ficial in the name of such person for the specific construction, altera- tion, or extension proposed. -3- Section 7A -2 Use l�et,ulations. An area or premises shall be used only for the following pill- poses: 7A -2. 01 Travel trailer parks. (a) A permit to construct, alter'or extend any travel trailer park area may be issued only when such area is located within the appropriate zoning dis- trict.as provided for in this Ordinance and such area consists of at least three (3) acres in size with a minimum frontage of one hundred (100) feet located on a public street or highway. (b) Trailer spaces shall be rented by the day or week only and the occupant of a trailer space shall re- main in the same travel trailer park not more than ninety (90) continuous days. (c) L ;xpoa:ecl ground ^nrfaces in all parts of a travel trailer part: shall be paved or covered with scrcen- ines or other :.olid inaterial, or protected with a ye"'etative growth that is capable of preventing soil erosion and eliminating objectionable dust. (d) Accens to the travel trailer park shall be from a public street or highway,•nurnber and location of access drives shall be controlled for safety and protection of personal property. No travel trailer space shall be designed for direct access to a street outside the premises of the travel trailer park. Interior access drives shall be paved and maintained in a smooth hard and dense surface which shall be well drained. (e) Internal access drives shall meet the following requirements: One -way, no parking ----------------- 11 feet (Acceptable only if less than 500' total length and serving less than 25 trailer spaces. ) . One -way, parking on one side' only, or two -way, no parking -------- - - - - -- 1$ feet (Acceptable only if serving less than 50 trailer spaces. ) Two -way, no parking ----------- - - - - -- 24 feet Two -way, parking on one side only - - - - -- 27 feet Two -way, parking oli both sides -- - - - - -- 34 feet (f) Each travel trailer space shall provide: sufficient parking and ]maneuverability space so the parking, loading or maneuvering of trailers incidental to parking shall not necessitate the use of any public street, sidewalk, or right -of -way or any private grounds not part of the travel trailer park. -4- (9) T1 ere shrill be no utiuiumm lot area for atravel trailer space in a Iravol trailer part: except that trailers shall be so harbored on each space that there shall be. at ]cast a 10 -foot unobstructed clearance bely; ecn travel trailers provided, how- ever, that no part of a travel trailer shall be lo- cated closer Phan twenty .(20) feet to any building within the park nor closer than five .(5) feet to auy access drive. There' shall be no more than twenty -five ( ?.5) travel trailer spaces per acre of gross site area. (h) The travel trailer park - -hall be screened from public streets, highways, and adjacent property by a standard screening fence, unless this re- quirement is modified or waived by City Council action after a hearing'and recommendation of the Planning 'Comn-iis Sion. (i) In all travel trailer parks there shall be at least one recreation area which shall be accessible from all spaces. The site or sites of such recreation area or areas shall total not less than eight per cent (IIi'o) of the gross site area. (j) Outside lighting shall be erected in such a manner that it not be detrimental to or project onto adjacent properties, and any outdoor identification sign shall not utilize or incorporate flashing, moving or inter- mittent illumination, shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height, shall not overhang or project into the pub- lic right -of -way, and shall not exceed thirty (30) square ieeu in area, indicating only the use of the premises. If such sign is located on a building, it shall not project more than 'eighteen (18) inches from the wall of the building or structure, and shall not extend above the height of the building. (k) The travel trailer park shall conform to all other regulations contained in the Corpus Christi Building Code, Gas Code, Plumbing Code, and Electrical Code. (1) Storage, collection and disposal of refuse in the travel trailer .park area shall be so conducted as to create no health hazards, rodent harborage, in- sect breeding areas, accident or fire hazards, or air pollution. All refuse shall lie stored in fly - Light, water - light, and rodent proof containers, which shall be located not more than one hundred fifty (150) feel from any trailer space. (m) The travel trailer park area shall be subject- to the rules and regulations of the Corpus Christi fire prevention authority. A travel trailer park exceeding six hundred (600) feet in depth shall be required to install a 6 -inch fire main, looped if possible, located within the travel trailer park and installed at or near the edge of the paving in a -5- dedicated casement or fire lane. Fire hydrants shall be located along the main so as to make fire protection available to all surface property in tine travel trailer park. This facility is to be installed at the dcvcloper's expense and maintained by the City. Metered service connections are to be pro- vided from the fire main as approved by the Water Superintendent. (n) The person to whom a rui] cling Permit is issued shall at all times operate the travel trailer park in compliance with this Ordinance and shall pro- vide adequate supervision to maintain the travel trailer park area, its facilities, and keep equip- ment in good repair and in a clean and sanitary condition at all times. 7A -2. 02 Mobile home parks. -- (a) A permit to construct, -alter, or extend any mobile home park area may be issued only when such area is located within the appropriate zoning district as provided for in this Ordinance and such area con- sists of at least five (5) acres in size with a mini- mum width and /or depth of three hundred (300) feet located on a public street or highway. (b) Exposed ground surfaces in all parts of a mobile home park shall be paved or covered with screenings or other solid material or protected with a vegetative growth that is capable of preventing soil erosion and eliminating objectionable dust. (c) Access to the mobile home park shall be from a public street or highway, number and location of access drives shall be controlled for traffic safety and protection of surrounding properties, no mobile home space shall be designed for direct access to a public street outside the boundaries of the mobile home park, and the interior access drives shall be paved and maintained in a srriootlt hard and dense surface which shall be well drained. (d) Internal access drives shall not be less than twenty -five (25) feet wide. (e) There shall be no minimum lot area for a mobile home site in a mobile home park, except that mobile homes shall be so harbored on each space that there shall be at least a twenty. -foot (201) unobstructed clearance between mobile homes, provided, however, that with respect to mobile homes parked end -to -end, the end -to -end clearance may be less than twenty (20) feet, but shall not be less than ten (10) feet. No part of a mobile home shall be located closer than twenty (20) feet to any building within the park nor closer than five (5) feet to an access drive. In addition, there shall be no more than twelve (12) mobile home spaces per acre of gross site area. - 6- (f) The mobile home park shall be screened from public streets, highways, and adjacent property by a standard screening fence, unless this require- ment is modified or waived by City Council action after a hearing and recommendation of the Planning Commission. (g) Off - street parking spaces in mobile home parks shall be provided in the ratio of one and one -half (1 -1/2) spaces per mobile home in locations con- venient to individual mobile homes or groups of mobile homes. (h) The mobile home park shall conform to all other regulations contained in the Corpus Christi Building Code, Gas Code, Plumbing Code, and Electrical Code. (i) A mobile home park exceeding six hundred (600) feet in depth shall be requited to installea 6 -inch fire main, looped if possible, located within the mobile lionzc park and installed at or near the edge of the paving in a dedicated casement or fire lane. Fire hydrants shall be located along the main so as to make fire protection available to all surface property in the mobile home park. This facility is to be installed at the developer's expense and maintained by the City. Metered service connec- tions are to be.. provided for the fire main as ap- proved by the Water Superintendent. (j) Outside lighting shall be erected in such a manner that it not be. detrimental to or project onto adjacent properties. (k) Advertising shall be restricted to one illumi- nated identification sign which shall not utilize or incorporate flashing, moving, or intermittent illumination, shall be placed flat against the wall of the building, shall not project more than eigh- teen (18) inches from the wall of the building or structure, and shall not extend above the height of the building. The sign area shall not exceed fifteen (15) square feet, and shall indicate only the name and address of the premises and the management thereof. 7A -2. 03 Mobile Home Subdivisions. (a) A permit to construct, alter or extend any mobile home subdivision area may be issued only when such area is located within the appropriate zoning district as provided for in this Ordinance and such area consists of at least eight (S) acres in size with a minimum width and /or depth of three hun- dred (300) feet located on a public street or highway. _7_ (b) In a mobile home subdivision, the subdivision shall meet all City requirements as set forth in the Corpus Christi Platting Ordinance and shall also conform to all other regulations contained in the Corpus Christi Building, Code, Gas Code, Plumbing Code, and Electrical Code. (c) The, ininiinum lot area it, a mobiIC-homo snh,livision shall be 4, 500 :square feet, except where a subdivision is a clrister development (as defined in tlhe Platting Ordinaiicc); in which case the lot size may be redticed to 3, 000 square feet, provided that minimun-i yard requirements are mct and that there is a minimum of 1, 500 square feet per lot of comuZon open space. All lot sizes shall be subject to City- County Fiealth approval when such area is not served by municipal sewer service. (d) In addition to the requirements of Item (c) above, there shall be no more than'cight (8) mobile homes per acre in a mobile home subdivision. Further- more, there shall be a minimurn front yard of twenty (20) feet, a minimum rear yard of ten (10) feet, and a minimum side yard of six (6) feet, with a total unobstructed side yard requirement of twenty (20) feet. (e) Unless modified or waived by City Council action, after a hearing and recommendation by the Planning Commission, the mobile home subdivision shall be surrounded by a standard screening fence in which case such fence shall become a part of abutting lots, unless otherwise designated as part of the common open space. (f) In mobile home subdivisions there shall be at least two (2) off - street parking spaces per lot. (g) Temporary non - illuminated signs shall not be more than four (4) square feet in area pertaining to the lease or sale of a mobile home or premises on which such sign is located. SECTION 5. THAT ARTICLE 16. "B -IF" GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT REGULATIONS, SUBSECTION 16 -2, USE REGULATIONS, BE AMENDED BY ADDING TWO NEW ITEMS, TO BE NUMBERED (17) AND (18), TO HEREAFTER READ AS FOLLOWS: (17) Public or governmental buildings. (18) Temporary storage of personal goods for holding or safekeeping in a depository, containing individual or separate bays not exceeding three hundred (300) square feet in area.' Such storage building or buildings shall not exceed one (1) story in height. In SECTION 6. THAT ARTICLE 20. "1 -2" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS, SUBSECTION 20 -2 USE REGULATIONS, ITEM (3), BE AMENDED BY PLACING THE WORDS "SPORTS ARENA OR STADIUM" IN THE UNCLASSIFIED USES SECTION. SECTION 7. THAT ARTICLE 21. "1 -3" HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS, SUBSECTION 20-2 USE REGULATIONS, ITEM (4), BE AMENDED BY PLACING THE WORDS "AIRPORTS AND LANDING FIELDS" IN THE UNCLASSIFIED USES SECTION. SECTION 8. THAT ARTICLE 25. SUPPLEMENTARY USE REGULATIONS SPECIAL USES, BE AMENDED BY CHANGING THE TITLE OF THE ARTICLE TO SPECIAL PERMIT REGULATIONS AND BY DELETING THE PRESENT SECTIONS 25 -1, 25 -2, 25 -3, AND ITEMS (1) THROUGH (11), SECTION 25 -4; REDESIGNATING ITEM (12) OF SECTION 25 -4 AS SECTION 25 -1 AND AMENDING THE 27TH LINE BY DELETING THE WORDS "ANY ONE OF" AND DELETING THE FINAL "S" IN THE WORD "RECOMMENDATIONS "; DELETING THE PRESENT ITEMS (A) AND (B); RENUMBERING ITEM (C) AS ITEM (A), AMENDING THE FIRST LINE BY DELETING THE WORD "RECOMMEND" AND BEGINNING THE SENTENCE WITH THE WORD "THAT"; AND AMENDING THE SEVENTH LINE OF THE SECOND PARAGRAPH BY CHANGING THE LETTER (C) TO (A). DELETE SECTION 25 -5 AND ADD THE SAME UNDER ARTICLE 27- SUPPLEMENTARY HEIGHT,,AREA, AND BULK REQUIREMENTS, SUBSECTION 27 -3.02 ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES, TO BE DESIGNATED AS A NEW SUBSECTION 27- 3.02.06. RENUMBER SECTION 25 -6, ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS BY THE COMMISSION, AS SECTION 25 -2. SECTION 9. THAT ARTICLE 30, CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS, SECTION 30 -5, BE AMENDED TO HEREAFTER READ AS FOLLOWS: Section 30 -5 If a protest against such amendment, supplement or change has been filed with the City Secretary, duly signed by the owners of twenty percent (200, -o) or more, either of the area of the lots or land included in such proposed change or the lots or land immediately adjoining the same and extending two hundred (200) feet therefrom, such amendment, supple- ment or change shall not become effective except by a favor- able vote of three- fourths (3/4) of all of the City Council. Unless such proposed amendment, supplement or change is approved by the Planning Commission such amendment, supplement or change shall not become effective except by a favorable vote of a majority plus one of the City Council present and voting. -9- SECTION 10. THAT ARTICLE 33, PERMITS, PLATS, AND FILING FEES, SECTION 33 -3, FILING FEES, SUBSECTION 33 -3.01, BE AMENDED TO HEREAFTER READ AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 33-3.01 ALL PERSONS, FIRMS, OR CORPORATIONS, APPEALING TO THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, NECESSITATING THE SENDING OF NOTICES AND PUBLICATIONS OF NOTICES TO THE NEWS- PAPER SHALL BE-REQUIRED TO PAY IN ADVANCE SIXTY DOLLARS ($6O) FOR EXPENSES RELATIVE THERETO. SECTION 11. THAT ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CON- FLICT HEREWITH ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY REPEALED. �r SECTION 12. PUBLICATION SHALL BE MADE ONE TIME IN THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, WHICH PUBLICATION SWILL CONTAIN THE CAPTION STATING IN SUBSTANCE THE PURPOSE OF THE ORDINANCE. f THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE WAS READ FOR _ THE FIRST TIMES AND PASSED TO ITS SECOND READING ON THIS THE,- ?,OYl, DAY OF Q/�Q' '19 j , BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: RONNIE SIZEMORE CHARLES A. BONNIWELL LC'.4 -C/ CHARLES A. BONNIWELL ROBERTO BOSQUEZ C. ROBERTO BOSQUEZ REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH CCC tC _�• / r a/t"'c/ THOMAS V. GONZALES ' GABE LOZANO, SR. J. HOWARD STARK C-.- THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE WAS READ FOR � /// THE 'SECOND TIME AND PASSED TO ITS THIRD READING ON THIS THE,R '%xn DAY OF K(` %f"Ct -, t9 L/ , BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: RONN I e SIZEMORE CHARLES A. BONNIWELL LC'.4 -C/ ROBERTO BOSQUEZ �t,�JZJ-(' / REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH CCC tC _�• / r a/t"'c/ THOMAS V. GONZALES GABE LOZANO, SR. J. HOWARD STARK C-.- THAT THAT THE FO-7REGOING ORDINANCE WAS READ FINALLY ON THIS THE `5 `L•t DAY FOR THE THIRD TIME AND PASSED 19%1 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: • RONNIE SIZEMORE • CHARLES A. BONNIWELL LLt,%�tJ, ROBERTO BOSQUEZ /_C J REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH !/3�( 11 J THOMAS V. GONZALES (f % /'&lC'�' GABE LOZANO, SR. �a�/��pv� L� J. HOWARD STARK '� 7' (� PASSED —I AND APPROVED, THIS THE 3J DAY oF!/ �1L L�fj�79 / L ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY MAYOR THE CITY OF CO CHRISTI, TEXAS APPR VED: A,zDAY r CITY ATTORNEY ��/ f� PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF TEXAS, 1ss: irk County of Nueces. 1 Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day personally came ... ............................... Leland G. Barnes _ - - -, who being first duly sworn, according to law, says that he is the ... •• -- -- •. -- --- -- - ••-• . ..... ..... ...... ........ _ Classified.. Ifanggx .. ............................... of the Corpus Christi Caller and The Corpus Christi Times, Daily Newspapers published at Corpus Christi, Texas, in said County and State, and that the publication of Legal - Notice _of passage . of ordinance no. - -- 10545 - - -- amending.. the Zoning_._ - -. - d -. :T or 3nan'ce adopted' on August 27, 1937, -- - i %f which the annexed is a true copy, was published in .._the ... Times ......... ......... ......... ........_.�. }� }"on the 6th_- day of ........ NQyember 19.71.,-asd- emeeeeh ........................... thereafter ier.......................... eoneeeY& Fme .......................... ............................... e -ng------------------- Times. 23 $5 C_ _ __ $... Deland G. arries; ' 1: A v...Mg rt . .... _._.... Subscribed and sworn to before me this....�Gh - . -.. -. ay of ............. ... .. ._NoV emktex- ........... 19....Zl..... Louise Viok � - ......... � .�.....----- - -.... :.. ,.rl.- ��........__.. otary Public, Nueces County, Teas