HomeMy WebLinkAbout10674 ORD - 01/19/19721/18/72:VMP . AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES (IBM) CORPORATION, OF ARMONK, NEW YORK CONCERNING LEASING AN IBM SYSTEM 360730 TO ASSIST THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI IN UPDATING ITS DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT, ALL AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE LEASE AGREEMENT, AS AMENDED, A COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, AND AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE PROPOSAL FROM IBM CORPORATION ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY AND REFERRED TO HEREIN FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES AS IF COPIED VER- BATIM HEREIN; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. THAT THE CITY MANAGER BE, AND HE IS HEREBY, AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO ENTER INTO A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH IBM CORPORATION, OF ARMONK, NEW YORK, CONCERNING LEASING AN IBM SYSTEM 360/30 TO ASSIST THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI IN UPDATING ITS DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT, ALL AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE LEASE AGREEMENT, AS AMENDED, A COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, AND AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE PROPOSAL FROM IBM CORPO- RATION OF ARMONK, NEW YORK, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY AND REFERRED TO HEREIN FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES AS IF COPIED VERBATIM HEREIN. SECTION 2. THE NECESSITY TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF THE AFORE- SAID AGREEMENT AT THE EARLIEST PRACTICABLE DATE IN ORDER THAT THE NECESSARY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MAY BE COMMENCED WITHOUT DELAY CREATES A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND AN IMPERATIVE PUBLIC NECESSITY REQUIRING THE SUSPENSION OF THE CHARTER RULE THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE OF ITS INTRO- DUCTION AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE SEVERAL MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL, AND THE MAYOR HAVING DECLARED SUCH EMERGENCY AND NECESSITY TO EXIST, AND HAVING REQUESTED THE SUSPENSION OF THE CHARTER RULE AND THAT THIS ORDINANCE BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE OF ITS INTRODUCTION AND TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, THIS y ATTEST: C CITY SECRETARY APP 0 DAY OF JANUARY, 1972: Ajall'� /1 X ss/• CITY ATTORNEY DAY OF JANUARY, 1972. �O �r THE CITY OF ORPU C ISTI, TEXAS 10674 6 D TER TYPING AND PRIOR TO AFFIXING SIGNATURES, SEP4RATE SECTIONS 1 AND 2. SIGN AND PRESENT SECTIO1 rH CARBONS INTACT, TO THE CUSTOMER FOti SIGNATURE. SIGN ONCE, PROVIDED THE CARBON TRANSF APPEARS LEGIBLY ON THE REMAINING COPIES. REMOVE CARBONS FROM SECTION 2 AND DISTRIBUTL. —' IBM SERVICE ESTIMATE- Branch ORco Address: Agreement No.: 520 South Chaparral Br. Off. No,: 115 a Corpus Christi, Texas Name and Address of Customer: Customer No.: 22050 -04 City of Corpus Christi 302 North Shoreline Service /EstimatcNo.: 006 Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 Date: October 20, 1971 The information below is an estimate only and is not guaranteed in any way or to any extent. IBM will, however, notify the Customer as soon as practicable if the estimated total will be exceeded, and the Customer may then terminate the service, paying only for effort expended to that time. Charges will be paid by the Customer at the established rates and minimums in effect when the services are rendered whether or not the Scope of Effort is completed within the estimate. Technical data which the Customer wishes to be treated in accordance with the Confidentiality paragraph of the Agreement for IBM Systems Engineering Services, and which is related to the Scope of Effort shown on this form, must be listed in a Confidentiality Supple- ment and attached to this form. Scope of Effort: Confidentiality Supplement Attached? —Yes X No IBM will provide assistance to city personnel in converting existing programs to run on a System /360 Model 30 System. This assistance will include activity in the following areas: 1. Familiarization of city personnel in the differences between IBM Disk Operating System and RCA Disk Operating System. 2. Helping in the system generation of an operational Disk Operating System. 3. Assistance in the conversion of programs already written in RCA ALC to IBM ALC. This assistance will pertain to the seven programs written for the Utility Billing applications. 4. Assisting city personnel in setting up test procedures and testing of programs in the Utility Billing application. Original Material to he Delivered to Customer Under this Scope of Effort: Schedule of Services: Estimate: M—th Day Ye- Skill Classification Billable Hourly Estimated _ Hours Rate Amount From .11 04 -.71 1 Basic 2 General 70 - 28;- 1960 00 To .01 15 72 3 Complex Student Rate Per Sessions Session 4 Group Workshop , t Estimated Total $ 1960 DO Minimum Charges: One hour at the applicable rate indicated for each day in which services are rendered except for Group Workshop sessions which are 31/ hours each. To authorize IBM to perform the service indicated by this estimate complete and return signed copies 1 and 2. Retain the original. This estimate will be withdrawn if IBM is not authorized to perform this work by (Date) November 20, 1971 t i Authorization for the above work is given under the terms of the captioned Agreement for 1BAI Systems Engineering International Business Machines Corporation Services. ------------------------------------------------------ By---------------------------------------------------- caate�er Signature Date By i ---------------------------------- Signature -------- t Date i Vzo.rost•I tu/a•ots> SECTION 1 ORIGINAL— CUSTOMER COPY ATTEST: APPROVED: DAY OF , 1972: CITY SECRETARY CITY ATTORNEY FOR IBM USE ONLY 1 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES —FOR SYSTEMS ENGINEERING USE Branch Qffice Use SKILL ASSISTANCE DURATION SERVICE OTHER TOTAL INVOICE NO. INVOICE BALANCE DATE CLgSSIFICATION RATE 1 RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AND DATE AMOUNT ESTIMATE AMOUNT 7=7 International Business Machines Corporation Agreement for IBM Machine Service Armonk, New York 10501 To: International Business Machines Corporation Agreement No.: Branch Office Address: Br. Off• No.: u 5 520 South. Chaparral • Corpus Christi, Texas CustomcrNo.: 22050 -04 Name and Address of Customer: City of Corpus Christi 302 S. Shoreline Corpus Christi, Texas 78403 International Business Machines Corporation (tent), by its acceptance hereof, agrees to furnish to the Customer, in accordance with this Agreement, its tent machine service comprising the use of the below listed machines and features (called machine or machines) and machine maintenance service. Monthly Availability Type Model Description Quantity Charge Each 2030 1300 Processing Unit 1 $3,106.00 1051 NO1 Control Unit 1 83.00 1052 008 Printer Keyboard 1 63.00 2314 B01 Storage Control 1 1,480.00 2319 BO1 Disk Storage 1 1,000.00 2821 002 Control Unit 1 600.00 1442 NO2 Card Punch 1 365.00 2501 BO1 Card Reader 1 508.00 1403 002 Printer 1 750.00 Monthly availability charges invoiced will be as of the first of each month. Payment shall be made in full within thirty days after ilia date of invoice. Term of Agreement This Agreement is effective from the date it is accepted and shall remain in force, except as otherwise provided, for one year from the date the ftrbt machine is installed ready for use, and may be terminated by either party then, provided written notice is received three months prior, otherwise this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Thereafter it may be terminated or any of the machines may be discontinued by either party at the end of any calendar month provided three months' prior written notice is received. Please send all communications to tact at its branch o)fee address fisted above unless notified to the contrary. (u %e-VI Maso) e ^r .tea Monlhly Availability Charges The charges shown on the face hereof are those currently in effect. All charges are subject to change upon three months' notice. If the monthly :mailability charge is changed for may machine, the Customer may discontinue it or terminate this Agreement on the effeethe date of such change; otherwise, the new charge shall become effective. The monthly availability charges include the use of muchines by only one shift of machine operating personnel, and continence in each case the day following that on which each machine is installed ready for use. When a machine is used by more than one shift of machine operating personnel, an extra charge for each hour of use by such extra shifts shall be made at the rate of 1/176th of 50% of the monthly avail• ability charges. There shall be added to the above charges amounts equal to any taxes, however designated, levied or based on such charges or on this Agreement or the machines or their use, including state and local privilege or excise taxes based lit gross revenue, and any taxes or amounts in licit thereof paid or payable by Ism in respect of the foregoing, exclusive, how- ever, of personal property taxes assessed on the machines and taxes based on net income. Additional or Replacement Machines Machines, in addition to the above or to replace any the Customer may have in use, will be furnished, if available, to the Customer under this Agreement, at the schedule of .charges in effect on the date such machines,are installed ready for use. Cards and Tape Cards, tape, other supplies, accessories and disk devices used to operate the machines are to meet the -necessary mat specifications. - Maintenance 'item will keep the machines in good working order and will make all necessary adjustments and repairs. For this purpose rant shall-have full and free access to the machines. The re• quired suitable electric current to operate the machines and a suitable place of installation with all facilities as specified in ant's Installation Afanual will be furnished by the Cus- tourer, tam will not furnish maintenance service if the ma- chines are located outside the United States, Puerto Rico or the Canal Zone. Risk o/ Loss During the period the machines are in transit or in the possession of the Customer, ram and its insurers, if any, relieve the Customer of responsibility for all risks of loss or damage to the machines except for his responsibility for loss or dam• age caused by nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radio- - active contamination. Alterations and Attachments Upon prior written notice to mar, alterations in or attach• ments to the machines may be made. If tire.-alteration or Received by IBM at_______________ __ __ II3M Branch Manager Accepted by: attachment interferes with the normal and sati4ac.tory opera- tion or maintenance of any of the machines in such manner as to inciease substantially the cost of maintenance thereof, or create a safety hazard, the Customer will, upon notice from tam to that effect, promptly remove the alteration or attach•' ment and restore the machines to their normal condition. s Transportation and Traveling Expenses All transportation, rigging and drayage charges upon the machines. both from and to the tnnt plants, are to he paid by the Customer including those necessitated by capacity changes ordered by the Customer. Necessary packing ca-cs for the return of the machines and a representative to supervise the packing will be furnished by rant without charge. The cost of labor for crating and uncraling machines is a Customer expense except when it is performed at either an mat plant or reconditioning location. ' When the distance from the point of installation of tint's nearest branch office or resident location is greater than fifteen miles, travel expenses of tom's Customer Engineers beyond fifteen miles for maintenance and repair of the machines are to be paid by the Customer. Warranty IBM warrants that the above machines when installed will be in good working order. ism will make all necessary adjust- ments, repairs and replacements without additional charge to maintain the machines in this condition. All machines are supplied subject to these warranties, and mm's obligation• thereunder is limited to repair or replacement of any parts or machines when it determines that they do not conform to these warranties. The foregoing warranties are in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied, and of all obligations or liabilities on the part of tom for damages, including but not limited to con- sequential damages, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of the machines. General The terms and conditions of this Agreement supersede those' of all previous agreements between the parties with respect • to tent machine service, and such service hereafter is_ subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. This Agreement is not assignable; none of the machines may be sublet, assigned or transferred by the Customer without the prior written consent of tam. Any attempt to sublet, assign or transfer any of the rights, duties or obliga- tions of this Agreement is void. Either party may terminate this Agreement for failure of the other to comply with any of its terms and conditions. All machines remain inn's properly and may be removed by tam at any time after termination of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York and constitutes the entire agreement between the Customer and tam with respect to the furnishing of tom ma- chine service. The foregoing terms and conditions shall prevail , notwithstanding any variance with the terms and conditions of any order submitted by the Customer in respect of ism machine service. r bz Fx Zia, v % 0, International Business Machines Corporation By__________ __________________ --------------------------------------------------------- R. PIAnvis TalrasEto By----------------------------------------- •"------------------ ------- -------------------------- blliccr's Titl Date------------------------- ---- ------- ----- --------- - - - --- Date-------------------------------------------------------- ATTEST: APPR VkC DAY O 1972: CITY SECRETARY CIT /ATTORNEY r.� � WTER TYPING, LEAVE CARBON INTACT UNTIL IBM 'AND THE CUSTn MER HAVE SIGNED. IOM AND THE CUSTOMER NL ONLY SIGN ONCE, PROVIDED THE CARBON TRANSFER OF THEIR SIGNATURES APPEARS LEGIBLY ON THE REMAINING COPIES. International Business Machines Corporation Armonk, New York 10504 Fixed Ternt Plan Supplement for Amendment to Agreement for IBM Machine Service —Fixed Term Plan IBAT Branch Office Address: Reference Agreement No.: 520 South Chaparral Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 This Fixed Term Plan Supplement No.: 001 Name and Address of Customer: Branch Office No.: 115 City of Corpus Christi 302 S. Shoreline Customer No.: 22050 -04 Corpus Christi, Texas 78403 The following machines are subject to the Amendment to the Agreement for IBM Machine Service –Fixed Term Plan: Type Description and Alodel (Serial No. if Installed) Contract Period months Purchase Fixed Term Plan Option monthly Clmrge Percent Prior Supplement It Applicable 2314 -B1 Disk Control Unit 12 $1,362.00 55% N/A 2319 -B1 Disk Unit 24 840.00 55% N/A 1403 -02 -_ Printer 12 690.00 45% N/A 2821 -02 Printer Control Unit 12 552.00 55% N/A The Customer may terminate a Contract Period effective any date by providing IBM with written notice at least one month in advance and payment of a termination charge as follows: During the first 12 months of a 24 month Contract Period, 5 times the Fixed Term Plan monthly charge. During a 12 to 23 month Contract Period, or after the first 12 months of a 24 month Contract Period, 2.5 times the Fixed Term Plan monthly charge, or the Fixed Term Plan monthly charges for the remainder of the Contract Period, whichever is less. If there have been model or feature changes, the termination charge will be based on the highest Fixed Term Plan monthly charge in effect during the 3 months prior to the effective date of termination. International Business Machines Corporation Manager's Signature Mnnager's Nnn1e (Typa or Print) ----------- ___----------- ♦ Dat< Authorization to place the above listed machines under the terms of the Amendment to Agreement for IBM Machine Ser- vice –Fixed Term Plan is hereby given. __City of Corpus_Christi ------------------------------ ca]tpm.r By-------------------------------------------------------- Authorized Signature ___________________________ _____ ______________________ _ ___ Nam. (Type or Print) Z129 CUSTOMER ATTEST: APPROVED: DAY OF , 1972: CITY SECRETARY /$/// 3ri.CITY ATTORNEY '.IAL TWO -SIDED CARBON ALLOWS FOR CARBON TO REMAIN INTACT WITHIN THE FORM UNTIL AFTER: - (1) All required information is typed on both the front and back and (2) Until after all signatures have been affixed. THE CUSTOMER NEED ONLY SIGN ONCE, PROVIDED THE CARBON TRANSFER OF HIS SIGNATURE APPEARS LEGIBLY ON THE REMAINING COPIES. International Business Machines Corporation Armonk, New York 10504 Agreement for IBM Systems Engineering Services To: International Business Machines Corporation Agreement No.: . Branch Office Address: Dr. Off. No.: 115 520 South Chaparral CustomerNo.: 22050 -04 Corpus Christi, Texas Name and Address of Customer: City of Corpus Christi 302 North Shoreline Corpus Christi, Texas The Customer and International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) agree that the following terms and conditions shall govern in all cases when IBM furnishes assistance to the Customer in the installation and use of data processing products. Services This Agreement shall cover all assistance in the installation and use of data processing products by IBM systems engineer. ing personnel at the Customer's request, including, but not limited to, special studies, programming and application de. sign and development, systems analysis and design, conversion and implementation planning, and installation evaluation. These services may be performed at either the Customer's or IBM's premises. Term This Agreement is effective from the date on which it is accepted by nim and shall remain in force until terminated by the Customer upon one month's prior written notice or by mat upon three months' prior written notice. Completion of any specific services or Customer's failure to order additior.Tl serv. ices hereunder shall not terminate this Agreement, it being the intent of the parties to leave this Agreement in effect in the event of future orders for services. Charges The Customer agrees to pay charges for these services, in- cluding billable travel time, in accordance with IBM's estab- lished rates and minimums in effect when the services are rendered. All charges, rate classifications and minimum hours are subject to change by Ina( upon three months' notice. Charges will he invoiced monthly for services rendered and will be payable on receipt of invoice. There shall be added to any charges under this Agreement amounts equal to any applicable taxes however designated, levied or based on such charges or on this Agreement or the services rendered hereunder, including state and local privi- lege or excise taxes based on gross revenue, and any taxes or amounts in lieu thereof paid or payable by IBM in respect of the foregoing, exclusive of taxes based on net income. The Customer will reimburse trim for special or unusual expenses incurred at the Customer's specific request. Control and Supervision Customer tasks on which tart personnel assist shall remain under the supervision, management and control of the Customer. Confidentiality With respect to financial, statistical and personnel data relating to the Customer's business which is confidential, is clearly so designated, and which is submitted to mM by the Customer in order to carry out this Agreement, mm will in- struct its personnel to keep such information confidential by using the same care and discretion that they use with similar data which IBM designates as confidential. With respect to technical data relating to the Customer's business which is confidential, and which must be submitted to tan% by the Cus. tomer in order for IBM to carry out its work under this Agree- ment, the Customer shall list such data on the Confidentiality Supplement to the applicable IBM Service Estimate in accord- ance with the provisions therein. IBM will instruct its person. nel to keep such information confidential by using the same care and discretion with regard to the identified technical data as they use with similar data which mat designates as confidential. Ilowever, toot shall not be required to keep confidential any data which is or becomes publicly available, is already in teat's possession, is independently developed by mat outside the scope of this Agreement, or is rightfully obtained from third parties. In addition, IBM shall not he required to keep confidential any ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques relating to data processing submitted to IBM or developed during the course of this Agreement by IBM per- sonnel or jointly by IBM and Customer personnel. Rights in Data All original written material including programs, card decks, tapes, listings and other programming documentation originated and prepared for the Customer pursuant to this Agreement shall belong exclusively to the Customer. The ideas, concepts, know -how, or techniques relating to data processing, developed during the course of this Agree- ment by IBM personnel or jointly by tom and Customer per- sonnel can be used by either party in any way it may deem appropriate. Each invention, discovery or improvement which includes ideas, concepts, know -how, or techniques relating to data processing developed pursuant to this Agreement shall be treated as follows: (a) if made by Customer personnel, it shall be the property of the Customer; (b) if made by Ism personnel, it shall be the property of mm and IBM grants to the Customer a non - exclusive, irrevocable, and royalty -free license throughout the world; (c) if made jointly by person- nel of IBM and the Customer, it shall be jointly owned with- out accounting. This Agreement shell not preclude mot from developing ma- terials which are competitive, irrespective of their similarity, to materials which might be delivered to the Customer pur- suant to this Agreement. Please send all communications to mN at its branch office address listed above unless notified to the contrary. Is..soao.. to /a.oat 1 Z 3 Personnel In recognition of the fact that mat personnel provided to the Customer under this Agreement may perform similar services from time to time for others, this Agreement shall not prevent mat from performing such similar services or restrict rant front using the personnel provided to the Customer tinder this Agreement. IBM will make every effort consistent with sound business practices to honor the specific requests of the Customer with regard to the assignment of its employees; however, tau reserves the sole right to determine the assign- ment of its employees. Service Estimates Estimates of services to he rendered under this Agreement may be agreed to in writing. No estimates are guaranteed in any way or to any extent by tuns, and do not change this Agreement to a fixed price contract. IBM will, however, notify the Customer as soon as practicable if the estimate will be exceeded, and the Customer may then terminate the services, paying only for effort expended to that time. Charges will be paid by the Customer at the established rates and minimums whether the charges are above or below the estimate. Service Estimates may include agreed to work schedules of ism personnel. IBM will attempt to provide personnel in ac- cordance with such schedules subject to circumstances beyond mat's control. Should an MAT employee be unable to perform scheduled services under this Agreement because of illness, resignation or other causes beyond mat's reasonable control, tau will attempt to replace such employee within a reasonable time, but innt shall not be liable for failure to replace such employee within the schedule. All schedules may be revised by mutual agreement. Limitation of Liability The Customer agrees that IBM's liability hereunder for dam- ages, regardless of the form of action, shall not exceed the total amount paid for services under the applicable Service Estimate or in the authorization for the particular service if no Received by IBM at ---- Corpus Christi, Texas -__ --------------------------- By---------------------- --------- ---- -- --- ------ - - - - -- Branch Manager'a Signature ------------------------------------------------------ Branch Manager's Name On--------------------------------------------------- Date Accepted by: International Business Machines Corporation By------------------------------------ ---- ----- - - - - - -- Authorized Signature ------------------------------------------------------ Date ------------------------------------------------------ Title On--------------------------------------------------- Data ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY Service Estimate is made. This shall be the Customer's exclu- sive remedy. The Customer further agrees that mm will not be liable for any lost profits, nor for any claim or demand against the Customer by any other party. No action, regardless of form, arising out of the services under this Agreement, may be brought by either party more than one year after the cause of action has accrued, except that an action for nonpayment may be brought within one year of the date of last payment. IBM does not make any express or implied war- ranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a par- ticular purpose. In no event will ram be liable for consequential damages even if 1B1vr has been advised of the possi- bility of such damages. General The terms of this Agreement may be modified by mm upon three months' written notice to the Customer. The Customer may exercise his right to terminate; otherwise, such modifica- tion shall become effective. The term "this Agreement" as used herein includes any future written amendments, modifications or supplements made in accordance herewith. The Customer acknowledges that he has read this Agreement, understands it and agrees to be bound by its terms and further agrees that it is the com- plete and exclusive statement of the agreement between the parties, which supersedes all proposals oral or written and all other communications be. tween the parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York. _City of Corpus Christi -------------------------- (.latomer By--------------------- --- --------------- -- --- -- -- - --- Authorized Signature ----------..------------------------------------------- Name ------------------------------------------------------ Title On--------------------------------------------------- Date APPROVED: DAY OF , 1972: CITY ATTORNEY L CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS DAY OF 1972- TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCES A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; I, THEREFORE, REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECITFULLY, THE CITY OF CORPAARISTI, TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: RONNIE SIZEMORE CHARLES A. BONNIWELL ROBERTO BOS..uEZ, M.D. REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH THOMAS V. GONZALES GABE LOZANO, SR. 1 J. HOWARD STARK THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: RONNIE SIZEMORE CHARLES A. BONNIWELL -cl ROBERTO BOSQUEZ, M.D. REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH THOMAS V. GONZALES • GABE LOZANO, SR. J. HOWARD STARK