HomeMy WebLinkAbout10681 ORD - 01/26/1972s^ •y,n.,,e.;�'e�:� %�asxk.R�.v.:, :.:_„_. :k: ,5 >.a<.r,•. w:. ri...: - <_y r. ",,.,: <.ar�^xa+t.�:� ra ^. ,^+, �• � < AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, PORTIONS OF SARATOGA BOULEVARD, EVERHART ROAD, AND WEBER ROAD PURSUANT TO ART. 970a, V.A.C.S. TEXAS, AS AMENDED, AND THE CITY CHARTER, ARTICLE I, SEC. 2 (b), PROVIDING FOR ANNEXATION OF ROADS, HIGHWAYS, AND STREETS ADJACENT AND CON- TIGUOUS TO THE CITY BY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, on the 12th day of January, 1972, a public hearing was duly held at the Regular Meeting of the City Council, following publication of due notice of said hearing in the official newspaper, pursuant to ,Art. ,970a, V.A..C.S «, ,Texas, .as :amended, for- the consideration of institution of proceedings for the annexation of a defined area wholly within the extra- territorial jurisdiction of Corpus Christi, including portions of Saratoga Boulevard, Everhart Road, and Weber Road, at which all interested persons were afforded an opportunity to be heard, and by motion duly made, seconded and carried the said hearing was closed on January 12, 1972; and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the City Council that the territory within said portions of Saratoga Boulevard, Everhart Road, and Weber Road, now proposed to be annexed, abuts and is contiguous and is adjacent to the City of Corpus Christi and constitutes lands and territories used for public purposes or dedicated to a public use within the meaning of the City Charter, Article I, Sec. 2 (b); and WHEREAS, it has been determined that it would be advantageous to the City and to its citizens and in the public interest to annex the aforesaid land and territory hereafter described: ? NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The following described land and territory, consisting of portions of Saratoga Boulevard, Everhart Road, and Weber Road, are hereby annexed to the City of Corpus Christi: t -.-:. t-. tv „r- �- .�.+„x�.x.a:��.�rr�'�+•. ^�'F7 °.��;.•..'�i�,a �l a..- .,;...r . ✓���- ^.:7- r� -�.: -r -;., _ � _ i - ANNEXATION DESCRIPTION FOR PARTS OF SARATOGA BOULEVARD, EVERHART ROAD, AND WEBER ROAD BEING A STRIP OF LAND NOW OCCUPIED BY A PART OF SARATOGA BOULEVARD, EVERHART ROAD, AND WEBER ROAD AND BEING OUT OF THE FOLLOWING LOTS: LOTS 11 AND 5, SECTION 9, LOT 2, SECTION 10, LOTS 1 AND 7, SECTION 11, LOTS 1 AND 8, SECTION 12, BOHEMIAN COLONY LANDS; LOT 10, OSO FARM TRACTS; LOTS 1, 2,, AND 11, SECTION 5, AND LOTS 29, 30, 31 AND 32,-SECTION 1, FLOUR BLUFF AND ENCINAL FARM AND GARDEN TRACTS, SAID STRIP OF LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHWEST RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE OF SAID SARATOGA BOULEVARD, AND THE NORTHWEST BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 8j SECTION 12, BOHEMIAN COLONY LANDS, SAID POINT BEING IN THE PRESENT CITY LIMIT LINE; "THENCE °N. "29 "00'`E., WITH'THE'NORTHWEST BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 81 SECTION 12, AND LOT 5, SECTION 9, BOHEMIAN COLONY LANDS AND WITH THE PRESENT CITY LIMIT LINE, A DISTANCE OF 220.0 FEET; THENCE S. 61° 00' E., 30.0 FEET TO A POINT IN THE SOUTH- EAST RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE OF KOSTORYZ ROAD, AT THE NORTHEAST RIGHT —OF —WAY FLARE —OUT OF KOSTORYZ ROAD AND SARATOGA BOULEVARD; THENCE S. 311° 49' 23" E., WITH THE SAID NORTHEAST RIGHT - OF —WAY FLARE —OUT, 222.6 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST RIGHT —OF- WAY LINE OF SAID SARATOGA BOULEVARD; THENCE IN A SOUTHEASTERLY DIRECTION WITH THE PRESENT CITY LIMIT LINE AND WITH THE NORTHEAST RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE OF SAID SARATOGA BOULEVARD, APPROXIMATELY 12,970 FEET TO ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTHEAST BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 29, SECTION 4, FLOUR BLUFF AND ENCINAL FARM AND GARDEN TRACTS; THENCE S. 29° 01' W., ACROSS SARATOGA BOULEVARD, A DISTANCE OF 120 FEET TO A POINT IN THE SOUTHWEST RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE OF SAID SARATOGA BOULEVARD; THENCE N. 61° 05' 115” W., WITH THE SOUTHWEST RIGHT —OF- WAY LINE OF SAID SARATOGA BOULEVARD, A DISTANCE OF 1603.111 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N. 61° 29' 30" W., STILL WITH THE SOUTHWEST RIGHT - OF —WAY LINE OF SAID SARATOGA BOULEVARD, A DISTANCE OF 822.68 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N. 870 57' 10" W., WITH THE PRESE14T SOUTH RIGHT —OF- WAY FLARE —OUT OF SARATOGA BOULEVARD, A DISTANCE OF 224.66 FEET TO A POINT IN THE SOUTHEAST RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE OF EVERHART ROAD; THENCE S. 29° 01' 115" W., WITH THE PRESENT SOUTHEAST RIGHT - OF —WAY LINE OF SAID EVERHART ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 2154.68 FEET; THENCE N. 60° 58' 15" W., ACROSS EVERHART ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 110.0 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE OF SAID EVERHART ROAD; o,. ..".« r+ �t 'r7..a.waw.tr�xo:+„Yr+��r -r -c ;'�.zq. •: +nr- :.r�t�w .�s;.:.�..�=+e :,.. , ».z�� = <. rk,,.. -. - r .. __, .. ..... < THENCE N. 29° O1' 45" E., WITH THE PRESENT NORTHWEST RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE OF SAID EVERHART ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 2154.68 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST RIGHT —OF —WAY FLARE —OUT AT SARATOGA BOULEVARD AND EVERHART ROAD; THENCE N. 34° 49' 15" W., WITH THE SAID RIGHT —OF —WAY FLARE —OUT, A DISTANCE OF 222.87 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE OF SAID SARATOGA BOULEVARD; THENCE N. 6i° 29' 30" W., WITH THE SOUTHWEST RIGHT —OF- WAY LINE OF SARATOGA BOULEVARD, A DISTANCE OF 4823.27 FEET TO THE SOUTH RIGHT —OF —WAY FLARE —OUT AT SARATOGA BOULEVARD AND WEBER ROAD; THENCE S. 88° 43' 54" W., WITH THE SOUTH RIGHT —OF —WAY FLARE —OUT AT WEBER ROAD AND SARATOGA BOULEVARDS A DISTANCE OF 208.110 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE OF WEBER ROAD; THENCE S. 290 00' W., WITH THE SOUTHEAST RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE OF SAID WEBER ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 2014.5 FEET; THENCE N. 61° 00' W., ACROSS SAID WEBER ROAD, A DISTANCE N OF 100.0 FEET TO ITS NORTHWEST RIGHT— OF -14AY LINE THEREOF; THENCE N. 29° 00' E., WITH THE NORTHWEST RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE OF SAID WEBER ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 2014.5 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST RIGHT —OF —WAY FLARE —OUT AT WEBER ROAD AND SARATOGA BOULEVARD; THENCE N. 31' 29' 11" W., WITH THE SOUTHWEST RIGHT —OF- WAY FLARE —OUT AT WEBER AND SARATOGA, A DISTANCE OF 206.83 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE OF SAID SARATOGA BOULEVARD; THENCE WITH THE SOUTHWEST RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE OF SAID SARATOGA BOULEVARD, A DISTANCE OF 5053.5 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 45.4 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. r, �s. F: k' t."` Y :CYF:�%1�k/�a'xah?"6:S�x`,Y>R•. e`t �^..'.+';"P%N ::%Z.S Vf.t•' i v�YM :I!'Lw_r�e. :,fir �,„� <.d... ^�YU {i% w's4'; - °rv:.' °++�9r^ .y-rt - l That said territory is hereby received into said City and each and all are included within the territorial limits of said City as an integral part thereof, and that said territory shall hereafter be a part of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, and shall be subject to the general laws of the State of Texas, the City Charter of the City and the ordinances, resolutions, laws, rules and regulations of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, to all intents and purposes as the present City of Corpus Christi is so subject, and subjectto all the rights, privileges and burdens thereof. SECTION 2. If for any reason any section, paragraph, phrase, or provision of this ordinance shall be invalid by final judgment of a court'of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect any valid provisions of this or any other ordinance of the City of Corpus Christi to which these acts, notices, resolutions, rules and regulations relate. SECTION 3. The necessity to immediately annex to the City of Corpus Christi the aforesaid lands and to declare that they shall hereafter be a part of the corporate limits of the City of Corpus Christi, creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the sus- pension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that said ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared that such emergency and necessity exist, having requested the suspension of the said Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the ,2 �kday of January, 1972. ATTEST: l (� City Secret ry MAYOR THE CITY C U CHRISTI, TEXAS APPROVED: n DA OF JANUARY 1972: C1 Attorney ' CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS a &_wl DAY TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; I, THEREFORE, REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTFULLY, 4OF, THE CCHRISTI, TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: RONNIE SIZEMORE / CHARLES A. BONNIWELL ✓ ✓✓ ROBERTO BOSQUEZ, M.D. REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH THOMAS V. GONZALES / GABE LOZANO, SR. J. HOWARD STARK THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE FOLLOWIN VOTE: / RONNIE SIZEMORE CHARLES A. BONNIWELL / ROBERTO BDSQUEZ, M.D. ./ REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH Y THOMAS V. GONZALES GABE LO2ANO, SR. /(/ J. HOWARD STARK / W J5 E C 7- G. T. 4 6 c r /ON i Wft',' R -2f K1.2— V SE C 7- 11 Al C 42 1772 Sec 11,012 5, 6. e<,, 7: � lel /0, Sec en C I-IIV Loads.