HomeMy WebLinkAbout10792 ORD - 04/12/1972JRR:HG:B,Iw :14- 12 -72; 1sT AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, THE STATE OF TEXAS, THE COUNTY OF NUECES, SAN PATRICIO COUNTY, AND PORTLAND, TEXAS FOR A CONTINUING, COMPREHENSIVE, TRANSPORTATION STUDY FOR THE URBAN AREAS OF CORPUS CHRISTI AND NUECES COUNTY, AND PORTLAND, TEXAS AND SAN PATRICIO COUNTY, ALL AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE AGREEMENT, A COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI AND NUECES COUNTY ENTERED INTO A CONTINUING PHASE AGREEMENT AND THE CORPUS CHRISTI URBAN TRANSPORTATION STUDY DATED JUNE 25, 1965; AND WHEREAS, THE GENERAL STUDY AREA HAS BEEN EXPANDED TO INCLUDE ALL OF NUECES AND SAN PATRICIO COUNTIES WHICH ARE THE SAME AS THE SMSA AND WHICH EXPANSION PROVIDES FOR THE INCLUSION OF PORTLAND IN THE INTENSIVE STUDY AREA; AND WHEREAS, SAID AGREEMENT HAS BEEN EXPANDED TO INCLUDE ONE (1) REPRE- SENTATIVE OF THE COASTAL BEND COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS ON THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. THAT THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI BE AND HE IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, THE STATE OF TEXAS, THE COUNTY OF NUECES, SAN PATRICIO COUNTY AND PORTLAND, TEXAS FOR A CONTINUING, COMPREHENSIVE, COOPERATIVE TRANSPORTATION STUDY FOR THE URBAN AREAS OF CORPUS CHRISTI AND NUECES COUNTY, AND PORTLAND, TEXAS AND SAN PATRICIO COUNTY, ALL AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE AGREEMENT, A COPY OF WHICH, MARKED EXHIBIT "AP, IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. SECTION 2. THE NECESSITY TO IMMEDIATELY AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AFOREMENTIONED AGREEMENT IN ORDER TO ACCOMPLISH THE INTENT OF THE SAID AGREEMENT CREATES A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE PUBLIC NECESSITY REQUIRING THE SUSPENSION OF THE CHARTER RULE THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE OF ITS INTRODUCTION BUT THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE SEVERAL MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE MAYOR HAVING DECLARED SUCH EMERGENCY AND NECESSITY TO EXIST, AND HAVING REQUESTED THE SUSPENSION OF THE CHARTER RULE AND THAT THIS ORDINANCE BE PASSED 10792 JRR:HG:Bdw:4- 12 -72; 1sT FINALLY ON THE DATE OF ITS INTRODUCTION AND TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, THIS THE L,;YLPAY OF APRIL, 1972. ATTEST: o O CITY SECRE ARY MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPU C ISTI, TEXAS APPROVED: jTLiDAY OF APRIL, 1972: .CI�T RNEY CORPUS CHRISTI URBAN TRANSPORTATION`STUDY 1972' CONTINUING PHASE ACREDIENT ' STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF TRAVIS X THIS AGREEMENT made this day of A.D., 1972 by and between the State of Texas, the City of Corpus Christi, The City of Portland, the County of Nueces, and the County of San Patricio. WHEREAS, subsequent to the passage of the Federal -Aid Highway Act of 1962, the State of Texas, the City of Corpus Christi and the County of Nueces did enter into a Continuing Phase Agreement on June 25, 1965, A.D., to provide for a continuing comprehensive and cooperative Urban Transportation Study for the area in and around Corpus Christi, and WHEREAS, the growth of the region within the last decade now necessitates-an increase in the size of the study area, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the State of Texas, acting by and through its State Highway Engineer, the City of Corpus Christi, the City of Portland, the County ;of Nueces and the County of San Patricio acting by and .through the proper officials as authorized by ordinances and resolutions, to enter into another agreement for the continuing phase of the Corpus Christi Urban Transportation Study and to expand the study area to include all of Nueces and San Patricio Counties with an intensive study as shown on the map attached hereto and marked Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed that the State of Texas, the City of Corpus Christi, the City of Portland, the County of Nueces and the County of San Patricio in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration will participate in a continuing, comprehensive and cooperative planning process with responsibilities and undertakings as related in the following paragraphs. -1- ,CX ffl BlT �,� „ I. RESPONSTISTLTTTES OF T111. STATE A. It will be the responsibility of the State of Texas to keep current the following basic elements as studied in the initial phase: 1. Inventory of highways and streets generally under jurisdiction of the State. 2. Traffic Volumes and Travel Time Studies as necessary and in cooperation with the local governments. 3. Accident Summary 4. Financial expenditures on Highways I B. The State will also be responsible for the following items: 1. Providing traffic data developed by the study to all agencies in the area. 2. Making additional traffic assignments, processing additional forecast data and modifying previous assignments as needed. 3. Maintaining necessary records and making necessary analyses of data for the study area as a whole. 4. In cooperation -with the Cities, establish survey zones for traffic analysis. 5. Publish reports as needed. C. The State in cooperation with the Cities and Counties shall also periodically, or as needed by the study, review and update the recommended transportation plan as set out in the initial phase report. 2 r. II. RESPONSTBIT.TTIHS OF THE CTTIES A. It will be the responsibility of the City of Corpus Christi and the City of Portland to keep current or update at least once a year the following basic elements as studied in the initial phase. 1. Population 2. Land Use 3. Transportation Facilities a. Inventory of highways and streets generally under jurisdiction of the Cities b. Traffic Signal Inventory ' c. Accident Summary 4. Financial expenditures on City streets 5. Mass Transit - Service and Coverage B. The Cities shall also periodically, or as needed by the study, update the following basic studies; 1. Economic factors affecting development 2. Community Controls 3. Community Value Factors 4. Parking, Railroad, Airline, Bus and Truck Terminal Facilities C. The Cities shall furnish assistance in establishing survey zones and provide zonal forecasts. D. It shall also be the responsibility of the Cities to update i i 1 population and land use forecasts by survey zones as may be necessary and to assist in developing interim traffic forecasts. - 3 - •c III. RESPONSIBTLi9TF.S OF Till?, COUNTi1:S A. It will be the responsibility of Nueces County and San Patricio County to keep current the following basic elements; 1. Inventory of highways and streets generally under jurisdiction of the County. 2. Financial Expenditures on County Roads. IV. OPI- MATIONS A. Advisory Committee The guidance and direction of the continuing transportation study will be furnished by an Advisory Committee formed by representatives as follows; 1. State of Texas (4 members) Texas Highway Department - District 16 (2) Texas Highway Department- Highway Design Division (1) Texas Highway Department - Planning Survey Division (1) 2. City of Corpus Christi (3 members) 3. City of Portland (1 member) 4. County of Nueces (1 member) 5. County of San Patricia (1 member) 6. Coastal Bend Council of Governments (1 member) 7. Federal Highway Administration - United States Department of Transportation shall be represented on the Advisory Committee. (This representation shall be non - voting.) - 4 - B. Study Coordinator The continuing phase of the study will be directed by a Study Coordinator designated by the State (District 16). 1. Ile shall serve as Chairman of the Advisory Committee 2. Maintain liaison between the Cities, the Counties, the Coastal Bend Council of Governments and the State Highway Department, 3. Provide all traffic data available from the study. Analyze such data and make it available to the agencies involved as needed for designing, etc. 4. Prepare and present annual reports to the Advisory Committee and to participating agencies concerning the status and progress of the various studies. 5. Stay abreast of developments in techniques of transpor- tation planning. 6. Recommend revision of the transportation plan, special studies, or renegotiation of this agreement when considered appropriate. 7. Continually review the study and make recommendations to the Advisory Committee on the advisability of changing the Study Area boundary. C. Planning Coordinator A Planning Coordinator shall be assigned by the Cities to work in cooperation with the Study Coordinator on the transportation study. 1. The Planning Coordinator shall be a member of the Advisory Committee. 2. He shall coordinate the various Cities' Departments activities -5- IT IS UNDERSTOOD by all parties that this agreement may be supplemented or renegotiated as recommended by the Advisory Committee to meet changing conditions. Also, by mutual agreement, the parties hereto may terminate this agreement. r - with Lhe- TransportaLion Plan and in kce.ping data and records up to date. 3. lie shall recommend to the Study Coordinator special studies, revision of the transportation plan or additional surveys when considered appropriate by the Cities. D. Procedures for maintaining current and /or updating data for each of the various study elements listed above will be prepared by the agency bearing primary responsibility for said elements. Such procedures shall be subject to modification by the Advisory Committee dependent upon the needs and cap- abilities of the various agencies during the continuing phase. V. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES A. The full cost of items assigned to each City will be borne by that City. B. The full cost of items assigned to each County will be borne by that County. C. The full cost of items assigned to the State will be borne by the State. For special studies involving the collection and analysis of socio- economic factors and other data required for use in traffic generation and trip distribution, and which data is not needed by the local governments, and which is needed only for the transportation study,'the Texas Highway Department will assume the responsibility for such studies. IT IS UNDERSTOOD by all parties that this agreement may be supplemented or renegotiated as recommended by the Advisory Committee to meet changing conditions. Also, by mutual agreement, the parties hereto may terminate this agreement. r - IN 14ITNESS 14IIEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signatures c L,,e dates indicated. STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF PORTLAND Certified as being executed for the By purpose and effect of activating and/ City Manager or carrying out the orders, established policies, or work programs heretofore approved and authorized by the State Date Highway Commission ATTEST: City Clerk By State Highway Engineer Under Authority APPROVED AS TO FORM: of Commission Minute No. 60394 Date City Attorney RECOMMENDED FOR EXECUTION: COUNTY OF NUECES By District Engineer - District 16 County Judge Date Chief Engineer of Highway Design ATTEST: Director of Planning Survey County Clerk .CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI APPROVED AS TO FORM: By City Manager County Attorney COUNTY OF SAN PATRICIO Date By ATTEST:' County Judge Date ATTEST: City Clerk County Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney County Attorney 0 r'_• 111 / i 71! 17 ~ Y 7•\ •j 71972 Corpus Christi Transportation Study Intensive Study Area_. EXHIBIT A CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS /Aa -)DAY OF 19 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; I, THEREFORE, REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. SPECTFUL Y� O MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPS C ISTI, TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: RONNIE SIZEMORE CHARLES A. BONNIWELL ROBERTO BOSQUEZ, M.D. REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH THOMAS V. GONZALES GABE LOZANO, SR. J. HOWARD STARK THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: BONNIE SIZEMORE 'p , CHARLES A. BONNIWELL ROBERTO BOSQUEZ, M.D. REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH THOMAS V. GONZALES GABE LOZANO, SR. J. HOWARD STARK