HomeMy WebLinkAbout10858 RES - 05/17/1972JRR:vmp ., 5/16/72:lst A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI TO EXECUTE A GRANT AGREEMENT AND SUCH OTHER DOCUMENTS AS MAY BE NECESSARY IN CONNEC- TION WITH THE EXECUTION OF THE GRANT AGREEMENT WITH THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STORM WATER SEWER COLLECTION FACILI- TIES IN THE MAYFIELD- STARLITE LANE THE KOSTORYZ ROAD AREAS OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS, PROJECT NO. WSF- TX -06 -59 -1026; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the City of Corpus Christi (the "Applicant ") has heretofore submitted an application to the United States of America, Department of Housing and Urban Development (the "Government ") for a grant under Section 702 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965, as amended, to aid in financing a certain public works identified as Project No. WSF- TX -06 -59 -1026; and WHEREAS, the Government has approved the said application and has submitted to the Applicant a certain Grant'Agreement (the "Agreement ") for approval and execution by the Applicant, which said Agreement is satisfactory, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the said Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto, be and the same is hereby approved. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the said Agreement in the name and on behalf of the Applicant, in as many counterparts as may be necessary, and the City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to affix or impress the official seal of the Applicant thereon and to attest the same. The proper officer is directed to forward the said executed counterparts of the said Agreement to the Government, together with such other documents evidencing the approval and authorization to execute the same as may be required by the Government. PASSED AND APPROVED, this the ay f May, 1972- ATTEST: O V l Ci y •Secretar MAYOR THE CITY OF CO CHRISTI, TEXAS APPROVED: 410-PAY OF MAY, 1972: City Attorney DUD -41421 (6 -71) U.S. DEPARU - -ENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELDpfIENT GRANT AGREE[ENT (Water and Sewer Facilities Grant Program)- Name of Applicant: City of Corpus Christi Project No. WSF- TTY-06 -59 -1026 Address: (Include ZIP Code) Federal Contract No 6- 59- 1026(G) 302 South Shoreline P.O. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 THIS GRANT AGREE -ENT dated as of May 2, 1972 by and between the City of Corpus' Christi M "Applicant , and the Unized States of America Secret (herein called the Development (herein called the "Government "): °f Housing and Urban NOW, THEREFORE, THIS AGREE[.fENT WITNESSETH: v That for and in consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter contained, the parties hereto do convenant and agree as follows: Section 1. Amount and Purpose. Subject to the Terms-and Conditions attached hereto and made a part hereof, and the provisions of this Agreement, the Government will make a Grant to the applicant on account of the Project, The Grant shall in no event exceed the lesser of (i) 50 percent of the Eligible Project Cost, not including the cost of relocation payments and assistance, as determined by the Government on completion of the Project, such cost presently estimated at $ 500,200 , and the Gover:-nent's share of the cost of relocation payments and assistance provided by the applicant in connection with the Project as specified in Section 5 of this Agreement, or (ii) $ 250,100 Section 2, Description of the Project. The project shall consist of storm water sewer collection facilities in the Ma field - Starlite Lane and the Kostor z Road Areas. (herein called the "Project "). Section 3• Government Field Expense. The amount of the fixed fee for Government Field expense referred to in Section 33 of the attached Ternm and Conditions shall be $ 1,900 Section 4. Reduction in Grant. The Government shall have the right to reduce the amount of the Grant upon giving the Applicant written notice, if the Eligible Project Cost after award of construction contract is determ-Lned by the Government to be less than the estimated cost upon w la hich the stipulated of the Grant was based. _ Section 5. Relocation Payments. The applicant agrees, to make relocation payments and Payments for, eligible ex_perses incidental to transfer of- title and condemnation litigation, and to provide relocation assistance to or on be-ralf of eligible displacees - -in accordance with and to the full extent' permitted by the rreo lotions or other require- ments of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and :v:ithin the budgetary limits of this Agreement. NOtuithstandinF any other provision of tl_-Us Agreement, the Government `shall provide a Grant to fund the first $25,o0c of tine cost ito the applicant of providing such payments and assistance for each eligibl; displaces, purrsuant to such regulations or otin r requirements, displaced prior to July 1, 1972, Costs of the applicant for providin; ;uch payments and assistance in excess of said $25,,000 per eligible displacee on account of disnlacemcnt occurrirh 5'' applicant for proviciiap such g prior to July 1, 1972, tc ;nd all costs of the on orafter July 1, 1972, shall be treated ands funded as arc o rethcrf eligible eproject ccosts. Grant funds from the total amount thereof set forth in Scctir:�n 1 of this Agreement, used to find the cost of relocation payments and assistance in accordance with this Section Of this A[;rccment :hall not without the prior written conson% of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, exceed $ -0- 2 Section 6. necial Conditions. The Government's obligation to make the Grant is also subject to the Special Conditions attached hereto and made a part hereof as Attachment None IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed in the-name and on behalf of the City of Corpus Christi by the undersigned official, and under its official seal, attested by its City Secretary name and on behalf of the United States of America Secret and in the Urban Development, by the undersigned official., '' of Housing and Signature (SEAL) (Type 'Name and Title ATTEST: Signature Type Name and: Title ` UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Secretary of Housing and Urban i Development BY ' Date Title Director, San Antonio HUD Area Office L. ATTACIR-lliNT "All TJgMS AND CONDITIONS I Constituting Part of the Grant Agreement Providing for the Financing -- - - and Construction oC Water or Sower Facilitiics Under Title VII of the IIouning and Urban Development Act of 196 15, Public Law 89 -117, August 10, 196.5. Section 1. Definitions. --As used in these Terns and Conditions: "Gover;unert" means the United States of Amcrica. "Project" means tho Water or Sewer Facilities covered by the Grant Agreement. "Grant Agreement" means the contract between the Government and the Grantee covering tho Project and includes both these Terms and Conditions and any other contract documents attached thereto or made a part thereof. "Grantee" means the public entity or entities designated in the Grant Agreement. "Project Cost." means the cost of construction work for the Project, cost of nece-mary arc hitectural. /enE;ineezing services, legal, - administrative and clerical costs, cost of land acquisition, necessary travel =,enses, interest during construction, and other necessary miscellaneous e.- eases. "Fl.ig:ible Projoct Cost" :r :ears the cost of construction, of land acquired for the nrgject, and of site improvements, all as dotemiined by the GvJernie.n_t. "Depository" means a bank or trusL company which is a member of the Federal Deposit Insizance Corporation. "Project Site" means any of the land, rights- of -uay, easements, or other interests 'in land acquired by the'Grantoe in connection frith the dcvel.on!�ent of the site. "Secretary" ;veins the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development or his authorized representative. Section 2. prerecmisitc :: to Ga :crr_-nent +s Ob ?i.aations.- -The Government shall be under no obliga-ion to 6i-burse funcis Under the Grant Agreement if: `'(a) Renresentat.ions.- -Any rcuresentation made by the Grantee to the Government in connection ,-th the application, shall be incorrect or :incomplete in any material respect, or the Government dctel—rdnes that the Grantee has failed to proceed promptly with Project financing or construction. (b) Concurrence by Govermicnt.- -The Grantee having sub,:!!itted to the Goverr)mcnL rho• eccu: ,isms : ^enti oned in Sec Lion 16 hereof, shall have proccoded withaut Navin,; been advised by the Go•✓ :.rnrnent that the sa;cc are satisfactory; it lw-ing, the purl :o: ;o of L•his pr•o-a. ^.ion to - insure that no action tir.11 I>o t_.kcn in the devolopn;cnt of the projgct :;Nish IIIID- )11)120 (6 -71.) S would result in legal or contractu, iolatilon rcndcr.:inr :it ijnpos nible for the Government to mak , the ;;rant hereunder of the parties to accomplish the objccLs of.thi Agreement. (c) Probibi.ted Tntercnts.- -Any official or employee of the Grantee who rs aCer �:�y functions or re:.pons:ibMt:ies in connection idth - -- - --- the carrying out of tine Project has, during his tcmre or for three years thereafter, an interest in any rcal..proncrLy included in the project, or any £.inancial interest, direct or indirect, in any contract or subcontract porLa•ini.ng to the project. The Grantee shall adopt and enforce such measurcs, as are required by Section 33 of these Terms and Conditions to effectuate this provision. (d) Li.tif;atL- n.- -There is then pending litigation with respect to perfor,n_nnce by the Grantee of any of its duties or obligations which may jeopardize or adversely affect the Project or this Grant Agreement. (e) Performance.- -Any event has occurred which makes the accomplishment of the Project by the Grart..~ impossible, iruprobable, infeasible, or illegal. Section 3. Grantee's Funds.- -The Grantec shall initiate and prosecute to completion al.l proceedings reccosary to enable the Grantee to provide its share of the Project Cost _on or prior to the tune that such funds are needed to meet project costs. Section h. Legal ia- ters.- -Tho GranLce shall take a0.1 actions necessary to 'enable it toT- :nanco, construct, and develop tine project in clue time, form and manner as required by lair and the Grant Agreement. Section 5. Land Aceuietion. -The Grantee covenants and agrees that in acquiring real properLy £oor .i.e project it ;:i11 be guided to the greatest extent practicable under State lair by the land acquisition policies in Section 301 and the -orovisicns of Section 302 of the "Uniform Relocation and real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970" and that it will comply with Sections 303 and 304 of said Act. Section 6. Job Opportunities for Un -and i)nder- omol.oyrd -- Applicant shall be responsible Tor as -s iu: >, in accordance iiiLh Seca rule;; or procedures as may be prescribed by theGoverument, that to the raa» um =,bent practicable there arc provided in connection with the coast action of this project now job opportunities for the unemployed and undcronployed. In carrying out this responsibility applicant shall include or cause to be :included in all contracts for construction work. in connection vith the Project a provision stating that the contractor (1) shall, to the maxi: u, extent practicable, "ollo:r hiring and employment practices which will. assure that performance of Iiojcct work results in nvu job opportunities for the unemployed and underemployed, and (2) sha]1 in:ort or cause to be insertod the same or a similar provision in each construction subcontract. Sections 7 -II. [RESIiRVLD] HUD- )111120 (6 -71) _- -- -- 2 Section 9. recordn of ,Grantee covenants and agrees t. pct rtil7. maintain coml,lc6o and accurate records of ail negotiations and other actions, affecting acquisition of any property in connection with the Projcet and such records shall be available for inspections by represontatives of the Government. Such records shall be maintained in one place for a period of at loast three years following completion-of construct-i.on of the Project. Section 10. Dl.sbvrscr:ont of Grant. ]lords .for Land 'Acouis:ition.- -The Grantee may requisition ca.sburs• -_„ienL;ou account of grant provided in the Agreement for acquisition of 'land at any time after receipt of the Agreement as needod to enable the Grantee to make payment as required under Section 5 above, provided (1) no impediment exists which would prevent carrying foruard of the Project; and (2) the Grantee has a firm and binding co:nmi{Lment for its share of the Project costs, and (3) the cost of the land so acquired is acceptable to the Government. In the event -the Project for any reason is subsequently abandoned, the Grantee covenants and agrees that it o:ill repay any funds disbursed hereunder. Section 11. Grant Disbursements.- -The Grantee may requisition disbursements on account of the gran prof=ited in the Agreerent at any time. Such requisitions shall be acconpanicd by such supporting data as the Government may require. The Govern:,ent shall honor, subject to the provisions of the Agreement, such req: ?isitio: in amounts and at tirncs deemed by it to be proper to insure the expeditious prosecution and pa;•^;cnt to the costs of the Project.' 121 disbursements by the Government on account of grant provided'in the Agreement shall be deposited directl, in the Grantee's desi 6nated d=ository by the Goverxacnt. ::o request for revic�•; of a dotcrnin. -ation of tiro Goverment affectin; the grant payable under the ..gree- ment titi'll be ccnsidred unless; such request is received 'by the Government not later thanihroe months folloesing notice to the Grantoe of such deter:inalbion. In'no event shall the total waount of grant funds disbursed to pay land anal construction costs exceed 90 percent of the grant amount specified in the Agree- ment for such costs until after the Project has been completed and audited, and the final grant amount determined by the Government. Section 12. Prereoui sites to Di', sbrrsom:ruts.- -Prior to the Government disbursing any portion of the g_int exca;t as arovided otherrriso in Section 10 above, the Grantee shall present satisfactory evidence that: (a) It has obtained, or can obtain, all land, rights -of. -tray, easements, permits, franch:i scs, Federal, State, County, and Municipal approval s required in connection Ath the construction and operation of the Project, including approval of the final plans and specifications by the appropriate State authorities; (b) It has the funds or a firm and binding comolitment to provide its shares of the Project Cost; (c) It has deposited into the designated Account, any portion then available of the funds to be furnished by the Grantee to meet its share of the Project Cost and that it'vill promptly deposit any remni n.i ng portion of it.; share of the Pro jcc L Co:; L n ardor UTA all paymcait;; in connection with the Project can be mzde as the : ;:1111c become clue; li n -hlh ?0 (6-71) a (d) The Project can be completed at a total cost satisfactory c GovcrnmcnL.whic)Lwill be within the amournt of funds availa, therefor; and (o) It is able to provide or obtain the provision of all necessary building or household connections and local collection or distribution laterals as determined by the Government from sources other than grant funds hereunder. .•.Section 13. Construction Account. - -The Grantee shoal establish and maintain with a designated De. itory, or a fiscal agency of the Grantee filed by law, a separate account or accounts (herein collectively called the "Construction . ":Account ") into which shall be deposited any temporar^f loans, Government grants, and the additional funds required by the provisions of the Grant Agreement to be furnished by the Grantee in order to assure the payment of all Project Costs. 1401lcys in the Construction Account shall be expended only for such purposes as shall have been previously specified in tho Project Cost estimates approved by the Government. Thn Grantee shall pay all Project Costs from the Construction Account. Moneys in the Construction'Account shall be secured by the Depository in the manner prescribed by statutes relating to the securing of public ii:nds. T,-?here the moneys on deposit in the Construction Account exceed the estimated disburse- ments on account of the Project £or the next 90 days' the Grantee may direct the < Deposiitory to invest s:ch excess funds in-d'irect obligations of, or obligations the principal of and interest on ::iiich are guaranteed by, the United States Government, which shall nature not later than 18 mont:hs after lire date of such investment and which shall be subject to redemption at any time by the holder thereof. After completion of construction and payment of all costs of the Project, any balance in tl:e Construction Account shall renain therein pending deterlsination by the Government of the total Project Cost and the grant. Such balance shall be used to refund proe:ptly to the Government any overpa;, ^.cnt made with respect to the grant; any zLmount thereafter remaining shall be available for disposition by the Grantee in accordance ;rith its other contractual agreements, applicable State or local law or other,govorning conditions. Section 14. Prompt Procedure - Economic Construction.- -The Grantee covenan,s and agrees that :U ;tall proceed prc:aptly ;rich alll,aatters necessary to" the financing and the development of the z oject; aid that the Project frill be under' talcen and developed in such manner that economy will be promoted in such develop- ment and in the construction work. Sectiolt 15. Apnrovals and Permits.- -The Grantee shall obtain approvals and permits required by la:r as a concation precedent to the acquisition, construction, development, and operation of the Project. HUD- 1411120 (6-71) H d .l 11 t H d Section 16. sub:aission o'f' Procionclinrr, Contrnc_t rand Cithoil Document. ^. - -The __antee shAl submit Lo 'tho Govcrlrmcut such oaLa, report,: ;, r-ccor ds and documents relating to the financing, construction, and operaton of the project as the Government may require. Approval of the Govorivaont nusi be obtained prior to the assignment of any interest in or part of any contract relating to the Project. Section 17. Construction by Contract.- -All work on the Project shall be done under contract and every opportunity shall be given for free, open and competitive bidding for each and every construction, material, and equipment contract. The Grantee shall give such publicity by advertisement car calls for bids by it for the furnishing to it of uork, labor, materials, and •equipment as required by applicable la;t and as brill provide adequate, compoti ion; and the award of each contract therefor shall be made, to the lo: ;ost resperosible bidder as soon as practicable: Provided, that in the 'selection of egizipmcnt or materials the Grantee may, in the interest of standardization or ultimate economy, if the advantage of such standardization or -_•uch ultimate e.cono:ny is clearly evident, and if permissible under applicable local lat7 a; ;ard a contract to a responsible bidder other than the lo::ost in price. "The Grantee shall prior to the - :,Tard of a contract, obtain verification fro, the Government• proposed contractor is not debarred from participati.n.- in Federally assisted construction activities. Similar verification is required for subcontracts relating to the Project. Section lit. Chawcs in Cons' ction Contract—Any change in a construction contract shall be stibmii. 'Ucd to tha Govorr=ent. Section 19. Contract Scerwitv -- The'Grantee shall require that each construction contractor shsfl.l `.'urnisli a perfor ^ante bond in an anount at least equal to 100 percent of his coi'it. act price as security for the foIthful performance of his contract and also a pay.°ent bond in an amount not loess than 100 percent of his contract price or in a penal said not Jess than that prescribed by State, territor:ir. or local law, whichever is greater as security for ._.e payment of all persons performing labor on the Project under his contract :and furnishin.g materials in connection i:.ith his contract. The performance bond and the payment bond may be in one or separate instruments in accordance with local law. Section 20. Insurance Dur:inr: Construction.- -The GralnUee shall require that each of its contractor; and all subcontr:.c.•ars maintain -Luring the life of his contract, Vorlanen's Compensation Insurance, Pabli.c Liability„ Fro;?erty Da_iage, and vehicle Liability Insurance, in ;­counts and on terms satisf.ctory to the Government. Until the Project is completed and accepted by the ,G�anteo, the Grantee or (at the option of the.Grantec) the contractor is required to maintain Duilders H.i.sk Insurance (fire and extended coverage) on a 10:0 percent basis (ccmpletod value form) on tho inc;urablo portion of the Project. for the benefit of the Grantee the pricc contractor, and all subcontractor::, as their interests may appoar. Section 7l. tI ?pre Rate.. - -Thc Grantcc ;:hall comply with the provisions of U-0 Act of M:mch 3, .Lti,l Davi Bacon Act., )10 U;�C sec. 1270, as Lmondcd, and the appl.:i.c; b1c rules and rei�ulai..i ons i ::sued by the lecr,otar;; of Labor thereunder which are incorporated hw-uin by reforcnce. The G-C•anteo shall cause to be in.,xxte, IiUD- !111120 1. in each contract or subcontract subject to the Davis- 1Tacon Act the spec. provisions required by tho regulationo of the Secretary of Labor. Section 22. Contract 1•lor*k 1lnu i's .- -The Grantee shall comply with the provisions of the Colctracl l:ork Huurs St,uiclards Act 00 USC secs. 327-332) and the applicable rulos and regulations issuccd by the SecreLary of Labor thereunder which are incorporated herein by reference. Tho Crantee shall cause to be inscrLed in each contract or subcontract subject to the Work Hours Standards'Act the specific provisions roquircd by the above regulations. Section 23• Copeland Act. - -The Grantee shall comply vith the provisions of the Act (Anti- Ki7l:back7 ljd Stat. 191118, as amended, and the applicable rules and regulat-ions issued bythe Secretary c•.f Labor thereunder which are incorporated 2iereial by reference. The Grantee z'.ill cause to be inserted in each contract or subcontract subject to the Copcl;..id Act the specific provisions required by the above regulations. Section 24. Pay`crt of N- nloyces. he Grantee shall require of its contractors that all cmplcycos cnCagecl ill ;:ork oil the Project be paid in full (less deductions made mandatory by law) not less often than once each week. Section 25. Accident Prevontion.- -The Grantee shall require of its contractors that procaution s::_` 1. be a.xorc:ised at all tires for the protection of porso;is (including empioyces) and property, and that hazardous conditions be guarded against or eliminated. Section 26. n;rer -ri ion and 1nsnecticn.--•Tnc Grantee shall provide and maintain on its am belai. coapeTe t all,,,, aoc;ILate 2rchitectura1 or engineering services covering the supervision and inspection of the develop:ecnt and construction of the Project. Section 27. Civil Ri0its Act of 19611.- -Tile Grantee covenants and agrees that it Brill comply :•rii n Ti Lle ! of c:h-, Civil Rit-cts Act o?_ 19611 (40 USC 2000d), and with the rules and roC;ulations M CF11, Subtitle A) of the Department of Housing and Urban Development issued pursuant thereto. Section 28. Payi ents to Contrac'.;crs.--tlot later than the fifteenth day of each calendar month tnc Grwr_Lee ma::e a partial payment to eacl; construction contractor on the basis of a duly ceri,ifi.ed and approved estimate of the :cork per..foisred during t;ho precedin,� calendar month by the particular contradtor, but shall retain until final cu% lotion and acceptance of all 1•:ork covered by the particular contract a reasonable amount, specified in the contract, sufficient to insure the proper performance of the contract. Section 29. Tnsp(�ction of'.'o ^i: and of?tror:c Maintenance of Records. - -The Grantee .,,hall require of its contractors Uhat Lhc Govern::.ent's authorized representatives be permitted, and it w-.111 itself permit them to inspect ill work, materials, pay- roll-s, records of personnel, invoices of materials and other relevant ilata and records app ertainiij!, to the devc1ol.ment of the Project. The Granteo shall maintain proper and accurate financi ::l record.-;, boo' :s and accounts pertaining to the rl:ant and thr: do :v(.].ol ;;.C.nt. of the i'rc.,je(;t tlra wil) rowdily (1]selo ; ;e (.l) relocaLi.on co. ;t.;) (2) c]. :il ;.ih]c :uui .iuc"l i; iule cu1L: :trc!c•L1 c'n cc:,l.s, r,11,1 (3) oti er Project cost:::, and shall per :,rat the Govcriv ;u lit, Is authorizxd repro. ;cilual'ivcs to exxilino such books, 11IM- 41"0120 (6 -71) records, and accounts'including ucokl.y contractors raiyrolls. The Grants at;roos to maintain all of the aforesaid data; rccord!s and invoices in one, place for at least a period of three years following: completion of construction.of the Project. Section 30. Sirns.- -The Grantee shall cause to be ercocted at the site of the Project, andmciLnLained during construction, signs satisfactory to the Government identifying the Project and indicating the fact that;, the Government is participatin in the development of the !reject. Section 31. Audit. - -The Grantee shall contract at its oim expense for an audit of Ulu, Project by an independent certified or l.ic=iod public accountant; a copy of the contract shall. be SLrnished to the Govcrnncnw; and three copies of the audi.t.rcport in substance satisfactory to the Goverxwant shall be furnished promptly to the Government. Section 32. Government Field Ex.oense.- -The Governme -nt uill deduct the amount of the fixed fee fo. Cover: ,.enr. 'Field Expenses speciiic-:d in Section 3 of the Grant Agreement from the grant. Section 33. Tnterest of R:blic Officials and Irolol.ees.- -The Grantee shall adopt and enforce aca rsea to a s: ire tha-6 no of-:icial or c in)loyee of the Grantee who exercise any functions or respencibiliti.es in connection %pith the carr;r ng out '..of the Pr.oject'has. during his tenure, or for three years thereafter, intcrost in any real property inal.uded in',he Project, or any financial interest, direct or indirect, in any contract or s.:bcontract peri•ai.ning to the Project. If any such official or employee presently- o %ns or controls or in the future acquires any such interest, he shall immediately disclose it to the Grantee. The Grantee shall pro .mptly advise the Secretary of the facts and circunstancos concerninn any disclosure made to it, and the Secretary shall advise the Grantee of the action to be taken. A necessary easement acquired by condemnation or at fair market value shall not be considered an interest in real property i-rithin the meaning of this section. Section 34. Interest of Third Partics.- -The Coverr_.ent shall not bcliable or obligated under Liu:is Tgrcc:acnt to any party other than the Grantee. Section 35. Interest of Maibers of or P.ele-ates to Congress. - -No member of or delegate to the Congress of the Unitise States sn Ll be aw=��tted to any share or part of this Agrecnient or to any benefit arising therefrom. Section 36. Boru, or Ccr_miashon. - -} y execution of the Agreement, the Grantee rcpresents that it has note paid and, also, agrees not to pay, any bonus co,rmission or fee for the purpose of obtaining an approval of its application for the grwit hereunder, or any other approval by the Government which may be necessary under th1s Agreement. )IUD•- It1h2O (6-71) Section 37. State or Tarr -Anr.i al 1.1w. - -Any WO ng• in the Agrccmcnt to the contrary notirithot,andiin;, noLning, in the Agrccmcnt ::1!:!.11 require the Grautcc to observe or enforce compliance with any provision thereof, perforvw any other act or do any other thing in conLravcntior!cf any appl:i.cable State or territorial law: Prov3dod, That if any of the provisions of the Agreement violate any applicable State or territorial .law, or if compliance•writh the provisions of the Agrccmcnt would require the Grantee to violate any applicable State or territorial law, the Grantee will at once notify the Government in writing in order that appropriate-changes and modifications may be made by the Covcrn:sont and the Grantee to the end that the Grantee may proceed as soon as possible with the construction of the project. Section 35. Waivers. -- Subject to the applicable federal law, any liability or remedy whiclu t1le Govern.,.ent may have under this Agreement may be waived in writing by the GovcrrLicnt by a formal waiver and either writh or without the execution of any amendatory or mappl=.entary agreement, if in the opinion of Vic Gover!>7!ent this Agrec::ent as so modlfiod will still conform to the provisions and requirements of applicable l.aw,s. However, in no event shall the making by the Goverr_°:ont of my grant paym!cnt to the Grantee constitute or be construed as a waiver by the Governiment of any breach or any default which r.:ay then err.st on the pa1•L of the Grantee, including but not limit::d to non- compliance w•rith any of the proroeuisites set forth in Section 2 hereof. The —making of any such,pay ent shall in no.wray im_p_air or 'prejudice any right or remedy available to the Government writh respect to such breach or default. Section 39. Tormination or Susncmr on of thn Aareerent. - -Tine Goverarnent may terminate or suspcnc -i;f:is ::er.c u::on in^ violation of any of thne teln,s or conditions of this ;V = rocmcnt. The Govcri ont shall not bo l:Lnited to recovery of all or part of the grant for any such violation, but shall also be entitled to injunctive or other equitable relief as appropriate. Section 40. Hou Agreement Affected by Prov.10 ons rein;, Hold Tnvalid. - - -I£ any provisions of thds .t_ ;1'eG'ent is held invalid, the rrm.a:incier of -ninlgreement shall not be affected thereby if it is in confor.!it/ with the terms and require- ments of applicable lairs. Section lil. Operation, Sale_, or D_ispossa of the Proomt.- -The Grantee covenants and allees that: (a) . It will operate and m -intain the Project, or provide for the operation and maintenance thereof, to serve the objects and piuposes for which the grant ha:; been made available under Federal law and the terms of the Grant Agreement. (b) It will not sell, J.case, or otheruise dispose of the Project or any portion tl!orcof without prior or.i.tten approval of the Govern.^nt. Such approval wi.11 be based upon such conditions as the Govern! ent dooms appropriate and may i.ncludo repayment of all or part.of the grant. 11111) - 111!20 (6--71) c The Covoimment shall not be limited i o re-70Jcry of all or part of the grant for cuforccment of the requ:ircrrlcnts of this 5cction, but ohL11 also be ent.Lticd to injunctive or ther equitable relief _._. _. as appropriate. }IUll- !11!120 (6-71) r U ' .•� • • U. S. Ilcpartnlcnt of llou::i.ng and Urban Acvcl.opnrnt Attac:hlne'nt 11I3,1 1QUAL U- MLOYNNTr OPrOUTUNITY, -' Water and Scwcr Facilities Grant Program (F) Eclual Fmoloyment O;tporturity (1) Activities and Contracts Not Subject to Executive Ordcr ]12116. In the carrying out of tthhe !'reject, the Appliccutt will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, rel.i gion, sex, or national, on gin. The Applicant. wi 11 take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employces are treated during employ cent writhout regard to their race, color, religion, sea, or nabioral origin. Such action shall include, but not be liinited to, the following: employment or rccrui.tr.:ent advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, iticl.uding appret.tice- ship. The Applicant agrees to post in coruspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for e.nployment, notices to be provided by the Governr.eat setting forth the p-_ovisions of this noadi.scrir.:ir_ ion .clause. The Applicant t'.ill, in all solicitations or advertisements for ct;:ployces placed by or on behalf of the Applicant, state that all qualified apply cants wri ll receive consideration for ct,p lol,aent td thout regard to race, color, reli.glon, sex, or national origin. The Applicant; -..ill incorporate the foregoing reouircm. -mts of this paragraph (1) In all of its contracts for Pro;,iect work, except contracts governed by paragraph (2) of this subsection and contracts for standard comorcial supplies or raver materials, and will reowze all of its contractors for such work to incorporate such requirements in all subcontracts for Project cork. (2) Contracts Subject to r: ccutive Order 1121(.- -Tate Applicant hereby agrees ilaa.t it will i.ncorpo?,ate or�causc to be incorporated into any contract for construction work, or :codification thereof, as defined in the regulat_i.cns of the Secretary of Lsbor at 1il. MFR Chapter 60, which is paid for in whole or in part with funds obtained from the Federal Goverment pursuant to an grant, contract, loan, insurance, or Iuarantee, or undortaken pursuant to any Federal Program involving such grant, contract, loan, insurance, or guarantee, the following equal'opporttn-ity clause: "nuring the porforrLance of this contract, the contractor agrees as tollov>: °(a ) The contractor id 11 not discriminate against any. anpl.oyce or applicant for cr.:nloytent because of race, color, religion, sea, or national. origin. The contractor uil.l. take affirmative HUD / ilgti 11 to Cnourc that 1pplicaIlb, arc ciitploVed and that c"'Ployca.: arc treated dlu.i,n,; c:7ployn•]nt. without rcDard to their race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Such action 011,11. include, but not be limited to the fol.].otrinz,: cnployment, up,;rading, demotion, or transl:er; rosy- uitnlent or recruitnlcnt advcrtisin'; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other fore±; of coppollsation; and selection for training, including app,'enLicc;,hip. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to edlployees and applicants for claployhont, noLi.ces to be provided setting forth the provisions of this Equal Opportunity clause. "(b) The contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for cmlnloyecs placed by or on behalf of the contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for ernploylrent 1•rithout regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. "(c) The contractor n:d.11 send to each labor union or representative Of 1:orkcrs with vhich he has a collective bargaii-Ling agreement or. other contract or understanding, a notice to be provided advising the said labor union or 1•rorkors' representatives of i:he_ contractor's- coamitments -under this Section, and' shall post copies of the-notice in conspicuous places available to elrrployces and applicants for employment, "(d) Tile contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order 112116 of Septomiber 211, 1.965, and of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. "(e) The contractor will furnish all information and reports required by Executive Order 112116 of September 211, 1965, and by rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto; and will permit access to his books, records, and — accounts by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Secretar-y'of Labor for purpose of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders. "(f) In the event of-the contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of tilis contract or with any of I t i HUD i • l ' -4 the said rules, rcgulaLi.ons, or orders, this contract may be canceled, teriai hate:), or •snsper.. i n whole dr in part and the contractor play be cicclared incJ:igiblc for fuvLhcr Covcrnr:;nt contracts or federally assi.skd construction contracts in accordance vLt.h procedures authorised in li'cecutive Order 112116 of September 2u, 1965, and such other sanctions may be ir..rposed and - cmed:ics invoked as provided in ]:xccut.i.vc Order 11A6 of September 2!1, 1965, or by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor, or as othervi.oc provided by law. The contractor w4-11 include the porL•ion of the sentence •t . imiediaLely precedi.nu subparagraph (a) and the provisions of. subparaGr, ap},s (a) thr oui (G) i.n every subcontract or purchase order un)css exa'rptcd by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issuad pursuant; to Section 204 of j,,xccutive Order 112!16 of September 211, 1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. The contractor ai.7.1 take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the.. Department of }ious'uig and Urban nevelopment may direct as a means of enforc- ing such- provisi.crs, •including. sanctions for noncompliance: 2'rovidcd; ho:ie r., That in the event a contractor becomes i.nvolvc.d in, or is threatened' %ri.th, 7it.i , tion with a sub- contractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the Department. of Housing end Urban Developmmt, the contractor may request the United States to enter iriuo such litigation to protect the interests of the United States." The Applicant further agrees that it: trill be bound by the above equal cpportu_r:ity clause with respect to its om, oPiployr:ent practices when it participates in -federally assisted construction t:w'k: Prov:i.ctod, That if the Applicant so participating is a State or loca). govrrai,r.snt, the above equal opportunity clause is not - applicable to any agency, instro- ent.ality or subdivision of such govcmm -unt which does not participate in work on or under the contract. (3) Contract. for Construction. - -As used in this subsecLi.on, "contract for construct..lon" means any contract or agreement for demolition, site clearance, site preparation, or rehabilitation, any contract for the disposition of Project Land, and any contract for construction on Project Land retained by the Applicant. IIUD t i •t i (14) YnCorce :rout Ohl.i.vat'ion:; of the Ann ?:ream. - -- -The Applicant, agrees that %Liu W.U. a;;s�sL and cooperate ict,j.voj with the Dcparimcn6 o Housing i and Urban Development and the Secretary of Labar in obtaining the compliance of contractors and suhconLractorc ;.frith the equal d opportunity clause road the rules, regulations, and rcl.evanb orders of the Secretary of habor, that J.t mill furnish the Dcpartm.cnb of Housing and.Urban Develop en' and the Secretary of Labar such informs-, tion as they ray require for the supervision of such compliance, and that it will otharv.,i.se assist the Dc;partmonL of Housing and Urban tat Development in the disch -rrgc of the said Dopartmcpt's primary responsibility for securing compliance. The Applicant agrees that it will refrain from entering into any contract modification subject to Executive Order 112ii6 of September. 214, 1965, frith a contractor debarred from., or who has not de ;onstratcd eli.gib-13.1ty for, Government contracts and £edcrally assisted construction contracts pursuant to the above cited iseecutive Order and will carry out such sanctions and penalties for violation of the equal opporbunity clause as may be imposed upon contractors an•I subcontractors by the Departmenb of Housing and Urban De.velop-CMA or the Secretary of Labor pursuant to Fart II-, Subpart D of the 4 -- °Fxecutivc Order. -In addition,`the Applicant agrees that if it fails or refuses to co-,,.ply with these undorta;cings, the Department of Housing and Urban Developrisnt may tnlco any or all of the follo;*ing actions: cancel., terni.nate, or suspend in whole or in paft. this Contract; refrain from oxtonding any further assistance to the Applicant under the Project with respcc:b to whlLch the failure or refusal. occurred zAi.l s ntisfacto-ry assurance of future compliance has been received from the Appli.cant;and refer the case to the Department of.Justice for appropriate legal proceedings. Hun CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS I / .y y(S ,/DAY, OF j9 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; I, THEREFORE] REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. SPEC FULLY, MAYOR THE CITY OF CO S C RISTI, TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: RONNIE SIZEMORE CHARLES A. BONNIWELL ROBERTO BOSQUEZ, M.D. REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH THOMAS V. GONZALES GABE LOZANO, SR. J. HOWARD STARK THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: RONNIE SIZEMORE CHARLES A. BONNIWELL ROBERTO BOSQUEZ, M.D. REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH THOMAS V. GONZALES �- GABE LOZANO, SR. J. HOWARD STARK