HomeMy WebLinkAbout10900 ORD - 06/07/1972JRR:dp:6 /6/72:lst AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH THE CORPUS CHRISTI INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR THE PREPARATION AND DELIVERY OF LUNCHES TO THE CITY RECREATION SITES IN THE SPECIAL FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED CONTRACT WHICH IS MADE A PART HEREOF BY THIS REFERENCE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Corpus Christi a contract with the Corpus Christi Independent School District for the preparation and delivery of lunches to the City Recreation sites in The Special Food Service Program for Children in accordance with the attached contract which is made a part hereof by this reference. SECTION 2. The need to begin The Special Food Program for Children creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the Z�day of June, 1972. ATTEST: z7-.4'- e� -I , CitY Secretsry APPROVED: DAY OF JUNE, 1972: City AttoYney J-090. A, JRR:dp:6 /6/72:ls't 1. THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES X WHEREAS, the City of Corpus Christi, Texas has received a grant from the United States Department of Agriculture for a child- nutrition program in the amount of $92,800; and WHEREAS, the Corpus Christi Independent School District is to pro- vide the preparation and delivery of lunches in said program, NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the payments, under- takings and requirements herein, the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, hereinafter ,called "City ", =, and: the - Corpus - Christi -Independent••SchoolzDistrict, hereinafter called "District ", hereby contract, covenant and agree as follows: I. The District agrees to provide the preparation and delivery of lunches to the City Recreation sites in The Special Food Service Program for Children in accordance with the attached Exhibit "A" which is made a part hereof by this reference. II. The City agrees, upon receipt of proper bills submitted by the District, to reimburse the District for expenditures incurred in the prepara- tion and delivery of said lunches in accordance with the aforementioned and annexed Exhibit "A ", but in no event will the reimbursement exceed $91,200. WITNESS OUR HANDS binding the respective parties, this the day of , 1972. ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED: —?%— DAY OFS&N...t , 1972: &IA� C ty A�orney� ATTEST: CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS By. R. Marvin Townsend City Manager CORPUS CHRISTI INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Title FOR SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAMS ONLY UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICE Southwest Region - - 500 South Ervay Street, Room 3 -127 • Dallas, Texas 75201 "SUPPLEMENT TO'SPECIAL FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR SCHOOLS" The Special Food Service Program for Children is not to provide financial assistance to schools which received money (either in full or in part) for food from Head Start funds prior to November 1, 1969. Therefore, it is important that the answers given in the following certification are true and correct. YES NO 1. Is the proposed food service for your summer recreation program being paid for in whole or in part from Fead Start funds? X 2. Was the food service for your summer recreation program funded wholly or in part with Head Start funds during any period prior to November 1, 1969? X Signature R. Marvin Townsend _ City Manager Title City of Corpus Christi Texas Name of Sponsor Date .UNITED STATES'DEPANTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICE Southwest Region 500 South Ervay Street, Room 3 -127 Dallas, Texas 75201 Agreement No. 12-25-500 - CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY This is to certify that /r. /� /i. ;t J�,_f i� _ , City Mana er MANUAL SIGNATURE'of Person to be Authorized Title R. Marvin Townsend is designated as the authorized representative of the City of Corpus Christi, Post Office Box 9277, Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Sponsoring Agency Address - City - State which is the governing body of the rit;z of Corpug Christi (Name of Service Institution located at 302 South Shoreline, Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 (Street Address - City - State) Authority is hereby given the above designated representative to enter into written agreements on behalf of the Sponsoring Agency with the Food and Nutrition Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, for the operation of a Special Food Service Program in the above named service lnntitution, and to present dlaims for reimbursement and sign for the Sponsoring Agency any other documents or reports relating thereto. Cj Name of Sponsoring Agency By: - ��i,,, , >.. ✓C - -�SIGNATURE Of Official Of Sponsoring Agency) R. Marvin Townsend City Manager Title of Official -72- (Date) (Date) 9M FNS -81 U. S, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ­9M APPROV ED 13 -]2) AND NUTRITION 9ERVICE 40. 40-R358S APPLICATION FOR PARTICIPATION , (Special Food Service Program for Children) ' INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL: Complete N duplicate for each service institution. Type SPECIAL SUMMER PROGRAM: When applying for participation in the Special Summer Program, attach to this application a completed Form or print clearly all Information. If more space is needed, continue on FNS -81 -1 "Site Information" for each feeding site which will be admmis- a plain sheet of paper, numbering each item, and attach to this applic.- toted by the Sponsoring agency. Data on individual Form FNS- 81 -11s will be totaled and sImm,i=,d on this application. For example, Item 10 be- tion. Send a completed copy and attachments (If any) to the appropriate low will Show the overage doily attendance of all sites for which an Food and Nutrition Service Regional Office; retain a copy for your file. FNS -81 -1 is attached; items 12 and 13 will reflect overall percentages of all the sites; Items ISA and B wilt indicate the earliest and latest dates of operation for all sites as a whole, etc. 1, NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS OF SPONSORING AGENCY (Include yip Code) 2. NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS OF SERVICE INSTITUTION (Include ZIP Code) (Omit this entry for Special Summer program application) City of Corpus Christi Post Office Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 3. NAME AND TITLE OF ADMINISTRATOR RESPON- 4. TYPE OF SERVICE INSTITUTION S. HOURS OF OPERATION SIBLE FOR FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM Q Q [] RE 0M8 30a.h4. 5:30P. R. Lowell Gaut HOUSE MENT CENTER CENTER S. NO. OF SITES Administrative Assistant _ SPEC AL SUMMER PROGRAM (FNS -82 -1 oNeched for each site) City Manager's Office OTHER (Specify) 23 7. AVERAGE TUITION CHARGE Corpus Christi, Texas PER CHILD $ —0- 8. DESCRIBE THE GENERAL ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF AREAS FROM 9. ON WHAT BASIS ARE CHILDREN APPROVED TO RECEIVE FREE OR WHICH THE SERVICE INSTITUTION WILL DRAW ATTENDANCE (rnrormo Non may fie provided from model city nntl taroget eroea. Dapl, or aol'erce, local school REDUCED PRICE MEALS For summer program all partic eyatam. zonlnp commiaefon, canau t ct, or o Aar local, efn , or Foderel errrcaa will, lmPW,adga e, tha cemmPn,ty)fe pating sites are serving economically needy General economic conditions of the areas to children and all children participating will be served are poor and below that of the be considered eligible. A survey of local overall SMSA. Estigated unemployment rates conditions indicates that approx. 7,000 chil- average close to 8% in census tracts con- dren participate in a free breakfast program cerned compared to an average 4.3% for the and approx. 15,000 participate in a free SMSA. lunch program. All serving sites are designed 10. ESTIMATED AVER- 12. PERCENT OF CHIL- 14. SHOW HOW THE PERCENTAGES IN 12 AND 13 WERE DETERMINEDtO serve nee crIllaren AGE DAILY ATTEND- ANCE DREN FROM LOW IN- COME FAMILIES 4,200 100% All serving sites are located in areas designed to serve families with low incomes 11. AGE RANGE OF 13. PERCENT OF CHIL- PARTICIPANTS DREN WITH WORKING MOTHERS 6 - 21 Undetermined 15. PERIOD OF OPE ,ATION- 16. ESTIMATE OF DAILY NO. OF MEALS TO BE SERVED 17. MEAL CHARGE TO PAYING CHILDREN 18, METHOD OF COLLECTING FROM PAYING CHILDREN A. BEGINNING DATE (Mo. Der Yr) BREAKFAST —O— j B. ENDING DATE (Mo. De. 3`0 MORNING SUPPLEMENT —O— 1 L CH 4,200 N/A July 28, 1972 N/A C TOTAL NO. OF DAYS IN OPER ATIOM FTERNOONS ENT —0— SUPPER —0- 19. METHOD BY WHICH MEALS WILL BE PROVIDED 20. ESTIMATE OF TOTAL MONTHLY COST 21. ESTIMATE OF MONTHLY INCOME TO FOOD SERVICE PRO- OF FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM OPERA- GRAM (Fa Special Stomper program. give total Income) - 0 PREPARATION AT SITE OF SERVICE TIONS (For Special Summer program. glue total Cost) $ —O— CHILDREN'S PAYMENTS FOR FOOD UNDER CONTRACT WITH LOCAL l f 55,440 FOOD —n OTHER FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FOR FOOD p UNDERNCY HTRACT WITH FOOD SERVICE 35,280 LABOR $ 25.200 TAT.. LOCAL OR PRIVATE DONATIONS - a 35.280 22. ESTIMATE OF AMOUNT OF SPECIAL FOOD SERVICE PRO- GRAM FUNDS NEEDED FOR FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM [, OTHER (Deecr,he) OTHER $396 QOO TOTAL - "°T°°° $100,800 23. DESCRIBE tlIU PHULeuunc USOU Ir LUn 1 nnL11nU pi 1 n IUUU ncHV.IL LUmt'AnT IUH 50a UH MUHE MEALS DAILY None (Cont'd — Reverse) SPONSOR PARTICIPATING IN THE SPECIAL MILK 25. SPONSOR A NONPUBLIC ENTITY EXEMPT FROM 126. IF ANSWER TO ITEM 23 PROGRAM FEDERAL INCOME TAX UNDER THE INTERNAL DOCUMENTATION OF T REVENUE CODE ON FILE AT THE SERVI Q YES DO NO ` Q YE, 3[] NO -(] Y ] NO " 15 TH ERC IT STAT US rUTION APPLICABLE TO 80'. PROGRAMS ONLY -- Items 27, 28, and 29 to be completed if the service institution is requesting Federal assistance of up to 80% of the operating cost of the Food service program. 27. JUSTIFICATION OF NEED FOR SUCH PROPORTIONATE SHARE OF PROGRAM COSTS Budgetary limitations on the part of the local sponsor and applicant for a special food service program for children prevent the City of Corpus Christi from funding a nutrition program. However, it is recognized that such a program would be extremely beneficial to the City and enable it to fulfill recognized needs within the community. Participation in a food supplement program has been experiencing an increased growth within local community schools, reflecting general economic limitations of families. Approximately 7,000 children are currently enrolled in a free breakfast program. Over 15,000 students receive free lunches. Within the SMSA, 2,943 families receive aid for dependent children representing 7,975 children. Approximately 22,000 persons benefit from the food stamp program. This request will supplement the school year feeding program by providing a special food - nutrition program in conjunction with the City's summer recreation program. Sites selected for this nutrition program fall within poverty pockets and areas with general economic conditions below that of the overall SMSA. Unemployment rates for the areas vary between 9.8% and 5.2% as compared with the average rate of 4.3% for the SMSA. In order to conduct a special food - nutrition program for children, 80% funding is required as no other source of funding is presently available. 28. VALUE OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM DURING PERIOD OF OPERATION A. PAID PERSONNEL WHO WILL BE RELIEVED OF OTHER DUTIES (full ar I B. VOLUNTEER PERSONNEL WHO WILL BE ASSIGNED TO THE FOOD SERVICE per! 1—) AND ASSIGNED SPECIFIC DUTIES ESSENTIAL TO THE SATIS- PROGRAM FACTORY OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM J.. TITLE 111 No' ONS 121 HOURLY RATE 191 TOTAL H lal TOTAL VALUE 19 %41 lei JOB Tr 1 TLE 11 OF PERSONS 121 HOURLY RATE IEOUIVALENTI 191 TOTAL HOURS 14l A TOTAL VLUE 19 %dl HH Senior Recreation Leader 13 2.54 L560 $3,962 $ Jr. Assistant Recreation Leader 22 1.60 5148 8,236 Custodians 9 1.70 080 1,836 City Manager - Administration 1 5.82 1120 1 698 Recreation Administration 1 2 5.50 120 1 660 C. LIST OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS EXPECTED TO BE MADE Equipment Rental Value S 700 AND THE CASH VALUE OF EACH Laboratory Services s 800 29. CASH AVAILABLE FOR THE FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FROM LOCAL SOURCES Space- Facilities Rental $8,308 $ $ -0- Value CERTIFICATION: I CERTIFY THAT the above informal— is Iran and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that reunbursemnnt will be claimed only for the number of meals served to children during the hours they are in attendance at the service institution. DATE TITLE SIGNATURE OF AUT ORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR SPONSOR 72- City Manager / �ZTTT R. Marvin Townsend FORM FNS#I (PAGE aI SCHEDULE A SERVICE INSTITUTIONS IN WHICH THE PROGRAM WILL OPERATE Assigned rates of reimbursement for meals are indicated above. Claims for reimburse- the maximum rate. approved by the Department, except that the total reimbursement for unt for meal, .hall be made on the basis of [hose rate,. Assigned rates may be meals for the fiscal year shall not exceed an emount equal to the total number of elwngcd by the Department. in order to diaburee any funds which are available for masle, by types, served to children during the fiscal year 'time the aaximlxa rates, payment to service institutions, the Department may pay the last claim at the end of or the coat of obtaining food during the year, whichever 1, lesser. the auamer at rates in excess of the assigned rates indicated above, or in excaaa of FOR USDA USE ONLY NAME OF SERVICE RISTITUTION ADDRESS OF SERVICE WITUTION ASSIGNED REIMBURSEMENT FOR MEALS BREAKFAST LUNCH OR SUPPER SUPPLEMENTAL FOOD 2002 Elizabeth T. G. Allen Elementary School Corpus Christi Texas 78404 3901 Hilltop Annaville Elementary School Corpus Christi, Texas 78_410__ 261 Weil Driscoll Junior High School Corpus_Christi, Texas 78408 1315 Comanche George Evans Elementary_ School Corpus_ Christi, Texas 78401 2505 Waldron Road Flour Bluff High School Corpus Christi, Texas 78418 2212 Morris Mirabeau Lamar Elementary School Corpus Christi, Texas 78405 1945 Gollihar Prescott Elementary School Corpus Christi, T_ex_as 78416 844 Virginia Rose Shaw Elementary School Corpus Christi, Texas 784.0_5 r 312 N. 19th Street Thomas B. Southgate Elementary School Corpus Christi, Texas 78408__ 3902 Greenwood Drive Boy's Club of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi, Texas 7841_6 - -- 4001 Timon Kiwanis Field Recreation Center Corpus Christi, Texas 78402 3204 Highland Avenue Meadow Park Recreation Center Corpus Christi, Texas 78405 222 Belden T. C. Ayers Recreation Center Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 Assigned rates of reimbursement for meals are indicated above. Claims for reimburse- the maximum rate. approved by the Department, except that the total reimbursement for unt for meal, .hall be made on the basis of [hose rate,. Assigned rates may be meals for the fiscal year shall not exceed an emount equal to the total number of elwngcd by the Department. in order to diaburee any funds which are available for masle, by types, served to children during the fiscal year 'time the aaximlxa rates, payment to service institutions, the Department may pay the last claim at the end of or the coat of obtaining food during the year, whichever 1, lesser. the auamer at rates in excess of the assigned rates indicated above, or in excaaa of I ` Ia11Y INiM1 IPAOa r SCHEDULE A — Page 2 SERVICE INSTITUTIONS IN WHICH THE PROGRAM WILL OPERATE Assigned rates of reimbursement for meals are Indicated above. Claims for reimburse -. the maximum rates approved by the Department, except that the total reimburserenr roe Asst for reels shall be made on the beefs of these rates. Assigned rates may be meal. for the fiscal year shall not exceed an amount equal to the total number changed by the Department, In order to disburse any funds which are available for meals, by types, served to children during the fiscal year [lees the maximum payment to service institutions, the Department may pay the last claim at the end of or the coat of obtaining food during the year, whichever is leaser. the summer at rate. In excess of the assigned rates indicated above, or in exeeas of FOR USDA USE ONLY ASSIGNED REIMBURSEMENT FOR MEALS NAME OF SERVICE NSTITUTSOH ADORES$ OF SERVICE INSTITUTION BREAKFAST LUNCH OR SAPPER SUPPLEMENTAL FOOD 3902 Morgan *Sheyhen F Austin Elementary School Car us Christi. Texas 78405 1925 Tuloso *Tuloso — Midway Elementary School Corpus Christi2 Texas 78409 2512 Koepke • C. W. Crossley Elementary School Corpus Christi Texas 78407 1826 Frio *Los Encinos Elementary School Corpus Christi Texas 78417 515 Fisher Roy, Miller High School Corpus Christi Texas 78408 2955 Greenwood * Elgin Neighborhood Corpus Christi Texas 78405 3701 Ayers *La Armada (Housing Authority) Corpus Christi, Texas 78415 614 Horne *Molina 'neighborhood Center Corpus Christi, Texas 78416 905 Bluntzer *Bluntzer Neighborhood Center Corpus Christi, Texas 78405 • U. S.�Nayal Air Station Corpus Christi, Texas 78419 P • Recreation site contingent on receipt of xpected funding for Special Summer Recreation Program from Department of Labor. Assigned rates of reimbursement for meals are Indicated above. Claims for reimburse -. the maximum rates approved by the Department, except that the total reimburserenr roe Asst for reels shall be made on the beefs of these rates. Assigned rates may be meal. for the fiscal year shall not exceed an amount equal to the total number changed by the Department, In order to disburse any funds which are available for meals, by types, served to children during the fiscal year [lees the maximum payment to service institutions, the Department may pay the last claim at the end of or the coat of obtaining food during the year, whichever is leaser. the summer at rate. In excess of the assigned rates indicated above, or in exeeas of ,••L .:,J —Its, Al L+ /H• 1,, 11, ram az en,e,eJ oa app hon. F - , ll.•3l. r•i PRI HT Ci h­... ty of Corpus• Christi AGREEMENT 302 _ m^ S. Shoreline r,t....e ,. «a 101.A1 SPECIAL FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN SUMMER PROGRAMS INSTRUCTIONS (I1 .'.; •:v c: a• An ;r:. -,1 a is •. o ccc.es of tt it m:xs- t�••I :- cpz::c,ucn) :n -- is poi •n:s tmn• R mare apse ,s :,,v.:cy ot'xh shear. e t r. a•t Le s: m!3 c -] svi•• ' : +i ire a[: L•-r; ^ ;ce = : •4l) to the Facd a 3) o's copy: ..en this ........ l is vpe:ovL•!, o cc;, + +dl ce --el [o the �iles and ;iu ;tr.mn Fc:.:CCS f•c :,c ^ :. C'I.cr, (2) L'_c ;t .chr'.i A: ;hc mr --sat must c ":L:: 'a it" , e. of therm onset. In older to cff..Le.t. the purpose of Section l3 of the Nation- 10. Purchase, in as large quantities as may be efficiently al School Lunch Act (:r2 U.S.C, 1751 - 1760), s amended, and the utilized in the Program, the foods designated as plentL- regulatluns governing Lha Special Food Surrrcc Program for Children issued the reundcr (hereinafter referred to as the fill by the Department; "Program "), the United States Department of Agriculture (here. 11, Accept and u !n as larP•e quancl ties a n be effi- fnaELer referred to as the "Department•") and the Sponsoring Glen tly utlllzed Sn the Prcgrsm, foods offered as a Agency (hereinafter E." ,red to as the "Sponsor•'), whoso n e v donation by the Depar talent; and address appear above, acting on behalf of each 12. Maintain necessary facilities for scoring, preparing and Snsticuti11 Itstcd en Schedule A of this agreevant,scovenant ruing food; or utilize existing school food service and agree as ioltrts; facilities; THE DEPART&ENT AGREES THAT to the extent of funds available, it shn11 relmbarse the Spunsur !n a ecc ton with reels s —,d 13. Maintain full and accurate records of the Program, includ- ta children in cha• s rvice L seicuttons liscad in Schedule A ing those set forth on page 2 of this agreement, and rctuin during the per led hereinafter stated" During any s such r ords for a period F three years and throe norcha season, the a- an[ oC re[vtiar.a -en: Ear net LS n bchalfrof after chu end of cite fiscal year co which [hey perLa in; each steal[[ t u Mien shall n wet the Lssar of (l) a amount egad to c+ u-. -bar of neals,\b) tilivs, served Lo chit- la. Upon request, make all accounts and record. pertaining to d ten, aalt,pl fad br the rates Assig -d b^ t,,. Depart^ ant a the Program a aclahle to the 0epartmcnt and the General she.•. u ge:ic da le A, or such other rate a subseq•:ently Accounting Office for audit. or av_tniscrativa review at a s>Lgnad by the Department. ur (d) the ccscro obtaining food. to asonable time and place. `f tht se v nstituLlon has been app—ed to re cc " opera- The sponsor hereby c...IIIes chat each of the s [vice instica- In• cost r. octal ass a [n lieu o[ re i�bur .ent for [ions listed on Schedule A of this agree•se ne isenonprollc and wals�nche a-, ant of ico assts theP will no., aac,ed 80 exempt from Federal income tax under the Internal Rewonuo per es mite. eC etc opt ra tang cost o! the Prograv ling Code, as amended. THE SPONSOR REPRESENTS AND WARRANTS THAT it t, (1) the Sc \rrning holy reapu"s ih le t cFe awatr isc ra r. fen of the s rvice ­1 t' a c.r tJC:•a 2•st eJ a •cal;. Le A of this- aprec ^crt, r Q) Lc i v v -chat i erpc t under itic nal� i e t. a'o, , did, to wh LChi"" - ofee instit-ion, li,tad ',.ie,I 11 d.I,,. ed auchuri- ty for t!c opera Lion of [hear[food s and i r to gaalif.: I- r .. ." ,, r thi, . agree -,:r c, f —.1, el .n, the I. s .ce In the men we institutions listed in Scheele A tt ,ill:en 1. Operate a —profit fcoJ —vice u tog all of it,, inc me thcrefraza solely far the operation >cr impro eat of such "cept such i ,all net be used 1, pureI.,.e land,[to acquire a u+ Elect''_I.ngs, or to n". alter - a[lors ct silting IL.tidings; 2, Scan meals wh(eh ncet tL,n minimum nutritional require- it of tbi> .+ ;ca men[, during p•ricd ,4 ­­­­d ,as- the 'attendance• periodahy the service ., .,. .. ._. it .., C ri..- ,Il to a. lur,.+h i ilta . -.._._ L Lf the ,alley fol,..••.ad in 'Litz , pa tic• a ,•Lac pr•ct : -e eat la•. -hit Labe , 'ahlEsh'd L atirnzwlth public w,I — .t•,d h.•alih a an]a -ball '•. with th. gucdclicus 1 sand ~byiEhe S acy cn this t sabiee c; n, Mahe no phvsiE ai a a: ton oEwoi t di,crialnrinn .gat n•.t any child because utrhls inability to pay the full price of the meals; 7. Claim refvbursenent tar the type . of teals provided to eh ildren at the rates .pecii led In Schedule A of this agccemene or ac such o r.i[c as [:.e Oupartment may s .equantly . +sign. or On .,n ,. rating cos[ basis, if ad: n. m.E a - , , a -an - wth pro- cedure. _Eab" .:led bi un Depart -rit, 9. Ma irtafn. in tile ,tollit. tr. pa •nl .ervice of food, pta;vr ..nit anon and health iirl >,, ^. ceni ormancc vteh all ap'Iteabte Sea ce and local law> and regulaclens; Y The spins or a the Da p.,rtnenc chat St is in ee.Pli pace with and will conplsarich all > i -poaad b e pur.uaat c the C1:•tl Ria s Act of 155 »L a..d ^lhe n ndiacri -: ^n: tions of t!.= Da partrene, a r h—at car a did (i Clli•Part 15), to etc and LFat , an in tFe 1--,ite1 Sea net ,.a11, c the yrou:td ei r caler,ro natto:;al c ba• ea_1 _Sad fnm [tic ld "tie•, in,a be d tad c. .c ha na ti :sE Of. no aw 3aa tad t discrivinaLtan u.dar, ire program. Federal ff""",l a .tsI ante under this agreemenE is e,-,ended In reliance on the representa- tion mad, herein a nondiscrimination This nondiseri•mina- tion ussarancL. shallcobllgate the sponsor as long a sslstance I provided h,tv,.nder or it retains posses sslon oC a ia[ance othc raise provided by [he Department. In c of failure of the sponsor to comply with this nondiscriminatfena a the Untied Scales has the right to seek its enforccsant�hvcjudacial or other r., cans. THE DEPARTMENT AND SPONSOR MUTUALLY AGREE THAT 1. 5cl,edilo A Palo 3 ef, listings nice intt- tios :ed by the 2.partet, swell ac apart of this e e _. cervie •>Litut Leta -a., added er dcictad I -. _a`,e kit a L,cd .a . , e•ra. fe rencc s [e to A ,,at S•I•c ,c as c.. 1 ^c l,'IL. a -ti. .. ,c _. 1e. .,1 „ amended: 3. The Departrent shall prucptly net Efy toe Sperser of a,y n the min tome[ goal requtrec,encs nr in the assigned ra[eseoI taint, r.....t (which appear o" Schedule A) or in ocher approved rc i,burs even[. TFe Department shall not take any change in tae minivum meal requ ere ^encs co became a "- Eective in less than 60 days after p.,itcation of notice thereof, ,ice institution which operates its feedin6 ,, a uner a esston, or contract oad rvice m met -.�.. .:�•r�, —m.tar a " .ent .,all anage lic_:aric :mac :... „ er .. rFe. trtataen ..era -es i_s tao.i•ca rarV` le- .^.::•p ru nt hosts; 5. No Member or Delegate to Congress, or Resident Co— issioner, shall he admicced to any share or pare of this a:,rcement or to any bone Ett chat: nay arise t4eretro-; bit this provision .hall not be c nstrcod to extend to t ^,s agreement if mad. with a corporation for its general bercict; Fen FHS -0Y1 te�Ge 31 the Per pose of this agreement, the following teems L m. , respectively: t {a) Service Institution: Means a private, nonprofit insti- tution, 11 a public Sn criterion, such a child day - enter, se tticment hou>c, o en lion Bence r, whicheprovides day c at.. or cher child Care where ehlldren a not maintained in Le>idence, for children frog a ease in which poor a uric conditions exist a areas in which there .n a high ccacentra t tons of working mothers. The corm "service institution" includes a private, nonprofit institution o a public test it"tioa that develops a special summer program providing for children from such areas food s 'vice similar to that available to children under the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Programs during the school Year , and in. ledes a privet', nonprofit institution or public institution providing day -care se rvits. for handicapped children from such areas. (b) Cosc of Obtainine Food: )jeans the cost of obtaining agricultural c — dines and ocher foods for c ump- t[cn b. c e— :ay tc lu de, iticn to .e porch i>Q prlca�of�a •r ical ter crr=odlcle> and .� 1 >, t:x cu >t Cron >prrt u[ :t ... of any iood p cased fer, it dona:edt. t he FrogramaS t period of t" 1­1 eaLendar months beginning with •Ju ly L eE a . endar )ear and ending with June JO of the toll wing ccalendar year. (d) >t_il: s food which is served a children during their are n2 vie at a ry lee institution and which cet> the nutritional requirements of Schedule B attached hereto. (e) Operating Cost: Means the cost of obtaining, preparing, and se ry tag iood. 7. This Agreement shalt be effective fur the period eom.menclng the ___ day of ___ - -_— . 19 — . and r.nd LtG ihy of 19 —: ii :his pu into a oad L•seal v r (t!iae i if it b�_ins e e June >30 and a after Jury I) the Depar:nvncr >oa .-a ,-bur>e theuspms1r is ondition.d up:n th-- c calinu.dt """It" of fund, appro- priated fur Spuctal Food Svcv ice: prey.... fer Childr..n pur- poses for such first fiscal year o upon the appropriation of funds by the Congress for such second flstal year in a muffle lent a. oat, and no legal limb i It ty on the part of the See_ "'t for the p...... of any Honey shall arise u I ess and until such appropriation shalt have been provided f Do nor complete th,s sac non.) This Agreement may be to minted upan ten (10) days written notice on the part of etcher party hereto, and the Depart - nay terminate this Agreement Immediately of ter r ce ipt ofnevidence that the terms and conditions of this Agreement and of the regulations governing the Pragta•m have not been Eully empl icd vita by the Sponsor Any to—'nation of this Agreement by the Department shall be in accord with applie- able law and regulations. No termination c1 e,pl,,tl n of this AS rccnent, however, shall affect the obligation of the Sponsor to maintain and re Lain records and to make such records available for audit. SPONSORING IGENCI By A �� - L /(' /lti�N' L s, n i R. Marvin Townsend Title City Manager 72' 1. The to-1 of this agreement shall not be ..,III r changed in any way other (hen by the consent is of both parties hereto. 9. The reporting and /or recoickeeping requirements contained herein have been approved by the Bureau of the Budger in accordant. with the Federal Reports Act of 1942. RECOROKEEPING REQUIREMENTS The institution must keep fell and a rate r .Lds res i pect- ing its food s e co serve > a basis for the tla is fur reimbursement and far audit purposes. Lice records to be 1,e pt include the following: L vale. a. Daily number of .—I. >ec-d to children, by ty,,v of real. at '...aced price [. child—, by t,, c..m.'ir. L. Deily number of —,I. >..rrcd to adult >, by type oL m.•al. Prc m Ines (R—ipts). a. From children's plyment.. It. From Federal reimbursement. c. From adults' payments. d. Frm all other sources, including loans to the Program. J Prc: c,>.^� pported ay --ce., receipts, or a. For feud. b. For labor. e. All other — penditure>, intladin; rep.im—r of loans to the Program. 4 Pala of Donations to Program. a. Donated food, exclusive of foods donated by the Department. b, Donated services. C. ALI donations ocher than food and services. rmrLD ST 1T" DLP AS f tit %T OF .16 RIC L L'1 L I i By micnwruaei Title Data I SCHEDULE B REOUIREMENTS FOR MEALS ,a) Service institutions shall serve one, or a combination of one or more of the following types of meal (1) Breakfast (2) Lunch (3) Supper (4) Supplemental Food served between such other meals (b) Except a *thetvlse provided In this section, each meal , shell contain, as a minimum, the indicated food cospgnents: (1) A breakfast shall contain: (1) A serving of fluid whole milk as a beverage, or on cereal, or used in part for each purpose, (I I) A serving of fruit or full - strength fruit or vege- table ,Juice. (iii) A serving of whole -grain or enriched bread; or an equivalent s rving of cornbread, biscuits, rolls or muffins, etc,, made of whole -grain or enriched cal or flour; or a serving of -Eels -grain c real or enriched or fortified cereal; or a combination of any of these foods. (2) A lunch or supper shall contain: (1) A serving of fluid whole milk as a beverage, (it) A serving of lean meat, poultry or fish; or cheese; or an egg; o cooked dry beans or peas, or peanut butter; or a c®binaticn of any of these foods, (111) A serving of two o e vegetables or fruits, or .• a c ®bins ion of botor h (iv) A serving of whole -grain or enriched bread; or equivalent serving of cornbread, biscuits, rolls,' muffin., etc., made of whole -grain or enriched meal or flour. (v) A serving of butter or fortified margarine. (3) Supplemental Food shall include: (1) A serving of milk or full- strength fruit or vege- table juice, or fruit or vegetables. (11) A serving of whole -grain or enriched bread, rolls or cereal, etc. (4) Except as otherwise provided in this see tion, the mini - unts of component food. ca s set forrth in paragraph (b) (1), (2) and (3) of this section are as fell-,: (1) Age 1 up to 3; (a) Breakfast - -1/2 cup of milk; 1/4 cup of Juice or fruit; 1/2 siice of bread or equivalent or 1/4 cup of cereal o equivalent quantity of both bread and ..coal. (b) Lunch or Supper - -1/2 cup of milk; 1 ounce (edi- ble portico as served) of meat o equivalent quantity of an alternate; 1/4 cup of vegetable or fruits or both consisting of two or more kinds; 1/2 slice of bread or equivalent: 1/2 teaspoon of butter or fortified margarine. (e) Su le -encal F21d - -112 cup of milk or Juice ,72 2 site. of bread or equivalent. (L1) Age 3 up to 6: (a) Breakfast - -3/4 rap of milk; 112 cup of juice or fruit; 1/2 slice of bread or equivalent or 1/3 cup of cereal or an equivalent quantity of borh bread and cereal, (b) (4) (SS) Continued: (b) Lunch or Supper - -3/4 cup of milk; 1 -I /2 ounces (edible portion asserved) of meat or an equiva- lent quantity of an alternate; 1/2 cup of vege- tables or fruits or both consisting of two 0 more kinds; 1/2 slice of bread or equivalent; 1 teaspoon of butter or fortified margarine. (c) Su leaonwL Heod - -1/2 cup of milk or juice; 1 2 ;lice of ad or equivalent. (fit) Age 6 up to 12: (a) Breakfast - -1 cup of milk; 1/2 cup of Juice o r fruit; 1 sl lee of bread o equivalent or 3 14 sup of c r sal or equivalent quantity of both bread andeereal. (b) Lunch or Supper - -1 cup of milk; 2 o s (edi- ble portion as served) of meat or an equivalent quantity of an alternate; 3/4 cup of vegetables or fruits or both consisting of two or more kinds; 1 slice of bread or equivalent; 2 tea- spoons of butter or fortified margarine. (e) SSuupylntal Food--I cup of milk or Juice; s l_i emebread or equivalent. Younger children of this group (age 6 up to 9) may be served lesser quant Ili es o£ the foods, (other than bread or milk) in the above types of meals, provided that such adjustments are based on the lesser food needs of such children. (iv) Age 12 and over: Adult -size portions based on the greater food needs of, older boys and girls, (5) For the purposes of this section, a cup means a standard measuring cup. (6) To improve the nutrition of participating children, additional foods may be served with each meal as fol lwa: (1) Breakfast: (i) Include as often as practicable a serving of protein -rich food such as egg, meat, poultry, fish, cheese, peanut butter, or a combination of any of these foods. (ii) Additional foods may be served as desired. (2) Lunch or gupper: Additional foods may be served with lunches pr suppers as desired. (3) Supp lemenral Foad: Include as often as practicable a .erving of prate In -rich food, such — peanut but- ter or cheese; o serving of vegetable or fruit; and other foods as needed to satisfy appetites. If emergency conditions prevent a se rvice institution normally having a supply of fluid whole milk from temporarily obtaining delivery thereof, the Department may approve reimbursement for breakfasts, lunches or suppers served without milk during the emergency period. If a sufficient supply of fluid whole milk Is obtainable, the State Agency, or FYSP.0 where applicable, may reimburse for breakfasts, lunches o suppers served "thou' milk, if each child is offered a full meal with milk, and n reduction is made r., the price of such meal wheo children do not take the milk. Substitutions may be made in Foods listed in (b) (1), (2) and (3) if individual participating children are unable, because of medical and other special dietary needs, to consume such foods. Such substitutions shall tie made only when supported by a,statement from a recognized medical authority. MEAL POLICY All children served meals in this program will receive the same meal and service on a no -cost basis. There will be no physical segregation or other discrimi- nation against any participant. _s. ..�r: o.1+.v - _'s.. ..a•n as�sy <4,'•ca: - __w.m +` .. �''a' -'.:$� .. .dnosa :a:q ., tea'";. �-'- .; • CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS DAY OF 19 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI,.TEXAS - FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; I, THEREFORE, REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. A - ESPECTFUL Y, G • V MAYO THE CITY -OF CORPUS R TI, TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: RONNIE SIZEMORE CHARLES A. BON NIWELL ROBERTO BOSQUEZ, M.D. REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH THOMAS V. GONZALES i GABE LOZANO, SR. J. HOWARD STARK THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: ` - RONNIE SIZEMORE CHARLES A. BONNIWELL ROBERTO BOSQUEZ, M.D. 'REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH ��D THOMAS V. GONZALES /LYr2.vvv� GABE LOZANO, SR. c J. HOWARD STARK