HomeMy WebLinkAbout10954 ORD - 07/05/1972JRR:m1:6- 29- 72;1st. ; ` TEXAS: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE REAL ESTATE SALES CONTRACT WITH MAUD FRENCH SMITH, HERBERT S. FRENCH AND FRANCIS FRENCH FOR ACQUISITION OF PARCEL NO. 1, MAYFIELD, STARLITE LANE DRAINAGE DITCH; APPROPRIATING OUT OF NO. 296 STORM SEWER BOND FUND $3,570.50, OF 14HICH $3,450 IS FOR LAND PURCHASE AND $120.50 IS FOR INCIDENTAL COSTS RELATED TO CLOSING OF THE PURCHASE OF THE AFORESAID PARCEL, ALL BEING APPLICABLE TO PROJECT NO. 296 -70 -1 MAYFIELD, STARLITE LANE STORM SEWER PROJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION 1. The City Manager be, and he is hereby, authorized to execute a real estate sales contract with Maud French Smith, Herbert S. French and Francis French for acquisition of Parcel No. 1, Mayfield, Starlite Lane Drainage Ditch, Project No. 296 -70 -1, said parcel being described as follows: Being a 145 foot wide strip of land lying between McKinzie Road and Robb Drive, out of the A. M. French 237 acre of Survey 417, Abstract 571, and includes a 30 foot drainage easement of 0.446 acre described in Volume 7493 Page 250, Deed Records, Nueces County, Texas, said strip of land being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the South boundary line of said Survey 417, the same being the centerline of Haven Road, and the centerline of McKinzie Road; Thence N. 00 05' 30" E., with the centerline of McKinzie Road, 443.96 feet to a point, Thence N. 110 29' W., still with the centerline of said McKinzie Road, 499.60 feet to a point; Thence S. 800 52' E., a distance of 37.39 feet to a point in the east right of way line of said McKinzie Road, for the Southwest and beginning corner of the tract herein described; Thence N. 110 29' W., with the east right of way line of said McKinzie Road, a distance of 154.92 feet to a point for the northwest corner of the tract herein described; Thence S. 800 52' E., a distance of 663.25 feet to a point in the west right of way line of 50 foot wide Robb Drive for the Northeast corner of the tract herein described; Thence S. 00 00' 20" E., with the west right of way of said Robb Drive, a distance of 146.86 feet to a point for the Southeast corner of the tract herein described; Thence N. 800 52' W., a distance of 632.01 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 2.156 acres of land more or less. SECTION 2. There is hereby appropriated out of No. 296 Storm Sewer Bond Fund the sum of $3,570.50, of which $3,450 is for land purchase i0954 and $120.50 is for closing costs and incidental expenses, all in con- nection with Project No. 296 -70 -1, Parcel No. 1, Mayfield, Starlite Lane Drainage Ditch. SECTION 3. The necessity to authorize the execution of the necessary documents and to authorize the payment of funds for the acqui- sition of the aforesaid parcel of land as soon as possible creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction and that such ordinance or resolution shall -be -,read -at •Lhree °several meetings -of the City - Council, sand the­ Mayor -having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the -; day July, 1972. ATTEST: t O 10 CityCity S MAYOR THE CITY 0 CORD C ISTI, TEXAS APPROVED: DAY OF JULY, 1972: My AtW;;Z,. et 9 CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS uP, DAY OF— TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS - FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; 1, THEREFORE REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND.PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. - RESPECTF LYE Y THE CITY OF RPUS R STIR TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: BONNIE SIZEMORE • - - - CHARLES A. BONNIWELL ROBERTO BOSQUEZ, M.D. • - REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH - THOMAS V. GONZA LES GAGE LDZA NOS $R. - V. HOWARD STARK THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: • BONNIE SIZEMORE CHARLES A. SONNIWELL ROBERTO BOSQUEZ, M.D. ' 'REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH THOMAS V. GONZALES /j��� : • GABE L02AN0, SR. J. HOWARD STARK �