HomeMy WebLinkAbout11068 ORD - 09/06/1972• JRR:jkh:9 -6 -72; let AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3658, AS AMENDED, BY CHANGING CERTAIN SALARY GRADES, CREATING CERTAIN POSITIONS, CHANGING CERTAIN CLASS TITLES, CHANGING CERTAIN JOB CODES, AND DELETION OF CERTAIN POSITIONS, BY AMENDING SECTION 4 THEREOF; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO, 8127, AS AMENDED, BY AMENDING SECTION 1, SUBSECTION (b) SO AS TO SUBSTITUTE NEW FIFE AND POLICE SALARY SCHEDULES. /� OF FISCAL YEAR 197t-7]; AMENDING SUBSECTION (g) OF SECTION 1 SO AS TO CHANGE THE WORDING OF "SIR DAYS PER WEER" TO "FIVE OR SIR DAYS PER WEER "; AMENDING SUBSECTION (b), PARAGRAPH (4) OF SECTION 2 SO AS TO DELETE STEPS Dl, E1, and Fl AND PROVIDING FOR MERIT STEP F2TO BE CONTINUED AS HEREINAFTER PROVIDED; AMENDING SECTION 3 BY ADDING SUBSECTION (g) SO AS TO PLACE NEIGHBORHOOD YOUTH CORPS PERSONNEL INTO THE COMPENSATION PLAN AND TO PROVIDE FOR CONTINUOUS SERVICE CREDIT WITH THE CITY; AMENDING SECTION, 7, SUBSECTION '(b) BY PROVIDING FOR OVERTIME COMPENSATION FOR ALL EMPLOYEES IN GRADE 22 AND BELOW; AMENDING SECTION 7, SUBSECTION (c) TO CLARIFY THAT ALL DEPARTMENTAL BUDGETS SHOULD REFLECT ALL ANTICIPATED OVERTIME REQUIRRHMS; AMENDING SUBSECTION (a) OF SECTION 9 BY CHANGING THE MEMORIAL DAY HOLIDAY FROM THE 30TH DAY OF MAY TO THE FOURTH MONDAY OF MAY; AMENDING S,UBSECTION,(b) OF SECTION ID SO AS TO PROVIDE A SCHEDULE OF SICK LEAVE ACCRUAL FOR EMPLOYEES WORKING AN EXTENDED WORKWEEK AND PROVIDING THAT ONE FULL DAY OF SICK LEAVE BE CHARGED FOR ANY ABSENCE ON THE SIM DAY OF SIX -DAY WORK WEER; PROVIDING A SEVERANCE CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION 1. That Section 4 of Ordinance No. 3658 be, and the same is hereby, amended by changing the titles of certain Groups as follows: From To Administrative and Clerical Group General, Clerical and Library Group Custodial and Guard Group Custodial, Guard and Humane Group To change the titles of certain Series: From To General Administrative Series General Series Guard Series Guard and Humane Series Assessing and Collecting Series Assessing, Collecting and Loan Processing Series To add the following Series title: Library Series By creating the following positions Class Class Code Class Title Grade 157 Trainee 6 807 Temporary Crewman 6 214 Kennelman 12 208 Cook 13 823 Garage Serviceman III 13 156 Personnel Technician I 14 155 Land Use Data Systems Clerk 14 313 Planning Technician I 18 842 Instrument Technician 22 428 Senior Buyer 26 700 Assistant Equipment Maintenance Superintendent 28 300 • City Planner II 31 By transferring the following positions from the Unclassified Service into_ the Classified Service: Class Class Code Class Title Grade 158 Junior Library Aide 4 159 Senior Library Aide 10 160 Principal Library Aide 14 161 Library Assistant I 15 162 Library Assistant II 18 163 Librarian I 21 164 Librarian II 25 By deleting the following positions from the Classified Service and trans- ferring, to the Unclassified Service: Class Class Code Class Title Grade 151 Data Processing Manager 35 By reclassifying the following positions: Class Class Grade Code Class Title From To 829 Electrolysis Technician 18 19 217 Humane Supervisor 18 23 126 Paving Coordinator 26 27 By changing position titles as follows: Class Class Titles Code From To 120 303 310 601 703 712 721 724 735 739 778 781 786 Personnel Technician City Planner Asst. General Supt., Sewer System Buildings Plans Checker Sewer Cleaning Crew Leader Sewer System Foreman Senior Sewage System Foreman Asst. Sanitation Supt. Utility Field Representative Sewer System General Foreman Sewage Plant Operator Senior Sewage Plant Operator Sewage Plant Maintenance Supervisor -2- Personnel Technician II City Planner I Asst. General Supt., Wastewater System Chief Permit Clerk Wastewater Cleaning Crew Leader Wastewater System Foreman Senior Wastewater System Foreman Sanitation Office Manager Field Representative Wastewater System General Foreman Wastewater Plant Operator Senior Wastewater Plant Operator Wastewater Plant Maintenance Supervisor • r Position title changes, continued: Class Class Titles Code From To 803 Garage Serviceman Garage Serviceman I 810 Senior Garage Serviceman Garage Serviceman II 811 Sever System Mechanic Wastewater System Mechanic changing the classification codes of certain positions as follows: Classification Code From To Clara Titles 400 100 Youth Manpower Coordinator 409 314 Assistant Manpower Planner 410 602 Property Advisor I 424 603 Property Advisor II 432 604 Rehabilitation Supervisor 433 316 Urban Research Analyst 611 151.- Relocation Officer By deleting the following positions: Class Class Code Class Title Grade 801 Semi - Skilled Laborer 9 110 Clerk- Stenographer I 13 SECTION 2. That Section 1, Subsection (b), of Ordinance No. 8127, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended by substituting the attached schedule of salaries for Fire and Police series personnel. SECTION 3. That Section 1, Subsection (g) of Ordinance No. 8127, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended to hereafter read as follows: "(g) Refuse Collectors, Equipment Operators, and Truck Drivers, required to work 5 or 6 days per week on garbage or brush collection, on a regular basis shall be compensated for a minimi+m of 44 hours with the hours over 40 being paid on a time and one -half basis." SECTION 4. That Section 2, Subsection (b), paragraph (4), of Ordinance No. 8127, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended to hereafter read as follows: "(4) No advancement of salary within a salary schedule shall ever be made to step 72 of the salary schedule. The salary step of any employee who has attained step F2 of the salary schedule prior to the passage of this ordinance shall remain unchanged until such time that the employee is promoted to a higher class or until the salary schedules are changed by the City Council. The salary schedule for merit pay step 11 F2 shall be $493." -3- • r SECTION 5. That Section 3 of Ordinance No. 8127, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended by adding Subsection (g) thereto, to hereafter read as follows: "(g) Any employee entering into a position under this compensa- tion plan as of July 6, 1972, having been employed by the Neighborhood Youth Corps, shall receive compensation as set forth in Section 1. For compensation purposes only, continuous service with the Neighborhood Youth Corps program, as continuous service is defined in this ordinance, shall be considered as service with the City but such service shall be considered for longevity purposes only and not for retirement or vacation determinations." SECTION 6. That Section 7, Subsection (b), of Ordinance No. 8127, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended to hereafter read as follows: "(b) Overtime Compensation. All full -time employees in positions of classes in Grade 22 and below, Equipment Operator IV's, Engineering Design personnel, and all positions in the Police and Fire series except Police and Fire Chiefs, shall be paid for authorized overtime work at the rate of one and one -half times the regular rate, provided that such rate for posithns in the Fire series with scheduled work weeks other than 40 hours shall be computed on the basis of 173.33 hours per month. Overtime will be computed only for hours worked over the scheduled work week. Compensatory time off equal to the actual hours of overtime may be granted at the discretion of the department head concerned. Other salaried officers and employees in positions of Grade 23 and above, excluding Equipment Operator IV's, and Engineering Design personnel, sball not be eligible for regular overtime compensation as provided above, but may be granted compensatory time off in unusual cases when authorized by the City Manager, except upon authorization of the City Manager, over- time may be paid on a straight time basis for work performed under con- tracts with the Federal Government of Civil Defense purposes." SECTION 7. That Section 7, Subsection (c), of Ordinance No. 8127, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended to hereafter read as follows: -4- "(c) Overtime Administration. Where the need for overtime work to be compensated in cash can be anticipated, funds shall be provided in the departmental activity budget. In unforeseen emergencies, the department head may authorize overtime work to be compensated in cash when he deems it essential to the proper conduct of the department opera- tions. In all such cases, proper report with justification shall be made to the City Manager as prescribed in administrative instructions of the City Manager. The allocation of funds to a department or unit in antici- pation of emergency overtime payments shall not constitute authority for overtime work per se. Department or Division heads may authorize overtime work to be compensated by equal time off without approval of or report to the City Manager. "In cases of employees who are compensated for overtime work by equal time off, detailed records shall be maintained by each department of overtime work and compensatory time off granted each employee. Accrual for time off purposes shall not exceed fifteen (15) working days at any time. In the event of termination, compensation for time accrued compensatory time shall not exceed fifteen (15) days." SECTION 8. That Section 9, Subsection (a), of Ordinance No. 8127, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended to hereafter read as follows: "(a) The following days, or parts of days, are hereby declared Holidays for all City Officers and employees: The first day of January (New Year's Day) The fourth Monday of May (Memorial Day) The fourth day of July (Independence Day) The first Monday of September (Labor Day) The fourth Thursday of November_(Thanksgiving Day) The twenty -fifth day of December (Christmas Day); provided, however, that whenever Christmas Day falls on a Saturday that December 24,ehall be a Holiday instead of December 25." SECTION 9. That Section 10, Subsection (b), paragraph 1, of Ordinance No. 8127, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended to hereafter read as follows: "(b) Sick Leave. Every employee in the City service, except part -time employees, temporary employees, and Fire and Police personnel, shall accrue and be allowed sick leave with pay on the number of regular -5- hours worked per week, upon recommendation of the division or department head, in accordance with the following schedule: 40 hours per week 12 working days sick leave per year 44 hours per week 13 working days sick leave per year 48 hours per week 14 working.days sick leave per year Police and Firefighting personnel shall be granted 15 days sick leave leave per year in compliance with State Law. Any employee of the Sanitation Division required to work on a sixth day in any week will, when absent on the sixth day, due to 'sick leave' as defined below, be charged one full day of sick leave. Such sick leave allowance may be used only by an employee when incapacitated to perform his duties due to sickness of non - service- connected injury, when quarantined, or in the event of a serious illness or death in the employee's immediate family. All foreseeable leaves for such purposes shall require specific prior approval of the department head. In the event of sick leave for any purpose, the department head may require a certificate of a medical doctor or other competent professional individual giving information as to the circumstances involved. The immediate family for these purposes shall be regarded to include the parents, spouse, children, brothers and sisters in any case, and also shall include grandparents, grandchildren, and immediate in -laws when living in the household of the employee." SECTION 10. That Section 1 (a) of Ordinance No. 8127, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended to create the following position: Class Code Class Title Class Grade 080 NYC -0 /S Director 31 By deleting the following positions from the Unclassified Service and transferring into the Classified Service: Class Code Class Title Class Grade 026 Junior Library Aide 4 028 Senior Library Aide 10 029 Principal Library Aide 14 043 Library-Assistaut I 15 030 Library Assistant II 18 057 Librarian I 21 058 Librarian II 25 To add the following position by transferring from the Classified Service into the Unclassified Service: Class Code Class Title Class Grade 001 Data Processing Manager 35 -6- To change certain position titles as follows: Class Code Class Title From To 015 General Superintendent, General Superintendent, Sewer System Wastewater System To change the class codes of certain positions as follows: Class Codes From To Class Title 026 082 Community Renewal Program Director 027 076 Assistant Park Superintendent To delete the following Group Titles: Library Group Labor Group To delete the following positions: Class Code Class Title 002 Laborer 002 Temporary Laborer SECTION 11. If for any reason any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word, or provision of this ordinance shall be held invalid or unconstitutional by final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect any other section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word, or provision of this ordinance, for it is the definite intent of this City Council that every section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word, or provision hereof be given full force and effect for its purpose. SECTION 12. The provisions of this ordinance shall take effect and be in effect from and after its passage. SECTION 13. The fact that there is a need to maintain at all times an efficient administration of City affairs creates a public emer- gency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and -7- effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the / tk day of September, 1972. ATTEST: //J/"" A-'/'L C ty Sec eta, APP 0P: DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1972: 1 C ity Attorney O O MAYOR THE CITY 0 CO ISTI, TEXAS SAURY SCHEDULE PROPOSED 1972 -73 POLICE SERIES JOB STARTING AFTER AFTER AFTER CODE JOB TITLE PAY 6 NOS. 1S %10S, 42 MOS. 914 Police Trainee $ 500 - - - 915 Patrolman 575 600 635 655 919 Policea:oman 575 600 635 655 BASE PAY ArTrR 2 YFI,RS 916 Police Sergeant $ 700 $ 725 918 Police Lieutenant 770 800 917 I4entificaticn Supervisor 825 860 920 Police Captain 825 86Q 922 Police Cocanuer 895 935 921 Assistant Police Chief 980 1025 FIRE SERIES JOB STARTING AFTER. AFTER AFTER CODE JOB TITLE PAY 6 NOS. 18 FOS. 42 MOS. 901 Firefighter $ 555 575 605- 630 BASF. PAY AFTER 2 YEARS 906 Firefighter II $. 650 $ 675 909 Fire Inspector 650 675 902 Fire Lieut�aanc ° 695 725 910 Fire Alarm Operator 695 725 903 Fire Captain .755 790 904 Master Mechanic 870 910 905 District Fire Chief 870 • 910 _ 908 Assistant Fire Chief ' - 980 1025 - 1 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS ' FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY .CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL) I, THEREFORE, REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. ESPE TFULLY, YOR THE CI Y -OF US CHRISTI, TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING -VOTES RO NNIE S12EMORE - - CHARLES A. BON NIWELL ROBERTO BOSQUEZ, M.D. REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH - THOMAS V. GONZALES GABE LOZANO, SR. J. HOWARD STARK THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTES RONNIE SIZEMORE CHARLES A. SONNIWELL . ROBERTO BDSQUEZ, M.D. 'REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH THOMAS V. GONZALES GABE LOZANO, SR. J. HOWARD STARK