HomeMy WebLinkAbout11172 ORD - 11/15/1972JRR:e:11/15/72 let • AN ORDINANCE CLOSING AND ABANDONING TO DAVID S. ENGEL A PORTION OF A TEN (10) FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT, WHICH HAD PREVIOIISLY BEEN DEDICATED TO THE CITY, OVER BLOCKS 13 AND 17 OF THE J. C. RUSSELL FARM BLOCKS; PROVIDING THAT AN ALTERNATE EASEMENT BE DEDICATED BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT; PROVIDING THAT THE ABANDONMENT BE SUBJECT TO THE RELOCATION OF ALL UTILITY LINES LOCATED IN THAT PORTION TO BE ABANDONED AT THE APPLICANT'S EXPENSE; A COPY OF THE INSTRUMENT OF DEDICATION AND ABANDONMENT BEING ATTACHED HERETO, MARKED EXHIBIT 'W', AND MADE A PART HEREOF FOR ALL PERTINENT PURPOSES; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, there exists an easement over Blocks 13 and 17 of the J. C. Russell Farm Blocks, which easement was granted to the City of Corpus Christi by Guaranty Title and Trust Company, at al, by instrument dated November 9, 1959, recorded in Volume 902, Page 448; and WHEREAS, a portion of Block 17 of said J. C. Russell Farm Blocks was replatted into Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Corpus Christi Industrial District, and Lot 3 of Corpus Christi Industrial District, along with a portion of the remainder of Block 17, J. C. Russell Farm Blocks, was replatted into Lot 3A, Block 7, Corpus Christi Industrial District; and WHEREAS, said easement originally granted over Block 17 of J.C. Russell Farm Blocks now runs across Lot 3A, Block 7, of Corpus Christi Industrial District; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that it is feasible and advantageous to the City to abandon the easement hereinabove described to the owner of Lot 3A, Block 7, Corpus Christi Industrial District, subject to the dedication of an alternate easement by said owner, and the relocation of all utility lines located in that portion of the existing easement which is to be abandoned: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That that portion of the easement granted to the City by Guaranty Title and Trust Company over Blocks 13 6 17, J. C. Russell Farm Blocks, which now runs across Lot 3A, Block 7, of Corpus Christi Industrial District, be and the same is hereby abandoned to the owner of the property, David S. Engel, subject to the dedication by David S. Engel of an alternate easement to the City of Corpus Christi. This abandonment will become effective upon completion of the relocation,at the expense of David S. Engel, J 1172 • • of all utility lines presently located in that portion of the easement to be abandoned by the City, said utility lines to be relocated in said alternate easement. SECTION 2. If for any reason any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word, or provision of this ordinance shall be held invalid or unconstitutional by final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect any other section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word, or provision of this ordinance, for it is the definite intent of this City Council that every section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word or provision hereof be given full force and effect for its purpose. SECTION 3. The fact that the public convenience and necessity would be better served by the closing of the aforesaid easement creates a public emergency and imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the 5� day of November, 1972. ATTEST: c 1 City Seer to MAYOR 14- M THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS APVED / OF NO ER, 972: /� -city At -ey �N:bhs 10 -5 -72 • SUBSTITUTE UTILITY EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS S COUNTY OF NUECES S WHEREAS, the City of Corpus Christi, Texas is now the owner and holder of a 10 -foot utility easement over Farm Blocks 13 and 17 of the J. C. Russell Farm Blocks by virtue of an easement from Guaranty Title and Trust Company, et al, to the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, dated November 5, 1959, recorded in Volume 902, Page 448, of the Deed Records of Nueces County, Texas, all of which is more fully described in said instrument, a reference to which is hereby made and the same is made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, David S. Engel is the owner of a portion of Farm Block 17 of the said J. C. Russell Farm Blocks, such portion being known and described as Lot 3, Block 7, of the Corpus Christi Industrial District, a subdivision of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, as shown on map or plat of record in Volume 27, Page 29 of the Map Records of Nueces County, Texas; and WHEREAS, David S. Engel has requested the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, to accept a substitute route for such easement as such applies to said Lot 3, Block 7, so that said easement does not cross said Lot 3, Block 7, and to induce the acceptance of such request, has agreed to provide such substitute route along and across Lot 3A, Block 7, of said Industrial District, which adjoins said Lot 3, Block 7, and to re -route and relocate the existing utilities located within said easement as the same cross said Lot 3, Block 7; and WHEREAS, the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, has agreed to such request as so conditioned. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That DAVID S. ENGEL, for and in consideration of the release and abandonment herein- after referred to, does hereby grant and convey unto the CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, its successors and assigns, a ten foot (10') • r: utility easement along the south and the east property line of Lot 3A, Block 7, Corpus Christi Industrial District, as filed in Volume 32, Page 22, Map Records of Nueces County, Texas, said lot and utility easement being described as follows, to -wit: BEGINNING at a point on the west property line of Lot 3A, Block 7, Corpus Christi Industrial District. Said point also being the southwest corner of said Lot 3A. THENCE: North, 10.0 feet along the west pro- perty line of Lot 3A, to a point. THENCE: East, 115.0 feet to a point. THENCE: North, 10 feet from and parallel to the east line of Lot 3A, a distance of 190.0 feet to a point on the south line of an existing 10 foot utility easement. THENCE: East, along said south line of an existing 10 foot easement, 10 feet to the east pro- perty line of Lot 3A. THENCE: South, 200.0 feet to a point in the south- east corner of Lot 3A. THENCE: West, along the south property line of Lot 3A, 125 feet to the west property line and the place of beginning. The rights herein granted to the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, shall be the same as those stated in the above described easement.to said City from Guaranty Title and Trust Company, et al, dated November 5, 1959, recorded in Volume 902, Page 448, of the Deed Records of Nueces County, Texas. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said easement unto said CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, its successors and assigns, and DAVID S. ENGEL binds himself, his heirs and assigns, to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premies unto the CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, its successors or assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, in consideration of the grant of the above stated utility easement, does hereby release, relinquish and abandon - 2 - the above described utility easement which it acquired from the Guaranty Title and Trust Company, et al, dated November 5, 1959, recorded in Volume 902, Page 448, of the Deed Records of Nueces County, Texas, INSOFAR AND ONLY INSOFAR as said easement applies to Lot 3, Block 7, Corpus Christi Industrial District, a subdivision in the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, as shown on map or plat of record in Volume 27, Page 29, of the Map Records of Nueces County, Texas; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that said release, relinquishment and abandonment shall take effect only after the present utilities located within said easement as it crosses said Lot 3, Block 7, have been relocated and placed within the above described utility easement across said Lot 3A, Block 7. EXECUTED this the -., �-f' ' day of C�Lez. , 1972. ' --�/ - Da rd S. Engel CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS ATTEST: By Secretary THE STATE OF TEXAS 5 COUNTY OF VICTORIA 5 is BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared DAVID S. ENGEL, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVE ER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the day of ���) ��� 1 , 1972. Notary Public in and for Victoria County, Texas - 3 - THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF NUECES § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the fore- going instrument as of the CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, a municipal corporation, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the capacity therein stated, and as the act and deed of said City. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the day of , 1972. Notary Public in and for Nueces County, T E X A S - 4 - CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS AY OF TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTIj TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY •CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; 1, THEREFORE REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTFU Y, MAYOR pID Tern THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: RONNIE SIZEMORE - CHARLES A. BON NIWELL ROBERTO BOSQUEZ, M.D. REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH THOMAS V. GONZALES GABE LOZANO, SR. J. HOWARD STARK ALL THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: RONNIE SIZEMORE� /L CHARLES A. BONNIWELL ROBERTO BOSQUEZ, M.D. C 'REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH THOMAS V. GONZALES GABE LOZANO, SR.. J. HOWARD STARK /('/ny__�