HomeMy WebLinkAbout11552 ORD - 07/03/1973JRR /Mc 7/2/73 1ST n �./ AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE +A CONTRACT WITH VALENTINE >& GARC.IA, ASSOCIATES IN ARCHITECTURE, FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES NECESSARY TO PREPARE A PLANNING STUDY FOR EXPANSION OF CITY HALL, A COPY OF SAID CONTRACT BEING ATTACHED HERETO, MARKED EXHIBIT "A "; APPROPRIATING OUT OF NO'. 122 GENERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND $17,1100 FOR SAID SERVICES; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, ' x TEXAS: SECTION 1. THAT THE CITY MANAGER BE, AND HE IS HEREBY, AUTHORIZED } TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH VALENTINE & GARCIA, ASSOCIATES IN ARCHITECTURE, FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES NECESSARY TO PREPARE A PLANNING STUDY FOR EXPANSION OF CITY HALL, A COPY OF SAID CONTRACT BEING ATTACHED HERETO, MARKED EXHIBIT "A ". •+ SECTION 2. THERE IS HEREBY APPROPRIATED OUT OF N0. ,122 GENERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND THE SUM OF $17,IIOO FOR SAID SERVICES. SECTION 3. THE NECESSITY TO AUTHORIZE A PLANNING STUDY FOR EXPANSION OF CITY HALL AND TO APPROPRIATE THE NECESSARY FUNDS FOR THIS STUDY AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE DATE CREATES A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE PUBLIC NECESSITY ,AS REQUIRING THE SUSPENSION OF THE CHARTER RULE THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE OF-ITS INTRODUCTION BUT THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE SEVERAL MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL, AND THE MAYOR HAVING DECLARED SUCH EMERGENCY AND NECESSITY TO EXIST, AND HAVING REQUESTED THE SUSPENSION OF THE CHARTER RULE AND THAT THIS ORDINANCE BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE OF ITS INTRODUCTION AND TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FULL FORCE H AND EFFECT FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, THIS THE 5e. DAY OF JULY, 1973. ATTEST• CZz 2 CIT SECRET AR MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS APPROVE Y JULY, 1973: G Y 'AYTCtAEY 11552 X �+ AGREEMENT This Agreement made and entered into as of the day of , 1973 by and between the City of Corpus Christi, Texas hereinafter called the "City" and Valentine & Garcia, Associates iri Architecture, hereinafter called "architect ". W I T N E S S E T H THAT WHEREAS, the City has experienced a need for additional office space, and WHEREAS, the need for office -space has resulted in decentralizing a number of Government functions by leasing space for their operation, and WHEREAS, the projected needs of the City Government for the next ten (10) years indicate that increased services and growth will demand additional personnel and space, and WHEREAS, it is desirable and more efficient to centralize a number of Admin- istrative and Governmental functions within one simple office complex, and WHEREAS, the City desires to determine the most efficient and economic ap- proach for either the expansion of the present facilities or the construc- tion of new facilities, and WHEREAS, such determination could not be made without a comprehensive space study of the present and projected needs of the -City government. NOW THEREFORE, the City and the architect agree as follows: I. The architect hereby agrees to perform all planning, research and all necessary architectural and related services needed in order to de- velop a study of the City's present and projected space needs for its governmental and administrative functions. These functions include, but not limited to; all activities in the general Government group, Data Processing, Traffic Engineering, Building Inspection, Engineering Services and Utilities office. In the preparation of said study the architect agrees to perform the following scope of basic services: 1. Hold necessary conferences with City representatives, depart- • ment heads and the Planning Commission to project growth and tabulate existing and projected facilities. Such conferences will be scheduled thru the Director of Engineering Services. Al L y'/ It 2. Coordinate the work through the Director of Engineering Services and make presentations to the Planning Commission of the City of Corpus Christi when requested by the Director of Engineering Services. 3. Research requirements for adequate space planning of City govern- mental functions. 4. Research growth requirements in terms of population growth. 5. Determine projected requirements in terms of automation vs. in- creased manpower. 6.' Determine communication system requirements. 7. Determine computer requirements. 8. Analysis of the existing site including buildings, parking, etc. 9. Investigate feasibility of upgrading and adding to the existing facilities. 10. Investigate feasibility of totally new site and facilities. 11. Establish basic design concepts in schematic form. 12. Tabulate data into anticipated construction costs. 13. Compile all material into final brochure report and submit 50 copies in bound form to the City of Corpus Christi. II. The architect agrees to complete the phase I above within 6 months from date of authorization. III. For and in consideration of the services in phase I above and upon com- pletion of the study and delivery to the City of the bound copies of the report the City agrees to pay the architect an amount equal to $17,4o0.00. IV. It is expressly understood by both the City and the architect that the above study and report, in addition to all the items includes all the normal scope of services normally included and set forth in the Schematic Design Phase of the Standard Owner, Architect Agreement as stipulated in the 1968 Addition of "Services of Architect" as pub- lished in the Texas Society of Architects and the Texas Region of the American Institute of Architects. Should the City desire upon com- pletion of the report to proceed with construction of a facility in accordance with the recommendation of the report, the fee for the 'I, necessary phases of the project involving 1) "Design development phase ", 2) "Construction documents phase ", 3) "Bidding or negotiation phase ", and 4) "Administration of construction contract phase" shall be based on a percentage of the construction cost less 15% of the normal fee as credit for the work performed under this part of the contract. Such normal fee for any future authorization skull be based on Group II of the recom- mended services of the architect. Such future authorization shall be at the option of the City and when authorized, this contract will be amended to include expanded scope of the work normally included in Standard Owner Architect Contracts under 1) Design Development Phase, 2) Construction documents phase, 3) Bidding or negotiations phase, and 4) Administration of contract phase. V. Transfer of Interest The architect shall not assign or transfer any interest in this contract without prior consent of the City. VI. The City reserves the right to terminate this contract at any time with or without cause. In the event of such termination, the architect will be paid a sum proportionate to the state of completion of the phase of work in which he is then engaged. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, Witness our hands in duplicate, each of which shall be considered an original, on the day and year first above written. ATTEST: THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI By T. Ray Kring, City Secretary R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager APPROVED: This day of\�fL_ , 1973 org Execut' Asst. City Attorney This day of , 1973 Harold F. Zick, Director of Finance VALENTINE & GARCIA, ASSOCIATES By By Corpus Christi, Texas Sj day of YcY , I9 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspen- sion of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordi- nance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter rule was suspended by the following vote: Jason Luby James T. Acuff v Rev. Harold T. Branch ' U Thomas V. Gonzales ,c.. Ricardo Gonzalez Qc ci Gabe Lozano, Sr. R J. Howard Stark The above ordinance was passed by the following vote: Jason Luby {ap James T. Acuff Qr i Rev. Harold T. Branch v Thomas V. Gonzales Q Ricardo Gonzalez Gabe Lozano, Sr. U J. Howard Stark U t,`s ,