HomeMy WebLinkAbout11981 ORD - 04/03/1974JRR:jkh:4 -3 -74; 1st AN ORDINANCE CLOSING THE HEARING ON STREET IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING STREETS: 1. Mary Street, from the west right of way line of 19th Street to the intersection of South Port Avenue; 2. Morris Street, from the west right of way line of 19th Street to the east right of way line of Bluntzer Street; 3. Ruth Street, from the west right of way line of 19th Street to the intersection of South Port Avenue; 4. Buford Street, from the west right of way line of 17th Street to the intersection of South Port Avenue; 5. Rluntzer Street, from the north right of way line of Buford Street to the south right of way line of Mary Street;, 6. Howard Street, from the west right of way line of 19th Street to the intersection of Chico Street; and 7. 20th Street, from the north right of way line of Morris Street to the south right of way line of Mary Street; AND FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PROPERTY ABUTTING SAID STREETS WILL BE SPECIFICALLY BENEFITED AND ENHANCED IN VALUE IN EXCESS OF COST OF THE IMPROVEMENTS AND LEVYING AN ASSESSMENT; FIXING A LIEN AND CHARGE, THE MANNER AND TIME OF PAYMENT AND COLLECTION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, THE CITY COUNCIL OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, BY DULY ENACTED ORDINANCE PASSED AND APPROVED ON THE 20th DAY OF February , 1974, DETERMINED THE NECESSITY FOR, AND ORDERED THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE FOLLOWING STREETS: 1. Mary Street, from the west right of way line of 19th Street to the intersection of South Pdrt Avenue; 2. Morris Street, from the west right of way line of 19th Street to the east right of way line of Rluntzer Street; 3. Ruth.Street, from the west right'of way line of 19th Street to the intersection of South Port Avenue; 4. Buford Street, from the west right of way line of 17th Street to the intersection of South Port Avenue; 5. Rluntzer Street, from the north right of way line of Buford Street to the south right of way line of Mary Street;. 6. Howard Street, from the west right of way line of 19th Street to the intersection of Chico Street; and 7. 20th Street, from the north right of way line of Morris Street to the south right of way line of Mary Street; J.1981 IN THE MANNER AND ACCORDING TO THE,PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS HERETOFORE APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL BY ORDINANCE DATED February 20 1974, A DULY EXECUTED NOTICE OF SAID ORDINANCE HAVING BEEN FILED IN THE NAME OF THE SAID CITY WITH THE COUNTY CLERK OF NUECES-COUNTY, TEXAS AND WMMEAS, said City Council of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, after having advertised for and received bids on the construction of said improvements for the length of time and in the manner and form as required by the Charter of said City and the laws of the State of Texas, and after having duly and regularly made appropriation of hinds available for such purpose to cover the estimated cost of said improvements to said City, all as provided by the Corpus Christi City Charter and by law, did award a contract for the construction of said improvements to their lowest and most advantageous bid and said contract has been awarded to •HP1dPnfelc Rrathorc as authorized by Ordinance No. , dated a riD 1 a- 197n + and the performance bond required by said contract has been properly furnished by said Heldenfels Brothers and accepted by the said City Council of said City as to form and amount as required by the Charter of said City and the laws of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, the said City Council has caused the Director of Engineer- ing and Physical Development to prepare and file estimates Of the cost of such improvements and estimates of the amount per front foot proposed to be assessed against the property abutting upon a portion of the aforesaid streets within the limit herein defined, to be improved, and the real and true owners thereof, and said Director of Engineering & Physical Development has heretofore filed said estimates and a statement of other matters relating thereto with said City Council, and same has been received, examined and approved by said City Council; and IMEREAS, said City Council, by duly enacted ordinance dated February 20; 1974 , did determine the necessity of levying an assessment for that portion of the cost of constructing said improvements on the above - named streets, within the limits herein defined, to be paid by the abutting -2- property and the real and true owners thereof, and by ordinance dated February 20, 1974 , did order and set a hearing to be held at 7:30 P.M, on the 25 day of March _D 1974 , in the Lamar Elementary School, in the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, for the real and true owners of the property abutting upon said streets, within the limits above defined, and for all others owning or claiming any interest in, or otherwise interested in said property, or any of said matters as to the assessments and amounts TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST EACH PARCEL OR ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE REAL AND TRUE OWNER OR OWNERS THEREOF, AND AS TO THE SPECIAL BENEFITS TO ACCRUE TO SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS, IF ANY, OR CONCERN- ING ANY ERROR, INVALIDITY, IRREGULARITY OR DEFICIENCY IN ANY PROCEEDINGS, OR CONTRACT, TU APPEAR AND BE HEARD IN PERSON OR BY COUNSEL AND OFFER EVIDENCE IN REFERENCE TO SAID MATTERS; AND THE CITY COUNCIL DID BY SAID ORDINANCE ORDER AND DIRECT THE CITY TO GIVE NOTICE OF SAID HEARING TO THE OWNERS ABUTTING UPON SAID STREET AS SHOWN BY THE CURRENT AD VALOREM TAX ROLL BY MAILING SUCH NOTICE TO SUCH OWNERS AND PUBLISHING SAID NOTICE AT LEAST THREE TIMES IN THE CORPUS CHRISTI TIMES BEFORE THE DATE OF THE HEARING, SUCH NOTICE OF MAIL AND BY PUBLICATION BEING IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVI- SIONS OF ARTICLE 11058 OF VERNON'S ANNOTATED CIVIL STATUTES OF TEXAS AND WHEREAS, SUCH NOTICE WAS GIVEN SAID OWNERS OF PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE CURRENT AD VALOREM TAX ROLL WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE STREET BEING IMPROVED BY MAILING SUCH NOTICE AT LEAST FOURTEEN (14) DAYS PRIOR TO THE HEARING TO SUCH OWNERS AND BY PUBLISHING THREE TIMES NOTICE OF SUCH HEARING IN THE CORPUS CHRISTI TIMES, THE FIRST OF WHICH PUBLICATION WAS AT LEAST . i TWENTY -ONE (21) DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF SAID HEARINGS BOTH FORMS OF NOTICE BEING IN COMPLIANCE WITH AND CONTAINING THE INFORMATION REQUIRED BY ARTICLE 11058, VERNON'S ANNOTATED CIVIL STATUTES; AND WHEREAS, AFTER DUE, REGULAR AND PROPER NOTICE THEREOF, ALL AS PROVIDED BY LAW AND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SAID HEARING OF WHICH NOTICE WAS GIVEN, WAS OPENED AND HELD ON March 25, 1974 , in the Lamar Elementary School, . IN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID ORDINANCE AND NOTICE, AT WHICH TIME AN OPPORTUNITY WAS GIVEN TO ALL SAID ABOVE - MENTIONED PERSONS, FIRMS, CORPORATIONS AND ESTATES, THEIR AGENTS AND ATTORNEYS, TO BE HEARD AND TO OFFER EVIDENCE AS TO ALL MATTERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID ORDINANCE AND NOTICE, AT WHICH TIME THE FOLLOWING APPEARED AND OFFERED THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY: -3- I�e :7 MINUTES CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING LAMAR ELEKENTARY SCHOOL March 25, 1974 7:30 P. M. PRESENT: Mayor Jason Luby Mayor Pro Tem James T. Acuff Commissioners Thomas V. Honzales City Manager R. Marvin Townsend Ricardo Gonzalez Assistant City Attorney Gerry Miller Cabe Lozano, Sr. City Secretary T. Ray Krieg J. Howard Stark Staff Members Present: Thomas Basile, Administrative Assistant; Director of Engineering & Physical Development James R. Lontos; Chief Engineer Gerald Smith; Director of Planning and Urban Development Ernest Briones; Director of Trs is Engineering Tom Stewart; . Assistant City Secretary Bill 'ZAKd; and Assistant City Manager Archie Walker. Mayor Jason Luby called the meeting to order in Lamar Elementary School. City Manager Townsend explained the legal processes, property owners' petitions, and bond funding, in bringing about paving projects of this nature, and explained the procedures to be followed in this bearing. Assistant City Attorney Gerry Miller conducted the hearing. He stated the purpose of the hearing is to comply with the state statute regarding paving assessments; that testimony will be offered from the Director of Engineering and Physical Development and evaluation testimony from a real estate appraiser to sub- stantiate the assessments which appear on the Assessment Roll. He explained that the hearing is to form a basis on which the City Council, acting as a legislative body, would determine and establish the assessments on the abutting properties. Director of Engineering and Physical Development James K. Lontos, was interrogated as to his identity, occupation, time' of residence in the City, formal qualifications as an engineer, and familiarity with the subject project. He pre- sented plane for the proposed improvements, explained the nature and extent and specifications, and pointed out the locations on the map of the streets involved in this project. The streets proposed to be improved being Mary Street, from the west right of way line of 19th Street to the intersection of South Port Avenue; Morris Street, from the west right of way line of 19th Street to the east right of way line of Bluntzer Street; Ruth Street, from the west right of way line of 19th Street to the intersection of South Port Avenue; Buford Street, from the west right of way line of 17tb Street to the intersection of South Port Avenue; Bluatzer Street, from the north right of way line of Buford Street to the south right of way line of Mary Street; Howard Street, from the west right of way line of 19th Street to the intersection of Chico Street; and 20th Street, from the north right of way a • c �i Council Meeting March 25, 1974 Page 2 line of Mary Street. He explained the streets are to be constructed in accordance with the City's paving assessment policy, using the low bid submitted by Heldenfels Brothers Contractors, and applying the rate to the front footage of the abutting property. He explained in detail the calculated rates per linear foot of the im- provements on curb, gutter.and pavement based on the width of each street, and explained the calculated rates per square foot on sidewalks, driveways and header curb. He pointed out that credit had been given for sidewalk in place and meeting City requirement; that the project includes storm sewers on most of the streets which will result in improved drainage for the entire area. He stated the revised assess- ment roll reflects the total contract price of $621,878.20; total preliminary assess- ments, $180,718.14, and the total City portion being $441,160.06. Mr. Lontos also pointed out that most of the properties in this area are either zoned "A -1" Apartment House District, or higher, but are being used as residential; that each parcel of property had been individually examined on the ground and reductions, as reflected on the preliminary assessment roll, are recommended. Mr. Harold Carr testified as to his identity as a real estate appraiser, time of residence in the City, experience as an appraiser of all types of real estate, residential, commercial, vacant, and rural, and familiarity with the subject project. He stated he had, within the last week, personally examined each parcel of land on each of the streets involved with the view of the effect on the properties as a result of the improvements, had recommended certain reductions as is shown on the assessment roll, and with these recommended reductions it is his opinion that each and every parcel would be enhanced in value as a result of the proposed improvements at least to the amount of the assessments. Members of the audience were given an opportunity to question Mr. Lontos relative to the plans and specifications, and to question Mr. Carr with regard to the appraised value and the amount of the assessments. Mr. Luis Corona, 2805 David Street, commended the Council and Staff and on behalf of all the residents in the area, expressed appreciation for the proposed improvements. He suggested that the portion of Chico Street connecting Howard and Commanche Streets be included in the project stating that this portion is a connecting link between these two streets and if left unimproved, would be a hazard for children attending schools in the area. autes • Special Council Meeting March 25, 1974 Page 3 City Manager Townsend stated he would recommend the improvement of this Street, but explained that it would require a separate hearing and a change order in the contract. Mr. David S. Salinas, 605 South Bluntzer, inquired as to when the bond issue was passed for the improvement of these streets. Mr. Townsend explained that the bonds were voted in 1970. 1 Mr. Sam Wilmot, 802 Bluntzer, inquired as to the start and completion dates of the project. Mr. Lontos explained that if the Council approves the preliminary assessment roll as recommended, work should begin in approximately 30 to 45 days and should be completed in one year from start of project. Mr. E. M. Jimenez, 2513 Mary Street, requested that the construction be coordinated so as not to have too many streets torn up at the same time which would be a hazard and unnecessarily inconvenience the residents. Mr. Lontos explained the problems involved in this regard stating that the construction crews cannot start work until utilities are installed, and also stated that construction costs would be greatly increased if each block were completed separately. Mr. L. F. Putz, 613 Driftwood, owner of Lot 1, Block 1, Portmoor Addition, inquired as to completion dates and how and when assessments will be applied. Commissioner Lozano explained in Spanish how assessments will be made and method of payment. Mrs. E. M. Jimenez, 2513 Mary, questioned the work of the contractor on this project and suggested that the City Staff diligently inspect the work to avoid poor construction. Mr. Luis Corona, complained of the City's lack of enforcement af.weed control on vacant lots, and felt that better service should be given by the City in this respect. City Manager Townsend explained the legal processes and length of time involved, and expressed regret that these problems cannot be taken care of in a more a expedient way. Motion by Acuff, seconded by Lozano and passed, that the hearing be closed. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m., Monday, March 25, 1974. s • THERE BEING NO FURTHER TESTIMONY OFFERED OR ANY FURTHER PARTIES APPEARING TO BE HEARD, UPON PROPER MOTION, DULY SECONDED AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, THE SAID HEARING WAS DECLARED CLOSED; AND WHEREAS, NO FURTHER PARTIES APPEARING AND NO FURTHER TESTIMONY BEING OFFERED AS TO THE SPECIAL BENEFITS IN RELATION TO THE ENHANCED VALUE OF SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY AS COMPARED TO COST OF THE IMPROVEMENTS OF SAID PORTION OF SAID STREETS PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST SAID PROPERTY, OR AS TO ANY ERRORS, INVALIDITIES OR IRREGULARITIES, IN THE PROCEEDING OR CONTRACT HERETOFORE HAD IN REFERENCE TO THE PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS TO BE IMPROVED AND WHEREAS, SAID CITY COUNCIL HAS HEARD EVIDENCE AS TO THE SPECIAL BENEFITS AND ENHANCED VALUE TO ACCRUE TO SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY, AND THE REAL AND TRUE OWNER OR OWNERS THEREOF, AS COMPARED WITH THE COST OF MAKING SAID IMPROVEMENTS ON SAID STREETS WITHIN THE LIMITS ABOVE DEFINED, AND HAS HEARD ALL PARTIES APPEARING AND OFFERING TESTIMONY, TOGETHER WITH ALL PRO- TESTS AND OBJECTIONS RELATIVE TO SUCH MATTERS AND AS TO ANY ERRORS, INVALIDI- TIES OR IRREGULARITIES IN ANY OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND CONTRACT FOR SAID IM- PROVEMENTS, AND HAS GIVEN A FULL AND FAIR HEARING TO ALL PARTIES MAKING OR DESIRING TO MAKE ANY SUCH PROTEST, OBJECTION OR OFFER TESTIMONY AND HAS FULLY EXAMINED AND CONSIDERED ALL EVIDENCE, MATTERS, OBJECTIONS AND PROTESTS OFFERED AND BASED UPON SAID EVIDENCE, TESTIMONY AND STATEMENTS, SAID CITY COUNCIL FINDS THAT EACH AND EVERY PARCEL OF PROPERTY ABUTTING UPON THE PORTION OF THE STREETS AFORESAID WITHIN THE LIMITS TO BE IMPROVED AS HEREIN DEFINED, WILL BE ENHANCED IN VALUE AND SPECIALLY BENEFITED BY THE CONSTRUC- TION OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS UPON THE SAID STREETS UPON WHICH SAID PROPERTY ABUTS, IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT OF THE COST OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSED TO BE, AND AS HEREINSELOW ASSESSED AGAINST EACH AND EVERY SAID PARCEL OF ABUTTING PROPERTY, AND THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS THEREOF, AND SAID CITY COUNCIL DID CONSIDER AND CORRECT ALL ERRORS, INVALIDITIES OR DEFICIENCIES CALLED TO ITS ATTENTION AND DID FIND THAT ALL PROCEEDINGS AND CONTRACTS WERE PROPER AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHARTER OF SAID CITY AND THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, UNDER WHICH THOSE PROCEEDINGS WERE BEING HAD, AND THE PRO- CEEDINGS OF SAID CITY COUNCIL HERETOFORE HAD WITH REFERENCE TO SUCH IMPROVE- MENTS, AND IN ALL RESPECTS TO BE VALID AND REGULARS AND SAID CITY COUNCIL -4- n • DID FURTHER FIND UPON SAID EVIDENCE THAT THE ASSESSMENTS HEREINSELOW MADE AND THE CHARGES HEREBY DECLARED AGAINST SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY ON THE PORTIONS OF THE STREETS HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED, WITHIN THE LIMITS DEFINED, AND THE REAL AND TRUE OWNER OR OWNERS THEREOF, ARE JUST AND EQUITABLE AND DID ADOPT THE FiULE OF APPORTIONMENT SET OUT BELOW AND THE DIVISION OF THE COST OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS BETWEEN SAID ABUTTING PROPERTIES, AND THE REAL AND TRUE OWNER OR OWNERS THEREOF, AS JUST AND EQUITABLE, AND AS PRODUCING SUBSTANTIAL EQUALITY CONSIDERING THE BENEFITS TO BE RECEIVED AND THE BURDENS IMPOSED THEREBY, AND THAT ALL OBJECTIONS AND PROTESTS SHOULD BE OVERRULED AND DENIED EXCEPT THE CORRECTIONS AND CHANGES AS APPEAR ON THE FINAL ASSESS- MENT ROLL INCLUDED IN THIS ORDINANCE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. THAT THERE BEING NO FURTHER PROTEST OR TESTIMONY FOR OR AGAINST SAID IMPROVEMENTS, SAID HEARING GRANTED TO THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS OF ABUTTING PROPERTY ON SAID STREETS, WITHIN THE LIMITS ABOVE DEFINED, AND TO ALL PERSONS, FIRMS, CORPORATIONS AND ESTATES, OWNING OR CLAIMING SAME OR ANY INTEREST THEREIN, BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY CLOSED AND ALL PROTESTS AND OBJECTIONS, WHETHER SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED OR NOT, SHALL BE, AND THE SAME ARE HEREBY OVERRULED AND DENIED. SECTION 2. THAT SAID CITY COUNCIL HEREBY FINDS AND DETERMINES UPON THE EVIDENCE HEARD IN REFERENCE TO EACH AND EVERY PARCEL OR PROPERTY ABUTTING UPON THE AFORESAID STREETS, WITHIN THE LIMITS DEFINED, THAT THE SPECIAL BENEFITS IN THE ENHANCED VALUE TO ACCRUE TO SAID PROPERTY AND THE REAL AND TRUE OWNER OR OWNERS THEREOF, BY VIRTUE OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS TO SAID PORTION OF SAID STREETS UPON WHICH SAID PROPERTY ABUTS, WILL BE IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT OF THE COST OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS AS PROPOSED TO BE, AND AS HEREIN ASSESSED AGAINST SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS THEREOF, AND FINDS THAT THE APPORTIONMENT OF THE COST-OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS, AND THAT ALL ASSESSMENTS HEREINBELOW MADE ARE JUST AND EQUITABLE AND PRODUCE SUBSTANTIAL EQUALITY CONSIDERING THE BENEFITS RECEIVED AND THE BURDENS IMPOSED THEREBY, AND ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, AND THE CHARTER PROVISIONS OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, AND THAT THE PROCEEDINGS AND CONTRACT HERETOFORE -5- I HAD WITH REFERENCE TO SAID IMPROVEMENTS ARE IN ALL RESPECTS REGULAR, PROPER AND VALID, AND THAT ALL PREREQUISITES TO THE FIXING OF THE ASSESSMENT LIENS AGAINST SAID ABUTTING PROPERTIES, AS HEREIHABOVE DESCRIBED AND THE PERSONAL LIABILITY OF THE REAL AND TRUE OWNER OR OWNERS THEREOF, WHETHER NA14ED OR CORRECTLY NAMED HEREIN OR NOT, HAVE BEEN IN ALL THINGS REGULARLY HAD AND PERFORMED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW, CHARTER PROVISIONS AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE SAID CITY COUNCIL. SECTION 3. THAT IN PURSUANCE OF SAID ORDINANCES, DULY ENACTED BY SAID CITY COUNCIL, AUTHORIZING AND ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENTS OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED STREET, WITHIN THE LIMITS DEFINED, AND IN PURSUANCE OF SAID PROCEEDINGS HERETOFORE HAD AND ENACTED BY SAID CITY COUNCIL, IN REFERENCE TO SAID IMPROVEMENTS AND BY VIRTUE OF THE POWERS VESTED IN SAID CITY WITH RESPECT TO SAID STREET IMPROVEMENTS BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE CHARTER OF SAID CITY, WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO CHAPTER 106 OF THE .ACTS OF THE FIRST CALLED SESSION OF THE 40TH LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, KNOWN AND SHOWN AS ARTICLE 11058 OF VERNON'S ANNOTATED CIVIL STATUTES OF TEXAS, AS AMENDED, THERE SHALL BE, AND IS HEREBY LEVIED, ASSESSED AND TAXED AGAINST THE RESPECTIVE PARCELS OF PROPERTY ABUTTING UPON SAID PORTION OF SAID STREETS, AND AGAINST THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS THEREOF, WHETHER SUCH REAL AND TRUE OWNER OR OWNERS BE NAMED OR CORRECTLY NAMED HEREIN OR NOT, THE SEVERAL SUMS OF MONEY HEREINBELOW MENTIONED AND ITEMIZED OPPOSITE THE DESCRIPTION OF THE RESPECTIVE PARCELS OF SAID PROPERTY, THE NUMBER OF FRONT FEET OF EACH AND THE SEVERAL AMOUNTS ASSESSED AGAINST SAME AND THE REAL AND TRUE OWNER OR OWNERS THEREOF, AND NAMES OF THE APPARENT OWNERS THEREOF, ALL AS CORRECTED AND ADJUSTED BY SAID CITY COUNCIL, BEING AS FOLLOWS, TO -WIT: -6- coxaeCTC D FRFdX,7NARY ASSESSMENT RC dL, LAMAR SCHOOL AREA STREET AND STORM SEWER IMPROVII�NTS This project consists of the improvements of the following described streets: 1. Mary Street, from the west R.O.W. line of 19th Street to the intersection of South`Port Avenue; 2. Morris Street, from the west R.O.W. line of 19th Street to the east R.O.W. line of Bluntzer Street; 3. Ruth Street, from the west R.O.W. line of 19th Street to the intersection of South Port Avenue; 4. Buford Street, from the west R.O.W. line of 17th Street to the intersection of South Port Avenue; 5. Bluntzer Street, from the north R.O.W. line of Buford Street to the south R.O.W. line of Nary Street; 6. Howard Street, from the west R.O.W. of Chico Street; and 7. 20th Street, from the north R.O.W. line of Nary Street. line of 19th Street to the intersection line of Morris Street to the south R.O.W. These streets are to be constructed by excavating to a width and depth to per- mit construction of 6" curb and gutter section, a compacted 6" subgrade, and 8" stabilized caliche base. The surface shall consist of 12" type "D" hot mix asphalt on streets 28" wide from back of curb to back of curb and 2" type "D" hot mix asphalt on streets wider than 28'. Sidewalks shall vary in width from 4' to 5' and driveway approaches shall consist of 6" reinforced concrete. The project includes all storm sewers and appurtenances necessary to properly drain the streets to he constructed. The assessment rates have been determined in accordance with the City policy and by using the low bid submitted by Heldenfels Brothers Contractors, and apply- ing the rate to the front footage of the abutting property. The assessment rates as calculated are: 28' wide street, curb, gutter and pavement $6.27 P.L.F. 34' wide street, curb, gutter and pavement 8.25 P.L.F. 36' wide street, curb, gutter and pavement 8.85 P.L.F. 40' wide street, curb, gutter and pavement 10.04 P.L.E. 41' wide street, curb, gutter and pavement 10.33 P.L.F. Sidewalk 0.72 P.S.F. Driveway 1.38 P.S.F. Header curb 4.26 P.L.F M ximuyi rEte assessed to property conmmitted to one or two family residential use or church or school as established by City Ordinance for curb, getter and pavement is $4.-5 P.L.F. or less according to the bid price. Credit has been given for sidewalk in place and meeting City requirements. Total Contract Price Total Preliminary Assessments Total City Portion �b21,878.20 $� 179, 10 Ste- .Tames K. Lontoby/ P.E. Director Engineering & Physical. Development • Page 1 • ITEM NO. G'r w, Am PROPE.4TY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESQiIPFION OF ASSE&020T RAW AMOUNT 'TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED Street, fr 19th Street io Port Ave. Begin ng at 19th St et Nort Side y.izs' -704-2s- 1 Petra P. Cantu, Lots 1 & 50.0 IF C.G. & Pamt. 829. 43:E-58 2, Blk 2, Eckerd Addn., 24.0 SF Sidewalk .72 17.28 316 Naples -0- SF Driveway 1.38 -0- 223 y. 7i 2975- -0 2 Mrs. Garza M. Adame 50.0 LF C. G. $c Pvmt 6.-s 313.50 Lots 3 & 4, Blk 2, 160.0 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 Eckerd Addn., 2206 Mary 153.45 SF Driveway l-lC1 1.38 211.76 G.2? 1170.25- 3 John & I. Gonzales 75.0 LF C.G.& Pvmt. 4-15• 356.25 Lots 5,6 & 7, Blk 2, 260.0 SF Sidewalk. .72 187.20 779.s-I Eckerd Addn., Box 1153 88.45 SF Drivewayl -10 1.38 722.06 665.5r City 4 Iazciano Garza, Lots 8 & 50.0 IF S.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 9, Blk 2, Eckerd Addn., 187.0 SF Sidewalk .72 134.64 2212 Mary 93.45 SF Driveway 1-1(' 1.38 128.96 501.10 5 Ysabel Barrera, Locs 10, 75.0 IF C.G.& Pvmt. 6.27 470.25 11 & 12, Blk 2, Eckerd 290.0 SF Sidewalk .72 208.80 Addis., 2222 Mary 93.45 SF Driveway 1 -. ' 1.38 128.96 808.01 20th Street Intersection 25.0 LF 6 International Church of C.G. & pmt. 4.75 118.75 four square Gospel, 100.0 SF Sidewalk .72 72.00 Lot 1, Blk 9, Nekerd -o- SF Driveway 1.38 -o- 190.75 n 2302 Mary 1'PfRI_ L WEBS Rddn. 6.27 5-/90..25' 7 L. P. Fritz, Lots 2, 3 75.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt. 4-F7 356,95 930.H & 4, Blk 9, Eeki ..j 220.0 SF Sidewalk .72 158.40 1516 Staples 218.45 SF Driveway 1-2c' 1.38 301.46 &Y rkt PAudat wE88 Addn page 2 ITEM N0. CUT-PR AND PA01'E_RT'1 DESCRIPTION QUADTITY ASSESSED DEJMP1'I0'A OF A'T RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AN'OUNT ASSESSED 8 Abraham Botello, at ux 25.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 118.75 Lot 5, Blk 9, *e 60.o SF Sidewalk •72 43.20 PATRttf2310 M Addn, 128.45 SF Driveway 1 -10' 1.38 177.26 339.21 9 Clarence Hodge 75.0 IF C.G. & Rant. 4.75 356.25 Lots 6, 7 & 8, B1k 9,. -0- SF Sidewalk .72 -0- Freker . 2316 Mary 133.45 SF Driveway 1 -10' 1.38 184.16 540.41 PA -f9im WE4d Addn 10 Eddie Nickerson 25.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 118.75 Lot 9, Blk 9, gek --Pd 6o.o SF Sidewalk .72 43.20 Addn., 2318 Mary 134.23 SF 2 -20' Driveway 1.38 185.24 347.19 PAM06 ujM ADbri v 11 Jose Ramos, Lot 10, 25.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt. 6v-2-7 k56.75 Blk 9, 4Qkex' "dn., 60.0 SF Sidewalk .72 43.20 3el %ol 2722 Johanna 134.23 SF 12-20' Driveway 1.38 185.24 :365 -.+9 Mum WE96 Addn. 12 Primitiva H. Sa.ndate 5060 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 6.27 313.50 Lots 11 & 12, Elk 9, 140.0 SF Sidewalk .72 100.80 Ne1w* 4ddn., 2324 Mary 205.95 SF Driveway 15' 1.38 284.21 698.51 PATIZ101, WEB8 Addn, 21st Street Intersection -Z q/ 13 Eluterio E. Rodriguez 104.3 IF C.G. & Pvmt. Se 4.75 Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, ik 12 417.20 SF Sidewalk .72 3S&.38/fb/ Eckerd Addn., 515 21st Si. -0- SF � Driveway 1.38 -0- 795.8 377.90 14 Alvin S. Garcia 31.7 LF .G & Pvmt. 4.75 150.58 Lot 60, Blk. 7, Steals -0- idewalk .72 -0- Ad n., 2402 Mary 64.02 SF riveway 1 -10' 1.38 98.35 238.93 15 Chas. M. Dodd III 100.0 LF .G. &Pvmt. 4.75 475.00 Lots 59, 58, 57 & 56 -0- SF 3idewalk .72 -0- Blk 7, Steele Addn. � 192.06 SF riveway 3-10' 1.38 265.o4 740..04 5642 Fresco 6- �7- 16 Simon Soto, et ux 50.0 LF & Pr.". I,nt•-, 55 R 54, Bic 7, �;.. ST, �icewa.lk 72 -0- " 4.G< Sr Triveway 10' 1.38 88.35 Pre-AG �d13 Pretscct � �8& 325, 9S, 0 Page 3 • ITM N0. me lm VqD FA- 322X'1' DE9=KTION /�}y QUANMV ASSESM . i msda cm OF A57MMMM jMT MTV AMUNT ASSESSED 17 Juan & I. Gonzales 125.0 LF C.G. & Fimt. 6.27 763.75 Lots, 53, 52, 5l, 50 & -0- SF Sidewalk .72 -0- 49, Blk 7, Steele Addn. 128.04 SF Driveway 2 -10' 1.38 176.70 960.45 Box 1153, City 18 Vela Paula Lozano 50.6 LF C.G. & Pant. 4.75 237.50 Lots 48, 47, Blk 7 -0- SF Sidewalk .72 -0- Steele Addn. 75.02 SF Driveway 12' 1.38 103.53 341.03 1334 S. Alameda 19 Antonio Baentello 50.0 LF C.G. .& Pvmt 4.75 237.50 Lots 46, 45, Blk. 7, -0- SF Sidewalk .72 -0- Steele Addn., 2602 Mary 64.02SF Driveway 10' 1.38 88.35 325.85 20 Antonio Esquivel 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt- 4.75 237.50 Lot 44, 43, Blk 7 -0- SF Sidewalk .72 -0- Steele Addn. 64.02 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 88.35 325.85 2606 Mary 21 Nasario Becerra 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 Lots 42 -41, Blk 7 -0- SF Sidewalk .72 -0- Steele Addn. 64.02 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 88.35 325.85. 2601 Mary Ga7 3 /1 --5'o 22 Jane L. Notzon 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt -i7= 9 Lots 4o -39, Blk 7 -0- SF Sidewalk Steela Adds. 64.02 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 86 -35 335-- 313 Meldo Park VO /. SS' 23 George Greenwood 100.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 475.00 Lots 38, 37, 36 & 35 -0- SF Sidewelk .72 -0- Blk 7, Steele Addn. 64.02 SF - iriveway 10' 1.38 88.35 563.35 2616 Mary f 24 Susana G. Gonzales 50.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 Lots 34 -33, Blk 7 160.0 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 Steele Addn. 64.02 SF riveway 10' 1.33 88.35 441.05 2624 Mary 9 i 0 Page 4 ITWA NO.. OW-MR AND PAOPERi°Y DESCUPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED I DESWIPI?ON OF ASSESSMENT PWRE AIIIUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 25 Gilbert Valdez 50.0 LF C. G. & Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 Lots 32 -31, Blk 7 200.0 SF Sidewalk .72 144.o0 Steele Addn. -0- SF Driveway 1.38 -0- 381.50 2626 Mary B untzer Stre t Interscetioa L ?7 L97.vo 26 L. P. Fritz 100.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt 41-� Lots 62, 61, -60 & 59 320.0 SF Sidewalk .72 230.40 Blk 8, Steele Addn. 119.028F Driveway 20' 1.38 164.25 869:65' 1516 S. Staples St. 27 A. W. Castro Jr. 25.0 LF C.G. &Pvmt. 4.75 118.75 Lot 58, Blk 8 100.0 SF Sidewalk .72 72.00 Steele Addn. -0- SF Driveway 1.38 -0- 190.75. 2710 Ma_*y 28 Joe D. Browning 25.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 118.75 Lot 572 Blk 8 100.0 SF Sidewalk .72 72.00 Steele Addn. -0- SF Driveway 1.38 -0- 190.75 2705 Clearview Dr., Austin, Texas ELF101A A AWAL00A 29 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 Lots 56-55, Blk 8 160.0 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 Steele Ad3a. 62.30 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 85.97 438.67 2714 mt ry 4.27 3i 3.5-0 30 Minis Elsie Nix 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 477-1;- 23756 Lots 54 -53, Ba 8 152.0 SF Sidewalk .72 log.44 Steele Addc.. 73.30 SF Driveway 12' 1.38 101.15 44 9 Box 82, City 3"?'/• 09 31 George R. Diaz 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 Lots 52 -51, Elk 8 200.0 3F Sidewalk .72 144.00 Steele Addn. -0- SF iveway 1.38 -0- 381.50 2718 Mary 32 =;.eon 50_� L' C.G. & Pmt. $i 4.75 237.50 Blk 8 16o.0 SF Pidewalk 72 115.20 c .eele Aadla. 64.02 SF riveway 10' 1.38 88.35 441.05 2728 'Mary' • Page 5 • ITEM OF'W A30 QIIANTYTY I DF.S�UPTION TOTAL NO. PROPEf2C`! DESCRIPTION ASSE,FSEO or RATE AMUNT AMOUNT ASSTT A59ESSED 33 Jessie Constante 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 237.50 Lots 48 -47, B1k 8 160.0 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 Steele Addn. 64.02 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 88.35 441.05 2730 Mary 34 Joe Ramirez 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 Lots 46 -45, Blk 8 160.0 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 Steele Addn. 64.02 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 38.35 441.05 2722 Mary 35 Clara Ramirez Pena 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 Lots ,44 -43, Blk 8 16o.o SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 Steele Addn. 64.02.SF Driveway 10' 1.38 88.35 441.05 2734 Mary 36 Antonio o. Cruz 50.0 LF C.G. & Fvmt. 4.75 237.50 Lots 42 -41, Block 8 -0- Sidewalk .72 -0- Steele Adds. -0- Driveway 1.38 -0- 237.50 2742 Mary 37 George Taylor 22.6 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 6.27 141.70 Lot 4o, B]k 8 90.40 SF Sidewalk .72 65.09 Steele Addn. -0- Driveway 1.38 -0- 206.79 Box 719, City S. Port Ixtersection Ind North Si a Mary Street Mary Stre t from 2,atl Street to S. lort Ave. =ginning at 1 ch Street' SOUTI SIDE 38 C.C. Ind. School Dist. 300.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt. ,.p 4.75 1425.00 Lamar ScYon1 Trait -x- -0- Sidevalk ff .72 -0- Blk 1, Patrick Webb 248.45 SF Driveway 20' 1.38 342.86 1767.86 515 N. Cararxahua ?�!tb Stree-. -� _r , qj' a'"%31? V _- 39 i D. Bowen 25.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 6r 27 - � 3-;�- 356 -iS- x'9.38 Lo' 4, Blk 10 -0- SF Sidewalk x.72 -0- P -trick Vkbb -n- RF r- vaaav l aR _n_ _ __ Page ITEM NO. OWNER AND PROPIMY DESCRMION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRMIOft OF ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 40 Mathias Tapia Jr. 50.0 LF %G. & Pwrt. 4.75 237.50 Lots 3 -2, Blk 10 -0- SF Sidewalk •72 -0- Patrick Webb 128.45SF Driveway 10, 1.38 177.26 414.76 41 Manuel San Miguel 25.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 118.75 Lot 1, Blk 10 -0- SF Sidewalk .72 -0- Patrick Webb 120.88 SF Driveway 10, 1.38 166.81 285.56 230714-7 L.27 313.s o 42 Elvira I. Hamlett 50.0 LF C.G. & :rmt. ir.-- P3r:y8 Lots 11 -12, Blk. 10 -0- SF Sidewalk .72 -0- Patrick Webb 120.88 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 166.81 484.31 3507 Olsen 43 Albertine Horne 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 6.27 313.50 Lots 13 -14, Blk 10 -0- SF Sidewalk .72 -0- Patrick Webb 113.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 156.56 470.06 1704 N. Randolph San Angelo , Texas 44 Benito Galvan 25.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 118.75 Lot 15, Blk 10 -0- SF Sidewalk .72 -0- Patrick Webb -0- SF Driveway 1.38 -0- 118.75 4110 Noakes 45 Flynn ?m. Co. 25.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 118.75 Lot 16, Blk 10 -0- SF Sidewalk .72 -0- Patrick Webb 103.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.j8 142.76 261.51 P. 0. Box 2468 Harlingen, Texas 46 Edwardo R. Marines 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 Lots 17 -18, Blk 10 -0- SF Sidewalk .72 -0- Patrick Webb 103.45 3F Driveway 10' 1.38 142.76 380.26 2331 Diary ' q / s r -.5 marl /i��L sec iio 47 Petra Pa,rera 104.3 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 6.27 653.96 Lots 7,8,9 w lo, B1's 11, -0- SF Sidewalk .72 -0- Patrick S-Tebb -0- SF Driveway ;.38 -0- 653.96 2407 bias;; 9 3 Page ITEM OWNER AMID QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TOTAL NO. PROPEF.TY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSED 2nd Street teraection 100.0 LF 48 D. E. Benavides C.G. & Pvmt. 6.27 627.00 Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, Blk 1 - o-36a•-0 OF Sidewalk .72 959--28-0-- Summit Addn. 64.02 OF Driveway 1.38 88.35 9.749 1026 19th St. 49 Elvira Gonzales 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 6.27 313.50 Lots 5 & 6, Blk. 1 -1b9-H OF Sidewalk .72 3A5-.-20 -0 Summit Addn. 64.02 OF Driveway 10' 1.38 89.35 5441 A5- 1531 N. Durant St. yv�.8s Santa Anna Ca. 50 Estaben M. Jaminez 50.0 LF C.G. & Pant. 4.75 237.50 Lots•7 -8, Block 1 - -2:69:e OF Sidewalk .72 112V -m- Sirmmit Addn. 64.02 OF Driveway 10' 1.38 88.35 2513 Mary 51 F. C. Hinojosa 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 Lots 9, 10, Blk 1 -16a;e SF Sidewalk .72 - Summit Addn. 64.02 OF Driveway 10' 1.38 88.35 2517 Maly 52 Moises Covarrubias 30.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 142.50 Lot 11, Blk. 1 -198.0 OF Sidewalk .72 8649 -0 - Summit Addn. -0- OF Driveway 1.38 -0- 228-90 2521 Mary 23rd Street Entersection 50.0 LF 53 Nasario Becerro C.G. & Pvmt. 6.27 313.50 Lot 1 & 2, Blk 2 -0- OF Sidewalk .72 -0- Sin mit Addn. 64.02 OF Driveway 10' 1.38 88.35 401.85 2601 Mary 54 Victor Liserio 25.0 LF C. G. & Pvmt. 4.75 118.75 Lot 3, Blk 2 -0- SF Sidewalk .72 -0- Summit Adan. 64.02 OF Driveway 10' 1.38 88.35 207.10 2605 Mary 0 Page g� ITEM OWRER AND QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TOTAL NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSED 55 Lupe Perez Jr. 50.0 LF C. G. & Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 Lot 4, 5, Block 2 -0- SF' Sidewalk .72 -0- S'+. -it Addn. 128.04 SF Driveway 2 -10, .1.38 176.70 414.20 3810 Reynosa 56 P. P. Mendoza 25.0 LF C. G. & Pvmt. 4.75 118.75 Lot 6, Blk 2 -0- SF Sidewalk .72 -0- Summit Addn. -0- SF Driveway 1.38 -0- 118.75 2611 Mary 57 Elias G. Martinez 89.0 25-0 IF C.G. & Pvmt. mfr Lot 7OBik 2 -0- SF Sidewalk .72 -0- Summit Addn. 64.02 SF Driveway 10, 1.38 88.35 A5.ie 2613 Mary 3�s z7S' 58 Mama, T. Garza F0.0 185•:0 IF C. G. & Pant. q. 7s- ,3go,aa 638 3S -6.27- .72 Lots 8, 9, 10 & 11, Blk -o- SF Sidewalk -0- Summit Addn. 64.02 SF Driveway 10, 1.38 88.35 74fr:7te-� 2621 Mary y66'.3 t B tzer Street Intersection 59 Juan Garcia iyo. a 339:00 LF f C.G. & Pvmt. y. 7s- 4729 .33.?. Sa 4997W Lot 34, Bik 11 -0- SF Sidewalk .72 -0- Summit Addn. 64.02 SF Driveway 10, 1.38 88.35 778.0 2705 Mary YZ0,$5' 60 Abe Block 110.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 6.27 689.70 Lot 34, Taarez A3dc. -0- SF Sidewalk .72 -0- 816 Leopart 128.04 SF Driveway 2 -10, 1.38 176.70 866.40 5th Street htersection 61 Concepcion Alvarado 110.0 LF 6,'A C.G. & Pvmt. ys 6-.27 - ?6 1.2s- 687.70 Lot 37, .ms,-ez Addn. -0- SF Sidewalk .72 -0- 503 25th St-eeet a ••, SF Driveway 1.38 -0- 689.70 2Li_aS� 62 Gilbert Garcia 157.82LF C.G. & Pvmt. 2.38 375.61 Lot 21, Blk 1 -0- SF Sidewalk .72 -0- Villa Green 64.02 SF Drlvaway 10' 1.38 88.35 463.96 841 Pnsr Page N0. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION TOTAL OF RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSED 63 J. H. Meyers Meu1 Ave. *123i.32LF tersection C.G. & Pvmt. 6.27 7` 22 Lot 21, Bik 1 -0- SF Sidewalk .72 -0- Villa Green 107.82 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 148.79 g22 $r 602 S. Part "rpsyp. Return on Meuly li S. Port Intersection End S. Side Mary gtraet End Diary treet Morris Street, from lth Street to iiczcr Str et Beginni 9 at 1 th Stre NMUF SIDE 64 C.C. IND. School Dist 300.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 1425.00 Lamdr School Tract -0- SF Sidewalk .72 -0- Patrick L7ebb Addn. -0- SF Driveway 1.38. -0- 1425..00 515 N. Carancahua 20th Street tersection 75.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt 65 Alicia Galvan 6.27 470.25 Lots 30, 29 & 28,Blk 10 26o.0 SF Sidewalk .72 187.20 Patrick Webb 5o6 Monettt�ee 123.45SF Driveway 10, 1.38 170.36 827.81 66 Tecdora 4. 27.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 118.75 Lot 27, Blk 10 6o.o SF Sidewalk .72 43.20 Patrick Webb 2308 Morris 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 332.31. 67 Olga. Ortiz 50.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 237.54 Lots 26 -25, Blk 10 16o.o SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 Patrick Webb 4601 Townsend 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 523.06 i 68 Francisrro O:t:z Lot 24, R.?k to 25.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 118.75 100.0 SF Sidewalk .72 72.00 Patrick Webb 2314 Morris -0- SF Driveway 1.38 -0- 190.75• 69 Pv�r9a. t, Ya.nez 25.0 1Y y C. G. & rin<c . 4-75 118.75 10 C" o.0 6-k, I Sidewalk .72 43.20 trick WebL 23"(, Morris 11.5.10 SF `Driveway 1 10, 1.38 158.84 320.79 - • Page ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TOTAL N0. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSED 70 Gilberto Escargada 25.0 LF C. G. & Pvmt 4.75 118.75 Lot 22, Blk 10 60.0 SF Sidewalk .72 43.20 Patrick Webb 115.10 SF Driveway 1.38 158.84 320.79 2318 Morris 71 Vicente P. Cavazos 25.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 118.75 Lot 21, Blk 10 60.0 SF Sidewalk .72 43.20 Patrick Webb 123.45 SF Driveway. 10 1.38 170.36 332 -.31 1216 Espinosa 72 Porfirio Sanchez F IN50.0 LF 0. G. & Pvmt. M, Lots 29, 19, Blk 10 S T38.0 IF 0. G. & Pvmt.s ZW-.6 Y1.1 Patrick Webb 200.0 SF 3idewalk .72 144.00 2324 Morris 173.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 239.36 935.21 1st Street 2 atersection S. 104.3LF 73 Luis L. Isidro G. & Pvmt. 2.38 248.23 Lots 1 & 2, Blk 11 F. 49.0 IF G. & Pvmt. 4.75 232.75 Patrick Webb 368.0 SF 3idewalk .72 264.96 2418 Morris 144.45 SF riveway l2' 1.38 199.34 945.28-" Tnd Street tersection F. 50.0 IF 74 Tomas Mondragon .G. & Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 Lots 22 -21, Blk 1 S. 11.0 IF .G. & Pvmt. 2.38 26.18 Summit Addn. 200.0 SF 3idewalk .72 144.00 1004 21st Street -0- Sr riveway 1.38 - -0- 407.68 75 Lupe Flores 25.0 LF .G. & Pvmt. 4.75 118.75 Lot 20, Elk 1 60.0 SF Sidewalk .72 43.20 Summit Addn. 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 332.31 2508 Morris 76 Adela E. Villarreal 50.0 10 G. & Pvmt. Al. Z 8o Lots 19-18, Blk 1. 160.0 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 �C.73.0 % Summit Afton. 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 599: -86 2510 Morris 77 Roberto Mendez 25.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 118.75 Lot 17, Blk 1 76.0 Sr Sidewalk .72 54.72 72.23 21F Pr;veway ' -12' 1.38 99.68 273.15 • Page -0 ITEM NO. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 78 Aurora Hernandez 25.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 318.75 Lot 16, Blk 1 76.0 SF Sidewalk .72 54.72 Summit Addn. 72.23 SF Driveway 2 -12 1.38 99.68 273.15 2514 Morris 79 Gregario Al,rarado 50.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt. &_ ' Lotsl5, 14, Blk 1 120.0 SF Sidewalk .72 86.4o Summit Addn 230.22 SF Driveway 2 -10 1.38 317.70 711.6e 1317 Van Loan 6y, 60 80 Frank Burgess 25.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 118.75 Lot 13, Blk 1 100.0 SF Sidewalk .72 72,00 Summit Addn. -0- SF Driveway 1.38 -0- 190;75 2520 Morris 81 Valentina D. Villarreal F.30.0 LP C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 142,50 Lot L2, Blk 1 5.19.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt. 2.38 45.22 Summit Addr.. 120.0 SF Sidewalk .72 86.40 2522 Morris -0- SF Driveway 1.38 -o- 274.12 23rd Street Datersection. F.50.0 LF 82 Narciso R. Carrisalez C.G. & Pvmt. 3 }3;5ag ip Lots 22, 21, Blk 2 Summit Addn. S.19.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt W }}gzagW 200.0 SF Sidewalk .72 11E4.co 625 3rd Street -0- SF Driveway 1.38 -0- W6.69- �/ ?L.43 83 Frutoso Maze 25.6 LF C.G. & Pamt. 4.75 118.75 Lot 20, Elk 2 60.0 SF Sidewalk .72 43.20 summit Addn. 123.45 SF Driveway 10, 1.38 170.36 332.31 2606 Morris 84 Gilbert & Janie Ortiz 25.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 118,75 Lot 19, Dlk 2 6o.0 SF Sidewalk .72 43.20 Summit Addn. 123.45 SF Driveway 10, 1.38 170.36 332.31 2610 Morris 85 Janie Caancva 25.0 LF C,G. & Pvmt. 4.75 118.75 Lot 18, Blk 2 58.0 SF Sidewalk .72 41.76 Summit Addn. 119.48 SF l`rive sy z -2 -,.38 164.88 325.39 2610 Morris 86 ,;;sus Seneda 25.0 LF CG. & Pvmt. y. -�j- 3:56.4 Lot 17, B1k 2 58.0 SF I Sidewalk .72 41.76 325137 39 Summit Addn. 119.48 SF Driveway i - ?l i aP 141. PR 4&9-- fr- • Page 0 ITEM NO. OWIM AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION TOTAL OF RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSED 87 Guadalupe Guttierrez 25.0 LF C.G. & P,rt 4.75 118.75 Lot 16, Elk 2 100.0 SF Sidewalk .72 72.00 Summit Addn. -0- SF Driveway 1.38 -0- 190.75 - 2614 Morris 88 Ronje L. Zavale, 50.0 L's' C.G. & Pvmt 6.27 313.50 Lots 15, 14, Blk 2 160.0 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 Summit Adda. 2618 Morris 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 599.06 89 ,6'jn,v Cw: +y cti T w 374.83 55.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt. 6.27 3-89 Lots 13, 12, Blk 2 220.0 SF Sidewalk 72 k5 9 7b a Summit Addn. �a -0- SF Driveway 1,38 °0- ,503.9.5 B uutzer Steee Intersection Ind North Sid Morris Street et from 19t L Street to Bluitzer Morris Str St beginning at 19th Street SOUTH SIDE 90 Steve C. Fisher Lots 2,3,4,5,6 & 100.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 1p IGC*.00 7, Bik - Sidewalk 5, Summit Addn. 135.90 SF Driveway 1 -15 1.38 187.54 1693 -54- 2203 Morris 1 -12 91 Ramon Ovalle 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. Lots 8,9, Blk 6 200.0 SF Sidewalk .72 i44.00 Summit Addn. -0- SF Driveway 1,38 -0- 457.58 4213 Dinn 3FI41V 92 Juan Rios 50.0 LF C.C. & Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 Lots 10,11, Blk 6 160.0 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 Summit Addn. 52.20 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 72.04 424.74 2217 Morris 93 Sadie Orshanski 50.0 LF I C. G. & Punt 4.75 237.50 Lots 12 -135 Blk 6 160.0 SF Side;.'_ 72 115.20 Summit Addn. 52.20 SF III Dfi7eway 10 1.38 72.04 424.74 I n Page 0 ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TOTAL NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSED 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 Jose M. Rios Lots 14, 15, Elk 6 Summit Addn. 2301 Morris Flynn Inv. Co. Lots 16, 17, Elk 6 Summit Addn. P. 0. Box 2468 Harlingen, Tex. Isabel Reyna Lots 18, 19, Elk. 6 Summit Addn. 2307 Morris V Jose M. Solis Jr. Lots 20 -21, Elk 6 Summit Addn. 1102 19th St. Jhsto M. Perez Lots 1 & 2, Elk 5 Summit Addn. 2402 Coleman Videla Beravides Lots 3 -4, Elk 5 Summit Addn. 2319 Morris Policarpic Gonzalez Lots 5 -6, Elk 5 Sa=it Addn. 2411 Morris Pete Lopez Lots 7 -8, Elk 5 81-it Addn. 24- _; f'lU [.115 i 50.0 IF 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 237.50 Driveway 10' F.50.0 LF 16o.o sF Sidewalk .72 115.20 Sidewalk -0- SF 52.20 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 72.04 424.74 S. 17.0 IF 50.0 IF 200.0 SF yt� 7.r ?3 7 S-0 Driveway 50.0 LF 160.0 SF C.G. & Pvmt Sidewalk .72 394 59 115.20 Driveway 10' 50.0 IF 552.20 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 72.04 598: -7fr 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt 160.0 sF Sije-da.lk 123.45 S? 7 112 q. ;?,V 50.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt 160.0 SF Sidewalk 52.20 SF Driveway 10' F.50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt 5.17.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt X 200.0 SF Sidewalk -0- SF Driveway 1st Street Lntersection F. 50.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt S. 17.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt. 200.0 SF Sidewalk -0- SF Driveway 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt. 160.0 SF sidewalk 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 50.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt. 160.0 SF Sidewalk 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt 160.0 sF Sije-da.lk 123.45 S? 7 Drivewav -f7• .27 .72 38 ::Ps- 72 38 75 38 72 38 75 72 38 r2 38 .5 Z 313.50 115.20 72.04 -77%4-0 02.." 140:?r1p- 144.00 -0- 696s%5- y%2 -2s- 500.74 237.50 40.46 144.00 -0- 237.50 115.20 170.36 239.s�o 115.20 170.36 237.50 115.20 170.36 k 421.96 523.06 599.86 - S17 O[ 523.06 Peg ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY DESCRIPTION NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED of RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT 102 Domingo B. Ceballos 50.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 237.50 Lots 9-1C, B11- 5 160.0 SF Sidewalk _ 72 115.20 Summit Morris 2418 Morris 123.45 SF Driveway 10* 1.38 170.36 103 bti.guel Armadillo F. 30.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 142.50 Lot 11, Blk 5 S. 11.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt 2.38 26.18 Summit Addn. 2822 Cleo 120.0 SF Sidewalk 72 56,10 -0- SF Driveway _0_ 22 Street tersection loo Ernesto Mesa F. 50.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 237.50 Lots 1 & 2, Blk 4 S. 11.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt 2.38 26.18 Summit Addn 200.0 SF Sidewalk .72 144.00 '(li! 22nd St. _0_ SF Driveway 1.38 -0- 105 Jesaa Elisalde Lots 3 -4, Blk 4 50.0 IF 160.0 SF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 237.50 Summit 123.45 SF Side,,mak Driveway 72 1.38 115.20 170.36 2507 2507 Morris orris 1o6 Feline Castillo 50.0 IF C. G. & Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 Lots 5 -6, Blk 4 160.0 SF Sidewalk 72 115.20 Summit Addn 123.45 SF Driveway 1.38 170.36 crr 2509 ?4i, I 107 Rodolfo Gutierrez 25.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 118.75 Lot 7, Bllc 4 60.0 SF Sidewalk .72 43.20 Summit Addn 115.10 SF Driveway 10, 1.38 158.84 2513 Morris 108 Trinidad P. Castenon 50.0 IF C.G. s Pvmt 4.75 237.50 Lots 8 -9, Blk 4 16o.o SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 Summit Addn 2515 Morris 115 -10 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 158.84 109 r. C. Con* eras Lots 10 -11, Bik 4 F.50.0 IF S.10.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt C.G. & Pant 6.27 313.50 SUMT.it Addn 160.0 SF Sidewalk 6.27 62.70 115.20 2602 Col-ran 123.45 SF aciveway if), .72 1.38 170.36 0 Page 15 ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TOTAL NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSED 23rd Street ntersectioc F -25.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt 110 Reymmdo Trevino 4.75 118.75 1, Blk 3 S -10.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt 2.38 23.80 ILot Sismnit Addn 100.0 OF Sidewalk .72 72.00 2601 Morris -0- OF Driveway 1.38 -0- 214.55 111 Vicente Vasquez 25.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 118.75 Lot 2, Blk 3 60.0 OF Sidewalk .72 43.20 Summit Addn. 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 332.31 2603 Morris 5Y/- 7� 227-6-0 112 Fred Aldrighetti 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt L - 34:4,59 Lots 3 -4, Blk 3 152.0 OF Sidewalk .72 109.44 Summit Addn, 144.45 SF Driveway 12' 1.38 199.34420-46- 2601 Morris SyG•2 113 David Aldrigetti 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 237.50 Lots 5 -6, BL's 3 160.0 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 Summit Addn. 123.45 OF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 523.06 2605 -9 Morris 114 Hortencia S. Flores 50.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 237.50 Lots 7 -8, Blk 3 160.0 OF Sidewalk .72 115.20 Stm it Addn. 123.45 OF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 523.06 2613 Morris 115 Fernando Villarreal 80.0 Lf C.G. & Pvnt 6.27 501.60 Lois 9 -10 & 11, Blk 3 360.0 OF Sidewalk .72 2.73.60 Summit Addn. 123.45 OF Driveway 10 1.38 170.36 945.56 443x Greengrove untzer Stre t Intersection End South Sid cl End Morz Morris Street is Street 4-'q Street Fr 19th Street 0 °c•r +. Avenue Beginning at 14t. NORTH SIDE �sy ss' 116 3. . C F G. & P�, 10.33 r9-9B y` , :: 3 ': _ X20.0 SL' S i dewa] 66-E 0 y tie AdPsi. -0- SF Driveway tl.72 .38 -0- 1 9??• �s 821 19th St. • Page 10 ITEM NO. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OP ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 117 Vicente Gomez 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 237.50 Lots Blk 7 160.0 SF Sidewalk 72 115.20 Summit Addn 108.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 149.66 502.36 2204 Ruth 118 Rafael Davila 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 237.50 Lots 39-38, Blk 7 160.0 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 Summit Addn. 108.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 149.66 502.36 2208 Ruth i 119 Sadie Orshanski 25.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 118.75 Lot 37, Blk7 60.o sF sidewalk .72 43.20 Summit Addn. 108.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 149.66 311.61 c/o Jack VdIler Box, 7247 120 Luzarco J. Landcras 25.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 118.75 Lot 36, Blip 7 60.o Sf Sidewalk .72 43.20 Summit Addn. 108.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 148.66 311.61 2216 Ruth 121 Eliz. C. Armadillo 25.0 LF C.G.& Pvmt 4.75 118.75 Lot 35, Blk 7 60.o SF Sidewalk .72 43.20 Summit Addn. 108.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 149.66 311.61 2216 Ruth 122 Estamislado Hernandez 25.0 Lf C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 118.75 Lot 34, Blk 7 60.0 SF Sidewalk .72 43.20 Summit Addn, 108.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 149.66 311.61 2218 Rutk. }gam, 123 Silvestre Armadillo 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt gi6.59 .72 Lots 33, 32, Blk 7 140.0 SF Sidwalk 100.80 Summit Addr.. 145.10 SF Driveway 15' 1.38 200.24 81:?.34 2222 Reth S38.f'f/ 124 Maria De Jesus Gonzalau 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 237.50 Lots 31 -�O, 3111c 7 160.0 sr Sid --walk .72 115.20 Summit Addn. 108.45 SF Driveway 10 1.38 149.66 502.36 2304 Rut?, 0 Page ITEM NO. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSI.10T RATE AMOUNT i TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSID 125 Ricerd.o Nava 50.0 IF C.G. & :vmt }g 3} Lots 29 -28, Blk7 160.0 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 Summit Addn. 108.45SF DrivewaylO' 1.38 149.66 7 23o6 Ruth So ?.3G 126 Mariano A. Velasquez Jr. 50.0 If C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 237.50 Lots 27 -26, Blk 7 160.0 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 Summit Addn. 108.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 149.66 502.36 2316 Ruth 127 Cecilie Lisa Est. 25.0 IF I C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 1 118.75 Lot 25, Blk 7 100.0 SF Sidewalk .72 72.00 Summit Addn. -0- SF Driveway 1.38 -0- 190.75 23.13 Comanche 128 Albert Betalmia 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt 10.33 516.50 Lot 24 -23, BLk 7 -100.0 SF Sidewalk .72 72.00 Summit Addn. -0- SF Driveway 1.38 -0- 588.50 617 Bluntzer * Cr Ex Sidewalk 129 City of C.C. Lot 22, Blk 7 Summit Adda 21st Street fatersection 130 Anita S. Ortiz F.25,0 LF i C.G. & Pvmt 8d- Ej8.25 Lot 22, Blk 8 S.13.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt,, fl-38 or33 1311.. 22-993 Summit Addn. 100.0 SF Sidewalk .72 72.00 2322 Ruth -0- SF Driveway -0- 4&F -54 131 Elisco Ortiz 25.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 118.75 Lot 21, Blk 8 6o.o SF Sidewalk .72 43.20 Summit Addn. 108.45 OF l/� Driveway 101 1.38 149.66 311.61 1629 l5th St H. 7i ?77, to 132 Anita S. Ortiz 50.0 IF ` C.G. & Pmt Lots 20 -19, Blk 8 160.0 SF I Sidewalk .72 115.20 Summit Addn 108.45 SF) DriveVTy 10' 1.38 149.66 2322 Ruth fo�3L • Page 10 N0. OWNER AND PROP MY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSPW-IT RATE AMOUNT TOTAL, AMOUNT ASSESSED 133 Hilario Trevino 25.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 1 118.75 Lot 18, Blk 8 60.0 SF Sidewalk .72 43.20 Summit Addn. 108.45 Sr Driveway 10' 1.38 149.66 311.61 2410 Ruth 134 A. G. Flores 25.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 118.75 Lot 17, Blk 8 60.0 SF Sidewalk .72 43.20 Summit Addn. 108.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 149.66 311.61 2412 Ruth 135 S. R. Limon 25.0 Lf C.G. & Pvmt H33 � 25 259 Lot 16, B1k8 60.0 SF Sidewalk 4 Summit Addn 108.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 149.66 2029 Horne Rd. V _70.41 136 Rita Soto 25.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 118.75 Lot 15, Blk 8 100.0 SF Sidewalk .72 72.00 Summit Adds -0- SF Driveway 1.38 1 190.75 2416 Ruth 137 Agnes Aboud 50.0 IF C.G. & Pant 4.75 237.50 Lot 14 -13, Elk 8 160.0 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 Summit Addn. 108.45 SF Driveway 10, - 1.38 149.66 502.36 3613 Bartlett 138 Juan Lara F.30.0 IF C. G. & Pvmt 4.75 142.50 Lot 12, Elk 8 5110.0 LF C. G. & Pvmt 2.38 23.80 Summit Addn 120.0 SF Sidewalk .72 86.40 252.70 C/o J.C. Martin 615 Leopard 2nd Street tersection X. 50.0 L•T 139 Juan S. s� G. &Pant y. ms Y6 � 33 iif. 's 5� 22-21, Blk Lots 22 -21, B1k 9 F X 10.0 LF C.G. & Pant y, SlOrO 145-30IV2 A-0 - Sucnit Addn • 2F,0.0 SF Sidewalk X .72 !44.80 7-200 813 22nd Street -0- SF Driveway 1.38 -0- 763,.$4, I i • Page ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY DESCRIPTION CAI, NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT f ASSESSMENT ASSESSED 140 Rebecca Villarreal 50.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 237.50 Lots 20 -.9, Blk 9 160.0 SF Sidewalk 72 115.20 Summit Addn 1430 S. Barton 108.45 OF Driveway 10' 1.38 149.66 502.36 141 Guadalupe Mayorga. 50.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt Y 93 3�6s -5� SH.90 193- Lots 18 -17, Blk 9 160.0 OF Sidewalk 115-20 Summit Addn. 108.4.5 OF Driveway 10' .72 138 1 3G 2510 Ruth y�c216 142 SO SE• T. LOPEZ. Lots 16 -15, Blk 9 50.0 IF 160.0 OF C.G. & Pvmt Sidewalk 4,75 .Y2 237.50 Summit Addn. 108.45 SF Driveway 138 235,20 14966 502.36 2518 Ruth . , , 143 Armando C. Garza F. 80.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt Lots 14 -23 & 12, B1k. 9 S. 11.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt 10.33 I ®�72 826.40 Summit Adda. 152.0 OF Sidewalk 'J, 72 iog.43sd. lOg.y4 911 11th Street 126.45 OF Driveway 12* 1.38 174.50 1,223.97 23rd Street tersection F.50.0 LF 144 Angelina Ruiz r C. G. & Pvmt 4.75 237-50 Lots 22 -21, Blk 10 5.11.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt 2.38 26.18 Summit Aden. 200.0 OF Sidewalk 72 144.00 2602 Ruth -0- OF Driveway 1.38 -0_ 407.68 145 Fortunato Mendiola 25.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 118.75 Lot 20, Blk 10 60.0 .SF Sidewalk 72 43.20 Summit Addn. 108.45 OF Driveway 10' 1.38 149.66 311.61 2604 Ruth 146 Concepcion Solis 25.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 118.75 ! Lot 19, Blk 10 100.0 OF Sidewalk 72 72.00 Summit Addn. 006, Rut':i -0- OF Driveway 1.38 -0- 190.75 147. Re Vgio Gonzales 25.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 118.75 Lot l8, B:a 10 60.0 OF Sidewalk 72 43.20 Summit Addn 108.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 149.66 311.61 .4638 Cd.cs-S�l ITEM OWNER AND NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 148 149 150 151 152 153 1.54 155 Eugene E. Hoover Lot 17, Elk 10 Summit Addn. 2602 Roosevelt Ct. Oxon Bill Md, 20022 Domingo Valdez Lots 16 -15, Elk 10 Summit Addn. 2616 Ruth Ruben Pena Lot 14, Elk 10 Summit Addn. 4250 Greengrove Tomosa Campbell Lots 13 -12, Elk 10 Summit Addn 2816 John St. RAMC 39ee V. Barrera Los 1,2,3 & 4, :37k 1 Summit Addn. 2407 Mary Alberto .lien Lot 2-A, Elk 11 Sumni.t Addn. 2706 Ruth Juana C. Lopez Lot 1 -A, Blk LL Suit Addn. 2708 Ruth_ Anita G. Soliz Lots 1 & 2 Elk 1 ul7 Del mar Page QUANTITY DESCRIPTION 160.0 SF Sidewalk TOTAL ASSESSED OF I RATE AM= AMOUNT -0- SF ASSESSMENT 55.0 IF C.G. & Pant ASSESSED 25.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt 4.75 118.75 Driveway 100.0 SF Sidewalk .72 72.00 213.75 -0- SF Driveway 1.38 -0- 190.75 50.0 IF C.G. & Pvmt 160.0 SF Sidewalk 108.45 SF f Driveway 10' 25.0 IF C.G. & Pant 100.0 SF Sidewalk -0- SF Driveway 55.0 IF C.G. & Pant 180.0 SF Sidewalk 108.45 SF Driveway 10' 55.0 IF Si C.G. &Pvm 220.0 SF Sdewalk -0- SF Driveway . 40.0 LF C.G. & Pvmt L20.0 SF Sidewalk L08.45 SF Driveway 10' •45.0 LY C.G. & Pvmt 1) -0.0 SF Sidewalk ,,08.45 SF Driveway 10' 110.0 C.G. & Rant 11.0 LF 3,G. & P:mt.i A0.0 S° 3ideaalk •0- SF ! Driveway 4.75 .72 1.38 4.75 .72 1.38 4.75 .72 1.38 y. rs 722 1.38 y. 7s- .72 1.38 4.75 .72 1.38 P•38 4.75 .72 1.38 237.50 115.20 149.66 u8.75 72.00 -0- 261.25 129.60 149.66 502.36 190-75/ 540.51 �Ll.zf SOX y° -0- 238,�9- /90,00 bi3 -rs8 86.40 149.66 649.216 C12L. o G 213.75 loo.8o 149.66 464.21 261.8o 52.25 316.80 -0- 630.85 luj Page 2 ITEM NO. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 25th Street 2ntersectLomn 5.110.0 LF C. G. & Pvmt 156 Leonardo Villarreal 2.38 261.80 Lots 69 -70, Blk 2 F.11.0 IF C.G. & Fvmt 4.75 52.25 Juarez Addn. 44o.0 SF Sidewalk .72 316.80 817 25th St. a -0- SF Driveway 1.38 -0- 630.85 • Pa$e ---2.10 ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TOTAL NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATF'. AMjNT AMOUNT ASSESSMEZIT ASSESSED a 151 Mary C. Perez 47.80 LF C., G., & Prim y 3 18-35 49t .? 493-%i W. 1/3 Lots 1, 2 & 3 150.40 7SF Sidewalk .72 108.29 Block 1, Villa Green 108.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 149.66 WF9-. ' 818 Muely () 7 YByor 158 Eliza Banda 47.60 LF C, G, Pvmt. 491%41 1/3 Lots 1, 2 & 3 Blk 1 150.40 SF Sidewalk .72 108.29 Villa Green 108.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 149.66 2742 Ruth 749.66= 159 Armando D. Flores *57.62 IF C, G, & Pvmt. N•7 10.33 273.70 39i78i d1XV.09- 1/3 Lots 1, 2 &'3 190.48 SF Sidewalk ,S y. 72 3W.T5 8.S* 9 Block 1 Villa Green -0- SF Driveway 1.38 - 0 - 1414 Comanche *Return on Ikuly Street Meulv Avenut Intersection *93.32 IF C, G, & Pvmt 160 eery A. Stephens 10.33 96449 v.8 Lots 1 & 2 Block 2 *77.00 LF C..& G ' 10.33 795.41 Villa Green 645.38 SF Sidewalk %C .72 464:69 12•X1/ 882 S. Port 155.95 SF Driveway 25f 1.38 215.21 *Return on euly Street 94 _ *Port Avenu South Po t Intersection End North S de of Ruth Street Rsth Str. from 19th Str. to Port Ave. Beginning at 19th Str. Sou h Side 863.25 LF C G & Pvmt 10.33 161 Wiggins Place 8,917.37 Rousing Authority *16.00 LF C-G /a. 91 165.28 *Return on 22nd Street * *- 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - * *Credit Es. Improvements 0 - SF Driveway 1.38 - 0 - 9,082.65 22 reet I te rsect an /10;33 ifl 162 S Agnes Aboud 140.00 JdS C G & Pvmt Lot 14 Block 4 * - 0 - Sidewalk .72 - 0 - (, Tierra Alta 58:45 SF Driveway 10' I 1.38 80.66 x'037 3613 Barlett I *Cr. Es. Sidewalk a i u ITEM i OWNER AND NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 163 Elvira Rios 77.5' Lot 15 Blk 4 Tierra Alta 2509 Ruth 164 Elvira, Rios 62.5' Lot 15 Blk 4 ierra Alta 5,09 Ruth Page 23 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TOTAL ASSESSED OF RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSED *Credit Esi4ting Sidewalk 165 S lefugio N. Gonzales, Br. 1140.00 LF C G & Pvmt 2.38 of 14 Blk 5 11.00 LF 77.50 LF C G & Pvmt +9:33' 8@8:'$ *- 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - 162.45 SF Driveway 16' 1.38 224.18 *Credit Esi ting Sidewalk *Credit Eximing Sidewalk '62.50 LF C G & Pvmt 10.33 645.63 31.00 LF C G & Pvmt 10.33 113.63 *- 0 - SF Sidewal.]F .72 - 0 - - 0 - ';SF Driveway 1.38 - 0 - *Credit Esi4ting Sidewalk 165 S lefugio N. Gonzales, Br. 1140.00 LF C G & Pvmt 2.38 of 14 Blk 5 11.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 terra Alta *- 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 638 Cheryl it 153.45 SF Driveway 15' 1.38 *Credit Eximing Sidewalk 219 /0.33 166 S lassie C. Boulware F. 140.00 LF C G & Pvmt i( 2-." Lots 15 -16-17 Block 5 s• 11.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 Tierra Alta 272.00 SF Sidewalk .72 02 Bluntzer 198.45 SF Driveway 20' 1.38 *Credit Esi ting Sidewalk Bluntzer S r. Intersectio 238 167 S Christian Trium_a Co. 5.140.00 SF C G & Pvmt 2.38 Lot 15 Elk 6 7 11.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 Tierra Alta *- 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 3706 Lincoln - 0 - SF Driveway 1.38 *Credit Esi ting Sidewalk Y. 7s• 168 S J. C. Martin 1-- LF C G & Pvmt 2.9 of 7 Blk 1 S ;175.00 10.00 LF C G & Pvmt � 4.75 ntrose Park ¢ - 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 615 Leopard - 0 - SF Driveway 1.38 *Credit Esi tine Sidewalk a 333.20 52.25 -0- 211.76 /yy2.20 339.20 52x25 195.84 273.86 333.20 52.25 - 0 - -0- ?31.ZS, 4E6.50 4-7-.50 -0 - 0 - 1 -i47" 759.26 597.21 'ass. IS 1 9,12.03 385.45 23.73' ��5. o0 • Page ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TOTpJ, NO. PROPWY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSED 25th Street Intersectio C G & Pvmt 169 Elena & Micheal Chakur j-- 175.00 LF 19.9 1,$1" Lot 8 Elk 2 S 10.00 LF C G & Pvmt 10.33 103.30 Montrose Park * - 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - 526 Southern 108.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 149.66 *Credit Eris ing Sidewalk -7060.,?/ 170 J. F. & L. B. Eadson * - 0 - LF C G & Pvmt 10.33 - 0 - Lot 7 Block 2 * - 0 - EF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - ntrose Park * - 0 - LF Driveway 1.38 - 0 - Box 4116 -City - 0 _ * Credit Ea sting Improvem mts South Port Intersection South Side End of Ruth Street - End Ruth Street Buford Stre t from 17th S rest to South Po t Avenue be at 17th Str et Nor fi Side 171 Martha R. Salinas 75.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 356.25 Lot 7 Elk 12 300.00 SF Sidewalk .72 216.0 Bayview 03 - 0 - SF Driveway 1.3 - 0 - 717 Bradshaw 572.25 172 Abel Ruiz 52.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 247.0 Lot 8 Elk 12 168.00 NSF Sidewalk .72 120.9 Bayview $3 173.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.31 299.3 2002 Buford 607.32 173 Antonio Dodier 52.05 LF C G & Pvmt 4.7 247.2 Lot 9 Blk 12 168.20 SF Sidewalk .7 121.1 Bayview 03 *33.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.31 46.1 2012 Buford 414.50 *Credit Ext ring Driveway 174 Miguel Pro 52.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.71 247.0 Lot 10 Elk 12 168.00 SF Sidewalk .7 220.9 Bayview G3 *33.45 SF Driveway 10' 1:38 46.1 :Z011o B(JFOrza 414.12 *Credit Exi.,:ing Driveway 175 .Tone M. Solis 75.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.7 356.2 Lot 11 Elk 12 260.00 SF Sidewalk .7 187.2 Bayview #3 1119 r n�u a� -_-, .,. 173.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.3 239.3 782.81 Page 25 ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TOTAL NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSES SMElBT ASSESSED 18th Street Intersection 118.93 IF 176 S Ruth Petre C G & Pvmt 2.38 283.05 Lot 14 Blk 3 475.72 SF Sidewalk SX .72 349-.Ar 71..zG Bayview # 4 - 0 - SF Driveway 1.38 0 0 - 1025 18th Street 177 S Alicia Benavides 118.94 IF C G & Pvmt 2.38 283.08 Lot 1 Blk 3 * - 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - ayview 0 4 118.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 163.46 1026 19th Street 446.54 *Credit Exi ting Sidewalk 19th Street Intersection * - 0 9 IF 178 C. C. Housing Authority C G & Pvmt - - 0 - lks 1 ti 2 & 3 * - 0 - SF Sidewalk - - 0 - Tierra Alta * - 0 - SF Driveway - - 0 - -0- *Credit Exii ting ImprovemelLtg 22nd Street Intersection Sir Z/ 7 33?. f 179 S Nueces County Hospital Dist 140.00 IF C G & Pvmt 977 9 ILot 1 Blk 4 560.00 SF Sidewalk Jc .72 493:£O 20).[ Tierra Alta - 0 - SF Driveway 1.38 - 0 - P. 0. Box 5280 _ tiy£ees eo. /�osp Dist co 180 S 6 5140.00 IF C G & Pvmt 2.38 333.20 Lot 28 Blk 4 F 10.00 LSF C G & Pvmt 4.75 47.50 Tierra Alta 520.00 SF Sidewalk .72 374.40 /#7.s Box 03" 123.45 SF Driveway 10 1.38 170.36 23rd Street 19- Intersection 125-.46-- 738.2 a 5140.00 IF 181 S S. M. Cowling C G & Pvmt 6.27 877.80 Lot 1 Blk 5 F 10.00 IF C G & Pvmt /.- Z.7 62.70 Tierra Alta 400.00 SF Sidewalk .72 288.00 Box 410 493.80 SF Driveway 4 -10 1.38 681.44 1,909.94 208 , y. 7s 44$'& 182 S Ruben Garza 140.00 IF C G & Pvmt. f-21• $%7-80 Lot 28 Blk 5 480.00 SF Sidewalk .72 345.60 Tierra Alta 391.76 SF Driveway 2 -10 1.38 540.63 2510 Terrace Street -1,764.03 / 7. ms Page 2� ITEM NO. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OF RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSMMIT ASSESSED Bluntzer St eet Intersects a 227 �iy,9 183 S C. W. Sloan 140.00 LF C G & Pvmt 877.8E Lot Elk 6 480.00 SF Sidewalk .72 345.60 Tierra Alta 271.90 SF Driveway 2 -10 1.38 375.22 1033 24th Street 184 F Mrs. A. M. Pease F175.00 LF C G & Pvmt 6.27 1,097.25 Lot 1 Elk 1 S 15.00 LF C G & Pvmt 6.27 94.05 Montrose Park 660.00 SF Sidewalk .72 475.20 221 Louisiana 123.45 :5F Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 1,836.8& 25th Street intersection 5175.00 LF 185 Henry Ayala C G & Pvmt 6.27 1,097.25 Lot 14 Elk 2 F 15.00 LF C G & Pvmt 6.27 994.05 Montrose Park 785.00 SF Sidewalk 5' .72 565.20 2737 Buford 135.45 SF Driveway 18' 1.38 186.92 1,943.42• 186 John M Brooke 114.00 LF C G & Pvmt 6.27 714.78 Lot 1 Elk 2 420.00 SF Sidewalk 5' .72 302.40 Montrose Park 231.90 SF Driveway 2 -15 1.38 320.02 Boa 2446 84.00 LF Header Curb 4.26 357.84 1,695.04 South Port Intersection End N. Sidc Buford B or Str. rom 17th Str. to South krt ue begippipf at 17th Street Ave Soutl Side 187 L. H. Lawrence 75.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 356.25 Lot 1 Elk 11 300.00 SF Sidewalk .72 216.00 Bayview 3 - 0 - SF Driveway 1.38 - 0 - 833 Cenizo 572.25• 188 A.S. Johnson 104.46 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 496.19 Lots 2 -3 Elk ll 337.84 SF Sidewalk .72 243.24 Bayview 3 *196.90 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 271.72 2011 Buford 1,011.15, hCredit Eai ting Driveway 189 R. B. Harvey 54.47 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 258.73 Lot 4 Elk 11 177.88 SF Sidewalk .72 128.07 Bayview 3 173.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 239.36 3445 Monterrey 626.16 190 Gerald SoutherlYmd F 75.00 LFj C G & Pvmt 4.75 356.25 Lot 5 Block 11 S 30.00 LF C G & Pvmt 2_38 71.40 Bayview 3 2021 Buford 300.00 SF - 0 - SF Sidewalk Driveway .72 1,38 216.00 - 0 - 643.6,5 Tx ¢/, 7 /Z -.._ Page ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TOTAL NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSt+Ii�1VNT ASSESSED 18th Street Intersection 119.33 LF 191 S Manusl Villarreal. Jr. C G & Pvmt 2.38 284.01 Lot 8 Blk 2 13.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 61.75 Bayview 4 437.32 SF Sidewalk .36 157.44 1101 18th Street 173.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 239.36 742.56 192 Jose M. Solis 119.32 IF C G & -Pvmt 2.38 283.98 Lot 7 Blk "2 437.28 SF Sidewalk .36 157.42 ayview 4 173.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 239.36 1102 19th 680.76 19th Street Intersection 193 J. A. Garcia Est. *31.00 LF C G & Pvmt 6.27 194.37 Lot 15 & the W. 50' 84.00 SF Sidewalk .72 60.48 Lot 14 Blk 7 113.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 156.56 Tierrra Alta 411.41 1101 19th Street *Credit Ea ting C G & Pam y6.. -3 lo 194 Jesus C. Garcia 50.00 LF C G & Pvmt -29 E. 50' Lot 14 160.00 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 1k 7 Tierra Alta 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 2219 Buford rgq, 195 Richard Medina 100.00 IF C G & Pvmt 4.75 475.00 Lot 13 Blk 7 360.00 SF Sidewalk .72 259.20 Tierria Alta 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 2301 Buford 904.56 /AIL 4es 0o. dos? his f �/7f 7712.0 196 162.80 LF C G & Pvmt 6.27- ',"m,7* Lots 12 -11 Blk 7 571.20 SF Sidewalk .72 411.26 Tierra Alta 246.90 SF Driveway 2 -10 1.38 340.72 443 197 Ernest H. Garcia 50.00 LF C G & Pvmt 6..2? W. 50' Lot 10 Blk 7 160.00 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 Tierra Alta 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 2401 Buford 7S' �p3�YJ0 198 F. & G. Linares 50.00 LF C G &.Pvmt E. 50' Lot 10 Blk 7 160.00 ,SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 Tierra Alta 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 Szi.0 2325 Buford 399.86- 199 E. M. Sanchez 100.00 IF C G & Pvmt 4.75 489.00 Lot 9 Blk 7 320.00 SF Sidewalk .72 230.40 T?. -rra Alta 222.83 SF ° Driveway 20' 1.38 307.51 1.411 1 Buford 1.012.91 tantii------------ ago OWNER AND OPERTY DESCRIPTION . Garcia Eat. 8 Blk 7 ra Alta 19th Street s Villarreal 7 Blk 7 a Alta rs. 0. W. Kuehn Mueller ago Villanueva -B B1k 7 Tierra Alta 106 W. Gulf Baytown, Ts 203 ctaviano Luna of 6 B lk 7 ierra Alta 501 Buford 204B r2481 rial Ned. Center 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 & Lot ck 7 Tierra Alta 205B James E. Albright 1 Blk 2 moor Addition Morgan 106H Henry Ayala Lot 10 Blk 1 1Portmoor Addition 2737 Buford 2078 L.F. Putz Lot 1 Blk 1 Portmoor Addition 613 Driftwood 50.00 LF 160.00 SF 123.45 SF 695.0 LF 2,624.0 SF 497.4 sF 175.00 LF *13.00 LF 520.00 SF 508.60 SF *Return on ° C "G & Pvmt 4.75 237.50 Sidewalk -9e� 115.20 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION 170.36 C G & Pvmt 6.27 ASSESSED OF Rpm AMOK TOTAL 20' SF Driveway 1 -13 ASSESSMENT 1.38 686.41 AMUNT 6.27 1,097.25 C G & Pvmt 6.27 81.51 ASSESSED 100.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 475.00 th Street I 360.00 SF Sidewalk .72 259.20 589.12 117.83 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 162.61 896.81 100.00 LF C G & Pvmt 6 7s 6�7 y,�o 352.00 SF Sidewalk 144.45 SF Driveway 12' 1.38 199.34 h079T'!8 9a y 9Q 50.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4x75 237.50 160.00 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 523.06 50.00 LF 160.00 SF 123.45 SF 695.0 LF 2,624.0 SF 497.4 sF 175.00 LF *13.00 LF 520.00 SF 508.60 SF *Return on ° C "G & Pvmt 4.75 237.50 Sidewalk .72 115.20 Driveway 10` 1.38 1 170.36 C G & Pvmt 6.27 4,357.65 Sidewalk .72 1,889.28 Driveway 19' 20' SF Driveway 1 -13 & 1 -20 1.38 686.41 C G 6 Pvmt 6.27 1,097.25 C G & Pvmt 6.27 81.51 Sidewalk .72 374.40 Driveway 1 -20f & 1 -25 Sidewalk 5' th Street I 1.38 702.971 135.18 LF C G & Pvmt 6.27 847.58 *13.00 LF C G & Pvmt 6.27 81.51 510.90 SF Sidewalk 5' .72 368.85 251.40 SF Driveway 1 -13 & 1 -20 *Return on 5th Sheet 1.38 346.93 154.00 LF C G & Pvmt 6.27 965.58 470.00 SF Sidewalk 5' .72 338.40 426.90 SF Driveway 2 -30 1.38 589.12 94.00 LF Header Curb 4.26 400.44 S. Port Intdrsectioae End douri S J. 523.06 6,933.34 2,256.13 1,643.87 2,293.54 Page ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TOTAL A0. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSMENT 1 1 ASSESSED 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 .uben Garcia of 28 Blk 5 'ierra Alta 510 Terrace rsula A. Sandoval of 27 Blk 5 ierra Alta 713' Buffalo rturo T. Lavarado of 2601k 5 ierra Alta X22 24th Street ayes P. Perez >t 25 Blk 5 Cerra Alta i21 Up River Road :01fo Manguie it 24 Blk 5 .erra Alta 112 24th Street sa Sasa t 23 Blk 5 errs Alta -ii 10 24th Street chard Garcia Pena t 22 Blk 5 errs Alta 06 Bluntzer . P. Riddick t 21 Blk 5 erra Alta 1 Parade East S •50.00 LF 200.00 SF - 0 - SF 50.00 LF 160.00 SF 123.45 SF 50.00 LF 160.00 SF 123.45 SF 50.00 LF 160.00 SF 115.23 SF 50.00 LF 160.00 SF 115.23 SF 50.00 LF 160.00 SF 116.31 SF 50.00 IF 160.00 SF 116.31 SF 50.00 LF 160.00 SF 123.45 SF e C G & Pvmt Sidewalk Dtiveway C G & Pvmt Sidewalk Driveway 10' C G & Pvmt Sidewalk Driveway 10' C G & Pvmt Sidewalk Driveway 10' C G & Pvmt Sidewalk Driveway C G & Pvmt Sidewalk Driveway 10' i C G & Pvmt Sidewalk Driveway 10' C G & Pvmt Sidewalk Driveway 109 .37y9s 6 ,s7.72 1.38 4.75 .72 1.38 4.75 .72 1.38 4.75 .72 1.38 4.75 .72 1.38 4.75 .72 1.38 4.75 .72 1.38 1. 333e38- 1$4T68• -0- 4fi-59 /y0.7J� 237.50 115.20 170.36 523.06 237.50 115.20 170.36 523.06 237.50 115.20 159.02 511.72 237.50 115.20 159.02 511.72 237.50 115.20 160.51 513.21 237.50 115.20 160.51 513.21 .237.1 3338- 115.20 170.36 599,96- 612Z06 i Page 30 ITEM ITRW AM QUANTITY DESIaP 1ON 'DOTAL M. PROPEUI DFS=PTION ASSESSED OF RATE AMUNT AMOUNT ASSES&4M ASSESSED 216 qacario Flores 50.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 237.5 Lot 20 Blk 5 160.00 SF Sidewalk 7 115.2 Tierra Alta 123:45 SF Driveway 10' 1..3 170.3 922 24th Streati 523.06 217 Luis L. Mendez 50.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.7 237.5 Lot 19 Blk 5 160.00 SF Sidewalk .7 115.2 918 24th Street 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.3 170.3 523.06 218 eatrice Gomez 50.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 237.5 of 18 Blk 5 160.00 SF Sidewalk .72 115.2 ierra Alta 123.45 SF Driveway 10 1.3E 170.36 912 Bluntzer 523.06 01&9 lossie C. Boulware 150.00 LF C G & Pvmt 6.21 969.5c V70.ai�- ots 57, 16 & 15 Blk 5 560.00 SF Sidewalk SF s .72 403.2 terra Alta 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.3f 170.3 902 Bluntzer Ir5&4TW Ruth Street Intersection 115.00 LF 220 S Tamasa Q. Campbell C G & Pvmt 2.3 213.7 Lots 12 -13 Blk 10 460.00 SF Sidewalk .3 165.6 Summit Addition - 0 - SF Driveway 1.3 - 0 - 2816 Jobn Street 439.30 221 S Sam Wilmot, Jr. 57.00 LF C G & Pvmt 2.36 135.6 Lots 10 -11 Blk 10 188.00 SF Sidewalk .36 67.6 Summit Addition 123.45 SF Driveway 101 1.3E 170.3 802 Bluntzer 373.70 222 S Victor I. Wilmot 57.00 LF C G & Pvmt 2.3 135.66 Lot 9 -A Blk 10 228.00 SF Sidewalk .36 82.08 Summit Addition - 0 - SF Driveway 1.3 - 0 - 621 Coleman 217.74 Coleman St-- et Intersectic3. 134.00 LF C G & Pvmt 2235 k1bert Arizmendi 2.3E 271.3 Lots 12 -13 Blk 3 456.00 SF Sidewalk .36 164.16 Summit Addition - 0 - SP Driveway 1.3 - 0 - 622 Coleman 3 435.48 224 S Fernando Villarreal 114.00 LF C G & P,= 9 6.27 714.78 Lots a -.LO & 11 Blk 3 416.90 SF 3idevalk .72' 299.52 :ramie Addition 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.3 170.3 i '4434 Gresagcove 78415 1,184.66 • • Page 31_ ITEM NOn AND QUANTITY DES&IP1'ION TOTAL NO. MOFEr= DEWRIPTION ASSESSED OF BATE AR.. AMOUNT, 225 S Elton Ewing r,ots 12 -13 Blk 2 ummit Addition 4114 Tarleton 226 S lanuel Garza ots 11 -A, 11 -B Blk 2 ummit Addition 621 Mary ti 227 W. Sloan t1 Blk 6 1779.ra� ierra Alta . 0. Box 2363 228 W. Sloan 3i��50 of 2 Blk 6 terra Alta Sidewalk . 0. Bas 2363 229 lotilde T. Pubio of 3 Driveway t4 Blk 6 - 0 - terra Alta l 025 Bluntzer 230 F. Salinas Lot 4 Blk 6 terra Alta C G & Pvmt 021 24th Street 231 Francisco M. Canas P: _, Bilk 4 Sidewalk E'zrra A1wa Ad- 3ition 115.20 U7 24th Street Morris Street Intersectio 150.00 LF C G & Pvmt 6. 360.00 SF Sidewalk 740.70 SF Driveway 6 -1 1 150.00 LF C G & Pvmt 2• 560.00 SF Sidewalk 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1• Mary Street Intersection d East Side Bluntzer Street Bluntzer S eet,`from Buford Sts to 4ary Street, Beginnironv at Biford We3t Side 940.50 259.20 1,022.17 357.00 201.60 170.36 2,221.87 - 728.96 50.00 LF X60.00 SF 1123.45 SF 50.00 LF 160.00 s 123.45 Sr CG &Pvmt Sidewalk Driveway 1 I CG &Pvmr Sidewalk Driveway 11 381.50 y. v 2p9,s -- 6�7 .72 115.29 1.38 170.361 5.24 4:751 237.50 72 115.20 1.38 170.36 523.06 N.7s 1779.ra� 50.00 LF C G & Pvmt 6-.-" 3i��50 200.00 .SF Sidewalk .72 144.00 - 0 - SF Driveway 1:38 - 0 - 45;r5A- 3 j, s° 50.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 237.50 160.00 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 523.06 50.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 237.50 200.00 SF Sidewalk .72 114.00 - 0 - SF Driveway 12' 1.38 - 0 -;. 50.00 LF X60.00 SF 1123.45 SF 50.00 LF 160.00 s 123.45 Sr CG &Pvmt Sidewalk Driveway 1 I CG &Pvmr Sidewalk Driveway 11 381.50 y. v 2p9,s -- 6�7 .72 115.29 1.38 170.361 5.24 4:751 237.50 72 115.20 1.38 170.36 523.06 • ITEM O'M'dOaR AND N0. PROPERTY TixSCRIPTION 232 14-lchar Martinez 4025, 6 Elk 6 C G 8 Pvmt Alta L60.00 SF [,erra. 3 24th Street 233 Nell Edwards Driveway 10' 7 Elk 6 50.00 LLF rra Alta 234 . C. Martin Sidewalk of 8 Elk 6 .15.10 SF ierra Alta 1,38 15 Leopard 235 onz? M. Gonzales .60.00 SF Lott9 & S 11 Lot 10 ,72 lk 6 Driveway 10' ierra Alta 170.36 01 N. Staples 236 ristian Triump Co. C G & Pvmt . h Lot 10 &S. h Lot U. lk 6 .72 ierra Alta Sidewalk 905 Bluntzer 237 Lyell Y. Janes N. h Lot 11 & All Lot 12 C G & Pvmt Elk 6 Tierra Alta 905 24th Street 238 Christian Triump Co. Sidewalk Lots 13, 14 & 15 Elk 6 23.45 SF ierra Alta 09 24th Street C G & Pvmt RAMOJ 2395 Nee V. Barrera 5 ,72 Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4 Elk 11 Driveway 10' ,-it Addition 50.00 LF 407 Mary 240 Juan Medina Sidewalk t 5 Elk 11 W.90 SF v-m-` -` A?di.rtan. 1.38 "03 34th Street QUANTITY f DESanpTION I ASSESSED or am 100.00 LF C G 6 Pvmt }i 4.75 360.00 SF Sidewalk y, .72 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1,38 25.00 LF C G & '_'vmt 4.75 44.00 SF Sidewalk .72 165.45 aE Driveway 14' 1.38 • Page 32 TOTAL 4025, 50.00 LF C G 8 Pvmt , L60.00 SF Sidewalk ,72 L23.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 50.00 LLF 0 G & Pvmt 4.75 .60.00 SF Sidewalk ,72 .15.10 SF Driveway 10' 1,38 50.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4,75 .60.00 SF Sidewalk ,72 .15.10 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 713.$1 '827.81 .27 75.00 LF C G & Pvmt .72 60.00 SF Sidewalk 1.38 23.45 SF Driveway 10' 50.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 72 60.00 SF Sidewalk 1.38 23.45 SF Driveway 10' 75.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 60.00 SF Sidewalk ,72 23.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 50.00 LF C G 8 Pvmt 4.75 20.00 SF Sidewalk ,72 W.90 SF Driveway 2-1-0 1.38 100.00 LF C G 6 Pvmt }i 4.75 360.00 SF Sidewalk y, .72 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1,38 25.00 LF C G & '_'vmt 4.75 44.00 SF Sidewalk .72 165.45 aE Driveway 14' 1.38 • Page 32 237.50 115.20 170.36 523.06 356.25 187.20 170.36 713.81 712.50 374.40 300.72 1,427.62 - ?37• .90 4F5:90 259.9 ILR.60 170.36 y37.'�� 9eft s 118.75 31.68 .228.32 378.53 TOTAL A=INT AMUNT ASS .237.--0 3191& 115.20 370.36 32a•o& -599.e6 237.50 115.20 158.84 511.54 237.50 115.20 158.84 511.54 3sG. zS 43075- 187.20 170.36 713.$1 '827.81 237.50 115.20 170.36 523.06 356.25 187.20 170.36 713.81 712.50 374.40 300.72 1,427.62 - ?37• .90 4F5:90 259.9 ILR.60 170.36 y37.'�� 9eft s 118.75 31.68 .228.32 378.53 Page 33 ITEM NO. OMW AND PROFMY DESOFiIMON QUANTITY ASSESSED I DES"ON OF ASSESSHM &BATE MOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 241 Rual C. Duque 25.00 LF C G S Pvmt t 6 Blk 11 -60.00 SF SidewAlk .72 43.20 ummit Addition 123.45 SF Driveway 10 1.38 170.36 332.31 741 Betel 333 242 lose V. Barrea 25.00 LF C G 6 pvmt 4.75 118.75 of 7 Blk ll 60.00 SF Sidewalk .72 43.20 mmit Addition 119.76 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 165.27 07 Mary 327.22 243 d Gonzales 1--03 25.00 LF C G 6 Pvmt 4.75 118.75 t 8 Blk 11 56.00 SF Sidewalk .72 40.32 -It Addition 133.95 SF Driveway 11' 1.38 184.85 Bluntzer 343.92 244 gac o Garcia 50.00 LF C G S Pvmt �7. 2R3 0 to 9 -10 Blk 11 160.00 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 ummit Addition 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 6.23.0{0 410 Sarita _ -� X99.0 7s //,?. 7a 245 fredo Longoria, Sr. 25.00 LF C G 6 Pvmt *-.1-7 136x7-5 of 11 Blk 11 60.00 SF Sidewalk .72 43.20 ummit Addition 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 513 Mimosa 3 246 rank Fuerta 125.00 LF C G 6 Pvmt 6.27 783.75 12, 13, 14, 15 6 16 .72 331.20 1 460.00 SF Sidewalk 1.38 170.36 t Addition 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1,285.31 luntzer 247 V. Green 75.00 LF C G 8 Pvmt 7A� 370.75 479ri'? 17, 18 & 19 Blk 11 [0)5 260.00 SF Sidewalk .72 187.20 t Addition 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 luutzer 248 l Goltzman 25.00 LF C G 6 Pvmt 4.75 118.75 0 Blk 11 100.00 S. Sidewalk .72 72.00 t Addition -0- SF Driveway 1.38 - 9 - . Chaparral 190.55 249 . B. Garcia Est. 50.00 LF C G 6 Pvmt 4.75 237.50 ots 21 -22 Blk 11 200.00 SF Sidewalk .72 144.90 unit Addition - 0 - SF Driveway 3.38 - 0 - /o Emma McGraw 381.50 41� ro?eman e • Page 34 ITEM NO. CVi= ,AND PROPS "a'Y Dk.=m?120N QUPIMTr AS.RRSM DES�PTI016 OF ASSESMOM RAm - °.??m TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSID 250 abert Betalma 100.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 475.00 is 23, 24, 25 & 26 elk 13 320.00 SF Sidewalk .72 230.40 umm9.t Addition 246.90 SF Driveway 2 -10 1.38 340.72 17 Bluntzer 1,046.12 251 D. Singleton 50.00 IF C G & Pvmt 4.75 237.50 is 27 -28 Elk 11 160.00 SF sidewalk .72 115.20 ummit Addition 118.74 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 163.86 15 Bluntzer 516.56 252 dward Acuna 50.00 LF C G & Pvmt 23_ is 29-30 Elk 11 160.00 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 u-it Addition 11 Bluntzer 118.74 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 163.86 .S��, S(e 253 D02A S. ° Salinas 50.00 IF C G & Pvmt 4C.7 6 27 - Z37.S- 1±97 -50 392:96° is 31 -32 Elk 11 160.00 Sr Sidewalk .72 115.20 ,.it Addition 05 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 S Z3.o(P Bluntzer S 254 eodoro Garcia. 25.00 IF C G & Pvmt 4.75 118.75 of 33 Elk 11 100.00 � "SF Sidewalk .72 72.00 u®it Addition - 0 - SF Driveway 1.38 - 0 - 03 Bluntzer 190.75 255 Juan Garcia 32.25 LF C G & Pvmt 4� %S /S3- R P t 34 Elk 11 F 5.00 LF C G & Pvmt 444,yr hi 23.715 Summit Addition 129.00 SF Sidewalk .72 9298 92.88 705 Mary - 0 - SF Driveway 1.38 - 0 - Zt,9 8 1 Mary Street Intersection, t Wes: 326.44 Si& Bluntzer - End Bluntzer Street. Howard Streit, from 19th ...-rest to Chico Stree , Beginning at 19th St . N/W Side Luis R. LoR00 256 40mw M. 4 50.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 237.50 t 51 Elk 1 *- 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - .oma Alta 2805 �AU� 449 Nemic 63.11. SF Driveway 10' F 1.38 87.09 324.59 257 indres Guerrero 40.00 'LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 of 51 Elk 1 1 *- 0 - SF 1 SideweM .72 - 0 - oma Alta 73.54 SF D- iveway 10' 1.38 101.49 723 Tr. - ; >.�• iro 291.49 xCredit Ea Sting Sidewalk Page 35 ITEM NO. 0"m ROPE!ffr ZSmIFm0N rwpi !�'i'4 ASSESSED 5 DES0110TION OF ASMMM40T R A 2i 11727mT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 258 0 dolfo C. Villarreal 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 of 49 Blk 1 * - 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - oma Alta - 0 - SF Driveway 1.38 - 0 - o Aida V. Cuellar 06 Wicks Street 190.00 an Antonio, Tx 259 . & H. Guerrero 40.00 ':SF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 of 48 Blk 1 *- 0 - SF Sidewalk ,72 - 0 - oma Alta 825 John 73.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 101.36 291.36 260 n Bernabe 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 of 47 Blk 1 *- 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - oma Alta 218 howard 73.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 109!.36 291.36 261 aria Munoz 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 of 46 Blk 1 *- 0 - SF Sidewalk ..82 - 0 - oma Alta 2222 Howard - 0 - SF Driveway 1.38 - 0 - *Credit Existing Sidewalk 190.00 262 B. S. Abario 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 Lot 45 B1kll *- 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - Loma Alta 65.10 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 89.84 P. 0. Box 242 Princeton, CA 279.84 263 Irs. Belia T. Aranda 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 At 44 Blk l *- 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - oma Alta 65.10 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 8984 030 Forne Road . 279.84 264 reaus T. Rodrigues 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 of 43 Blk 1 *- 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - oma Alta - 0 - SF Driveway 1.38 - 0 - 234 Howard � 190.00 265 idel C. Saidana 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 of 42 Blk l *- 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - oma Alta 73.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 101.36 LO Cheyenne a 291.36 266 Frar,2 c3 -. Cabrera 80.00 Ir _ C G & Fvmt 4.75 380.00 oec i:C -41 :9ik ;'. 0 - SP Sidewalk :72 - 0 - Lo--A Alta 73.45 SF Driveway 1.38 101.36 246 Howard f 481.36 Page 36 ITEMK NO. Ci'NUU AND PROPK` x LESCv. FTION QUANTITY ASSES= DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT RATE A-,MUAT TOTAL ANMUNT ASSESSED 267 Jose R. Narvaez 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 Lot 39 Blk 1 - 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - oma Alta 73.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 101.36 2302 Howard 291.36 268 Suzie Q. Fariae 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 Lot 38 Blk:1 - 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - oma Alta 73.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 101.36 2306 Howard 291.36 269 Jesus Saldana 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 Lot 37 Blk 1 - 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - Loma Alta 64.23 SF Driveway k 2 ' 1.38 88.64 2310 Howard 278.64 270 Jesu3 Puentes 40.00 LF 'C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 Lot 36 B1k 1 - 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - Loma Alta 64.23 SF Driveway % 2 '. 1.38 88.64 2314 Howard 278.64 271 Alfredo Mayorga, Jr. 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 Lot 35 Blk 1 - 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - Loma Alta 73.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 101.36 4223 Alguth 291.36 San Antonio, Ts 272 Alfredo Mayorga 40.00 LF C G & Fvat 4.75 190.00 Lot 34 Blk 1 - 0 - SF Sidewalk ,72 - 0 - Loma Alta 73.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 101.36 2322 Howard 291.36 273 Amelia V. Martinez 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 04.75 190.00 Lot 33 B11c 1 - 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - Loma Alta 73.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 101.36 2326 Howard 291.36 274 Jesus G. Gonzales 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 Lot 32 Blk 1 - 0 - SF Sidewalk ,72 - 0 - Loma Alta 0 - SF Driveway 1.38 - 0 - 2330 Howard 190.00 275 Candelario Villa 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 Lot 31 B1'd 1 - 0 - SF Sidewalk ,72 .100 - Loma Alta 73.45 SF Driveway 10' 1;38 101.36 2331 - Unvard 291.36 r i Page 37 ITEM NO. G AND PRO110 • ':� DGMCRIPMON QUANTITY AS FID F DBatiPTION or ASSEBSMW HATE 0,100T TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 276 kngelita Lopez Ramirez 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 Lot 30 Blk 1 - 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - oma Alta 73.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 101.36 338 Howard 291.36 277 freds G. Vargas 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 of 29 Blk 1 - 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - oma Alta 73.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 101.36 342 Howard 291.36 278 ruan. Santana 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 of 28 Blk 1 - 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - ama Alta 73.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 101.36 346 Howard 291.36 279 ablo Martinez 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 of 2+i Blk 1 - 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - oxa Alta 73.45 SF D=tveway 10' 1.38 101.36 2350 Howard 291.36 280 E. S. Hinojosa .125.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 118.75 /E 25' Lot 26 Blk 1 - 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - Alta Loma - 0 - SF Driveway 1.38 - 0-- 2354 Howard 118.75 281 AUgustin Sanchez *77.00 LF C G & Pvmt 6.27 482.79 of 26 except E. 25' - 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - Blk 1 Loma Alta - 0 - SF Driveway 1.38 - 0 - 2354 Howard 482.79 *includes 14adius on Chico btreet 282 Henrietta Crook 65.00 LF C G & Pvmt + K 6.27 Lot 1 Blk 2 260.OD SF Sidewalk .72 Loma Alta - 0 - SF Drive, my 1.38 1717 Ocean Drive zo3.78 4'@9:5'3 18;.2-0 - 0 - • page --no ITEM NO. OWES AND FROPa.TY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED m DESf IP1i0N OF ASS QT RATE ANnUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 283 rank W. Crook 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 of 2 Blk 2 116.00 SF Sidewalk .72 83.52 oma Alta 133.95 SF Driveway 11' 1.38 184.85 717 Ocean Drive 458.37 284 dyes Guerrero 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt Z7 -474.5 2sb. Ao 198:80 of 3 Blk 2 120.00 SF Sidewalk .72 86.40 ,oma Alta 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 5b7-S-(- 21 Josephine .446-M 285 Ladres Guerrero 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 t 4 Blk 2 160.00 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 ma Alta - 0 - SF Driveway 1.38 - 0 21 Josephine 305.20 286 ovita Reyes 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 of 5 Blk 2 120.00 SF Sidewalk .72 86.40 oma Aata 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 .170.36 117 15th Street 446.76 287 Facistino Acuna, Jr. 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 Lot 6 Blk 2 120.00 SF Sidewalks .72 86.40 Loma Alta 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 223 Howard 446.76 288 Basilio Nickolson 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 Lot 7 Blk 2 120.00 SF Sidewalk .72. 86.40 Alta 123.45 SF Driveway 1.38 170.36 [oma 227 Howard 446.76 289 dolfo Castaneda 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 of 8 Blk 2 160.00 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 oma. Alta - 0 - SF Driveway 1.38 - 0 - 231 Howard 305.20 290 larcos G. Guitierrez 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 of 9 Blk 2 120.00 SF Sidewalk .72 86.40 oma Alta 123.45. SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 446.76 235 Howard 291 E. L. Vasquez 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 Lot 10 Blk 2 160.00 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 Loma Alta - 0 - SF Driveway 1.38 - 0 - 914 Brennan 305.20_ 292 Patricic, A. Garza 40.00 BF C G & Pvmt 44.75 190.00 Lot !'I Blk 2 120.00 SF Sidewalk .72 86.40 oma Alta 323.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 243 Howard 446.76 0 Page 39 ITEM W. OY3SER AND PROPMb -Z DEvCFFaPPION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESMUPFION OF A7' RATE AN(DM TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 293 Refugio A. Trujillo 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 of 12 Blk 2 160.00 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 oma Alta - 0 - SF Driveway 1.38 - 0 - 247 Howard - 305.20 294 avian Quintanilla 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 of 13 Blk 2 120.00 SF Sidewalk .72 86.40 ma Alta 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 305 Howard 446.76 295 avid Lopez 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 of 14 Blk 2 120.00 SF Sidewalk .72 86.40 oma Alta 123.45 SF D=tveway 10' 1.38 170.36 934 Hudson 446.76 296 - Zamaraad 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 of 15 Blk 2 120.00 SF Sidewalk .72 86.40 Ajta 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 311 Howard 446.76 297 . & M. Puente 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 t 16 Blk 2 120.00 SF Sidewalk .72 86.40 oma Alta 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 315 Howard 446.76 298 ria G. S. Talamantes 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 of 17 Blk 2 120100 SF Sidewalk .72 86.40 ma Alta 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 327 Howard 446.76 299 3arbarita R. Sanchez 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 of 18 Blk 2 120.00 SF Sidewalk .72 86.40 oma Alta 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 323 Howard 446.76 300 uadalupe Sanchez 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 t 19 Blk 2 160.00 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 ema Alta - 0 - SF D=lveway 10' 1.38 - 0 - 327 Howard 305.20 301 Wdolfo Martinez 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 494.75 190.00 t 20 Blk 2 160.00 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 ma Alta - 0 - SF Driveway 1.38 - 0 - 941 Hudson 305.20 302 Eartiniano, Torres 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 of 21 91k 2 120.00 SF Sidewalk .72 86.40 .ama Alta 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 335 8oward 446.76 Page 2._ ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY i DES�IFTION TOTAL NO. PROPERTr DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE APMTA9'1' AMOUNT A'T ASSESSED 303 Alvino Meave 40.00 IF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 Lot 22 Blk 2 120.00 SF Sidewalk .72 86.40 Loma Alta 115.10 SF Dfctveway 10' 1.38 158.84 2339 Howard 435.24 304 Raul Castro 40.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 Lot 23 Blk 2 120.00 SF Sidewalk .72 86.40 Loma Alta 115.10 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 158.84 2343 Howard 435.24 305 Susana R. Cervantes 40.00 IF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 Lot 24 Blk 2 96.00 SF Sidewalk .72 69.12 Loma Alta 186.45 SF Driveway 16' 1.38 257.30 2347 Howard 516.42 r 306 Guadalupe Tores 40.00 IF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00 Lot 25 Blk 2 120.00 SF Sidewalk .72 86.40 Loma Alta. 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.3.6 1813 Hudson 446.76 307 AmelialBolands 40.00 IF C G & Pvmt 4.75 190.00. Lot 26 Blk 2 120.00 SF Sidewalk .72 86.40 Loma Alta 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 2355 Howard 446.76 308 Carlos Betancourt *93.29 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 443.13 Lot 27 Blk 2 363.16 SF Sidewalk .72 261.48 Lama Alta 123.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 170.36 2357 Howard *Includes Qico Street R.0 W. Clow 874.97 Chi o Street In ersection, end S/E Side Howard S End H ward Street 201 Street f om Morris Stre t to Hwy Street Beginning at Morris Street E t Side 309 C. C. Ind. School District,-'03.00 IF C G & Pvmt 4.75 1,425.00 Lamar School Site - 0 - SF Sidewalk .72 - 0 - - 0 - SF Driveway 1.38 - 0 - 1,425.00 Mary Street Iutersection End of R at Side �i • Page 41 ITEM OMER AND QUANTITY N DES&TPTION TOTAL NO. PROPEZiTy DESCRIPTIOld ASSESSED OF ASSESSTi9 M RATE AkOONT AMOUNT ASSESSE11 20th Street from Morris Street Max ry Street beitinning at M tc rris St . West Side 310 S Alicia Galvan 100.00 LF C G & Pvmt 2.38 238.00 Lot 28, 29 -30 Blk 10 360.00 SF Sidewalk ..36 129.60 Patrick -Webb 108.45 SF Driveway 10' 1.38 149.66 2324 Morris 517.26 311 Erasmo A. Beitran 50.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 237.50 Lot 7 -8 Blk 10 160.00 SF Sidewalk .72 115.20 Patrick -Webb 108.45 SF Driveway 10' 1138 149.66 613 20th Street 502.36 312 Dolores Soto 25.00 LF C G & Pvmt 4.75 118.75 Lot 6 Blk 10 100.00 SF Sidewalk .72 22.00 Patrick -Webb - 0 - SF Driveway 1.38 - 0 - 611 20th street 190.75 313 Ruben Soto 25.00 IF C G & Pvmt 4.75 118.75 i Lot 5 Blk 10 100.00 SF Sidewalk .72 78.00 Patrick -Webb - 0 - SF Driveway 1.38 - 0 - 1821 Yale 190.75 314 S T. D. Bowen 100.00 LF C G & Pvmt 11.7J i•8:33 237 Z o &794m0 Lot 4 Blk 10 400.00 SF Sidewalk A .72 248,89 Patrick -Webb = 0 - SF Driveway 1.38 - 0 - 381•Z P. 0. Boa 6155 0 Mary Street Intersection End East Side 2 th Street End 20th Street End of Proj ct Total Contract Price 621.878.20 Preliminary Asaassment 193,215.70 City's Portion 428,662.50 SECTION 4. Be it further ordained that in the event the actual frontage of any property herein assessed shall be found upon the completion of said improvements to be greater or less than the number of feet herein - above stated, the assessments herein set against any such property and against the real and true owner or owners thereof, shall be, and the same are hereby declared to be increased or decreased as the case may be, in the proportion which said excess or deficiency or frontage shall bear to the whole number of front feet of property actually improved in accordance with the front foot rule or rate of assessment herein adopted, it being the intention that such parcel of property and the real and true owner or owners thereof abutting on the portion of the streets above described, within the limits defined, shall pay for said improvements under the "FRONT FOOT RULE OR PLAN ", which rule or plan is hereby found and determined to be just and equitable and to produce a substantial equality, having in view the special benefits to be received and the burdens imposed thereby; and it is further ordained that upon final completion and acceptance of said improvements on the aforesaid streets, within the limits defined all certificates herein- after provided for, issued to evidence said assessments against said parcels of property abutting upon said street, and the real and true owner or owners' thereof, shall be issued in accordance with, and shall evidence the actual frontage of said property and the actual cost of said improvements, the amount named in said certificate in no case to exceed the amount herein assessed against such property unless such increase be caused by an excess of front footage over the amount hereinabove stated, such actual cost and such actual number of front feet, if different from the hereinabove shown in Section 3 hereof, to be determined by the Director of Engineering & Physical Development upon completion of said work on said street, and the findings of the Director of Engineering & Physical Development shall be final and binding upon ell parties concerned. SECTION 5. That the several sums mentioned above in Section 3 hereof assessed against said parcels of property abutting on the aforesaid streets, within the limits defined, and the real and true owners thereof, whether named or correctly named herein or not, subject to the provisions of Section 4 thereof, together with interest thereon at the rate of -7- five and one - quarter (5 1/4 %) per annum with reasonable attorney's fee and all costs and expenses of collection, if incurred, are hereby declared to be made a first and prior lien upon the respective parcels of property, against which same are assessed from and after the date said improvements were ordered by said City Council, to -wit: , and a personal liability and charge against the real and true owner or owners be named or correctly named herein, and that said lien shall be and constitute the first and prior enforceable claim against the property assessed and shall be a first and paramount lien superior to all other liens, claims or title, except for lawful ad valorem taxes; and that the same so assessed shall be paid and become payable in one of the following methods at the option of the property owner: 1. All in cash within 30 days after completion or acceptance by the City; or 2. Payments to be made in maximum of 60 equal installments, the first of which shall be paid within 30 days after the completion of said improvement, and the acceptance thereof by the City, and the balance to be paid in 59 equal consecutive monthly installments commencing on the lot day of the next succeeding month and continu- ing thereafter on the lot day of each succeeding month until the entire sum is paid in full, together with interest from the date of said completion and acceptance by the City, until paid, at the rate of five and one - fourth percent (5 1/4%) per annum; provided, how- ever, that the owners of said property availing themselves of Option It2" or "3" above shall have the privilege of paying one, or all, of such installments at any time before maturity thereof by paying the total amount of principal due, together with interest accrued, to the date of payment. -8- 3. The total number of monthly installments on owner occupied property may be extended beyond sixty (60) in number so that, at the owner's request, the total monthly payments will not exceed ten ($10.00) per month. SECTION 6. That for the purpose of evidencing said assessments, the liens securing same and the several sums assessed against the said parcels of property and the real and true owner or owners thereof and the time and terms of payment, and to aid in the enforcement thereof, assignable certifi- cates shall be issued by the City of Corpus Christi, Texas to itself upon the completion of said improvements in said streets and acceptance thereof by said City Council, which certificates shall be executed by the Mayor in the name of the City, attested by the City Secretary, with the corporate seal of said City, and which certificates shall declare the amounts of said assessments and the times and terms thereof, the rate of interest thereon, the date of the completion and acceptance of the improvements for which the i certificate is issued, and shall contain the names of the apparent true owner or owners as accurately as possible, and the description of the property assessed by lot and block number, or front foot thereof, or such other description as may otherwise identify the some, and if the said pro- perty sha11 be owned by an estate or firm, then to so state the fact shall be sufficient and no error or mistake in describing such property or in giving the name of any owner or owners, or otherwise, shell in anywise invalidate or impair the assessment levied hereby or the certificate issued in evidence thereof. That said certificate shall further provide substantially that if default shall be made in the payment of any installment of principal or interest when due, then at the option of the City, its successors, or assigns, or the holder thereof, the whole of said assessment evidenced thereby shall at once become due and payable, and shall be collectible with reasonable attorney's fees and all expenses and costs of collection, if incurred, and said certificate shall set forth and evidence the personal liability of the -9- • E REAL AND TRUE OWNER OR OWNERS OF SUCH PROPERTY, WHETHER NAMED OR CORRECTLY NAMED THEEREItl OR NOT, AND THE LIEN UPON SUCH PROPERTY, AND THAT SAID LIEN IS FIRST AND PARAMOUNT THEREON, SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHER LIENS, TITLES AND CHARGES, EXCEPT FOR LAWFUL AD VALOREM TAXES, FROM AND AFTER THE DATE SAID IMPROVEMENTS WERE ORDERED BY SAID CITY COUNCIL, TO -WIT: February 20, 1974 , AND SHALL PROVIDE IN EFFECT THAT IF DEFAULT SHALL BE MADE IN THE PAYMENT THEREOF, THE SAME MAY BE ENFORCED, AT THE OPTION OF THE CITY, OR THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, BY THE SALE OF THE PROPERTY THEREIN DESCRIBED IN THE MANNER PROVIDED FOR THE COLLECTION OF AD VALOREM TAXES AS ABOVE RECITED, . OR BY SUIT IN ANY COURT HAVING JURISDICTION. _ THAT SAID CERTIFICATES SHALL FURTHER RECITE IN EFFECT THAT ALL THE PROCEEDINGS WITH REFERENCE TO MAKING SAID IMPROVEMENTS HAVE BEEN REGULARLY HAD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW AND CHARTER IN FORCE IN SAID CITY AND THE PROCEEDINGS OF SAID CITY COUNCIL OF SAID CITY, AND THAT ALL PREREQUISITES TO THE FIXING OF THE ASSESSMENT LIEN AGAINST THE PROPERTY THEREIN DESCRIBED, OR ATTEMPTED TO BE DESCRIBED, AND THE PERSONAL LIABILITY OF THE REAL AND TRUE OWNER OR OWNERS THEREOF, EVIDENCED BY SUCH CERTIFICATES, HAVE BEEN REGULARLY DONE AND PERFORMED, WHICH RECITALS SHALL BE EVIDENCE OF ALL THE MATTERS AND FACTS SO RECITED AND NO FURTHER PROOF THEREOF SHALL BE REQUIRED IN ANY COURT. THAT SAID CERTIFICATES SHALL FURTHER PROVIDE IN EFFECT THAT THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, SHALL EXERCISE ALL OF ITS LAWFUL POWERS,. IN THE ENFORCEMENT AND COLLECTION THEREOF, AND SAID CERTIFICATES MAY CONTAIN OTHER AND FURTHER RECITALS, PERTINENT AND APPROPRIATE THERETO. IT SHALL NOT BE NECESSARY THAT SAID CERTIFICATES SHALL BE IN THE EXACT FORM AS ABOVE SET FORTH, BUT THE SUBSTANCE AND EFFECT THEREOF SHALL SUFFICE. SECTION 7. THAT ALL SUCH ASSESSMENTS LEVIED ARE A PERSONAL LIABILITY AND CHARGE AGAINST THE REAL AND TRUE OWNER OR OWNERS OF THE PRO- PERTY DESCRIBED, OR ATTEMPTED TO BE DESCRIBED, NOTWITHSTANDING SUCH OWNER OR OWNERS MAY NOT BE NAMED OR CORRECTLY NAMED, AND ANY IRREGULARITY IN THE NAME OF THE PROPERTY OWNER, OR THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY PROPERTY OR THE AMOUNT OF ANY ASSESSMENT, OR IN ANY OTHER MATTER OR THING SHALL NOT IN ANYWISE INVALIDATE OR IMPAIR ANY ASSESSMENT LEVIED HEREBY OR ANY CERTIFICATE ISSUED, AND SUCH MISTAKE, OR ERROR, INVALIDITY OR IRREGULARITY WHETHER IN SUCH mo ASSESSMENT OR IN THE CERTIFICATE ISSUED IN EVIDENCE THEREOF, MAY BE, BUT IS NOT R^OUIRED TO BE, TO OE ENFORCEABLE, AT ANY TIME CORRECTED BY THE SAID CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI. FURTHER THAT THE OMISSION OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS IN FRONT OF ANY PART OR PARCEL OF PROPERTY ABUTTING UPON THE AFOREMENTIONED STREETS, WHICH IS EXEMPT FROM THE LIEN OF SAID ASSESS - MENT, SHALL IN NO WISE AFFECT OR IMPAIR THE VALIDITY OF ASSESSMENTS AGAINST THE OTHER PARCELS OF PROPERTY ABUTTING UPON SAID STREETS AND THAT THE TOTAL AMOUNTS ASSESSED AGAINST THE RESPECTIVE PARCELS OF PROPERTY ABUTTING UPON SAID STREETS WITHIN THE LIMITS HEREIN DEFINED AND THE REAL AND TRUE OWNER OR OWNERS THEREOF, ARE THE SAME AS, OR LESS THAN, THE ESTIMATE OF SAID ASSESSMENT PREPARED BY THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AND APPROVED AND ADOPTED. BY SAID CITY COUNCIL AND ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROCEEDINGS OF SAID CITY COUNCIL RELATIVE TO SAID IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS THEREOF, AND WITH THE TERMS, POWERS AND PROVISIONS OF SAID CHAPTER io6 OF THE ACTS OF THE FIRST - CALLED SESSION OF THE 40TH LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, KNOWN AS ARTICLE 1105B OF VERNON'S ANNOTATED CIVIL STATUTES OF TEXAS AND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, UNDER WHICH TERMS, POWERS AND PROVISIONS SAID PROCEEDINGS, SAID IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS WERE HAD AND MADE BY SAID CITY COUNCIL. SECTION 8. THE FACT THAT THE ABOVE- DESCRIBED STREETS HAVE BECOME IMPORTANT THOROUGHFARES AND THE FACT THAT THE PRESENT CONDITION OF SAID STREETS, WITHIN THE LIMITS DEFINED, ARE DANGEROUS TO THE HEALTH AND PUBLIC WELFARE OF THE INHABITANTS THEREOF CREATES A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND AN IMPERATIVE PUBLIC NECESSITY, REQUIRING THE SUSPENSION OF THE CHARTER RULE THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE OF ITS INTRODUCTION, AND THAT SAID ORDINANCE SHALL BE READ AT THREE SEVERAL MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL, AND THE MAYOR HAVING DECLARED THAT SUCH EMERGENCY AND NECESSITY EXISTS, AND HAVING REQUESTED THAT SAID CHARTER RULE BE SUSPENDED, AND THAT THIS ORDINANCE BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE OF ITS INTRODUCTION 5w • Corpus Christi, Texas i . �day of 19_/ TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspen- sion of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordi- nance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, (2� "'� MAYO THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter rule was suspended by the following vote: Jason Luby James T. Acuff Rev. Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Alf Ricardo Gonzalez Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark The above ordinance was passed by the following vote: Jason Luby James T. Acuff Rev. Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Ricardo Gonzalez Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark G{�4