HomeMy WebLinkAbout11984 ORD - 11/03/1974JRR:jkh:cd:4- 2- 74:1st AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 11425, PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON THE 4TH DAY OF APRIL, 1973, BY AMENDING SECTION 3 OF SAID ORDINANCE SO AS TO CORRECT AND ADJUST THE ASSESSMENTS LEVIED AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS ON THE FOLLOWING STREETS: 1. HORNE ROAD, FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF LOT 1 -A, BLOCK 1, LAGUNA ACRES, TO THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF McARTHUR STREET: and 2. COLUMBIA STREET, FROM THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LOLITA STREET, AS HEREINAFTER PROVIDED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 11425, passed and approved by the City Council on April, 1973, closing the hearing on street improvements for Horne Road Street Improvements Unit 1, in the City of Corpus Christi, be amended by correcting and adjusting the assessments levied against abutting property on the following streets: 1. Horne Road, from the west property line of Lot 1 -A, Block 1, Laguna Acres, to the west right of way line of McArthur Street; and 2. Columbia Street, from the south right of way line of Lolita Street, as more fully described in the corrected and adjusted assessment roll, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "An SECTION 2. The necessity to immediately amend the assessment roll as herein set forth creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared that such emergency and necessity exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this�day of April, 1974. ATTE Cit Secretary APPROVED: , :� A )Y OF RIL,1 4: City Attor MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS U986. CORRECTED (, FINAL ASSESS'4ENT ROLL , • March 25, 1974 • HORNE ROAD STREET I12ROUMENTS UNIT I This project is described as Horne Road Street Improvements Unit I and the basic limits of this project are as follows: 1. Horne Road, from the west property line of Lot 1 -A, Block 1, Laguna Acres to the west R.O.W. line of McArthur Street, and 2. Columbia Street, from the south R.O.W. line of Horne Road to the north R.O.W. line of Lolita Street. The project is to be constructed by excavating to a width and depth to permit the laying of a 6" curb and gutter section and the installation of pavement varying in cross- section from 8" caliche base, 6" lime stabilized base, 4" of hot -mix surface to 10" caliche base, 6" of subgrade compacted and 2" of Type D hot -mix surface. The basic width of Horne Road is 61' measured from the back of curbs and a portion of Columbia Street will be 41' measured from the back of curbs. Also to be constructed on the project are reinforced concrete sidewalks varying Jr width from 4' to 5' and 4" thick and driveways where needed and requested by property owners. Storm Sewers are also included to properly drain the streets. The assessment rates have been determined in accordance with the City's policy and by using the low bid submitted by Burtex Constructors and by applying these unit prices to the front footage of the abutting property. The assessment rates are as follows- 1. Curb and gutter and pavement (Horne Road) 14.31 /L.F. 2. Curb and gutter and pavement (Columbia Street) 7.15 /L.F. 3. Pavement only (Horne Road) 11.69 /L.F. 4. Pavement only (Columbia Street) 4.53/L.F. 5. Maximum assessed for Residential Area 4.75/L.F. 6. Sidewalks 0.57 /S.F. 7. Driveways 1.07 /S.F. 8. Transition Section - curb and gutter and pavement 8.04 /L.F. Contract Price $270,328.85 Estimated Assessments $ 55,735.88 Total Cost of City's Portion $214.592.97 James K. Lon s, P.E. 61 Director of Engineering Services 3/29/73 GFX/l• W i ASSESSMENTS FOR HORNE ROAD F-"M COLUMBIA DRIVE TO :.LART'HUR Sri ET • Page 1 ITEM NO. ONVER AMID PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT RATE I AMOUNT TOTAL, AMOUNT ASSESSED South Si le Horne RoEft at Columbia Drive 1. City of Corpus Christi -0- LF C, G, Pvmt. 0.00 -0- -0- SF Sidewalk 0.00 -0- -0- SF Driveway 0.00 -0- -0- 2. E. W. Poth 458.00 LF C,G, Pvmt. 14.31 6553.98 4622 Lyleum Street L832.00 SF Sidewalk 0.57 1044.24 San Antonio, Tex. 78229 -0- SF Driveway 1.07 -0- 7598.22 Lot 6 Lyles Subdivision 3. Lulac Village Trust F904.00 LF C,G, Pvmt. 4.75 .4294.00 % C. Garcia, et al 86.00 LF Pvmt. only 11.69 1005.34 2030 Gollihar -0- SF Sidewalk 0.57 -0- Lulac Village Park -0- SF Driveway 1.07 -0- 5299.34 4. Harry Weisman, at al 330.00 LF C,G, Pvmt. 14.31 4722.30 4451 GnIlibaa 1320.00 SF Sidewalk 0.57 752.40 Lot 2 & 1 -0- SF Driveway 1.07 -0- 5474.70 Combined Lyles Subdivision 5. Harry Weisman, et al 290.00 IF C,G, Pvmt. 14.31 4149.90 4451 Gollihar 60.00 SF Sidewalk 0.57 661.20 Lot 1 -0- SF Driveway 1.07 -0- 4811.10 Lyles subdivision Greenwoc i Drive 6 R. Lacy, Inc. 146.70 LF C,G, Pvmt. 14.31 2099.28 ' Box 2146 466.8o sF sidewalk 0.57 266.08 Longview, Texas 75601 288.45 SF Driveway 1.07 3o8.64 2674.00 Lot 1, Block A Chula Vista, Unit 2 Page 2 ITEM NO. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 7. Edgar Linkenhoger 20.00 IF C,G, Pvmt. 14.31 286.20 Transport Co. of Texas 20.00 SF Sidewalk 0.57 71.40 Portion of Block A 153.45 SF Drivewayl -15' 1.07 164.19 451.79 Chula Vista, Unit 2 8. Jose Salinas +103.99 LF C,G, Pvmt. 2.38 247.50 (S) 1642 Chula Vista * -0- SF Sidewalk 0.29 -0- Lot 8, Block 7 84.4;5 SF Driveway 1.07 90.36 337.86 Chula Vista, Unit 2 Chula Vi to Drive 9. Flynn Investment Co. + 74.98 LF C,G, Pvmt. 4.75 356.16 Box 2468 * -0- SF Sidewalk 0.57 -0- Harlingen, Texas 78550 -0- SF Driveway 1.07 -0- 356.16 Lot 30, Block 2 Chula Vista #2 10. W. P. & Thomas Riddick 50.00 IF C,G, Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 3433 Manitou -0- SF Sidewalk 0.57 -0- Lot 29, Block 2 108.45 SF Driveway 1 -10 1.07 716.04 353.54 Chula Vista #2 71. W. P. & Thomas Riddick 50.00 LF C,G, Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 3433 Manitou -0- SF Sidewalk 0.57 -0- Lot 28, Block 2 108.45 SF Driveway 1 -10 1.07 116.04 353.54 Chula Vista #2 12. Nicolas P. Galindo 50.00 LF C,G, Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 1713 Horne Road -0- SF Sidewalk 0.57 -0- Lot 27, Block 2 108.45 SF Driveway 1 -10 1.07 716.04 353.54 Chula Vista. #1 Page 3 ITEM M. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED F DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED .13. Ruben E. Sanchez 50.00 IF C,G, Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 1717 Horne Road -0- SF Sidewalk 0.57 -0- Lot 26, Block 2 108.45 SF Driveway 1 -10 1.07 716.04 353.54 Chula Vista #1 14. W. P. & Thomas Riddick 50.00 LF C,G, Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 3433 Manitou -0- SF Sidewalk 0.57 -0- Lot 25, Block 2, 108.45 SF Driveway 1 -10' 1.07 716.04 353.54 Chula Vista #1 15. W. P. & Thomas Riddick 50.00 IN C,G, Paint. 4.75 237.50 3433 Manitou -0- SF Sidewalk 0.57 -0- Lot 24, Block 2 108.45 SF Driveway 1 -10 1.07 716.04 353.54 Chula Vista #1 16. W. P. & Thomas Riddick 50.00 IF C,G, Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 3433 Manitou -0- SF Sidewalk 0.57 -0- Lot 23, Block 2 108.45 SF Driveway 1 -10' 1_.07 116.04 353.54 Chula Vista #1 17. Flynn Investment Co. 50.00 LF C,G, Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 Box 2468 -0- SF Sidewalk 0.57 -0- Harlingen, Texas 78550 108.45 SF Driveway 1 -10' 1.07 116.04 353.54 Lot 22, Block 2 Chula Vista. #1 18. Irma G. Davila 50.00 LF C,G, Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 428 Atlantic -0- SF Sidewalk 0.57' -0- Lot 21, Block 2 108.45 SF Driveway 1 -10' 1.07 716.04 353.54 Chula Vista #1 19. Augustin Alaniz 50.00 LF C,G, Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 1741 Horne -0- SF Sidewalk 0.57 -0- Lot 20, Block 2 108.45 SF Driveway 1 -10' 1.07 116.04 353.54 Chula Vista #1 i • Page 4 ITEM NO. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED 9 DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMELiT RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 20. Eloise G. Martinez 50.00 LF C,G, Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 1745 Horne -0- SF Sidewalk 0.57 -0- Lot 19, Block 2 108.45 SF Driveway 1 -10' 1.07 116.04 353.54 Chula Vista #1 21. United Savings Assn.l 50.00 LF C,G, Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 P. 0. Box 6248 -0- SF Sidewalk 0.57 -0- Lot 18, Block 2 108.45 SF Driveway 1 -10 1.07 ]16.04 353.54 Chula Vista #1 22. Coronado & Belen P'Fernan e850.00 LF C,G, Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 1353 Horne -0- SF Sidewalk 0.57 -0- Lot 17, Block 2 .108.45 SF Driveway 1 -10' 1.07. 116.04 353.54 Chula. Vista #1 23. Benny P. Navarro + 80.71 LF C,G, Pvmt. 4.75 383.37 1757 Horne j -0- SF Sidewalk 0.57 -0- Lot 16, Block 2 -0- SF Driveway 1 -10' 1.07 -0- 383.37 Chula Vista #1 Shaw 2breet 24. W. P. & Thomas Riddick 123.99 LF C,G, Pvmt. 2.38 295.10 (S) 3433 Manitou -0- SF Sidewalk 0.29 -0- Lot 12 Block 1 -0- SF Driveway 1.07 -0- 295.10 Chula Vista #1 d South Si Horne Road North Si le Horne Roal at Columbia Drive 25. City of Corpus Christi -0- LF C,G, Pvmt. 0.00 -0- -0- SF Sidewalk 0.00 -0- -0- SF Driveway 0.00 -0- -0- Page 5 ITEM NO. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED 9 DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED Paid in cash February 22, 1973 26. Texas National Guard 803.68 LF C.G. Pvmt. 14.31 11500.66 Texas National Guard 274.00 SF Sidewalk 0.57 1296.18 Armory Tract 378.45 SF Driveway 1 -40 1.07 404.94 13021.78 x 1 -20' 27. State of Texas 637.65 IF C,G, Pvmt. 14.31 9124.77 Cliff Maus Tracts 2478.6o SF Sidewalk 0.57 1412.80 Tract G 162.45 SF Driveway 1.07 173.82 10711.39 Omit Assessment by legal opinion. See opinion sheEt 28. City of Corpus Christi -0- IF C,G, Pvmt. 0.00 -0- Cliff Mans Tracts -0- SF Sidewalk 0.00 -0- Tract E -0- SF Driveway 0.00 -0- -0- Greenvoci Drive 29. City of Corpus Christi -0- LF C,G, Pvmt. 0.00 -0- Block 6 -0- SF Sidewalk 0.00 -0- Crockett Heights Annex B -0- SF Driveway 0.00 -0- -0- 30. City of Corpus Christi -0- LF C,G, Pvmt. 0.00 -0- Block 5 -0- SF Sidewalk 0.00 -0- Crockett Heights Annex B -0- SF Driveway 0.00 -0- -0- 31. Carmelite Sisters 334.06 LF C,G, Pvmt. 4.75 1586.79 4015 McArthur 17.00 LF Pvmt. only 2.65 45.05 Block 4 44+.24 SF Sidewalk 0.57 800.42 Crockett Heights Annex B -0- SF Driveway 1.07 -0- 2432.26 Eni North Side Horne Road Airport Road West 3ide Beginning 3 0' (approx. ) North of Horn Road s � � Page 6 ITEM W. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED 9 DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 32. City of Corpus Christi -0- LF C,G, Pvmt. 0.00 -0- -0- SF Sidewalk 0.00. -0- -0- SF Driveway 0.00 -0- -0- Airport -Road East ide Beginning 0' (approx.) North of HornB Road :33• City of Corpus Christi -0- LF C,G, Pvmt. 0.00 -0- -0- SF Sidewalk 0.00 -0- -0- SF Driveway 0.00 -0- -0- Columbia Drive West Side Beginning Et Horne Road 34. Fliseo Reyes (See Item 38 121.50 LF C,G, Pvmt. 7.15 868•73 38 4513 Vestal for Combin= 291.00 SF Sidewalk 0.57 165.87 Lot 1 -A, Block 1 ation) 410.90 SF Driveway 1 -33 Laguna Acres 1 -35 1.07 439.66 1474.26 35. David Reyes 54.00 LF C,G, Pvmt. 7.15 386.10 (F) 4119 Columbia 182.50 SF Sidewalk 0.57 104.03 Lot 1, Block 1 73.45 SF Driveway 1 -10 1.07 78 -59 568.72 Laguna Acres 36. Pablo Morales 170.00 LF C,G, Pvmt, 2.38 404.60 (S) 1246 Lolita 620.00 SF Sidewalk 0.29 179.80 E. 50' of Lot 24, Block 1 73.45 SF Driveway 1 -10 1.07 78.59 662.99 Laguna Acres Columbia Drive East 3ide Beginning a Horne Road 37. City of Corpus Christi -0- LF C,G, Pvmt. 0.00 -0- -0- SF Sidewalk 0.00 -0- -0- SF Driveway 0.00 -0- -0- • �• Page ITEM NO. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED Horne sad South ide Begins g West Side of Columbia Dr ve 38 Eliseo Reyes 121.50 LF C,G, Pvmt 7.15 868.73 34 4513 Vestal 9.00 LF C'G' Pvmt 14.31 128.79 Lot 1 -A, Block 1 91.00 IF C'G' Pvmt 8.04 731.64 Laguna Acres 564.50 SF Sidewalk .57 321.76 987.80 SF Driveway 1.07 1,056.94 3,107.86 ITEM # 34 6 38 COMBINED S = Sides * = Credit Existing Sidewalk + = Credit Existing Curt 6 Gutter x = Credit Existing Driveway Corpus Christi, Texas day of 19 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspen- sion of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordi- nance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter rule was suspended by the following vote: Jason Luby James T. Acuff Rev. Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Ricardo Gonzalez Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark 2 The above ordinance was passed by the following vote: Jason Luby James T. Acuff Rev. Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Ricardo. Gonzalez Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark