HomeMy WebLinkAbout12106 ORD - 06/05/197411 TEXAS: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO APPLY FOR STATE ASSISTANCE AND TO SUBMIT SUCH INFORMATION AS MAY BE NECESSARY AND REQUIRED TO ESTABLISH A BARRICADING COORDINATOR FOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A "; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION 1. That the City Manager be, and he is hereby, authorized is to apply for State assistance and to submit such information as may be necessary and required to establish a Barricading Coordinator for the City of Corpus Christi, in accordance with the attached Exhibit "A ". SECTION 2. The necessity to establish the position of Barricading Coordinator for the City of Corpus Christi at the earliest practicable date creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared that such emergency and necessity exist, and having requested the sus- pension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the f� day of 1974. ATTEST: City'Secrettry APPROVED: 7 DAY OF GY�Q lCJ7� �W&AS57 Ci y Attorney V�V� MAYO, THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 1 106 ,i APPLICATION FOR HIGHWAY SAFETY- PROJECT GRANT TO: OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION TEXAS OEPARTM E NT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS P.O. BOX 13166, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711 - P,ROJECj NAME .. STANCIA90 TYPE � iNi TIAL APPLICATION SELECTIVE EiiGINEERIiIG SERVICES (BARRICADING) 612 ;9 REVISION �7 CONTINUATION A °PLI rAN T AO GRESS CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, P. O.•BOX 9277 CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 78408 LOCATION OF PROJECT - PROPOSED GRANT PERIOD PROJECTPERIO0 CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 07/01/74 L'4 /01/73 FROiw: 06/30/75 FROM, ' 03/31/76 To: TO: PROJECT OBJECTIVE. GOALS To implement and evaluate an effective Barricading Program for the City of Corpus Christi, Texas. BRIEF rigRcoopera ILE VE^aC�IP,TIQj�I�RepaVr ients g WO rig coo rat�vei aI Tn L.�(y .contractors and utility agencies in order to fully implement and evaluate the ordinance and manual for standardizing barricading practices in the City of Corpus Christi, Texas. (9 Mos) COSTCATEGORY GRANTPERIOD PRIORYEARS FUTURE SOURCE OF FUNDS GRANTPERIOD PERSONAL SERVICES 1376 , .6 FEDERAL(DOT) CONTRACT SERVICES STATE G'T'S'F' 7,646 C0,15MODITI ES 1,154 806 525 LOCAL�GrPUS Chri i 9,699 OTHER DIRECT COSTS 2,520 1.787 2,452 OTHER( ) INDIRECTCOSTS 738 OTHER( ) TOTAL (DETAIL ON BACK( 17,345 17,040 13,669 TOTAL (..TAIL.. BACK) 17,345 AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED WITH THIS HIGHWAY SAFETY PROJECT IS REQUESTED. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND EXPRESSLY AGREED BY THE UNDERSIGNED THAT A GRANT RECEIVED AS A RESULT OF THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO THE REGULATIONS CONCERNING HIGHWAY SAFETY GRANTS WHICH HAVE BEEN FURNISHED (OR WILL BE FURNISHED ON REQUEST) TO THE APPLICANT. - - NAME OF PROJECT DIRECTOR NAME OF AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL Gordon Irwin R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager APPLICANT AODRESS/PHONE NO, APPLICANT ADDRESS /PHONE NO. P. 0. Box 9277, Corpus Christi, Texas P. 0. Box 9277, Corpus Christi, Texas 884 -3011, ext. 237 A , 884 -3011, ext. 200 NATUR /0 TE ! SIGNATURE /.ATE PLEASE DO NOT WRITEVE1 4W THIS LINE (TO BE COMPLETED BY TTSA) AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZATION TO P.18CEED. AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED SMITH THE ABOVE -12D AND DESCRIBED PROJECT IS AUTHORIZED, SUBJECT TO THE REGULATIONS DESCRIBED AND/OR REFERENCED HEREIN. PROJECT NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE FOR COST REIMBURSEMENT FEDERAL FUNDS COMMITTED STATE FUNDS OBLIGATED FROM: TO: THIS GRANT: PREVIOUS: THIS GRANT: PREVIOUS: APPROVAL DATC SIGNATURE OFFICIAL AUTHORICCD TO APPROVE TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROJECTS ATTACHMeNTISI: IIA'J; 11.71] • SCHEDULE A — PROJECT DESCRIPTION . PROJECT NUMBEH (TO BE COMPLETED BY TTSA) TITLE SELECTIVE ENGINEERING SERVICES (BARRICADING COORDINATOR) PURPOSE To fully implement and evaluate a new up -to -date barricading practice within the City of Corpus Christi. RELATIONSHIP TO STATE TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM (AS SHOWN IN AWP) Project is listed as Task of 19_ Annual Work Program GOALS FEDERALFISCALYEAR 19 FY-2 -FY -1 FY.i FY-2 1st O 2nd Q 3rd Q 4th Q TOTAL See dlilesione Chart METHOD OF EVALUATION (1) Number of traffic crashes at detour & construction sites before and after project. (2) Number of proper barricades before and after project. J3) Degrees of administration and public acceptance. Traffic volume before vs. traffic volume after project. STATEMENT OF WORK Employ full -time Safety Engineer to develop and implement program. Responsibilities include: (1) Implementing ordinance and manual controlling street barricading and making revisions as needed. (2) Implementing the uniform barricade manual that would apply to all street work done within the City limits. (3) Working cooperatively with City Departments, contractors and with all utility agencie in order-to fully enforce uniformity in barricades practices. (4) Publish a short booklet containing typical barricading layouts for City Departments and private contractors. (5) Review and approve all permits relating to street work to insure proper barricading is provided. b) Daily inspect all street projects to insure proper placement and maintenance. 7) Represent the City at Highway Department Pre - Construction Neetings and make re- commendations relative to barricading and detour routing. (3) To keep the news media informed of major street closures so that the public can be sufficiently forewarned and advised of alternate travel routes. (9 Evaluation of program. (I 0i Submit quarterly reports in accordance with Special Provision X and Attachment V. (TO BE COMPLETED BY TTSA) [=_m_m47 PROJECT BUDGET AND SCHEDULE Ecr FEDERAL FISCAL YEAR 19 75 BUDGET BY: FY -2 FY -1 FY +1 FY +2 TOTAL 1st Q 2nd Q 3rd Q 4th Q TOTAL 3 Nos (9 Nos): A. COST CATEGORY PERSONAL SERVICES 2,788 10,921 3,414 3,414 3,414 3,429 13,671 10,692 38,072 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES COMMODITIES 33 773 1,004 50 50 50 1,154 525 2,485 OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1,787 630 630 630 630 2,520 29452 6,759 INDIRECT COSTS 738 :738 C. FUNDING SOUnCE FEDERAL (DOT) STATE SAFETY FUND STATE (O.T.S. } 3,559 *2,142 2,524 2,047 2,047 1,028 7,646 10,251 LOCAL CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI 2,141 2,524 2,047 2,047 3,081 9,699 3,418 OTHER ( ) OTHER I ) C. FUNDS TO MATCH DOT FUNDS D, FEDERALFUNDS FOR LOCALUSE E: COST BY PROJECT ELEMENT *Denotes share distribut on for the last giarter o the fi cal year. F. TOTAL COST 3,559 13,481 5,048 4,094 4,094 4,109 17,345 13,669 48,054 MI LESTONE SCHEDULE PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries Barricading Coordinator Rene Ramirez 27A - 1 f•lo @ $822 = $ 822.00 *27A - 1 Pilo @ $905 = 905.00 27B -10 NO @ $945 = 9,450.00 Sub - Total, Salaries $ 11,177.00 *The Barricading Coordinator's salary reflects a City Policy raise after 6 months employed and a l0G cost of living increase which may be granted by the City Council for all employees. Secretarial Services (10% of $5,000) (T125 per quarter] 500.00 Em loyement Benefits - City.-Share (Barricading Coordinator OnlyT F.I.C.A. @ 5.85% 654.00 RETIREMENT (T.M.R.S.) 26 Pay Periods @ $19.39 /pay period 504.00 Insurance Group 12 Months @ $12.82 /month Workmans Compensation 154.00 12 Months @ 5.27/ 100 triages General Liability 12 Nonths @ 590.00 .825/$100 Wages 92.00 Total Benefits $ 1,994.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 13,671.00 COMMODITIES Supplies $50.00 per quarter X 4 $ 200.00 Manuals: (For local distribution) 500.00 Office *Metal Desk 176.00 Desk Chair 48.00 Metal Table 110.00 Calculator 120.00 Sub - Total, Office $ 1,154.00 *Director of Traffic Engineering is being relocated and Barricading Coordinator will no longer be co- located with the Traffic Engineering Department OTHER DIRECT COSTS Travel 15,000 miles per year @ 15¢ /mile 2,250.00 (City -owned vehicles, in -town rate is 15¢ /mile; out -town rate is 10¢ /mile) Telephone Base Rate - $22.45 /month x 12 months 270.00 Sub - Total, Other Direct Costs $ 2,520.00 TOTAL GRANT $ 17,345.00 (a MILESTONE CHART 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 (1) Have approved Manual & Ordinance printed for distribution to various City forces and non -city contractors & utility agencies. (2) Schedule sessions with City forces to acquaint said forces with requirements of the new manual. (3) Place requirements of the manual into effect & accumulate accident data related to construction barricading prior to the new requirements. (4) Gradual implementation of new barricades to be provided by Signs & Markings Division. (5) Begin routine regular evaluation of the entire program to include: (a) Collection of accident data. (b) Traffic flows around construction sites. (c) Comments from contractors on problems regarding new barricading program. (d) Comments from persons not directly involved in construction but affected by same. • X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X .Grant No. Attachment.. 1 • REPRESENTATIONS, CERTIFICATIONS, AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I. CONTINGENT FEE: (check appropriate boxes) The grant recipient represents (a) that he ❑ has, ® has not, employed or retained and company or person (other than a full -time bona fide employee working solely for the offeror) to solicit or secure this contract, and (b) that he ❑ has, W has not, paid or agreed to pay any company or person (other) than a full -time bona fide employee working solely for the offeror) any fee, commission, percentage, or brokerage fee contingent upon or resulting from the award of this contract; and agrees to furnish information relating to (a) and (b) interpretation of the representation, including the term "bona fide employee "; see Code of Federal Regulations, Title 41, Chapter 1, Subpart 1 -1.5.) II. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: (check appropriate b es) The grant recipient represents that he Whas, ❑ has not, participated in a previous contract or subcontract subject either to the Equal Opportunity clause herein or the clause originally contained in Section 301 of Executive Order 10925, or the clause contained in Section 201 of Executive Order No. 11114; that ® has *, ❑ has not, filed all required compliance reports; and that representations, indicating'submission of required compli- ance reports, signed by proposed subcontractors, will be obtained prior to subcontract awards. III. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM: (check appropriate box) The grant recipient represents. that (1) he ® has developed and has on file ❑ has not developed and does not have on file at each establishment affirmative action programs as required by the rules and regulations of the Secretary of Labor (41 CFR 60 -1 and 60 -2), or (2) he ❑ has not previously and contracts subject to the written affirmative action program requirement of the rules and regulations of the Secretary of Labor. IV. CERTIFICATION OF NONSEGREGATED FACILITIES: The grant recipient certifies that he does not maintain or pro- vide for employees' facilities which are segregated on the.ba-sis of race, color, religion, sex or national.origin, whether such facilities are segregated by directive or on a de facto basis. The offeror further agrees that he will not maintain such segregated facilities. * If you certify that you have participated in a previous contract, subject to the Equal Opportunity Clause, but have not been required to file compliance reports, then you should check the box reading "that he has filed all required compliance reports ". 1 of 2 GA -1 4/74 Attachment 1 V. The Grant recipient agrees as a necessary condition for reim- bursement of costs, to prepare monthly and /or quarterly progress reports in a timely manner, and in accordance with instructions furnished by the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety. VI. PRINCIPAL PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: The location of the plant or place of business where the item(s) will be produced or the principal services will be performed under the contract is: CITY Corpus Christi COUNTY Nueces STATE Texas VII. ASSURANCE. The grant recipient hereby assures compliance with all terms, conditions and general and special provisions for this grant. NAME OF GRANT RECIPIENT: City of Corpus Christi SIGNED BY: DATE: TITLE: City Manager 2 of 2 GA -1 4/74 Grant or Contract No. Tit1 stems Management Traffic Safety EffejW Date July 1, 1975 Att th at 2 GENERAL PROVISIONS The following provisions contained in Attachment 2A are applicable to this grant or contract to the extent specified: X I. Definitions X II. Changes X III. Disputes X IV. Conditions for Termination Prior to Completion X V. Excusable Delays X VI. Non - Collusion X VII. Contract Period Established X VIII. Cost Provisions IX. Method of Payment _ A. Lump Sum B. Costs Per Unit Work _ C. Cost Plus a Fixed Fee _ D. Specific Rates of Compensation X E. Cost X X. Terms and Conditions of Payment X XI. Inspection X XII. Property Accountability X XIII. Retention X XIV. Ownership of Data and Creative Material X XV. Reports X XVI. Equal Opportunity XVII. Overtime Compensation _ XVIII. Convict Labor _ XIX. Subcontractual XX. Utilization of Small Business Concerns X M. Order of Precedence X XXII. Assignment, Subletting and Transfer X XXIII. Cancellation X XXIV. Contractor's Liability X XXV. Save Harmless X XXVI. Tax and Compensation Liability X .XXVII. Reimbursement of Eligible Expenditures x XXVIII. Application of Hatch Act X. XXIX. Standards for Grantees Financial Management Systems GC -2 4/74 Page 1 of I Wrant No SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR COMMUNITY DIPACT PROGRAM CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI Attachment This project is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The community will provide at least 50% of the funds required for the third year of project operation and all funds necessary for operation during the fourth and subsequent years. 2. No indirect costs and no contractual services will be eligible for reim- bursement. 3. All salaries charged to this project should be supported by appropriate time distribution sheets. 4. Expenses may be charged in accordance with community policy to the extent they are in compliance with OMB A -87 and related state and federal cost allowance regulations. 5. Automobile allowance is not eligible for reimbursement under Federal and State guidelines. Mileage only is allowed for reimbursement and trip logs will be maintained. Cost per mile will be as per city guidelines. 6. The T. S. C. will be designated by the city manager as the person responsible for liaison between the city and the assigned Regional Administrator of the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety. All required reports will be channeled thru the T.S.C. Both from the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety and from departments within the city. These reports will be forwarded to be received at times designated. If this is not possible, the T.S.C. will advise the assigned Regional Administrator of the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety the reason for the delay and when such reports will be forwarded. 7. All expenditures in the C.I.P. and those of the T.S.C. will be in strict compliance with monies allocated in the approved C.I.P. grant. 8. The assigned Regional Administrator of the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety will be the T.S.C. contact with that office. 9. The T.S.C. will be responsible for preparing at least a three year compre- hensive traffic safety plan for his city. This plan will be used as the basis for solving community problems. This plan is due between six and eight months after employment of the Traffic Safety Coordinator. This plan may be amended at intervals as ndeds of the community change. 10. All Accountable Assets purchased with funds granted by the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety will be assigned a city inventory number and will remain in traffic safety related programs for a period of five years. Attachment 3 11. No overtime is authorized for personnel working under this grant. 12. The Accountable Assets purchased under Traffic Safety Grant No. (74)2051 -02L will. be transferred to be used under this continuation grant. NO. Attachment STATEMENT OF WORK All work to be performed shall be in accordance with descrip tion of work on application form. 1 of 1 GC -4 4/74 • a Corpus Christi, Texas ' 7 day of -_r , 19 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspen- sion of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordi- nance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, MAYOR 4a,2 CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter rule was suspended by the following vote: Jason Luby James T. Acuff Rev. Harold T. Branch - - -�d-4414— Thomas V. Gonzales Ricardo Gonzalez Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark The above ordinance was passed by the fol owing vote: Jason Luby .Tames T. Acuff Rev. Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Ricardo Gonzalez Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark