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12150 ORD - 07/03/1974
JRR:vmr:7 -2 -74; 1st' i AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION BY THE CITY MANAGER OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE COUNCIL FOR THE THIRD YEAR FUNDING OF THE CORPUS CHRISTI POLICE INFOR- MATION SYSTEM, A COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIBIT "A ", AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE GRANT IF AND WHEN APPROVED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. Authorization is hereby given for submission by the City Manager of a Grant Application to the Criminal Justice Council for the third year funding of the Corpus Christi Police Information System, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A ", and authorizing the execution of the Grant if and when approved. SECTION 2. The necessity to immediately make application to the Criminal Justice Council for the funding of the Corpus Christi Police Information System in order that the program may continue without delay creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or ,resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared that such public emergency and necessity exist, and having requested that such Charter rule be suspended and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after tis passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the �ii day of July, 1974. ATTEST: %f3Sy 4ec r atar MAY y THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS APP VED: DAY OF JULY, 1974: jAw W 9 City Attorney III ap SY ,.,ti.__ 2FE0E RA Ci _ v. �5. 0, Pax 01 G " Cl T, V' 6. COVNTY 7_SFATE 8. ZIP CODE 9_ P R 0 G NO. (CateI og of Fad Dorneatic Assistance] I � Ci) =t?tt,5 Ch%wS�I. Nuce� Tex. .78408 TYPE OF ACTION TYPE OF CHANGE (Com pleta it 1 O r 10, u,as checked) 14. EXISTING FED GR !10 t ,LJ New _ LJ Modification 2 13 I -J Inueased Dollars L_I Increa dDuration a ❑Other Scope Chang !_ blkl Coc *,inuadon �v b 7t� Decreased Dollars b ❑Decreased Duration b ❑Cance6a [ion - 1 -D2 -788 - 19. APPLICANT TYPE FUNDS REQUESTEDFFar Chances Shgw On/yAmt. gflrtc( +1 or 1 '� 15. RC6UE8TE FUND START 1i9Q-_- Enter Letter E A. State F. School District � 2a. FEDERAL FUNDS Dui: A �15.'FUN DS OURA710N _ I `S N'.onths) ION B Interstate G. Community Action Agency 21_ STA TE ( l 77i - yr mor C. Sub. State Dist H. Sponsored Organization 22. LOCAL (-) $ 67, 396 I17. EST. PROJECT START - 19- ..//_J D_ County I. Indian - 23. OTHER 16. EST. PROJECT DURATION 2 (Months) E. City J. Other (Specify in Remarks) Z4. TOTAL 120,21.22,23) 125. BRIEF TITLE OF ' APPLtCANT'SPROJECT Cahpu,S ClvLi,5ti Lulu En6mcement IY1/okmation SyLtem _ 26. DESCRIPTION OF APPLICANT'S PROJECT (Purpose) - Tlr vJ pno j eet invof ve,5 the thiAd yeve o � a ptan)2ed three yeas rytb j eet de Signed to /sat E& 6 y tke .i.n6onuncWon nee&5 04 the Corpcul ClvL szti. Ponce 1Jepattmevrt " vip- M Gs to ptovEde t'he capab -iLi ty 4oA the rapid intenehange o � .i-n• ,6onmat%on to hnlaLWL municipat tiers in the 1 Coastat Bend Region. 27. AREA -OF PROJECT IMPACT (Indicate City, County, State, etc.) _ - Con.pm ChAiLtt Nueees County, Texas' 28. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT-. 29. Envfronmantal Assessment Required 30. CLEARINGHOUSE (S7 TO WHICH SUBMITTED Of Applicant Impacted By Project 1 By State /Federal Agency? ©Yes - - rDistricts 14. L - 74 _ - [INo a ❑ state -'b EN l.^Jide c ❑ None ' 31. a AME OF CONTACT PERSON b ADDRESS - Street or P. O. Box c TELEPHONE N( J. H. Avant, Chief o6 Poti.ce P. 9. Box 9016 Conpws ChtwSti, Texan 7840 884 -3871 TEMS 33-33 TO 3E CGIMPLETEO BY CLEARINGHOUSE - MULTIPLE - 32. CL E A RIP:GH ..,E rC 7❑ CLEARINGHOUSE - �33.a DICTION BASED ON 33. b ACTION TAKEN I - �EV3EW OF aQNOtificati on a ❑ With Comment .c © Waived 34. STATE APPi I AT30N IDENTIFIER - - tlQApplication b ❑ Without Comment d ❑Unfavorable WA:) ! State Nu: - _ STATE WIDE Cau nxy/ City County/ City County/ -City Countyl City County/ Ciry Cauntyl • 35.CLfEARINGHOUSE Ping Area Ping Area Ping Area Ping Area Ping Area ?Ing Area IMPACT CODE ]� Yes ❑ No I - _ 36. STATE PLAN REQUIRED - x]37 RECEII. DATE tai 36. FINAL CLEARINGHOUSE yr me i P:Gi}GUSE ACTION DATE 79 -- ' Yes V No - _ . CANT BFi F : =_ -S- iN _... . =CE.'� I F I CA : ION - The applica t c ti es that to the best of his knowledge and belief the above data are true and Ch ck box if no clearinghouse correct filing this form has been duly by body and of authorized the governing of the applicant. respons -,vas received in 30 days L 40. a NAME (Print or Type) b TITLE c SIGNATURE of Authorized Representative- d TELEPHONE NUMI R. Marevin Townsend [City Mann en 884 -3017 41. DATE MAILED TO FEDERALISTATE AGENCY yr mo day 42. NAME OF FEDERAL / STATE AGENCY TQXa.S �'iL(.Y)LtiiC 19� ._...� TO WHICH THIS APPLICATION SUB,MITTEO a BE C:Ok, 143. GRANT APPLICATION ID 52. ,(Assigned by Federal Agency) -. Application Recd. yr mo day - .a E - n - 53.-_ ° -. -n AaW': - i 44. GRANTOR AGENCY II3 Amended Appli, -o? R R - - £- 54 Exp. Action -° - 3 Received E V - =' E - V - R i ed _ . As Of - E V ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT 145. ! ) yr- me day !r .'.. d , V, mo day Inc - S - S S - ' - -- -'-- -- - -- X46. ADMINISTE RING OFFICE S 47. ADDRESS -- Street or P. O, Box - 48. - CITY - 49. STATE 50. ZIP CODE 51. TELEPHONE - NUMBE '.3 55 5 T' i :41 -.,] . r "4 0 I - ON 4 FINALACnOn - - - FINAL DATES - yr. mo day FUNDS APPROVEO( FofChange s Show OnlyAm It. oflnc( +)orDec_( -1.I i 55. 1❑ Awarded ❑ Rejected C Withdrawn - 79 - - 6D. FEDERAL AMOUNT (F Y- fend >I 155. FUNOS AVAILABLE_ _ 19 - 61. STATESHARE 157. ENDING DATE 19 62 LOCAL SHARE ( 1$ X58. FEDERAL GRANT ID - 63. OTHER - Ir 1. - 64_ TOTAL (60, 67, 62,531 - - ( 1$ ' 59. FEDERAL FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER 65. MULTIPLE PROGRAM -LINK - 66. REMARKS - -S CRIi`IINAL .JUSTICE COUNCIL 1. Applicant Agency or Institution: Po',i ce Vepa.,..tr ier t City o y Cc,,:" us Cllr -.vs ti P. 0. Sox 9016 Covu_ C Ar ,S =ti, Texcts 78408 APPLICATION FOR GRANT 2. Program No. Under Which Funding Exp,cred: 74 -G 1 19 3. Type of Application: (Check one) original Revision Continuation XX If continued or revised give number of all grans. -1- 132 -788 3 -J1 -1642 74 G7 4. Short Title of Project: (Do not exceed one typed line) Conpus ChAisti Law Fn6ottcerrent Tn4o4maf,,cori Sg6tem r P - Director• 6. Fin; roJ (Name, title, address, telephone) (Name, title, address, telephone) James H. Avant HanoZd F. Zick Cil ie 4 o b Po P.i.ce V,- Aec ton o6 Finance. P. 0. Box 9016 P. 0. Box 9271 cwq.lus CivriAti, Texas 84 8 884-3811 Cmpus ChAi,5 i, Texcu5 78408 884 -3011 Signet y !�� Signatur 7. Period of Present Request: 8. Project Duration: From M y 16, 1974 (, i 9 J Throughitlatl 15,__1915 Through u*- 1- 7 -' Total Iength months Request for Present Year or Period: Total CJC Support Sought: (Total for project, federal and state) 584,903.00 $ 84,903.00 9, Official Authonzect to sign Appucauon: (Name, titlei address, telephone) R. JM.-ftv.un T osvk i5 end C. ty IManagejL P, '0. Sox 9217 Co,tpus Ch,-,i,5ti, Texan 78408 894 -3011 11. Attachments (check if ia--icluded): (a) Clearinghouse review and comment XX Name of clearinghouse: (b) Local governing body resolution XX authorizing application 12. Date: June 21, 1974 - 13. 'Total Pages in Application: 33 --. . ,�, 1 ,7.11 10.. Federal Support: Will other federal support be available for any part of this oro;ect? Yes�NO If yes, identity and explain: (c) Contracts for services, equipment, and construction (d) Latteis of endorcement (e) Other (describe) CJC USE 0Ni.Y Grant Number Geographic Area; Region Date Received: County(s) City- TEXAS CMMI T NAL JUSTICE COUNCIL 1. II. APPLICATION FOR GRANT Project Title: Period of Present Request: From May lb 1974 Cohpus Clvti ti. Law En6onee_nent In6wunatLon Sy-Stem Through May 15, 1.975 PRESENT PROJECT BUDGET Budget Category CJC Support Federal and State Cash Contribution Total *In-Kind Contribution A. Personnel 32,756 -0- 32,756 46,567 B. Professional& Contract Services; i 4,950 -0- 4 950 -0- C. Travel 1,456 -0- 1,956 D. Equipment g -0- 590 -0- E. Construction 707 47! - - -0- F. Supplies & Direct Operating Expense 44,651 16,514 61,165 -0- G. Indirect Cost -0- 4,2415 4,245 -0 H. Total L 44 903 20, 105 662 46 567 CONTINUATION FUNDING PLANT ANTICIPATED PROJECT EXPENDITURES Budget Category SUBSEQUENT PERIOD— SUBSEQUENT PERIOD — CJC Support Cash Contribution CJC Support Cash Contribution A. Personnel B. Professional Services C. Travel D, Equipment E. Construction F. Supplies & Direct Operating Expense G. Indirect Cost. H. Total III. Explanation of grantee cash contribution, in -kind contribution, and continuation funding plan. Describe (1) nature, (2) source, and (3) project utilization of the grantee contribution for the present project period as listed in the grantee contribution column of Page 2 of this application. Following this should be an explanation in the terms described above (nature, source, and project utiliation), of how the applicant proposes to support the project after CJC funding has concluded (attach continuation pages is needed). NOTE: Initial funding by the CJC does not automatically qualify the project for continuation funding. *This category is for information purposes only. Total for each category must be supported by Detail Budget . Narrative. Form CJC -1 (1/1/74) Page 2b, IIi. DETAILING OF GRANTEE IN -KIND CONTRIBUTION: The City ob Corpus ChAist:i propoaea to expend $46,567.00 5rom budgeted jEaouacea . as .in -fund eosrtAibut%on to the third year's grant gor the Corpus, Chia ti Lain EnSotcement In6o�cmation System. These monies wiU be utLUzed in the payment ob ha a iea and emp.Loyee benejit6, (bayed on percentage o6 time devoted to the project) . The 5unds wiU be 6pent in the detailed cate9ori.e,6 as 60ttowa: A. Pmonne.2 (Emp.2oyea) 1. Sata4,Le,6 yea,�ty o Time In -Ki.nd Cost Pen VeaA Sa&ky By VewL Pot ice Division Pnojeet Coordinator $14,532 50% $ 7,266 Assistant Pho j ect Coordinatox 9,744 100% 9,744 Tab. Equipment Ope=ton 6,300 50% 3,150 CteAk.6 (3) 5,544. 33133 5 S44 Sub -total s25,704 Data Processing D.ivi4,ion EDP Managett $17,580 10o ; 1,758 EDP SecAetascy 6, 060 20% 1,212 EDP Ma&..,i.ne Operator 7,200 100% 7,200 In -Ki.nd Sata%y Cost $35,874 Page 2e. 2. Fringe Bene6 it;5 a. InSunance Pot ice Division a. Poti.ce 066ieeAA (.i.nsunance cost'ob $2.93 pe)c $100. 04 3atarcy PZu4 100 o4 same) Annual Peh $100 + 10%. 06 X PuLcentage = InAinc Sa.eany EvaZadti.on Annual Time Devoted In6u.*Lal To Piw ject Cast Prwject Cooicdi.naton $14,532 $425 $1,453 .50 $ 939 A6.6 iAtant Pico jeat Coorcdi.naton 9,744 284 974 1.00 1,258 $2,197 b. C.iviti.an Emptoyees (inzaAanee cost o5 17� pen. $100. oA sa&Ay pZuA 100 06 dame Tab, Equipment OpeAaton 6,300 11 630 .50 321 C.2erckA (3) 5,544 9 554 .33/33 563 884 In6u&ance cost Same as �o& ci_v.i Zi.ans above. Data Picocessing D.i viz ion EDP Manageh $17,580 30 1,758 .10 $179 EDP Seeleetaay 6,060 10 606 .20 123 EDP Machine Openato)c 7,200 12 720 1.00 732 $1,034 In-Kind Insurance Cast $4,115 b. Social- Security Pa.2ice Division Socia2 SecuAity X . % Time Devoted = Social Secuni Cost To Pto ject In-Ki.nd Project Cooicdi.naton. $772 .50 $ 386 km ist n t Pico jec Coondinatah 565 1.00 565 Tab.. Equipment OpvL for 362 .50 181 Ceekk,5 (3) 320 .33 320 ,4 2 Sociai Secuki ty - Continued °:. 2d. _i Data PAoce�ss.ing Division EDP ManageA $772 .10 $ 77 EDP SeuLe tcucy 347 .20 69 EDP Machine OpeAaton 423 1.00 423 5b In-Kind Soc iaZ Secuir i ty Cost L2,021 c. Retikement PaZi.ce Diy.Z6-i.on Annuat X % Time Donated = RetiAement Reti)Lement To PAojeat In -Kind Pnojest CooAdinataA $491 ,50 $246 Aszt6tant PAO jest CooAdivatoA. 491 1.00 491 Tab. Equipment OpeAatoA 371 .50 186 CZexh6 (3) 329 .33133 329 - $ Data PAOce ss.ing Division EDP ManageA $491 .10 $49 EDP SeenetaAy 356 .20 71 $ice In -Kind RetbLement Cost $1,372 In -Kind FAtinge SeneJ t Cost $7,508 3. Anticipated Pay Raise In -Kind SaZaAy Cost $35,874 In -Kind FAinge Bene6i..t Cost 7,508 3, 382 In -find Sa aity Coat $35,04 Anticipated % Raise .08 2,870 ,tge 2e Anticipated Pay Raise - Continued In -Ki.nd Safa&y Coet $35,874 Anticipated Raise As In -K,ind SataAi.ee In 2 870 $39, 74 as -K,ind Inc&ease in In -[find FICA tesuLti.ng jnom Anticipated 8% Rai6e $ 88 - - Inenea6e in In -Kind Insurcance. nesuLting J om anticipated 8% aai_6e 227 InvLea6e in In-Kind Fringe 315 b enej.i- ;Le,5 a.P ting Ano m anticipated 816' ha,iz e Total sa?aAie4 and Jkinge bene to be vied a6 In-Kind $46,567 3 TEXAS CRIMINAL JUSTICE COUNCIL APPLICATION FOR GRANT BUDGET NARRA'T'IVE Begin below and add as many continuation pages (3a, 3b, etc.) as may be needed to explain each item of the project budget. Limit this narrative to an explanation of the basis for arriving at the cost of each item including grantee contribution items. This section must also describe the applicant's procurement procedures for equipment, services, and construction, if such items are a part of the project budget. TOTAL (in-Kind) A. Pe&Aonne2 1- Pnajeet Coondi.natoit ($14,532) Poti.ce Commander - ' W. J. sm.itk - 3upenvi6es deve.Zopment and kmpon- s-ib -te bon ove aU coohdinati.on ob the phojeet. Reeponzib.Ze bon appti.eati.on deve.Zop- ment and ,i.mplementati.on, enta Ling the oven -. . beeing.ob coUectZon ob data, data input, project eonttDZ, uAeA tAa,i.n,i.ng and acceptance, and the deP..i.- neation ob depart#mentaZ data needs. Witt utilize 50% ob his time. $ $ 7,266 $. 2. SDP ManageA ($17,580) Robeht Rusk - W.ie.Z provide the te.chni.ca.Z d Aection nece�saaAy to .i.mp.Zemen management .inbonmati.on appt cation. iVEU admini6.ten to data pnoee sing and poPice pensonnet assigned teehni-caf tasks in the project .i.mptementation. Witt nepnesent 10% ob him time. 1,758 3. AnatyWPnognammeA t$13,320) Mah.vin Koeh2 - W i U be %Mpofisibte bot bite and ayzteme dea:ign, bon deiinition and diAecti.on ob .pnogiumming ebbont. WiU, ui;i t ize 10b% o6 ka time 13,320 -13,3 Form CJC -1 (111/74) Page 3a CJc. GRANTEE "OTAL 4. PnogtcammeA ($11,724) Heten Canmich.aeZ - Witt pnov-i,de phoghamming Latent necessary to the development oj the project, hepnesent%ng 1000 o6 hen time. $11,724 $ $11,72 5. A.64i6tant Project Coohdinatc& 1$9,744) - Sehgeant R.ichatd SpenceA WiZZ ass i3 t the Pico ject Cooxdi.natot in appticati.on deveZopment, and imptementation. LUiU he ep in data cottec ti.on and .input, project conVwt and ubeA tua.i.n.ing. W%Z2 u iZize 100% o6 his time. 9,744 —6. ComputeA Operator. ($7,200) - WiU help 6ta66 the 'computer. opejration duAi.ng implementation of the pro j ect, r.epnes enti.ng 100% o 5 h,%6 time. 7,200 7. Tabu&ti.ng Equipment Operator. ($6,300) Jim Se6chornm - Wi.0 auperv.USe and cost o$ cP- eAicaZ petsonnet a6,6igned as tenminae. openatora for, data .input, bite maintenance and data convezion. WiZZ devote 50% os h us time to the prco j eet. 3,150 S. EDP SecAetany ($6,060) Janet Dupont - WiZZ nrvvide .eecnetnru.aX. assiAtance to data pnoeesa.ing ztaJ6 a6 signed to the project, nepredent%ng 20% o5 hen time. 1,212 9. C.lenhs (3) ($5,544) - WiZZ aid in jdle eonveuion, data coUecti:on, and termi.naZ ope.%uti.on 6o)c maintenance o5 6iZe�s and ,inquucy, devoting 330 o& theuc time to the project. 5.544 Pelxsonne.l Category Sub - total $25,044 $35,874 $25,0, Page 36, CJC GRANTEE OTAL $25,044 CiC Support SataAie . 0 8 Pelcce� Cage antic.i-pated a4 nai s e $ 2,004 Amount anticipated as =i�se $2,004 $2,004 $35,874 Ghantee support 4ataxi e6 .08 PetLcentage anticipated ass &aiLe 2,870 Amount anticipated as xaise $2,870 Pensonnet Categon.y Sub -totat $27,048 -0- $27,0, Note: Ghantee .in -Hind as noted above 16 not ,i.ncZuded in the tcta?h ab it does not neptaent a ca,6h out2.ay and iz .inctuded above box .i.n4owation punpo4es on.2.y. Emptoyee FAinge Benebito ImaAAance Pna ject Coordinator $ $ 934 $ AssZ6tant Project Coordinator 1,258 Tab. Equipment Openatar 321 C2enk6 (3) 5b3 EDP Manag eh 179 EDP Seeh.etany 123 Programme4/AnaZy4 1,355 1,35 Programmeft 1,192 1,19 OpeAaton .'732 Pace 3c. VC GRANTEE _�iOTAL Soci.at Security (FICA) Pkojeci Coondi.natan $ $ 386 $ A66.u6tant P>ro jeat Coo/[dinatok 565 . Tab. Equipment Opehaton 181 Ctetc(zts (3) 320 EDP Managetc 77 EDP Sec)Letaty 69 Pirognammea /Anal -y6t 772 772 P)cogn'ammetc 671 671 Ope= too 423 RetiAement PAo jest Coondi.nato -k 246 Au i.6.tani Pno jest Cooxdr:natoic 491 Tab. Equipment Opewton 186 Ceefch.6 ( 3) 329 EDP Managetc 49 EDP Sectcetaxy 71 Pnog&ammeh./AnaZ y6 491 491 PnogArmmen 491 491 Operuiton 433 433 $5,405 -0- $5,405 $3L5. Inctcea6e in in -Hind 6uppoht o6 6ninge beneJits ne- 6uiti.ng nom antiei.pated 8t name. $315 $303. Inctc.eaae in CJC 6uppokt o6 6Aei,nge bene6itA &e4uP.ti.ng 303 303 bnom anticipated 8 °6 na.i6e Pebeonnet Category To.tae $32,756 -0- , $32,756 Page 3d. CJC GRANTEE OTAL Note: Gha.nntee in -fund o6 nof:.: °.above is not .i"nctuded in the totat6 as it does not nepnesent a cash outlay and is .inctuded above borL .inbonmati"on purposes only. B. PnobeszionaZ and ContAa.ct Services Systems consultants -- IBM Inc. - To be used on an a,5- "needed basis Son technicaQ consuZtati.on. 150 houhh @ $33.00 pen howt _ $4,950 $4,950 Pnobe%sJionat and Conticaat Senv"iees Categwcy Totat $4,950 $4,950 C. Tnavet Tkaining Round tAip to Poughkeepsie, N.Y. boiL Sehoot One wund tAip by ait @ $310. each bon 2 peop.2e $, 620 $ 620 Subsistence - Poughkeepsie N.Y. tfti.p. 2 days @ $25. each bon 2 people = 100 100 Round tAip to Chicago, ItZZ noi,6 bon So-hoot. One hound tx�p by a;iA @ $.293, each bon 2 people. 386 386 Subsistence - Chicago, T.Zeino" tAip 17 days @ $25. each bon 2 people= 850 850 Tnave2 Category Total $1,956 $1,956 D. Equipment Two S.imp2ex Numbering Machines @ $295.00 = $590 $590 Equipment Category Totat $590 $590 E. Consthuction No Expenditu.na Page 3e. CJC CRANTEE 'TOTAL E. Suppeie.5 - Equipment F.iJfht two months 1 - Centna2 P)Locessing Unit @ $1,729 pex month $3,477 I - Contna.Qut (3271) @ $330. pea month 660 7 - Tenminats. (3277) a $90. each pelt month 1,260 i - PAi.nteA (3286) @ $180. neA month 360 1 - Pni.nteA (3284) C $150. pelt month 300 2 - Data Sets (3872) @ $99. each peer. month 396 2 - Disk Dnive-s (3330) @ $546. each pert month 2,184 FASTER M T @ $285. pelt month .570 $9,207 .75 . Sub- totae. Hitt 2 monthe $6,905 $2,302 $9,20 Remaining .ten month 1 - Centkat Pucezzing Unit GJ $2,011 pert month. $20,110 1 - ContxotZeA ( 3271) @ $336 pen. month 3,360 7 - Te4mtinaZ6 (3277) @ $91 each pex month 6,370 1 - PA.inteA (3286) C $183, pex month 1,830 I.- Prr,inteA (3284) @ $153. pex month 1,530 2 - Data Seib (3872) g $100. each petr: month 2,000 2 - NAk D Lives ( 3330) @ $555. each peA month 11,100 FASTER M T @ $290. pets month 2,900 $49,200 .75 Sub -total Remaining ten month $36,900 $12,300 $49,2( -qe 3�. CJC GRANTEE TOTAL Last six months 2 - Tekminats (3277) @ $91. each pen. month. $1,092 - 2 - Cabbed @ $18. each (one time change) 36 $1,128 .75 $ 846 $_ 282 $1,12 Sub -totaf- Equipment Cost& $44,651 $14,884 $59,53 T= i.ni.ng Tuition: Communications Systems De,,.ign and Anazye.ib $ 571 3270 Opekati.ond and Design: 244 $ 815 $813.00 Tu,itibn X 2 peopte = $1,630 -0- $ 1,630 $ 1,63 Suppt e6 and OtheA Opvating Expenses Category To#aZ 44,65. _ 16,514 61,16 G. I ndi ec t Cost 5% o� CJC Costs $ -0- $ 4,245 $ 4,2 Inditeat Cost Categohy Total $ 4,245 $ 4,2 Total Cobh $84,903 $20,759 $105,6 W Page 4 AS CRIMINAL JUSTICE COUNCIL APPLICATION FOR FT Project Plan and Supporting Data This section constitutes the heart of the grant application. It is the applicant's detailed statement of the project —its aims, precisely what will be done, who will he involved, and what is expected to result. With the project budget, it constitutes primary evidence to CJC of the soundness of the project, the care and planning - that has gone into its formulation, and the responsibility and qualifications of the applicant and others who will be involved in carrying it out. This section consists of two parts: the summary and the detailed project description. Summary [n the space below, write a brief summary or total project. g Goals The thrust o6 the deve,- opmenta2 eld6ont6 o6 this thtiAd yeatc's.g.,ca.nt wi.0 be the .tgn, development and t.mptementatton o6 a Police Management InAonmatton System. At the present time, no method exists to which t.ime2y po.ei.ce management neponts can be. geneAated and distni.buted to those command oj6.icehs who might pnojtt by the .inbotumatio contained thene,in. The tki td year's project goat wiZZ be the deve,eopment o 6 . a system that wiU meet thts agency's immediate needs penta.i,ni.ng to management .injonmatton and at the same time Sacititate the addition o� other management appetications as thetx ig-e1M &.Nes apparent. The thiAd year's project w,iU be divided into three major steps.. They ar-e. a s uhvey o4 other agenci& deveto pmenta l ' e6 Kon is negatding management data and a s unve o6 thi,& agency'a management data nequiAementa, the . design on tnanh-eati.on ob the {,i.ndings o4 the surveys into a development plan zaited to this department's needs and tazt, the tmptementati.on og the sinatized design. Each oi. the a6orement.ioned 6tep6 witZ be accompe,i6hed by the Project Team with the abststance oS 6z ti.on Command i1:� � i Ices This agency's accompetshmentz to date .include the s'uccessjue onganizat:i.on, design and implementation o6 thn.ee on -.eine appeicattons: Atetct Peprsons, Af-eht Veh.icte.a, and CA m-i.nal Name Index. The City o4 Corpus Chn,isti Data Pnoceas.ing con�igu- ration has been up- graded to meet the requii,ement6 og the proposed management .inAonma- tion system. D. Results It is felt that the -impZemen-tation o5 the management appeicati-ons wi.? -t result in the moke accurate 6onecast o� the development and_ movement of ckume in the cvicea with the attendant advantage o� Immediate response to the changing Grime zituation, RepoAts generated brom the management system will be distft i.buted to the section heade concerned and to the'Chie6 o6 Po.ei.ce bon his nevt.ew, evacuation and subsequent tecommendati.on6 to the Command Oj�icens. E. Evaluation The most ,important indication o4 the success oA the th i)cd year's ej6onts Witt be the decline in growth in Grime In this c.ea. Thi-s can be measuAed on a bhont tekm balls by the month y Game nepoAt and on a tongeA teAm basis by the annual Grime Report published by the F.B.I. Form CSC-1 (1/1174) Inge 4A 1. a CRIMINAL JUSTICE COUNCIL APPLICATION FOR G C - DETAIL PROJECT DESCRIPTION Organize the remainder of this section under the following headings: A. Goals, B. Methods, C_ Resources, D. Results, and E. Evaluation. Insert after this sheet as many additional pages (4a, 4b, 4c, etc.) as may be needed to complete the description of the Project Plan and Supporting Data_ If the applicant wishes to append documents that cannot be readily placed on continuation sheets, these documents should be listed on the last page of the Project Plan and copies furnished with the application for staff review. GOALS: The Cdtpub Cht�ti Potice De pantxnent has no organized Potice Management In{otmation System developed •at this time. Those police management tepottes genetated ate uhuatty done on a one - time -only bahtis in taponse to a quelti.on atLi ing itom out6ide- the department of in anticipation o5 a quatton btom a gkoup being addressed by one o6 the Community RePnti.on& Oj6.ieefrz. Those management tepott6 generated in this manner ate usuatty tittee mote than tabulatio n6 o4 the numbeta o b chimi.na2 ,.inc i.dentb wt th t i,ttf e analyz s o A the to s u, . Pni.ot to the .inception o5 the Cotpub ChA"ti Law EnAmcement'In4otmati.on System, management= .in�otmati:on development had teee.ived tittle attention due: pr irmcur i.F.y to the econom conb.idetattoms .involved. Since the debug of the Law PnSotcement In6otmation System Project, the pr.i.mahy goeus has been on the dezign, development and •imptementation o f a tap.id aece4z .inso- kmation 5y6tem to satL6�y the .in6ormation needs of the police o46.icet on the 3tteete Thehe needy have been met with the .introduction o f tivr.ee on -tine appticatr'.onb. They acre the Atett Pex6on6, Alert Vehicles, and ft mi.nal Name Index Appl.icatton&. The Pto ject Team now ptopob e s to tutu¢ .l td attention to the needs o5 Potice Management by developing an .in6orimat on sybtem that wiZZ eaptute, analyze and 3ummah.ize the datient .in6orma .ion eoneetn i.ng aU teque6t6 Sot ponce zetvtee, ptov.ide conttot oven the tequestS to assure prnpex 6oZtow -up, and to genetrate atatisti.cal -inaormation on criminal activity to ptov.ide e6�ective preventative law en4otcement through the mote e66.iaient deptoyment os existing pensonne,l. Thi-5 . agency has eaptuted cx&am na.2 .incidence and earl im police 6,etv.ice data on punched data cards 4ot the tast bout- and a ha?-6 yeas. The Ptojeet- Team kets that the analysis o5 this .i.n6o,,cmati.on could ptov.i.de a wecL th o6 knowtledge that eou,ld orm CJC-1 (1J1/74} Cr 'WATION OF DETAIL PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Page 4h be emptoyed in the application o4 chime pnedicti.on and prevention stcateg.ies. FouA sections within.the agency uLW be pn.ima+r,i.Py a66ected by the devetopment o5 the management - oriented injohmation system. They cue the unisokmed seeti.on6 o� Patno.t. and Tka46ic, the CA-imi.nat. Investigation Section and the Adm.iniztnative Se&viceh Section. The operation and pnoduetion ob AepoAts and studies concerning time response to calls Aon zenv.i.ce, time out o� service, ea.ft eomptetion time, type catt pen zone and beat,type calf peA time oA day, type ca.t_t pen day o� week, airtezts made pet zone and beat, ahAests peer. time ob day and day os week.. The Cr.imi.nat Investigation Section wilt be sutveyed and provided with %epoAt6 and studies concerning present ease in process, case c.teahance and ctosute, case work .toad peA -investigator, outstanding case icepoAts and .investigator activity pen month revlews. The Administ=tive Services Section wi,tz be provided pA maAity with those studies which wilt allow the depaxtmentaZ heads to monitoA the penjormanee and e4jic ieney of other department's sections. They wit atso receive those euAveys which w-iU help justiSy requests 4ox, addzti.onaZ budgetary Junckng. SevetaE contemptated nepont. jot the Administrative SeAviees Section teceipt and review Witt be er.ime occu4A.enee /patteAning studies, mime occurrence prediction kepoxt6, man power altoeation studies and section per6ormanee /ej6ieieney repoAts. The taAd year's project goat wi-et be the deve.topment o6 a system whose Aeponting and anaZys,is oA c&ime incident .inSoAmat.ion w.i,tt meet thiA agency's .immediate needs pertac:ning'to management .in6oAmati.on and at the same time 4aci,titate the addition o4 other management applicatiom as tWA need becomes apparent. The objective is to , provide the agency's &kectou with timely data on which welt based adm.in.istrati.ve deci6.ion6 can be made and -i.mptemented. It i6 hoped that with the data made avaitabZe through the proposed .insormation app.t.icati.on that the growth o6 ciri.me in this area can be chanted and predicted to the end that it can be e6jecti.ve,ty and e66ieientty checked and Reduced. P, 4c METHODS: ti � The thi&d yeak's paoject e4�ont6 w.i.i2 be .divided into thn.ee steps on stages with a ct-iticat kev.iew by the Pnwfeet Team 5ottowing each. The stages cAe: a 5u vey o6 otheA putice agencies' e66o&t-s kegaAAng the deveZopment o5 management data Aeponti.ng systems and a subsequent :in -depth tev-iew o6 this depahtmewt's management .injoninati.on nequitementa, the tAan,6ration oS the bindings into a 6ystem development plan taiZoted to this agency's need, and last, the .imptementation o6 the {inaeized design. The (liut pohtion o6 the tni tEat stage will be accompt ished by the Pnto f ect .Team acting by tthe j. The second potion o4 the .initial step, in which the grantee's manag ement needs au )teviewed, wiQ,2 nequiAe the assi'&tance o $ 'the department's 3 ec ti.on heads .inasmuch as theix expertZze in the &espective poPice {un coons i6 such that theix involvement iS necessary to the beat overate delineation o6 the operation's data and statisti.eak requinementa. The second stage o f system design wile, be the respona.ib.itity ob the Pno feet Team, who wit continue to peri.odieae/y consuet the participating section heady with queations reeating to detai.e, design and report jormating. Prior to the knitiation o6 the system .imptementation, a ex heat xevi.ew o6 the system design wile be dndertaken to assure the total satiajaction and meeting o6 user needs. The thixd step in which the reviewed and 6inatized design wit undergo .imptementation w.iU be executed by the Phojeet Team in its entiAety, with the exception o6 the jinat teat design. At that time, section heady wit again contribute their. knowEedge in assusti.ng in the 6ormueation o4 the testing scheme the system must undergo prior to tt3 commencement. Subsequent to the test design, the command osbicens concerned w.iete. participate in test res uM review and evaluation. Thi6 w.i P E s eAve the dual purpose o6 allowing the Pnojeet Team to more aceurntety evaluate the system, and provide a command orientation to the enti)Le management system. Page 4d Rega&di.ng the estimation o6 time -intenvats necesmty to each stage o6 the system devekopment, the survey o4 existing systems and de.- ineati.on o6 grantee. needs should take two monk to accompLi.ah. It is estimated that the system design Witt take the same amount o5 time, 2eay.ing an eight month pejriod in which .implement Lion and testing wilt be executed. RESOURCES: The City o5 Corpus Chtizti Law En�oneement Inbormati.on System Project :i6 entering .ids third yeah. Dutring the tease two yeatus, three on-tine appt-i.cations have been organized, designed and zuccess�utZy ,i,mptemented. They aae: Alert Peh6on6, Atent Ve.hicZe6, and the Cnim.inaf- Name Index. These appti.cations wetce designed to bati46y .inquihi.eb {nom the jie2d oA6 ceps regateding wanted pennons, stolen vehi.ctes and miz -" demeanor arce,6t data.. The City of Corpus ChA"ti. Data Proce zing Division con6iguration has been conti.- nuou Zy upgraded to handte the addi ti.ona,E demanda made upon it by the developing poZi.ce system. It is now ope4ating an IBM System 370 /135 witA a. cone capacity o6 144 K. Data is atoned and accessed from six dish Aives and -two ttipe_.bpkndQez. The City Pof -ice Department accesses the system with seven video teAmina A and tvo high speed pkinteu. The City Municipae Coutct accesses the system through two video tenminats and a high speed pn inteA. With the .inctusion o6 an add ti.ona2 56 K, the data pnoee6s.ing.con4igunation has been upgraded to meet the additionae demands o� the pro posed Potiee Management In6ormation System. Page 4e. P&ojeat Sta66 WZU Consist o6 the EoRowi.ng Individuaes: Phojeat D.isceeton - James H. Avast, Clueb o6 Poti.ce. The aaponzibiZity Jon the continuing oveAazz nesuZt,& o6 the project jests cuith tkis 6eni.o,% membeA o6 Dtv.i6ion Management, the Ch.ie6 06' Po.eice. Clues Avant .is a twenty -seven yeaA veteAan with the Cojpus ChA:isti Police Depahtment. He has expeai.enee in aP.e 6acets o6 potice worth with ptogj.e66 i.vely nesponsibze positions. He has served in various pos.iti.ons with seventeen years expeAienee in adm.inist ative junctions as Mzi-sta.nt Ch.ies o6 Poti.ee. Chi.e6 Avant is a gjaduate o6 the E.B.I. National Academy and has been Clue$ 06 Poti ce o6 this depattnent ban three yeau Pxoject Coondi.natox - W. J. Smith, Commander o6 Poti.ee. It is recognized that a successsuz systems pA.ojeet Aequirea uaeA .invozvement to e66ecti.vely satissy user requ.iAements. To assure this tnvotvement, a seniors o66.ieer 06 the D.ivcs.ion w.iU continue to act as cooAdinator to: Obtain adequate deeckiption os ingoAmati.on needs GeneAa to us eA - i.ntexeAt in b ys temb deveZo pment and po tentia i' Obtain propeA data proeeas.ing he,bnonse to useA requirements Generate training manua_6 Design and pa4tici.pate in continuing training programs Commander. Smith .i�s a twenty -6auk yeax veteran o6 the Cacpus Chj,isti Police Department. He has exten,6 ive pot ice ce experience by virtue 06 h.is zetviee in the Patoz, Trca56.ic, Crim.inaE Investigation, Narccotics, and Admiwiztat.ive Serevices Sections. He has attended Wd.2,Q,iam Jewez Cozlege, the Uviive &Sity o6 Vi&g.inia, and Sam Houston State University. He has in excess os twenty -two hundred tai.ning houris in police .technology and is cu&, ent2y holding both a class A and B Inbt Ur -tons Certi.6-icate in Law Ensorcement and an Advanced CeAti6.ieate srom the Texas Commission 6or Law Ensorcement 066.icens. Page 4 Assistant Phojeet CooAdinatoA - Sexgeant R.ichatd SpeneeA. The sta6A o66icex designated as PAOjeat CooxdinatoA must have assistance in p2A6oAming the myxi,ad deta.iZ6 Aequitced by the use& agency, such as peuannet conttcot, data eoUection, Jite conveAzion, detaiZed worth on uisex manuals, cZassxoom tkai.ning, hands -on tAa,ining and pxoject evaluation. SeAgeant SpeneeA has seven yea AA police expe>Lienee and has been ",signed to ptoject conttwl, and detaiZ since the p&nwing stage. Se&geant Spenceh is cwvicentty complWng academic woiLk towaxds a B.A. degree at Sam Houston State Uni.veAs.ity and has attended data pxocess.ing schoo5 in Coxpu6 Chxisti., Houston, San Maxcos, and Dallas, Texas. Systems Analyst - Mautn Koehle Review o6 6ystems design and pxogAamm.ing xequixe- ments on appZicati.ons completed to date .indicate the continuing need box a Ju.21 time Systems Analyst dun.%ng the xemai,ndex of the pxojeet. MajoA Ae,6pons.ibUi y w.iPz be the technicat xequi ke.ments o6 systems design and the aAticulati.o n . o 6 hequ c*Aeme t& sox the phogAamming e6joAtz as well as the supehvi4ion and evacuation 04 pxogwiw .i.ng developments. Mt. Kgehl has extensive expeA;ienee in both pnoq& mm.ing and systems anatys.is. He was associated 6oA eight years with Ptttsbuxgh Rate Gtas,4 as a pAogAammex and a.naeyst piriciL to joining the city atxJJ. Mx. Koeh.t Aeeeived his B.S. degxee in ehemistky Axom St. Mary's University in 1964. PxogA.ammen. - Heten CaAmiehael. A study ob pcogAamming time expended an the 5.vgst three appQ,icat,i.ons and a compaA"on o4 these appti.caticns to the Aemcti.ni.ng .apptica- ti.on .indicates the need Jox one pAogxanmiex asstgned bull -time duki.ng the tVAd yeah pxoject. Ms. Cahm,iehael was a 1967 honors gAaduate 6ham the University o6 Texas with a B.A. degxee .in math. Since that time she has been employed in the data pAacese.ing S-i,eld with Texas Pakks and 01.i.Q,d?,i.6e, AmeAtcan National ln6m cnee Company, and the City o6 CoApus Chk sti. Data PAocess.ing Depaxtment. ,e 4g. A,s -s.istance w.LU ayso be pxovtided by the City o6 Cotpus C"ti Data Pxoee-s -sting ManageA, At. Robext Ralk. He wZU ass,6izt in vendors .Zia/on and technical management o6 data ptoeehsting pehsonneZ. Sy -stems Fng.ineeta: - Michael Speed. Michael Speed has had extensive expetienee as a bystem6 engineeit with IBM. His expekience tineZudes -system6 det5.i_gn and eng.ineen,ing in banking and tetai.l disttL.i.but%on. Mrs. Speed xecetived a B.S. degxee in mathematicA 6nom the UniveAzity o5 Texas in 1967. He has been with IBM since that date and ha6 pxogxmzed btom engtneening on the IBM 360120 thxough the 3701145. RESULTS: As noted in the >ummatcy, it iz Ae.Z,t that the -i.mptementati.on o� the management apptieatiows witt. .indtin.Z.Z.y rLesu.lt in the mote aceu=te 5oteca6t oA the development and movement of ctr ime in the area witk the attendant advantage of immediate tea ponce to the changing ctume situation. It " 6u4thet 5elt that th i.6 ab-i Zits to prwv.ide management data on a timely basti6 witt uttimate.Zy xe,6uZt in botk the ee sa- ttion o 5 chime growth and a mea6 usable Leduc ti.on o6 the incidence o6 etc.i m -inaf- o 66ens e,6 shottZy a5teAwatd. Futethetmote, Cotpu6 Ch&Z6ti, as the mettapotitsrn centetL o6 the Coastat Bend Region, wi,ZZ be equipped to o55et the use o6 its law en6oxcement data ptoces -s-ing 6aciZities to othex agencies throughout the atiea a,s they develop thefA . capab.i"es to access ouA system tkxough on- Y-i.ne tetmina 6 ox bathe -mode. pxoeez -6 ing. This wilt have two immediate advantages. FiAAt, the -state and nati.onat. taw en4oxce- ment netwoxks WiZZ be relieved o6 handQ,i_ng those .inquiAi.eh that ot:.e ob Zoca Z. tintetest only. Second, -smatter local agencie-s w.i_U be retieved of the burden o6 completely developing theix own management .in6onmati.on systems, in as much as the development and .implementation has been accompti6hed within thivs agency. In6otmation tegatding the Cotpu6 Chtwst;i Law FnSoteement Injotmati.on Syatem wiZZ be made avaita.ble to other. agencies, regaadless o6 theit locale, on a request. bards. Page 4h. f This 4y,5tem witf- continue to receive attention 4rcom the toca.Z new& media, mote e6pec<,aZZy 4o ah other agencin deveZope th.eZ&-xe4ou -.ee4 and tie into ou)L exi6ti.ng 4ystem. EVALUATION: Pno jeet evaZuation methodo.Zog y 6o2 the tki'td yeaA',6 grant w.i ZZ xema.in much the Game a4 ex 6tant duAing the ji rst and aecond yeau. This 4y4tem utieizes tepoxang Snom the data pnoces sing .team, consuZtants active in the pAo ject development and ponce peAsonn.eZ pa&ticipating in the project. Duxing the tkad yeaA'a grtaant, the monthf -y F.B.-I. xepo.rt wilt neeeive mope .in -depth &ev.iew and anaty&Zs than pneviou,6ty to e44ect a $tandand by which the eg$eetivenesb o4 the management insohmati.on syztem can be mea6utced. It i-6 6eZt that the only valid manneh in which this 6ystem can be evaluated .i.4 thxough the ya&d4tick pnov.ided by the monthly F.B.I. xepoht. I4 the puvcsion to depak ment.aZ execut%.ve6 o� tOeZy management data is then JoZZowed by mane aoundZy- bossed admi.niztxative decisions, and the end xe6utt is a d munition o6 the growth os eioime, and a subsequent downwaicd tuxning o{ chime incidence, the zystem can be to emed a 6ucce46. . As e44ected p&ev.iou ty, ptogice.6.6 on the thi&d yeaV,6 gunt w.iU be di6 .&em.i.nated to the CAimin,4 Ju-stice Counei.Z by means os the Quahtn2y ftogneA4 Repots. Any other evatuati.on aequi&ed box the pxo jest under this gAant paoposaZ w,i ZZ be pxepahed ion the Cnim.i.na.Z Justice CounciZ on xeque,6t. TEXAS CPIMENAL JUSTICE COUNCIL APPLICATION FOR GRANT Project Title: CORPUS URTSTT LAW ENFORCEMENT TNT OI&ATTON SMTEt.f To validate this application, the following standard grant conditions, where applicable, must be certified and agreed to by the applicant. Also,' tv'aere a condition is applicable and requires additional information, such information should be included in or as an addition to tie applica- tion. (Additional explanation of these grant conditions may be found in CJC publication Guide for Grant Administration. ) Standard Grant Conditions - 1. Project Initiation. If an approved project has not commenced within 60 days after accep- lance of the grant award, acceptance of the grant award must be returned to the CJC within 30 days after the date of the award. The grantee will report by letter the steps taken to initiate the project, reasons for the delay, and expected starting date. If 90 days after acceptance of the award the project is not. operational, a further statement of implementation delay will be submitted by the grantee to the Criminal Justice Council. On receipt of the 90 -day letter CJC may cancel the project and redistribute the funds to other project areas. CJC, where warranted by extenuating circumstances, may request approval from the LEAA Regional Office to extend the implementation date of the project past the 90-day period. 2. Project Completion. With the exception of the final project report, final financial report, and liquidation of goods or services encumbered before the termination date, grants must be completed no later than the termination date set forth in the Statement of Grant Award or any approved extension thereof. Grantees should keep in mind the grant condi -- tion prohibiting the obligation of funds beyond such termination dates, the requirement for liquidation of obligations within 80 days after the termination date, and the require - ment for the return of unobligated grant funds within such period. 3. Reports. The grantee shall submit, at such times and in such forms as may be prescribed; any reports that the Criml.ral Justice Council may require, including quarterly financial and progress reports and final financial and progress reports. The grantee's failure to submit required reports within the prescribed time constraits may result in unnecessary delays in the processing of request for funds. 4. Fiscal Regulations. The fiscal administration of grants shall be subject to such rules, regulations, and policies concerning accounting and records, payments of funds, cost allowability, submission of financi.,.,' reports, etc., as may be presecribed by CJC, including those set forth in the CJC Guide for Grant Administration. b. Utilization and Pavment of Funds. Funds awarded may be expended only for purposes and activities covered by the grantee's approved project plan and budget. Payments will be - made on the basis of periodic requests and estimates of fund needs submitted by the grantee. Payments will be adjusted to correct previous overpayments or underpayments and disallowances resulting from audit. 6. Written Approval of Changes. Grantees must obtain prior written approval from CJC far - major project changes. These include (a) changes of substance in project activities, design, or research plans set forth in the approved application; (b) changes in the project director or other key personnel identified in the approved application, (c) expenditure of project Page 5A, funds representing more than a 15 percent or $2,500 variation, whichever is greater, in any category of the total approved budget, including both CJC grant funds and grantee contri- bution, and (d) all additions to or deletions of approved equipment purchases. Any project changes in the grantee's prerogative to initiate are subject to cost allowability and budget guidelines that may be described in the CJC publications mentioned in the preamble to this section. 7. Application Review Changes. Any changes effected in this application as a result of or during the course of CJC review will be deemed to have been ratified by the grantee upon CJC's receipt of the grantee's request for funds or acceptance agreement. & Maintenance of Records. Financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, required reports, and all other records pertinent to the grant project or any component part thereof shall be retained for three years from the date of the grantee's submission of the final expenditure report, except that records for non - expendable property acquired with Federal grant funds shall be retained for three years after final disposition. The records shall be retained beyond the three-year period if audit findings have not been resolved. Provisions to this effect must be included in all contracts, subcontracts, or other arrangements for implementation of this project or any component thereof.. 9. Inspection and Audit. The State of Texas, the U.S. Department of Justice, and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives shall have access to any books, documents, papers, and records pertinent to this grant project for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts, and transcripts. A provi- sion to this effect shall be included in all contracts, subcontracts, or other arrangements for implementation of this project or any component therof. 10. Termination of Aid. A grant may be terminated or fund payments discontinued by CJC if it finds a substantial failure to comply with the provisions of P.1,. 90.351 or regulations promulgated thereunder, including these grant conditions or application obligations, but only after notice and hearing and pursuant to all procedures set forth in Sections 510 and 511 of P.L. 90.351, 11. Obligation of Grant Funds. Grant funds may not, without advance written approval by CJC, be obligated prior to the effective date or subsequent to the termination date of the grant period. Obligations outstanding as of the termination date.shall be liquidated within 90 days. Such obligations must be related to goods or services provided and utilized for ultimate program purposes. 12. Title to Property. Title to property acquired wholly or partly with grant project funds in accordance with approved budgets shall vest in the grantee, subject to divestment at the option of LEAA or CJC (to the extent federal funds contributed to the acquisition there- of) exercisable only on notice within 180 days after the end of the grant period or termination of the grant. The grantee shall exercise due care in the use, maintenance, protection, and preservation of such property during the period of grantor interest. 13. Use of Property for Law Enforcement Purposes. All property acquired with grant project funds or donated property representing a grantee contribution shall be committed to use for law enforcement purposes throughout its useful life. 14. Project Income.- All interest or other income earned by a grantee with respect to grant funds or as a result of conduct of the grant project (sale of publications, registrations fees, service charges on fees, etc.) must be accounted for. Income should be applied to project purposes or in reduction of project cost. Interest earned on grant funds must be returned to CJC. All other project income must be applied to project purposes or as a reduction of total project cost, Page 5$ 15. Publications. The grantee may publish, at its own expense, the results of grant activity without prior CJC review provided that any publication (written, visual, or sound) contains an acknowledgement of CJC grant support. The following disclaimer must be contained in the aforementioned acknowledgement: The fact that the Criminal Justice Council furnished financial support to the activity , described in this publication does not necessarily indicate the concurrence of the Criminal Justice Council in the statements or conclusions contained herein. At least 25 copies of any such publication must be furnished to CJC but only 10 copies of training materials (where used in grant project) must be supplied, except as otherwise requested or approved by CJC. Publication of documents or reports with grant funds beyond quantities required to meet standard report requirements must be provided for in approved project plans or budgets or otherwise approved by CJC and, for large quantity publication, manuscripts must be submitted in advance to CJC. 16. Copyrights. Where activities supported by this grant produce original books, manuals, films, computer programs (including executable computer programs and supporting data in any form), or other copyrightable material, the grantee may copyright such, but CJC reserves a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable license to produce, publish, and use such materials, and to authorize others to do so. Disposition of royalties will be determined by CJC. Provisions appropriate to effectuate the purposes of this condition must be in all employment contracts, consultants' agreements, and other contracts. 17. Patents. If any discovery or invention arises or is developed in the course of or as a result of work performed under this grant, by the grantee or contractor, the grantee shall refer the discovery or invention to CJC, which will determine whether or not patent protection will be sought; how any rights therein, including patent rights, will be disposed or and administered; and the need for other action required to protect the public interest in work supported with federal funds, all in accordance with the Presidential Memorandum of October 10, 1963, on Government Patent Policy In the final narrative report the grantee shall identify any discovery or invention arising under or developed in the course of or as a result of work performed under this grant or shall certify that there are no such inventions or discoveries. 18. Allowable Casts. The allowability of costs incurred under any grant shall be determined in accordance with the genrral principles of allowability and standards for selected cost items set forth in Office of Management and Budget Circular A -87, "Principles for Determining Costs Applicable to Grants and Contracts with State and Local Governments," as further defined and delimited in conditions in the CJC Guide for Grant Administration. Educa- tional institutions are subject to standards set forth in OMB Circular A -21, 19. Expenses Not Allowable. Grant funds may not be expended for (a) items not part of the approved budget or separately approved by CJC; (b) purchase of land and construction of buildings or implementation of improvements theron, or payment of real estate mortgages or taxes, unless specifically provided for in the grant agreement; (c) entertainment, amuse- ments, or social activities, or incidental costs related thereto; (d) purchase of automobiles or other automotive vehicles unless provided for in the grant agreement; or (e) indirect (overhead) costs, if the grantee does not have an indirect cost allocation plan and rate acceptable to CJC, except negotiated lump sum amounts included in the approved applica- tion budget. 20, Proposal Costs. Grant runds may not be committed or expended for costs of preparing proposals without prior CJC approval. 21. Third Party Participation. No contract or agreement not incorporated in the approved proposal or approved in advance by CJC may be entered into by the grantee for execution of project activities or provision of services to a grant project (other than purchase of supplies or standard commercial or maintenance services less than $2,500). Any such liayfe 5C arrangements shall provide that the grantee will retain ultimate control and responsibility for the grant project and that the contractor shall be bound by these grant conditions and any other requirements applicable to the grantee in the conduct of the project. 22. Clean Air Act. In accordance with Presidential Executive Order 11602 and the provisions of the Clean Air Act, 42 USC 1857 et seg, as amended by P_L. 91 -604, 1970, any grunt may be terminated and expenditure of federal funds will be discontinued if at any time during the grant period. the grantee has been convicted of an offense under the Clean Air Act. Grantee may not contract with any party convicted under the Clean Air Act. Appli- cant certifies that it has not been convicted of any violation of the Clean Air Act. 23. hatch Act. All persons funded by or contributing to this project agree to comply with Title 5, Chapter 15, Sections -1501 through 1508 and any amendments thereto, United Sicte's Code Annotated, more commonly known as the "Hatch Act" relating to political activities. 24. Release of Information. Pursuant to Section 521 of the Act, ail records, reports, papers, and other documents kept by recipients of CJC funds, including grantees and their con- tractors, relating to the receipt and disposition of such funds are required to be made available to CJC and LEAA, under the terms and conditions of the Federal Freedom of Information Act. 26. Relocation Assistance, In conformance with the requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Land Acquisitions Policies Act of 1970 (42 USC 4633), applicant hereby declares that this project will not result in the displacement of one of more persons, businesses, or farm operations, and that no real property shall be acquired for project purposes. If this declaration cannot be made, CJC will provide the applicant a Relocation Assistance Certificate that must be completed before consideration of the application. 26.. Environmental Impact. Any application for a grant involving: (a) construction, purchase, or alteration of facilities-, (b) implementation of programs involving the use of herbicides and pesticides; or (c) other actions determined by the LEAA Regional Administrator to have a possibly significant effect on the quality of the environment; must include either a draft environmental statement as required by Section 102(2)(c) of the National Environ- mental Policy Act or a declaration that the proposed action will not have a significant impact on the environment. 27. Historic Sites. In any grant project involving construction, renovation, purchasing, br less- ing of facilities the grantee shall consult with the state liaison officer for historic preserva- tion to determine whether the undertaking may have an effect on properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places, If the undertaking may have an adverse effect on the listed program properties CJC must be notified before consideration of the application. 28. Education Support. No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving CJC financial assistance with the exception of the qualifications set forth in Title IX, Section 901(A) of Public Law 92.318 (86 Stat. 373). To validate this application, the following special items must be certified and agreed to by the applicant. Special Items Nonsupplanting Requirement, in compliance with the requirement that federal funds, made available under Part C, Title 1, Public Law 90 -351, as amended, be used "not to supplant state' or local funds," this is to certify that the below described recipient of federal funds under Part C, Title I, Public Law 90 -351, as amended, will use such funds to increase state or local funds Page 5D that would, in the absence of such federal aid, be made available for law enforcement purposes— It is understood that the above certification by the financial officer will be required on the final report of expenditures and status of action grant funds. Assurance of Compliance with Civil Rights Act of 1964. The applicant hereby agrees that it will comply and will insure compliance by its contractors with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of " 1964 (Public Law 83 -352) and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to Regulations of the Department of Justice-(29 CRF Part 42) issued pursuant to that title, to the end that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the applicant receives federal financial assistance. The grantee further will comply with and insure compliance. by its contractors with Justice Department equal employ- ment regulation in federally assisted programs to the end that employment discrimination in such programs on the grounds of race, color, creed, sex, or national origin shall be eliminated. The grantee recognizes the right of the United States to seek judicial enforcement in its contracts. Assurance of compliance with Title 28, Part 42, nondiscrimination; equal opportu- nity; Police and Procedures - Subpart E —Equal Opportunity Guidelines. The applicant hereby agrees that it has complied with the requirements of Subpart E and has filed the required certification and where applicable has on file a current affirmative action. plan. Applicant's Agreement. It is understood- and agreed by the applicant that any grant received as . a result of this application shall be subject to the above standard conditions, special items, and other policies and rules issued by the Criminal Justiee Council for administration of grant projects; all provisions under P.L. 90 -351, as amended; and memoranda issued by CJC. CerUfled by: Signature 1Vame Title Date: genci Form CJC-1 (111/74) . INSTRUCTION FOR COMPLETING EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY CERTIFICATION. EQUAL Pt OGRA',1 Cl:it'I'tt tt r1'T'ii3 Ma.'ro.L7 Tn�vmgAp '4 certify that: (official filing the.application) 0 This agency employs fewer than 50 people or has received or applied for less than $25,000 from Criminal Justice Division, therefore, the is not required to file an (criminal justice agency) equal opportunity program: in accordance with 28 CFR 42.301 at seq., Subpart E. El This agency employs 50 or more people and has received or applied to the Criminal Justice Division, Office of the Governor for total funds in excess of $25,000, therefore, the City o4 CoApu s _ChA,tzti. Pa?- ce Di vi si opt has formulated an equal employment opportunity (criminal justice agency) program in accordance with 28 CFR 12.201 et seq., Subpart E if applicable, and that it is on file in the office of ChoAZe,5 Speed City Ha-et 04 CoApus Ch;y.,i ti Peu5onKe,2 D4,`zfor review or audit by an (name, address, title) official of the Criminal Justice Division, Office of the Governor or the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, as required by relevant laws and regulations. El This state agency or department has received LEAA funds from the Criminal Justice Division, Office of .the Governor, therefore, the C-i U 04 COAPY -6 Cklu,At,, PoUce D.i.v.iA.i,ost has formulated an equal (criminal justice agency)' employment opportunity program in accordance with the Appropriations Bill, 63rd Legislature, Regular Session and with 28 CFR 42.301; et seq., Subpart E if applicable, and that it is on file in the office of Clian2es Sneed City Hatt o{ Co)MU6 C" ti PeLS02 "I? L&-for review or audit by an official of (name, address, title} the Criminal Justice Division, Office of the Governor or the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, as required by relevant laws and regulations, PROJECT TTTLia Co"m Chh,i�sti laic 1<nbiLeemee- In ioAmatioyt Strhtem GRANT NUMBETt1- 712 -788 / 3 -31 -1642 74 01 Official Authozized to Sign Application pro, i Director T ^� June 25, 3474 DATE DATE Corpus Christi, Texas &A-4i day of 19 71-1 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause-of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspen- sion of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordi- nance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter rule was suspended by the following vote: Jason Luby L James T. Acuff Rev.. Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Ricardo Gonzalez Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark The above ordinance was passed by the fol owing vote: Jason Luby James T. Acuff Rev. Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Ricardo Gonzalez Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark �_