HomeMy WebLinkAbout12168 ORD - 07/10/1974• JRR:vp:7- 8- 74tlst AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AMENDED AGREEMENT WITH THE CORPUS CHRISTI INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR THE CONDUCT AND ADMINISTRATION OF SUMMER YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMS FUNDED UNDER TITLE III OF THE COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ACT OF 1973, SO AS TO PROVIDE AN ADDITIONAL $158,293 TO FURTHER THE PROGRAM PROVIDING EMPLOYMENT TO THE DISADVANTAGED YOUTH IN THE COASTAL BEND REGION, ALL AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE AMENDED AGREEMENT, A COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIBIT "A "; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, 0 SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute an amended agreement with the Corpus Christi Independent School District for the conduct and administration of summer youth employment pro- grams funded under Title III of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973, so as to provide an additional $158,293 to further the program pro- viding employment to the disadvantaged youth in the twelve - county area of the Coastal Bend Region, all as more fully set forth in the agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A ". SECTION 2. The necessity to authorize execution of the amended agreement as above described, in order that the summer youth employment pro- gram may be continued and furthered, creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the � day of July, 1974. ATTEST: '4�'Ajz - AWr- City Secretary APPROVED: /DAY OF JULY, 1974 _h� — flf ?7 5T ity Attorney MAYO L�� ,, ��� THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 12168 0 CONTRACT 110, CONTRACT SIGIATURE &:i::ET G r'OZ Ycise :iGOIUOr COUTR-CTOR • Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium Corpus Christi Independent School District 302 S. Shoreline 515 N. Carancahua St. Carpus Christi, Texas 78401 Corpus Chrisi , Texas 78401 This contract is entered into by the ?ri ::e Sponsor, htreinaite= re: �rre•' •:o as Grantor and Corpus Christi Independent School District nereir.a':a^ referrt6 to a5 Contractor. Ti-le Contractor .gees to oiler at•a a Comprehensive Employ Went .rd in accordance with the provisior_s of this a recment. This coatra_t ccr.--;st:: c_ this sheet sr:d such general avid special assurances as are ircil_e= hereir (See Page 2) A. OBLICATIO.N (1) The total estimated Federal cost of the CETA Ff(s) Coastal Bend Summer Youth nrogram is :� 843,124 as Additional $478,500 reflected in It= IZIA of t�L Pro.)ec:; Operating will be obligated Plan. This estimated coat will cover the period to the contractor June 2, 1974 -to- October 1, 1974 when appropriated by Congress and (2) Funds obligated by the Prime Sponsor are approved by the DOL. 364,624 These fund's cover the period _ June 2, 1974 to October 1,_ 1974 . B. MODIFICATION (1) This modification XOincreLases / % decreases /-? does not char -3e the funds previously obligated by. $ 158,293.00 to a total obligation of $ 1,001,417,00 (2) Description of Modification Increase program enrollment and funding from supplemental summer funds, Title III. Funds will be utilized to absorb previous out -of- school 1,AC C. TITLE 1J[D FISCAL '. :.R and to expand sunnier program generally. The total fu -rids oDiiZa'-ed for this contract by title and fiscal year are: Fiscal Yew Title I Title III =A EOA TOTAL. FY 73 209,700 209,700 FY 74 154.924 15424 FY 74 478,500 478,500 FY 74 (supp) 158,293 158,293 TOTAL 636,793 209,700 154,924 1,001,417 i1i'i':nY�'D Ycr F-1 1;_ -1-71 1- „ -I UN 7`0;1 T:? BY { '_1 Dana Williams Superintendent _ R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager _ -- — hi :•1!•: ANQ T'Ti.i': I tlAi•L: A;.ii `. :;IL(IATUi!Ii — -- L'Al'[: CORM ACTOR APr� C,,gION FOR CONTRACT _ - 1• s • . u.m .,:... IJ.M,Ir.. 2. Aeel lr.n . ..Ile.rl« He. Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium Corpus Christi Independent School j 1S r1C 302 S. Shoreline P. 0. Box 9277 E _ -515 N. Carancahua Street AJAI ^I.h..l.. oil.. Sins A /J...• — P.O. B.. 1 Corpus Christi Nueces 'Corpus Christi Nueces f Texas 78408 Texas 78401 cur 9vr Z1, cad.. S, Zip C. + Comprehensive Employment and Training Act _Title III (Summer Youth)j m Prime Sponsor Funding R�QlleSLeQ 5 158,293 Contractor Type Corpus Christi Independent s ^.•• c. nr ar. % o.h., s .r,l,) School District New ContractP Continuation, R Sapp lenient 0tn3r Cn;;nga le_ irp. d A..I.nr.r R + t Other (Specify) I I. P.'aiw..n Di...lr wn.lhi.y Ir... rh. Rr.j•.p 12. L.,,h.1 P..j.e1 _ 420 p�nn i.y Or. 14 15 and 23 June 1, 1974 �. 14, 15, and 23 11. Dw. d Appl ewl« July 10, 1974 ib. 7M .,.Ilc.n. e.nil i.. .l.w .s Ih. L•.. d Ai. 1.r.1.Jp. «J b.li.l ,1.. Jw. in rh:. .p,licmi« o-. ,.w srd ee.•c,..N .hw h. .ill <...I, .Mh rlr .rt.c1..J «w..c.• N h. r.c.1... pl.. p..n. T.I.pi..... M.L.. Dana Williams Superintendent .r. �.o, F Signature of Authorized Reoresentative of Applicant 512. 61 31 • Fn F.J...1 U.. OM, Supplement OPtk-%) t;\,G PLAN jNa,,C and Address 1—CL=Us—Q,i Corpus Christi Independent School District 515 N. Carancahua St. —C- ati,.—Texaa 7B4 s"D -- or. M '. f,% �qyu,, L, I I? Is C01'. Lr�, e. 1,pt OF tP.('q,Am I T11k I SUM. To It 6-2-74 10-1-7 0 3 -Title III Supp. 70TAL Ol" L CURRENTLY t. FN30.LW.ENT AND )FFWW,%TIOP GL;kA1,,,",FjV TOTAL CC r, 'ITLY ', OVAL, 1 Com�-, EfAMED 1. To." ;NDIVIDUgL& To gE SERVED I'S- of A. f end A11 40 scrIVED r E S",Ef) j 265 !N:)IVJ -U-LS CAsqtt`D OL, F110, tj,�;110:HAM YEAR ---75--- x x x x x x x TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 70 RE TC1.­144TED OLMINCi PFG�,IIAMYFAH _fS- of O.r Ff,—,,,rhC—.4j— 2 7. 01<CT PLACIJ-<f,,S. NO CE TA TnAIWCC; Or EM-'LOY"ENT 2. U-01FECT PLACC-�NTS. Wt-LOwING CITA TRAININE/EMNOYtfPIT OT],f?f POSIT I\1, - 255 L TEP"'N'T'ONS 10 -- PLANNFE) TO I11 I-, 3 10 _-_ IN PROGRAM ACTIVITIES .m, W- 1.) T" L-6:, ,t �rdi,ld,el, h I-Iylb-Oh tt", 0) 71," —b , � In — then - . s"D EIRE"TLY PADGRAP-1 ACTIVM 70TAL Ol" L CURRENTLY TOTAL ruAmEN-,I-y TOTAL CC r, 'ITLY ', OVAL, 1 Com�-, EfAMED Ot "0 r ROLLEL) SEIVrD ENROLLED scrIVED r E S",Ef) j NT 34o 0 0 OTW AC71V171CS __- III. --NCJAL PLAH'I'M IV. CUML31-ATIVL PROJECTIO11S by QUAKTEPI OF M-ANCIAL il—A-( E-A 1-1. bl. 6-1-o thl. V-1 t5- of A. I -' A.2r 158,293 I- I j-, or 0/30 1 1 3/3 1 other 0, Title III Supp. Sun. -0- A. Fli- 5ho-, 2. N— f-61n0 try i.1-1. .11-0—j 158,293 I A-'. -I I- Thl, wo,,­ AI , Ity: IS- . - - - r); fS,_ or ".I h,-, S. 6) 1 8 ✓ 2 N'—TA 158,293 S. 2. O-The -J.• T,.Wnu 156,6 -:. e5r.t S—i— E-4—t W,O.. I!, -k L— I,- 158 29 A. F,IV. A-rk. 1,693 1 F,—, ch."; d. r-i- to C G-, C. V- Ed. -0- ic-r CLIENT CROUP P-j--d t v_ "oh Fund, Primo sponsor. E. Ul M.r Fed rrof Fonda, not Ins G-m &:L)t:rrr GROUP 'o-", ---------------- �—r_ of a, C, - .3 21 f! 40 Disadvantaged Youth R V1. Ortle ACTIVITIES (R,/,-,, 11.6: IV-9.6j to � To be transferred to Title I Coastal Bend Youth Services Program on or about 10-1-74. PROJECT COld1'ONI'21T BUDGor _ Sumner Supplement L/ TITLE I /? TITIZ II /X/ TITLE III Vft1 %E of CO!V,RAcToR OR SUZGRAPiTEE: Co us Christi Independent School District MLICTION OR ACTIVIT`C: (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COST: (2) WAGES. (3 ) TRAINIl'7G: (k) FRINGE BE= ITS. (i) ALLOWANCES: (6) SERVICES: TOTAL P,MOLJ?iT: PAGE I OF 6 PAGES 156,600 158,293 BF.CFt -dJt' CC i i�7it1' R[Fil�.� CS (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COS'PS a. STAFF COSTS: b. FRINCE BENEFITS: C. CONSL:•iLBLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: d. PP,OGR1um EVALUATION: e. ACCOUNTING SYSTM4: £. MANAMFENT INFORMATION SYSTEt4: g. STATE MkTMOWER SEHUICES COUNCIL: t1 A h. PRIME SPONSOR PLANNING r "',r"CIL: i. TRAVEL: J. RENT: k. UTILITIES: 1. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: m. INDIRECT COSTS: n. STAFF TRAINING: o. TECHNICAL ASSISTP210E: p. EQUIPMENT: q. MATERIAL: r. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: s. PUBLICATIONS: t. AUDIT SERVICES: u. OTHER: (Specify) v. OTHER: (Specify) w. OTHER: (Specify) X. OTHER: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL 0 _2_ HACK --UP SUPPQa'C nujX -E (2) WAGES: a. On-Job-Training- b- Transitional Subsidized Emnloyment: e. Other: (Specify) d. Other: (Specify) (3) TR TNIzIG: a. Salaries: b. Fringe Benefits: C. Tuitions: d. Entrance Fees: e_ Books f. Teacher's Aids: g. Other: (Specify) h. Other: (Specify) -3- a,1'OMIT SUB -TOTAL 0 • 131lClC -UP SUPP0IIT BUDGETS (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: a. Annual Leave: b. Sick Leave: C. Court Leave: d. 1dlitary Leave: e. FICA: f. Life Insurance: g. Health Insurance: h. Unemployment Insurance; i. Workmen's Compensation: J. Retirement Benefits: k. Other: (Specify) I. Other: (Specify) (5) ALLOWANCES: SUB -TOTAL SUB -TOTAL 0 Naolrr< 1,693 1,693 i56.600 DACC -UP SUPPORT t3trDGE i Pl ?CUi i'i (o) SFMVICES TO Cf,lEpITS: a. Child Care: b. Health Care: c. Medical Services: d. Residential Support: e. Assistance in Securing Bonds f. Family Planning: g.• Outreach: h• Intake and Assessment: i. Orientation: J. Counceling: k. Job Development: I. Job Placement: m. Other: (Specify) n. Other: (Specify) , o. Other: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL 0 GRAIID TOTAL 158,293 -5- Abst items shown, on preceedinr parses will require detailed support in the form oP a cost breakdown as to how the Contractor arrived at the cost figures. Attached is a smaple for--at as to how this may b! se.bmitted. FLEXIBILITY OF COSTS: Administrative cost will not exceed 15 of the total cost. The flexibility of costs betw:een cost categories .'i' 1 dnzen4- the regotiated agree -ent tctwe_: the ?rime -_ caso_ .=,d tale Ccntrs for /3:�sr�_ -6- Modification #1 Summer Supplemental Narrative For two hundred sixty -five applicants who will be enrolled and will work on the same basis as all other summer enrollees, all statements in the original narrative included in the CETA Contract between the City of Corpus Christi and the Corpus Christi Independent School District will apply. The following narrative applies to seventy -five youth who will be absorb- ed with supplemental summer funds from the City of Corpus Christi's Out - of- School Neighborhood Youth Corps Program ceases to function on or about July 15, 1974. I_ General Requirements A. Objectives and Need for Assistance 1. The purpose of the Coastal Bend Summer Youth Program for out -of- school youth is to provide the necessary combination of work experience and counseling to allow economically deprived out -of- school youth to resume or continue their education in the fall, while in the meantime, develop positive work habits, attitudes, and work experience skills. 2. Program goals: a. Encourage youthful dropouts to continue their education in the fall: 1) Through regular school programs 2) Through credit bearing cooperative vocational Programs (daytime or evening) 3) Through Alternative (contract) programs, continuing (ASE -GED -TEA) programs, or 4) Through the Governor's Title I Vocational Training Program (TFA) 5) Transfer to CETA skill training or O.J.T., or 6) Obtain indirect job placements for three enrollees and direct job placements for two applicants b. Provide special individual counseling in accordance with the participant's needs. 3. Participants to be served: Number: 75 (plus 265 to participate for the summer, only for the ones who will return to school in the fall) a. The seventy -five out -of- school enrollees will realistically reflect the incidence of needs with respect to ethnicity, -- race, and gender. b. All enrollees in this group will be in the age group 16 through 21. B. Results and Benefits Expected 1. It is expected that three out -of- school youth will return to a regular school program. 2. It is expected that two out -of- school youth will return to a part -time vocational evening school program. 3• It is expected that twenty -five out -of- school youth will enroll in an alternative (contract) education program. 4. It is expected that thirty out -of- school youth will continue- thei-r-education through GED or ABE programs, or will enroll in skill training programs provided under Title I vocational funds, Public Law 93 -203, Section 112. 5. It is expected that three out -of- school enrollees will be placed on unsubsidized jobs. 6. It is expected that ten enrollees will be terminated for lack of progress. 7. It is expected that two enrollees will be transferred to other CETA Training or services. C. Approach 1. Description of program activities-. a. Maintain out- of- school.youth in past worksites which were meaningful and develop additional more meaningful worksites to replace those which heretofore were unproductive.. 1) Retain past worksites which: a) Emphasize skill development b) Lead to unsubsidized employment at site c) Encourage enrollee progress 2) Replace worksites which fail in two of the three areas listed above. 2. Basic component service a_ Work experience will be as closely related to the' enrol-lee's career interests as possible. b. Enrollee will be counseled on job market, requirements, etc., in area of work and interest. c. Enrollee will be given special counseling to assist him in overcoming personal or work problems. d. Enrollee will be encouraged to make logical independent decisions which will lead him to productive employment. e. When ready, the enrollee will be given special out - counseling to insure a positive transition, after termination, from program services. 3. Management and administration ( See.:naTxative.4- same item, under original Title III ftner Contract. Same applies here). 4. Same as in original contract. 5. Same as in original contract. 6. See attached budget and explanation. D. Geographic Location (Same twelve Coastal Bend counties as listed and shown in the original contract). AUTHORIZATION Such advance payments, of which the amount outstanding shall not exceed $ 158,293 , are hereby authorized. Signature R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager Type Name) Contracting Officer Title • OATI-.' TWITIA]. AI)V.,'.ii('!•: nrrim:.: vhy,.V 11.1,113, AMOUNT 158,293 lob, 000 _22/32/ 74 58,293 • • Corpus Christi, Texas day of 19 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspen- sion of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordi- nance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, MAYO THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter rule was suspended by the following vote: Jason Luby James T. Acuff Rev. Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Ricardo Gonzalez Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark The above ordinance was passed by the following vote: Jason Luby James T. Acuff ILI Rev. Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Ricardo Gonzalez Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark