HomeMy WebLinkAbout12190 ORD - 07/24/1974JRR:vmr:7- 23- 74;1st. 4 • AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, AS THE ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT OF THE COASTAL BEND MANPOWER CONSORTIUM, AND THE SAN PATRICIO COUNTY COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY, ALL AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE CONTRACT, A COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIBIT "A "; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute an agreement between the City of Corpus Christi, as the adminis- trative unit of the Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium, and the San Patricio County Community Action Agency, to provide labor market information, job development, job referral and placement services to rural residents in the twelve - county Coastal Bend Region, said program to be funded under Title I of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973, all as more fully set forth in the contract, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A ", and made a part hereof. SECTION 2. The necessity to authorize the City to enter into the aforesaid contract so that the program may be commenced at the earliest practicable date creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction hut that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDING SO ORDAINED, this the day of July, 1974. ATTEST: ty Secretary MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS ED: DAY OF JULY, 1974: 7J, ASST., City J' ki^1 7177% i y Attorney 12190 TABLE OF CUNTFIIT 1. CONTRACT SIGNATURE SIIIET 2. APPLICATION FOR CONTRACT 3. PROGRAM TRANSITION SCHEDULE 4. PROGRAM OPERATING FLAN (POP) 5. PROGRAM NARRATIVE (STATEMENT OF WORK) 6. PROJECT COMPONENT BUDGET 7. ASSURANCES AND CERTIFICATIONS 8. SI'EC1AL CLAUSES 9. STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE 10 SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS ::0 (Prime (Price Sponsor) Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium .302 5. Shoreline- Corpus Christi, Texas 78405 CONTRACTOR_ "San Patr-icio Co. Committee on Youth Ed,,i1Jobi Opportnnit1es 111 N. Odem Avenue Sinton, [exasr. 78387 This contrac is entered into by the _ ?rice Sponsor, hereinafte- as Grantor aid San Patricio County Community Action Agency . `o nar_i referred to as rz Contractor. The Contractor trees to ore: ato a Comore: ersi;re Eploy Went and j -mini - in accordance 'with the p_ovisiors of this agreement. contract �tz this sheet and such general arid special assurances as This c err_; _sty (See Page 2) - ereir A. OBLIGATION (1) The total estimated Federal cost of the CETA FY(s) Coastal Bend•Rural Job •0evelopnient Project program is $ 127,960 as reflected in Item IIIA of the Project Oce:-acing Plan. This estimated cost Will cover the -period 12 - Months • (2) Funds obligated by the Prime Sponsor are .4 127.960 , . These funds cover the period 7 -1 -74 _ to B. -.. MODIFICATION _ (l) This modification increases / 7 decreases ..the funds - previously obligated by to a total obligation of (2) Description of :%edification 6 -30 -75 fd /A does not cha :ge N/A C. TITLE AND FI =CAL TEAR The total funds obligated for this contract _Fiscal. Year Title 2 Title II 127,960 -0- -0- by title and fiscal year ae; TOTAL -0- 127,960 TOTAL Richard H rd "Chariman NIt .I . AUD TITiE Richard.Jiatch, Board Chaiirman SIGNATURE ATTEST -... DATE City-Secretary • 127,960 Al? ROVED =0R T: E BY R. MARVIN TOWNSEND, CITY MMANNAGER: I:AM:E AND TITLE E re SIGNATURE APPROVED: DATE PAGE 1 OF 'PAG=1 ty - Are{ {g;µa: roa CONTRACT CO r ACTO D..Wpshm N..i..1 P,.i... Coastal Bend Rural Job Develo.m n P F.rn.1 C...49 N.. 17,232 S. Contractor Type 9. Tn,..I r,.N.... a•wo..e I. A,.ry..:. 'I' r,ri.w M.r San Patricio Co. -Committee on Youth Ed. a; Job Opportunities Dl.l. yw Ill N. °dem Avenue 3eM M1....�P.O_Bw S Cr.y i Te s 3,.,. Zip c.a. 11: 7.r.d.,j.,. DC 1, B.w.IBMp 4am tly pn, jl 420,572 IT. C°1°,°e••l.•d D4Wa 141..15, and 23 Continuation, Su ?Pielaent Utn� > r change Other (Specify) - Id. 71..M,Iken. e...NM..Le. ,.IL. L.naM. L,w.i 6 -21' 4 ,I...N•.L.d ...mama N b.wN.ee .h• pv a• a.d LJ;.r 9h• do. :.. err/Fella.. o.. Iti •,M cr.y ko .011 thin 'Signature of Authorized Representative of APPlicaat 1. Contract No.. I • dermal CanIratl 'errfnefl en • ° ° °, rn V. Cf 2 • Sneelel CCMrlef r'Ir,.le 9 • Fuafa•al 17p,f1F Ir1 fanlreel0n . / • OfharlCrOfaln In Cal. r,l • ' 6 • POI ApPlIcehle, P.rgrem Jobe rllttanflnute IFDTA•COA CATEGORICAL PRDORAAIS frvnerJ frr•c't". Dtr l Intl!. oonrafrno N•ftn /n Contractor 9 Arco) NO. OF '.` INDIVIDUALS TO OE TP.A NSFCRISED PNASF.IN CODE !Fran from 2 abovnl 1�I DATE OF Pl1ASE•III Mo.. Om Tr., • N/A . CFTA POOORATA ACTIVITY INCORPORATIl1O CATCOOUCAL PROORALttframPeo /oef ODerarIna Pies) • 1E1 NARRATIVE SUNr /ARV flrNatn fh 'whisk t for in/u•:np eontlnury of writs. CETA f90JECT OPERATING PLAN -, wucraccor(auograntee Name and Address San Patricio Co. Committee on Youth ED. E. Job Opportunities la: - Contract /Subgrant No. C. PRpg0AM YEAR {pry EREq eY THIS COntr. tf JUUbrant `MOat1, day, Year From 7 -1 -74 T° 6 -30 -75 d. TYPE OF PROGRAM • e, -1111. I ❑ 2-Tine n Q 3.0t Mr(So.CIf Y) 1. ENROLLMENT ANO TERMINATION SUMMARY PROGRAM YEAS TO.OATE stn 1 9/30 01 12/31 (b{ 3/31 fc) 11.,31 id) A. TOTAL JNOIV Dt1ALL TO 51 GERVEO (Sum of A.t and 4.2) - 170 276 276 276 1. 1.531 V :0.1ALS ENTERING THIS PROGRAM YEAR 170 276 276 276 2. TAOIVICl/ALS CARRIED OVER FROM PaEVIOus PROGRAM YEAR -0- X X X X X X X X X X T s 0. TOTAL INDIVIDUALS TO RE TERMINATED DURING PROGRAM YEAR (Sum or 8.1 through 8.41 170 276 276 1. DIRECT PLACEMENTS. NO CETA TRAINING DR EMPLOYMENT 1,j, 6 .x276 221 221 221 2. INDIRECT PLACEMENTS. FOLLOWING CETA TRAINING /EMPLOYMENT 3. OTHER POSITIVE TERMINATIONS 34 55 4. N2N.P(1SITIVE 'ICI ...NATIONS 55 C. h.IUREP OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED TO RE ENROLLED AT THE ENO OF EACH CURRIER (A minus Al 0 0 1 0 0 11, PLANNED ENROLLMENTS IN PROGRAM ACTIVITIES Enter below (s( The number of Individuals to bo served In each program activity cumulatively through the pregnant Year; (b) The non0.r 01 irelivlduels planned lo be enrolled in each program cctl.ily et the end of eedh cuprite: en Indivlduel who Is ccn:wrentiy enrol In more than one activity should be counted In each acll,ity In y hlch M or she {o enrolled PROGRAM ACTIVITY 0/30 12/31 3/31 0/3D TOTAL SERVED 1x1 CURRENTLY ENROLLED 111 TOTAL SERVED Ley CURRENTLY ENROLLED (by TOTAL SERVED LI CURRENTLY ENROLLED 1 (01 1 OTAL SERVED Inl CURRc_N ENROLL �1 • 4 • •1•j T54; NR1aj ..p)1y. �?ON50R In' '. Cl Aic50�' TRAINING., VOC E0. 5, rN•TNc -J03 TRAINING PI wt IC c'0VICT EV41 OYME*T S 5••pot rt.rmo 'CF 1. 0THER ACTI•:ITIFS Services to clients 170 0 276 0 276 0 276 0 III. Su1NArr FINAhCIAL PLAN (in thousands of dollars) Total CETA fund..vNebl• during this 127,960 IV. CUMULATIVE PROJECTIONS SY OVApTER Or FINANCIAL PLAN !fn thousands of dnnensl program Year (Sum 014.1 and 4.21 f 1. Funds carried In from Ixevioue program year or o[her Creels ..0.. 9/30 (.An 12/31 Pub 3/31 65) 6/30 Idt A, Prime Sponsor Obligation 2. SHAY funding (FY /ormula •Nxatfon1 127,960 B. Total Prol.cted Expenditure. by Program Activity( (See 111.6): /Sum of 8.1 FM. 8.61 32,000 £!4,000 96 �l,Tat•i projectsn expend Nrrea for this prw..m T.., (Sum of 8A to,,.pn 8.6) ' 127, 960 I. Classroom Tng., 5.Jm. S. I. Adrelnlauation 19.194 • 2. On-The-Job Job Training 2. Allowances 3. Public Service Emplowr'anr 3. "Wipes 4. Work Exoerlenco 4. Tr4gs Benefits • 6. Services to clients 32,000 64.000 96,000 128,001 5. Training . 6. Other ActIvrl lox S. Services To Clients 108,766 C. P.oI•at•d .aperdlluree for Se.Pl• 1 0I Vex. Ed, enema lo Governor. Total =TA Lund• to b• carried Into neat gram program year is; menus 81 - -0- II r. SIGNIFICANT CLIENT GROUPS. Indicate the numb. 01 Indrv{dvale rn each Illiom mows to be e•rved cumu a1,vely during the pros gm year. Cllenl Yoep. e•.y 0....e)Ded by 10. prime sponsor. O. Proi.ned •.pendllure. of n°nF°d.ral Fundy E. Other Pad argil Funds. not In Prime Seemlier 's Grant -CLIENT GROUP ... ; .. •3B7 9/30 1.1 12/31 (b( 0/30 1cl Id) F. GRAND TOTAL. Pr0jecled o'ed1.1 /Sum oLS.C. 32,000 64,000 96,000 1128.00� • ' ; ���� VI. OTHER ACTIVITIES (8.1, once 11.5: (V.8.61 Irdic•l• other •olloIlle• or spacial Pros..,. on •neehmem.. De.Prlb• th.ir objective. .o 11.1 relleato.aa toward their aehr.vement in • gu.mlt.%Iye or narrative presentation, (OPtlone/J , • ,t = • PROGRAM NARRATIVE . • • CONTRACT LO. . The Coastal Bend Rural Job Development Project will establish Job Bank.Centers and hire compotent staff to provide job development and job placement in the Manpower Consortium Area. The Project will serve an estimated 4,000 participants of which 800 to 1,000 will be placed .in jobs. There wi)1 be four (4) Job Bank Centers located in Alice, Kingsville, Sinton, Beeville, to serve the low-income residents of their respective areas. The Job Bank will provide labor market information and job placement assistance to the program participants.. • • . ` STATEMENT OF WORT: RURAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Number To Be Served: 4,000 One Year Period: July 1, 1974 - June 30, 1975 Type of Project: Rural Labor Market Information, Job Development, Referral and Placement. 1. What Service The Component Provides The component will provide labor market Information and job development, referral and placement services to rural residents in the 12 county Coastal Bend Region. 2. Client Assignment Standards Component personnel will provide labor market information and job place- ment to the rural disadvantaged compatible with their salable skills. 3. What Work Is To Be Done Project Director a. Develop job bank centers as required. b. Analyze and report on effectiveness of program. c. Monitor job bank centers and applicant progress. d. Supervise and monitor overall project management. e. Coordinate with prime sponsor, community based organizations, area businessmen, and other man- power delivery components, such as TEC and training centers. "00 Development'Specialist a, Supervise job bank center activities and personnel, b, Contact area businessmen to develop jobs. c. Place rural disadvantaged job seekers in suitable and compatible jobs. d. Coordinate flow of participants into job bank center and unto jobs. e. Provide labor market information to the rural dis- advantaged in his area of supervision. The -Job Development Coordinator a. Contact businessmen in order to develop jobs. b. Do recruitment of rural disadvantaged in need of employment. c. Place rural disadvantaged in jobs. d. Conduct follow -up on those participants place on cost. e. Make referrals to proper social service agencies where indicated. 4. Work Schedule a. Establishment of job bank centers and hiring of staff should be completed by the end of the first two weeks but no later than the end of the first month. b. Participant recruitment and intake will commence on the third week of project start -up date. c. Labor market information will be disseminated at the start of the third week of operations. d. Job development and placement will also start on the third week. .e. Project activities and reports from job bank centers will be compiled and processed weekly. f. Follow -up contracts will be made as necessary; but not less than once every other month. 5. How The Work Is To Be Coordinated Support Given a. Project Director will provide program staff with needed facilities and supplies. b. Director will provide staff with all area labor market information. c. Director will assist staff in developing jobs. d. Director will assist in submitting reports. e. Director will insure proper implementation of program. -Support Received a. Program staff will develop job openings. b.' Staff will recruit rural disadvantaged applicants and place them in jobs. c. Staff will disseminate labor market information. d. Staff will make weekly progress reports. e. Staff will provide supportive services where needed and capable of doing so. -2- 6. Administrative Procedures The program staff will prepare and submit all forms, internal records, jobs, and reports required by the project director. The Director will provide same to the prime sponsor and all other interested parties. 7. Performance Standards ' The following will be used to measure performance in this component: a. At least 4,000 rural disadvantaged will be provided with labor market information. b. At least 800 jobs will be developed for rural area residents who are disadvantaged. c. At least 800 rural area residents who are disadvantaged will be placed on unsubsidized jobs. d. The component will assure maximumcoordination with area business- men, local government officials, 'other manpower related agencies, and community based organizations. e. The prime sponsor shall require submission of complete and accurate progress reports on a monthly basis. 8. Monitoring Arrangements a. The project director shall monitor all the standards enumerated. b. All project activities will be evaluated by the components agency administrative department. c. Ultimate monitoring and evaluation will rest with the prime sponsor. 9. Staffing 1 - Project Director 1 - Project Accountant 3 Job Development Specialists 8 - Job Development Coordinators -3- Agency: San Patricio Community Action Agency _ Position: Project Director Responsible To: Executive Director Basic Duties 1. Assures the implementation of the fiscal, personnel, and program policy pertaining to the project. 2. Implements, reports, evaluation, and information collection and dissemination systems within the project. 3. Provides material periodically for the publicity of the project. '4. Assures that required supplies are acquired for the project's operations. 5. Assures the realization of the system for the acquisition and maintenance of project facilities and equipment. 6. Coordinates project activities with those of other agencies, jurisdictions and organizations. 7. Recommends individuals for hiring, promotion, transfer., probation, firing, and training with the project. 8. Implements the training plan for the project. -4- Agency: San Patricio Community Action Agency Position: Project Accountant Responsible: Executive Director Basic Duties 1. Maintain all financial records for the project. 2. Prepares all financial reports for the Project. Provides analysis of expenditures for the Executive Director. 3. Performs all payroll service, including processing of time and attendance reports, maintenance of employee earnings records, and preparation of payroll tax returns. 4. Maintains records of employees annual anc? sick leave balances. 5. Prepares purchase orders after determining availability of funds. Processes all vendor invoices for payment. 6. Provides senior staff with data and otherwise assists in development of budgets. 7. Reviews financial operations of sub - contract agencies. 8. Verifies accuracy of all bills and claims presented and prepares checks for payment. 9. Maintains property records for the Agency. 10. Performs such other duties as may be required. -7- Agency: San Patricio Community Action Agency ' Position: Job Development Specialist Responsible To: Project Director Basic Duties 1. Responsible for all data and assures records that are required by the Project Director. 2. Responsible for the maintenance of the facilities housing the job bank center and all facilities and equipment used by the project personnel in his area. 3. Compiles all requests for reimbursements for travel, purchases, property requests, and requests for leave of absence of all personnel in his area and forwards them to the Project Director. 4. Compile and provide information to Project Director for public relations. 5. In charge of job development and placement in his area. 6. Has any other duties assigned to him by the Project Director. -5- Agency: San Patricio Community Action Agency Position: Job Development Coordinator Responsible To: Project Director Basic Duties 1. Does job development and placement. 2. Recruits and processes rural disadvantaged for job openings. 3. Meets with businessmen to assure job openings and placement of the rural disadvantaged. 4. Feeds job openings into the bank. 5. Does follow -up on person he has placed on a job. -6- Narrative Description of Program I. General Requirements A. Objectives and Need for Assistance 1. The purpose of the Coastal Bend Rural Job Development is to provide labor market information and job development, referral services and job placement for the residents of the 12- county Coastal Bend Region. 2. Project Goals: a. To provide labor market information to 4,000 project participants. b. To provide job development for 800 individuals. c. To provide job placement for 800 participants. d. To provide direct referrals to other Training Programs within the Coastal Bend Region. 3. Participants to Be Served: Services will be provided to any resident of the 12- county area. The participant must be 18 years of age or older to be able to qualify for services, a participant must fall under the CETA Guidelines as prescibed by the Department of Labor.. B. Approach 1. Description of Program Activities and Services: a. Contact local employees as to employment needs. b. Provide labor market information to the rural residents needing employment. c. Develop Job Banks as required. d. Place rural disadvantaged job seekers in suitable and compatible employment. e. Provide referrals for supportive services to appropriate Agencies. Coordinate with the Texas Employment Commission. Recruitment a. Advertising will be done through the local media. b. Local churches will be asked to announce the project. c. Coordination will be done with other federal Agencies within the 12- county area. d. Eligibility will be determined in accordance with DOL Guidelines. C. Work Program a. Establishment of Job Bank Centers and hiring of Staff to be completed within 15 days. b. Participant Recruitment and intake will continence as soon as Staff is hired. c. Labor Market Information will be distributed at the start of Operations. d. Job development and job placement will commence on the third week. e. Project activities and reports from Job Bank Centers will be compiled and processed weekly. f. Follow -up contacts will be done not less than 60 days from actual placement. D. Administrative.Procedures Program Staff must comply with the following standards: a. Prepare and submitt. weekly program reports to Project Director. b. Prepare and submitt a monthly activity report to the Project Director. c. Project Director will provide prime sponsor with a detailed breakdown of monthly activities. d. Project Director will monitor all Job Bank Centers. e. Ultimate monitoring and evaluation will rest with the prime sponsor. E. Staff See Attachments. L_ Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium San Patricio County CAA L Board of Directors L Central Programs Administration r Project Director Jim Wells County CAA 2 - Job Development Specialists 4 - Job Coordinators San Patricio County CAA 1 - Job Development Specialist 2 - Job Coordinators Bee County CAA 1 - Job Development Specialist 1 Job Coordinator 1 Bookkeeper Nueces County CAA 1 - Job Development Coordinator 1. [ i � Jim Wcllsl Duval I_ 1 _ Brooks ] 1cbrg Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium San Patrlclo County CAA. Board of Directors Central Programs Administration Jim Wells Co. CAA Ilueccs Co. CAA 1 Aransas J Llvc Oak Rufuyio l bcci Mc Mullen Nucreq TITLE' I PROJECT CO " ?f ;` E7 -ii L7 TITLE II J TITLE III NAME OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBGRAPlTEE: - San Patricio County Community 'Action Agency - FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY: . Coastal Bend Rural Job Development PAGE 1 OF 6 PAGES BACK -UP SUPPORT PORT $Uii. !':i (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS a. STAFF COSTS: b. FRINGE BENEFITS: c. CONSUMABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: d. PROGRAM EVALUATION: e. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: f. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: g. STATE MANPOWER SERVICES COUNCIL: h. PRUNE SPONSOR PLANNING r7.UNCIL: i. TRAVEL: 12p Out -t Area: $150 In Area $812 j. RENT: Administration k. UTILITIES: 1. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: m. INDIRECT COSTS: n. STAFF TRAINING: o. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: p. EQUIPMENT: Elect. Type Writer $507; 2 desks $260; 2 chairs $120; Other Eq. $113 q. MATERIAL: r. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: s. PUBLICATIONS: t. AUDIT SERVICES: 13,800 1 300 200 tt /A 962 88 1,nno 1,250 u. OTHER: (Specify) Telephone & postage 594 v. OTHER: (Specify) W. OTHER: (Specify) x. OTHER: (Specify) SUBTOTAL 19,194 -2- (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS (Cont.) (b) FRINGE BENEFITS: a. Annual Leave: b. Sick Leave: c. Court Leave: d. Military Leave: e. FICA: f. Life Insurance: g. Health Insurance: h. Unemployment Insurance: 1. Workmen's Compensation: J. Retirement Benefits: k. Other: (Specify) 1. Other: `Specify) IM0(J!r. 800 318 182 SUB-TOTAL 1,300 .„ BACK-UP SUPPORT BUDGET OnJob Trainin&: Transitional Subsidized Other: (Specify) Other: (Specify) (3) TRAINI;S;G• a. Salaries: Fringe Benefits: -0- -0- : Tuitions: . Entrance Fels :. e. Books: Teacher's Aids: g. Other: (E_e.__y) • ether: (S7 ='`1-;•; SUB -TOTAL -3- BACK-UP SUPPORT AUDI TG (6) SFRVICE3 i0 CLIENTS: a. Child Care: b. Realth Care: c. Medical Services: d. Residential Support: e. Assistance in Securing Bonds f. Family Planning: g_ Outreach: h. Intake and Assessment: ;. Orientation: j. Counseling: k. Job Development: 1. Job Placement: m. Other: (Specify) n. Other: (Specify) o. Other: (Specify) Rent on Project SUB -TOTAL GRAND TOTAL -5- AMVINT 18,127 18,127 35,144 36,256 1,112 108,766 127,960 . - FUIT10• TITLE SALaAf :•.!.1 MU l'y..%:•.17 7 or _• 1•ir41. Aw4.141 MOUM >llA MULIMA wann01 Tr,r fp i•cl Project Coordinator 4.687 187.50 40 52 '100 9,000 Project Accountant 2,307 92.31 . 20 52 100 4,C00 • TOTAL STAFF TMb PAOJ. /COMP. TOTALS -.--.•-•--a.- 13,b00 TOTAL USE AMOUNT. C0U TY: Alice nee- . Syi Pitricja 1:ueces REFERRAL COL4.TY: INFORMATION: Distribution of CETA Rural Job Development Funds PER CENT: AMOUNT: 43.805 $47,640.00 19,031.00 25.90' 28,170.00 12.80T 13,922.00 Administration: $19,194.00 Participants To Be Served JOB DEVELOPMENT: JOB PLACEMENT: Alice 1,402 350 350 San Patricio 829 207 207 See 560 140 140 :ueces 409 103 103 . TOTAL: 3,200 800 800 COASTAL SE`0 RURAL JOB DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Alice Community Action Agency Staff 2 - S ;a:ialists 3 654 x 12 mo. 4 - Coordinators @ 411 x 12 mo. Fringe Benefits 5.85% '.:ospitalization end Life for 6 Employees Texas C:;emp1oyment Tax for 6 Employees Estirated Mileage of 2,985 mi. /no. @ 11C /mi. x 12 mo. Consumable Supplies" Duplication Costs Co mwnicatian Costs Estimated Costs for Job Information Bank (s) 515,625.00 19,740.00 2,073.00 1,080.00 252.00 3,940.00 600.00 600.00 2,160.00 1,500.00 TOTAL: 547,640.00 Community Council of Bee County Rural Employment Service Prooram Personnel Costs: 1 - Job Development Specialist $7,200 1 - Job Development Coordinator 6,000 1 Bookkeeper 420 Fringe Benefits 1,634 Total: $15 t:on- Persunnel Costs: Travel $1,847 Space Costs and Rentals 313 Consumable Supplies 480 Rental, Lease, and Purchase of Equipment 240 Other Costs 900 Total: $3,780 Grand Total: $19,034 San Patricio County Job Bank Budget Staff Costs: • 1 - Jcb Development Specialist 2 - Job Coordinators Fringe Benefits 11.85% Progrem Costs: Consumable Supplies Office Rental Staff Travel Telephone Job Eank Information $ 7,200.03 12.000.00 2,275.00 300.00 1,200.00 2;700.03 800.00 1.695.03 TOTAL: $28,170.00 Aueces' ttiI;:ty Com..:unity Act o; ' -n3cn 11% Nun Pctso=ei Costa: Rent t $75/mo, 12 nos. ; $ 909.00 Trte,:houe $40 /fro., 12 moa. 4$0.00 Co,:aummbCe Suppeies $25 /r:o., 12 mots. 300.00 Ttavet 50 mid at 124 /1nc. 1,560.00 Canting and DapEi.cwiing Costa 400.00 EgcsipAent 500.00 576.00 $13,922.00 3 +, -Z,77 =v3 f E!0 - j_.-t Dr -_z: IOC': S9,O23.00 Pr:jAct c Part "Tim S,c0:.00. Frir.;e $2aefi `5 1L': 1,301.00 s� 7. 00 $15,101.;',0 Travel In Area 900.00 Travel Out .1f Area :.C1 Cc st -ab]e Supplies '200.03 :Audit 1,250.00 Office Equipment 1;000.00 Tel ephone 594.:.0 947J3-- SUB -00 :I RACt /GRANT -- ASSURAUCES AND CERTIFICATIONS C•In..l.at' Rtisurances . applicant assures and certifies It will will comply with the requirements of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of.1973 (P.L. 93 -203, 87-Stat. 839), hereafter referred to as the Act, and with the regulations an policies promulgated thereunder; and It will comply with OMB Circulars numbered A-87, A- 95,.-•and A -102, as those circulars relate to the utilization.of funds; the opera-. tion of programs, and the maintenance of records, books,- eccounto, and other documents under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act... • 2. The. applicant.further assures and certifies that,if.the regulation: promulgated pursuant to the Act are amended or revised, it shall comply with the or will notify the Prime Sponsor within 20..days after promulga- tion of the azendments or revision that it cannot so conform, so that the Prime Sponsor may terminate the grant. In addition to the requirements of 1. and 2. above, and consistent with the regulations issued pursuant to the Act,. all applicants make the - following further.; assurances and certifications:„ a. It possesses legal authority:to apply -for the ,grant; aresolution, motion or similar action. has been duly adopted or passed as an offi- cial act of the applicant's governing body, authorizing the filing of the application, including all understandings and assurances con- tained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identif_ea as the official representative of the applicant to act in connection -vith.the application and.to provide such additional information as .' No person in the United States shall,: on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from-participation in, be denied the ...benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under an program or activity for which the applicant receives Federal fi:.an_ -cial assistance and will immediately take any measures necessa;- to - effectuate this agreement. • • c. It will comply wtith Title VI of the Civil Bights Act of 1964 (42 USC 20003) prohibiting_employmeat, discrimination yhere (1) the primary purpose of a grant. is to provide employment or (2) discriminatory employment practices will result in unequal trea'- .ment of persons who are or should be benefiting from.the grant aided activity. "Null co-ply.wiLh.requirenents of -t he prori s ions ° of Lti Cni_;r _ lelocatia: Assistance and.8oa1 Property - Acquisitions. Act. o; Ili 91 -61+6) which provides for fair and - equitable treatment c-- persons displaced as a result of Federal and federally- aasintca ..programs. . It -will comply with the provisions of the Hatch Act which limit the political activity of employees. f•_ The program under the Act does not involve political, activities. • It will establish safeguards to prohibit-employees from using their positions for a purpose that is or gives the appearance of -.being motivated by desire for private gain for thenselves-ar others, particularly those with whom they have.faaily, buiness.or -other • It will give the Prime Sponsor, Department of Labor and the Comptroller General, through any authorized representative, the access to and the right to examine all' records, books, papers or documents related to the grant. • i• Ho person with responsibilities in the operation of any program :under the Act will discriminate with respect to any program parti- cipant or any applicant for participation in such-program because of race, creed, color, national,origin, sex, political affiliation or beliefs. '(Sec. 603(1), 612) • i. Participants in the program will not be employed on the construction., operation or maintenance of that part of any facility which is used for religious instruction or worship.' (Sec. 603 {3 }) • • 'Appropriate standards for health and safety in work and training situations will be maintained. .(Sec. 603(5)) t- Conditions of employment or training vill be appropriate and reason- . eason - yble with regard to the type of work, the geographical region and the proficiency of the applicant. (Sec: 603(4)) . Appropriate workman's compensation protection will be provided to nll participents. (Sec. 603(6))— n. The program will not result in the displacement of employed workers or impair existing contracts for services or result is the substi- tution of Federal funds for other funds in connection with work that would otherwise be performed. (Sec. 603(7)) n. Training will not be for any occupations which require less than two weeks of pre - employment training, unless immediate employment oppor- tunities are available in that occupation. (Sec. 603(8)) main_; +.d r Sat: t service will,- 1 .ran: : ?_ tent with pry` .in9t�1d�to the mu:iru to employment es etc It `, t=lcnt o,�o. fullest c:�:•'w.li_iw;` r�':�. -_ mplo 2- t tcutities which F -economically elf- sufficient. .(Sec. will-enable 03 05(a)•_ )) -._ tc Institutional 3(l), l0i(a)((,1) Cos skill training tnd training on the , for: occupations in wa1Ch •the •�ir,Ctet1 fora cc a the job Shall only ;,•: re •is reasonable ea rY or the p=1== f,�^�lro: has •t.__ (10)) ._ expectation for employment. (See. 6 • Cw`TA fonds will, t ,^ rather f then supplant, o the extent practicable available for p the level of fund= be used to erwisembe planning and administration "hat could germ otherwise be of program, (Sec. 603(11)) cedes the Prime sponsor's grant. s. . It will submit reports. as Shin records and provide access s to them m the Prime nary or, and will m=in_ Sponsor's review to assure that funds eings xpe for the ccorc rithrds to poses and provisions are being exeded in accordance assist the Prime of the Act, including g he extent to�•n� h of the program meets the special needs is detersin ag the e.Ytent to s; employed, and. low income 1s of disadvantaged, chzonica which ties. (Sec. 603(12) persons for meaningful �Y w•t 311(9)) employment on o -� uni_ • The Program will, to..the maximum extent feasible occupations], develo ent or upward mobility , contribute pa to the . pants. (Sec. 603(13)) .. . Y of individuate. paz'tici_ u. Time program has � . • .. -.. .._ . - . - SQe pl scan equate -adnini•strative and account; standards, evaluation procedures' -ng 'rots controls, training and technical assistance pro r' , d ce Per- ())e necessary to gams and availability of 'in-service promote the effective use .of funds. policies as (Sec. 603 V, The program makes appropriate provision (S . - . youth is the area served, /Or the manpower needs (Sec. 603(15)) It will comply with the labor standards.requyrenents set out in Sic_ tion 606 of the Act. It wail/ comely with . . requirement's Labor concerning quireatent's imposed by the Department' • - had other con administrative ° special requirements of law, ree t requirements ay ,Program requirements, , Office of 2''anagement and Budget Circular roved i0 accordance with The Applicant lar Itio. A -102. Plicat further assures and certifies ` a other units planned for fies that neither it other lisp due to participation in the project per any violations of Titles VI II are listed on a pending Iacti .n which ndgyhtrresult in such debarment. of any . Act of g a64,.n w Assurances for Title I PrcKrans In carrying out programs under Title I of the Act, the applicant assures and certifies that: 1. Services and activities provided under this title will be a!ri nistc=el by or under the - supervision of the applicant. (Sec. 105(a)(i)(2)) 2. • M= naos+er services, including Job development, will be.prorided to those- most in need of them including low income persons and persons of limited English- speaking ability, and•that the need for continued funding of programs of -demonstrated effectiveness is considered in serving, such persons. (Sec. 105(a)(1)(D)) 3. Programs of institutional skill training will be designed for occupa- • tions in which .skill-shortages exist. (Sec. 105(a)(6)). 4. The plan meets all the requirements of Section 105(a) and that the rp- plicast will comply with all provisions of the Act. (Sec.-105(h)) 5. It will make such arrangements as are prescribed by regulation to assist the Secretary in carrying out his responsibilities under Sections 105 and 108 of the Act. (Sec. 105 (a)(7)) The Applicant assures and - certifies that the Comprehensive Manpower Plan in Title I, as amended, is made a part of the Grant agreement by reference. Specific Assurances Relating to Public Service hiavlovr.;ent Programs For Public Service Employment programs, an applicant 1. Assure that the activities and services foi• which assistance is sought under Title II of the Act will be administered by or under the•super•vi- sioa of the applicant, identifying any agency or institution designated . to carry out such activities or services under such supervision;. .2. assure that only persons residing within the areas of substantial unem- ployment qualifying for assistance will be hired to fill jobs created under Title II of the Act, and that the public services provided by such_ Jobs shall, to the extent feasible, be designed to benefit•th_e.residents of such ;areas; • • • .. :. _. =Q„ seem. ... • 3. unsure that special consideration will be given to the :aline which provide sufficient prospects for advanceeent or euitehie •1.�.- eeployment by providing, complement training .+ c:. . _- dcsisnated to �' aio ng ar xsa :_ a her ...... _ (1) promote the advancement of par:icipamee to or training opportunities suitable to the individuals involve:, . in the public or private sector of the .economy, (2) provide • with skills for which there is an anticipated high demand, cr (3) vice participants with self - development :kills; provided heee er that - nothing contained in this paragraph shall be construed to pree'_ute pe e sons or programs for whom the foregoing goals are not feasible or ap.oro- •priate; • assure (1) that special consideration in filling transitional public service jobs will be given to unemployed persons who sewed in the Armed Forces in Indo -China or Korea on or after August.5, 1964, in accordance with criteria established by the Secretary (and who have received ether than dishonorable discharges), and a description of the specific zteps - to be undertaken during such fiscal year to provide such seecia;, ceeeid- eration, and of the types of jobs to be made available to such ;-eter`ne, with special emphasis on the development of jobs which will maize, to • • the =xiaua extent feasible, the skills which such veterans acquired in connection with their military training and service, and (2) that it shall (i) make special efforts to acquaint such veterans with the aro- gram and the public service jobs available to veterans under the Act, and (ii) coordinate efforts in behalf.of such veterans with those activ- ities authorized by Chapter 41 of Title 38, United States Code (relating to Job Counseling and Etploynent Services for Veteraas),.or carried out by other public or private organizations or agencies;. . • assure that, to the extent feasible, public service jobs shall be pro- vided is occupational fields which are nost.likely to expeed within the .public or private sector as the unemployment rate recedes; - 6. assure that special consideration in filling. transitional public service jobs will be given to unemployed persons who are the most severely dis- ' advantaged in terms .of the length of time they have been unemployed and their prospects • for finding employment without assistance under this title, but such special consideration shall not authorize the hiring, of any person when any other person is on lay -off from.the same. or any sub - - stantially equivalent job; 7. assure that no funds received-Under Title II of the Act will be used to hire any person to fill a job opening created by the action of an eW .ployer in laying off or terminating the employneat of any other regular employee not supported under Title.11 of the Act' in anticipation of ' filling the vacancy so created by hiring an employee to be supported under Title II; a. assure. that due consideration be given to persons who have p •..A -:::. i•• ..; in manpower training programs for whom employment opportunities :'oi1•1 not be otherwise immediately available; 9.. assure that periodic•review procedures establishers purauant to 207 (u) of the Act will be complied with; `t `91 }0• nssir a that agencies and institutions. to who financial assistance is male available under this title have undertaken or will undertake, ansl ses of job descriptions and reevaluations and, where snow; neces- sary, de qualification reauirements at sent, including civil service requirements and all levers a: relating thereto, in accordance with regulations practices relating With a view toward removing rescribed by the employ eat those whoa it is the 3 artificial barriers to public emp10 rant of purpose of Title II to assist; 11. assure that, where appropriate, it will maintain or provide linkages with upgrading and other manpower programs for the purpose of (1) pro- viding those persons employed in public service jobs under Title 1I of .the Act who want to pursue work with the employer, in the same or simi- lar work, with opportunities to do co and to find permanent, upwardly mobile careers in that field, and (2) providing those persons so em- ployed who do not'1.ish to pursue permanent careers in such field, and (3) providing those persons so employed who do not wish to pursue perm- ' anent careers in such field, with opportunities to seek, prepare. for, . and obtain work in other fields; assure � that all persons employed under any such program, other then. necessary technical, supervisory, and administrative personnel, will be selected from among unemployed and underemployed persons; 3. assure that the program Brill, to the maximum to the that the of artificial b extent feasible to the neat, including n arriers.toe .contribute S civil service requirements which raestrict emp2og meut opportunities for the disadvantaged; '•b• assure that not more than one -third of the participants in the M1 program will be employed in a bona fide professional capacity (as such term is used in Section 13(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 193S), e :c- cept that this paragraph shall not be applicable in the case of pants employed. as classroom teachers, and the Secret e thj i limitation in exceptional circumstances; Secretary may waive this i 15- provide a description of the manpower needs of local governments and of local education], agencies within the area to be served together with the comments of such governments and agencies where'ap. to _ sure that jobs will be allocated e g equitably to ropris "` • ,,.,d a agencies taking into account then such govern- -ants and dictions and the needs of the umber of unemployed within anal_ agencies; '° juris- 16. assure that the jcbz in each Job - cat_ -o r• rrc otio::l opportunities - t . ^.o way in:r_r. ,__:_ curretiv a_?lcyrt is l Which ::ould otherwise bc- arailnbl. .o c _ currently - and assure thatpublic :truce gobs mt subsidized _ - urQ no obJwi 7 n an level position in job 1_ be gilled in • other than - :Hi: collective inrcach. jOb category 'until saplicablc personne_ entry gaining agreements have been cocalic1 wit!: 17. assure that jobs funded under Title II of the Act arc in addition to those that would be funded by the sponsor in the absence of under this Act; and - 18. comply with such other assurances + con- sistent tith the e 11 of the Act and conditions, Provisions of Title II of the Act as the Secretary deems necessary, in accordance with such regulations as he sze.1. pre- scribe; 19. assure that any Title I or II activities supported by Tithe I= funds shall comply with the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to Title I and IIIa of the Act except that all participants seleztel test' meet the eligibility•and residency requirements as specified in the Title II regulations.. . 20. The Applicant assures and certifies the Comprehensive Manpower plan in Title IT, as amended, is made a -part of the Grant Agreement by reference. D. Saecial Certification for State A niicants In the case of State • applicants seeking assistance under. the Act, the a_pii= cant further assures and certifies that it will comply with the requirements and provisions of Section 106 and Section 107 of the Oct. The applicant also certifies that the information in this, application is correct to the best of its knowledge and belief and the filing of this moo_ plication has been fully authorized. San`Patricio County Committee On Youth Education - Job opportunities Name of f Applicant ignature of Authorized 'fficer RichardHafch, Board- Zhairman Typed Name & Title of Authorized Officer - "'111. :N..0dem' Avenue Address nfon. texas 7838] (Date of Application) SPECIAL CIAL CLAD ES TABLE OF CONTENTS . CHANCES Page 1 2. NONDISCRIMINATION Page 2 3. CHILD LABOR Page 2 4. EQUAI. OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE Page 3 5. TRAINEE OR ENROLLEE WAGES Page 4 6. .TERMINATION OF TRAINEES OR ENROLLEES Page 4 7. TERNaNATION - Page 5 3. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE Page 10 9. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING REHABILITATION Page 12 10. LISTING OF EMPLOYMENT OPENINGS Page 13 11. DEVIATIONS Page 15 12. DISPUTES Page 16 ', 13. SUBCONTRACTING Pape 16 14. COURT ACTIONS ' Page 16 15. ORDER CF PRECEDENCE Page 17 16. MOTIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. Page 18 SPEC CLAUSES • CINNCES a. The Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer m _: without notice to the sureties, be change by written order designated tiro to beis contract, make changes in the work within the or indicated designs, in any one or more of the following: general scope fi , or specifications; (2) in the method or of the work; E• (1) drawings, (3) in the Government-furnished manner of ) me hod of . shipment or packing; or ivr facilities (5) place of delivery, (4) method of .b• Any other written order or is this Any paragraph (b) an oral order (which terms • n determination) ( ) shy include direction, instructio as used from the Prime Sponsor's Contracting which cause any such changes as enumerated in (a) above, shall ee a which causes order under this clause :vided, That the Cont - •the Prime Sponsor's Contracting l.l. be treated as a change circumstances, hePri a Sponsor's g Officer• factor /tatingtt the dates and the source of the order and notice stating the date, regards the order as a change order. and that the Contractor /SubSrantee .:.;, c. "Except as herein - • .,_ ,., _::Prime Sponsor's Contracting h in provided, no order, statement clause or entitle the Officer shall be treated as gor conduct of the hereunder: Contractor /Subgr� tee to an equitable under this y' adjustment eII3''ehaage under this 'clause the Contractor's /Subgraatee's cost causes an increase or decrease as L!r IfoemCont of or Part ra the of, or the time required for, the . ,c: ,.,to any such order, work under this cont Per- . modified is tread, an equitable adjustment shall bet madeeand the contract ' _._ -. change. under-(b) above shall be Provided, however, That no claim for an 20 days before the Contractor owed for any costs incurred more than Y required, before provided further, gives written notice ,:required, which And urther, Thet in the as therein Prime Sponsor is responsible case of defective s '-include any increased cost reasonably responsible, equitable adjustment in attempting c as Y incurred djustment shall comply with such defective spec fieations ctor /Subgr��tce e• If the Contractor /Sub .--,.adjustment If the C this t grantee- intends.to assert a claim for change order clause, he must, within 30 an o eauitab_e under (a) above or the furnishing Ys after notice above, submit to the Prime Sponsor's ag of a receipt of a ::rzt.ea 'setting submit toe ponsor s Officer rotten statement (b) general nature. onera y extent enfiofr a written nl this period is extends u and monetary extent of this be iioduded extended teed by the Prime S such of claim, unless notice Sponsor. The statement of claim o•- rtyrde- �'de. obsolete or excess under (b) above. adhere the. cost made:obsol te3ob pas the result of a change is cost of hrop• =- Contr r s grantee s claim•for g included in the •property.l_ have the right to prescribe manner of Prime Contracting • _ position of such _ Page .1 of 17 Pages f. No claim by the Contractor /Subgrantee for an equitable adjustment hereunder shall be allowed if asserted after final payment under this contract /subgrant. • g. Failure to agree on the terms of any equitable adjustment shall be a dispute concerning a question of fact within the meaning of the clause of this contract entitled "Disputes," h. .:Nothing in this clause shall excuse the Contractor /Subgrantee from proceeding with the contract /subgrant as changed by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer in writing, either by (i) issuance of a written change order as described in (a) above, or (ii) issuance of a :written confirmation by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer of the written notice required of the Contractor /Subgrantee in (b) above, re- sulting from an oral order by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer. NONDISCRIMINATION It is the policy of the Executive Branch of the - Government that (a).. contractors and subcontractors engaged in the performance of Federal contracts shall not, in. connection with the employment, advancement, or discharge of employees, or in connection with the terms, conditions, or privileges. of- their-employment, discriminate against persons because of their ageexcept upon the basis of a bona fide occupational qualification, retirement plan, or statutory requirement, and (b) that contractors and subcontractors, or persons acting on their behalf, shall. net specify, in solicitations or advertisements for employees to work on Government con - w- tracts,.amax+m *+m age.limit for such employment unless the specified. maxi= ;:'mum age limit is based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, :`;:retirement plan,. or statutory requirement. . CHILD LABOR • No trainee or enrollee under 18 years of age will be employed in any :occupation which the Secretary has found to be particularly hazardous .for persons between 16 and 18 years of age (a list of such occupations is published at.29 CFR Part 1500, Subpart E). Any eligible trainees . -•sand enrollees under 17 years of age will be employed only in accordance -With the limitations imposed by 29 CFR Part 1500, Subpart C. • 4. E.�UAL OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE - During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follow : (1) The contr-actr••_will not discriminate against eny employee or 'ppl:_ - cant for employment becauoe of race, color, religion, -.cr., or national origin. The contractor will tyke af:i rm tive action to 'ensure that applicants -are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to Vhe following: Emplo ent u transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff on, to - tion; rates of ray or other forms -of compensa tion;landfselectio. -,ltcr training, including apprenticeship. The contraactor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for enpiny- :•.ment, notices to be provided by the contracting officer setting fort% -. the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. (2) she contractor will, in.all solicitations or advertisements or employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. (3) The contractor s. •ill send to each labor union or representative of workers frith which he has a collective bargaining agree:aeat or other _contract or understanding, -a notice to be provided by tbe.agen_y ' contracting officer,- advising the labor union or workers' re_resenta_ tive.of the contractor's commitments under,section 202 of Execuative -;`;Order ]1246 of September:24, 1965, acd shall post copies of the :notice in conspicuous places available t.o employees and applicants for e�ployaent._ _ _ '-' (4). The'contractor Will comply•with all provisions of Executive Order 112;6 of September 2h, 1965; and of the.rules, regulations, and relevar_t orders of the Secretary of Labor. (5) The- te_tracto w'_,'.:. furnish all infor t o and reports rewired ty •: t E, ec;it;ve Or e_ 11246 of Se b F,.ember 2•+, 105, �d by the riles, regii.e_ . ticns, and orders o_ the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto •- =wi..1 permit access to his books re ords ' -..agency.- and the Secretar o_,_�. o , and sofoinvs ty the car._ra_... r � mbar• for purYCSes of i.:vestigstiar. ; ascertain compliance with such rules., regulations, and orders. (6) Zn th event ' t`.e contractor's noncan L's~ce wit p h the nondiseri ina- tion clauses of this contract ar with any cf such rules, regulations, • -. or orders, this contract may be canceled, terP.inated or suspended in - whole or in part and the.contractor may be declared ineligible for . :..further Government contractcs in accordance with procedures authorised in Executive Order 11266 of September 24, 1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in • Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, or by rule, reznlation, or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. (7) The contractor will include thy. pro::e;ons of n .- ;:c:rnohs (1) .h_out.h -- (7) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rul regulations, or orders of the Secretarry of Labor issued pursuant to section 204 of Executive Order 11266 of September 26, 1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. The contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the contracting agency may direct as a means or enforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance: :. Provided, however, That in the event the contractor becomes involved in,' or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the contracting agency, the con- :tractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests or the United States. - • TRAINEE OR ENROLLEE WAGES The hourly wages paid to enrollees or trainees shall not be less than the. _. following, .whichever is higher: 1. The minimum rate required under the Fair Labor Standards . special rate provided daf the A including , by specification under Section i4 of the Art, as 'amended in 1974, or that is applicable to enrollees or trainees, or.,. 2. Any minimum rate applicable to the enrollee or trainee as required -ender Federal, State, or local laws if it is higher than that stated in Item Number 1 above. -,.: : TERMINATION OF TRAINEES.OR ENROLLEES .Trainees or enrollees will not be terminated without prior notice to the :trainee or enrollee and reasonable opportunity for corrections or improvement of performance and consultation with the Contracting Officer by the training facility for substandard or unsatisfactory progress or conduct. Termination of trainees or enrollees will be governed by disciplinary and grievance pro - -r'cedures approved by the Contracting Officer or his duly authorized representa- tive: Provided, That in training facilities operating under a collective .bargaining agreement, disciplinary. and grievance procedures provided in such -shall govern... . an agreement and applicable to trainees or enrollees covered by this contract, . TERMINATION • ` "- a. The performance of work under the contract / subgrant may be .terminated by the Prime Sponsor in accordance with this clause in whole, or from time to time in part: (1) Whenever the Contractor /Subgrantee shall default in per- - formance of this contract / subgrant in accordance vith,its terms (including in the term "default" any such failure by the Contractor /Subgrantee to make progress in the prosecution of the work hereunder as endangers such perform- ' ance), and shall fail to cure such default :within a period of ten days (or such longer period as the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer may allow) after receipt from the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer of a notice -•, specifying the default; or (2) Whenever for any reason the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer shall determine that such termination•is in the best interest of the Prime Sponsor. Any such termination shall be effected by delivery to the Contractor/ Subgrantee of a Notice of Termination specifying whether termination is for the default of the Contractor /Subgrantee or for the convenience of the Prime Sponsor,- the extent to which performance of work under the contract/ subgrant is terminated, and the date upon which such termination becomes effective. If9 after notice of termination of this contract /subgrant for -default, under (1) above,. it is determined for any reason that the Contractor /Subgrantee was not in default pursuant to (1),.or that the Contractor's /Subgrantee's failure to perform or to make progress in per- - formance is due to causes beyond the control and without the fault or . ." negligence of the Contractor /Subgrantee pursuant to the provisions of the clause of this contract / subgrant relating to•excusable delays, the Notice of Termination shall be deemed to have been issued under (2) above, eei be '.:_:.J:4. d the rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall in.such event ... governed accordingly. " ' °b. After receipt of a Notice of Termination and except as otherwise directed by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer, the. Contractor /Sub- grantee shall::,.- • (1) Stop work under the contract /subgrant.on the date and to the extent specified in the Notice of Termination; . ▪ -(2) Place no further orders or subcontracts for materials, • services, or facilities, except as may be necessary for•completion of such portion of the vork•under the contract / subgrant as is not terminated; (3) Terminate all orders and subcontracts to the extent that they relate to the performance of work terminated by the Notice of Termina- tion; (4) Assign to the Prime Sponsor in the manner and to the extent directed by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer, all of the right, title and interest of the Contractor /Subgrantee under the orders or subcontracts so terminated in which case the Prime Sponsor shall have the right, in its discretion, to settle or pay any or all claims arising out of the termina- tion of such orders and subcontracts; • (5) With the approval or ratification of the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer, to the extent he may.require, vhich approval or ratification shall be final and conclusive for all purposes of this clause, settle all. outstanding liabilities and all claims arising out of such termination of orders and subcontracts, the cost of which would be reim- bursable in whole or in part, in accordance with the provisions of this contract /subgrante r�(6)- Transfer. title to the Prime Sponsor (to the extent that title has not already been transferred) and deliver in the manner, at the times, and to the extent directed by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer, (i) the fabricated or unfabricated parts, work in process, completed work, supplies, and other material produced as a part of, or acquired in respect-of the performance of, the work terminated by the Notice of Termination;. (ii) the completed or partially completed plans, information, .and other property which, if the contract /subgrant - -- - had been completed, would be required to -be furnished to the Prime Sponsor, and (iii) the jigs, dies, and fixtures, and other special tools and tooling acquired,-or manufactured for the performance of this contract /subgrant for the cost of vhich the Contractor /Subgrantee has been or.dill be reimbursed this contract /subgrant.:: _ Use his best efforts to sell, in the manner, at the times, to the extent and at the price or prices directed or authorized by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer, any property of the types referred to in (6) above: Provided,.hovever, That the Contractor /Subgrantee (i) shall not -- :• be required to extend credit to any purchaser, and (ii) may acquire any such property under the conditions prescribed by and at a price or prices _:.approved by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer: And provided further, That-the proceeds of any such transfer or disposition shall be applied in reduction of any payments to be made by the Prime Sponsor to the Con - tractor /Subgrantee under this contract /subgrant or shall otherwise be - credited to the price or cost of the work covered by this contract /subgrant• or paid in•such other manner as the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer may . .r,-.direct;..: • (8) Complete.performance of such part of the work as shall not have been terminated by the Notice of Termination; and (9) Take such action as may be necessary, or as the Prime _ Sponsor's Contracting Officer may direct, for the protection and preserva- tion of the property related to this contract /subgrant which is in the possession of the Contractor /Subgrantee and in which the Prime Sponsor has or- -may acquire an interest. The Contractor /Subgrantee shall proceed immediately with the performance of the above obligations notwithstanding any delay in determining or adjusting the amount of the fee, or any item of reimbursable cost,'under this.clause. At any time after expiration of the plant clearance period, as defined in Subpart 1 -8.1 of the Federal Procurement Regulations (41 CFR 1 -8.1), as the definition may be amended from time to time, the Contractor /Subgrantee may submit to the -Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer a list, certified as .to quantity and quality, of any or all items of termination inventory not previously disposed of, exclusive of items the disposition of which has been directed or authorized by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer, and may request the Prime Sponsor to remove such items or enter into a storage agreement covering them. Not later than fifteen (15) days thereafter, the Prime Sponsor will accept such items and remove them. or enter into a storage - ,.::.agreement covering the same: Provided, That the list submitted shall be .--subject to verification by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer upon . removal of the items or, if the items are stored, within forty -five (45) days from the date of submission of the list, and any necessary adjustment to correct the list as submitted shall, be made prior to'final settlement. c:. After receipt of a Notice of Termination, the Contractor/Sub- . grantee shall submit to the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer his termina- tion claim in the form and with the certification prescribed by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer: Such claim shall be submitted promptly but no event later than one year from the effective date of termination, ,- unless one or more extensions-in writing are granted by the Prime Sponsor's .,unless Officer upon request of the Contractor /Subgrantee made in writing within such one -year period or authorized extension thereof. - __However, if the Prime; Sponsor's Contracting Officer determines that the -:`facts justify such action, he may receive and act upon any such termination claim at any time after such one -year period of any extension thereof. Upon failure of the Contractor /Subgrantce to submit his termination claim within the time allowed, the Prime Sponsor''s Contracting Officer may, subject to any review required by the contracting agency's procedures in effect as of the date of execution of this contract /subgrant, determine, on the basis of • information available to him, the amount, if any, due to the Contractor/ 7.-Subgrantee by reason for the termination and shall thereupon pay to the .- .4•.7=Contractor /Subgrantee the amount so determined. • ' d. SubJcct to the provisions of paragraph (c), and subject to any review required by the contracting agency's procedures in effect, az of the date of execution of this contract /aubgrant, the Contractor /Subgrantec and the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer may agree upon the whole or any part of the amount or amounts to be paid (including an allowance for the fee) to the Contractor /Subgrantec by reason of the total or partial ternina- -tion of work pursuant to this clause. The contract /subgrant shall be amended accordingly; and the Contractor / Subgrantee shall be -said the agreed amount. • e. In the event of the failure of the Contractor /Subgrantec and the • Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer to agree in whole or in part, as pro vided in paragraph (d), as to the amounts with respect. to costs and fee, or as to the amount of the fee, to be paid to the Contractor / Subgrantee in connection�vith the termination of work pursuant to this clause, the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer shall, subject to any review required by the contracting agency's procedures in effect as of the date of execu- tion of this contract /subgrant, determine, on the basis of information available to him, the amount, if any, due to the Contracts " by reason of the termination and shall pay to the Contract the amount determined as follows: (1) If the settlement includes cost and fee --. (i) There shall be included therein all costs and expenses• reimbursable in accordance with this contract /subgrant not previously paid to the Contractor /Subgrantec for the performance of this contract /subgrant prior to the effective date of the Notice of Termination, and such of these costs as may continue for a reasonable time thereafter with the approval of or as'directed by the Prime Sponsor's. Contracting Officer: Provided, however, That the Contractor /Subgrantec shall cable to discontinue such costs; proceed as rapidly as practi (ii) There shall be included therein so far as not included under (i) above, the cost of settling and paying claims arising out of the ^,.termination of work under subcontracts or orders (b)(5)-above which are properly as provided ortiongof . the.contract /subgrent, chargeable to the terminated portion of (iii) There shall be included in the reasonable costs of -settlement, including accounting, legal, clerical, and other expenses necessary for the preparation of settlement claims doses .:data with respect to the terminated portion of the contract /sub and t supporting -.the termination and settlement of subcontracts thereunder, together With for reasonable storage, transportation, and other costs incurred in connection with the protection or disposition of termination inventory: Provided, however, That if the termination is for default of the Contractor / Subgrantee there shall not be included any amounts for the preparation of the Contractor's / Subgranteeis settlement proposal; and (iv); There shall be included therein a portion of the fee '.-payable-under the contract /subgrant determined as follows:. -. • . • �::__ .. . (A) In the event of the termination of this contract/ subgrant for the convenience of the Prime Sponsor and not for the default of the Contractor /Subgrantee, there shall'be paid a percentage of the fee equivalent to the percentage of the completion of work contemplated by the _ contract /subgrant, less fee payments previously made hereunder; or • (B) In the event of the termination of this contract/ subgrant for the default of the Contractor /Subgrantee, the total fee payable - shall be such proportionate part of the fee (or, if this contract /eubgrant calls for articles of different types, of such part of the fee as is • • reasonably allocable to the type of article under consideration) as the total number, of articles delivered to and accepted by the Prime Sponsor bears to the total number of articles of a like kind called for by this contract /subgrant. • If the amount determined under this subparagraph (1) is less than the total payment, theretofore made to the Contractor /Subgrantee, the Contractor/ Subgrantee shall repay to the Prime Sponsor the excess amount. • ea- 1(2) If the settlement includes only the fee, the amount thereof will be determined. in accordance with subparagraph (1)(iv), above. • . • (f) -.The Contractor /Subgrantee shall have the right of appeal, under the clause of this contract /subgrant entitled "Disputes," from any deter urination made by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer under paragraph (c) or (e) above, except that, if the Contractor /Subgrantee has failed to submit - hia claim within the time provided in paragraph (c) above and has failed to request extension of such time, he•shall have no such right of appeal. In ac; =any case *there the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer has made a deter - minatioa of the amount due under paragraph (c) or (e) above, the Prime t: Sponsor shall pay to the Contractor /Subgrantee the following: ,•._. (1). if there is no right of appeal hereunder cr•if no timely appeal has ---..-been taken, the amount so determined by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting ' ,.Officer, or (2)'if an appeal has been taken; the amount finally determined on such appeal. • -. ..: _� ..,..•tip• .., r ` ^. (g) In arriving at the amount due the Contractor /Subgrantee under this 'clause there shall be deducted (1) all unliquidated advance or other payer. theretofore made to the Contractor /Subgrantee, applicable to the terminated portion of -this contract /subgrant, (2) any claim which the Prime Sponsor may have against the Coatractor /Subgrantee in connection with this contrac/sub.. :- grant, and (3) the agreed price for, or the proceeds of sale of, any materials, • supplies, or other things acquired by the Contractor /Subgrantee or sold pur- suaat to the provisions of this clause and not.otherwise recivered by or credited to the Prime Sponsor..-, -. . - (h) In the'event.oi a partial termination, the portion of the fee which `'is payable with respect to the work under the continued portion of the . contract / aubgrant shall be equitably adjusted by agreement between the Contractor /Subgrantee and the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer, and such adjustment shall be evidenced by an•amendment to this contract /sub- grant. (1) The Prime Sponsor may from time to time, under such terms and conditions as it may prescribe, make partial payments and payments on account against costs incurred by the Contractor /Subgrantee in connection with the terminated portion of the contract / subgrant whenever in the opinion of the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer the aggregate of such payments shall be within the amount to which the Contractor /Subgrantee will be entitled hereunder. If.the total of such payments is.in excess of the amount finally determined to be due under this clause, such excess shall be payable by the Contractor /Subgrantee to the Prime Sponsor upon demand, • 'together with interest computed at the rate of 6 percent per annum, for the period from the date such excess payment is received by the Contractor/Sub- . grantee to the date on which such excess is repaid to the Prime Sponsor: Provided, however, That no interest shall be charged with respect to any such. excess payment attributable to a reduction in the Contractor's /Subgr.= ntee's claim by reason of retention or other disposition of termination inventory until ten days after the date of.such retention or disposition, or such later date as determined by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer by .reason of the circumstances. -(.1) The provisions of this clause relating to the fee shall be in- applicable if this contract /subgrant does not provide for payment of a fee. _ 8. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE The provisions set forth in this clause 9b shall govern in lieu of clause 9a should this contract /subgrant be for experimental developmental. or research work and the Contractor /Subgrantee is 'an educational institution or other nonprofit institution on a no -fee or no- profit basis. _..Aa) The performance of work under this contract / subgrant may be c terminated; in whole or from time to time in part by the Prime Sponsor whenever for,any• reason the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer shall deter - mine that such termination is in the best interest of the Prime Sponsor. Termination of work hereunder shall be effected by delivery to the Contractor/ Subgrantee of a Notice of Termination specifying the extent to which per- - romance of work under-the contract /subgrant is terminated and the date __:upon which such termination becomes effective. (b) After receipt of the Notice of Termination the Contractor /Subgrantee :_shall cancel his outstanding commitments hereunder covering the procurement of materials, supplies, equipment, and miscellaneous items. In addition, the Contractor /Subgrantee shall exercise all reasonable diligence to accomplish the cancellation or diversion of his outstanding commitments covering personal services and extending beyond the date of such termination to the extent that they relate to the performance of any work terminated by the notice. With respect to such canceled commitments the - Contractor /Subgrantee agrees to (1) settle all outstanding liabilities and all claims arising out of such cancellation of commitments, with the approval or ratificntion of the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer, to the extent he may require, which approval or ratification shall be final for all purposes of this clause, and (2) assign to the Prime Sponsor, in the manner at the time, and to the extent • directed by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer, all of the right, title, and interest of the Contractor /Subgrantce under the orders and subcontracts no terminated, in which case the Prime Sponsor shall have the right, in its discretion, to settle or pay any or all claims arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts. 7 (c) The Contractor /Subgrantee shall submit his termination claim to the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer promptly after receipt of a Notice of Termination, but in no event later than one year from the effective date thereof, unless one or more extensions in writing are granted by the Prime' Sponsor's Contracting Officer upon written request of the Contractor /Sub- .grantee within'such one-year period or authorized extension thereof. Upon failure of the Contractor /Subgrantee to submit his termination claim within the time allowed, • the Prime Sponsor's Contracting-Officer may, subject to any review required by the contracting agency's procedures in effect as of the date of execution of this contract /subgrant, determine, on the basis of information available to him, the amount, if any, due to the Contractor/ Subgrantee by reason oa the termination and shall thereupon pay to the Contractor /Subgrantee the amount so determined, (d). Any determination of costs under paragraph (c) shall be governed • by the cost principles set forth in the ALLOWABLE COST, FIXED MENT Clause of this contract /subgrant. :: (e) Subject ao the provisions of any review required paragraph (c) above, and subject to in effect as of the by the Prime Sponsor's contracting agency's procedures innerfettr sub date of execution of this contract /subgrant the upon the whole orrantee and the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer may any part of the amount of amounts to be a Contractor /Subgrantee by reason of the termination under this agree dclause, which _ amount or amounts may include any reasonable cancellation charges thereby incurred by the Contractor /Sirbgrantee and any, reasonable loss upon out- standing commitments for personal services which he is unable to cancel: Provided, however, That in connection with any outstanding commitments for personal services which the Contractor /Subgrantee is unable to cancel, the Contractor /Subgrentee shall have exercised reasonable diligence to divert such commitments to his other•aetivities and operations. Any such shall-be embodied in an amendment to this contract /subgrant and the Con - .tractor /Subgrantee shy be a3xeemea - Paid the agreed amount (f) The Prime Sponsor may from time to time under.such terms and conditions as it may prescribe, make partial payments against costs incurred by the Contractor / Subgrantee in connection with the terminated portion of this contract /subgrant whenever, in the opinion of the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer, the aggregate of such payments is within the acsunt to which the Contractor / Subgrantee will be entitled hereunder. If the total - of such payments is in excess of the amount finally agreed or determined to be due under this clause, such excess shall be payable by the Contractor/ Subgrantee to the Prime Sponsor upon demand: Provided, That if such excess is not so paid upon demand, interest thereon shall be payable by the Contractor / Subgrantee to the Prime Sponsor at the rate of -6 percent per annum; beginning 30 days from the date of such demand. (g)- The Contractor / Subgrantee agrees to transfer title to the Prime Sponsor and deliver in the manner, at the times, and to the extent, if any, directed by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer, such information and items which, if the contract /subgrant had been completed, would have been - required to be furnished to the Prime Sponsor, including: (1) Completed or partially completed plans, drawings, and information; and _•(2) Materials or equipment produced or in process or acquired in Connection with the performance of the work terminated by the notice. Other ;than the above, any termination inventory resulting from the termination or the contract /subgrant may, with the written approval of the Prime Sponsor's • Contracting Officer, be sold or acquired by the Contractor / Subgrantee under _.the conditions prescribed by and at a price or prices approved by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer. • The proceeds of any such disposition shall be applied in reduction of any payments to be made by the Prime Sponsor to . :.to the Contractor / Subgrantee under this contract /subgrant or shall otherwise - -be credited to the price or cost of work covered by this contract /subgrant or paid in such other manner as the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer may direct.- Pending final disposition of property arising from the termination,. the Contractor /Subgrantee agrees to take such action as may be necessary, or as the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer may direct, for the protection and preservation of the property related to this contract /subgrant which is in .the possession of the Contractor / Subgrantee and in which the Prime Sponsor - has or may acquire an interest. • _ .9. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING REHABILITATION 'The subcontractor shall not expend Federal funds for construction and building rehabilitation without prior approval of the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer. Any projects approved by the Department of Labor .and the Prime Sponsor shall be administered under the guidelines of A -102 IIT `.and parts'of Paragraph , applicable to construction procurement. • • 12 10. L .. I r I; c OF EMPLo YMT. T 0P-73IUGS (This clause is applicable pursuant to 41 CFR 50 -250 if this contract is for $2,500 or more.) (a) The Contractor agrees, in order to provide special emphasis -to the employment of qualified disabled veterans and veterans of the Vietnam era, that all suitable cnplcyment openings of the contractor which exist at the tine of the execution e: this contract and those which occur during the performance of this contract, including those not generated by -this contract and inciudinr those - occurring at an establishment other than the one wherein the contract being performed but excluding those of independently operated corporate a ffili- ates, shall be offered for listing at an appropriate local office of the Sate employment service system wherein the opening occurs and to provide snch repots to such local office regarding employment openings and hires as may be.recui_e : Provided; That if this contract -is for less than $10,000 or if it is with State cr local government the reports set forth in paragraphs (c) and (.; are not required. (b) Listing of employment openings with the employment service system ;tn.- suant to this clause shall be made at least concurrently with the use of any other recruitment service or effort and shall involve the normal obligations which attach•to the placing of a bona fide job order, including the a, ^= -`ace of referrals of veterans and- nonveterans. This listing of eiiplo{ment openings does not require the hiring of any particular job applicant or from any particular • group of job applicants,' and nothing herein is intended to relieve the Contra -=;r from any requirements in'any statutes, Executive orders, or regulations regarding 'nondiscrimination in employment. • (c) The reports required by paragraph (a) of this clause shall. include, tnt - =not be limited to, periodic-reports which shall be filed at least quarterly it the appropriate local office or, where the Contractor has more than one establish- . :meat in a State, with the central- office.of the State employment service: Such reports shall indicate for. each establishment (i) the number of individua.s v : 4e_e hired :;:ring the reporting period, (ii) the number of those hired who *.-ere disabled- veterans, and (iii) the number'of those hired who were nonci.s_blei veterans of the Vietnam -era.. The contractor shall submit a report within 30 dayi after the end of each reporting- period wherein any performance is mare under bis contract. •i :e Contractor shall maintain_cc-tes of the retorts sub = .._d ....__, the expiration of 1 year after final payment under the cen :Tact, during which ' they shall be made available, upon request, for examination. by any aut c:i_e:i rerresertatives of the Contracting Officer of of the-Secretary of Labor. • (d) Whenever the Contractor becomes contractually bound by the ;.istin; provisions. of this clause, he shall advise the employment service system in e__-. State wherein he has-establishments of the name and location of each such est = ;- lishment in the State. As long as the contractor is contractually bo:Ln3 to these provisions and has so advised the. State employment system, there is no :___ • to advise the State system of subsequent contracts. The Contractor may a3•rize the State system when it is no longer bound by this contract clause. (c) This cleeee doee not apply to the listing of employment opcninge which occur and are filed outside of the 50 States, the District of Columbia. .the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. (f) This clause does not apply to openings which the Contractor proposes to fill from within his own organization or to fill pursuant to a customary and - traditional employer -union hiring arrangement. This exclusion does not apply . to a particular opening once an employer decides to consider applicants outside - of his own organization or employer -union arrangement for that opening. (g) As used in this clause: (1) "All suitable employment openings" includes, but is not limited to, openings which occur in the following job categories: Production and non rodue t'_ -n; . plant and office; laborers and mechanics; supervisory and nonsupervisory; technical; . end executive, administrative, and professional openings which are compensated on a salary basis. of less than $18,00o per year. The term includes full -time employ -,, went, temporar; employment Of more than 3 days' duration, and part -time emelo3eeet. It does not.include openings which the Contractor proposes to fill fro within his =-_ on organization or to fill pursuant to a customary and traditional employer -union hiring arrangement. (2) "Appropriate office of the State employment service system" means the local office of the Federal -State national system of public employment offices evs,,ce=.with assigned responsibility for serving the area of the establishment where the ;;-employment opening is to be filled, including the District of Columbia, the Comee:- . aealth,of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands:. (3) "Openings which the Contractor proposes to fill from within his own organization" sends employment openings for which no consideration will be given • to persons outside the Contractor's own organisation (including any affiliates, - subsidiaries, 'end parent companies), and includes any openings which the Contractor proposes to fill from regularly established "recall ".cr "rehire" lists. • (4) "OMeningswhich the Contractor proposes s a' s to fill pursuant :,to -a customary and traditional employer - union hiring arrangement" means employment -openings for which no- consideration -will be given to persons outside of a special hiring arrangement, including openings which the Contractor proposes to fill frcn union hells, which is part of the customary and traditional hiring relationship which exists between the Contractor and representatives of his employees. (5) -- "Disabled veteran" means a person entitled to disability compensation under • laws administered by the Veterans Administration for a disability rated at -30 percentum or more, or a person whose discharge or release from active duty was for a disability - incurred or aggravated in line of duty. ' (6) "Veteron of the Vietnam era" means a person (A) who (i) scr•,'- on active duty with the Armed Forces for a period of more than 180 days.. any part of which occurr•:•t after August 5, 1964, and was discharged or rcicas:.i therefrom with other than .a dishonorable discharge, or (ii) was dischartwd or released from active duty for service- connectcdd.isatility if any _art or such duty was performed afterAugust 5, 1964, and (D) who was so d or released within the 48 months preceding his •application for employment co ere i by this clause. (h) If any disabl. :d veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era believes that the Contractor (or any first -tier subcontractor) has failed or refuses to comply with the provisions of this contract clause relating to giving special emphasis in employment to veterans, such veteran may file a complaint with the veterans' employment representative at a local State employment service office who will- attempt to informally resolve the complaint and then refer the complaint with s report on the attempt to resolve the matter to the State office of the Veter =s' Employment Service of the Department of Labor. Such complaint shall then_ be promptly referred through the Assistant Regional Director for iaanpower to the Secretary cf Labor who shall investigate such complaint and shall take such action thereon as the facts and circumstances warrant consistent with the to of this contract and the.laws and regulations applicable thereto. (i) The Contractor agrees to place this clause (excluding this paragrrph :l) in any.subcontract directly under this contract. 11. DEVIATIORS Under the most compelling circumstances such as situations•where the needs of the Government cannot reasonably be otherwise supplied, where listing of ,employment openings would be contrary to national security, or where the re- quirement of listing would otherwise not be in the best interests of the Government, a deviation from this. subpart may be made, subject to the approval • of the Secretary of Labor. Requests for any such deviations shall be addressed to the Assistant Regional Director for Manpower, U.S Department of Labor, Federal Building - U.S. Courthouse, 1100 Commerce Street, 7th Floor, Dallas, Texas 75202, wherein the contract is to be signed, and shall set forth the reasons for the request. 12.. DISPUTES a. Except as otherwise provided in-the contract /subgrant, nny dispute concerning a question of fact arising under this contract /subgrant which is not disposed of by agreement shall be decided by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer, who shall reduce his decision to writing and mail or otherwise furnish a copy thereof to the Contractor/Subgrantee. The decision of the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer shall be final end conclusive unless Within 30 days from the date of receipt of such copy, the Contractor / Subgrantee mails or otherwise furnishes to the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer, a written appeal addressed to the Prime Sponsor. The decision of the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer for the determination of such appeals shall be final and conclusive unless determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to have been fraudulent, or capricious, or arbitrary, or so grossly erroneous as necessarily to imply bad faith, or not_ supported by substantial evidence. In connection with any appeal proceeding under this clause, the Contractor /Grantee shall ' • be afforded an opportunity to be heard and to offer evidence in support of its appeal. Pending final decision of a dispute hereunder, the Contractor/ Subgrantee shall proceed diligently with the performance of the contract/ subgrant and in accordance with the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer's decision. • b. This "Disputes" clause does not preclude consideration of law questions in connection with decisions provided for in paragraph (a) above: Provided, That nothing in this contract /subgrant shall be construed as making final the decision of any administrative official, representative, or board on a question of law. • The subcontractor shall obtain written consent of the Prime Sponsor prior to subcontracting any parts of this agreement. The Contracting Officer may, in his discretion, ratify in writing any such subcontract; such action shall constitute the ,.,...sent of the Contracting Officer as required by this paragraph. lb: COURT-ACTIONS . The subcontractor agrees to give the Prime Sponsor immediate notice in writing of any actions or suits filed and prompt notices of any claims made against the Prime Sponsor, the subcontractor, or any of the parties involved in .the implementation and administration of the CETA Program. 16 - s• 15 ORDER OF PRECEDENCE -In the event there are inconsistencies or:conflicts in the grant and /or contract, unless otherwise provided, thereon, the inconcsistencics shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: . 1. The Act (Public Law 93 -203, 87 Stat. 839) The regulations as approved by the Secretary of Labor Special Clauses A-102 The Comprehensive Manpower Plan as stated in the grant applicable to each title. 16. MOTIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD The contractor agrees to abide by the provisions of the following motions passed by the Executive Board of the Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium on June 13, and June 17, 1974: (a) That each program that is approved have an approved wage scale derived from a comprehensive wage study conducted in their areas and also that each program have an approved affirmative action plan. (b) That out -of -area travel shall not exceed $25 a day. -18- A. PURPOSE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS These standards are intended to provide a common basis for the evaluation of CETA contractors. They supplement but do not supercede the contract and Federal Rules of Regulations. Any exceptions must be made by the prime sponsor. B. ELIGIBILITY All participants shall meet the-eligibility criteria as set by the prime sponsor according to Department of Labor guidelines. Contractors must establish certi- fication procedures which must fully validate and document the eligibility of participants. C. PLACEMENT AND SUCCESSFUL TERMINATIONS This standars is applicable to contractors performing skill training and work experience. Placement in permanent full —time jobs is the principal criteria on which successful performance will be judged. 55 percent placement of successful terminations from work experience and 75 percent from skill training is minimum acceptable performance. Successful terminations are defined to include placement in permanent full —time jobs, enrollment in full —time education, entry into the armed services and transfer into other manpower programs. 85 percent placement for both skill training and work experience is considered superior. D. QUALITY OF PLACEMENT All placements into full —time jobs shall be at the Federal minimum wage or more. An average of $2.75 per hour for all placement shall be considered superior performance. E. PARTICIPATION The national and regional standard of participation is 100 percent of authorized enrollment. Providing funds are available, the contractor shall never have less than 100 percent enrollment without prior approval of the prime sponsor. All participants shall be scheduled for participation according to the contract. The dropout rate shall not exceed 15 percent of average enrollment. A level of 5 percent is considered superior performance. Dropouts are defined as all terminations other than successful terminations. F. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION The contractor shall conduct an active recruitment program to insure full coverage of the target population. Participants shall be selected on the basis of the greatest need. G. ORIENTATION Orientation will be provided to each participant during his first week of enrollment. Such orientation shall include complete program orientation, time and attendance procedures, rate of pay, hours of participation, duration of enrollment, rules of conduct, supportive services, written civil rights and grievance procedures, employability development plan and counseling. H. ASSESSMENT AND EMPLOYABILITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN (EDP) A comprehensive assessment of each participant as to educational, skill, and social functioning level and aptitudes and interests will be made as a part of the participant record. On the basis of the assessment an EDP will be developed. The EDP shall include the vocational goal, the requirements needed for the job, the steps and time needed to achieve the goal objective. The EDP will be periodically reviewed with participant and adjustment made as deemed feasible. I. COUNSELING Counseling shall be provided as needed with an emphasis on vocational counseling. The contractor must be knowledgeable of current and future job openings, employ- ment trends and educational opportunities. Such information will be made available to participants. Participants will be instructed in job interviews, completing job applications and preparing resumes. J. SUPPORTIVE SERVICES Supportive services will be developed to conform with participant needs, interests and the EDP. R. PARTICIPANT FILES Participant files shall include written documentation of all foregoing require- ments, including eligibility certification, supportive services, EDP, progress reports, job development and placement efforts and any other information pertinent to the participant during enrollment period. L. JOB DEVELOPMENT AND PLACEMENT The contractor shall conduct active documented job development and placement efforts with employers to promote hiring of participants. M. FOLLOW -UP The contractor shall provide counseling as needed to participants who have been successfully terminated. A follow -up of terminations will be made at the end of one month and six months to determine participants status. N. LINKAGES The contractor will actively assist participants to obtain other successful terminations other than placement in full -time jobs. This will include assisting them in obtaining information and assistance to go into further education or training under other programs. 0. EXCEPTION CLAUSE In determining drop out rates, persons, who leave training projects because of illness, death, natural disasters or other justifiable causes, shall not be counted against the drop out rate. . SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS CONTRACT NO. 1. BONDING REQUIREMENTS 2. CASH DEPOSITORIES AND ATTACHED SPECIAL HANK ACCOUNT 3. PROPERTY INVENTORY 4. ADVANCED PAYMENTS APPROVAL FORM 5. CERTIFICATION OF ACCOUNTABILITY 6. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. 7.. LEASES BONDT \C H!:t41110•r•!1a'1 ".: N :"fr;i n" P WTI . The Contracting Officer has the responsibility and the authority to determine if the subcontractors have adequate fidelity bonds to cover - losses of the federal funds in case of misuse by the subcontractor. �. If the subcontractor is a unit of local government or an instru- mentality, normally, additional bonds would not be required. It is the Contracting Officer's, responsibility to review and assure himself that he z::beontractor is in compliance. .Non-profit organizations historically do not have adequate bonding teetIon. .•These should be reviewed very carefully as non -profit organi- zations.have limited sources of funds. and if there are audit exceptions and the funds are not available, the Prime Sponsor will be held accountable and responsible for these losses.::_: CE TIFICIT.. _ FOR .CASH DEPOSITORIES • A- 102 - .1ftTr:C1117.iiT A - Parec,raph - 3 Thc.unders_Cned hereby' certifies that: • Any tr.,..neys .edvanced to' the, State or ).oe.1 covcrn_oe:rts which ere drterminud to he .npublio moneys".: (mica by the Fe&r l Coveriment) .r mast to deposited in. a °bant'with FDIC. insurance' co•:era7.c end .the. •;h:clnnce n exceeding the' FDIC covcrar:o musd;be collaterally ecurc,` t,s provide.: ror in 12 U.S.C. 2665. panic Name ..1quecea _National Bank GRANTEE USE Grantee's Nam. San Patricio County Coranittee -On Youth Edljcation 'E Job Op',brtunities Assistant Vice- President 'ExecutivcDirector ('T'xtic) ( Title) AGREEMENT FOR SPECIAL DANK ACCOUNT .flt Ma..-'cra5—a. tai- f4IUC -t Sign original ' . Conform nignaturc on copies here.'nufter referred to as..the Subcontractor; the unit of local government hereinafter called the Prime Sponsor; and NUECES NA.TIONAL BANK • , a banking corporation located at 1434 SOUTH PORT CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS- 78405 hereinafter referred to an the Bank, hereby mutually agree as follows:, 1.-As a condition to the making of Advance or supplemental payments under the Contract /Grant no. dated between the Subcontractor and the Prime Sponsor, amounts advanced to the Subcontractor by the Prime Sponsor shall be deposited in the account established at the bank, desisnated rs the "Coastal Beni Rural Joh Develoanent Project Special Bank Account," hereinafter referred to as the Special Bank Account. 2. The Bank is- "insured" within the meaning. of The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Act (Act 'of September 21, 1950; 64 Stat. 872 as amended 12 U.S.C. 265): ' 3. The Bank Fill be bound by the provisions of the Contract /Grant referred- - :-to in paragraph numbered 1 above, ii.eofer as the deposit and withdrawal of rends .. in the above Special Bra:, Account is conce_-ned, end p.:rticularly.shaU.n o t permit - _ withdrawal of fu.n s-xrom the Special Bank Account except by persons named in said contract/grant as authorized to incur and Aar costs on behalf of the subcontractor, but shall not be responsible for the application of funds withdrawn from the is. The Prime Sponsor shall have s lien upon the credit balance in the -.Special Bans Account to secure the repsyrent of all advance or supplemental payments made to,the subcontractor, which lie^:-shslt be superior to any lic:a or elaim -of the Ban!: with respect to such account,' . - . 5.. Upon receipt of written directions from the Prime Sponsor or his duly authorized representative, the Bank shall act thereon and shall be under no. liability to any party hereto for any action taken in accordance with such' written directione. 6. In the event of the service of nny.writ of attachment, 'levy, or execu- tion,.or :the commencement of garnishment proceedings 'with respect'to the -Special Dunk Account, the Bank 1411 promptly, notify the Prise Sponsor. . 7. Authorised representatives of the Prime Sponsor shall have access to'. the books and record-: int,A1,11d by •th Blurtk t:Lth respect -to -such Specsrl i a '- • Account' at- aL1i-reaeonsble tit^_°.3 and for ell reasosrble purposes incuu•iir. but-, not limited to, the inspection or copying of such honks and records and .ny rn_ all memoranda, checks, correspondence or documents appertaining tberato. Such books and records shall be pr serred by the Dank far.a period"oC nix (6) years • [i -.A11 moneys deoasited in the Special Burk Account pre public moneys ect:to the requirements of Title 12 Section 265 U.S.C. The Burk e.:reez to � 5 auk, _ 12 uulifY.�.'ith the Secretary of the Treasury L: a take all necessary measures to 4 depository of public Honey and to d eposit satisfactory security by the deposit a'- r_ it of United States bonds or otherwise, for the safekeeping a l pro:r,�t P J'° the aforesaid public moneys as required by the regulation of the Secretary of the Treasury aad.Title 12 Section 265 U.S.C. • IN'WITI.ESS Wft BEOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of the last day of signing set forth belo'1. • Bfe K USE BI1fC N14• DATE BANK COLLATERAL required, based upon es ma:dm= bant b ticnce (c::clu.d:.ng FDIC c of y20,000)t is $ 121,960 7- 19. -74 g.Y:l HId/E T. . %RICH , III• A e s latent Vice - President i TITLE S - s _. - . 3T, AO TIM PRIIM PONsor.. '' SIGNATURE YYYb fi.IC TITLE San Patricio County Committee On Youth. DATE id c J:11 Sair r,6: Fu R: 'MARVIN TOW (SEND: crTY. MANGER 1.7.PL i:I1•v3. Richard Hatch TI L Board Cha i rman _ The +rode ngeed hereby certifies that r : "Any ;nevi advaneel to'the Stets or'loeak�oyerna:ats which- arc. •.determiuvd .t.o tn::"piit 1 yeoncyn" (cxnci�by�:t io.tccarai Coveivment). must be .tepo iced_ +n aliant 4th FDIC: insuraacei. osersr.-c�-end.: -the balnncec exec dint; 'th. FDIC coversno -must a collaterally secur e; • h5 prvvld�w .or in 7.2 V .S C. 265. , � �*�� , -> ;'' - -_. sf^a,, ....��"'-....._ `�^ =_tea. _•___. � aM,. ,.- ns7'. Fiuro_ _._���'. *�'� r. ... ax- iFJl3 Sintfin "'Tetras` - /.CpliEMF2 T FOR SPECIAL BANK ACCOUNT Sign original Conform signature on copicji The' San Patricio Co. Committee on Youth and Job - Opportunities, Sin'ton, Texas here.'•nafter referred to as the Subcontractor; the unit of local government hereinafter called the Prime Sponsor; and Comanez'cial State Bank a banking corporation located at Sinton, Texas hereinafter referred to as the Bank, hereby mutually agree as follows: 1.. As a condition to the making of advance or supplemental payments under the Contract /Grant -No. °'dated between the Subcontractor and the Prime Sponsor, amounts advanced to the Subcontractor by the Prime Sponsor shall be deposited in the account established at the bank, designated ;as the "Coastal Bend Rural' Job Development Project Special "Bank Account,~ hereinafter referred to as the Special Bank Account., 2. The sank is "insured" within the messing-of The. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Act (Act 'of September 21, 1950; 64 Stat. 872 as amended 12 U.S.C. 265): • • wil 3: ' The Bask l.'bebouad by the provisions of the Contract /Grant referred to in paragraph numbered 1`above, insofar as the - deposit- and withdrawal of funds in the above Spacial-Bank- Account is: concerned, sad particularly shall not permit withdrawal of funds tree the Speciel.`Bank Account`oxcept by persons named in said contract /grant•as authorized to incur and pay costs on behalf of the subcontractor, but shell not 'be reepoaeible for the application_ of funds xithdravn from the . • 4._ The Prune Sponsor shall have a lien upon the_ credit balance in the - Special Bank Account-:to .secure the repayment of all advance - or- supplemental payments lade to the`subecntractor, which lien shall be superior to any lien or claim of the Bash --with reepeet to such'aeeount z • • • • 5. Upon receipt of:vrittea directions• from` the Prime Sponsor or his duly authorized repreeentativle =thoBeak shall act' - thereon and shall be under no • liability to'any:party= hereto for any action taken-in accordance with such written directions:!''' 6 r: in the ievent;o the service -of any -writ of- attachment,j=levy, or execu- tion, or the coca encement of garnishment proceeding's with respect to the -Special Bank Account.„.th�-Bsnk gill promptly, notify the Prime -.Sponsor. 7. Authorised .representatives of the Prime Sponsor sha.lr have access to the books and -records• -i iutaiiined -by the Bank with respect to such Special Bank Account at all reasonable times and for all reasonable purposes, including, but not limited to, the;iaspection or copying of such books and records and any and all memoranda,` check.• correspondence or documents appertaining thereto. Such 'books and racerds hhall be - preserved by the Bank-for a period'of six (6) years - after the closing of this-Speciai -Bank Account • aa.�a '- -_per • • •-..•.• • . . . . . . 8. All =nays deposited in the Specia .Banh Account are • public moneys • ' • t.,...ect to the- requirements of Title 12 SucLion U.S.C. The Dan'k r..7,rces to tai-:e all necessary measurea to qualify with the Secretcry of the Trensc.ry n. derositary of public Inc.ney and to deposit satisfactory :iccu_rity by the dey-Juit or United States bonds or othervise, for the sel&:c:cpir.g and prozp:: pnyr_.:.•r_t the aforesaid public r_oneys c_s required by the regulation of the Secretn..—J, or the Treasury and Title 12 Section 2C,5 U.S.C. IN WITNESS WIERECF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be • executed -as of the last day of signing set forth belon. BANK. USE B,?..11C Commercial State Bank Bo% 430, Sinion, Texis 78387 • DATz S Gil AT U RE TYPE. 1,..;2a. Charles W. Spencer • Vice...President. & Cashier PRI1.3 SPONS01). • SIGNATURE TYPE NAME'. DATE BAla COL12.7-A.72 BOK COLLATERAL required, based upon e- ma:iTW' bn balance, (excluding FDIC or $2o,000)t $ I ' rir.f2CONT.RJ-Vr.n?._ tiE"7.... . ..---.1 $ N.,!...*;•53 ' San Fatricio County Committee On Youth. ''.1•12. iii-."- 7 :6 R..14A11. VIN TOWNSEND Richard Hatch TITE-13 ' • Boa rd Chai rman • • • , .• • • ' • •( • ••••••••11. 11•••••0% • GOVERNMENT PROPERTY INVENTORY g ,T;•Ls.•C t:.: A • •L•vc■ owo1: 7 PER•OC.0 HliveN TORT (Check ono), NtstspeelaEt Prepetly a. 0 Annuall • resdusl Property b. 0 Maine C SrtAP ''" e. Final 'If Closing Inventory. enter nee, contract number of project number or propossl submissien I. COHTPACTOR'S AIANC 6 AponELL • • • CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE I•Nan.). 4. LOCATION Or PROPERTY DESCRIPTION • : •. .1•• !a) • • SERIAL • NO. •• 1. PI ••••••••■•••••.......mme.s.o...avw•ma0 . • .• - • . -- 3. CATE Or P—EPORT . .-..-7, . .• : . GOV'T. EXCESS COST 14 • • DATE • • Meg c. PURCHASE° RECLITED'. ' • . C621'1410 .. • . • .. . SP. 92) ......... • • " . , . , . (a) . .. • 111 .• - _. .. .. • N/A . • • ..• • ..^ ••—• - ; ^- *4. 1 . .. ' ' • • • . • • so. I re' • ' AUTHORIZATION FOR ADVANCE PAYMENTS I hereby find that: The Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium and, Contractor: San Patricio Co. Community Action Agency Address: 111 North Odem Avenue, Sinton, Texas 78387 Contractor proposed to enter_ have entered into a negotiated agreement for the performance of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act under Public Law 93 -203, 87 Stat. 839, dated February 15, 1974, as follows: X TITLE I _ TITLE III _ OTHER _ TITLE II _ TITLE IV In compliance with Public Law 93 -203, 87 Stat. 839, dated February 15, 1974, 96.51 - Payments: Advance payments will be made by either a letter of credit or by check. DETERM1NAfLONS Upon the basis of the foregoing findings, I hereby determine that the making of the proposed advance payments without interest is in the public interest. ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED: DAY OF JULY, 1974: City Attorney 1 (Signature) R. Marvin Townsend (Type Name) Contracting Officer (Title) s :c•••• ntn uult I aviloa • r.•h :cdr:u:r . i^t : :mc•tt1.3 ctf which Lltr ;um+uuL utit. ::L,uidin,; ::l :411. hot. exc,•c4 $ 127,.960 s ore hereby :utLhor1 c.,l• ATTEST: City secretary. APPROVED: DAY OF JULY;:1.974 ":-. rAYT:EuT mi I 13 +111.r. TNITTAL A•UCN DATE AMOUNT 7-1-74 38,388 FUTUTE PAYMENT3 PATE AMOMIT 29,858 1-1-75 29,857 ' . . . 4-1-75 29,857 C• ,rtl�. l',"•••••• l`I Ih• 1.141 .4,. al•1 "'owe A.I Of : JIJ 11.• `. I.r..wy ..I 1...1w I.,••. 111.1 ,... �. .:1 .. .. .•• 11n.. 11 •.•.• ..:�• ••.•• � . . ...n/ I nl.•1aI 4...I : 141.1..: 11• 1 1 n•... n I n_..I..al 1••• w•I•. 1•. 1•111y a. r..x l •�1 .1 ....Is .1 t••. ht. -.•% 1•. I..•%-I In•• :.. •wl.l.y 1.f l•Inr ...nth list 11.1rv.e1 ;. r�11 n tI.•'In1111.v.1 .ICr.. of udlw n•d uwl .x. 2..1.. : 1.. •. r A; w.•1 }al•.•.O pt.•Ith the .n.p..l Appl.C.a10n tot 4.esanc.el 1 L w♦v • UMrANIFAIIJ• 04 coot, .IYANC.• ►p)HCIA D:e.:•.lr.. te. r A.... .........e sr,..a...a • O 1'a 7 C T. Mt( 1121 ACCUI.NI INI. St:l la Al O...1f ttf •..d1Vl .0.11/1 4. tT.0 T•• N. !tl Co, 1.0.2 weft ••••■■•■ I••• ....•••••••••• . N r•.i W Adak.•• Arturo Vasquez, Certified Public Account. 4707 Everhart Rd. Corpus Christi, Texas 3 A.1 \ K1 4AVI►IA■ %111 DM 0 MVO Of 1A11011 AUDIT PCUWMC1dENlS7 �... D �.. 4. 0A S.:e..tl.• .. IOLA 11NANCIAI ACCOUNTING 51521• Ilwdt[.ae 1•A.VM the .'stria is 11•x1.4+• ' ../x.nl..d w.d d... •d1. Mw .1 a. MI. t!•• .J•.••1. •.. .••.d.•••■M0*4 M:1 •f:•..M.np ■.es...w..wa .1 1M 140.10 .n? Ad..Mn..I•dl0dn.1 ' •iou±nals, general ledger,.cheFkstubs,.bank statements;:.in'v ices,• purhhaserorders ;;•-evidence,goods were receiveli, time- :and attendance reports,'indivi'dnal payrcU records', etc. Erse CO91IN11A71O•V $.I((r II Nfl (SS.ICf (.2.1 el ti';• 1 It .7. 2 • et sly (I•.1 II, 1111 I1!41 Of lip kno..It.hlt• and hphoi 1144..4111.1 1st Cn.al•CI •n•I c.xuplcl.• 2.401.A2. 4 11111 U/ *U114(01J1 O 04 /ICIA6 I2.hf.1.1•1• TELFitION( NO I.n.•r.ar •3••. •.:.. / 2) 3 6 DIM OF IXECU1ION 7 —if -7/ • INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS INSTRUCTIONS . 'Insurance requirements must be in compliance irlth A.102, Attachment , and the Act. • • 2. The Workmen's Compensation requirement in the assurances must be complied with as this is applicable to the Prime and all subcontractors/ grantees. 3. Other insurance requirements under States and units of local Gorarnment . shall be used as guidance in compliance tith the Act. LEASES • INSTRUCTIONS 1. The Prime Sponsor has the responsibility of reviewing and approving leases of facilities for office space to house administrative and other staff personnel in support of the CETA Program. 2. Leases should be reviewed for a fair and reasonable cost prior to approval. As a guide9 it is customary to review the recommended rates as established by•GSA within.the geographical area. 3. Any remodeling and rehabilitation must be reviewed by the Prime Sponsor and the Department of Labor. 4. Federal fends should not be considered for items that would involve 'a capital improvement. on privately owned property. 5. Federal funds for leases should not be expended or obligated going beyond the termination date of the Prime or subcontractor /grantee,, depending upon which is applicable. Corpus Christi, Texas TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas , 19 // For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspen- sion of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordi- nance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter rule was suspended by the following vote: Jason Luby James T. Acuff Rev. Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Ricardo Gonzalez Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark The above ordinance was passed by the following vote: Jason Luby James T. Acuff Rev. Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Ricardo Gonzalez Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark