HomeMy WebLinkAbout12202 ORD - 07/31/1974• JRR:jkh.7- 30 -74; 1st TEXAS: • AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 8127, AS AMENDED, BY AMENDING SECTION 1, SUBSECTION (b) BY SUBSTITUTING NEW SALARY SCHEDULES, EFFECTIVE AUGUST 5, 1974; AMENDING SUBSECTION (a) TO PROVIDE THAT GENERAL SALARY SCHEDULE SHALL CONSIST OF ENTRANCE RATE, INTERMEDIATE RATES AND THREE LONGEVITY RATES; PROVIDING FURTHER IN SUBSECTION (a) FOR SEPARATE SALARY SCHEDULE FOR THE NEIGHBORHOOD YOUTH CORPS; AMENDING SUBSECTION (g) BY ADDING TO THOSE ENUMERATED FOR COMPENSA- TION FOR 44 -HOUR WORK WEEK - SANITATION DIVISION THE POSITION OF SANITATION FOREMEN; AMENDING SECTION 2, SUBSECTION (b), PARAGRAPHS (1), (2), (3) AND (4); AMENDING SECTION 5 BY DELETING THE PRESENT SUBSECTION (b) AND IN LIEU THEREOF ADOPTING A NEW SUBSECTION (b) TO PROVIDE FOR EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVE PAY FOR THE FIRE AND POLICE SERIES; AMENDING SECTION 7 (b) SO AS TO QUALIFY THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH COMPENSATORY TIME OFF MAY BE GRANTED; AMENDING SECTION 7 (c) SO AS TO PROVIDE FOR CARRYING FORWARD OF ANY COMPENSATORY TIME ACCRUED PRIOR TO AUGUST 1, 1974; AMENDING SECTION 8 BY SUBSTITUTING A NEW VEHICLE COMPENSATION ALLOWANCE SCHEDULE; AMENDING SECTION 9, SUBSECTION (c), BY AMENDING THE PROVISIONS RELATIVE TO COMPENSATION FOR MONTHLY SALARIED EMPLOYEES WORKING ON PRESCRIBED HOLIDAYS; AMENDING SECTION 10, SUBSECTION (a) BY SUBSTITUTING A NEW FIRST PARAGRAPH CONCERNING VACATION LEAVE; DELETING THE FIRST PARAGRAPH FOLLOWING THE SCHEDULE AS PRESENTLY APPEARS UNDER SECTION 10, SUBSECTION (a); FURTHER AMENDING SECTION 10, SUBSECTION (a) SO AS TO PROVIDE FOR VACATION LEAVE CREDIT ACCUMULATED WITHOUT LIMIT, AND FOR GRANTING OF LEAVE OF NOT MORE THAN 30 WORKING DAYS IN ANY CALENDAR YEAR UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS; PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT,UPON TERMINATION,OF 30 WORKING DAYS OF VACATION, EXCEPT FOR TERMINATION DUE TO RETIREMENT,. DISABILITY RETIREMENT OR DEATH; AMENDING SECTION 10, SUBSECTION (b) BY DELETING THE FIRST PARAGRAPH AND SCHEDULE THEREUNDER AND PROVIDING FOR SICK LEAVE WITH PAY AT THE RATE OF ONE WORKING DAY FOR EACH FULL MONTH OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE; FURTHER AMENDING SAID SUBSECTION (b) BY SUBSTITUTING THE WORD "DISABILITY" FOR THE WORD "INJURY" IN THE SECONDPARAGRAPH PERTAINING TO SICK LEAVE ALLOWANCE; AMENDING SECTION 10 (c) BY DELETING THE PRESENT SUBPARAGRAPHS (1) AND (2) AND IN LIEU THEREOF SUBSTITUTING NEW SUBPARAGRAPHS (1) AND (2) PROVIDING FOR COMPENSATION AS PROVIDED UNDER THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION POLICY; AMENDING SECTION 10 (d) BY DELETING THE PRESENT PROVISIONS AND ADOPTING NEW PROVISIONS UNDER SUBSECTION (d) RELATING TO MILITARY LEAVE; PROVIDING A SEVERANCE CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 8127, as amended, Adopting and Providing for the Administration of the Compensation Plan, be amended by amending Section 1, Subsection (b) by substituting a new Salary Schedule, to become effective August 5, 1974. 12202 CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI GENERAL SALARY SCHEDULE August 5,_1974 ENTRANCE INTERMEDIATE MAXIMUM RATE RATES RATE AFTER 9 YRS. AFTER 18 YRS. AFTER 24 YRS. SALARY 1ST SIX AFTER 6 AFTER 18 AFTER 30 AND 1 YR. AND 18-MOS. AND 2.YRS. GRADE MONTHS MONTHS MONTHS MONTHS AT D STEP :- AT E.STEP AT.F STEP A B C D E F G 7 421 430 442 457 474 492 513 8 430 442 457 474 492 513 534 9 442 457 474 492 513 534 556 10 457 474 492 513 534 556 578' 11 474 492 513 534 556 578 .601 12 492 513 534 556 578 601 624 13 513 534 556 578 601 624 649 14 534 556 578 601 624 649 675 35 556 578 601 624 649 675 702 16 578 601 624 649 675 702 731 17 601 624 649 675 702 731 762 18 624 649 675 702 731 762 794 19 649 675 702 731 762 794 830 20 675 702 731 762 794 830 867 21 702 731 762 794 830 867 904 22 731 762 794 830 867 904 945 23 762 794 830 867 904 945 987 24 794 830 867 904 945 987 1,030 A-- B C D' E F G H I J 25 830 867 904 945 987 1,030 1,075 1,123 1,173 1,223 26 867 904 945 987 1,030 1,075 1,123 1,173 1,223 1,276 27 904 945 987 1,030 1,075 1,123 1,173 1,223 1,276 1,329 28 945 987 1,030 1,0,75 1,123 1,173 1,223 1,276 1,329 13382 '29 987 1,030 1,075 1,123 1,173 1,223 1,276 1,329 1,382 1,434 30 1,030 1,075 1,123 1,173 1,223 1,276 1,329 1,382 1,434 1,489 31 1,075 1,123 1,173 1,223 1,276 1,329 1,382 1,434 1,489 1,544 32 1,123 1,173 1,223 1,276 1,329 1,382 1,434 1,489 1,544 1,600 33 1,173 1,223 1,276 1,329 1,382 1,434 1,489 1,544 1,600 1,660 34 1,223 1,276 1,329 1,382 1,434 1,489 1,544 1,600 1,660 1,720 35 1,276 1,329 1,382 1,434 1,489 1,544 1,600 1,660 1,720 1,780 36 1,329 1,382 1,434 1,489 1,544 1,600 1,660 1,720 1,780 1,840 37 1,382 1,434 1,489 1,544 1,600 1,660 1,720 1,780 1,840 1,900 38 1,434 1,489 1,544 1,600 1,660 1,720 1,780 1,840 1,900 1,960 39 1,489 1,544 1,600 1,660 1,720 1,780 1,840 1,900 1,960 2,020 40 1,544 1,600 1,660 1,720 1,780 1,840 1,900 1,960 2,020 2,080 41 1,600 1,660 1,720 1,780 1,840 1,900 1,960 2,020 2,080 2,135 42 1,660 1,720 1,780 1,840 1,900 1,960 2,020 2,080 - -T 2,135 2,190 43 1,720 13780 1,840 1,900 1,960 2,020 2,080 2,135 2,190 2,245 PUBLIC SAFETY GROUP SALARY SCHEDULE FISCAL YEAR 1974 -1975 POLICE SERIES CLASS STARTING AFTER 6 AFTER 18 AFTER 42 CODE CLASS-TITLE PAY MOS. MOS. MOS. 914 Police Trainee $ 635 - - - 915 Patrolman 700 730 765 805 919 Policewoman 700 730 765 805 BASE PAY, AFTER 18 MOS. AFTER 42 PAS. 916 Police Sergeant $ 855 880 905 918 Police Lieutenant 945 975 1,010 917 Identification Supervisor 1,050 1,090 1,130 920 Police Captain 1,050 1,090 1,130 922 Police Commander 1,170 1,210 1,255 923 Assistant Chief - Civil Defense 1,170 1,210 1,255 921 Assistant Police Chief 1,300 1,345 1,390 FIRE SERIES CLASS STARTING AFTER 6 AFTER 18 AFTER 42 CODE _ CLASS TITLE PAY MOS. MOS. MOS. 900 Firefighter Trainee $ ,635 - - - 901 Firefighter 700 730 765 805 BASE PAY AFTER 18 MOS. AFTER 42 MOS. 906 Firefighter II $ 820 830 840 909 Fire Inspector I 820 830 840 911 Fire Inspector II 855 880 905 902 Fire Lieutenant 855 880 905 910 Fire Alarm Operator 855 880 905 903 Fire Captain 945 975 1,010 904 Master Mechanic 1,050 1,090 1,130 905 District Fire Chief 1,050 1,090 1,130 908 Assistant Fire Chief 1,170 1,210 1,255 907 First Assistant Fire Chief 1,300 1,345 1,390 • AFTER 30 MOS. 3.08/HR. • BUS OPERATOR SALARY SCHEDULE August 5, 1974 CLASS. 1ST 6 NEXT 12 NEXT 12 CODE CLASS TITLE MOS. MOS. -MOS. 738 Bus Operator $2.73/11R.` 2.84/HR. 2.96/HR. NEIGHBORHOOD YOUTH CORPS August 5, 1974 " . CLASS CLASS HOURLY CODE TITLE RATE 170 Operation Mainstream $2.00 Trainee 171 Neighborhood Youth 2.00 C6ips- Trainee AFTER 30 MOS. 3.08/HR. • • SECTION 2. That Section 1, Subsection (a), be amended as follows: A. Amend the second sentence to hereafter read as follows: "The general salary schedule shall consist of an entrance rate, intermediate rates and three longevity rates." B. Amend the last sentence to hereafter read as follows: "A separate salary schedule is shown for positions included in the Fire- fighting and Police Series of the Public Safety Group and certain positions in the Transit Department, and the Neighborhood Youth Corps." SECTION 3. That Section 1, Subsection (g) Compensation for 44 Hour Work Week - Sanitation Division, be amended to include Sanitation Foremen to the list of employees to be compensated for a minimum of 44 hours with the hours over 40 being paid on a time - and - one -half basis. SECTION 4. That Section 2, Subsection (b), paragraphs (1), (2) and (3),be amended to hereafter read as follows: "(1) The minimum period of service for the first salary advance after appointment or promotion to a position shall be six months. For each succeeding advance, longevity service shall be required as stipulated within the salary schedule for each step. (2) Advancement to the E step shall be made at the completion of at least one year of service in the D step and at least 9 years of continuous service with the City, except as provided in paragraph 6 of this subsection (b). (3) Advancement to the F step shall be made at the completion of at least 18 months of service in the E step and at least 18 years of continuous service with the City, except as provided in paragraph 6 of this subsection (b)." SECTION 5. That Section 2, Subsection (b), paragraph (4), be amended by deleting the present paragraph (4) and in lieu thereof substituting the following: "(4) Longevity step G shall be added to the general salary schedule with the requirements for Steps E, F, and G modified according to following timetable: YEARS OF SERVICE Beginning E F G 1 Year Minimum 18 Months Minimum 2 Years Minimum Service at Step D Service at Step E Service at Step F August 1, 1973 9 18 24 February 3, 1975 8 16 23 " -2- CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI GENERAL SALARY SCHEDULE February 3, 1975 ENTRNINCE INTERMEDIATE MAXIMUM RATE RATAS RATE AFTER 8 YRS, AFTER 16 YRS. AFTER 23 YRS. SALARY 1ST SIX AFTER 6 AFTER 18 AFTER 30 AND 1 YR. 'AND 18'DIOS. AND 2..YRS. GRADE MONTHS MONTHS MONTHS MONTHS AT D STEP AT " -E. STEP. AT.F STEP. A B C D E F G 7 421 430 442 457 474 492 513 8 430 442 457 474 492 513 534 9 442 457 474 492 513 534 556 10 457 474 492 513 534 556 578 11 474 492 513 534 556 578 601 12 492 513 534 556 578 601 624 13 513 534 556 578 601 624 649 14 534 556 578 601 624 649 675 15 556 578 601 624 649 675 702 16 578 601 624 649 675 702 731 17 601 624 649 675 702 731 762 18 624 649 675 702 731 762 794 19 649 675 702 731 762 794 830 20 675 702 731 762 794 830 867- 21 702 731 762 794 830 867 904 22 731 762 794 830 867 904 945 23 762 794 830 867 904 945 987 24 794 830 867 904 945 987 1,030 A B C D., E F G H I J 25 830 867 904 945 987 1,030 1,075 1,123 1,173 1,223 26 867 904 945 987 1,030 1,075 1,123 1,173 1,223 1,276 27 904 945 987 1,030 1,075 1,123 1,173 1,223 1,276 1,329 28 945 987 1,030 1,075 1,123 1,173 1,223 .1,276 1,329 1,382 29 987 1,030 1,075 1,123 1,173 1,223 1,276 1,329 1,382 1,434 30 1,030 1,075 1,123 1,173 1,223 1,276 1,329 1,382 1,434 1,489 31 1,075 1,123 1,173 1,223 1,276 1,329 1,382 1,434 1,489 1,544 32 1,123 1,173 1,223 1,276 1,329 1,382 1,434 1,489 1,544 1,600 33 1,173 1,223 1,276 1,329 1,382 1,434 1,489 1,544 1;600 1,660 34 1,223 1,276 1,329 1,382 1,434 .1,489 1,544 1,600 1,660 1,720 35 1,276 1,329 1,382 1,434 1,489 1,544 1,600 1,660 1,720 1,780 36 1,329 1,382 1,434 1,489 1,544 1,600 1,660 1,720 1,780 1,840 37 1,382 1,434 1,489 1,544 1,600 1,660 1,720 1,780 1,840 1,900 38 1,434 1,489 1,544 1,600 1,660 1,720 1,780 1,840 1,900 1,960 39 1,489 1,544 1,600 1,660 1,720 1,780 1,840 1,900 1,960 2,020 40 1,544 1,600 1,660 1,720 1,780 1,840 1,900 1,960 2,020 2,080 41 1,600 1,660 1,720 1,780 1,840 1,900 1,960 2,020 2,080 2,135 42 1,660 1,720 1,780 1,840 1,900 1,960 2,020 2,080 -- -Y 2,135 2,190 43 1,720 1,780 1,840 1,900 1,960 2,020 2,080 2,135, 2,190 2,245 SECTION 6. That Section 5.•be amended by deleting the present Sub- section (b) and in lieu thereof adding a new Subsection (b) to be entitled "Educational Incentive Pay - Fire and Police Series ", reading as follows: "(b) Educational Incentive Pay - Fire and Police Series (1) All employees of the Fire and Police Series shall be eligible for educational incentive pay at the monthly rate of $0.30 per month for each academic hour satis- factorily completed provided that such hours are applicable toward a degree in Police Science when employed in the Police Division or in Fire Science when employed in the Fire Division. Approved courses must include the core curriculum in Law Enforcement or other similarily required curriculum in Fire Science. In no event will more than $18.00 per month be paid without successful completion of the requirements and receipt of the Associate in Applied Science Degree - Police Science or Fire Science as applicable. If the employee is attending a four -year college, he may meet this requirement by filing a copy of his certified degree plan with the Director of Personnel noting his expressed intent to obtain a Bachelor's Degree in Police Science or Fire Science. All approved hours above the Associate Degree in Fire or Police Science will be eligible for educational incentive pay at this same rate up to an additional $15.00 per month, or a combined total of $33.00 per month. Successful com- pletion of the requirements and receipt of a Bachelor's Degree in Police Science or Fire Science will qualify the employee for a maximum of $36.00 per month. (2) Non -core or elective courses shall qualify for educa- tional incentive pay when each twelve elective academic hours are matched by at least three core academic hours. No probationary employee in either the Fire or Police Divisions will be eligible for educational incentive pay until after he has successfully passed his proba- tionary period. Specific hours obtained through parti- cipation in the Police Academy or equivalent fire recruit academic training program will be considered eligible for educational incentive pay only after successful completion of at least one other academic course in the related field on his own time." SECTION 7. That Section 7 be amended by amending Subsection (b) by deleting the wording "Compensatory time off equal to the actual hours of overtime may be granted at the discretion of the department head concerned" and in lieu thereof adding the following: "Compensatory time off equal to the actual hours of overtime may be granted at the discretion of the Department head concerned at anytime for employees of the Fire and Police Series and for other personnel only within the week that the additional hours were worked." SECTION 8. That Section 7 be amended by amending Subsection (c) by deleting the wording "Department or Division heads may authorize overtime work to be compensated by equal time off without approval of or report to the City Manager" and in lieu thereof adding the following: "All compensatory time accrued prior to August 1, 1974, will be carried forward and may be -3- taken as equal time off for authorized overtime work performed prior to August 1, 1974." SECTION 9. That Section 8 be amended by deleting the present schedule and in lieu thereof adopting a new schedule, said Section 8 to here- after read as follows: "SECTION 8. PERSONALLY OWNED AUTOMOBILE AND MOTORCYCLE ALLOWANCE An officer or employee of the City who is required and specifically authorized by the City Manager to have available and to regularly operate his personally owned automobile in the conduct of City business shall be paid monthly according to the following schedule for such travel: Miles Driven Allowance 100 to 200 mi. 30.00 201 to 300 mi. 40.00 301 to 400 mi. 45.00 401 to 500 mi. 50.00 501 to 600 mi. 56.00 601 to 700 mi. 62.00 701 to 800 mi. 69.00 801 to 900 mi. 76.00 901 to 1000 mi. _ 84.00 1001 to 1100 mi. 92.00 Over 1100 mi. 100.00 The use of a motorcycle awned by a Police Officer shall be compensated according to the above schedule plus $40.00 per month. In cases of irregular or occasional need for travel with the use of a personally owned automobile in the conduct of City business, the City Manager _shall, in lieu of the above, authorize a mileage allowance of ten (.10) cents per mile for such travel." SECTION 10. That Section 9, Subsection (c), be amended by deleting the second and third sentence and in lieu thereof substituting the following therefor: "Monthly salaried employees in positions of Grade 22 or below shall be compensated for time worked on a holiday at one and one -half times the regular rate of pay, or, at the discretion of the Division head, such employee may be granted compensatory time off at such time as the head may designate for required work on a holiday and be paid, in addition to such time off, one -half times the regular rate of pay." ae SECTION 11. That Section 9, Subsection (c), be amended by amending the last sentence thereof to hereafter read as follows: "Compensation for such part -time holiday work will be on one - and - one -half times the straight time basis." SECTION 12. That Section 10, Subsection (a), be amended by substituting a new first paragraph to hereafter read as follows: "(a) Vacation Leave. Every officer or employee in the City service except part -time, temporary, and all positions below Grade 7, and Police and Firefighting personnel shall accrue and be allowed vacation leave with pay at the rate of one working day for each full month of continuous service. A working day of vaction is defined as eight working hours." SECTION 13. That Section 10, Subsection (a), be amended by deleting that portion thereof that presently reads: "Vacation leave credit may be accumulated to a maximum of 25 working days by all employees at any one time and such leave may be granted in periods of not less than one day and not more than 25 days;" and in lieu thereof adding the following provision: "Vacation leave credit may be accumulated without limit by all employees and such leave may be granted in periods of not less than one day and not more than 30 working days in any calendar year unless in connection with sick leave and /or injury leave; ". SECTION 14. That Section 10, Subsection (a), be further amended by deleting the sentence that presently reads: "No more than 25 working days of vacation shall be paid an employee upon termination." In lieu thereof, substitute the following: "No more than 30 working days of vacation shall be paid an employee upon termination except as provided below. Payment of accrued vacation, on termination due to retirement of any full time employee after 25 years of service, termination at age 65 or over regardless of number of years of service, disability retirement in accordance with TMRS or Social Security regulations, or death, shall be provided all employees or their beneficiaries." SECTION 15. That Section 10, Subsection (b), be amended by deleting the first paragraph and schedule thereunder and in lieu thereof, substituting the following: -5- "(b) Sick Leave. Every employee in the City service, except Part-time, temporary, and Police and Firefighting personnel, shall accrue and be allowed sick leave with pay at the rate of one working day for each full month of continuous service." SECTION 16. That Section 10, Subsection (b), be further amended by substituting the word "disability" for the word "injury ", said corrected sentence to hereafter read, in the second paragraph of said Subsection (b), as follows: "Such sick leave allowance may be used only by an employee when incapacitated to perform his duties due to sickness or non - service - connected disability when quarantined, or in the event of a serious illness or death in the employee's immediate family." SECTION 17. That Section 10, Subsection (c), be amended by deleting the present subparagraphs (1) and (2), and in lieu thereof substituting the following: "(1) All cases of injury occurring while in the course of employment necessitating the employee's absence from work shall be compensated for under provisions of the Workmen's Compensation Act concerning the particular class of employment, and the employee shall be considered absent without pay from the time of injury as provided by said Workmen's Compensation Policy. (2) Every employee so injured on the job shall receive workmen's compensation as provided under the provisions of the Workmen's Compensation Act. The employee, upon his request, may elect to use accrued sick leave credit tb the extent of such credit, or upon recommendation of the Department Head and approval of the City Manager be granted disability leave with pay, to provide supplemental compensation equal to the difference between the employee's regular salary and the amount of workmen's compensation. In no case will the combined total of workmen's compensation and supplemental compensation exceed the employee's regular salary." SECTION 18. That Section 10, Subsection (d), be amended by deleting the present provisions and in lieu thereof, adopting new provisions, to be numbered (d), reading as follows: "(d) Military Leave. Any permanent employee who presents official orders requiring his attendance for a period of training or other active duty as a member of the United States Armed Forces, the Texas State Reserve Corps, or the Texas State Guard shall be entitled to military leave with pay -6- for a period or periods not exceeding a total of fifteen calendar days in any one year. Any permanent employee who leaves his position for the purpose of entering the Armed Forces of the United States, or enters state service as a member of the Texas National Guard or Texas State Guard or as a member of any of the reserve components of the Armed Forces of the United States shall, if discharged, separated or released from such active military service under honorable conditions be restored to employment in the same position as held at the time of induction, enlistment, or order to active Federal or State military duty or service if still physically and mentally qualified to perform the duties of such position. In order to qualify for re- employment, the employee must make written application for re- employment within 90 days after discharge or release from active Federal or State military service, to the head of the department in which he was employed prior to entering such military service." SECTION 19. If for any reason any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word, or provision of this ordinance shall be held invalid or unconstitutional by final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction it shall not affect any other section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word, or provision of this ordinance, for it is the definite intent of this City Council that every section, paragraph, subdivision,clause, word, phrase, or provision hereof be given full force and effect for its purpose. SECTION 20. The effective date of the above changes shall be August 5, 1974. SECTION 21. The fact that there is a need to maintain at all times an fficient administration of City affairs creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its intro- duction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, -7- • IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the -311r— day of July, 1974. APtQVED: DAY OF JULY, 1974: �0 C EXEC., ASST., City Attorney MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS • • Corpus Christi, Texas • 13 s day of JULY -,1924 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspen- sion of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordi- nance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter rule was suspended by the following vote: Jason Luby ryyE James T. Acuff AYE Rev. Harold T. Branch A rte_ Thomas V. Gonzales A M Ricardo Gonzalez A Y9 Gabe Lozano, Sr. 9 YE J. Howard Stark _ AYE The above ordinance was passed by the following vote: Jason LubyAYr - James T. Acuff X YE- Rev. Harold T. Brand, &Y6 Thomas V. Gca:.ales _ AYE Ricr•,do .;onzalez A7C Gabe Lozano, Sr. Ayr J. Howard Stark