HomeMy WebLinkAbout12256 ORD - 09/11/1974 (2)JRR:HG:hb:8/14/74:2nd AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI AN AMENDMENT TO THE LEASE WITH BRANIFF INTERNATIONAL, INC., AUTHORIZED BY ORDINANCE NO. 9979, PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON NOVEMBER 11, 1970, SO AS TO ADD ADDITIONAL SPACE TO THE AREA LEASED; PROVIDING THAT BRANIFF INTERNATIONAL, INC., RENOVATE SUCH AREA AT ITS COST; PROVIDING FOR INCREASED COST, ALL AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN AMENDMENT TO LEASE, ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A" AND MADE A PART HEREOF; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF'CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Corpus Christi an amendment to the lease with Braniff International, Inc., authorized by Ordinance No. 9979, passed and approved by the City Council on November 11, 1970, so as to add additional space to the area leased; providing for increased cost, all as more fully set forth in Amendment to Lease, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. SECTION 2. Publication shall be made two times in the official publication of the City of Corpus Christi by publishing the caption of this ordinance, stating in substance the purpose of the ordinance. 12258 • JRR:HG:hb:8 /7/74 AMENDMENT TO LEASE STATE OF TEXAS X KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF NUECES I For and in consideration of the payments, covenants and undertakings herein do the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, a body politic, municipal corporation and home rule city under the laws of the State of Texas, hereinafter called "City or "Lessor ", and Braniff International, Inc., hereinafter sometimes called "Lessee" enter into this Amendment to Lease. That the lease authorized by Ordinance No. 9979 passed and approved by the City Council on November 11, 1970, be and the same hereby is amended by increasing the leased space in accordance with the square footage schedule attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof the same as if written herein and in accordance with the plat and specifications marked Exhibit "B" which is attached hereto and made a part hereof the same as if written herein and which Exhibit "8" replaces the existing Exhibit "B" referred to in the Lease Agreement currently existing which was adopted by the cited Ordinance 9979 and which is the same Exhibit "B" made a part of Ordinance 7905, passed and approved by the City Council on the day of , 19 II That for and in consideration of the lease of the additional space herein, Lessee agrees to renovate the leased area at its own cost and expense. III That for and in consideration of the lease of the additional space herein, Lessee agrees to pay an additional rental fee in accordance with the fee schedule contained in the aforecited Exhibit "A ", such payment to produce an additional rental to the City of approximately $372.41 by Lessee over the current rental, all as in accordance with the aforesaid lease approved by Ordinance No. 9979 and as amended in the u E,1,4L9 8(r 71 • attached Exhibit "A ". It is mutually agreed and understood by and between the parties hereto that the additional increased rent is to begin on the first day of the month following occupancy of the new additional space. IV It is mutually agreed and understood by and between the parties hereto that with the exception of the amendments herein, the lease by and between the parties hereto as authorized by the aforecited Ordinance No. 9979 is continued in full force and effect except insofar as in- consistent hereto, and in such event, the terms of this amendment shall govern. Wherefore witness our hands binding the respective parties this the day of 19 ATTEST: BRANIFF INTERNATIONAL, INC. LESSEE By: Secretary ATTEST: CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI LESSOR City Secretary APPROVED: 7/� DAY OF /i it ttorney 614.4.1' , 19 By: R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager Braniff Renovated Space Terminal Building July 23, 1974 Counter Space - Sq. Ft. 31.0 x 3.0 = 93.0 7.5 x 45.5 341.25 Total 434.25 sq. ft. Air Conditioning Offices - Sq. Ft. 50.5 x 18.0 F 909.0 4.0 x 3.0 = 12.0 7.5 x 9.0 = 67.5 5.0 x 9.0 = 45.0 Total 1,033.5 sq. ft. Non -Air Conditioned Cargo, Baggage - Sq. Ft. 53.5 x 20.0 = 1,070.0 16.0 x 3.0 = 48.0 2.0 x 4.0 = 8.0 5.5.x 3.0 = 16.5 Total 1,142.5 sq. ft. Counter 434.25 sq. ft. x $6.00 sq. ft. = $2,605.50 Air - Conditioned 1,033.5 sq. ft. x $5.50 sq. ft. = 5,684.25 Non Air - Conditioned 1,142.5 sq. ft. x $4.50 sq. ft. = 5,141.25 Annual Rent $13,431.00 13,431.00 -- 12 = 1,119.25 monthly rent l)44L 6/T '!g That the foregoing ordinance w read forte first time az passed to its second reading on this the s day of 19 7 , by the following vote: Jason Luby James T. Acuff Rev. Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Ricardo Gonzalez Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark i:. 4r That the foregoing ordinan etas read fo / he second time /Rd passed to its third reading on this the /w day of 197 , by the following vote: Jason Luby ,James T. Acuff Rev. Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Ricardo Gonzales Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark • That the foreg ing ordinance as ead forte hird time and passed finally on this the �H OE- day of 19 by the following vote: Jason Luby James T. Acuff Rev. Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Ricardo Gonzales Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark PASSED AND APPROVED, this the ATTEST: City Secretary , 19 ",),41f. MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS • • Swear - -- -- ATTEST: CI TY OF CORPUS CHRISTI LESSOR Pc R. Mann Tasmeend, ' City Semler, CIM1Meneoer APPROVED: Oh Miran Renovated Wee Teen:nal Reeding y1,19/1 Cno VSrocNa. FL 31.0x3.0.93.0 ea.FL' 7.1x11.5 11,35se. O. Total 13123 s0. R. AIrCmNlimbO ONlces-So. FI. S0.3O1e.0.909.0 so. IL I.Ox 3.0.12-0 se. ft. 73x9.0. 61.3 ea. ft Ste 9.0. 45.0 sell. a ?2135 se. ft. �IIoned Teel a rw 50. FL 332d0.0.1,011,00 so. ft. I1.013.O.41A sq. 11. 2011314.0 sett. - 5.3x3.0.1eS so. ft Totel 1.142 ! ea. 11. Caunter 4312! sa. ft. n 3640 en. R..$2.413.30 AU{poltialed 9,023.9 ea. fL; 33.30ea. ft.5M47! Nen Alr- Cm0llble0 1.1173 ea. fL S1. D%ft:3,111.35 _ Mee Rent 313R31.10 to .02AIVI0e0 by 13.1. 119.75 mblfhIr That Pe forming erd1nmee woe reel ref be Orst lime end Passed In lb ware reeding on 1M5 the 7111 day rot Jam Lee , I n the fallowing yob: Are James T. Rls'. roldTREranc, Arr Panes V. Genrelea Ave RlwdeGweele Are Gene LOmd.5,. Are J.7he0e afamolne oralnmr went reed far the word Ilene end Passed to lb third read:re an els the 1812 der of , Alma 11 1971, 0v the fallowing rote: Nero AdR Are .GGa eIm A0 re Gorman R. > : DIWUeIIAl That its foregoing polnense was read fa the 11,1 time and Pasta finely on the , , Jason Lee relating rota: J12042, Acuff R1 r. Herold T. finned Tones V. Owen \yGtle 12d5t Sr. PASSED AND APPROVED, the the ATTEST:,ol�.19m. Oh Serener MAYOR THE CITY OP CORPUS APPROY6O; CHRISTI. TEXAS 70 DAY OF AUGUST, 117.1: IN) len Gage •A'IDIdaO CRT .3 II, JRR:e:hb:8 /14/74:1st MOTION moved and iJ 2 • seconded the Motion that the Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to execute an amendment of lease with Braniff International, Inc., authorized by Ordinance No. 9979, read on the first of three readings on August 7, 1974, be amended prior to the second reading thereof as follows: 1. Add to the caption, "providing for publication ". 2. Add a new section, Section 2, to read as follows: "Section 2. Publication shall be made two times'in the official publication of the City of Corpus Christi by publishing the caption of this ordinance, stating in substance the purpose of the ordinance." Motion approved. • AN G A NANCE AUTHOP 1 N N0 DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGEER Tpp El[ECUTF CITY CN BUS CH OP THE, CITY Of CORPUS CEASSSE ;1 AN BRANIFFEINTERNATIONAL IINC.. AUTHORIZED BY ORDINANCE. NO. 9779, PASSED AND APPROVED BY 1NB970SOA5 0ADOAOOITOONAL SPACE TO THE AREA LEASED; PROVIDING THAT BRANIFF INTERNATIONAL INC. RENOVATE SUCH AREA AT ITS COST; PROVIDING FOR INCREASED COST, ,ALL AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN AMENDMENT TO LEASE, ATTACHED HERETO , EXHIBIT "A" AND A PAR HEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS: �an Ehe eby autemized lrecle0 to mode for and on behalf of the CHY of Cams Chrlotl an embem0m to the Mee Wlm Braniff International, 100. authorized by Orolnn00 No. 9979. passed end apprayed by the City Cornell on November 110 1970, so at H add a ktitio1W spas to theme leased; pgldtno blot Braniff International, Inc. 10,WTate such area et IN cost, 9GYlang for Increased can, all as road fully Sat forth In Amendment to L Nimrod hereto as Exhibit "A" AMENDMENT TO LEASE STATEOF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECE5 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: For and M 'calslderalIOn of U10 =2P. orenpnb all'rous C FIn9e Texas0a 9Ib CRV of Corpse nicipl, Texas, 0 beds palltic, municipal theO lam am here *010 CRY under the IaWS of the Stall of Tsus, and shed "ON" or `lased", 0171 Be.oIN InternetIonal. Inc., c., h sAetlmascle "Lessee" ▪ Intot Ml Amendment to Loam That na tea 0, 9 authorized 609* by approved No, 99Cl Passed le on pp0190 by 9M CIta 99* 0 on herby Is sr 1t. 7900 be all led same leased 19000 In wow/laws *110 IN square footage schedule attached Whoa Exhibit "A" ad made a earl 9Praoftho same as N Whitten herein all In accordance ith the plat and specifier/Sow marked Exhibit "8" Which Is attached berate and mead e Bart IRreof Iho same as If Written herein ar Mich Ex0WIt "B" replaces be u1stIn0 Exhibit "B" referred to In Fe Le01e Agnemam currently existing w idth Wad _adopted by 1100 cited Ordiramu 9979 and Which is the same E1lbi1 "B" nude a part 00 Ordinance 7905, pawl and approved by the City Owl! an SW —woe 00 —, 19--. Thal far am) In Icbeideratlon M 1119 Nam of the addntlon9l Space herein, lie agrees to renorale the leased area atinoma eta d0x00nse. II se for ar In cbniaer000 herein, lk0 lease M pre 570 * 0 an a ional Lessee awed* to pay an th the tee rental fee 0 accordance 1000 970 /detached t fed sdebiH A", suced la blo 00,0d0 an ad "A", turn tai to dermal 1 0 produce an adlniuml rental to the eta at ao0101ent re 01,101 by accordance "Oyer rho current trial, zee as In pprovedra97 atlas ion Natasha Hasa Onnived M t* 06100 hip. 909 and "A". t Is In the 0ba0e0 understood "A It I5 between amaze ar tha by and dition ? 01 ma r ll 4, that the nthe first day reed Is to lowing de the Rnt day of ad ditIO following o9cY0aeLY dIUW nee ad19tiapal mace. V R H mentally beluga ethpeeed ar uedenleed by U0ehkenon of enments WMI Me exception of tlW between WM. 00 fie Hess by a and OOd 51 the eforeeled Ordinance 110, 979the Is vNr0Wd In lull force and efeclexre0t Welar 01 inconsistent NIA,'0,1 le such event. the lerma of this anionWm shall govern. WMra9we Witness our hands binding the res0 01100 parties bed the — day ol —,19 —. ATTEST, BRANIFF INTERNATIONAL INC. LESSEE Dv:— PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF TEXAS, tse County of Nueces. Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day personally came. _ R. Baker , who being first duly sworn, according to law, says that he is the Class, Ad. Menage' of the Corpus Christi Caller and The Corpus Christi Times, Daily Newspapers published at Corpus Christi, Texas, in said County and State, and that the publication of Legal... amendment of the lease with Braniff Internatigga], of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in T ime s on the._ day of –10 Et 19_7L1-, and once each RE.6$_ thereafter for consecutive–_. we ak,,_neJue l,,g August 20 2 Times. R'.13 er, Class. Ad. Manager Subscribed and sworn to before me this_._ 2.]._._day of .Auguat.._...._...._ —_ ._ 19_.x... Louise Vick Notary Public, Nueces Coon y, Texas PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT - STATE OF TEXAS, L. County of Nueces. Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day personally carne_.._.__..__. who being first duly sworn, according to law, says that he is the Class. Alid. Manager of the Corpus Christi Caller and The Corpus Christi Times, Daily Newspapers published at Corpus Christi, Texas, in said County and State, and that the publication of Le�e1...112tios_sif_Egaillilla_sf—Drslinanop #19956....,. of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in Thum !on the_]..7 day of .--SAi i".eIDhe r 193.11..., Ne�raeY�nrYaR 1� 1 Times. $ 11.25 RR Baker, Claps. Ad. Manager Subscribed and sworn to before me Louise Viok ary Public, Nueces County, Texas r ItiEPPASSAGEEF ORDINANCENO. I RE O4EE CIITYZ (MANAGER I TO EXECUTE FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI AN AMENDMENT TO THE LEASE WITH BRANIFF INTERNATIONAL INC. AUTHORIZED BY ORDINANCE NO. 9179, fiPACITY ED AND APPROVED ON' AADDITIOONILL SPACE TO THE AREA LEASED(. PROVIDING THAT( BRANIFF INTERNATIONAL INC.. RENOVATE SUCH AREA AT ITS COEDPROVIDING- OST,IALL AAS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN AMENDMENT TO LEASE, ATTACKED HERETO AS EXHIBIT AND MADE A PART HEREOF( AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WASPASSEDAND APPROVED SRalle CHY Cana al the OW of Corpus Oriel, 55590 ON Reader Caatll Meeting held .WtB1RMR ll,1976e1]:0O .� and I and after ID DA/ Mall mawwiled aOlkeBaa aaa 0M a Psn009 far WNW/Naha teatime Il 00000Rdla TaaHalarea 15700.4) man,. ISSUED UP ER MY HAND AND SEAL at the t20IGerofS ,,I9l4..: T (0)7 BSI G. Read Bla READ, h MALI ChtC9rcusCrlst,T w I hint 24, 1974 Braaift latoseatisaal, Iue. Corpus Christi Intereatiooal Airport Corpus Christi, Tsui 75411 Centlamest faclosed is in tdooios in the Smoot of $94S from the Compel Christi Caller-Times Publishing Compeer a wring charges tar• too publication* of your leasevich the City for additional epees at the corpus Christi Iateraatismal nirpost. 'lees* remit this swat directly to the Comm Christi Callon limes. Very truly your, (Mrs) 9dga Molder, Assistant City desretery