HomeMy WebLinkAbout12302 ORD - 10/09/1974JRR;71ch:10 -8 -74; 1st • TEXAS: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE COASTAL BEND COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS, THE AREA AGENCY ON AGING, FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INFORMATION CENTER TO COLLECT, COMPILE AND INDEX INFORMATION ON SERVICES AND PROGRAMS AVAILABLE FOR THE ELDERLY AT THE NATIONAL, STATE AND LOCAL LEVELS, AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE GRANT APPLICATION, A COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIBIT "A "; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to submit a grant application to the Coastal Bend Council of Governments, the area agency on aging, for the development of an information center to collect, compile and index information on services and programs available for the elderly at the national, state and local levels, as more fully set forth in the grant application, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A ". SECTION 2. The necessity to submit the aforesaid grant application at the earliest practicable date in order that the collection, compilation and indexing of information on services and programs available for the elderly may be commenced without delay creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that said ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor, having declared that such emergency and necessity exist, having requested the suspension of the said Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full' force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this theday of October, 1974. ATTEST: Ile _pVty Secrdtary A VED: DAY 0 1974; ity At orney MAYOR T a�: HE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXA F AREA ACECCY ON AGI L APP.LICi1TION FOR PROD T MildN..'r Under Title III of the Older Ar.ericans Act I- GENERAL INFOMMATION -me of proposed project Regional Human Resources Information System - Personnel ' me, address, and phone number of Address at which proposed project will be ,pli_caut organization conducted (Street, City, County(s) City of Corpus Christi La Retama Public Library 302 South Shoreline. 505 North Mesquite Street C Qrnus Cbrigti- lexas 7840i 884-304:1 of _ro?osac project: Name of project director, supervisor, or _ Di ect services coordinator Elizabeth Gable �o -.=i ty coordivatian -oposed project period. Project year for which _funds are herein requested 1011/74 ,d a;,,1j c 6130/75 Be-:dg 10 /1/74 and ending 6136/75 - . II_ C0:{3UZITIO�I 0: FU.IDS R�4Ut:S "te.0 _ ES=- L4T%7 T-37 COST (?otals from Sec. III)______________ ______ $ 9,500 i ESS ,APPLICANT'S PROPOSED CONTRIBUTION .............. 0 :v ^N ------ - -- -� ... ........:.... 9,500 :Rys 7 CON7- iO`,S_ tt :Ls unaerstooe a=c zgreen by me uaaerslgneu Li,aL. :J i Wu r, ­ G > a = `t of _pis raG - =_re to be erperdad for the purposes set forth herein and in accord - -1 �= L a?? =cablz -v-, regulatious, policies, and procedures of this State and the Ad- �sad`-= _ __ _g o' ,a�U_S. Depart• =ear of Health, Education, and Welfare; 2) any pro - ��oesVii proposal as approved -rill be submitted in writing by the applicant and ion a,?r_-7al by the-Area =oency on Aging shall be deemed incorporated into d b__ _ - =t of t'ais agreement; 3) the attached Assurance of Compliance (Form AoA -441) e_ Eaalth, Education, and Welfare Regulations issued pursuant to Title VI ' s Act of 1964 applies to this proposal as approved; and 4) funds awarded by , -,y be terminated at any ti.a for violations of any terms and requirements of e aV3 tzr?e of i^_c�ividval authorized to wit applic=ant organization to this rez:.eu t SionaYnrP Date J (FOR AREEl ACL-NCY USE) ) , 'JA %I 7a_12' age 2 III. ESTIRAT£D PRoGrIM -1 BUDGET COST CATEGORIES Data PROGRAiI ACTIVITIES TOTAL Gathering ER NNEL (Itemize) $ $ $ $ $ 6 Human Resource Data workers 8,400 8,400 @2.00 /hr /20 hrs.-wk/35 wks. iub— ata' 8,400 8,400' FL J 1,100 1,100 MILDING S ?ACM 0 0 - 30MMUNICATTONS AND 0 UTILITIES 0 'RINTING AND SUPPLIES p , 0 ;QUT_YMEXT (Itemize) "�— �_ —= u 0 0 T='3 .= tem_za) 0 0 Sub — ^oza? Total Cost 9,500 9,500 I Funds Requested 9,500 9,500 'age 3 IV_ ESTIMATED CONTRIBUTION OF GRANTEE SOURCE I A140UI47 1_ C , ASII -- -GIVE A. BREAKDOWN ON PAGE 3. N/A j_ 129-KIND RESOURCES - GIVE A BREAKDOWN ON PAGE 3b SUB -TOTAL NIA SUB -TOTAL TOTAL V_ EST_iMATED INCOME SOURCE N /A, TOTAL ANIDIIPii 7a_ • • ase 3a IV. DISTRIBUTION OF ESTIMATED CASK CONTRIEUTION OF CP,ANTEE List by Title of each item of page 1 of budget that cash is to be used for. COST CATEGORIES PROGRAcr ACTIVITIES TOTAL N/A 3RSONNEL (Itemize) -AV EI. I ILDING SPACE HHUNICATIONS _ ;ND UTILITIES .It( _NG AND SU?PTZES S. =21ENT (Itemize) —t TOTAL N/A %a • aEe 3b IV _ DISTRIBUTION OF ESTU ATE L) 1N &LUD Luw Ar.L+�u itv r. vc anua� c List by Title of each itcu on pale I of budget that in kind is to be used for COST CATEGORIES PROGRAM ACTIVITIES TOTAL N/A 'ERSONNEL (Itenize) CRAVE% WILDING SPACE :OiL'JUNICATIONS AND UTILITIES PR( riNG AND SGPPLTaS I ?QU3 : ?ME-UT (Itemize) 4 -=_ ' t I N/A TOTAL SECTION VI. ESTLIATED PROGiel:[ OUTPUT (complete as applicable) 1. Unduplicated number of older'persons to be served directly ------------ 45,225 2_ Unduplicated number of low incemz persons to be served ................ 17,362 3\ Unduplicated number of older volunteers to serve project .............. 0 -4. Geographic location of project (check one) _ Rural Urban X Regional -5. Will project serve model city neighborhood? _ Yes X No 6. Services to be provided through _ Senior center Day care center X Other 7. Direct service activities: 8. Community coordination X Sz- r ce or activity /coma healt1i aide Home , inz =*,celcompanioaship services Information r =z:tal & couoseling Employment servi °7 Number to be referred Number to be placed ±a jobs Tr- +xsnortatioa Acuit or continuing e&mcaziza C-= ty senior voiuntz; oppor- tt----!=es Hee = =inn 8 othis -4ree _e a,t:±,t as T�zcn.sTja reassuzz---ce Proty�Ve services Ems— - mss --.ce —tad services Evaluation Escort Welfare Nutrition Data Gathering Number Area to be served by- coordination of older Neighborhood(s) only /activity: persons to be _ city wide served _ County wide X Area wide .(multi- county Estimated number of older persons (60 and over) located in coordination area 45,225 9. Target groups of project Number Negro American Indian Spanish surname All other 1,752 30 14,769 28•,652 Info. & Ref. System Planning 45,22.5 1,01U: Sections VII, VIII, IX, and X should be completed according to the instructions and attached to this form prior to submittal to the Area Agency- 7a-l-, CENTRAL INFORMATION CENTER DEVELOPMENT PROJECT The Coastal Bend Council of Governments — Area Agency on Aging proposes to enter into a contract with the City of Corpus Christi — La Retama Public Libraries System for services in planning, development, and initial implemen- tation of the concept of a central information center. Information on programs, projects, services, and resources available to persons 60 and older in the Coastal Bend Region (12 counties) will be gathered, indexed, and maintained in current details as a reference source and as a base for services to agencies and organizations within the Region. The information center conception should be regional in scope, established to cover the agencies and organizations serving the aged, and planned so as to allow for inclusion of other programs, projects, services, and resources providing for the health and welfare of the citizens of the Region. While funding under this contract will be limited to the aspects of the system that provide information for the aged, nothing herein shall be understood to prevent the La Retama Public Libraries System from using additional funding or personnel to provide a more comprehensive system. Project Duration: 1 October 1974 — 30 June 1975 Project Staffing: six persons aged 60 or older working part —time (20 hours per week each) Staff hired under the contract must be 60 or older, part —time (20 hours per week each) employees of the La Ren-a Library. They will be under the direct supervision of the library staff. All planning and activites will be coordi- nated with the CBCOG —AAA staff. Of the six older persons to be hired, three will be to work in the library in Corpus Christi and three to work in selected portions of the Region (based, possibly, at Beeville, Sinton, and Kingsville). Project Goals: To coordinate and consolidate the scattered information sources used by the various information and referral agencies into one comprehensive, up —to- date, adequately indexed information bank. (a) These sources should include at least the following: (1) Data from the Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance, the Catalogue of Available Health, Social'& Rehabilitative'SerSices and the -Rural Health Project 734 (2) Data compiled by the Mental Health Association in producing the most recent 1 -2 -3— Handbook (3) Data available through the various agencies and organizations which are currently providing information and referral services (both public and private) within the Region (b) The indexing developed for use with the system should be checked with the major agencies (including the city — county health departments, the city — county and state welfare departments, the Title III program opera- tors, and the City of Corpus Christi Tenant Assistance Program) for comprehensiveness and accessibility. The indexing should provide for accessing data by geographic area covered, by general age categories served, and by problem definition. The method selected should enable selective compilations to be made relatively easily (e.g., to locate all programs providing housing assistance to the aged in Nueces and San Patricio counties...). (c) Recognizing that the bulk of programs, projects, services, and resources within the Region are located in Nueces County, particular efforts will be made to accomplish the following: (1) To locate and include data about the programs, projects, services, and resources within each of the other eleven counties (2) To identify the geographic range of programs, projects, services, and resources of Nueces County, so that those available to persons outside Nueces County can be included in listings compiled for the separate counties 2. To develop processes for continuous up- dating of the information bank. 3. To develop methods for routine dissemination of information, including each of the following: (a) Selected - information packages (perhaps basic resource notebooks) that would be available to agencies and organizations for a fee to be deter- mined, as a basic reference source for use by the agency. This package should enable all agencies and organizations to have the same information available while reducing or eliminating the cost to the agencies (in time and is personnel) of obtaining the information through separate, - duplicative individual agency efforts. Complete up- dating of these packages should be planned to occur at least once each year. (b) Portable, more frequently up -dated handbooks (such as the current 1-2-3 - Handbook) that would be available to agencies and organizations at —a cost comparable to that of the 1 -2 -3- Handbook, for use by the individual case workers, outreach personnel, or referral counsellors. (c) Periodic news -grams to subscriber agencies to up -date between issues of the basic reference book or the portable bandbook. (d) Reference desk answering service to agencies needing immediate aid or extension of the data available in the packaged materials. (e) Availability of the information to the general public, as per other materials in the library— either for individual research or for compiling directories of specialized sorts. This service would not be a referral or counselling service, only use as with other library materials with some aid from library personnel. 4. To develop a program for training user agencies and their personnel in getting answers from the documents and in providing input for improvement of the system_ 5. To initiate implementation of the above to at least the following extent: (a) Gathering and organizing of the information by January 75, 1975. (b) Publication, in conjunction with CBCOG -AAA, of #3(a) and #3(b) in May 1975. (c) Conducting an initial training program during June 1975. Project Evaluation: Project evaluation will be through actual use of the system. Compilation of data for a directory of services to the aged will be made during the end of January 1975 as a test of this type of capability. User reactions will be solicited following publication of the data and following the training programs. Project Funding: / The funding of this contract includes two separate packages: 1. To cover the salaries of part -time, older workers ........... $9,500 2. To cover other expenses related to the project, including supplies, postage, 121�/mile transportation for inter -city travel, possibly part of the printing costs (depending on what the budget demands in the other categories) .... This part requires 90/10 match......... 2,942 3. Matching funds for the second package can be either in -kind (supervision and /or space) or "indirect costs" as used in the Senior Community Services program..:........ 327 Total Project Funding $12,769 r Project Reports: \ Status reports on the project should be made each two months. r • N ORGANIZATIONAL CHART City of Corpus Christi La Retama Public Library Project Director . Outreach]Outreacq Outreach Data Data JData Worker Worker lWorker • CBCOG — — — -- Area Agency on Aging 1 1 Title III Programs. Coastal Bend Region Information System Data AData, Data Worker iWorker lWorker cFrTTnV TT - PRTVTT_rr F❑ rn %T1fTPdTr1TTMT Part I BIGC;R- VHICAL SKETCHES (Give the following information for EACII key staff member, beginning with the Project Director. Use continuation pages and follow the same format for each arson_) L IE ( )Mr_ ( ) ?Mrs. ( )Miss TITLE BIRTHDATE(Mo., Day, Year) Staff not hired PLACE OF BTRTH(City,State,Couaty) CITIZELNSHIP(If non -U.S. citizen,iudicate visa status) EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND r ,s i -LIOON AND LOCATION DEGREE YEAR CONFERRED ' aGNORS uA.;u'R 31R0FS5iG \1L- ST f ;< - -•'S = TO P302oSED PROJECT P30=ESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Start with present position; list ALL experience relevant to project) (List additional key staff members on pages 41),4c, etc.) rmn�.cm • AoA • ASSURANCE OF COHPLIP-\TCE WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND T.VELFAPE REGULATION UNDER TITLE VI OF THE CIVIL'RIGIITS ACT OF 1964 City of Corpus Christi (herein— (Name of Subgrantee or Secondary Recipient) after called the "Subgrantee ") HEREBY AGREES THAT it will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P-L- 88 -352) and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the Regulation of the Department of Health, Education, and welfare (45 CFR Part 80) issued pursuant to that title, to the end that, in accordance with Title VI of that Act and the Regulation, no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be othe_ wise subjected to discrimination under any prograut or activity fo= -4nich the. Subgrantee receives Federal financial assistance from Coastal Bend Council of Government a recipient of Federal financial (Name of Grantor) assistance from—the Departrent (hereinafter called "Grantor "); and H . BY GP1ES ASSUIRAMME THAT it will iMMediately tape any measures necessza-y to effec'uate this agreement. If any real property or structure thereon is provided or improved with. the'aid of Federal financial assistance extended to the Subgra =tee by the Grantor, this assurance shall obligate the Subgra.-*_ta ,.or in the case of any transfer. of such property, any transferee, for the period during which the real property _ or s true`"+_ is used for a aurpose for which the Federal financial assistance is extended or for another purpose involving the pro- vision of similar services or benefits_ If any personal property is so Dro7iced, this assurance shall obligate the Subgrantee for the period daring which it retains ownership or possession of. the Drozezty. In all other cases, this assurance shall obligate the S-�grantee for the period during which the Federal financial ssi seance is extended to it by the Grantor_ Form 441 (To be completed by applicant for any grant from the Area Agency designated to implement the older Americans Act_ I-here provision of facilities is involved, HEW Form 441 is to be executed.) 7a_38 THIS ASSUMUME is given in consideration of aria for the purpose ( of obtaining any and all Federal grants, loans, contracts, property, discounts or other Federal financial assistance ex- tended after the date hereof to the Subgrantee by the Grantor, 'including installment payments after such date on account of applications for Federal Financial assistance which were approved before such date_ The Subgrantee recognizes and agrees that such Federal financial assistance will be extended in reliance on the representations and agreements made in this assurance, and that the Grantor or the United States or both shall have the right to'see% judicial enforcement of this assurance_ This assurance is binding on the Subgrantee, its successors, trans — = e=ees, and assignees, and the person or persons whose signatures a-3pear.below are authorized to sign this assurance on behalf of tna Subgrantee_ Dated (Subgrantee) - By (President, Chairman of Board, or comparable authorized official) Title ,Pec= oi�.t's mailing acd=ess) 7x.39 I AREA AMC= ON AGIEG .APPLICATION FOR PPOJEK -..T CyRAN'r Under Title III of the Older 7v ericans Act AREA I_ GENERAL INFORLNUTION ama of proposed project Regional Human Resources Information System - Support ame, address, and phone number of Address at which proposed project will be ppli.caut organization conducted (Street, City, County(s) City of Corpus Christi La Retama Public Library 302 South Shoreline 505 North Mesquite - -- '_'_- o.A -v nil I -_- ype of proposed project. of project director, supervisor, or . DJ=ect services coordinator 1— ity coordination Elizabeth Gable roposed project period. Project year Yor tofucts rungs are aerein. requested- 1/ 11 and a;lg 6/30175 Beo:lnn °ng 1011/74 and ending 6/30/75 II_ COX?U=OV OF LESTLIATED TOT&L. COST (T-atals from Sec. III) --- ----- --- --- - - - - -- $ 3.269 _ .ESS .APPLICANT' S PROPOSED CONTRIBUTION......... _ .. 327 ?u,,^iT P.EQL-STZ. D ..... . ....... �� i . � -. - - - - - .... 1 2,942 'EPOS =S7 coy.D=IONS: It :Ls understood a`d agreed by the undersigned that: 1) funds granted :s a rsu?t of this reca are to be expe.aded for the purposes set forth herein and in accord - nca all anolicablla -cs; regulations, policies, and procedures of this State and the Ad- ein s�� ^on=-�' of -a U.S. Departmeat of Health, Education, and Welfare; 2) any pro- 'a. -as is tba proposal as approved w1ll be submitted in writing by the applicant and mou. appraval by the Area Agency on Aging shall be deemed incorporated into - b >_= = a r =__= o' ttisis eement; 3) the attached Assurance of Compliance (Form AoA -441) " of Eaalth, Education, and Welfare Regulations issued pursuant to Title VI Act of 1964 applies to this proposal as approved; and 4) funds awarded by -__ 2 -___ _y be terainated at any. time for violations of any terms and requirements of a=d title of individual authorized to .t applicant organization to this Signature i (FOR AREA AGENCY USE) Date 7a_I' age 2 III_ ESTIMATED PROGRAM-1 BUDGET COST CATEGORIES PROGRAM ACTIVITIES TOTAL Data Gathering E k NNEL (Itemize) uh -Total $ $ $ $ $ RA 4 3M2mi /12q /mi /35wk. 1,260 1,260 UILDI \G SPACE 327 327 - ONHUNICITIONS AND UTILITIES 779 ++ t f RINTING AND SUPPLIES � ` 907 1 QUIP`!ENT (Itemize) uo - =o`zl Total Direct Cost 3,269 Net Cost 3,269 3,269• Loy,.. Match (10 %) 327 Amt. Requested (Fed. Share 90 %) 2,942 age 3 IV_ ESTIMATED CONTRIBUTION OF GRANTEE SOURCE AMOUNT li. ASH -- -GIVE A.BREAKDOWN ON PAGE 3a $ N/A is--IND RESOURCES — GIVE A BREAKDOWN ON PAGE 3b SUB —TOTAL Space in La Retama LiLrary SUB—TOTAL � TOTAL r' N/A V_ ESTIMATED INCOME SOURCE ` AMOUNT TOTAL ,7 • ale 3a IV. DISTRIBUTION OF ESTIMATED CASH CONTrIBUTION OF GRANTEE List by Title of each item of page I of budget that cash is to be used for_ C COST CATEGORIES N/A PROGRAM ACTIVITIES i TOTAL 'ERSONNEL (Itemize) 'RAVEL BUILDING SPACE :OMMUNICATIONS AND IITT_LITIES 'R` 7I:16 AND SUPPLIES >Q7I?MENT (Itemize) TOTAL N/A age 3b IV_ DISTRIBUTION OF ESTIMATED 114 KIND CONTRIBUTION OF GRANTEE List by Title 0f each item on page 1 of budget that in kind is to be•used for COST CATEGORIES AM ACTIVITIES PROGRAM TOTAL I ERSONNEL (Itemize) ,'RAVEL 3UILDING SPACE 327 327 �o:JXUN!CATION'S AND I UTILITIES l 2RINTING AND SUPPLIY'S EQUT?'EitT (Itemize) D13-3 (Itemize) 327 TOTAL' age 4 of 4 XCTION VI. ESTDIATED PROGRM OUTPUT (complete as applicable) Unduplicated number of older persons to be served directly --- ......... 45,225 ' ( Tnduplicated number of loco income persons to be served .............. 17,362 Jnduplicated number of older volunteers to serve project .............. 0 Geographic location of project (check one) Rural Urban X Regional' Will project serve model city neighborhood? _ Yes X No Services to be provided through Senior center Day care center x Other Direct service' activities: 8. Community coordination x Number Area to be served by.coordination of older Neighborhood(s) only /activity-: SLT =c2 or activity - persons to be _ City aide % served County wide health•aide X Area wide (multi- county ame s�inte 'J=*+ce %companionship Estimated number of older, persons (60 ervices and over) located in: coordination area nJ o= _anon re_eaal 6 counseling mpl.oyment service: 45,225' Number to be referred 2lur:bar to be placed iz jabs 9. Target groups of project ra, 2ortation dolt or continuing eec:eazioa Number *+qty senior voluata oppor- =� Negro'. 1,752 on S other free `i;e American Indian 30 a Spanish surname 14,7.69 ror>_=�ve services All other 28,652 xs= 3s�-`.ce • services Evaluation U=each scar` alfare utrition )ata Gathering Cnfo. & Ref. System Planning 45,225 M Sections VII, VIII, IX, and X should be completed according to the instructions and attached to this form prior to submittal to the Area Agency_ CENTRAL WORMATION CENTER DEVELOPMENT PROJECT The Coastal Bend Council of Governments — Area Agency on Aging proposes to enter into a contract with the City of Corpus Christi — La P.etama Public Libraries System for services in planning, development, and initial implemen- tation of the concept of a central information center. Information on programs; projects, services, and resources available to persons 60 and older in the Coastal Bend Region (12 counties) will be gathered, indexed, and maintained in current details as a reference source and as a base for services to agencies and organizations within the Region. The information center conception should be regional in scope, established to cover the agencies and organizations serving the aged, and planned so as to allow for inclusion of other programs, projects, services, and resources providing for the health and welfare of the citizens of the Region. While funding under this contract will be limited to the aspects of the system that provide information for the aged, nothing herein shall be understood to prevent.the La Retama Public Libraries System from using additional funding or personnel to provide a more comprehensive system_ Project Duration: 1 October 1974 — 30 June 1975 Project Staffing: six persons aged 60 or older working part —time (20 hours per week each) Staff hired under the contract must be 60 or older, part —time (20 hours per week each) employees of the La Retama Library. They will be under the direct supervision of the library staff. All planning and activates will be coordi- nated with the CBCOG —AAA staff. Of the six older persons to be hired, three will be to work in the library in Corpus Christi and three to work in selected portions of the Region (based, possibly, at Beeville, Sinton, and Kingsville). Proiect Goals; 1. To coordinate and consolidate the scattered information sources used by the various information and referral agencies into one comprehensive, up —to- date, adequately indexed information bank. (a) These sources should include at least the following: (1) Data from the Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance, the Catalogue of Available Health; Social '& Rehabilitative'Seivices and the'Rural Health Project 734 (2) Data compiled by the Mental Health Association in producing the most recent 1 -2 -3— Handbook (3) Data available through the various agencies and organizations which are currently providing information and referral services (both public and private) within the Region (b) The indexing developed for use with the system should be checked with the major agencies (including the city — county health departments, the city — county and state welfare departments, the Title III program opera- tors, and the City of Corpus Christi Tenant Assistance Program) for comprehensiveness and accessibility. The indexing should provide for accessing data by geographic area covered, by general age categories served, and by problem definition. The method selected should enable selective compilations to be made relatively easily (e.g., to locate all programs providing housing assistance to the aged in Nueces and San Patricio counties...). • a (c) Recognizing that the bulk of programs, projects, services, and resources within the Region are located in Nueces County, particular efforts will be made to accomplish the following: (1) To locate and include data about the programs, projects, services, and resources within each of the other eleven counties (2) To.identify the geographic range of programs, projects, services, and resources of Nueces County, so that those available to persons outside Nueces County can be included in listings compiled for the separate counties 2. To develop processes for continuous up- dating of the information bank. 3. To develop methods for routine dissemination of information, including each of the following: (a) Selected - information packages (perhaps basic resource notebooks) that would be available to agencies and organizations for a fee to be deter - mined, as a basic reference source for use by the agency. This package should enable all agencies and organizations to have the same information available while reducing or eliminating the cost to the agencies (in time and in personnel) of obtaining the information through separate, duplicative individual agency efforts. Complete up- dating of these packages should be planned to occur at least once each year. (b) Portable, more frequently up -dated handbooks (such as the current 1-2-3 - Handbook) that would be available to agencies and organizations at a cost comparable to that of the 1 -2 -3- Handbook, for use by the individual case workers, outreach personnel, or referral counsellors. (c) Periodic news -grams to subscriber agencies to up -date between issues of the basic reference book or the portable handbook. (d) Reference desk answering service to agencies needing immediate aid or extension of the data available in the packaged materigl.s_ (e) Availability of the information to the general public, as per other materials in the library— either for individual research or for compiling directories of specialized sorts. This service would not be a referral or counselling service, only use as with other library materials with some aid from library personnel. 4. To develop a program for training user agencies and their personnel in getting ( answers from the documents and in providing input for improvement of the system_ 5. To initiate implementation of the above to at least the following extent: (a) Gathering and organizing of the information by January 15, 1975. (b) Publication, in conjunction with CSCOG -AAA, of 03(a) and #3(b) in May 1975. (c) Conducting an initial training program during June 1975. Project Evaluation: Project evaluation will be through actual use of the system. Compilation of data for a directory of services to the aged will be made during the end of January 1975 as a test of this type of capability. User reactions will be solicited following publication of the data and following the training programs. Project Funding: Thea funding of this contract includes two separate packages: 1. To cover the salaries of part —time, older workers ........... $9,500 2. To cover other expenses related to the project, including supplies, postage, l2t /mile transportation for inter —city travel, possibly part of the printing costs (depending on what the budget demands in the other categories) .... This part requires 90/10 match......... 2,942 3. Matching funds for the second package can be either in —kind (supervision and /or space) or "indirect costs" as used in the Senior Community Services program........... 327 Total Project Funding $12,769 r Project Reports: ` Status reports,on the project should be made each two months. • ORGANIZATIONAL CHART City of Corpus Christi La Retama Public Library C Project Director } Outreach Outreach Outreach Data Data Data Worker Worker Worker J CBCOG — — -- Area Agency on Aging: i t t i t - - 1 Title III Programs Coastal Bend Region Information System Data Mata . Worker jWorker Part T BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES (Give the following information for R1CU key staff -member, beginning• with the Project Director. Use continuation pages and follow the same format for each person_) )Mr. (_ )Mrs. ( )Miss TITLE BIRTHDATEOlo_, Day, Year) (to be hired) PLACE OF BIRTH (Ci.ty,State,County) CITIZECISHIp(If non -U.S. citizea,indlcate visa status) EDUCATIONAL B-ACKGBOU`lD ('I--- aTIO I A *ID LOCATION DEGREE YEAR COi7EERRED RONOis v LG3 3o7 z55 "'.,' -. 1, ZST J j - -- ._5��� To pROP05� pROJEC3 p2O=ESSIQ ?IA. F{pERIE:iCE(Starr with present position; list ALL experience relevant to project) 41. G.r. rtr_) _ .; - -• _� . - ASSUR'�'CE OF COMPLIAD7CE WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF HCALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE REGULATION UNDER TITLE VI OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 City of Corpus Christi (herein= (Name of Subgrantee or Secondary Recipient) after.called -the "Subgrantee ") HEREBY AGREES THAT it will comply with Title VI of the 'Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P-L- 88 -352) and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the Regulation of the .Department of Health, Education, and welfare (45 CFR Part 80) issued pursuant to that title, to the end that, in accordance with Title VI of that Act and the Regulation, no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity £o_ w_a.ich the. Su'log_antee receives Federal financial assistance from Coastal Bend 'Council of Goernment a recipient of Federal financial (Name.--f-Grantor) assistance from the Depar vent (hereinafter called "Grantor "); and i Hv- GiT'S ASSUPANC; T3,T it will immediately take any measures necesszry to effectuate this agreement_ If any real n= operty or structure thereon is provided or improved with t e-aid of Federal financial assistance extended to the Subgr= =tee by the Grantor, this assurance shall obligate the Subcara.-r` � or in the case of any transfer of such property, any tra -nsf res, for the period during which the real property - or struct -e is used for a nuz-oose for which the Federal financial assistance Is extended or'fo= another purpose involving the: pro- vision of s4—ilar services or benefits. If any personal property is so provided, this assurance shall obligate the Subgrantee for the period during which it retains ownership or possession of the =roierty_ in all other cases, this assurance shall obligate the S-? ^grantee for the period during which the Federal financial assi stance is extended to it by the Grantor_ AoA Form 441 (To be completed by applicant for any grant from the Area Agency designated to implement the Older Americans Act_ S•rnere provision of facilities is involved, =1 Form 441 is to be executed.) 7.. -10 THIS ASSURPARICF. is given in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and all Federal grants, loans, contracts, property, discounts or other Federal financial assistance ex- tended after the date hereof to the Subgrantee by the Grantor, -including installment payments after such date on account of applications for Federal financial assistance which were approved before such date_ The Subgrantee recognizes and agrees that such Federal financial assistance will be extended in reliance. on the representations and agreements made in this assurance, and that the Grantor or the United States or both shall have the right to see?c judicial enforcement of this assurance. This assurance is binding on the Subgrantee, its successors, trans--.; terees, and assig,ees, and the person or persons whose signatures apoear.below are authorized to sign this assurance on behalf of tha Subgrantee_ Dated (Subgrantee) By (President, Chairman of Board, or comparable authorized official) . Title (Recin=ent's mailing add=ess) 7x.39 • a Corpus Christi, Texas day of , 19� TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspen- sion of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordi- nance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, 02X'� MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, The Charter rule was suspended by the following vote: Jason Luby James T. Acuff Rev. Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Ricardo Gonzalez Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark The above ordinance was passed by the following vote Jason Luby James T. Acuff Rev.' Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Ricardo Gonzalez Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark 01 s • a� L�� n H e O r� of d C N H M • r City of Corpus Christi Legal Department