HomeMy WebLinkAbout12350 ORD - 11/06/1974JB:hb:10/21/74:1st AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 19D OF THE CORPUS CHRISTI CITY CODE, 1958, AS AMENDED: CHANGING THE TITLE TO BE "AMBULANCE SERVICE "; DEFINING TERMS; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO ENGAGE IN THE BUSINESS OF PROVIDING AMBULANCE SERVICE WITHOUT AN AMBULANCE OPERATOR PERMIT; ESTABLISHING CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS FOR AMBULANCES AND EQUIPMENT; REQUIRING LIABILITY INSURANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF AN AMBULANCE OPERATOR PERMIT; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO OPER- ATE AN AMBULANCE ON THE PUBLIC STREETS EXCEPT BY AN ATTENDANT AND A DRIVER WITH PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF AN AMBULANCE DRIVER PERMIT; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF AN AMBULANCE ATTENDANT PERMIT; GRANTING THE PERMIT OFFICER POWER TO MAKE INVESTIGA- TIONS AND INSPECTIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE PROMULGATION OF REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF PERMITS UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS; PRO- VIDING FOR APPEAL FROM THE DENIAL, SUSPENSION, OR REVOCATION OF A PERMIT; PROVIDING FOR THE DISPATCHING OF AMBULANCES BY THE POLICE OR FIRE DISPATCHER UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO USE EMER- GENCY LIGHTS OR SIREN WITHOUT CLEARANCE FROM POLICE OR FIRE DISPATCHER; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR AN AMBULANCE ATTENDANT OR DRIVER TO REFUSE ASSISTANCE OR TRANSPOR- TATION AT THE SCENE OF AN EMERGENCY, WITH CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS; REQUIRING REPORTS FROM ATTENDANTS ON EMERGENCY RUNS; PROVIDING FOR THE MANAGEMENT AT THE SCENE OF AN EMERGENCY; PROVIDING FOR EXCEPTIONS TO THIS ORDINANCE; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO REQUEST AMBU- LANCE SERVICE KNOWING THAT SUCH SERVICE IS -NOT NEEDED; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO UTILIZE AND ACCEPT AMBULANCE SERVICE WITHOUT PAYING A REASONABLE FEE THEREFOR; PROVIDING FOR PENALTY; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That Chapter 19D, Corpus Christi City Code, 1958, as amended is hereby amended to read as follows: "Chapter 19D. Ambulance Service.. Section 19D-1. For the purposes of this Chapter 19D only, (a) 'ambulance' means any motor vehicle that is being used or operated for the transportation of an individual who is sick, injured, or incapacitated; (b) - 'ambulance service' means providing or making available to the public or to any person, a motor vehicle and any personnel required by this ordinance for transportation of an individual who is sick, injured, or incapacitated, whether in emergency circumstances or as a transfer operation; provided, however, "ambulance service" shall not mean or include providing or making available, on a volunteer or nonprofit basis, trans- portation for routine nonemergency medical examination or treatment. 12350 (c) 'attendant' means an individual responsible for the operation of an ambulance and the care of patients; (d) 'driver' means any individual who drives an ambulance; (e) 'emergency' as used herein shall mean the existence of circumstances in which the element of time in transporting a person for the obtaining of medical treatment is essential to the health or life of such person, or in which rescue operations or first aid at the place of emergency may be essential to the health or life of such person; (f) 'patient' means any person who is sick, injured, or in- capacitated and who becomes subject to transportation or care by an attendant or driver; (g) 'permit'officer' means the Director of the Corpus Christi - Nueces County Department of Public Health or his designated representative; (h) 'person' means any firm, partnership, association, cor- poration or individual. (i) 'transfer operation' means the transportation of a sick, injured or incapacitated person in an ambulance under circumstances which do not constitute an emergency. Section 19D-2. It shall be unlawful for any person, as owner or agent, to be engaged in the business of providing ambulance service within the corporate limits of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, unless the owner of the business holds a current Ambulance Operator Permit issued pursuant to this ordinance. It shall be unlawful for any holder of an Ambulance Operator Permit,,or his agent, to provide ambulance service by means of an ambulance which has not been approved and listed on the Ambulance Operator Permit by the permit officer. Section 19D -3. (a) An application for an Ambulance Operator Permit shall be filed with the permit officer on such form as may be prescribed by said officer, and the applicant shall furnish all the following proof and information with the application: (1) The name and address of (A) the applicant, including all partners, if a partnership, and all officers, if a corporation, and -2- (B) the names and the addresses of the managing agent or managing personnel of the business if not included in (A). (2) Whether any person named in (1) has been convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor other than traffic offenses within the past ten years and, if so, when and where and under what circumstances. (3) Whether any person named in (1) holds or has held a permit for operation of an ambulance service from any other governmental agency or department or is engaged or has been engaged anywhere else in the business of providing ambulance service. (4) That the applicant has been issued a permit by the Texas State Department of Health, pursuant to Article 4590b of the Texas Civil Statutes, for each ambulance which the applicant proposes to operate. (5) The number of ambulances which the applicant proposes to operate and the make, model, motor number, current state license number, and registered owner of each ambulance owned by or in the possession of the applicant. (6) A list of all two -way radios to be used in ambulance service, their call numbers, and the vehicle (identified by motor number) to which each radio has been assigned. (7) The location and description of the place or places from which the applicant intends to operate said ambulances. (8) The names of all attendants and drivers presently employed by the applicant, and, respectively, their EMT -A registery numbers and Texas State Chauffeurs license numbers. (9) A certificate of insurance proving that there is in effect insurance as required by Section 19D -5. (10) The trade or assumed name, if any, under which the applicant intends to do business if said name is different from the applicant. (11) Such further information as the permit officer may deem necessary. (b) Said application shall be accompanied by a permit fee of $25.00 plus $5.00 for each ambulance requested to be approved. -3- Section 19D-4. Upon receipt of an application for an Ambulance Operator Permit, the permit officer shall within fifteen days inspect the ambulances listed in the application. Each ambulance approved must meet the following requirements at the time of inspection and at all times thereafter while being used in ambulance service: (a) That it is suitable for the transportation of patients from the standpoint of health, sanitation, and safety, in accordance with regulations promulgated under Section 19D -14. (b) That it complies with all state laws and local ordinances relating to health, sanitation and motor vehicles generally. (c) That it is equipped with lights, sirens and special markings to designate it as an ambulance as may be required by State law or City ordinance. In addition, each ambulance must be marked on both sides with the name or trade name of the proposed permit holder, easily readable from a distance of at least fifty feet. (d) That it contains necessary emergency equipment, in proper condition and ready for use, in compliance with the regulations of Section 19D -14. (e) That it is equipped with a properly functioning two -way radio operated on the frequencies used by the Corpus Christi Police Depart- ment and Corpus Christi Fire Department, and also equipped for direct radio communication with hospital emergency rooms within the City. Section 19D-5. No Ambulance Operator Permit shall be issued, nor shall such permit be valid after issuance, unless the applicant or the holder of the permit is at all times insured by automobile liability insurance, covering the operation of each ambulance, in the minimum amounts of $100,000 for each injured person, $300,000 for personal injury arising out of each accident and $25,000 for property damage arising out of each accident, and by general liability insurance, covering the care and handling of patients in the minimum amount of $100,000. Each insurance policy shall require notice from the insurer to the permit officer at least thirty days before any such policy is to be terminated for any -4- reason by the insurer or by the insured. Section 19D-6. (a) If the requirements set forth in Sections 19D-3 and 19D-5 are complied with, the permit officer shall issue to the applicant an Ambulance Operator Permit, unless the permit officer has determined from his investigation of the moral character of the applicant, or of the applicant's managing agent or managing personnel, that the issuance of the permit would not be in the public interest. If an appli- cant does not comply with the foregoing requirements or if any of the applicant's ambulances do not meet the requirements.of Section 19D-4 the permit officer shall notify the applicant by certified mail within twenty-one (21) calendar days of date of application of the specific deficiencies and allow the applicant thirty days from the receipt thereof to prove to the satisfaction of the permit officer that the deficiencies have been corrected. If the requirements of Section 19D-3 and Section 19D-5 are not met within said thirty days the application shall be deemed to have expired and to be of no effect. (b) If a permit is issued the permit officer shall note on the permit the motor number of each ambulance which has been approved under Section 19D-4 and which will be allowed to be operated in the permittee's ambulance service business. The permittee may have additional ambulances approved and noted on the permit at any time by complying with the provisions of Section 19D-4 and paying a fee of $5.00 per additional ambulance requested to be approved. Whenever the permittee no longer intends to use an approved ambulance as an ambulance, or ownership of the ambulance is transferred, or the ambulance becomes inoperable as an ambulance for any reason, except for a repair period not to exceed ten days, the permittee shall notify the permit officer within five days after such event and the permit officer shall remove the number of that ambulance from the approved list on the permit. (c) An Ambulance Operator Permit shall be valid for a period of one year unless earlier suspended or revoked. Section 19D -7. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or drive or cause to be operated or driven upon the public streets, alleys, -5- I• • and ways of the City of Corpus Christi an ambulance while furnishing ambulance service, unless the ambulance is being driven by the holder of an Ambulance Driver Permit or Attendant Permit and the driver is accompanied by the holder of an Ambulance Attendant Permit. Section 19D-8. (a) An application for Ambulance Driver Permit shall be made on such form as may be prescribed by the permit officer and shall contain all the following proof and information: (1) The applicant's full name, current residence, place of residence for the five years previous to the date of said application, and the length of time he has resided in the City of Corpus Christi. (2) The applicant's age, height, color of eyes, and color of hair. (3) Whether he has ever been convicted of a felony, or has been convicted of a misdemeanor in the past 5 years (including a traffic offense), and if so, when and where, and for what cause. (4) Whether he has previously been licensed as an ambulance driver or attendant, and if so, when and where, and whether said license has ever been revoked or suspended in any jurisdiction for any cause. (5) That he has a valid Texas Chauffeurs License, the number of the Chauffeurs License, and whether it has ever been revoked or suspended, and for what cause. (6) That he holds an Advanced Red Cross First Aid Certificate issued within three years of the date of the application. (7) A statement from a licensed physician that the applicant is not addicted to drugs, alcohol, or other intoxicating substances and that the applicant does not have any apparent physical or psychological impairment which would interfere with the performance of his duties. (8) Tuo recent photographs of the applicant, to be taken by the permit officer or Corpus Christi Police Department, one of which photographs shall be attached by the permit officer to the permit. (b) The application shall be accompanied by a permit fee of $10.00. (c) If the applicant has met all the requirements of (a) -6- and (b), permit officer shall issue an Ambulance Driver Permit unless the permit officer determines that the issuance of the permit would not be in the public interest because of the applicant's criminal convictions, moral character, or'employment history. (d) If issued, an Ambulance Driver Permit shall be valid for a period of one year from date of issuance unless earlier suspended or revoked. (d) The permit officer may, at any time after the passage of this ordinance, issue a Temporary Ambulance Driver Permit to a person who meets all the requirements of Section 19D -8(a), except Section 19D -8 (a) (6), and who is enrolled in training which will qualify him for an advanced Red Cross First Aid certificate or an Emergency Medical Technician - Ambulance certificate. A temporary permit shall be valid as long as the permittee remains enrolled in such training, but in no event for more than three months from date of issue. The permit officer may renew one time a Temporary Ambulance Driver Permit for good cause shown by the permittee. Section 19D-9. (a) Application for an Ambulance Attendant Permit shall be made on a form prescribed by the permit officer and shall contain all the following proof and information: (1) All proof and information required under Section 19D-8 (a), except Section 19D -8(a) (6). (2) That the applicant holds a valid certificate as an Emergency Medical Technician - Ambulance and has completed any periodic recertification training required by the Texas State Department of Health. (3) That the applicant is at least nineteen years of age. (4) That the applicant is able to read and speak English. (b) The application shall be accompanied by a permit fee of $10.00. (c) If the applicant has complied with all the requirements of (a) and (b) the permit officer shall issue an Ambulance Attendant Permit unless the permit officer determines that the issuance of the permit would not be in the public interest because of the applicant's criminal con- victions, moral character, or employment history. -7- (d) If issued, an Ambulance Attendant Permit shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of issuance, unless earlier suspended or revoked. (e) The permit officer may allow a person holding an Ambulance Attendant's Permit at the time of passage of this ordinance a reasonable period of time, not to exceed six months from the date of passage of this ordinance, in which to meet the education and training requirements pre- scribed in this Chapter 19D. Section 19D -10. The renewal of any permit issued under the provisions of this ordinance shall require conformance with all the require- ments Of this ordinance as upon original granting of the permit. Section 19D -11. (a) In addition to any other powers granted under this chapter 19D to the permit officer, the permit officer shall have the following powers: (1) To make further investigation of any applicant for any permit authorized by this chapter 19D, regarding arrest and convictions for criminal offenses, education and training, extent and quality, of perform- ance in previous ambulance related jobs or businesses, or any other information required to be furnished in or with the application. The Corpus Christi Police Department is directed to aid and cooperate in such investigations when requested to do so by the permit officer. (2) To inspect ambulances, ambulance equipment, and the books and records of each permit holder during regular business hours, with or without prior notice to the permittee, and at any reasonable location for the purpose of determining if requirements of this ordinance are being met. (b) The permit officer shall have a duty to inspect the ambulances and equipment of each permittee at least once every six months, When requested by the permit officer, a police officer shall be assigned to assist in making any inspections. Section 19D -12. All permits provided for in this ordinance shall be deemed the personal permit of the applicant and shall not be transferable. It shall be unlawful for any holder of a permit to allow -8- any other person to use his permit. Section 19D -13. Any change in the information required in an application for a permit, or a renewal thereof, shall be reported to the permit officer within fifteen days after' the change occurs, unless otherwise provided in another section of this Chapter 19D. Section 19D -14. (a) Regulations will be promulgated by the permit officer to effectuate the provisions of this Chapter 19D regarding the design and construction of ambulances, necessary emergency equipment and supplies to be carried in ambulances, and health and sanitation in the operation of ambulances and in the care of patients. (b) Regulations shall be promulgated by the permit officer to provide for the phasing out or conversion of ambulances and equipment which is in use by ambulance operator permittees at the time of passage of this ordinance but which do not meet the requirements of this Chapter 19D. The regulations shall attempt to avoid placing an unreasonable financial burden on the permit holders. The regulations shall allow permit holders not more than 1 year to achieve full compliance. (c) Regulations will be numbered as additional subsections of this Section 19D -14. (d) The permit officer shall issue a Notice of Intention to Promulgate or Amend regulations. The notice shall contain a statement of the officer's intention to promulgate or amend the regulations, an invitation of written comments, the date before which the officer must receive written comments, and the teat of the regulations or section thereof which is proposed to be promulgated or amended. A copy of the notice shall be filed with the City Secretary, and a copy will be distrib- uted to each holder of an Ambulance Operator Permit, by certified mail, and to the Ambulance Advisory Council. The permit officer shall allow at least twenty (20) days, from the date a notice is mailed, for the receipt of written comments. The regulations or amendments thereof shall become effective ten (10) days after the last day allowed for the receipt of written comments, unless the permit officer alters the proposed - regulation:or amendment, in which case the permit officer shall issue -9- a new notice and repeat the provisions of this subsection (d), but only in regard to those specific sections which are to be altered. (e) The adoption or amendment of regulations by the permit officer may be appealed to the City Council by filing a sworn notice of appeal with the City Secretary within ten (10) days from the date the regulation or amendment becomes effective. The regulation or amendment shall remain effective during the pendency of the appeal unless otherwise ordered by the permit officer or City Council. Section 19D -15. (a) The permit officer is authorized to suspend, for any period of time not to exceed thirty days, or revoke any permit authorized by this ordinance, if the holder of the permit violates any State law or City ordinance which is in any way related to the functions or purposes of this ordinance. (b) Every suspension or revocation of a permit shall be in writing and state the reason for such suspension or revocation and be dated. A copy of the suspension or revocation order in writing shall immediately be sent by certified mail to the holder of said permit at the address indicated on the application for permit or the latest renewal thereof. Such order of suspension or revocation shall be effective as of the time of receipt at the permittee's address. Section 19D -16. An order of the permit officer denying an application for a permit or suspending or revoking an existing permit may be appealed to the City Council through the City Manager within ten days of the date such order becomes effective. The City Council shall, at its neat regular meeting after the receipt of appeal, set a date for a hearing and direct the City Secretary to notify the appellant, the permit officer, and the City Attorney of the date and time of such hearing. After such hearing, the City Council shall either sustain or reverse the order of the permit officer or may modify said older. Section 19D -17. All holders of Ambulance Operator Permits who desire to have the privilege of dispatching service by the Corpus Christi Police Department or the Corpus Christi Fire Department shall notify the Chiefs of those departments, in writing, that said service -10- a • is desired. Section 1911-18. Upon receipt of a request for emergency ambulance service, the Police or Fire Dispatcher shall send the nearest public ambulance available at the time of the receipt of the request. If there is no public ambulance available, the holder of an Ambulance Operator Permit shall be offered the opportunity to respond to the call. Section 19D -19. When any ambulance operator, or his agent or employee, receives a request for emergency ambulance service from any person other than the police or fire dispatcher, he shall immediately notify the police or fire dispatcher and request clearance to proceed to the scene of the reported emergency; the dispatcher shall promptly grant the requested clearance unless the dispatcher has already sent an ambulance to the scene of the reported emergency, in which case the Ambulance Operator receiving the direct call shall not proceed to the scene of the emergency. Section 19D -20. It shall be unlawful for any Ambulance Operator or his agent or employee to go to the scene of an emergency with the intent of providing ambulance service, unless clearance has been obtained from the police or fire dispatcher; the arrival of a noncleared ambulance at the scene of a reported emergency within fifteen minutes after the first police or fire broadcast relating to such emergency shall be prima facie evidence of intent to violate this Section. Section 1911-21. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive an ambulance within the corporate limits of the City of Corpus Christi using emergency lights or siren without first obtaining a clearance for an emergency run from the police or fire dispatcher. Section 19D -22. (a) It shall be unlawful for any ambulance attendant or driver, after arrival at the scene with clearance from the police or fire dispatcher, to fail or refuse to render aid and assistance to a person who is sick, injured, or incapacitated at the location of an emergency. It shall be unlawful for any ambulance operator, his agent or employee, to refuse to carry or transport a patient at the scene of an emergency after having been dispatched thereto or cleared thereto -11- • i by a police or fire dispatcher; provided, however, there shall be no violation of this section if the sick, injured or incapacitated i person or a relative at the scene affirmatively refuses to receive any aid or assistance or refuses to be transported to a place of treatment; provided further, this section shall not apply when circumstances indicate beyond reasonable doubt that the person desiring transportation is not in need of immediate first aid or medical treatment./ (b) in case of death in the ambulance, in the absence of contrary instructions given by neat of kin or other responsible persons related to deceased, or by a medical doctor, the body shall be delivered to the Memorial Medical Center. Section 19D -23. The attendant on each- emergency run will make a report, using the Ambulance Patient Record form in use by the public ambulance system. The holder of the Ambulance Operator Permit shall preserve the reports for two years from the date of the emergency run and will submit to the Corpus Christi Fire Department, Ambulance Service Division, on the first of each month a copy of the report on each emer- gency run made in the preceding month by any ambulance being operated under authority of his permit. Section 19D -24. When an ambulance authorized to operate under this chapter 19D, or an ambulance of the Public Ambulance System, is at the scene of an emergency the attendant shall have the authority to determine the priority of assisting patients and shall supervise the treatment and handling of all patients, under the general supervision of the senior police or fire department employee at the scene. Police or fire department personnel at the scene shall have authority to manage vehicle traffic and bystanders, and to protect the public safety. Police or fire department personnel at the scene may assist the ambulance per- sonnel in handling or rendering care to patients when requested by the attendant and may act as attendant or driver if requested by the attendant or if necessary to protect the life or health of the patient. -12- Section 19D -25. Provisions of this ordinance which relate to permits, or which regulate the design and construction of ambulances, necessary emergency equipment, or sanitation standards, shall not apply to any of the following: (1) Any agency of the United States government; (2) Any ambulance owner or ambulance personnel assisting holders of Ambulance Operator Permits in the case of a major catastrophe or emergency when the holders of permits cannot handle the extraordinary demand for am- bulance service caused by said catastrophe or emergency. (3) Any ambulance owner or ambulance personnel whose place of business is located outside the corporate limits of the City of Corpus Christi and who is engaged in trans- porting a patient from some point outside the corporate limits of the City of Corpus Christi to some point within the City; , (4) Individuals who are employed by and are performing their regularly assigned duties for the Corpus Christi Fire Department, Corpus Christi Police Department, or Nueces County Hospital District. Section 19D -26. It shall be unlawful for any person to request ambulance service from any public or private ambulance operator, or to cause such a request to be made, or to make or cause to be made a report of an emergency which would ordinarily cause an ambulance to be dispatched, knowing that such ambulance service is not needed or that such emergency does not exist. Section 19D -27. It shall be unlawful for any person to utilize and accept emergency ambulance service without paying a reasonable fee therefor. Failure to pay for that service within thirty days after a statement of costs for such services has been mailed to the user by registered or certified mail with return receipt requested, or the parent in the event -13- a minor is the user, in accordance with the address which is supplied to the Ambulance Operator or obtained from the hospital or other place of treatment where such person is delivered, shall constitute prima facie evidence of an intention to violate this section. Section 19D -28. Any violation of the terms of this ordinance shall be subject-to a fine of not exceeding $200.00." SECTION 2. If for any reason any section, paragraph, sub- division, clause, phrase, or provision of this ordinance shall be held invalid, it shall not affect any valid provisions of this or any other ordinance of the City of Corpus Christi to which these rules and regula- tions relate. SECTION 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith shall be and are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. Publication shall be made one time in the official publication of the City of Corpus Christi, after final passage, which publication shall contain the caption stating in substance the purpose of the ordinance and reciting the penalty for violation of the ordinance. That the foregoing ordinance was read for the first time and passed to its second reading on this the . 23 -4—day of 19 7 - by the following vote: Jason Luby James T. Acuff Rev. Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Ricardo Gonzalez Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark That the foregoing ordinance was read or the se and time and passed to its third reading on this the 34-"flay of , 19_�, by the following vote: Jason Luby James T. Acuff Rev. Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Ricardo Gonzalez Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark _ That the for of ordinance��aas read forhird time and passed finally on this the day of 7/Ldaa 19, by the following vote: Jason Luby James T. Acuff Rev. Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Ricardo Gonzalez Gabe Lozano, Sr. J.: Howard Stark �y PASSED AND APPROVED, this the d of - = -L %' 19. ATTEST: • APPROVED: ' DAY OF 6LIL 19-2-6 City torney MAY THE CM OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS (s) Bill G. ReW WLL G. READ. c"' ]etredry Olvofc g;ch, Teaes (SEAL) PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF TEXAS, 1 County of Nueces. f Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day personally came....... R• gym' _ _ who being first duly sworn, according to law, says that he is the C ay9.9., Ads Manager — ....._..._ of the Corpus Christi Caller and The Corpus Christi Times, Daily Newspapers published at Corpus Christi, Texas, in said County and State, and that the publication of r =g�O - MIRTCE OF PASMAr.Pi. OF IRMAWP, NO_17�3, 55Q Am Lm- nriin9 .hn- X19 n nF Lhe...�_ of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in T- man L on the_..I& day of—ILemaku. 19 -b4 �l� 1 Times Subscribed and sworn to before me this_.__12. ........day of_._; November 19_74 Louise Vick�� 0 tary Public, Nueces County, Texas