HomeMy WebLinkAbout12396 ORD - 12/18/1974JRR:jkh:hb:11/27/74:1st ' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY BUDGET; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE REAL ESTATE SALES CONTRACT AND ALL RELATED DOCUMENTS FOR THE ACQUISITION OF PARCELS NO. 7 AND 14, (LOTS 1, 2, 10, 11 AND 12, BLOCK 91, BEACH PORTION TO THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI), FOR THE BAYFRONT SCIENCE PARR EXPANSION PROJECT; APPROPRIATING AND REAPPRO- PRIATING OUT OF THE 123 GENERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND $169,700 FOR ACQUISITION ACCORDING TO THE APPRAISED VALUES, OF WHICH AMOUNT $163,700 IS FOR LAND ACQUISITION AND $6,000 IS FOR INCIDENTAL EXPENSES RELATED TO CLOSING AND DEMOLITION EXPENSE; A COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO, MARKED EXHIBIT "A" AND MADE A PART HEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute Real Estate Sales Contract and such other documents as may be necessary to acquire the hereinafter described parcels or tracts of land from Harvie Brauscomb, Jr. and William S. Whittet, Individually and as Trustees, said parcels being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: PARCELS 7 AND 14: Lots 1, 2, 10, 11 and 12, Block 91 Beach Portion of the City of Corpus Christi, Nueces County, Texas. SECTION 2. There is hereby appropriated and reappropriated out of the 123 General Revenue Sharing Fund $169,700 for acquisition according to the appraised values, of which amount $163,700 is for land acquisition and $6,000 is for incidental expenses related to closing and demolition expense. SECTION 3. Amendment of the City Budget to accomplish the purposes of this ordinance is necessitated for emergency expenditure in grave public necessity to meet unusual and unforseen conditions, which could not, by reasonable diligent thought and attention of the Government of the City of Corpus Christi, have been included in the current, original Budget of the City. 12396 _I Parcels No. 7 and 140 REAL ESTATE SALES CONTRACT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES 4 This memorandum of agreement made and entered into by and between Harvie Branscomb, Jr. and William S. Whittet, and Harvie Branscomb, Jr. and William S. Whittet, Trustees, hereinafter called Sellers, of the County of Nueces, State of Texas, and the City of Corpus Christi, hereinafter called Buyer, of the County of Nueces, State of Texas, W I T N E S S E T 1. The Sellers, for the consideration and upon the terms hereinafter set out, hereby agree to sell and convey unto Buyer, and Buyer agrees to buy the following described property situated in Nueces County, Texas, to -wit: All of Lots 1, 2, 10, 11, and 12, Block 91, Beach Portion of Corpus Christi, Nueces County, Texas. ,Ex# 2. The purchase price is one hundred sixty three thousand seven hundred dollars, ($163,700.00). 3. The Sellers shall provide at the expense of Buyer, a Title Insurance Policy, containing such provisions as may be satisfactory to Buyer, and which policy shall wholly insure and indemnify the Buyer against any title defects or adverse claims thereto. Said Title Insurance Policy shall be issued through a Title Insurance Company acceptable to Buyer, and shall be delivered to the Buyer on the date of closing. 4. Upon the securing of the Title Insurance Policy provided for herein, Sellers agree to deliver a good and sufficient General Warranty Deed drawn in accordance with the provisions of this contract, properly conveying said property to said Buyer, and Buyer agrees thereupon to pay the purchase price in cash. 5. All taxes to be paid by Sellers up to and including the year 1973. 6. All current taxes, insurance, rents, and interest, if any, are to be prorated between the Buyer and Sellers for the year 1974 to date of closing, except as may be herein otherwise provided. 7. Buyer has this day deposited with the Title Insurance Company or Title Guaranty Company the sum of $16,370.00 Dollars as earnest money here- under to be applied on the cash payment above set out when deal is closed, at which time the balance of cash consideration shell also be paid. Should the Buyer fail to consummate this contract as herein specified for any reason, except title defects, the Sellers shall be entitled to receive said cash deposit as liquidated damages for the breach of this contract, or may at their option, enforce specific performance hereof. When the executed deed and any other necessary executed papers and the balance of the cash payment are in posses- sion of the Title Insurance Company or Title Guaranty Company said title company will close the deal in accordance with its usual and customary pro- cedure. In the event Sellers fail to tender a deed conveying said property in accordance with the terms of the contract within the time provided herein the Buyer may enforce performance of this contract by an action for specific performance thereof. -2- 8. The Buyer agrees to accept title subject to all outstanding restrictive covenants and use restrictions, if any, of record, and all city zoning and regulatory ordinances, if any, applicable to said property; and subject to those boundary discrepancies shown in Exhibit "A" attached. 9. It is understood by all parties hereto that this deal is to be closed through the Title Insurance Company or Title Guaranty Company on or before thirty (30) days from this date. Possession to be given to Buyer at closing. 10. By Sellers' execution hereof, Sellers acknowledge that they have read this agreement and understand that this agreement is not binding on Buyer until properly authorized by the City Council and executed by the City Manager of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas. It is further, understood, how- ever, that Buyer must execute this agreement within 30 days from the date of Sellers ';execution or this agreement shall be null and void and none of the provisions hereinabove set out will bind either party. 11. Ir the title commitment letter 'issued by the Title Insurance Company contains exceptions to the title other than those set forth in this contract (including Exhibit "A" attached), and other than those prescribed by the authorities of the State of Texas for title insurance policies generally, and other than the standard boundary survey exception (unless the City procures a survey of the property by a surveyor acceptable to the Title Insurance Company) the City shall be released from all obligation to purchase the property under this contract. 12. Buyer will pay reasonable relocation expenses to Sellers for personal property in said premises. 13. In the event the title policy to be issued covering said property contains defects other than those set forth in this contract (including Exhibit "A ") and the standard provisions legally prescribed for such title policies, City shall be released from this contract upon submitting written notice to Sellers within ten (10) days of the date of such title policy. 14. This contract is made subject to, and Buyer does not assume the payment of any indebtedness described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred . to in various instruments recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Nueces M11 0 - . 0 County, Texas, under clerk's file numbers 783191 and 783192 and the Deed of Trust Records at Volume 896, Page 89; and field under clerk's file numbers 733328 and 733329. 15. Sellers hereby agree and certify that no written lease contracts with parties in possession exist which would extend rights of parties in possession beyond sixty days (60) from the date of closing. -3a- EXECUTED in triplicate, either copy of which shall constitute an original, on this the day of , 19 . ATTEST: City Sevretary APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM THIS DAY OF 19 City Attorney Shoreline Brewst'er'Companyy by Harvie Branscomb, Jr., Trustee William S. Whittet, Trustee SELLERS CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI BY City Manager BUYER THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES II BEFORE ME, The undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and ac]mowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated and as the Act and Deed of said City. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This day of Notary Public in and for Nneces County, Te THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES BEFORE NE, The undersigned authority., on this day personally appeared Harvie Branscomb. Jr. _, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration.therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER W MUM AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This the day of �9- Notary Public in and for Nueces County, Texas THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES BEFORE ME, The undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared William S. Whittet known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged tome that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein. expressed. GIVEN UNDER NY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This the day of 19 Notary Public in and for Nueces County, Texas THE START: OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES �( BEFORE NE, The undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GWEN UNDER NY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This the day of 19 Notary Public in and for Nueces County, Texas -5- OUNT s 45,000.00 I ' ® WOO TX 0MRS TITLE HU MRRnTY C® PHY DRURS,TURS A CORPORATION ORGANIZED UNDER THE INSURANCE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS jTj, erein culleit (lZampang, for value Does hereby guarantee to CORPUS CHRISTI INVESTMENTS, INC., a Texas Corporation, herein styled assured, the heirs, devisees, executors and administrators of the assured, or if a corporation, its suc- cessors byy dissolution, merger or consolidation, that as of the date hereof, the assured has good and indefeasible title to the foliovring described real property: Situated in the County of Nueces, State of Texas, and being all of Lots Nos. One (1), Two (2), and Twelve (12), and the South ten feet (S. 109) of Lot No. Eleven (11), Block No. Ninety -one (91), BEACH PORTION of the City of Corpus Christi, Nueces County, Texas, according to the map or plat of said city recorded in Volume "A ", page 3, Map Records, Nueces County, Texas. BEING the same property conveyed by EVELYN McMILLON, a feme sole, to CORPUS CHRISTI INVESTMENTS, INC., a Texas Corporation, by Warranty Deed dated March 31, 1967, filed for record in the office of the County Clerk of Nueces County, Texas on April 71 1967 under Clerk's File No. 733328. Subject to: 1. Following liens: Vendor's Lien retained in Warranty Deed dated March 31, 1967, executed by EVELYN McMILLON, a feme sole, to CORPUS CHRISTI INVESTMENTS, INC., a Texas Corporation, securing the payment of a Note of even date therewith in the principal amount of $35,000.00 payable to EVELYN McMILLON, and being addi- tionally secured by Deed of Trust of even date therewith to C. EDWIN PRICHARD, JR., Trustee; said Warranty Deed and Deed of Trust filed for record in the office of the County Clerk of Nueces County, Texas on April 7, 1967 under Clerk's File Nos. 733328 and 733329, respectively. 2. Restrictive covenants affecting the property above described. None of record. }MTnCk J}K')HiiRC$,+rVY��ivr 'arc- .rim'xlTeaSYiftR}A(} Sri-. t11G' TtlS.S[ jCTRYS .1'iRLen","Vf31t}-10C1'18"N ( r�- HN} WbYPI ?l�Min'A= i�leii- u�•h�`eVT@t'� tltYC'g�'.dSlefyl'dt9� 4. TRxe3 for the year 10 67 and subsequent years. 5. Rights of parties in possession. 6. Provisions of any city zoning or regulatory ordinances. s) Item 03 is hereby deleted by virtue of the acceptability of survey dated March 14, 1967, prepared by Urban Engineering, subject, how- ever, to protrusion of improvements across property line into Brewster Street. IT T E-)04 "A IE-)04 I I (3 Preis: 6193.00 rP- 97,708 Survey Deletion 28.95. ' f Total' rnr.* ONT $30,000.00 C9 5615 0 TX DALLAS TITLE RnD GURRRnTY commy DRUBJEMS A CORPORATION ORGANIZED UNDER THE INSURANCE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS 34¢tVitt CZ119b the Q.Iatn="LTT, for 17411tedoes hereby guarantee to the party or parties named below, herein styled assured, the heirs, devisees, executors and administrators of the assured, or if a cor�oration,Its successors by disso- lution, merger or consolidation, that as of the date hereof, the assured has good and indefeasible title to the following described land: Situated in the County of fteces State of Texas, and being all of Lot No.. Ton (10) and the North „ forty feet (%R,401) of Lot No. Eleven (11), Block No. Ninety -one (91),. BRACH PORTION of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, as shown by map of said City, recorded in Volume "A "., page 3, Hap Records, ,T% ECLS COUM, TEXAS. BLUM the same property conveyed by K. ETM SATE.R, a feme sole, to BJQ= OF COP24CRCE, TRUSTEE, by War- ranty Deed dated February 11, 1969, filed for record in the County Clerk's office of Busces County, Texas .on February 17, 1969 under Clerk's File No. 783191. Name of the Assured: BANK OF CO191ERCE, TRUSTEE. This policy is subject to the General Conditions and Stipulations on the back hereof and to the following matters t which are exceptions from the coverage of this policy: - - I. The following lien (s) and all terms, provisions and conditions of We instrument (s) creating or evidencing said lien (a): (A) Vendor's Lien retained in Warranty Deed dated February 21, 1964, from Ralph W. icing (also known as Ralph Xing) rind wife Gladys King, to Leon Odle Karr and wife, Nariwl a *arr, recorded in Vol. 1032, page 626, Deed Records, Nueces County, Texas, securing the payment of a Note of even date thermdth in the principal amount of ' 313,600.00 payable to Corpus Christi Savings and Loan Association, and ;:•'.� being additionally secured by Deed of Trust of even date therewith to 0. 0. Xnippa, Trustee, recorded in Vol. 696, page 89, Deed of Trust Records, Nueces County, Texas. 1 (8) Vendor's Lien retained in Warranty Deed dated February 11, 1969, from M. Ethel Rates, a feme sole, to Bank of Cowmerce, Trus- tee, securing the payment of a note of even date therewith in the principal amount of $24,344.82 payable to M. Ethel Sates, and being 9'. additionally secured by Deed of Trust of even date therewith to B. C. :`.`i Mitchell, Trustee; said Warranty Deed and Deed of Trust filed for, f¢ record in the County Clark's office of Nueces County, (SEE bellow °) t 2. Restrictive covenants affeethsg' the land described or referred to above. (None of record) - : - s 9. All taxes for the year 1969 and subsequent years. '5. Rights of parties in possession. { ( *)Texas on February 17, 1969 under Clark08 Pile Numbers 783191 and y 783192, respectively. 1 (00)Item 03 is hereby deleted by virtue of the acceptability of survey dated July ie, 1967 and by re- survey dated February 18, 1969 (mazked 1 "no changes "), prepared by Eugene C. Urban, License Number 1230, of Urban Engineering, subject, however, to protrusion of concrete walk over property line on North side of property, and subject to the protrusion of the building across the property line on the West side of the property. ` Oiedetoin p any shall not be liable in a greater amount than the artual moneta'y lnss of assured, end in no _ve company be liable for more tha•1 THIRTY THOUSAND and N0 /100- --== -- - -- --------($30,000.00) Upllors, and shall, except as hereinafter statad, at its own cost defend said assured in even suit or proceeding on any alarm against or right to said land, or any part thereof, adverse to the title as hereby guaranteed, but the company shall not be required to defend against any claims based upon matters in any manner excepted or excluded under this policy by the foregoing exceptions or by the General Conditions - and Stipulations hereof. The party or parties entitled to such defense shall within a reasonable time after the commence- ment of such suit or proceeding and in ample time for defense therein, give the Company written notice of the pendency of the suit or proceeding, and authority to defend, and the Company shall not he liable until such adverse interest• claim, or right shall have been held valid by a court of last resort to which either litigant may apply, and if such adverse interest, claim, or right so established shall be for less than the whole of the land, then the liability of the Company shall be only such part of the whole liability limited above as shall bear Lire same ratio to the whole liability that the adverse Interest, claim, or right established may bear to the whole land, such ratio to he based on respective values determinable as of the date of this policy. In the absence of notice as aforesaid, the Company is relieved from all liability with respect to any such interest, claim or right: provided, however, that failure to notify shall not prejudice the rights of the assured If such assured shall not be a party to such action or proceeding, nor be served with process therein, nor have any knowledge thereof, nor in any case, unless the Company shall be actually prejudiced by such failure. Upon sale of the land this policy automatically thereupon shall in-come a warrantors policy and the assured, the heirs, devisees, executors and administrators, of such assured, or if a corporation, its successors by dissolution, merger or consolidation, shall for a period of twenty -five years from date hereof remain fully protected according to the terms hereof, by reason of the payment of any loss he, they or it may sustain on account of any warranty of title contained in the deed executed by assured conveying said land. The Company shall be liable under said warranty only by reason of defects, liens or encumbrances existing prior to or at the date hereof and not excluded either by the foregoing excep- tions or by the General Conditions and Stipulations hereof, such liability not to exceed the amount of this policy. In Witness Whereof, Dallas Title and Guaranty Company has caused these presents to he signed by its duly author- ized officers In facsimile with its corporate seal hereto affixed to become effective as its original signature and seal and binding on this company as of the day and date countersigned by its duly authorized officer or resident agent. DDUpS une NDD GUDDDDw cDmmy ,.a U qqy i * : p Frrsidenl Vs a Attest: O ., T e t F�.••• � Senior Vice-President, Secretary & Treasurer Cmndersigaed and validated as of. -- Fe d - t- -- -796g• r•.,,,n M-11 2aM 11678 Autharized Siguature rc t OFFICERS OF " D R LLR S TITLE ='�•�' ' + +, DALLAS TITLE AND GUARANTY COMPANY � ,R B. HIM MAJORS Chai"nan of the Board CoTIUCUM ® Q R D D G U R U T �rt i 1 A 8 Vice Chairanan of the Board - r r¢ DRAs McKEE enat President 0 fii P R Cl RviN W. Treat. .0 Vice President, Sec • .. L •`;, •� JACK MCAMNCFi Vice President - r.¢•,_ i� -:.�; C ` \if 6f,L,gq {v_- .. "i5 GEORGE W. JAMES - ' Vice President T. D. STARNES, JR Vice President &Title Officer CL's �a' -rr•'. - zrr•� t S� DL F. BRODERICK !;� }l : Fnka �•� . ' Vice President & Title Officer • .5. °! TEsoRA (TEsS) GOAD e.,li` {. ;t DRLLHS,TEXflS Assistant Title Officer ,T - �r Assistant Secretary EVELYN AurHFI?PORD '�`_i''r. y Assistant Secretary -• . e RALPH $HINN Assistant Title Officer 6 'iBL;• '- ,: "'ti Assistant Secretary DIRECTORS OF DALLAS TITLE AND GUARANTY COMPANY f t {I q }� R• <cv� H. K ALLEN , ^- LLOYDS. BOWLES - <<';:� W. W. CARUTH JR. "'•' CLIFTON W. CASSIDY. �:• "::• - "� ` "'" W. H. COTHRUM rz STEWART W. DEVORH �;,_'. .. - i; ,i•M ' ix M. A. GENARO jOSEPH L HIGGINBOTHAM S 1•.. i �`-' •. HUB HILL - - 'WM. M LINGO, JR. P K LUTKEN, JR. - : DRAKE HIM MC B. H[ MAjORoR S OWNER'S NORMAN S. MORE ...�.- ifr'?�..: POLICY J ULTON MURRAY. -. •�� THOS. C. UNIs kK, '';.•,.,%P,f ;.rA , HENRY WADE JOEL T. WILLIAMS A. B. WRIGHT, SR _ �. �.,..+..: Y . zez.i,(.�c•i:'., ..,, r x:�{:F�?;4 .rtO �i.f' � .�:,,. :v v. rid +.Sik: _ •.s£t���s,,•,. •,.:S.i .4 _..- ...••, '•r5' 1i� L r; \''•>`:, i r } .4.•.v .'s 1. �iL- •.aF`� -� .se....... u°jil�3 ih :1�.i,../ J_L_�.IN i...:.. -. .�IveriH,B ?,.: -1 •.1,.,- FS -. .t.- _- Said Company shall not be liable inOr�en7rtYr F=u than 0U9AND monetary andl NO /100( $45 000-00) �� Company be liable for more than and shall, at its own cogt, defend said assured in ✓'very salt or proceeding on any claim against or 'right to said Ian any part thereof, adverse to the title hereby guaranteed, provided the party or parties entitled to such defense qrve within a reasonable time after the commencement of such suitor procn�l n¢ thority to defend, and dsaid Company shall said Company written notice of the pendency of the suit or proceeding, not be liable until such adverse n iinterest, claim or right shill have been so established shall bar for fless than the wholeiof either litigant may apply, bear the same rat then io t tlneh wholes lin6il ty that the adverse inte esty cln mp or right establishedln ay bear t above he whole llprop - erty, such ratio t be based on respective values determinable as of the date of this policy. In the absence of notice as aforesaid, the Company is relieved from all liability with respect to such claim or demand; provided, however, that failure 1: , notifbeshall n t prejudice process a claim no • huvee any ekno knowledge thereof, nor no any case, tunlesssthe Company shall be actually prejudiced by such failure. Upon payment of any loss hereunder, the Company shall be entitled to be subrogated to all rights of assure against all other parties. Upon sale of the property covered hereby, this policy automatically thereupon shall become a warrantor's policy shall main fully Protectedhac ordngutithe terms hereof by,reasonfof ilia paymenttof anyf loss yhe or they may sustain on account of any warranty contained in the deed executed by assured conveying said property. The Company a be liable under said warranty only by reason of defects, liens or encumbrances existing prior t or at the date hereof (and not excepted above) such liability not t exceed the amount above written. Nothing contained in this policy shall be construed as insuring against loss a damage by reason of fraud i n the trustof the assured; or by reason suffered arisen grader a the assured of the assured; or under any act, thing, or In Witness Whereof, Dallas Title and Guaranty Company has caused these presents t be signed by its duly au- thaod bivdingcon this company i es of the y at d dates cuu ersigned by its is duly authorized iofficerr or resident nt agent. sal RRLLRS TITLE ROD GURRRRT4�COMPRRR .�i `�',4'OP��itAS• :T%' President I it O Attest: t •.��' Vice- Prosideny Secretary Fr Trear¢crer Countersigned and validated as of Anr31 rpy TITLE C8 Oy�+ANY .per EIISOII — Avelho•ized Signature rC j Form 1- 16M -7 -66 • • CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS CERTIFICATION OF FUNDS (City Charter Article IV Section 21) November 25, 1974 I certify to the City Council that $ 169,700.00 , the amount required for the contract, agreement, obligation or expenditures contemplated in the above and foregoing ordinance is in the Treasury of the City of Corpus Christi to the credit of: Fund No. and Name 123 General Revenue Sharing Fund Project No. Activity 4181, Code 501 Project Name Bayfront Science Park Area Expansion Project from which it is proposed to be drawn, and such money is not appropriated for any other purpose. J7 o`Zs� , 19- -t of Director of F ce FIN 2 -55 Revised 7/31/69 • That the foregoing ordinance was read for the first time and passed to its second reading on this the 7*Vday of 2&g=rG: 19 by the following vote: Jason Luby James T. Acuff Rev. Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Ricardo Gonzalez Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark That the foregoing ordinance, was read for the second time and passed to its third reading on this the ALday of _ �, 19 :?;a by the following vote: Jason Luby ,Tames T. Acuff Rev. Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Li Ricardo Gonzales Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark That the fore o ng ordinance was read for the third time and passed finally on this the day of 19, by the following vote: Jason Luby James T. Acuff Rev. Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Ricardo Gonzales Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark PASSED AND APPROVED, this the ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED: DAY OFJ�W '✓19 MMc„ ASSfity Attorney MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS anmN "'BY December 18 1974 w oa TO: CITY SECRETARY AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: JASON LUBY, MAYOR SUBJECT: THIRD AND FINAL READING OF ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF PARCELS 7 AND 14, BLOCK 91, BAYFRONT SCIENCE PARK EXTENSION. My feelings as regards the purchase of ANY LAND in the BAYFRONT SCIENCE PARK EXTENSION is well known for I have repeatedly opposed the purchase of any land in the area. With the purchase of the land in Block 91, approximately ONE MILLION DOLLARS in revenue sharing monies will have been expended to purchase land in an area included in Proposition 2 of the December 9, 1972 election which was defeated in said election. Texas law in 1972 provided that only those who owned and rendered property were entitled to vote in tax supported bond issues. That is still the law and will remain so unless and until changed by the U. S. Supreme Court. Attached hereto is a map showing purchases made in the Boyfront Science Park Extension area to date and with Parcels 7 and 14 in Block 91 outlined and cross hatched. In the entire area encompassing more than TEN BLOCKS, the only area that might be deemed as requisite to approved building plans for the immediate future is Block 91 which is now being acquired after long delay and at a considerable increase in cost. More than ONE MILLION DOLLARS in revenue sharing will have been spent for land disapproved by the voters in the December 9, 1972, Bond Election, using REVENUE SHARING MONIES THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN USED FOR OTHER APPROVED PROJECTS. Had this money been used to supplement the amounts provided by the bond issue, for drainage and other improvements required because of the increase in cost of such projects, construction could have proceeded as originally planned and the wishes of the voters of the City accomplished. It, therefore, seems to me that the members of the City Council are not responsive to the will of the qualified voters of the City of Corpus, that they are, in fact, defying the will of such voters and acting in a manner evidencing poor judgment. Third and Final Reading of Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Parcels 7 and 14, Block 91, Bayfront Science Park Extensions December 18, 1974 Page 2 Because of all of the above, I wish to vote "NAY" to the proposed purchase of Parcels 7 and 14, Block 91, Bayfront Science Park Extension, I will refrain from signing said Ordinance when it is presented to me for signature, JASON LUBY Mayor It i A Hj,%ptknn AL r � Ct) iNl llortio"E 13LYI ej, o",