HomeMy WebLinkAbout12474 ORD - 02/12/1975MLM:jkh:hb:2 /11 /75:lst AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT, MODIFYING AN EXISTING CETA TITLE I CONTRACT WITH TEXAS EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION, INCREASING THE FUNDS TO $715,658, AS MORE FOLLY OUTLINED AND SET FORTH IN THE PROPOSAL, A COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERE- TO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARRED EXHIBIT "A ", AND TO EXECUTE ALL RELATED DOCUMENTS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute a contract modifying an existing CETA Title I contract with Texas Employment Commission, increasing the funds to $715,658, as more fully outlined and set forth in the proposal, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A ", and to execute all related documents to Implement the project aforesaid. SECTION 2. The necessity to authorize the aforesaid contract modification in order that the expanded project may be commenced at the earliest practicable date creates a public emergency and an Imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its intro- duction and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor, having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED this the ay of February, 1975. APPROVED: Of DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1975: City Arty µCS , y MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 12474 CONTRACT SIGNATURE SHEET Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium Texas Employment Commission 302 S. Shoreline T.E.C. Building Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Austin, Texas 78778 This is a modification to an existing CETA, Title I, contract, previously entered into by the Program Agent, hereinafter referred to as Grantor and Texas Emoloyment Commission hereinafter referred to as Contractor. All terms of the original contract not modified herein remain in effect. The Contractor agrees to operate a Comprehensive Employment and Training Program in accordaaca with the provisions of this agreemeut. This contract consists of 133 pages, _ including this page :and such other provisions and documents as are,described-on the following page, entitled Modification Sheet. The Contractor hereby agrees that he has read this modification to the original contract., and will abide by all terms specified herein and also certifies that the information in this modification is correct to the best of its knowledge and belief and the filing of this modification has been fully authorized. A. OBLIGATION This action increases the Federal obligation for this contract by $ 230,95a to (new level) $ 715,658 B.. CONTRACT PERIOD The total Federal cost of the CETA, Title I, contract is $__L15,658 This cost covers the period (date) from July 1, 1974 to June 30. 1975 APPROVED FOR THE CONTRACTOR DAY OF , 1975 BY Signature and Title ATTEST: APPROVED: City Secretary DAY OE ,1975 City Attorney APPROVED FOR THE GRANTOR DAY OF 1975 BY R. Marvin Townsend City Manager Corpus Christi, Texas APPROVED: Director of Finance MODIFICATION SIZE" Grant No. 156 -8300' Modification No. 1 General Intent To modify the basic contract by: 1. Increasing the number of participants to be enrolled in training. 2. Increasing funds obligated by an amount necessary to cover additional costs of enrollment in training. 3. Adjusting the hourly rate of allowance and incentive payments to participants. Modification _ .1. Page 3, Project Operating Plan, -Modification No. 1, replaces F: page 4 of the basic contract. 2. Page 4, Program Narrative Description, Modification No, 1, replaces page 5 of the basic contract. 3. Pages 5 and 6, Functions and Responsibilities "in Support, Modification No. 1, replaces pages 6 and 7a of the basic contract. 4. Page 7, Del Mar College, Modification No. 1, replaces page 8 of the basic contract. 5. Page 8, Bee County College, Modification No.l, replaces page 9 of the basic contract. = 6. Pages 9 through 13, Project Component Budget, Modification No. 1, replaces pages 10 through 14 of the basic contract. Page 2 `a. CRA,eyEG•! NAME. ANO AOUWb'!9 - ; '; . :.'. blsatsaw+a AdakW$s$aa� fi1tJlCi'1" 1Yt1amj= CEETA PROJECT OPERATING PLAN _ .. � F W91i= CobH�Lmoff c. PROGRAM, VEAR COVERED BY THIS GRANT d. TYPE OF PROGRAM' T.S.G. B,D,,ji,�.L tMoM7t. Uey Yar) 15 1 -TLLN 1 ❑ 2- Vill. R �D�I,,i�GO Ai��, :I:YrWI 7�/ t8 From- 7 -1 -74 To; 6 +30+7 O 3.0lh- spref/g ^• v PROGRAM YEA14TO•DATE PLAN 9/30 12/31 3/31 e/3O 1.' ENROLLMENT AND TERMINATION SUMMARY let (b) (c) dal • A. TOTAL INDIVIDUALS TO BE SERVED (Sum of A.1 end A.3) 12 2 2 129 2 290 1. Indlvtauats Entering Thin Program Year• 2. tndlviduats Carrlsd Ore From pt"4-S program Year 3i• 3 5 175 PROGRAM YEAR Own I B.1 lhro "It 13.3I a. TOTAL. tNolvicK S To BE TERMINATED DURMIG 1. Total Entarin9 Emptoymant 50 70 + 0 3 a. Olraet Placements. No CETA Tra1M;g Or Emoloymm" 0 • p. Indirect Placements FoPOwing CETATratnIng /EMPlo nund -i4 e. salt Placement 3 3 3 2 3 2. Otter Posture TeminatlPns 10 11 3. Non- POSttha Twmina2lonL TO an EN;aOLLEO AT THE Eric OF EACH QUARTER (A ml+va a) 60 121 115 C. M tNDlViOUALS wawvED 11. PLANNED ENROLLMENTS IN PROORAM ACTIVITIES Enter b0ow (a) The number of IndlvWmass to be weed In eacD prOgrem actolty cumugtiwly through at Ne emt of aacb quota; ad IndNldwt the program year: (b) 1Ta number of twdlakltY who Is cpnwrragilg enreiNd In moro than ptannw to Da efrratled In each Program aawity r { ! nt h a tlrl In whl h h r she h 8nr ll 9/30 12131 3131 8/30 sal Currently Total Currewtly Total cwrentlr Total culeew PROGRAM ACTIVITY Served EwroDed solved Enrolled swved Emollad Sewed Ewr46114 (e) D1 le) bl h) lb) a) to) D 129 2 121 2 11 A. Ctafvoo Trlhf• PNme SPOnspr ln 9 B. Ctasvoein Trng.. Noe. Ed. C. On- thwlob Tratnkg man La• Public S—le. Empbyl E, work E.parlenes F. Omer Actleld" to SUMMARY FINANCIAL KAN (S In Thottewd) IV. CUMULATIVE. PROJECTIONS BY QUARTER OF 9/30 FINANCIAL 12/31 PLAN IS In 3131 ThogaswdY 6131 A Total CETA funds available during (a) tb (c1 (d1 tnl$ Program year (3a.w of A.I and A.21- 15658 7 , 1. Funds "sled In I— Prevteuf _0_ A. wlma tpmf$or ObI10110041 2o,612 -93,554 622,105 715:E program year or other grant$ B• at "y=too F . Fundhn �dl Pw o/ 8. 1 llstlI 20,612 93,554 622,io5 715,E 2. New 715,65&- threlrail 8.s1 1. Clastreom Trng•• Prlme SPO"Of 20 12 622'-1p B. Total WO }acted e.peWlewe, for Ina. Program yr. is— of &I a-JLe 715,658 a. Ondha -lab Training -11- -U+ -U- 1. AdminlWfatt' 35 7 3. Public s-.ic. Employ -1: z. All —anee, 510,1 9 w 4. week E.PeI«.ee 3. w3gM -D+ =`+ s. servieas to Client$ - - - - - 4. Fringe 8$nefit$ 9,3 :+: _ G. Other Activitla► -»w.a _ - -O- - - -0- -0- -0 -. � - -( Y. Training 101, 7 ,:1^ C. Pre}.etaa ar.peMltwe$ few Vol, Fat. to SP.dal Grants to Govenor 6. services 5 , 597 C. Totai CETA tunes to be carfled D. P,olectad ewps'nditu. nor non•Fad. tuba -0- -0+ -O+ _( inlo ne.t giant preg,am year /a minus 81 E. OOw Fad. tandot rot N Roma SPa -ors Orant a• P. GRAND TOTAL ftOWted Expendlturm 20,6 622,105 715,1 and E) 93,554 V. SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS. Indicate lne number of Intllvleuals In each se97rnanl to be $evad cumulalWe {y during the program Y.W. Significant 5ponwl. NgmMt} may be $peclfled by ale Mi�ffi') iittlp m the PIIme P TO PLAN PROGRAM VEAR•TO -DATE SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS 9/30 12133 3/31 1 6/30 SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS (d} {a) (b) (Q A- Un e d to under- 9 12 2 2 0 F. e employed. disadVan - c H. O. L E. V1. OTHER ACTIVITIES (114"ewd 11.6; IV.B.sJ J. A. SIGNATURE 8. DATE SIGNED Indlrat other 'VII/. - Desa)oe t1 M obieetM$ and m11eWPM X.11tat{.a r lowr .h.w a u In a or panel» Page 3 PROGRAM NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION General Statement 1. In support of the plans and agreements consummated for the conduction of institutional training under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 (CETA), the Texas Employment Commission, Del Mar College, and Bee County College agree to deliver manpower services and assistance to economically unemployed and underemployed individuals in the Coastal Bend Manpower Planning Consortium Area. These June services will be provided during the contract year, July 1, In the first ten months of Fiscal Year 1974, applicants applying to the Texas Employment Commission Local Office totaled 32,000 individuals. Of these, 19693 were members of minority groups and 9,862 were classi- fied as disadvantaged. This applicant bank contains a tremendous number of individuals who are in need of skilled training. The Texas Employment Commission will be responsible for providing the following services during the contract year: intake, testing, employ- ability assessment and counseling, selection and referral to training, payment of allowances, job development, placement, and follow -up on all CETA participants. 2. The Texas Employment Commission will conduct training needs surveys if required to determine the need for training in various occupations. Upon completion of these surveys, thorough analysis will be made to insure that a need for training exists. If it is determined that the particular occupation surveyed is a shortage occupation, we will then prepare a pro- posal for training which will be submitted in accordance with existing agreements and procedures. Occupations presently being considered for training are as follows: accounting clerk, air conditioning - refrigeration mechanic, auto body repairman, auto mechanic, cashier checker, clerk gen- eral, clerk typist, computer operator, cosmetologist, dental assistant, draftsman, key punch operator, micro -logie assembler, nurse aid, tnurse ees licensed practical, radio and television and stenographer. Vill be administered the Basic Occupational Literacy Test (BOLT) or other tests as needed to verify that the trainees meet the minimum criteria established far specific training courses. These are siandardiied tests which are recognized by the Equal Employment Opp will be administered as set forth in the goals and objectives of the prime sponsor. 3. The regular services of the Texas Employment Commission as provided under the Wagner - Peyser Act will be provided without cost to the sponsor. All of the services peculiar to and in support of the manpower services required by the sponsor will be funded by the sponsor as specified in the Texas Employment Commission budget included herein. Page 4 FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN SUPPORT A. Intake Includes the receiving of individuals or groups of applicants recruit- ed by or for the CETA Sponsor or subcontractor, for manpower services under CETA. Interviewing, application preparation, renewal of appli- cations, routing of applicants will also be accomplished for persons identified as being potentially eligible and in need of manpower services under CETA. The intake function will serve approximately 1000 individuals during the contract year. B. Counseling This function w4mll be provided for applicants identified as potential CETA applicants referred for this service. In depth interviewing, identification of problems hindering employment, development of employ- ability plans, scheduling of tests, interpretation of test results and initial selection for specific skill training will be accomplished. Counseling will be conducted throughout the training period to resolve problems and ensure successful completion of training. C. Referral to Training Trainees will be received from the counselor who has made the initial selection for training in a specific occupation. Final determination will be accomplished on an individual basis using eligibility criteria established for each training class. Enrollment forms and allowance entitlement forms will be completed and processed in accordance with existing agreements and procedures. Individual trainee files will be established and maintained throughout the period of training and such follow -up period as required. Maintain coordination and communication with the training facility to review and resolve payment problems as necessary. Conduct follow -up on trainees who complete training as re- quired under CETA. D. How Allowances Will be Paid Allowances will be paid weekly using a computer assisted program in the State Office of the Texas Employment Commission. Trainees will file requests for allowances on Friday of the training week. These requests will be reviewed, and input to the computer the following Wednesday. The computer issues checks and stores information of amounts expended. In this connection, a separate cost account center will be established for this program, and periodic reports will be available. This payment program includes a check of unemployment compensation and a method for collection of overpayments. Page 5 Orderly payment of allowances to qualified participants will be arranged, by the subcontractor. In compliance with the prime sponsors wishes, basic allowances will be paid to enrollees at the rate of $ 2.10 per hour. These allowances will be increased by $ 5.00 a week for each dependent over two up to a maximum of four additional dependents for a maximum basic allowance increase of $ 20.00 per week for six or more dependents. As specified in the Technical Assistance Guide — Payment of Training Allowances and Expenses, allowances for meals, travel, transportation, subsistence, etc. will be paid to participants. In accordance with CETA provisions, incentive allowances will be computed at the rate of $ .75 per classroom hour attended for persons receiving public assistance or who are in institutions. Incentive allowances are in lieu of training allowances and shall be disregarded when determining the amount of public assistance payments individuals are entitled to. The payment system will include, but not necessarily be limited to the following prov- °Sion: 1. The process of determining entitlement and computation of amounts to be paid will start with the selection and referral officer at the local level who will complete entitlement forms. The State Office Ppy Unit will check these forms for completeness and accuracy. 2. It is anticipated that payment requests will be received in the State Office Pay Unit on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Wednesdays for the pay period which ended the previous Friday. All requests will be processed the same day they are received and checks will be mailed the following day. 3. Checks will be mailed directly to the participants according to the schedule mentioned above. 4. An accurate record of all payments made will be maintained and necess*r7 statistical and fiscal data will be accumulated. 5: An adequate system will be established to detect and collect overpayments, prevent duplicate or unauthorized payments and to establish proper liaison with the Welfare Department to verify public assistance payments. E. Placement Extensive job development will be conducted for each trainee as they reach the point of employability in the training program. Various employers will be contacted on behalf of trainees in an endeavor to secure training related employment for each trainee who completes training. This function is in addition to the regular Job Sank Placement service provided by the Texas Employment Commission. Page 6 DEL MAR COLLEGE CLASS TRAINING NO. OF TYPES OF NO. OF TRAINING TRAINEE TRAINEES TRAINING WEEKS COST ALLOWANCES 20 Stenographer 32 $ 10,225 $ 57,600 20 Clerical 32 9,580 57,600 40 Cashier Checker 6 3,520 21,600 40 Nurse Aid 5 2,530 18,000 6o M gro -Logic Assembler 15 10,550 68,268 15 Stenographer(HIALCO) 52 28,770 56,940 195 TOTAL $ 65,175 $ 280,008 INDIVIDUAL RKMtRAL NO. OF TYPES OF NO. OF TRAINING TRAINEE TRAINEES TRAINING WEEKS COST ALLOWANCES 27 Various- Various $ 10,996 $ 106,838 Individual Referral TOTAL $ 10,996 $ 106,838 SUB -TOTAL 76,171 386,846 TRAINEE INSURANCE 7,543 DEL MAR COLLEGE GRAND TOTAL $ 94,710 $ 493,684 Page 7 ' - BEE COUNTY COLLEGE NO. OF TYPES OF NO. OF TRAINING TRAINEE TRAINEES TRAINING WEEKS COST ALLOWANCES 61 Various- Various $ 25,503 $ 122,608 Individual Referral Trainee Insurance 2,260 BEE COUNTY COLLEGE GRAND TOTAL $ 27,763 $ 122,608 Page 8 - : 0 PROJECT COMPONENT BODGET X TITLE I TITLE II TITLE III NAME OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBGRANTEE: Texas Employment Commission FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY: Skill Training 41 AMOUNT (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS: $ 35,874 (2) WAGES: N/A (3) TRAINING: 101,674 (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: 9,344 (5) ALLOWANCES: 510,169 (6) SERVICES: 58,597 TOTAL AMOUNT: $ 715,658 Page 9 , -- ,,u BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS j1) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS v. OTHER: Computerized Payment of Allowances to trainees 15,003 w. OTHER: (Specify) N/A x. OTHER: (Specify) N/A * Also includes personnel management, SUB -TOTAL 35,874 central office management, supervision and technical support. Page 10 _ AMOUNT a. STAFF COSTS: NIA b. FRINGE BENEFITS: N/A c. CONSUMABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: 720 *d. PROGRAM EVALUATION: Computerized Progress and Activity Reports 3,000 *e. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: Computerized Cost Accounting and Reporting 5,296 f. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: N/A g. STAB MANPOWER SERVICES COUNCIL: NIA h. PRIME SPONSOR PLANNING COUNCIL: NIA i. TRAVEL: 14,650 miles at 12¢ per mile 1,758 J. RENT: 1000 sq. ft. at 36¢ per foot per month 4,320 k. UTILITIES: 650 1. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: NIA m. INDIRECT COSTS: N/A n. STAFF TRAINING: N/A o. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: N/A p. EQUmmn: Office Machine Repair 50 q. MATERIAL: N/A r. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: N A s. PUBLICATIONS _N/A t. AUDIT SERVICES: 4,725 u. OTHER: Communications 352 v. OTHER: Computerized Payment of Allowances to trainees 15,003 w. OTHER: (Specify) N/A x. OTHER: (Specify) N/A * Also includes personnel management, SUB -TOTAL 35,874 central office management, supervision and technical support. Page 10 _ BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGET A14OUNT (2) WAGES• a. On- Job - Training: N/A b. Transitional Subsidized Employment: N/A c. Other: (Specify) NIA d. Other: (Specify) NIA (3) TRAINING: a. Salaries: NIA b. Fringe Benefits: N/A c. Tuitions: Includes required fees, 101,674 books, and uniforms. d. Entrance Fees: NIA e. Books: N/A f. Teacher's Aids: N A g. Other: (Specify) N/A h. Other: (Specify) N A SUB -TOTAL $ 101,674 page 11 " _> i BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS AMOUNT (4) FRINGE BENEFITS• a. Annual Leave: 1_3/A b. Sick Leave: NSA c. Court Leave: N/A d. Military Leave: PI e. _ FICA: N/A f. Life Insurance: N/A - g. Health Insurance: N/A h. Unemployment Insurance: _N/A i. Workmen's Compensation: 9,344 J. Retirement Benefits: N�p k. Other: (Specify-) N/A 1. Other: (Specify) N�A SUB -TOTAL 9.344 (5) ALLOWANCES: SUB -TOTAL L212,162_ Page 12 . Zo BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS SUB -TOTAL 58,597 GRAND TOTAL $ 715,658 Page 13 r i AMOUNT (6) SERVICES TO CLIENTS: a. Child Care: N/A b. Health Care: N/A c. Medical Services: N/A d. Residential Support: N/A e. Assistance in Securing Bonds: 200 P. Family Planning: N/A g. Outreach: N/A h. Intake and Assesmemt: 4,750 i. Orientation: 3,410 J. Counseling: 11,936 k. Job Development: 5.750 1. Job Placementr 15,500 m. Other: Testing 2.068 n. Other: Training Selection and Referral 10,483 o. Other: Follow -up 4,500 SUB -TOTAL 58,597 GRAND TOTAL $ 715,658 Page 13 r i Corpus Christi, Texas day of 19�� TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspen- sion of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordi- nance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter rule was suspended by the following vote: Jason Luby James T. Acuff Rev. Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Ricardo Gonzalez Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark P The above ordinance was passed by the following vote: Jason b by James T. Acuff Rev. Harold T. Branch Thomas V. Gonzales Ricardo Gonzalez Gabe Lozano, Sr. J. Howard Stark v