HomeMy WebLinkAbout12982 ORD - 01/14/1976• JRH:vmr:1- 13- 76;lst • AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT TO THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR A CETA TITLE I GRANT MODIFI- CATION FOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, AS THE ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT OF THE COASTAL BEND MANPOWER CONSORTIUM, PROVIDING FOR AN INCREASE OF $503,952 TO A NEW LEVEL OF $6,639,135, AS MORE FULLY OUT- LINED AND SET FORTH IN THE GRANT MODIFICATION, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARRED EXHIBIT "A"; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL RELATED AND NECES- SARY DOCUMENTS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINIS- TRATION OF THE AFORESAID PROJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to submit to the Department of Labor a CETA Title I Grant Modification for the City of Corpus Christi, as the administrative unit of the Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium, providing for an increase of $503,952 to a new level of $6,639.135, as more fully outlined and set forth in the Grant Modification, a substantial copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A ". SECTION 2. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute all related and necessary documents for the implementation and administration of the aforesaid project. SECTION 3. The necessity to authorize submission of the Grant Modification and to execute such other documents as may be necessary to im- plement and administer the aforesaid project creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the ZJL4da of January, 1976 � 'VV.' y Secre ary MAYOR ` THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS APPROVED: / day of January, 1976 fi► ,t i f -s=-- 12982 City Attorney . U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR • Manpower Administration GRANT NUMBER MODIFICATION NUMBER . GRANT SIC ANRE SHEET 48 -5- 610 -10 9 COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINInG PROGRAM Incentive GRANTOR GRANTEE D. S. DEPARTMENT OF-LABOR Coastal Bend Manpower Consort MANPOWER ADMINISTRATION P. 0. Box 9277 555 GRIFFIN SQUARE BUILDING Corpus Christi,.Texas 78408 .DALLAS, TEXAS 75202 This grant is entered into by the United States of A rl", Department of Labor, Manpower AdIDIDfinis ra[(ToO he after referLed to as Grantor and (Name of Prime Sponsor) l:oas�'a CeA Manpower (:onsortium he relnafter referred to as Grantee. The Grantee agrees to operate a Comprehens lve Employment and Training Program In accordance with the provisions of this agreesmnt, Tnelud- Ing the Comprehensive Manpower Plan and such generel'and special assurances as are Included herein. A. GRANT PERIOD This Grant agreeamt pavers the period (Data) from July 1, 1974 thru September 30-1976. B. OBLIGATION This action AV Increases jj''JJ'' decreases Qdoes rrot cl". the federal obligation far this grant byTthle action) 5 503.952 to (new level) • S A,jt99_Ta5 C. TITLE AND FISCAL YEAR TITLE FISCAL YEAR 19 4 1975 1976 TO TAL TlBaSel 209,982 $2,949,585 $Z841,160 $6 000 727 Incentive 294,958 284,116 579,074 Discretionary 59x334 59,334 TITLE 11 Base Discretionary TITLE III Indiana Migrant Other TITLE VI Base Discretionary TDraL 269016 $3,2444543 $-V25,2761$6,63 . 9,135 D. GRANT ALLOTMENT S 3 906-595 (This Is the announced alloteent welch is subject to oval NbIllty of funs and does not constitute a federal obligation.) un TITLE I ATTACU:•fEtiT No. 3 MODIFICATION SHEET CETA Issuance ro. 124 -75 Grant No. 48-5-610-10 Modification No. 9 To modify the Grant to add the final Title I allocation for FY 1976; to extend the period of the Grant by adding the FY 1976/1977 Transitional quarter (July 1, 1975 - September 30, 1976); the allocation of funds for the transitional quarter; and revise the Comprehensive Manoower Plan to reflect the new allocation and 15 month program year. MODIFICATIM : 1'. The Title I Grant period is extended from June 30, 1976 through September 30, 1976. 2. The FY 1976 and FY 1976/1977 transitional quarter Program consists of the following funds: a. FY 1975 adjusted carry -in fund from previous year (actual) $ 831,825 .b. FY 1976 funds added by previous modifications (the 90% allocation figure) $ 2,621,324 c. FY 1976 Base (regular) funds added (obligated) by this modification $ 219.836 d. FY 1975 Incentive funds added (obligated) by. this modification ' $ 284,116 e. Total FY 1976 funds (obligated) by this. , modification (c + d) $ 503,-952 f. FY 1976/1977 funds (allocated -not obligated) by this modification (lag quarter) $ 710,290 •g. FY 1976/1977 incentive funds (allocated - rot obligated) b;: this modification(lag quarter)$ 71,029 h. Total FY 197611977 Funds (allocated -not 781,319 obligated) (lag quarter) (f + g) $ The FY 1976 and FY 1976/1977 Transitional quarter program consists of actual FY 1975 carry -in funds from previous year plus the FY 1976 and FY 1976/1977 funds. Grand Total (total of a + b + e + h) $ 4,738,420 This Grand Total agrees with the total of Section E, f, Line 7 of the Budget Information Summary. Page 3, Application for Federal Assistance, of this modification supplements Page _, Application for Federal Assistance, in original Grant. Pages 4 and 5 , Ceta Program Planning Summary of this modification replaces Page _4_, program Planning Sun-nary in Modification No. 7 Pages 6 and 7 , CETA Budget Information Summary of this modification replaces Page 5 , Budget Information Summary in tiodification No_ 7 - t Pages N/A and N/A , PSE Occupational SuTrary of this modification (supplements) (replaces PSE Occupational Summary in Modification No. NIA . Pages 8 thru to , Program Narrative Description, of this modification supplement. Progra.-a Iarrative Description in the grant and previous modifications. This modification consists of the following: a. Grant Signature Sheet e. Budget Information Summary b. Modification Sheet f. PSE Occupational Summary c. Application for Federal Assistance g. PSE Program Summary d. Program Planning Suanary h. Program Narrative Description • September 13, 1974 MG 74 -7• Attachment M 3 ti 1. el� APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 20 (NONCONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS) a A �A��N„ 48 -5- 610 -10 PART( 3. F .1 G— A,—, �. A,ylb�rllw Denartamut of Labor Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium OpoJ•rl...l U.b 0.y.MUA DI.Is6. 302 S.'Shoreline, P.O. Box 9277 FlsaAOlsas Adainiatratiosl Ad.L.iswri:. OIIM. S. oA&&-- P.O.a- Area •ration* offies Corpus Christi Nueces 3e A"— _ PAL a- coy C- +r . 555 Griffin Square Building Gruflu & x2m Straat+ Texas 78408 CRT Slw. zlr zip 6d. Da 3. 0.rlyi.. Nr J lM. Pnl.•r - 6 rw" C.M., Rs 7. P.E,cJ P.Jtq R.Y••l••1 17.232 ;503,952 ' B. G. Trr• a.r., c c c'u. l Consortium 9. Tr,.J A„IW,I.rr R..rr li.r C.w, g Cwbr..t.` Seri++.. •Od.r C7.y+(SS -nsl 10. Trr.JA•.l.r... • 4,724 15 months I7. C..,I•.J-J OiwlA 16 eglw "Cw. . 14, 15, and 23 July 1975 14, 15, and 23 u, D.1. d A�Ilrriw le. TI.. er 41— •— RI•.,br ti 11.. bw d M. L..../Jp. -a 6.11.11b'd.61. fM..,,11wMw p...d wI.•y and l6r h. pill •—A, T7r.d .w TI,I. 7.:y4,w, A..h.. R. Marvin Townsend Ci Manager •�•�� i w.c• X884 eir- 512 -3011 200 Fr F.J.r.l U- cwr 3 ti 41 s, o. GRANTEES NAME AND ADDRESS IN U.B. DI'.PARTMI'NT OF LALiOR • Mmpaobr Adminlnmeoo b. GRANT NUMBER Coastal Bend Manpower Conso tiurccrA PROGRAM PLANNING SUMMARY 48 -5- 610 -10 P. 0. Box 9277 ' A E a GRANT YEAR d. TYPE OF PROGRAM Corpus Christi, Texas 7841 Div TM IN Vaa EW x%1/75 9/3076 1. Anna I 1. ❑Tltm nt — GlIt AativRlea to) ➢. 0 Tllle 11 a.0y ltte Vl e) Tout Emaamentt 0 FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE CuNTnnCT HeV ONLY tdl Moo. DATE INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SECTIONS 1, 11, AND III 8eo. I' A (•pate! Emo➢mentq b dw mm of A.1 and A.I. 8 (Patel Tnmbwtmnf) h the tum of 0.1 through @ 5,°�e: w ti t • ➢ 5.3. C 1Plnnnad EnroWneolt) B A mint E. SM. nt EMU b 1W (e) EtwBmntt In meh I—Itum aeLLWq mmdetlwly through tho grant year and In Sne 0 yB ioofla 0 a g� -S a '" ti Y� 'g2 w G d 1111 the number o! parUalpmtr yiarmed m ha —.1 b emh ptogmm ooUvlty nt tho end of eseh f 7 6 1 2 7 �2 6 u MM OD VY u MPar entt wbo ors wtwmaotly OmoEod In mma Own one eathily NoWd be oovnled In veah v(ty (� they ,r, mmEM. Sao. fnt Enter the tumuleLLve tmmbn of pmUdpenta Ia e.h .;meat to b attmEod durbq the grin{ year. PartldpaaU fhwld be counted b u mmy dgn8femlt tagment groups u ere appOeebM. f 0 0 7 7 0 9 b) CanenllV Emtdmd 1 7 9 0 1 0 7 a 0 313217 }a 1 1 D a al Told EmPLLmenG 0 5 7 I, TOTAL IDI PERODI mERNOrs- I P�� LI I n� P._., nlod7nnNU� I Empotemmv�l a Obvet_ IR ILMI�eCI I G onNlnM� f•P.IRNa I f• potalln Iw R.ANNEO IL PLANNED ENROLLMENTS IN PROGRAM ACTIVITIES VEAR -TO -DATE PLAN W. OTHER ACTIVITIES 1Rafomme IIPI Indicate bthu 110,1Um Or spade! br0➢rvm an attach• tmnb. Onmme web obfectim and Lift ndlenom ii; Vr Grob aehldwmem In a Ouatttitauw m mmi" pinanfaUOM ' A E C D 8 F Div TM IN Vaa EW OmNeJeb TmwBG Pub. Smt P.11pbpRll W" Fatovionaa GlIt AativRlea to) a e) Tout Emaamentt 0 0 T k3 tdl b. DATE SIGNED Aunem . un r. • ➢ b) [urrand Enrevetl 0 2!E,h di ad ioofla 5 9 a) 7oW En"Ilman4 1 ➢ 7 you 1 w INNUMi 7 b) Cunantly Gnrmlad 1 2 7 oveterans 1 f al Total o8mantl IL PLANNED ENROLLMENTS IN PROGRAM ACTIVITIES VEAR -TO -DATE PLAN W. OTHER ACTIVITIES 1Rafomme IIPI Indicate bthu 110,1Um Or spade! br0➢rvm an attach• tmnb. Onmme web obfectim and Lift ndlenom ii; Vr Grob aehldwmem In a Ouatttitauw m mmi" pinanfaUOM ' A E C D 8 F dA.9ROOM RWe TM IN Vaa EW OmNeJeb TmwBG Pub. Smt P.11pbpRll W" Fatovionaa GlIt AativRlea to) a e) Tout Emaamentt 0 0 T k3 tdl b. DATE SIGNED Aunem . un r. • ➢ b) [urrand Enrevetl 0 2!E,h di ad 5 9 a) 7oW En"Ilman4 1 ➢ 7 you 1 7 b) Cunantly Gnrmlad 1 2 7 oveterans 1 f al Total o8mantl 0 7 7 0 9 b) CanenllV Emtdmd 0 9 7 D a al Told EmPLLmenG 0 5 7 65 2 J bl CmranuV Enrolled 0 7 777.7711.—.10 '+ III. SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS IV.. SIGNATURE . SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS GRANT VEAR -TO -DATE PLAN SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS GRANT VFAR.TD -DATE PLpN 9130 lap! 9132 0130 0130 1901 3131 6130 la) to) to ld) 1.1 W) k3 tdl b. DATE SIGNED Aunem . un r. I, U e 2!E,h di ad 5 oun erem you 1 oveterans 1 • e]A 7407 JAS.. 1975) • • tA 'N` -~ Peas 2 of 2 a. GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS U3 DOI•ARTbIRNT OP LABOR a Mmpoawr AdvuaWRRon b. GRANT NUMBER Coastal Bend Manpower Consort P. 0. BOX 9277 um CETA PROGRAM PLANNING SUMMARY 48 -5- 610 -10 m GRANT YEAR Te 7FM75 9/30/76 d. TYPE OF PnOGRAM y 1 a TIU. I .. a Tin. 111 ho.ary z. f7 TRm n a. O Till. vl Corpus Christi, Texas 78411 Co O D _ FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY P CLASSROOM Rmo TM VoG ea. Bee. D A INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SECTIONS 1, 11. AND 111 (Tout Emllmeotq R Wo wm of AA and A.i. B (Total TaminetloaQ la Om wm Of e.1 IhMg4 S.S.' 0 (Planned EmellmenU) Is A mt u S. 8m m ERW In Iiaa (a) EamSmanu In each program mfl lg eumvMtNmly 0 ..gh We grant year. sad In line (D) We jml wharp of parDdpanu planned to be aaronN In each prom activity at We and of each yj(y(� 9111rahlah�11wy wpm ollcd. aaUp FBro11ad In man than e1u activity Would he counted le each Sow MI Eater the evmulol(w numhn of prllelpaata In each segment to be emm�cd dw the gran par. ParUelpanls shoo td be counted In a many algn8loant segment groups a are applicable. je a e Q w CONTRACT KEV p Z MOO. DATE MM DD vv �sg s3 6U o 0 7 2 F 1 d g 3 2 o A unem . un • J bl C.—Ity Enrollee a P 3 G emp. a 1 a g 4 e a 7 D 0 11 1 1 1 a You — S 1. ENROLLMENT AND TERMINATION SUMMARY GRANT YEARTOAATS PLAN a! REPORT A. TOT S. TOTAL G PLANNED ENROLL, L C-11- fl. �FR TERMIKA- EmoRle 8 Omar J. Nero 5th. quarter PeR10D MENTS m.nu wRi� 11ONR oylrm en-1• a Ira set t OoYMea Po. U.e Poauw Gid IN PROGRAM I= SIGNIFICANT SE0MENTB GRANT — - I IV. OTHER ACTIVITIES (Refrence 11F1 'IMimm other eeuvlum m ePCely propramt on mach• maOD. Da6riba Wctr ohleatiwa and IM mWamnes tovard Wctr aehlawment In a glwlutauw ar RARII w proantatim. • - A O O D S P CLASSROOM Rmo TM VoG ea. C:0 Pub. ee F7rPlolmnat Want E�vlaoae other A.UIM a spa 2 .) ToW Enroll —u o 0 7 2 61 1 let 2 b. DATE SIGNED A unem . un • J bl C.—Ity Enrollee a P 3 G emp. a Cr. vW S el Total enra8ment. 1 S 7 a You — S bl Cmmntry Emollaa a 7 ? �r1 z rtl G ve erane 2 7 .1 'colas 6nrollmenN o J 7 11. PLANNED ENROLLMENTS IN PROGRAM ACTIVITIES SIGNIFICANT SE0MENTB GRANT YEAR•TO.OATB I IV. OTHER ACTIVITIES (Refrence 11F1 'IMimm other eeuvlum m ePCely propramt on mach• maOD. Da6riba Wctr ohleatiwa and IM mWamnes tovard Wctr aehlawment In a glwlutauw ar RARII w proantatim. • - A O O D S P CLASSROOM Rmo TM VoG ea. On•IheJOb Tealniaz Pub. ee F7rPlolmnat Want E�vlaoae other A.UIM a spa 2 .) ToW Enroll —u o 0 7 2 61 1 let 2 b. DATE SIGNED A unem . un • J bl C.—Ity Enrollee a P 3 G emp. a Cr. vW S el Total enra8ment. 1 S 7 a You — S bl Cmmntry Emollaa a 7 ? �r1 z rtl G ve erane 2 7 .1 'colas 6nrollmenN o J 7 O 5 bl Carrently EmWicd d a 7 D 4 al Total EmoSmmmU 0 a 7 a O) Cun.nuy Enranua 0 a 7 Ai d 7'aw' N's: l i%r'6r4h flu. II J', :.r.., s. alA Y.W lApr. 19751 • 111. SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS Y. a. SIGNATURE SIGNIFICANT SE0MENTB GRANT YEAR•TO.OATB PLAN SIONIMCAINT GRANT VEAR- TO•OATE K-4N p0 9p0 urea spa Spa a) lot la) ldl 1.1 bl let IQ b. DATE SIGNED A unem . un e P G emp. a Cr. vW G un er a You — N isadv. 10 ? �r1 z rtl G ve erane 2 1 • alA Y.W lApr. 19751 • 0% A. GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 U... oee.".1ir,T of "a.. M.P.W. /dm1awrtuPn BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY 8. GRANT NUMBER , 48 -5- 610 -10 C. TYPE OF PROGRAM I. IX Till. 1 3. 0 Title 111 4. 0 TIU. VI 8. 0 Tim II BPeer ).�........�..r........... Wor Quarter Ending)— O. FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY V121122123124124 R FS. 30 •M g, Z� Q Q CONTRACT KEY f MOO: DATE J1"ss ,9 r a a iii 4 n FgFg �Z 6 Z E§ S MM OD VY 11116171=" 1 C.I. 1 2 9 a 3 fi 7 0 a 10 I1 1213 14 1516 17 10 10 20 21 22 23 a4 23 Y6 27 26 YO 0 26 3 3,969,743 2. Total Proleeted Expenditure/ by PWam : 33 1.033.033- >.. a ;• 35 9 2 • E. BUDGET SUMMARY a. Clatroom Training, Prbna Spotilor COST CATEGORIES a. GRANT PRO0 RAM UNCTION OR ACTIVITY _ ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED FUNDS NEW OR REVISED BUOgET I. TOTAL b. ietlagl e. Non•Foearel d. Federal .• Nen- Peder.l ). aarnw,t,.tmn b. On.tho4ah Trailgnp ry ' Bg G a 2 21 ; �; 53 120.700 598,207 f f 2. All —noe. • 96 '' .r. a3 03 62 W3,969,743 3. W 1 238,7 4. Frlrge Ben.nt. d. Work Expedanee b. Trnininq , ;a. 7l 00 748 7. total. G 2 ' YI2s •. 9ervleer le ParuelpaaU nqA 333,969,743 F. CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY PROJECTIONS OF OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES Wor Quarter Ending)— 1 213 V121122123124124 3 213 II 2 2J Y4 II 1 121 J1"ss 21221231941251 3 2 3 i:° 81 a 231241261 VM 11116171=" 1 i fill[ I 1. Prim Sprite, o 3 26 1,033,033 0 ZO 3 2,013,034 Q 20 3 2,969,297 0 26 3 3,969,743 2. Total Proleeted Expenditure/ by PWam : 33 1.033.033- >.. a ;• 35 9 2 35 3.969.743 a. Clatroom Training, Prbna Spotilor ' 4q r�; qq b. On.tho4ah Trailgnp ry ' Bg B 0 g 0 6 ; �; 53 120.700 0, Pebhs BRVIe• Emplepment ? '; 62 - 6 6 - . 61 d. Work Expedanee :. 71 , ;a. 7l 00 748 71 3 2 018 71 1 805 8 •. 9ervleer le ParuelpaaU l 2 3126 78.960 1 a 3 26 5 0 1 9 J 20 1 213 26 369!9H Q 4 O 4 G 4 G 4 f. OIbN Aellvitie. .ti. 35 39 , �! 35 3. Prolacled Expeodins for Vocational E& in speelal =ins aoecrnera ;g a 37,317 r6?` 74,634`j; 111,951 -`� q4 149,269 4. Proleeted E.p.nditure. of Non -Fed. Funds 53 b3 9 s 9J 8. Other Fed. FuMt, Not U Prime 9 on. Grant .^ 61 62 62 - 62 6. Grand Total - Projected Expenditure• a 4± Tt 1,070,350 .ea 71 2.087 668 - 71 3 081 71 4 119 012 MA 0.146 (AM. 1070) L • A. GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS Coastal Bend Manpower Consortitm P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 U.S. cupnRTMENT —,".On Manpe°.r Adminlar,dun BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY B. GRANT NUMBER 48 -5- 610 -10 C. TYPE OF PROGRAM 1. Ta TIUO 1 ]. 0 Tltu 111 4. O Tllte VI 2. O Title It rS all 71 ........... ......._.... —..... l 2 3 II! 2II D. FOR REGIONAL OPFICE USE ONLY 8 1 2 p 36 r 's hQ CONTRACT KEY MOD:DATE 21 21 23124125 1 2 3 is 21 2 2A 241251 MM 1 OD 1 VY. 26 3 O 16 3 1. Prime Sponsor Obligations C . 7-2 ] 4 S 6 7 S 191101111121131141131161 2. Total Projected Exporldtturet bq Program 35 3> 1a 10 20 X 91 2] 24 25 26 27 25 29 35 a. Clamoom Training, Prime Sponsor A 44 2 7 . rk >j • E. BUDGET b. On•WoJob TraWnp SUMMARY COST CATEGORIES A. GRANT PROGRAM FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED FUNDS NEW OR REVISED BUDGET L TOTAL d. Fed..l e. Non•Federal a Federal 6 Non•Fodoul _ 1. Admmtnralten .., : �F � 6 6 . Q a 2 a1 as 715,946 71 715,946 1. Anowanoea 71 t 71 - 35 s f a4 1.482.583 1 a s 1,482 8 3. way,a 4. Fringe BoneRte 3126 1 II 3126 1 2 3 26 O 4 83 41 41 S. Tralnlny 4 62 1 35 4,751,062 6. SerAms -- ;+ 3 7126 1 ," 351 7. Totals l a G 4,751,062 P. CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY PROJECTIONS OF OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES (For 0.1tar Ending) l 2 3 II! 2II II2 II4 8 1 2 3 01 Z9 14 II f 2 3 "it 21 21 23124125 1 2 3 is 21 2 2A 241251 D 26 3 O 16 3 1. Prime Sponsor Obligations G 3 26 4, 751, 062 O 20 3 Q 2. Total Projected Exporldtturet bq Program 35 /; 51 06 -' 3 J'$ 35 - 35 a. Clamoom Training, Prime Sponsor A 44 2 7 . rk >j b. On•WoJob TraWnp ,. 53 ;,:. i` 5 53 e. Pubke Samies Employmonl JA 62 6 6 -- 62 d. Work Experience 71 161 3 B 71 t 71 71 e. Smlees to Pertlelpanu l 2 9 26 1 2 3126 1 II 3126 1 2 3 26 O 4 0 41 41 G 4 1. Other AetiAties ?,: 35 ;+ 35 ," 351 a, " 35 3. Projected Exp,nditlues for Voathaal Ed. In Special Grants to Governor, 192 , 227 g -:' 4. Projected BxpendltH Non•Fed. Fundy o1 r 55 5 g S3 lsF e3 5. Other Fed. Fonds, N' ol b Prima Spom Grant 62 61 .. 62 6, Grand Total • Projected Expendllvre, 71 4 943 289 71 r 71 7l MA 9.143 IAP,. 19731 • .7 0. r 0 STATEMENT OF MANPOWER NEEDS The following are the manpower needs for the Coastal Bend Area for FY 1976: (1.) (a.) Providing skill training for persons with prior experience and /or training in the field of welding: The current need for skilled welders in the Coastal Bend Area is acute. Open- entry, open -exit skill training programs to be offered by Bee County College and Jobs for Progress, Inc. (SER) in conjunction with local industry will positively impact the local unemployment situation while simultaneously alleviating industrial labor shortages. First consideration for participation in this program will be afforded to unemployed, underemployed or economically disadvantaged persons with prior experience and /or training in the field of welding. The semi - skilled participants will, therefore, be upgraded to skilled laborers. (3.) (a.) Providing work experience in conjunction with GED training: There is currently a need for part -time work experience for youth and adults in conjunction with GED training. This type of program will allow participants to obtain their GED while receiving income from a work experience activity. Upon completion of GED training, participants will receive job placement services or be referred to other manpower activities. (31.a.) 8 1 4. Delivery Agents The following is a list of all contractors to the Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium for FY 1976: 1. City of Corpus Christi "Central Administration" 2. Texas Employment Commission "Skill Training" 3. San Patricio Community Action Agency "Rural Job Development" 4. LULAC Educational Service Center "Career Awareness and Exploration Program" 5. City of Corpus Christi 'York Experience Program" 6. Jobs for Progress, Inc. (SER) "Skill and On- the=Job Training" 7. Corpus Christi Independent School District "Youth Services Program" 8. G.I. Forum "Veterans Outreach Program" 9. HIALCO Neighborhood Organization, Inc. "Job Developers Program" A summary of.allocations made as a result of this modification was published for three consecutive days in a newspaper with area -wide distribution. A copy of the article published is contained in this modification. (45a.) 9 • PROGRAM OPERATORS FUNDED UTILIZING FY 1976 BASE FONDS AND FY 1976 INCENTIVE FUNDS ADDED BY THIS MODIFICATION 1. Corpus Christi Work Experience Program - $ 83,500 2. Jobs For Progress, Inc. - SER - 104,830 *3. HIALCO Neighborhood Organization, Inc. - 52,000 4. LULAC Educational Service Center - 6,975 5. San Patricio Community Action Agency - 20,594 6. Texas Employment Commission - 202,483 7. Corpus Christi I.S.D., Youth Services Program - 33,570 TOTAL $503,952 *Indicates new program operator not previously funded by the Consortium. (45b.) 10 t 0 0 CORPUS CMRISTI, TEXAS DAY OF 19-40 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; I, THEREFORE, REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTFULLY, MIAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, S THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE F LI OWING VOTE: JASON LUST OR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOSGULLEY GAME LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE F LLOWING VOTE: JASON LUSY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE