HomeMy WebLinkAbout12994 ORD - 01/21/19760 jkh:1- 20 -76; 1st TEXAS: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT MODIFICATION WITH THE LULAC EDUCATIONAL SERVICE CENTER, INCREASING THE TITLE VI COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ACT CONTRACT BY $1,450 FROM $15,250 TO $16,700, AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE SAID CONTRACT, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL RELATED AND NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO IMPLEMENT THE AFORESAID PROJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute a contract modification with the Lulac Educational Service Center, increasing the Title VI Comprehensive Employment and Training Act contract by $1,450 from $15,250 to $16,700, as more fully set forth in the said contract, a substantial copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. SECTION 2. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute all related and necessary documents to implement the aforesaid project. SECTION 3. The necessity to authorize execution of the contract modification and all related and necessary documents for the purposes afore- said creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the��y of January, 1976. ATTEST: (2""' S�;'54z� Secrete y MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS AP VED: DAY OF JANUARY, 1976: -%&&f e*Vkv City Atto ey �%EC.. ASST— 12994 GRANTOR ( PROGRa`i AGENT) City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 CONTRACT SIGNATURE SHEET i59 -851 MODIFZCAT 0_ . 2 rnwm ArTnu Lulac Educational Service Center 702 Morgan Avenue P..O. Box 3455 Corpus Christi, Texas 78404 This contract is entered into by the Program Agent, hereinafter referred to as Grantor and the jallac L'dura tinnal ,Spry-ire renter hereinafter referred to as Contractor. . The Contractor agrees to operate a Comprehensive Employmeat.and Training Program in accordance with the,provisions of this agreement. This contract consists of this sheet and such general and special assurances as are included herein. (See Page 2) A. OBLIGATION (1) The total estimated Federal cost of the CETA FY(s) 1976 program is $16,7.00 as reflected in Section E, f, Line 7 of the Budget Information Summary. This estimated cost will cover the uerlod July 1, 1975 through June 30, 1976 .(2) Funds obligated by the Program Agent are $ 21,150 These funds cover the period. - March 15, 1975 TO June 30, 1976 B. MODIFICATION (1) This modification Oincreases C] decreases d does not c11ange the funds previously obligated by $ 1,450 to a total obligation of $ 21,150 (2) Description of Modification To incorporate additional funds.for -a cost -of- living salary increase. - .effective January 10 1976. C. TITLE AND FISCAL YEAR The total fiords obligated for this contract by title and fi -scal year are: Fiscal Year Title I Title II Title VI Total 125 $11;550 $11,550 1976 9,600 9,600. TOTAL $21,i90 $21,150 -3 BY t:h �E ACID TITLE I _NAME AND TITLE _ SIGNATURE LM DATE SIGNATURE AND DATE ATTEST: APPROVED: - — .--- .- City Secretary Director of Finance APPROVED: DAY OF , 1975 Jason Luby, Mayor City Attorney _1_ - TITLE VI MODIFICATION SHEET Contract Number: 159 -8518 Modification Number: 2 �"WIWVFA i s To modify the Lulac- Educatidnal Service Center Title VI'contract'to provide for a cost -of- living salary increase effective January 1, 1976. The number of jobs remain the same: MODIFICATION: 1. Page 1, Contract Signature Sheet, of this modification replaces Page 3i Contract Signature Sheet in the original. contract. 2. Page 3, Program Summary, of .this modification replaces Page 4, Program Summary '• in the original contract. 3. Page 4, Occupational Summary, of this modification replaces Page 5, Occupational Summary in the original contract. 4_ Pages 5 and 6, Program Planning Summary and Budget Information Summary of this modification replaces Page 7, Project Operating Plan in the original contract. 5. Page 7, Project Operating Plan Supplement of this modification replaces Page 8, Project Operating Plan Supplement in the original contract. 6. Pages 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, Project Component Budget of. this modification replaces Pages 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, Project Component Budget in the original-contract. -- 7. The original contract program narrative, .assurances and certifications, and special clauses are not changed. 8. This modification consists of the following: a. Contract Signature Sheet e. Budget Information Summary b. Program Summary f. Project Operating Plan Supplement C. Occupational Summary g. Project Component Budget d. Program Planning Summary -2- PSE PROGRAM SUMMARY -3- 10. TOTAL 2. CONTRACT NUMBER 159 -8518 3. TITLE VI ID JOBS 8.N0. OF JOBS 9. FUNDS 2 $16,700 2 1$16,700 - 11. OTHER ACTIVITIES 12. TOTAL 16,700 PSE OCCUPATIONAL SUMMARY 2.• CONTRACTOR '• Lulac Educational Service Center 702 Morgan Avenue P. 0. Box 3455 ' 1. CONTRACT NUMBER 159 -8518 Corpus Christi, Texas 78404 3. OCCUPATIONAL TITLE BY EMPLOYING NUMBER CETA WAGE OMPARABLE MAN MONTHS DIIRATION OF AGENCY OF JOBS RATE WAGE RATE W A B C D E College Place Specialist 1 $7501 $7501 6 $8332 $8332 6 Clerk- Typist 1 $3901 $4502 $3901 $4502 6 6 q` 7 - Represents the wage rate /man moot s prior to January 1, 1976 _ 9 - Represents the wage rate /man moat s after January 1, 1976 4. TOTAL ® 2. 24 -4- Lulac Education Service Center 702 Morgan Avenue P. 0. SOX 3455 Corpus Christi, Texas 78404 CFTA PROGRAM PLANNING SUMMARY 159 -8518 Modification No. _2 C. GRANT YEAR From To ' June 30 1976 Jul 1 1 7 7 d. TYPE OF PROGRAM 1, O Tltla I J. O Title II I Speelfy.... ..... ......... 7. O Tnle n a.$$T;nr vl FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY "' INNTHUCTIONS FOII COMPLETING SECTIONS 1, 11, AND III Sae. 1: A (Total Enrollmews) It the sum of A.I and A.2. D (Total Termirwlions) is the rum of D.1 through D.3, C (Planned Enrollments) U A mlaus D. Sce. (la Enter in line (a) Enrollments N rich program activity cumulatively through the reins year, and in Irte 0 (b) the nuribft of putidpshts planned to be carolled In each program activity at the eed of each quarter; participant•+ who are concurrently enrolled in mote than one activity should be counted in each activity in which they are enrolled. Sac: ill: Enter the cumalatlee number of participants in each segment to be enrolled during the grant year. Fuileipanls should be counted In as many significant segment groups• as are applicable. CONTnACT KEY o d p $ MOD. DATE Men DO vv 22 z o 0 sell y 171 7 3 IS 6 7 a 7 1112 O 17 • Iri 1 1 1:. 7 77 \ ' 2 1. ENROLLIAENT AND TEAMINATION SUMMARY GRANT YEAR- TO.OATE PLAN u REPORT t3 PEHI00 A. TOTAL ENROLL• MENTS 1. Ewell. ments I0. TOTAL 2. Parflel• TERMINA• pants Carnal TION� Over 1. Enterinq EraWtoymn a. Olreel PICmIS. b. Indirect PICmU, e.Oblalnea tMoloymcmi 2. Olner Fostlive 9. Non• polillre C. PLANNED LTVROLLa +�\ fend of e+e'=•' y • , , 007 9 1 0 1 0 0 n 2 - eIG ! 1 2 c, t7 11 cl:s I1 �I117 3 a3 7 D G 7 21L,1 : ^' 26 31' 36 41 e0 •. S1 56 t 01 ' G6 71 7c It. PLANNED ENROLLMENTS IN PROGRAM ACTIVITIES IV. OTHER ACTIVITIES ' IRuterance IIF) Indicate other activities or spt6al programs on Dnach• munts. Describe their objectives and list milestones toward their aohiewment in a quandWtiw at nutative prosenutlon. ' ' A I D C D E F CLASSnOOHI TRAINING Rim! Sracv+t. Voe. Ed. On•lho -Job Training Pub. ServicL EnrplvJt rant Work C,gJVlenee Other Activities Id 121 al Total Erewl enls 0 0 7 ®3 IV 131 bl Cw,cm1V Cnrolled 0 17 2 I;r 17 al Ti ul Cnwlln+enll 1 21 3 :1 13 DI CJrr.,,ay Enroned 1 2 7 171-. ITal 7.1.1 L'r r,,l;mc nit UL 7 I� 1] DI Curet ntly Cnr Cllcd 0 3 7 IGi 17 .1 total L1,1M:nie1lt 0 6 7 i0 I3 D1 CurrenllY Enroucd D G 7 ' 1 213 217'•7: ?A2576 71. 30• 1' .tG 51 III. SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS V. P. SIQNATURE 5-GNIFICANT SEGhtCNTS GRANT YEAR•TO -DATE PLAN SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN 9130 12131 3/31 • .6130 9/;0 12131 3/31 6130 ta) (b) le) tot sal to) Ic) lo) b. DATE SIGNED A Unemployed P 3 t) H r 0 I J .. MA 7• 2n1 rAPr, i9ill Il A. GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS Lulac Educational Service Center 702 Morgan dAvenue P. 0. $O]C ]455 Corpud Christie Texas ':78404 U.S. DEPARTMCrIT of LABOR Manpower Adinlr.lttratlon BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY 5. GRANT NUMBER ' 159 -8518 .Modification No. 2 C. TYPE OF PROGRAM 1. 0 Title 1 3. ❑ Title III 4. Title VI 2. C3 Title it fSPeeuyi .......................... ' o. FGR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY 24 2 e .- • 30 j _ c�clC.gg 1} � G 0 CONTRACT KEY � 2 MOO.OATG. f V d j Ii ',1S � } bLO d Al E$ U MM bD YY I Co•.11 12 ] i S 6 t a 9 f0 7] 1: 13 14 19 1G 17 1G 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 20 22 E. BUDGET SUMMARY COST CATEGORIES a GRANT PROGRAM f UNCI ION OR ACTIVITY CSTIMATEO UNEXPENDED FUNDS NEW OR RCVISCC BUDGET I. TOTAL b. Federal c. -No"•Peu —I C. Federal e. N6n•Fooeral A'_alnittra lion 16,700 ` h`.d- ',i!.ti••• e:Ah'�e';l�;T}S . {. . i:•.7:�'y F,b ;7ir 41 44 G 4.1 's. Aaawancet - b. Omhe•lab Training .y: .?: ry4:.L %: i:r;... ..f s:•• +• -. •a " 35 53 3. Wa;ts e. Public Semce tmploymenl yter.�P u{.l'r';c•: F' a4 5 $14_,55.0 4. Ftrzt Srnefils 62 I! ;%;)f f•ti�:�' ;;`s�i?!' ?.�!�"lj :.. .711 53 f 2,150 71 1 171 FM's:>`:'= :1`Nd =i.` w !:i X7;4: �x 4'�rr•7'r3iti 1 2 G2 120 1 7 3 26 1 2 1 3 all 1 1213 26 GI 4 G 4 T. Tatall 4 C 14 $16,700 $160700 c i P. CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY PROJECTIONS OF CIBLIGA71ONS AND EXPC•NDIIURES (for Quarter Ending) 1 1213 — 21 a2 23 24 2 1 2 3101:13W2312412 I] 21 31 7 22 2] 2e 25 11 12 1 3 1 122 1 2.'j 23 2: 251 1. Pime Sprnur obligalionl c 3 $3,900 G 3 $7.750 C , 26 3 $12.175 G I 3 Y6 ' 16 700 2 :atal Ptaleeted E■pendltuies by program 35 3 3' 7,7'50 351 12.175 1351 16,700 I. Cia.lyaam Training. Prime Sponsor 4A 41 44 4.1 b. Omhe•lab Training 53 - " 5 53 53 e. Public Semce tmploymenl 62 3,900 62' 7.750 62 12,175- 62 16,700 it tYOti L4penence .711 71 ' 71 1 171 e. Se iris to Partlelirarls 1 2 120 1 7 3 26 1 2 1 3 all 1 1213 26 GI 4 G 4 C 4 C 14 I. C:tnet Acimnel 35 35 1351 3 PmItned Capendiluees for Vocational Ed. t. Spealal Grants to Coyernort r r 44 44 _ 44 of ilon•Fed. Funds 53 5 1�4 53 S. 0:'.e: Fr:. Fu: dr, tgas in Prima Spon. C.:At G2 a 62 l 62 6. Orand Total . Projected Enpeadilwes ,Ji +t •71 3 900 : U; T1 7 0 2 h 71 16 700 MA 5.345 (Apr. WA TITLE VI PROJECT OPERATING PLAN SUPPLEMENT I. Number of Individuals Phased To Be Enrolled at End of Each Month III. Cumulative Projected Expenditures by Month 1 2 $., I AUG 75 2 2,450 SEP 75 ; 2 3,900 OCT 75 ; 2 5,600 NOV 75 2 6,400 DEC 75! 2 7,750 JAN 76 2 - 9,225' FEB 76 2 10,700 :MAR 76 i 2 12,175 APR 76..: 2 13,650 MAY .76 i 2 15,125 JUN 76 i 0 16,700 II. Previously Employed by Same Employer -0- -7- PROJECT COMPONENT BUDGET TITLE I / / TITLE II TITLE VI NAME OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBGRANTEE- Lulac Educational Service Center FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY: Public Service Employment /Emergency Jobs Program Title VI AMOUNT (1) ADMIIIISTRATIVE COST: $ (2) WAGES: 14,550 (3) TRAINING• (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: 2,150 (5)_ ALLOWANCES, (6) SERVICES• TOTAL AMOUNT $16,700 -S- a- STAFF COSTS; b- FRINGE BENEFITS: c. CONSUMABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: d. PROGRAM EVALUATION: e. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: f- MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: g. STATE MANPOWER SERVICES COUNCIL: h. PRDM SPONSOR pLAN*T**TG COUNCIL: i. TRAVEL: J. RENT: k. UTILITIES. _. 1. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: M- INDIRECT COSTS - n. STAFF TRAINING - o. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE - P. EQUIPMENT: q. MATERIAL-: r. CAPITAL I"ROVEMENTS- s. PUBLICATIONS: t. AUDIT SERVICES: u. OTHER: (Specify) V- OTHER: (Specify) w. OTHER: (Specify) X. OTHER: (Specify) -9- AMOUNT' N/A J SUB -TOTAL -0- BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGET (2) WAGES: a. On- Job - Training: b. Transitional Subsidized. Employment: c. Other:(Specify) d. Other:(Specify) (3) TRAINING: a. Salaries: b. Fringe Benefits: c. Tuitions: d. Entrance Fees: e. Books: £. Teacher's Aids: g. Other:(Specify) b.. Other:(Specify) -10- AMOUNT $14,550 Sub -Total $14,550 Sub -Total (5) ALLOWANCES: (N /A) -11- Sub Total -0- BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS Amount (4j FRINGE BENEFITS: a. Annual Leave: Part of Wage b. Sick Leave: Part of Wage c. Court Leave: Part of Wage d. Military Leave: Part of Wage e. FICA: $ 850 f. Life Insurance:-) Insurance g. Health Insurance 1,020 h. Unemployment Insurance: 245 -_ i. Workmen's Compensation: 35 J. Retirement Benefits: k. Other:(Specify) 1. Other:(Specify) Sub Total $2.150 (5) ALLOWANCES: (N /A) -11- Sub Total -0- BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (6) SERVICES TO CLIENTS: (N /A) a. Child Care: b. Health Care: C. Medical Services: d. Residential Support: e. Assistance in Securing Bonds: f. Family Planning: S. Outreach: h. Intake and Assessment: i. Orientation: j. 'Counceling: k. Job Development: 1. Job Placement: M. Other:(Specify) n. Other:(Specify) o. Other:(Specify). -12- • AMOUNT -0- Sub -Total -0- Grand Total $16,700 CORPUB CHRISTI, TEXAS DAT OF , 19-z� TO THE 14EMERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NEf ESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SMALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; 1, THEREFORE, REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTFULLY, MAYOR THE CB'+Y OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEX S THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON Lust DR. GILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL GOB - GALLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE V THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE FO LOWING VOTE: JASON Luev DR. GILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GALLEY yze GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE