HomeMy WebLinkAbout13002 ORD - 02/04/19760 JKH:hb:2 /3/76:lst [ 1 0 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE FOR THE CITY, AS THE ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT OF THE COASTAL BEND MAN- POWER CONSORTIM4, MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING CETA TITLE I CONTRACTS FOR THE UTILIZATION OF INCREASED FUNDING AS FOLLOWS: 4 a 1. COASTAL BEND WORK EXPERIENCE - INCREASE OF $83,500 TO A NEW LEVEL OF $746,838. A. OPERATION REBOUND - $33,500 B. EX- OFFENDER'S PROGRAM - $25,654 C. SENIOR CITIZENS WORK EXPERIENCE - $24,346 2. JOBS FOR PROGRESS, INC. (SER) - INCREASE OF $104,830 TO A NEW LEVEL OF $642,711. A. ON- THE -JOB TRAINING - $25,550 B. WELDING - $79,280 3. TEXAS EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION - INCREASE OF $202,483 TO A NEW LEVEL OF $1,111,171. A. SKILLED TRAINING PROGRAM - $119,373 B. WELDING PROGRAM - $83,110 4. CORPUS CHRISTI INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT - INCREASE OF $33,570 TO A NEW LEVEL OF $628,777. 5. SAN PATRICIO COUNTY COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY - INCBEASE OF $20,594 TO A NEW LEVEL OF $152,308. 6. LULAC EDUCATIONAL SERVICE CENTER - INCREASE OF $6,975 TO A NEW LEVEL OF $22,658. AS MORE FULLY OUTLINED AND SET FORTH IN TEE MODIFICATIONS, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF EACH BEING ATTACHED HERETO, :MARKED EIDIBITS 11A" THROUGH "F ", AND MADE A PART HEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL RELATED AND NECESSARY DOCUMENTS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE AFORESAID MODIFICATIONS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute for the City, as the administrative unit of the Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium, modifications to existing CETA Title I contracts for the utilization of increased funding as follows: 1. Coastal Bend Work Experience - Increase of $83,500 to a new level of $746,838, A. Operation Rebound - $33,500 B. Ex- Offender's Program - $25,654 C. Senior Citizens Work Experience - $24,346 2. Jobe For Progress, Inc. (SER) - Increase of $104,830 to a new level of $642,711 13002 0 T I S6 A. On- The-Job Training - $25,550 B. Welding - $79,280 3. Texas Employment Commission - Increase of $202,483 to a new level of $1,111,171, A. Skilled Training Program - $119,373 B. Welding Program - $83,110 4. Corpus Christi Independent School District - Increase of $33,570 to a new level of $628,777, 5. San Patricio County Community Action Agency - Increase of $20,594 to a neon level of $152,308, 6. Lulac Educational Service Center - Increase of $6,975 to a new level of $22,6550 as more fully outlined and set forth in the modifications, a sutstantial copy of each contract modification being attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibits "A" through "F ". SECTION 2. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute all related and necessary documents for the implementation and administration of the aforesaid modifications. SECTION 3. The necessity to authorize the City Manager to execute the aforesaid mofifications to current CETA Title I contracts and to execute all related and necessary documents to implement and administer the said mofifications creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED this the 4M--day of FEBR.v AR y 1976. ATTEST: C ecretary MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, Tog APPROVED: DAY OF , 1976: E%C., ASSN City �ww& Attorney CONTRACT SIGNATURE SHEET PRIM SPONSOR: CONTRACTOR: ' CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI COASTAL BEND MANPOWER CONSORTIUM COASTAL BEND WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAM 302 SOUTH SHORELINE 505 SOUTH LVATER STREET - KLEE SQUARE -- ..,m...... mr,,— I rnonntc r3- mTSTT. TRXAR This contract is entered into by the Administrative Unit of the Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium, hereinafter referred to as Prise Sponsor and the Work Ernerience.ProQram , hereinafter referred to as Contractor. The Contractor agrees to operate a Manpower Services Program in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. This contract consists of 23 pages, including this page, and such other provi6ions and documents as are included herein. The Contractor hereby agrees that he has read this Contract and will abide by all terms specified herein and also certifies that the information in this Contract is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief and this Contract has been fully authorized. Funds hereby being obligated are subject to the availability clause. A. CONTRACT PERIOD This Contract covers the period (date) from 7 -1 -75 to 6 -3 B. OBLIGATION Total CETA funds obligated by the Prime Sponsor are $ 746.838 1. Funds carried is from previous program year are $ -0- 2. New funds obligated are $ -0- 3. (For Modification use only) This Action increases the total CETA funds obligated for this Contract by $ &1_500 to (new level) $746 RXR APPROVED FOR THE PRIME SPONSOR: APPROVED FOR THE CONTRACTOR: DAY OK_. 1976 BY: R. Marvin Townsend. City Pfanager BY: Jason Luby, Mayor DAY OF , 1976 BY: Signature R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager Name and Title ATTEST: APPROVED: City Secretary uate APPROVED: DAY OF 1976 Director of Finance DAY OF City Attorney 1976 A � CETA- January, 1976 MODIFICATION SHEET General Intent FY 1976 Modification No. The Coastal Bend Work Experience Program, sponsored by the City of Corpus Christi modifies the original CETA -Title I FY 1975 -176 contract by the following adjustments: 1. Increase the amount of the existing contract of $663,338 by additional Federal Funds of $83,500 to establish a new total of $746,838. Additional monies to be distributed as follows: (a) To operate the Rebound Component of $33,500 for coupling work - experience with GED programs to enable adults to complete their education. (b) To increase Senior Aide Component by $24,346 for an additional-35 Senior Aides. (c) To operate the Stepping Stone Component (ex- offender) of $25,654 providing one counselor /coordinator who will have over -all CETA responsibility for serving ex- offenders, including direct supervision of the 8 full -time Work Experience slots designated for ex- offenders. This modification includes the following: 1. Signature Sheet 2. Modification Sheet 3. Program Planning Sugary 4. Supplement to the CETA - PPS 5. Budget Information Summary 6. Project Component Budget and Back Up Support Data SUPPLEMENT TO THE CETA - PPS LAMER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED II. NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED III. CU14ULATIVE PROJECTED TO BE SERVED, P9OGRA:4 YEAR TO TO BE ENROLLED AT END OF EACH EXPENDITURES BY jjOXTj DATE. MONTH. )YTH-YEAR 125 MY 125 125 50,278 JG. 125 108 100,556 :PT. 125 108 150,834 175 108 207,779 175 108 264,724 W. .C. 200 108 321;668 21. 210 115 435,654 :B. 215 115 499,890 LRCH 260 11S 560,127 RIL 260 108 622,364 2657' 108 684,601 108 746,838 �� 265 .STRUCTIONS I. Enter the total planned number of individuals who are planned to be served cumulativ each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part IC of the 'PPS. II. Enter the total planned number of individuals who will be in the program covered by this PPS on the last day of each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training, or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries -In Part 1C of the PPS. III. Enter the planned accrued expenditures of funds cumulative by month. The totals in Diarch, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part_111B of the PPS. 3 A. GRANIEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS -- U.S. DEPARTMENT of LABOR 3 B. GRANT NUMBER 22 23 COASTAL BEND WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAM Manpower Admfniatretiote 1 2 3 1 2112 23 24 505 SOUTH WATER STREET 1 2 3 k� 2J 221231241251 156 - 8312 -13 -14 C. TYPE OF PROGRAM 3 CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY 29 - 1. ® Title 1 3. ❑ Title 111 4. ❑ Title VI _ 2. ❑ Title 11 IS➢ eetry) .......... ...................... �'- D. FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY - CONTRACT KEY MOO. DATE . 1 ,�: } G 3 26 150,834 G 't la gg d8 B o F 8 ^d E G 26 3 560,127 G 0 itZ dZ a.-_. 26 746, 8 2. Total Projected Expenditures by Program „ 35 150,934 ;: 3 321,668 `^ t 2 3 4 5 11211311411511611711 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 2B 29 30 :' -' ' a. Classroom Training. Prime Sponsor E. BUDGET SUMMARY COST CATEGORIES 44 a. GRANT PROGRAM ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED FUNDS NEW OR REVISED BUDGET 44 - I. TOTAL OR ACTIVITY a. Federal c. Non- Faaoral d. Fadoral e. Non-Federal 53 ­FUNCTION -, .�c- .,— _TS= -_ 1 ,�; 5 F.` i � '�< �.s '4'f 5r3It: $� .� ' t 1 2 3 2G ':�u '• `� 5,�. ;3@ 3. Administration ? x:ti x ?rh ��.: Viµ: 69,549` sit z x,M, .� 3 69,549 . G 2 y. ;zs i ,x sirx,4� t Q' S f aY 3 39 -0- 71 746.838 _Allowen0os 3. Woges 1 2 a px z j § p s�3 3 ," 44 0 ,2 5 t 509, 95 I 4, Fringe Benefits G 4 .�..- ,.-..w 4 4 G S, - 1'reming 1. Other Activities >3. 35 a 102 . . ".� ;i 7,700 .. 6. Services ¢ i z ,..F 26 _ -a r ,. e ,: 71 118 8 1 t' ^ 44 -- -_— 1 2 7 4. Projected Expenditures of Non-Fed. Funds 5. Other Fed. Funds. Ilot in Prima Spon. Grant ':. 34 L .. Totals � 53 62 71. S >,e 746 838 '� 746,838 G t F. CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY PROJECTIONS OF OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES (For Quarter Endingl -- 1 2 3 .era 21 22 23 24 2 1 2 3 1 2112 23 24 2 1 2 3 k� 2J 221231241251 1 2 3 `'` 23 22 23 24 29 1. Plime Sponsor Obllgatlons G 3 26 150,834 G 26 - 3 321.66-8 G 26 3 560,127 G 3 26 746, 8 2. Total Projected Expenditures by Program „ 35 150,934 ;: 3 321,668 `^ 35 560,127 :' -' 35 a. Classroom Training. Prime Sponsor ( 44 •„ 4 •z ,.� 44 - -.:' 44 b. On-the-Job Training -:% 53 5 ty 4rd 53 '; 53 e. Public Service Employment ;3@ 621 62' 8 62 s 62 d. Work Experience x`71 ,t 71 321 668 71 560,127 71 746.838 a. Services to Participants 1 2 3 20 _ 1 2 3 26 1 2 3 26 1 2 13 26 G 4 G 4 G 4 G 14 ' 1. Other Activities >3. 35 a 35 . . ".� 3 �- 35 3. Projected Expenditures for Vocational Ed. In Special Grants to Governors ` 44 71, ,� t' ^ 44 '0 44 4. Projected Expenditures of Non-Fed. Funds 5. Other Fed. Funds. Ilot in Prima Spon. Grant ':. 53 � 53 62 71. S >,e 53 '� 53 62 71 746, 838 -' -� 67. - x'. is -, f '; 62 71 560 -: 6. Grand Total • Projected Expenditures ; - 71 ,c mr� ava s.+Pr. ,ro.as CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI CETA PROGRAM PLANNING SUMMARY 156- 8312 -13 -14 COASTAL BEND WORK EXPERIENCE PROD. 505 SOUTH WATER c. GRANT YEAR d. TYPE OF PROG�4.M CORPUS CHRISTI, TUIXAS From To 1. Q nue I la RI .peelfy,......... 7/1/75 I 6/30/76 • P. o Title 11 RO VI FOR R[CI ONAL OFFICE USE ONLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SECTIONS I. II, AND 111 - MoD. DgTG – Sec. 1! A (Total truollments) is the sutn of A.1 and A.2. , R (Total Termhwtlons) is the sum of 3.1 through CONTnACT KEY p U.3. C (Plarmad Enrollments) Is A minus E, 2: r See. Ill Enter In line {e) Enrollments ht each program abthity cumulatively through the grant year, and In Me w m � a'o d E e o (b) the number of participants planned to be enrolled in each program aetivhy al the and of each 4zp 1A'z u'g MM OD YY 9uartec; participants who are concurrently enrolled in more than one activity should be counted )n each activity in which they are enrolled. o _ _ Sec. lttt Enter the cumulative number or participant' Id each segment to be enrolled during the grant year. 2 7 4 S G 7 a 1 it L 17 ll I6 3 Participants should be coupled In as many s[gttifleant segment groups ea are applicable. 1. ENROLLMENT AND TERMINATION SUMMARY GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN A. TOTAL 0. TOTAL C. PLANNED a REPO R7 TERMI NA- 2. Other 3. Non• ENROLL- 1. Enrall- 2. Parllel• r6111oyml a. Direct &1ndlmej, Positive Ooslllve Q'pR�� O PERIDD MENTS jn 19 t`ry panic CanIM TIONS irleml9. (rnr7 or 1 Over -- -- 0 0 7 2 0 10 0 3 7 260 9 7 o G 7 — " 265 94 1 157 10 108 s +G 51 rt'. 73 7G 11. PLANNED ENROLLMENTS IN PROGRAM ACTIVITIES IV. OTHER ACTIVITIES (Reference IIF) A I 0 C O E F Indicate other activities or Spacial programs on attach- CLASSROOM TRAININ On•thOJOb Pub. Service work Other ' Training Emplo/mant Experience Activities ments. Describe their object)ua9 and tint milestones Prime Spent. Voc. Ed. toward their achievement in a quantitative or narrative 125 2 a) Total Enrollments 0 0 7 108 presentation. 7 b) Currently Enrollee 0 0 7 , t 2 a) Total Enrollmanl+ 112 7 108 3 bl Currently Enrolled 1 2 7 a) Total Enrollments 0 3 7 , O 3 n) Currently Enrolled 0 3 7 5 O 2 a) Total Enrollments 0 5 7 D 3 b) Current! Enrolled 0 6 7 10 21'2 '2 4!25 20 31 33 41- 46 S1 2 T3 III. SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS V. a. SIGNATURE GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN , SIGNIFICANT g/30 12!31 3131 6/30 SIGNIFICANT 6/30 12/31 3/31 6/30 SEGMENTS SEGMENTS to) ( (a) (b) (c) (d) b. DATE SIGNED pal cam � (d) A W zadxantagad — _ F o Unemployed c C H 'MA 2.101 (Apr. 1973) Fiscal Year FY 197 Modification'No. 2 PROJECT COMPONENT BUDGET M TITLE I [--] TITLE II E] TITLE III NAIL OF CONTRACTOR: CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY: COASTAL BEND MANPOWER WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAMS TOTAL $ 663,338 $ 83,500 $746.838 BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or —) BUDGET (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COST: $ 66,449 $ + 3,100 $ 69,549 (2) WAGES: 439,615 + 69,680 509,295 (3) TRAINING: 9,900 - 2,200 7,700 (4) FRINGE BENEFITS- 35,168 + 6,315 41,483 (5) ALL014ANCES• -0- 0 0 (6) SERVICES: 112,206 + 6,605 118,811 TOTAL $ 663,338 $ 83,500 $746.838 • BACK —UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS is BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES •REVISED BUDGET (+ or —) BUDGET a. STAFF COSTS: $ 30,565 $ 0 $ 30,565 b. FRINGE BENEFITS: 5,034 0 5,034 c. CONSUMABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: 6,000 0 6,000 d. PROGRAM EVALUATION: 0 0 0 e. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: 0 0 0 f. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: 0 0 0 g. STATE ILkWOWER SERVICES COUNCIL: N/A N/A N/A h. PRIME SPONSOR PLANNING COUNCIL: 0 0 0 i. TRAVEL: 9,750 + 900 10,650 J. RENT: 28,85 per sq. ft. x 1907 sq. ft. 6,6QO 0 6.600 X,12 months k. UTILITIES: 0 0 0 1. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: 0 0 0 m. INDIRECT COSTS: 0 0 0 n. STAFF TRAINING: 500 + 2,200 2,700 o. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: 0 0 0 P. EQUIPMENT: 0 0 0 q. MATERIAL: 0 0 0 r. CAPITAL IMPROM US: 0 0 0 s. PUBLICATIONS: 1,000 0 1,000 t. AUDIT SERVICES: 0 0 0 u. OTHER: (Specify)Communication, 3,000 0 3,000 Postage, Telephone v. OTHER: (Specify)Duplications: 44 -onn 0 4,000, Printing Cost 0 0 W. OTHER: (Specify) 0 x. OTHER: (Specify) 0 0 0 SUB -TOTAL $ 66,449 $+ 3,100 $ 69,549 ` BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGET • (2) WAGES: BUDGET - APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET a. ON- THE -JOB TRAINING: $ n $ 0 $ 0 b. TRANSITIONAL SUBSIDIZED EMPLOYMENT: 0 0 0 c. OTHER: (Specify) Wages: Work Experience 400.000 + 17,664 417,664 d. OTHER: (Specify) Wages: Senior Aide 39,615 + 21,306 60,921 e. OTHER: (Specify) Wages: Operation $ $ + 30,710 $ 30,710 Rebound $ 439,615 $ 69,680 $ 509,295 (3) TRAINING a. SALARIES: 0 0 0 b. FRINGE BENEFITS: 0 0 0 c. TUITIONS• 4 500 - 2.200 2,300 d. ENTRANCE FEES:. 0 0 0 1,500 0 1,500 e. BOOKS: f. TEACHER'S AIDES: 500 0 500 g.. OTHER: (Specify) Educational Tutors 2,400 0 2,400 h. OTHER: (Specify) Testing 1.000 0 1,000 i. OTHER: (Specify) 0 0 a SUB -TOTAL $ 9,900 $ - 2,200 $ 7,700 (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS • BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET a. ANNUAL LEAVE: $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 b. SICK LEAVE: 0 0 0 c. COURT LEAVE. 0 0 d. MILITARY LEAVE: 0 0 0 e. FICA: 25,717 + 4,058 29,775 f. .LIFE INSURANCE: 0 0 0 g, HEALTH INSURANCE: 0 0 0 h. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE: 0 0 0 i. WOMW'S COMPENSATION: General 9,451 + 2,257 11,708 Liabilities J. RETIRDWT BENEFITS: 0 0 0 k. OTHER: (Specify) 0 0 0 1. OTHER: (Specify) - 0 0 0 SUB -TOTAL $ 35,168 $ 6,315 $ 41,483 (5) ALLOWANCES: SUB -TOTAL $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 BACK —UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (6) SERVICES TO CLIENTS: a. CHILD CARE: b. HEALTH CARE: c. MEDICAL SERVICES: d. RESIDENTIAL SUPPORT: e. ASSISTANCE IN SECURING BONDS: f. FAMILY PLANNING: g. OUTREACH: h. INTAKE AND ASSESSMENT: i. ORIENTATION: J. COUNSELING:Fririge + G,H,I,K,L k. JOB DEVELOPMENT: 1. JOB PLACEMENT: m. OTHER: (Specify) Coaches n. OTHER: (Specify) Enrollee. Travel:Tokens o. OTHER: (Specify) GOMA - Outreach SUB —TOTAL TOTAL BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or —) BUDGET $ 1,000 $ 0 $ 1,000 0 0 0 5,500 + 222 5,722 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 78,944 + 6,383 85,327 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 0 6,000 2.000 0 2.000 18.762 0 18,762 $112,206 $ 6,605 $118,811 $ 663,338 $ 83,500 $746,838 COASTAL BEND WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAM PROGRAM NARRATIVE 1. DESCRIPTION: Work Experience is a short -term assignment with a public employer or a private aon- profit employing agency. It is designed to enhance the future employability and potential irt at- taining a planned occupational goal. Full -time work experience will assist econom- ically disadvantaged heads of households (17 years of age and over), and other disadvantaged persons in this age category who need short - term work experience leading to the following outcomes: (1) employment with the user agency, (2) job placement, (3) enrollment in Manpower training, (4) other activities which will en- ' hance the participant's employability. Through counseling, related services, and interlinkages, this activity will encourage participants to advance through thet program. as rapidly as possible. Durations six to ' eight month average or appropriate to partici- pant's needs in unique cases. The Senior Aides part of the program proposes to serve 35 elderly persons, over GO years of age, needing additional income. They will do work needed by local governments, and to assist in outreach and development of regional and communi- ty volunteer activity for the elderly. They will, work on a one -to -one or one -to -group basis in a wide range of activities, e.g., educational, re- habilitation, health and welfare centers, com- munity action,, recreational and social ser- vice programs. Permanent position in the agency will not be required as a condition: of place - ment in any agency for Senior Aides; therefore, this portion of the program will not be counted in the over -all permanent placement section of the pop- sheet. Eleven counties in the Coastal Bend area will be eligible to participate in these services. 2. NME3ER TO BE SERVED: The program goal is to serve at least 174 Stork Experience trainees. However, due to turnover, approximately 320 individuals will be served. Trainees selected; will be economically disadvantaged, unemployed or underemployed, with special emphasis on heads of households. The Program proposes to serve 35 Senior Aides. 3. SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE PROGRAM: a. Work- experience: development of skills through on- the -job trainer with coach- ing and supervision. Senior Aides: Part -time employment b. Wages: Hini== wage (40 hour week) $2010 from July 1, 175 to Dec. 31, 175 $2.30 from Jan. 1, 176 to June 30, 176 c. Counseling: individual. and group counseling• for personal and family problems, together with vocational guidance for job place- ments. d. Education: in cooperation idth T.E.A., Del filar College, Bee County College, and the various Independent School Districts. The program provides remedial and voca- tional classes to meet the academic needs of trainees. in areas where such classes are not avail- able, the staff will attempt to get com- munity support for an educational program suitable for these trainees. If this should fail, remedial classes will be given in conjunction with the counseling services provided by the staff. e. Tuition Expenses: Program pays all expenses for tuition and required books for trainees attending educational classes. SERVICES: The staff collaborates with all social work• SUPPORTIVE agencies in town to ensure that trainees can benefit from the services offered in the areas of child care, public housing, medical and financial needs, transportation, retirement and social security benefits. 5. CLIENT ASSIGNIT STANDARDS: All applicants are interviewed by counselors and certified for eligibility according to these guidelines: a, persons 17 years of age who are head - of household and who are unemployed or underemployed or economically disad- vantaged. b, persons 20 years of age and older who are unemployed or underemployed or economically disadvantaged- in addition to meeting the eligibility criteria, persons of the following characteristics are seen as more in need of services: a. heads of families, supporting same dependents. b, persons with low standards of education c, people who are handicapped, recipients of Public Welfare benefits, or who are un- employed for a long period of time. 6. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: The EEO rules and regulations outlined in the Program's Affirmative Action Plan are observed. 7. WART WORK IS BEING DONE: A. Work Experience Director: 1. Supervises the development of training sites as required. 2. Coordinates the flow of participants into and out of program. 3. Maintains linkage with other agencies and governmental bodies. 4. Analyzes effectiveness of program_ 5. Monitors training sites and trainee Program. 6. Performs administrative duties as per- tains to Director's position. B. Counselors (Administrative Assistants): 1. Determines eligibility of applicants. 2. Selects eligible participants. 3. Maintains follow -up as required. 4. Organize and operationalize training in the various skills and general education. 5. Aids in the placement of trainees. 6, provides oa -goiag group and individual counseling of an occupational, educational, self - development nature. 7. Provides information on trainee pro to project, and documents trainee ff and records. 8. Coordinates support services with the trainee. 9. Assists trainee in development of em- ployability plan. 10. Coordinates Program inputs called for in the employability plan. 11. Provides continuous support to trainee in on -going development and modification of plan. 12, Assists trainee with job placement. 13. Counselor /Job Developer will verify el- igibility certification. C. Coaching: Coaching is an auxiliary function to the professional counseling service, usually performed by an individual who can establisb. a peer relationship with the participant, and act in a supportive role. They shall perform the following kinds of tasks: 1. Liaison between participant and the Program, making both aware of the atti- tudes and the needs of the other. 2. Participant outreach. 3. Personal support and assistance for trainee in training. 4. Counselors' aide. 5. Follow -up. 8. WAGES AND WORK SCHEDULES: a. Enrollment in the Work Experience Program will be accomplished on an open -entry basis according to individual needs. Primary waga earners, or heads of household, will be seen as most needy applicants. b. Term of enrollment will vary according to the particular work - experience and the educational needs of the trainee. c. All trainees will be paid on a bi- weekly basis. d. Trainees will be paid by the Project at the minimum wage rate for a 40 hour week. However, flexibility must be given so that the individual needs can be met. 25 to 30 hours may be necessary for trainees who are attending such classes as offered at Alternative Education Center, Del Mar, Bee College, remedial classes in rural areas, C.E.D. classes, etc. e. Time sheets, signed -by the supervisor, a� the trainee, will be sent to the Work Ex- perience Office to be processed, approved, and entered on the permanent payroll sheet,' from which the pay checks are made. 9. MOT; TBE STORK IS TO BE COORDINATED: A. Support given: 1. Coordinator (Director) will insure that counselors are aware of status changes, need for special follow -up, and any other information that should be passed on to counselors or other office staff. 2. Coordinator (Director) will monitor, ensure proper implementation of Program_ and perform other duties that fall under the administrative arm of the. project, B. Support received: 1. Counseling staff will inform Coordinator (Director) when slots axe needed. 2. Counseling. staff will screen eligible. applicants. 3. Counseling staff will provide support services for trainees as needed and as listed previously. 4. Counseling -staff will provide on -going counseling. 5. Counseling staff wi.11 provide services as name applies. 6. Coaching staff will perform duties assign by Coordinator (Director) and counselors. 10. ADrffNISTRATIVE PROCEDURES: Administrative procedures as outlined by the Coastal Bend Nanpower Consortium (prime sponsor) and the City of Corpus Christi (program sponsor) will be carded out. 11. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: a. All training slots shall be developed in. credible public agencies. b. Not more than 15% of trainees shall be ter- urinated for reasons other than transfer to another status, such as job placements, other CETA programs, etc.. s • BUDGET SUMMARY - FOR SENOR AIDE SENIOR AIDES: (35 Senior Aides) A. IVAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22,126.00 B. FRINGE BENEFITS 1,295.00 1. FICA . . . . . . . • • . . . . 703.00 2. WORDIENS' COMPENSATION . . . . . . . C. SERVICES TO CLIENTS (PHYSICALS) 222.00 TOTAL . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . $24,346.00 OPERATION REBOUND A proposal for adding a structured part -time work - experience program which couples both the adult and youth programs with Section 112- G.E.D. or other appropriate G.E.D. or A.B.E. programs. Purpose: To more adequately meet the educational and work - experience training needs of youth and adults who: (1) would not ordinarily be expected to be ready to enter the labor market or (2) would not ordinarily be able to enter a skill - training program within the six -month period normally required of out -of- school youth and adults under CETA Title I guidelines. This is due to the lack of a high school diploma or equivalency certificate. As students in area Adult Learning Centers, these participants will be involved in a continuous learning program. They will be considered as being in school and therefore not subject to the six - month CETA limitation because of the emphasis on educational attainment. The rate and degree of progress made by the participant toward the GED will condition the degree of work - experience activity and intensity of training. As the partici- pant makes measurable progress towards the GED, his work - experience hours will be increased. Eligibility: Participant must meet CETA eligibility guidelines and will be in either the adult or youth program, depending on age. 1) Applicant must enroll in approprate Adult Learning Center on the following basis: a) Enrollment must be in the CETA Section 112 class(es) unless all openings are filled. b) When Section 112 is closed, applicant may enroll in other appropriate ALC -GED or ABE classes. c) Students unable to function at the GED level may be enrolled in • an ABE class but should be expected to enter GED training within a reasonable length of time. 2) Applicant will usually undergo a five -to -ten day waiting period prior to entrance into the paid work - experience activity. This period will be utilized to: a) Allow participant to establish a classroom attendance pattern, b) Allow the counselor to assess the participant and develop the appropriate work- experience activity, c) Allow time to provide basic supportive services available through other agencies (child care, emergency funds, Welfare, health, etc.), d) Arrange transportation to worksite if necessary, e) Balance work - experience and education load, and f) Assist participant in removing other obstacles which might otherwise impede his progress. Entrance into Work Experience: Since the basic purpose of this coupling is to remove the educational barrier to employment, the participant will be required to spend a minimum agreed number of hours per week in the approprate GED or ABE class. After his attendance pattern has been established, the participant will be assigned to a part -time work - experience activity appropriate to his needs and interests. The degree of concentration on paid work - experience as an indirect placement or skill- training lead -in will increase as the participant proceeds toward his educational goal. BUDGET SUNDIARY - FOR OPERATION REBOUND ENROLLEES: (20 Enrollees) A. WAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,710 B. FRINGE BENEFITS 1,790 1. FICA . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 2. WORKMENS' COMPENSATION . . . . . . . . C. TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $33,500 PROJECT STEPPING STONES A CETA Proposal It is proposed that the Adult Work Experience Program be given enough additional funding to employ a counselor- coordinator. He will have over -all CETA responsibility for ex- offenders to be served as follows: It will be his duty to provide initial assessment, orientation, and counseling services for all ex- offenders entering the program. He will then coordinate their entrance into other CETA activities, especially on -the -job training (OJT) and skill training. He will retain counseling, placement, and follow -up responsibility for program participants remaining in the work- experience activity and will follow -up on those in other CETA activities. Generally, 'Stepping Stones'-, in the form of CETA services, are outlined on the next page. CETA STEPPING STONES Step #1 Assessment, Orientation, and Counseling 1 - to - 4 weeks as needed to help the ex- offender find out where he's at and where he wants to be - in terms of his ability to obtain and hold a.suitable job.. Step #2 If he is trained and job ready, assist him with immediate job placement, if possible. He will utilize T.E.C. to the fullest extent, and make direct contacts with potential employers_ Step 03 If he is not job ready or has difficulty finding placement, the counselor will assist him in obtaining appropriate training through on -going CETA activities. Step M Assist him in overcoming job- holding obstacles through counseling and utiliza- tion of services available through other agencies. Step #5 Follow -up and utilize CETA services to the fullest extent possible until the partici- pant is stabilized in an un- subsidized job. By serving ex- offenders through existing CETA programs, administrative and. related costs, which might otherwise be duplicated, can be avoided. Also. CETA services can begin as soon as funding is approved and can be effectively blended into the 'half -way' house concept as it comes to life. it is expected that CETA's Stepping Stones will reduce recidivism, thus saving taxpayers thousands of dollars. Equally important is the boost it will give to the individual's sense of worth and well being. BUDGET SMIARY - FOR STEPPING STONES ENROLLEES: (8 Enrollees) A. WAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,664.00 B. FRINGE BENEFITS 1. FICA . . . . . . . . . . . 1,033.00 2. WORDIENS' COMPENSATION . . . . 574.00 C. TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193271.00 COUNSELOR /COORDINATOR: TOTAL: A. WAGES . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . ... . . $ 5,477.52 B. FRINGE BENEFITS 1. FICA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320.44 2. WRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322.62 3. INSURANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84.00 4. {VORDIANS' MMPENSATION . . . . . . . . 178.00 TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 905.06 C. TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $.6,383.00 A. ENROLLEES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19;271.00 B. COUNSELOR /COORDINATOR . . . . . . . . $ 6,383.00 TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,654.00 a CONTRACT SIGNATURE SHEET PRIME SPONSOR: COASTAL BEND M;INPOWER CONSORTIUM P: O, BOX 9277 CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 78408' C1tAL1VK: JOBS FOR PROGRESS, INC. (SER) 1201 SOMM PORT CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 78405 This contract is entered into by the Administrative Unit of the Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium, hereinafter referred to as Prime Sponsor and evu JOnc vna aunrgF43� INC , hereinafter referred to as Contractor. The Contractor agrees to operate a Manpower Services Program in accordance with the - Provisions of this agreement. This contract consists of 15 cages, including this page, and such other provisions and documents as are included herein. The'Contractor hereby agrees that he has read this Contract and will abide by all terms specified herein and also certifies that the information in this Contract is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief and this Contract has been fully authorized. Funds hereby being obligated are subject to the availability clause. A. CONTRACT PERIOD This Contract covers the period (date) from JULY 1, 1975 to JUNE 30, 1976 B. OBLIGATION Total CETA funds obligated by the Prime Sponsor are $ - 642,711.00 1. Funds carried in from previous program year are - 2. New funds obligated are $ -0 y • - 3. (For Modification use only) This Action - increases the total CETA funds obligated for this Contract by $ 1n4,R1O nn to (new level) $ r,47.711 .n0 APPROVED FOR THE PRIME SPONSOR: APPROVED FOR THE CONTRACTOR: DAY OF , 1976 29th DAY OF /DECEM/BJER , 1975 BY: BY: 44,144 LAI R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager- Sisn#uref BY: Jason Luby, Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary Date APPROVED: DAY OF , 1976 Director of Finance EPPY GONZALEZ, BOARD CHAIRMAN Name and Title APPROVED: DAY OF 1976 Attorney CETA- Januarv. 3976 s MDDIFICATION SHEET General Intent FT 1976 Modification No. To increase Skills Training and OJT Training enrollment from 11277 to 324. The following program areas will be increased: (1) To modify the existing CETA Title I, contract to provide 27 OJT Slots to the private profit making sector. (2) To provide an open end, open exit Welding Proficiency Skills Training Program for 20 Slots. This modification includes the following: 1. Signature Sheet 2. Modification Sheet 3. Program Planning Summary 4. Supplement to the CETA - PPS 5. Budget Information Summary 6. Project Component Budget.and Back -Up Support Data :lobe for Progress; Inc. 'CETA PROGRAM PLANNING SUMMARY 156 -8317 1201 South Port a GRANT YEAR d. TYFE OF PROGRAM Corpus Christi, TX 78405 From To 1. ZI Title I - 3. Cl Title III SDeelry� ��• , July 1, 1975 I June 30, 1976 2. Q T.us It 4. r T:ne VI FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY • INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SC-C71ONS I. H. AND III i nAti KEY MOD. PnTE a Seo' 11 A (Total Enrollments) Is the sum of A.1 and A.1. a (Total Terminations) is the sum of S.1 through d.. CONTRACT a S.S. 0 (Planned Enrollments) Is A minus 11. .+ 2 > Sao. III Enter in line (a) Enrollments in each program activity cumulativoty thmugh the grant year, and k itAa C•rc E' > E d o -d E li Id (b) the number Of participants planned to be enrolled in each program activity at the red of each 5 •` 6u tt LL ay' '� =Z oou D quarter; participants who ore c neunently enrolled In more than one activity should be counted In ,path i ( A` MM DO YY activity in which they are enrolled. Q 10 Sec; 111: Enter the eumulail.e number of participants In each segment to be anrallyd durtng the grant Y.W. 11213 0 1 B 0 11 L L7 761 1 i! 2 \ ' 2� Parllelpants should be counted In as many significant segment groups as are epplicablo. 1. ENROLLMENT AND YCRMINATION SUMMARY • GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN . u. REPORT A. TOTAL ENROLL- L Enr01t• I0. TOTAL 2. P4111CI• TERMI NA• Entering Olreet C 1. Obtained 2. Other Poatiee 3. Non• DOAllve C. PLANNED E7TROLLat(;\ - O PERIOD MENTS menu man%% . this Danis Carrlod TION'•trlaayrt.+t Os C +1 Total Enrollmenlr a. Plemis. j23 CmDwymm . 73 fend of Q- w a d t . 09 7 390 297 93 330 318 70 15 8 4 60 elu 1 1 2 123 748 655 93 9 bt e4r•enIiv E.'Gmd 1 0 30 1 1 39 9 T Ci Is 0 3 7 1058 949 109 948 90 45 2B 10 317 1110 —0 I1 ol1, 16 7 1212 1103 109 1212 161 1 0 9 60 33 180 -u- S 7.26 bl Currenity Enrolled ]t 36 41 ¢4, 51 56 t 01 66 �•I 1 2 ] 11. PLANNED ENROLLMENTS IN PROGRAM ACTIVITIES GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS GRANT VC•AR•TO.OATE PLAN IV. OTHER ACTIVITIES LRufaranee IIFI , Indicate other aLTrvittes or special programs an arlarc marts. Dawriba Chair ob)eeliws and list rrdlaslones' toward their aehieventant In a quantitative or narratttre pmsentation. ;.. +± F • A I 0 C D E F CLASSROOM TRAINING R_4_m :pmt. Vac. Ea. On•thoJob Training Pub. Salve EmDlawmnt o work Expnlence Other A¢IN11106 I e+ I: +1 Total Enrollmenlr o 9 7 68 A 73 748 '1058 t�,-i 13 bt tunennv Carou.a 0 9 7 40 1 20 I:J ; at T,W Enrollments 112 7 124 123 ::i 131 bt e4r•enIiv E.'Gmd 1 M7- 40 1 39 17 f2 a Ted ct.rcn —ms 1&1131, 1144 1180 IJ 73 m e�.rrnmr Ensured 10 317 40 1G 32 +I tow Lruobnwnts o a 1 144 180 13 bl Currenity Enrolled 0 6 7 0 0 �•I 1 2 ] 212 ^7: ?AY.r 26 31. 36 • 1' ati 31 111. SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS V/ S113NATURE S•QNIFI(:ANT SEQhtChTg GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS GRANT VC•AR•TO.OATE PLAN 9130 12171 3131, '6130 9/;0 32/31 3/]1 0 /70� Cal Ib1 Ic1 tdl , (a) (bl Iq , b. DATE S1GNE January 21, 1976. A 390 748 '1058 1212 F s D r PROGRAM 5UPPI:EMENT TO THE CETA PPS r NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED II. NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PLAULM III - CUMULATIVE PROJECTED TO BE SERVED, PROGWI YEAR TO TO BE ENROLLED AT END OF EACH McENDITURES BY MOi DATE. MONTH. ,VM -YEAR 7,Y. 224 111 75 368.00 G_ 307 81 113 052.00 PT,. 390 60 ., 150,736.00 ;T. 522 83 212,231.00 654 98 273,726.00 748 79 335,222:00 p� 843 71 ;399,634.00 .B. 961 88 464;046.00 ARCH 1058 110 528,455.00 1109 ' RIL 60 541,668.00 _ 1160 - 50 - •554,881.00 1212 WE -0- 642,7ll:00 TIONS I. Enter the total planned number of individuals who are planned to be served cumulatiN each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training or employment should.be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December, should agree with the entries in Part 1C of the WS. II. Enter the total planned number of individuals who will be in the program covered by this PPS on the last day of each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services•; training, or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 1C of the PPS. , III. Enter the planned accrued expenditures of funds cumulative by month. The totals in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part,111B of the PPS. A. GRANTEE•$ NAME AND ADDRESS U.S. DCPARTMENT OF LABOR B. GRANT NUMBER Jobs for Progress, Inc. (SER) Manpower Admirlwatloe 231241251 1201 South Port 1 213 156 -8317 C. TYPE OF PROGRAM Corpus Christi, TX 78405 BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY • 1. P Title 1 3. ❑ Title 111 4. O Title VI 1 i 2 1 3 121 22123124 2. E3 Title It rS ,e1ry .. ............................... • D. FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY 0 9 7 o j CONTRACT KEY 2 7 MOD. DATG in e' 0 3 7 Y -tat alp E° 1. Pru-c Sp:nur Obligations _ G 13 26 -'IC Z G ^,��.C'L , £� 26 3I 2. Coin Pr L;ened E.r —dil —i by program � �dQ- 3 Y 35 35 8 44 111,836.00 4 274 022.00 d 2 J.T., 44 28 61.0 a_ b. On-lbe•J4b Tralnirq MM Do YY _ 5 61 200,0 ;G 0 53 114,350.00 53 e. Publu; S-- Empl4ymenl 1 162 162 62 1 JB Co•.11 12 ] 14 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 112113 14 19 16 17 31 72 23 24 75 24 77 29 79 - E. BUDGET SUMMARY COST CATEGORIES a G4ANT PROGRAM CSTIMATED UNEXPENDED FUNDS NEW OR REVISCO BUDGET (. TOTAL e. Feeer4l C. Non•F4n4ral d. fee-1 o. Non•Fee4ral FU• +CT ION OR ACTIVITY O 4 G 4 1. GO,, Act-mi :S t 35 35 _ I. Ad- mtuuuen 35 3 Protected Expenditures for Vocal! onal Ed. I, Special Giants to Governors y 2,603.00 44 82,603.00' G 2 A :1o' + :aLOel :. P: e;a::ed Exprrdnure7 of 1:oR•Frd. Funds „`t P 53 75 220,442.00 220 442.00 3. t•: a;es l 62 ,Yp 1' r �i rr.. ur .14n 44 —0— 62 —0- Frlrae Benefit, •71 150, 736.00 ;•c . 71 335, 222.00 x s 71 528 455.00 53 _0_ —0_ 62 217 70300 . � ... 217 703.00 . __ �;•; : ,.._ :; :... •, '1,:.: .:.::...,;',,. n 121 963.00 1 2 7 26 35 _ 48,252.00 642,711.00 642 711.00 F. CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY PROJECTIONS OF OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES (for Ourml, Endrn7f ' 1 12 1 3 1 .'1 2112al 231241251 1 213 :' 1.311 2A 23 .2412 1 21 31 1211221231241261 1 i 2 1 3 121 22123124 1251 0 9 7 Y + 1 2 7 __ 0 3 7 I 1. Pru-c Sp:nur Obligations _ G 13 26 G 2-i 3 G 26 3 T 26 3I 2. Coin Pr L;ened E.r —dil —i by program 35 3 35 35 a. C.-C.. Trmr.inq. Prim, span., 44 111,836.00 4 274 022.00 44 414,105.00 44 28 61.0 a_ b. On-lbe•J4b Tralnirq 53 18,900.00 _ 5 61 200,0 53 114,350.00 53 e. Publu; S-- Empl4ymenl 1 162 162 62 1 G2 it Werr. EePenenc, 171 71 71 171 ' e. s—,"s I4 Pzrlicipaets 1 2 13 126 1 7 3 ie 1 2 7 26 112 7 26 131 14 1 G 4 O 4 G 4 1. GO,, Act-mi :S t 35 35 35 3 Protected Expenditures for Vocal! onal Ed. I, Special Giants to Governors 44 �' 44 ., 44 - 44 :. P: e;a::ed Exprrdnure7 of 1:oR•Frd. Funds 53 P 53 .r •, 53 I 53 S. Otte: Fed. Fund's, f44t in Print Spon. Grant l 62 72 .14n 62 62 6. Grano Total • Projected Expenditures 4; ;a •71 150, 736.00 ;•c . 71 335, 222.00 x s 71 528 455.00 'r " 71 642 711.00 MA 6.145 JAP7. 19731 1P Fiscal Year 97 -7 Xodiflcation No. 2' PROJECT COMPONENT BUDGET , ® TITLE I 0 -TITLE II TIME III NAME OF CONTRACTOR: JOBS FOR PROGRESS, INC. (SER) FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY• ON- THE -JOB- TRAINING /SKILLS TRAINING BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET (1) ADM MSTRATIVE COST:. $ 80.803.00 $-+ 1.800.00 $ 82- 603.00 (2) WAGES:- -0- -0- -0- (3) TRAINING: 169,513.00 + 48.190.00 217.703.00 (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: -0- -0- -0- (5) ALLOWANCES: 165;602.00 + 54,840.00 220,442.00 (6) SERVICES: I 1 963.00 -n_ �2i�9�3_nn TOTAL $.537.881.00 tlr $,+104.830.00 $ 642,711,00 - ? .. BACK --UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET a.. STAFF COSTS: $ 35.320.00 $ -0- $5,320.00 b. FRINGE BENEFITS: 4,241.00 -0- 4.241.00 c. CONSUMABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: 600.00 -0- 600.00 d. PROGRAM EVALUATION: -0- e. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: f. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: -0- STATE MANPOWER SERVICES COUNCIL: N/A NA h. PRIME SPONSOR PLANNING COUNCIL: -0- 1. TRAVEL: 5,37n nn__ _p_ 5.370.00 ' J.- RENT: 21,000.00 `+ 1,800.00 22,800.00 _ k. UTILITIES: 1. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: _p m. INDIRECT COSTS: " _p n. STAFF TRAINING: o. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: -n- p. EQUIPMENT: RENTAL AND USE G_8_, n0 -nn -n_ 4.800.00 q. MATERIAL: -0- r: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: -0- s. PUBLICATIONS: '600.00 -0- 600.00 t. AUDIT SERVICES: _p u. OTHER: (Specify) TELEPHONE /POSTAGE 3,000.00 -0- 3,000.00 v. OTHER: (Specify) MAINTENANCE OF EQUIP_ 300.00 -n- ann nn w. OTHER: (Specify). WORmnai'S COMP. /PART_�„p68 nn _n_ 4.068.00 g. OTHER: (Specify) UNEMPLOY. VERIFI. 306.00 -0- 306.00 y.' OTHER: (Specify) INSURANCE .L 198.00 -0- 12198.00 SUB -TOTAL $ $$ +_Tl S8O6� y. BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGET (2) WAGES: L BUDGET , ;r APPROVED CHANGES REVISED I. BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET a. ON- THE -JOB TRAINING: $ $ $ b. TRANSITIONAL SUBSIDIZED EMPLOYMENT: . a. OTHER' (Specify) d. OTHER: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL $ -0- $ -0-ff $ -0- (3) TRAININGc a. SALARIES: 44,342.00 + 16:120.00 60.462.00 b. FRINGE BENEFITS: 6,585.00 + 2.165.00' 8.750.00 c. TUITIONS: -0- -0- -0- d. ENTRANCE FEES: -0- -0- -0- e. BOORS: 1,980.00 -0- 1,980.00 f. TEACHERS AIDES: y. -0- -0- -0- 8• OTHER: (Specify) EQUIPMENT . 651. ^^ -0. , 651.00 h. OTHER: (Specify) EQUIP. MAINTENANCE 920.00 -0- 920.00 i.- OTHER: (Specify) CONSUMABLE SUPPLIES ,' 3,000.00 + 3,115.00 6,115.00 J_ OTHER: (Specify) EQUIP, RENTAL /USE 21,600.00 -0- 21,600.00 k. OTHER: (Specify) TRAINEE ACC. /LIAB. INS,1,635.00 + 600.00 2,235.00 1. OTHER: (Specify) OJT TRAINING 88,800.00 + 25,550.00 114,350.00 m. OTHER: (Specify) TESTS FOR TRAINEES -0- + 640.00 640.00 SUB -TOTAL $ 169,513.00 , $ + 48,190.00 $217,703.00 (5) ALLOWANCES: SUB- TOTAL $ 165,602.00 $ + 54,840.00 $, 220.442.00 BACK --UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (4) FRINGE BENEFITS:l . ' WDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET ANNUAL LEAVE:. b. SICK LEAVE- c: COURT LEAVE: d. MILITARY LEAVE: e. FICA: f. LIFE INSURANCE: g. EMTH INSURANCE: h. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE: -. i. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION: J. RRTIMEENT BENEFITS: k. OTHER: (Specify) ' 1. OTHER: (Specify) ' SUB -TOTAL $ -0- $ -0- $ '0- (5) ALLOWANCES: SUB- TOTAL $ 165,602.00 $ + 54,840.00 $, 220.442.00 r BACK —UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (6) SERVICES TO CLIENTS: , BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or —) BUDGET a. CHILD CARE: $ 699.00 $ -0- $ 699 -00 b. HEALTH CARE: 699.00 -0- 699.00 c. MEDICAL SERVICES: 700.00 -D- 700.00 d. RESIDENTIAL SUPPORT: e. ASSISTANCE IN SECURING BONDS: f. FAMILY - PLANNING: g. OUTREACH: 19 rnn On _p- 19,uAn nn h. INTAKE AND ASSESSMENT: 20.700.00 -0- 20.700.00 1. ORIENTATION: -0- -0- -O- . J. COUNSELING: 16,800.00 -0- 16.800.00 k. JOB DEVELOPMENT: 16,800.00 -0- 16,800.00 1. JOB PLACEMENT: 19,200.00 -0- 19,200.00 m. OTHER: (Specify) OJT SPECIALIST 12,600.00 -0- _ 12.600.00, u. OTHER: (Specify) OJT CERT. OFF. 6.240.00 -0- - 6.240.00 o. OTHER: (Specify) FRINGE BENEFITS 15,045.00 -0- 15.045.00 SUB —TOTAL $ 121,963.00 $ -0- $121,963.00 TOTAL $537,881.00 $ + 104,830.00 $ 642,711.00 r Contract No. 156 -6317 PROGRAM NARRATIVE - TITLE I (STAM T OF WORK) SEE ATTACH (1) Welding Proficiency Skills Training Narrative 12)r-OJT Narrative s WELDING PROFICIENCY SKILLS TRAINING PURPOSE SER -Jobs for Progress, Inc., as a member of the Manpower Consortium hereby submits the following welding proficiency training proposal. This proposal will meet the needs of our welding industry as outlined by the Welding Industry Advisory Committee. Through this proposal SER will provide AM pro- ficiency welding training to those qualified participants who exhibit welding potential. These participants, who must meet all CETA eligibility guidelines, will be individuals who are semi- skilled welders but need further individualized training in order to enable them to pass the ABS Q-1 or AWS welding test. PARTICIPANTS • The selection of the participants will be by the contractor (SER) following CETA guidelines. Participants selected must be able to demonstrate prior welding experience or training. Since this program is designed for individuals who need short -term proficiency training it will be impossible to start a welder with fundamental procedures. Referrals will be made by the welding industry in our Cousortium'area after a preliminary welding test. FACILITY AND EQUIPMENT The training site will be at 1.201 South Port, Corpus Christi, Texas. This location is not only centrally located with easy access to public transportation systems, but also it is accessible for easy out -of -town throughfares. Utilizing two (2) enclosed buildings our welding machines are permantly installed in twenty- • two (22). individualized instructional cubicles. The individualized cubicles are more conducive to a better instructor- trainee relation. AVAILABLE EQUIPMENT 23 Lincoln 400's (machine) 2 Lincoln MIGS 3 AIRCO Bumble Bees (Machine) 3 Cutting Torch Sets 2 Steel Cutting Bands Saws 4 Wall Grinders 1 Portable Grinder SER -Jobs for Progress, Inc., will offer training on an open- entry, open ended basis. Although this proposal calls for 40 train- ing participants, it is conceived that 35 -40 participants could take advantaged of this program. This system will allow participants with differing levels of welding proficiency to enter the program, and be placed on jobs as soon as they have acquired the skills necessary to perform on the jobs as welders in local industry. The instructor in conjuntion with potential employers, will determine when a participant has attained the necessary skills for employment. As soon as a slot is vacated, another participant will fill it, and began training. SUMMATION: In addition SER will utilize its vast training knowledge and trained professionla people in further providing participants with counseling services, pre -job and pre - vocational training and place- ment services in order to insure that participants fully understand responsibilities and what is expected of them in the labor market. SER's proven performance in short -term training programs can be measured through previous training classes of.better than 85% placement ratio. Our rapport with industry in the Consortium area has been /enhanced through skills training and On -The- Job.Training Program. 1I•It is due to this rapport and understanding with not only the Welding Industry Advisory Committee but also with other types of industry that we feel our agency is better prepared to meet their needs in the welding field. It is our intend to continue to cooperate fully with all types of implementations that will improve this proposal, if the Welding Industry Advisory Committee deems warranted. t OJT PROPOSAL • GENERAL INTENT' To modify the existing CETA, Title I, Contract to provide twenty -seven (27) OJT slots to the public non- profit sector and to the private profit making sector, in the coastal bend manpower consortium area. PROGRAM NARRATIVE: To increase on- the -job training slots from 153 to 180. Total amount of training slots for FY -76 program year to date 324. Skills Training 144 OJT Training 180 Total 324 SER -Jolis for Progress, Inc., a member of the coastal bend manpower consortium under the CETA criteria of 1973, agrees to deliver to the prime sponsor on- the -job training program in the public non - profit institutions and in the private profit making institutions, twenty -seven (27) additional on- the -job training slots. Utilizing SER's vast knowledge and trained professional people in the employment training field under on- the -job training program over the past several years, SER will provide the following services; intake, counseling, placement, contract development, servicing, monitoring, and payment of approved training costs. The hire first, train, and retain aspects will be emphasized in con- tract development, negotiations will be carried out with non - profit insti- tutions, plus the private profit making institutions. Emphasis will be placed in training slots which provide high level, high wages, marketable skills, upward mobility and job security. OJT NARRATIVE Title I On- the -Job Training (OJT) Component This component will be conducted as OJT- Private and OJT - Public and is for the purpose of providing a participant with a bona -fide skill and /or qualification for a particular occupation through demonstration and practice. This is a hire, train, and retain program. OJT- Private is on- the -job training in private- for - profit industry and conducted only on a_negotiated training agreement whereby the employer agrees to parti- cipate on a hire first -train later basis. The employer may be reimbursed CETA funds to cover the extraordinary expenses incurred in hiring and training and related employability supportive services for the negotiated period of training. CETA staff will also work with the employer and the participant to see that the participant receives any additional supportive services deemed necessary for successful culmination in career employ- ment with upward mobility opportunities. All such OJT trainees will be consid- ered regular employees and receive the same benefits as other employees of the contracting organization. Reimbursable services may be bench side or over the shoulder training, Job Related Education (JRE), English as a Second Language (ESL), special counseling, child care, transportation, medical care, etc. No employer will be reimbursed more than 50% of the base wage rate of the parti- cipant as indicated in the negotiated training agreement. OJT- Public is on- the -job training with various public or private non- profit agencies. Insofar as possible, all OJT in the public sector will be on a hire and train basis using the same and not to exceed 50% reimbursement formula indicated for Private OJT agreements. OJT contracts with organizations in the public sector should be utilized only where a bona -fide budgeted vacancy exists. General Standards and Requirements for OJT- Private and OJT- Public Title I Agreements 1. Employer must agree to hire participant into a regular position prior to the provision of any services or reimbursement. 2. Employer must pay minimum wage. 3. Employer must show opportunity for a better wage or evidence of a career ladder. 4. Employer must cover participant /employee with Workmen's Compensation. 5. Employer must have adequate health and safety standards. 6. Employer must not discriminate in its hiring and training practices because of race, creed, color, sex, or national origin. 7. No OJT will be developed if there is a supply of unemployed skilled labor for that occupation available locally. Program operators will coordinate with the local employment services office to determine availability. JT NARRATIVE (Continued) 8. Any OJT agreement offering employment and training in occupations that appear on the list of recognized apprenticeable trades, as published by the Department of Labor of the State Apprenticeship Council must include as an attachment to the proposal a copy of the company's apprenticeship standards or a letter from the employer stating his intention to develop a formal apprenticeship program with the assistance of the appropriate apprenticeship representative. The proposal must also contain a statement that those trainees enrolled in apprenticeable occupations will be given an opportunity to advance to journeyman status. 9. No OJT will be developed with an employer covered by a collective bargaining agreement within the employer's establishment without the concurrence of the bargaining agent involved. The following standards can be waived with written permission of the Prime Sponsor: 10. No training agreement will exceed 26 weeks. 11. No agreement for more than 25% of employer's regular full -time work force at any one work site. 12. No agreement that includes skill levels 22 or 23. 13. Total component enrollment for any one participant cannot exceed 12 months. 14. Reimbursement will be based on the extraordinary costs of recruiting or hiring, training, and retaining not to exceed 502 of the base wage. (Public only.) Eligibility for Participation: Participants will be selected for or referred to this component from those who have the greatest need and must be at the time of enrollment: a. Economically disadvantaged. b. Unemployed. c. Underemployed. Occupations for which OJT training and job placement contracts will not be. approved are: a. Low - paying high turnover industry as defined under General Standards for all CETA components, i.e., Needle- Thread Industries. b. Occupations dependent on a commission or "piece rate" as the primary source of income. c. Bartenders. d. Intermittent seasonal occupations; and JT NARRATIVE (Continued) • e. Professional occupations requiring licenses as a prerequisite to hiring, i.e., Registered Nurses. f. No agreement that will displace a current employee. g. No agreement with firm involved in labor dispute or in violation of Fair Labor Standards Act. Copies of all OJT agreements should be forwarded to the Prime Sponsor not later than within five working days of date of contract. Suggested Duration of Title I OJT Training Agreements The maximum number of training hours are to be based upon the complexity of the occupation. The complexity of the occupation is to be determined by adding the 4th, 5th, and 6th digits of the DOT code (Dictionary of Occupational Titles), with the total referred to as the "skill level." Occupations with skill levels of 22 and 23 will not be considered for funding without written waiver approval by the Prime Sponsor and if the occupation pays a starting wage of $3.00 per hour or more. Skill Levels OJT /Special Counseling Hours or Weeks 21 560 14 20 680 17 19 800 20 18 920 23 17 1,040 26 16 1,160 29 15 1,280 32 14 1,400 35 13 1,520 38 12 1,640 41 11 1,720 43 10 1,760 44 The above hours represent suggested maximums. Actual hours will be negotiated by the program operator and the OJT employer for the reasonable period of training to match the skills listed by the prospective OJT employer as being required to perform the job. Duration of OJT individual training may not exceed the formula set forth above without prior approval of the Prime Sponsor Contracting Officer. In no case may any training agreement exceed 104 weeks. The OJT employer may not subcontract any part of the OJT agreement. Other supportive services needed for a participant and furnished by other than the employer will be considered in negotiating training hours and release time with the employer to arrive at a reasonable OJT agreement. F. + CONTRACT SIGNATURE SHEET FY -1976 X16 MODIFICATION N PRIME SPONSOR: CONTRACTOR: Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium Texas Employment Commission P. 0. Box 9277 TEC Building Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Austin, TX. 78778 This contract is entered into by the Administrative Unit of the Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium, hereinafter referred to as Prime Sponsor and Texas Employment Commission , hereinafter referred to as Contractor. The Contractor agrees to operate a Manpower Services Program in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. This contract consists of 13 pages, including this page, and such other provisions and documents as are included herein. The Contractor hereby agrees that he has read this Contract and will abide by all terms specified herein and also certifies that the information in this Contract is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief and this Contract has been fully authorized. Funds hereby being obligated are subject to the availability clause. A. CONTRACT PERIOD This Contract covers the period (date) from 07-01 -75 to 06 -30 -76 B. OBLIGATION Total CETA funds obligated by the Prime Sponsor are $ 1,111,171 1. Funds carried in from previous program year are $ -0- 2. New funds obligated are $ -0- 3. (For Modification use only) This Action increases the total CETA funds obligated for this Contract by $ 202,483 to (new level) $ 1,717.,173- APPROVED FOR THE PRIME SPONSOR: APPROVED FOR THE CONTRACTOR: DAY OF 1976 DAY OF , 1976 BY: BY: R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager Signature BY: Jason Luby, Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary Date APPROVED: DAY OF , 1976 Director of Finance Name and Title APPROVED: DAY OF 1976 City Attorney CETA- January, 1976 a` Oexas Employment Commission TEC Building Austin, TX. 78778 PROGRAM NARRATIVE - TITLE I (STATEMENT OF WORK) MODIFICATION SHEEP General Intent To Modify the current contract by: FY- 1976 • Modification No. 1 1. Adding $202,483 to the original contract. 2. Adding fifty -three trainees in four occupations to the Del Mar College training program. See attached statement of work. 3. Adding forty -nine trainees in six occupations to the Bee County College training program. See attached statement of work. 4. Revising Back -Up Support Budget to reflect additional costs. i This modification includes the following: 1. Signature Sheet 2. Modification Sheet 3. Program Planning Summary 4. Supplement to the CETA - PPS 5. Budget Information Summary 6. Project Component Budget and Back -Up Support Data 7. Program Narrative -Title I (Statement of Work) a. CAAS: E: 'S r......E AND A....AC.,., ACTIVITIES US ::5:'A II ; > :.NT OF LABMI • M: Ipawcr Ad..:a,i.ln,ldn b. GRANT NU-MBER TEXAS WLOYMENT COMMISSION IV. OTHER ACTIVITICS IRurerenee IIF) Ind—te Other dnlY.b Yt Or spinal programs on onach. raunts. Describe their object.Yes and list rrlllallann 10 Ward the+r riCh—rrical in a 9Wntital.YO or auraliw j7resenwpon. FY- 1976 TEC BUILDING D E CEiA PROGRAM PLANNING SUMMARY MODIFICATION NO.1 AUSTIN, TEXAS 8 8 7 77 Wv EAMIene! C. GRANT YEAR d. TYPO OF PROGRAM 0 _ 9 7 002 From To July 1, 1975 I June 30, 1976 1. L7 Tma 1 - 7. ❑ Tn+e 111 sDeeuy_,,,,. „« i IJ bt C,rn�nliY E�ronea D a 7 5 _051 FT FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY INSTRUCTIONS FOIL COMPLETING SECTIONS 1. 11• AND III �Oe:T nACT HEV 1 MOO. GATE �, Sec. 1: A (-Total ErubgmeutaJ i[ Ne n,m oI A.1 and A.Z. B (TOUT TermuutiansJ a Ne n,m o! 8.1 through Z B.J. C (PLvulyd :iruoWnenit) is A minus B. 2 =IO •., id _� E oZ °o F Sle. Ii: Enter In line (aj I:nroOmenn N each program utivlly tvmulatrcely thmugrt Ue grant year. .,a in bne I ii OI I 2 „ c V V O 3 1'.' 'J I al C. •s'+ly Crv"”. 0 ] I7 O (b) the number of parlicipanta planned to DC enraged in each program anwrly at the end or each 9uarer; parliclpam. who are mncurtenUy lIIIOBCd N mote than ODQ aC1:Y,ly ahau:d be =unit, N each 1 a I'•. J7 .I Tcul Lr.rcl:n,rnn mr.I 00 vv activity In v h.ch they are c lUed. .r 13 1 bl C..... Y E.....ed I D G ) See: III: Enter the Wniulati.ir number or participants In each "meat to be enrolled durvq the qra , yea. I : 213 + F 6 7 a 0 ° ll L` ]) lw t 1 1! 2 n t •' . 2 .IG- Participants should be counted In as many ugailicanl stgmenl groups as are appbeablc. I. ENROLLMENT AND TCRMINATION SUMMARY GRANT YEAR•TO.D /.TE PLAN aEPORT 'E IOTA 10. TOTAL C. PE HI OD NROLL. L. Enroll• 2. Per l ltl- TER NINA• 1 Fn1lMg 12.ro.Non• MENTS men {s Danes Carlin TION: EI,a,IOymn . Dlrect D. 1 autCl Obtained os.t�re posltlrt IhlLy . O.ee Men, Pltmis. L —,W-O. lr. 097 5 00211 00057 0015 000 0003 00000 0003 00000 00002 00008 C II. PLANNED ENIIOLLMENTS IN PROGRAM ACTIVITIES IV. OTHER ACTIVITICS IRurerenee IIF) Ind—te Other dnlY.b Yt Or spinal programs on onach. raunts. Describe their object.Yes and list rrlllallann 10 Ward the+r riCh—rrical in a 9Wntital.YO or auraliw j7resenwpon. A 1 b 1 C D E P CLAssnooIA TRAINING RIrA e_rirns. Vo<._E a. On-theJeO Training Pub. Serve ERWIWantt a Wv EAMIene! Other ACINIII01 Ci 2 a1 TO'al Enr 011mC0I1 0 _ 9 7 002 i IJ bt C,rn�nliY E�ronea D a 7 5 _051 FT I fs sl Toles Cr, I.II —ell 1 2 7 5 00277 +N,I;n id 1217 5 00109 I.J 17 1 +1 1r 1,L en:a O`7i17 1'.' 'J I al C. •s'+ly Crv"”. 0 ] I7 001 I'•. J7 .I Tcul Lr.rcl:n,rnn ID IL 7 .r 13 1 bl C..... Y E.....ed I D G ) •i 11 ii ] 2 > ?h:•i 7u ]I. 7L 43 .IG- 51 ' III. SIGNIFICAIT SCGMENTS V. a. SIGNATURE S•G:,IFICANT SEGb:CNTS GnANT YEAR•TO.OATC PLAN SIGNIFICANT SCGMENTS GRANT VEAn•TO•DATE PLAN 9 /70 32/71 7 /71 6/70 •J/.0 12/71 3/71 6/70 W to)_ 10 Id) 1 +1 (a1 _10 (a)_ b. DATE SIGNED A Unemployed. F _ B Underemploye,- G c& Disadvan- 00211 1 00277 -O-C;77- 007 H _ 0 tagect- [ J 61LSl�11'l{!1 • is pROGRA�l TEXAS EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION C11L4 T TUC ING AUSTIN, , TEXAS 78778 Flt -76 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CETA - PPS MODIFIC N NO.1 WTMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED TO BE SERVED, PROGRAM YEAR TO DATE. rH -YEAR II. NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED TO BE ENROLLED AT END OF EACH MONTH. III. CUMULATIVE PROJECTED EXPENDITURES BY MONTH f -1975 159 152 84,000 -1975 194 165 'A6,000 r. -1975 211 16 250,000 -1975 233 1 -1975 255 110 415,000 -1975 277 log 575,000 -1976 556 158 667,598 -1976 591 167 760,196 JH -1976 647 196 8 z II, -1976 697 213 938 919 -1976 752 22 1 025,045 E -1976 767 182 1,111,171 TRUCTIONS I. Enter the total planned number of individuals who are planned to be served cumulative each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 1C of the 'PPS. II. Enter the total planned number of individuals who will be in the program covered by this PPS on the last day of each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services-, training, or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part IC of the PPS. III. Enter the planned accrued expenditures of funds cumulative by month. The totals in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part.111B of the PPS. A. GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS TEXAS EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION TEC Building Austin, Texas 78778 U.S. OCrARTMCRT OF LAGOR 5tanpowrr Adm4i,:rniop BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY FY -76 MODIFICATION NO.1 B. GRANT NUMBER 21 22 C. TYPE OF PROGRAM 7. N2 TIM 1 3. 0 TBm 111 2. C3 TIM 11 f Sprei/ 71 .. ............................... 4. C3 Tar VI O. FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY 3 .r 211 2 23 r 10 I 1 7 —I CONTRACT KEY r< o c iI of °OZ oo .-u r °nd uu f z MOD. DAM, MM 3 21 2: 27 2< 251 700yy 1 1 '0•.11 12 17 l4 5 6 ] 8 9 to 11 i.-Ti-31 14 IS 16 17 ]B 17 20 21 22 27 .14f25 26 27 20 29 G � E. BUDGET SUMMARY COST CATEGORIES -::a1 P:c;c:Ir: Lx-rnGitcre, by Pr°gram a GRANT PROGRAM FU '•C3 iON OR ACTIVITY ESTIMATED UNEXPLNOED FUNDS NEW OR REVISED BUDGET I. TOTAL p. Fetleral r. Non•F4Ilor41 °. Fetleral Non•Frtleral -- 1. ALn:rl,trancn 44 250,000 - �4 852.793 14.1 26 51,508 51,508 c _ 53 "153 e. P�LI:: Strvler tmplayment G2 62 62 62 d taut E.per—ce - <4 -0- - -0- F:—Srnehn 171 It S—:cn I. Par1i:q-1s 1 2 3 26 1 153 -O— 1 2 3 26 I 3 26 G1 < G 4 62 162,7 1 2-0- 1. C:r.er Acu:11 m, 35 35 35 35 1 ::al, 44 44 44 1 711171 44 1,111,171 G 1 F. CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY PROJECTIONS OF CIBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES [For O—IEF Enaingl 1 12 13 .` 21 22 23 2< 25 1 11 3 .r 211 2 23 24 2 I 1 7 3 2 .121231211251 1 2 3 21 2: 27 2< 251 1 I lo 3 17 16 1 1 1. Pt— Sp:r..r Ob!:;viom G 13 26 250,000 G 2•i 3 575,000 G 13 26 852,793 G � 26 3I 1.111.171 -::a1 P:c;c:Ir: Lx-rnGitcre, by Pr°gram 35 250,000 3 _ 575,000 35 852,793 3_S 1.111.171 a. C�a.r_,r.. Ttur..ng. Prime Sponsor 44 250,000 4 000 �4 852.793 14.1 117 b. On ?.r -lob T—nin; 53 _ 53 "153 e. P�LI:: Strvler tmplayment G2 62 62 62 d taut E.per—ce - 71 71 71 171 It S—:cn I. Par1i:q-1s 1 2 3 26 1 2 3 .'0 1 2 3 26 1 12 3 26 G1 < G 4 G 4 G 4 1. C:r.er Acu:11 m, 35 35 35 35 3 P:cµ::ed Esper.3olwr, for Vocational Ed. . Sprclat Cunt, to Opvernoes 44 44 44 44 4. Prrc:.ci c:cp.•r.!Ily rs of No. Frd. Funds 53 53 I53 53 S O:er: FrG. FL :a. 7:a I- Pr.�r 5pon. lS:.-It C •- 62 - G2 62 1 62 - 6. C. ..� Total • Prelenrd Exprnd+nuos "+ •71 250,000 71 000 71 701 71 1 7..7.7_ 171 MA 5.145 IApr. 1975 Fiscal Year 1976 Modification No. 1 PROJECT COMPONENT BUDGET Q TITLE I Q TITLE II [--] TITLE III NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Texas Employment Commission FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY: Skill Training BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (f or -) BUDGET (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COST: $ 42,942 $ 8566 $ 51,508 (2) WAGES: N/A N/A N/A (3) TRAINING: 106,267 56,509 162,776 (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: N/A NL_ NIA (5) ALLOWANCES: 692,835 137,4o8 830,243 (6) SERVICES: 66,644 -0- 66,644 TOTAL $ 908,688 $ 202,483 $ 1,111,171 • (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS Texas Employment C. *on Fiscal Year 1 Modification No. 1 BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET a. STAFF COSTS: $ 6,672 $ -0- $_ 6,672 b. FRINGE BENEFITS: 1,042 -0- 1,042 c. CONSUMABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: 864 -0- 864 * d. PROGRAM EVALUATION: 3,739 -0- 3,739 e. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: 6,646 -0- 6,646 f. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: N/A N/A N/A g. STATE MANPOWER SERVICES COUNCIL: N/A N/A N/A h. PRIME SPONSOR PLANNING COUNCIL: N/A N/A N/A 1. TRAVEL: 1,801 1,801 3,602 J. RENT: N/A N/A N/A k. UTILITIES: 878 -0- 878 I. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: N/A NIA NIA m. INDIRECT COSTS: MA _ W NfA n. STAFF TRAINING: N/A N/A N/A o. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: N/A N/A N/A p. EQUIPMENT: N/A N/A N/A q. MATERIAL: N/A N/A N/A r. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: N/A N/A N/A s. PUBLICATIONS: N/A N/A N/A t. AUDIT SERVICES: N/A N/A N/A u. OTHER: (Specify) L.D. Tale .... 144 343 -0- 343 Local Tele...199 v. OTHER: (Specify) Computerized Pmt. of Allowances 19,279 3,731 23,010 W. OTHER: (Specify) Postage 600 180 780 x. OTHER: (Specify) Trainee Insurance 1,078 854 1,932 Y. OTHER: (Specify) Duplicating & Printing -0- 2,000 --s-- 2,000 a SUB -TOTAL $ 42,942 8,566 51,508 Also includes Personnel Management, Central Office Management, supervision,and Technical Support. �", • BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGET (2) WAGES: a. ON- THE -JOB TRAINING: b. TRANSITIONAL SUBSIDIZED EMPLOYMENT: c. OTHER: (Specify) d. OTHER: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL (3) TRAINING• a. SALARIES: b. FRINGE BENEFITS: c. TUITIONS: Includes RegU�T�ed Fees (+ or -) Books, and IITTTn1712Tor=. d. ENTRANCE FEES: e. BOOKS: f. TEACHER'S AIDES: g. OTHER: (Specify) h. OTHER: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL Texas Employment C.O.ion Fiscal Year 1 Modification No. 1 n/a BUDGET n/a APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET $ n/a $ nja $ n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a a/a n/a $ n/a $ n/a $ n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 106,267 562509 162,776 n/a nja n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n1 a, n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $ 106,267 $ 56,509 $ 162,776 (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: Texas Employment C�ion Fiscal Year BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS Modification No,, 1 a. ANNUAL LEAVE: b. SICK LEAVE: c. COURT LEAVE: d. MILITARY LEAVE e. FICA: f. LIFE INSURANCE: g. HEALTH INSURANCE: h. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE: i. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION: J. RETIREEfENT BENEFITS: k. OTHER: (Specify) 1. OTHER: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL (5) ALLOWANCES: SUB -TOTAL $ 692,835 $ 137,4o8 $ 830,243 BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET $ n/a $ n/a $ n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $ n/a $ n/a $ n/a (5) ALLOWANCES: SUB -TOTAL $ 692,835 $ 137,4o8 $ 830,243 BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (6) SERVICES TO CLIE14TS: a. CHILD CARE: b. HEALTH CARE: c. MEDICAL SERVICES: d. RESIDENTIAL SUPPORT: e. ASSISTANCE IN SECURING BONDS: f. FAMILY PLANNING: g. OUTREACH: h. INTAKE AND ASSESSMENT: i. ORIENTATION: J. COUNSELING: k. JOB DEVELOPMENT: 1. JOB PLACaIENT• m. OTHER: (Specify) Testing n. OTHER: (Specify) o. OTHER: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL TOTAL Texas Employment Commission Fiscal Year 1976 Modification No. 1 0 BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET $ n/a $ n/a $ n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 16,661 -0- 16,661 n/a n/a n/a 19,993 -0- 19,993 13,329 -0- 13,3229 13,329 -o- 13.329 3,332 -0- 3,332 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $ 66,644 $ -0- $ 66,644 $ 908,688 $ 202,483 $1,17.1,171 No. *7texas Employment Commission ConCracl; TEC Building Austin, TX. 78778 PROGRAM NARRATIVE — TITLE I rY -1976 MODIFICATION NO.1 (STATEMENT Or WORK) See ATTACHMENT A. Del Mar College Supplementary Training Program See ATTACHMENT B. Bee County College Supplementary Training Program TEXAS EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION TEC BUILDING DEL MAR COLLEGE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78778 . • FY - 1976 SuppimTARY TRA1PiIIdG PROPOSALS -FY -76 MODIFICATION NO. 1 ATTACHMENT A. No. of Type of Training Total Monies Required to Additional Monies That Additional Monies That Total Cost Trainees No. Carry Proposed Train- Will Be Required to Will Be Required to From Beginning Train- ing Through 6 -30 -76 Continue Proposed Train- Continue Proposed Train - Through Completion ing Wks. (Incentive Monies) ing Through Transitional ing Through Completion of Training Required Quarter Ending 9 -30 -76 During FY -77 Training Training Training Training Training Training Training Training Costs Allowances Costs Allowances Costs Allowances Costs Allowances 20 Welder, Comb. 26 1,538 7,400 6,462 33,180 -0- -0- 8,000 40,580 05 -31 -76 15 Stenographer(HIALCO) 52 3,036 18,740 5,734 40,290 -0- -0- 8,770 59,030 03 -01 -76 15 Front -End 6 Brake 12 10,100 17,860 -0- -0- -0- -0- 10,100 17,860 Mechanic 04 -05 -76 3 Individual Referrals Various 1,278 4,912 -0- -0- -0- -0- 1,278 4,912 TOTAL 53 15,952 48,912 12,196 73,470 -0- -0- 28,148 122,382 TEXAS EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION TEC BUILDING BEE COUNTY COLLEGE FY- 1976 MODIFICATION NO. 1 AUSTIN, TX 78778 SUPPLEMENTARY TRAINING PROPOSALS -FY -76 ATTACHMENT B. No. of Type of Training Total Monies Required to Additional Monies That Additional Monies That Total Cost Trainees No. Carry Proposed Train- Will Be Required to Will Be Required to From Beginning Train- ing Through 6 -30 -76 Continue Proposed Train- Continue Proposed Train - Through Completion ing Wks. (Incentive Monies) ing Through Transitional ing Through Completion of Training Required Quarter Ending 9 -30 -76 During FY -77 Training Training Training Training Training Training Training Training Costs Allowances Costs Allowances Costs Allowances Costs Allowances 20* welder (Beeville) 24 33,470* 47,500 -0- -0- -0- -0- 33,470" 47,500 01 -19 -76 15 Nurse Aid (Alice) 14 2,625 16,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- 2,625 16,000 02 -16 -76 2 Individual Ref various 1,285 7,380 789 5,617 -o- -0- 2,074 12,997 (Beeville) o3 -o1 -76 4 Auto Mechanic 52 800 5,688 1,512 10,744 -0- -0- 2,312 16,432 (Alice) 03 -01 -76 4 Secretary 48 1,484 6,240 948 6,240 -0- -0- 2,432 1?,48o (Beeville) 01 -12 -76 4 Radio & TV Repair 52 893 5,688 1,687 10,744 -0- _o- 2,580 16,432 (Beeville) 03 -01 -76 TOTAL 99 — 045_ , +7 79-36- 33 T5 -O- _ -b- 75-79-3 121, 1 * 20 training slots, open -entry open- ended. Will accommodate 20 to 35 trainees. ** Includes bus transportation for trainees provided by Bee County College. qwo CONTRACT SIGNATURE SHEET PRIME SPONSOR: CONTRACTOR: Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium City of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Independent School District 302 S. Vater Street 801 Leopard Street Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 This contract is entered into by the Administrative Unit of the Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium, hereinafter referred to as Prime Sponsor and the Corpus Christi Ind. Sch. Dist. , hereinafter referred to as Contractor. The Contractor agrees to operate a Manpower Services Program in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. This contract consists of _18 -Pages, including this page, and such other provisions and documents as are included herein. The Contractor hereby agrees that he has read this Contract and will abide by all terms specified herein and also certifies that the information in this Contract is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief and this Contract.has been fully authorized. Funds hereby being obligated are subject to the availability clause. A. CONTRACT PERIOD This Contract covers the period (date) from 9/1/75 to 6/30176 B. OBLIGATION Total CETA funds obligated by the Prime Sponsor are $ 628,777 1. Funds carried in from previous program year are $ -0•- 2. New funds obligated are $ -0- 3. (For Modification use only) This Action increases the total CETA funds obligated for this Contract by $ 33,570 to (new level) $ 628,777 APPROVED FOR THE PRIME SPONSOR: APPROVED FOR THE CONTRACTOR: DAY OF , 1976 1 't F Januar . 1976 BY: B R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager Signature BY: Jason Luby, Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary Date APPROVED: DAY OF , 1976 Dana Williams Superintendent of Schools Name and Title APPROVED: DAY OF City Attorney 1976 Director of Finance y 43 D CETA - January, 1976 MODIFICATION SHEET General Intent FY 1976 • Modification No. 1 (1) To add the Rebound Component $33,570 for coupling work experience with G.E.D. programs (especially CETA 112) to encourage out -of- school youth (18) to complete their education. (See separate attached Narrative Description) (2) To otherwise modify and adjust remaining costs, slots, and hour allocations for maximum utilization of funds in meeting client needs. (3) To replace the fourth page of the original program narrative. This modification includes the following: 1. Signature Sheet 2. Modification Sheet 3. Program Planning Summary 4. Supplement to the CETA - PPS 5. Budget Information Summary 6. Project Component Budget and Back -Up Support Data j M Corpus Christi Independent School District outh Services Program 01 Leopard Street Corpus Christi. TX 78401 U.S. DHI'A11TMIiNT OF LAnOR • Manpower Administratl CETA PROGRAM PLANNING SUMMARY c. GRANT YEAR From I To 156 -8315 d. TYPE OF PROGRAM I. (a Title 1, 3. C3 Title III I. ENROLLMENT AND TERMINATION SUMMARY ' • ACTIVITIES rvn ncuwNS6 vrrrs.c A. TOTAL ENROLL• 1. Enroll• Sec. It A (Total Enrollments) Is the sum of A.1 and A.2. B (Total Terminations) R the sum of B.1 through 1 Entering Employmca a. Direct b. Indirect CONTRACT KEY C MoD.OATE lu a B.3. C (Planned Enrollments) is A minus B. Z ¢ d MENTS meals this r. pants Cortlod TIONS Over 2 B PlCmla. d Z (d) (rnd of 9n,vfrr 10 6 1- See. 11: Enter In line (a) Enrollments In each program activity cumulatively through the grant year, and In line 097 1 27 >'; 03 0 6 21 � + W D gS �U $' E N > LL ,�' E d o d Ha Z E D 0 l06 0 (b) the number of pwtIelpants planned to be enrolled In each program aeUvlty at the and of each 9uarter, particlpante who are concurrently enrolled in more than one activity should be counted lo each H 1 1556 0 10 1116 g Z 15,56 60 V i MM DD YV aegvlty In .li Umy are enrolled. 1 o 16 6 620 107 117 20 2 10 10 111 40 20 Sac. III1 Enter the cumulative number of participants In each segment to be enrolled during the grant year. 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 U Y jG 1 1 1 2 ..23 Ol GB 0 171 e M t Participants should be counted in as many significant segment groups as are applicable. I. ENROLLMENT AND TERMINATION SUMMARY ' GRANT YEAR- TO•DATE PLAN ' ACTIVITIES a, REPORT O A. TOTAL ENROLL• 1. Enroll• I3. TOTAL 2. Parllel• ITERMINA- 1 Entering Employmca a. Direct b. Indirect C. Obtained 2. Other Poaltive 3. posIllve C. PLANNED C. ENROLLM On-the-Job Trelning PERIOD MENTS meals this r. pants Cortlod TIONS Over 2 Plcmti PlCmla. Emplgman (c) (d) (rnd of 9n,vfrr 10 6 1 097 1 27 >'; 03 0 6 21 � + Cj l06 o l06 lo6 0 Youth l06 0 Is D 1 1 1556 0 10 1116 10 15,56 1o86 20 44o �' 1 7 16 6 620 107 117 20 2 10 10 111 40 20 p 1 7 2x125 -18 6 26 800 33 - 10 6 3G 1351 al 0 4G sl 1 S6 ' 61 - Ol GB 0 171 20 1 2 3 II. PLANNED ENROLLMENTS IN PROGRAM ACTIVITIES GRANT YEAR- TO.OATE PLAN SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS GRANT IV. OTHER ACTIVITIES (Reforence IIF) Indicate other activities or special programs an attach. ments. Describe their objectives and list milestones toward their achievement in a quantitative or narrative presentation. 1 I PLAN A e C D E- P CLASSROOM TRAINING Prlmo Soon. V.C. Ed. On-the-Job Trelning Pub. Sowlco Employment Work Pmvlonco Other ACINItles Ibl 2 e1 Total Enrollments o 9 7 (c) (d) Income 10 6 10 6 1696 Cj 3 b) Currently Enrolled D 9 7 1 Youth 0 G H 2 a) Total Enrollments 1 12 7 15,56 3 b) Currently Enrollee 1 2 7 E 44o J 2 a) Total Enrolments 0 3 7 - O 3 b Enrolletl 0 3 7 20 2 Total Enrollments 0 6 7 8 3 Currently Enrolled 0 6 1 2 3 3 24!25 26 31 38 3 4G 51 III. SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS V, e. SI NATURE b. DATE SIGNED January 19, 1976 SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS GRANT YEAR- TO.OATE PLAN SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS GRANT YEAR- TO.OATE PLAN 9/30 12/31 3/31 6130 9/30 12jl1 3/31 6/30 lal Ibl (c1 (d) la) (b) (c) (d) Income 10 6 1556 1696 1876 F Youth G H E J rawv. roue o r� c ' SUPPLEMENT ,TO THE CETA - PPS it I. NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED TO BE SERVED, PROGRAIM YEAR TO DATE. MONTH -YEAR II. NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED TO BE ENROLLED AT END OF EACH MONTH. III. CUMULATIVE PROJECTED EXPENDITURES BY MONTH JULY 1975 lo 76 1076 FY - AUG. 1975 1076 350 FY - 3EPT.. 1975 1076 -0-. 45,000 3CT. 1975 1491 400 100,000 Mov. 1975 1526 430 160 000 DEC. 1975 1556 440 220,000 JAN. 1976 1626 480 230,000 ?EB. 1976 1666 510 280,000 1ARCH 1976 1696 520 355,000 %PRIL 1976 1706 520 430,000 JAY 1976 1771 520 500,000 JUNE 1976 1876 525 628 I. Enter the total planned number of individuals who are planned to be served cumulative each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 1C of the'PPS. II. Enter the total planned number of individuals who will be in the program covered by this PPS on the last day of each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training, or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries iu Part 1C of the PPS. III. Enter the planned accrued expenditures of funds cumulative by month. The totals in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 111B of the PPS. A. GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR B. GRANT NUMBER 3 ,x: 23 Manpower Administration 24 2 Corpus Christi Independent 3 2112 156 -8315 School District BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY C. TYPE OF PROGRAM 801 Leopard Street 22 23 O Corpus Christi, TX 78401 1 2 1. M Title 1 3. O Title Ili 4. Title VI 2. o Title II fsperf fr) .. ............................... _ D. FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY 25 9 Mt °: °• CONTRACT KEY 7 MOO. DATE i�g • 8 7 ° 14 - 0 3 nli ^< 0 7 1. Prune Sponsor Obligations G 26 3 45,c00 G 26 3 220.000 G O N& Z 26 3 628,777 2. Total Projected Expenditures by Fragrant - 35 4 000 .•^G 3 220 000 t,x' 35 000 L-S 35 628 _ a. Classroom Training, Prime Sponsor n Z 44 4 4 MM DD YV 44 b. On-the-Job Training ,;7; 53 '� t., 5 ' „ • 53 53 C. Pubbc Serviee Employment K3 62 I �V 1 12 IF–'— 30 3 ? r 19E 12 13 14 1S 3G 17 IB 19 20 21 22 23 24 2$ 2G 27 28 2S E. BUDGET SUMMARY COST CATEGORIES a. GRANT PROGRAM ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED FUNDS NEW OR REVISED BUDGET L TOTAL b. Federal C. Non- FOaeral d. Federal e. Non - Federal FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY_ G 4 G 4 G 14 1 1 2 3 26 w y 35 1 AdministtnUon 35 '„ ; "'` ^_ �� I' G 2 62,507 'x 62,507 __ L. Allowanwe ,,;;t.'3 s4 I y 4. Projected Expenditures of Non-Fed. Funds ;ti: „. 35 53 iY 53 G2 71 220 000 3. wayas - 53 it " 53 . Other Fed. Funds. Ilot in Prime Span. Grant b. Grand Total Projected Expenditures -;` ;.H, 44 0 kr 4 2 0 4. Ftinge Benefits _ 62 71 628 71 1} 000 r;;.� sue' z �' "` k;:. 53 0 z 8 0 framing` Y r 3 a. G2 e -� F. CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY PROJECTIONS OF OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES (For Quarter Endingl • 1 2 3 ,x: 23 22 2a 24 2 1 2 3 2112 23 24 2 1 2 3 2 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 <' 21 2 23 24 25 9 Mt °: °• 0 9 7 y,, .:•'” 1 2 7 ° 14 - 0 3 7 ^< 0 7 1. Prune Sponsor Obligations G 26 3 45,c00 G 26 3 220.000 G 26 3 000 G 26 3 628,777 2. Total Projected Expenditures by Fragrant - 35 4 000 .•^G 3 220 000 t,x' 35 000 35 628 _ a. Classroom Training, Prime Sponsor ,,, 44 4 4 44 *_ •',G 44 b. On-the-Job Training ,;7; 53 '� t., 5 ' „ • 53 53 C. Pubbc Serviee Employment K3 62 I �V 62' 62 ? r fit d. Work Experience 7 !x:71 45,0nn :_' 71 220 000•se'„ 71 355 000, ?'? 71 626.777 e. Services to Participants 1 2 3 26 1 2 3 26 1 21 3 126 1 2 1 3 126 G 4 G 4 G 14 1 G 14 f. Other Activities :r. 35 - ?rs 35 '„ ; "'` 35 9,1351 3. Projected Expenditures for Vocational Ed. in Special Grants to Governors i �'. 44 t •,: , qq 4. Projected Expenditures of Non-Fed. Funds C 53 = 53 G2 71 220 000 �, s 53 it " 53 . Other Fed. Funds. Ilot in Prime Span. Grant b. Grand Total Projected Expenditures -;` ;.H, 62 kr 62 711 000 •.i "- 62 71 628 71 1} 000 �` `- �' "` z4Fiscal Year �� Modification No. 1 PROJECT COMPONENT BUDGET ® TITLE I E] TITLE II Q TITLE III NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Corpus Christi Independent School District FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY• Youth Work,Experience (Youth Services) BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COST: $ 71,946 $ - 9,439 $ 62,507 (2) WAGES: 437,475 + 39,755 477,230 (3) TRAINING: -0- -0- --0-- (4) FRINGE BENEFITS:.. 7,875 + 715 8,590 (5) ALLOWANCES: -0- -0- -0- (6) SERVICES: 77,911 + 2,539 80;450 TOTAL $ 595,207 $ + 33,570 $ 628,777 �4 BACK --UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS 0 BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET a. STAFF COSTS: $ 48,289 $ - 12,251 $ 36,038 b. FRINGE BENEFITS: 1,500 3 1,497 c. CONSUMABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: 1,121 + 679 1,800 d. PROGRAM EVALUATION: e. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: (CHECKS COST) 2,000 800 1,200 f. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: g. STATE MANPOWER SERVICES COUNCIL: N/A h. PRIME SPONSOR PLANNING COUNCIL: i. TRAVEL: 9,400 + 142 9,542 J. RENT: 5,600 - 1,505 4,095 k. UTILITIES: 1. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: -0- + 405 405 m. INDIRECT COSTS: n. STAFF TRAINING: -0- + 400 400 o. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: P. EQUIPMENT: Electric Typewriter -0- + 600 600 q. MATERIAL: 300 + 200 500 r. CAPITAL MPROVEMENTS: s. PUBLICATIONS: t. AUDIT SERVICES: u. OTHER: (Specify) Communications 1.800 + 200 2,000 v. OTHER: (Specify) Other Direct Costs: Printing, Xerox, w. OTHER: (Specify) etc. 1,936 + 2,494 4,430 x. OTHER: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL g 71,946 $ - 9,439 $ 62,507 r BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGET (2) WAGES: a. ON- THE -JOB TRAINING: b. TRANSITIONAL SUBSIDIZED EMPLOYMENT: c. OTHER: (Specify) Work Experience (youth) d. OTHER: (Specify) (3) TRAINING: a. SALARIES: b. FRINGE BENEFITS: c. TUITIONS: d. ENTRANCE FEES: e. BOOKS: f. TEACHERS AIDES: g. OTHER: (Specify) h. OTHER: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL APPROVED BUDGET • BUDGET CHANGES REVISED (+ or -) BUDGET 447,475 + 39.,755 -- 477.230 $ 437,475 $ + 39,755 $ 477,230 SUB -TOTAL $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- r BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: a. ANNUAL LEAVE: b. SICK LEAVE: c. COURT LEAVE: d. MILITARY LEAVE: e. FICA: f. LIFE INSURANCE: S. HEALTH INSURANCE: h. UNIMPLOYMENT INSURANCE: i. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION: 1.8% Wages J. RETIREMSNNT BENEFITS: k. OTHER: (Specify) 1. OTHER: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL APPROVED BUDGET • BUDGET CHANGES REVISED (+ or -) BUDGET 7,875 + 715 8,590 $ 7,875 $ + 715 $ 8,590 (5) ALLOWANCES: SUB -TOTAL $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (6) SERVICES TO CLIENTS: • BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET a. CHILD CARE: $ $ $ b. HEALTH CARE: c. MEDICAL SERVICES: d. RESIDENTIAL SUPPORT: e. ASSISTANCE IN SECURING BONDS: f. FAKMY PLANNING: g. OUTREACH: h. INTAKE AND ASSESSMENT: i. ORIENTATION: J. COUNSELING: 77,551 - 1,060 76,491 k. JOB DEVELOPMENT: 1. JOB PLACEMENT: m. OTHER: (Specify) Transportation 26o + 2,699 2,959 n. OTHER: (Specify) Tutoring, coach- ing, short course o. OTHER: (Specify) tuition... 100 + 90o 1,000 SUB -TOTAL $ 77,911 $ + 2,539 $ 80,450 TOTAL $ 595,207 $ + 33.570 $ 628,777 0 Most items shown on preceeding pages will require detailed back -up support in the form of a cost breakdown as to how the Contractor arrived at the cost figures. Attached is a sample format as to how this may be submitted. PI=ILI'CY OF COSTS: Administrative cost will not exceed 15 of the total cost. The flexibility of costs between cost categories will depend upon the negotiated agreement between the Prime Sponsor and the Contractor/Subgrautee. 1 POSITION TITLE SALARY PER NO. UNITS PAID % OF TIME TO POS. TOTAL AMOUNT HOUR ws¢N HOURS na¢Na Pro 'ram Director 9 12 100% 39 Part -time 10/14 -5/30 1 F 4,095 Full time 10/1/75 Assistant 10/13/7S 51 06/01/ -06/30 Assistant Summer 5.00 200 An A Ron Payroll Specialic 5,148 Records & Rn 127 39 100 4,953 M.I.S. Specialist 118 39 0 4.602 Program Secretary 111 39 100 4,329 Lead Counselor 219 39 100 8,541 Senior Coun. Spec. 1 219 1 39 100 8,541 Senior Coun. Spec. E . Coun. Spec. 219 208 39 39 100 8,541 Exp. Coun. Spec. Counsel Spec. 196 185 39 XQ 1100 7,644 7,215 Counsel Spec... Counsel Spec. 170 139 39 39 100 75 6,630 5,421 Counseling part -Time Specialist 3 160 ea. ay. -50% _20% 3,120 2.496 Intern Counseling (or Specialists (3 ) VS) s0 1 20 39 so S.850 Assistnat Counselors (5 ) 75 4 100 7,500 Counseling Spec. Sumer rQ 120 4 .100 2.880 TOTAL STAFF TNIS PROD. /CONP. TOTALS 112,529 RENT SQUARE FEET RATE /SQ. FT. /MO. MO.IN USE NO.STAFF USING % USE TOTAL AMOUNT o. RENT . ............................... b. RENT ............................... c. TOTAL 1300 35 9 12 100% 4,095 F 4,095 All three lines cover same person at different times, for different hours, under different circumstances. 0 Programs Narrative -Title 1 (Statement of work) • Operation Rebound A proposal for adding a structured part -time work - experience program which couples both the adult and youth programs with Section 112 - G.E.D. or other appropriate G.E.D. or A.B.E. programs. Purpose: To more adequately meet the educational and work - experience training needs of youth and adults who: (1) would not ordinarily be expected to be ready to enter the labor market or (2) would not ordinarily be able to enter a skill - training program within the six -month period normally required of out -of- school youth and adults under CETA Title I guidelines. This is due to the lack of a high school diploma or equivalency certificate. As students in area Adult Learning Centers, these participants will be involved in a continuous learning program. .They will be considered as being in school and therefore not subject to the six - month MIA limitation because of the emphasis on educational attainment. The rate and degree of progress made by the participant toward the GED will condition the degree of work- experience activity and intensity of training. As the partici- pant makes measurable progress towards the GED, his vrork- experience hours vi" be increased. Eligibilli ty: Participant must meet CETA eligibility guidelines and will be in either the adult or youth program, depending on age. Pre - conditions 1) Applicant must enroll in appropriate Adult Learning Center on the following basis: a) Enrollment must be in the CETA Section 112 class(es) unless all openings are filled. b) When Section 112 is closed, applicant may enroll in other appropriate ALC -GED or ABE classes. C) Students unable to function at the GED level may be enrolled in an ABE class but should be expected to enter GED training within a reasonable length of time. 2) Applicant will usually undergo a five - to - ten day waiting period prior to entrance into the paid work- experience activity. This period will be utilized to: a) Allow participant to establish a classroom attendance pattern, b) All(xr the counselor to assess the participant and develop the appropriate work- experience activity, c) Allow time to provide basic supportive services available through other agencies (child care, emergency funds, Welfare, health, etc.), d) Arrange transportation to worksite if necessary, e) Balance work - experience and education load, and f) Assist participant in removing other obstacles which might otherwise impede his progress: I Entrance into Work Experience: Since the basic pirpose of this coupling is to remove the educational barrier to employment, the participant will be required 'to spend a mini mwa agreed number of hours per week in the appropriate GED or ABE class. After his attendance pattern has been established, the participant will be assigned to a part -time work - experience activity appropriate to his needs and interests. The degree of concentration on paid work- experience as an indirect placement or skill- training lead -in will increase as the :participant proceeds toward his educational goal. Educational work- experience incentives will generally take the following form: Paid work- Experience: The initial number of working hours established • for the participant will depend on the individual. Taken into consid- eration will be his age, economic situation, educational status, family, and other factors. Nozml v, the participant will start with a 15 - to - 25 hour per week work assignment. Educational Performance Objectives: Together with participant, the teacher, and the AIC counselor; the program counselor will establish a set of objectives for the participant which lead to the completion of the GED. As the participant achieves each objective, he will have the option of increasing his weekly working hours by five until he reaches forty hours per week. At this point, he must maintain an acceptable rate of educational progress until the GED is obtained. Each successive 30 . days without educational progress could result in the reduction of weekly working hours by five. Reduction of working hours will be at the option of the program counselor. Continuous Progress: As shown above, Rebound activities will be individ- ually tailored to motivate the participant to make progress towards the GED. If the participant fails to record measurable progress beyond a 60 -day period, he may be dropped from the program or transferred to another component or activity depending on his individual circumstances. Completion of GED: Upon completion of the GED, the participant may remain on his full. -time work- experience job for up to 120 days, or until he can be placed on a job, transferred to a skill- training program, or leaves the program for some other positive reason. Normally; termina- tion would be expected to occur within a 30 -to -90 day period. r • Classroom Attendance: The work - experience component will rely on the ALC's to continuously evaluate the participant's education efforts and progress. Program and /or GED counselors will monitor participants attendance on a daily basis. Participant must adhere to the Adult Learning Center's attendance requirements. At any rate, the participant will be given corrective counseling with three unexcused absenses and will have a 10 -day period to re- establish a positive pattern of attendance. Should the situation remain unchang ed or a total of five unexcused absenses accumulate within a 30-day-period, the participant -d11 be dropped from the coupled program after review by the program counselor. In such cases, the participant may have his name placed on the waiting list for a regular (non - coupled) full -time work- experience training slot. Attendance requirements will not be in effect during holidays, summers, or whenever ALC is not in normal. session. Pay: Participants will be paid for work experience only and will receive no payment for hours spent in GED classes. This is consistent with the in- school concept. Focus: Rebound-will focus on dropouts over 18, Vietnam Veterans who can also draw G.I. Benefits while attending GO classes, Welfare mothers, others on public assistance, and other individuals who meet certification requirements. Youth Services PrograIIl Rebound Component Sponsor: Corpus Christi Independent School District Budget Summery Purpose: To show funds modified into existing Title I YSP Contract Wage Costs for 13 - Rebound participants @ $1,725 each (Youth 17- to -22) 25 weeks $31,050 Workmen's Compensation Costs @ 1.8% wages 559 Enrollee Transportation Costs (75.00 average per enrollee) 1,350 Misc. Administrative Costs - supplies, phone, materials 671 (from current funds) Services Costs (Counseling Load will be absorbed by current Staff) Total Costs of Youth Component $33,570 L a RACK-UP SUPPORT BUDGET BREAKDOWN PLAN @ $2.10 per hour through 12/31/75 and @ $2.30 per hour through 1/1/76 - to - 6/30/76 In- School Youth - 300 - 8 hour week (Goal I.A.3.a.) In- School Youth - 80 - 5 hour week (Goal I.A.3.a.) In- School Youth - 20 - 15 hour week (Goal I.A.3.c.) Alternative Ed. - 35 - 15 hour week (Goal I.A.3.b.) * 0/S - GED Rebound - 18 - 30 hour week (Av.) (Goal I.A.3.d.) 0/S - Youth - 10 - 20 hour week (Goal I.A.3.d.) 0/S - Youth - 15 - 30 hour week (Goal I.A.3.d.) o/S - Youth - 10 - 40 hour week (Goal I.A.3.d.) Discretionary Slots - 32 + (Plus attrition - general goals) Summer Start -up - 500 - 20 hour week (Goal - Summer tie -in) TOTAL WAGES TOTAL SLOTS 525 TURNOVERS 275 TOTAL PARTICIPANTS 800 NOTE: Hours and nunbers may vary slightly from above which provides the framework for tailoring part -time, short -term, or temporary work - experience activities to meet the individual needs of youth. * 25 weeks - Rebound Component n AMOUNT 165,58o 27,480 22,68o 39,690 31,050 15,120 39,195 23,920 20,515 92,000 $477,230 NOTE: This page shows the planned break down of work experience for youth as shown on page 3 of the Budget Back -Up. This page also replaces the 4th page of the Program Narrative. Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium Corpus Christi, Texas San Patricio Community Action Agency 111 North Odem This contract is entered into by the Administrative Unit of the Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium, hereinafter referred to as Prime Sponsor and San Patricio Community Action Agency hereinafter referred to as Contractor. The Contractor agrees to operate a Manpower Services Program in.accordance with the provisions of this agreement. This contract consists of 12 pages, including this page, and such other provisions and documents as are included herein. The Contractor hereby agrees that he has read this Contract and will abide by all terms specieied herein and also certifies that the information in this Contract is correct to =ae best of his knowledge and belief and this Contract has been fully authorized. Funds hereby being obligated are subject to the availability clause. A. CONTRACT PERIOD This Contract covers the period (date) from �7c to ,,ne in�1g7F B. OBLIGATION Total CETA funds cbligated by the Prime Sponsor are $;152,308.f 1.' Funds carried in from previous program year are $ -0- 2.- Nev funds obligated are $ -0- 3. (For Modification use only) This Action •increases the total CEPA funds .obligated for this Contract by $20,594.00 to (new level) $ 152,308.00 APPROVED FOR THE PRIME SPONSOR: APPROVED FOR THE CONTRACTOR: DAY OF 1976 AY - O 4nua ri 1976 e BY • BY: R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager i lire BY: Ross Harris, Chairman Jason Luby, Mayor Name and Title ATTEST: APPROVED: DAY OF , 1976 City Secretary Date APPROVED: DAY OF , 1976 r Director of Finance City Attorney n CEPA- January, 1976 MODIFICATION SHEET General Intent FY 1976 10 Modification No. To provide Winterization services to residents of the Coastal Bend Region. Specifically to the residents of San Patricio County. Repairs and general carpentry will be performed on specific homes to upgrade them to an accept- able condition. This modification includes the following: 1. Signature Sheet 2. Modification Sheet 3. Program Planning Summary 4. Supplement to the CETA - PPS 5. Budget Information Sucaary 6. Project Component Budget and Back -Up Support Data J t San Patrtcio Community Action Agency CL"TA PROGRAM PLANNING SUMMARY 48 -5- 610 -10 (COBRES) c. GRANT YEAR d. TYPE OF PROGRAM 111 North Odem To Sinton, Texas 78387 July 1, 19�/� 1. C3 Title I 3. ❑ Title III Specify ,„ .June 30, 1976 2. ❑ Tine n a, o nue vl FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SECTIONS I, II, AND Ill CONTRACT KEY MOD. DATE w Sec. It A (Total Enrollments) Is the sum of A.1 and A.2. S (Total Terminations) Is the sum of B.1 through zB.3. C (Planned Enrollments) Is A minus B. 4 W w •� �� , dq d 7-- H See. III Enter In line (a) Enrollments in each program activity cumulatively through the grant year and In line a o .k E o o E e d (b) the number of participants planned to be enrolled in each program activity al the end of each - f0 la dZ a'n`Z L°,v O quarter; participants who are concurrently enrolled In more than one activity should be counted In each M v activity in which they are enrolled, 0 Soe. III' Enter the cumulative number of participants In onch segment to be enrolled during the grays year. S 2 7 4 5 6 71019110111111113 fa 1G 1 1 1. 2 2 2 2 2:12 2 a +. Participants should be counted In as many slgniflcanl segment groups as are applicable, 1. ENROLLMENT AND TERMINATION SUMMARY - GRANT YEAn•TO•DATC PLAN ACTIVITIES IL REPORT A. TOTAL SIONIPICANT SEGMENTS IV, OTHER ACTIVITIES iReference IIFj Indimle other activities or special programs on attach. rnenis. Describe their objectives and I;st milestones luward their achievement in a quanlltallba or narrative presentation, t B. TOTAL A I B C D E F CLASSROOM TRAINING FYimo Sports. Voe. Ed. C. PLANNED Pub. Scivicis Employment O PERIOD ENROLL• 1. Enroll • 2. Partlel• Pan is Glnied TERMINA- 1. Entering EmNoyman a. Direct b. ],Oct ino c. Obtainetl 2. Other Positive 7. Non. positive FNROLLMENI• 421 ol MENTS meals this r Over TIONS IRemIL plcmis. Emptoymm - rrnd of Rla+b'+ J 1 ,. s y r.� _ i �' ;r }� - -'. 009:� Z. 7 c disadvantage 2 () 21 0 3 b) Curt artily Enrolled 1 2 7 .. 23 423 al Total Enrollments DJ 7 E 9 J 0 2 b) Currently Enrolled 642 613 5 9 d 1 e) Total Enrollments § 59 859 829 5 8 0 4 25 5 a) Currently Enrolled 1 2 3 I25 2G 51 - 30 al a0 •. 51 SG 61 GO 71 )G II. PLANNED ENROLLMENTS IN PROGRAM ACTIVITIES IGNAT E ` t�, ' SIONIPICANT SEGMENTS IV, OTHER ACTIVITIES iReference IIFj Indimle other activities or special programs on attach. rnenis. Describe their objectives and I;st milestones luward their achievement in a quanlltallba or narrative presentation, t SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS A I B C D E F CLASSROOM TRAINING FYimo Sports. Voe. Ed. On.tho -Job Training Pub. Scivicis Employment Work Em=lonco Other Activities DI 2 a) Total Enrollments CIO 71 to) . Id) _ b. GATE SIGNE January 16, 1976 A Rural econom- 421 ol 3 b) Currently Enrolled 0113 7 1 a . a _212_ - 2 a) Total Enrollments 12 7 c disadvantage 3 b) Curt artily Enrolled 1 2 7 .. 2 al Total Enrollments DJ 7 E 9 J 0 3 b) Currently Enrolled 0 3 7 9 O 2 e) Total Enrollments 0 6 7 3 a) Currently Enrolled a 6 7 1 2 a ' `r :< 21.2 ?,2 2325 2G 31 30 1 % 40 61 ' III. SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS IGNAT E ` t�, ' SIONIPICANT SEGMENTS GRANT YEAR -TO -DATE PLAN SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN 9130 12/31 3131 6130 9/30 12/31 3/31 G/3.1 (a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) to) . Id) _ b. GATE SIGNE January 16, 1976 A Rural econom- 421 642 859 F a . a _212_ G c disadvantage .. E J SUP ?LERENT TO THE CETA — PPS XIT 3ER OF INDIVIDUALS £LANNED II. IMMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED III. CUXULATIVE PROJECTED TO BE SERVED, PROGRAM YEAR TO TO BE ENROLLED AT END OF EACH EXPENDITLMS BY ti0 \T DATE. HUTH. ETH YEAR ,y. 10,976.00 140 21,952.00 'i.. 210 32,928.00 280 43,904.00 350 54,880.06 ' 65,856.00 423 493 80,289.00 572 94,672.00 T 642 -109,081.00 ME � 712 -iq.-;,AAct nn 784 R ' -137,990,00 E- 859 152,308-00 ' L IUMONS I. Enter the total planned number of individuals who are planned to be served cumAatiz each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training or employment should be counted. ,The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part IC of the 'PPS- II. Enter the total planned number of individuals who will be in the program covered by this PPS on the last day of each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training, or employment should be counted. The number in PIarch, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 1C of the PPS. III. Enter the planned accrued expenditures of funds cumulative by month. The totals in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part.1113 of the PPS. A. GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS U.S. OEPARTMENT OF LABOR 3 B. GRANT NUMBER 22 23 San Patricio County Community Action aiantimer Adolinbtreuoe 1 2 48 -5- 610 -10 21 2 23 Agency (COBRES)' 1 2 3 � 2 22 23 C. TYPE OF PROGRAM 118 W. Sinton St. BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY Sinton, TX 78387 1. IA Title 1 3. 13 Title 111 4. 0 Title VI 'R 0 9 7 2. 0 Title II IS eel/ y) .. ............................... •~ D. FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY 1 2 7 va •. �} �,•i;l I CONT NACT {SEY MOD. BATE o ;r••`tlo�° $o° p > d$ Sod Eo°2 h 7001 $'a?- a^ cc bn o' 010 " 6U a E Z o o o ° and Us 17 1 1 t6, YY 2 0 6 7 1. Prime Sponsor Obligations ia•,'Li2 3 4 9 6 7 fi 9 10 11 12 I] 34 is 1G 37 1B 19 20 21 22 21 241251261271211129130 E. BUDGET SUMMARY COST CATEGORIES ' G a. GRANT PROGRAM ESTIMATED UNCXPENOED PUNOS NEW OR REVISED BUDGET 1. TOTAL i UNCT ION DR ACTT VITY B. Federal G Non•Podoral d. Federal e. Non-Federal 2. Total Projected Expenditures by Program - 1 2 3 s�5' p ^� G 2 20 A�4X.,aw`r? Sk•� '�', 1^^"''rr $22.791.00 a `��r;sa.`5,�'y;?- $22,791.00 1. /s.:miniatratlon v� a- ' x 't ' fa a w'z 3. Wages a. Flinge acnel'its 93 0 1,618.00 18 576.00 1,618.00 Training S, �1Yarnq '< "'k�^ x. �,'a Y ='t.r.,;.°a v.c`ry 1...'' "' ” —' - 6sSenrcrs .I = 3 sc— k ,s� _,y::s$}•i. —.s_ �' tE g4 „,, .; -:...L.,•,=• 44 Ti _ 10 323.00 y e..,_.......'. 10 2 0 -- _— 1 2 26 _ 35 .. Totals 53 e. Public Service Employment $132,308.00 62 $152,308.00 G 7 F. CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY PROJECTIONS OF OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES (For Owner Ending) 1 2 3 " •^ 21 22 23 24 2 1 2 3 u. 21 2 23 24 2 1 2 3 � 2 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 �' 'R 0 9 7 a =' 1 2 7 $'a?- a^ rr_ 3 17 1 1 0 6 7 1. Prime Sponsor Obligations C 3 26 032,928 G 26 3 G 3 26 Q 3 26 6352 2. Total Projected Expenditures by Program : x 35`, 3 35 s- 35 a. Classroom Training. Prime Sponsor .dZ; std 44 �'!`.!. 41 44 .i 44 b. On-the-Job Training % °. 53 ',„?;: 5 . K 5 53 e. Public Service Employment xr 62 8,:`. 62 • 62 d. Stork Ezperienec 71 . ?,,; 71 71 10 297.00 �� 71 20. 94.00 e. Services to Participants 26 1 2 3 26 1 2 3 26 1 2 3 26 Q a 32 928.00 G 4 65,856.00 G 4 G 4 131 71 00 ' L Other Activities li: 35 ,u , ,. 35 '•c ', 35 <' `" 35 3. Projected Expenditures for Vocational Ed. In Special Grants to Governors yS * e qA Y xy ti� 44 „ -s- 44 r 44 ' 4. Protected Evpendnures of Non-Fed. Funds S. Other Fed. Funds. Ilot in Prima Spon. Grant I•;. c'. 53 62;y.', A;'.- .'r3y 53 bas i &: 53 53 `,•'.'. „8 62 62 6. Grand Total • Proleetcd Expenditures ,� v7. 71 $32,928.00 1' V” 71 $65,85.6.00 "• "• 7l ^' 71 $152.308.00 1—' 4.00, Fiscal Year 1976 Modification No. 7 PROJECT COMPONENT BUDGET ® TITLE I E] TITLE II Q TITLE III NAME OF CONTRACTOR: San Patricio Communitv Action Aeenc FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY: Job referral, job placement work experience BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COST: $ 22,391.00 $_.± 400.00 $ 22,791.00 (2) WAGES: -0- +18,576.00 18,576.00 (3) TRAINING: -0- -0- -0- (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: " -0- + 1;618.00 1,618.00 (5) ALLOWANCES: -0- -0- -0- (6) SERVICES: .109,323.00 -0- 109,323.00 TOTAL $. 131.714.00 $±26,594.00 $ 152,308.00 • BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS a. STAFF COSTS: b. FRINGE BENEFITS: c. CONSUMABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: d. PROGRAM EVALUATION: e. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: f. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: g. STATE MANPOWIER SERVICES COUNCIL: h. PRIME SPONSOR PLANNING COUNCIL: i. TRAVEL: STAFF j. RENT: PROJECT k. UTILITIES: 1. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: m. INDIRECT COSTS: n. STAFF TRAINING: o. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: p. EQUIPMENT: q. MATERIAL: r. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS, s. PUBLICATIONS: t. AUDIT SERVICES: u. OTHER: (Specify) COMMUNICATIONS v. OTHER: (Specify) WORKMEN'S COMP. W. OTHER: (Specify) BONDING x. OTHER: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL 0- N/A 9,587.00 +400.00 9,987.00 3,013.00 -0- 3,013.00 4,934.00 -0- 4,934.00 282.00 -0- 282.00 100.00 -0- 100.00 $ 22,391.00 $__t400.00 $ 22.791.00 BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET $ 2,520.00 $ -0- $ 2,520.00 260.00 -0- 260.00 1,695.00 . =0- 1,695.00 N/A 9,587.00 +400.00 9,987.00 3,013.00 -0- 3,013.00 4,934.00 -0- 4,934.00 282.00 -0- 282.00 100.00 -0- 100.00 $ 22,391.00 $__t400.00 $ 22.791.00 +..w -ur SUrYUKL SUllGG'L (21 ttacs: a. ON- THE -JOB TRAINING: b. 1RAi:SITIONAL SUBSIDIZED EMPLOYMENT: c. OTI�- (Specify)«ORK EXPERIENCE d. OTHER- ( Specify) Su3-To xL -- (3) TPAMING = -.. S- -ALAMS- b. FRINGE BROUITS- c. TUITIONS: d. ENMECE FEES: e. BOOKS: f. TEAMIX'S AIDES: g. OTHER- (Specify) h. OTHER-- (Specify) SUB- TOTAL r (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS a. ANNUAL LEAVE: b, SICK LEAVE- c. COURT LEAVE: d. MILITARY LEAVE: e. FICA: ENROLLEES f. LIFE INSURANCE: g. HEALTH INSURANCE: h. UNEMPLO'DENNT INSURANCE: 3. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION: J. RETIREMENT BENEFITS• k. OTHER: (Specify) 1. OTHER: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL APPROVED BUDGET n BUDGET CHANGES REVISED (+ or -) BUDGET -0- +1,579.00 1,579.00 + 39.00 39.00 $ -0- $_+l 618.00 $ 1,618.00 (5) ALLOWANCES: SUB -TOTAL $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- RAC?: -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (6) - SERVICES TO CLIENTS: BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REDISID BUDGET - (+ or -) BUDGET .. a. CHILD CARE: b,': HEALTH CARE - c. XEDIC.I, SE'JVIC °_S: " d.. RESIDENTIAL SUPPORT: c.- ..ASSISTANCE IN SECURING BONDS: ' I'. FAMTL-i PLANNING - g,. OUTREINCH: 27,330.00 -0- 27.330.00 h. ' INTAL:E AND ASSESSMENT- 1. ORIENTATION• 3. COUNSELING: — k. JOB DEVELOP: ' .1. JOB PLACEMENT: 81,993.00 =0- 81,993:00 m.. OTHER: '(Specify)/ n. OTHER: (Specify) - o.' OTHER: (Specify) SUB- TOTAL. j.109,323.00 -0- - - 109,323.00 TOTAL $131,714.00 $20,594.00 , $152,308.00 d SAN PATRICIO COUNTY CO:L4UNITY ACTION AGENCY WINTERIZATION MANPOWER PROGRAM Purpose: The San Patricio County community Action Agency is requesting a total of 8 slots for work experience to carry out a Winterization Project throughout the County. The agency was funded $6,000. for materials only, through CSA. There were no provisions allowed for salaries in the Winterization Proposal. Participants to be Served: A total of,150 household participants will be provided services under the guidelines provided by Community services Administration_ An average of $SO_ will be spend in repairs.to homes. The repairs will be windows, doors; walls, and roofs etc.. Oily participants from San Patricio County will be pzovided services. Funds Needed to Operate: San Patricio CAA is requesting a total of 8 slots for a work experience program for 6 months. The following consists of a breakdown of the funds needed to operate this urgently needed project: 6 MONTH BUDGET 1 - Project Coordinator Fringe Benefits 7 - Trainee Slots Trainee Payroll Expense Project Travel Workmen's Compensation - 25 $ 3,120.00 -265.00 •15,456.00 - 1,314.00 '400.00 '39.00 Total $20,594.00 Staff Duties: Project Coordinator will be involved in supervising and assisting trainees in performance of their duties. The Coordinator will also be involved in buying and providing materials to do repairs to homes. Must be bilingual to be able to effectively conmiunicate with all segments of the population of the County. Trainee Enrollees responsible to the Project Coordinator for all dudes assigned- must have carpentry and handyman background. Must be able to do physical labor. age 2 • Job Performance Standards: (1) Provide service to 120 to 150 households in San Patricio County. (2) Coordinate with other existing programs to provide referrals to appro- priate agencies for services. (3) Provide job referrals to trainees at end of the training to assist them in finding employment. 9 _ CONTRACT SIGNATURE SHEET Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium LULAC Educational Service Center P. 0. Box 9277 702 Morgan Ave. Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Corpus Christi, Texas 78404 This contract is entered into by the Administrative Unit of the Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium, hereinafter referred to as Prime Sponsor and LULAC Educational Service Center , hereinafter referred to as Contractor. The Contractor agrees to operate a Manpower Services Program in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. This contract consists of pages, including this page, and such other provisions and documents as are included herein. The Contractor hereby agrees that he has read this Contract and will abide by all terns specified herein and also certifies that the information in this Contract is correct to the beat of his knowledge and belief and this Contract has been fully authorized. Funds hereby being obligated are subject to the availability clause. A. CONTRACT PERIOD This Contract covers the period (date) from 7 -1 -75 to 6 -30 -76 B. OBLIGATION Total CETA funds obligated by the Prime Sponsor are $ 22,658 1. Funds carried in from previous program year are $ -0- 2. New funds obligated are $ -0- 3. (For Modification use only) This Action increases the total CETA funds obligated for this Contract by $ 6,975 to (new level) $ 22.658 APPROVED FOR THE PRIME SPONSOR: DAY OF , 1976 BY: R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager BY: Jason Luby, Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary Date APPROVED: DAY OF 1976 APPROVED FOR THE CONTRACTOR: 22" DAY OF n � 1976 BY tom, E AZ Signature Jose L. Longoria Field Center Director Name and Title APPROVED: DAY OF , 1976 City Attorney Director of Finance �j(,ScI e 17 CETA- January, 1976 • FY 1976 Modification No. 1 MODIFICATION SHEET General Intent The total request is for six thousand nine - hundred and seventy -five dollars ($6,975.00) to supplement the Career Exploration Program with another counselor to continue its service to the Coastal Bend.Area. This modification includes the following: 1. Signature Sheet 2. Modification Sheet 3. Program Planning Summary 4. Supplement to the CETA - PPS. 5. Budget Information Summary 6. Project Component Budget and Back -Up Support Data 1. ENROLLMENT AND TERMINATION SUNIM'ARY GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN rc A. TOTAL 1.0. TOTAL C. PLAN, R EPOR7 ENROLL- 1. Enroll- 2. Pa: llcl- 1 1. Entcrin9 2. Olhor 3. Non• _ -O PERIOD l "I:RtAINA- arcg -L7:' MCr•rT5 menu pants Can TIONS Employ'nen , +. Ohect b. Indlr• ^cl C. Obtained Pmiliva Dasiliva LhiS r. OVCr Plants. Pltrml. Emir. /mGl f f 4• ll _ _ ._ 1._ 80. - t >" �1 2 7 5 250 165 85 0 - - -' �__-_ -- _- - -- _— _ _ ._2_50__ _ 1 0�3 r 177 85 0 __ 120 _ 2.62__ 1 ` o G 7 6 275 190 35 L40 _ 5 13 S 20 — 2 3 141 I1. PLANNED EN;OLLMCNYS IN PROGRAI•,I ACTIVITIES -- ���-- -�IV. OTII'cR AC'1-IVI-i IES A O C D E P IRefCrence IIF) CI_ASSROOCA TRAINING. On -IMe -Job Pub. `` —irr Work Other InrJ icetr, DLit ^t activi tics Or sp. ^cial 1370rlrr.n:5 On all a•:h• Training Pnplr „.1 •'.t ER:rlenco Aetl•:itlr•s _ 1, milestones Rlnn Srins. Vac. Ed. t _' rnenis. Dev_rib� their o:i .etica pct list e) Totel`F.rrollmcnls 0 9 7 - -- --- �-- - -� - -- - -_� _ -- -_ - - -�� � -� -= toward Ihcir achic•:Crnanl in a qu:•nlilatiyC or narr,lli�:� ..I�— presentation. b) CurrantlY En oncd �_.•w_NM _10�j0” 7 -� ._�� - � -.... �..__a_. _..< -. .__ -.. >� .- ,rT -'•__ _va) To:ai F. nrollmcntt 1 7 - - -- - - b) C_urrcu llY F.nrotled _<__ —_ _ 17 j_� al'7ai al Cnrollmcntsv� • O J 7 .,. - - -� � ._.._ _ bl Currc_LIy�En`ollcd 0�3. �_ ,.,_I o.- _— .�.-�_ _ -..•_ __�_._..,.. ..,_ ---°- a) TWO Cr.rolt -11t, r 0 G 7 ' b) Currently Enrolled 0 G 7 1-2- 243.11- 2G 31 'G )dl 46 .11 M. SIGNIFICANT SEC ?d ITS._ —.- V. a. SIrNA URE CRAPII YEAR- TO -OATC PLAN GRAr17 ^(E. ^.1:- iO4 ^.n4 PLAII r - .._ — _ 51 III ICAi`Ir )/ 0 12/31 3/3l G /30 Slt IFICANT /30 1J/31 3(31 -_. - - --- _ 1 50 _. _ \ D>sadvan 250 2 _ tged- - - - 62 275 r• a- a - -- -- .�... __ 1.21 t`[.Z� • t LULAC Education Service Cent I r lr \• ?.r`t1 +'I,'.It - �' 7 I 156S320 702 Morgan Avenue-P.O. Box 3098tt;:.an' %_AIR - -- - Corpus Christi, Texas • 78404 , I d. T`..E o; PaUGRnP.t From To - 1. Ix'fltle 1 3. L7 rll?, III c; ;e fy (512) 883 -5134 - Jul .,...... 1, 1975 June 30, 197 ?. tjIio,[I 4.t7TRIeVl I -u r f - ,.. _ 1 .0 6. - IJi I -_t -r I . IJ - Ir � I ll•k:.: -: fJ't r - 1'I -- r.- �!�Y:S h I1, : \..J I11 -' --- - - - - l..Z - u - 1: A (1 ,l - 'o." j t the ilua '�f 11 1 A2. � (io:.l 'i r: mr,utians) is ihz x: -1 of A ... +'. . _ CO II RACE Cr / __ .N 7u O- irf 1' R.S. V {land i twat+) is A r B. /I" O n no t- &a. II: File; in Ii— (a) e,a. *,ants in ca_a P'., .n activity cuj:rclztiraTy tilrmrh tba �r•a yc:r, 2r.d Li IT r, m oo .06 �'` 0 I ! b tila nmahar of rtiei m s I rv:d to be eIn'oll:d 41 cad, rograln +c[ivit at tir_ end of each () Pa p..t pa, P Y •' C cZ >d_ O quarter; participants who are concurrently emolled In .more than one activity should be counted in ee m Do v_v c g'. activity la which they are en.:oll d. . Sce. Ili: Enter the almulallve num:,ar of participants in each xg;nent to be enrolled during Ilia yrara year. Parlici be In sijnific:.nt scg::te rt as aze applicaSle. 1 2 ] •t 5 ) B 9 1C'Il l_ 17 1_�1G !, 1' 14_;)2.2; 23•.' 2�'r ?ants s'.:ould counted as many yrouPs Pp 1. ENROLLMENT AND TERMINATION SUNIM'ARY GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN rc A. TOTAL 1.0. TOTAL C. PLAN, R EPOR7 ENROLL- 1. Enroll- 2. Pa: llcl- 1 1. Entcrin9 2. Olhor 3. Non• _ -O PERIOD l "I:RtAINA- arcg -L7:' MCr•rT5 menu pants Can TIONS Employ'nen , +. Ohect b. Indlr• ^cl C. Obtained Pmiliva Dasiliva LhiS r. OVCr Plants. Pltrml. Emir. /mGl f f 4• ll _ _ ._ 1._ 80. - t >" �1 2 7 5 250 165 85 0 - - -' �__-_ -- _- - -- _— _ _ ._2_50__ _ 1 0�3 r 177 85 0 __ 120 _ 2.62__ 1 ` o G 7 6 275 190 35 L40 _ 5 13 S 20 — 2 3 141 I1. PLANNED EN;OLLMCNYS IN PROGRAI•,I ACTIVITIES -- ���-- -�IV. OTII'cR AC'1-IVI-i IES A O C D E P IRefCrence IIF) CI_ASSROOCA TRAINING. On -IMe -Job Pub. `` —irr Work Other InrJ icetr, DLit ^t activi tics Or sp. ^cial 1370rlrr.n:5 On all a•:h• Training Pnplr „.1 •'.t ER:rlenco Aetl•:itlr•s _ 1, milestones Rlnn Srins. Vac. Ed. t _' rnenis. Dev_rib� their o:i .etica pct list e) Totel`F.rrollmcnls 0 9 7 - -- --- �-- - -� - -- - -_� _ -- -_ - - -�� � -� -= toward Ihcir achic•:Crnanl in a qu:•nlilatiyC or narr,lli�:� ..I�— presentation. b) CurrantlY En oncd �_.•w_NM _10�j0” 7 -� ._�� - � -.... �..__a_. _..< -. .__ -.. >� .- ,rT -'•__ _va) To:ai F. nrollmcntt 1 7 - - -- - - b) C_urrcu llY F.nrotled _<__ —_ _ 17 j_� al'7ai al Cnrollmcntsv� • O J 7 .,. - - -� � ._.._ _ bl Currc_LIy�En`ollcd 0�3. �_ ,.,_I o.- _— .�.-�_ _ -..•_ __�_._..,.. ..,_ ---°- a) TWO Cr.rolt -11t, r 0 G 7 ' b) Currently Enrolled 0 G 7 1-2- 243.11- 2G 31 'G )dl 46 .11 M. SIGNIFICANT SEC ?d ITS._ —.- V. a. SIrNA URE CRAPII YEAR- TO -OATC PLAN GRAr17 ^(E. ^.1:- iO4 ^.n4 PLAII r - .._ — _ 51 III ICAi`Ir )/ 0 12/31 3/3l G /30 Slt IFICANT /30 1J/31 3(31 -_. - - --- _ 1 50 _. _ \ D>sadvan 250 2 _ tged- - - - 62 275 r• a- a - -- -- .�... __ 1.21 t`[.Z� • Eclucar_ion Service Center -' - ---- -- SUPPLEMENT TO THE CETA - PPS ! \U 3ER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED II. I6L ?fSER OF INDIVIDUALS FIE1�1'ED III. MCZATSVE PROJECTEI . TO BE SERVED, PROGRAM YEAR TO TO BE ENROLLED AT END OF EACH E:4 EA�IT_URES BY MO \� DATE. MONTH. ' J,nY 60 e. 1 B06 120 2,612 ISO 3,918 100 -5,224 6,530 200. 7,836 250 10,304 255 _ TALI. 12, 7.7 2 260 FEB 262 15,241 fARCE 265 17,709 2-70 - 20,277 KAY 275 22,658 _nSTRUCTT_CN$ Enter the total planned number of individuals who are planned to be. serred c um 'ati each months Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiv-in€ services, training or employment should be.counted.' The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Par*_ IC of the 'PPS., II. Enter the total planned n.imber of individuals who will be in the program covered by this PPS on the last day of each month. Only individuals -w-ho have been declared eligible for and are receiving services-, training, or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries it Part IC of the PPS. III. Enter the planned accrued expenditures of funds cumulative by month. The totals it march, June, September, and December' should agree with the entries in Part 111B of the PPS. A. QRANTEE'S N' AMc AND ADDRESS -- v-- ..-- ��_z�— us,- oErr,rt T.•sCnr of 1.nooR O. GRANT NUMBER 21 27 LULAC Education Service Center 3f, ^P ° ",er Ad.n i,:rallbn 1 7 J e 2312 27 24 702 Morgan Avenue - P. 0. Box 3028 1 2 3 156 -8320 25 C6rpus Christi, Texas 78404 BUDGET INHWATIDN SUPOM' ARY 2: 251 C. TYPE OF PROGRAM 512 .883-5134- , 9 7 1. M True 1 3. O Till° 111 4. 0 T1u° VI 1 2 7 7. 0 Till. II (_ Speeiry) .. ............................... B 3 7 • D. FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY 1. P:l:.r Sp`r.sor ObliSatidn,3 I I I CONTRACT REY C MOO. DATr tz •< "_= C . F I Z h 126 22 , 658 7LIA Plc;eclrd Erndaus by Pogrom `• JJ � O I' f u �' u: e E •n' ti: Z . UU _ 35 °4-T 3_5 Csso.rl. Training, Prime Sponsor 2 4 MM DO YY JO b. On•,ke. lob Tramin9 J12 5 53 53 e. P0b11e Suv¢r Eni,lbyment Co•.)1 12 7 14 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 IJ 14 15 16 ]7 0. I.- 21 22 2J 2a 25 2G 77 26 29 E. BUDGET SUMMARY COST CATEGORIES - a GRANT PROGRAM ESTIMATED UNEXPENOEO FUNDS 26 NEW OR REVISCD OIJOCET 7 26 F U.iCTION OR ACTIVITY L TOTAL b. Federal e. N-- Fan eral era 0. Fedl __ a Nan.Fec...I -- - --. -- c 4 R� c a 15.241 :.`+.'.P. '+. �_ 1 7�26 G:he' Acu:R1e, 4,030 —� I. ;._ nnwwn ! 35 35 o— _ ', .4,030 _ 44A .: 54 .---. 4. P::;rr:r 7.xpen_ncrc, of I:oaFed. Funds 53 -- T71 53 62 -_ — ~� =�7,- 836 -- 11 —� �62 15,.241�_,� 53 _ 62 �t 22 658 _ S. Oih,. Fed.: :3s. :rot in P.:rre S,on. C: an[ >:.0 ;Yoial�Prole.sved Ex ?cadllures s 162 46 :1:e: B—fits - ' 6 Se;.•1-e_s _ _ .:. 3 26 ____ _ — 71__ Yi 28 Z8i 62 1 x _ 22, 658 - -- - -- 36 22, 658 T � F. CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY PROJECTIONS OF OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES (For Ou.2rrer EPdrngl - - 21 27 23 24 2 5 1 7 J e 2312 27 24 2 1 2 3 2 22127124 25 1 2 7 -121122 27 2: 251 0 9 7 ` _3 1 2 7 _ B 3 7 1. P:l:.r Sp`r.sor ObliSatidn,3 , 918 C 2s 7 , 836 c 3 26 15 , 241 G I G I 126 22 , 658 7LIA Plc;eclrd Erndaus by Pogrom `• 3 _ 35 °4-T 3_5 Csso.rl. Training, Prime Sponsor 4 b. On•,ke. lob Tramin9 J12 5 53 53 e. P0b11e Suv¢r Eni,lbyment 62 62 62 d 14o,i E :penence 91 - 71 71 1b Parf16F—la 26 1 2 7 26 1 2 3 26 1 1 2 3 26 c 4 R� c a 15.241 G 4 22 658 G:he' Acu:R1e, —� 35 ! 35 35 3 - P:rne::ed Exp -diwm for Vocational Ed. In 5pe.1a1 Cranes 10 Oovernan _ ', - -'T�� _ 44A .: 54 .---. 4. P::;rr:r 7.xpen_ncrc, of I:oaFed. Funds 53 -- T71 53 62 -_ — ~� =�7,- 836 -- 11 —� �62 15,.241�_,� 53 _ 62 �t 22 658 _ S. Oih,. Fed.: :3s. :rot in P.:rre S,on. C: an[ >:.0 ;Yoial�Prole.sved Ex ?cadllures s 162 MA S•145 (Apr. 1975) N PROJECT COMPONENT BUDGET cur, TIME I F—t TITLE :I NAPE OF CONTRACTOR: LULAC Education Service Center sJNCTT_CN OR ACTIVITY: Career Awareness and Exploration Program (1) ADML"SISTRATIVE COST: (2) WAGES: (3) TRAINING: (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: (5) ALLOWANCES (6) SERVICES: Fiscal Year 76 Modification NO. 1 TITLE III TOTAL $ 15,683 $ + 6,975 $ 22,658 BUDGET APPROVED GANGES REVISED 3UDGET ( -: or -) B• DGE- $ 2,750 c + 1,280 4,030 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 12,933 + 5,695 18,628 TOTAL $ 15,683 $ + 6,975 $ 22,658 . BACK-i72 SJ121"ORT B=ETS <:.) COSTS 0 � aLDGar � BUDGET aUBo;zT ^' _ __-��������� Y-----o - -u- -o- ����� zen'oo --------__ + r:'oo _----_--_- 195,00 ---_____- 300.00 -u- 300.00 -o- -o- ++ � � m/u _--�l�--_-� m/� _-------�_- � ��-_-- ++ -0- 1,560.00 -��-_- + � 780.00L__' �2,340.00 --- -0- � o � �-_-- _--�-0--_-- �. -o- -u- -n- ++ � -0- -0- -' � -o- _---_-_--- -o- -_____-__ -o- --_-------- , TANCE, -o- -o- -u- -o- -o- -u- 7 Z, 1-NT' _----__-_- -__---__-' ___-�---_- -o- �' -u- -_-_____. -o� ---_------' -o- ---_--___- ' �o.00 + xo,uu 70.00 -o- -o- -o- �. -_---_----_ ----_----- --___---_- 300.00 + 150'00 450.00 (o�"u��c°zhvu° $eu/"o."zx � � Additional o25x6mo. -I/l/76-*/30/76 mo.uo + zuo'ou so.uo ' � ()r"°�"oe $uo/mo'xzx --------- Additional $2o9��=T/z/r6-6/3o/m 180.00 + 90.00 270,00 (sn li"°ti"=/ron= ___-_----- ----__--_- ---------_- »15/mo."12 Aaaarionai $15=6mm' 1/1/76-6/30/76 -o- + 45.00 45.00 'uo^Q:L/Y)Osfi"° rel°nm"=° zuat°zz,tion 2,750.00 4.030'00 BACK-UP SUPPORT BUDGET (2) TMG 7S: Z. ON -TA=E -JOB TRAINING: S, MAYSITIONAL SUBSIDIZED E✓OYMT: C. (Specify) el. 0 '- I= - (specify) 77,71,MIE BENIEFITS• c. "7,1 -TONS: ri. :NTPt-NCE FEES: e. ',GOYS.. 7SACFER'S AIDES:. OTHER: (Specify) h. OTHER: (specify) SUB-TOTAL SUB-TOTAL • -0- BUDGET -0- APPROVED CHANGES ':-r V 7 S7 D BUDGET (+ or -) ',,:DGET $ -0- $ -0- n -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- $ -0- — . $ -0- $ -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- S -0- $ -0- -0- r ING3 BENEFITS: BACXCU? SUPPORT BUDGETS • BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (r or -) 3UDGET a. ANNUAL LEAVE: $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- S. SICK. LEAVE: -0- -0- -0- c. COJ_�T LAVE: -0- -0- -0- d. YILT.T RY LEAVE: -0- -0- -0- e. "ICA: -0- -0- -0- f. LIE I\TSURANCE: -0- -0- -0- '_'2ALTTH INSUR010E: -0- -0- -0- . UN'ZIPLOYMENT T_NSURANCE: -0- -0- -0- _. 7O_t ^�N °S CO?✓2ENSATIOJT: -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -i. 3NTIREKENT BEATEFITS: .i. OTHER: (Specify) -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 1. OTHER: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- (5) ALLOWANCES: SUB -TOTAL $ r(6) ERVICES TO CLIENTS: a. CHILD CARP-: b. HEALTH CARE: c. M"^DICAL SERVICES: u. RESIDENTIAL SUPPORT: SACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS E. ASSISTANCE IN SECURING BONDS: f. FAMILY PLANNING: E. OUTI 9CH: '. INTA -'ZE AND ASSESSYIENT: ORIENTATION: J. COUtiS LING k. JO-_ DEVELOPMENT: 1. ?OB PLACE'KENT• n. OTfLR: (Specify) n. OTHER: (Specify) ** o. OTMR: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL TOTAL * Travel Participant ** Project Supplies (Vocational Testing, Career Booklets, & Career Development materials BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET $ -0- S -D- S -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 10,696.00 + 5,520.00 16,216.00 -0- -0- , -0- -0- -0- -0- 1,140.00 -0- 1,140.00 1,097.00 + 175.00 1,272.00 -0- -0- -0- $ 12,933.00 $ 5,695.00 $ 18,628.00 $ 15,683.00 $ 6,975.00 $ 22,658.00 * Travel Participant ** Project Supplies (Vocational Testing, Career Booklets, & Career Development materials LJ 0 BACK-UP SUPPORT BUDGETS i FRINGE BENEFITS: Services to Clients (Counseling) BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET e. ANNUAL LEAVE: -0- -0- -0- b. SICK LEAVE: c. COURT LEAVE: -0- -0- -0- d. MILITARY LEAVE: 562 + 281 843 e. FICA: f. LIFE INSURANCE: g. HEALTH INSURANCE: 266 + 336 602 h. UNFMFT-MMNT INSURANCE: 244 + 91 335 i. WOMEN'S COMPENSATION: 24 + 12 36 -0- -0- -O- j. RETIREMENT BENEFITS: -0- -0 -- -0- k. OTHER: (Specify) -�- -0- -0- 1. OTHER: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL S 1,096 $+ 720 $ 1,816 0 -0., TITLE POSIT:OV TIT --r- 71:0 WmaAA % TO FOS., TOTAL 1Career Counselor +.6154 18" 4.616 ii 2080 52 1002 $9,600.00 $4,800.00 �Career Counselor 1-6154 1484.616 1040 26 ------------ RENT I SQUA�V JRA-r j9o.fNNO.STA Fj % I . TOTAL. C F-C, FT ENO. I USU I USING USE AMOUNT .. RENT ....... VA .......... 4. RENT ........ NI . A .......... TOTAL •/A 0 Contract No, 1568320 PROGRAM NARRATIVE - TITLE I Career.Awareness and Exploration Program Policy and Objectives: The Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium, under rules and regulations es�:blished by the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973, will be charged with the responsibility of designing and :Lmplementiag a Comprehensive Manpower Program to meet the needs of the area's edonomically disadvantaged, unemployed, underemployed people. Only those programs which enhance the future employability of persons, will be funded. In order to adequately meet the area's . manpower needs, the following manpower policy will govern activities and functions outlined in the grant application package. With this in mine, the LILAC Educational Service Center of Corpus Christi hereby establishes the following policy: A. To install an articulated, coordinated career education program to provide economically disadvantaged students with: 1. An understanding of careers which serve them, the community, etc. ­2.: Knowledge and positive.attitudes' toward self. 3. Increased skill and experience in the rational process of decision - making. 4. An enhanced understanding of the.economic,system:'' 5. opportunities to.,develop skill awareness.. 6. An understanding of the relationship between the world of work and education. Analysis of Needs: ' E=ining present conditions inside end outside the schools, the following tought - provoking factors are noticed: Many students are dropping out and even graduating from „ high schools without a saleable skill and thus, cannot obtain employment. in the Coastal Bend Area 56.6 percent of population of 25 years.of age or older had less than a high school education. Analysis of 'seeds - 'continued: �l A great majority of students who complete high school never obtain a college degree, yet most of these students are enrolled in general education'and far too few are receiving adequate orientation to vocations and /or skill training. In .the Coastal Bend Area, r ' I Present employment trends indicate that, increasingly, preparation .or existing jobs is requiring specialized training, but•that general education and even college work does not prepaxe one for job entry. As our technological society becomes more complex, there is less.understanding of the community and its economic basis. :.any persons, especially youth in the Coastal Bend Area have little comprehension of the different jobs available under the different career cluster. Because of the lack of understanding of the preparation required for different - occupations, many disadvantaged persons do not allow themselves'to mature their potential in the area in which they could make.a worthy coatributioa. Results and Benefits Expected: ighty (80) percent of all persons screened'wi l have an action, " plan developed. Fifty (50) percent of the'above will indicate an interest in at least one career Choice.'. • •— Career Exploration Counselor will provide documentation of'services dared and referrals. Follow -up documentation will reflect services obtained by the. client. Parental and community input will occur in at least fifty (50) percent of the clients. Fifty (50) percent will actively pursue training or educations leading to their potential.• • Approach The preceeding result will be accomplished by one Career Exploration Counselor. Further ore, the results will be attained via the following activities: . Identify aad counsel approximately 250 disadvantaged persons in the target area. Administer to each eligible client, the Strong Interest Inventory Test, (' which allows for identification of occupational interest.' rro�'ach - continued: Develop an action plan £oz each client to expose'the client with an' understanding and requirements of his or her chosen career field. - Through counseling, assist the client in planning to acquire the - necessary requirements of his or her chosen occupations.• - Provide a person- centered focus to the more product- process oriented field trips. - Present audio - visual materials, printed material 'to clients exploring different occupations.' L "TL.: C faraQement and Administrative Plan Th e LLi 4C Educational c ` _ona 1 Se rvice Cent er e . administrative staff will handle all. . fiscal and procurement matters. Furthermore, the Field Center Director " shall be responsible for the compliance of this contract. The Counselor Supervisor will rovide day-to-day p y to -day programatic supervision. The Career Exploration Counselor will be subjected to all personnel policies and procedures as set forth by the LULAC National Education Service Center pro - vided trey are not in coatracdiction to the policies and mandates for the Coastal Bend Manpower' Consortium, the LULAC Educational Service Center further' assures compliance with all the EEO regulations. ';"( The LULAC Center will continue to solicit the support of all agencies in 7. tae ccnsortiva in carrying out its activities. Also coordination with Non- CETA agencies will provide services to those individuals who may be otherwise left out. Viable linkage will be maintained with the Coastal Bend Migrant Council, Image, local school districts and other community service organizations'. This proposal may be seen as duplicating the effort of Career Education Programs of local school districts: However, this component is designed to provide direct contract between the individual and the work field. Furthermore, its outreach ca ?abilities will make it possible to involve those who alienate themselves from the schools or would not otherwise normally seek those services. Geographic locztions served: i With only one staff member responsible for the activities, the major Sulk o2 the work to be performed will be in the counties of Nueces, San Pazzicio, Jim Wells, Duval, Brooks, Ueberg and Bee. • However, services will be available to all of the counties in the X- Lapower Consortium.% 1 � CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS DAY OF 4 . , Ti_a TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY CWKCIL CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SMALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; I, THEREFORE, REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IB INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTF R THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, S THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON Lust DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB- GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE 1 THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE