HomeMy WebLinkAbout13024 ORD - 02/11/1976JKH:vmr:2- 10- 76;lst AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY FOR ASSISTANCE IN A SCHOOL SIGN REPLACE- MENT PROGRAM, A CONSTRUCTION SIGN REPLACEMENT PROGRAM, AND A BARRICADE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM, AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE RESPECTIVE PROGRAM CONTRACTS, A COPY OF EACH BEING ATTACHED HERETO, MARKED EXHIBITS "W', "B", AND "C", AND MADE A PART HEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO EXPEDITE AND IMPLEMENT THE GRANT PROGRAMS, IF AND WHEN APPROVED; AND DE- CLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to submit a grant application to the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety for assistance in a school sign replacement program, a construction sign replace- ment program, and a barricade replacement program, all as more fully set forth in the respective program contracts, a copy of each being attached hereto, marked Exhibits "A ", "B ", and "C ", and made a part hereof. SECTION 2. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute all documents necessary to expedite and implement the grant programs, if and when approved: SECTION 3. The necessity to authorize submission of the aforesaid grant application and to execute all necessary documents to implement the grant programs hereinabove described creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the I-Eday of February, 1976. ATTEST, 0�,- Secretary MAYO THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, T U D: TY OF FEBRUARY, 1976 f "i Aa� — 83024 En% ASST., City Attorney 0 1 1 I -I u TEXAS'TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM CONTRACT - GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY (OTS) j4(urj l T 4I It WEST 137H STREET •' 'i AUSTIN. TEXAS 78701 [=3 3rAwaao PINN3e School Zone Siqn Replacement Bi*F OESC PMn OF PROJ_CT WOR DETA" SEE STATEmz"r M WORK) - - - Purchase or manufacture necessary signs to. replace three types of existing.sch66i zone signs which will bring the School Zone Signing of the City of Corpus Christi in con- formance with NECD regulations. GOALS Improvement Of existing signs and. in- M MEMO OF E!XUARON PCR DETAkS. SEE SfATEMENI OF LVORJ0 . . . stallation of new, s3.gas, to: conform.wixh, .= n nfoiTrtance with MUTCD regulations... COSTCATEGOST A AMOUNT F F1LY IWPERiOD � � . . • � AMOUNT - - S SOURCES OF FUNDS - - AMOUNT - peasaNatr..IVN:ea 3 3,536.14 F F401RAL(402)aX7 . 7 75,424.00.. CO�SiCi'SaW/ICCa . .. O Oc'C -n2� ...... . .. n nTeF . .. . oTe =_col cTl:taaT 2 25,656.00 A APJ%A1M.... A.... Z Z6,457.00: t sela•c; eo3=... � .wo_ X. 2 2,735 00 LAC �t. Corpus 1 13, 768.14 . �'f "'� . TOTAL 2 29,192.14 T TOTAL 2 29 192.14 T TOTAL 2 29,192.14.` TYPE OF a- ftMOURSam1for B BASIS OP RJ3i- 3YA9Pl:.�.NT (70A -A=AL p pEi>V13Ua37a1�MT LLVtt9 - a tpms Ca"s. a 13Y moo THA015% .. 0 71419 COYTAACT INCLUDES 5 ' ATrAcnmmT9 .. ' e INTHS EV°_1iT07 AMY INCOWl19'N -NCY OA CO7bTl .ICTBL�}Y/P^�iPRDY1S1DA9A�0A REOUIiT�]Wir4 OPTAIS CO?1T:L1Cr.7H$R/tON9I'3T�liC1T 07 CO7i-=SHALL 8a "9$*LV_q3 BYASWOMOOA3 ONDIEA OPPBECEDEiNCETO PACK, ACCORDINOTO TH@ FOF A OR ATTAMIN ERr IN WHICH IT AP?&JM tISN(O THE FOLLO•ANiO ORD21t .. . 1. CONT.UCT(TIR3 PORM) - 2- STAT°.112MT OF WOMC ATTACWA NT•) • . S. C _MLLRALPROV1340?4gtATTACHM3NT3) 4. SPECIAL P'te OV1910N9(AiTAC?Ng?I73) 5. DTH2R - sMI GiALAND STAT2 REGtiLAT01I9ANO GUIDELL 9SNA11627)IE DA919 FOA DAT2A7A118N0 H.1GTalUTY OF COSTS o TH13 CO)i7RACCTAAY BE A:9eNOM ONLYDY "CONTRACT CHANGE HOTKZ!r MaCI TED WACCORDANCE WITH OTS POLICY ' THE CONTRACTOR IN HER"_ VAUTHOA=OTOP- ftMVAWOF7t MIMS PFIOJ2CT, DURING-M-EIR CD CITCOADOVA,.31IM TTOTH'!MSSANO COYD)TOTMOTTHIN CO?ITIACTANO ALL A;- UCAIA-- STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS AM MOVLATIONN. FOR 075USE SIO.."'JAII O? PERSON AUTNORrAl-0 TO CO..11". 1 TITS DATE _ _. Ali • REPRESENTATIONS. CERTIFICATIONS, AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I. CONTINGENT FEE: (check appropriate boxes) The contractor represents (a) that it ❑ has. O has not, employed or retained any company or person Wa : than a full -lime bona fide employeeworking solely for the offeror) to solicit or secure this contract, and (b) that is ❑ has. ❑ has not, paid or agreed to pay any company or person (other than a full -time bona fide employee working solely for the contractor) any tee, commission, percentage• or brokerage fee contingent upon or result- ing from the award of this contract: and agrees to furnish information relating to (a) and (b) interpretation of the representation, including the term "bona fide employee', see Code of Federal Regulations. Title 41, Chapter 1, Subpart 1 -1.53 II. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: (check appropriate boxes) .The contractor represents that R ❑ has. ❑ has riot, participated in a previous contractor subcontract subject* either to the Equal Opportunity clause herein or the clause originally contained in Section 301 of Executive _ Order 10925, or the clause contained in Section 201 of Executive Order No. 11.114: that it d has. ❑ has not. Wed all required compliance reports: dnd that representations, indicating submission of required compliance reports, signed by proposed subcontractors, will be obtaln--d prior to subcontract awards — %., -;•- :. III. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM: (check a ppropriatebox) The contractor represents that (1) it❑ has developed and has on fle ❑ has not developed and does not ha• on file at each establishment affirmative action programs as required by the rules and regulations of the Secre tary, of Labor (41 CFA 60 -1 and 60 -2), or (2) it❑ has not previously had contracts subject to.thewritten affirm.. alive action program requirement of the rules and regulations of ftSecretary of Labor.'... .•>,' .;, :._ iy t. :....... ' IV. CERTIFICATION OF NONSEGREGATED FACILITIES: The contractor certifies That it does not maintain or provide for employeW facilities which are segregated on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin,.whether such facilitiesare segregated by directiva or on a de. - --:.:facto basis. The offeror turther agrees that hewill not maintain such segregated facilities. V.., The contract recipient agrees as a necessary condition for reirrbursemeMof costs, to prepare monthly and/or quarterly progress reports.in a timely manner, and in accordance with instructions furnished by the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety.. ' _ - .. - 7. - - ,. r s -s VI: CLEANAIRACTCOMPLIANCE: `r . For all contracts in excess. of S 100.000, the recipient agrees to comply with all applicable standards; orders, or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act of 1970. Violations shall be reported to OTS and the Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency. VII. PRINCIPAL PLACE OF PERFORMANCE The location of the plant or place of business where the items) will ba produced or the principal services will qe performed under the contract is: _ Vll. ASSURANCE The contract recipient hereby assures compliance with all terms, condftians and general and special provisions for this contract, including attachments. - r. -.r• - S:G'L:T:PZ 0= PERSON AUTHORIZED TO COMMIT CO.vTRACTOA GATE CONTRACTOR'S PROJEcr• DIRECTOR R. Marvin Townsend, City Manafer Gordon 8: Irwin Traffic' Safety Coordi�aEor _ P. 0. Box 9277, Corpus Christi, Tx.78408 P: 0. Box 9277, Corpus .Ch =isij "Tx. 78408' A�J :P= 'ss•�:riaNOrle NO t. 00 884 -3011 0 61 . TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM CONTRACT ATTACHMENT 1 CTATGPAGAIT nF WnQk' PROJECT INC[ IMF MILESTONE SCHEDULE ANO ME410O OF EVALUATION THE CITY OF CORPUS-CHRISTI WILL: 1. Determine.the number and type of signs warranted and location of same. 2. Order signs, school zone speed limit sign faces, aluminum blanks for school zone speed limit sign faces, and hardware necessary for installation. 3. Manufacture school speed zone signs. 4. Install signs. 5. Inspect each sign for conformance with specifications. 6. Inventory and number -code each sign installed. 7. Insure that a city ordinance authorizing the installation.of each Execute is on record. B. Execute Maintenance and Inventory Agreement with the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety. THE GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY WILL: 1. Reimburse the City for all allowable cost (up to the limit shown on.Page 1 of this contract) for the following items: Traffic Control Regulatory and Warning Signs: A. School Advance Signs B. Advance School Crossing Sign C. School Zone Speed Limit Sign Faces D. Aluminum Blanks for School Zone Speed Limit Sign Faces (.100 Guage) The City will bear all other costs. , METHOD OF EVALUATION: Compliance of new signs with MUTCD, and comparison of quality and quantity of conforming signs before and after the project. Inspection by local officials and FHWA. MILESTONES See Attachment 4. SEE ALSO ATTACHMENTS 2, 3, and 5. • NOTE The City of Corpus Christi intends to .purchase the School Crossing and the Advance School signs in ready -to- install form from the Texas Department of Corrections in Huntsville, Texas. The School Zone Speed sign, however, is not available from that agency with the backing thickness required. All signs manu- factured by the Department of Corrections are fabricated using a .080 gauge aluminum backing. We believe that &..080 backing on a 24" x 48" sign is in- adequate for our area. We have found that due to the high winds in this area, our larger signs do not hold up well unless manu- factured from a thicker backing. The thicker backing prevents the bolts from wearing through the sign which occOrs from the constant forced applied by the high winds. The only other al- ternative to using a thicker backing is to secure the sign with extra bolts. This, however, requires quite a bit more labor time and more hardware expense. Our intentions are to buy the School Zone Speed sign faces and apply them to .100 gauge aluminum backing which.we will also obtain. It must be pointed out that the combined cost of the faces and the .100 blanks is less than the total cost of purchasing the needed School Speed signs with .080 backing from the Department of Corrections. Furthermore, by using the .100 backing we can be reasonably sure that our new signs will hold up better and thus require far less maintenance time. 401 Schedule B Personal Services City Personnel I. Salary lary A. Sign Manufacturing - 200 "School Speed Zone Signs" 20 Hrs. for a 3 -men Team @$4.00 /hr. /man $240.00 B. Sign Installation - 300 "School Advance" signs 300 "Advance School Crossing" signs 200 "School Speed Zone" signs 800 Signs Total 30 min. /sign /2 -men Team @ $3.00 /hr. /man $2,400.00 C. Sign Inventory 75 Hrs. Inventory & Inspection of Goods @ $3.00 /hr for 1 man = $ 225.00 Total Salary $2,865.00 II. Benefits Benefits paid to all city employees - Social Security, TMRS (Retirement), Insurance (Group, Workmans Compensation, Liability). Total Benefits This Project $ 671.14 TOTAL.PERSONAL SERVICES $3,536.14 . Schedule C Other Direct Costs (A) 300 "School Crossing!' 30" x 30" S2 -7A @ $19.00 - $ 5,700.00 300 "School Advance" 30" x 30" S1 -IA @ $19.00 = 5,700.00 Sub -Total $ 11,400.00 Less Discount of $1.00 1sign - 600.00 Totes _ $ 10,800.00 200 "School Speed Zone" Faces- 24" x 48" S4 -3 @ $15.85 = $ 3,170.00 R2 -1 S4 -1 200 Aluminum .100 gauge blanks- 24" x 48" @ $ 7.27 = 1,454.00 Sub -Total (Item A) _ $ .15,424.00 (B) Base Material (Sakrete) 800 Holes @ 1 bag/hole (C) Bolts - 2 bolts /sign 800 x 2 = 1600 bolts - .(D) Pipe - 800 Sub -Total (Items B, C, & D) (E) Installation Vehicles - 200 Hrs x 2 vehicles (F) Inspection & Inventory Vehicle 50 Hrs in 1 Veh Sub -Total (Items E, & F) @ , $ 1.44 - 1,152.00 @ $ 0.25 - 400.00 @ $ 8.60 - 6,880.00 _ $ 8,432.00 @ $ 4.00 1,600.00 @ $ 4.00 200.00 $ 1,800.00 TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS: Item A - Faces /Blanks Item B - Sakrete = Item C - Bolts Item D.- Pipe = Item E - Installation Vehicles _ Item F - Inspection $ Inventory Vehs= TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS = 15,424.00 1,152.00 400.00 6,880.00 1,600.00 200.00 $ 25,656.00 PROJECT TOTALS Personal Services $ 3,536.14 Other Direct Costs $ 25,656.00 TOTAL PROTECT: $ 29.192.14 Grant or Contract No. Attachment 2 Title Ef fect].ve Date GENERAL PROVISIONS CHECK LIST The following provisions contained in "General Provisions for Grants and Contracts" Form GC -2A 4/74, are hereby included as a part of this contras by reference: d I. Definitions []e II. Changes III. Disputes IV. Conditions for Termination Prior to Completion x❑ V. Excusable Delays Q VI. Non - Collusion Q VII. Contract Period Established VIII. Cost Provisions IX. Method of Payment (Check one) ❑ A. Lump Sum ❑ B. Cost Per Unit Work ❑ C. Cost Plus a Fixed Fee ❑ D._ Specific Rates of Compensation © E. Cost ❑x X. Terms and Conditions of Payment xQ XI. Inspection ❑ XII. Property Accountability Q XIII. Retention -- ❑ XIV. Ownership of Data and Creative Material ❑ XV. Reports Qx XVI. Equal Opportunity G XVII. Overtime Compensation •[y XVIII. Convict Labor XIX. Subcontractual (Applies to all Federal and Most state contrac XX. Utilization of Small Business Concerns Q XXI. Order of Precedence XXII. Assignment, Subletting and Transfer 0 XXIII. Cancellation XXIV. Contractor's Liability XXV. Save Harmless XXVI. Tax and Compensation Liability ❑r XXVII. Reimbursement of Eligible Expenditures ® XXVIII. Application of Hatch Act (Applies to all Federal contracts) ❑x XXIX. Standards for Grantee Financial Management Systems XXX. Procurement procedures (Applies to Federal grants to State agencies and communities only) [� XXXI. Cost of Living Council Regulations (Applies to all Federal contracts) ® XXXII. Minority Business Enterprise (Applies to all grants or contracts involving Federal funds). GC -2 8/75 Page 1 of 1 Contract No. Attachment 3 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. Reimbursement will be made for expenses incurred by the community for purchase of School Advance nc,s Si and Advance School Crossing Signs, and for purchase of material for the manufacture of School Zone Speed Limit Signs which, when installed, will bring the community s sign program into compliance with the Department of Transportation's "Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices." Reimbursement will not be made for expenses incurred in the purchase or manufacture of spare signs or maintenance stock. All other costs are to be considered agency matching contribution to the extent they can be documented. No matching ratio is intended to be established for the project. 2. A traffic sign inventory of new signs by location should be kept by the community (a map properly coded is acceptable). The community is subject to an on -site inspection of signs by OTS and /or FHWA personnel. 3. Costs are subject to verification by Office of Traffic Safety auditors. Documentation by source document should be provided for all Federal funds. 4. Signs obtained under this grant shall not be placed in a position to control traffic on any Federal Aid Highway System. Funds are available through other sources for signing the Federal Aid Highway System. In addition, signs shall not be erected in a position to control traffic on any street, road or highway which is part of the State Highway System (including State and Federal Highways, Farm -to- Market roads, etc.) unless formally approved by the Highway Department. The community may erect signs to regulate traffic on a city maintained street as it enters or crosses a State maintained highway. The community must contact its District Highway Engineer and obtain written approval from the Highway Department before installing any signs on a state - maintained roadway right - of -way. Contact the responsible field representative of the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety if no statement can be obtained. 5. Parking, speed limit, stop and other types of regulatory signs should not be installed except where such regulations are legal and enforceable (i.e.; where such regulations have been enacted by city ordinance, or the equivalent, in accordance with State law). For detailed information, contact the responsible Field Representative of the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety. 6. The reflective sheeting shall comply with Federal Specification LS 300A, as amended January 11, 1973, Reflectivity 2.* *This specification is well known to reflective sheeting manufacturers, and those who comply with this specification will provide certification of this fact to the community. Single copies of the specification may be obtained, at no cost, from the General Services Administration Business Service Center (7AB), 819 Taylor St., Fort Worth, Texas 76102. 1 of 2 Attachment 3 Continued 7. Sheet aluminum sign blanks shall conform to the requirements of ASTM Specification B209 Alloy 6061 -T6 and shall be not less than 0.080" thick. 8. The face of the sign blanks shall be treated in the manner prescribed by the manufacturer supplying the reflective sheeting. The back of the sign blanks shall be treated with a proprietary .chemical process such as Alodine 1200, Iridite 14, Bonderite 710 or Lyfanite, according to the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. 9. Sheeting must be applied in a workmanlike manner in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 10. The completed signs must be in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffi.c Control Devices for Streets and Highways - 1971. 11. Any sign which fails to conform to the documents cited above shall be repaired or replaced prior to final inspection. 12. Total cost reimbursement shall not exceed the value shown on the approved grant application. 13. Unless.prior approval in writing is granted from OTS, no costs may be incurred after the end of the grant period specified. 14. Approval of this grant is for the stated grant period only. This approval does not commit or promise to commit funding for any subsequent grant period. 15. Sign materials furnished to the grantee by the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety shall be for use in the performance of work under this grant. The grantee shall establish and administer a system to control, protect, preserve and maintain any property which is furnished to or purchased by the grantee under this agreement. Upon satisfactor completion of installation of these items (as evidenced by a favorable report from the Federal Highway Administration) the items shall become the property of the grantee. 16. The Governor's Office of Traffic Safety shall withhold 10% of the grant reim- bursement until approval of the completed project is received from the Federal Highway Administration. 2of2 Goals Attachment 4 Milestone Schedule Jan- Feb -Mar Apr- May -June July- Aug -Sept I 1 , 1 , , , • • 1 Determine the type, number and location of signs which shall be replaced by new signs. X (2) Order material and initiate manufacturing of School Speed Zone signs X X (3) Inventory New Signs X (4) Install Signs X X , (5) Inspection of Signs by FM X • • • • PROJECT L 1 -I ( • �_C�_� Attachment 5 PROJECT NAME D MONTHLY' QUARTERLY' REPORT 4 `For the Period Ending on the Lost Day of °, 107 F J r, i I; 1. COST STATUS (SHOW DETAILS IN ATTACHMENT ti TOTAL EXPFNDITURES FOR THIS REPORT PERIOD r OTSSHAREOFCOSTS FOR THIS REPORTPERIOD it, SCHEDULE 51 ATUS (INCLUD_° EXPLANATION AND NEW SCHEDULE FOR MISSED _ MILESTONES IN ATTACHMENT 21 - MILESTONE(S) SCHEDULED FOR COMPLETION MISSED �Q Sos, s\ . ED ESTRA.ATED COMPLETION DATE' Ill. NARRATIVE— CONCISE r' ,�O�,S' Pvr} dOLEMSENCOUNTEREO•ASSISiANCc REQUIRED(ASAPPLICAo ` AWINCLUDEDINATTACHMFNT2 IV. ACCOUNTABLE / �5§ S`�• �O� ❑ STATus r•• t ; S� S . PAC)4MENT _. El Nr 4 � 1 . V. PEI , ♦♦ a • �Q�� ���10` . ARE SHOWN ON ORGANIZATION CHART ❑ II C ( ALWAYS INCLUDE (N FIRST REPORTANOEA-HTIMa Kc o� ..ENTSARECHANGED) NO C. XC REPORTING PERIOD. - I certify, L . all information presented hero In Is complete and accurate in rail -sting work performed under the.provisiorls of the above numbered ptojact; and that no claim has been presented to, or payment made by, the United States of Amor(raw the State of TJiilasfor the cost reimbursement claimed herein, ORGANIZATION AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE DATE - ,� '"M—Air. cowdia na4. if a Community JmPoct Praerum Pfo(.ct) TITLE " 1 APPROVALS — ITO DE USED AS nEaD DY COMMUNITY. AGENCY OR CONTRACTOR POLICY) ° M ""O•t �n cor,r • pnlod.ndlne tan the Jnt d.y of a momft. .. Inventory and Maintenance Agreement for Traffic Signs It is hereby understood and agreed that the City. of Corpus Christi will provide an inventory and continuing maintenance on all signs affected by the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety Contract Number A complete inventory shall be maintained of all city ma ;ntained warning and regulatory signs showing,`as a minimum: (1) -the location of all signs, (2) date and time of installation, removal and /or replacement subsequent to this contract. Continuing maintenance is intended to.mean that'in, the event of normal wear, vandalism, traffic accidents, or any other reasons which would render the signs useless, it shall be the responsibility ' of the City of Corpus Christi to repair.or replace- the signs at the City expense with signs of equivalent quality. The signs shall be kept clean, legible and unobstructed by.any permanent or temporary object. Serviceable signs made obsolete for it's original. location. by changes in local or State traffic codes may be-reinstalled at other sites, placed in warehouse stock or made available to another community having a need for said signs. City.Manager Official's Signature Title ATTEST: APPROVED: City Secretary City Attorney SMA 9 -75 Corpus Christi , Texas 1C N t tT 43' GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFEFY (OTS) 411 WEST 13TH STREET AUSTIN. TEXAS 78701 ., 611 13 PROycT STAhpARD w.. Construction Sign Replacement Program. • . 6T F OeSCRPM. 'Y 04 PRO)SCF (FOR D°_LVLS, SEE STATEhee„ T OF \70.110 ' Purchase.and distrihtite to city forces the - construction signs necessary to complete project goal, which is to bring the construction signing. used by city forces with conformance with MUTCD regulations. G0.�5 1Fjl royement of existin construction s3pgns by use .of new construction sig MEMD.OF EYALUATa4 (FOR DZTAXr. SEB STATEW -NI OF WORK) . s' Conformance.With MUTCD._ conformin to MUTCD. ; COST CA7EGOW AvOUNT - FU.1D7iGPERKIO ... AMOUNT SOURCES O7 FLOMS &%XXM p�u?I"sx;vTRces ­172-10 FzOrnaL t4ca3 .• ... 5,668.75 coyraAersaance OCT.-n_C. ......... a7saw.: - COMMOO)TI'_9 -..... - . ` JIM.- MV- 1. ... X ... . •• - .. - - :, . _ • .. ,:: •. aTSO)>r�eseo3r 5)668.75 x ........ 5,840.85 - '.. .. :s , ) IOME=COal PROW :.... .....3 5��� � , m 3 �s iea ...:�.... City LOCAL...... ... 172.10 TOT-'L 5,840.85 TOTAL 5 0.85 707AIL aan str TYPE OF L • F1 P.A%a OP RHL*MMSE:,I2HT (POM -ACTUAL C09T COT) 'MCTD WILY) OTS PALL Ft89rpolzlu TM CONTRACTOR FIEU 3UR3?_VFxT UNI170 - cna - t rrAZ111)sl AaDUxr . 75 RENi17WA_*0AaNT R - - ❑ cosTT_RUTBrorwoRK . • ❑ COSTPI SPMNIFPE - ❑ BP`CiilCAATES ❑ AN A=te PQUAL TO % Op ALL F].1 ma COST9. -., , .. - -. .. a" WILL FARNSUFM TNH CDNMCTOR AN AMMM EQUAL -10 - 10 % OF ALL 2. NO COST CAVEGOAY MAV 89 ELC - -.D BY pTOAB THAN 3Ys 3. ONLY TH039 CONT9 O)CUMM MIMI THE FOLLOWIM W.70OTF SHALL BE ""00'4 "1' RYAn�U?19PJil2?IT7 .,. ' AlALCO3 Fx] ucL COS7) CAS a xr Max ': 1 9 7 .toS ep t . 30 197 4.TH_-00MMC'rO;1MJ3TMMAU.CQSTA FOR OHTAIL% Sae 3TATr>"YOFWOPx NOT BUOIaL3 FOR Ra?Ur)'lUAS2�►°NT e TM9 CONMACr INCLUDES 5 ATrAC) mP*T9 o IN TN3 EY@HTOPANY INCONS19T9.yCY ORC07' �LICTBPi9D' 8L' NPROY19lDN8AjiD /OAAFfOU1.l�12Nr90P TN19 CONT"e. 71CT, 7H91T>COTi9lYFi7'iCY0�7 CONFUCr SHALL BS Rd90LYD BY A3510TR1to A)) ORD'ep DPR4ELDENCflTO EACH, pCCORDINO7O THH FDAIfl OA AT7ACNMP?TT)NiYHtCH )T APT',.AR96 USING THe FOLMNIND OHDY - L CONTRACT(TM9 FORM) 2- STA'F_.Y =)FT OF WORK (ATrACWhEST T) 3. GEN?RAL pRDY1910N9 (ATTACHAT2?)T2) P. SP_C4' L PROYIylON3(ATTACF S. OTN:R .. o F20'_RAL AND 9TA7°_ Fr.GULAYTONSAND GUMBU);-sB SRALLM TM BA1R3 FOR D87ZFI S)MM6133arNUTY OF C09TS - o TM3 COWMACT MAY BE AWENOED O) FLY BY - COMACT CHANGE NOTICES McCUTPO IN ACCORD ViCe WITH OTS POLICY Tki2 CO,yTRACrOA 19 H2R °- DYAUTHOR12EP70 p!ITFORA)SiOFX ONT)HSPR0.IECT, DURMiOT71e P.RIOD CTIL'DA30Yl, SUBSHCTTOTN�72A4)SAND CONDITMNS Or THIS CO)1TR4CT AND ALL APMCAUM STATM AND MDERAL LAW3 AND FMOM MON36 FOR OTSOSE. 1 S):iYATUR= O? Prl,9.lN AUTHO.RIZ2D TO CO.�b'+RT OT9 DA7.: - . ' • • • REPRESENTATIONS, CERTIFICATIONS, AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1. CONTINGENT FEE: (check appropriate boxes) The contractor represents (a) that it 0 has, 0 has not, employed or retained any company or person (othw than a full -time bona tide employee working solely for the offeror) to solicitor secure this contract, and (b) that it ❑ has, 0 has not, paid or agreed to pay any company or person (other than a full -time bona fide employee working solely for the contractor) any fee, commission, percentage, or brokerage fee contingent upon or result- ing from the award of this contract; and agrees to furnish information relating to (a) and (b) interpretation of the representation, including the term "bona ride employee', see Code of Federal Regulations.litle 41, Chapter 1. Subpart 1 -1.5.) IL EOUALOPPORTUNITY: (check appropriate boxes) The contractor represents that RO has, 0 has not, participated in a previous contractor subcontract subject either to the Equal Opportunity clause herein or the clause originally contained in Section 301 of Executive _ Order 10925, or the clause contained in Section 201 of Executive Order No. 11114; that it0 has. 0 has not, filed all required compliance reports; drid that representations, indicating submission of required compliance reports. signed by proposed. subcontractors. will bg obtained prior to subcontract. awards. ?'-: .. ;' ``- :- OL AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM: (check appropdate box) The contractor represents that (1) It❑ has developed and has on file❑ has not developed and does not have.� o): file ateach establishment affirmative action programs as required by the rules and regulations of the SecrM twy of Labor (41 CFR 60 -1 and 00 -2), or (2) ItO. has not previously had contracts subjecjto the written off ., ative action program requirement of the rules and regulations of the Secretary of Labor:'. ° ` •.: IV.: CERTIFICATION OF NONSEGREGATED FACILITIES: The contractor certifies ihat it does not maintain or provide for employees' facilities%4hich are segregated an the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin, whether such facilities are segregated by d'uective or on_a de facto basis. The offeror further agrees that he will not maintain such segregated facilities V. -.The contract recipient agrees as a necessary condition for relmbdrsement of costs, to prepare monthly and/or quarterly progress reports.in a timely manner, and In accordance with instructions furnished by the Governor': Of rice of Traffic Safety.- VI. CLEAN AIR ACT COMPLIANCE: For all contracts In excess of $100,000, the recipient agrees to comply with applicable standards, orders, of regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act of 1970. Violations shall be reported to OTS and the Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency. VIL PRINCIPAL PLACE OF PERFORMANCE The location of the plant or place of business where the iterh(s) will be produced or the principal services will _ . be performed under the contract fs - CITY Corpus Christi COUNTY- Nueces -A Texas . Vlll. ASSURANCE. The contract recipient hereby assures compliance with all terms; conditions and general and special provisions for this contract, Including attachments. - • - 2_5-; 57•.+'V%.PSkE 02 PERSON AUTHORQED TO CO AMT CO?iTRACrOR DATE comaACroa -s PfloJEcr piRECTO,7 • - DATE R. Marvin Townsend, -city Manage- P! 0: Box 9277, Corpse Christi, Ti. 78408 P20 i Box 8277, Corpe'Christi, Tx.- 78468 TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM CONTRACT ATTACHMENT 1 STATFMFNT nP Wr)PW INC11mF Lill [IONE SCHEDULE AND MEMOO W F.VALUAf*N THE CITY OF CORPUS•CHRISTI SHALL: 1. Determine the number and type of signs needed. 2. Order signs from the Texas Department of Corrections. 3. Inspect each sign for conformance with specifications, 4. Inventory and number -code each sign. 5. Execute Maintenance and Inventory Agreement with the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety. THE GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY SHALL: 1. Reimburse the City for all allowable cost (up to the limit shown on Page 1 of this contract) for the followint items: Traffic Control Regulatory and Warning Signs: A. Construction Warning Signs. B. Construction Regulatory Signs C. Construction Guide Signs The City of Corpus Christi will bear all other costs. 2. Withhold 10% of the grant reimbursement until approval of the completed .project is received from the Federal Highway Administration. % METHOD OF EVALUATION: . Compliance of new signs with MUTCD, and comparison of quality and quantity of conforming signs before and after the project. Inspection by local officials and FHWA. MILESTONES: See Attachment 4. SEE ALSO ATTACHMENTS 2, 3, and 5. Schedule "B" Personal Services Salary - 24 Hours Sign Preparation for Inventory Purposes using a 2 -men Team 0 $3.00 /hour 24 x $3.00 x 2 $ 144.00 Total Wages . .............................. P.$ 144.00 Benefits - Social Security (5.85 x salary).. 5.85 x $ 144. _ $ 8.44 T.M.R.S. .(Retirement) 5.95% x salary 5.95 x $144 8.56 Insurance Group: $11.64 /mo = 39 /day. .39 /day x 3 dys x`2 men = 2.34 Workmans Compensation 5.27/$100 wages 5.27 x $144/100 wages = 7.58 Liability .825/$100 wages .825 x $144/100 Wages = 1.18 Total Benefits . ..............................$ 28.10 Total Personal Services ........:..............$ 172.10 Schedule "C" Other Direct Costs Qty Type Size Manual No. Cost Total 20 Men Working 30" x 30" CW21 -1 19.00 380.00 30 Road Work Ahead 36" x 36" CW214A 26.75 802.50 10 Shoulder Work 30" x 30" CW21 -5A 19.00 190.00 10 Detour Ahead 36" x 36" CW20 -2D 27.00 270.00 10 Street Closed Ahead 36" x 36" CW20 -3D 27.00 270.00 20 One Lane Road Ahead 36" x 36" CW20 -4D 27.00 540.00 20 Right Lane Closed Ahead 36" x 36" CW20 -5DR 27.00 540.00 20 Left Lane Closed Ahead 36" x 36" CW20 -5DL 27.00 540.00 10 Flagmen Ahead 36" x 36" CW20 -7D 27.00 270.00 40 Road Closed & Thru Traffic 48" x 24" R10 -3B 24.25 970.00 10 Road Closed 48" x 30" R10 -2 30.00 300.00 8 Detour 30" x 24" G20 -9R 24.25 194.00 7 Detour 30" x 24" G20 -9L 24.25 169.75 8 Detour Arrow 48" x 18" G20 -8R 15.50 124,00 7 'Detour Arrow 48" x 18" G20 -8L 15.50 108.50 Total - Other Direct Costs $5,668.75 Project Total Personal Services 172.10 Other Direct Costs 5,668.75 $ 59840.85 • • Grant or Contract No. Attachment 2 T.i ,Lle Effec ive Date GENERAL PROVISIONS CHECK LIST. The following provisions contained in "General Provisions for Grants and Contracts" Form GC -2A 4/74, are hereby included a5 a part of this contract by reference: - ❑x I. Definitions ❑x II. Changes []x III. Disputes Q IV. Conditions for Termination Prior to Completion. ❑x V_ Excusable Delays VI. Non- Collusion ❑x VII. Contract Period Established ❑x VIII. Cost Provisions IX. Method of Payment (Check one) ❑ A.. Lump Sum ❑ B. Cost Per Unit Work ° [J C. Cost Plus a Fixed Fee ❑ D. Specific Rates of Compensation E: Cost X. Terms and Conditions of Payment XI. Inspection ❑ XII. Property Accountability © XIII_ Retention _ ❑ XIV. O•,mership of Data and Creative_ Material ❑ XV. Reports ❑x XVI. Equal Opportunity G XVII. Overtime Compensation G XVIII., Convict Labor ❑ XIX. Subcontractual (Applies to all Federal and Most State contrac- C XX. Utilization of Small Business Concerns ❑x XXI. Order of Precedence ❑x XXII. Assignment, Subletting and Transfer ❑x XXIII. Cancellation ❑x XXIV. Contractor's Liability ❑x XXV. Save Harmless ❑x XXVI. Tax and' Compensation Liability x XXVII. Reimbursement of Eligible Expenditures XXVIII. Application of Hatch Act (Applies to all Federal contracts) x XXIX. Standards for Grantee Financial Management Systems Q XXX. Pro - urement procedures (Applies to Federal grants to State agencies and communities only) c�] XXXI. Cost of Living Council Regulations (Applies to all Federal contracts) ® XXXII. Minority Business Enterprise.(Applies to all grants or contracts involving Federal funds). GC -2 8/75 Page 1 of 1 Grant No_ Attachment 3 SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR TRAFFIC SIGN REPLACEMENT PROGRAM SIGN PURCHASE 1. Reimbursement will be made for expenses incurred by the commu- nity for purchase of signs which, when installed, will bring the community's sign program into compliance with the Department of Transportation's "Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices." Reimbursement will not be made for expenses incurred in the pur chase of spare signs or maintenance stock. All other costs are to be considered agency matching contribution to the extent they can be documented. No matching ratio is in- tended to be established for the project. . 2. A traffic sign inventory of new signs by location - should be kept by the community (a map properly coded is acceptable).. The community is subject to an on -site inspection of signs by OTS and /or FHWA personnel. 3. Costs are subject to verification by Office of Traffic Safety _- auditors_ Documentation by source document should be provided for all Federal funds_ 4. Signs obtained under this grant shall not be placed in a position.: to control traffic on any Federal Aid Highway System. Funds are available through other sources for signing the Federal Aid .' Highway System. In addition, signs shall. not be erected in a: position to control traffic on any street, road or highway- which is part of the State Highway System (including State and Federal Highways, Farm -to- Market roads, etc.) unless formally approved by► the Highway Department. The community may erect signs to regulate traffic on a city maintained street as it enters or crosses a. State maintained highway. The community must contact its Dis- trict Highway Engineer and obtain written approval from the High - way Department before installing any signs on a state - maintained roadway right -or -way. Contact the responsible field representative of the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety if no statement can be obtained. 5. Parking, speed limit, stop and other types of regulatory signs should not be installed except where such regulations are legal and enforceable (i.e.; where such regulations have been enacted by city ordinance, or the equivalent, in accordance with State law). For detailed information, contact the responsible Field Representative of the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety- G3/2001-38, TDC 1/75 N • • 6. Signs furnished to the grantee by the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety shall be for use in the performance of work under this grant_ The grantee shall establish and administer a system to control, protect, preserve and maintain any property which is furnished to or purchased by the grantee under this agreement. Upon satis- factory completion of installation of these items (as evidenced by a favorable report from the Federal Highway Administration) the items shall become the property of the grantee. Goal '1) Determine the type and number of signs'needed by city forces 2) Order material 3) Inventory Signs 4) Distribute Signs to City forces a 5) Inspection by' F.H.W.A. Attachment 4 Milestone Chart Jan - Feb -Mar April- May -June July- Aug -Sept. X • X X X X X • 1 i i' t� i • e PROJECT��JI, I_L�._�1_� Attch. 5 PROJECT NAME i MONTHLY' . . ! a QUARTERLY' REPORT # * For the Period Ending on tho Lost Day of 197 i• I1, COST STATUS (SHOW DETAILS IN ATTACHMENT 1) TOTAL EXPENDITURES FOR THIS REPORT PERIOD OTS SHARE OF COSTS FOR THIS REPORT PERIOD - III t • 1• it. SCHEDULE STATUS (INCLUDE EXPLANATION AND NEW SFH6DVLE FOR Miss ED MILESTONES IN ATTACHMENT 2) fd1LESTONEM SCHEDULED FOR o COMPLETION fd155E0 ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATF' �aS 111. NARRATIVE— CONCISEr• ,`•%O Q,J . REQUIRED(ASAPPLICAP - JHLEMSENCOUNTEREO,ASSISTANCE 2 t�13� AE INCLUDED IN ATTACHMENT Z. IV. ACCOUNTABLE r i XC3� .r 10�, STATUS r` �� ~`� ��� S�� • . TACHMENT -. ElN, S�`eVti V QQti`' 1`1�O .ARE SHOWN OS NCI ANIZINFIRSTREPORTANDEPLIITiMB K. O� �CNTS ARE CHANGED) NO C. a'r REPORTING PERIOD, 1 certify, t. . all information presented hero In is complete and accurate in reflecting work performed under the provisions of the above numbered project; and that no claim has been presented to, or payment made by, the United States of America-or the State of Taxes for the cost reimbursement claimed herein, ORGANIZATION AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE DATE ylCommunity coordinator, if a Community Impact Proarom Project) TITLE " Y V 1 AP ?noVALS L.� ITO BE USED AS REO•D BY COMMUNITY, AGENCY OR CONTRACTOR POLICY) • r'"Ort rural corn • Period endkV on the Iaa1 dray of .moult., •• •i Inveritgry and Maintenance ' Agreement for Traffic Signs It is hereby understood and agreed that the r...f rO,p „s r,,, .+ will.provide an inventory and continuing maintenance on all signs affected by the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety Contract Number A complete inventory shall be maintained of all city ma ;ntained warning and regulatory signs showing,'as a minimum: (1) the location of all signs, (2) date and.time of installation, removal and /or replacement subsequent to this contract. Continuing maintenance is intended to•mean that *in* the event of normal wear, vandalism, traffic accidents, or any'othei reasons - which would render the signs useless, it shall be the responsibility of the City to repair or replace the signs at the City expense with signs of equivalent quality. The signs shall be kept clean, legible and unobstructed by any permanent or temporary object. Serviceable signs made obsolete for it's original. location by changes in local or State traffic codes may be reinstalled at other sites, placed in warehouse stock or made available to another community having a need for said signs. City Manager official's Signature Title ATTEST: APPROVED: City Secretary City Attorney BMA 9 -75 Corpus Christi., Texas TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM CONTRACT PAGE SAFETY, 2 PRO., NU+dBER cr M FFFT� rn REPRESENTATIONS, CERTIFICATIONS, AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I. CONTINGENT FEE: (check appropriate boxes) The contractor represents (a) that it ❑ has, ❑ has not, employed or retained any company or person (other than a full -time bona fide employee working solely for the offeror) to solicit or secure this contract, and (b) that it has. ❑ has not, paid or agreed to pay any company or person (other than a full -time bona fide employee working solely for the contractor) any fee, commission, percentage, or brokerage fee contingent upon or result- ing from the award of this contract: and agrees to furnish information relating to (a) and (b) interpretation of the representation, including the term "bona fide employee ", see Code of Federal Regulations, Title 41, Chapter 1. Subpart 1 -1.5.) IL EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: (check appropriate boxes) The contractor represents that it ❑ has, ❑ has not, participated In a previous'contract or subcontract subject either to the Equal Opportunity clause herein or the clause originally contained In Section 301 of Executive Order 10925, or the clause contained in Section 201 of Executive Order No. 11114; that itO has, ❑ has not, riled all required compliance reports; and that representations. Indicating submission of required compliance reports, signed by proposed subcontractors, will be obtained prior to subcontract awards. III. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM: (check appropriate box) The contractor represents that (1) it ❑ has developed and has on file ❑ has not developed and does not have on file at each establishment affirmative action programs as required by the rules and regulations of the Secre- tary of Labor (41 CFR 60 -1 and 60 -2), or (2) it ❑ has not previously had contracts subject to the written affirm- ative action program requirement of the rules and regulations of the Secretary of Labor. IV. CERTIFICATION OF NONSEGREGATED FACILITIES: The contractor certifies That it does not maintain or provide for employees' facilities which are segregated on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin, whether such facilities are segregated by directive or on a de facto basis. The offeror further agrees that he will not maintain such segregated facilities. V. The contract recipient agrees as a necessary condition for reimbursement of costs, to prepare monthly and /or quarterly progress reports in a timely manner, and in accordance with instructions famished by the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety. VI. CLEAN AIR ACT COMPLIANCE: For all contracts in excess of $100.000, the recipient agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders, or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act of 1970. Violations shall be reported to OTS and the Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency. VII. PRINCIPAL PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: The location of the plant or place of business where the item(s) will be produced or the principal services will be performed under the contract is: CITY Corpus Christi COUNTY Aueces STATE Texae Vlll. ASSURANCE. The contract recipient hereby assures compliance with all terms, conditions and general and special provisions for this contract, including attachments. SIGNATURE OF PERSON AUTHORIZED TO COMMIT CONTRACTOR DATE CONTRACTOR'S PROJECT DIRECTOR DATE R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager Gordon R. Irwin, Traffic Safety Coordinato NAME!P.TLE P. 0. Box 9277, Corpus Christi, Tx. 78408 P.O. Box 9277, Corpus Christi, Tx. 78408 1 y Secretary Ulty Attorney • X{l Z136T L`C" TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM CONTRACT GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY (OTS) 411 WEST 13TH STREET AUSTIN TEXAS 78701 • 611 13 NATIOwu PRaECr STANDARD NUMBER PROJECT NAMe Barricading Program - Corpus Christi BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT IFOR DETAILS. SEE STATEMENT OF WORK) Build 120 Type I and 130 Type II Barricades for City forces so that the City will be in conformance with all City, State of Texas MUTCD, and FHWA guidelines. GDALSTo construct and distribute 500 standard METHOD OF EVALUATION (FOR DETAILS SEE STATEMENT OF WORIO Type I &II Barricades to replace nonstandard Conformance to Texas MUTCD and FHWA 250 will COST CATEGORY AMOUNT FUNDING PERIOD AMOUNT SOURCES OF FUNDS AMOUNT PERSONAL SERVICES $3,128 FEDERAL (402)••• -• $5,010 CONTRACT SERVICES OCT: DEC......... GTSP ............ cOMMODITIF.s...... $69894 JAN.-MAIL • . • ' • • • • 100 OTHER DIRECT COST APR. -JUN. ........ 6,510 INDIRECT COST.._.. PROFIT ........... JUL- SEP.......... 39412 LOCAL........... , <...._..- ,._.�<...- .,......,,_: TOTAL $10,022 TOTAL $109022 TOTAL 1$10,022 TYPE OF REIMBURSEMENT ❑ LUMP SUM BASIS OF REIMBURSEMENT (FOR -ACTUAL COST" CONTRACTS ONLY) OTS WILL REIMBURSE THE CONTRACTOR REIMBURSEMENT LOUTS 1. MAXIMUM AMOUNT EUOI�).�OFOR REIMBURSEMENT S J, lyv F] C09FPERUWTOFWORX a AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO OF ALL 2 NO COST CATEGORY MAY BE EXCEEDED COST PLUS FRED FEE ❑ SPECIFIC RATER n iCTUALCOST ELIGIBLE COSTS OTS WILL REIMBURSE TH CONTRACTOR X AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO ��� % OF ALL ELIGIBLE COSTS IN THE CATEGORIES MENTIFIED IN THE STATEMENT OF WORN. BY MORE THAN S% S. ONLY THOSE COSTS INCURRED DURING THE FOLLOWING PERIOD SMALL' BE ELIGIBLE FOR I EINBUR�dAENT: - 3/15/76 TO 9/30/76 4. THE CONTRACTOR MUST BEAR ALL COSTS FOR DETAILS, SEE STATEMENT OF WORK NOT ELIGIBLE FOR REIMBURSEMENT • THIS CONTRACT INCLUDES — ATTACHMENTS - • IN THE EVENT OF ANY INCONSISTENCY OR CONFLICT BETWEEN PROVISIONS AND /OR REOURffiMENTS OF THIS CONTRACT, THE INCONSISTENCY OR CONFLICT SHALL BE RESOLVED BY ASSIGNING AN ORDER OF PRECEDENCE TO EACH, ACCORDING TO THE FORM CA ATTACHMENT IN WHICH R _ APPEARS, USING THE FOLLOWING ORDER 1. CONTRACT ITHIS FORM) 2 STATEMENT OF WORK ((ATTACHMENT 1) 3. GENERAL PROVISIONS LATTACHMENT2) 4. SPECIAL PROYISIONS (AATTACHMENT S) SL OTHER • FEDERAL AND STATE REGULATIONS AND GUIDELINES SHALL BE THE 13ASIS FOR DETERMINING ELIGIBILITY OF COSTS • THIS CONTRACT MAY Be AMENDED ONLY BY "CONTRACT CHANGE NOTICES'' EXECUTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH OTS POLICY THE CONTRACTOR IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO PERFORM WORK ON THIS PROJECT, DURING THE PMUDD CRED ABOVE, SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS CONTRACT AND ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. .i.. - .. -. FOR OTSUSE "SIGNATURE OF PERSON AUTHORIZED TO COMMIT BITS _ DATE. •.. -. •, '•! , .. ^ q - • -.- • : [` - TITLE J OTS FORM A30 NEW 874 ATTACHMENT 1 STATEMENT OF WORK THE GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY SHALL: 1. Reimburse the City for all allowable costs (up to the limit shown on Page 1 of this contract) expended for the following items: A. Reflective sheeting for barricades. The City will bear all other costs. 2. The Governor's Office of Traffic Safety shall withhold 10% of the contract reimbursement until approval of the completed project is received from the Federal Highway Administration. . THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI SHALL: 1. Inventory existing barricades among city forces. 2. Determine order of priority of need for city forces. 3. Determine and order amount of reflectilve.sheeting for barricades to be used during contract period. 4. Construct barricades and distribute in order of priority to city forces. 5. Follow all guidelines for utilization of the barricades according to the City Barricading Manual. 6. Insure that the barricades are kept in proper maintenance according to the City Barricading Manual. 7. Establish inventory of barricades B. This FY 1976 project will provide 1/2 of the needed barricades. The City will complete the remaining 1/2 of the needed barricades during FY 1977, bringing it to the Texas MUTCD Standards. 9. The City shall submit quarterly reimbursement reports to the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety as provided in General Provisions X and Attachment 5. Page 1 of 2 • MILESTONES See Attachment 4. • EVALUATION 1. Number of standard barricades before and after project. 2. Visibility studies of new barricades as compared to old. 3. Worker comments. 4. Traffic flow studies of vehicles in work areas with new barricades. 5. Public acceptance of new barricades, by questionaires. 6. FHWA Final Inspection. Evaluation will be by City, Governor's Office of Traffic Safety, and FHWA. SEE ALSO ATTACHMENT 2 and ATTACHMENT 3. Page 2 of 2 Grant or Contract No. Attachment 2 Title Effect�.ve Date GENERAL PROVISIONS CHECK LIST The following provisions contained in "General Provisions for Grants and Contracts" Form GC -2A 4/74, are hereby included as a part of this contract by reference: x❑ I. Definitions Q II. Changes [x] III. Disputes © IV. Conditions for Termination Prior to Completion Q V. Excusable Delays VI. Non - Collusion VII. Contract Period Established VIII. Cost Provisions IX. Method of Payment (Check one) ❑ A. Lump Sum ❑ B. Cost Per Unit Work ❑ C. Cost Plus a Fixed Fee ❑ D. Specific Rates of Compensation ® E. Cost Q X. Terms and Conditions of Payment x❑ XI. Inspection ❑ XII. Property Accountability © XIII. Retention. O XIV. Ownership of Data and Creative Material (] XV. Reports ❑x XV1. Equal Opportunity XVII. Overtime Compensation G XVIII. Convict Labor ❑ XIX. Subcontractual (Applies to all Federal and Most State contracts ❑ XX. Utilization of Small Business Concerns Q XXI. Order of Precedence ❑x XXII. Assignment, Subletting and Transfer C7x XXIII. Cancellation ❑x XXIV. Contractor's Liability ❑x XXV. Save Harmless x❑ XXVI. Tax and Compensation Liability ❑x XXVII. Reimbursement of Eligible Expenditures RJ XXVIIi. Application of Hatch Act (Applies to all Federal contracts) (] XXIX. Standards for Grantee Financial Management Systems XXX. Pronurement procedures (Applies to Federal grants to State agencies and communities only) (x] XXXI. Cost of Living Council Regulations (Applies to all Federal contracts) ® XXXII. Minority Business Enterprise (Applies to all grants or . contracts involving Federal funds). GC -2 8/75 Page 1 of 1 • L' ATTACHMENT 3 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. Reimbursement will be made for expenses incurred by the community for purchase of reflective sheeting for the manufacture of barricades which, when completed, will bring the community's barricade program into compliance with the Department of Transportation's "Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices." Reimbursement will not be made for expenses incurred in the manufacture of spare barricades or maintenance stock. All other costs are to be considered agency matching contribution to the extent they can be documented. No matching ratio is intended to be established for the project. 2. An inventory of barricades should be kept by the community. 3. Costs are subject to verification by Office of Traffic Safety auditors. Documentation by source document should be provided for all Federal funds. 4. The reflective sheeting shall comply with Federal Specification LS 300A, as amended January 11, 1973, Reflectivity 2.* 5. Sheeting must be applied in a workmanlike manner in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 6. The completed barricades must be in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways - 1971. 7. Any barricade which fails to conform to the documents cited above shall be repaired or replaced prior to final inspection. 8. Unless prior approval in writing is granted from OTS, no costs may be incurred after the end of the contract period specified. 9. Approval of this contract is for the stated contract period only. This approval does not commit or promise to commit funding for any subsequent . contract period. *This specification is well known to reflective sheeting manufacturers, and those who comply with this specification will provide certification of this fact to the community. Single copies of the specification may be obtained at no cost from the General Services Administration Business Service Center (7AB), 819 Taylor St., Fort Worth, Texas 76102. r� L_J r� LJ MILESTONE UMKI M16QWP —.I� Y Oct /Nov /Dec 1975 Jan /Feb /Mar 1976 Apr /May /June 1976 July /Aug /Sept 1976 (1) Inventory existing barricades among city forces. x (2) Obtain order of priority of need for city forces. x (3) Order reflective sheeting and other material needed for contract period. x (4) Construct barricades and distribute in order of priority to city forces. x x x (5) Evaluate project by: b Visibility studies lal Crewmen's comments c Traffic flow studies d Public acceptance x x x x (6) Evaluate performance of barricades 2 Mobility �lj Durability 3 Visibilit x x x 7 Establish inventory. x S) Submit quarterly reports. x x x 9 FHWA Inspection. x I • Cost Distribution Calculations TOTAL REQUEST -- $10,022 00 r--.j A) - PERSONAL SERVICES: Will include labor cost of individuals building barricades. Calculations are based on one individual. Salaries: Employee Wage = $3.751hr (average) based on I barricade /2.7 hr. period. 250 barricades x 2.7 hr 3.75 R ° $ 2.565 -- TOTAL LABOR COST barricade hour Benefits: $ 2,565.00 Social Security = 5.850 of salary. 250.05 TIMS (Retirement) = 5.95% of salary. 152.16 Social Security = .0585 ($2,565) _ $ 150.05 TIM = .0595 ($2,565) - 152.61 $ 302.66 Insurance - Group: (12.64 1month) Workmen's Compensation: (5.27/',400 wages) Liability: (.8251$100 wages) Group = (11.64) x (9 mos) _ $ 104.76 Workmen's Compensation 5.27 x (2,5651$100) = 135.17 Liability .825 x (2,5651$100) 21.16 f LNl.UY TOTAL BENEFITS: SOC. SEC.: $ 150.05 TARS : 252.61 INSURANCE: 261.16 $ 563.82 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES $ 2,565.00 SOCIAL SECURITY = 250.05 T.M.R.S. 152.16 INSURANCE = 261.I6 TOTAL ° $ 3,128.37 Commodities Basis - 120 Type x -- 120 Barricades - 6 ft longs 3 ft high; with 5 ft of reflective sheeting on each side of rail (see enclosed diagram) SHEETING - 120 Sheets (Size: 8" x 120 ") @ $ 18.55 /sheet :a $. 2,274.00 LUMBER: Rails needed: 120.(8" x 61) -- Pricer $19511,000 ft. 120 x 6 ft - 720 ft. •$19511,000 ft X 720 ft. _ $ I40.40 Stands: One barricade requires 26 ft. of 1" x 6" lumber for stands. 120 barricades X 16` /barricade X $19511000' - $ 374.40 Stand Braces: One barricade requires 8' Of I" x 8" lumber for braces. 120 X 8 ft /barricade X $19511000' - $ 187.20 Rail Braces: One barricade requires 2 ft of 1" x 8" lumber for rail braces. 120 X 2 ft /barricade X $195 11000P A $ 96.80 TOTAL LUMBER COST FOR TYPE I BARRICADES: $ 140.40 (Rails) 374.40 (Stands) 187.20 (Stand Braces) 46.80 (Rail Braces) S ign.nu PAINT: One gallon will cover approximately 6 barricades (2 coats). 120 barricades X I_ gal /6 barricades x $8.22/ga1 = $ 164.40 TOTAL COST OF MATERIALS FOR 120 TYPE I BARRICADES: Sheeting = $ 2,274.00 Lumber 748.80 Paint = 164.40 $ 3,187.20 Basis - 130 Type II Barricades -• Each will have four-(4) 8" z 30" panels and be a minhm.m of 3 ft. in height. Exterior plywood to be used. SHEETING - 520 Sheets (Size: 8" x 30 ") @ $ 5.26 1sheet = $ 2,735.20 LDl4BER - 520 Panels @ $70 /panel _ $ 364.00 PAINT - One gallon covers 6 barricadesf 130 barricades S 1 gal 16 barricades % $8.22/ga1= $ 178.00 BOLTS - Need 20 1barricade — 130 barricades x 20 = 2,600 2,600 @ .06 1ea a $ 156.00 ANGLE IRON 13.2' 1barricade S 130 barricades @ .1601ft = $ 274.56 TOTAL COST OF MATERIALS FOR 130 TYPE II BARRICADES: Sheeting = $ 2,735.20 Lumber = 364.00 Paint = 178.00 Bolts 156.00 Angle Iron 274.56 $ 3,707.76 Total Commodities I20 Type I Barricades - $ 3,187.20 130 Type II Barricades = 3,707.76 SAL - $ 6,894.96 TOTAL COST OF 250 TYPE I AND TYPE II BARRICADES: Personal Services $ 3,128.37 Commodities 6,894.96 Round off to: $ 10,022 Governor's Office of Traffic Safety cost is for reflective sheeting for barricades only in the amount of: Type I 120 Sheets (Size 8" x 12011) @.$18.95 /Sheet - $2,274.00 Type II 520 Sheets (Size 8" x 30") @ $ 5.26 /Sheet - $2,735.20 TOTAL $5,009.20 ROUND TO: $5,010.00 City will bear all other costs. TYPE I -6'1 1 I" 8" 6" CLEAT ON IEACH SIDE, �nlln REFLECTIVE 1 SHEETING ENTIRE BARRICADE EXCEPT RAIL SHALL BE PAINTED WHITE 2 lux 4" I"X 6" LEG STAND 1. BRACES (CLEATS) BRACES TOTAL MATERIAL RAIL I -1 "X 8 "X 6' LEG STANDS 1 -1" X 6" X 16' LEG BRACES'.; I -I" X4" X Ii RAIL BRACES 1 -1 "X 8 "X 2' SHE ETING 2- 5'SHEETS PAINT .164AL. /BARJCADE lax sax ENTIRE BARRI EXCEPT RAILS WHITE TYPE Tr - TOTAL MATERIAL LEGS 16'— 1" X I °X 1 /8a RAILS 4 — I01X 8"X 30° PAINT .16 gallon BOLTS IS bolts/ ban cade ANGLE IRON LEGS REFLECTIVE SHEETING BOLTS ;r • CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS [//J =BAY OF ific_ , 192/1 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCES A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL) 1, THEREFORE REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT 18 INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. - RESPECTFULLY 1/2� MA R THE C11` CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY JASON LUST DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB - GALLEY GAGE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GALLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE FE: TE: