HomeMy WebLinkAbout13052 ORD - 02/25/1976• JRH:vmr:2- 24- 76;1st • TEXAS: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A LETTER. OF AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE AMENDMENTS TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE COASTAL BEND COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS SO AS TO PROVIDE STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE CLIENTS WITH TRANSPORTATION FOR MEDICAL SERVICES, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF SAID LETTER OF AGREEMENT BEING ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARRED EXHIBIT 01A °; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL OTHER MODIFICATIONS AND RE- LATED DOCUMENTS REQUIRED IN THE ADMINISTRATION AND CONTINUED IMPLEMENTATION OF SAID PROGRAM; AND DECLAR- ING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute a letter of agreement to provide amendments to the contract between the City and the Coastal Bend Council of Governments so as to provide Department of Public Welfare clients with transportation for medical services, all as more fully set forth in the letter of agreement, a substantial copy of said letter of agreement being attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A ". SECTION 2. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute all other modifications and related documents required in the ad- ministration and continued implementation of said program. SECTION 3. The necessity to authorize execution of the aforesaid letter of agreement and any and all other modifications and related documents in the administration and continued implementation of the said program creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution; -shall be -read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this.ordinance take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the yy oc� day of February, 1976. ATTEST: Ae W • ��/ Secretary MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS AP VED: DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1976 h6dw 4 *Ago* 3®52 City Attorney ; January 21, 1976 �o C`3 P/a F/ Mr. Ernest Briones r � °D e� nd0 Assistant City � nager City of Corpus.Christi P. 0. Box 9277 93IV�11 Corpus.Christi, Texas 78408 Dear Mr. Briones: As you know, we have found it mutually.desirable to make changes in the method of cost computation and payment under our Contract No. 94 -1 implementing our agreement to provide transportation ser- vices for Texas Department of Public Welfare clients in the Coastal Bend region. Specifically, effective January 1, 1976, the City of Corpus'Christi's contract will be placed on an assurance basis to eliminate compli- cated prorating requirements and simplify cost reimbursements.- Beginning on that date, CBCOG will reimburse the City at the rate of $1,000 per month for ,-.the remaining eight months of the contract period. At the end of the program, an audit will be conducted to determine the correctness of this amount. Records such as time - sheets, routing ledgers, would be required to verify that the ser- vice was actually available to clients during the assurance period.. The original contract agreement to allow the purchase of services from other agencies such as commercial taxis, buses or the Community Action Agency will remain in force on an actual cost reimbursement basis. It should be noted that this plan change also involves a substantial reduction in the total contract amount due to a lower estimate in. client utilization than was used in the original amount. I am attaching a revised budget and an analysis of DPW Transportation costs which will be incorporated into.the plan of operation covered by the original contract. If you agree with this plan change, please execute this letter'in the space provided below and return one copy for our files.- Sincerely, Rob. Weaver Executive Director RRW /rmz REV. HAROLD T. BRANCH 7e�W7'. NNPPl�'A� VV�i chairmen ROBERT R. WEAVER �:omicat of ,.. , ­C&­ d ac(w International Airport Corpus Christi, Texas 78410 5 71/886 33 11 January 21, 1976 �o C`3 P/a F/ Mr. Ernest Briones r � °D e� nd0 Assistant City � nager City of Corpus.Christi P. 0. Box 9277 93IV�11 Corpus.Christi, Texas 78408 Dear Mr. Briones: As you know, we have found it mutually.desirable to make changes in the method of cost computation and payment under our Contract No. 94 -1 implementing our agreement to provide transportation ser- vices for Texas Department of Public Welfare clients in the Coastal Bend region. Specifically, effective January 1, 1976, the City of Corpus'Christi's contract will be placed on an assurance basis to eliminate compli- cated prorating requirements and simplify cost reimbursements.- Beginning on that date, CBCOG will reimburse the City at the rate of $1,000 per month for ,-.the remaining eight months of the contract period. At the end of the program, an audit will be conducted to determine the correctness of this amount. Records such as time - sheets, routing ledgers, would be required to verify that the ser- vice was actually available to clients during the assurance period.. The original contract agreement to allow the purchase of services from other agencies such as commercial taxis, buses or the Community Action Agency will remain in force on an actual cost reimbursement basis. It should be noted that this plan change also involves a substantial reduction in the total contract amount due to a lower estimate in. client utilization than was used in the original amount. I am attaching a revised budget and an analysis of DPW Transportation costs which will be incorporated into.the plan of operation covered by the original contract. If you agree with this plan change, please execute this letter'in the space provided below and return one copy for our files.- Sincerely, Rob. Weaver Executive Director RRW /rmz ERNEST BRIONES PAGE 2 APPROVED: COASTAL BEND COWCIL OF GOVERXM14TS CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI Ops BY:/ XS UTIVE DIRECTOR R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager DATE: CJ • DPR Transportation Grant #94- 1(mc -o4-003) Computation of Per Client Cost for .Assured Services Grant Amendment 1/1- 8/31/76 Pro Peted Local Transportation Costs iii Sus Drivers, grade 1?C, @ $568 per month each $ 6,2;8. Fie-! @ 5.8;% of $6,21+8. 366. �S @ 5.9:= of $6,248. 369. Group T_>_su ence for 11 persons @ $15.34 each 169. Svor -en's Compensation Ins. @ 1.695% of $6,248. 106. De=recietion @ 1/12 x 6 2/3% of original cost (2) of 6 n:ses of $31,258. 174. Fael end lubrication (1) 11100. Ma= me r—_e of Vehicles (1)(2) 1,000. 3otily Wu_y T s. on 31 Vehicles @ $1.75 each per month 19. Property D —age Ins. @ $1.83 each per month - 20. Total Pro Rated Transportation Costs 9,571. - Divided by total riders per month(1) 3,862 Local Transportation costs per rider 2.1 Pro Rated Direct Costs Monthly Sway for "secretary, grade' 32A _. 5548 monthly 1/1- 4/30/76 $ 2,192. 323, 8568 ronthly 5/1-V31/76 1,7o4. 12B, j&5 monthly (10% cost of living raise beginning 8 /1/76) 8/1-W76 625. Total Salaries 1/1- 8/31176 4,521 r 8' Personnel - Salaries - monthly $ 565.' Fersonnel - .Fringe Benefits: FICA @ 5.85% of $565 $ 33. ?.S @ 5 -Z of $565 33. Groin Insurance 15. kor'men's Co=enwsation Ins. @ .16% Of $565 1. Personnel - Fringe Benefits $ 82. - Personnel - Travel Foo-I - iocging - 4 days x $22 day $ 88. Oit- o_° -to•,m Transportation 480 milles C $.15 per rail a 72. Total Travel.i /1- 8/31/76 160. Personnel - Travel - monthly $ 20. -2- 0-,Tice Coeret ions I`._oenditures ' Office Supplies including Xerox copies @ 4.60 each '� 20. Postage 5. Telep-hone based on the use of 1 of the 5 ex4ensions on City Switchboard ° ni _ber 292 also *51c. connected with 8541-4508 18. 72. = 5 Y14. Plus Estimated Tong DistancelO. 211. Floor Space usage of 114$ sq. feet @ 25¢ sq. foot 36. Total Office Operations Expenditures 85. Total Direct Cost Monthly 752. Wumber of Local DIV Clients Monthly(3) a 100 Pro Rated Direct Costs per DPW Client $ 7.5z Total Cost per DNI Client Monthly $ 10.00 Average No. of clients_Month]y(3)' x 100 Cost per month for Assured Services(1) 1 000.00 IdOT✓: (1) Based on an. average of the actual for the period 9/1- 11/30/75. 2) Depreciation wil I go up by about $i2_8 per month when 4 new buses are received to take the place df'the old ones loaned to the City by NCCAA - but Maintenance Costs are ex edted to decrease by that amount. (3) Based on an average of actual figvres, 9/1- 12/31/75 Plus asp. average monthly increasement of 3 Clients above 100 monthly begin 1/1/76. (4) Plus actual cost of purchased Services for out -of -town transportation and eauipment. (As amended) Sorry ry City of Corpus Christi - Senior Community Services Agency Farre P.O. Box 9277, Corpus Christi Texas 78408 ' Agency Address To e Texas State oepartrpnt of'Pubiic Welfare For the Provision of.• ' •. , • Transportation Services - Title XiX Recipients DescP�ptzve Title or Services to be Provided Contract- Period beginning _August 1, 1975 and Ending _August 31, 1976 Cost Category _ Total . Reim- bursable bursable (1) Personnel - Salaries I 2 192. 2,192. (2) Personnel - Fringe - Benefits 351. 351. (3) Personnel - Travel -0- -0- (4) Office Operation Expenditures 780.- 780. (5) Transportation Costs d 8.850. 8,850. (7) vehicle Cost -0- -0- (8) Other 35 980. 35.980. Total 548 153: -S48153 Submission: Approval: Signaturs Tit e qj'Authorized offi l Signature Tzt,e of Authorize DPW Off-coal R. Marvin Townsend City Manager Data Date TOTAL: Indicate the total number of consumers or units of service for which this budget is prepared: 100 /mo. CONTRACT: Indicate the number of eligible consumers to be included in the Purchase of. Service contract for which you are applying (or the number of units to be included under the contract): 17,560 *Costs not allowable by Purchase of Service Contract. or which are already being paid by other sources. *. Contracting is on cost reimbursement from 8 -1 -75 thru 12 -31 -75 and on an assurance contncct 1 -1 -76 thru 8- 31 -76. BU0GETJUSTI'FICATI0n PERSOMIEL - SALARIES City of 6r pus Christi..- Senior Community Services Agency Napie See preceding instructions page, 1 A rlL .�er of 'staff `or eesi- Lion B Position or Title _ C Average full- �e rronhly salary D Percent of T1r:,e on Bud- aeted Job E flurber' of Months Er.,- played F Cost (AxCxOxE) (Total) Pelm- bursable Other* _ 1 (Senior Clerk Typist 548. 1007 4** $2,192 , 2 192. f f I Total Salaries 2 192, 1$2,192. *Costs not allowable by Purchase of Service Contract, or which are already being paid by other sources. Clerk typist will actually be employed for 12-months, but last 8 - months of contract salary will2be included in total of monthly - assurance fee, which is budgeted under transportation costs in one lip sum, • 8U'OGETJUSTIFICAT10N I� PERSONNEL - FRINGE BF111FITS (EJ•1PLOYFRS SHARE) City of caxiaus Christi Senior Co=unity Services" gency Nave 'See preceding instructions page 3 based on Total Awount of Salaries Paid (]A) Total Reims» Other* bursable i FICA - required ' 2192 "x 5.857 J $ 128. $ 128. Others describe j Texas Municipal Retirement S stem 5.9% 129. 129. ! Insurance 4.3% 14 1 TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS '351. $ 35 1, *Costs not allowable by Purchase of Service Contra by other sources. ct, or which are already being paid 3 94. 94. 1 TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS '351. $ 35 1, *Costs not allowable by Purchase of Service Contra by other sources. ct, or which are already being paid 3 SUDGETJUSTIFICATI0H PERSONNEL - TRAVEL* (as exact an estimation as is possible) City of Corpus Christi - "Senior Community Services Agency Name See preceding instructions page 4'• Type of Expense mileage, food, lodging Purpose of Travel (Destination and Benefits to the Program) Total Reim- bursabie Other=s _ Total -0- -0- *Out of state travel will be questioned. **Costs not allowable by Purchase of Service Contract, or -wfiich are already being paid by other sources, 4 B U D G E T 7 U S T I F I C A T I 0 N OFFICE OPERATIONS EXPENDITURES (See preceding instructions page 5) City of Corpus Christi -.Senior Community Services Agency Nan, a• ;f Description of 'item and Basis for Cost - Total Reim- bursable Other* Consumable Office Spa lies'from 9 -1 -75 100. '100. thru. 12 -31 -75 Office Equipment: 680, 680. 1. Executive Desk 2. Executive Chair 3. One Four - Drawer Cabinet - 4. Small Adding Machine 5. Minor Office Equipment Total $ 780.' $ 780. * Cost not allowable by Purchase of Service Contract, or vblch are already being paid by other sources. 5 B U D G E T J U S T I F I C A T I O N TPUMSPORTATION COST / (See preceding instructions page 6 ) CitY of Cor its Christi = Senior Community Services Agency tame Description of Item and Basis for valuation Tot31 Rena- bursable Other Prorated transportation costs including - drivers salary, fringe benefits main- tenance, fuel depreciation for 9 -1 -75- 12-31-75 $ 850. $ 850. Assurance fee for trans porta tion 1 -1 -76 - 8 -31 -76 @ 1000 /mo.- " °.... 89000 - 8,000 See Computations Attached. ' 4 - Total 8,850. $8.850. *Costs not allowable by Purchase of Service Contract, or which are already being paid by other sources. *--:Total transportation costs for this period were prorated on a per client basis. 6 B U D G E T J U S T I F I C A T I O N OTIIER COST CATEGORY , (See preceding instructions page- j. City of Corpus Christi - Senior Community Services Agency Name Description of Item and - Basis for Valuation Total Rei:a- bursable Other* • _ Purchase of Services form: I Cab Co. Bus Co. Ambulance Co. or other' agencies when necessary; reimbursement of Sr. Comm. Serv. Employees @.15 mile 10,980 10.980 Two-way Communications•System for 11 vans 1,200 ea = 13,200 Base and Units/Frequeficy check 8,000 Installation /Frequency check 3,500 Antenna 300 25,000" 25,000 Total 35,980 35,980 * Costs not allocable by Purchase of Service Contract, or chich. are already being paid by other sources. 8 SPECIAL PAIIIEN ARF4NGDT -EXITS (See preceding' instructions page 8) City of Corpus Christi - Senior Community Services Agency N--,ie Description and purpose of special payment arrangement: Anticipated Monthly Billing Mal:imm Month Amount Aug. 1975 25,680 Sent.. 1975 1.873 Oct. 1975 1,873 Nov. 1975 1,873 Dec. 1975 i.873 Jan. 1976 1,873 Feb: 1976 1,873 Mara 1976 1,873 ' Apr., 1976 1,873 May, 1976 ' 1,873 June 1976 1,873 -July, 1976 1,873 Aug., 1976 1 870. • Total 48 153 Total This form should be used Rnly when billing for one or more months is anticipated to exceed a monthly pro rata share of the contract amount. 9 CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, / DAY OF 1 92� TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SMALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; 1, THEREFORE, REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTFULLY, . MAYOR TH CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES- RUTH GILL Bon GULLEY GABE- LOZANO, SR. / - EDWARD L. SAMPLE Rte. I THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING_ VOTE: JASON -LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GAGE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE ��