HomeMy WebLinkAbout13139 ORD - 04/14/1976• JKH ;vp:4- 12- 76:lst • AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER FOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, AS THE ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT FOR THE COASTAL BEND MANPOWER CONSORTIUM, TO SUBMIT A TITLE I GRANT MODIFICATION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, PROGRAMMING $100,614 UNOBLIGATED FUNDS AND REFLECTING $881,498 AS ACTUAL CARRY -OVER FUNDS FROM FY 1975, ALL AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE GRANT MODIFICATION, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARRED EXHIBIT "A "; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL RELATED AND NECESSARY DOCUMENTS FOR THE IMPLEMEN- TATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE AFORESAID PROJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized for the City of Corpus Christi, as the administrative unit for the Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium, to submit a Title I Grant Mcdification to the Department of Labet, programming $100,614 unobligated funds and reflecting $881,498 as actual carry -over funds from FY 1975, all as more fully set forth in the Grant Modification, a substantial copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A ". SECTION 2. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute all related and necessary documents for the implementation and administration of the aforesaid project. SECTION 3. The necessity to authorize submission of the aforesaid Grant Modification amd to authorize execution of all related and necessary documents for the implementation and administration of the aforesaid project creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the Suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter role and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this 13139 • the eday of April, 1976. ATTEST: Ci y Secretary APPROVED: DAY OF APRIL, 1976: A� City Attorney ,7 MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS _Ask . Il IP"IMF.Nr OF LAWIIt • Menp—, Ad­ I,.t . GRANT NUMDER — DWICATION NUNatR GRANT SIGNATURE SHEET coMVwrHrnslvs r wocw�.. 8 -5- 610 -10 10. ' GRANION U. S. Department of Labor GRANTEE Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium Manpower Administration P. 0. Boa 9277 555 Griffin Square Building Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 AM Y6 This grant Is entered into by the United States of America, Department of Labor, hlanpower Admini• stration, hereinafter referred to as Crantor and (N me / PHrme sp—ri Consortium hereinafter referred to as Grantee. The Grantee agrees to operate a Comprehensive Employment and Training Program in accordance with the provisions of this agreement, including the Comprehensive Wnpovn:r Plan and such general and special assurances as are included herein. A. GRANT PERIOD This Grant agreement covers the period ID—) from 7 -1 -74 to 9 -30 -76 B. OBLIGATION This action 0 increases 0 decreases ® does not change the federal obligation for this grant by frhs <edoef $ N/A to (He. rr. 1) E N/A C TITLE AND FISCAL YEAR TrrLE FISCAL YEAR TOTAL NAME R. Marvin Townsend TITLE TITLE City Mane er THE I e� 209,982 $L,949,585 9,841,160 $6,000,727 Title Jason Luby, Mayor Si re Date 294,958 284,116 579,074 59,334 59,334 Tnis R laeve ITGe:<tfoeery TALE I4 ' IRdiar.s M[Irmt Other Tr'n.E VI itch Di a<tlenary . TOTAL $269,316 $3,244,543$3,125,276 $6,639,135 D. GRANT ALLOTMEhf7' -. _. .. .. s-3,906,595 ____ (This is the announced aDotment which is subject to arae7abt7ity of funds and does not constitute a federal obligation.) Arvwov[o cow —c LR ANTOR O A..ROVro f THE Gnwnrre e NAME NAME R. Marvin Townsend TITLE TITLE City Mane er 5IGNATURE DATE SIGNATURE DATE 3T: Title Jason Luby, Mayor Si re Date City Secretary APPROVED: DAY OF APRIL, 1976: City Attorney -1- TITLE I MODIFICATION SHEET Grant No. 48 -5- 610 -10 GENERAL INTENT: Modification No. 10 To modify the Grant to reflect actual FY 1975 carry-in funds identified by close -out of contracts and to program $100,614 previously unobligated. MODIFICATION: 1. The FY 1976 and FY 1976/1977 transitional quarter program consists of the follow- ing funds: a. FY 1975 adjusted carry-in fund from previous year (actual) $ 881,498 b. FY 1976 funds added by previous modifications (the 90% allocation figure) $ 2,621,324 c. FY 1976 base (regular) funds $ 219,836 d. FY 1976 Incentive funds $ 284,116 e. Total FY 1976 funds (c + d) $ 503,952 f. FY 1976/1977 funds (allocated -not obligated) $ 710,290 g. FY 1976 /1977 incentive funds (al- located -not obligated $ 71,029 h. Total FY 1976/1977 funds (al- located -not obligated (f + g) $ 781,319 The FY 1976 and FY 1976/1977 Transitional quarter program consists of actual FY 1975 carry -in funds from previous year plus the FY 1976 and FY 1976/1977 funds. Grand Total (total of a + b + e + h) $ 4,788,093 This Grand Total agrees with the total of section E, F, line 7 of the Budget Informa- tion Summary. 2. Page 3, Application for Federal Assistance, of this modification supplements Page 3 , Application for Federal Assistance, in original Grant. 3. Pages ___A ,_and 5• , Ceta Program Planning Summary of this modification replaces Page 4 b 5 , Program Planning Summary in Modification No. 9 4. Pages ____8 _and 9 , CETA Budget Information Summary of this modification replaces Page 6 b 7 , Budget Information Summary in Modification No. 9 5. Pages N/A* and N/A* , PSE Occupational Summary of this modification (sup- plements) (replaces) PSE Occupational Summary in Modification No. 9 6. Pages 10 thru - , Program Narrative Description, of this modification supplements Program Narrative Description in the grant and previous modifications. 7. This modification consists of the following: a. Grant Signature Sheet b. Modification Sheet c. Application for Federal Assistance d. Program Planning Summary * Not Applicable -2- e. Budget Information Summary f. Program Narrative Description 7-6 PREAPPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 20 PART I 2 Appilewr'. Applk.h ne Department of Labor o.vm..lwa, um, Manpower Administration Ad.Id.,yl« onm. Area Operations Office L.«r P.O. n.. 555 Griffin Square Building Griffin 6 Young Streets C1ry Sra. 21 Cod. Dallas. Texas 75201 Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium D.p..e.nr DWI. 302 S. Shoreline, P. 0. Boa 9277 5r...1 Adds« _ P.O. 0- Corpus Christi Nueces dry Cam+, Texas 78408 La. Z., Ced. 17.232 1 S 6,639!135 C-7— T,.. b'm•. C—,.- Cu,, ah.fbP.mhf Consortium Law. _XO.h. 4,724 15 months 11. cww«.I,.a Dlmler 11 B•ava.v a. 3 July 1, 1975 14, 15, and 23 74•Da•.1 Asol a&.. I1 Th. VPIT— —10., rher re d. b.a el hl. h.e.I.d,. wd 6.110. 1w da. 1. dl. a.ePpll..rlw a. rm a.d amwr, wd d.. nano d rh. ..•a.plbalw h« ha.. d.,, -,bm-d b, 11. p..a , bed,. / 11. ap.11aa.. M F., 3 512-1884 -3011 200 n a. GRANTEE'S HAMS AND ADDRESS ' U.S. DEPARTMENT of LABOR a Meopn— Adado14ro11- b. GRANT NUMBER Coastal Bend Manpower Consort Ch'CA PROGRAM PLANNING SUMMARY 48-5- 610 -10 P. 0. Box 9277 a GRANT YEAR d. TYPE OF PROGRAM Corpus Christi. T$ 78408 Pmm Td L. aTRU 1 3.O Tltla 111 SPGGIIy R 7-1-75 E. O TIIIe 1l a. O Tllle YI R1©g■ Wmk E,aennrn FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY 3 /3l x a1 Toui Enre11m1ela INSTRUCTIONS POR COMPLfiTING SECTIONS I, 11, AND 111 Sam 11 old Emonmwtj) V the Wm of A.1 end AJ3. 8 (TObl TermlmtbnQ V the soot of E.1 a mugb 8 r lal CONTRACT HEY lbl MOD. GATE 'Al C (Palmed EmoUwmu) 1. A mlaw S. ' ■oafl■�������■��w■■����:1: • ] e/ Carrenliy Cnrorlod $ d dal d Sam U: Enue In Um (a) EmPUmmu In each peogrm aedylty Imm Iadwly thmugh the grant yen', and Ie Wu F 0 „ LS1[�2t ¢ n j E d-add figA iiTI17 �i6��; , d (b) Ibo of pmUdPenu pimnad b be aoroUW hl auL pragnm INRy at the sad of uch am moeeGendy OWGIA N man th9n ona "thiLy dlould be mupud In eacb 5u D -�i °n'�z ai o MM Im° p—pbapP In Wblpb (uhewyI. an ennEad. 611. all Entm the mmaleUve bkmbu of Wadpanle b eeeb Hgmcal b be =n,W dutkq the gram yaae. dmuld be counted In u maoy dgnlRimt wgment grpupe v Me epplleable. E star a 0 G 3 b) C—Mly Swelled 0 3 7 3 x b ] 9 7 x 0- )112 R 61 1Parddpanu 1. ENROLLMENT AND TERMINATION SUMMARY GRANT YEAR- TGDATE PLAN- p' REPORT ENROLL• L Enrolb Q. ARkF �YBRMINA• �� 1 Olnar 3. Nopp• O PERIOD MENTn nwnp WRI. drlle7 TtGNSoy1 6 Dtraat, b. Ia Irod e0^bNIMd PaUlpe poYUVe wln C ■o IN PROGRAM ACTIVITIES GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN IV. OTHER ACTIVITIES (flafarenm 1IF) Imiceta oU emmil. a spatln pmgrama on aaa h. .#- mane. o—iba Inelr Oblo -IJ— and lin mliattan. tar nd Nob adllafonenl In a Ruantlulm P namtln Pmm.Pdon. - A B C O E R CLASSROOM TRAI !fare G:rnr. Vas. EC On•PaJOb Tralnln9 R1©g■ Wmk E,aennrn Dinar ACIIVIIIes 3 /3l x a1 Toui Enre11m1ela b 8 r lal let lbl 1.1 4,21 It-MCI EMU ID ©� ■oafl■�������■��w■■����:1: • ] e/ Carrenliy Cnrorlod .'Pj R Rural D It e x 10000[ 1 LS1[�2t /FiZfiF T� Fi;� as want. F 3�i iiTI17 �i6��; , nt^�sx��1E.7�fllililGlQD95�J�� D 3 et TPIU C-11 nnls o 3 r II. PLANNED ENROLLMENTS IN PROGRAM ACTIVITIES GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN IV. OTHER ACTIVITIES (flafarenm 1IF) Imiceta oU emmil. a spatln pmgrama on aaa h. .#- mane. o—iba Inelr Oblo -IJ— and lin mliattan. tar nd Nob adllafonenl In a Ruantlulm P namtln Pmm.Pdon. - A B C O E R CLASSROOM TRAI !fare G:rnr. Vas. EC On•PaJOb Tralnln9 pub. Ea Fnelornml Wmk E,aennrn Dinar ACIIVIIIes 3 /3l x a1 Toui Enre11m1ela b 8 r lal let lbl 1.1 4,21 b. GATE SIGNED A • ] e/ Carrenliy Cnrorlod .'Pj R Rural D It e x M TOI.I Enrollments 1 x r as want. ] al CurrenllY Enrolled 12 T D 3 et TPIU C-11 nnls o 3 r • E star a G 3 b) C—Mly Swelled 0 3 7 ] el T.A Ewollmenla 0 0 f ] b) Clmenny Enrellad 0 0 7 1,x8 p7a. 111. SIGNIFICANT SCGMCNTS V. . SIGNATURE R. Malvin Townsend SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTB GRANT YEAR•TO.OATE PLAN 9 /311 Ix /31 alit a /30 9/311 I2/31 3 /3l 4/30 let let Iq lal let lbl 1.1 4,21 b. GATE SIGNED A R Rural D It e G as want. D I • E star a MA 2402 (AV. 197S) • e. GRANTEES NAME AND ADDRESS US, DEPARTMENT OF LA13OR • M.V—, AdmtoWreSon b. GRANT NUMBER oastal Bend Manpower Consorti CEA PROGRAM PLANNING SUMMARY 48 -5- 610 -10 0. Box 9277 a GRANT YEAR d. TYPE OF PROGRAM orpus Christi, TX 78408 Pmm To L EI Tme 1 3.0 Title 111 6Padh P 7 -1 -75 9 -3 -76 x O Tid9 U a.11 Title VI Coll eoo 0131310001�������w���.;: FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY 1000����������`�: 040 x INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SECTIONS I. 11, AND 111 80a II A (•Tntat Em9n. -u) B Ibe tum of A.1 a.d Al. G'.. Taedmtlo0q I. the aum of B.1 tbmu9h a 9 7 CONTRACT REY to) M00. DATE B9. C (Blamed EaoSmentl) 4 A mlu0a B. �^q n b/ Cunm11Y Enrolled 0 I� ap IN i a p 8 Gun ere 9ta. DI Enta ID Lino Ia) Emollmmu to each program eetlAty Otmula"1"1" "mu9h the 9rmt yoaT aad M Una p N) nmba of pmNdpanu pWmW m be molld In euh FW— Lmty at the of a,h in O d:s a p 6Z �i6 $ MM DD w O 4uadal pettidpat. who Ma co P ar9o01 9pm11d lA more than 009 N"ty should be ao9nud In arh adl7lq b wNdl 0ey am enosd. Bea 1111 ERtor tbo Nm.tl. b. .1 plrttel. 10 a10b A,.t to bo aomw cl= tba gram your. Padldpmtl tbould be Ommtad b a m+aT dga Wmt RM=t group) u am AppUeabla, 1 0 .;ar7 7. - - D x e1 Told ENallmenla 0 ] T 1 9 &' - 0 Sit - U k t a 1a f i bl Cu� F�.mled 0 ] 7 I 1. ENROLLMENT AND TERMINATION SUMMARY - GRANT YEAR•TOaATS PLAN' a REPORT EN OR L4 LR• Z oerllal• TERMINA- f. EnUMa L O111er Y Nop C• PLAfaNEO O PERIOD MEETS tl PanOfldoO TIONS Ellalley11w1 4 N me b. IlfdlE� dD�w and PealU.a PPrid.a Dnd e/ II. PLANNED ENROLLMENTS IN PROGRAM ACTIVITIES GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PIAN IV. OTHER ACTIVITIES (Raforenm IIPI IMlam olha mhhtim or gotld 0m9ramt on eoseh- reattl, Deee tba theft ob)eetim and CIO mOmmna towed ftIr aWle.o -1 In o 4—Utwtho d nareti.e plolanlotWM ' - A B D D E P QZ ff om Alma 91ad. TRA Voe. Ea Coll eoo 0131310001�������w���.;: E131 1000����������`�: 040 x al iota) ErneRmeM. a 9 7 let to) Id ldl b. DATE SIGNED A • ] b/ Cunm11Y Enrolled 0 7 Gun ere x al Tom Ene9Rmen1t 1 x 7 D ] bl Curron117 lirv91led 1 II. PLANNED ENROLLMENTS IN PROGRAM ACTIVITIES GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PIAN IV. OTHER ACTIVITIES (Raforenm IIPI IMlam olha mhhtim or gotld 0m9ramt on eoseh- reattl, Deee tba theft ob)eetim and CIO mOmmna towed ftIr aWle.o -1 In o 4—Utwtho d nareti.e plolanlotWM ' - A B D D E P QZ ff om Alma 91ad. TRA Voe. Ea On-me-job TIamI1N Pub. %w= PJmbrmml work DOalenn Oma I19UEU9a 040 x al iota) ErneRmeM. a 9 7 let to) Id ldl b. DATE SIGNED A • ] b/ Cunm11Y Enrolled 0 7 Gun ere x al Tom Ene9Rmen1t 1 x 7 D ] bl Curron117 lirv91led 1 x .;ar7 7. - - D x e1 Told ENallmenla 0 ] T • E 3 bl Cu� F�.mled 0 ] 7 x q1 of Totes EnrPllmanta 0 D 7 3 t12S of CPrrenity Enrolled 0 0 7 111. SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS V. a. SIGNATURE R. Marvin Townsend SIGNIFICANT `�^MEnis GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PIAN SIGNIFICANT 5eamenrB GRANT YEAR•TO•DATfi PM111N 940 12/31 341 S /30 9130 Ix /31 3131 040 la1 NI Im Id1 let to) Id ldl b. DATE SIGNED A F Gun ere 'unemployed D Nundern 1 .;ar7 7. - - D Idisadvant. 1000 • E 3 MA 3-207 (Apr.197S) • SUPPLE14ENT TO THE CETA - PPS NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED TO BE SERVED, PROGRA:•I YEAR TO DATE. [ONTH -YEAR II. NIR -MER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED TO BE ENROLLED AT END OF EACH MONTH. III. =UUTIVE PROJECTED EXPENDITURES BY MONTH ULY BUG. �EPT. CT. .Dv. iEC. AN. EB. :ARCH PRI[L- 1976 5580 1109 'i2.846.398 588i- 1119 - 3,143,255 UNE 6344 1047 $3,617,846 NSTRUCTIONS I. Enter the total planned number of individuals who are planned to be served cumulative each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September; and December should agree with the entries in Part 1C of the'PPS. II. Enter the total planned number of individuals who will be in the program covered by this PPS on the last day of each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services-, training, or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part IC of the PPS. III. Enter the planned accrued expenditures of funds cumulative by month. The totals in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part.111B of the PPS. -6- • SUPPLEMENT TO THE CETA - PPS • NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED TO BE SERVED, PROGRAM YEAR TO DATE. .ONTH -YEAR II. NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED TO BE ENROLLED AT END OF EACH MONTH. III. CUMULATIVE PROJECTED EXPENDITURES BY MONTH ULY - 1976 6566 $3,902,044 UG. 6768 307 EPT., 6171 231 $4,788,093 CT. )EC. 1N. `EB. 1ARCH APRIL ilr7E HSTRUCTIONS I. Enter the total planned number of individuals who are planned to be served cumulativ each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September; and December should agree with the entries in Part IC of the 'PPS. II. Enter the total planned number of individuals who will be in the program covered by this PPS on the last day of each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services-, training, or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 1C of the PPS. III. Enter the planned accrued expenditures of funds cumulative by month. The totals in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part_111B of the PPS. -7- 1 Oo A. GRANTEE'S NAME -AND ADDRESS u.e. DI:FwwrMenr of —,OR MuPe� , Admlohtntlee Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium P. 0. Box 9277 BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 D. FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY 5' 9g CONTRACT KEY MOO. DATE f O &0 y' 'p g "66 llliii MM DD YY col. t 1213 0 15 1 el 7 1 S 10 1 Sa 211221131141131161171 jai 19 Ito 1 21 2II 22 24 22 26 27 22 a • E BUDGET SUMMAR e. GRANT PROGRAM ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED FUNDS FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY D. F4een1 1 2. Ali- B.- fit. GRANT NUMBER 48 -5- 610 -10 TYPE OF PROGRAM 1. H Title 1 2. 0 Title IU 4. C Title VI REVISED BUDGET 1 I. TOTAL • . • A. GRANTEE'S NANCE AND ADDRESS Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 O. FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE CONTRACT KEY tTTTf I 2. I a. GRANT PROGRAM FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY Y.6. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR wimp a7 Adminhtratlu0 BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY 1 .4 MM DD UNEXPENDED GRANT NUMBER 48 -5- 610 -10 TYPE OF PROGRAM 1. 77 TRW 1 3. Title m 4. ❑ TIUa V1 OR 9 OF OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES (Fm G--W End"g) L TOTAL F. CUMULATIVE OUARTERLY PROJECTION 1 2 3 -; 2l 2a Zs 24 2 1 2 3 21 2 23 24 2 I II 3" 2 2 231241251 1 2 3 ^:' 21 2 23 24 25 0 9 7 -, y' 2 J 0 3 0 8 7 26 26 26 26 1• Prime Sponsor Obligate.. G 3$ 4 788 093 2. Total Profaned Espendhurea by Program - ?', 35 -1t 44 a. Cl- TI.W q, Prtme Sporuor -� ^. 44 44 53 b. G, the-Job Trairdnq u 53 121.386 c. Public SeMm Employment 711 71 a. wprL Espedenn : 71 2 154 063 71 1 213 126 438,402 1 2 3 26 1 2 3 26 1 2 3 26 e. Sarvtcen 10 Particlpanta O 4 O 4 O 4 O_ 4 35 I. Other ActWitfea 35 3. Molatcd Es ndlturea for V*" i.nal Ed. 44 257,697 .� s °4 44 `. in Spacial Grants to Go-- ��.. <^� 53 ;' 53 4. Preieeted Espenditucea of NovPed. Funds _e 53 ,r " "� S3 S. Other Fed. Furuls, Not lo Prima Spon Qmrt - 62 Tl -¢t 71 6. Grand Total • Roleeted Expaodllmea "'," 7l j 045 790 . - 71 MA 6.145 CAP,. 19751 Program Operators Funded to Utilize Funds Recently Identified as Unprogrammed 1. Manpower Administration - To be utilized for cost -of- living increases approved by the City Council last August. $ 12,000 2. Jobs for Progress, Inc. (SER) - To supplement the Title III Grant for persons with limited English - speaking abilities. $ 20,793 3. Coastal Bend Work Experience Program - To serve an additional 20 economically disadvantaged adults for 40 hours per week each and to provide the length of participation of the Senior Aide participants. $ 33,911 4. Youth Services Program (CCISD) - To serve 50 addi- tional economically disadvantaged participants in the 4th quarter of Fiscal Year 1976 at an average of 20 hours per week each. $ 33,910 Total $ 100,614 -10- CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS D-AV OF 19 7 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCES A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; 1, THEREFORE, REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTFULLY MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GA ®E LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED 81 JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GAGE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE E: