HomeMy WebLinkAbout13143 ORD - 04/21/1976I' JKH:vp:4- 7- 16:1st ' AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE BUREAU OF RECLAMATION, NUECES RIVER AUTHORITY, AND THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI CONCERNING CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE NUECES RIVER PROJECT, TEXAS (CHOKE CANYON RESERVOIR PROJECT), A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF SAID PROPOSED CONTRACT BEING ATTACHED HERETO, MARKED EXHIBIT "A ", AND MADE A PART HEREOF FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES AS IF COPIED VERBATIM HEREIN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute a contract between the Bureau of Reclamation, Nueces River Authority, and the City of Corpus Christi, concerning construction, opera- tion and maintenance of the Nueces River Project, Texas (Choke Canyon Reservoir Project), a substantial copy of said proposed contract being attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A ", and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes ae if copied verbatim herein. 13143 0 (RO- 4 -7 -76) PRELIM, ARY C O N T R A C T Among the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS and the NUECES RIVER AUTHORITY NUECES RIVER RECLAMATION PROJECT, TEXAS Contract No, • CONTENTS ARTICLE NO. TITLE Preamble— Explanatory Recitals — 1 General Definitions - 2 Project Plan - 3 Lost of Project Works — 4 Contractors to Advance Funds — 5 Division of Responsibility ---- ---- -- -- 6 Construction Coat Obligations---------- ------ 7 Allocation of Project Construction Costs — 8 Construction Completion Notice — --- 9 Repayment- - 10 Disposition of Miscellaneous net Revenues - -- 11 Additional Investigations, Surveys, Construction Work, and Inspections by United States- 12 Computation of Coats--------------- - ----- 13 Operation and Maintenance of Transferred Works- - Payment of Miscellaneous Costs------- - 14 Operation and Maintenance of Recreation and Fish and Wildlife Facilities-- - --- - -- 15 Review and Inspection of Project Works for Deter- mining Adequacy of Maintenance - - - - -- - -- 16 Additional Costs to be Paid by the Contractors-- - 17 Reserve Fund----- __— _-- __— _________ 18 Benefits Conditioned Upon Payment-------- --- -- 19 Penalty for Delinquent Payments - - - - -- -- 20 Water Rights - Water Supply General- - 21 Quality of Water--- - 22 Water and Air Pollution Control ---- — 23 Books, Records, and Reports - i 0 PAGE NO. 1 -2 2 -3 3 -5 5 -6 6 6 -8 8 9 -12 12 12 -13 14 -24 24 -25 25 25 -26 26 -28 28 -29 29 -30 30 -31 31 -32 32 -33 33 34 -35 35 -36 36 36 • ` UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF RECLAMATION CONTRACT Among the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS and the NUECES RIVER AUTHORITY NUECES RIVER RECLAMATION PROJECT, TEXAS CONTENTS ARTICLE NO. TITLE Preamble— Explanatory Recitals — 1 General Definitions - 2 Project Plan - 3 Lost of Project Works — 4 Contractors to Advance Funds — 5 Division of Responsibility ---- ---- -- -- 6 Construction Coat Obligations---------- ------ 7 Allocation of Project Construction Costs — 8 Construction Completion Notice — --- 9 Repayment- - 10 Disposition of Miscellaneous net Revenues - -- 11 Additional Investigations, Surveys, Construction Work, and Inspections by United States- 12 Computation of Coats--------------- - ----- 13 Operation and Maintenance of Transferred Works- - Payment of Miscellaneous Costs------- - 14 Operation and Maintenance of Recreation and Fish and Wildlife Facilities-- - --- - -- 15 Review and Inspection of Project Works for Deter- mining Adequacy of Maintenance - - - - -- - -- 16 Additional Costs to be Paid by the Contractors-- - 17 Reserve Fund----- __— _-- __— _________ 18 Benefits Conditioned Upon Payment-------- --- -- 19 Penalty for Delinquent Payments - - - - -- -- 20 Water Rights - Water Supply General- - 21 Quality of Water--- - 22 Water and Air Pollution Control ---- — 23 Books, Records, and Reports - i 0 PAGE NO. 1 -2 2 -3 3 -5 5 -6 6 6 -8 8 9 -12 12 12 -13 14 -24 24 -25 25 25 -26 26 -28 28 -29 29 -30 30 -31 31 -32 32 -33 33 34 -35 35 -36 36 36 • CONTENTS (Continued) ARTICLE NO. TITLE 24 Rules, Regulations, and Determinations- --- -- 25 Confirmation of Contract----------- -- - - -- 26 Conditional Obligation ---- - - - - -- 27 Notices----- - 28 Releases and Indemnity-- - ----- - -- - 29 Uncontrollable Forces-- _- __�__ - -� —__ 30 Equal Opportunity--------- - - ---- _ —_ —_ -- 31 Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964 -- ----- 32 Additional Provisions Required in Concessioner Contracts--- --- - -- -- - -- -- 33 Contractors Facilities------- - - - - -- 34 Amendment or Repeal of Federal Reclamation Laws- - 35 Contingent on Appropriation or Allotment of Funds - 36 Assignment Limited - Successors and Assigns . Obligated- — 37 Officials Not to Benefit-------- Signatures - -- ii I PAGE NO. 37 37 -38 38 -39 39 39 -40 40 -41 41 -43 44 -45 45 -49 49 -51 51 51 -52 52 52 53 (RO- 1- 16 -76) Contract No. 1 NUECES RIVER RECLAMATION PROJECT, TEXAS 2 C O N T R A C T 3 Among the 4 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 5 CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 6 and the 7 NUECES RIVER AUTHORITY 8 for 9 Construction, Operation, and Maintenance 10 of the 11 Nueces River Federal Reclamation Project, T 12 THIS CONTRACT is made this day of 13 197_, among the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, hereinafter referred to 14 as the "United States," acting through the Secretary of the Interior- IS or his duly authorized representative for the Bureau of Reclamation 16 hereinafter referred to as the "Contracting Officer," and pursuant 17 to the Federal Reclamation Laws, as amended and supplemented, the 18 city of Corpus Christi, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "City," 19 organized and existing pursuant to the laws of the State of Texas, 20 with its principal office at Corpus Christi; and the Nueces River 21 Authority, hereinafter referred to as the "Authority," organized and Preamble (RO- 1- 16 -76) 1 existing pursuant to the laws of the State of Texas, as set forth 2 in Article 8280 -115, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as amended, -3 with its principal office at Uvalde, Texas (the City and the 4 Authority, sometimes referred to in this agreement collectively 5 as the "Contractors." The Contractors will act by and through the 6 City.). 7 WITNESSETH THAT: 8 EXPLANATORY RECITALS 9 WHEREAS, the Reclamation Development Act of 1974 (Public 10 Law 93 -493, sections 1001 -1005, 88 Stat. 1486, 1496 -1497 (1974)), 11 authorized construction, operation, and maintenance of Nueces 12 River Project, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Project," 13 and 14 WHEREAS, the Contractors and the United States propose 15 to jointly finance construction of the project as hereinafter 16 defined; and 17 WHEREAS, Contractors are empowered to contract with the 18 United States for advancing a part of the reimbursable costs of 19 construction of the Federal project works and to annually advance 20 funds to the United States up to a maximum total sum of $18,2509000 21 during the construction period, all in accordance with a contract 22 between the City and the United States dated December 30, 1975; 23 and 2 Preamble Explanatory Recitals 0 0 (RO-1- 16-76) 1 WHEREAS, the Contractors are empowered to contract 2 with the United States for operation and maintenance (O&M) of 3 project works, and are authorized to contract for payments of 4 their reimbursable costs under this contract; and 5 WHEREAS, the parties hereto are all empowered to contract 6 for purposes of this contract; 7 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual and depend - 8 eut covenant's herein contained, it is agreed between the parties 9 hereto as follows: 10 GENERAL DEFINITIONS 11 1. Where used in this contract: 12 a. United States - means the United States of 13 America, including the Secretary of the United States Department 14 of the Interior or his duly authorized representative. 15 b. City - means the city of Corpus Christi, Texas, 16 -or its designated representative, commission, or agency which 17 succeeds it as to any rights, powers, or duties necessary to 18 perform commitments set forth in this contract. 19 c. Authority - means the Nueces River Authority 20 as created under Texas law, or its designated representative or 21 any successor entity which succeeds it as to any rights, powers, 22 or duties required to meet its commitments under this contract, 23 acting through a duly appointed board of directors. Explanatory Recitals Art. 1 3 • (RO- 4 -7 -76) 1 d. Contractors - means the City and the Authority, 2 acting by and through their authorized representatives. The 3 obligations assumed herein by the Contractors shall be joint and 4 several obligations of the City and the Authority. 5 e. Project - means all features comprising the 6 Nueces River Reclamation Project, Texas, authorized by the Act of 7 Congress approved October 27, 1974 (Public law 93 -493), and 8 constructed or provided under terms of this contract. 9 f. Federal Reclamation Laws - means the Act of 10 June 17, 1902 (32 Stat. 388), and all acts amendatory thereof or 11 supplementary thereto, including particularly the Act of Congress 12 approved October 27, 1974 (Public Law 93 -493; 88 Stat. 1496). 13 g. Works - means all works or facilities of the 14 project together with land and rights -of -way for such works. 15 h. Project Water - means water available for use 16 through the project works. 17 1. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) - mean and 18 include normal and reasonable care, control, operation, main - 19 tenance, and replacement of the project works and shall include 20 0&M of recreation and fish and wildlife facilities, payment of 21 miscellaneous costs, accumulation of reserve funds, and payment 22 of all additional 0&M costs as herein provided. Art. 1 4 I • d (RO- 1- l6 -76) 1 j. 'Year- means the period January 1 through 2 the next following December 31. 3 k. Dam and Reservoir - mean Choke Canyon Dam and 4 Reservoir on'the Frio River and related facilities, together 5 with land and rights -of -way for such works. 6 1. Construction Costs - mean actual costs incurred 7 in construction of the project and related facilities. 8 'm. Contracting Officer - means the Secretary of 9 the Interior or his duly authorized representative. 10 PROJECT PLAN 11 2. a. The project to which this contract relates is 12 construction of Choke Canyon Dam and Reservoir and related facili- 13 . ties on the Frio River near Three Rivers, Texas, for purposes 14 of storing, regulating, and furnishing water for municipal and 15 industrial (M &I) use, conserving and developing fish and wildlife 16 resources, enhancing outdoor recreational opportunities. No 17 treatment of project water available through project works for 18 municipal or other use is included in the project plan. 19 b. The Contractors will obtain a permit from the 20 Texas Water Rights Commission for the project and for the appro- 21 priation of water for beneficial project purposes, and construe- 22 tion of the project shall be in accordance with said permit. 23 c. Title to the project works shall be and remain 24 in the United States until otherwise provided by Congress, Art. 1 Art. 2 5 • (RO- 4 -7 -76) 1 notwithstanding transfer of 0&M of said works to the city and 2 the Contractors. Title to movable property which is necessary 3 for O&M of said works shall be transferred to the Contractors 4 or their assignees at the time O&M is assumed. 5 COST OF PROJECT WORKS 6 3. Subject to the terms and conditions of this contract 7 and within the limitation of funds made available by Congress, the 8 Contractors and the United States will spend on construction of the 9 project and acquisition of land, exclusive of interest costa, not 10 to exceed $82,021,000, plus or minus such amounts as may be 11 justified by reason of ordinary fluctuations in construction costs 12 as indicated by engineering cost indices applicable to the type of 13 construction involved herein, or so much thereof as in the opininn - 14 of the United States is necessary. The actual cost of constructing 15 the dam and reservoir shall be allocated in the same ratio as the 16 estimated costs are allocated in article 7. 17 CONTRACTORS TO ADVANCE FUNDS 18 4. Upon final execution and validation of this con - 19 tract, the advancement of funds contract No. 6- 07- O1- XO5329 between 20 the United States and the City dated December 30, 19750 is termi- 21 nated and is no longer in force and effect. The Contractors will Art. 2 Art. 3 Art. 4 6 � r . I , 0 0 (RO- 4 -7 -76) 1 advance to the United States, quarterly, a sum of money which, 2 together with any funds which may be appropriated by Congress, is 3 required to accomplish the work scheduled by the United States for 4 constructing the project. The Contractors will advance to the 5 United States the sum of not less than $18,927,000 and receive 6 full credit on their repayment obligation. The estimated schedule 7 for advances is as follows: 8 January 1, 1976, to March 31, 1976 $ 200,000 9 April 1, 1976, to June 30, 1976 $ 575,000 10 July 1, 1976, to September 30, 1976 $1,796,000 11 October 1, 1976, to December 31, 1976 $2,190,000 12 January 1, 1977, to March 31, 1977 $2,109,000 13. April 1, 1977, to June 30, 1977 $1,417,000 14 July 19 1977, to September 30, 1977 $1,592,000 15 October 1, 1977, to September 30, 1978 $5,013,000 16 October 1, 1978, to September 30, 1979 $2,374,000 17 October 1, 1979, to September 30, 1980 $1,661,000 18 $18,927,000 19 At any time following the first advance of funds by the Contrac- 20 tors and prior to commitment of Federal funds to the project, the 21 Contractors shall have the right to require the Contracting Officer 22 to halt activities in progress on the project and assign to the Art. 4 7 9 l (RO- 4 -7 -76) 1 _Contractors all contract and property rights, data, drawings, 2 or other items of value acquired with the advanced funds. The 3 request must be in writing. Upon receipt of said request and 4 return to the Contractors of said unexpended advance funds and 5 property acquired with advance funds, all obligations of the 6 parties thereto,'under this contract shall terminate. 7 DIVISION OF RESPONSIBILITY 8 5. -a. The Contractors shall be obligated for repay - 9 ment of reimbursable project costs and 0&M of the project facili- 10 ties, following completion of construction. Under a contract 11 between the Authority and the City, the Authority will issue 12 revenue bonds to make the advance funding payment to the United 13 States through the City toward project construction, and the City 14 agrees to pay the remaining reimbursable project construction costs 15 and the interest on the Authority's bonds and to provide funds for 16 bond redemption. The obligation of the Contractors to pay.the- 17 United States is a joint and several obligation of the City and 18 the Authority. 19 b. The Contractors agree to assume 0&M of the 20 project including recreation and fish and wildlife as provided in 21 articles 13 and 14. 8 Art. 4 Art. 5 u (RO- 4 -7 -76) 1 CONSTRUCTION COST OBLIGATIONS 2 6. a. In consideration of the Contractors' rights 3 upon completion of construction to utilize or transfer their 4 rights in the project acquired by this contract, the Contractors' 5 obligations, less funds advanced is the amount of $18,927,000, 6 are as follows: 7 (1) Costs incurred by the United States in 8 constructing the project, which are allocated to an M&I water 9 supply, are estimated at $45,260,000 plus interest during con - 10 struction and interest on the unpaid obligation at a rate deter - 11 mined in accordance with subarticle 6(a)(4) of this contract. 12 (2) Costs incurred by the United States in 13 constructing the project, which are allocated to recreation on 14 a reimbursable- basis, are estimated at $7,766,000 plus interest 15 during construction and interest on the unpaid obligation at a 16 rate determined as provided in subarticle 6(a)(4). 17 (3) Costs incurred by the United States in 18 constructing the project, which are allocated to fish and wild - 19 life on a reimbursable basis, are estimated at $106,000 plus 20 interest during construction and interest on the unpaid obligation 21 at a rate determined in subarticle 6(a)(4). Art. 6 9 • i r (RO- 4 -7 -76) 1 (4) The applicable interest rate shall be 2 determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, as of the beginning 3 of the fiscal year in which construction is commenced, on the 4 basis of the computed average interest rate payable by the 5 Treasury upon its outstanding marketable public obligations which 6 are neither due nor callable for redemption for 15 years from 7 date of issue. Interest during construction shall be interest 8 charged on one -half of each year's expenditures allocated to the 9 - M&I water supply in excess of funds advanced by the Contractors 10 and to that portion of recreation and fish and wildlife costs which 11 are reimbursable together with interest at the same rate annually 12 on the full amount of such expenditures during previous years. The 13 total amount of all interest thus accumulated through the construc 14 tion period prior to the date of actual completion of the project, 15 as established by announcement of the Contracting Officer, shall 16 _ be added to the construction cost of the project not advanced by the 17 Contractors and shall be allocated to the M &I water supply and to the 18 reimbursable recreation and fish and wildlife costs. Interest on the 19 unpaid balance of those costs not advanced by the Contractors and 20 allocated to M&I Water supply, with exception of that portion of 21 the interest waived under authority of the Water Supply Act of 22 1958 and detailed in article 9c; and recreation and fish and 10 Art. 6 s • (RO- 4 -7 -76) 1 wildlife, shall be computed annually at the same rate described 2 above. 3 b. The Contractors' obligation shall not exceed 4 the estimated obligation. in 6(a)(1), 6(a)(2), or 6(a)(3) above 5 by more than 15 percent for possible contingencies resulting 6 from fluctuations in construction costs, as indicated by engineer- 7 ing cost indices, less funds advanced by Contractors. 8 c. Should the final construction cost of the project 9' vary from estimates in this contract as determined and announced 10 by the Contracting Officer, then allocations to an M&I water 11 supply, to conserving and developing fish and wildlife resources, 12 and to enhancing outdoor recreational opportunities shall be pro - 13 portionately adjusted; and the resulting allocations, plus interest, 14 shall be used for determining the Contractors' construction obliga- 15 tion. 16 If the Contracting Officer finds at any time that the project 17 cannot be completed within the Contractors' maximum obligation, 18 article 6b; or if bids received on the first major advertised 19 contract be such as to make it unlikely that project works can 20 be completed within the construction cost estimate, the Con- 21 tracting Officer shall consult with the Contractors as to their 22 willingness to increase their repayment obligations. If the 23 Contractors are unable to agree to terms of an amendatory contract Art. 6 11 0 • (RO- 4 -7 -76) 1 for repayment of additional cost, the project shall be deemed .2 complete, and the Contracting Officer may issue the requisite 3 notice for commencing repayment as provided in article 8. 4 ALLOCATION OF PROJECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS 5 7. The estimated cost of constructing the project, 6 based on January 1976 prices, is $81,364,000 (excludes $657,000 7 for archeology). This sum is comprised of multipurpose dam and 8 reservoir costs and separable recreation and fish and wildlife 9 facility costs which are allocated as follows: 10 Reimbursable Nonreimbur- 11 Costs sable Costs Total 12 ($1,000) ($1,000) ($1,000) 13 Dam and Reservoir 14 Municipal 6 Industrial 15 Water Supply Allocation $45,260 0 $45,260 16 . (69.195 percent) 17 Recreation Allocation 0 $18,022 $18,022 18 (27.553 Percent) 19 Fish and Wildlife 20 Allocations 0 $ 2,127 $ 2,127 21 (3.252 percent) 22 Recreation (specific costs) $ 7,766 $ 7,766 $15,532 23 Fish and Wildlife (specific costs) $ 106 $ 317 $ 423 24 Total $53,132- $28,232 $81,364 25 CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION NOTICE 26 8. a. When expenditures on project construction have 27 been made to the limit provided in article 3, plus any additional Art. 6 Art. 7 Art. 8 12 (RO- 1- 16 -76) 1 amounts which may have been agreed upon under provisions of 2 article 6 or so much thereof as the Contracting Officer considers 3 necessary and useful for construction of the project works, the 4 Contracting Officer may issue the construction completion notice 5 required for establishing the balance of reimbursable costs not 6 previously advanced by the Contractors and for scheduling payments 7 of these costs by the Contractors. 8 b. If construction of project works shall have been 9 commenced but is terminated prior to completion by reason of lack 10 of fund;, failure to secure a valid amendatory contract, or for 11_ any other reason: 12 either 13 (1) The Contractors shall then repay to the 14 United States the total amount of the balance of the construction 15 charge obligation theretofore expended or obligated but not 16 advanced by the contractors at such time and in such manner as 17 the Contracting Officer may then prescribe. Thereafter, the 18 Contractors may proceed at their election and at their own cost 19 with completion of the project; or 20 (2) At the request of the Contractors, the 21 United States will continue construction thereof to the extent 22 that funds are advanced for the purpose by the Contractors. Art. 8 13 • (RO- 4- 16 -76) 1 REPAYMENT 2 9. a. The project construction costs allocated to an 3 M&I water supply are estimated currently to be $45,260,000, 4 and costs allocated to recreation and fish and wildlife on a reim- 5 bursable basis are estimated to be $7,766,000 and $106,000, 6 respectively. The Contractors shall advance $18,927,000 which will 7 be credited to the M&I water supply allocation. Any reimbursable 8 allocated costs not advanced by the Contractors for construction 9 of the project shall be repaid with interest, as specified under 10 article 6, and shall be the Contractors' remaining repayment obliga- 11 tion. The remaining repayment obligation for an M&I water supply 12 shall be paid to the United States in 40 annual installments, the 13 first of which shall become due on August 1 of the year after the 14 year in which the project works are, as announced by the Contracting 15 Officer under the provisions of article 8 hereof, sufficiently 16 complete to permit the use of project facilities and water is 17 available, if such notice is given prior to August 1, otherwise 18 to commence in the second year after such notice is given. Sub - 19 sequeut annual installments shall become due on August 1 of each 20 succeeding year. 21 b. The applicable interest on the remaining reimbur- 22 sable construction obligation is 5.116 percent per annum if con- 23 struction is started in United States fiscal year 1976. Interest 24 during construction, as described in article 6, shall be computed 25 at the same rate of interest. Art. 9 14 0 • 0 (R0- 1- 16 -76) 1 c. Project storage is designed to yield 1399000 2 acre -feet of water annually for M &I use. That portion of the 3 firm annual yield provided for anticipated future water demand 4 is 64,000 acre -feet. Costs allocated to anticipated future water 5- demand shall.be either (a) 30 percent of the total estimated cost 6 of the project or (b) the product of the ratio of deferred yield to 7 total yield times construction costs, including interest during 8 construction, allocated to M&I water supply storage, whichever is 9 the lesser. No interest payment is required to be made on such 10 allocation for anticipated future water demand during a 10 -year 11 period of the repayment term unless all or a portion of said 12 annual yield reserved for anticipated future water demand is used 13 in any year in said 10 -year period. In the event of such use of 14 a portion of the storage allocated to anticipated future water 15 demand. all payments required to be made in subsequent years shall 16 be adjusted to reflect interest payments on the repayment obliga- 17 tion associated with that portion of the reserve storage then 18 placed in use. Such adjustments will be.determined by multiplying 19 the percentage of the yield allocated to future water demand which 20 is withdrawn in such year for M &I use by the portion of the repay- 21 meat obligation allocated to future water demand. 22 d. The Contractors' repayment obligation for an 23 M &I water supply shall be paid in annual installments, as shown in 24 the following table, until the actual reimbursable construction 25 cost has been determined at which time a corrected table shall Art. 9 15 0 (x0- 4 -7 -76) 1 be prepared by the Contracting Officer, and the remaining annual 2 installments payable by the Contractors shall be adjusted to 3 provide repayment of the actual reimbursable construction coat 4 plus interest as previously specified. In the event that annual 5 reservoir withdrawals for M&I use exceed 75,000 acre -feet in any 6 one of the first 10 years of the repayment period, all remaining 7 annual installments shall be adjusted as provided in section c 8 of this article. An interest rate of 5.116 percent has been used 9 in preparing the following table. The table is based upon an 10 allocation of estimated construction costs to an M &I water supply 11 of $45,260,000, less $18,927,000 advanced by the Contractors, 12 plus $4,622,000 interest during construction. The table does 13 not include interest on deferred costs of $22,946,000 as pro - 14 vided in section c of this article. Art. 9 16 I • (RO- 4 -7 -76) ` • TABLE OF PAYMENTS - MUNICIPAL AND INDUSTRIAL WATER SUPPLY Payment Amount of Amount of Total Number Interest Principal Payment 1 $ 409,700 $ - 375,600 $ 34,100 2 429,000 - 283,900 145,100 3 443,500 - 171,600 271,900 4 452,300 - 69,500 382,800 5 455,800 53,800 509,600 6 453,100 183,300 636,400 7 443,700 319,500 763,200 8 427,300 446,900 874,200 9 404,500 596,500 1,001,000 10 374,000 737,900 1,111,900 11 1,510,100 - 255,500 1,254,600 12 1,523,200 - 126,000 1,397,200 13 1,529,600 - 5,600 1,524,000 14 1,529,900 136,800 1,666,700 15 1,522,900 302,300 1,825,200 16 1,507,500 460,300 1,967,800 17 1,483,900 642,400 2,126,300 18 1,451,100 675,200 2,126,300 19 1,416,500 709,800 2,126,300 20 1,380,200 746,100 2,126,300 21 1,342,000 784,300 2,126,300 22 1,301,900 824,400 2,126,300 23 1,259,700 866,600 2,126,300 24 1,215,400 910,900 2,126,300 25 1,168,800 957,500 2,126,300 26 1,1192800 1,006,500 2,126,300 27 1,068,300 1,058,000 2,126,300 28 1,014,200 1,112,100 2,126,300 29 957,300 1,169,000 2,126,300 30 897,500 1,228,800 2,126,300 31 834,600 1,291,700 2,126,300 32 768,500 1,357,800 2,126,300 33 699,100 1,427,200 2,126,300 34 626,100 1,500,200 2,126,300 35 549,300 1,577,000 2,126,300 36 468,600 1,657,700 2,126,300 37 383,800 1,742,500 2,126,300 38 294,700 1,831,600 2,126,300 39 201,000 1,925,300 2,126,300 40 102,500 2,002,800 2,105,300 Total $35,420,900 $30,955,000* $66,375,900 * Allocated construction cost plus interest during construction, less $18,927,000 advance by Contractors. Art. 9 17 • • i (RO- 4- 16 -76) 1 e. The Contractors' annual recreation payments 2 are required to be made in accordance with the following repay- 3 ment schedule on August 1 of each year commencing with the 'first 4 year after the year in which project works are, as announced by 5 the,Coutracting Officer under provisions of article 8 hereof, 6 sufficiently complete to permit use of project facilities, and 7 water is available, if such notice is given prior to August 1. 8 otherwise to commence in the second year after such notice is 9 given. The schedule of payments is based on an allocation to 10 recreation of an estimated reimbursable construction cost of 11 $7,766,000 plus interest during construction. Payments 12 will be discontinued upon complete repayment of the allocation 13 to recreation. In the event the actual separable costs of 14 recreation installations shall vary from $15,532,000, then 50 per- 15 cent of such actual separable costs shall be reimbursable and shall 16 be advanced or repaid with interest. The applicable interest rate 17 shall be the rate determined under articles 6 and 9 of this contract. 18 Repayment of any reimbursable recreation may be derived entirely 19 from gross revenues received from entrance and user fees or 20 charges collected for use of recreation and fish and wildlife 21 enhancement facilities of the project. If the Contractors elect 22 to repay the recreation repayment obligation from entrance and 23 user fees, the percentage of fees allocated to repayment is sub - 24 , ject to review at intervals of not more than 5 years and 25 revision as necessary to. accomplish repayment within 50 years. Art. 9 18 • (RO- 1- 16 -76) 1 As an alternative to making payments from entrance and user fees, 2 the Contractors may apply water revenues or any other funds avail - 3 able to meet the scheduled payments. Art. 9 19 i (RO- 4 -7 -76) • TABLE OF P• • S - ONE -HALF SEPARABLE COSTS RECREATION Payment Amount of Amount of Total Number Interest Principal Payment 1 $ 284,340 $ 38,680 $ 323,020 2 282,360 51,060 333,420 3 279,690 64,230 343,920 4 276,420 78,000 354,420 5 272,450 92,370 364,820 6 267,780 107,540 375,320 7 262,220 123,500 385,720 8 2559950 140,270 396,220 9 248,690 158,030 406,720 10 240,630 178,190 418,820 11 370,970 59,950 430,920 12 367,910 63,010 430,920 13 364,660 66,260 430,920 14 361,310 69,610 430,920 15 357,760 73,160 430,920 16 354,010 76,910 430,920 17 350,070 80,850 430,920 18 345,930 84,990 430,920 19 341,590- 899330 430,920 20 336,950 939970 430,920 21 332,220 98,700 430,920 22 327,090 103,830 430,920 23 3219870 109,050 430,920 24 316,250 114,670 430,920 25 310,430 120,490 430,920 26 304,220 126,700 430,920 27 297,710 133,210 430,920 28 290,910 140,010 430,920 29 283,810 147,110 430,920 30 276,220 1549700 430,920 31 268,330 162,590 4309920 32 260,050 170,870 430,920 33 251,270 179,650 430,920 34 242,100 188,820 430,920 35 232,440 198,480 430,920 36 222,280 208,640 430,920 37 211,530 219,390 430,920 38 200,390 230,530 430,920 39 1889560 242,360 430,920 40 176,140 254,780 430,920 41 163,120 267,800 4309920 42 149,420 281,500 430,920 43 135,020 295,900 430,920 44 119,940 310,980 430,920 45 103,960 326,960 430,920 46 87,300 343,620 430,920 47 69,650 361,270 430,920 48 51,210 379,710 430,920 49 31,790 399,130 430,920 50 11,380 221,740 233,120 Total $12,458,300 $8,283,100* $20,741,400 * Separable construction costs plus interest during construction 20 Art. 9 k (RO -4- 16-76) 1 f. The Contractors' annual fish and wildlife pay - 2 ments are required to be in accordance with the following repayment 3 schedule made on August 1 of each year commencing with the first 4 year after the year in which project works are, as announced by the 5 Contracting Officer under provisions of article 8 hereof, sufficiently 6 complete to permit use of project facilities and water is available, 7 if such notice is given prior to August 1, otherwise to commence 8 in the second year after such notice is given. The schedule of 9 payments is based on the allocation to fish and wildlife of an 10 estimated reimbursable construction cost of $106,000, plus 11 interest during construction. Payments will be discontinued upon 12 complete repayment of the allocation to fish and wildlife. In 13 the event actual separable costs of fish and wildlife installa- 14 tions shall vary from $423,000, then 25 percent of such actual 15 separable costs shall be reimbursable and shall be advanced or repaid 16 with interest. The applicable interest rate shall be the rate deter - 17 mined under articles 6 and 9 of this contract. Repayment of any reim- 18 bursable fish and wildlife allocation may be derived entirely from gross 19 revenues received from entrance and user fees or charges collected for 20 use of recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement facilities of 21 the project. If the Contractors elect to repay the fish and wild - 22 life repayment obligation from entrance and user fees, the percent - 23 age of fees allocated to repayment is subject to review at intervals 24 of not more than 5 years and revision as necessary to accomplish Art. 9 21 0 (fi0- 1- 16 -76) 1 repayment within 50 years. As an alternative to making payments 2 from entrance and user fees. the Contractors may apply water 3 revenues or any other funds available to meet the scheduled 4 payments. 22 Art. 9 •(RO- 4 -7 -76) • • • TABLE OF PAYMENTS - ONE - FOURTH SEPARABLE COST OF FISH AND WILDLIFE Payment Amount of Amount of Total Number Interest Principal Payment 1 $ 5,660 $ 520 $ 6,180 2 5,640 540 6,180 3 5,610 570 6,180 4 5,580 600 6,180 5 5,550 630 6,180 6 5,520 660 6,180 7 5,480 700 6,180 8 .5,450 730 6,180 9 5,410 770 6,180 10 5,370 810 6,180 11 5,330 850 6,180 12 5,290 890 6,180 13 5,240 940 6,180 14 5,190 990 6,180 15 5,140 1,040 6,180 16 5,090 1,090 6,180 17 5,030 1,150 6,180 18 4,970 1,210 6,180 19 4,910 1,270 6,180 20. 4,850 1,330 6,180 21 4,780 1,400 69180 22 4,710 1,470 6,180 23 49630 1,550 6,180 24 4,550 1,630 6,180 25 4,470 1,710 6,180 26 4,380 1,800 6,180 27 4,290 1,890 6,180 28 4,190 1,990 6,180 29 4,090 2,090 6,180 30 3,980 2,200 69180 31 3,870 2,310 6,180 32 3,750 2,430 6,180 33 3,630 2,550 6,180 34 3,500 2,680 6,180 35 3,360 2,820 6,180 36 3,220 2,960 6,180 37 3,070 3,110 6,180 38 2,910 3,270 6,180 39 2,740 3,440 6,180 40 2,560 3,620 6,180 41 2,380 3,800 69180 42 2,180 49000 6,180 43 1,980 4,200 6,180 44 1,760 4,420 6,180 45 1,540 4,640 6,180 46 1,300 _ 49880 6,180 47 1,050 5,130 6,180 48 790 5,390 69180 49 510 5,670 6,180 50 220 4,360 4,580 Total $196,700 $110,700* $307,400 * Separable construction costs plus interest during construction. Art. 9 23 • • 16-76) ••(Ro-1- 1. g. The Contractors may make advance payments on 2 remaining repayment obligations at any time whereupon appropriate 3 adjustments in future payments will be made. 4 DISPOSITION OF MISCELLANEOUS NET REVENUES 5 10. A1], miscellaneous net revenues or nonoperating income 6 received during project construction for the use of property or 7 improvements acquired for the project, including but not by way 8 of limitation net revenue from the sale of sand, gravel, minerals, 9 timber, or other products from project lands and the sale or 10 rental of water during construction, shall be allocated among 11 reimbursable functions of the project in direct proportion to the 12 allocation of costs for those purposes as set forth in article 7. 13 Upon completion of construction, the miscellaneous net revenues 14 allocable to reimbursable functions shall be applied as a credit 15 on remaining reimbursable obligations of the Contractors. Follow i6 ing construction of the project, miscellaneous net revenues received 17 and allocable to reimbursable purposes payable by the Contractors 18 shall be applied as a credit on the Contractors' annual construc- 19 tion charge installments. When reimbursable construction charges 20 payable by the Contractors' have been fully repaid, then that portion 21 of the miscellaneous net revenues allocated to reimbursable pur- 22 poses shall be applied to other Contractors' obligations payable to 23 the United States. If no obligations exist, such revenues shall be 24 paid to the Contractors. Miscellaneous net revenues do not include 25 any revenues or operating income resulting directly from (1) Invea- 26 tigation and construction activities, (2) salvage or rental of Art. 9 Art. 10 24 x - (RO-1- 16-76) 1 equipment, materials, or supplies, (3) water use after construc- .2 tion, or (4) entrance and user fees charged or collected for use 3 of recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement facilities. 4 ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATIONS SURVEYS, CONSTRUCTION 5 WORK, AND INSPECTIONS BY UNITED STATES_ 6 11. In addition to investigations, surveys, coustruc- 7 tion, and inspection services provided for in connection with 8 completion of the project, the United States will also perform 9 services as requested by the Contractors involving project opera - 10 tions similar to those provided for by Reclamation law for other 11 similar projects. Services requested shall be set forth in writ - 12 ing and shall be contingent upon the advance of sufficient funds 13 for accomplishment thereof as determined by the Contracting officer. 14 COMPUTATION OF COSTS 15 12. The costs which shall be the basis of determining 16 construction charge obligations and all of the other various 17 charge obligations to be advanced or payable by the Contractors 18 to the United States under this contract shall include expendi- 19 tures of whatever kind in connection with work on the project 20 including, but not limited to, the costs of labor, material, 21 equipment, engineering, and legal work; superintendence, adminis- 22 tration, and overhead costs; and general rights -of -way, inspec- 23 tion, special services, property, and damage costs of all kinds. Art. 10 Art. 11 Art. 12 25 I • (RO- 4- 16 -76) 1 The determination of what costs are properly chargeable hereunder 2 and the amount thereof shall be determined-by the Contracting 3 Officer. 4 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF TRANSFERRED 5 WORDS -- PAYMENT OF MISCELLANEOUS COSTS 6 13. a. Upon substantial completion of project works 7 or as otherwise determined by the Contracting Officer and follow - 8 ing written notification, the care, operation, maintenance, and 9 replacement of any or all of the project works shall be transferred 10 to the Contractors. 11 b. The Contractors will use all powers and resources 12 lawfully available (except as provided in article 33), excluding 13 taxes, to meet the obligations assumed in this article to make in 14 full all required payments on or before the date they are due and 15 to meet all other obligations under this contract. 16 c. The Contractors, without expense to the United 17 States, shall care for, operate, and maintain such transferred 18 works in full compliance with the terms of this contract and in 19 such manner that said transferred works will remain in good and 20 efficient condition. 21 d. The Contractors shall promptly make all repairs 22 to project works operated by it which are necessary for proper 23 care, operation, and maintenance. In case of failure of the 24 Contractors to make such repairs within 60 days following written Art. 12 Art. 13 26 (RO- 1- 16 -76) 1 notification, the Contracting Officer may cause the repairs to 2 be made, and the cost thereof shall be paid by the Contractors 3 as prescribed by the Contracting Officer. 4 e. No substantial change shall be made by the 5 Contractors in any of the major transferred works without first 6 obtaining written consent of the Contracting Officer. 7 f. The Contractors shall hold the United States, 8 its officers, agents, and employees harmless as to any and all 9 damages which may in any manner grow out of the care, operation, 10 and maintenance of any of the project works transferred to the 11 Contractors. 12 g. In the event the Contractors' operations of 13 transferred works are in violation of this contract, the United 14 States at its option may take over from the Contractors the care, 15 operation, and maintenance of such transferred works by giving 16 written notice to the Contractors of such election and of the 17 effective date thereof. Thereafter, during the period of opera - 18 tion by the United States, the Contractors shall pay to the United 19 States annually in advance the cost of 0&M of such works as pre - 20 scribed in notices from the Contracting Officer to the Contractors. 21 Such works may be retransferred to the Contractors in the manner 22 originally transferred. 23 h. In addition to all other payments to be made 24 by the Contractors under this contract, they shall, during the 25 period of time any or all of the project works are being operated Art. 13 27 (Ro-1- 16 -76) 1 by it, pay to the'United States, following the receipt of a .2 detailed statement, the reasonable costs incurred by the United 3 States for work involved in administration and supervision of 4 this contract. 5 1. While the Contractors are operating and main - 6 taining project works, the United States will credit the Contractors 7 annually with that portion of the year's joint 0&M costs which, if 8 the United States had continued to operate the project, would have 9 been allocated to fish and wildlife and recreation purposes. 10 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF RECREATION AND FISH 11 AND WILDLIFE FACILITIES 12 14. a. Project works to be operated and maintained by 13 the Contractors (without cost or expense to the United States except 14 as provided in article 13) include facilities for conservation and 15 development of fish and wildlife resources and for enhancing out - 16 door recreation. Conservation and development shall be in accord - 17 ance with the Federal Water Project Recreation Act as amended, 18 (16 U.S.C.A. sections 460 line 5, 460 line 12, through 460 line 21, 19 662 (1974)). Operation and maintenance shall include management 20 of land areas of the project and water surface of Choke Canyon 21 Reservoir to the extent that said land areas and the water surface 22 are designated by the United States for public use for conserving 23 and developing fish and wildlife resources and enhancing outdoor 24 recreation opportunities. Art. 13 Art. 14 28 0 0' - ' '' ' 0 0 (RO- 4 -7 -76) 1 b., Following completion and filling of Choke Canyon 2 Reservoir, scheduled releases will be made from Lake Corpus Christi 3 to the bays and estuaries for the benefit of marine biota as long 4 as the full yield of the reservoir is not being used for municipal, 5 industrial, and mining purposes; and provided that scheduled releases 6 to the bays and estuaries do not cause the sum of such releases plus 7 consumptive use of project water upstream from Wesley Seale Dam plus 8 diversions from Nueces River downstream from Wesley Seale Dam to 9 exceed 252,000 acre -feet per year. Any such releases shall be made 10 only in.accordance with sound operational procedures and in 11 accordance with applicable State and Federal regulations. 12 c. Construction costs and interest charges allo- 13 cated to enhancing outdoor recreation and fish and wildlife which 14 are reimbursable by the Contractors may be repaid from entrance 15 and user fees or charges collected on the project. Income from 16 user fees or charges in excess of the amount needed for reimburse- 17 ment are available to the Contractors for 06M of recreation and 18 fish and wildlife facilities. 19 REVIEW AND INSPECTION OF PROJECT WORKS FOR DETERMINING 20 ADEQUACY OF MAINTENANCE_ 21 15. a. The Contracting Officer with representatives 22 of the Contractors may, from time to time, make reviews of main- 23 tenance of project works being operated by the Contractors with 24 a view to assisting the Contractors in determining condition of 25 facilities and adequacy of the maintenance program. This review Art. 14 Art. 15 29 I (Ra1- 16 -76) 1 may include any or all of project works constructed by the United 2 States and transferred to the Contractors or project works con - 3 structed by the Contractors with funds advanced by the United 4 States. A report of the review including recommendations, if 5 any, will be prepared, and copies will be furnished to the 6 Contractors. Except for such participation by the Contractors 7 as they may desire, the review will be without cost to the Con - 8 tractors. 9 b. If deemed necessary by the United States or 10 the Contractors, special inspections of any project works being 11 operated by the Contractors and of the Contractors' books and 12 records may be made by the United States to ascertain the extent 13 of any O&M deficiencies to determine remedial measures required 14 for correction and to assist the Contractors in solving specific 15 problems. Any such special inspection or audit shall, except in 16 a case of emergency, be made after written notice to the Contrac- 17 tors, and the actual cost thereof shall be paid by the Contractors 18 to the United States. 19 ADDITIONAL COSTS TO BE PAID BY THE CONTRACTORS 20 16. In addition to all other payments, the Contractors 21 shall pay, as appropriate, to the United States on or before 22 August 1 of the year following that in which they have been 23 incurred the following costs: Art. 15 Art. 16 30 I (RO- 4 -7 -76) 1 a. The reasonable costs of inspection and repairs 2 to project works and audit of books and records incurred by the 3 United States pursuant to this contract. 4 b. Such items for administration, supervision, 5 and general expenses as are properly and equitable chargeable 6 to the Contractors. 7 RESERVE FM 8 17. Commencing with the sixth calendar year after the 9 completion notice is issued, as provided by article 8, and con - 10 tinuing'until such time as all sums of money becoming due here - 11 under for construction of the project shall have been advanced 12 or paid to the United States, the Contractors shall accumulate 13 and maintain a reserve fund which will be available for use in the 14 manner, for the purposes, and in the circumstances hereinafter 15 set forth. Such reserve fund shall consist of annual deposits by 16 the Contractors of not less than $6,500 to a special account 17 created by the Contractors for the purpose. Such annual deposits 18 shall continue until the amount in the reserve fund is not less 19 , than $65,000. Expenditures shall be made from such reserve 20 fund only for meeting major unforeseen extraordinary costs of 21 06M, repair, betterment and replacement of project works, and for 22 0&M during periods of special stress such as may be caused by 23 drought, hurricane storms, or other like emergencies. Whenever Art. 16 Art. 17 31 (RO- 4- 16 -76) 1 said reserve fund is reduced below $65,000 by expenditures 2 therefrom, it shall be restored by accumulation of annual deposits 3 of $6,500 commencing with the next year following that in 4 which the fund is reduced below said amount. During any period 5 in which any of the project works are operated and maintained by 6 the United States, such fund shall be available for like use by 7 the United States. At option of the Contractors, the reserve 8 fund may be invested to the extent permitted by law, provided that 9 such reserve fund may be made available within a reasonable time 10 to meet expenses for the purpose for which it was accumulated: 11 Provided, That, upon mutual agreement, said fund and annual 12 installments may be adjusted to reflect additions, deletions, or 13 changes in project facilities and OEM costs not contemplated when 14 this contract was executed. a 15 BENEFITS CONDITIONED UPON PAYMENT 16 18. a. The payments due under provisions of this con - 17 tract shall be secured by a pledge of: 18 (1) The revenues of the City's waterworks sys- 19 tem remaining after paying all expenses of OEM of said system; includ- 20 ing payments made to authority by City under terms of agreement 21 between Contractors executed February 18, 1976, as amended, all debt 22 service, reserve, and other requirements in connection with City's 23 waterworks system's revenue bonds now or hereafter outstanding; 24 however, the City shall not be required to raise funds through taxa- 25 tion to meet its obligations under this contract; and Art. 17 Art. 18 32 t (Ro- 4 -7 -76) 1 (2) The net revenues, if any, from the sales 2 of project water by the parties hereto outside the City's water - 3 works system. 4 b. The payment of all charges becoming due here - 5 under to the United States is a condition precedent to receiving 6 benefits under this contract. No water will be made available 7 through project facilities during any period in which arrearages S exist in the advance payment of any 0&M charges due the United 9 States or payments are in arrears for more than 12 months on any 10 construction charges due the United States. Water shall not be 11 made available pursuant to this contract for lands or parties 12 which are in arrears in the advance payment of O&M or toll charges 13 or in arrears more than 12 months in the payment of construction 14 charges. 15 PENALTY FOR DELINQUENT PAYMENTS 16_ 19. The Contractors shall pay a penalty on install - 17 meats or charges which become delinquent computed at the rate of 18 1 percent per month of the amount of such delinquent installments 19 or charges for each day from such delinquency until paid; Provided, 20 however, That no penalty shall be charged to the Contractors unless 21 such delinquency continues for more than 30 days in which event the 22 penalty shall accrue from initial date of delinquency. Art. 18 Art. 19 33 11 (RO- 1- 16 -76) 1 WATER RIGHTS - WATER SUPPLY GENERAL 2 20. a. Assurance of Water Rights - The United States 3 shall not be obligated to commence construction or perform any 4 other act in•pursuauce of this contract or having commenced, to 5 continue such construction or performance, nor shall any water be 6 delivered until and unless water rights for project purposes 7 satisfactory to the Contracting Officer have been acquired or 8 assured. 9 b. The City and the Authority shall jointly 10 apply to the Texas Water Rights Commission for a permit for the 11 Nueces River Project. The permit application for the project shall 12 seek a conservation storage capacity of approximately 700,000 13 . acre -feet in the project's reservoir; the diversion and use of the 14 reservoir's dependable yield determined to be 139,000 acre -feet 15 per year from joint operation under year 2010 conditions and, if 16 authorized by the Texas Water Rights Commission, the coordinated 17 operation of Choke Canyon Reservoir and Lake Corpus Christi. 18 c. Protection of Project Water Supply - If a 19 dispute arises as a result of a claim asserted by other than the 20 parties to this contract as to the character, extent, priority, 21 or validity of the right of the United States or the Contractors 22 to use or permit use of the water supply claimed by the Contractors, 23 the Contractors shall promptly bring and diligently prosecute or Art. 20 34 n (RO- 4 -7 -76) 1 defend administrative and judicial proceedings for determination 2 of such dispute and shall take all measures necessary toward 3 defense and protection of the water supply. 4 d. Water Shortages - On account of drought and 5 other causes, there may occur at times during any year a shortage 6 in the quantity of water available from the reservoir pursuant 7 to this contract. In no event shall any liability accrue against 8 the United States or any of its officers or employees for any 9 damage, direct or indirect, arising out of any such shortage. 10 e. Contractors' Facility Rights - When all 11 obligations assumed herein have been met and so long as operation 12 and maintenance costs are paid, Contractors or their designee or 13 designees shall have a permanent right to use that portion of 14- project reservoir capacity which is or may be allocated to water 15 supply purposes by the Contracting Officer so long as the space 16 designated for those purposes may be physically available, subject 17 to necessary equitable reallocation of reservoir storage capacities 18 among purposes served by the project due to sedimentation. 19 f. Water Sales - The Contractors or their assigns 20 shall be responsible for disposal and sale of the estimated annual 21 yield of water from the project. 22 QUALITY OF WATER 23 21. The 06M project works shall be performed in such 24 a manner as is practicable to maintain the quality of raw water Art. 20 Art. 21 35 (RO- 1- 16 -76) 1 made available through such works at the highest level reason- 2 ably attainable as determined by the Contracting Officer. The 3 United States does not warrant the quality of water and is under 4 no obligation to construct or furnish water treatment facilities 5 to maintain or better the quality of water. 6 WATER AND AIR POLLUTION CONTROL 7 22. The Contractors shall comply with all applicable 8 water and air pollution laws and regulations of the United States 9 and the State of Texas; and Contractors will obtain all required 10 permits'or licenses from the appropriate Federal, State, or local 11 authorities. 12 BOORS, RECORDS, AND REPORTS 13 23. The Contractors shall establish and maintain 14 all records of their financial transactions, land use, supply 15 of water, water use, changes of project works, and of any other 16 matter the Contracting Officer may require. The reports shall be 17 furnished to the Contracting Officer in the form and on the date 18 or dates as he may require. Subject to applicable Federal laws 19 and regulations, each party shall have the right during office 20 hours to examine and make copies of each other's books and records 21 relating to matters covered by this contract. Art. 21 Art. 22 Art. 23 36 4 • 0- r (RO- 4 -7 -76) 1 RULES REGULATIONS, AND DETERMINATIONS 2 24. a. The Contracting Officer shall have the right 3 to make, after an opportunity has been offered to the Contractors 4 for consultation, rules and regulations consistent with pro - 5 visions of this contract and with Federal and State laws as may be 6 needed to administer and ensure compliance with this contract. 7 b. Where the terms of this contract provide for 8 action to be based upon opinion or determination of any party to 9 this contract, whether or not stated to be conclusive, said terms 10 shall not be construed as permitting such action to be predicated 11 upon arbitrary, capricious, or unreasonable opinions or determina- 12 tions. In the event that the Contractors question any factual 13 determination made by the Contracting Officer, findings as to 14 the facts shall be made by the Secretary after consultation with 15 the Contractors and shall be conclusive. 16 CONFIRMATION OF CONTRACT 17 25. a. The City and the Authority, upon execution of 18 this contract, shall promptly secure a final decree of the proper 19 court of the State of Texas approving and confirming the contract 20 and decreeing and adjudging it and apportionment of the benefits 21 made thereunder to be lawful, valid, and binding on the City and 22 the Authority. The United States shall be furnished a certified 23 copy of such decree and of all pertinent supporting records. Art. 24 Art. 25 37 0 • • . ..• 0 (RO- 4 -7 -76) 1 b. The City and the Authority each certify, 2 severally and not jointly, that as to it, the execution of this 3 Contract is duly authorized by law; that all acts, conditions, 4 and things required to exist precedent to this Contract, to render 5 the same lawful and valid, have been properly done and happened 6 and have been performed in regular and due time as required by 7 the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and that this 8 Contract does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limita- 9 tions. Should any court of law declare that the City or the 10 Authority in executing this Contract violated any constitution 11 or statutory limitation and is therefore void as to such party, 12 then the remaining Contractor whose execution of this Contract 13 is valid shall be entitled to all benfits of this Contract and 14 shall remain fully liable to the United States. 15 CONDITIONAL OBLIGATION 16 26. a. No party hereto shall be obligated by this 17 contract until occurrence of the following events: 18 (1) The Texas Water Rights Commission shall 19 grant permits to the City and the Authority. Art. 25 Art. 26 38 i (RO- 4 -7 -76) 1 (2) Attorneys for the City and the Authority 2 shall have approved this Contract as to legality. 3 NOTICES 4 27: Any notice, demand, or request authorized or 5 required by this contract shall be deemed to have been given 6 when mailed, postage prepaid, or delivered to the Regional Dir- 7 ector, Southwest Region, Bureau of Reclamation, Amarillo, Texas, 8 on behalf of the United States; to the Mayor and City Manager of 9 Corpus Christi, Texas, on behalf of the City or the Contractors, 10 and the President and Executive Director of the Nueces River 11 Authority, Uvalde, Texas, on behalf of the Authority. Designation 12 of addressee or the address may be changed by notice given in the 13. same manner as provided in this article for other notices. 14 RELEASES AND INDEMITY 15 28. The Contractors hereby expressly release and agree 16 that they will hold harmless the United States, its officers, 17 agents, employees, and successors or assigns from every claim 18 for damages to persons or property, direct or indirect, and of 19 whatever nature arising out of or in any way connected with any Art. 26 Art. 27 Art. 28 39 I (RO- 1- 16 -76) 1 activities of the Contractors in construction or operation of the 2 project; and the Contractors hereby covenant and agree that the 3 United States, its officers, agents, employees, successors, or 4 assigns shall not be liable for damages when suspensions or reduc- 5 tions in delivery of water occur for any reason whatsoever includ- 6 ing but not limited to an insufficient supply of water as deter - 7 mined by the Contracting Officer or by hostile diversion, drought, 8 or interruption of service occasioned by necessary repairs to any 9 of the works by means of which water is stored or for damages 10 caused by floods, unlawful acts, or unavoidable accidents. The 11 Contractors also hereby expressly relieve and release the United 12 States, its officers, agents, and employees from any liability or 13 responsibility whatsoever for any loss of water delivered hereunder 14 which may occur between the point or points of delivery and the place 15 or places of use. 16 UNCONTROLLABLE FORCES 17 29. No party shall be considered to be in default in 18 respect to any obligation hereunder if prevented from fulfilling 19 such obligation by reason of uncontrollable forces (the term 20 "uncontrollable forces" being deemed for the purposes of this 21 contract to mean any cause beyond the control of the party 22 affected), including but not limited to inadequacy of water, 23 failure of facilitiep, flood, earthquake, storm, lightning, fire, Art. 28 Art. 29 40 n is (RO- 1- 16 -76) 1 epidemic, war, riot, civil disturbance, labor disturbance, 2 sabotage, and restraint by court or public authority, which by 3 exercise of due diligence and foresight, such party could not 4 reasonably have been expected to avoid. Any party rendered 5 unable to fulfill any obligation by reason of uncontrollable 6 forces shall exercise due diligence to remove such inability 7 with all reasonable dispatch. 8 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY 9 30. During the performance of this contract, the Con- 10 tractors agree as follows: 11 a. The Contractors will not discriminate 12 against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, 13 color, religion, sea, or national origin. The Contractors will 14 take affirmative action to assure that applicants are employed 15 and that employees are treated during employment without regard 16 to their race, color, religion, sea, or national origin. Such 17 action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 18 Employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or 19 recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay 20 or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, 21 including apprenticeship. The Contractors agree to post in 22 conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for 23 employment, notices to be provided by the Contracting Officer 24 setting forth the provisions of this Equal Opportunity clause. Art. 29 Art. 30 41 i (R0- 1- 16 -76) 1 b. The Contractors, will, in all solicitations 2 or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the 3 Contractors state that all qualified applicants will receive 4 consideration for employment without regard to race, color, 5 religion, sex, or national origin. 6 c. The Contractors will send to each labor 7 union or representative of workers, with which it has a col- 8 lective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding 9 a notice, to be provided by the Contracting Officer, advising the 10 labor union or workers' representative of the Contractors` com- e 11 mitments under this Equal Opportunity clause, and shall post 12 copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees 13 and applicants for employment. 14 d. The Contractors will comply with all pro - 15 visions of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, as 16 amended, and of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of 17 the Secretary of Labor. 18 e. The Contractors will furnish all information 19 and reports required by said amended Executive Order and by the 20 rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or 21 pursuant thereto, and will permit access to its books, records, 22 and accounts by the Contracting Officer and the Secretary of 23 Labor for purposes o£ investigation to ascertain compliance with Art. 30 42 k (RO- 1- 16 -76) 1 such rules, regulations, and orders. 2 f. In the event of the Contractors' noncompliance 3 with the Equal Opportunity clause of this contract or with any 4 of the said rules, regulations, or orders, this contract may be 5 canceled, terminated, or suspended, in whole or in part, and the 6 Contractors may be declared ineligible for further Government 7 contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in said amended 8 Executive Order, and such other sanctions may be imposed and 9 remedies invoked as provided in said Executive Order, or by rule, 10 regulation, or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise 11 provided by law. 12 g. The Contractors will include the provision of 13 paragraphs (a) through (g) in every subcontract or purchase order 14 unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary 15 of Labor issued pursuant to Section 204 of said amended Executive 16 Order, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcon- 17 tractor or vendor. The Contractors will take such action with 18 respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the Contracting 19 Officer may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, includ- 20 ing sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, That in the 21 event the Contractors become involved in, or are threatened with, 22 litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such 23 direction by the Contracting Officer, the Contractors may request 24 the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the 25 interests of the United States. Art. 30 43 I (RO- 1- 16 -76) 1 TITLE VI, CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 2 31. a. The Contractors agree that they will comply 3 with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of July 2, 1964 (78 Stat. 4 241), and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the Depart- 5 ment of the Interior Regulation (43 CFR 17) issued pursuant to 6 that title, to the end that, in accordance with Title VI of that 7 Act and the Regulations, no person in the United States shall, on 8 the ground of race, color, or national origin be excluded from 9 participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise 10 subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for 11 which the Contractors receive financial assistance from the 12 United States and hereby gives assurance that it will immediately 13 take any measures to effectuate this agreement. 14 b. If any real property or structure thereon is 15 provided or improved with the aid of Federal financial assistance 16 extended to the Contractors by the United States, this assurance 17 obligates the Contractors or, in the case of any transfer of such 18 property, any transferee for the period during which the real 19 property or structure is used for a purpose involving the pro - 20 vision of similar services or benefits. If any personal property 21 is so provided, this assurance obligates the Contractors for the 22 period during which they retain ownership or possession of the 23 property. In all other cases, this assurance obligates the Con - 24 tractors for the period during which the Federal financial assist - 25 ance is extended by the United States. Art. 31 44 0 (RO- 1- 16 -76) 1 c. This assurance is given in consideration of 2 and for the purpose of obtaining any and all Federal grants, 3 loans, contracts, property, discounts, or other Federal financial 4 assistance extended after the date hereof to the Contractors by 5 the United States, including installment payments after such date 6 on account of arrangements for Federal financial assistance which 7 were approved before such date. The Contractors recognize and 8 agree that such Federal financial assistance will be extended in 9 reliance on representations and agreements made in this assurance 10 and that the United States shall reserve the right to seek 11 judicial enforcement of this assurance. This assurance is binding 12 on the Contractors, their successors, transferees, and assignees. 13 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS REQUIRED IN CONCESSIONER CONTRACTS 14 32. All contracts executed with concessioners shall 15 include, in addition to requirements of Section 202 of Executive 16 Order No. 11246 dated September 24, 1965, as amended, relating 17 to Nondiscrimination in Employment, the following: 18 a. Definitions: As used in subsections b, c, and 19 d. herein: 20 (1) The term "Concessioner" shall mean the 21 Concessioner and his employees, agents, lessees, sublessees, 22 and Contractors and the successors in interest of the Concessioner. Art. 31 Art. 32 45 (RO- 1- 16 -76) 1 (2) The term "Facility" shall mean any and all 2 services, facilities, privileges, accommodations, and activities 3 available to the general public and permitted by this agreement. 4 b. The Concessioner shall not: 5 (1) Publicize any facility operated hereunder 6 in any manner that would directly or inferentially reflect upon 7 or question acceptability of any person because of race, color, 8 religion, sex, or national origin. 9 (2) Discriminate by segregation or other means 10 against.any person because of race, color, religion, sex, or 11 national origin in furnishing or refusing to furnish such person 12 the use of any such facility. 13 c. The Concessioner shall post the following 14 notice in such a manner where any facility is available so as to 15 assure that its contents will be conspicuous to any person .16 seeking employment or use of any facility. Such notice will be 17 furnished the Concessioner by the Secretary. 18 NOTICE 19 THIS IS A FACILITY OPERATED IN AN AREA UNDER THE 20 JURISDICTION OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF 21 THE INTERIOR. NO DISCRIMINATION BY SEGREGATION 22 OR OTHER MEANS IN THE FURNISHING OF ACCOMODATIONS, 23 FACILITIES, SERVICES, OR PRIVILEGES ON THE BASIS OF 24 RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN IS Art. 32 46 L-1 L (RO- 1- 16 -76) 1 PERMITTED IN THE USE OF THIS FACILITY. VIOLATIONS 2 OF THIS PROHIBITION ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINE, IMPRISON - 3 MENT,,OR BOTH. COMPLAINTS OF VIOLATIONS OF THIS 4 PROHIBITION SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY 5 OF THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, WASHINGTON, D.C. 6 20240. 7 d. The Concessioner shall require in all of its 8 contracts of other forma of agreement for the operation of a 9 facility pursuant to this agreement inclusion and compliance 10 with provisions identical with those stated in subsections a, 11 . b, c, and d herein. 12 e. The Contractors may issue and administer 13 subleases, licenses, and permits for periods not to 14 exceed the term of this agreement for the purpose of regulating 15 privileges to be exercised and concession contracts under which 16 commodities and services are made available to the public in 17 the reservoir area; provided, that the Contractors shall not 18 grant rights -of -way or issue permits or licenses for houseboats, 19 home or cabin sites, or removal of minerals. All such subleases, 20 licenses, permits, and concession contracts shall be submitted to 21 and approved by the United States prior to issuance by the Con - 22 tractors. If any concessiouer shall cease to be authorized to 23 conduct operations provided for in his concession contract and Art. 32 47 I I/ (RO-1- 16-76) 1 if the Contractors, with the concurrence of the United States, 2 determine that such operations are to be conducted by a successor, 3 then: 4 (1) The Concessioner shall be afforded a 5 reasonable time to sell his interest in any structure, facility, 6 and other improvement on leased premises to a successor, approved 7 by the Contractors and the United States; and 8 (2) Such successor will be required, as a 9 condition to granting of a permit of contract to conduct such 10 operations, to purchase such interests from the Concessioner and 1] to pay the Concessioner an amount equal to his interest in the 12 sound value of such structure, facility, or improvement determined 13 upon the basis of replacement costs less depreciation as evidenced 14 by its condition and prospective serviceability in comparison with 15 a new unit of like kind but not to exceed fair market value. If 16 the Concessioner and prospective purchaser cannot agree upon the 17 amount payable for any item or items, such amount will be deter - 18 mined by the majority vote of a board of three appraisers selected 19 as follows: The Concessioner and the prospective purchaser shall 20 each name one member of such appraisal board, and the two members 21 so named shall select the third member. All compensation and 22 expenses of the appraisal board shall be shared and paid equally 23 by the Concessioner and the prospective purchaser. Before 48 Art. 32 s 0 0 . 1 0 i (RO- 1- 16-76) 1 reaching its decision, the board shall give each of the parties 2 a fair and full opportunity to be heard on any matters in dispute. 3 If, during the term of this lease, any concessioner shall cease 4 to be authorized to conduct operations provided for in his con - 5 cession contract for any reason other than termination of his 6 contract -by direct action of the Contractors and the Contractors 7 determine with the concurrence of the United States that such 8 operations are to be conducted by a successor, then rights, if any, 9 of the Concessioner to sell to or obtain.compensation from his 10 successor shall be controlled by provisions of his concession 11 contract with respect to which the United States shall have no 12 financial or other obligations whatsoever, except where the United 13 States is such successor. 14 CONTRACTORS FACILITIES 15 33. a. In addition to the project features described 16 in article 2 hereof, the Contractors may require other facilities 17 to make water available to prospective consumers. The Contractors 18 must pay for the same and finance the acquisition of such facilities 19 pursuant to laws of the State of Texas. Nothing in this contract 20 shall be deemed to operate in any manner to prevent the Contractors 21 from providing other facilities at their expense and the right and 22 power of the Contractors to do so is recognized and affirmed. Art. 32 49 Art. 33 0 (RO- 1- 16 776) 1 b. Nothing in this contract shall be construed 2 to deny: 3 (1) The right of the Contractors to construct, 4 lease, purchase, or otherwise acquire additional necessary facili- 5 ties or the right of the Contractors to issue bonds or other 6 evidence of indebtedness to finance the acquisition of such 7 facilities. 8 (2) The right of the Contractors to operate 9 and maintain such additional facilities which are not directly 10 integrated with project works free of all supervision or control 11 by the United States. 12 (3) The right of the Contractors to impose 13 separate charges or to levy separate assessments for water 14 treated or distributed or both, by means of its facilities, in 15 addition to those charges and assessments required to meet 16 obligations of the Contractors to the United States under this 17 contract. The proceeds from such separate charges and assessments 18 shall not be subject to any claim of the United States. 19 (4) The right of the Contractors to include, 20 in the O&M charges to water users, the cost and expense of treating 21 water to be delivered to said users or to include in said charges 22 the annual amount required to be paid by the Contractors for acqui- 23 sition and 0&M of any facilities described in this article. Art. 33 50 i 51 u (RO- 1- 16 -76) 1 c. In the event the Contractors shall include, 2 in the price charged for the sale of project water to participat- 3 ing organizations, the costs and expenses described in paragraph 4 b of this article then, for all purposes of this contract, such 5 portion of the revenues of the Contractors from the sale of project 6 water shall be deemed "separate charges" made and imposed by the 7 Contractors for the purposes set forth in paragraphs a and b of S this article 33, and the same shall be controlled by provisions of 9 said paragraph b of this article. 10 AMENDMENT OR REPEAL OF FEDERAL RECLAMATION LAWS 11 34. In the event that the Congress of the United States 12 may repeal or amend any provisions of the Federal Reclamation laws, 13 the United States agrees at the option of the Contractors to 14 negotiate amendments of appropriate articles of this contract, 15 consistent with provisions of the laws affecting any such repeal 16 or amendment. 17 CONTINGENT ON APPROPRIATION OR ALLOTMENT OF FUNDS 18 35. The expenditure or advance of any money or the 19 performance of any work by the United States hereunder which may 20 require appropriation of money by the Congress or the allotment 21 of funds shall be contingent upon such appropriation or allotment 22 being made. Failure of the Congress to appropriate funds or Art. 33 _ Art. 34 51 u ;r r (RO- 1- 16 -76) 1 absence of any allotment of funds shall not relieve the Con- .2 tractors from any obligations under this contract. No liability 3 shall accrue to the United States in case such funds are not 4 appropriated'or allotted. 5 ASSIGNMENT LIMITED - SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS OBLIGATED 6 36. Provisions of this contract shall apply to and 7 bind the successors and assigns of the parties hereto, but no 8 assignment or transfer of this contract or any part or interest 9 therein shall be valid until approved by the Contracting Officer. 10 OFFICIALS NOT TO BENEFIT 11 37. a. No Member of or Delegate to Congress or 12 Resident Commissioner shall be admitted to any share or part of 13. this contract or to any benefit that may arise herefrom. This 14 restriction shall' not be construed to extend to this contract if 15 made with a corporation or company for its general benefit. 16 b. No official of the Contractors shall receive 17 any benefit that may arise by reason of this contract other 18 than as a landowner within the project and in the same manner 19 as other landowners within the project. 52 Art. 35 Art. 36 Art. 37 t 4 By 5 (SEAL) 6 ATTEST: NUECES RIVER AUTHORITY 7 By 8 (SEAL) 9 APPROVED AS TO LEGALITY: 10 11 Attorney for City of 12 Corpus Christi, Texas 13 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 14 Attorney for Nueces 15 River Authority By. 16 Regional Director, SW Region 17 Bureau of Reclamation 53 Signatures i (RO-1- 16-76) 1 EXECUTED as of the day and year first hereinabove 2 set forth in several counterparts, each which is an original. 3 ATTEST: CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 4 By 5 (SEAL) 6 ATTEST: NUECES RIVER AUTHORITY 7 By 8 (SEAL) 9 APPROVED AS TO LEGALITY: 10 11 Attorney for City of 12 Corpus Christi, Texas 13 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 14 Attorney for Nueces 15 River Authority By. 16 Regional Director, SW Region 17 Bureau of Reclamation 53 Signatures i THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE WAS READ FO THC FIR9T TIME AND PASSED TO ITS SECOND READING ON THIS THE DAY OF 19, BY TXE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON Luer 7P. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASEB RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GAGE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINAN WAS READ FO XE,9 OND TIME AND PASSED TO ITS THIRD READING ON THIS TXEDAY OF FOLLOWING VOTE: a i9xv BY THE JASON LUST DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE A9E8 RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GAGE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE T AT THE FOREGOING ORDIN FINALLY ON THIS THE l 4r DAY OF JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASEe RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GAGE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE PASSED AND APPROVED, THIS ATTEST: NE THIRD TIME AND PASSED 19�, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1971, 1 allli l CITY SECRETARY MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS AP WED: 6 DAY OF 19�; ATI r