HomeMy WebLinkAbout13202 ORD - 06/02/1976t, JKH:vmr:6- 2- 76;lst TEXAS: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT CETA, SECTION 112 (c) NON- FINANCIAL AGREEMENT MODIFI- CATIONS #1 AND #2 FOR THE CITY, AS THE ADMINI- STRATIVE UNIT OF THE COASTAL BEND MANPOSJER CONSORTIUM, TO THE TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY AS FOLLOWS: MODIFICATION ill: TO EXTEND THE AGREEMENT PERIOD FROM JULY 1 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1976; TO USE CARRY -IN FUNDS OF $65,470 FOR CONTINUATION OF TRAINING AND ACCEPTING NEW STUDENTS; TO LINK FY;1975 TO FY 1976 FUNDS: MODIFICATION 02: TO USE $42,958 TRANSITION QUARTER (JULY 1 - SEPTEMBER 30, 1976) FUNDS TO CONTINUE SKILL TRAINING, GED TRAINING AND SHORT -TERM SKILL TRAINING, AS MORE FULLY OUTLINED AND SET FORTH IN THE MODIFICATIONS, ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIBITS "A" AND "B ", RESPECTIVELY; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL RELATED AND NECESSARY DOCUMENTS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINI- STRATION OF THE AFORESAID MODIFICATIONS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to submit CETA, Section 112 (c) Non - financial Agreement Modifications #1 and #2 for the City, as the administrative unit of the Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium, to the Texas Education Agency as follows: r Modification #1: To extend the agreement period from July 1 to September 30, 1976; to use carry -in funds of $65,470 for continuation of training and accepting new students; to link FY 1975 to FY 1976 funds; Modification #2: To use $42,958 transition quarter (July 1 - September 30, 1976) funds to continue skill training, GED training, and short -term skill training, as more fully outlined and set forth in the modifications, attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked exhibits "A' and "B ", respectively. SECTION 2. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute all related and necessary documents for the implementation and administration of the aforesaid modifications. SECTION 3. The necessity to authorize submission of the Non- financial Agreement Modifications as hereinabove set forth and to authorize the City Manager to execute all related and necessary documents for the implementation and administration of the aforesaid "modifications creates a public emergency _M_ICROFILMED JUN 161980 13202 and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested. the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the _day of June, 1976. ATTEST: ze Ci y Secretary• MAYO THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS APPR,OVD: iW DAY OF JUNE, 1976: J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY By Ass stant Cit torney U.S. O[n�wTN • »TOr u�w 31 u,o�., AdlninlsL..Jo. GRArvT rIVM9ER SPECIAL GRANT TO GOVERNORS - SIGNATURE SHEET Mool Flcnnon r I GRANTOR (r...I., Off—) I ORANTEE Texas Education Agency Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium 201 East 11th Street P. 0. Box 9277 Austin, Texas 78701 Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 This Non — Financial Agreement is entered into by the Texas Education Agency, hereinafter referred to as Grantor and the Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium, hereinafter referred to as Grantee. The Grantee agrees to onarata this Special Grant in accordance with the proviso* of this agreement, including the Special Grant Plan which is made part of this agreement by reference, and such general and special assurances as are included herein. A. GRANT PERIOD I i This Grant a cement corers the period D.L. from 0 -76 f s. r:oDTFTCATroN This aetian 88inceasn O d__ 0 don not cb-S. the fedrrsl obligation for this ' grant by (rna o� 5 149 2269 m a total obligation o: p..+. r.,.t� 5311.655 C. FUND IDENTIFICATION The total funds obligated for this Grant are: _ FISCAL YEAR VOCATIONAL EOVCATIOn PROJECT SrATC r.1A.NPOWER SERVICES COUNCIL STATE MANPOWER TOTAL SERVICES 1975 167,19r, ZATE 162 386 1976 149269 149 269 MA 1.1999 r��+f L9r31 Jason Luby, Mayor jDate TOT"t' 311,655 311,655 D. GRANT ALLOTr.TENT 3..19z,.2Z7 ....... _._ (Ths is the announced allotment which is subrscr to availability of funds and does rot coastituL+ a fedaral oh ?ration) APFROV =D FOR THE GRANTEE By APPCOVED FOR THE OR 'TOR eY — ry ­0 TITLE R. Marvin Townsend Cif Manager _ ry ,c ANO TITLE Associate Education Cadar W. Parr Commissioner for Occupational and. Technology SIGNATURE ZATE Sls^ TURE I OATE MA 1.1999 r��+f L9r31 Jason Luby, Mayor jDate ( *See modification sheet regarding FY 1975 carry —in of $65,470) �' -XH TITLE I SECTION 112 (C) 1I0DIFICATION SHEET Modification No. 1 GENERAL INTENT: To modify the Section 112 (C) to extend the agree- ment period from July 1 to September 30, 1976, and to util- ize Carry -in funds of $65,470 for continuation of training and accepting new students; and, finally to link FY 1975 to FY 1976 funds which correspond the grand total of $311,655 in the Amended Agreement Signature Sheet. MODIFICATION: 1. The Title I Section 112 (C) period is extended from July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1976. 2. The FY 1976 Programs consists of the following funds: a. FY 1975 adjusted carry -in funds from previous year (Actual) $65,470 b. FY 1976 funds obligated by this modification 149,269 Total $214,739. 3. The Transitional Quarter Funds 7 -1 -1976 through 9 -30 -1976, allocated but not obligated $42,958 4. This modification consists of the following: a. Agreement Signature Sheet b. Modification Sheet c. Program Planning Summary d. Budget Information Summary e. Program Narrative PROGRAM NARRATIVE Summary of Planned Activity Under CETA Title I, Section 112, for FY 1976 and Utilization of FY 1975 Carry -In Funds CETA, Fiscal Year 1976, Section 112 (Non - Financial Agreement) proposes to pro- vide a range of skill training and educational services to 361 clients in the 11- county Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium referred to training by program operators funded under CETA Title I. The clients to be served will come from all target groups identified on the FY 1976 Manpower Plan. The manpower needs to be met are two of the three identified on pg. 15 of the Manpower Plan; that is, provide skill training (Need #1, pg. 15) and provide educational services (Need #3, pg. 15). To carry out these skill training and educational objectives the Texas Education Agency will contract with three delivery agencies to carry out the above stated objectives at a cost of $149,269.00. The Texas Education Agency will also coordinate the utilization of FY 1976 State and Federally - funded Adult Education part -time and evening programs in the 11- county region to provide basic educa- tion including English -as -a- Second Language and G.E.D. training in 22 area school districts. Fiscal Year 1975 carry -in funds in the amount of $65,470.00 will be used to continue the full -time skill training of 188 students enrolled on a tuition basis at Del Mar and Bee County Colleges from July 1, 1975, until completion; such completion to be accomplished on or before June 30, 1976. In addition, approximately eighteen (18) additional students will be enrolled in on -going skill training at Del Mar and Bee County Colleges with completion prior to June 30, 1976, in such courses as Stenographer, Licensed Vocational Nurse, Welding, Auto Mechanics, Computer Operator, and other similar skill training. Finally, full -time, short -term training on a class -size basis will be provided as needs are identified; i.e., short -term clerical training for health occu- pations, and similar training of short duration. SUMMARY , A. Utilization of FY 1976 Funds of $149,269.00 (361 slots): Delivery Agent No. of Slots Description of Training Del Mar College 123 Skill training in on -going Vocational, Technologies, and Allied Health Fields to 113 CETA referrals; and GED /Pre- Vocational training to 10 CETA refer- rals, from N`ueces County and surround- ing Counties. Bee County College 58 Skill training in on -going Vocational, Technologies, and Allied Health Fields to 58 CETA referrals from Bee County and surrounding Counties. Also bus transportation for those referrals on Bee County bus routes. Education Service 180 Full -time GED training in 3 Adult Center, Region II Learning Centers located in Alice, Beeville, and Corpus Christi for 180 CETA referrals. 361 B. Utilization of 1975 Carry -in Funds of $65,470 (206 slots): Del Mar College 168 f Continuation of skill training, 7 -1 -75 thru 6-30-76 Bee County College 20 Continuation of skill training, 7 -1 -75 thru 6 -30 -76 Del Mar College and 18 Additional slots for skill training Bee County College on a tuition basis Del Mar College Short -term skill training, class size 206 TOTAL SLOTS 567 SPECIAL GRANT BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY ' GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS Texas Education Agency 201 East 11th Street Austin, Texas 78701 I GRANT NUMVER PERIOD COVERED BY GRANT !Month• Ddy, Y—) ............ ...... _........ To: 3=19=715 .......................... Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium E. MODIFICATION NUMBER P. 0. Box 9277 -- Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 ` 1 MA S•Id5A WIN 1075) ESTIMATED UNCXPENDCD FUND.'. NEW OR REVISED BUDGET GRANT PROGRAM FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY F.d—I NOn•FOd01N Fddval NdmF<tlolal TOTAL Voc. Ed SMSC SMS VOL. Ed Sh15C SMS b c d I 1. AdmlPBtrat1O" 14,168 14 168 2. Allowance. 3. i. Fringb 0 Nil, S TNlnln, 2 G. Servlcef 7. TOTAL 214,739 214,739 G, CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY PROJECTIONS OF OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES 9170 12171 3/31 0130 D d 1. Prl— SPnnfof OEII,IIl", ]�TOlal n.m.el.d E.nendnOre. by Pronram C4lffcnnm Tralnlrp 91 CI TAQ c. Ltl -- ?14 7739 Bln f __ b DnIECJUb Trdinln7 Publle Scrvle0 Cm010yment d. Work ERPCII.nCd xrvlce. to Parll0leant. Voc EC Otocr. I. Olbc. A1-111c1 1 S�fSC Ad— IltlItIon COMMENTS MA S•Id5A WIN 1075) U.S. nerARTMeNT or Ln DOn - }IanPOwfT Adauotraboo c. GRANT NUM3ER SPECIAL GRANT - PROGRAM PLANNING SUMMARY 12/31 a GRANTEES NAME AND ADDRESS A PRIME 510150R5 NAME AND ADDRESS C. 98 100 COVERED BY GRANT Texas Education Agency Coastal Bend Manpower Consor (M-1h. D— Y,-) F— To 201 E. 11th Street . 0. Box 9277 tiun - - 1.9-30-76 MODIFICATION NUM S 9mR Austin, Texas 78701 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 1 L VOCATIONAL EDVCATION PROJECT5 GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAY D/3D 12/31 3/31 P. fr) Ib) 1C) to) A Total EDID1I —U (S- of Al tbmgb A3) 567 1. Partidpub mteriog mia S t yr Laa rVdw C.-TA 2."Pwddp -u eo-ioq L a, sx t Ya floor ouL6" -g d- CSTA - L E.Z.Nd Employe».[ 0 3 Yatidp— plemlu"I ye-vt 188 . 2. Otbt pDlitiw [eT3li3atiotu B. TDtil (S- of a1 L!-Dyb s4) 3. l:oopDACw wr.�)r -+raD. 430 1. EDb..a Empbyt..ar C. Pl.- EDn1i —, (Eea or QDarr.T) (A --- B) 2. otba po id. t-1 --ti— 373 3. Tm.:zfw to r;,I_ CETA 4. V -p-Ws two: tid Da 57 C. Ptam.d E—U. —b ,P -d of Q—) (A pb- a) - 137 it. STATE MANPOWER SERVICES fTD b. Cbt 4P by Stab Pli— SPe...er ony) GRANT YEARTO -DATE PLAN 3/31 6/30 Iq (b) (C) fa) A Total r•:oolL�b (Sam of A3 ad A.2) 1. Ecr U—h Ibi t,TSet 7e 2. Partidpitau carnal o— Lots P—;.- 9—t year B. 7.IA T— - (Sure of 8.1 th—gb 243) - L E.Z.Nd Employe».[ . 2. Otbt pDlitiw [eT3li3atiotu 3. l:oopDACw wr.�)r -+raD. C. Pl.- EDn1i —, (Eea or QDarr.T) (A --- B) u.S. OLrA RTI+e NY O /mow RO>I • Dlan,wr, Adminl•Inl{os GRANT NUMBER SPECIAL GRANT TO GOVERNORS SIGNATURE SHEET MODIFICATION NUMBER 2 GRANTOR 01-1n1 DWI-) GRANTEE Texas Education Agency Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium 201 East 11th Street P. 0. Box 9277 Austin, Texas 78701 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 This Non– Financial Agreement is entered into by the Texas Education Agency, hereinafter referred to as Grantor and the Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium, hereinafter referred to as Grantee. The Grantee agrees to operate this Special Grant in accordance with the provisions of. this agreement, including the Specal Grant Plan which is made part of this agreement by reference, and such general and special assurances as are included herein. A. GRANT PERIOD ' This crane agreement covers the period jam) from _L3 -74 to _9=:30 -76 _ B. MODIFICATION This action 1041. increases ❑ decreases ❑ does not change the federal obligation for this grant by Irhb aedow) S, 4.Z_25L— to a total Gbligation of Ise r—ij S 3 4.67.3 C_ F1IND IDENTIFICATION The total funds obligated for this Grant am: FISCAL YEAR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION PROJECT STATE MANPOWER SERVICES COUNCIL STATE MANPOWER TOTAL SERVICES 1971; 162,386 162,386 1,976 192,227 1 192,227 TOTU 354,613 354,613 D. GRANT ALLOTMENT g.„ 192s227 .......... (This is the announced allotment which is subject to availabilirq of funds and does ro! consrituta a federJ o51 " ";arion) A PPRO-13 FOR THE GRANTEE APTr:OVED FOR THE GRA_\'TOR BY RV NAh E AND TITLE t A?AE AND TITLE Cadar W. Parr R. Marvin Townsend Associate Commissioner for Occupational - City_✓'a_P_rao-e_L.. IEduc=tia O 8 •i—b —logy SIGNATURE IDATE SIGNATURE I OAiE , Mayor (Date ti MA 2.1998 I?-'3Y 19751 TITLE I SECTION 112 (C) MODIFICATION SHEET Modification No. 2 GENERAL INTENT: To utilize transition quarter (July 1 - September 30, 1976) funds in the amount of $42,958 for the purpose of con- tinuing the skill training and G.E.D. training for program participants as well as to provide short -term skill training as needed. MODIFICATION: 1. The Tile I Section 112 (C) period is extended from July 1, through September 30, 1976 and utilize transitional quarter funds in the amount of $42,958. 2. This modification consists of the following: a. Agreement Signature Sheet b. Modification Sheet c. Program Planning Summary d. Budget Information Summary e. Program Narrative PROGRAM NARRATIVE Summary of Planned Activity Under CETA Title I, Section 112, For Transition Quarter 1976 Funds Transition quarter 1976 funds will be utilized to continue and cause the successful completion of skill training for seventy -two (72) students enrolled at Bee County and Del Mar Colleges, full - time, on a tuition basis, under CETA 1976 Section 112 funds. In addition, these funds will also be used to continue and cause the successful completion of forty -five (45) students enrolled in General Educational Development (G.E.D.) training at the Adult Learning Centers At the Alice ISD, Beeville ISD, and Corpus Christi ISD. Finally, these funds will be utilized to provide short -term, class -size skill training for approximately twenty (20) participants as training needs are identified. u s. acre 11 n l A I on llira f swoon htanpnwer mnlan SPECIAL GRANT BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY A. GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS Texas Education Agency 201 East 11th Street Austin, Texas 78701 C. GRANT NUMBER D. IMO IIRoa OVYRED BY GRANT From:.......- 1.- ..75.,...................... 9 -30 -76 TO: ............. _ ....... I ... .. ........ ............. 0. PRIME SPONSOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 E. MODIFICATION NUMBER 2 F. BUDGET SUMMARY COST CATEGORIES GRANT PROGRAM FU FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY ESTIMATED UNEXPENOCO FUNDS NEW OR REVISED OUDGCT TDTgL Fon ed l Non•Fddarel F<deral NoR•FCdgrgl Vee. Cd SMSC SMS SPAS SMS b C d 1. AdminlslNllen R102 $. Allpwdntei J. Wages d. Fr1n9e Benefits S. —Inlnq 4. 'xrvlael 1 257,697 — 57,697 G. CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY PROJECTIONS OF OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES 9130 12/31 3131 6130 b C d 1. Prime s r Oblloatlons 2 5T--697 $. Tot N.I,,I,d E.nenNtuma ov p, 257,697 CI 11— TI-1.1q 7 q7 697 CE b. Onl1lne JOb T,alnlnq 40nc Srrlce Employment d. Work E.p I.ncn Scr 1— 1. Partielpanta c. Ed omen 1. Olne, A,11.111e1 % SnISC Adminln tion COMMENTS MA 5.1— (Mar. 1-1 U5. oAPARTM —Y o. LA— • Dtanporer Admm -01 1 �. GRANT NUMBER SPECIAL GRANT - PROGRAM PLANNING SUMMARY 12/31 �. GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS G PRIME 5FON5OR'S NAME AND ADDRESS d PERIOD BY GRANT (D) tC) nCOVERED 77 To exas Education Agency oastal Bend Manpower Consor 7-1 -75 9 -30 -76 a MODIFICATION NUMBER 201 East 11th Street 0. Box 9277 t>. ustin, Texas 78701 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 2 1. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION PROJECTS GRANT YEARTO -DATE PLAN 9/3D 12/31 3/31 .13D Ia) (D) tC) (tl) A. Tops Foroum.Dti isooa or Al thmugb A.3) 567 1. Paticip -ta mtuiog Mot groat yea from .emu. CETA 567 2. ParEdpao. aohrivg this greet ye. from outride mgulu DETA - 3. Pattirdpeau cartid ver from previous gnat yea B. Total Tor=e dnm (Sum of B.I 0-91, B.31 1^"r�v.i. - 567 i°� _ "t? .t , "+ - x -aye% • -T'i -- _ B. Tud Tmm oiet: la (Sum of B.1 through B.4) 1. Eat—d Employ —% 2. Other poddve trrmiu allow 2. OIba pedliea terml-dovt 510 3. N —poeiv termicatiam 3. T—dar to regulr CECA ' C. Planned ER Ilm—s (End of Qu.ree) (A minor B) 4. Neap —fitly to laadooe 57 C. Fl—d Emetlmeetr ffsd of Quarter) (A minut B) 0 - IL STATE MANPOWER SERVICES M be eomplebd by St"s Rime SPo,— oe)y) GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN 9/30 12/31 3/33 6/30 c +) to) (C) td) A- Total EmoUl U (Sum of AS sad A2) I. ED U.—ty tbit gnat yea 2. Patticipanu tBried o— from (aevimu grant yea B. Total Tor=e dnm (Sum of B.I 0-91, B.31 - 1. Entered Employ —t 2. Other poddve trrmiu allow 3. N —poeiv termicatiam ' C. Planned ER Ilm—s (End of Qu.ree) (A minor B) MA 2 -203 (Mar. 1975) CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS / dad DAY OF a �9� TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS ' FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT.NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT'SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; I, THEREFORE, REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTFULLY, MAY THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI EXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY OR. BILL TIPTON Q/ EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY OR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE