HomeMy WebLinkAbout13224 ORD - 06/16/1976d JKH:hb:5 /12/76:lst AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CANCELLATION OF THE 20 -YEAR LEASE BETWEEN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI AND BILLY PUGH FOR OPERA- TION OF A BOAT REPAIR SERVICE ON THE L- HEAD,"SAID LEASE CANCELLATION TO BECOME EFFECTIVE UPON EXECUTION OF A NEW FIVE -YEAR LEASE FOR THE BOAT REPAIR SERVICE BY RAY HUNLEY AND CRAIG GARRISON. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the 20 -year lease between the City of Corpus Christi and Billy Pugh, for operation of a boat repair service on the L -Head at the hereinafter described location, executed on April 10, 1963, by authority of Ordinance No. 6869, be and the same shall be declared cancelled, said lease cancellation to become effective upon execution of a new five -year lease for the boat repair service Ray Hunley and Craig Garrison: BEGINNING AT A POINT, THE INTERSECTION OF THE EAST FACE OF THE BOTTOM STEP OF THE - SEAWALL AND A LINE THAT IS ' 11 INCHES NORTH OF AND PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH FACE OF THE L -HEAD; THENCE N 73° 41, 1O" W PARALLEL TO AND 11 INCHES NORTH. , OF THE SOUTH FACE OF THE L -HEAD A DISTANCE OF 11.02 FEET TO A POINTS SAID POINT BEING THE EAST FACE OF THE BOTTOM STEP OF THE SEAWALL; THENCE N 12° 00' 20" E WITH THE EAST FACE OF THE BOTTOM STEP OF THE SEAWALL A DISTANCE OF 70.40 FEET TO A POINT, SAID POINT BEING THE SOUTH FACE OF A RETAINING VIALL; THENCE S 73° 40' 1011 E WITH THE SOUTH FACE OF SAID RETAIN- ING WALL A DISTANCE OF 1+3.72 FEET, SAID POINT BEING THE EAST END OF SAID RETAINING WALL; THENCE S 30° 491 35" E A DISTANCE OF 81.28 FEET TO A POINT THENCE S 16° 18' 5011 W A DISTANCE OF 15 FEET TO A POINT THAT IS 11 INCHES NORTH OF THE SOUTH FACE OF THE L -HEAD; j THENCE N 73° 1171 10" W PARALLEL TO AND 11 INCHES NORTH OF / THE SOUTH FACE OF THE L -HEAD A DISTANCE OF 187 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. MOW MICROFILMED ANORIDINANCE VI • .AUTHORIZING THE CITY That the Parf y of the Second ,MANAGER 'TO EXECUTE A Part shall promptly execute FIVE•YEAR-LEASE AGREE- -- and fulfill all the Ordinances of MENT WITH RAY HUNLEY , A" City of Corpus Christi appal. AND CRAIG GARRISON FOR - -table to said premises and all OPERATION OF A BOAT RE- orders and requirements im• PAIR SERVICE ON THE L• posed by the Health Depart - HEAD,ALLASMOREFULLYI ant, Sanitary Department, ,SET FORTH IN THE LEASE and Police Department for the AGREEMENT, A SUB- correction, prevention and STANTIAL COPY OF WHICH abatement of nuisances, upon, IS ATTACHED HERETO AND or connected wfill said pre. - MADE A PART HEREOF; Ises during the term of this AND PROVIDING FOR PUB- lease of his own expense. LICATION. VI f. . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE That It is understood and CITY COUNCILOF THE CITY' agreed by and between the par - OF CORPUS CHRISTI, ties hereto thaLuniess the Par- TEXAS: tv of the First Part shall other- SECTION 1. That the Lvity wI* agree or consent In Manager be and he Is hereby writing, this contract and lease authorized to execute a fives is not assignable In whole or Ye lease agreement with Ray part and that the Party of the Hurley and Craig Garrison for Second Part shall have no right the operation of a boat repair or authority to sublet the service on the L -Head, all as premises or any part thereon -more fully set forth In the lease and that any attempt to do so agreement, a substantial copy will be grounds for termination of which Is attached hereto and of this lease by Party of the made a part hereof First Part. SECTION 2 Publication of VIII. Me full text of me ordinance That the Party of the Second and lease agreement shall be Part shall keep said premises made within five (5) days after in a clean and neat condition the date of first reading In and shall take good care of the regular Council meeting, with• property, keeping the Improve- In five days after the second ments and buildings In repair' reading, and finally within five and painted, and suffer no days after the third reading, in waste during the term of this the Official publication Of the lease and at the and of other city of Corpus Christi. expiration of the term shall do- THE STATE OF TEXAS liver up the demised premises COUNTY OF NUECES In good order and condition, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE natural wear and tear and PRESENT: damages by fire and elements THIS CONTRACT AND only, excepted. LEASE AGREEMENT made IX. and entered Into this the -- That the Party of the Second day of - - - -, 1976, by and be- Part stipulates and agrees to tween the City of Corpus hold me Party of the First Part Christi, Texas, a municipal harmless for any hurt, injury or corporation, acting by and damage to persons or property through its duly authorized City caused by party of the-Second Manager, Marvin Townsend, Part's operation of said bust- hereafter called Party of the ness and agrees to carry public First Part, and Ray Hunleyand liability Insurance upon the Craig Garrison, both of Nueces said business In the amount of County, Texas, hereinafter Fifty Thousand Dollars called party of the Second Part. ($50,000.00). WITNESSETH: X That for and in consideration That Party of the Second of the covenants and agree. Part stipulates and agrees that ments herein contained and he will Incur no debts and obli- subject to the provisions here- gations on thecredit of the Par - of, the Party of the First Part ty of the First Part In the oper- does hereby lease and demise atiion of said business nor shall unto the Party of the Second this agreement ever be con - Part the following lands and stucted as giving Party of the premises: Second part the right to do so Beginning at a point, the in- XI. Terseclion of the east faceaf the That in case of default in any bottom step of the seawall and of the aforesaid covenants, they a line that is I Inches north of Party of,ihe First Part may en- and parallel to the south face of force a performance thereof In the L head; any mode provided by few and Thence N 73 degrees 41' 10" may declare the lease forfeited W parallel to and It Inches at its discretion, and Party of north of the fouth face of the L the First Part, Its Agent, em- head a distance of11.0 feet toa ptoye, or attorney shall have point, said point being the east the right without further notice face of the bottom step of the or demand to re -enter and re. seawall; move all persons therefrom Thence N 12 degrees 00' E without being guilty of any with the east face of the bottom manner of trespass and without step of the seawall a distance of Prejudice to an remedy for ar• 70.40 feet to a point, said point rears of rent or breach of cov. being the south face of a retain- enant, or the Party of the First ing wall; ­ ' Its agents and employes Thence S 73 degrees 40' 10" L n, a fisurne possession of the with the south face of said re X -+' es and re-let the sam ta[ning wall a distanceof 143,72' . for tneFi:mainder of that term. feet, said point being the east at the best rent they may obtain end of said retaining wall; and hold the Party of the Sec- Thence S 30 degrees 49'35 "E and Part for any deficiencies; a distance of 81 28 feet to a and the Party of the First Part point; shall have a lien as security for Thence S 16 degrees 19'50 "W the rent aforesiad upon the distance of 15 feet to a point liuildinq, chattels, ImplemenlS, that is 11 Inches north of the tools and other personal prop south face of the L head; arty which are, or maybe, put Thence N 73 degrees 41' 10" on the demise premises. parallel to and 11 inches north XII• of the south face of the L head a Any Contract and Lease now distance of 187 feet to the place existing between the same par, of beginning. Its covering the same prem- with the right of Ingress and ises is rescinded by Mutual egress for the uses of the prop. agreement of the parties on the Orly hereby demise as herein `sJ effective dale of this contract, provided, but it Is expressly WITNESSETH the hands of stipulated that such right of in- the parties hereto this the -- gress and egress shall not in• day of - - - -, 1976. elude the right to obstruct the CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI use by the general public for BY------ - - - - -- passageway over and across R. Marvin Townsend, the land and premises adjacent CityManager to the above described tract of ATTEST: land and such passageway City Secretary APPROVED shell at all times be kept unob- strutted byloarty of the Second AP DAY OF - - - -, 1976: Part, its agents, servants, em- - ployees and,patrons. It is un• J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY AT- derstood that Party of the Sec- TORNEY and Part Is purchasing all BY ssistant Cif Attorney improvemepis upon such Y premises from Billy Pugh, the ATTEST: former lessee of such premises, ----- - - - - -- add the Party 9f the First Part ---- - - - - -- disclaims any ownership Inter- ---- - - - - -- est In or other claim to any Ray Huntey property located upon the ---- - - - - -- premises, except as stated in Craig Garrison paragraph IV pertaining to That the foregoing ordinance permanent, immovable build- was read for the first time and ings and piers. -passed to its second reading on _ 1.% this the 12th day of May, 1976, Toe rental for said property by the following vote. shalt be Two Hundred and Fifty Jason Luby Aye ($250.00) Dollars per month Dr -Bill Tipton Aye. payable on or before the first Edurado de Ases Aye day of each month in advance. Ruth Gill Aye. IL ' Bob Gulley Aye Theterm of this lease shall be Gabe Lozano, Sr. Aye five (5) years, to commence •Edward L. Sample Aye and begin on the date hereof That the foregoing ordinance and to end on the same date in was read for the second time the year 1981. That said proper• and passed to Its third reading ty is to be used for the operation on this the 191h day of May, of a boat service consisting of 1976, by the following.vote• performing services for small- Jason Tipton Aye er boats such as washing down, Bill A Y e cleaning, care and inspection Eduardo de Ases Aye and making minor repairs, pro- Ruth Gill • Absent viding crews for boats and per• Bob Gulley Aye farming emergency work Gabe Lozano, Sr. Aye thereon and for no other our. Edward L Sample Aye Pose That the foregoing ordinance I I I. was read for the third time and That the Party of the Second passed finally on this the -- Part shall have the right to day of - - - -, 19 - -, by the erect improvements on said following vote: premises, which Improvements Jason Luby . - -- shall be, in design and quality, Dr. @III Tipton - -- In keeping with the Bay Front Eduardode Ases -- Area, and meplans and specdi• Ruth Gill - -- cations of said Improvements Bob Gulley - -- must be submitted to the Park Gabe Lozano, Sr - -- and Recreation Board, and said Edward L. Sample - -- Board's approval obtained, be- PASSED AND APPROVED, fore the erection and construe- this the the -- day of` tion of any improvements. — - -' 19 - -• IV. -- _ - - - -- (%t the termination of this Mayor m lease, the permanent, Imov. THE-CITY OF able buildings and piers affixed CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS to the realty shall become the ATTEST: property of the City of Corpus City Secretary Christ[, dr, at the option of the AWOVED: .City, the City may require that 12 DAY of May, 1976 All Improvements be removed 4 .D e Aoock' from the premises at the ex- Cit Attorney pense of the Party of the Second Part. V. That Party of the Second Part shall provide suilable signs indicating that the prem- Ises are operated by the Party of the Second Part as his own business and net by the Party of the First Part. 1r, 1975 70 E 1 to 5 4ercury '6, 19' Nova trator, 188 hp less than 25 istom trailer, call Phillip izens State A M111� 694 49FBWR186 89.8�Y, LY. i84IR CLOSEOUT ALL 16.8 1] K' boat, 65 rip mercury ' _ BbT.7o, AND walk through wlndsh!sld, Dilly HONDA 1973 750 ORT tilt ! eller, extras. 62395: 47- rS �`Qy 'm paint, l in 729.2319 e3ac 28' SEAR �'fj - iBRIDGE oil cooler, many i beseen. Supercler PASS 758.3777 Sport Fisherman, 74 model, re- 2231, n -Sat corder, radio's gin pole, Pom• CAMPER 1 year o GRUMMAN CANOES a n ette fighting chair, out• HONDA 1974 CE Mathis, 547.5424 P iggers, twin Inboard engines, miles, excellent co :LASS, 18', 240 gal fuel supply. Mint condl- 241-7804. w /tilt trail- tlon. Only 270 hrs on hoof. HONDA 350 '72, 853 -0482. 523,500. 6131574, 643.2001, 643• saddle bags, $575 SBOAT, 15', 2081' bridge, $54.1565, railer, spot- 30' FARLEY, ht. S.F., CC 327 HONDA 400 4 c for 19' Can- engs. 0 time, S.O.H. 4•76 boat miles, elect star 8. refnshd Inside & out. Kenai 110 tend $1195.991158 ham. Priced to sel watt & CB radios, Bend!x DR- cept trade. With I bar, luggage rack, back rest, 2 25 dp recor new auto pilot, Lee HONDA 550, four 3ATS outriggers, 9stom cuatllons & cellent condition, S BOATS curtains, $15,000 also 14' cus- all extras. Make r Marine tom built skiff, w/25 hp Evin• far, GUNDERLAI, Zbefac rude appx 25 hrs. time. Galy. trl 1221 Cantwell Lan) Johnson 51150 Rockport, 7291379. HONDA 750'74 Be Tenn Yen' 42' WHEELER, perfect to live W /racing cam al Loweline on, must sell. Will partially hooker headers. $1 Glastron que5 po=t trade for older car and bam- promise over cash. See at Port KAWASAKI 19727 LABILE Aransas Harbor, Slip 54 or call extra clean, must clean,3M 8824231 b7758.5521 btw 4:70 & 10:30 pm elate. 11-1831 w KAWASAKI 197 !133.2561 loaded, $900. Trade 8 -3 Sat.' i4[Joafte'r J Call for Info at 853 LAND a E g- KAWASAKI 40019 condition, low m COLUMBIA 3e, 1972. Like pew, 241 -3162 IGER, 17' In . 3 sails, 30 HP Atomic4 Inboard engine, quad stereo system, 2 MOTORCYCLES, MOTORCYCLES, O open bow, way radio, 518,950. 884.1648, or ploy this lop good flit 643.5635: - GER HONDA. A S31N. Ex- MARINE • MO-rPRCYCLES, . 35 at the Y, DOLPHIN SR•DOL, MENGE Rn this c 7777, PHIN 17' Is, on. GUNDERLAND NORTON 197665' e per style t family boat MARINE 1221 CANTWELL 682- with faring & oil , sl,750.937 -3621 ght camping, 4231 SUZUKI 1973 TM ling or lust Hwy 181 Prtlnd 6434561 clean, low miles, nplete with 6425 SPID 991.7937 8521190 aft 6:30: aller 53995. MARINE, HOBIE12Monoca11975,�tra11- LI$ED•B •4231. r, 2 sails -1 unusetl, acces- solves, SALE, ;Ias 31' fish. sm. 852.0531. 75 XL-100336 idge, air con- nines almost HOBIE 14 ft. with trailer, must da or 991.3813. sell, moving. 592 -0045, Kings- 74HondaXL- ville, Texas. 72 Monark 125 mly! 1975 23' 74 Bultace, 175 Inboard tun- NEW HUNTER 70 Honda CT-90 SM -up Marine with bottom Best buy selling 75 HOnde -TI 75Honda CL•36I io, ell In. for me wa- yachts. Diesel Yachts. Diesel ling 73HOnde CB -351 75 Honda CB -12 850. GUN- 6' room, 75 Yamaha Md LAND, Hwy , anodized spars, main & YZ•3608 561 life Ity. marine pa an L 9 19' twin 45 head, galley. This boat head, must be seen to be ap• Hond ellent condl- preciated. ONLY 516,495. 1002 N, W (25'& 30' also available) 888 -821 19' 100 HP GULF COAST MARINE trailer, 853- 3002 5 PORT YAMAHA DT36W 888.8206 miles 1736, never Boat 15' 50 Open Sun 1 to 5 '75. Excellent cm after 5pm 853.320/ on trailer, y many a" NEW 29' CAL, wheel steering, YAMAHA 250 71 1.584 -3040. depth meter, radio, shower, running cond. Ie mein & Itb sail. Ready for $550.241 -2054 art ATS cruising one only $19,950 Mt�tor GIC, 30 GULF COAST MARINE 3002 . lv�l� a/V cluding 888.8206 Opm Sun 1 to S. Homes 6425 NEW & USED Boats— Sailing .Mercu• Lessons. PAT BARRIER SS45 YACHT SALES, 1322 N. Water 96 h.p• 888.4502. -:.y„a — ANNOUNCING JI railer - $3395 Q'DAY20'6 rnos.,old. Trailer. another top line in 1 . -at Gain an's'Ch Cuddy auxiliary outboartl. fd895. 281• Raal and dash air, ercrul- 1763 aft 6 &wkends. Beautiful uphol •i trailer SAILBOAT, 15'Guif Coasltday woodwork. Let $8745 sailer, hold S adults easily, ex• show you, Port & I N E cellent condition, $975, 8551733. BISHOP MOBIL t 854' SAILBOAT 26' moving trade INC., representin for van, pickup, bus, camping brands: 'Prowie frailer, car etc. 9904587. Aire, Kenskill, Tr ATS call Baa} feWltih Wheels. Shop, 8821575 or 991.7532 eve- nings. Lessons available. FWINDSURFERS, Boats _ Shp$ �7 & Storage 1r, 1975 70 E 1 to 5 4ercury '6, 19' Nova trator, 188 hp less than 25 istom trailer, call Phillip izens State A M111� 694 49FBWR186 89.8�Y, LY. i84IR CLOSEOUT ALL 16.8 1] K' PRIVATE COVERED, pro - GLASS felted boat slip with lift to 30' 35 silver responsible party, 882 -7622 or de, full 776 -2161. through` fare stove, 12 V, 1 trailer, v eLuts FT, 120 W Cmici s 1r, 1975 70 E 1 to 5 4ercury '6, 19' Nova trator, 188 hp less than 25 istom trailer, call Phillip izens State A M111� 694 49FBWR186 89.8�Y, LY. i84IR CLOSEOUT ALL 16.8 1] K' p�ansas Pass double and fiberglass canoes. positive foe. flotation, several 35. 1. 758.5348. colors, GUNDERLAND MA- RINE, 1221 Cantwell Ln, 882- CAMPER HARDT 4231; Hwy 191 - Portland, 643- fare stove, 12 V, 1 2561; 6425 S. Padre Is. Dr, 991• Bargain. See at Al 7837. 1100 S. Staples. CAMPER 1 year o GRUMMAN CANOES 4a' cabover, goo many models In stock Mathis, 547.5424 GUNDERLAND CLOSE OUT on MARINE homes! 2 Pace Al 1221 Cantwell, 882.4231 6% over cost. Tw Hwy 181, Prtlnd 643.2561 loaded 8% over c 642SSPID991 -7837 II's, various equil - 59936 BISHOP Me ^' Motorcycles. TER INC, 5741 L 2966. EXPLORER 224 equipped with eve BULTACO'76360 Frontera, 657 eluding dual air, miles, very trick. Many extras. etc. Immaculatf Call 852.4026. Taken in trade on - f ham. Priced to sel HONDA CB 200, 1975, trash cept trade. With I bar, luggage rack, back rest, 2 finance for respo helmets and more $800 Must Sao at ANDERSC sell, moving. 9911709. i Staples New'76 GMC' Motor Homes at '75 price' —7 za; " u Creel $21 We need the room, so you save hundrl luxurious new'76 GMC motor homes frori eral Motors. Two 26 -ft. models at similarll tions. Drive one on your vacation. South Tixisr' Motor Hom4r Headquan Execut. GMC, Itasca, El Don Jimmy Q pO�Q U Motor AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A FIVE -YEAR LEASE AGREE- MENT WITH RAY HUNLEY AND CRAIG GARRISON FOR ' OPERATION OF A BOAT RE- PAIR SERVICE ON THE L- HEAD, ALL AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE LEASE AGREEMENT, A SUB- STANTIAL COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF; AND PROVIDING FOR PUB- LICATION, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, j TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he Is hereby authorized to execute a five• year lease agreement with Ray Huniey and Craig Garrison for the operation of a boat repair service on the L -Head, all as more fully set forth in the lease, agreement, a substantial copy of which Is attached hereto and made a part hereof SECTION 2. Publication of the full text of the ordinance and lease agreement shall be made within five (5) days after the date of first reading In regular Council meeting, with. In five days after the second reading, and finally within five days after the third reading, in the oHicleI publication of the City of Corpus Christi. THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: THIS CONTRACT AND LEASE AGREEMENT made and entered Into this the -- day of - - - =, 1976' by and be- tween the Clty of Corpus Christi, Texas, a municipal corporation, acting by and through its duly authorized City Manager, Marvin Townsend, hereafter called Party of the First Part, and Ray Hunley and Craig Garrison, both of Nueces County, Texas, hereinafter called partyof the Second Part' WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the covenants and agree- ments herein contained and sublect to the provisions here- of, the Party of the First Per does hereby lease and demise unto the Party of the Second D Part the following lands and q premlms: is Beginning at a point, the In- tersection of the east face of the bottom step of the seawall and a line that is 11 Inches north of R' and parallel to the south face of the L head; ,f Thence N 73 degrees 41' 10" W parallel to and 11 Inches 1, north of the south face of the L w head a distance of 11.02 het to a point, said point being the east face of the bottom step of the ' seawall; .I Thence N 12 degrees 00' E with the east face of the bottom - step of the seawal I a distance of 70.00 feet to a point, said point being the south face of a refr. Ing wall; Thence S 73 degrees 40' 10" E with the south face of said re- taining wall a distance of 143 72 - n feet, said point being the east R end of said retaining wall; Thence 530degrees," "E a distance of a1.28 leaf to is point, Thence S l6 degrees 18'50"W a distance of 15 feet to a point that 11 11 Inches north of the X south face of the L head; Thence N 73 degrees 41' 10" parallel to and 11 inches north 'A of the south face of the L head a distance of 187 feet to the place- n of beginning with the right of Ingress and;. egress for the uses of the prop- - r, erty hereby demise as herein - provided, but It Is expressly ' stipulated that such right of in- gress and egress shall not In• clude the right to obstruct the use by the general public for ;r passageway over and cross r3� The land and premises adlacent to me above described trap of land and such passageway shall at all times be kept unob ;! strutted bylearty of the Second = + Part, Its agents, servants, em- ployees and patrons. It is un- derstood that Party of the Sec. antl Part Is purchasing all Improvements upon such premises tram Billy Pugh, the disclaims any ownership inter- est in or other claim to any property located upon the premises, except as stated In paragraph IV pertaining to permanent, imm bte build- ings and piers. I. The rental for said property shall be Two Hundred and Fifty ($250.00) Dollars per month payable on or before the first day of each month in advance. I. Tae term a Ihls lease shall be and (S) years, to Commence and begin on th date hereof and to end on the same date In the year 1961. That said proper- ty is to be used for the operation of a boat service consisting of Performing services for small - erboals such as washing down, cleaning, care and Inspection and making minor repairs, pro• viding crews for boats and par forming emergency work thereon and for no other pur- pose. That the Party of the Second Part shall have the right to erect Improvements on said keeping with the Bay Front ea, and Me plans and speclff- tions of said Improvements fst be submitted to the ParK d Recreation Board, and said ard's approval obtained, be, .a the erection and construc, n of any improvements IV. st the termination of this ise, the permanent, Immov- le buildings and piers affixed the realty shall become"the )party of the City of Corpus risti, or, at the option of the Y, the I i mP overrnents beRrer t moved m the premises at the ex-. Ise of me Party of the Second; That Party of the Second srt shall provide sutiable Ins Indicating that the prom• is are operated by the Party Isiness and not by Me Party of 5 z� G Vl. That the Party of the Second Part shall promptly execute and fulfill all the ordinances of the City of Corpus Christi appli- cable to said premises and all orders and requirements im• posed by the Health Depart- ment, Sanitary Department, and Police Department for the correction, prevention and abatement of nuisances, upon, or connected with said prem- ises during the term of this lease of his own expense. VII. That it Is understood and agreed by and between the par- ties hereto that,unlest the Par- ty of the First Part shall other- wise agree or consent In writing, this contract and lease Is not assignable In whale or part and that the Party of the Second Part shell have to right or authority to sub -let the premises or any part thereon and that any attempt to do so will be grounds for termination of this lease by Party of the First Part. VIII. 1 That the Party of the Second Part shall keep said premises In a clean and neat condition 5nd Shall take good care of the property, keeping the Improve- ments and buildings In repair pnd painted, and suffer no Waste during the term of this `ease and at the end of other xpirallon of the term shall de- lver up the demised premises n good order and condition, patural wear and tear and damages by fire and elements only, excepted. IX. That the Party of the Second Part stipulates and agrees to hold the Parry of the First Part harmlessfor any hurt, Inturyor damage to persons or property caused by party of the Second Part's operation of said busi- ness and agrees to carry public liability Insurance upon the said business In the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($97,000 00). X. That Party of the Second Part stipulates and agrees that he will Incur no debts and obli- gaJjons on the credit of the Par - ly of the First Partin the oper- ation of sold business nor shall this agreement ever be con - stucted as giving Party of the Second part the right to do so. X1. That In case of default In any 7f the aforesaid covenants, the Party of the First Part may an- lorce a performance thereof in sny mode provided by law and may declare the lease forfeited it its discretion, and Party of the First Part, Its Agent, am- r demand to re -enter and re- love all persons therefrom fthoul being guilty of any tanner of trespass and without reludice to an remedy for ar- Cars of rent or breach of cov- ''apt, or the Party of the First a17, Its agents and employes my resume possession of the remises and re-let the same It the remainder of ther term t the best rent they may obtain nd hold Me Party of the Sec. Id Part for any deficiencies; nd the Party of the First Part tall hove a Iron as security for to rent &forested upon the Milling, chattels, Implements, ohs and other personal prop - ,ty which are, or may be, put I the demise premises. XII. Any Contract and Lease now risting between the some par- es covering the same prem- s Is rescinded by Mutual treement of the parties on ttte fective date of this contract. WITNESSETH the hands of e parties hereto this the -- ty of - - - -, 1976. ITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI R. Marvin Townsend, City Menage EST: Secretary ROVED: MY OF - - - -, 1976: tUCE AYCOCK, CITY AT- NEY Ian t City Attorney ?ST: Ray Hunley- Craig Garrison That the foregoing ordinance was read for me first time and passed to its second reading on this the 12th day of May, 1976, by the following vote: Jason Luby Aye Or. Bill Tipton Aye Edurado de Ases Aye Ruth Gill Aye Bob Gulley Aye Gabe Lozano, Sr. Aye Edward L Sample Aye That the foregoing ordinance was read for the second time '.and passed to Its third reading on this the 191h day of May, 1976, by the following vote: Jason Luby Aye Dr. Bill Tipton Aye Eduardo de Ases Aye Ruth Gill Absent Bob Gulley Aye Gabe Lozano, Sr. Aye •Edward L. Sample Aye That the foregoing ordinance was read for the third time and 'passed finally on this the -- day of - ---, 19 - -, by the following vote: Jason Luby - -= Dr. Bill Tipton -- Eduard odeAses -- Ruth Gill - - -j Bob Gulley Gabe Lozano, Sr — Edward L. Sample — -- PASSED AND APPROVED,: this the the -- day of I Mayor t THE CITY OF %ORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS i 12 DAY of May, 1976 J. Bruce Ac.k C City Attorney s Bo Nollcev761T Christi Junior College District wi will receive sealed proposals- Ch addressed to G.R. Freeman, of Supervisor of Purchasing, Del• Wi Mar College, 2521 Naples, Car- 3:; v assn, Texas 11i a P.M. J une 6, ra.o. 1976 at which time be bids will be opened for furnish- wo Mg color video tape recorder. in ITTLE Volvo Pinto" w /Ch rysler out - LOT xartlz drive, open bow, canopy, large a sails, 30 HP Atomic 4lnboerd engine, quad stereo system, 2 wheel trailer, one owner. Good - ski bat. M-1492. play In this classifical 1974 15' Thunderbird tri -hull 681 -5819 boat 65 hp Mercury motor, :LAND walk through windshield, Dilly MOTORCYCLES, se tilt trailer, extras. 82395. 937- .PORT 729.2319 Ste' S PASS 29' SEABIRD FLYBRIDGE 758 -7777 Sport Fishermen, 74 model, re- Mon -Sat corder, radio's gin pole, pom- allent family boat panette fighting -chair, out- riggers, twin Inboard engines, ERGLASS, 18', 240 gal fuel supply. Mint condi- ury w1filt trail- tion. Only 270 hrs on bat. 02, 8534182. 523,500. 6434574, 663.2001, 613 - ASSBOAT, 15', 2081• Trailer, spot. 30' FARLEY, M. S.F, CC 327 de for 19' Cen- engs. O time, S.O.H. 4-76 beet 2938. - refnshd inside d out. Konel 110 HOBIE 12 Monoca11975, trail- well 8 CB radios, Bandix DR- -4. 25 tip recor new auto pilot, Lee BOATS outriggers, custom cushions 6 IGS curtains, 515,000 also 14' CUP N BOATS tom built skiff, w /25 hp Evin- d Marine rude appx 25 hrs. time. GSly. trl Zodiac Johnson S11SO Rxkport 7294379. Penn Yan 42' WHEELER, perfect to live Lewelia Glastron on, must sell. Will partially trade for older car. and com- Aquespori promise over cash. See at Port AILABLE Aransas Harbor, Slip 54 or call ell 8824231 19%5521 btw 4:30 8 10:30 Pm. tl 70 Hand. CT-90 75 Hon 500-7 ' rtlnd4Q-2561 V Best buy In sailing E IR 8.3 Sat. LAND _ sail aCT71 RINE 75Honde CB -125 bar w8 sissy bar. SM offart397.30SWt 7 P. HONDA 1973, 350, 5,70 Crash bar, back Test e condition. $625. Cell 152.7367. HONDA 1973 750 9, custom paint, 41nto 1 oil cooler, many extr be seen. Super clean, 2231. HONDA 1974 CB 1 miles, excellent cond) 241.1806. HONDA 350 172, lit saddle bags, $575. bridge, 156.1565. HONDA 400 4 cyl, miles, elect start, cond 51195.991 -4581 HONDA 550, lour cyl cellent condition, I all extras. Make real fer. bUNDERLAND 1221 Cantwell Lane, HONDA 750174 ea W /racing cam also hooker headers. st KAWASAKI 1972 7S0, extra clean, must $ clate. 241.7135. KAWASAKI 1975 loaded, Sligo. Trade c Call for Info at 053• KAWASAKI 400 1975 condition, low tulle PRIVATE COVEREQ, pro• tected boat "slip with lift to 30' responsible party, 882.7622 or 776.2161. COLUMBIA 30, 1972. Like new, 241.3162. WINGER, 17' In• a sails, 30 HP Atomic 4lnboerd engine, quad stereo system, 2 MOTORCYCLES, se trd, open bow, way radio, 519,950, 84.1649, or play In this classifical Ashleld, good tilt 681 -5819 GER HONDA. late rig $3111. Ex. Ifion. MARINE• MKLY MOTORCYCLES, se Hwy 35 at the V, .758.3777. DOLPHIN SR -DOL• PHIN 17' play ad in this cla MENGER HONDA tt' In- GUNDERLAND NORTON 1974850 ud camper style MARINE with faring a all cot allent family boat 1221 CANTWELL 882• sl'750.937.3621. ernighl camping, 1231 SU2UKI 1973 TM 250 Ilthing or lust Hwy 181 Prtlnd 613.2561 clean, low mileage, Complete with 6425 SPID"1- 7837 8524790 aft 6:30. trailer 53995. loaded 8% over co 6425 SPID 991 -7637 N%. MARINE, HOBIE 12 Monoca11975, trail- USED -BIKy -4. er, 2 sans -1 unused, acces- $ALE 2•Aiglas Jl' 11sh• series, 5810.852.0537. a 75 XL- 100336 tulles i, engine, almost 1, engines almost HOBIE 14 ft. with trailer, must da 5907 or 991.3873. sell, moving* 5924, N5, Kings- 74 Honda XL-350 villa, Texas. M Monark 125 as Is me only 1 1975 23' 74 Bulteco 175 as Is ilser, Inboard tun. tend -up Marine NEW HUNTER 70 Hand. CT-90 75 Hon 500-7 ' late with bottom radio, II in- V Best buy In sailing 75 Hontla CL-360 70 HOnde CB -350 ady far the we- Yachts. Dlesat eng, 75Honde CB -125 t 13,950. GUN- slaps 5,6'1 "headroom, 75 Yamaha Mono-51 IOATLAND, Hwy anodized spars, main B YZ•360B $ 613.2561 lib, life lines, marine Pagan Lewi 9 fT 191 twin 45 head, galley. This bat must be seen to be so- Honda 2, excellent condl- precieted. ONLY $16,495. 1002 W Water (2S' is 30' also available) 888 -8211 IRO 19' 100 HP GULF COAST MARINE Ir, tilt trailer, 853• 3pp2 S. PORT YAMAHA DT360A ' 888.8206 miles 1736, never II 4 Bess Bat 15' 50 Open Sun 1 to 5 175. Excellent cond. after 5pm 853.3204. drive an irailer. many many ex- NEW 29'.CAL, wheel steering, YAMAHA 250 '74 ishop 1.584.3040. depth meter, radio, shower, main a lib sail. Reedy for running cond. lo w $550 241.2854 att 7p BOATS cruising. one only 519,950. 1�/f�11�r MAGIC, 30 GULF COAST MARINE 3002. iL�.11VV � on, Including 868.8206 Open Sun 1 to 5. Homes 6425 NEW B USED Boats— Sailing .8 h.p Mercu• Lessons. PAT BARRIER Cain C ter $545 YACHT SALES, 1322 N. Water , RGE, % h.p. 8184502.' ANNOUNCING JI elv. trailer SM D'DAY 20' 6 mos old. Troller, another top line In me at and Cir Cuddy auxiliary outboard. 54895. 241• Roof and dash air co f dash h.p. Martial• .p. 1763 aft 68 wkends. t Beautiful upholste wheel trailer $A I L BOAT, 15' Gulf Coast, day woodwork. Let Rel $8745 seller, held 5 adults easily, ex- show yon. Port 6 Lea MARINE cellent condition, S975, 8554733, 'BISHOP MOBILE Port 854- SAILBOAT 26' moving trade INC., representing th for van, pickup, bus, camping brand,: Prowler, trailer. ter etc 9913587. Aire, Kers ieellsTr* WINDSURFERS, call Boat row, Tinge, Kountr BOATS Shop, 8624575 or 991.7532 eve• torhames 6 Miniho ' flings. Lessons available, craft 6 Venture ten IRE, 18e•HP Q1�• Parts•Service•Insur er, marine Boats - SfiPs all area dealer. Op anus$, cutldy ps 4, Dulll -In cellar. asly �� a day ihru SeturOa), ard, C.C. Texas Be PRIVATE COVEREQ, pro• tected boat "slip with lift to 30' responsible party, 882.7622 or 776.2161. Motmeydes BULTACO'76 360 Frontera, 657 miles, very trick. Many extras. Call 852-4026. HONDA CB 200, 1975, crash bar, luggage rack, back rest, 2 helmets and more'. SM Must sell, moving. 99141011. EXPLORER 224 equipped with every cluding dual air, pm etc. Immaculate c Taken In trade on m ham. Priced to sell el cepl trade. With low finance far reslionsil See at ANDERSON' Staples Q 30'. Park motlel �1& 111111111�iZ5iCC �w�!�''��,{I to 40'. So ^— Y— �.JZUiwe7� travel leis (ravel A play. BART'S TER Von mil CLOSEOUT ALL 16' 6 17 Vs' Aransas Pass double and fiberglass canoes, 35.1-758-5348. positive foam flotation, several MKLY colors, GUNDERLAND MA• 6JL RINE, 1221 Cantwell Lo, 882- CAMPER HARDT 4231; Hwy 643- tae stove, 12 V, e .181-Portland, 2561, 6425 S Padre Is. Or, 991• Bargain. See at AN 7937. IIgO S. Staples. Executil CAMPERlyarol G RUMMAN CANOES h ' cabover, good many models In stock Mathis, 547.5424. GUNDERLAND CLOSE OUT on MARINE homes! 2 Pace Arr 1221 Cantwell, 982.4231 6% over cost. Two Hwy 181, Prtind 643.2561 loaded 8% over co 6425 SPID 991 -7637 it's, various equip $9936. BISHOP MO TER INC., 5741 L noa6 Motmeydes BULTACO'76 360 Frontera, 657 miles, very trick. Many extras. Call 852-4026. HONDA CB 200, 1975, crash bar, luggage rack, back rest, 2 helmets and more'. SM Must sell, moving. 99141011. EXPLORER 224 equipped with every cluding dual air, pm etc. Immaculate c Taken In trade on m ham. Priced to sell el cepl trade. With low finance far reslionsil See at ANDERSON' Staples Q New '76 GMC OAT Motor Homes at '75 prices y 2341 1 Crests s MKLY a $21; 6JL 5894 We need the room You save hundred luxurious new'713 GMC motor homes from 19.g9f81g1'f TIF SI MIIY, oral Motors. Two 28-11%. models at similar re tions. Drive one on your vacation. Yaiit a South To"Ir' Mota HM" HOSO SM 3294 Executil GMC Itasca Itasca, EN El Dora Jimmy DAYS CC 4 Q�dQ�lf Motor ( S. PORT .012E FORTA LEOPARD 6 U Se %s PHONi w4a214 Saarvi PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF TEXAS,' County of Nueces. Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day personally came ... ................... ............ Rowena -_ .-_! ie189- quez ..... ............. . .... who being first duly sworn, according to law, says that he is the Account... .......................................................... of the Corpus Christi Caller and The Corpus Christi Times, Daily Newspapers published at Corpus Christi, Texas, in said County and State, and that the publication of Legal,a...— AX --- QREIXANQE ...A.VT.UQRI.7+.14G•_ THE _C -J TY, MAN•,• -_TO_, EXECUTE--- _A._FIVE_. YR. -- LEASE... RAY HUNLEY AND CRAIG•GARRISON FOR OPERATION of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in ......................Ce.7 fix- Time s.,• -._.. i on the 1:7. day of .......... MaY • .................... 19..76, and AAAjtb:M&y R4 ---------- Jbe1ClYA# tee km........................ - -. amsersfixacx ..................................................... .......................2 ......... $ .................I a.Q. .30.. u Rowe. C. Velasq ez Accounting Subscribed and sworn to before me this...... 2-7 ............ day of .................. .....M . 19...- Zit..... t, Eugenia S. Cortez �u c S _ .....................7 ] - .. -.. ..-..- ....................... � Notary Public Nueces County, Tex