HomeMy WebLinkAbout13237 ORD - 06/23/1976ikh:6- 23 -76; 1st i AN ORDINANCE r� AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE CETA TITLE I MODIFICATIONS FOR THE CITY, AS THE ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT OF THE COASTAL BEND MANPOWER CONSORTIUM, TO EXIST- ING TITLE I CONTRACTS TO PROVIDE FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR THE TRANSITIONAL QUARTER, JULY 1, 1976 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1976, AS FOLLOWS: y (1)- Coastal Bend Work Experience Program, $177,190 to a new level of $957,939; (2) Coastal Bend Youth Services Program, $149,138 to a new level of $811,325; (3) LULAC Educational Service Center, $8,240 to a new level of $30,898; (4) Coastal Bend Rural Job Development, $43,225 to a new level of $195,533; (5) Jobs for Progress, Inc. (SER), $141,191 to a new level of $804,695; (6) Texas Employment Commission, $152,259 to a new level of $1,263,430; (7) Hialco Neighborhood Organization, Inc., $29,035 to a new level of $87,104; (8) American G.I. Forum - Veterans Outreach Program, $23,650 to a new level of $110,183; and (9) Manpower Administration, $57,391 to a new level of $278,087, ALL AS MORE FULLY OUTLINED AND SET FORTH IN THE MODIFICA- TIONS, SUBSTANTIAL COPIES OF WHICH ARE ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIBITS "A" THROUGH "I "; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL RELATED AND NECESSARY DOCUMENTS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION, CONTINUATION, AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE AFORESAID PROGRAMS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: f SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute CETA Title I modifications for the City of Corpus Christi, as the administrative unit of the Coastal�Bend Manpower Consortium, to existing L' r Title I contracts to provide for additional funds for the transitional quarter, July 1, 1976, through September 30,1976, as follows: 1.9- (1) Coastal Bend Work Experience Program, $177,190 to a new level of $957,939; (2) Coastal Bend Youth Services Program, $149,138 to a new level of $811,825; (3) LULAC Educational Service Center, $8,240 to a new level of $30,898; (4) Coastal Bend Rural Job Development, $43,225 to a new level of $195,533; (5) Jobs for Progress, Inc. (SER), 5141,191 to a new level of $804,695; (6) Texas Employment Commission, $152,259 to a new level of $1,263,430; (7) Hialco Neighborhood Organization, Inc., $29,035 to a new level of $87,104; (8) American G.I. Forum - Veterans Outreach Program, $23,650 to a new level of $110,183; and (9) Manpower Administration, $57,391 to a new level of $278,087, all as more fully outlined and set forth in the modifications, substantial copies of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibits "A" through "I ". SECTION 2. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute all related and necessary documents in the implementation, con- tinuation and administration of the aforesaid programs. SECTION 3.* The necessity to authorize modifications to the contracts as above set forth, and to authorize execution of all related and necessary documents in order to implement, continue and adminster the above described programs,creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and neces- sitYto exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the .23 day of June, 1976. ATTEST: City-Secretary MAYOR APPYVED: THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS DAY OF JUNE, 1976: J. BRUCE YCOCK, TY ATTO EY gy City Attorney ! CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS • • O AY OF 19 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT.NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT'SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; 1, THEREFORE, REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTFULLY, MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY OR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY .C./ GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY aal I/ DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE J ON U."CT SIG? nut � S �t `£ fTa: S. CONTRACTOR: CITY OF CORFUS CIMSTI CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI COASTAL BEND MAUPOTUER CONSORTIUM COASTAL BEND WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRA14 302 South Shoreline 505 South Water Corpus Christi. Texas Corpus Christi. Texas This contract is entered into by the Administrative Unit of the Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium, hereinafter referred to as Prime Sponsor and Coastal Bend Work Experience Program hereinafter referred to as Contractor. The Contractor agrees to operate a Manpower Services Program in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. This contract consists of 3m pages, including this nave, and such other provisions and documents as are included herein. The Contractor hereby agrees that he has read this Contract and ori.11 abide by ail terms specified herein and also certifies that the information in this Contract is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief and this Contract has been fully authorized. Funds hereby being obligated are subject to the availability clause. A. CONTRACT PERIOD " This Contract covers the period (date) from 7 -1 -75 to 9 -30 -76 B. OBLIGATION+ Total CETA funds obligated by the Prime Sponsor are $ 957,939 .1. Funds carried in from previous progran year are $ -0- 2. New funds obligated are $ -0- 3. (For codification use only) This Action _.increases the total CETA funds obligated for this Contract by $177.190 to (new level) $957,939 APPROi_-D FOR THE PRIME SPONSOR; APPROVED FOR THE CONT?Z4CT01t: _ - DAY OF , 1976 _ DAY OF 1976 - BY: BY,— R. Marvin Townsend, Contracting officer Signature ^ BY: - - Jason Luby, Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary Date APPROVED: DAY OF 1976 Director of Finance R: Marvin Townsend, City Manager Name and Title —� APPROTIFD: DAY OF 1976 City Attorney - J ' FY 1976 Modification No. 5 MODIFICATION SHEET General Intent: The Coastal Bend Work Experience Program proposes to continue providing CETA adult work experience activity and services to disadvantaged adults in the Coastal Bend region during the transitional quarter, July 1176 to September 30, 1976. The action increases the amount of existing contract of 780,749 by additional federal monies of 177,190 to establish a new total of 957,939. (A) Monies will be distributed as follows: . Administration: 14,407 wages: 117,585 Training: 2,650 (Participants) Fringe Benefits: 9,360 Services: 33,188 (B) 15% of monies allocated for wages will be alloted for Senior Aide participation. (C) Monies will be used to serve between 60 to 65 additional participants. Modification. 1. The Title I contract period is extended from July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1976. 2. The Title I program for the period July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1976 consists of the following funds: a. Title I carry -in funds (unspent funds) on June 30, 1976: $ -0- b. Title I transitional funds: $ 177,190 TOTAL (a. G b.) $ 177,190 This modification includes the following: 1. Signature Sheet 2. Modification Sheet 3. Program Planning Summary 4. Supplement to the CETA - PPS 5. Budget Information Summary 6. Project Component Budget and Back -Up Support Data 7. Program Narrative S. Revised Assurances and Certifications NOTE: The FY 1976 contract extended by this modification will not exceed September 30, 1976 COASTAL BEND iYdRi: EXPER IENCE PROG. 15 South Water Street . 0. Box 9195 -OTPUs Christi, Texas UI( • Elcnpusver AdnsinIstfatlon b. GRANT NUMOER ' U.S. ULI'AI(7 "hiLNT OF LAO ' ' -CETA PROGRAM PLANNING SUMMARY 156- 8312 - 8313 -8314 C. GRANT YEAR d. TYPE OF PROGRAM From To 1. MT I ]. o Tiuc Ill sDrafy 7 -1 -75 I 9 -30 -76 7. ❑ TtlIC 11 r T'lir V I FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SECTIONS 1, II, ANU III (Toth] Enrollments is dm sum of A.1 and A.2. 0 (Total Terminations a the sum of D,1 throe h Sea 1: A 1 l 1 9 � D.3. C (planned - nnroWnents) is A minus B. Sec. 11: Enter In line (a) PruroL'ments In each program ael!vity cumulatively through U:r grant year, aad in line ti (b) the numhpr of participants planned to be enrolled in each program activity at the end of each C quarter, p.upcipant% who are caneurtenUy enrolled in more than one aetwity :.hou;d be counted In esrh aetiv1 In which they arc rrvollcd. See. III: Enter the mmUtatiee number of participants In each segment to be enrolled d•Jri5 the grar yts. 1 Participants dloold be counted in as many signifiewst segment groups as are zppbc3b4. CONT aACT I([v 0 KID D. DATE _v c v: nZ E Na•Z �U °o o Men OD vv G !01 +2, 71:2 7 Ta Is e 7 G 0 ]1 L• D 1. +• 1G 1 1 ]E 2+ 27z •• _ • :! 1. ENROLLMENT AND TERMINATION SUMMARY ' GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN A. TOTA ENROLL• 1. Enroll• menu I0. TOIAL 2. Parttcl• TCRMINA• pants Cmd TION:. et 1. nleiln0 mVoy —, a. Dlrect PI[mtt. b. Indnrct Plenllf. c.0otamed Cmplo/mu+ 2. Otner Potltivr 7. non. Do /hlvr C. PLANNED vENT5 (end of eLr -" 6jnEponT 536 365 171 411 241 10 178 53 35 135 125 2G 71 3G AI eG -. 51 5G I D1 GG 71 7G II. PLANNED ENROLLMENTS IN PROGRAM ACTIVITIES I IV, OTHER ACTIVITIES IRefcrcnce ]IF) Ind=le other aetivlUus or special programs On onich• menu. Describe their objrenvrs and /iii milestones toward their achievinlent in a qumliu6vo Or narrative presentation, • A I 0 C� O C F CLASsn00MTflAININC on-the-Job Tralnln � Pub. Serv< Enlpley—t Work Cocalrnee Olt— Act Wallet fylm: CAmt. Voc. Ed. L� I2 11 Toil Enr Dll menit o 0 7 ____ 536 Currrnlly Enro1110 D 7 7 1 S ('J llmenli 1 2 7 I:J �7 it TLlal C•.s Nin•tnll 0 3J7 DI Cvncnuy rDi Lnrd 10 J ) I;,, �7 sl Tn1 al Lnr r.l:nn nit 10 L 7 .cJ I7 of Caretnuv EnrWltd 0 G 7 =i 1 217 21.2 ^7' 2N,2G' 31. 36 • 111. SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS V. a, SH3NATUIlE R. Marvin Townsend S'CrrIr,CANT 5ec;"'CrvTS CnANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAID SIGNIFICANT • SEGMENTS CRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN 9/70 6 1 -/71 'tot 1 /31, ' 0/70 y /:0 12/71 a/31 0/ao (a) (c) (dl le)_ lo) ICI (d1 It DATE SIGNED �Unem to ed _ 1 _ �_- F _ UnderemploxddT ^T Disadvantaged 536 _ D H SLPFLENENT TO THE CET.\ - PPS :. AtP•tBEP OF IEDIVIDU "L S PLANNED TO BE SERVED, PROGRA:•( YEAR TO DATE. TTH- YE,' -R II. NU2BER OF INDIVIDUALS PL.N- -D TO BE ENROLLED AT END OF EACH 2.0\TTH . III. CUNUL4TIV . PROJECT7D E)TENDITUPXS BY P ONO, r TLY 495 125 839,812 .'3G. 515 125 898,875 ;EDT.. 536 125 957,939 )CT. ;OV. )EC. r vv. M. LARCH 'AIL tL':iE INSTRUCTIONS I. Enter the total planned number of individuals who are planned to be served cumulativ each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training or employment should be counted. The number in ,Larch, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 1C of the 'PPS. II. Enter the total planned number of individuals who will be in the program covered by this PPS on the last day of each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services-, training, or employment should be counted - The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries iu Part 1C of the PPS. M. Enter the planned accrued expenditures of funds cumulative by month. The totals in riarch, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 111B of the PPS, A. GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI COASTAL BEND WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAM 505 South Water Street Corpus Christi, Texas U.S. DCVARTra CfrT of LADOR "s' "P° ` Aa' "�11 "`I °" BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY 0. GRANT NUMBER ' 156- 8312 - 8313 -8314 C. TYPE OF PROGRAM 1. ZY -Title I J. 'J Tllle 111 4. C3 Tltl` VI 2. 0 T,Ile II I s" al') ............................... ' D. FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY ' . , .10 CONTRACT KEY I'naZ Uri p` = MOD. DATE MM DO YY ;GI IDS co-.II I ? 7 la 5 G 7 a 9 to Il 12 ]3 14 15 1G ]7 IG 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 ?8I ?9 E. BUDGET SUMMARY COST CATEGORIES GRANT PROGA— F U••CTION OR ACTIVITY ESTIMATED UNCXPI:NDED r VND5 NCY7 OR REVISED UUDOCT 1, TOTAL b, Frtleral NwlFCllRrat tl. FROeral NoP•Fer:cral t. A= vanon 82 761 -07 82,761 G 2 I 13SI -0- -0- -0- 3. W—s <4 670.812 -0-. 670,812 1 a senrllla _ s3 54 251 -0- _ 54 2S1 G21 7,697 - 7.697 � •— +1 71 — 142,418 - -- — — - all 1 12 13 —Ifi -- 957,939 -0- r957,9 39 G i F. CUMULATIVE OUARTERLY PROJECTIONS OF OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES IF&, Owner Endrn9l 1 1213 21122123124125 ] 1 213 1!'-1211221 23 24 2 I 1 2 7 12122! 2312<125 I 2 7 2137 27 25 251 7 Oj 3 17 _T 0 6 7 I. P:L—.r Sp.—, Obhgatans - :al Pr<;' --1 Expe ndaues by Pr°oram G 13 26 957,939 35 957 939 G 3 3 _ G _ 20 ," 3 35 1 1 3126 35 ' .` C.- "__q. Trmrang, Pnmc Sponsor 44 4 4M1 to EIP•Ibe Jab Tra —g 53 5 — 53 53 e, PDLI Service tmpUyrnent 62 62 62 G2 d Y: oli txpcnenec 71 71 71 171 Scr.•Krs to Pars ic,panls 1 7 126 1 2 7 2G 1 2 3 26 112 3 26 Cl 4 1 25,011 G 4 G 4 G 4 Acn+llles 35 35 ' 35 35 3 P: c'ec:rd E.pmdnmes for Vocational Ed. In 51enal Grants to Governors 44 54 44 44 he;.•::ed Ze prd Rrca of t:on Frd. Funds 53 53i 53 53 5. O:C.r: Fed. F:eds, :4o1 I. ^. Pr:ae sp..'. Cant , • 62 62 G2 G2 c. Gard ^oral • Pto)eeled ExpeadRUrca ,• •7l S' 9 t 71 8. MA 5.145 (Apr. 1975) =0 Fiscal Year 1975 -76 Modification No. 5 PROJECT COMPONENT BUDGET TITLE I O TITLE II TITLE III NAME OF CONTRACTOR: CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY: COASTAL BEND WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAb1 BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or —) 1 BUDGET. (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COST: $ 68,354 $ + 14,407 $ 82,761 (2) WAGES: 553,227 + 117,585 670,812 (3) TRAINING• 5,047 + 2,650 7,697. (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: 44,891 + 9,360 54,251 (5) ALLOWANCES: -0- -0- -0- (6) SERVICES: 109,230 + 33,188 142,418 TOTAL $ 780,749 ' $ 177,190 $ 957,939 BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET a. STAFF COSTS: $ 32,240 $ + 8,331 $ 40,571 b. FRINGE BENEFITS: 4,356 + 1,250 5,606 c. CONSUMABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: 4,594 + 1,126 5,720 d. PROGRAM EVALUATION: -0- -0- -0- e. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: -0- - -0- -0- f. MANAGDIENT INFOMMON SYSTM -0- -0- -0- g. STATE MANPOWER SERVICES COUNCIL: N/A N/A N/A h. PRIME SPONSOR PLANNING COUNCIL: -0- -0- -0- 525 represents Administration i. TRAVEL: travel for transitional quarter 9.179 + 525 9,704 616 sq. ft. x 28.85 x 3 mos. j. RENT: represents admin. use of rental 6.900 + 534 7,434 space k. UTILITIES: -0- -0- -0- 1. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: -0- -0- M. INDIRECT COSTS: -0- -0- -0- n. STAFF TRAINING: 893 + 625 1,518 o. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: -0- -0- -0- p. EQUIPMENT: Minor 623 + 75 698 q. MATERIAL: -0- -0- -0- r. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: -0- + 225 225 S. PUBLICATIONS: 149 + ISO 299 Communication t. OTHER: (Specify) Postage & Telephone 4.860 + 366 5.226 u. OTHER: (Specify) Duplication & 4,044 + 1,000 5,044 Printing V. Building $ Equipment OTHER: (Specify) Maintenance 408 + 100 508 W. OT'dER: (Specify) General Liability 108 + 100 208• x. OTHER: (Specify) -0- -0- -0- SUB -TOTAL $ 68,354 $ . 14,407 $ 82,761 BACK -U? SL -�PORT VICGETS (Z) Adainistvatiye Cost (Cont.) Z GE BEN"EFT-S (S`,w ff). r ti i 1 SUDCc_ pepgp/rD CHANGES PWISED S�DvET (+ or -) BLTDGEi a. AV %NJSL LEAVE: $ b. SICK LEAVE: -0- -0- ' -0- _ c. CO•J3T_ LE_SVE- -0- -0- -0- -0- d. MILITARY LEAVE- 1,886 + 487 2,373 e. FICA: f. LIFE I,15URANcz- g. MALTS INSUI2OMand Life Insurance 248 97 ' ins ti. IIN4'iPLOYNLNT IySUR- NICE: _0_ -O - i. k03T`Er"I' S COiSPENSATION: 323 + 83 406 ° 1,899 + 583 2,482 - BETIMENT BENEMS: k. OTHEP.: (Specify) 1. OTFE?: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL $ *4,356 $* +1,250 $ *5,606 *INCLUDED IN b OF ADMINISTRATION COST 7 BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGET (2) 14AGES BUDGET APPROVED MLNGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET a. ON -T-HE -JOB TRAINING: $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- b. TRANSITIONAL SUBSIDIZED EMPLOYMENT: -0- -0- -0- worK Experience Wage c. OTHER: (Specify) 15% allocated for 553,227 +117,585 670,812 Senior Aide d. OTHER: (Specify) -0- -0- -0- SUB -TOTAL $ 553,227 $ +117,585 $ 670,812 (3) TRAINING: a. SALARIES -0- -0- -�- b. FRINGE BENEFITS• -0- -0- -0- c. TUITIONS: and Testing 1,785 + 1,400 3,185 d. ENTRANCE FEES: -0- -0- -0- e. BOOKS: Uniforms and Teacher aides 1,889 750 2,639 f. TEACHER'S AIDES:. -0- -0- -0- g. OTHER: (Specify) Educational Tutoring I,373 500 1,973 h. OTHER: (Specify) -0- -0- -0- SUB -TOTAL $ 5,047 $ 2,650 $ 7,797 BACK-UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: (Participants) a. ANNUAL LEAVE: b. SICK LEAVE: C. COURT LEAVE: d. MILITARY LEAVE: e. FICA: f. LIFE INSURANCE: HEALTH INSURIdNCE: h. MNS4PLMMNT INSURANCE: 1- WORKMEN'S CMIPMNSATION. & Gen. Liab. j. PETIRMENT BENEFITS: k. OTHER: (Specify) 1. OTHER: (Specify) SUB-TOTAL (5) ALLOTJLNCES: ' SUB-TOTAL BUDGET APPROVED MkNGES RaTISED BUDGET (+ or BUDGET -0- $ -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 32,363 +6,879 39,242 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 12,528 +2,481 15,009 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 44,891 $+9,360 $ 54,251 - --------- $ -0- $ -0- BACK --UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (6) SERVICES TO CLIENTS_ BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES - REVISE.D BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET a. CHILD CARE: $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- b. HEALTH CAPE: -0- -0- -0- c. MEDICAL SERVICES: 2,717 + 1,000 3,717 d. RESIDENTIAL SUPPORT: -0 - -. -0- -0- e. ASSISTANCE IN SECURING BONDS:' -0- -0- f. F.AYILY PLANNING: -0- -0- -0- _ g. OUTREACH: -0- -0- -0- ' h. INTAKE AND ASSESSMENT: -0- -0- -0- i. ORIENTATION: -0- -0- -0- ' j. COUNSELING: and'g,h,i,k,l 76,352 + 25,237 101,589 ' k. JOB DEVELOPMENT: -0- -0- -0- 1. JOB PL_ACEPIENT: -0- -0- MO- ae. OTHER- (Specify) Coach 4,400 - + 1,500 -- S,900 n. OTHER: (Specify) Enrollee Travel 750 + 500 13250`~ o. OTHER: (Specify) GOMA Outreach 25,011 -0- 25,011• p. OTHER: (Specify) Counselors!Travel -0- + 3,125 3.125 q. OTHER: (Specify) Phone & Postage -0- + 710 710 for Counselors r. OTHER: (Specify) 0_ + 1,116- 1,116 Rent: Cost of rent— _ • space used by counseling staff ✓ SUB -TOTAL $ 109,230 $ + 33,188 $ 142,418 TOTAL $ 780,749 $ +177,190 $ 957,939 *INCLUDED IN j OF SERVICE TO CLIENTS BAM; b? SUPPORT BUDGETS (6) SERVICES TO CLIENTS (Cor.t.) FRINGE BENEFITS: (Staff) BUDGET APPROV--tD- CHMGES P—MVISED BUDGE_ (+ or BUDGET a. A T-vUATL LEAVE: $ -0- -0- b. SICK LEAVE: c. COURT LEAVE: cl. rFILIT-A= LEAVE: FICA' 3,918 + 1,273 5,191- e. :f. L:E-i:E PqSU`R.0-'CF-- -0- -0- ,CZ:and Life Insurance 846 466 1,312 h. MNIMOM %`NT RISMOCE: -0- -0- -0- j5,ORKmmlrs CwNTENSATION: 669 + 217 886 j- R-FTIMENT BENEFITS: 3,944 + 1;523 5,467 k. CT-tLzR: (Specify) -0- -0- -0- 1. OT=-,: (Specify) -0- --0- -0- SUB-TOT-AL *9,377 *3,479 $ *12;856 *INCLUDED IN j OF SERVICE TO CLIENTS POSITION TITLE SALATY PET t,puT alz au No. U4IT3 PAID MOu.. W-M— TO %01 TINE POS. TOTAL TOTAL 5 USE _ TOTAL AMOUNT ,. RENT . ............................... 6. RENT . ............................... r. TOTAL 8250 1907 65 wks. 15 13 Pro'ect Director 8.30 325 40 1 day 65 wks. 100 21,646 Steno /Senior Clerk I 3.85 146 40 1 day 65 w s. 100 10,040 Clerk II (Payroll) 3.08 123 40 1 da 100 8,029 65 wks. Clerk II (Receptionist) 3.04 121 40 1 day 5 w s. 100 7,919 Counselor 5.10 204 40 1 day 65 wks. 100 13,300 Counselor /Coordinator 6.41 '256 40 1 day` 100 16,692 Counselor /Coordinator 6.19 248 40 65 wks, 100 16,147 Counselor /Coordinator 6.16 247 40 1 day 58 wks. 100 16,065 Cdunselor /Coordinator 6.11 246 40 1 day w S. 100 14,225 Counselor /Coordinator 6.06 242. %. 40 1 day 100 4 655 TOTALSTAP ►THIS PAO). /COata. TOTALS _ 128,718. RENT SQUARE FEET RATE /Sq. FT.fMO. No. IN USE NO.STAFF USING 5 USE _ TOTAL AMOUNT ,. RENT . ............................... 6. RENT . ............................... r. TOTAL 8250 1907 28.85 15 13 100 8250 - c • - �"`��~ " 8250 N POSITION TITLE SALARY PER NO. UNITS PAID % OF TIME TO POS. TOTAL AMOUNT NOuR w[[It HOURS w[[[S Administrative Aide 4.32 172.62 40 42 100 � X 3, - 21,750 G 0 M A Outreach Worker's funded thru April 14, 1976 TOTAL STAFF THIS PROJ./COMP. .... TOTALS 21 7 :0' RENT SQUARE FEET RATE /SQ. FT. /MO. MO.IN USE NO.STAFF USING S USE TOTAL _ AMOUNT o. RELIT . ............................... b. RE NT ............................... c. TOTAL � - ' G*0,• � - COASTAL BEND WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAM PROGR %l NARRATIVE I. DESCRIPTION: Adult work experience is a short term and /or part -time work assignment with a public em- ployer or a private non - profit employing agency. It is designed to enhance the employability of disadvantaged individuals. Those individu- als may never have worked in the competitive labor population or may have been unemployed for an extended period of time. Those in- dividuals may be lacking in education or personal development. They may be lacking in work experience or skills. Those in- dividuals may be chronically unemployed, older workers or retired persons, senior citizens, recently discharged military persons, handicapped individuals, institutional resi- dents or ex- offenders. All those individuals have difficulty getting into the job market- They all want to work. Adult work experience provides short -term, entry level work experience, wages and personal development for those adults. They are encouraged to move up the ladder to unsubsidized employment or other successful terminations as quickly as possible. The Coastal Bend Work Experience Program provides CETA adult work experience activity and services to the above individuals in the twelve county Coastal Bend area. A counselor is assigned to particular counties and provides services there on a regular basis. A. All applicants are interviewed-and advised about work experience activity and other CETA activities. They receive counseling on interview techniques, the job search, current trends in the job market and are advised about educational and career goals. Eligible applicants are sent on interviews to employers who provide the most appropri- ate work experience training sites. The selected applicant then becomes a partici- pant and is classified as a temporary employee of the City of Corpus Christi. The program pays the Federal minimum wage for the work performed at the worksite. The worksite provides work experience, supervision and evaluation. Preferred work - sites are those which plan to employ the trainee as quickly as possible in a specific job or an anticipated job vacancy. The program counselor develops the worksite tnd an employability plan for each participant. I£ employment is not forthcoming at the user worksite, the counselor will try to develop a job somewhere else for the participant or make efforts to move the client as soon _ as possible to some other CETA activity such as O.J.T. or skill training. C. The participant is given an opportunity and a work experience. The counselor encourages the client to develop good work habits and skills. Through counsel- ing, experience, interaction and further education, the participant develops self - confidence and pride. All participants are-encouraged to continue their search . for employment in the private sector so that they can move on from subsidized employment as quickly as possible. Partici- pants who need remedial education work part -time and attend classes at the appropriate adult learning centers. Their work hours are gradually increased as they make progress towards their GED. H. OBJECTIVES: The Coastal Bend Work Experience Program will assist eligible disadvantaged adults accord- ing to the above description towards the following outcomes: A. Employment with the user agency. B. Job placement anywhere. C. Enrollment in other CETA activities such as O.J.T. or classroom training. D: Entry into full time education at area colleges via grants or personal efforts. E. Entry into the military. The overall objective is to enhance the employa- bility of new or recent entrants into the labor force through planned experience in a work situa- tion. Through counseling, job development and close coordination with other CETA activities and Texas Employment Commission, the participants will be encouraged to advance in the program as rapid- ly as possible towards unsubsidized-employment or other successful terminations. HI. DURATIO`i: The work experience participation by any - individual will be limited to 1040 hours. IV. COMPONENTS: The main components of the Coastal Bend Work Experience Program are as follows: A, Regular work experience: 40 hours per week to a maximum of 1040 hours. B. Part -time work experience: on the condition that the participant attends remedial classes at the appropriate adult learning center. Applicants who are interested in pursuing an educational goal such as GED and working part -time, must first register at an adult learning center_ After such applicants have•established an attendance pattern at educational ' classes, they will be sent for inter - views to worksites which have requested . - part -time work experience trainees. •' = Those participants will remain on payroll for a maximum of 1040 hours. Their wage paid work hours will increase as they make progress towards the educational goal. C. Ex- offender work experience: This is'-- regular work experience specifically for ex- offenders to, a maximum of 1040 hours. One specific counselor is assigned to provide all program services to ex- offenders. There will be a limited number of slots available. D. Senior Aide work experience: This component is designed to serve persons over 60 years of age. They will work half -time for a maximum of 520 hours. The- objective in this component is utilization of experience and talents of senior citizens for the benefit of the community_ A further goal is to supplement the inco,,ne of those citizens for a six ronta period. Unlike the other components, the user agency-_ is not expected to, hire the senior aide. A senior aide works part -time to co- ordinate this component of the program. Program counselors provide regular program services.. 15% of monies allocated for wages will be alloted for Senior Aide participation. V. NUMBER TO BE SERVED: The program goal is to serve 280 full time work experience trainees and 95 Senior aides. Be- - cause of part -time trainees and continuous en -' couragement to progress to unsubsidized employment as•rapidly as possible, the program will serve approximately 536 work experience trainees and 105 Senior aides.. VI. JOB CATEGORIES OR TITLES: The main job categories for work experience participants are as follows: Senior aides, clerical aides, -education aides, custodial aides, maintenance aides, conservation aides, food service aides, health service aides, day care aides, craftsmen aides, library aides and recreation aides. VII. SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE PROGRAM: A. Interview - Guidance - Referral: All appli- cants are interviewed. They are informed , about work experience activity and other CETA activities. The applicants are counsel- ed about the interview techniques, the job market and are advised about educational, and career goals. B. work Experience: Program participants develop good work habits and skills through experience in a work situation. C. 1Yages: Federal minimum wage is paid for a maximum of 1040 hours on a bi- weekly basis. D. Counseling: Counselors develop appropriate worksites and make arrangements for permanent- employment at completion of training. Once• placed in work experience, the counselors,. help the participant to develop a good self image and more self confidence. The participant is also helped to develop " good work habits and a good relationship with supervisors and fellow employees in order to increase chances of employment at completion of work experience.. Individual and group counseling for personal and family problems is provided according to the needs of the participant. The job market and job opportunities are discussed at individual and group sessions. Problems of mutual con- cern and personal development are also dis- cussed at group sessions. E. Education: Some participants will be "on part -time work experience on condition that they attend remedial education classes. Regular work experience participants who are graduates are encouraged to attend appropriate skill training night classes at local colleges in order to attain a planned, occupational goal. Participants- are guided in their applications for basic grants for education in order to move on from the program to full -time education. Tutorial classes are provided 3 nights per week in our program office for persons working towards their GED or secretarial skills. F. Tuition Expenses: The program pays all expenses for tuition and required books for trainees attending educational classes. G. Placement: The program staff continuously strives to obtain job orders from the public sector and from private industry. Program staff co- ordinate closely with Texas Employ- ment Commission in order that work Experience graduates can obtain better jobs and placements. H. Follow -up: Follow -up will be performed at one - month, three - month, and six -month intervals following the placement of participants, and a monthly follow -up report will be sub- mitted to the administrative office of the Prime Sponsor for monitoring and evaluation purposes. VIII. SUPPORTIVE SERVICES: The staff collaborates with all social work agencies in the Coastal Bend area to ensure that trainees can benefit from the services offered in the area of child care, public housing, medical and financial needs, trans-_ portation, retirement and social security benefits. IX. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: All applicants are interviewed by•a counselor and certified for eligibility according to those guidelines. A. Persons 18 years of age and older B. Unemployed for at least-one week or- underemployed. C. Economically disadvantaged according to - Federal guidelines. Adult work experience will be offered to the above CETA eligible applicants utilizing the "most in needIcriteria for adults. Those criteria are as follows: A. Economically disadvantaged head of household B. Unemployed head of household. C. Underemployed head of household D. Economically disadvantaged non -head of household E. Unemployed 'non -head of household F. Underemployed non -head of household X. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: The EEO rules and regulations outlined in the Program's Affirmative Action Plan are observed. XI. WORK BEING DONE: A. Work Experience Director: 1. Supervises the development of training sites as required 2. Coordinates the flow of participants • into and out of program 3. Maintains linkage with other agencies and governmental bodies 4.. Analyzes effectiveness of program 5. Monitors training sites and trainee program 6. Performs administrative duties as pertains to director's position. B. Counselors (Administrative Assistants): 1. Determines eligibility of applicants 2. Selects eligible participants 3.• Maintains follow -up as required 4. Organize and operationalize training in the various skills and general education S. Aids in the placement of trainees 6. Provides information on trainee progress to project, and documents trainee files and records 7. Provides on -going group and individual counseling of an occupational, educational and self- development nature. 8. Coordinates support services with the trainees 9. Assists trainee in development of em- ployability plan. 10. Coordinates program inputs called for in the employability plan 11. Provides continuous support to trainee in on -going development and modification of plan 12. Assists trainee with job placement 13. A counselor is assigned to check intake forms and verify eligibility certification C. Coaching: Coaching is an auxiliary function to the professional counseling service, usually performed by an individual who can establish a peer relationship with the participant and act-in a supportive role. They shall perform the following kinds of tasks: 1. Liaison between participant and the - program, naking both aware of the atti- tudes and the needs of the other 2. Participant outreach - 3. Personal support and assistance for trainee in training 4. Counselors' aide S. Follow -up XII. WAGES AND }YORK SCHEDULES: A. Enrollment in the work Experience Program will be accomplished on an open -entry basis according to individual needs. Primary wage earners, or heads of household, will be seen - as most needy applicants. B. The maximum duration for any participant on the program will be 1040 wage paid work hours. C. All trainees will be paid on a bi- weekly - basis. D.. Trainees will be paid by the project at the minimum wage rate for a 40 hour week. How- ever, flexibility must be given so that the individual needs can be met. 25 to 30 hours may be necessary for trainees who are attend- ing such classes as offered at Alternative Education Center, Del Mar, Bee College, remedial classes in rural areas, GED classes, etc.- E. Tine sheets signed by the supervisor and the trainee will be sent to the work Experience Office to be processed, approved,- and entered on the permanent payroll sheet from which the pay checks are made. XIII. CO- ORDINATION OF WORK: A. Support Given: 1. The director will insure that counselors are aware of status changes, need for special follow -up, and any other information that should be passed on -to counselors or other office staff. 2. The director will monitor, insure proper implementation of program and perform other duties that fall under the administra- tive arm of the project. B. Support Received: 1. Counseling staff will inform the director when slots are needed. 2. Counseling staff will screen eligible applicants. 3. Counseling staff will provide support services for trainees as needed and as listed previously. 4. Counseling staff will provide on -going counseling - 5. Counseling staff will provide services as name applies 6. Coaching staff will perform duties assigned by the director and counselors - XIV. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES: Administrative procedures as outlined by the Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium (prime sponsor) and the City of Corpus Christi (Program sponsor) will be carried out. XV. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: A. All training slots shall be developed in credible public agencies or private non- profit employing agencies. B. Not more than 20% of trainees shall be termin- ated for reasons other than job placement, entry into other CETA activities, entry into full-time education or entry into the military. All senior aides and handicapped individuals are excluded from computation in those per- formance standards. o ASSURANCES AND CEATIFICATT_OYS A. Ceneral Assurances 1. The applicant assures and certifies that; a. It will comply with the requirements of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) of 1973, as amended (P.L. 93 -203, 87 Stat. 839 and P.L. 93 -567, 88 Stat. 1845), hereinafter referred to as the Act, and with the regulations and policies promulgated thereunder; and _ b. It will comply with DLS Circular number A -95 and Federal Yanage=.ent Circulars (E11C) 74 -4 and 74 -7, as those circulars relate to functions such as the utilization of funds, the operations of programs, and maintenance of records, books, accounts, and other documents under the Act. 2. The applicant further assures and certifies that if the regula- tions promulgated pursuant to the Act are amended or revised, it shall comply with then or notify the Regional Administrator for Employment and Training Administration (RA) within 30 days after promulgation of the -amendments or revision that it cannot so conform, so that the RA may take appropriate action including termination, if necessary. 3_ In addition to the requirements of 1 and 2 above and consistent with the regulations issued pursuant to the Act,-the applicant makes the following further assurances and certifications- a. It possesses legal authority to apply for the grant; that a resolution, motion, or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the applicant's governing body, authorizing the filirg - of the application, including all understandings and nssu =ances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional-information as may be required (sections 102(a); 701(a)(9) and (10))_ b. It will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (F.L. E6-352), and in accordance with Title VI of that Act no person in the United States shall_ on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program o.r activity for which the applicant receives Federal financial assistance and will imme- diately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement. c. It will comply vith Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (fit USC 2000d) prohibiting; employment discrimination where (1) the primary purpose of a grant is to provide employment or (2) dis- criminatory employment practices will result in unequal treatment of persons who are or should,be benefiting from the grant -aided activity. Revised Uiy, 1976 s O d. No person with responsibilities in the operation of any pro gram under the Act will discriminate with respect to -any PI-C" par- ticipant or any applicant for participation in such oliticogra because or race, creed, color, national origin, se.- age, p beliefs (section 703(1) and 712). e. It will comply with the requirements of the provisions of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act of 3.970 (P.L. 91 -646) which provides for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced as a result of Federal and federally- assisted programs. f. It will comply c.•ith the provisions of the Hatch Act which limit the political activity of employees. - g., It will comply with the requirement that no program under the Act shall involve political activities (section 710).. h. It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that is or gives the appearance of being motivated by a desire for private gain for themselves or others, par- ticularly those with whom they have family, business, or other ties (section 702(a)). :L' will give £he Department of Labor and the comptroller General through any authorized representative. the access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the grant (section 713(2)). , J- Participants in the program will not be employed on the con struction, operation, or maintenance of that part of any facility is used for religious instruction or worship (section 703(3)). k. Appropriate standards for health aad safety is work and training situations will be maintained (section 703(5)). 1. Conditions of the employment of work, ithe geographical rregion and _ reasonable with regard to the type the proficiency of the applicant (section 703(4)). M. Provision of workmen's compensation protection to participants in on -the -job training, work experience, or public service employment programs under the Act at the same level and to the same extent as other employees of the CMj)loyer who are covered by a State or industry workmen's compensation statute; and provision of neoor compensation or nedical and accident insurance for injuryury their participation to those individuals engdged in any program activity Revised stay, 1976 under the Act; i.e., work experience, on -the -job training, public service employment, classroom training, services to participants, and other activities, where others'siuilarly engaged are not covered by an applicable workmen's compensation statute (sections 703(6) and 208(4)): n. Tie program will not result in tie displacement of employed workers or impair existing contracts for services or result in the substitution of Federal funds for other funds in connectiod with work' that would otherwise be performed (section 703(7)). o. Training will not be for any occupations which require less than two weeks of pre - employment training, uftless icimediate employment opportunities are available in that occupation (section 703(8)). p. Training and related services will, to the extent practicable, be consistent with every individual's fullest•capabillties and lead to - employment opportunities which will enable participants to become ecoaomr ically self - sufficient (sections 703(4) and 105(a)(61). • q. Institutional skill training and training on the job shall- only be for occupations in which the Secretary or-the prime sponsor has determined there is reasonable expectation for employment (section 703(l0)). r. CGT_A funds will, to the extent practicable, be-used to supple- ment, rather than supplant, the level of funds that would otherwise be available for the planning and administration of programs under the eligible applicant's grant (section 703(11)). s. It will submit reports as required by the Secretary and will maintain records and provide access to them as necessary for the Secretary's reviecy to assure that funds are being expended in accordance with the pur- poses and provisions of the Act, including the maintenance of records to assist the Secretary in determining the extent to which the program meets the special needs of disadvantaged, chronically unemployed, and low income persons for meaningful employment opportunities (sections 703(12) and 311(c)). t. The program will, to the maximum extent feasible, contribute to the occupational development or upward mobility of individual partici- pants (section 703(13)). U. The program has adequate administrative and accounting con- trols, personnel standards, evaluation procedures, availability of in- service training and technical assistance programs, and other policies as may be necessary to promote the effective use of funds (section 703(14)). v. The program makes appropriate provision for the manpower needs of youth in the area served (section 703(15), and will assure that_ - Revised May, 1976 0 (1) Individuals receiving training on the job shall. be co pensated by the employer at such rates, including periodic increases, Secretar, , as may be deemed reasonable under regulations prescribed by t but in no event at a rate less than that specified in•Section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 or, if higher, under the applicable State or local minimum wage law. Wages in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands shall be consistent with the Federal, State, or local law _other- wise applicable (section 111(b)). (2) Persons employed in public service jobs under this Act shall be paid wages which shall not be lower than whichever is the employee highest of (a) the minimum gage which zrould be applicable under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, if Section 6(a)(1) of such title applies to the participant and if he were not exempt under section 13 thereof. Wages in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the-Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands shall be consistent with the Federal, State, or local law otherwise applicable; (b) the State or local minimum wage for the most nearly comparable covered employment, or (c) the prevailing rates of pay for persons employed in similar public occupations by the same employer. Csection 208(a)CZ))- w. It will comply with the labor standards requirements set out In section 706 of the Act. X. Services and activities provided under this Act will be ad- ministered by or under the supervision of the•applicant- (sections 105 (a) (1) (3) and 205(c)(1))- Y- No funds made available under the Act shall be used for lobbying activities in violation of 18 uSG4 1913. 7. If the applicant is financed by letter of credit: (1) Letter of credit cash drawdourns will only be initiated when actually needed for its ETA grants). disbursements; (2) Timely reporting of cash disbursements and balances will be made to the Manpower Administration as required; (3) It will impose the same standards of timing and amount _ upon any secondary recipients including the furnishing of reports of -cash disbursements and balances. B. Additional Assurances for Title I Programs In carrying out programs under Title I of the Act, the applicant assures and certifies that: F�evised May, 1976 1. Hanpowdr services, including job de.velopmcat, will be provided to those most in need of them including low income persons and persons of limited English- speaking ability, and that the need for continued funding of programs of demonstrated effectiveness is considered in serving such persons (section 105(a)(1)(D)). 2. ProErnms of institutional skill training sit-all be designed for occupations in which skill shortages exist (section 105(a)(5)). 3. The plan meets all the requirements of section 105(a) and the applicant will comply with all provisions of the Act (section 105(b)). 4. It will make such arrangements as are prescribed by regulation to assist the Secretary in carrying out his responsibilities under sections 105 and 108 of the Act (section 105(a)(7)). 5. Special consideration will be given to the needs of eligible. disabled veterans, special veterans, and veterans who served in the Armed Forces and who received other than a dishonorable discharge within four years before the date of their application. Each prime sponsor in selecting participants for programs funded under Title I of the Act, shall take into consideration the extent that such veterans are available in the area. Specific effort should be made to develop appropriate full or part -time opportunities for such veterans. The prime sponsor should utilize the assistance of the State and local veterans employment service representative in formulating its program objectives. On a continuing and timely basis, information an job vacancies and training opportunities funded under Title I of the Act shall be provided to the State and local veterans employment service representative for the purpose of disseminating information to eligible veterans (section 104(b) of Emergency Jobs and Unemployment Assistance Act of 1474). C. Additional Assurances Relating to Public Service Employment Programs For public service employment activity, the applicant further assures and certifies that: 1. Special consideration will be given to the filling of jobs which provide sufficient prospects for advancement or suitable continued employ- ment by providing COMP !Udell tary training and manpower services designed to (1) promote the advancement of participants to employment or training opportunities suitable to the individuals involved, whether in the public. , or private sector of the economy, (2) provide participants with skills for which there is an anticipated high demand, or (3) provide participants with self- development skills; except where exempt under the provisions of section 604 of the Act, provided, however, that nothing contained in Revised May, 1976 this paragraph shall be construed to preclude persons or programs for who, the foregoing goals are not feasible or appropriate (sections 205(c)(4) and 604). 2. To the extent feasible, public service jobs shall be provided in occupational fields which are most likely to expand within the public or private sector as the uncaployment rate recedes crcept where exempt under section 604 of the Act (sections 205(c)(6) and 604). 3. Special consideration in filling transitional public service jobs will be given to unemployed persons who are the most severely disadvantaged in terms of the length of ci^_e they have been unemployed without assistance,, but such special consideration shall not authorize the hiring of any per- son when any other person is on lay -off from the same or any substantially equivalent job (section 205(c)(7)). 4. No funds will be used to hire any person to fill a job opening created by the action of as employer in laying off or terminating the employment of any other regular employee not supported under the Act in anticipation of filling the vacancy so created by hiring an employee to be supported under the Act (section. 205(c)(8)). 5. Due consideration will be given to persons who have participated in manpower training programs for whom employment opportunities would _ not otherwise be immediately available (section 205(c)(9))- 6. periodic review procedures established pursuant to section 207(a) of the Act will be complied with (section 205(c)(17)). 7. Agencies and institutions to whom financial assistance is made available under this title have undertaken or will undertake, analyses of job descriptions aad reevaluations and, where shown necessary, revisions of qualification requirements at all levels of employment, including � civil service requirements and practices relating thereto, in accordance I�I with regulations prescribed by the Secretary, with a view toward removing, artificial barriers to public employment of.those whoa it is the purpose of the Act to assist (section 205(c)(18)). 8. Mhere appropriate, it will maintain or provide linkages with up— -•. i grading and other manpower programs for the purpose o €.(l) providing f those persons employed in public service jobs who want to pursue wort_ with the employer, in the same or similar work, with opportunities to do so and to find permanent, upwardly nobile careers in that field, and (2) providing those persons so employed who do not wish to pursue permanent careers in such field, with opportunities to seek, prepare for, and obtain work in other fields (sections 205(c)(19) and 604), Revised May, 1976 .r 9. The program will, to the maximum extent feasible, contribute to the elimination of artificial barriers to employment and-occupational advancement, including opportunities for the disadvantaged (section 205(c)(21)). 10. trot more than ono -third of the participants in the program urill be employed in a bona fide professional capacity (as such term is used in section 13(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938), except that this paragraph shall not be applicable in the case of participants employed as classroom teachers, and the Secretary may waive this limita- tion in exceptional circumstances (section 205(c)(22)). 11. Jobs will be allocated equitably to local governments and agencies taking into account the number of unemployed persons within their juris- dictions and the needs of the agencies (section 205(c)(23)). 12. The jobs in each job category in no way infringe upon the promo- tional opportunities which would otherwise be available to persons cur- rently employed in public service jobs not subisidi.zed under the Act, and assure that no job will be filled in other than an entry level posi- tion in each job category until applicable personnel procedures and collective bargaining agreements have been complied with (section 205(c) (24)). 13. Jobs are in addition to those that would be funded by the sponsor in the absence of'assistance under the'Act (section 205(c)(25)). D. Additional Assurances for Title II Programs.- All assurances in C above apply to activities funded under Title II. In addition, the appli- cant will assure that: (1) Only persons residing within the areas of substantial unemploy- ment qualifying for assia-tance will be hired_ to fill jobs created under Title II of the Act and the public services provided by such jobs shall, to the extent feasible, be designed to benefit the residents of such areas (section 205(c)(3)). (2) All persons employed under any program, other than necessary technical, supervisory, and administrative personnel, krill be selected from unemployed and underemployed persons (section 205(c)(20)). (3) Special consideration shall be given to eligible disabled veterans, special veterans, and veterans who served in the Armed Forces and who re- ceived other than a dishonorable discharge within four years before the ` date of their application. Each eligible applicant selecting participants for programs funded under Title II of the Act, shall take into consideration. the extent that such veterans are available in the area. Specific effort Revised May, 1976 ^� should be made to develop appzopriate full or port -time opportunities fc� such veterans. In order to insure special consideratlon for veterans, all public service employment vacancies under Title 11, except those to which former employees are being recalled, must be listed with the State employment service at least 118 hours (excluding, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) before such vacancies are filled. During tt,is period, the employment service may refer those veterans specified above. If sufficient numbers of veterans are not available, the employment service, upon re- quest, may also refer members of other significant segments. All other applicants are to be referred after the .48-hour period (section 205(c)(5))- The eligible applicant should utilize the assistance of State and local veterans employment representatives in forn.ulating its program objectives_ Each eligible applicant shall, on a continuing and timely basis, provide information on job vacancies and training opportunities funded under Title II o£ the Act to State and local veterans employment representatives and to other veterans organizations for the purpose of disseminating information to eligible veterans (section 1040) of Emergency Jobs and Unemployment Assistance Act of 1974). E. Additional Assurances for Title VI Progra All assurances in C above apply to activities funded under Title VI- In addition the appli- cant will assure that: 1. Only persons residing in the area served by the eligible appli- cant under Title VI of the Act will be hired to fill jobs created older the Act and that the public services provided by such jobs shall, to the extent feasible, be designed to benefit the residents of such areas except that funds allocated under Title VI of the Act (section 603(a)(2)(3)), to an area of substantial unemployment shall only be used to provide pro- ject and program opportunities to persons residing in those areas of sub- stantial unemployment (section 2. All persons employed under any program, other than necessary technical, supervisory, and administrative personnel, will. be selected from among unemployed and underemployed persons and that under Title VI preferred consideration shall be given, to the naxitum extent feasible, consistent with provisions of the Act, to unemployed persons who have exhausted unemployment insurance benefits, to unemployed persons who are not eligible for unemployment insurance benefits (e.�_cept persons laee.ing work cy:terien e) and to ynamnloyed persons v:iio have been unemployed for 15 or more weeks. p, Special certification for state. Grantees- A State grantee further assures an d certifies that it will comply with the requirements and pro- visions of section 106 and section 107 of the Act. Revised. clay, 1976 0 ASSLitANCES AND CERTIFICATIONS The applicant also certifies that the information in this application is correct to the best of its knowledge and belief and the filing of this application has been duly authorized. (Legal Name of Applicant) (Signature of Authorized Officer) R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager (Typed Name & Title of Authorized Officer) (Address). (Date of Application) Revised May, 1976 . z CONTRACT SIGNATURE SHEET PRIME SPONSOR: CONTRACTOR: Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium Corpus Christi Independent School District City of Corpus Christi 801 Leopard Street 302 S. Water Corpus Christi, TX 78401 Corpus Christi, TX 78401 This contract is entered into by the Administrative Unit of the Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium, hereinafter referred to as Prime Sponsor and the Corpus Christi Ind. Sch. Dist. , hereinafter referred to as Contractor. The Contractor agrees to operate a Manpower Services Program in accordance with the provisions.of this agreement. This contract consists of 3__pages, including this page, and such, other provisions and documents as are included herein. The Contractor hereby agrees that he has >read this Contract and will abide by all terms specified herein and also certifies that the information in this Contract is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief and this Contract has been fully authorized. Funds hereby being obligated are subject to the availability clause. A. CONTRACT PERIOD This Contract covers the period (date) from 9/1/75 to 9/30/76 B. OBLIGATION Total CETA funds obligated by the Prime Sponsor are $ 811,825 1. Funds carried in from previous program year are $ N/A 2. ' New funds obligated are $ N/A 3. (For Modification use only) This Action increases the total CETA funds obligated for this Contract by $ 149,138 to (new level) $ 811,825 APPROVED FOR THE PRIME SPONSOR: APPROVED FOR THE CONTRACTOR: ' DAY OF , 1976 10th D Y OF June 1976 BY: R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager Signature BY: Dana Williams, Superintendent Jason Luby, Mayor Name and Title ATTEST: APPROVED: DAY OF 1976 City Secretary Date APPROVED: DAY OF , 1976 City Attorney Director of Finance J CETA- January, 1976 MODIFICATION SHEET General Intent: FY 1976 Modification No. 3 1) To extend the 1976 Title I Youth Services Program through the transition quarter ending September 30, 1976. 2) To provide a continuity of Title I youth services for continuous Title I participants with summer program type options during the transition period. 3) To modify use of existing Title I funds for better Title I summer start -up linkage with the Summer Youth Program under Title III. Modification: 1. The Title I contract period is extended from July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1976. 2. The Title I program for the period July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1976 consists of the following funds: a. Title I carry -in funds (unspent funds) on June 30, 1976: $ 40,000 b. Title I transitional funds: $ 149,138 TOTAL (a. & b.) $ 189,138 This modification includes the following: 1. Signature Sheet 2. Modification Sheet 3. Program Planning Summary 4. Supplement to the CETA - PPS 5. Budget Information Summary - 6. Project Component Budget and Back -Up Support Data 7. Program Narrative 8. Revised Assurances and Certifications NOTE: The FY 1976 contract extended by this modification will not exceed September 30, 1976. * All carry -in funds will remain in currently budgeted participant wages and benefits but will not be expended until July 1, 1976, or after. Consequently, these funds are not reflected in the budget change. Corpus Christi Ind. Sch. Dist. Youth Services Program 801 Leopard Street Corpus Christi, TX 78401 FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONI CONTRACT KEY us, Zi C , do O�O N ¢ '^ LL ao �oZ ElJ 1 a N 1 :Z U LLLA-1'12UGRAM f'LANNIi\4 JUtIAIAKT c. GRANT YEAR d. TYPE OF PRCGRAM From - To L ® Title 1 3. O Title 111 Specify - •••- .- ••- -_ ... , 9/1/75 I 9/30/76 2. ❑Title N 4.0 Title V1 f INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SECTIONS I, 11, AND III Sec. I: A (Total Enrollments) Is the sum of A.1 and A.2. B (Total Terminations) Is the sum of B.1 thr, 6 Mo D. oATE o' H.3. C (Planned Enrollments) is A minus B. - Z f� Sec. II: Enter in line (a) enrollments in each program activity cumulatively through the grant year, and in line D (b) the number of participants planned to be enrolled in each program activity at the end of each pquarter; participants who are concurrently enrolled in more than one activity should be counted in earl MM DD YY 19 activity in which they are enrolled. Sec. III: Enter the cumulative number of participants In each segment to be enrolled during the gran year. 2 2]7A2' 727 re o, A Participants should be osuntcd in as many significant segment groups as are applicable. 1. ENROLLMENT AND TERMINATION SUMMARY ' GRANT YEAR -TO -DATE PLAN ' ACTIVITIES REPORT A. TOTAL ENROLL- 3- Enroll- O. TOTAL 2•Palsies- ITE RMINA• RMI 1. Entering Employrrtits a.0lrect b. Indirect c.Oblalned 2. Olhcr Pdutive 3. Non- positive C. PLANNED ENROLLM On-lho -Jab Training O PERIOD MENTS Ih�s is Yr. PanOlVe(arr'°d T 121 Remit. Plemts. Ernploymm Icl lo) fend of q,.V, a 1076 - _ ^1696 5 1076 0 1076 1076 0 B youth 0 0 1076 0 0 a) Total Enrollments 1 2 Ii J2 51 1556 480 1076 1116 10 R 5 5 1086 20 440 c 1 io 3 7 6 1696 620 1076 1176 20 - 10 10 1116 40 520 d 1, o c 7 6 21r2,3Y24i25t2G 1996 920 1076 1296 40 6 15 19 1150 106 7 0 • 7 2 3 716 JS 3G 141 14G 1996 ISO 01 GG 71 7G II. PLANNED ENROLLMENTS IN PROGRAM ACTIVITIES GRANT YEAR- TO•OATE PLAN SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS GRANT IV. OTHER ACTIVITIES (Reference HF) Indicate other activities or special programs on anach- ments. Describe their objectives and list milestones toward their achievement In a quantitative or narrative presentation. 1 - PLAN A 1 a C o E F CLASSROOM TRAININC PtIrt. Slsons. Vitt. Ed. On-lho -Jab Training Pub. SarvkC E ^�Ptoimml Work E:nmlen eo Other Activl Iles to) 121 it Total Enrollments 0 9 7 5 Icl lo) b. DATE SIGNED 6 -10 -76 A Low income 1076 1556 _ ^1696 131 b) Currently Enroled 1019 17 15 B youth 0 2 a) Total Enrollments 1 2 7 5 C 1556 R 131 as C —ently Enrolled 1 2 7 5 440 a) Tut,l Enrollments Q 3 ) 1696 O 3 bl Currently Enrolled 2.1.7 6 520 D' 2 1 a) Total Enrollments 0 6 716 1996 _ D 3 b) Currently Enrolled 0 G 7 6 700 1 2 3 7.1'2y`2 2n2G126 31 3G i91 4G SI Ili. SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS V. 0. SIG TUBE SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS GRANT YEAR- TO•OATE PLAN SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS GRANT YEAR- TO.OATE PLAN 9/30 12/31 3/31 6/30 9/30 12/31 3/31 '130 la) to) (c) (d) (a) (b) Icl lo) b. DATE SIGNED 6 -10 -76 A Low income 1076 1556 _ ^1696 1996 F B youth G C R - Corpus Christi Ind. Sch: Dist.— - 1-11 a ,wv,.7a.,. ...,,,..,. , a. ,.,,....,.a Youth Services Program c. GRANT YEAR d. TYPE OF PROGRAM 801 Leopard Street From To 3. EB TIIIa I 51 10 Tltl III speclly.,••,,, Corpus Christi, TX 78401 ,,,,,,,,,, 9/1/75 I 9/30/76 2. CI Tllle 11 a. ❑ Tlt+e VI 1 F FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY pub. Senkd Work EmPla/rn•'ntl Crty� Ience I{ 2046 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SECTIONS 1, II, AND III n Sec. 11 A (T tat 1:nrollments) Is ilia sum of A.1 and A.2. 8 (Total Terminations) Is the sum or H.1 throl. - B.S. C (Planned Enrollments) is A minus H. _ ry 13 b) Currentty Enrolled CONTRACT KEY O MOD. DATE i 6 F _ — — 120 –x { I t)2 Z � Sec. 11: Enter In line (a) Enrollments in each program activity rlmulatively through the grant year, and In line a w I N 1112 E 'o d naZ E D O (b) the number of participants planned to be enrolled in each program activity at the end of each ~'OIn ?u c �� _ °Z t �u 2 MM OD YY C quarter: participants who "a concurrently enrolled in more than one activity should be counted in each ti_ activity in which they are enrolled. D ] b) Currently Enrolled O1G 7 iG 1 _ 2�77,j0 1 2 ] ?� it I 6` d i0 Sec. III: Enter the cumulative number of participants In each segment to be enrolled during the Srart year. a Parfiapants should be counted In as many significant segment groups as ate appbcable. 13I dG 11 1. ENROLLNIENT AND TERMINATION SJM`dARY ' GRANT YEAR -TO -DATE PLAN !t Ij A. TOTAL D. TOTAL C. PLANNED 1 REnO RT ENROLL• 1. Enroll• 2. ParllCl- ]. EnterM9 2.Olncr 7, Non - O PER100 mentsr pants I rr_TERMINA- I';Iptoyrrul a. Direct b. Indl,,cl C. Obtained Povllve pduttve ENROLLMC.N . MENTS TIONS Pocmts. Plemss. Employmm frnd of— r,,u�•,•r Ihls y_. Over _ _ 970 1076 1926 50 7 18 25 1700 i 176 120 ;0 9 7 6 —2046 11.27 Pi 7 – r0I 013 7 ,1T_, .• 26 Al aG 156 lot 'GG 71 7G I1. PLANNED ENROLLIAENTS IN PPOGRAM ACTIVITIES SICNIr (CANT SEGMENTS GRANT YEAR- TO.OATE PLAN IV. OThER ACTIVITIES (Reference IIF) Indicate other a6vivel or special programs on attach. mots. Dc:eribc their abjtttivcs and list mdessoncs SC'..,d their achievement in a quantitative or narrative pr^_rcntatlon. - DQ 2 a) Ta:el Errd1!men!s `010 7 6 A a c ( D E 1 F CLASSR001•t TRl11NINC On•ine -Job T,am g FYlna S_uos.l V_oC. Cd. s– pub. Senkd Work EmPla/rn•'ntl Crty� Ience I{ 2046 ( Other A0,111ct I __ r— ry 13 b) Currentty Enrolled 019 17 16 — F _ — — 120 ( 21 a) Total Enrol:menls { I t)2 7 G 16 131 bl Currently Enrolled 1112 7 �— ! II C ^ I aT 1 T ✓al =nr ollmtnts 01 bl eu•rC. lv Enrolled I oiI317 013 7 �� _ 1 t C) 12 a) Teat E -11—M, 0,6 �7 1 D ] b) Currently Enrolled O1G 7 1 2 ] 21'1y_. a_SI2G 31 3G 13I dG Sl III. SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS V. a. SI GNATURE SICNIr (CANT SEGMENTS GRANT YEAR- TO.OATE PLAN GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN SIGNIFICANT 9;30 12/31 3131 6130 SEGMENTS 01 (b) Ic) Id1 9/30 12131 3/31 6130 la) (el (c) (d) b. DATE SIGNED 6 -10 -76 A Low income 2046 — F _ — — a youth 1 G C H - 0 – _ -t _ -. _._.___ ____� t PROCT 'outh Services SUPPLEMENT TO THE CETA - PPS TITLE NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED r0 BE SERVED, PROGRAM YEAR TO DATE. Y -YEAR II. NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PLAN TO BE ENROLLED AT END OF EACH MONTH. III. CIP•RJLATIVE PROJECT EXPENDITURES BY MO 1975 1076 1076 FY 75 1975 1076 350 FY 75 1975 1076 -0- 45,000 1 1975 1491 400 100,000 1975 1526 430 160,000 1975 1556 440 220,000 1976 1626 480 230,000 1976 1666 510 280,000 I 1976 1696 520 355,000 1976 1725 554 435,000 1976 1750-' 559 510,000 1976 1996 700 622,687 ,UCTIOVS I. Enter the total planned number of individuals who are planned to be served cumulat each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receivir services, training or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 1C of the 'PPS. II. Enter the total planned number of individuals who will be in the program covered } this PPS on the last day of each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services-, training, or employment should be countee The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries: Part 1C of the PPS. III. Enter the planned accrued expenditures of funds cumulative by month. The totals March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 111B of the PPS. PRbGF uth Services SUPPLEMENT TO THE CETA - PPS TITLE \`UMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED rO BE SERVED, PROGRAIM YEAR TO DATE. 0 -YEARR II. NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED TO BE ENROLLED,AT END OF EACH MONTH, III. CUMULATIVE PROJECT EXPENDITURES BY MC .. 1976 2020 500 700,000 1976 2036 300 760,000 1976 2046 120 811,825 i ,UCTIONS I. Enter the total planned number of individuals who are planned to be served cumulat each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receivir services, training or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part lC of the "PPS. II. Enter the total planned number of individuals who will be in the program covered t this PPS on the last day of each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services-, training, or employment should be countec The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries.! Part 1C of the PPS. III. Enter the planned accrued expenditures of funds cumulative by month. The totals March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 111B of the PPS, W A. GRAN,EE'S NAME AND ADDRESS US. DEPARTMCNT Or LAOOR B. GRANT NUMBER ' --1 211221231241 Manpower Administration 25 1 21 156 -8315 Corpus Christi Ind. Sch. Dist. 24 2 C.TYPE OF PROGRAM Youth Services Program BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY 801 Leopard Street 23 24 1. Pis Tale 1 3. ❑ Title 111 4. O Title Corpus Christi, TX 78401 1 , 2. O Title 11 (sp" ft y) .. ............................... D. FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY G_ 9 •.`n •_i CONTRACT KEY _ MOD. OATC 7 Z °d 3 7 o° d E u 1. Ptime Sponsor Obligations G l Is, 1 0 S V G 26 3 220,000 a 26 3 355,000 v, a Z t.r U 7.. Total Projected Expenditures by Program ` 35 45,000 .x ^' 3 220,000 > "':° 35 355,000 :' 35 622 687 a. Classroom Training, Prime Sponsor ri Z 44 i= ;; M M DD YY 44 B � 11 � se 53 .;'G 53 y. 53 53 c. Public Service Employment ". ^.' 62 4 5 6 7 R 7 10 11 12 13 14 is 1G 37 1B 19 20 7l 22 23 24 25 26 27 211 20 30 Z' 2 71 355,000 E. BUDGET SUMMARY COST CATEGORIES ' a. GRANT PROGRAM ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED FUNDS NEW OR REVISED BUDGET f. TOTAL b. Federal c. Non•Faticral d. Federal e. Non-Federal -FVNC 10N OR ACTIVITY 1 12 13 126 G 4 G 4 G 4 G 4 I. Other Activities r 3 20 v „t 35 "w i^y 35 ^; 35 3. Projected Expenditures for Vocational Ed. in Special Grants to Governors ?; .4 2 68,029 5X`#-A, 68 029 �- L• AfWvrancee 44 'ix_ '•tsq�> w� 35 3 3. tVaget_ 53 53 ^r> ; r 44 639,868 %rt. x 639,868 4. I -singe Benefits 62 ^_~'i:. "k; ; w .., " "' o;• .� 53 11,995 : ># k. ,. '' `,.:. '<., . ;s 71 220.000 ! 71 35$ 000 G 2!:'', _ : s ff — - 71 — 9 93 6J`.. B,yc :' Y.r — 91-.933 7F-3 2G'= 35 L 81,825 811,82$ G , Totatt I F rUMRI aTIVF n IA RTPRI V PRnJFrTIMIR OF ORLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES (For Ouarrer Ending) -- - 1 2 1 3 ' --1 211221231241 25 1 21 3 ;.. 21 2 23 24 2 1 2 3 2 22 23 24 25 1 1213 1 , 121122123124125 G_ 9 7 _ _7 2 7 r 0 3 7 0 G 7 1. Ptime Sponsor Obligations G 3 2 6 4$,000 G 26 3 220,000 G 26 3 355,000 G 2G 3 622,687 7.. Total Projected Expenditures by Program ` 35 45,000 .x ^' 3 220,000 > "':° 35 355,000 :' 35 622 687 a. Classroom Training, Prime Sponsor <- 44 i= ;; 44 44 44 b. On the -Job Training se 53 .;'G 53 y. 53 53 c. Public Service Employment ". ^.' 62 S`• r "" 62' <; .%. 62 '` 62 d. Work Experience e" 71 4$,000 ^ n; 91 220 000 y. sl 71 355,000 ° 71 622,687 e. Services to Participants 1 2 3 26 1 2 3 26 2 3 26 1 12 13 126 G 4 G 4 G 4 G 4 I. Other Activities r 35 v „t 35 "w i^y 35 ^; 35 3. Projected Expenditures for Vocational Ed. in Special Grants to Governors ?; .4 A4 5X`#-A, 44 'i ,"., 44 44 4 Projected Expenditures of Non-Fed. Fun 3 53 53 5. Other Fed. Funds. )lot in Prime Spon. Grant `' G2 %rt. x 62 �� L 62 G2 6. Grand Total - Projected Expenditures :' + 71 45.000 X' 71 220.000 V• "a 71 35$ 000 El A. GRANIEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS Corpus Christi Ind. Sch. Dist. Youth Services Program 801 Leopard Street Corpus Christi, TX 78401 _ US OCPA -MCNT OF LAOOR xanpower Admbllnratlon BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY B. GRANT NUMBER 156 -8315 C. TYPE OF PROGRAM 1. El Title 1 3. D Title UI 4. ❑ Till. 2. C3 Till. II isp, cif y) . ............................... _ D. FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY i1 •• i T CONT11AC7 KEY Y.• NI ° QI�_Y. m ��_ O 1n c. Z U U l7{ u Z u o 30 COST CATEGORIES MUD. DATE MM DD YV _'ir1 L2 J 4 5 G 7 M 9 10� 11 12 IJ 14 IS 1G 1 / IB 19 20 71 22 23 E. BUDGET 24 25 2G 2) 7.8 29 SUMMARY GRANT PROGRAM •FUNCTION OlI ACTIVITY ESTIMATED UNCXPENDCD FUNDS NEW OR REVISED BUDGET t, TOTAL _ b. Federal _ _ c. Non•fcocral _ _ --- d. Federal e_ Non•F.OeNI .__ •___. i 1. n:munstr.n;on IT � _ — 1 — 2 ] _ 26 - _ G 2 L• AlWwanccc__ - - -� All— - — 35 ____— ______— _— 3. •• 44 4, Fl irye Bcnchts 53 _ µ L_6�Srrvlcez _ 3 - _ __ _ __ _ __ _ - -_ 71 - _ L-- r. Totals 1 2 G 1 ]G' 35 F. CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY PROJECTIONS OF OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES lFar Ouarrcr Endm71 Transition Quarter only 1 12 3 121122 23 24 2 1 2 J ' • 1f 21 2 23 24 2 111 2 31 11 2 221231241251 1 121 3 t 12112212312412SI O_L9J 7 b ? 2 7 B 3 7 IG o c 7 I N,rne Sponsor Obligations G 3 811,825 G 3 G 3 3 J. Total Projected Expenditures by Program 35 811,825 3 r 35 _ 35 a. Classroom Tra:ninq. Prime Sponsor 44 44 44 44 b. On-the-Job Training 53 52 53 53 a Public Service Employment 62 62' 62 _ 62 d Work Experience I' 71 811 825 71 s1 71 7 71 e. Scrvsees to Panicipants •1 2 3 26 1 2 3 26 2 3 26 1 2 3 26 G 4 G 4 G 4 G 14 I. Other ACINIne, 35 .,; 35 35 35 3. Projected Expenddures for Vocational Ed. to Special Grants to Governors 44 .� 44 'i =, 44 44 •1. Prolecled Expenditures of 14on•Fed. Funds 53 s. T3 53 53 5. Other Fed. Funds. llot In Prime Spon. Grant 62 �. 62 62 G2 6. Grand Total • Projected Expenditures 71 811,825 -,^ 71 ,. 71 71 _. Fiscal Year FY 76 I ' Modification No. 3 PROJECT COMPONENT BUDGET Q TITLE I Q TITLE II [D TITLE III NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Corpus Christi Independent School District FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY: Youth Work Experience (Youth Services) BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or —) BUDGET (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COST: $ 62,507 $ + 5,522 $ 68,029 (2) WAGES: 510,718 + 129,150 639,868 (3) TRAINING: - (4.) FRINGE BENEFITS.: • 9,012 + 2,983 11,995 (5) ALLOWANCES: - - - (6) SERVICES: 80,450 + 11,483 91,933 TOTAL $ 662,687 $ + 149,138 $ 811,825 BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS ;1) AD`1INISTRATIVE COSTS + 828 10,370 4,095 * p�oration of Adm. costs - 3.7% or $5,522 (of total transition funds) 4,261 * BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED Transition period proration (Adm) BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET ,index in parenthesis. 400 a. STAFF COSTS: (607) $___16,038 600 $ + 3,313 $ 39,351 i b. FRINGE BENEFITS: (2 %) 1,497 + 110 1,607 c. CONSUMABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: (3 %) 1,800 + 166 1,966 d. PROGRAM EVALUATION: e. ACCOUNTING SYSTDI: (47) f. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: S. STATE M10POWER SERVICES COUNCIL: h. PRIME SPONSOR PLANNING COUNCIL: i. TRAVEL: (15 %) j. RENT: (3 %) k. UTILITIES: 1. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: M. INDIRECT COSTS: n. STAFF TRAINING: o. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: p. EQUIPMENT: (3%) q, MATERIAL: (1 %) 1,200 + 221 1,421 N/A 9,542 + 828 10,370 4,095 + 166 4,261 405 405 400 - 400 600 + 166 766 500 + 55 555 r. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: ` a. PUBLICATIONS: (see 'w') t. AUDIT SERVICES: u. OTHER: (Specify) Communications, 2,000 + 221 2,221 postage, etc. (47) V. OTHER: (Specify) ta. OTHER: (Specify) Xerox, printing, 4,430 + 276 4.706 •& other Direct Costs (5 %) x. OTHER: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL $ 62,507 $ +__5,_522 $ 68,029 BACK -U' SUPPORT BUDGETS (1) kdministrative Cost (Cont.) FRIiiGE BENEFITS (Staff): APPROit:D BUDGET SUB —TOTAL $ LUDGEr ClU1NIGES °WISED (+ or -) BUDGET $ S 1,350 + 110 1,450 147 + 10 :. 157 c $___L,497 $ + 110 $ 1,607 AINtiUAL LEAVE: b. SIM' LEAVE: C. COURT LF-,V E: d. P{ILITARY LEAVE: e. FICA• 1 f. LIFE INSU ^,NCE: g. 1ZALTS INSURANCE: h. UNEYPLOY`.GNT INSURANCE: FOR•C rM'S COMPENSATION: li. j. RETIREMM BENEFITS: k. 0=.: (Specify) 1. OTM: (Specify) SUB —TOTAL $ LUDGEr ClU1NIGES °WISED (+ or -) BUDGET $ S 1,350 + 110 1,450 147 + 10 :. 157 c $___L,497 $ + 110 $ 1,607 BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGET (2) WAGES: a. ON- THE -JOB TRAINING: b, TRANSITIONAL SUBSIDIZED EMPLOYMENT: C. OTHER: (Specify) Youth Work Exp. d. OTHER: (Specify) (3) TRAINING- a. SALARIES: b, FRINGE BENEFITS: c. TUITIONS• d. ENTRANCE FEES: e. BOOKS: £. TEACHER'S AIDES: g. OTHER: (Specify) h. OTHER: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET 510,718 +- 129,150 639,868 $ 510,718 $ + 129,150 $_ 639,868 SUB -TOTAL f BACK —UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: a. ANNUAL LEAVE: b. SICK LEAVE: c. COURT LEAVE: d. MILITARY LEAVE: e. FICA• f. LIFE INSURANCE: g. HEALTH INSURANCE: h. UN94PLOYMENT INSURANCE: i. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION: J. RETIREMENT BENEFITS: k. OTHER- (Specify) 1. OTHER: (Specify) I SUB -TOTAL BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or —) BUDGET 1 9,012 + 2,983 11,995 $ 9,012 $ + 2,983 $ 111995 (5) ALLOWANCES: SUB -TOTAL BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (6) SERVICES TO CLIENTS:' BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET a. CHILD CARE: $ $ $ b. HEALTH CARE: c. MEDICAL SERVICES: d. RESIDENTIAL SUPPORT: e. ASSISTANCE IN SECURING BONDS: f. FAMILY PLANNING: g. OUTREACH: h. INTAKE AND ASSESSMENT: i. ORIENTATION: j. COUNSELING: YSP Specialists 76,491 + 11,483 91,933 k. JOB DEVELOPMENT: 1. JOB PLACEMENT: m. OTHER: (Specify) Transportation 2,959 - — - n. OTHER: (Specify) Tutoring, coaching 1,000 - - etc. o. OTHER: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL $ 80,450 $ 11,483 $ 91,933 TOTAL $ 662,687 $ + 149,138 $ 811,825 JIAC",-Ij'? SUPPORT BUDGETS (o) ' ocxvzcEs To CLIENTS mo"c'> rozwoo uoxurrzo: (Staff) BUDGET ezpxovno CHANGES usvzoco 000ccz (+ or ooncsr u' 1j.l,'UAL 'LFj\VE:, �--------- �-----' �---------� b' `SICY LEAVE,' --------- ---------- --------- � C. COURT LEAVE:' � a' MILIUM MANE. � ---------- ---------- � -------�—' "' xICA:' ----'----' ---------' ---------- ,_ � c' 'O- ---------- -±���_- 447 ----------- "'' ` j_ WORKMEN'S -0- � _±30_-- --__30-__- j' __—__-__- k' O[EMR: (op°"^,') . ��. l' O[FLcR: (Specify) � � SUB-TO7AL _ �� �'47 7 `----- } * POSITION TITLE SALARY PER NO. UNITS PAID A OF TIME TO POS. TOTAL AMOUNT HOUR RCUK HOUR. ..ZK. Pro ram Director 9 12 100% 39 100 14 040 Part -time 10/14 -S /30 ctine d. RENT . ............................... ,TOTAL i• •s Full 10/1/75 Assistant 1OZ13175 r 2AR 1 7 1 516 06/01/ -06/30 Assistant- Summer 5.00 20 An 4 ion ' Payroll P c 5,148 Records & Rv s. S 127 39 100 4,9S3 M.I.S. Specialist 118 39 100 1 4.602 Program Secretary 111 39 100 1 4-379 Lead Counselor 219 39 100 8,541 Senior Coun. Spec. 219 39 100 8,541 enior Coun. Spec. Exp. Coun. Spec. 219 f 208 39 1 39 100 100 8,541 8.112 Exp. Coun. Spec. Counsel Snec. 196 18S 39 100 7,644 7.215 Counsel Spec.. Counsel Spec. 170 139 39' 39 100 75 6,630 5.421 Counseling part -Time S ecialist 3 160 ea. ay. 9 -50 %. _20% 3,120 2,496 Intern Counseling (or Specialists (3) VS) 1 50 20 39 so 5.850 SFT Assistnat Counselors (S) 75 4 ion Counseling Spec. Sunm- ) 120 4 100 2,880 TOTAL STAFF TH13 PROJ. /COMP. TOTALS —r 112,529 RENT SQUARE FEET RATE /SQ. FT. /MO. NO. IN USE NO.STAFF USING USE TOTAL AMOUNT ". PENT ................................ 1300 35 9 12 100% 4,095 d. RENT . ............................... ,TOTAL i• •s i:`^ r 4,095 * All three lines cover same person at different tines, for different hours, under different circumstances. (unchange through June 30, 1976) Transition Quarter Proration PC31TION TITLE SALARY PER NO. UNITS PAID % OF TIME TO POSL TOTAL AMOUNT NOVR P[KR NOMR• wCIHS Adm. Proration 3.77 of transi tion !Lnd s (3% of transition pr 3,313 Couns. Serv. Proration 7.38% of trans tion funds 166 11,006 0. RENT ............................... ..TOTAL r • a4, ^ 166 TOTAL STAFF THIS PR Ol. /COMP. TOTALS - -� ** Proration will be 10.22 of each summer administrative position. *** Proration will be 10.5% of each summer counseling position., RENT SQUARE FEET RATE /50. FT./MO. MO. IN USE NO STAFF USING S USE TOTAL AMOUNT .. RENT..... Transition_ (3% of transition pr 166 0. RENT ............................... ..TOTAL r • a4, ^ 166 * As transition proration (Title I) of overall Summer Program. *** Title I Youth Services Narrative Addendum, Modification 3 A. Objectives 1. To enroll approximately 1,100 new participants during the first two weeks of June, 1976 to enable the summer program to start on schedule. 2. To transfer these youth to the Title III Summer Youth Program after their first work period. 3. To serve those youth enrolled prior to June 1, 1976 who wish to continue under Title I and Title I transitional funding. 4. To provide continuous services described in the previous narrative(s) for Title I participants involved in on -going activities. 5. To provide (proportionate) summer activities and services for Title I youth who wish to participate in such activities. (SEE•ATTACHED SUMMER NARRATIVE AS IT APPLIES TO TITLE I TRANSITIONAL - PARTICIPANTS) B. Approach - same as described in previous narrative or summer attachment as appropriate and possible with respect to: 1. Strategy 2. Participation Summaries 3. Recruitment 4. Management and Administration 5. Cost Plan 6. Results and Benefits expected C. Geographic Area served includes all FY 76 Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium Counties. "' (NARRATIVE - ATTACHMENT) Title I Transition Period Funds To- provide, proportionate services, if appropriate, for approximately 600 Title I youth not included below A. Objectives 1. The Coastal Bend Summer Youth Program is designed to meet basic summer employment, training, and educational needs of low income youth in the eleven county area so as to obtain positive long lasting effects. 2. Specific Summer Goals: BASED ON 2,490 SLOT ESTIMATE a. Provide short -term public, non - profit work - experience jobs for 2,250 youth in their own communities. It is the goal of the program to encourage and assist these youth to resume their education at the appropriate level in the fall. b. Provide a variety of CETA activities designed to meet the transitional training, education, and employment needs of low income high school graduates (or equivalent) as follows: (1) A mix of work experience and skill training for 70 youth. Goal: To assist these youth in the selection and initiation of a training program appropriate to their aptitude, needs and interests, which they will be able to continue in the fall. Participants will receive up to 15 hours classroom and 20 hours work experience as paid activities (fees, tuition, room and board as necessary will be paid by the participant or through college financial assistance programs). Alternate Goal: Job entry (2) A mix of work - experience and college -level credit classes for 100 youth who wish to explore and test their college potential. Participants will receive up to 15 hours classroom and 20 hours work experience as paid activities (fees, tuition, room and board as necessary will be paid by the participant or through college financial assistance programs). Goal: College entry Alternate Goal: Skill training or job entry c. Provide 70 jobs for disadvantaged college or college bound students in leadership and other roles with the youth program, recreational programs, and other. Goal: Assist these youth to continue their education while they gain experience related to career interests. d. Additional youth seeking job placement or short -term summer work will be served through Title I to the extent that funds are available. 3. Participants Participants will be economically disadvantaged youth who are residents of the Coastal Bend Manpower Conyortium counties. At least eighty -five percent of the youth will be from minority group families. The program's enrollment will reflect the Coastal Bend's level of poverty by ethnicity (to equal or exceed the level of poverty for minority groups in accordance with the lastest U.S. Census). Target allocations in terms of Socio- Economic and Educational Status (total equals 100%): Current (1975 -76) or recent dropouts (1973 -74) . . . . . . 15% Potential dropouts (with three or more identifying characteristics) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35% Potential dropouts (with at least two identifying characteristics) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20% Potential dropouts (with at least one identifying characteristic) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10% Economically disadvantaged H.S. or equivalent completors needing transitional work experience and other services . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10% Economically disadvantaged post graduates who need earnings from summer work to continue their education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10% Target allocations in terms of age levels to be served: (total equals 100%): Youth below sixteen years of age . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20°% Youth sixteen and seventeen years of age . . . . . . . . . 45% Youth eighteen through twenty -one . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35% Target allocations in terms of Sex: Male: 50% Female: 50% B. Approach The Coastal Bend Summer Program is intended to provide a flexible, short -term, comprehensive approach designed to meet the individual summer work - experience employment, training, and educational needs of qualified participants. 1. Strategy a. Summer worksites will be in public agencies and qualified non - profit organizations. Whenever possible, enrollees will be placed in work directly or indirectly related to career interest. User agencies will generally provide supervision which is responsive to program goals. b. Services - Program staff will work with supervisors and partici- pants to insure the success of the program. Participants will receive pre - enrollment, intake, orientation, and exit counseling. They will also receive on- the -job and individual counseling as dictated by need or design in terms of individual or group goals and activities. The primary aim of counseling services will be to encourage non -high school graduates to continue their education or skill training, or at least, develop sufficient skills to obtain job entry at the conclusion of the program. In- school and college participants will be encouraged to return to school in the fall. c. Operations - The Youth Services Program of the Corpus Christi Indepen- dent School District will operate all phases of the summer work - experience and mixed activities which include work experience. The T.E.C. -Del Mar- Bee County network or S.E.R. will operate those classes in which the expectation that those who successfully complete the summer phase can be continued under the Title I Skill- training program on October 1, 1976. 2. Summer Participation Summary a. Work Experience (1) Youth below sixteen will work 20 hours per week for at least five weeks at the lighter, safer jobs within the capabilities of this group. More mature or closely supervised youth may work up to 40 hours per week depending on performance. (2) Youth sixteen and above will work the total average number of hours established per participant, however, hours per week and number of weeks may differ to meet the varying needs of indi- vidual youth and communities. (3) Title I Out -of- School youth will continue at or above their normal rate of participation during the summer months. Newly identified dropouts will work at or above average hours per participant depending on availability of funds. (4) College level .youth will work for up to thirteen weeks in the youth leadership roles and recreation programs and community, agency, and other helping roles. b. Work Experience and Education or Skill Training Recent (1976) high school (or equivalency) graduates will receive a total of 35 hours per week, six to twelve weeks, in mixed program activities to meet their transitional employment, educational, and training needs. c. Counseling Services - All participants will receive intake, orien- tation, and exit counseling. Additional program related counseling as needed or requested will be provided. d. Expected Outcanes - Upon completion of the Summer Program, it is expected that junior high, high school, and college students will return to school; that recent graduates will either enter college, skill training, or employment; and that out -of- school youth will either enter skill training, employment, resume education, or continue in the FY 77 work experience program. 3. Recruitment Summer program recruitment will be through the existing Youth Services Program, CAA, Texas Employment Ccmmmission, the schools, Welfare, etc. a. Summer Program announcements and applications will be distributed to all school districts, to the Texas Employment Commission, CETA Programs, and other appropriate referral agencies. b. Program news announcements will be made by local newspapers, through TV, radio, and other media with special emphasis on reaching the 'dropout'. 4. Management and Administrative Plan a. A Management Information System will be implemented by the program administrator to meet CETA reporting requirements. Personnel stan- dards will be in compliance with the Board Policies of the Corpus Christi Independent School District and in compliance with the CETA Contract. b. The program administrative team will conduct inservice training and other activities necessary to carry out an effective Summer Program. The program administrative team will also conduct monitoring activi- ties to assure that the program is meeting its goals. The team will also provide the needed expertise to insure that youth are receiving proper counseling, orientation, and worksite selection. 5. Cost Plan The cost plan is based on the unit costs suggested in DOL releases, including costs necessary to screen, enroll and assign, and provide work adjustment counseling for 2,490 youth in work - experience jobs in the eleven - county Coastal Bend area. Administrative costs and counseling service costs are to be held to less than fifteen percent of total costs, if possible, in order to provide more summer jobs and related services than might otherwise be possible. C. Geographic Area to be served includes all eleven counties which are FY 76 members of the Coastal'Bend Manpower Consortium. These include the following counties together with each county's percent of Coastal Bend youth below eighteen years of age (allocation index) in the latest census who were from poverty level families: Bee (5.73)z Brooks (3.41), Duval (5.03), Jim Wells (9.75), Kenedy (.35), Kleberg (7.19), Live Oak (1.86), McMullen (.39), Nueces (10.22), Refugio (2.31), and San Patricio (15.99) Counties. Also, separately included is the City of Corpus Christi (38.10). D. Personnel Policies and Procedures will generally follow the personnel policies of the Corpus Christi Independent School District as they pertain to regular and temporary (summer, in this case) Staff. Personnel employed under this Contract will also be covered by and subject to the requirements of the Contract as promulgated by the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973, as amended. ASSURANCES AND CERTIFICATIONS A. Ceneral Assurances 1. The applicant assures and certifies that: a. It will comply with the requirements of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) of 1973, as amended (P.L. 93 -203, 87 Stat. 839 and P.L. 93 -567, 88 Stat. 1845), hereinafter referred to as the Act, and with the regulations and policies promulgated thereunder; and b. It will comply with OMB Circular number A -95 and Federal Management Circulars (FDIC) 74 -4 and 74 -7, as those circulars relate to functions such as the utilization of funds, the operations of programs, and maintenance of records, books, accounts, and other documents under the Act. 2. The applicant further assures and certifies that if the regula- tions promulgated pursuant to the Act are amended or revised, it shall comply with them or notify the Regional Administrator for Employment and Training Administration (RA) within 30 days after promulgation of the -amendments or revision that it cannot so conform, so that the RA may take appropriate action including termination, if necessary. 3. In addition to the requirements of 1 and 2 above and consistent with the regulations issued pursuant to the Act, the applicant makes the following further assurances and certifications: a. It possesses legal authority to apply for the grant; that a resolution, motion, or similar action has been. duly adopted or passed as an official act of the applicant's governing body, authorizing the filing - of the application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional information as may be required (sections 102(a); 701(a)(9) and (10)). b. It will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (P.L. 88 -352), and in accordance with Title VI of that Act no person in the United States shall on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the applicant receives Federal financial assistance and will imme- diately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement. C. It will comply with Title VI of the Civil Eights Act of 1964, (42 USC 2000d) prohibiting employment discrimination where (1) the primary purpose of a grant is to provide cmplo)Ticnt or (2) dis- criminatory employment practices will result in unequal treatment of persons who are or should,be benefiting from the grant-aided activity. Revised Play, 1976 d. No person with responsibilities in the operation of any pt gram under the Act discriminate with because eof ticipant or any app race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, political affiliation or beliefs (section 703(1) and 712). e. It will comply with the requirements of the provisions of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Peal Property Acquisition Act of 1970 (P.L. 91 -646) which provides for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced as a result of Federal and federally- assisted programs. _ f. It will comply with the provisions of the Hatch Act which"7.imit the political activity of employees. g.• It will comply with the requirement that no program under the Act shall involve political activities (section 710).. h. It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that is or gives the appearance of being motivated by a desire for private gain for themselves or others, par- ticularly those with whom they have family, business, or other ties (section 702(a)). i. It will give the Department of Labor and the Comptroller General through any authorized representative. the access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the grant (section 713(2)). j. Participants in the program will not be employed on the con- struction, operation, or maintenance of that part of any facility which is used for religious instruction or worship (section 703(3)). k. Appropriate standards for health and safety in work and training situations will be maintained (section 703(5)). 1. Conditions of employment or training will be appropriate and reasonable with regard to the type of work, the geographical region and the proficiency of the applicant (section 7030)). M. Provision of workmen's compensation protection to participants in on -the -job training, work experience, or public service employment programs under the Act at the sane level and to the same extent as other employees of the employer who are covered by a State or industry workmen's compensation statute; and provision of worlmen's compensation insurance or medical and accident insurance for injury or disease resulting their participation to those individuals engaged in any program activity Revised May, 1976 under the Act, i.e., work experience, on- the -job training, public service employment, classroom training, services to participants, and other activities, where others *similarly engnged are not covered by an applicable workmen's compensation statute (sections 703(6) and 208(4)): n. The program will not result in the,displacement of employed workers or impair existing contracts for services or result in the substitution of Federal funds for other funds in connection with work that would otherwise be performed (section 703(7)). o. Training will not be for any occupations which require less than two weeks of pre - employment training, unless immediate employment opportunities are available in that occupation (section 703(8))_ p. Training and related services will, to the extent practicable, be consistent with every individual's fullest capabilities and lead to employment opportunities which will enable participants to become econom- ically self- sufficient (sections 703(9) and 105(x)(6))_ q. Institutional skill training and training on the job shall only be for occupations in which the Secretary or-the prime sponsor has determined there is reasonable expectation for employment (section 703(10)). r. CETA funds will, to the extent practicable, be-used to supple- ment, rather than supplant, the level of funds that would otherwise be available for the planning and administration of programs under the eligible applicant's grant (section 703(11)). s_ It will submit reports as required by the Secretary and will maintain records and provide access to them as necessary for the Secretary's review to assure that funds are being expended in accordance with the pur- poses and provisions of the Act, including the mai7ntenence of records to assist the Secretary in determining the extent to which the program neets - the special needs of disadvantaged, chronically unemployed, and low income persons for meaningful employment opportunities (sections 703(12) and 311(c)). t. The program will, to the maximum extent feasible, contribute to the occupational development or upward mobility of individual partici- pants (section 703(13))_ u. The program has adequate administrative and accounting con- trols, personnel standards, evaluation procedures, availability of in- service training and technical assistance programs, and other policies as may be necessary to promote the effective use of funds (section 703(14)). v. The program makes appropriate provision for the manpower needs of youth in the area served (section 703(15), and will assure that: - Revised May, 1976 (1) Individuals receiving training on the job shall be corn pensated by the employer at such rates, including periodic increases, as may be deemed reasonable under regulations prescribed by the Secreta._ but in no event at a rate less than that specified in.Section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 or, if higher, under the applicable State or local minimum wage law. Wages in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands shall be consistent with the Federal, State, or local law other- wise applicable (section 111(b)). (2) Persons employed in public service jobs under this Act shall be paid wages which shall not be rower than whichever is the highest of (a) the minimum ;.,age which would be applicable to the employee under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, if Section 6(a)(1) of such title applies to the participant and if he were not exempt under section 13 thereof. wages in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands shall be consistent with the Federal, State, or local law otherwise applicable; (b) the State or local minimum wage for the most nearly comparable covered employment, or (c) the prevailing rates of pay for persons employed in similar public occupations by the same employer (section 208(a)(2)). W. It will comply with the labor standards requirements set out in section 706 of the Act. X. Services and activities provided under this Act will be ad- ministered by or under the supervision of the. applicant (sections 105 (a) (1) (II) and 205(c)(1)). y. No funds made available under the Act shall. be used for lobbying activities in violation of 18 USCA 1913. Z. If the applicant is financed by letter of credit: (1) Letter of credit cash drawdowns will only be initiated when actually needed for its ETA arant(s) disbursements; (2) Timely reporting of cash disbursements and balances will be made to the Manpower Administration as required; (3) 1t will impose the same standards of timing and amount upon any secondary recipients including the furnishing of reports of -cash disbursements and balances. B. Additional Ascur�zces for Title I Programs In carrying out programs under Title 1 of the Act, the applicant assures and certifies that: Revised May, 1976 1. Manpowdr services, including job development, will be provided to those most in need of them including low income persons and persons of limited English- speaking ability, and that the need for continued funding of programs of demonstrated effectiveness is considered in serving; such persons (section 105(a)(1)(D)). 2. Programs of institutional shill training shall be designed for occupations in which skill shortages exist (section 105(a)(5)). 3. The plan meets all the requirements of section 105(a) and the applicant will comply with all provisions of the Act (section 105(b)). k. It will make such arrangements as are prescribed by regulation to assist the Secretary in carrying out his responsibilities under sections 105 and 108 of the Act (section 105(a)(7)). 5. Special consideration will be given to the needs of eligible, disabled veterans, special veterans, and veterans who served in the Armed Torces and who received other than a dishonorable discharge within four years before the date of their application. Each prime sponsor in selecting participants for programs funded under Title I of the Act, shall take into consideration the extent that such veterans are available in the area. Specific effort should be made to develop appropriate full or part -time opportunities for such veterans. The prime sponsor should utilize the assistance of the State and local veterans employment service representative in formulating its program objectives. On a continuing and timely basis, information, on job vacancies and training opportunities funded under Title I of the Act shall be provided to the State and local veterans employment service representative for the purpose of disseminating informdtion to eligible veterans (section 104(b) of Emergency Jobs and Unemployment Assistance Act of 1974). C. Additional Assurances Relating to Public Service Employment Programs For public service employment activity, the applicant further assures and certifies that: 1. Special consideration will be given to the filling of jobs which provide sufficient prospects for advancement or suitable continued employ- ment by providing complementary training and manpower services designed to (1) promote the advancement of participants to employment or training opportunities suitable to the individuals involved, whether in the public or private sector of tLe economy, (2) provide participants with skills for which there is an anticipated high demand, or (3) provide participants with self - development shills; except where exempt under the provisions of section 604 of the Act, provided, however, that nothing contained in Revised play, 1976 4 • this paragraph shall be construed to preclude persons or programs for wh, the foregoing goals are not feasible or appropriate (sections 205(c)(4) and 604). 2. To the extent feasible, public service jobs stall be provided in occupational fields wllicli are most likely to expand within the public or private sector as the unemployment rate recedes except where exempt under section 604 of the Act (sections 205(c)(6) and 604). 3. Special eonsideration'in filling transitional public service jobs will be given to unemployed persons wlio are the most severely disadvantaged in teams of the length of time they have been unemployed without assistance,, but such special consideration shall not authorize the hiring of any per- son when any other person is on lay -off from the same or any substantially equivalent job (section 205(c)(7)). 4. No funds will be used to hire any person to fill a job opening created by the action of an employer in laying off or terminating the employment of any other regular employee not supported under the Act in anticipation of filling the vacancy so created by hiring an employee to be supported under the Act (section 205(c)(8)).• 5. Due consideration will be given to persons who have participated In manpower training programs for whom employment opportuaities would . not otherwise be immediately available (section 205(c)(9))- 6. Periodic review procedures established pursuant to section 207(a) of the Act will be complied with (section 205(c)(17)). 7. Agencies and institutions to whom financial assistance is made available under this title have undertaken or will undertake, analyses of job descriptions and reevaluations and, where shown necessary, revisions of qualification requirements at all levels of employment, including civil service requirements and practices relating thereto, in 'accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary, with a view toward removing artificial barriers to public employment of those whom it is the purpose of the Act to assist (section 205(c)(18)). 8. Where appropriate, it will maintain or provide linkages with up- grading and other manpower programs for the purpose Of. (1) providing those persons employed in public service jobs who want to pursue work with the employer, in the same or similar work, with opportunities to do so and to find permanent, upwardly mobile careers in that field, and (2) providing those persons so e-�ployed who do not wish to pursue permanent careers in such field, with opportunities to seek, prepare for, and obtain work in other fields (sections 205(c)(19) and 604), Revised Play, 1976 9. 17he program will, to the maximum extent feasible, contribute to RV the elimination of artificial barriers to employment and occupational advancement, including opportunities for the disadvantaged (section 205(c)(21)). 10. Not more than one- third of the participants in the program will be employed in a bona fide professional capacity (as such term is used in section 13(x)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938), except that this paragraph shall not be applicable in the case of participants employed as classroom teachers, and the Secretary may waive this limita- tion in exceptional circumstances (section 205(c)(22)). 11. Jobs will be allocated equitably to local governments and agencies taking into account- the number of unemployed persons within their juris- dictions and the needs of the agencies (section 205(c)(23)). 12. The jobs in each job category in no way infringe upon the promo- . tional opportunities which would otherwise be available to persons cur- rently employed in public service jobs not subisidized under the Act'. and assure that no job will be filled in other than an entry level posi- tion in each job category until applicable personnel procedures and collective bargaining agreements have been complied with (section 205(c) (24)). 13. Jobs are in addition to those that would.be funded by the sponsor in the absence of assistance under the -Act (section 205(c)(25)). A. Additional Assurances for Title II Programs.- All assurances in C above apply to activities funded under Title U. In addition, the appli- cant will assure that: (1) Only persons residing within the areas of substantial unemploy- ment qualifying for assistance will be hired to fill jobs created under Title II of the Act and the public services provided by such jobs shall, to the extent feasible, be designed to benefit the residents of such areas (section 205(c)(3)). (2) All persons employed under any program, other than necessary technical, supervisory, and administrative personnel, will be selected from unemployed and underemployed persons (section 205(c)(20)). (3) Spacial consideration shall be given to eligible disabled veterans, special veterans, and veterans who served in the Armed Forces and who re- ceived other than a dishonorable discharge within four years before the date of their application. Each eligible applicant selecting participants for programs funded under Title lI of the Act, shall take into consideration the extent that such veterans are available iu'the area. Specific effort Revised May, 1976 should be made to develop appropriate full or part -time opportunities ial consideration for veterans, such veterans. In order to insure spec all public service employment vacancies under Title II, crcept those to which former employees are being recalled, must be listed with the State employment service at least 48 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) before such-vacancies are filled. During this period, the employoclit service may refer those veterans specified above. If sufficient numbers of veterans are not available, the employment service, upon re- quest, may also refer members of other significant segments. All other applicants are to be referred after the.48 -hour period (section 205(c)(5))• The eligible applicant should utilize the assistance of State and local veterans employment representatives in formulating its program objectives. Each eligible applicant shall, on a continuing and timely basis, provide information on job vacancies and training opportunities funded under Title II of the Act to State and local veterans employment representatives and to other veterans organizations for the purpose of disseminating information to eligible veterans (section iO4(b) of Emergency Jobs and Unemployment Assistance Act of 1974). E. Additional Assurances for Title VI Programs. All assurances in C above apply to activities funded under Title VI. In addition the appli- cant will assure that: 1. Only persons residing in the area served by the eligible appli- cant under Title VI of the Act trill be hired to fill jobs created under the Act and that the public services provided by such jobs shall, to the extent feasible, be designed to benefit the residents of such areas except that funds allocated under Title VI of the Act (section 603(a)(2)(B)), to an area of substantial unemployment shall only be used to provide pro- ject and program opportunities to persons residing in those areas of sub- stantial unemployment (section 603(a)(2))- 2• All persons employed under any program, other than necessary technical, supervisory, and administrative personnel, frill be selected from among unemployed and underemployed persons and that under Title VI preferred consideration shall be given, to the maximum extent feasible, consistent with provisions of the Act, to unemployed persons who have exhausted unemployanent insurance benefits, to unemployed persons who are not eligible for unemployment insurance benefits (except persons lacking NOrj: experience) and to une ^ploye.d persons Nho have been unemployed for 15 or more weeks. F. S }CCial Certification for State Grantees. A State grantee further assures and certifies that it will comply with the requirements and pro - visions of section 106 and section 107 of the Act. Revised May., 1976 ASSURANCES AND CERTIFICATIONS .1 The applicant also certifies that the information in this application is correct to the best of its knowledge and belief and the filing of this application has been duly authorized, Corpus Christi Independent School District 801 Leopard Street (Legal Name of Applicant) (Address) (Signature of Authorized Officer) Dana Williams, Superintendent June 10, 1976 (Typed Name & Title of (Date of Application) Authorized Officer) Revised May, 1976 PRI�IIE SPONSOR: CONTRACTOR: Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium LULAC Educational Service Center P. 0. Box 9277 702 Morgan Avenue -Box 3028 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Corpus Christi, Texas 78404 This contract is er.terad into by the Administrative Unit of the Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium, hereinafter referred to as Prime Sponsor and iU AC Educational Service Center > hereinafter referred to as Contractor. The Contractor agrees to operate a ::anpower Services Program in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. This contract consists of 21 Pages, including this page, and such other provisions and docents as are included herein^ The Contractor hereby agrees that he has read this Contract and will abide by all terms specified herein and also certifies that the information in this Contract is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief and this Contract has been fully authorized. Funds hereby being obligated are subject to the availability clause. A. CONTRACT PERIOD This Contract covers the period (date) from 7/1/75 to 9/30/76 B. OBLIGATION Total CETA funds obligated by the Prime Sponsor are $ "10,R9R 1. Funds carried in from previous program year are $ N/A { 2. New funds obligated are $ N/A 3. (For Modification use only) This Action the total CETA funds -obligated for this Contract by S u �i,n to new level) $ 20129S APPROVED FOR THE PRIME SPONSOR: APPROVED FOR THE CONTRACTOR: DAY OF , 1976 11th DAY OF June 1976 BY: BY: pd0. �a r.A�irJ R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager Signature Jose L. Longoria BY "` -' " " Fi, le d- CCantar nirartor Jason Luby, Mayor Name and Title ATTEST City Secretary Date APPROVED: DAY OF 1975 k for of Finance APPROVED: DAY OF City Attorney & `� y CETA- January, 1976 1976 T FY 1976 modification No. 2 MOOi=T_C,'TiGY SHEET " T-eneral Intent: Modify contact to include transitional period monies ($8,240) and to change line item amounts within administration cost category. The line item amounts that have changed concern carry -in funds and include: $236 shif.aed from i. travel category to c. consumable supplies category. $105 shifted from t. telephone category to c. consumable office supplies category. $ 4 shifted from w. telephone installation category to c. consumable office supplies category. Also included in this modification is the addition of a temporary outreach Counselor to work between July 1, 1976 until September 30, 1976. In addition, a temporary follow -up counselor will be placed in the Corpus Christi office. This position will be filled by a college work -study student. Thirty (30) percent of his salary will be paid for by CETA Title I. funds and seventy (70 %) of his salary will be paid for by Princeton University. Modification: 1. The Title I ccntract period is extended iron July 1, 1976 through September 30, Y 1976. 2. The Title I program for the period july 1, 1976 through September 30, 1976 consists of the following funds: a. Title I carry -in funds (unspent funds) on June 30, 1976: $ 2,185 b, Title I transitional funds: $ 8,240 TOTILT (a. 6 b.) $ 10,425 This modification includes the following: 1. Signature Sheet 2. Modification Sheet 3. Program Planning Summary 4. Supplement to the CETA - PPS 5. Budget Information Su._.--aiP- 6. protect Component udget and ?ack -Up Su_port Data _ 7. Program Narrative - -- - u- "` - -�— - - - -- 8. Revised Assurances and Certifications ?TOTE: The FY 1976 contract extended by this rccificatien.:ill not exceed September 30, 1976. Y 1'r111cadona1. SDIVice Center r ii t Ave. -P.O. &)x 3028 I I 1568320 i sti Texas 7MO4 �.3 -5134 o July 1, 1975 Septen-ber 30, 1976 I tl is L rl •,.;�, • I I � �I •�,., 3.) lip �) .i: -v; .) _ -t -, `L c. :y � ,:, taa .t ,r:.t ;) •'1 %II r c: -'.� 'I �• , ;L �(_ i•i •' �.� �t lu_r fl `? 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't� �. o: rr. • �; .,,, i r�, )r• nI .7 \n' itLS fns. :r, 'r i•.:; Ana. ? I, I_ xl , I Oj•7 I, I I _ I _ I _ _ _I_ __. II ;m.::rJ J, -•r :-a. . v..rt in a -�. cr n. r -: , lif�ka :[ion. I I I'll sl r'`: rf/ C rl •d I I')IT I� I I I I' -I _ o -Ci ++a .. __ alr.I I ...,. L___••_ .. •- f TcJ ra:�n�. ] I ,) (:.•rt.,tl/ ; tvo.!.r1 Ip .��. ____.__I_ _ I- I•tl.' �_ _._ ..._ .- _._..._'__- I:�•_'. ..'i� .._ lt; - -• - -_ is = -- _ - •.''t. �.._ ,��- �_..�� ._. __, ,_.. __._. ____.- ._. -.. ._ .._ __ = _ -..-- _, ___ - _.._._ ._..- w-a- �_._.'-,_-I.. NIP;_ x;' __ V. t. fh.'. \lIJ) ?'___ -' •' - .. _ ' "1 ^�1. •if r.2) I` � 1. ^ill I -:,l I- .) -- ,I -_I '. L'.. -- •, ) =.,I,- •i �r :! I - � _ -I- r,-.. -I �I .`__I ) ��� � ��B- ••t- lfi._. i:. r) i ,J I =) I I) I t, -) -r I I ` ; i I ''•I �,.''� I 17i d I 180 I ' _ 250 I 262 275 ,I •- _ I I ( - I - C_tli"c ;t'al 3028 1.56 -8320 Christi, Tmas 78404 ,c X12 S33 -513h July 1, 1911 ,:_pC. 30, 1.976 I' - ,' .��)� I.I s I i''� ] I I' n . ,s•::.0 . my �. .. -I s�.a.. ..,.t .,... i/� 't ..•. '] y 1 > I I I I � I I I I I : I 11 t 'I I I,r I -1.I,i I I bit 1 I I I I � I,I I 1 i.,I J I, _7;1 � ,.,. ,._ , '1'.,� _ ..1 :)rs .... 01 'C:; .l •t: ;t r,.o�,`s is, ... ,,y:e_ ._. 11 •'I J'I'I't j i : : 1 li-�•t'1_- _•�'i 1,. I''I :'I. : : .i- il 1. 11";'j" I. L* ..;„ 71.1_' -PJ f AND h s f IG'J SUL,. ;,11iY 2•£rp SIT I. t. Cno!.d,nn I,� i %th =r 7. ;:on• I Ll_ 1. 1: r_.I. ^.rL!:I• ;: ). �- I:r tons, l Il °i= 1161.300 _ 215-- 85 J ' -770 � 140 l 30 130 :1107 .'r Iv. Ul1.._.i,1CI,Y7i1I :s _ 7111 ',I - ),t, �, t,tli'� _ ,t�: -I` �,CS .na. ILC t•r :. '•.i ,f f,.t ra � ' • I •) I ^ls I I) 1,) I/ - _ - _ -- ,.� � - i_ .nJ :h:rt aJ:�z: d,rcnt Ls v qt ,tit..:.•.: cr ,�_ :..fist 1 I.I a1 •r PI, .. - nts .. l l / __ V _ _ _' _'. __.�_ ( ____. ..__ __ 1 i� 3 I n7 f �1 t'v I•: ,:.. +J _._ _ _ _ 7 (r / I ` .. y.l• ^_ __.... _ .-... _� .J � _.r. _. I . -.... Ii3� '�) f_•..rfc.t!� /fi: i' '.I:ed • -'• 1 - +]�7 !I I__ _...- .I.,_.,.•..'... I....v _.- __..�� �.....«.,�.- �r.._... —__� 1 131 X71 r' 1 "l rr •.tr. �t51 - -I I'.•�i 11 I..- � -._ _I.._- "_.___ ' -__•__ I_ •� ....__ 131 -.. . - -I•.5_ �. _,.� .. __ . �� ' ,_.._,_._ I _ .n_ _._ . _.. _ __�. ._ .__ -_.- ___ _______._____ ____.,__ ...._.._ 1 .•. I .'-.'L :r: a'Ij ..: s115 _"'_'_ _-'-j __,.' ._- '/. ). J:'�t! ;I UIiL� \D� III '' !'1 � , ) I ' ". l I :..l I : ] I .'. i , I I r ) I l / l , 'I, , • 1 'I ! ] �0; -v+.� ��tA.P�/ tinged 1 300 I c: 771 , AIS 4�rx- '75 60 75 120 1,306 75 180 1 ---------------- ---- 2,612 75 190 r 3,91-8 75 5,224 200 '75 250 6,530 255 '76 L ------------------ 260 10,304 '76 �f ------------------- . 12,772 262 '76 265 15-24 1� 7( � 270 '17,709 76 275 r 20,277 22,658' - - -------- --- -------- .71AC EXCATIMAL SE, VICE, ='71M, 7-1 76 295 25,404 '76 300 i28,150 '76 300 30,898 7-1 Y1 A.A. GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS u 5, cu•a. nTmLnr of un ooR E. GRANT NUAIBCH LULAC Hducational Service Center nNnpowrr Aalnu+rrduPR 702 Morgan Avenue -Box 3028 156 -8320 C. TYPE OF PROGRAM Corpus Christi, TX. 78404 BUDGET INFORMATIDN SUMMARY a/c 512 883 -5134 1. JV Tluc 1 3. M T.- III <. o T10r VI 2. O Talr II (S-Wyl ' D. FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY CONTRACT KEY I MoD. DATE 1 rl Ev a Z A1N OD YY I jGI ID J Co•.�1 1 2 I J I+ IS G > t1 9 1.1 Il 1217 1. 11511611 7 IG 17 ?0 2] 2? 27 24 25 26 2] 2G 29 1P E. BUDGET SUMMARY COST CATEGORIES i Gn NT PROGRAM ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED FUNDS NEW OR RCV15CEI DUDGCT I. TOTAL b. F—IM C, No1+Fc11-1 a, Fcarrdl N-1 rarldl F U', CliON OR ACTIVITY ' ] 2 IG • c_ — F+21 4,549 4 549 1 Ad- IruwNrn , 35 5.,., L1 ? ] 26� 3i 49 - 26,349 - _ -- - -- - -o:.lY Ir, t 30-898 30'2898 F. CUMULATIVE GUART E RLY PROJECTIONS OF OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES 1Por Gulrrcr -- "dingl 1 I2 13 12112212312412 0 9 7 1 2 3 1 2 2] 2 29 2` 7 I1 121 31 - 2242312, 1?S 1112131 2112212]2<125J T1 O_.6J 7� z -- 26 - __ - _�_�_ - -t_ - -I_ - 2. IGI G I2G W 131 1 P:u -c Spcnzar Oblx,.+ G I1 'j0 G 1 1 _-_.dl P: c,cacd Es;.rn� 7urcz ty +'mgrdm ' 13 YR98 - - 35 351 _ a C.dzacor.. T: d.r..ng P:+ne Sponsor 54 I q.1 4; _- b OR IF.c Job Trdmm3 1531 S 53 PULL: 5rvlcc Em;laymcn; 62 M12 G: 42 -7531 1 II' C Y:orr. r.rpeNCnce _ 7l 71 71 1711 1 -12 3 2G ] 16 1 2 3 26 11213 26 S­.­ to Parllclr ants G I 4 30 898 G 9 G, 4 G G !. her ct+.11 irz ,F..pccdnurr r 35 3G 35 3 P:: ac: <C for V.-t-d1 Ed. �S" _ q•t , 44 ,5 .. _ c141 C:a`.ts IP Govctr.o:s : Peer: cs c on ,d F.ldz 53 a3 53 531- �--} 5 C::.e: P - - P;: -c Spon. G•rmt •E.p=diP.v T' • 62 _ 62 62 I 162 c 3:-d -:.W -- Prelcczrd -,! •71 30 898 71 71 71 MA 5.145 (Apr. 197.)- Modification No. 2 PROJECT MTONENT BUDGET TITLE I Q TITLE II F-1 TITLE III - JjjLfE OF CONTR' .TOR: LULAC Educational Service Center FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY: ` Career Awareness and Exploration Program BUDGET APPROVED CUA.'N'GES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COST: $ 4,030 $___±519 Y $ 4,549 (2) WAGES: - -0- -0- -0 (3) TRAINING: -0- -0- -0- (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: -0- -0- -0- (5) ALLOWANCES: -0- -0 -0 (6) SERVICES: 18,628 +7,721 26,349 TOTAL $ 22,658 $ +8,240 $ 30,898 BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET a. STAFF COSTS: $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- b. FRINGE BENEFITS: -0- -0- -0- c. CONSUMABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: 195 +401 596 d. PROGRAM EVALUATION: -0- -0- -0- e. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: 300 +135 435 f. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: -0- -0- -0- g. STATE MANPOWER SERVICES CObNCIL:' N/A NSA N/A h. PRIME SPONSOR PLANNING COUNCIL: -0- -0- -0- i. TRAVEL: 2,340 -236 2,104 j. RENT: -0- -0- -0- k. UTILITIES• -0- -0- -0- 1. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: -0- -0- -0- m. INDIRECT COSTS: -O- -0- -0- n. STAFF TRAINING: -0- -0- -0- o. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: -0- -0- -0- _._ -_: p. EQUIPF�I4T: _ -0- -0- -o- q. MATERIAL- -O- - -0- -0- r. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: -0- -0- -0- 70 +202 272 s. PUBLICATIONS: t. OTHER:(Specify)(Telephone) 450 -105 345 Original $300, MOD. 1 +$150, PfOD:L -$105 360 -0- 360 u. OTHER: (Specify) (Postage) Original $240, MOD. 1 +$120 270 +126 396 v. OTHER: (Specify)(Duplication /Xerox) Original $180, MOD. 1 +$190 MOD .L+$126 45 -4 41 W. OTHER: (Specify) Modification 1 telephone installation, MOD. 2 -$4.00 -0- _ _0_ -0- x. OTHER: (Specify) 4,030 +519 4,459 SUB -TOTAL $ $ $ S "ORT BinCETS 10: -'-d--inistrativ,2 cost (Cont.) it BUDG-7 ziGZ B--1 iEFITS (Staff); LjA_T L�-,',VE: b. SICK C. COURT LE-,,,VE: d. 'kIILIT—ArX LF-kvE:. FICA: f. LIFE- INSU--;)--U,'CE: g. IIEe1Li� I";SUFLMICE: h. INSUELUNCE: j. W07LTC--'VS COHTENSATION: j- 'RETITELWz—r�N-T LbIEFI-'S.. k. O= (Specify) 1. 05'x? (Specify) SUB-TOTAL Bur"f;ET (+ or B UD G -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- BACK-UP sur:,ORT BUDSZT 177" (,SPec'-fY) SUB-TCTA7 r" —ITS: BUDSET A-=p c '. U N, G E $ s -0- -0- $ -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- — -0- -0- -0- $ -0- $ -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- — -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- $ -0- $ -0- n -0- BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (4) FR1-;GE BENEFITS: (Participants) a. ANNUAL I °LAVE: b. SICK LEAVE: C. COURT LEAVE: ` d. MILITARY LEAVE: e. FICA: f. LIFE INSURANCE: g. HEALTH INSURANNCE: h. UNDIPLOYMENT INSURANCE: 1. WORIMEN' S COMPENSATION: j. RETIREMENT BENEFITS: k. OTHER: (Specify) 1. OTHER: (Specify) -0- SUB -TOTAL (5) ALLOWANCES: _ SUB - TOTAL BUDGET APPROVED CP- •%.NGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET $ -0- $_ -0- $ -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -O- -0- $ -O- $ (5) ALLOWANCES: _ SUB - TOTAL -- : BUoz-ET or -0--_- ,. 1.1 A:,711 C',',",� _-_++___ -_--*--__' ---_-0-_-_ =� -o-___ -0----_ ----o-_'_ � z: ^ __--0-__- ----0- _ ---0-- _ `. - -0- . -0- - -0- - F� -____-_-- -o- -o- -_-----_-_ ` -o_ _--____-- __-++__- -__-+---� ��. s s �- -0- -0- -o- -o- -u- � ENITATIC'� Cou-;SELINIC:. -_-----_-- 16.216 + 6086 ' ----_----_ zz.»oz _-__'--_'� -o- -o- -o- .. ^. -o- -o- -o- ,. JOB_PLACDE-7- ,�. 0 11: (Specify) (Travel r"""I",p"tIon 1,14u�_ ----=o=---- 1^140-_ Ni!�R: (sre,ifr)(rr"ject Supplies) ___1.2I2 __---0-__- . 0-IF_R: (sr°,/c'�(az"'^y""-o"""°°l#n�'��� _±_2u5 %ys -- r. ' T �c«` (on"r��/)(rvsm���oo"nselinn -o- + 150 150 --?uzroaeo) -- -'------------~ ''- - ' .� Hi- R: (Snem'/,(rra,e . oo"ov,linm) _ -o- +1,200 1.200 np"'//'/ -- --- 000-zor»L o 18,628 + 7'721 o 26'349 10^^1, $_ 22'658 $+ ».mo $ 30,898 (6) SERVICES TO CLIENTS (Co•_.) FRINGE BENEFITS: (Staff) a. LEStVIE: b. SICK LE V7;:: C. CCU-= LZAVE: d. MELMM LE.,V---- e. FIC--*,: f. LIFE INSUM0CE: g. INSUMViCE: h. 'LrN:!--'PL0YH=,T TNSTUM�-'CZ: i. WORMWS CO•fE"ENSATION: j- RETIR:=Nr BUIEFITS, -0- 843 k. OTHER: ( Specify) 1. MEER: (Specify) SUB-TOT -3—T 6 BUMDGET ,3PROIIM CILA-11GES P711liSED- B --,'D G Z T C-F or EUD-CEL $ -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 843 +146 989 602 + 63 665 .335 + 16 351 36 + 2 38 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 1,816 $ +227 $2,07,3 6 POSITION TITLE SALARY PER NO. UNITS PAID 1 OF TIM' TO POs. TOTAL AMOUNT HOUR R[[N NOUR) NS[NS Career Counselor 4.6154 184.62 1996 49.9 100% 9214 6. RENT.. ........�.t.�p :................ e. TOTAL Career Counselor 4.6154 184.62 1296 32.4 100% 5982 .Career Counselor 4.6154 184.62 776 19.4 100% 3582 Career Counselor 4.6154 184.62 251 6.3 100 %, 1157 *Follow -up Counselor 2.70 108.00 120 3 100% 324 TOTAL STAFF THIS PRO1. /COY.T. TOTALS = $20,259 *Follow -up counselor will be _a college work study student. Only 30% of his salary will be paid for by the Center through this contract. Princeton University Financial Aids Office will pay 70% of his salary. RENT SOUARE FEET RATE /SO. FT. /MO. MO. IN USE NO STAFF % USING USE TOTAL AMOUNT o. RENT......... RI.A ................ 6. RENT.. ........�.t.�p :................ e. TOTAL PROGRAM NARRATIVE - TITLE I Career Awareness and Exploration Program Policy and Objectives: The Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium, under rules and regulations established by the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973, J..11 be charged with the responsibility of designing a imoelmenting a Comprehensive Manpower Program to meet the needs of the area's economically disadvantaged, unemployed, underemployed people. Only those programs which enhance the future employability of persons, will be funded. In order to adequately meet the area's manpower needs, the following manpower policy will govern activities and functions outlined in the grant application package. With this in mind, the LULAC Educational Service Center of Corpus Christi hereby establishes the following policy: A. To install an articulated, coordinated career education program to provide economically disadvantaged students with: 1. An understanding of careers which serve them, the community, etc. 2. Knowledge and positive attitudes toward self. 3. Increased skill and experience in the rational process of decision - making. 4. An enhanced understanding of the economic system. 5. Opportunities to develop skill awareness. 6. An understanding of the relationship between the world of work and education. A aivs_s of Needs: xamining present_canditions inside and outside the schools, the following tought- provoking factors -are noticed_.___— _ Many students are dropping out and even graduating from high schools without a saleable skill and thus, cannot obtain employment. In the Coastal Bend Area 56.6 percent of population of 25 years of age or older had less than a high school education. sis of Needs - cont- nued :- A great majority of students who complete high school never obtain a college degree, yet most of these students are enrolled in general education and far too few are receiving adecuate orientation to vocations and /or skill training. In the Coastal Bend Area, Present emplovment trends indicate that, increasingly, pre- parations for'ehisting jobs is requiring specialized training, but that ;eneral education and even college work does not prepare one for job entry. As our technological society becomes more complex, there is less understanding of the cmaLnunity and its economic basis. Yany persons, especially youth in the Coastal Bend Area have little comprehension of the different jobs available under the different career claster. Because of the lack of understanding of the preparation required for different occupations many disadvantaged persons do not allow themselves to mature their potential in the area in which they could make a -:•orthv contribution. Results and Benefits Expected: - Eighty (80) percent of all persons screened will have an action plan developed. - Fifty (50) percent of the above will indicate an interest in at least one career choice. - Career Exploration Counselor will provide docu- nentation of services rendered and referrals. - Follow -= documentation will reflect services obtained by the client. - Parental and community input will occur in at least fifty (50) percent of the clients. Fifty (50) percent will actively pursue training or educations _leadinu_to their potential. Approach The preceeding result will be accomplished bythreeCareer Exploration Counselors. Furthermore, the results will be at- tained via the following activities: - Identify and counsel approximately 300 disadvantaged persons _._ the target area. - Administer to each eligible client, the Strong Interest Inventory Test :;rich allows for identification of occupational interest. Annroach - continued: - Develop an action plan for each client to expose the client with an understanding and requirements of his or her chosen career field. - Through counseling, assist the client in planning to acquire the necessary requirements of his or her chosen occupations. PrOide a person - centered focus to the more product - process orAnted field trips. - Present audio - visual materials, printed material to clients exploring different occupations. LULAC Management and Administrative Plan The LU',..AC Educational Service Center administrative staff will handle all fiscal and procurement matters.• Furthermore, the Field Center Director shall be responsible for the compliance of this contract. The Counselor Supervisor will provide day -to -day programatic supervision. The Career Exploration Counselor will be subjected to all personnel policies and procedures as set forth by the LULAC National Education Service Center provided they are not in contracdiction of the policies and mandates for the Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium, the LULAC Educational Service Cener further assures compliance with all the EEO regulations. The LULAC Center will continue to solicit the support of all agencies in he consortium in carrying out its activities. Also coordination with :ion -CETA agnecies will provide services to those individuals who mny be otherwise left out. Viable linkage will be maintained with the Coastal Bend Migrant Council, Image, local school districts and other community service organizations. This proposal may be seen as duplicating the effort of Career Education Programs of local school districts. However, this component is designed to arovide direct contact between the individual and the work field. Furthermore, its outreach capabilities will make it possible to involve Bose who alienate r amselves from the schools or would not otherwise normally seek those services_ Geographic locations served: With only Areestaff members responsible for the activities, the major bulk of the work will be performed in the counties of Nueces, San Patricio, Jim Wells, Duval, Brooks. Kleberg and Bee. However, services will be available to all of the counties in the Manpower Consortium. J_ Cvneral Assurances I, The apPlica-,- and v__ tl='['S that: a. T.E: -.;ill co-,Ply 4,11 the requirement.; o� Lite COMp:-a"enSIV� Employment and Train inj; !-:t (CEM) of 1973, nzc..-.,d �d e.T 17 "vat na ter cferred to S S _­39 In,,' P.L. 93-557, 93 Stat:. f r "r the Act,,and with the regulations pol and icies promulgated thereunder; and b. It ujll comply with C:•3 Gircul=r nuubar A-95 a.-I Federal Hanage-ent Circulars (F ,111C) 74-4 and 74-7, as thz,:;-- c_rcuiars z r•laLe to functions such as the uzzilization off eds, the operations Or pro-'r—ams, and maintenance of records, boos, acco",ts, rn d oth er doc+^ents under the Azt, 2. The applicant further assures anj certifies that If the regula- tions promulgated pursuant to the Act z_­e a-.ened or revised, it shall COMPly with then or notify the Regional ,.1r-,jni7,1,rator for Employment and Training Administration (P•) within 30 d,'YS after promulgation Of the t ° RA may take , . amendments or revision that it cannot so confo,'So that appropriate action including termina:icn, if nacassarY. 3. In addition Lo rbz! Ln d consistent a appi4ca"t =21 es the with the regulations issued PursL3--1`_ to Lhe 1%ct I t' following further assurances and certi fiCCt4onS: al . It possLsses legal authority to apply for the grant; that a resolution, notion, or similar action has been duly a(1OPtUd Or PassE!d as an official act of the applics-,jtls governirg body, authorizing t'n-c of the OPPlicatiOU, inclua"r-L,' 111 urnder�tandings and contained therein, and directing and auluhorizin-_ tne person identified as the official rcprcsentaL:L%,e of the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such nddit4_vrI as T­iy be 3-C e (sections 102(a); 701(a)(9) and (10)). 1) - It will comply with Title V1 of the C;-,".*l ?fight Act of 196"' <-p_j Act nor n n in R3-352), _a*+4_jjt accordance with Title VI Of that person the United States, --;h:-::11- on t'iz gro=Os of race, COIO)-, so-:, national d ­6 -he 1� , - oririn, be excluded from participation- ±n, -be- --n firs of, O� bi! oth.2-,wJSC SUbjocted to discri-minatioi under any program or zcti'litY f0c which -i,;t;jn.cc and will i:rne- .ich the applicant receives Feciaral finz;ncial as, diately take any r-eauures necessary . to effectuate th is agree=2-Zt- Tt t,lll ,07ply Ti-tic VI of the Civil PUS"'t!3 Act ni c. (62 US(: 200K1.1) prohM.AL111". c.?10­cIlt the primary rurpo!.• of a c L or (2) d? -. C - _0 a. tron t f criziLnaLO-Ly will result J n =2 lu 1 ­tmon the gr,-nL-aldLd activity. p,-rsorts who ar� 01: should be benefiting from 1976 n- opt-7,717-10l, 10- TT- --T 1l dis _3L,, with respect Pto-'--Z! Plr- Eras und,-7: ticip.;nt or --ny applfizznt: for partiCil)ZILIan in -1:C'11 Pro-rn= �)CCZ'jSe Of race, creed, color, national or-gin, political. affiliation or 703(1) and 712)• requi-re-ments Of th'a provisions 0 -- ;i_- wjt,� o in c a alld 1,31 ProperLy .cquisiLlul the Uniform , nn A�;f-A-s--a-tcO of 1970 (P.L. 91-645) which provides for Lair all d 1L of displ�zeu as a of 17CaCraj allt, progr=5. ht Ba f. It :ill co!rply izith tie pro-7isions of Cle. it • the ol.Lt-'cuj aCL-J✓lt:Y of LL.;)ICIYCeS- It will comply cjit`n the xa;tzire�-E--nt t"at r-o progr= ---dar the Act shall irp-jo-iVe politic'-1 activities (section 710). f7r 's jrz It. It will Vtab2-;s, to Pr011"O' -ploye".- -a I- I -- n sa eg- arance Of being ti,eir positions for -- PU--Pose that is or gives tne OPP-2 S, in motj atcd by a desire for private . for themselves or orners, par v fzmily, business, or other ties ticularly those -.:ith -allom they have 702(a))• ,ive DeDart�=ant of Labor and the Co=-pzroller a, rC---J1e-1'-3t_ ive access rn=d t-a Z, I,Zr4 ZQ� , , nzv. ralatcd to z:a, n a a, -Doks, papers, or doci--e right tn --- - records, 1, grant (Sccfton 713(2)). a t- e pro' ra= will no -, be e=?1OYed Oa -,'-e can- J. participants —;Ch -Y or raa4n terlanCe Of that )art or an, Laciii is used for ycai°ious -instruction or worship (sC!cz7LO-' 703(,-)). J:. Appropriate s t'acjjres i0l: 11L21th and safe-! i'a IJ071 tra-inin? Eitua`ioas will bL- ma-in=n-1 (section 703(5))• 1. - :rill be approp-�J�ate and Colld­�_jorjE; Of =?Jo)�ent or t7:a:Ljijjg, I t e tyPe of ',Z, t7A-2 EC09Za?h!ca1 re2i_= and Tonso--l-le he the proficiency of t ', f -aor';=en's co,:1peasation 1,70tc'CtiOn to p.-,rt,-Z pants e=ploy—=nt: LO sz.-n as r-Lher progrn-'-; Act :It Z-�t� !C'Ve nl-e cnv__od by ;I in,-'us---Y warl-en's F �� c0m'POns3 ion 4-11:,u7ance '0%- of ,:,)r1=cn' ion lv'.: ni'.ay or disc• -se '-om or 1 0-1 1-1 any pr07Z= acz: -;,ity th'ir 4 j. 0 Revised 11zly, 1976 % n. 1.1at wou� c):1- for ('cz t'livi 'wo 703, al' p. T=%Mg Cad. !-21atud • cons 7tc7n:: -.:itvua7 to omplo,-ment (:;2zLic ns ill L;hall traLn-'-- '-n th- cQX be Or umv-pations t;l-- c deze---LI,--d th - __re is rca3n,-.2312 cx"2n:- P-actica')lEt, be usee to 've =wt, rather t K-, r tl� a L available for tiip eligible ppilcmit's grant pec=un MUM. as w1a"A by ne Smr&=Y c S�- L Maintain raccris 0-2 Pro" f z"' I a 'r- vieu to assure tl!at fuaz!0 are boung in YL poses c,- Rog th; exMit to wonh Se program nwts assUL Be S=rnwY in 7 OLBe s,c&l nW j,co-e rZ and 311(c)) - t m the rns -0 P=M or pantf; Sy"Re n: 1 IV V . race:,, -I u, less than that !,pecif''N! 1:t t s A�ct of 1938 or, If u-n2c­_ the cable r z a:i �_are I, 4a th'-. C mmonweal_Llo. of PUt--:0 RiCO, t C,f tll-,­ _..chic d urt I - Ulu Tr r local lzw o-_:­:!r- tha Federal. St3tc, 0 wl:;e C::?lOY,?d in pul)lic n.-rVj,-:- J L",an W:dc,.112",�!r iz. L:"L • ic:hl shall not be I I - "PlizablL to L, a :.u, would a t _-On SU2.11 sPZ!_JCn,1 11- -,:ere 'lot c' n of title 13 Lhc_1(2--­ 4- C.,:aaojwaalt, Z `4z Tslar.d.3 shall be -r.,!St Territory of the 1,2C.— I I e r ! � - W han;ize applizab, I.; �eraj St2to, or local 1- 01— zb­- rosr rv-1 0,1 p"y Ic= p�,rsor.Z ---?l0YCd pre4a;jjng rates coverut! ­D_1zY7--nt, Cr CLion 233(a)C' -))- Y e ?a_10 : �1,,e __=a ej_ployer GZ:Z._ by pl� standards requiremerts se z: out t,.n2 1:1bV or ­ __=t4 4t' s provided imder this Lct 11 be ad- of t.-'a "C) a t'lic Act s' 'all be usee for -i, a' a c a ble of 13 uS_j*_ 1913- -,:)l,_C=t is financ i�d by letter oE CrCL z 1,ttzcr of credit cash dr_-wdoIns will 0111• bP lo7 -nt(r,) disbar �r-rt :-.s; its �TA or, rnortilllg Of cash disbursemants zn3 acs `z'll r ra,io +d:jinfs- as re,-uired; . i1Z m,, the da=dS of -,imlng and' 27-3, ut 4 F u r of T,P0--:ts 2� (If t!"?. Revised lay. 1976 197 to -2::1-2 low PrIV.,i:,io,.,.s L'I are pr , Co f the At 13 Co t. t' the j -73 V.,.0 5, QUM' th i :1 ther tb—n 1:22 :�ac'n P: la=ed Of their rjra -A2 c 1. - -jaiip--1 sepamn! u OWLYn rM i bo,id be "A2 the ar22, v, .lift, V-. r -- - - -, - j ;. . LI'a SLate 0 . b3er��,.r"S. Vr-C ti._ ti._ C, of rwwos C7 to tr:.2 szatl Iro.:v.azi n to -nzE 0. the OPPI121" bc! ,Iwr 0 on or BUD to Ll-tt: 197 pc-.-!•ons or P-10;7,' M.:. for who-I c r zpproprjat 2. 1---ont fl-2--i'lic, Pu,)'-;z arc -'Dst li•t!ly to jithir the public or secLie'n r,"" cl' 11'. --C-7 in Lra-:-!Lizjna1 Pllblic s---,ViCQ jobs- to person., v 'IZ LhZ M J:� SCV2rQ1-Y disarm:.,.._ e3 in Lurn,; c ti c-f -L ;:2L t1l^ y '—Pa un=ployed -.'ith-out but �uzlh j;jjcCiZI LC,7,1_21ILt'" Shall the hlrl-g IJX P.r,y r "cl- :; oon woes ctn2r L'2=�-'j Jrz�--i tt,�L- :,=z! cr any (s2ct-on 2-05(c)(7)). 4. of man e=ployer in --Iay---"-, U.--z or tc=lrlml� n_- ur emp103—� v.:.= vnc:e= the ;.ct in anticipation of crczted by hiring an employee- to bL- supp�,rtad L,-,d?: the.Act, (sLcticm 2,5(c)(3)) 5. b2 giver, to -parsons ---ho have participated in ranpo',,-r =or C:Z?loy--c-r.L op por-Culn-iZies V.3uld y L 2" 6. Y,' I purz�--:aut to section 207(a) Of the Aut. wit' 235(c)'17))- - 7. an-, insLltuzions to wl= -fin-n=--=! is T=:!, or will ana-2yses Of job d n--4ptions 1:1,1 ree;a — - _S WCC ISC"SSa- -Y , cd _t: c'_1 i inc luL-'r.g aorat-ces thareto, in accord a7tcv Vj th I VE; I y r I.c cf� '-,Y L ow rd rcr-.Dvin artificia� to Sl emDiov::z:jt of those wl-.= it is the purpose ma-'.ntzim 0z 14_1'-=-ac;as With Up- grrwdingy r--. provi.-'i;Ig t 4 WU;-k. vi L' G_ f, _ -_1.:1 "or", to co zo to T 7'JJ L"3 and (2) pr"..r! -1: 1" 'tj do !.o Z- I.-I --h to P"n.•_-.ue to , prr;'.I . fov, a:.,! Rc•ised May, 19,16 L S z r," recall, I bei /X h-mr". f(->:r1:.: nv' t W- r! 7i 0 on. a Z'nd a un tats ,! 7a2w V 1 0- On r 0 Cp zntl 10. infor, C) of 1974). hjj Ln-_c:s in cec ro;- T' fumed AM V). In re no 1 by LV �IMO M Act W13 W to ill Q ch" Live: ca.. 1 :• of jmQ"d by 3=b Ws ", " 0--c the tne suc*'. C:'CcFt_' V"ML P" L" Cpr:' fv't'_� Titl'. to P! !'hall OT'1y .11hics U) residing is araas CE am- ject CA wpM SMUKI 2. VI an' av fro, s �ShLll be pv.-n' to th'! _' porsms Ow h=c of 'I, '71 1976 eLly 702 Morgan Avenue LULAC Educational Service Center -Box 3028 4 Corpus — Christi. Texas 28404 Jose L. Longoria Field Center Director June 11, 1976 (Date 01 Application) Cff__. Z.) 1976 PRIIfR )R: ,t Coastal bend Manpower Consortium Corpus Christi, Texas ,ONTRACTOR: San Patricio Community Action Agency 111 North Odem Sinton, Texas 78387 This contract is entered into by the Administrative Unit of the Coastal Bend Manpower ` _Consortium, hereinafter referred to as Prime Sponsor and_gan Pa jo Community Act =n_n Agp_3p hereinafter referred to as Contractor. The Contractor agrees to operate a Manpower Services Program in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. This contract consists of L2 pages, including this page, and such other provisions and documents as are included herein- ---The Contractor hereby agrees that he has read this Contract and will abide by ail terms' specified herein and also cert4fies that the information in this Contract is correct to tha best of his knowledge and belief and this Contract has been fully authorized. Funds hereby - being obligated are subject to the availability clause. - =A. CONTRACT PERIOD This Contract covers the period (date) from J10 W 11, 1 q79 to�EatamhPr B. OBLIGATION Total CETA funds obligated by the Prime Sponsor are $ 195,533.00 1.- Funds carried it from previous program year are $ N/A 2.- New funds obligated are $ N A _ 3. (For Modificatica use only) This Action increases the total CETA funds obligated for this Contract by $43- 225.00 to (new level) $y9s Spa no '.APPROVED FOR THE PRIME SPONSOR: APPROVED FOR THE CONTRACTOR: DAY OF 1976 BY: R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager -_ BY: Jason Luby, Mayor - D OF , 1976 Signature Name and Title ATTEST: APPROVED: _ DAY OF 1976 _ City Secretary Date APPROVED: DAY OF , 1976 - City Attorney - Director of Finance Cx N- •v y CETA— January, 1976 hadificaticn No." 03 MODI7ICATION SHEET - General Intent: : To continue with program operations through the transition period,_ which cover July 1, 2976 thru September 30, 1976. The total amount of $43,225.00 will be used to provide services to rural services to rural residents of the Manpower Consortium area. - < <' i Modification: ` r." T'ce Title I contract period is extended from July 1, 1976 thrcegh. September 30, 1976. :f:z:2. The Title I program for the period July 1, 1976 through September 30,'1976 consists of the following funds: a. Title I carry-in funds (unspent funds) on June 30, 1976: $ 5,000'(est.) _ - b. Title I transitional funds:' - $43,225.00 TOTAL (a. & b.) $48;225.00 ~; This modification includes the following: _ Signature Sheet _ = T. .,2. Modification Sheet Program Planning Summary -- -;I, A. Supplement to the CETA — PPS -`­--5. Budget Information Summary ^ . 6. Project Component Budget and Back -Up Support Data '1-7. Program Narrative S. Revised Assurances and Certifications - >.NOTE: T'ne FY 1976 contract extended by this modification will not e�cceed September 30, -_ ' .._.- .- - 1976. - . GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS San Patricio Community Action Agency (COBRES) 111 North Odem Sinton; Texas ' • U.5, DEPARTMOIT OF LABOR xfanvnwer AJm4lstratlon BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY D. GRANT NUMBER ' 48 -5- 610 -10 C. TYPE OF PROGRAM 1. 13 TIM .M I is 3. .:J Title III 4. ❑ TJIe VI z. O T,IIe If Isac<ilrl . ........... ................. D, FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY `n " 10 i I I CONTRACT KEY E D E ran u` Z $ u° D Z FZ MOD. DATE M M DO VY iG l lo l 0•.11 1 2 7 14 5 6 ) a 7 I l0 11 12 1J l4 15 I6 l7 10 17 20 ELt"1251261271281791 E. BUDGET SUMMARY COST CATEGORIES GRANT PROGRAM F U•a CTION OR ACTIVITV CSTIMATED UNEXPLNDED FUNDS NCSV OR REVISED UUOGCT I. TOTAL — D. Fe4eral e. Nog•Ferleral d. F.0-1 C. Nan•Fe4eral 1. A_ nlrtr,tlon 1 2 J 26 _ 29,853.00 29 853.00 c_ _ A't >ranxs 75 -0- -0-1 3. t:asa 44 26 800.00 26 800.00 j -<: B-efns I " _ 53 2,187'.001 2,187.00 n 62 - -- —_ 7 T ,all 1 2 13 126 195,533.00 35 ' 195,533.00 G -17m F. CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY PROJECTIONS OF OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES ffor Q—w Endrng) I 121 3 1 '1211221221241 24 1 1 1 2 3 t` 1211 2 2312412 I 1 21 3 12 221231:!4 25 112 3 21 22 231241251 • •- -- -- — I. P:L —c Sp: rsar 061i;atmns G 26 I ] 195 533 c 2 r ] _a G 26 7 _ _ ,G 26 13 191 - 91q '_:al Poc;m,d E .... diw— by Program 1 1 13 5 35 � 35 a. Craasr ... Tralr.Ing, Prime !;Pon., 1 1441 41 141 14 -I b. On•the Job Tfalmn7 1 53 152 53 53 c. Pubhe Service Lmplayment 62 62 62 G2 - d Y:or➢. E.p.... —71 28,987 7l 71 1711 28,987 S—,— to Pan inpar.ts 2 3 26 ] 2 ] 26 1 2 ] 26 112 ] 126 G I < G 4 G 4 G 4 1 166,546 I. O:hcr Aennues 35 35 35 35 3 P:e;ered E.pendnurts for Vocmronml Ed. in Spcgal C-1, to Governors 5. ' 11 1A SA 4 P: e;v :.eo Eko- ditems of Noo Fed Funds 53 53 �53 53 S. O :..e: Fed. Fords. 1<as m P::r..e Spon. Cant L 62 62 62 I 62 . .,uad Total . P:o)cctcd tX;=dmf,l .%1.1.1-711 195,533 71 —0— " 71 —0— 71 195 533 MA 5.145 (Apf. 1975) SUPPLENENT TO THE CETA - PPS 'NMSER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED TO BE SERVED, PROGR.C.1 YEAR TO DATE. NTH -YEAR July 30 1975 II. NUI -MER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNYED TO BE ENROLLED AT END OF EACH r:ONNTH. III- CMULATIVE PROJECTED MENDITURES BY HONT LY 70 10,976 go G. 140 211q5? nn 2 ?.. 210 r_ 280 4 90400 V.. 350 54 880.00 423 65,857.0& �. 493 80;289.00 3. 572 94,672:00 ICH 642 109,D81.00 3IL 712 123,488.00 784 - t` 137,998.00 859 ITE —T 152;308.00 ' ;TRUCTIONS I. Enter the total planned number of individuals who are planned to be served cumulativ each Month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training or employment should be counted. The number in Hzrch, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 1C of the 'PPS_ -II.. Enter the total planned number of individuals who will be in the program covered by this PPS on the last day of each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training, or employment should be counted. The n=ber in march, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 1C of the PPS. III- Enter the planned accrued expenditures of funds cumulative by month. The totals in March, June, September, and December should agree iiith the entries in Part•111B of the PPS. SUPPLEMENT TO THE CETA — PPS hIRMER OF INDIVIDUALS 'P A \3iD TO BE SERVED, PROGRA:•f YEAR TO DATE. RVETa —YEAR September 30, 1976 II. -NUMiER OF INDIVIDUALS PLPUIRIED TO BE ENROLLED AT END OF EACH MONTH. III. MMULATIVE PROJECTED _ EXPENDITURES BY 1IO.\'7. -t 166;716.00 H,Y 906 181,124.00 rG_ 953 195,533.00 PT.. 1,000 W. :c_ N. RCS _ IRIL ME iS-TFUC'iIO.TS' I. Enter :he total planned number of individuals who are planned to be served c!mulativ� each m-)nth. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving servic =_s, training or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 1C of the ' II. Enter the total planned number of individuals who will be in the program covered by this POP on the last day of each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training, or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 1C o£•the - III. Enter the planned accrued expenditures of funds cumulative by month. The totals in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries. in Part-111B of the a, unANI tt b IN AM t; ANII AUUlltbb U.S. DEPARTMENT Ole LABOR • Manpower Admhdslrullon b. GRANT NUMBER Sa' nlcio Community Action /Agency CETA PROGRAM PLANNING SUMMARY 48 -5- 610 -10 (C08RES c. GRANT YEAR . d• TYPE OF PROGRAM 111 is�f trl OdeJf( , , From TO 1. C§ Title 1 3. E3 Title III Specify ,,,,•,,,,,•,,,,,,,,•„ Sinton, Texas '78387 JUIy 1, 1975 ISepternber 30, 1976 2, E3 Title II a. 0 Title VI FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SECTIONS I, II, AND III CONTRACT KEY o MOD.DATC a Sec. I: A (Total 1;nrollments) Is the sum of A.1 and A,2. D (Total Terminations) Is the sum of E.1 through N z E.3. C (Planned Emoliments) Is A minus B. z W O — n„ F See, Ili Enter In line (a) Enrollments In each program activity cumulatively through the grant year, and in line 4' w o ° } E o -d Eti D b thn_ number of participant fanned to be enrolled in each program activity at the end of each O n`u n E. �a uu O quarter; participants who are concurrentl;• enrolled in more than one activity should be counted in each MM DD YY activity in which they are enrolled. ' a _ Sec. III: Enter the cumulative number of participants in each segment to be enrolled during the graft year. 1 2 7 4 s G 7 It 0 to 11 L. l3 11 1G 1 1 15 2 2 ] ^ 2' 2�l 2 0 2! ] Participants should be counted In as many significant segment groups as arc applicable. I. ENROLLMENT AND' TERMINATION SUMMARY . GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE •PLAN a A' IOTA I0. TOTAL C. PLANNED O s'ERIOr.' ENROLL• 1. Cnrall• 2• Particl• TCRMINA- 1. Enlertn9 2. Olhcr 3. Non• ENROLLMENT" MENTS anent' Pants Carnal TIONS Ensploy=1 a. Dircet b. Indlrccl C. Obtained Poslllv° poslllyc • ..., ns Piemti. Plemtr. Emnlwmm /fart o/av1,r • 111. SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS GRANT YEAR•TO.OATC PLAN S "NIFICANT 9/30 12/31 3/31 6/10 SIGNIFICANT ICNTa SEGMENTS WI _ (b) tcl ftl) ' Prnnorri. F D r G C 210 4 23 649 8q9 hl V. a. SIGNATURE GRANT YEAR•TO•DATC PLAN 0 12/31 3131 G /30 1 (b) (c) . (dl b. DATE SIGNED is r . 423 423 - c 3 I D 3 7 6 2 42 14!8 5 08 20 0 859 859 859 29 5 820 4 25 5 2 1 '9 76 2l2 3 n;zs zc 1000 311000 3G 411000.• 970 s310 'CAW _ G1 4 0625 n 5 7G 0 • 111. SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS GRANT YEAR•TO.OATC PLAN S "NIFICANT 9/30 12/31 3/31 6/10 SIGNIFICANT ICNTa SEGMENTS WI _ (b) tcl ftl) ' Prnnorri. F D r G C 210 4 23 649 8q9 hl V. a. SIGNATURE GRANT YEAR•TO•DATC PLAN 0 12/31 3131 G /30 1 (b) (c) . (dl b. DATE SIGNED is r . ��. ,codification No. _ 03 r PROJECT COMPONENT BUDGET -- - F TITLE I TITLE II TITLE: III - NAME OF CONTRACTOR: ' Y•.• San Patricio Cormnuni.tg Action A4encq - - FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY: ' • ^'l X Job Referral, Job Placement - = ? {t.a -.'`;;:;:,'•. - BUDGET ' ` -�-. • -- - - - - APPROVED - CHANGES = REVISED - ? BUDGET (t or —} BUDGET -' - - VADMINISTRATIVE a (1) COST: _ $ 25,544.00 4,309.00 $ 29•. , 853.00 (2) - WAGES: -, 27,422.00 -' 9,379.00 - - 26,800.00' -��_ -- �_ -• •, _ - - - (3) TRAINING: ' -'_ _0_ _0_ -0- (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: 1,618.00 569.00 2;187.00 _' = "i: =_• (5) ALLOWANCES: - -O- -0- _ _0_ (6) SERVICES: 107,725.00 28,968.00 :236,693.00- _- - TOTAL - $252,308.00 $ 43,225.00 $295,533.00" "BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS - - (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS _ BUDGET - - APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) - BUDGET a. STAFF COSTS: $ 2,520.00 $ + 3,340.00 - $ 5,860.00 b. FRINGE BENEFITS: - 260.00 501.00 761.00 ''- c. CONSUMABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: 1,620,00 t 50.00 ` +1,670.00• HV d. PROGRAM EVALUATION: ACCOUNTING SYSTMI: f. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: - g.° STATE MANPOWER SERVICES COUNCIL: - - N/A - - -- h. .'PRIME SPONSOR PLANNING COUNCIL: i. TRAVEL: 10,615.00 + 276.00 Y"I0.89I_00 -" _ - j.' RENT: - ; '• 4,620.00 -- `,� 22.00 4,642.00 -- k. UTILITIES: 600.00 -0- 600.00 > "{ 1. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: INDIRECT COSTS: - - - -° -' - - - -- n. STAFF TRAINING: r o. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: p. EQUIPMENT: 310.00 -0- 310.00 q. MATERIAL: " r. CAPITAL IMPROMIENTS: -. - S. PUBLICATIONS: _•. - -�a_ t. 4R[TO'*SLVfE{ff8� Duplication 420.00 -n- _410 QO ._ u. OTHER: (Specify)Telephone 3;645.00 + 720 On v�74a no _ v. OTFER: (Specify)Work Comp. 184.00 - -0- •2e4_nn w. OTHER: (Specify)Bondi 'n9 100.00 -0- 100.00 _ x. OTHER• (Specify)JOb Bank Info. 650.00 -0- 650.00 ' _ SUB -TOTAL $ 25,544.00 $ 4,30$ 00 ` .'BACK -b'P SUPPORT'BUDGETY ° > (2) WAGES: - BUDGET APPROVED - _ CHANGES - REVISED - BUDGET C+ or -) - BUDGET ' a. ON -THE -JOB TRAINING: b., TRANSITIONAL SUBSIDIZED E',1PLOY%f NT• - _= -' c. OTHER: (Specify)'ork Experience 17,422.00 ! 9,379.00 26800.00 d. OTHER: (Specify) _ - SUB -TOTAL $57,422.00 $ 9,379.00 $26,800_00 ' -- rj. TRAINING: : _ - F. a. SALARIES: 7 b. FRINGE BENEFITS- - _ - -- c. TUITIONS: _ d. ENTRANCE FEES: - BOOKS: TEACHER'S AIDES: g. OTHER: (Specify) "= =v: h. OTHER: (Specify) °fl SUB -TOTAL $ -o- $ _o_ BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS - (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED . • BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET a. ANNUAL LEAVE:$ $ $ b. SICK LEAVE: c. COURT_ LEAVE: d. MILITARY LEAVE• _ •.,-, e. - FICA: Enrollees • 1002.00 + 549. nom` ; " ssi nn - _ f . LIFE INSURANCE: g. HEALTH INSURANCE: _ _ h. "' UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE: - - _ -- i. WORIMN'S COMPENSATION: - 616.00 + 20.00 636,00 j... RETIREMENT BENEFITS: - k. OTHER: (Specify) — - _ - 1. OTHER: (Specify) -- - - SUB -TOTAL $ 1,618.00 $ + 569.00 ' $ 2,187_00 ... (S) ALLOWANCES: SUB -TOTAL $ -O- $ -0- 0 (6) SERVICES TO CLIENTS: BACK —UP SUPPORT BUDGETS 0_4 'BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES ;REVISED BUDGET (+ or —) BUDGET - 27.330.00 + 8,470.00 vs,ann nri - --,`ems 80,395.00 + 20,498.00 500,893.00 $y07,725.00 $ 28,968.00 $36,693.00 - $252,308.00 $ 43,225.00 $95,533.00 a. CHILD CARE: b. HEALTH CARE: -- "f'' c.. MEDICAL SERVICES: L4 d. RESIDENTIAL SUPPORT: . 12` ui e.- ASSISTANCE IN SECURING BONDS: "; - - , f. FAMILY PLANNING: OUTREACH: - h. INTAKE AND ASSESSMENT: ORIENTATION• _ J. COUNSELING - ':; " - -• k. JOB DEVELOPMENT: -1. JOB PLACEMENT: "- •m. OTHER: (Specify) - :n. OTHER: (Specify) -o. _OTHER: (Specify) . - SUB —TOTAL TOTAL =?fie• _- 0_4 'BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES ;REVISED BUDGET (+ or —) BUDGET - 27.330.00 + 8,470.00 vs,ann nri - --,`ems 80,395.00 + 20,498.00 500,893.00 $y07,725.00 $ 28,968.00 $36,693.00 - $252,308.00 $ 43,225.00 $95,533.00 ASSU- W;Cr'.S AND CM- LI=ICATIONS - A. General Assurances 1. The applicant assures and certifies that: a_ It will comply with the requirements of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CRTA) of 1973, as amended (P-L. 93 -203, 87 Stat. 839 and P.L. 93 -567, 88 Stat. 1845), hereinafter referred to as the Act, and with the regulations and policies promulgated thereunder; and b. It will comply with OM3 Circular number A -95 and Federal I3anagement Circulars (SIC) 74 -4 and 74 -7, as those circulars relate to w. functions such as the utilization of funds, the operations of progrzms, and maintenance of records, books, accounts, and other doct=ents under the Act. 2. The applicant further assures and certifies that if the regula- tions promulgated pursuant to the Act are amended or revised, it shall �._. comply with them or notify the Regional Administrator for Employment and Training Administration (PA) within 30 days after promulgation of the amendments or revision that it cannot so conform, so that the RA may take appropriate action including termination, if necessary_ 3. In addition to the requirements of I and 2 above and consistent x'Tth the regulations issued pursuant to the Act, the applicant makes the following further assurances and certifications: a. It possesses legal authority to apply for the grant; that a resolution, motion, or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the applicant's governing body, authorizing the filirg of the application, including all u`derstandirgs and assn =antes contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the - - official representative of the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional informati.oa as may be required (sections 102(a); 701(a)(9) and (10)). b_ It will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (F-L. E8-352), and in accordance with Title VI of that Act no person in the United States shall on the grounds of race, color_, sex, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for Which the applicant receives Federal financial_ assistance and will itme- diately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement_ - e_ It will comply with Title V1 of the Civil Rights Act of - 1964, (42 USC 20004) prohibiting enploymeut discrimination where (1) the primary purpose of a grant is to provide e?plo)Ttcnt or (2) dis- criminatory employe -mt practices will result in unequal treatment of persons who are or should•be benefiting from the grant -aided activity_ Revised Play, 1976 _ - - -- d. No person with responsibilities is the operation of arty pi gran under the Act will discriminate with respect to -any program par- ticipant or any applicant for participation in such program- because of race, creed, color,-national origin, ser, age, political affiliati_or_ or beliefs (section 703(1) and 712). e. It will comply with the requirements of the provisians•Of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act of 1970 (P.L_ 91 -646) which provides for fair and equitable trea —ene of persons displaced-as a result of Federal and federally- assisted programs. : £. It will comply with the provisions of the Hatch Act which'limit_ the political activity of employees. It Wi11 comply vrlth the require=e7.t that no pro-'r= uncle- tha -- y Act shall involve political activities (section- 710) -_ :;� :•- h. It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees frog using their positions for a purpose that is or gives the appearance o£ being _ motivated by-a desire for private gain for themselves or others, par- _ titularly those with whom they have family, business, or oiler ties (section 702(a)). _.`_' . :. -'.- ;- -_ • _ i_ It will give Elie Department of Labor and the Co=ptroller General through any authorized representative_ the access.. to and the right to exa�ir_e all records, books, papers,. or docur•en.ts related to the grant (section 713(2))- _ j. Participants in the program will not be employed on the can- _ struction, operation, or maintenance of that part of any f eci3ity : :^ ch Is used for religious instruction or worship (section 703(3)) - k. Appropriate standards for health and - safety in work and training situaticas will be maintained (section 703(5))- . 1_ Conditions of employment or traiuing will be appropriate and reasonable with mega:d to the type of work, the geograpbical region and the proficiency of the applicant (section 703(4))_ M. Provision of workmen's compensation protection to participants.` In on -the -job training, work experience, or public service esployr_ent, programs under the Act at the sane level and to the sane a tent 25 other - -- employees of the employer who are covered by a State or industry work=en's- compensation statute; and provision of workmen's compen5;tion insurance or medical and accident insurance for injury or disease resulting from their participation to those individuals engdged in any propraa activity . Revised May, 1976 under the Act, i.e., work experieeice, on -the -job training, public service employment, classroom training, services to participants, and other activities, where others similarly engaged are not covered by an applicable workmen's compensation statute (sections 703(6) and 208(4)): n. The program will not result in the displacement of employed workers or impair existing contracts for services or result in the substitution of Federal funds for other funds in connection with wo-,r_ that would otherwise be performed (section 703(7))_ o. Training will not be for any occupations which require less -_ than two weeks of pre- e- mploynent training, useless ictrediate employment opportunities are available in that occupation (section 703(8))_ p. Training and related services will, to the extent practicable, be consistent with every individual's fullest-capabiTJ 5 es and lead to employment opportunities which will enable participants to become econoa- ically self - sufficient (sections 703(4) and 105(a)(61).. q. ,Institutional skill training and training on the job shall only be for occupations in which the Secretary or-the prime sponsor bas determined there is reasonable expectation for employ -meat (section 7Q3(10))_ CETA funds will., to the extent practicable; be-used to supple -- - - ment, rather than supplant, the level of funds that would otherwise be available for the planning and administration of programs under the eligible applicant's grant (section 703(11)). - s. It will submit reports as required by the Secretary and will maintain records and provide access to them as necessary for the Secretary's revietr to assure that funds are being expended it accordance with'tbe pur- poses and provisions of the Act, including the maintenance of records to assist the Secretary in determining the extent to which the program meets - the special needs of disadvar_taoed, chronically unemployed, and low income persons for meaningful employment opportunities (sections 703(12) and 311(c)). t. The program will, to the maximum extent feasible, contribute to the occupational development or upward mobility of individual parties- pants (section 703(13)). u. The program has adequate administrative and accounting con- trols, personnel standards, evaluation procedures, availability of in- service training and technical assistance programs, and other pblicies as may be necessary to promote the effective use of funds (section 703(14)). v. The program makes appropriate provision for the manpower -needs of youth in the area served (section 703(15), and will the that: "Revised stay, 1976 individuals receiving' training an the job shall be co¢. pensated by the employer at such rates, including periodic increases, as may be deemed reasonable essunder th -a-a thattspecifiedcinbSectioal6 (a)(1 }tary, - but in no event at a rate of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1933 or, if higher, under C:ie applicable. Xi State or local minima wage lSa• Wages and thetTrust Territory of the Pacific } the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Islands shall be consistent with the Fcdcral, State, or local law other- wise applicable (section 111(b)). (2) Persons employed in public service jobs under this Act shall be paid wages which shall not be- ]:ower.than whichever is the highest of (a) the minimum t -7age which l7ould be applicable to the of such employee under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, if Section mpt under title applies to the participant and if he were not exempt under section _ 13 thereof_ Wages is the co =onwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, 13 there Samoa, and the Trust ^territory of the Pacific Islands shat be consistent with the Federal, State, or local law otherwise applicable; (b) the State or local aiain� was? for the most nearly for - ersons employed covered employment, or (c) th_.•prevailing rates Pay sectio 208(a)(2 })_ is similar public occupations by the same employ er ( n ^ + w. It will comply with the labor standards requiremer_ts set out in section 706 of the Act. + _ x_ Services and activities provided under this Act y.ill be ad' ministered by or under the supervision o£ the- applicant (sections ' 105 (a) (1) (B) and 205 (c) (1)) y• No funds made available under the Act shall be 1L for lobbying activities in violation of 18 uSG4 1913. Z. If the applicant is financed by letter of credit_ T (1) Letter of credit cash drawdoc,rs �+i] -1 oiL be inJtiated - when actually needed for its FTA q;ant(s) disbursements; - (2) Timely reporting of n cash disbursements and balaces �.•ii1 = be Wade to the A:sapower Adr3nistratton as required; (3) It will impose the sametstandards� f tofi 2portsZOf�t - upon any secondary recipients including -cash disbursements and balances.. �. Additional Assur2ices for TicZe I Pro raps - _ _ - 1n carrying out prograls under Title T of the Act, the applicant ' assures and certifies that: Revised May, 1976 " L Manpower services, including job development, will be provided to those most in need of then including low income persons and persons Of limited Enriish- speaking ability, and that the-necd far continued funding of programs of demonstrated effectiveness is considered in serving such persons (section 105(a)(1)(D)). 2. Programs of institutional skill training shall be designed fo= occupations in which skill shortages er_ist (section 105(a)(5))- 3. The plan meets all the requirements of section 105(a) and the _ applicant will comply with all provisions of the Act (section 105(b))_ 4. It will make such arrangw.ents as are prescribed by regulation to assist the Secretary in carrying out his responsibilities under sections 105 and 108 of the Act (section 105(3)(7)). 5. Special consideration wL l be given to the needs of eligible_ disabled veterans, special veterans, and veterans who served in the <••.s _- Armed rorces and who received other than a dishoncrable discharge within four years before the date of their application- Each pr=e sponsor in selecting participants for programs funded under Title I of the Act,' shall take into consideration the extent that such veterans are available in the area. Specific effort should be mada to develop appropriate full ' or part -time opportunities for such veterans. The prime sponsor should utilize the assistance of the State and local veterans employment service representative in formulating its•program objectives_ On a continuing and timely basis, information on job vacancies and training opportunities funded under Title I of the Act shall be provided to the State and local veterans emplo}uant service representative for the purpose of disseminating informdtion to eligible veterans (section 104(b) - :•of Emergency Jobs and Unemployment Assistance Act of 1974). C. Additional. Assurances Relating to Public Se -vice Employ- -ent Pronra For public service employment activity, the applicant further assures and certifies that: 1. Special consideration will be given to the filling of jobs which provide sufficient prospects for advancement or suitable continued employ- ' meat by providing complementary training and manpower services designed to (1) promote the advancement_ of participants to employment or training opportunities suitable to the individuals involved, whether in the public or private sector of tt:e econony, (2) provide participants witA stills for which there is an anticipated high den -and, or (3) provide participants with self - development skills; except where exempt under the provisions of section 604 of the Act, provided, however, that nothing contained in - Revised May, 1976 should be made to develop appropriate full -or part -tine opportunitie . such veterans. In order to insure special .coasidcraLioa for veterac all public service enpl.oyment• vacancies under Title II, except those which forner employees are being recalled, must be listed with the State employment service at least 48 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) before such-vacancies are filled. During this period, the employment service may refer those veterans specified above.. It sufficient numbers of veterans are not available, the employment service, upon re- quest, may also refer members of other significant segt:ents_ All other applicants are to be referred after the_48-hour period (section 205(c)(5)). The eligible applicant should utilize the assistance of State and local veterans ea?ploymcnt representatives in formulating its program objectives_ Each eligible applicant shall, on a continuing and timely basis, provide - information on job vacancies and training opportunities funded under Title 11 of the Act to State and local veterans employment representatives and to other veterans organizations for the purpose of diss rinating information to eligible veterans (section 104(b) of Emergency Jobs and Unemployment Assistance Act of 1974). E. Additional Assurances for Title VI ProC.ra s_ _ A11 assurances in C above apply to activities funded under Title VI_ In addition the app13 cant will assure that: 1. Only persons residing in the area served by the eligible jappli- cant under Title VI of. the Act will be hired to fill jobs created under the Act and that the public services provided by such jobs shall, to the extent feasible, be designed to benefit the residents of such areas except that funds allocated under Title VI of the Act (section 60"(a)(2)(3)), to an area of substantial unea,.ployaent shall only be used to provide pro- ject and program opportunities to persons residing in those areas of sub- stantial unemployment (section 603(x)(2))- - 2. All persons employed under any program, other than necessary ' technical, supervisory, and adeinistrative personnel, will be selected from among unemployed and underemployed persons and that under Title VI preferred consideration shall be given, to the maximum extent feasible, consistent with provisions of the Act, to unemployed persons who have exhausted unemployment insurance benefits, to unemployed persons who are not eligible for unemployment insurance benefits (except persons lac'-_ing _ vorK experience) and to uuemployed persons who have been unemployed for 15 or more weeks_ - F. Special Certification for Stare Grantees_ -A State grantee further assures and certifies that it will coyply with the require ants and pro - visions of section 106 and section 107 of the Act. Revised May, 1976 this paragraph shall be construed to preclude persons or programs for c3�! the foregoing goals are not feasible or appropriate (sections 205(c)(4) and 604)_ 2. To the extent feasible, public service jobs shall be provided in occupational fields which are most likely to expand within the public or private sector as the unemployment rate recedes except where exempt under section 604 0f the Act (sections 205(c)(6) and 604). 3. Special consideration in filling transitional public service jobs will be given to unemployed persons who are the most severely disadvantaged in terns of the length of time they have been unemployed without assistance,• but such special consideration shall not authorize the hiring of any per- son when any other person is on lay -off from the sane or any substantially equivalent job (section 205(c)(7)). 4. No funds will be used to hire any person to fill a joa opaning created by the action of an employer in laying off or terminating the employment of any other regular employee not supported under the Act In anticipation of filling the vacancy so created by hiring an employee to be supported under the Act (section. 205(c)(8)). 5. ,Due consideration will be given to persons who have participated • in manpower training progratu for whom employment opportunities would _ not otherwise be immediately available (section 205 Cc) (9))_ 6. Periodic review procedures established pursuant to section 207(a) of the Act'will be complied with (section 205(c)(17)) 7. Agencies and institutions to whom financial assistance is made available under tiffs title have undertaken or will undertake, analyses of job descriptions and reevaluations and, where shown necessary, revisions of qualification requirements at all levels of employment, including civil service requirements and practices relating thereto, in 'accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary, with a view toward removing artificial barriers to public employment of. those whom, it is the purpose of the Act to assist (section 205(c)(18)). B. Where appropriate, it will maintain or provide linkages with up-- . grading and other manpower programs for the purpose of- (1) providing those persons employed in public service jobs who want to pursue work with the employer, in the same or similar work, with opportunities to do so and to find permanent, upwardly mobile careers in that field, and (2) providing those persons so employed who do not wish to pursue permanent careers in such field, with opportunities to seek, prepare for, and obtain work in other fields (sections 205(c)(19) and 604). _ Revised May, 1976 T c Ytcc__fcasible, contribute to 9. The program will, to c the elimination of artifici _ .o c:,,,olacnt and occupational advancement, including oppo:_ - -•- -- =r' CT`• a.isa:lvanCaged (section 205 (c) (21)) . 10. Not r..ore than ono -t i._ =`•- ^•I =ti ' � -tr.ts in the progra_ will be eaploycd in a bona :_... =- - - - -•- = c •ac:tY (.t-- such term is used In section 13(a) (1) of Lh.� -= - - -- `t = tnci.t:3s A -t of 1935), er_ecpt - that this paragraph sisal[ ::at 'e =c3Sic i::e the case of participants employed as classrooc tc: the ='s. • -••- -••e may c:aive this limita- tion in exceptional circu_stanc =s ctia: 205(c)(22))- = 1I. Jobs will be allot -Led eq- ccably to local governments and agencies t"King into account the nt:_ber of t_ -c_p -o ed parsons within their jaris- dictians and the racds of the aycac as (section 205(c)(23)). 12, The jobs in each job c.:t•-co=Y in no Lay infringe upon the promo- tional opportunities which Lou' -? of ar.- se be available to persons cur— - rently employed in public serv`ze iobs not subisicuzed under the act, and assure that no job will be- filt_e�.i in other than an entry level posh - tion in each job cate.ory until applicable personnel procedures and collective bargaining ao:ee_ents ha-.e been conpiied with (section 205(c) (24)). 13. Fobs are in aedirion to those that would be funded by the sponsor in the absence of assistance un-c_r t.' Act (section_ 205(c)(25)). _ = D. Additional Assar_nccc _�r Title II Prorr. -.c1s. 111 assurances in C above apply to act ivicics fuda.'_ under Title II_ Ica addition, the appli- cant Will assure that: -- (1) only persons rc::c'_rg ViLhin the areas of substantial ane =ploy- ment qualir -yir.g for assi__znce will be hired to fill jobs created under Title II of the Act and --e public services provided by such jobs shall, to the extent feasible, 1!e c= signed to benefit the resi_der-ts of such areas (section 205(c)(3)). =_ _ (2) A11 persons e_p'.zye3 under any program, other than necessary technical, supervisory, �-- administrative personnel, will be selected from unecaloyed and underarm- -=eyed pccsons (section 205(c)(20))_ . (3) Special coiisidc: =" '1 s1ha'_l be given to eligible disabled veterz s, special veterans, and va= s vho se_Z-ed in the Armed Forces and who re- ceived other than a dis;t; e =ble discharge within four years before the date of their anplicatio,- Bch eligible applicant selecting participants for prograns fu::dt•d undo - = - - =le II of the Act, shill take into -consideration. the extent that such vetc= -=s are available in the area_ Specific effort Revised May, 1976 ASSURA:C'tS AND CcRTIFICLTIONS - The applicant also certifies that the information in this = application is correct to the best of its knowledge and belief and the filing of this application has been duly - - authorized." ;•� ( exas (Address (Legal Mame o Applicant) - = - J (Signature of Authoriz Officer) M. - Pedro G. Rodriquez, Executive Director June 14 "-1976 (Typed Name & Title of of Applicatioa) _ - Authorized Officer) _:,(Date Revised May, L976. CONTRACT SIGNATURE SHEET TREE SeONSOR: Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium P.O. Box 9277 a Corpus Christi, Texas 78405 Jobs For Progress, Inc. 1201 South Port Corpus Christi, Texas 78405 This contract is entered into by the Administrative Unit of the Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium, hereinafter referred to as Prime Sponsor and Jobs for Progress, 7nr. hereinafter referred to as Contractor. The Contractor agrees to operate a Manpower Services Program in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. This contract consists of 34" pages, including this page, and such other provisions and documents as are included herein. The Contractor hereby agrees that he. has read this Contract and will abide by all terms specified herein and also certifies that the information in this Contract is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief and this Contract has been fully authorized. Funds hereby being obligated are subject to the availability clause. A. CONTRACT PERIOD This Contract covers the period (date) from July 1, 1976 to Sept. 30, 1976 B. OBLIGATION Total CETA funds obligated by the Prime Sponsor are $ 804,695.00 1. Funds carried in from previous program year are $NA 2. New funds obligated are $prA 3. (For Modification use only) This Action increases —the total CETA funds obligated for this Contract by $ 141,191 to (new level) $ 804.695.00 Same as B. APPROVED FOR THE PRIME SPONSOR: APPROVED FOR THE CONTRACTOR: DAY OF , 1976 11th DAY OF J ne 1976 BY: BY: R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager SignAurefJ BY. Eppy Gonzalez, Board Chairman Jason Luby, Mayor Name and Title ATTEST: APPROVED: DAY OF 1976 City Secretary Date APPROVED: DAY OF 1976 Director of Finance City Attorney x/,/ " /-" " CETA - January, 1976 MODIFICATION SHEET General Intent FY 1976 Modification No. Modification: 1. The Title I. contract period is extended from July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1976. 2. The Title I. Program for the period July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1976 consists of the following funds: a. Title I. carry -in funds (unspent funds) on June 30, 1976: $ 17,291.02 b. Title I. transitional funds: 141.191.00 Total (a.6 b.) $158,482.02 This modification includes the following: 1. Signature Sheet 2. Modification Sheet 3. Program Planning Summary 4. Supplement to the CETA - PPS 5. Budget Information Summary 6. Project Component Budget and Back -Up Support Data 7. Program Narrative for Progress, Inc. SER South Port Avenue C__ras Christi, TX 78405 FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY CONTRACT HEY p r z 0. d.V N LL I �z Np`z DtJ 2 CETA PROGRAM PLANNING SUMMARY 156 -8317 c. GRANT YEAR d. TYPE OF PROGRAM From To 1. 125 Title 1 3. 13 Title 111 SPeclty ............... •••••• JULY 1, 1975 I Sept. 30, 1976 2. 13 Title 11 4. O Title VI INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SECTIONS I, 11, AND 111 )D. DATE a Sec. 1: A (Total Enrollments) is Use sum of A.1 and A.2. B (Total Terminations) is the sum of B.1 through o, B.3. C (Planned Enrollments) is A minus B. 1- Sec. If: Enter In line (a) Enrollments in each program activity cumulatively through the grant year, and In line (b) the number of participants planned to be enrolled in each program activity at the end or each pquarter; participants who arc so=rrently enrolled In more than one activity should be counted in each 7 DD vY c activity In which they are enrolled. .. Sec. III: Enter the cumulative number of participants in each segment to be enrolled during the grant year, 2 a„ Participants should be counted in as many significant segment groups as are applicable. I. ENROLLMENT AND TERMINATION SUMMARY • GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE 'PLAN , A. TOTA 0. TOTAL PLANNED REPORT ENROLL• 1. Enroll• 2. ParUcl- 1. Entering 2. Other. 3. Non• PER OD lots call TERMINA• Fmn oynsu a. Direct• b. Inndlreet c. Obtained Positive positive 1,� RtXL.M '.: M1- mentt P• TInNS ...•.. .... • mn lend of owV, It. PLANNED ENROLLMENTS IN PROGRAM ACTIVITIES SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS 9130 32/31 IV. OTHER ACTIVITIES (Reference IIF) •' Indicate other activities or special programs on attach. ments. Describe their objectives and list milestones toward their achievement in a quantitative or narrative presentation, ( , , _ • A 1 e C D 1 E F CLASSROOM TRAINING Prime Srwns. Voc. Ed. On-the-Job Training Pub. Sorvice Employment 3 "i ^' °'se.:`. Q ^ '> 1 •. ; %r.:b'`ze`< „: >° ; °ac' 1 xa 0 9 7 5 390 297 93 330 318 70 233 15 8 4 60 D 1 2 6 748 655 93 669 644 140 474 30 16 9 7 7 io ] 7 611058 123 949 109 948 906 140 721 45 28 14 110 39 G 7 6 1212 1103 109 1212 1161 140 961 60 33 18 —0— r2"I23�24)2G,?.G 3 b) Currently Enrolled 31 3G •sl 4G •. 51 SO l G3 6G 71 76 1 2 3 •2 g337 1- O ] b) Currently Enrolletl 0 It. PLANNED ENROLLMENTS IN PROGRAM ACTIVITIES SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS 9130 32/31 IV. OTHER ACTIVITIES (Reference IIF) •' Indicate other activities or special programs on attach. ments. Describe their objectives and list milestones toward their achievement in a quantitative or narrative presentation, ( , , _ • A 1 e C D 1 E F CLASSROOM TRAINING Prime Srwns. Voc. Ed. On-the-Job Training Pub. Sorvice Employment Work Experlenco Other Activities O � 2 a ) Total Enrollments o g 7 68 C 73 CI 3 b) Currently Enrolled 1019 17 .40 I 20 2 1 a) Total Enrollments 111-1 7 12 123 DI ] 1 b) Currently Enrolled 112 7 _ 40 39 O 12 a) Total Enrollments 144 180 �D 3 b) Currently Enrolled ,40 70 D 2 a) Total Enrollments g337 1- O ] b) Currently Enrolletl 0 0 3 2131 21'22"2J241-1512-6 31 36 �2 46 151 lit. SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS S' ''.CANT ENTS GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS 9130 32/31 3/31 6/30 la) (bl 1c) (d) A _ 390 748 1058 1212 F O � G C H D I E J TE PLAN 6 /0 f ° 0 31 6/30 E G nzales c) (d) b. DATE SIGNED 6/11/76 R,.4 < •” •� SRS < %^ Ws- I. GRANTEE'S NAME AND AUURI:bS ua• urd nn s nuaY r yr �rsuvn . v iyv .., ...., ....., ... -- - for Progress, Inc., SER CETA PROGRAM PLANNING SUMMARY 156-8317 South Port Avenue c. GRANT YEAR d. TYPE OF PROGRAM Corpus Christi; TX 78405 From To 1. X3 Title 1 3, 0 Title III Speclly,,,,,,,,,,,,••_, -,,,, July 1, 1975 I Sept. 30, 1976 2. ❑ Title It 4. 13 Title VI FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SECTIONS I, 11, AND III n Sec. I: A (Total linrol)ments) Is the sum of A.1 and A2. 8 (Total Terminations) is the sum of B.1 through CONTRACT KEY Z MOD. DATE B,3. C (Planned Enrollments) is A minus B. z C p .. �' n See. II: Enter in line (a) Enrollments in each program activity cumulatively through the grant year, and c tine w W ° °' E 6.-- 6 E e O (b) the number of participants planned to be enrolled in each program activity at the end of each c o ''' �°� c w a 'o a °nn` Z S o O o quarter; participants who are concurrently enrolled in more than one activity should be counted in each c 8Z O MM DD YY 3 activity In which they are enrolled. ' 0 _ Sec. III: Enter the cumulative number of participants in each segment to be enrolled during the grant year. 1 2 7 4 5 G 7 G 9 30 11 '� 13 31 ' 1G Sr 1 1' 2 2. 27? 2r 2 2 0 2! 1 _ Participants should be counted in as many significant segment groups as are applicable. _ I. ENROLLMENT AND TERMINATION SUMMARY , GRANT YEAR- TO•DATE PLAN ' LL REPORT A. TOTAL ENROLL- I. Enroll• El. TOTAL 2. Parllcl• I 1. Entering EmployrtxYt a. Direct b. Indirect C. Obtained 2. Other Ponllve 3. Non - positive C. PLANNED ENROLLMENT' O PER or, MENTS men is thls pants(arrbdTERMINA• Ovcr TIONS Plcmts. Plcmts. Employmen trod o/ quoYrr 1 1 1•��'d`^ , �G 9 7 1474 1365r 10 52 1279 24 20 O 1 2 V SIGNAT E E onzaleioard Chairman GRANT YEAR -TO -DATE PLAN 70 12131 3/31 6/30 (b) (c) (d) b. DATE SIGNED 6/11/76 a,'.,• C O G :21rJy25 7 t 2G 131 - 3G 41 4G •. 51 SG 01 I1 GG 71 )G a) Total Enrollments b1 Currently Enroltad a) Total Enrollments b) Currently Enrolled of Total Enrollments b) Currently Enrolled a) Total Enrollments b) Currently Enrolled -ICANT I - 9/30 -NTS S IN PROGRAM ACTIVITIES A AINING Onmh,goo � ww Training Employ) III. SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS 1TE PLAN l /31 G /3o SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS IV. OTHER ACTIVITIES (Reference IIF) Indicate other activities or special programs on attach• ments. Describe their objectives and list milestones toward their achievement in a quantitative or narrative presentation. l ' . E P rvkc nent Work Execrieneo Other Activities 415 51 V SIGNAT E E onzaleioard Chairman GRANT YEAR -TO -DATE PLAN 70 12131 3/31 6/30 (b) (c) (d) b. DATE SIGNED 6/11/76 a,'.,• 1 SUPPLE'ENT TO THE CETA — PPS �i r I'--3ER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED TO BE SERVED, PROGRA:•t YEAR TO DATE. TH —YEAi II. MR-MER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANINED TO BE ENROLLED AT END OF EACH MONTH. III. CUMULATIVE PROJECTED EXPENDITURES BY MOTE y 224 111 75 368.00 307 81 0 T,. 390 60• '150,736.00 522 83 212;231,00 654 98 •- 273,726.00 748 79 335,222.00 843 71 199-634-00 961 88 464,046, 00 .CH 1058 110 528 455.00 u 1109 60 548,599.00 •1160 50 568,743,00 - E 1212 0 663,504,00• }LY 1293 40 - 714, 174.•00' WGUST 1373 40 759.508.00 SEPTEMBER 1474 40 804,695.00_ INSTRUCTIONS: I. Enter the total planned number of individuals who are planned to be served cumulati each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 1C of the 'PPS. II. Enter the total planned number of individuals who will be in the program covered by this PPS on the last day of each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services-, training, or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 1C of the PPS. III. Enter the planned accrued expenditures of funds cumulative by month. The totals in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part_111B of the PPS, V I n. GRANtEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS U,S. ocrARTMrnT or UAGOR T B. -GRANT NUMBER , Manp —, Adminlrtrntlon Jobs For Progress, It;c.. 156 -8317 C. TYPE OF PROGRAM 1201 south Port BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY Corpus Christi , Texas 3.XgTR14 1 3. ❑ Tluo ul 4. C7 Title V1 ' 2. ❑ Tltle 11 (5Pe eff y) .. ............................... _ D. FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY ;�� •� CONTRACT KEY MOD. OATC c ' 1. z^� 'I :w4 . Y r•ala w ov de �'od Eo -Z c p10 `e �V C N LL e`2 wG2 UU MM OD YV .1. - •CD-.11 2 3 4 1 S G 7 a 9 ]0 31 32 W 14 35 IG 17 16 19 2D ?.3 22 23 24 25 26127128129130 ' E. BUDGET SUMMARY COST CATEGORIES a. GRANT I'nOGnAM ESTIMATED UNEXPENOED FUNOS NEW OR REVISED BUDGET 1, TOTAL FUNCTION Oft ACTIVITY b. Fcdoral C. N--Federal d. Federal 0. Non•Fedcral _ -r .r_...r _,e z.- _- .�u_x.��_e -tv> _ __ -_F ;•f,- rj:�'i� 1 2 3 2G Mniztration G 2 127 679.00 >'s 127,679.00 - - -- - •t Allowance, �r' 35 45100 256 . 256 451.00 3. wages_ - -- 44 0 :a :•• -0- ` Ftinge Benefits __ — 53 2,766.00. 2 766.00 ,- Ij" 5 Training -•',^ 62 71 259,547.00 259,547,00 •' .- J ': <_.... 7.G _ <t.` •:: _...�_:..__.`.- __.._ _ _ ..mac �.�...�:..- -. ' L=6_Srrvices _ ._...--- .. 1 2 -.•._ - 35 48x252.00 804,695.00 804,695,00 totals G t F. CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY PROJECTIONS OF OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES IFor Ouarfcr Ending] -- l 2 J • ; 21 22 23 2M1 25 1 2 3 ;t 21 2 23 24 2' 1 2 3 •: 2 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 % 21 22 23 24 25 _ 1 0 1 3 1.7 IG ___ ••• 0 6 7 20 2 G 26 26 I. Prime Sponsor Obligations G 3 G 3 G 3 _iirT '- • - - 2. Total Projected Expenditures by Program 35 •• 3 •; 35 1 a. Classroom Training. Prime Sponsor 44 •• 4 x" 44 v . b. On-the-job Training 53 18.900.00 S ' 53 a -- c. Public Service Cmployment _ 62 62' - G2 } d. Work Experience 71 •,` 71 ', 71 1 2 3 26 1 2 3 26 1 2 3 26 2 to Participants . G 4 G 4 G 4 [G- ctivities •• 35 0' 36 7, 3• Projected Expenditures for Vocational Ed.`• 49 44 �4. `� 44 r; in Special Crants to Governors 1 -- Pro;ected expenditures of Non-Fed. Funds = 53 r "c "' 53 '3 53 - a. Other FOd. •F surds. ]lot in Prime SPon. Grvsl_ y 62 -•' <i '° G2 - • ^ 62 - �l -•• i 6.•Grand Total • Plolrcted Expenditures ,a 71 150,736 .00 :z? �. 71 335 222 00 2: 71 52$ 455.00 F Modification No. "5 } PROJECT COMPONENT BUDGET TITLE I F-1 TITLE II TITLE III NAME OF CONTRACTOR:• SER Jobs For Progress,Inc, FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY: On the Job Training /Skills Trainina ' BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED . BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COST:. $ 101,061.00 $ 26,618.00 $ 127,679.00 (2) WAGES: -0- -0- -0- (3) TRAINING: 242,996,00 16,551.00 259,547.00 (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: -0- 2,766.00 2,766.00 (5) ALLOWANCES: 197,315.00. 59,136.00 256,451.00 (6)• SERVICES: - 122,132,00 36,120.00 158,252.00 TOTAL $ 663,504.00 $ 141,191.00 $ 804,695.00 F BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (1) AD- HTNISTRATIVE COSTS a. STAFF COSTS: b. FRINGE BE:tEFITS: c. CONSUNLABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: d. PROGRAt3 EVALUATION: e. ACCOUNTL`:G SYSTEM: f. MNAGa NT INFOR?L4TIONI SYSTEH: g. STATE F-0PO1,4'ER SERVICES COUNCIL: h. PRIZIE SPONSOR PLANNING COUNCIL: i. TRAVEL: j. RENT: k. UTILITIES: 1. CUSTODLAL SERVICES: n. INDIRECT COSTS: n. STAFF TRAL`1ING: o. TECENICAL ASSISTANCE: p. EQUI MENT: Rental and Use q. 11ATERIAL: J BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET $ 41,735.00 $ 12,123.00 $ 53,858.00 5,132.00 1,423.00 6,560.0-0 1•,752,00. 700.00 2,452.00 N/A 6,593.00. 2,005.00 8,598.00 25,37.3.00 1,880.00 27,758.00 1,250.00 6,050.00 r. CAPITAL DIPP.OVE .1rENTS: S. PUBLICATIO`IS: �_3,�� 400.00 1,750.00 t. Other (Specify) Insurance 1,356,00 2,503.00 3,859.00 u. OTHER: (Specify) Telephone L Postage 3,000.00 300.00 3,300.00 V. OMER: (Scecify)::ain of Equip. 734.00 550.00 1,334.00 H. OTHER: (Specify) ,'ori:rien's Comp. 8,375.00 -0- 8,375.00 x. GTEiEP.: (Specify) Unerp% Verification 306.00 -0- 306.00 SUB -TOTAL $ $_26-,618.00 $ 1272679.00 - 9 - 0 BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (1) Administrative Cost (Cont.) FRINGE BENEFITS (Staff): APPROVED BUDGET a. ANNUAL LEAVE: b. SICK. LEAVE: c. COURT LEAVE: d. MILIT_gRY LEAVE: e. FICA: f, LIFE INSURANCE: g, HEALTH INSURANCE: ii. UNLMPLOYDiENT INSURANCE: i. TROMMOV S COMPENSATION: j. RETIREMENT BENEFITS: k. OTHEP: (Specify) 1. OTHER: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL BUDGET CHA:,GES REVISED (+ or -) BUDGET $ N/A $ N/A 2,441.00 711.00 3,152.00 I 1,247.00 420.00 _ 1,667.00 834.00 255..00 1,089.00 610.00 42.60 652.00 $ 5,132.00 $ 1,428.00 $ 6,•560.00 _ 10 _ Ox `BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGET O (2) WAGES: BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET a. ON- THE -JOB TRAINING: $ $ $ b. TRANSITIONAL SUBSIDIZED EMPLOYMENT: c. OTHER: (Specify) d. OTHER: (Specify) ' SUB —TOTAL $ -0- $ . -0- (3) TRAINING:. a. SALARIES• $ 82,826.00 10,032.00 92,858.00 b. FRINGE BENEFITS 10,711.00 1,242.00 11,953,00 c. TUITIONS: -0- d. ENTRANCE FEES: -0- e. BOOKS: 1,554,00 1,036.00 2,590.00 f. TEACHER'S AIDES: -0- fi• OTHER: (Specify) Equipment 4,561.00 -0- 4,561.00 h. OTHER: (Specify) Equipment Maint. 850.00 -0- 850,00 i. OTHER: (Spec ify)Consuma'ble,Supplies$ 8,415.00 $ 800.00 $ 9,215.00 J. OTHER: (Specify)Equipment Rental /Use 16,271.00 16,271.00 k, OTHER: (Specify)Trainee Ace /Sub, 2,818,00 2,818.00 Insurance 114,350.00 114,350.00 1. . OTHER: (Specify)CJT Training M. OTHER: (Specify)Tests For Trainees 640.00 640.00 n. OTHER: (Specify)Rent and'Related Expa1r115e16 0= 2 +091,00 2,091.00 0. OTHER: (Specify) Communications 600.00 600.00 P., OTHER: (Specify) Equipment Rental /Use 750.00 750.00 $242,996.00 $16,551.00 $259,547.00 OBACK. -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS '. (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: (Participants) a. ANNUAL LEAVE: b. SICK LEAVE: c. COURT LFAVE d. MILITARY LEAVE' e. FICA: £. LIFE INSURANCE: g. HEALTH INSURANCE: h. bNDiPLOnMENT INSURANCE: i. WoTa_ —_N' S COMPENSATION: j. RETIRE`ENT BENEFITS: k. OTHER: (Specify) 1. OTIM: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET $ $ N/A $ N/A I 105.!)0 105.00 2,661.90 2,661.00 $ _0_ 0__.',766-00 $ 2.766.00 (5) ALLOWANCES: SUB -TOTAL S 107.315.')0 $ S,) 13f.10 $ 256,451.00 - 12 - BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (6) SERVICES TO CLIENTS: a. CHILD CARE• b. HEALTH CAPE: c. :1EDICAL SERVICES: d. RESIDENTIAL SUPPORT: e. ASSISTANCE IN SECURING BONDS: £. FAMILY PLANNING: g. OUTRMACH- h. INTIAM AND ASSESSMENT: i. ORIENTATION: j. COUNSELING: k. JOB DEVET.OPMENT: 1. JOB PLAC_'MZNT: M. OTBE?: (Specify) OJT Specialist u. OTHER: (Specify) OJT Cert. Off. 0. OTFM'R: (Specify) Fringe Benefits SUB -TOTAL 13,203.00 BUDGET 16,783.00 APPROVED CHMGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET $ -0- $ 900.00 $ 90.0.00 - 699.00 900.00 1,599.00 1,500.00 900.00 2,400.00 13,203.00 3,580.00 16,783.00 21,475.00 5,659.00 27,134.00 -n- 13,375.09 4,988.00 23,363.00 16,300.00 5,027.00 21,827.00 13,368.00 4,859.00 23,227.00 12,600.00 3,077.00 15,677.00 6,572.00 1,736.00 8,308.00 12,540.00 4,494.00 17,034.00 $ 122,132.00 $ 36,120.00 $158,252.00 TOTAL $ 663,504.00 $ 141,191.00 $ 304,695.00 - 13- BACI UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (6) SERVICES TO CLIENTS (Cont.)' FRINGE BENEFITS: (Staff) BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET a. AA'V'UAL LEAVE: $ $ N/A $ N/A b. SICK. LEAVE: c. COURT LEAVE: d. MILITARY LEAVE: e. FICA: 6,131.00 1,692.00 7- 823, 00 f. LIFE INSURANCE: g. uEALTH INSURANCE• 4,464.00 1,260.00 5.724.00 h. UNMPLOYNENT INSURANCE: 1,096.00 1,446.00 2,542.00 1_ WORMEN'S CO- LTENSATION: 849.00 96.00 945.00 j. RETIREMENT BENEFITS: k. MEP: (Specify) 1. OTHER: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL $ 12,540.00 $ 4,494.00 $ 1 },034.00 - 14 - ADMINISTRATION / I. Salaries A. Executive Director $4,264.08 B. Office Manager /Adm. Asst. 3,350.70 C: Accounting Clerk 2,330.22 D. Payroll Clerk 2,178.00 E. Fringe Benefits 1. FICA 5.85 of $12,123.00 711.00 2. Workmen's Comp. .00336 of $12,123.00 42.00 3. Unemployment Comp. 2.0 of $12,123.00 255.00 4. Health & Welfare Ins. 35.00 X 4 X 3 mos. 420.00 Total Salary /Fringe Benefits $13,551.00 II. Travel Transportation at 16(� per mile, 159 miles for Adm. Staff 255.00 _ Transportation at 16,1 per mile, 719 miles for.Service Staff 1,150.00 Out of Town Travel directly attributed to grant 600.00 2,005.00 III. Equipment A. Rental and Use $416.00 per month X 3 mos. 1,250.00 IV. Insurance A. General Liability 1,000.00 B. Employer Liability 1,000.00 C. Position Bond 503.00 Total Insurance 2,503.00 V. Rent & Related Expenses A. Rent 4,000 sq.ft, 23fi per sq. ft. X 3 mos 2,760.00 B. Utilities - 300.09 per mo X 3 mos 900.00 C. Janitorial Services 200.00 per mo X'3 mos. 600.00 D. Janitorial Supplies 124.58 per mo X 3 mos 374.00 E. Miscellaneous Rent Expense 91.66.per mo X 3 mos 275.00 Total Rent /Related Expenses 4,909.00 VI. Other Direct Costs A. Desk Top Supplies 233.33 per mo X 3 mos 700.00 B. Telephone & Postage 250.00 per mo X 3 mos 750.00 C. Printing & Publication 133.33 per mo X 3 mos 400.00 D. Maintenance of Equipment 183.33 per mo X 3 mos 550.00 E. Audit 2, Total Administration 26,618.00 SERVICES TO CLIENTS I. SALARIES A. Certification Recruitment Officer $2,849.00 B. Interviewer 2,810.00 C. Counselor (Adie Coach) 2,178.00 D. Counselor 2,810.00 E. Follow Up Specialist 2,346.00 F. Job Developer 2,346.00 G. Placement Specialist 2,513.00 H. OJT Specialist /Coordinator 3,077.00 I. OJT Job Developer 2,681.00 J. OJT Certification Officer 1,736.00 K. Receptionist 1,843.00 L. Receptionist 1,737.00 $28,926.00 M. Fringe Benefits 1. FICA 5.85 of $28,926.00 1,692.00 2. .Workmen's Comp. 3.2 of $28,926.00 96.00 3. Unemployment Comp. 2.0 of $28,926.00 1,446.00 4. Health & Welfare Ins. $35.00 X 3 mos. 1,260.00 $4,494.00 II. SUPPORTIVE SERVICES A. Child Care $22.50 per trainee x 40 trainees 900.00 B. Medical Services 22.50 per trainee x 40 trainees 900.00 C. Health Services 22.50 per trainee x 40 trainees 900.00 2,700.00 Total Services to Clients $36,120.00 OFFICE ASSISTANT BUDGET I. Instructor A. Instructor $6.00 hr X 40 hrs. X 13.1 wks $3,168.00 B. Instructor Aide 3.50 hr X 40 hrs. X 13.1 Wks 1,848.00 C. Fringe Benefits 1. FICA 5.85% of $5,016.00 294.00 2. Workmens Comp. .0336 of $5,016.00 17.00 3. Unemployment Comp. 2.0% of $5,016.00 100.00 4. Hospital Ins. 35.00 X 2 X 3 mos 210.00 II. Rent A. Building Rent 826 sq ft at 23� sq ft X 3 mos 570.00 B. Janitorial Service 50.00 per mo X 3 mos 150.00 C. Janitorial Supplies 37.66 per mo X 3 mos- 113.00 D. Mis rent Expenses 20.83 per mo X 3 mos 62.00 III. Utilities 100.00 per mo X 3 mos 300.00 IV. Communications 50.00 per mo X 3 mos 150.00 V. Equipment 125.00 per mo X 3 mos 375.00 VI. Materials _. A. Consumable 20.00 X 20 Trainees 400.00 B. Instructional Books 25.90 X 20 Trainees 518.00 Total 8,275.00 I. Instructor A. Instructor B. Instructor Aide C. Fringe Benefits 1. FICA 2. Workmens Comp. 3. Unemployment Comp. 4. Hospital Ins. II. Rent A. Building Rent B. Janitorial Service C. Janitorial Supplies D. Mis Rent Expenses III. Utilities IV. Communications V. Equipment Rental VI. Materials ' A. Consumable B. Instruction Books GENERAL BUSINESS CLERK BUDGET $6.00 hr X 40 hrs. X 13.1 wks 3.50 hr X 40 hrs. X 1311 wks 5.85% of $5,016.00 .00336 of $5,016.00 2.0% of $4,016.00 35.00 X 2 X 3 mos 826 sq ft X 23fi sq ft X 3 mos 50.00 per mo X 3 mos 37.66 per mo X 3 mos 20.83 per mo X3 mos 100.00 per mo X 3 mos 50.00 per mo X 3 mos 125.00 per mo X 3 mos 20.00 X 20 Trainees 25.90 X 20 Trainees Total $3,168.00 1,848.00 294.00 17.00 100.00 210.00 570.00 150.00 113.00 63.00 300.00 150.00 375.00 400.00 518.00 8,276.00 Average Training Number Participants Allowance Qualifying Business $92.00 Office Asst. $92.00 20 20 ALLOWANCES Amt. Per Dept. $5.00 $5.00 Max. Amt. Basic No "of Dept. Allowance per week Weeks Allowance 4 $92.00 13.1 $29,568.00 4 $92.00 13.1 $29,568.00 Total Allowance this program Activity. $59,136.00 TRANSITIONAL MODIFICATION BACK UP INFORMATION OJT CARRYOVER FUNDS FROM July 1 TO Sept. 30, 1976 a No # NAME POSITION FIRM CARRYOVER DAYS DAILY UNIT COST FOR SER STARTING DATE ENDING DATE CARRYOVER 101OUNT 10'. Gilbert Garza, Jr. Rustproofing Corpus Christi Ming 7 days 9.20 7/1/76 7/9/76 64.40 13. 5 Trainees MHNR Aides C.C. State School 7 days 18.40 @ 7/1/76 7/9/76 644.00 1. Rosalinda Martinez 2. Betty Sean Hoyos 3. Norma Velasquez 4. Anna Plyles I` 5. Aminta Gonzales 2.4_., 5 Trainees Equipment Operators Western Company of N. America 22 days 13.00 @ 7/1/76 7/30/76 1,430.00 4 1 }. Hector M. Chavera 2. Steve Fontanez i 3. Frank Fuller 4. Benjamin Hernandez 5. Guy McClenon 30. Margarita Galvan Secretary Kleberg County 15 days 18.40 7/1/76 7/21/76 276.00 S5. Virginia Tempelman Film Clerk Memorial Hospital 17 days 9.20 7/1/76 7/23/76 156.40 ';8.' -rwyn Bradley Diesel Mechanics M &S Truck Service George West 27 days 12.00 7/1/76 8/6/76 972.00 ward Richard - Joseph H. Copeland TRANSITIONAL MODIFICATION BACK UP INFORMATION OJT CARRYOVER FUNDS FROM July 1 TO 9/30/76 NoJI NAME POSITION FIRM CARRYOVER DAYS D:_1LY UNIT COST :'OR SER STARTING DATE E NDING DATE CAR1:, M AMOUNT 51'. I Arturo Martinez TV Repairman Tino's TV 27 days 12.00 7/1/76 8/6/76 324.00 52. I Juan M. Tovar Auto Mechanic Precision Allignment Service 36 days 9.20 7/1/76 8/19/76 331.20 53. Santos Perez, Jr. Air Condition Mech. Gaither Air Conditioning 17 days 9.20 7/1/76 7/23/76 156.40 54. Miguel Escobar Mech. Apprentice Hunt Auto Company 32 days 9.00 7/1/76 8/13/76 288.00 Replaced by Jose De Leon " 56. Ramon Pena Mechanic San Diego, TX Adan Garza Auto Clinic 32 days 9.20 7/1/76 8/13/76 294.40 57. Gilberto Garcia Warehouseman Falfurrias TX J.M. Garcia Wholesale 12 days 9.20 7/1/76 7/16/76 110.40 58. 1 Jimmy Garcia Auto Body Fender Mech Johnny's Paint & Body Shop 27 days 9.20 7/1/76 8/6/76 248.40 --j -59. Candido Garcia Asst Store Manager Cantu Supermarket Falfurrias 32 days 9.20 7/1/76 8/13/76 294.40 60. 1.Pats King Dietary Aide Klegberg County Hospital 2 days 9.20 7/1/76 7/2/76 18.40 2. Ramon Moreno Orderly " " 2 days 9.20 7/1/76 7/2/76 18.40 3.Carolyn Archer Admission Clerk " " 18 days 9.20 7/1/76 7/26/76 165.60 4.Becky Cartwright Admission Clerk " " 18 days 9.20 7/1/76 7/26/76 165.60 61. Manuel Salinas Asst. Store Manager Beeville E1 Obrero Grocery & Market 39 days 9.18 7/176. 8/16176 358.02 63. 1. Eva Rodriguez Outreach Worker Community Council cf Beeville 52 days 10.20 7/1/76 9/10/76 530.40 '.Calistro Gonzales i Bus Driver' " 77 days 9.20 7/1/76 0/15/76 708.40 - - - 1 TRANSITIONAL MODIFICATION BACK UP INFORMATION OJT CARRYOVER FUNDS FROM July 1 TO 9/30/76 �o • ii NAME POSITION FIRM CARRYOVER DAYS DAILY UNIT COST FOR 'SER STARTING DATE ENDING DATE C.S_: ti. _ .. . AMOUNT ;4:I Rosa Alma Sanchez Chair Side Asst. A. V. Ramirez D.D.S 37 days 11.00 7/1/76 8/20/76 407..00 Cathryn Weldon Roving Chair Side Ass A.V. Ramirez, D.D.S. 47 days 9.20 7/1/76 9/3/76 432.40 15. 1.Patricia A. Villarreal EKG Spec. Riverside Hosp. Robstown .7 days 9.20 7/1/76 7/9/76 64.40 2.Lean Young Admission Clerk 7 days 9.20 7/1/76 7/9/76 64.40 3.Kathryn Patterson Adm /Ins. Clerk to It " 17 days 9.20 7/1/76 7/23/76 156.40 -6. Edwardo Ricky Jr. Mechanic Apec Auto Transmission 52 days 9.20 7/1/76 9/10/76 478.40 ,7.-.--- Yolanda Moreno Secretary /Bookkeeper City of Gregory TX 57 days 9.20 7/1/76 9/17/76 524.40 Medical Transcribers Spohn Hospital 66 days 9.20 7/1/76 9/30/76 607.20 2. u n n n n n n 607.20 ✓� 3. 60:.?r, 607.2.0 1• General Clrks Spohn Hospital 42 days 9.20 7/1/76 8/27/76 386.40 w 386.40 386.40 1• Building Main Mech Spohn Hospital 57 days 12.00 7/1/76 9/17/76 684.00 684.00 684.0:' TRANSITIONAL MODIFICATION BACK UP INFORMATION OJT CARRYOVER FUNDS FROM July 1 TO 9/30/76 do.# NAME POSITION FIRM CARRYOVER DAYS DAILY UNIT COST FOR SER STARTING DATE ENDING DATE '- -'OVER :. )UNT i8. I. Lincoln Smith Recreation Coordinato Boy's Club 63 days 9.20 7/1/76 9/27/76 579.60 i9. Oscar Olivio Photographer Commercial Ray's Photo Service 47 days 9.20 7/1/76 9/3/76 432.40 10. Real Inc. 62 days 9.20 7/1/76 9/24/76 570.40 11. Minnie Salazar Funeral Director Asst. Memorial Funeral Home 42 days 9.20 7/1/76 8/27/76 386.40 17,291.02 i SALARY PER NO. UNITS PAID % OF : ' POSITION TITLE TIME TO POS. TOTAL AMOUNT HOUR WXRK HOUR• .11N. 1 ESL• Instructor 6.50 260.00 40 .52 100% 10,140,,00 1 Office Asst. Inst. 6.00 240.00 40 13.1 100% 3,168.00 1 Office Asst. Aide 3.50 140.00 40 13.1 1007 1,848.00 1-Gen. Business Inst. 6.00 240.00 40 13.1 100% 3,168.00 •1 Gen. Business Aide 3.50 140.00 40 13.1 100% 1,848.00 7.21 288.46 40 28 100% 8,076.88 Executive Director 8.07 323.07 40 3_7.2_ 12 211.71 Accounting -clerk -4.00 4.41 160.00 176.53 40 40 28 37.2 100% 4,480.00 6,672.96 Office Manager /Adm. Ass .5.76 230.00 40 28 100% 6,440.00 9,595.26 6.34 253.84 40 37.2 4.90 196.15 40 28 100% 5,492.20 Cert. Recruitment Off. 5.39 215.76 40 37.2 8,141.59 5.04 201.92 40 28 100% 5,653.76 Interviewer 5.56 222.69 40 10 2,269;00- •5.32 212.88 40 26.2 5,577.45 4.61 184.61 40 28 100% 5,137.02 Counselor .5.34 213.70 40 37.2 7,938.98 3.46 138.46 40 28 1002 4,050.00 Counselor Aide"Coach 4.12 165.09 40 37.2 6,237.00 3.75 150.00 40 15 100% 2,220.00 Follow up Spec /Inter 4.03 161,53- 40 13 2,132.18 4.44 177.69 40 37.2 6,516.94 3.96 158.46 4,0 16 100% 2,542.82 Job Developer 138.46 40 2 332.31 4.44 177.69 40 35.2 6,290.63 TOTAL STAFF THIS TOTALS-[ PROD. /COMP. SQUARE RATE /SQ. MO. IN NO.STA FF : TOTAL RENT FEET FT. /MO. USE USING USE AMOUNT a. RENT . ............................... ' b. RENT . ............................... c. TOTAL . N,r'�y�''wr �- ; . POSITION TITLE SALARY PER NO. UNITS PAID % OF TIME TO POS. TOTAL AMOUNT HOUR xa¢N HOURS wZZKS Receptionist 3.00 3.49 120.00 139.61 40 40 28 •37.2 1007 3,424.77 5.277.52 Receptionist 3.00 3,28 120.00. 131.53 40 40 26 37.2 100% 3,108.00 4.972.71 Payroll Clerk 4.12 165.00 40 38.2 100% 6,381.19 1- Secretarial Inst. 4.00 200.00 40 26 100% 5,200.00 •1 Secretary Inst. Aide 3.75 150.00 40 26 100% 3,900.00 1•Acctg. Instructor 5.00 200.00 40 27 100% 5,400.00 1 Acctg. Inst. Aide 3.28 131.20 40 13 100% 1,697.00 1 Auto Service Inst. 5.00 200.00 40 _ 32 100% 6,340.00 1 Auto.Serv. Inst..Aide 3.00 120.00 40 30 100% 3,683.00 1 Tractor Trailer Inst. 6.00 240.00 40 32 100% 7,680.00 1 Tractor Trailer Aide 4.00 160.00 40 32 100% 5,286.00 1.Acctg. Instructor 5.00 200.00 40 26 100% 5,200.00 ] Secretary Instrutor 5.00 200.00 40 11 ld0% 2,100_00 1 Secretary Aide 3.00 120.00 40 19 100% 2,280.00 1 Welding Instructor 9.00 350.00 40 26 100% 9,360.00 1 Welding Inst. Aide 6.50 260.00 40 26 100% 6;760.00 1 ESL Auto Mech, Inst. 5.00 200.00 40 52 100% 7,800.00 TOTAL STAFF THIS PROJ. /COMP. TOTALS ---� RENT SQUARE FEET RATE /SQ. FTJMO. MO. IN USE NO.STAFF USING 5 USE TOTAL AMOUNT o. RENT . ............................... .. 6. RENT . ............................... TOTAL _,: t SALARY PER NO, UNITS PAID % OF TOTAL TOTAL RENT FEET AMOUNT wittrii POS. POSITION 717LC HOUR Mi C% NOURS 70 158.46 40 37 2 100% 7;196.33 Placement Specialist ,.RENT ... Mpi............. ...... 190.38 40 2,907.02 16 4.90 196.15 40 14 OJT Specialist /Coor. 6.05 242.30 40 65.2 100% 15,677:00 OJT Job Developer 4.61 184.61 40 40 28 100% 4,984.61 37.2 7 676.63 5.07 3.00 203.07 120.00 40 28 1007 3,336.00 4 972.00 *OJT Cert. Officer 3,28 131.53 40 37.2 TOTAL PROD. STAFF THIS /CONY. TOTALS 283,035.00 SQUARE RATE /SQ. MO-IN NO.STAFF TOTAL RENT FEET FT. /M0. USE USING USE AMOUNT 15 100% 27,758.00 ,.RENT ... Mpi............. ...... 16 15 19 100% 2,091.00 "- � r. TOTAL , ��..�:,'�,`'. -,` ''- ,-.a,r -. .:'.',��`y� 29 849.00 ASSURANCES AND CERTIFICATIONS A. General Assurances 1. The applicant assures and certifies that: a. It will comply with the requirements of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) of 1973, as amended (P.L. 93 -203, - 87 Stat. 839 and Y.L. 93 -567, 88 Stat. 1845), hereinafter referred to as the.Act, and with the regulations and policies promulgated thereunder; and b. It will comply with 0 *ffi Circular number A -95 and Federal Management Circulars (FbIC) 74 -4 and 74 -7, as those circulars relate to - functions such as the utilization of funds, the operations of programs, and maintenance of records, books, accounts, and other documents under the Act. 2. The applicant further assures and certifies that If the regula- tions promulgated pursuant to the Act are amended or revised, it shall comply with them or notify the Regional Administrator for Employment and Training Administration (RA) within 30 days after promulgation of the -amendments or revision that it cannot so conform, so that the RA may take appropriate action including termination, if necessary. 3. In addition to the requirements of 1 and 2 above and consistent with the regulations issued pursuant to the Act, the applicant makes the following further assurances and certifications: a. It possesses legal authority to apply for the grant; that a resolution, motion, or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an l official act of the applicant's governin body, authorizing the filing . of the application, including all understandings and assn =antes contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional in formation as may be required (sections 102(a); 701(a)(9) and (10)). b. It will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, • (P.L_ E8-352), and in accordance with Title VI of that Act no person in the United States shall on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or- activity for which the applicant receives Federal financial assistance and will imme- diately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement. C. It will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (42 USC 2000d) prohibiting employment discrimination where (1) the primary purpose of a grant is to provide emplo),ment or (2) dis= criminatory employment practices will result in unequal treatment of persons who are or should be benefiting from the grant -aided activity_ M i Revised May, 1976 s d. No person with responsibilities in the operation of any pro- ' gram under the Act will discriminate with respect to program beauserof /• ticipant or any applicant for participation age, political affiliation or race, creed, color, national origin, beliefs (section 703(1) and 712). e. It will comply with the requirements of the provisions of the Uniform Felocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act of 1970 (p•L. 91 -646) which provides for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced as a result of Federal and federally - assisted programs. visions of the Hatch Act which Aimit f. it will comply with the pro the political activity of employees. g." It will comply with the requirement that na program under the Act shall involve political activities (section 710). h. It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using ' their positions for a purpose that is or gives the appearance of being gain for themselves or others, par- motivated by a desire for private g business, or other ties ticularly those with whom they have f- Emily, (section 702(a)). i. It will give file Department of Labor and the Comptroller General through any authorized representative. the aentssrelated to the right to erami.ne all records, books, pap grant (section 713(2)). j, participants in the program will not be employed on the con- struction, operation, or maintenance of that part of any facility which is used for religious instruction or worship (section 703(3)). k. Appropriate standards for health and safety in work and training situations will be maintained (section 703(5))• 1. Conditions of employment or training will be appropriate and reasonable with regard to the type of work, the geographical region and the proficiency of -the applicant (section 7030)). M. Provision of workmen's compensatiU�i7cprotection service employmentpants in on -the -job training, work experience, or p -- programs under the Act at the same level and to the sane extent_ as other employees of the employer who are covered by a State or industry workmen's compensation statute; and provision of workmen's compensation insurance or medical and accident insurance for injury or e disease program activity their participation to those individuals engaged in any program Revised May, 1976 • under the Act', i.e., work experience, on- the -job training, public service employment, classroom training, services to participants, and other activities, where others "sinilarly engaged are not covered by an applicable workmen's compensation statute (sections 703(6) and 208(4)): n. The program will not result in the displacement of employed workers or impair existing- contracts for services or result in the substitution of Federal funds for other funds in connection with work that iaould otherwise be performed (section 703(7)). o. Training will not be for any occupations which require less than two weeks of pre - employment training, unless immediate employment opportunities are available in that occupation (section 703(8))_ p. Training and related services will, to the extent practicable, be consistent with every individual's fullest-capabilities and lead to employment opportunities which will enable participants to become econom- ically self-- sufficient (sections 703(9) and 105(a)(61). ~' q. Institutional skill training and training on the job shall only be for occupations in which the Secretary or-the prime sponsor has determined there is reasonable expectation for employment (section 703(10)). r. CgTA funds will, to the extent practicable, be-used to supple- " went, rather than supplant, the level of funds that would otherwise be available for the planning and administration of programs under the eligible applicant's grant (section 703(11)). s. It will submit reports as required by the Secretary and will maintain records and provide access to them as necessary for the Secretary's review to assure that funds are being expended in accordance with the pur- poses and provisions of the Act, including the maintenance of records to assist the Secretary in determining the extent to which the program meets the special needs of disadvantaged, chronically unemployed, and low income persons for meaningful employment opportunities (sections 703(12) and 311(c)). t. The program will, to the maximum extent feasible, contribute to the occupational development or upward mobility of individual partici- pants (section 703(13)). u. The program has adequate administrative and accounting con- ; trols, personnel standards, evaluation procedures, availability of in- service training and technical assistance programs, and other policies as may be necessary to promote the effective use of funds (section 703(14)). F t ' v. The program makes appropriate provision for the manpower needs F of youth in the area served (section 703(15), and will assure that: 1 ,t 'Revised May, 1976 (1) Individuals receiving training on the job shall be , increases pensated by the employer at such rates, including periodic as may be deemed reasonable under regulations prescribed by the Secreta but in no event at a rate less than that specified in- Section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 or, if higher, under the applicable State or local minimum wage law. Wages in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands shall be consistent with the Federal, State, or local law other- wise applicable (section 111(b)). (2) Persons employed in public service jobs under this Act shall be paid wages which shall not be Power than whichever is the highest of (a) the minimum gage which would be applicable to the esuchyee under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, if Section 6(a)(1) of title applies to the participant and if he were not exempt under section 13 thereof. Wages in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands shall be consistent with the Federal, State, or local law otherwise applicable; (b) the State or local minimum wage for the most nearly comparable covered employment, or (c) the prevailing rates of pay for persons employed in similar public occupations by the same employer (section 208(a)(2)). w. It will comply with the labor standards requirements set out In section 706 of the Act. x. Services and activities provided under this Act rill be ad- ministered by or under the supervision of the - applicant (sections 105 (a) (1) (B) and 205(c)(1))- Y_ No funds made available under the Act shall be used for lobbying activities in violation of 18 USCA 1913. y. If the applicant is financed by letter of credit: (1) Letter of credit cash drawdowns will only be initiated when actually needed for its fTA grants) disbursements; (2) Timely reporting of cash disbursements and balances will be made to the Manpower Administration as required; (3) It will impose the same standards of timing and amount upon any secondary recipients including the furnishing of reports of cash disbursements and balances. B. Additional Assurances for Title I Programs In carrying out programs under Title I of the Act, the applicant assures and certifies that: Revised May, 1976 1. Manpowdr services, including job development, will be provid to those most in need of them including low income persons and persc; of limited English- speaking ability, and that the need for continue(, funding of programs of demonstrated effectiveness is considered in serving such persons (section 105(a)(1)(D)). 2. Programs of institutional shill training shall be designed occupations in which skill shortages exist (section 105(a)(5)). 3. The plan meets all the requirements of section 105(a) and t? applicant will comply with all provisions of the Act (section 105(b) 4. It will make such arrangw.ents as are prescribed by regulatz to assist the Secretary in carrying out his responsibilities under sections 105 and 108 of the-Act (section 105(a)(7)). S. Special consideration will be given to the needs of eligible disabled veterans, special veterans, and veterans who served in the Armed forces and who received other than a dishonorable discharge w: i four years before the date of their application. Each prime sponsor in selecting participants for programs funded under Title I of the 2 shall take into consideration the extent that such veterans are ava: e in the area. Specific effort should be made to develop appropriate or part -time opportunities for such veterans. The prime sponsor sir: utilize the assistance of the State and local veterans employment s. :e representative in formulating its-program objectives. On a continuing and timely basis, information on job vacancies and training opportunities funded under Title I of the Act shall be pre to the State and local veterans employment service representative f 'e purpose of disseminating inform2tion to eligible veterans (section : ) of Emergency Jobs and Unemployment Assistance Act of 1974). C. Additional Assurances Relating to Public Service Employment Pro-_ For-public service employment activity, the applicant further a, s and certifies that: 1. Special consideration will be given to the filling of jobs provide sufficient prospects for advancement- or suitable continued Y- ment by providing cowplementary training and manpower services desi to (1) promote the advancement of participants to employment or trn, opportunities suitable to the individuals involved, whether in the or private sector of tt:e economy, (2) provide participants with ski for which there is an anticipated high dem _nd, or (3) provide parti- is with self - development skills; except where exempt under the provisi of section 604 of the Act, provided, however, that noticing contaiue Revi: ,y, 1976 this paragraph shall be construed to preclude persons or programs for w; the foregoing goals are not feasible or appropriate (sections 205 Cc) (4) f ' and 604). 2. To the extent feasible, public service jobs shall be provided in occupational fields which are most likely to expand within the public or private sector as the unemployment rate recedes except where exempt under section 604 of the Act (sections 205(c)(6) and 604). 3. Special consideration in filling transitional public service jobs will be given to unemployed persons who are the most severely disadvancaEed in terms of the length of time they have been unemployed without assistance, but such special consideration shall not authorize the hiring of any per- son when any other person is on lay -off from the same or any substantially equivalent job (section 205(c)(7)). 4. No funds will be used to hire any person to fill a job opening created by the action of an employer in laying off or terminating the employment of any other regular employee not supported under the Act in anticipation of filling the vacancy so created by hiring an employee to be supported under the Act (section. 205(c)(8)). 5. Due consideration will: be given to persons who have participated in nanpower training progratu for whom employment opportunities would not otherwise be immediately available (section 205(c)(9)). 6. Periodic review procedures established pursuant to section 207(x) of the Act'will be complied with (section 205(c)(17)). 7. Agencies and institutions to whom financial assistance is made available under this title have undertaken or will undertake, analyses of job descriptions and reevaluations ands where shown necessary, revisions of qualification requirements at all•levels of employment, including civil service requirements and practices relating thereto, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary, with a view toward removing artificial barriers to public employment of.those whom it is the purpose of the Act to assist (section 205(c)(18)). S. where appropriate, it will maintain or provide linkages with up -- grading and other manpower programs for the purpose of. (1) providing those persons employed in public service jobs who want to pursue work with the employer, in the same or similar work, with opportunities to do so and to find permanent, upwardly nobile careers in that field, and (2) providing those persons so cnaloyed who do not wish to pursue permanenit careers in such field, with opportunities to seek, prepare for, and obtain work in other fields (sections 205(c)(19) and 604), Revised Play, 1976 ' -9. The program will, to the maximum extent feasible, contribute to the elimination of artificial barriers to employment and occupational advancement, including opportunities for the disadvantaged (section 205(c) (21)). 10. Not more than one - third of the participants in the program will be employed in a bona fide professional capacity (as such term is used In section 13(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938), except that this paragraph shall not be applicable in the case of participants employed as classroom teachers, and the Secretary may waive this limits- tidn in exceptional circumstances (section 205(c)(22)). 11. Jobs will be allocated equitably to local governments and agencies taking into account the number of unemployed persons within their juris- dictions and the needs of the agencies (section 205(c)(23)). 12. The jobs in each job category in no way infringe upon the promo- tional opportunities which would otherwise be available to persons cur - rently employed in public service jobs not subisidized'under the Act, and assure that no job will be filled in other than an entry level posi- tion in each job category until applicable personnel procedures and collective bargaining agreements have been complied with (section 205(c) (24)). 13. Jobs are in addition to those that would be funded by the sponsor in the absence of assistance under the•Act (section 205(c)(25)). D. Additional Assurances for Title II Programs. All assurances in C above apply to activities funded under Title II. In addition, the appli- cant will assure that: (1) Only persons residing within the areas of substantial unareploy- ment qualifying for assistance will be hired to fill jobs created under Title II of the Act and the public services provided by such jobs shall, to the extent feasible, be designed to benefit the residents of such areas (section 205(c)(3)). (2) All persons employed under any program, other than necessary technical, supervisory, and administrative personnel, will be selected from unemployed and underemployed persons (section 205(c)(20)). (3) Spacial consideration shall be given to eligible disabled veterans, special veterans, and veterans who served in the Armed Forces and who re- ceived other than a dishonorable discharge within four years before the date of their application. Each eligible applicant selecting participants for programs funded under Title II of the Act, shall take into consideration the extent that such veterans are available in the area. Specific effort Revised May, 1976 -time iLles should be made to develop appropriate full l con Piderationoforrveterans,f such veterans. In order to insure p e all public service employment vacancies under Title II, crcept those to Which former employees are being recalled, must be listed with the State employment service at least 48 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) before such-vacancies are filled. During this period, the employment service may refer those veterans specified above. If sufficient ` numbers of veterans are not available, the employment service, upon re- quest, may also refer members of other significant segments. All other applicants are to be referred after the .48 -hour period (section 205(c)(5))- The eligible applicant should utilize the assistance of State and local veterans employment representatives in formulating its program objectives. Each eligible applicant shall, on a continuing and timely basis, provide information on job vacancies and training opportunities funded under Title II of the Act to State and local veterans employment representatives and to other veterans organizations for the purpose of disseminating information to eligible veterans (section iO4(b) of Emergency Jobs and Uriemplo)rent Assistance Act of 1974). F. Additional Assurances for Title VI Programs. All assurances in C above apply to activities funded under Title VI. In addition the appli- cant will assure that: 1. Only persons residing in the area served by the eligible appli- cant under Title VI of the Act will be hired to fill jobs created under the Act and that the public services provided by such jobs shall, to the _ extent feasible, be designed to benefit the residents of sucii areas except that funds allocated under Title VI of the Act (section 603(x)(2)(3)). to an area of substantial unemployment shall only be used to provide pro- ject and program opportunities to persons residing in those areas of sub- stantial unemployment (section 603(x)(2))- 2. All persons employed under any program, other than necessary technical, supervisory, and administrative personnel, will be selected from among unemployed and underemployed persons and that under Title VI preferred consideration shall be given, to the maximum extent feasible, consistent with provisions of the Act, to unemployed persons who have exhausted unemployment insurance benefits, to unemployed persons wtco are not eligible for unemployment insurance benefits (except persons lac::ing work (:xperience) and to unemployed persons who have been unemployed for 15 or more weeks. g, Special Certification for State Grantees. A State grantee further assures and cerLifies that it will comply with the requirements and pro- visions of section 106 and section 107 of the Act. Revised May, 1976 a . w + C(1NT[L \CT SIGNATURE SHEET PRI;W SPONSOR: - -- - -- - -- CONTRACTOR: Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium Texas Employment Commission Post Office Box 9277 TEC Building Corpus Christi, Texas 7840, Austin, Texas '78778 This contract is enterad into by the Administrative Unit of the Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium, hereinafter referred to as Prime Sponsor and Lereinafter referred to as Contractor. - The Contractor agrees to operate a Manpower Services Program in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. This contract consists of pages, including this pave, and such other provisions and documents as are included herein. The Contractor hereby agrees that he has read this Contract and will abide by all terry specified herein and also certifies that the information in this Contract is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief and this Contract has been fully authorized. Fund, hereby being obligated are subject to the availability clause. A. CONTRACT PERIOD This Contract covers the period (date) from 07 -01 -76 to 09 -30 -76 B. OBLIGATION Total CETA funds obligated by the Prime Sponsor are $.1,263,430 1. Funds carried in from previous program year are $ n/a 2. New funds obligated are $ n/a 3. (For Modification use only) This Action increases the total CETA funds obligated for this Contract by $ 152,259 to (new level) $ 1, 263,43c APPROVED FOR THE PRIME SPONSOR: APPROVED FOR THE CONTRACTOR: -- -DAY OF 1976 DAY OF 1976 } • BY: R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager Signature :,Y. Jason buby, Mayor Name and Title p'TEST: APPROVED: DAY OF 1916 f y Secretary Date AY 'ROVED: _PAY OF­_________, 1916 City Attorney D: of Finance---_-- - Texas Employment Comn FY - 1976 Modification No. 2 Transitional Quarter MODIFICATION SHEET To make line item change within Training Cost on Attachment B transferring $789 from "Individual Referrals (Beeville)" line item to the "Welder (Beeville)" line item; and with Training Allowances Cost transfer $5,617 from the "Indivi- dual Referrals (Beeville)" line item to the "Welder (Beeville)" line item. (Insert) •,0 - Delete, from Attachment D, the Cashier - Checker line item and the Keypunch line item. The labor market does not justify training in these occupations at this time. Add Attachment E to the Statement of Work for the purpose of substituting other training for the two projects deleted and utilizing excess monies in the Allowances Category. Excess monies are a result of savings on CETA allowances by having trainees file unemployment insurance claims, welfare incentive adjustments, and drop outs. Addition of these substitute programs does not require use of Transitional funds to finance them. Increasing the Other Positive Terminations item on the Program Planning Summary by 300, 1. The Title I contract period is extended from July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1976. 2. The Title I program for the period July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1976 consists of the following funds: a. Title I carry -in funds (unspent funds) on June 30, 1976: $ 3713683 b. Title I transitional funds: $ 152,259 TOTAL (a. & b.) $ 523,942 This modification includes the following: 1. Signature Sheet 2. Modification Sheet 3. Program Planning Summary 4. Supplement to the CETA - PPS 5. Budget Information Summary 6. Project Component Budget and Back -Up Support Data 7. Program Narrative 8. Revised Assurances and Certifications NOTE: The FY 1976 contract extended by this modification will not exceed September 30, 1976. i 1. ENROLLMENT AND TERMINATION SUMMARY GRANT YEAR•1001.TE PLAN 'a RE►O RT ] PERIOD Modification No 2 1. CC#tll• Tent{ A 1 f 0. TOTAL, Z. Partial. I Oanll GrtW TCL VIVA• O.rf TIONi I C[TA PROGRAM PLANNING SUMMARY Ff -76 Transitional Quarter exas [. Otla.net CJwolpmn �c ]. Nell• Oarlure —I d. TVCE Vf ar1DCn AL1 I GRANT VIAA TEC Bu, 1 ;,ir oe! Austin, Texas 78778 F,J 7 -01 -75 To 09 -30 -7b 1 liD T.. �. � ) `^, a r Sort •. i V l,^ It- 0 —. O'1.LE USE DNLY - w S" l- h Ste. ll• IN• I.I SCf Una loll :O—LL fthb SLC2 L.o AFL A (TaW Enoll —I 1.1 .1 U., mm of A.: a. AS 0 ,Tou. al B I through 8.3. C lP4nnrd .i#voWnenuj u A mrrue It E. rr In tat (al 1'nfollmfnle In arch pogram activity ev mulamely through Ur pmt year. aid W LA. be t!t 4-8 of each C;,r.TRACT r•Cv 0 a.00 OATE {I ea Z 0 1 7 ! o o Z : 0 (b) the n-00 tI partlapanla pbnnfd to enrolled In raeti program activity 11 env tervlly 1�u10 be eeunlyd I rich II 7 / Uu 1.1M 00 YY Cuall[r: pLh<Ipanl. who r1 tOnNnent]y omehtd N mote than -I-ty to r,h,ch they are enJalled. See. ill Enter the mmulalw number of prtlmpw%z In #tell Ityment to hr #nrol;" d,rtg the pan year yrollclpanll o,ould be Counted In Il many ogndlclnt 1eg•merl po.pl 11 are appL,,bl, -j I' !I] 1• 141111 ^i' :t,_ _. 1T` ::l ] 1 2 fl� " _ 1. ENROLLMENT AND TERMINATION SUMMARY GRANT YEAR•1001.TE PLAN 'a RE►O RT ] PERIOD A IOTA [NROLL• 4LNTS 1. CC#tll• Tent{ A 1 f 0. TOTAL, Z. Partial. I Oanll GrtW TCL VIVA• O.rf TIONi 1. [nteeM LfftPJymal a. OlerCt PICT /L [. IntIN[t Print.. [. Otla.net CJwolpmn !. Otnrr PC1�I�r1 ]. Nell• Oarlure C. -ANNE] D`M= \L'•�� Ir.•t O/ f–r= s Id 1 oe! 0 S 7 l0 8 6 107,3 - 283 50 582 158 26 la al Tmrl E••runmfnu 1 7 ! ;:J r1 YI Ca "e`•', [nrNltt II 7 / Lit' a.7 0 S ! to t. ! tr J 11 ! ti Sl PA U fi 7l R Sa II PLANNED ENIIOLLMENTS IN rnOGRAM ACTIVITIES IV. OTNCfd ACTIVITIES IReftrteaee IIFI IFWIC3%t b /hM ttt,~ M IpeC•ff prfgramt on tna[h• manta. Oflt#;bf IN,- ON"lIM1 and 1,11 m -Ita lG net Itrari the., atdllfrrrtllnt in a 4WI1btlIM IT, nYrJl�rr peantabt3n. ' A 1 0 C D E P CLASSROOMTMM OA•1nr•J611 PIYIt1 L. VK. Lt. T /ah{IIM Pub. Srfver fwtM•.tn1 ` Werra CPpt Nnra Operate AtHAINa to I! aI l e'rl [ee ell.wrwl{ 0 S 7 o � I;/ 1] PI C.ne•uy [naurt o la al Tmrl E••runmfnu 1 7 ! ;:J r1 YI Ca "e`•', [nrNltt II 7 / to t. ! •iii ],7 Z ).r. 'A :4 if 71 ]L 1 1ac Sa r I Ill. SIGNIFICANr SEGMENTS V. a. S11y '4ATUAE Cn&NT YEAR•TO.OATE PLAN ' S G:rlr ldf•NT g/! ]7/]1 ]I]1 6130 j Si C�: Cf•TS ,o n wl nemp oyed' II SIGNtFt CAN SCG MCNTS GRANT YEAR-YO OATS PLAN 7/.0 17 131 3/]1 4170 -- star lot 1 <7 .ol b DATE S'GVED P n eremp aye SUPPI.E:BNT TO THE CETA - PPS Texas Employment Commissi___ Modification No. 2 FY -76 Transitional Quarter I. NIMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED TO BE SERVED, PROGRAM YEAR TO DATE. YO`ITH -YEAR II. NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PL N'NED TO BE ENROLLED AT END OF EACH MO \TN. III. CUMLATIVI FKOJECTEr EXPENDITURES BY HONI JULY 1976 932 1,161,171 — AUG. 1976 968 1,206,171 •— -- SEPT. 1976 1099 1,263,430 — OCT. ..— NOV. — -- DEC. -- JAN. -- FEB. — 4ARCa AFV TI, MAY JU"iE `INSTRUCTIONS I. Enter the total planned number of individuals who are planned to be served cumulati each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 1C of the PPS. II. Enter the total planned number of individuals who will be in the program covered by this PPS on the last day of each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training, or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries it Part 1C of the PPS. III. Enter the planned accrued expenditures of funds cumulative by month. The totals it March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 111B of the PPS. A +TEk S + +.•E •n;, .=RESS u t. otrw n...c„T or u. wa E GRAN' NUMBER M.npower Amnu., o,en Texas EmpAuyment CGmmission TEC Building BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY Austin, Texas 78778 t4odifiCatiUn NO. e FY -76 Transitional `carter C. TYPE OF PROGRAM 1. o Tm, 1 a. n T,,,. ,,, <. C3 n;,. YI • 2. O Tr1,. II ISOreir2l D FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY ] 1-2112123124121 1 1 2 31 1242211231241251 N 1 121 CONTRACT 211 7. 21 7: 2SI KEY O 9 7 26 I7 1,263,x+30 X35 , �, 44 1 7 — 33 47 G _.. 2, a 3 q S MOD DATC MM ICO VY ' ^i e �:� a i.r r r:. prr,e nce _ . eE A Z .ndZ yu 71 l G I 10 r Se•. ,e.. 10 P,r l,e •:. n1. 1 1 7 ] 74 1 6 12] 26 1 7 7 76 G ; G Co• I I { 2 , 7 14 f 6 1 6 f Ip 11 17 l3 1. IS 16 11 16 17 -. 77 2a 7.173 129127128129110, E. BUDGET SUMMARY COST CATEGORIES G4AN7 PROGAAM rV' CT, ON OM ACTIVITY CSTIMATCO UNCXPk NDED FUNDS' NEW OR REVISCO UUDGET t. TOTAL O. F.d.r61 Non•F.,Nr.1 d. Ftp.r61 <. NOn Fepertl r.:- ,r.,tlr.rlpn ' • 1 7 a 26 60,337 60,337 G 2 u.a1 7a O 0 EZ , - 71 71 7l 53 62 62 71 -0 _ 3 22 O -0- -.•.It 1 : G t a :6 T 1,263,43o _ ae 1 26 4 o F. CUMULATIVE OUARTERLY PROJECTIONS OF OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES IFor Owrler Endmvl 1 P•rrSo.•orOUq,•ont 1 1 7 I ] 21 22 26 74 2 1 21 ] 1-2112123124121 1 1 2 31 1242211231241251 1 121 ] 211 7. 21 7: 2SI G O 9 7 26 I7 1,263,x+30 X35 , �, 44 1 7 — 33 47 G _.. 2, a 3 q S G 7 7 26 3 G 35 4 S 67 7 ,35 44 62 0 6 7 I76 br P,o4r+m C ..vo._ .•r,n4 Pr ' Sponsor 6 On ,Sc J..b T--4 < Pot„c <r•.,ct Ln,I.y —nt a i.r r r:. prr,e nce _ 7l #62 71 X71 r Se•. ,e.. 10 P,r l,e •:. n1. 1 1 7 ] 74 1 6 12] 26 1 7 7 76 G ; G G • G 35 3S 3 P•^ -I;'rd E.per._,Iwet for Voc"..+l Ed t: 4' tG4 44 ^ F -e Spo' Gat lE.p..dnultl 167 I EZ .-d -out • P,o,eeled 71 71 7l 711 MA 5.145 IA.,. 1 FROJECT COMPONENT BUDGET C�] TITLE I [--] TITLE II OF CONTRACTOR: Texas Employment Commission 'FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY: Skill Training (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COST: (2) WAGES: (3) TRAINING: (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: (5) ALLOWANCES: (6) SERVICES: Fiscal Year 1976 Modification No. 2 Transitional Quarter Q TITLE III TOTAL $ 1,111,171 $ 152,259 $ 1,263,430 BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or —) BUDGET $ 42,970 $ +17,367 $ 60,337 n/a n/a n/a 196,083 32,000 228,083 n/a n/a n/a 796,936 83,7o4 88o,64c 75,182 19,188 94,370 TOTAL $ 1,111,171 $ 152,259 $ 1,263,430 } i BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS TEXAS EMPLOYMENT COMMISSICN MODIFICATION NO. 2 FY -76 TRANSITIONAL QUARTER BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET a. STAFF COSTS: $ 6,672 S +4,(08 S 11,380 b. FRINGE BENEFITS: 604 + 799 1,403 c. CONSUMABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: 864 + 700 1,564 d. PROGRAM EVALUATION: 3,739 + 1,167 4,906 e. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: 6,646 + 2,076 8,722 f. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: n/a n/a n/a g_ STATE MANPOWER SERVICES COUNCIL: n/a n/a n/a h. PRIME SPONSOR PLANNING COUNCIL: n/a n/a n/a i. TRAVEL: (20% of new travel expense 2,002 + 270 2,272 allocated to Administrative) J. RENT: n/a n/a n/a_ k. UTILITIES: 878 + 700 1,578 1. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: n/a n/a n/a M. INDIRECT COSTS: n/a n/a n/a n. STAFF TRAINING: n/a n/a n/a o. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: n/a n/a n/a p. EQUIPME n/a n/a n/a q. MATERIAL: n/a n/a n/a r. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: n/a n/a n/a S. PUBLICATIONS: n/a n/a n/a t. OTHER: (Specify) Duplicating & Printing' 500 + 100 600 u. OTHER: (Specify) ID tele ...... 228 343 + 200 543 Local tele ... 315 V. OTHER: (Specify) Computerized Payment 18,010 of allowances + 6,307 24,317 w. OTHER: (Specify) Postage 780 + 340 1,120 X. OTHER: (Specify) Trainee Insurance 1,932 -0- 1,932 SUB -TOTAL $ 42,970 $ 17,367 $ o0, 33Y TEXAS EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION MODIFICATION NO. 2 BLT.GETS FY -76 TRANSITIONAL QUARTER ?) AL'micistrative Cost (Co::!.) FR, Ii CF. KNEFITS (Srafi)• �. BL'DGc i :.PCROVrD CRA\G EE_ 5 REVISED BUC, ^,ET (+ or —) BUDGET ._. AN L LrAVE: $ n/a $ n/a $ n/a - b. SIC:; LEAVE., n/a n/a n/a C. COU',U LF,', E: n/a n/a n/a d. P!ILIT.LRY LEAVE: n/a n/a n/a e. FICA: n/a 275 275 — _ f. LIFE INSUR- ',SCE: n/a n/a • n/a g, FS-kLTH INSU[ILiCE: -- n/a 102 ?02 h. L i li ?LOYiE!6T IVSURV`iCE: n/a 47 4`l i. WO.R_lC4 N' S C0:1'ENSATION: n/a n/a n/a j. RF.TIRE`EJT BENEFITS' n/a 353 354 k. OTHER: (Specify) State Retirement Fee n/a 22 _ 1. OTI1 --R: (Specify) n/a n/a n /Ia SUB -TOTAL $ n/a $ 799 799 BACK -UP SLiYOFT BUDGET (2) WAGES: . a.. ON- THE -JOB TRAINING: b. TRANSITIONAL SUBSIDIZED EM.OYMENT: C. OTHER: (Specify) d. OTHER: (Specify) (3) TRAINING: a. SALARIES: b. FRINGE BENEFITS: c. TUITIONS: d. ENTRANCE FEES: e. BOOKS: f. TEACHER'S AIDES: g. OTHER: (Specify) h. OTHER_ (Specify) SUB -TOTAL Trainee Ins. SUB -TOTAL Texas Finployment Commission Modification No. 2 FY -76 Transitional Q BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISE[ BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGE'. $ n/a $ n/a $ n/e n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $ n/a $ n/a $ n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a • n/a 196,083 31,312 227,395 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a -0- + 668 688 n/a n/a n/a $ 196,083 $ 32,000 $ 228,083 BACK —UP SUPPORT BUDGETS L4) FRINGE•BENEFITS: (Participants) a. ANNUAL LEAVE: b. SICK LEAVE: c. COURT LEAVE: d. MILITARY LEAVE: e. FICA• f. LIFE INSURANCE: g. HEALTH INSURANCE: h. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE: i. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION: J. RETIREMENT BENEFITS: k. OTHER: (Specify) 1. OTHER: (Specify) SUB —TOTAL S) ALLOWANCES: SUB —TOTAL Texas Employment Commission Modification No. 2 FY -76 Transitional QL BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or —) BUDGET $ n/a $ n/a $ n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $ -0- $ n/n $ 796,936 $ 83,704 $ 880,640 > Texas Employment Commission Modification No. FY -76 Transitional Qi BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (6) SERVICES TO CLIENTS: BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET a. CHILD CARE: $ n/a $ n/a $ n/a b. HEALTH CARE: n/a n/a n/a c. MEDICAL SERVICES: n/a n/a n/a d. RESIDENTIAL SUPPORT: n/a n/a n/a e. ASSISTANCE IN SECURING BONDS: n/a n/a n/a ai " -,. f. FAMILY PLANNING: n/a n/a n/a g. OUTREACH: -0- 1,811 1,811 h. INTAKE AND ASSESSMENT: 18,795 5,432 24,227 i. ORIENTATION: n/a n/a n/a J. COUNSELING:/ 22,554 3,622 26,176 k. JOB DEVELOPMENT: 15,037 2,716 17,753 1. JOB PLACEIIENT• 15,037 3,622 18,659 m. OTHER: (Specify) Testing 3,759 905 4,664 n. OTHER: (Specify) n/a n/a n/a -r o, OTHER: (Specify) n/a n/a n/a SUB -TOTAL $ 75,182 $ 19,188 $ 94,370 TOTAL $ 1,111,171 $152,259 $1,263,430 fr � ]:'.C—U? SUPPORT BUDGETS TEXAS EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION MODIFICATION NO. 2 (6) o..�VICES TO CLIENTS (Cur.t.) FY -76 TRANSITIONAL QUARTER 'FRIiSCE BENEFITS: (Staff) BUDGET APPROVED CUANGES P.EVISE.D DG�T (+ or -) BUDGET a. V; UAL LE1VE: $ n/a, $ b. SIC' LEAVE: n/a n/a n/a c. CG'J T LF-WE: n/a n/a n/a d. MILITARY LEAVE: ,. n/a n/a n/a e. FICA- � n�a 910 �� _ � 910 ,`_" f. LIFE INSUR10'CE: n/a n/a n/a g. HEALTH INSURiN.NCE: n/a L258 _`� 258 t h. UNS1PLOY:1tiT INSUR.9.YCE: n/a 156 156 i. kopmoV' S COPl'EVS9TIOl, : n/a n/a n/a j. RETIREMENT BENEFITS: n/a 1.167 -1k— r 1,167 -"'� a k. OTHER: (Specify) State Retirement n/a 57 57 1. OVER: (Specify) n/a n/a n/a " SUB -TOTAL $ n/a --- - $ 2,548, _ $. 2;548_ - fr � Texas Employment Commission Modification �2 FY -76 Transit' ,l POSITION TIT L[ SALARY PER NO. UNITS PAID % OF TIME TO POS. TOTAL AMOUNT wouw wa :N Nouw. waawa 13 -8 7.32 292.65 528 13 100% 6 12 -8 6.85 274.02 528 13.2 100% 3617 12 -2 5.62 225.00 528 1321100% 2970 10 -3 5.09 203.64 528 Ij 1009 2688 4 -4 3.54 141.74 528 13.2 100% 1871 4 -1 3.21 128.33 528 13.2 100% 1694 4 -4 3.54 141.74 528 13.2 100% 1871 4 -1 3.21 128.33 528 13.21100% 1694 'I d TOTAL STAFF TH13 PRw. /Corr. 20,268 >ti wENi SQUARE FEET RATE /SQ. 1,140 MO.IN USE "o. STAFF USING 14 USE TOTAL AMOUNT . RENT ..... ". /a ..................... ►. RENT... a /a .................. ,,TOTAL n/a . n/a n/a Texas Employment Commissio PROGRAM NARRATIVE Modification No. 2 FY - 76 Transitional Quarter (STATEMENT OF WORK) r See ATTACHMENT A. Del Mar Supplementary Training Proposals (No change) See ATTACHMENT B. Bee County College Supplementary Training Proposal (Revised) See ATTACHMENT C. Bee County College (No change) See ATTACHMENT D. Del Mar College (Revised) See ATTACHMENT E. Del Mar College. Substitutes Credit Clerk training for Key Punch and cashier training deleted from Attachment D. Labor market does not justify training Key Punch Operators and Cashiers. Adds short training project for Welders (8 weeks) and 21 Individual Referral slots to use up excess funds in the Allowances Category. The Individual Referral slots will enable us to meet September starting dates instead of having to wait until January 1977 to enroll with FY - 77 funds. FY - 19:6 SL r F E•� ARf T Ll:u!Ju PRCFC5AIS -FY -76 Mocification lk.r. i ATTACHMENT A. Transitional Quarter t No. of Type of Training Total Monies Require tc Additional Mcnies That Additional h'cr.:es T!.r• Total C:.s_ Trainees No. Carry Prcrosed Train- Will Be Pequired to W,11 Be Reouire3 tc From Train- ing Through 6 -3c -76 Continue Propose. Train- Coi.tinue Proposed. Train- Thrtup^ ing Wks. (Incentive Monies) ing Through Transitional ing Thrcugh Completicr. of Tra:r,.,., Required Quarter Ending 9 -3c -76 During FY -77 Training Training Tra_r.ing Training Training Training irR:r.'re :ra::._:.r Costs Allo•:ances, Costs Allc•+ances Costs Allowances Cr-s'r r___..a... = 20 Welder, Comb. 26 1,538 7,400 6,462 33,180 -0- -0- 8,000 40,580 ttt 05 -31 -76 f 15 stenographer(HIALCO) 52 3,036 16,740 5,734 40,290 -0- -0- 6.770 59,030 03 -01 -76 lit, 15 Front -End 6 brake 12 10,100 17,460 -0- -0- -0- -0- 10,100 17.060 4echan is 04-05-76 3 Individual Referrals Various 1,278 4,912 -0- -0- -0- -0- 1,278 4.912 TQT.Ii 53 15,952 48,912 12,196 73,470 -0- -0- I �Z ;82 ?6 iwb j r g 1 BE4 'YY- lc,76 Modification No. 2 Transitional Cuax-ter 76 Type of Training Total Require! to Additional Monies That Additional Xcnies That Total Cost No, Carry = reposed Train- W;­ Be Required tc Will Re Required to FTcr-, Beginning Train- ing Through 6-3C-76 Cz)nt'rue '-roDosed Train- Continue Prc;osed Train- Through Completion ing "rks. (Incentive Monies) ing Through Transitional ing Through Completion of Training Required Quarter Ending 9-30-76 During FY-77 Training Training Training Training Training Training Training Training Costs Allowances Costs Allowances Costs Allowances Costs Allowances 20* Wplier (Beeville) 24 40,144** 49.491 789 5,716 -0- -0- 40,933 55,108 U-19-76 15 Nurse Aid (Alice) 14 2,625 16,600 -0- 0- -0- -0- 2,625 16,000 02-16-76 Individual Ref various .0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -.Beeville) Q-01-76 4 Mechanic 52 800 5,688 1,512 10,744 -0- -0- 2,312 16,4?�- ,Alice) :3_;1-76 4 -­retazj 48 1,484 6,24o 948 6,24o -0- -0- 2,432 1?,48C -12-76 4 Pa'ic & TV Repair 52 893 5,688 1,687 1C,744 -0- -0- 2,580 16,�132 ;Beeville) :-J1 -76 DOTAL • 47 916 �3,�0_7 793T- T37,3757 , — -0- — 50,892 11 E: , 4 $ 2 Will orate 20 tv 45 trainees. tra'anees pr vice. by De- ""Wity College. ATTACIRfENT C. Bn COUNTY COLLEGE TEXAS EMPLOYMM CUAMISSION FY - 1976 Modification No. 2. 1li1 Transitional quarter PROGRAM TRAINING FOR FY-76 r I0. OF TYPES OF 90. OF TRAINING TRAINING TRAINEES TRAINING COST ' ALLOWANCES 12 Auto Body Repair 34 6,396 49,920 (Alice) 29 Various Individual Varioas 10 ,240 81,280 41 Referral Total Tmint" Cost 16,636 131,200 Trainee Insure=* ' 287 TOTAL COST. S 16,923 ; 131,200 Calm !100GRAM TRAINM - CAM-,CY aR MW rt-75 , 39 'Various Individual- various 7,808 83,447 Referral Total Training Cost 7,808 83,447 Trainee Insurance (paid) TOTAL. COST 7,808 83,447 GRA1W TOTAL ;:�4,731 # 2 =667 AITA,:Hl4E,,'T D. DEL KAR .60Lta 0 Fri FROOi M TRAM➢ FOR FY -76 TEXAS EMPLOYMENT x FY - 1976 .Modification No. 2. Transitional Quarter 110. OF TlFLS OF 2D. or TRAIRM TRAIM TRAUZES TRAIIfING •18,612 Can ALLMMCES 20 stenographer 31. JA,20 64, 320 20 velder 86 8,000 41,090 20 Draftsman, Jhnlor 38 5.5w 36,720 20 * Cashior- Cheakew 263,012 Trainee Insurance U,280 20 *feypno b(K1AL4W) 3 e0o 6,120 13 Various Individeal VbTlees 6,500 ",656 _ Referral 48,955 263,012 ' Tr.0 nine Cost Carry -C,ver Underestiftat! U3 Total Training Cost 321865 215,176 Trainee Insurance REVISED TOTAL COST 76,876 235,o94 TOTAL COST $ : 33.656 4 215.176 9MT =a xw - CM MM IT-75 15 stenographer (EMM) 35 19064 38,325 18 Draftsash, Junior 1F:. 3,386 •18,612 17 Clerical 9L 6,26fi 33,558 20 fielder. so 6,154 29,200 45 Various Individual Marlow 13,767 143.317 Referral _ 115 Total Training Cost 46,958 263,012 Trainee Insurance (paid) TOTAL COST 48.958 263,012 OR= TRAL ; 82,614 ; 478,188 TOTAL -'(jST (Original Estimate) 48,955 263,012 ' Tr.0 nine Cost Carry -C,ver Underestiftat! ( +) 27,918 A.i,-wance Cost Carry -Over Overestimate (_) 27,918 REVISED TOTAL COST 76,876 235,o94 REVISED GRAND TOTAL $ 110,532 $ 450,270 *Project deleted because labor market not favorable. See attachment E. for substitute training projects. Texas Employment Comniss FY - 1976 Modification No. 2 Transitional Quarter ATTACHMENT E DEL MAR COLLEGE NO. OF TYPE OF NO. OF TRAINING TRAINING TRAINEES TRAINING WEEKS COST ALLOWANCES 15 Credit Clerk 16 4100 18,000 11 Various Indiv 52 5320 46,504 _ Referrals . Total 26 Insurance 248 Total $9,668 $64,504 BEE COUNTY COLLEGE 16 Welders 8 10,227 16,000 (Upgrading) 10 Various Indiv. 40 4,540 28,000 Referrals Total 26 Insurance 242 $15,009 $44,000 Grand Total 52 $24,677 $108,504 ASSURANCES AND CERTIFICATIONS A. General Assurances 1. The applicant assures and certifies that: a. It will comply with the requirements of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) of 1973, as amended (P.L. 93 -203, 87 Stat. 839 and P.L. 93 -567, 88 Stat. 1845), hereinafter referred to as the Act, and with the regulations and policies promulgated thereunder; and b. It will comply with Oi`IB Circular number A -95 and Federal Management Circulars (FDIC) 74 -4 and 74 -7, as those circulars relate to functions such as the utilization of funds,-the operations of programs, and maintenance of records, books, accounts, and other documents under the Act. 2. The applicant further assures and certifies that if the regula- tions promulgated pursuant to the Act are amended or revised, it shall comply with them or notify the Regional Administrator for Employment and Training Administration (RA) within 30 days after promulgation of the amendments or revision that it cannot so conform, so that the RA may take appropriate action including termination, if necessary. 3. In addition to the requirements of 1 and 2 above and consistent with the regulations issued pursuant to'the Act, the applicant makes the following further assurances and certifications: a. It possesses legal authority to apply for the grant; that a resolution, motion, or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the applicant•'s.governing body, authorizing the £ilirg of the application, including all understandings and assu =ances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional information as may be required (sections 102(a); 701(a)(9) and (10)). b. It will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (P-L. E8-352), and in accordance with Title VI of that Act no person in the United States shall on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the applicant receives Federal financial assistance and will imme- diately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement. C. It will comply with Title VI of the Civil Eights Act Of 1964, (42 USC 2000d) prohibiting employment discrimination where (1) the primary purpose of a grant is to provide emplo)Tient or (2) dis- criminatory employment practices will result in unequal treatment of persons who are or should.be benefiting from the grant -aided activity. Revised Play, 1976 d. Ho person with responsibilities in the operation of any pro gram under the Act will discriminate with respect to-any program par- ticipant or any applicant for participation in such program because of _ race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, political affiliation or beliefs (section 703(1) and 712). e. It will comply with the requirements of the provisions of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act of 1970 (P.L. 91 -646) which provides for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced as a result of Federal and federally- assisted programs. f. It will comply a- th the provisions of the Hatch Act which limit the political activity of employees. g. It will comply with the requirement that no program under titre Act shall involve political activities (section 710). h. It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that is or gives the appearance of being motivated by a desire for private gain for themselves or others, par- ticularly those with whom they have family, business, or other ties (section 702(a)). i. It will give the Department of Labor and the Comptroller General through any authorized representative. the access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the grant (section 713(2)). J. Participants in the program will not be employed on the con- struction, operation, or maintenance of that part of any facility which is used for religious instruction or worship (section 703(3)). k. Appropriate standards for health and safety in work and training situations will be maintained (section 703(5)). 1. Conditions of employment or training will be appropriate and reasonable with regard to the type of work, the geographical region and the proficiency of the applicant (section 703(4)). M. Provision of workmen's compensation protection to participants In on-the -job training, work experience, or public service employment programs under the Act at the same level and to the same extent as other employees of the employer who are covered by a State or industry work=en's compensation statute; and provision of workmen's compensation insurance or medical and accident insurance for injury or disease resulting from their participation to those individuals cngar"ed in any program activity Revised May, 1976 under the Act, i.e., work experience, on- the -job training, public service employment, classroom training, services to participants, and other activities, where others- siuilarly engaged arc not covered by an applicable workmen's compensation statute (sections 703(6) and 208(4)): n. The program will not result in the displacement of employed workers or impair existing contracts for services or result in the substitution of Federal funds for other funds in connection with work that would otherwise be performed (section 703(7)). o. Training will not be for any occupations which require less - than two weeks of pre - employment training, udless immediate employment opportunities are available in that occupation (section 703(8)). p. Training and related services will, to the extent practicable, be consistent with every individual's fullest-capabilities and lead to - employment opportunities which will enable participants to become econom- ically self- sufficient (sections 703(9) and 105(x)(6)). q. Institutional skill training and training on the job shall only be for occupations in which the Secretary or the prime sponsor has determined there is reasonable expectation for employment (section 703(10)). r. CETA funds will, to the extent practicable, be used to supple- ment, rather than supplant, the level of funds that would otherwise be available for the planning and administration of programs under the eligible applicant's grant (section 703(11)). s. It will submit reports as required by the Secretary and will maintain records and provide access to them as necessary for the Secretary's review to assure that funds are being expended in accordance with the pur- poses and provisions of the Act, including the maintenance of records to assist the Secretary in determining the extent to which the program meets - the special needs of disadvantaged, chronically unemployed, and low income persons for meaningful employment opportunities ( sections 703(12) and 311(c)). t. The program will, to the maximum extent feasible, contribute to the occupational development or upward mobility of individual partici- pants (section 703(13)). u. The program has adequate administrative and accounting con- trols, personnel standards, evaluation procedures, availability of in- service training and technical assistance programs, and other policies as may be necessary to promote the effective use of funds (section 703(14)). v. The program makes appropriate provision for the manpower needs of youth in the area served (section 703(15), and will assure that: Revised May, 1976 (1) Individuals receiving training on the job shall be com- pensated by the employer at such rates, including periodic increases, as may be deemed reasonable under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, but in no event at a rate less than that specified in-Section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 or, if higher, under the applicable State or local minimum wage law. Wages in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands shall be consistent with the Federal, State, or local law other- wise applicable (section 111(b)). (2) Persons employed in public service jobs under this Act shall be paid wages which shall not be Power than whichever is the highest of (a) the minimum wage which would be applicable to the employee under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, if Section 6(a)(1) of such title applies to the participant and if he were not exempt under section 13 thereof. Wages in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands shall be consistent with the Federal, State, or local law otherwise applicable; (b) the state or local minimum wage for the most nearly comparable covered employment, or (c) the prevailing rates of pay for persons employed in similar public occupations by the same employer (section 208(x)(2)). W. It will comply with the labor standards requirements set out in section 706 of the Act. X. Services and activities provided under this Act will be ad- ministered by or under the supervision of the applicant (sections 105 (a) (1) (B) and 205(c)())). y. No funds made available under the Act shall be used for lobbying activities in violation of 18 USCA 1913. Z. If the applicant is financed by letter of credit: (1) Letter of credit cash drawdowns will only be initiated when actually needed for its ETA grants) disbursements; (2) Timely reporting of cash disbursements and balances will be made to the Manpower Administration as required; (3) It will impose the same standards of timing and amount upon any secondary recipients including the furnishing of reports of -cash disbursements and balances, B. Additional Assurinces for Title I Pro-grans In carrying out programs under Title I of the Act, the applicant assures and certifies that: Revised May, 1976 1. Manpower services, including job development, will be provided to those most in need of them including low income persons and persons of limited English- speaking ability, and that the need for continued funding of programs of demonstrated effectiveness is considered in serving such persons (section 105(a)(1)(D)). 2. Progrnms of institutional skill training shall be designed for occupations in which skill shortages exist (section 105(x)(5)). 3. The plan meets all the requirements of section 105(x) and the applicant will comply with all provisions of the Act (section 105(b)). 4. It will make such arrangements as are prescribed by regulation to assist the Secretary in carrying out his responsibilities under sections 105 and 108 of the Act (section 105(x)(7)). 5. Special consideration will be given to the needs of eligible disabled veterans, special veterans, and veterans who served in the Armed Forces and who received other than a dishonorable discharge within four years before the date of their application. Each prime sponsor in selecting participants for programs funded under Title I of the Act, shall take into consideration the extent that such veterans are available in the area. Specific effort should be made to develop appropriate full or part- time'opportunities for such veterans. The prime sponsor should utilize the assistance of the State and local veterans employment service r,epresentative in formulating its•program objectives. On a continuing and timely basis, information on job vacancies and training opportunities funded under Title I of the Act shall be provided to the State and local veterans employment service representative for the purpose of disseminating information to eligible veterans (section 104(b) of Emergency Jobs and Unemployment Assistance Act of 1974). C. Additional. Assurances Relating to Public Service Employment Prog_ramr For public service employment activity, the applicant further assures and certifies that: 1. Special consideration will be given to the filling of jobs which provide sufficient prospects for advancement or suitable continued employ- ment by providing complementary training and manpower services designed to (1) promote the advancement of participants to employment or training opportunities suitable to the individuals involved, whether in the public or private sector of the economy, (2) provide participants with skills for which there is an anticipated high demand, or (3) provide participants with self— development skills; except where exempt under the provisions of section 604 of the Act, provided, however, that nothing contained in Revised May, 1976 this paragraph shall be construed to preclude persons or programs for whom the foregoing goals are not feasible or appropriate (sections 205(c)(4) and 604). 2. To the extent feasible, public service jobs shall be provided in occupational fields which are most likely to expand within the p'Ablic or private sector as the unemployment rate recedes except where exempt under section 604 Of the Act (sections 205(c)(6) and 604). 3. Special consideration in filling transitional public service jobs will be given to unemployed persons vho are the most severely disadvantaged in terms of the length of time they have been unemployed without assistance, but such special consideration shall not authorize the hiring of any per- son when any other person is on lay -off from the same or any substantially equivalent job (section 205(c)(7)). 4. No funds will be used to hire any person to fill a job opening created by the sction of an employer in laying off or terminating the employment of eny other regular employee not supported under the Act in anticipation of filling the vacancy so created by hiring an employee to be supported under the Act (section. 205(c)(8)). 5. Due consideration will be given to persons who have participated in manpower training programs for whom employment opportunities would not otherwise be immediately available (section 205(c)(9)). 6. Periodic review procedures established pursuant to'section 207(a) of the Act will be complied with (section 205(c)(17))_ 7. Agencies and institutions to whoa financial assistance is made available under this title have undertaken or will undertake, analyses of job descriptions and reevaluations and, where shown necessary, revisions of qualification requirements at all levels of employment, including civil service requirements and practices relating thereto, in 'accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary, with a view toward removing artificial barriers to public employment of those whom it is the purpose of the Act to assist (section 205(c)(18)). B. Where appropriate, it will maintain or provide linkages with up- grading and other manpower programs for the purpose of (1) providing those persons employed in public service jobs who want to pursue wort_ with the employer, in the sane or similar work, with opportunities to do so and to find permanent, upwardly mobile careers in that field, and (2) providing those persons so employed who do not wish to pursue permanent careers in such field, with opportunities to seek, prepare for, and obtain work in other fields (sections 205(c)(19) and 604), Revised May, 1976 9. The program will, to the maximum extent feasible, contribute to the elimination of artificial barriers to employment and occupational advancement, including opportunities for the disadvantaged (section 205(c) (21)). 10. Not more than one -third of the participant's in the program will be employed in a bona fide professional. capacity (as such term is used in section 13(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938), except that this paragraph shall not be applicable in the case of participants employed as classroom teachers, and the Secretary may waive this limita- tion in exceptional circumstances (section 205(c)(22)). 11. Jobs will be allocated equitably to local governments and agencies taking into account the number of unemployed persons within their juris- dictions and the needs of the agencies (section 205(c)(23)). 12. The jobs in each job category in no way infringe upon the promo- tional opportunities which would otherwise be available to persons cur- rently employed in public service jobs not subisidized under the Act, and assure that no job will be filled in other than an entry level posi- tion in eacli job category until applicable personnel procedures and collective bargaining agreements have been complied with (section 205(c) 13. Jobs are in addition to those that would be funded by the sponsor in the absence of assistance under the -Act (section 205(c)(25)). D. Additional. Assurances for Title II Pro{;rams. All assurances in C above apply to activities funded under Title II. In addition, the appli- cant will assure that: (1) Only persons residing within the areas of substantial unemploy- ment qualifying for assistance will be hired to fill jobs created under Title II of the Act and the public services provided by such jobs shall, to the extent feasible, be designed to benefit the residents of such areas (section 205(c)(3)). (2) All persons employed under any program, other than necessary technical, supervisory, and administrative personnel, will be selected from unemployed and underemployed persons (section 205(c)(20)). (3) Special consideration shall be given to eligible disabled veterans, special veterans, and veterans who served in the Armed Forces and who re- ceived other than a dishonorable discharge within four years before the date of their application. Each eligible applicant selecting participants for programs funded under. Title II of the Act, shall take into consideration the extent that such veterans are available in the area. Specific effort Revised Tlay, 1976 should be made to develop appropriate full. or part -time opportunities for such veterans. In order to insure special consideration for veterans, all public service employment vacancies under Title II, except those to which former employees are being; recalled, must be listed with Lhe State employment service at least 48 hours (excluding; Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) before such vacancies are filled. During; this period, the employment service may refer those veterans specified above. If sufficient numbers of veterans are not available, tale employment service, upon re- quest, may also refer members of other significant segments. All other applicants are to be referred after the.48 -hour period (section 205(c)(5)). The eligible applicant should utilize the assistance of State and local veterans employment representatives in formulating its program objectives. Each eligible applicant shall, on a continuing and timely basis, provide information on job vacancies and training opportunities funded under Title I1 of the Act to State and local veterans employment representatives and to other veterans organizations for the purpose of disseminating information to eligible veterans (section 104(b) of Emergency Jobs and Unemployment Assistance Act of 1974). E. Additional Assurances for Title VI Programs. All assurances in C above apply to activities funded under Title V1. In addition the appli- cant will assure that: 1. Only persons residing in the area served by the eligible appli- cant under Title VI of the AcL will. be hired to fill jobs created under the Act and that the public services provided by such jobs shall, to the extent feasible, be designed to benefit the residents of such areas except that funds allocated under Title VI of the Act (section 603(x)(2)(:1)), to an area of substantial unemployment shall only be used to provide pro- ject and program opportunities to persons residing in those areas of sub- stantial unemployment (section 603(a) (2)). 2. All persons employed under any program, other than necessary technical, supervisory, and administrative personnel, till. be selected from among unemployed and underemployed persons and that under Title VI preferred consideration shall be given, to the maximum extent feasible, consistent- with provisions of the Act, to unemployed persons who have exhausted unemployment insurance benefits, to unemployed persons who are not eligibla for unemployment insurance benefits (except persons lacking work experience) and to unemployed persons who have been unemployed for 15 or more weeks. B. Special Certification for State Grantees. A State grantee further assures and certifies that: it wl comply with the requirements and pro- assures visions of section 106 and section 107 of the Act. Revised May, 1976 ASSURANCES AND CERTIFICATIONS The applicant also certifies that the information in this application is correct to the best of its knowledge and belief and.the filing of this application has been duly authorized. (Legal Name of Applicant ) (Address) (Signature of Authorized Officer) (Typed Name & Title of (Date of Application) Authorized Officer) 'i Revised May, 1976 CONTRACT SIGNATURE SHEET PRIME SPONSOR: COASTAL BEND MANPOWER CONSORTIUM P. O. BOX 9277 CORPUS CHRISTI TX 78408 NTRACTUR: HIALCO NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATION, INC. 1114 SAM RANKIN STREET CORPUS CHRISTI TX 78408 This contract is entered into by the Administrative Unit of the Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium, hereinafter referred to as Prime Sponsor and HIALCO Neighborhood Organizatign hereinafter referred to as Contractor. The Contractor agrees to operate a Manpower Services Program in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. This contract consists of l�ages, including this page, and such other provisions and documents as are included herein. The Contractor hereby agrees that he has read this Contract and will abide by all terms specified herein and also certifies that the information in this Contract is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief and this Contract has been fully authorized. Funds hereby being obligated are subject to the availability clause. A. CONTRACT PERIOD This Contract covers the period (date) from JANUARY 1, 1976 to SEPT. 30, 1976 B. OBLIGATION ' Total CETA funds obligated by the Prime Sponsor are $ 87,104.00 1. Funds carried in from previous program year are $ 58,069.00 t 2. New funds obligated are $ ,N /A 3. (For Modification use only) This Action increases the total CETA funds obligated for this Contract by $ 29,035.00 to (new level) $ 87,104.00 APPROVED FOR THE PRIME SPONSOR: APPROVED FOR THE CONTRACTOR: DAY OF 1976 DAY OF Cf., 1976 BY: BY: JAMES WAGNER — BOARD CHAIRMAN, R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager Signature ea BY: Jason Luby, Mayor Name and Title, ATTEST: City Secretary Date APPROVED: DAY OF 1976 APPROVED: DAY OF , 1976 City Attorney nA Director of Finance I CETA— January, 1976 FY 1976 Modification No. 3 MODIFICATION SHEET General Intent: The Transitional Budget for periods June 30, 1976 thru September 30, 1976 has been prepared in order to fund the ongoing Hialco Neighborhood Organization for the months leading up to the new fiscal year FY 77. Hialco will still provide Job Development and Job Placement. Modification: 1. The Title I contract period is extended from July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1976. 2. The Title I program for the period July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1976 consists of the following funds: a. Title I carry-in funds (unspent funds) on June 30, 1976: $ 17,143.00 b. Title I transitional funds: y $ 29,035.00 TOTAL (a. & b.) $ 46,178.00 This modification includes the following: 1. Signature Sheet 2. Modification Sheet 3. Program Planning Summary 4. Supplement to the CETA - PPS 5. Budget Information Summary 6. Project Component Budget and Back -Up Support Data 7. Program Narrative 8. Revised Assurances and Certifications NOTE: The FY 1976 contract extended by this modification will not exceed September 30, 1976. • ' " "" " •"' Hialco Neighborhood Organ, 1114 Sam Rankin Inc. Corpus Christi, T% 78401 U.S. UEI'AItTM ENT OF LABOR • Manpower Admintilmilon b. GRANT NUMOEn CETA PROGRAh1 PLANNING SUAfAi1IZY _ 1568322 C. GRANT YEAR d. TYPE OF PROGRAM From To I. HI TI J. 13 Title III Specify 1 -1 -76 I 9 -30 -76 z. LT TnR I a a. L=' rule yr FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SECTIONS I, N, ANL) lu a Sec' 1. A (Total Enrollmcuts) is the sum of AJ and A.2. 0 (Total Terminations) a the sum of O.1 through 0.3. C (Planned Enrollments) is A minus O. See. 11: Enter in line (a) Enrollments in each program activity cumulatively through the gTant yea, and in line Ci (b) the nunrpFr of participants planned to be enrolled in each program activity at the end or rach O quarter; participant, who are coneuraendy enrolled in mote limn one activity should be counted In each activity in which they are truoiled. Sec, III: Enter the eumulatioe number of participants In each segment to be enrolled daring the grar. year. t Paticipants should be coursed in as many agnSieant spgmerl groups as we appbcable. =1�Ir 1 CONTRACT KEY o MOD. DATE �� —u c m LL c 'rz z ov Eo O uuo enra DD vv b laI 6 7 E 9 11 L^ D 3: 16 1 l 1. 2 23 z ^• . 2 21 1. ENROLLMENT AND TERMINATION SUMMARY -GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN v. REPORT G PERIOD A• TOTAL E INROLL• MENTS Enroll. �0. TOTAL 2. Parllcl• TER NI NA- Pants Camcsl TI ON Ov 1. Enterin9 Emlyoynua a. 1311W Plemts. b. Indlreet Plemts. e.0etameo Lrtiplgmar 2. Olner Positive ]. Non• posltive ( C. PLANNCO (end al e>r_•• cit. t 7 J " 2r, 26 31 W nl 46 Iso ` 01 • G: 71 7G II. PLANNCO ENROLLMENTS IN PROGRAM ACTIVITIES IV. OTHER ACTIVITiCS ' lRcfcrence IIFI Indicate other activities or special programs on etiach• muntt. Describe their objectives and list milestonet toward their achievement in a gwntitatiw or narrative Pre tCR WboO, ' • A 1 O C D C F CLASSROOM T(IAININC On-the-job Training Pub. Sorvc Emplsiwtl work E" ence Other Activities F'Oh"i SPVU. V.I. Ed. U I2 rI Total Enrollments 9 7 bl Currently C-111d _O 0 0 ] ('f I a1 Total Cntallmenit Tr2T7 !3 ul Ca.lCntiy Cn101110 II 2 7 I J I1 al Tolrl C'•.r..li'TCn15 I:• 11I b1 cv.rc� try rnrollt0 0 1013 3 7 7 ICn 121 a) Tnlal Lnr otinrenn IO G 7 __ 13 01 Currently EnrUiled 0 6 7 121!2:1'2:12h25126 133, 36 • 11 ' a6 51 111. SIGNIFICANT GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAID S•ONIFI CANT 9/30 12/31 3/31, '6/30 SECb:CN 75 lal lo) item to e _ ,JJnderem lov _ cDisadvanta_g. O C SEGMENTS SIGNIFICANT - SCGMENTS P D R GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN J /:0 12131 3/31 6/30 lal lot 10 l01 _ . a. Sit' NATURE a[p _ er -- Ch irman b. ✓ ✓DATE IGNED ' �� htA 7 ^n7 '"1. 1975 PROGRAM Hislrn TITLE I SUPPLEI4ENT TO THE CETA - PPS I. NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED TO BE SERVED, PROGRAM YEAR TO DATE. MONTH -YEAR II. NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED TO BE ENROLLED AT END OF EACH MONTH. III. CUMULATIVE PROJECTED EXPENDITURES BY MONTH. " JULY (76); 337 67, 747' AUG. (76) 162 77,426_ SEPT. (76) 187 = '' 87,I04 OCT. NOV. . DEC. JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE INSTRUCTIONS I. Enter the total planned number of individuals who are planned to be served cumulative each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 1C of the 'PPS. II. Enter the total planned number of individuals who will be in the program covered by this PPS on the last day of each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services-, training, or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 1C of the PPS. III. Enter the planned accrued expenditures of funds cumulative by month. The totals in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 111B of the PPS. A. GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS Hialco Neighborhood Organ, Inc. 1114 Sam Rankin Corpus Christi, TX 73401 • U.S. DEPARTMCraT OF LAGOR `Manpowtr Ad nL, __ti.. BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY B. GRANT NUMBER 1563322 C. TYPE OF PROGRAM 1. ffTltle 1 3. 071t.. 111 4. ❑ T,%Ie VI 2. O Till. II ISPrc ifTj .. ............................... • D. FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY 30 i I I CONTRACT KEY zi DE hn`Z Uu ^ I • u T MOD. DATE MM DD YY :GI 10� CO•.11 12 i 1 l4 5 6 ] 8 9 lD 71 12 13 l4 I5 I6 1] 10 l7 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 26 27 E. BUDGET SUMMARY COST CATEGORIES GRANT PROGRAM r U•. Cl1ON OR ACTIVITY ESTIMATED UNCXPLNOEO FUNDS NEW OR REVISCO UUDGET 1, TOTAL b. F.—M ., No,, Fe0-1 p. F-111 Non•F.dcral _ 7. r.d- lnlarat,on 29,935.00 29 935.00 c l.Iia+ a: 35 44 , 4 :Ir r Srnefsts .�; ,; - ;?•• 53 .3 .- 62 ]l 6902 _ 57 169.00 7 wl 1 2 c 26 1 87,I04.00 35 87,I04.00 F. CUMULATIVE OUARTERLY PROJECTIONS OF OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES (For O—w Endrng) 1 1213 1 '121122123124120 1 1 2 3 li .' 1 2312 2312412 1 1 21 31 j 21221231241251 3 21 22 23 24 25 .'1 1 2 7 _ O 3 7 1. P•.— Spersor Obligat:.ns G 1 26 3 31 104.00 G 2> 3 G 26 3 3. 26 2. T:: al P1:;ccted Expend:.— by Program 35 3 35 35 a. CW—l.. T--q, P—, Sponsor 44 4 44 44 b. On the lob Tra —q 53 5 53 53 c Pal., S-- hmpioyment 62 62 fit 62 d T:.A Experience 711 71 171 Srn ¢n to Partis.F -ts 112 3 26 1 2 3 26 1 *L� 2G 1 12 3 36 O1 G G 4 G G 4 L G:hrr A—n— 35 : 35 35 1 1351 3 P:nje::ed ETpendnums for Vocational Ed. V. Special Grants to Govrmors 44 44 44 44 4. P::•ms—.' S ditcres of iron Fed. Funds j 5i 531 53 53 5. O:: e: Fed. Funds, N.t in P—= Spon. Cant 162 7 62 i 62 b. Or-d Total • Projected Expenditures • .,: •71 gj 10A. 71 :.�, ,� 711 11, MA 5.145 (Apr. 1975) !_J TITLE I PROJECT COMPONENT BUDGET TITLE II NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Hialco Neighborhood Oreanization, Inc. Fiscal Year 1976 Modification No. 3 0 TITLE III FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY: _ Job Development Program BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COST: $ 20,495.00 $ +9.440.00 $ 29.935.00 (2) WAGES: (3) TRAINING• (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: (5) ALLOWANCES: (6) SERVICES: 37,574.00 +19,595.00 57,169.00 TOTAL $ 58,069.00 $ +29,035.00 $ 87,104.00 - f , BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET a. STAFF COSTS: $ 9,781.00 $ +4.086.00 $ 13.867.00 b. FRINGE BENEFITS: 1.444.00 + 617.00 2,061.00 c. CONSUMABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: 950.00 + 495.00 1,445.00 d. PROGRAM EVALUATION: e. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: f. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: I g. STATE MANPOWER SERVICES COUNCIL: N/A h. PRIME SPONSOR PLANNING COUNCIL: i. TRAVEL: 3,420.00 +1,775.00 5,195.00 j. RENT: k. UTILITIES: 1. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: 250.00 0 250.00 M. INDIRECT COSTS: n. STAFF TRAINING: o. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: p. EQUIPMENT: Adding Machines & + 695.00 695.00 Other Equipment q. MATERIAL: Office Furn.: desks, 850.00 + 509.00 1,359.00 chairs r. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: S. PUBLICATIONS: t. OTHER: (Specify)printing 425.00 + 200.00 625.00 U. OTHER: (Specify)postage 300.00 + 50.00 350.00 v. A OTHER: (Specify)Telephone 1,655.00 + 188.00 1,843.00 w. OTHER: (Specify)Xerox Copier 1,200.00 + 675.00 1,875.00 X. OTHER: (Specify)Equip. Maint. 220.00 + 150.00 370.00 SUB -TOTAL $ 29,495.00. $ +9,440.00 $ 29,935.00 - I BACK -UP STbPPORT BUDGETS (1) Ad- inist;ative Cost (Cont.) r J FRINGE BENEFITS (Staff): BUDGET APPROVED CP.ANGES R-- ISED BUDGET (-t- or -) BUDGET a. AAINUAL LEAVE: $ $ $ b. SICK LEAVE - c. COURT LEAVE: d. MILITARY LEAVE: e. FICA: 597.00 + 254 -on 851 00 f. LIFE INSURANCE: g. FDLALTS INSUF-kNCE: 633 nn 67.00 700.00 h. UCTEiPLOYENT INSURANCE: + 226.00 226.00 i. womcmN'S COMPENSATION: 214.00 + 70.00 284.00 j. RETIREMENT BENEFITS: I _ k. OTHEF: (Specify) 1. OTHER- (Specify) SUB -TOTAL $ 1.444.00 $ + 617.nn $ 2 nci no i BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (6) SERVICES TO CLIENTS: BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET a.' CHILD CARE: r $ $ $ b. HEALTH CARE: c. MEDICAL SERVICES: d. RESIDENTIAL SUPPORT: e. ASSISTANCE IN SECURING BONDS: f. FAMILY PLANNING: I g. OUTREACH: h. INTAKE AND ASSESSMENT: 7.281.00 + 22125.00 f 9,406.00 i. ORIENTATION: — j. COUNSELING: I k. JOB DEVELOPMENT: Staff Cost _ 28,593.00 +17,008.00 45,601.00 1. Includes g,h,i,j,l) JOB PLA EMENT: m. OTHER: (Specify) n. OTHER: (Specify) Equip. -Type- 1,700.00 0 1,700.00 o. writers Add Mach. & other OTHER: Specify) Telephone + 462.00 462.00 SUB -TOTAL $ 37,574.00 $ +19,595.00 57,169.00 TOTAL $ 58.069.00 $ +29,035.00 $ 7 10.4:00 J! r .- BACK -L? SUPPORT BUDGETS-, (6} SERVICES TO CLIENTS (Coat.) FRINGE BENEFITS: (Staff) BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET a. AN DUAL LEAVE: $ $ $ b. SIC:✓. LEAVE: c. COURT LEAVE: d. MILITARY LE.SVE: e. FICA: 1,992.00 1,048.00 3,040,00 f. LIFE. INSUR-010E: g. HEALTH INSUFLAIVCE: 953.00 + 444.00 1, 397.00 h. UNDIPLOYMMiT INSURANCE: + 720.00 720.00 i. WORKELV'S COMPENSATION: 647.00 0 647.00 J. RETIREMENT BENEFITS• ' k. OTHER: (Specify) - - - 1. OTTER: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL $ 3,592.00 $ +2;212.00- $ 5,804.00 POSITION TITLE SALARY PER NO. UNITS PAIO % OF TIME TO POS, TOTAL AMOUNT Mo.. WWWK NOUN* war.! Counselor Coord. 5..77 2 USE AMOUNT e. RENT . ............................... 2.769.60 Bookkeeper 4.33 173.20 40 12 100 2.078.40 Job Developer 4.33 173.20 40 19, inn 9,n7p An Job Developer 4.33 1173.20 40 a Job Developer 4.33 173.20 40 12 Ion 9 n7R An Job Developer 4.33 173.20 40 12 100 2,078,40 IntakeInterviewer 4.33 173.20 40 12 100 2.078.40 Follow -Up Counselor 4.55 182.40 40 12 100 2 188.80 Intake /Administrato .85 154.00 40 12 100 1,848.00 Sr. Clerk Typist 3.46 138.46 40 12 100 1,661.52 TOTAL THIS PRO D COMP. Comp. TOTALS► 2O 9 2 SQUARE RATE /SO. MO. IN NO.STAFF A TOTAL RENT FEET FT. /MO. USE USING USE AMOUNT e. RENT . ............................... b. RENT . ............................... TOTAL a PROGRAM NARRATIVE. (STATIVENT OF WORK) The Hialco Neighborhood Organization Job Development Program, is sincerely dedicated to the fact that all citizens should be able to become economically self- sufficient. By using effective plans and creative designs, we feel we can impact the , Consortium area. We will endeavor to pursue the ideology that Americans can be helped by relieving unemployment, helping those that are disadvantaged, and attempting to give some hope to those who, in the past lived on "Hand- outs." By aiding participants in such things as how to fill out appli- cations, the art of interviewing, testing, seeking career oriented jobs, and getting training, we feel that we will be -able to help instill some hope. « Hialco is very unique in that the direct area where Hialco is located comprise 420 of the Corpus Christi's Black population. As we serve the entire Consortium area, we are still better able to support an area which to date have received little help. Effective measures are constantly being taken to assure the participants the best that can be offered.- Hialco will be looked upon in the community and Consortium area to be synonymous with "Opportunity." An opportunity which is not of any nature, but one which is EQUAL in every aspect.,. 1 Y 1 i H ASSURANCES AND CERTIFICATIONS The-applicant also certifies that the information in this application is correct -to the best of its knowledge and belief and the filing of this application has been duly authorized. .Hialco- Neighborhood Organization I114 Sam Rankin, Corpus Christi TX (Legal Name of Applicant) (Address) x ( ignature of Authorized Officer) (Date) JAMES WAGNER -BOARD CHAIRMAN JUNE II, I976 (Typed Name & Title of (Date of Application) �• Authorized Officer) s r Revised May, I976 CONTRACT SIGNATURE SHEET PkI E=S it OR: CoasbalheJJnd Manpower Consortium P.O. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 t ,ONTRACTOR: _ Coastal Bend American GI Forum Veterans Outreach Program: 2601 Morgan Avenue Corrnas Christi, Tx. 78405 This contract is enterad into by the Administrative Unit of the Coastal Bend Manpower 7 Consortium, hereinafter referred to as Prime Sponsor andAme,icin GI Forum Veterans Outreach , hereinafter referred to as Contractor. E The Contractor agrees to operate a :Iazpower Services Program in accordance with the provisions of this .agreement. This contract consists of 21/ pages, including this page, and such other provisions and docuients as are included herein. Thp Contractor hereby agrees that tae has read this Contract and will abide by all terms specified herein and also certifies that the information in this Contract is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief and this Contract has been fully authorized. Funds hereby being obligated are subject to the availability clause. A. CONTRACT PERIOD This Contract covers the period (date) from 1 July 1975 to 30 September 1976 . B. OBLIGATION Total CETA funds obligated by the Prime Sponsor are $ 86,533.00 1. Funds carried in fromtorevious program year are $ -0- { 2. New funds obligated are $ 23,650.00 3. (For Ybdiiication use only) This Action Increases the total CETA funds obligated for this Contract by $ 23,650.00 to (new level) $ 110,183.00 APPROVED FOR THE PRIMfE SPONSOR: APPROVED FOR THE CONTRACTOR: DAY OF 1976 t 197 BY: BY yA/� �l R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager T{ Signa ur BY: G. Rudolph Garza, Jr., Chairman Jason Luby, Mayor Name and Title ATTEST: APPROVED: DAY OF 1976 City Secretary Date APPt',OVIO: DAY OF 1976 City Attorney Director of Finance CETA - January, 1976 a. GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDnE— ^nastal Bend American GI Forum erans Outreach Program /1 Morgan Avenue Gonpus Christi, Texas 78405 U.S. DIXAIIT'MENT OF LABOR a Manpower Adminiamlion b. GRANT NUMBER '•CETA PROGRAM PLANNING SUMINIARY' 1568318 c. GRANT YEAR d. TYPE OF PROGRAM From I To 1. M Title 1 3. ❑ Title RI Sr,eclly.. 7/1/75 09/30/76 7. C i.lk It 1. n T''.• ur FOR REGIONAL Or F;CE USE ONLY IN:.TRUC TIONS FOR COMPLETING SECTIONS I, II, ANU tit Sec. 1: A (Total Enrolln'ents) a die wm of A.1 and A.2. 0 (Total Terminutsons) a the sum of DA dnough - D.S. C (Planned Zwoll -rats) Is A mmus B. See. 11: Enter In line (a) Enrollments In each program activity cumulatively through the rzt year, and ir. Une 6 (b) the numppr of particip. is planned to be enrolled in cart program acuwty at Ne end of each quarter; participant, who are concurrently enrolled an mote than one aet.vsty should be counted In each activity m vrhseh they are enrolled. Sec. III: Enter the — tela,ioc number of� participants in each segment to be enrolled dare, the gear. ear. Y 7 Parhnpants sl'ould be eoh.raed in as many agnu ie:.r+l segment groups as are eppLc able. Flpl= 1 I eoraTllACT RCV si n+DO. DATE ° iu } LL ;,E d ii d '• Z uu Z oo` ti o D MM DD vv 7� , 7 7 Ia p G 7 c 0 11 _ U is ^ 1G 1 1 if 2 7; z 2 •a r ( I I. ENROLLMENT AND TERMINATION SUI.AMARY GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN IO I1j 1 :17i: i REPORT = PERIOD 0 T A. 70TA ENROLL• MENTS 525 I. Enroll• m nle misyr, 525 I0. TOTAL 2. Parttcl• TERMINA• Pants GmV over TION:. 525 1. Enie ring EmPloymvI a. Direct Pscmas. V b. Indirect Pocma. oo'amed Dnpiwmm 2. Other Po i.nre _ ]. Non• I „o,itive C. PLANNED ETrah.LA.,°.\ rrna of c— - 510 510— i5 — — —525 d7] ?:m,7 2u 71 x ni e0 . n sd al w n 7c 11, PLANNED ENIIOLLMCNTS IN PROGRAM ACTIVITIES IV. OTHER ACTIVITIES !Reference IIFI Indic to other aellv'ties or tpCbal proSrams on encch• me rats. Describe their obleet, vet and I,st milestone: toward h.",mcm in a gw,ittal— or harNnve presentmron, ' A I D C D C F CLASSnOOM TRAIN:NG On•lhe•JO0 Training Pub. Ssrvc EmplaArant Work C*FQ levee Other Activities R lm; '_tent. voc. Eel. To•al Enrollments Cc ently Enroum &917 ' 1 al Total Cr.r oil mend a ) C1..•nt.y Cnrai:d I IJ r7 al Total L•r.w-nna 10 73117 I G .J I of Cv - .r Cnr cnso 0 ] I7 iL, I2 ]rtal Lrrcl:ri�tnst �0 L) _ .J I] e) C�rrenliy Cnro'led 0 G ) -i 1 2i J 136 it III. SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS V, al3N TURF (1y�{�I CnANT YEAR•TO•DATC PLAID GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN S.C-F'CANT 0170 P-�- 1 7/31 6/70 SIGNIFICANT X1 /:0 12/71 7/71 0/30 G. RUDOLPH GAR7A JR. sea". CNTS SEGMENTS _.L _ sal t scl ldl _ lal lot lcl Id) b, ATE SIGNED Veterans - -- — P - — a — II c V� — -- „ >tA 1.1- 1.11 Ie7+1 ble ' nAUUKACl AMERICAN OI FORUM VETBANS 01JTHr.'AJH Hi0;rCAM TITLE I SUPPLEMENT TO THE CETA - PPS ?: I I. NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED TO BE SERVED, PROGRAM YEAR TO DATE. moxTR -YEAR 1976 II. NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PLAiWED TO BE ENROLLED AT END OF EACH MONTH. III. CUMULATIVE PROJECTEI EXPENDITURES BY•IION1 JULY 155 94,hi6.00 AUG. 490 102,299.00 SEPT.. 525 110'1P3.00 OCT. S Nov. DEC. JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL FLAY - JUNE INSTRUCTIONS I. Enter the total planned number of individuals who are planned to be served cumulativ each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 1C of the 'PPS. s II. Enter the total planned number of individuals who will be in the program covered by this PPS on the last day of each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services., training, or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries_in Part 1C of the PPS. 5 III. Enter the planned accrued expenditures of funds cumulative by month. The totals in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 111B of the PPS. .. mom" r 110 lam m IBM on w WoUlm • Fiscal Year • ,1976 Modification No. 3 " 'p^ PROJECT COMPONENT BUDGET ' Ex CITLE I TITLE II (} � TITLE III " "A`.7 OF CONTRIC•POR: COASTAL REND AMERIC4N G.I. FORUM VETERANS OUTREACH PROGRAM FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY: The Program will Provide multiple services to eligible veterans with heavy con— , tratio❑ on JOB REFERRAL AND JOB PLACEMENT. BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or —) BUDGET (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COST: $ 27,601.0o .,$5712.76 $ 33,313.76 (2)' WAGES: " (3) TRAINING: (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: (5) ALLCWA-NCES: r E. (6) sERVICES: 58,932.00 17,937.24 76,869.24 ` =r r TOTAL $-86,533,00 S 23.65o.60 $110,183.00 {` Y r. h � s �i�i ' }i� \i:S -i�:' SUl ?08T FUD�E:TS � •' (G) S:. °aZC:S i0 CLIENTS (Cont--.) � K ri:i: }S "r ".`�iPITi: (St.tEf) i;lm= , APPROVT•.7 CHANGES • REVISED LUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET i . b . S CC:' C. C-1'111 :if -LF,,W° d. MILIT_ ZY LLAVE f. LT FE — FRZNGE }r" "TTH Ii:SU L'•i CE AENEFITS: $6,932.00 872,89 $8,84768 - . r 329.30 a h. 1,-;7._PLOYIEZ -_iT i iST LkNC-: i. ?:0?•`1'S COi` ?E 1dSAT_I05: 150.00 '150.00 r 4 F ^ j- R°_TI1112 NT BK'.ErITS: IM " k. OT- = (Specify) (Travel) l Q80.00 i, 1980.00'`' ,) 1. OT-t=: (Specify) (Reproduction) t 402.50 .44 .5� 0 _: P, SUB-TOTAL $ 4 6,932.00 $ 4,448.181 ;$ 11:380,18, ^ " {` n. . a, f iii rM` ��P Y^ w��~4`+ BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS ; (6) bI;3V' CCS_i0 CLIE2�TS c 'BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or ) •, BUDGET b. 1LT ii C:'1P,E_ — ---- a , c. IIED ?CAL SERVICES: d, R {SIDENTIAL SUPPORT: — - -- -- IN SECURING BONDS: v_• ASSISTANCE f. FA?!ILY PIANNING: i 8• OUTREACH: 1,654.00 ;. p h. INTAKE A'�D ASSESSMENT: -- — -- i. OP,_ENTAT_I0N: --" + $64,196.00 X52,000.00 j" COU:rSSLING• �`' Y 4,930.00 `,•.'" k. JOB DEVELOPMENT: 1. JOB PLACFPIENT: 775.56 (775.56' A+; m, OTHER: (Specify) (Rent) ---- P• •, y. 417.50= n. OTHER: (Specify) (Communications ___� 100.00 > .. 100.00 o. 01HER: (Specify) (office) Y .4 1 $ 52.000.00. $ $+6 189.06 ,• 4 SUB-TOTAL 23,650.00,_ ,$110,183.00 TOTAL $ 86,533.00 $ ,4u F11 t.°dr 6 .4� An•n 1 A t. &•1.. a - gnu. • " •' `s: ,1,V C BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS Y d (1) AD'INISTRATIVE COSTS a. STAFF COSTS: b. FRINGE BENEFITS: c. CONSU11ABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: d. PROGRAM EVALUATION: e. ACCOUNTING SYSTEt+i: f. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTISI: g. STATE I- IMPOWER SERVICES COUNCIL: h. PRI21E SPONSOR PLANNING COUNCIL: i. TRAVEL: j. RENT: k. UTILITIES: 1. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: m. INDIRECT COSTS: a n. STAFF TRAINING: 0. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: p. EQUIPi1ENT: q. MATERIAL: r. CA2ITAL IMPROVEMENTS: s. PUBLICATIONS: t. OTHEB°: (Specify) (PostageJand Reproduction) U. OTHER: (Specify)(Communications) v. O;EER: (Specify) (Employer's W. OTi{IiR• (Specify) Liability) X. OTiiIiR: (Specify) SUL'- TOTAI. p, • x ' BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) r' BUDGET $ 7,800.00 2147.00 $ i651 -00 ,$ 11,601.00 936.00 100:00, 1,036,00 - r' N/A 6a827_oo -0- 6,827.00 - 4.140.00 259.44 4,399:44 a; A f� 2.530.00 — 260.;5& x 2, 7. 6 56 "« ., �. i'i '"•d• . _2,008.00 63.50 1" 2,091'.50' 1,378.00 ¢ r ! 25.00 « 1,863'.'001 $ 25,619.00 $_4 929.44 $n• 30,548.44 ., r ` BACE;- -LI' PORT BL'DC_: '; 1y (font•) 3i•.:Ern's (Staff): si�ncET A ?'t' OS'E'J CiL ". \res �.�ISED BU[ivl.L (+ or • -) BIMGE_ a. AN':JAL LPAVE: $ - - - - -- $ $ b. 'C' LEAVE:: c. COURT z. :!ILIT:LT',Y LKA -VE- e_ FCCA: 222.36 f . I=E AND tLALi3 Iz ;suiznhcE: 1, 167.00 327.11 1,819.1U�. h. LTNF`iPLOY,'I NT 1NSUMVNCE: 102,63 50.00 4l�b.22 z_ ROPL EN'S CO.B'ENSATION: (Blanket 815.00 Al =97 -- Bonding) j • P.ETIP.c� NT BENEFITS: , k. OInER: (Specify) 1. 0!r_ : (specify) a SURE T07AL $ 1,982.00 $__283.-32 $ 2765:32 POSITION TITLE SALARY PER NO. UNITS PAID OF MIME TO POS- TOTAL' , AMOUNT NpLR WSRN NOUR. wm... PROGRAM DIRECTOR 6.27 250.60 528 1 100% $3308-00 OUTREACH SPECIALIST 5.32 212.60 528 13 100% $2806.00 OUTREACH SPECIALIST 5.32 212.60 528 13 100% $2806.00 JOB DEVELOPER 11.67 186.80 528 13 100% $2465.00, JOB DEVELOPER 4.0— 186.80 528 13 l00% $21165.00 OFFICE MANAGER 11.07 162.80 528 13 100% $21117.00 1 TOTAL STAFF THIS PRO1. /COMP. TOTALS $15,997.001 RENT SQUARE FEET RATE /30. FT - /MO. MO.IN USE NO.STAFF USING 1 USE TOTAL AMOUNT .. REHT..AdmiAlP i.atlQn. b. RENT..SPat eS........... e. TOTAL 183.99 117 3 1.5 100$ $259.1111 515.98 47 3 b.5 100$ 775,.5&' - $1035.00 f `r r� ASSUrJ,l ES AIM CERTIFICATION'S A. General Assurances • 1. The applicant nsdIcs and certifies that: a. It will comply with the requirements of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) of 1973, as amended (P.L. 93 -203, 87 Stat. 839 and P.L. 93 -567, 88 Stat. 1845), hereinafter referred to as the Act, and with the regulations and policies promulgated thereunder; and b.. It wLll comply with 0:03 Circular number A -95 and Federal Management- Circulars (1110) 74 -4 and 74 -7, as those circulars relate to functions such as the utilization of funds, the operations of programs, and maintenance of records, books, accounts, and other documents under the Act. 2. The applicant further assures and certifies that if the regula- tions promulgated pursuant to the Act are amended or revised, it shall comply with them or notify the Regional Administrator for Employment and Training Administration (RA) within 30 days after promulgation of the amendments or revision that it cannot so conform, so that the RA may take appropriate action including termination, if necessary. 3. In addition to the requirements of 1 and 2 above and consistent with the regulations issued pursue-Tit to the Act, the applicant makes the = 'following further assurances and certifications: ( a. It possesses legal authority to apply for the grant;-that a resolution, notion, or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an E• official act of the applicant's governing body, authorizing the filing of the application, including all understandings•and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional-information as may be required (sections 102(a); 701(a)(9) and (10))'. b. It will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (F.L. 88 -352), and in accordance with Title VI of that Act no person in the United States shall on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise- subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for • which the applicant receives Federal financial assistance and will i=ne- diately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement. c. It will comply with Title VI of the Civil nights Act of ' 1964,,(42 USC 2000d) prohibiting employment discrimination where (1) i the pi:Uaary purpose of a grant is to provide employment or (2) dis- criminatory employment practices will result in unequal treatment of s persons who are or should be benefiting from the graut -aided activity. Revised May, 1976 d. No person with responsibilities in the operation of any p- -- " gram under the Act will discriminate with respect to any program par ticipant or any applicant for participation in such program because race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, politicnl affiliation or - beliefs (section 703(1) and 712). C. It will comply with the requirements of the provisions of the Uniforsf Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act of 1970 (P.L• 91 -6416) which provides for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced as a result of Federal and federally - assisted programs. f. It will comply with the provisions of the Hatch Act which limit the political activity of employees. V It trill comply with the requirement that .no program under the Act shall involve political activities (section 710)_ h. It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that is or gives the appearance of being motivated by a.desire for private gain for themselves or others, par - ticularly those with whom they have family, business, or other ties (section 702(a)). i. It will dive the Department of Labor and the Comptroller General through any authorized representative. the access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the i - grant (section 713(2))_ , j. Participants in the program will not be employed on the con - struct-ion, operation, or maintenance of-that part of any facility which, Is used for religious instruction or worship (section 703(3)). t k. Appropriate standards for health and safety in work and training situations will be maintained (section 703(3))- ' 1. Conditions of employment or training will be appropriate and reasonable with regard to the type of work, the geographical region and _ the proficiency of the applicant (section 703(4)). m. Provision of workmen's compensation protection to participants in on -the -job training, work e,-perience, or public service employment programs under the Act at the same level and to the same extent as other s of the employer who are covered by a State or industry Workmen's employee compensation statute; and provision of workmen's compensation insurance or medical and accident insurance for injury or disease resulting from their participation to those individuals engaged in any program activity Revised May, 1976 Page 3 of.9 pa under the Act, i.e., work experience, on -the -job training,. public service empioyment, classroom training, services to participants, and other activities, where others'sinilarly engaged are not covered by an applicable wor}anen's compensation statute (sections 703(6) and 208(4)). n. The program will not result in the displacement of employed workers or impair existing contracts for services or result in the substitution of Federal funds for other funds in connection with work that would otherwise be performed (section 703(7))_ o. Training will not be for any occupations which require less than two weeks of pre - employment training, unless immediate employment opportunities are available in that occupation (section 703(8))'. p. Training and related services will, to the extent practicable, be consistent with every individual's fullest capabilities and lead to employment opportunities which will enable participants to become econom- ically self- sufficient (sections 703(9) and 105(a)(6)). q_ Institutional skill training and training on the job shall only be for occupations in which the Secretary or-the prime sponsor has determined there is reasonable expectation,• for employment (section 703(10)). . r. CETA funds will, to the extent practicable, be used to supple- went, rather than supplant, the level of funds that would otherwise be available for the planning and administration of programs under the eligible applicant's grant (section 703(11)). s. It will submit reports as required by the Secretary and will maintain records and provide access to them as necessary for the Secretary's review to assure that funds are being expended in accordance with the.pur- poses and provisions of the Act_ including the mai:htenance of records to assist the Secretary in determining the extent to- which the program meets the special needs of disadvantaged, chronically unemployed, and low income persons for meaningful employment opportunities (sections 703(12) and 311(c)). t. The program will, to the maximum extent feasible, contribute to the occupational development or upward mobility of individual partici- pants (section 703(13)). u. - The program has adequate administrative and accounting con- trols, peLSonnci standards, evaluation procedures, availability of in- service training and technical assistance programs, and other policies as may be necessary to promote the effective use of funds (section 703(14)).• • r v. The program makes appropriate provision for the manpower needs of youth in the area served (section 703(15), and will assure that: 'Revised Clay, 1976 _ page 4 of 9 pages - training on the job shall be (1) Individuals receiving including pel:lodic inereasesr pensated by the cr able ip]oycr at such rates. as may be deemed reaso under regulations prescribed by rite Secretary, n but in no event at a rate less thaa that specified in Section G(napplicable -of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 or, S State or local minimum cage law. Wages in the Cortmono-reaith of Puerto itieo, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Trust Territory of the pacific Islands shall be consistent with the Federal, State, or local lira other- wise applicable (section 111(b))• (2) Persons employed in public service jobs under this Act shall be paid wages vhich shall not be lower than whichever is e c highest of (a) the in wage which would be applicable to thcofesuch ee under the Fair Labor Standards Acandfii�he�weresnotiexempt )under section title applies Wages the Participant 13 thereof. Wages in the Commonwealth of Puerto Pico, the virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands shall be consistent with the Federal, State., or local law otherwise applicable; (b) the State or local minimum comparable employe Covered employment, or (c) the p in similar public occupations by the same employer (section 208(x)(2)). W. It will comply. with the labor standards requi rements set out in section 706 of the Act. i X. Services and activities provided under this Act will be ad- ministered by or under the supervision of the applicant (sections 105 (a) (1) (B) and 205(c)(1))- y, 12o finds made available under the Act shall be used for t lobbying activities in violation of 18 USCA 1913. i Z. If the applicant is financed by letter of credit: { (1) Letter of credit cash drawdons will only be initiated c.� when actually needed for its 1;TA grants) disbursements; (2) Timely reporting of cash disbursements and balances will be made to the 'Manpower Administration as required; (3) It will impose the same standards of tiofirepondsamount of 4iu ❑ any secondary recipients including the furnishing ` -cash disbursements and balances. B. Additional Assurance; for Title I pro E-IL- i In carrying out grog Yalns under Title I of the Act, the applicant' assures and certifies that: Revised hay, 1976 4 it 1 i ji 1 1. Manpower services, including job development, will be. provided to those most in need of them including low income persons and persons of limited English- speaking ability, and tint the need for continued funding of programs of demon <,trated effectiveness is considered in serving such persons (section 105(a)(1)(D))_ 2. Programs of institutional skill training shall be designed for occupations in which skill shortages exist (section 105(a)(5)). 3. The plan meets all the requirements of section 105(x) and the applicant will comply with all provisions of the Act- (section 105(b))_ 4. It will rake such arrangements as are prescribed by regulation to assist the Secretary in carrying out his responsibilities under sections 105 and 108 of the Act (section 105(a)(7)). . 5. Special consideration will be given to the needs of eligible disabled veterans, special veterans, and veterans who served in the Armed Forces and who •received other than a. dishonorable discharge within four years before the date of their application. Each prime sponsor in selecting participants for programs funded under Title I of the Act, shall take into consideration 0:7 extent that such veterans are available in: the area. Specific effort should be trade to develop appropriate full or part -ti c opportunities for such veterans. The prime sponsor should utilize the assistance of the State and local veterans employment service representative in formulating its.program objectives. On a continuin.� and timely basis, information on job vacancies and training opportunities funded under -Title I of the Act shall be provided to the Str-te and local veterans employment service representative for the purpose of disscm= natiug information to eligible veterans (section 104(b) of Emergency Jobs and Unemployment Assistance Act of 1974). C. Additional Assurances Relating to Public Service Eaplo }sent Programs For public service employment activity, the applicant further assures and certifies that: _ 1. Special consideration will be given to the filling of jobs which provide sufficient prospects for advancement or suitable continued employ- ment by providing co,�plcmentary training and manpower services designed to (1) proa,ote the advance tent of participants to e'aploy:tent or training , opportuniti�3 suitable to the individuals involved, whether in the public or private. sector of the econor,,y, (2) provide participants with skills for wbich th,i•e is an anticipated high demand, or (3) provide participants with ,elf- devclop•!cnt skills; except where exempt under the provisions of section 604 of the Act, provided, however, that nothing contained in Revised May, 1976 page 6 of 9 p- -^s this paragraph shall be construed to prccle'LO n(sectionsr205(c)(4)tiom the foregoing goals are not feasible or appropriate and 604). 2. To tlic cr.tcnt feasible, public service jobs shall be provided in occupatio,ial fields which arc :.lost lil :ely to expand within the public or private sector as the uncmplo,,= '' =i1t rate recedes cr:ccpt where exempt under section 604 of the Act (sections 205(c)(6) and 604). 3, Special consideration in filling transitional public service jobs will be riven to unemployed persons.who are the most severely disadvantaged in tc.zcs of the length of time: they have been unemployed without assistance but such special consideration shall not authorize the hiring of any per- son when any other person is on lay -off from the same or any substantially equivalent job (section 205(c)(7))• 4. No funds will be used to hire any person to fill a job opening created by the action of an employer in laying off- or terminating the employment of any other regular employee not supported under the Act in anticipation of filling the vacancy so created by hiring an employee to be supported under the Act ( section 205(c)(8)). 5• Due consideration will be given to persons w ho have participated in manpower training programs for whom emplo }mcnt opportunities would not othullise be immediately available (section 205(c)(9)) 6. Periodic review procedures established pursuant to section 207(x) of the Act will be complied with (section 205(c)(17)). 7. Agencies and instituti.ons to whom financial assistance is made available under this title have undertaken or will undertake, analrevision of job descriptions and reevaluations and; where shorn necessary, of qualification requirements at all levels of employ —ment, including civil service requircrilents and practices relating thereto, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary, with a view,toward removing artificial barriers to public employment of those whom it is the purpose of ti,e Act to assist (section 205(c)(18)). S. l:liere appropriate, it will maintain or provide linkages with up- grading and other manpower programs for the purpose of (1) providing those persons employed in p::blic service jobs who want to pursue work Witt the employer, in the same or similar work, with opportunities ZoRd(2)o and to find permanent, upwardly mobile careers in that field, providing those persons so employed who do not wish to pursue p`a rmanent w recr: in such field, with opportunities to seek, prepare o (sections 205(c)(19) and 604). obtain worl, in other fields ' Revised May, 1976 t Page 8 of 9 Pages should be made to devclop_appropriatc full or part -time opportunities fore such veterans. In order to insure special consideration for veterans, all public service employment vacancies under Title II, except those to which former craployees are being recalled, must be listed with the State_ . emplo)��ent service at least 48 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holiday's) before such vacancies are filled. During this period, the employ-r:ent service may refer those veterans specified above. if sufficient number.: of veterans are not available, the employment service, upon re -` quest, may also refer members of other significant segments. All other applicants are to be referred after the 48 -hour period (section 205(c)(5))- The eligible applicant should utilize the assistance of State and local veterans e pioyment representatives in foru:ulating its program objectives: Each eligible applicant shall, on a continuing and timely basis, provide information on job vacancies and training opportunities funded under Title II of the Act to State and local veterans employment representatives and to other veterans organizations for the purpose of disseminating information to eligible veterans (section 104(b) of Emergency Jobs and Act of 1974). Unemployment Assistance .. _ E. Additional Assurances for Title BFI Pro ^rams. All assurances in C In addition the appli -�; above apply to activities funded under Title VI. cant will assure that: i 1. Only persons residing in the area served by the eligible appli cant under Title VI of the Act will be hired to fill jobs created under the Act and that the public services provided by such jobs shall,.to; the extent feasible, be designed to benefit the residents of such areas except that funds allocated under Title VI of the Act (section to an area of substantial unemployment shal'1 only be used to provide.pro_- ject and prograr_ opportunities to persons residing in, those areas of dub: • stantial unemployment (section 603(a)(2)). 2• All persons employed under any program, other than,necessary�,;•;. technical,' supervisory, and administrative personnel, crill,be selected`, from among-unemployed and underemployed persons and thatsundcr;Tit2e'VT,� preferred consideration shall be given, to the maximum extent feasible; " "_'ry consistent with provisions of the Act, to unemployed persons who haver !- exhausted unemployment insurance benefits, to unemployed persons wiio are' not eligible for unemployment insurance benefits (except persons lacking' work c.- periencc) and to unemployed persons who have been unemployed Yor,, 15 or gore weeks. g, for State Crautecs. A State grantee further' SLecial Certification ` assures and cc':tifics that it will comply with the requircmcnts and gpro- visions of section 106 and section 107 of the Act. Revised Pray, 1971 ASSURANCES AND CERTIFICATION The applicant also certifies that the information in this application is correct to the best of its knowledge and belief and the filing of this application has been duly authorized. oastal Bend 2601 Morgan Ave. A.mpri;an GI Porum Corpus Christi, Texas Veterans Outreach Program 78605 (Legal Name of applicant) (Address) G. Rudolph Garza, Jr., Chairman of the Board (Sigiature of Author ee Off e ) (Typed Name & Title of Authorized Officer) Signature of Authorized Officer) (Typed Name & Title of Authorized Officer) June 11, 1976 Date of Application �F CO:iT"CT SIGN LJRE Skttt.l -.- — Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, T% 78408 ):TRACTOR: City of Corpus Christi - Manpower Administx.cion P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, T% 78408 This contract is e. ^.t(:rcd into by t..= Administrative. Unit of the Coastal Bend Nanp3wer Consor =ium, hereinafter referred t3 as ?rime Sponsor and Manpower Administration > hereinafter referred to as Contractor. The Contractor grok:� to operate a Manpower Services Program in accordance with the ' provisians of this .,�;reemant. This contract consists of 17 pages, including this page, and such other pro':le.Cnns and doc _.ants as are included herein. The Contractor hereby agrees that he has read•this Contract and will abide by all terms ' specified herein and also certifies that the information in this Contract is correct to the best of his lmowledge and belief and this Contract has been fully authorized. Funds hereby, being obligated are subject to the availability clause. i A. CONTRACT PERIOD This Contract covers the period (date) from 7 -1 -75 to 9 -30 -76 _ B. OBLIGATION Total CETA funds obligated by the Prime Sponsor are $__L78,087 1. Funds carried in from previous progran year are 2. ',few funds obligated are $ N/A 3. (For Modification use only) This Action increases the total CETA funds obligated for this Contract by $ 57,391 to (necz level) $ 278,087 APPROVED FOR THE PRIME SPONSOR_ APPROVED FOR THE CO:iTP.ACTOP._ DAY OF , 1976 DAY OF 1976 BY BY: R. r *,-rv3n Townsend, Contracting Officer Signature BY. R Marvin Townsend. City Manager Jason Luby, IL -yor Name and Title ATTEST: APPP.OVED= - DAY of 1976 City retary Da -e APPRO:' -D: DAY OF 1976 City Attorney Director -of Finance CETA- Januarv. 1976 FY 1976 2•1odification No, 4 i MODIFICAIICN SHEET General Intent: To modify the CETA FY 1976 Title I contract of the Manpower Administration Office for an increase of $57,391 to a new level of $278,087. This increase will be utilized to continue operations for the transitional quarter and extend the contract period from July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1976. Modification: ' ' 1. Tha Title I contract period is extended from July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1976. 2. The Title I program for the period July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1976 consists ; of the following funds: a. Title I carry -in funds (unspent funds) on June 30, 1976: $ 28,673 b. Title I transitional funds: $ 57,391 TOTAL (a. & b.) $ 86,064 This modification includes the following: 1. Signature Sheet 2. Modification Sheet 3. Program Planning Summary N/A 4. Supplement to the CETA - PPS 5. Budget Information Summary 6. Project Component Budget and Back -Up Support Data 7. Program Narrative 8. Revised Assurances and Certifications NOTE: The FY 1976 contract extended by this modification will not exceed September 30, 1976_ -2- PROGP' Manpower Administration SUPPLE:--\T TO THE CETA - PPS Title I ,. iNr1BER OF IIDIVIDUdLS PLA2t`iED TO BE SERVED, PROGRAM YEAR TO DATE. CO.NUH -YEAR II. fiLiBER OF T_..-DIVIDLI4LS PI-PoTNED TO BE ENROLLED AT END OF EACR tI0\TH. III_ CU.•_ULATLVE PROJECTED EXPENDITUEES BY MO \T .. ULY $239,826 ,UG. 258,956 ,EPT. 278,086 CT. [Ov. . ;EC. AN. ARCH aRTT- Ay, VSTP.UCTIONS I. Enter the total planned number of individuals who are planned to be served cumulatix each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training or employment should be counted The number in ;Larch, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 1C o: the -PPS. _ II. Enter the total planned number of individuals who x;111 be in the program covered by this PPS on the last day of each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services-, training, or employment should be counted. The number in March, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 1C of the PPS. III. Enter the planned .accrued expenditures of funds cumulative by month. The totals in. Hatch, June, September, and December should agree with the entries in Part 111B of the PPS, -3- I--, MA 5.143 {Apr. 19751 amp amimm rm" X"m 25 .. $ m—MMUU— 01-0 W.M.M., I, VOICE Im -�- gym- �m 3. P,ojccied Exp-ditu- f0t VOWIO�41 Ed. rAn ®.... in sp-1 C—U to oclef—S 4. Ptolcotd ExplMINII, -1 11—Fed. Funds MA 5.143 {Apr. 19751 — tiScat sear 17io Modification No_ 4 PROJECT CC3T0..E \T BUDGET a ns TITLE I F__j TITLE II F__j TITLE III NA IE OF CONTRACTOR: City of Corpus Christi — Manpower Administration FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY: —5— l BUDGET APPROVED CHANGES REVISED BUDGET (+ or —) BUDGET (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COST: $ 220,696 $ 57,391 + $ 278,087 (2) WAGES: (3) TRAINING-. (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: (5) ALLOWANCES- (6) SERVICES: TOTAL $ 220,696 $ 57,391 + $ 278,087 —5— l I BACK -UP SUPPORT BULGETS (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS a. STAFF COSTS: b. FRINGE BENEFLTS: c. CONSUMABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: d. PROGRAM EVALUATION e. BUDGET 18,000 APPROVED CIL1`±GES REVISED BUDGET (+ or -) BUDGET $ 115.686 $ 33,190 + $ 148,876 18,997 5,559 + 24,556 2,400 - 1,600 + 4,000 e. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: 18,000 8,500 + • 26,500 f. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: I g. STATE MANPOWER SERVICES COUNCIL: N/A h. PRIME SPONSOR PLANNING COUNCIL: i. i. TRAVEL: Car Allowance - $4,184 9,760 -0- 9,760 Operational Travel - $5,576 j. RENT: 7,500 2,092 + 9,592 k. UTILITIES: 1. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: n. INDIRECT COSTS: n. STAFF TRAINING: o. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: p. EQUIP?, NT: Minor Office Equip. - $700 200 1,950 + 2,150 Major Office Equip. - $1,250 q. MATERIAL: r. CAPITAL DIPP,OVEMENTS: s. PUBLICATIONS: t. OTHER: (Specify) Audit Services 40,000 -0- 40,000 U. OTHER: ( SpeciEy) Postage - $1,080 3,163 1,200 + 4,363 Telephone - $3,283 v. OTHER: ( SpeciEy) Xerox 3,240 1,200 + 4,440 W. OTHER: (Specify) Equip. Maintenance 350 100 + 450 x. OTHER: (SpzcM£y) Printing & Advertising 1,400 2,000 + 3,400 SUB -TOTAL $ 220,696 $__57,391 + $_ 278,087 -6- BACc: U? SUP ?OR = BUR'GcTS (i) =iuis t-ative Cost (cont-) r' ?.IZ;GE. BEN EMS (Staff): :?PROLE'. Er;r^ -ET BCD ai CFL GES Psa'IS =7 (+ o= -) B IDGEr -7- LEAVE: $ $ $ b. SICK LENT/t: c_ COURT Lz--INE: d. i.rILITARY LF-WE: e. FICA- 6.768 9� 42 + 8.720 I. LIFE x. SM-I :CF_ . g. MI.T3 IND SL'EL4_dCE: 1,912 571 •f- 2,483 h. VN-- 'iPLOYDr`iT I`SUP NCE- :L. WOREC ENIS C0 LIT EDISATION: 3,210 663 + 3,873 j. PFTiRE SENT BViEFITS: - 6,676 2, 23 +- 8,999 k. 013e -P.: (Specify) Gen. Liability 43l 60 + 491 1. 0=.L . : (Specify) SOB- TO?e,I. $ 18,997 ,S 5,559 + 24,556• -7- POSITION TITLL SALARY PEA HO. UNITS PAID Y, OF TIME TO POS. TOTAL AMOUNT HDUw MSiM HOYxf Mlax, Man oirer Trn . Coo USING USE 317.31 2600 69 100% 82062S Manpower Planner 6.48 259.25 2600 65 100% 16,851 Asst. Manpower Planner 5.73 229.35 2600 65 100% 14,908 Asst. Manpower Planner 5.46 218.56 2600 65 100% 14,206 Manpower Mgt. Spec. 5.71) 228.27 2600 f 100% 14,837 Administrative Aide 4.94 197.44 2600 100% 12,834 Management Information systems Specialist 4.92 196.87 2600 65 100% 12,796 Sr. Clerk Steno I 3.68 147.06 2600 65 100% 9,559 Sr. Clerk Typist - 3.24 129.50 2600 65 100% 8,417 *Clerk Typist 5,457 * *Administrative Aide * *Sr. Clerk Typist 6,021 3,726 TOTAL STAF/THIS PROJ. /COMA. TOTALS - $140,'137 * Postition deleted * *Transferred to HIALCO -8- SQUARE RATE /SO. MO, IN NO.STAFF % _ TOTAL RENT FEET FT. /MO. USE USING USE AMOUNT o.RENT.Office- Space,.,,_, 1711 36.5 15 10 00% l b. RENT . ........... .............. ...... TOTAL -8- ASSOZALCES AND CERTIFICATIONS A. General l,ssurances 1. The applicant assures and cerLifics that: a. It will comply with the requirements of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CET1L) of 1973, as amended (P_L. 93 -203, 87 Stat• 839 and P.L. 93 -567, 88 Stat. 1845), hereinafter referred to as the Act, and with the regulations and policies promulgated thereunder;,and b.. It will comply with 0'-M Circular nu=.ber,A -95 and Federal Hanagecent Circulars (F:fC) 74 -4 and 74 -7, as those circulars relate to functions such as the utilization of funds, the operations of programs, and - paiatenance of records, boos, accounts, and other documents under the Act_ 2. The applicant further assures and certifies that if the regula- tions promulgated pursuant to the Act are amended or revised, it shall comply with them or notify the Regional Administrator for Employment and Training Administration (RA) within 30 days after promulgation of the amendments or revision that it cannot so conform, so that the RA nay take appropriate action including termination, if necessary. 3- In addition to the requirements of I and 2 above and consistent with the regulations issued pursuant to' the Act, the applicant makes the - 'following further assurances and certifications: a. It Possesses legal autho rity to apply.for the grant; that a resolution, notion, or similar action has been: auly adopted or passed as an official act of the applicr -nt's gover.ing body, authorizing the filing of the application, including all understandings•and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the 1 official representative of the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional- information as may be required (sections 102(a); 701(x)(9) and (10)5- b. It will comply with Title DTI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (F.L. 86-352), and in accordance with Title TV'I of that Act no person in the United States shall on the grounds of race, color, sea, or national origin, bn excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the applicant receives Federal financial assistance and will iVme- diately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement. c. It will comply with Title VI of the Civil nights Act of 1964, (42 LI:C 20004) prohibiting c:.plo3�cat discrimination where (1) I the primary purpose of a grant is to provide employment or (2) dis- criaanaLory cmploymcnl practices will result in unequal treatment of persons :.•ho are or should be benefiting from the grant -aided activity. Revised May, 1976 -9 d. Ito person with responsibilities in the operation of any pro- gram under the Act will discriminate with respect to any program par- ticipanL or any applicant for participation in y. such progr because a of race, creed, color, national origin, say age, political affiliation : beliefs (section 703(1) and 712)_ e. It will comply with the requirements of ttie provisions of the bniforcC Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act of 1970 (P.L. 91 -645) -:inch provides for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced as a result of Federal and federally -assisted programs- f. It will comply c3th the provisions of the Hatch Act which limit the political activity of employees. g. it gill comply with the requirement that no program under the Act shall involve political activities (seczLoo. 710)_ h. It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that is or gives the appearante•of being motivated by a.desire for private gain for tstemselves or others, par- private business, or other ties ticularly those with whom they have fam (section 702(a)). ' i. It will give th e Department of Labor and the Comptroller - General through any authorized representative. the access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the - right (section 713(2)). v �. participants in the programs -,ritl- not be employed on the can- J. struction, operation, or maintenance of•that part of any facility craich Is used for religious instruction or worship (section 703(3)). k. Appropriate standards for health and safety in work and training situatioas will be maintained (section 703(5)). ' 1. Con ent or training will. be appropriate and, of employm reasonable with regard to the type of wort:, the geographical. region and ' the proficiency of 'the applicant (section 703(4)) - M. Provision of worIgmen's compensation protection to participants In on- the -job training, work e- %-perience, or public service employment programs under the Act at the same level and to the sane extent as other employees of the employer w110 are covered by a State or industry wor'�men's compensation statute; and provision of wariman's compensation insurance or medical and accident insurance for injury or disease resulting, from their participation to those individuals engaged in any program activity Revised May, 1976 -10- Oder the Act', i.e_, work experience, on -the -job training,• public service ployr,ent, classroom training, services to participants, and other nctiviLies, where others sit2ilarly enUaged are not covered by an applicable workmen's compensation statute (sections 703(6) and 208(4)). n. The program will not result in the displacement of employed workers or impair existing contracts for services or result in the substitution of Federal funds for other funds in connection with work that [mould otherwise be p�-rforncd (section 703(7)). o. Training will not be for any occupations which require less than two weeks of pre- emp]oynent training, unless ic_.ediate employment opportunities are available in that occupation (section 703(8))_ p. Training and related services will, to the extent practicable, be consistent with every individual's fullest capabilities and lead to employment opportunities which -rill enable participants to become econom- ically self - sufficient (sections 703(9) and 105(a)(6))- q. Institutional skill training and training. oa the job shall only be for occupations in which the Secretary or-the prise sponsor has determiined there is reasonable expectation for employment (section 703(10)). r. CETA funds will, to the extent practicable, be used to supple - ment, rather than supplant, the level of funds that would otherwise be available for the planning and administration of programs under the eligible applicant's grant (section 703(11)). s_ it will submit reports as required by the Secretary and will maintain records and provide access to them as necessary for the Secretary's review to assure that funds are being expended in accordance with the pur- poses and provisions of the Act,.including the maintenance of records to assist the Secretary in determining the extent to -which the program meets the special needs of disadvantaged, chronically unemployed, and low Income persons for meaningful employment opportunities (sections 703(12) and 311(c)). t. The program will, to the maximum extent feasible, contribute to the occupational development or upward uiobili_ty of individual partici- pants (section 703(13)). u.• The program has adequate administrative and accounting con- trols, personnel standards, evaluation procedures, availability of in- service training and technical assistance programs, and other policies as may be necessary to promote the effective use of funds (secLion 703(14) }_ v. The program makes appropriate provision for the manpower needs of youth in the area served (section 703(15), and will assure that: 'Revised May, 1976 O (1) individuals receiving training on the job shall he co the ci:�pJ.o}er at such rates, including pe- rJodic increasesi pensated by ulations prescribed by the Sect eta > as may be deemed reasonable under reg but in be event at rate less than that specified itt Section G(a)(1) Labor Standards Act of 1938 or, if higher, under t!te applicable of the Fair State or local inium cage law. Wages in the Co:tmon::calth of Puerto Rico, m m the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Island, shall be con w sistcnt with the Federal, State, or local l.tw other- wise applicable (section 111(b)). (2) Persons employed in public service jobs under this Act shall be paid wages which shall not be lower than whic!tever is the highest of (a) the minimum wage which would bapplicable F f Section6(a)(1)ofsch employee under the.Fair Labor Standards Act of 1935, ' i title applies to the partcipant and if he were not exempt under section 13 thereof. Wages in the Co=, OnWealth of Puerto Pico, the Xtirgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Trust Territory of the law Islands shall be consistent with the Federal, State; or local law otherwicom =?bleble; (b) the State or local minimum wage for th=amostofepayyfor persons employed covered employment, or (c) the prevailing -- ions by the'same employer (section 208(a)(2)). in similar public occupat w, It will comply: with the labor standards requi rements set out in section 706 of the Act. ` is Act will X, Services and activities provided under be ad— ministered by or under the supervision of the applicant (sections j ' 105 (a) (1) (B) and 205(c)(1))- Y. No funds made available under the Act shall be used for lobbying activities in violation of 18 USCG 1913. i " •� z. If the applicant is financed by letter of credit: j (1)• Letter of credit cash drawdons wi1Z only be initizted a- when actually needed for its iTA grants) disbursements; (2) Timely reporting of cash disbursements and balances Will be made to the 44anpower Administration as required; (3) It will impose the same standards of timing and ar..ount t ienis including the furnishing of reports of . upon any secondary recap -cash disbursements and balances. t Il. Additional Assurances for Title I Programs ! out programs under Title I of the Act, the applicant ! In carrying P- g 1 assures and certifies that: i -12- - Revised May, 1976 I i i , 'i O. 1, Manpower services, including job development, will be provided 0 to those most in need of the, including low income persons and persons of lirtiLed English- speaking ability, and that the need for continued funding of programs of deceonstrated effectiveness is considered in serving such persons (section 105(a)(1)(D)): 2. ProgrLas of institutional skill training shall be designed for occupations in which skill shortages exist (section 105(a)(5)). 3. The plan meets all the requircnent-s of section 105(x) and the applicant will comply with all provisions of the Act (section 105(b)). 4. it will make such arrangenents as are prescribed by regulation to assist the Secretary in carrying out his responsibilities under sections 105 and 108 of the Act (section 105(x)(7)). 5. Special consideration will be given to the needs of eligible disabled veterans, special veterans, and veterans who served in the Armed Forces and who received other than a. dishonorable discharge within four•years before the date of their application. Each prime sponsor in selecting participants for programs funded under Title I of the Act, shall tal=e into consideration th-� extent that such veterans are available in the area. Specific effort should be bade to develop appropriate full 0= part -time opportunities for such veterans. The pri ^e sponsor should utilize the assistance of the State and local veterans employment service rapresentat'ive in formulating its•program.objectives. On a continuing and tinely basis, information on job vacancies and training opportunities fu-nded under - T=itle I of the Act shall be provided to the State and local veterans e= ploy --ent service representative for the purpose of dissenirating information to eligible veterans (section 104(b) of Emergency Jobs and Unemployment Assistance Act of 1974). C. Additional Assurarces Relating to Public Sen�ice L-wloy—ment Programms For public service employment ectivity, the applicant further assures and certifies that: 1. Special consideration will be given to the filling of jobs which provide sufficient prospects for advancement or suitable continued employ- ment by providing complementary training and manpower services designed to (1) promote the advancement of participants to employ°. =ent or training opportuniti,�s suitable to the individuals involved, whether in the public or private. sector of the econonty, (2) provide participants with skills for which there is an anticipated high demand, or (3) provide participants with self - develop :.tent st=ills; except where exempt under the provisions of section 604 of the Act, provided, however, that nothing contained in -13- Revised May, 1976 Othis plrngrnph shall be construed tO preclude persons or programs for�p the foregoing goals arc not feasible or appropriate (sections 205(c)(4. and 604). 2_ To the extent feasible, public service jobs shall be provided in occupational fields which arc most likely to expand within the public or private sector as the unemplo}icnt rate recedes except where cxc. ^.pt under section 604 of the Act (sections 205(c)(G) and 604). 3. Special consideration in filling transitional pub7.ie service jobs _ will . given to unemployed persons_ who are the most severely disadvantaged in to m's of the length of time they have been unemployed without as but Such special consideration shall not autt:orize the hiring o` any per- ut -off from the sane or any substantially son when any other person is Gil lay equivalent job (section 205(c)(7))• . 4. No funds will be used to hire any person to fill a job dpzning created by the action of an employer in laying off-- or terminating the employment of any other regular emplopesocreated by hiring l' nganemployee in anticipation of filling the vacancy s to be supported under the Act (section 205(c)(8))_ 5. Due consideration will be given to persons who have participated _ p r 09 for whoa employment opportunities would , in manpower training p not otherwise be immediately available (section 205(c)(9))- 6. Periodic review procedures established pursuant to section 207(x) of the Act will be complied with (section 205(c)(17)). 7. Agencies and institutions to whom financial assistance is made available under this title have undertaken or here shoran ne essary, revisi= of job descriptions and reevaluations and, of qualification requirements at all levels of employment, including . civil service requirements and practices ary, thereto, with regulations prescribed by the Secretary, nt of those whoa it is the purpose artificial barriers to public employme of the Act to assist (section 205(c)(18)). - g, Where appropriate, it will maintain or provide linkages with up- grading and other manpower programs for the purpose those persons employed in Public service jobs who 'aTFunitiessto dorso with the employer,. in the same or similar work, with op, and to find permanent, upwardly mobile careers in that field, and (2) providing those persons so empled toos ek,t�prepareyforl,�nd. Permanent earecrn in such field, with opportunities 1 acid 604). o' ,0talii work in other fields (sections 205(c) C 9) Revised May, 1976 -14- page 7 of 9 pages 9. The program will, to the maximum extent feasible, contribute to 0 the elimination of artificial barriers to employment and occupational advancement, including opportunities for the disadvantaged.(section 205(c) (21)). 10. Not more than one -third of the participants in the program will be employed in a bona fide professional capacity (as such tern is used in section 13(a)(1) of the Fair labor Standards Act of 1938), except that this paragraph shall not be applicable in the case of participants employed as classroom teachers, and the Secretary may waive this limica- tion in exceptional circumstances (section 7GS(c)(22)). 11. Jobs will be allocated equitably to local governments and agencies taking into account' the number of unemployed persons within their juris- dictions and the needs of the agencies (section*205(c)(23)). 12. The jobs in.each job category in no way infringe upon the promo- tional opportunities which would otherwise be availabl cur - rently to persons cr - rently employed in public service jobs not subisidized under-the Act, and assure that no job will be filled in other than an entry level posi tion in each job category until applicable personnel procedures and collective bargaining agreements have been complied with (section 205(c) (24)) - 13. Jobs are in addition to those that would be- funded by the sponsor in the absence of assistance under the•Act (section 205(x)(25)). D. Additional Assurances for Title II Programs_" All assurances in C above apply to activities funded u_.de= Title II. In addition, the apply cant: will assure that: ment qualifying for assistance will be hired �tofil eared under Ti tle II of the Act and the publi s d by such jobs shall,(Waived) to the erten __ a designed to benefresidents of such (2) All persons employed under any program, other than necessary technical, supervisory, and administrative personnel, will be selected from unemployed and underecployed persons (section 205(c)(20)). (3) Spccial consideration shall be given to eligible disabled veterans, special veterans, and veterans who served in the Armed Forces and who re- ceived other than a dishonorable discharge within four years be €ore the date of their application. Each eligible applica Iet selecting participants for prO&rac:s funded under Title II of the Act, shall take into consideration the cytent that such veterans are available. in the area. Specific effort Revised May, 1976 should be made to develop appropriate full or part -time opportunities such veterans. In order to insure special consideration for veterans, all publ.ift service e.-aployment vacancies under Title 11, except those to which former employees are being recalled, must be listed wit}i the State emplo}lacnt service at least 48 ],ours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) before such•vacancics are filled. During this period, the emplo}iaent service may refer those veterans specified above. If sufficient re- numbers, of veterans are not available, the employment service, upon re- nu ers of other significant segments. All other umbe may also refer scno applicants are to be referred after the 48 -hour period (section 205(c)(5 ))- The eligible applicant should utilize the assistance,of State and local veterans employment representatives in forculating its program objectives. Eacl, eligible applicant shall, on a continuing and timely basis, provide. Information on job vacancies and training opportunities funded under Title TI of the Act to State and local veterans employment representatives % anizations for the purpose of disseminating and to other veterans org information to eligible veterans (section 104(b) of Emergency Jobs and Unemploymen t Assistance Act of 1974). E. Additional Assurances for Title VI Programs. All assurances in C above apply to activities funded under Title VI. In addition the appli- cant will assure that: 1- Only persons residing in the area served by the eligible appli ' cant under Title VI of the Act will be hired to fill jobs created under the Act and that the public services provided by such jobs shall, to the extent feasible, he designed to benefit the residents of such areas except that funds allocated under Titleo shallconlyeber used 0to; provide pro - to an area of substantial unemployment went ject and prograr_ oPPorturiitics to persons residing in those areas of sub- stantial unemployment (section 603(a)(2)). 2. All persons employed under any program, other than necessary technical,' supervisory, ar,d ad__inistrative personnel, will:be selected from amongl.unemoloyed and underemployed persons and that under Title VI _ preferred consideration shall be given, to the maximum extent feasible, consistent with provisions of the Act, to unemployed persons who have exhausted unemployment insurance benefits, to unemployed persons who are not eligible for unemployment insurance benefits (except persons lacking wor }c experience) and to unenployed persons who have been unemployed for 15 or wore weeks. F. Special Ccl-iificati.on for State Grantcas. A State grantee further will comply with the requirements and pro - assure. and ce'tifies that it 7 of t visions of section 106 and section 1the Act. Revised play, 1976 -16- k A ASSURANCES AND CEPTIFICATIP'NS The applicant also certifies that the information in this application is correct Lo the best-of its knowledge and belief and the filing of this appLicatioa has been duly authorized. (Legal Name of Applicant) (Address) (SiFnaLure of Authorized Officer) R Mar 'in Townsend, -v rang r (Typed Name '& Title of (Date if Application) Authorized officer) Revised Ma}, , 1976