HomeMy WebLinkAbout13312 ORD - 08/04/1976.:8/4/70 t N` /r AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE WRITTEN STATEMENT AND REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT SHOWING ESTIMATES OF 1111011 COSTS FOR IMPROVEMENT OF 1 AIRLINE ROAD FROM SOUTH PADRE ISLAND DRIVE TO A POINT ` APPROXIMATELY SEVENTY FEET (70') SOUTH Cl WILLIAMS DRIVE AND WILLIAMS DRIVE APPROXIMATELY TWO HUNDERD FEET (200') EAST AND WEST OF THE AIRLINE ROAD INTER- SECTION: AND `' 2 LEOPARD STREET FROM PORT AVENUE TO A POINT APPROXIMATELY THREE HUNDRED FEET (300') EASTERLY, r IN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS, DETERMIN- ING AND FIXING THE PORTION OF SAID COST TO BE PAID AND ASSESSED AGAINST ABUTTING PROPERTY, THE PORTION THEREOF TO BE PAID BY THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI. DETERMINING THE NECESSITY OF LEVY- ING AN ASSESSMENT AGAINST SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY, ORDERING AND SETTING A HEARING TO BE HELD SEPTEMBER 1, 1976 AT 4.00 P.M. IN THE CON NC IL CHAMBER OF CITY HALL AT 302 SOUTH SHORELINE, TO GIVE NOTICE OF SAID HEARING AS RECUT RED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI; AND DECLAR- ING AN EMERGENCY WHEREAS, heretofore, on the 4th day of August. 1976, the City Council by enactment of Ordinance No 13311, determined that it was necessary to improve the following by paving and sidewalks, as hereinafter mare fully described: 1. Airline Road from South Padre Island Dn ve to a point approximately seventy (70') south of Wii liams Drve, and Williams Drive approximately two hundred feet (zoo') east and west of the Airline Road intersection, and I Leopard Street from Port Avenue " :t'' point app— mately three hundred feet (300') easterly. WHEREAS, by the terms of said ordinance, specifications were \ ordered to be made by the Director of Engineering and Physical Development for the improvement of the aforesaid str,ets,,,th,, the limits defined, as provided by said Ordinance, and WHEREAS, the said specifications have been prepared and are now submitted to the City Council for approval and adopt,cc; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carpus Christi is of the opinion that it is necessary to levy an assessment against the ' property and the owners thereof abutting upon the aforesaid streets, within the limits defined, and against street and railway companies hose trot PS occupy said streets, if any, fora part of the cost of lW1$ MICROFILMED JUN t 71W 6 said --, . 1.. 1— the b—L, the ­d I-P. ty, the City --1 to .— —i— of saki hearing, as -I.i—d by 1—; and the ­7 C-1 fias h ... —­ by the avp v ®ent of the -t—I and —t— —.— above. Any ­g —31 9-t— io place, meeting the 1plcfflcltic. — by the City Council, at wlmch can be utilized, shall be leEC Sn place, i£ any, avd cox espvadtng credits tv the property mmera shall be alloyed on the d Physical ➢-eloM—1 .f the CI,7 -f Corpus --ti bas, iv accvrdavice with the la., filed his report with the City ­ , setting forth the p.tiliption by the I.ily ovpantea — -- —y ­—, if ­ — the V—P.ty in tb. —t thereof, together with the mmea of the ­ and the decxip- the —k to be d..e adjacent tb.t., and the amount to be asaeaaed again[ each lot or paces avd its -over aM �a11 other wtters required by the applicable 1,,: C—Cib OP THH C- sEalm 1. That the P—flc im, so presented to the City M-1 of the City of C­ Christi by the Di—.— of E- 9--g avd P —1 D—­t, ha—. been carefully —.— by the b%.d the name are h—, approved and adopted as the specificatiova f. the I— emevts of said -- --- --. — the limits defined SECTION 2. The City Council, in E —ting this p.--g, 1, ::1.9 under e — —P--i... f the ACC P ... � t ", '— :", :.i.. f the Fortieth f the State f T., d � Chapter 106 of the A— of said Session, t.a.—I with any amendments therein, — — as —.1. 1i05b of vernov a C- .—i for the mnstiuction of street imp-- rn the Crty of C­.. Christi, Texas. Eng--g and Physical --­t, b—. been —, —.d, . h—, approved. m 6 defined, vteh tfie amount or amouv p x fxvne fooe proposed to be assessed fox such impromemen[a against shutting property and [he owners --f, avd against attest and railway companies whuse t.— .—Y said -1—, if AIRLINE ROAD (bE 163) P WIIY1eme and a partaf p Rill— Dr � DR. R . TO approx. 200' east and vest Gf Airline M. This pralect can.ieca of compacted lime stabilized sub -b..., 9" flex base, 1 311" asphalt stabilized ;..+ base and 1 1 /4" hot mix aeptultic concrete evrEace Co form a pavement width ryi. from 62' to )3' me aced from back of curbs, c eldevalAe ya vbere a c3fied ar cardavice tod6tate Department of g y md9Pablic Travaporatian Plaaan a The-a for this pto3 act have been calculated is a oz dance vltha[b. evt policy by using Che uvi[ prices obtained byc[M1e low bid. Thee. race. are an follows: Curb, Gu r 6 Pavement $16.25 p.l.f. Eidewalktee $ ,JS p. s.f. 6" Reinforced Drlvewaya $17.57 p.s.y. All p avd iwo family vas, church.- avd schools have been eseassed at the rate eetabll —d by the Cley Council ae. curb, Cutter and F.t $ d... sidewalk $ .)5 )5 p. p.l s. ff. Total Contract Price $165,736.29 City Portion $ 60,196 11 Prelivimzy Assesemenc $ 61.932.90 Net City Cost $ 18,263 90 g ee g y in�i ne�;ia�ent 3RLnn Pegs N0. WNER AND PAOPERIY DESCAIP£ION GUANTPM ASSESSED DESCRIPTIOtt ABSEBSMENf AKIUNT AM00NT . ASBESSED 1. IL2 WILLIAMSED& Texas Stai Diei. Co. 0' ..l= OFD BEGINNING A EABT 73.49 L LL PA➢RE�IS£CANO SID8 F. 4 A 14 25 1,04).23 2728 Agnes Lot A, 230.00'S 2].52 S 8. S/W Y. D/W 1 -35' .)5 1].5] 1)2.50 483.53 Eaydei Addn 1,703.26 2. C --D. 1,143.15 L. F. C.G.E Pvmt. 4.75 5,429 % 3,8)2.60 5. S/W .)5 2,904.45 369.61 S. 0/N 5 -35' 1].5) 2,980.05 11,314.46 W Lteve OA18 INTERSECTION AIRLINE RD SOUTA OP AIRLINE PeOM PARR£ LIAMS DR. I PADRB ISLAIRI - EAST SIDE 5 .. —T BE DRIBE WEST SID ROA. 4 P C A ' . 3. Exxov Corp. 102.20 L. C G.A Pvmt. 14.25 1,456.35 $ d.L Windlinger - 0 -' L. . P - only 30.45 P.1.Raa 53 ueA, Wi—Y Addn. Unit •Ctedit Existivg improv ®2 488.00'5. - 0 - S t S/W D/W .)5 1].5] _306 - 1 822.35- age 2 ITEM NO OWNER AND P80PERM DEBCE MON AVANTTTY A58E83E0 OESORIFI'LON OF A38E93HENT EATS AMOUNT 'TOTAL AFWWNT ASSE"HE7 4. whawbuxger, Eac. 145.435 L 141:,1101 14.]25 5 2,204)1 .24 Z A.T.C. 321 8.. 0 8/W 05 Lot E -1 Wilkey Ad- Unit 2 65.60 5. . 0/W 1 -35• 1 -30• 1).5] 1,152.59 3,464.88 5. Wilford C. Wilco. 12.00 L. C 0.8 Pvmt. 14.25 1)1.00 I—- 8263 - 0 - s SIN .75 - 0 - Mneen dl. t. Blk E 13.30 S. 0/W 1 -12• 1).5) 233.68 Wilkey Add¢. 02 404.68 6. p.nieh Rey Ltd. 343.33 L P 14.25 4,892.65 R Willard Nn . 1,193.32 5. d .]5 894.99 P. 0. - 6211 45.60 s. N/W 1 -20' 1-25• 1].5] 801.19 Wilkey Addn R2 6,588.63 ]. 1645 Aixiit. 183.19 L. 524 76 5. Pvm 8(W 4 16.25 .]5 2,610.46 393.5) C.H.Page Addn 52.90 9. . 0/W 2 -20' 1).5] 929.45 • 1 -12' 3,933.48 Paga NC. OwNeR ANO PROPERSY OESCRIM. QOANTITy AS-E. ESCREPPION OF ASSESS- RAZE AMOURf MML AMOIINf ASSESSED S. enie Bray 152.92 L.F C. C.b Yvmt. 14.25 2,179.31 1fi45 ASt13ne 533.68 S.P 20.30 s Y EM ➢/w 1 -20' .75 1>.5] 398.76 35fi.6] ` WSltey Mdv. 92 2,934.54 9. (P) Harrell Pet. Cv. 99.72 1.1 C.C.S Yvmt. 14.25 1,421.01 12 5002 CM1avicellvr Rax 298.88 S.F 5/N .]5 224.16 Nlikey Addn. d2 25.30 S.Y n/w 125' 17.57 444.52 2,089.69 10.(S Alamo Eng. Car P_ wILL -E DR. 33.33 L. INLEABECTION .b Pvm[. 14 25 4]4.95 2 R.S. Margev 133 .32 5. s/N .)5 99.99 451] 5. Staples st 32, Elk. 2 --y Airlive P-k - 0 - S D/N 17.57 - 0 - 574.94 11. S.w.gell Fel, Co. 7.00 L. C.C.S Pvmc. 14.25 99.75 Lot 1, Elk. 1 28.00 S. S /t] .75 21.00 ym v Dvdt 1 - 0 - C OF NESF ST ENO OP AI D/w E Alac1NEE M. INE RD. 17.57 - 0 - 120.75 N ONNER At0 PROPERTY OESCRIPITON Q➢ANTiTY DESCEIPTION ASSEBSE➢ OP TOL1L ASSESSNENT AWSSEs SEn WLL{.igNS px. INfffise. i0 WITH ALU.Ite Noire me 12. Eerr%31 Pec. Co. 9 5002 Chancellor 104.00 L.P c c a Ywc. 14.25 1,482.00 Wilkey Addv. 02 416.00 S.F S/N - 0 - s ➢/W .15 312.00 11.51 - o _ SOp S SIDE 1,]94.00 0 Alamo Evg carp. S x. s, Hvrgav 166.00 L.F c G.E Pvmc. 14.25 2,365.50 451] e. scaplea Lac 32, Blk. 2 - o - s.F s %W • 161.60 s.F p/W 2 -30' Js - p _ 17.51 2,821.74 Culdmey Airlive Park 5,181.24 Credit Eria[ivg 5/W ON OP W➢.LIANS ➢R. TOTAL CONTRA T PRICE Prelfmlvary se a $165,13fi.29 N CITY CO T 41,111.11 41.932.90 $ 18,263.90 -p- ... - LOOP 407, K. -- 'UK TO ST ff FAiR DRIVE — AM —K CONTML 74.9 This ­j— —i— Of Atph.1— C-- i,,tl-.p —d aVttlay of tM s tt— — the — —t-, — �P—1 —b —b, V—, d —­ r.. P­ Avenue 1.n300' —t—A. Public b, _ far 11, itpt - - - been calculated The i:1. _ id P—. avd the peeing aseeasmeat P.—Y of the city. as —T.t. axe - C.1b, — A ", P:':': 0,.— $19.70 p ., M. — bid was submitted by Heldevfele Brothers f— T-1 Cantxact — $n.,-- City P-ti— 42,294.50 pt.iimdm, As --t. _4.786.84 'tal City i—.. $ 37.507.66 ITEl1 OWNER AND Q➢ANTx1Y ➢ESCRIPI'ION N0. PROPERTY DESCRIPIION ASSESSED gAJq AetO TOL1L ANWNT LEOP AT PORT A 1. G. S. Calker . INTERSECTION EOPARD ST. TO WHBT 120.50 L.F. C.G.6 Fvmt. 3.99 480.80 X203 Leopard rt Ave. P o of 1 s 4, elk. 5 -A - 0 - S.F. S/N L1 2 S.Y. D/W 1 -30' _ 0 _ 810.06 1,290.86 2. Eembutgere, xv v 125.00 L.F. C.G.6 -1. 3.99 398.75 211] Leopard Lot 2, B.. 5-A 55.60 S.F. D/W 2 -20; 19.70 1,095.32 ort Ave. p. 3. PORT SNf ECTION LEOPARD ST. ST 1,594.07 3. Nce. Sam Wilson 3]45 Oteav Or. TO NEST NOR SIDE 91.00 L.F. C. G.6 Pvmt 3.99 363.09 Lots 1 6 2, Blk. 5 21.14 S.Y. D/W 1 -20' 19.]0 Llb.dfi Palm Park Addv. ]]9.55 4. Cbris }lartofilaa„ e[ al 106.78 L.P. C C S pvm J.99 426.05 2224 Leopard 106.]8 A 132 15, Hlk 5 26.14 S.Y. D/N 1 -25't 19.]0 514.96 Palm Park Addn. 941.01 Page N0. DNNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY p8SE558D BESCRIPIION Op ASRESSNRNT ppTy pHONSI 30�y AM008t ASSRSSBD 5. Edvaxd R. Rieberg 45.45 L.P. C.G.e Pvmt. 3.99 181.35 749 BNat . eavk 6 T. t Y, Bik. 5 Palm Park Rddv. 1 -0- D/N -0- 81.35 CE .... 10.51 City Poxtivv� 42,494.50 4,786.84 --i., Aa ¢same TOTAL CTT4 PO i N $3),50].66 All ass eeamencs, b..., — to be ..d. ..d' — by the Cily Council St oay d— j— and A,­l, laving in — the ­.IaI benefits in --d value t. be received by such parcels f property and .-- --." the ­lt— of such —, and the adjmsment of ­ ----t f the roar of 4p-- .. as to produce a substantial equallry f benefit. received avd b— imp ... d. gECTI0i1 5. Thee a hearing shall be glvev t. said .wars o£ abutting property, "a f —Y. and f --t 'All.­ sf =Y, or lb.lr ­— or attorneys, —1 all p.— --- 1. said matter, as to the — to he —.— ­i—t each — A� his abutting property avd r,Ul y. .vd .—t —1,Ay, avd as tv the benefits t. sail pr,—, by —.. of said im­—, or e.y other —1— or ­9 dv —t— which hearing .1u11 be b-I 1. Council Chamber at City Hall, 302 South Shorelluecity of Corpus Christi, N.... County, an the It 1 19 6, ._L�y f SIptIIbII at 4:00 Ip,pl., aY which time all Che said their C—tn or aceorneya or other incezested persa� use notified C appear and be b—i, avd at said hexing szid .wars avd other persons may appear, by --.i offer evidence, and said bearing .1a11 be adjourned fram day to &Y —11 fully She city Secretary of tb. City of Cm— Christi is hereby give —ice of the lln. —d Place of such hearing and of other —t— and facts im ---- m— the — sad ­— of the Act ..e at the First C.— C..— of the —th Legislature .f the Scare of T—., .ad 1— as cba .. r 106 of the — of said —sI- t­ther with nay —&.11 thereto, now show Article Ilob 6f —.,s T­ Civjj --, —h said la., as as Alt—ti— method for the ­­— f -- im­-- in the City of —- b... adopted by said City. ius Said -- s— be by —Iti—I inserted at —t t- ­­ in a ­,,­ published fa the —7 of C.­ Chxistd> T.1, the first p.bl—t.n to be —d. At least —tI.— (21) d­ be— — dace of said hearing. said —tI. b— ­ly mltfi — be — --d.— vlth the t— — P-- of the said — mc The City Secretary i. hereby 1.ttb- 6­,­ C. give additional written notice of the heating by depositing to the ll.ited Seater ma11, at -- --t.— (14) 1— bel.t. the ­ of the ­_ ­­e ..t,_ of such heating, P-t-g- prepaid, in as —Itpe addressed 1. the omens .f --te or highway. to be improved, .. the —e of such --t- .be— on the the. .-- teed— — t.— of the City of C—'.. —.1, T­ and ac the addresses .. show, or if the -- of such respective d. no pp— on such tendered tar tell, then addressed to such suers ewers as ... —ee ... — on the -- — -ite i — City ae the M ...... eb. tht..; and vhm . special t. is proposed to be 1— —i—t any —a-7 or street —u— —'. '—'Yieg or crossing any high—Y at --, P.— or pettit. theteef to be imp—, such additional notice shall be gilm by depositing is the ❑t.d States bbtil, CC lent f—t— (34) days before date of the hearing, . vritt. notice .f each h—­ p—­ ­id, le as envelope ddt ... a to the -aid railway of Itt—C railway as show .m the th= =1e.t rendered it; rolls .f mid City, at the edit... - —, ­ if the .. of —h —P.tel- teu—ye d. — — . ..el, rmdeted t. —ile of the City, n. .m—a to such railway. ex — rail—'e - the — eh— .¢ the e. City, eC the addresses show the'e.e. Said tetiee atoll d--.. in -- — the More f the impzwmmxa for lbieb, as..sammcs are ptep—ed to be levied, shall state the highway, hU-1., —.t. — ­t— — to be ie,—, .— the estimated —1 et — p- ftt.t feet PM.eed to be ..—ed against the — et, .., of abutting pMetly and each property an mth highway, .. street or pet— thereof with —fetete. to — —g mentioned it the milts shell be held, and "hell — the estimated total cost of the lm­.— on eeth such highway, or .—t. F—ti— .. P-- the,tef, atA, df the axe to be —ttetted in any par[ of the -- be.... and ted- -ils and track., double track., turnouts, t4 snitches, end two (2) feet on each side thereof of any t.11ey. —.1 ttii., of it—b., .hell also —t. the — proposed to be assessed therefor, sea ..I state iha cfve and place ac vhlch hearing sfiall be Feld, provided, fioeavex, [}tat any failure of [he pmpexcy vvners to receive said notice, sfiall vvt SE—GH 6. Ihat the ...d for — adoption of the P— and p--d­ frith the ­—t. as -- p.—, aM the ic­— of pranptly •.—S —p— of the DixecYar vE Evgiveexing and Physical an ivpexative pWlic veceasrty requiring [ha suspension of [he CM1arCer rule Chat no ardinaaca vc -I-o shall be passel fwally on the date of -1 be read aC 'h-, --ol —ivgs of the city c—u, and Che mayor having declared a£ said Cha<ees Rule and tfiae this ordinance ha paeaed fiwally an the date of its i—d—inn and take effect and be in fail f.l.e a effect f=l and after it. passage, u is Acco­ so oso­so, this n. 4tb day of August AM- cm a CO—S CMS=, Ysvec 4th DAY w August n 76. Cox... C ....... TO.- TO ME WMERS OF ME CITY COUNCIL C.—. C--, T—, " E11LIT11" 11ILL :.EI,.l '.Tl.l "ECT.1"11 .I T"E�C—�C. —1, 1, T T_ _ . . __ _ _ _ 11 T- .— IT is T.E I.—T —T— .1 C,T, G_ _ . M OR C—/ ME CITY OF CO-5 —ISTI, TEXAS D, UllL T.1— L—... .[ A- R rx ZA, GILL Boa GJLLET G— L,—, S, Al:�L, 1-1- T- AA lAl— 11 TI oLLOVi xs —1; Jason Loor Eovnxoo I A- E.— L