HomeMy WebLinkAbout13313 ORD - 08/04/1976AN ORDINANCE AUTHORI2ING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH IBM CORPORATION FOR THE INSTALLMENT PURCHASE OF ADDITIONAL COMPUTER CORE CAPACITY FOR THE COMPUTER IN THE DATA PROCESSING DIVISION, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE SAME FORM AS THE CONTRACT ATTACHED HERETO, MARKED E. ..IT "A ", AND MAO, A PART HEREOF; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, ! TEXAS: SECTION 1 That the City Manager be and he 1s hereby au thori zetl to execute a contract with IBM Corporation far the installment purchase of additional computer core capacity for the computer in the Data Processing Division of the City of Corpus Christi, all as is more fully at out in the contract, in substantially the form attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A ", and made a part hereof. SECTION 2 The necessity to immediately authorize execution of the aforesaid contract creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the data of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effq, fr. and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO GRDA I CEO, this the day of August, 1976 ATTEST: y a-retal R THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS APPROVED• 3 DAY OF AUGUST, 1916. J. BRUCE AYCOCK, City Attorney By ►tClReja �v MImgjF 0% : :, :cant icy mrney 13313 International Business Machines Corporation A..k, x —e0— h-II-en, Paymevs A-- (S--- T.: A—— .6,9, 101 n. CMSTI, TX 7803 w 115 --r— -- 2205004 CITY OP COU" "T"I PEOPLES t, — — —tSTI, TR 78408 Thu J— Payment A..,­—.—Ag..-N. M0297 &W o—M 7 19 73, b— 1.1-4 B-. Maz C., — (he,— — 1.) evd xi ..Peat 1. C.. M..g 11 mxbmn avd r— e.U-,gy nt1ed the A.— 3135 100 — 1 —it 1 101,250.00 101,250.00 Terms end Covd,eon C,-h P— (d she werca ­h'A.) TOTAL 101,250.00 2 — D.. P­1 . . - — .. .. ....... ...... 3 Ll.,d Ceeb P— (1— 1 11— 2) .1 h—, $ None SO Total Time Sale Pnce (Sum of ltemzs and 9) ...... $111.05111 TM1e PuwM1axr promises w pay as fall ae T<W lash Pepoent <an�wag of the Dawn Payment evd rasp (af apph<aLle) (e) apon the dale of �nmallrt�on <( the mavM1inn m (b) m0a spat to �nsulled me<M1ines, on the eHxmve dale of the purchex, and to pay the fnnuw Tama &Isou m mnsxuhve Penodm Paymen4 mdudmg Intemt torthe Faxel Periods as xt IvnM1 bel<x PAYMENT PLAN I LAN IArn,wl (B,emW) afx0tyeeymmre _ Ilarload,1 P.>mml �ul 2,227.56 22,275.60 3,964.43 2 2,528.94 30,347.28 3,311.38 3 2,411.17 28,934.04 1,898.14 4 1,883.38 22,600.56 627.16 5 1,831.13 1,831,13 —0— mxh�ove�eev he6 rhea moods of mmJlei chnn on the fins his MEMO P<nod, iex wJ4 wnhin a rcemnahla Dena .kw tk eod a. w<h Period, weer eod isle the mnhm<• faom Purchaxti eod will rcta�n ell sam• vFwvvsly ve,d by Pur o[ h Grh Down Pap rm w rMSn m mm, mvwq Aed vxeve at a on r �eeexv� e....<m °.:�.`notx.v eFa.[eq 6epenmg an she first day fold M1em.de�s I( emaa f<r x6,a p.raxat b.. hnahi�•m, •reaaamner.r wa:aaeie mraxaR wlma`.�tae �n t<aam wnd.naa. p of the taewi {ma a1 �PvrchM`r`enmvoue efW mar[Lkn mgbe lweedrne`wb� Jmed yrhe Yaa<hww Aal eatmwedem�gvmrntar mnJer by u1a Pvr<hmer at avy at dx nghu, dawn or vbh- �u�:'.�:nmawPU°l:mwte m by �em.•nm Jl <hme uw io rbe d.ry of Lm paaw+xemov pmwdvv mr ma- The PueeM1exr epw m.mame tell ampvnnumb�hM�ar all end van <6+e[n pn +ble iv m dus A[rzem Yshem medy rva evW 3heePur<h.xr agn_n hiv wY nawn+bl°.lmme✓a fm far ea(omavg n[hm.hfieer ahFPUrchsan's M�:exdvee.(eoy whey >1-Y leghor egmla6le nghb murz•t, plum rM1m Agrnlm•oi x 11 m the mxlavey or any of hem6rze<Fed aMumwHi �n1a m .a b Pareb.e j., .Ja.n snH be w�2m,rra�se. r`h`�e:aia ftz. xnmatnanra ae (3) w �a5er sin Wu.m =ol ae dv6uL eh.R nuvbe a wahi.er of avy athv= default, VI al iau'a eiahw 6veeuvdu ue eumulaare avd va d¢mazne _ nee<aeri� „oa,a.ea ., p�naea <va,h wake p� haR b= adlutu..da�evd dua Wwllmaat Pa�.vt AMeemeat shall he emevdd °^^oNmgly The PvaLaav evd m um fin . "... wAa eatwded� .mg o tb ma<h ava fvr the hR be Lb of � Ivatillm=u Pey- polheyfoeeu<hw= udue m ahoviv F+Swaby Oe P�v.La.<e�aw ab�vn�veurbpuvm=e soil by deemed a dafaab. 9pov :equet a cemfiu�e of avd. wdt by hmm6vd m rm ar vmtaa of the Prorivma henol w m <eo &n .mh say beud<emad leoeeaan.eaam aW. aotFZ Z ma -oa&m femedto relatingty thepurchaxby the Purchaser of tha macbivn eoaatimte a single agreement and thee veagrm ph.. ache Purcha f, and mtf re pec o h. —..h and sale oE, and saa vE payment for, the macinnn hrted m tha ss agreemeaL TFa teams and madtaaaa of thsalastalimem PaymeatAgreemeatahall prevad t thamndmg say vanaace mth the tasty avd condmom of tha said Agreemev e NOTICE TO THE PURCHASER 1 Do vot v:go thu mvtran before you rand at vra[ it avy bl.vl .pa« 2 You are entitled to as assn wpy o[tbe mvwn y egm 3 Yvu bars 3a ngl to pay off iv dvavice tbvfdl amoaar due avd m abtaiv a partiil refmd of tba cl.argefarrvlueea aactrawww or euL of Lw THE PURCHASER ACENO —Go RE=C Tbn L..Ilmeat Pa A d its OF AND TRH ATTACHED WOORRKBHEET, AND men gr m atmcbed Worhh -sad the Agreement herein m THE AGHMMNT HEREIN REFERRED TD Re<e:•<dbylBt6et ��95 CBBISfIe TS __— Amptil ay. Inlemalronai Ruainen MxFlma CoRoraaon __cxxy__m+_cartp9s c_lu!5T?,_TAS________ ATTEST• mm_.su..v...... .. -a,... wr,....�r. v.Aw� ...__--- _ ------------------ _ --- _____________ Bill G Pead, Litt secretary_________._.._ .aM...va.ar.v.e.w.. APPROVED. m,.ven..+.....s.m.m.. g DAY OF .1976. a•t•• ^� U. BRUCE AYCOCK, City t By Assistant Clty Attorney C,R-A C TO.. TO THE —S OF THE CM I-NCIL C.R-. —,s­ T ... 0 ....... FOR THE REASON3 SET rDRTH IN THE FI1ECE11RGA-Cy C'A.SO OF r.R T.R III, T-E '.. A .... ICI C ....... � AR. I .11RATIIE — ElIlT - C"I"T R"ll 11 111111111"T T"AT 1. OR R—I.T— A.ALl :�'--T ...... . . E OA,O IT A IIITR .. _ *11 IAT _1111 . .. . EET— �,;, C.. IT . 1:"I.EREl.AC, -1. . C.—II R-O '1- 11"IE C ..... I" T"E 11TE IT 11 A AT TIE IRE—T —T— or T.E C.T, MAYOR TIE CI OF —S —ISTI, TEXAS- T.E C.ARTER R.IC ... RO.1—E. .1 — F.11 w ... -TC' DR. B— TI—. E-A... OE As NT. GIll OR. ."0, GAR[ L.—., SR. AR. E SA ... 0 Tx[ ABOVE L. .Ax.. ... ...... ". . "T, I L. I DR. OIL, T—.. --. .E A- RLIT. GILI — W11- G— L—R., SR. E—R. L. S—LE