HomeMy WebLinkAbout13316 ORD - 08/04/1976:8/3/]6 1st AUTHORIZING T MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT W EYCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF CORPUS CHRISTI FOR ASSISTANCE IN THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT LOAN PROGRAM, I COOPERATION WITH LOCAL LENDING INSTITUTIONS, COUNSELING OWNERS OF LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING AND PLANNING AND COORDINATING THE DEVELOPMENT OF LOW INCOME HOUSING, AS SET OUT IN THE CONTRNCT, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF WHICH I HER HERETO, MANNED EXHIBIT 'A", AND MUHNE A PART HEREOF, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROBINS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he hereby is authorized to enter to a contract With the Community Development Corporation of Corpus Christi III assistance in the — 111 —tvon of the Community Development Block Grant Loan Program, in cooperation with local lending institutions, for the Counseling of owners of low and moderate Income housing, and the planning and coordination of the development of lrn, income housing, all as is more fully It out in the contract, a substantial copy of Which is attached hereto, marked RXhlblt and made a part hereof for all pertinent putposes. SECTION 2. That the necessity to authorize the a cation of the aforementioned Contract at the earnest poss161e date creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspense on If the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution sha11 be passed finally 0. the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings If the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to of—, and having Tequested the suspen- on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full MICROFILMED JUN 171980 =16 fOZCe and effect from and Of— .vts passage, IT IS ACCO —NC SO ORUAINEO, thus the % GA. day of August, 1976. ATTEST. Sec, yAypC OA _ THE CITY OF CORPUS CH AeexoveN: v na a„��,�m ,o,� TDC D A of ­ IT ID—RED the City of —P- —i—, a home rule city, t-p—t— and —Y '-- ..— th. — of It. State of T. ... (here- inafter --d --ty") and C.—­y C.­ .p_ C.__.. f C_P.. Ch—til - -- -- fit —P1 ..— the j­ f th. sl— of solely Te for cfiarttab le and educational P-P .... as -- — are I-- ..d- DMI, 1114, as amended ­11, CDC), are mutually d­­­ f PI ... ­ and loo income and 1— —d— income —91t -I multifamily housing, as th- D..,.11y .___ in u 5. D. --1 of Ct—� and Urban Development ­g., within the corporate limits f the C.ty tf Dt­ C,t,ti, ..... . nd of —i—t—.9 th. C—ty D.—P—t —.1 —D —d — —8— 1- -.P—li- —h p eicipae 1_1 f_­, 6—by making it p­111. — —t. of --.d-d h ... 1ng to -1-9 for h.— 1--- which they would ...Ily be ...bi. Co obis , ..d f P—Idivg C­ty —9. C-1— services inciud.ng, but vat llmited t., build-9 design ­­.. t. ­i_ ., cannot nelgM1borhood level oho -- t- p for such multidiscipline tt._ty projects, local and a h... available t. p into action sfiould the C.'P_ ...t' me zapoli ten area suffer a natural disast and —AS, CDC, C.dl Alt-1. N of I,. A­.j­ of ti_ is p sly ..1—d 1., ­9 -th— --. 1.1d — di.p.— of f..d., - -th— —d " P--1 properly, tangible or intangible, I-- ..tD.gh, Ct­, I.­ or either P__ _h.__ ox ­­­ i— --.— —� p.bl.c author.[... I. f-Ihl-- -f �t —9.i� t—d ­­., .—S, the —Y is ..P. vex I, 1... 5. T.. Const i lotion Article 11)5 -Cl, Severally, and CIty Cb—1 All. ti. ­p- use and ---Y of PI.Pllly of th. ­y (At'. IX, S— 6(.)) and t- P .... .. reasonable conne l— ti—Alh tht q..Iily and ... it, of the ----d fioostng —­­ in ­ C.ty, there —­ Iti. C­.jj 9--l" t— In — City t thi. ti., and that CDC is P-P-t —­ 1. serve es It. —y'. —­­t con[cactoz hereunder for cM1e —p.... [he Cc ..d the p­.­_ of its lt.p—ib—t­ for improving the urban environment, per[vcuiarly, but —t ­lt., t. providing t. safe and sanitary hone ng ox lou and --le income families, ctc b.—I the personal and Pt---1 —11- h.,­ d..­ed upon the t— end condixlana h .... 1. A. As a £wft—t,j p.jJU, vc is mutually agreed _j__ will be —1— — o g nizaciona lb-t ursM1 to be eoas3dered as "Pt—t --- and to — p —tl individual .—­ � p­­ —d—, — bi...lf ..dj- — It-ill -1 all types of --d­j ..d —111f­11, P—J.— an all aerrfaaa of the City With -p-1.1 t ... id—t— b—' given to xeoraancing grms[M1 P-tt-- vhicM1 non tend to gregaee people by socioeconomic levels e C.—...ty —­.t Block _.t Fund Loan ­Ct.. In cvapecation _h 1-1 p--p.tl.g I-d-g ­­­­ i.—d-g, but C.1, L.—d t., .P-1-9 a CDC — C.—It., to -- ., and app — all 1— .ppl—I—.; p--S -C.-D revlev of the Community —­— H—D G­1 ­ ­ P—g... —1—S the —C. of too pt--­ c ... t ... tl.. p—&-- t. —1— p—i.di. —p —Ii... and the fuel —p-- P.— t. di.b— ... — of f—1 p­— 1. contract cs, —C —p.Y..1 .king available b— —hip -C C-1, --­ to f-- Ill- i­ — to p.g ... .. d p—ldirya refiabrlitacroa design -- ... to f—i- processed C.—ty --p— Block —I —a — C­— B CD agtees that rt will p vide 1. the City by .... of its Community C..ig. Center the fol lovrng ­g. ­­ ­­. including, but — I.it,d t., incorporating into nev or —d--p.... P.j.— in It— ­­1 1—,— —.1— p l ... ing —d counseling 1--1 assist- , p—di.g b—din C—C. -- D. f—IlC. or organitatiova .0 the .-CD—b— 1— .. --t --i- afford such .—D t- -- — If,— p--, b.dg—; providing —h.—I —p-1— to en h.... the q.—ty of --­, —l. c—ity —Shb--, avtl -C--g a local --- to be --bbe t. d— with noosing -1— disaster —.1d b -th rI C. City ­ ... that it will p--d. 1. CDC sec - tetar-el --- when --d f .. the —&--i I.ptcement D--., office ­­ tO.ph—, .— —, and Cq.ip..,. D —d. the City d— and assistance iv — pl ... lng —d implementatlCn of its housing ---t— p—g ... a, upon ­—t —i .... y .... g—, co famrl >ea Chet — . ..... i.g D—, nd 1. Ih— who are t. ­­ ­­ difficult— —h —j- —ph.— on 235 —Ig­ --tCd D— CDC —11 .—D -d dx—t t. VC.,I resources I—. families oho have h— —I ... — p -- — P—d. reference ­­1 ... fat .1h­ ­i­ fam ily —d.. F A-- IV of the --l— of I.cotpotacxon of CDC is —1—C as C.iblt 'I" t. further --, the —I p e to be under- taken by ­, ­­p, as ­­ly prohibited or excluded by the tC.. of G. It is expressly -d—l­d and ­.d that .-Y P.ld by tFe —Y under this conerace shall be —,­d for ­ ­., P—P-1 ca — or i— ---- that '. not --Y --d 10 the .,ly f noosing as nerecofore described —, to ... end. —, b, .­ ­ .... .. P—d.d —ly i. such 1—t ... — fl—.— and /or £or the salarves and admt.ia traclve ova mead a pend.cures of the CDC Executive Ovrec[ r, b- ... —TA —t—­ d.—, filed —h said City ­­ ­ later than fifteen (15) dty. .ft- lb, f.t.t day of ­b month, such t.pt,,t to accurately reflect th p vtous month s ac[ivitlea as bete Labe face spec; Eled, xo City funds A.11 be used for any pt-­ purpose or f_ any laane oc reserve. for loans. be ­na,d, directly ar ivdittctly, I— [be ­t,,iCg on of information P1.9— designed to develop P-1- -1-- about h— not t"'t-d -t— bY the -Ppl­— blie b.dy, 'tt"t— to foe -CY P—ti'll . Lgn the f .... f any .peeking e.gageme.ta, or for any social by the C.tp.. --ti —y Attorney of a contravention of lav foe P-P.— of admtvs[ratvon of th­ ­­­, ball be —.1 II, CDC —II render . . -- -,— at —t once a mvvth for the P—d., ..thl. --icy 10 —Y-a Council and City Manager o£ [he —tttd, the and type of h.., p,_­ 1._ of vncome ..Ppl—t. ac anged, and —, other pert....[ to this -9--- or as the Cil, ­­ _y From time t- — reque e. A of net -­dit.,­ for ti- I-- ACII be f—.hed t. the C.tyrm "t— than the fifteenth (11) d, of the --.9 .nth that the City — CDC —11 not be li- f the .1b- ­t, 11. employees, ­l., I-tt- Ih.y h— by covenant — .9— 1. — —d hold b­­ the .1b­ ­, antl from any and all --, --d., — J.dg.­ ­­vg from CM1efr A. the C.1y —11 ­ 1. CDC for performance of tb...9-ea- went an amount not 1. .—d Ib. —1— —17 —­-- by CDC of —1 scam pp vg - Elbibil "C" and — 1. .—d . 1-1 of $30,000 fox the cvntxectuel per-.d (August 1, 1976 th—gh —Y 31, 1977), mb- -- -. —.. E—bil "B" l. by this --- iv ... P—I.d herein sad _d. a ­t hereof as f as if ­­. h.. J. f.11. 1. the ­­ this agreement Ls soaaer ---, pay - shall be ­-- for --1 B. Requests for payment hereunder by CDC to —y —11 D. de ... Ihly, -pp .—d by the cextiflcati.v a£ the Executive bi-1— avd the CDC tt-- that a1L pe.d.,... f- b— such payment ... — were — solely i. of ­ C — avd the City hereby ­e that CDC will teq.-I —A —ep, p—th... by Cay, for the use of CDC is the performance of than ­—s .-- or -- P-P-ty or —i— — it — ---a by the City the, it ... bl— such p-p—ty or service. at 1-- -t t— tD.. the — p--. — be -,i. by CDC. Dhe— the CItI P-ch.... l- thil. ..— for CDC, It 1. b.—y ­— by CDC that the --t of such P—h-- —11 reduce the —.1 b.ds., —It—t by ,he C.ty La A. .—I equal to such p--. At the date of --t— of t— ­— ... 1, Iltl. 1. all .... p—d p —ty (me .- equipment, and ..used ..ppl— and ­j­) p.- ,based by — C.ty for CDC -- thi. —p—g-ph C, th—­ —11 —di—ly —t in �y D p —t— --A capital i. --.— of thls Ste- t the City —1 .-- to CDC ..' more than --t—fth (IIU) of lb. —.1 of said City P.—­seas E The ­ sonnet descxxb,i - lb. —­.b— be the supervision F the p.-Dn designated as —t— Di—t— by the Board F E-- C.ly — CDC —Y ..... I and —D — —b.., —­ by sending D —t— -- of such .... [o the .1h— party h.-I. at —, addresses Day —g-, City of C—p- C--, P G B- 9277, C.­ Ch-1, T— 78403; C—y Development C-p.—... of Corpus ch—ti, F 0. B.. 2fi, Corpus Ch—ti, T-- 78403. b.— and p.. —1— —11ce t. by City 1. C. or on 1.1, 31, 1977, vhicbever occurs sooner 1976 DT—T- C— .P C.— —i- ci,y s— ... .-i. --, City ...8— APMMD CO-- M—NT CORPORATION _DAY OP —y ---y 1976 C, COAPCB CHRISTI C, I.— B. 0oggs, President L. -g--d ..I.ly — charicable and ed ... 1-1 p.1p.— as lb— I.— are —a d- —1— 501 (c) (3) of — internal R... C.d. of 1954 (- the ---p..di.g provision of any -- U.—d graces Iacernal R.— L-). In this -g -d, its p .— —1 be 1. f ... L.b as xis [mince p..j..I. and ..d.—ki­ — the ampravemene of the p—.c p—, health and safety, .— development — public welfare i. the Corpus db—ti —I—p— — area of S—h Tex , .. d to p--p— in p-9— for — - neclan of .1. condition end in .— ..development and .1— p-j-1. .— d.— to the ­-- of the .....ily as such relate 1. —q.,. h ... i g and .H.—Ii.. of amm aonaivan f p aan Wien 1. and in connection therewith to d. the --ag Acquire, improve, hold, - di­- of land ..d real property (b) A­—, hold — —p— of funds and lb- pcapecty, .1 or p—.1, —Sibl. or (.) — outright ­—, l.— (d) T. carry on any actively — the pu,—s above scared, either dice Ily — .. ­.t, — — uilh .1— p—.., ft— ox p scion, 1 1. and generally to d. any -d all further —d —­ whack may be necesse P.. —1 p -ly of the ­v.—ti.n ac of tb... and the -.1i ai leasing, -1. - ---- of —, p—.— or .-d property -q.—d by it, or Ih. our hl g of ..y —h p -ty id—I..w but i Eocene rase. of x— purpose a. N. p— If eM1e net ev .g. If the p—li­ ­1 enure [o t Gene fvc of or be Sva[xvbucable [o v[s members, officers, or ocM1er prvvaCe tlon shall — P—l—p.t. —, — --- - the If —1 .... I-) any P-1-1 ..P.igI on -- If ­ ...did- -tb—.d­ evy It— p—.1.. If th-I th. p -anon -hall not carryon y ocM1ex ac[vvi [lea p vc[ed Co be carried I. (.) by I p atiov —p t f— Federal income taz under Section 501(e)(3) If thI Internal Revenue Cade If 1954 (- — eoi espovdivg p--. If any tIt— UI—d SlIt.. —1-1 R.—I b-) or (b) by . —p —t—, --- ti.— Co Ih..h are d.d— — ..d— Section 17D(c)(2) If the internal Revenue Code It IM th. --P.Idivg p--i— of any Future ftit.d Sl.t.. Internal R—I- L.) COlLMONITY OBVELOPMENT COI@OAATION OF Budget 1 1976 [h lv 31, 1. Belaziee COAPOB CORISTI t $ 22,367 00 2,800.00 2. Au[owbile Allwavca 3. Eeplsyee Benefits 2,258.00 4. Office Space 5. Supplies b Dvplica[ ion -0- 500.00 6. Telephone b Paa [age Tzavel d conf 650.00 550.00 7. Does Sabaczlp[i —, 8 Pxivting-- Advexeising 50.00 9. Legal, Audit, Bond 6 Ins. 825.00 '0_ 10. Pq p nc TOTAL $ 30,000.00 Convva ....... A, TO THE !EMBERS OF M CITY MNC I L COeeua U ...... T 'OR T E REAS0.3 .1 ........ —U. .;.T 'T-o A '-:T- I. T.- � A., E I E ­0 A. 111111IT T 1� IIIALL AT,.C.A.TA. lIT.lL,: I. Cl- 11 1 II .... I.- II CITI " :1— C.—ALIL. " - Tx[ —1 IT III I.TR... MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, MAS IR C.I.— .— vna JA— W.1 DA. BIL, TIP- .[ A- R,,. GIL, ... .1-1 GA- —A.., I.. E—R. L. SA.- T- A-1 .....A— vAe RAaam .1 — V--- v0— jA... w., G.. BILL T,l- E..'... IIE A- RDTM GILL BO. W-1 GA.[ L—.., E ..... L. —ILE