HomeMy WebLinkAbout13321 ORD - 08/04/1976vmt. 13 -76, 1st BNBNDINC THE ZONVO ORDINANCE OF ME CITY OF CORPUH CHRI iI ADOPTED ON THe 2JTH OAY OF AUGCST, 19J], APPEARING OF RECORD . UMe B. PAGES 565, ET ESQ, OF THE ORDINANCE AND eEEC_.0 RECORDS, BE BENMED FROM MHE TO TIME, AND PARTICULARLY AN At@NDLD BY ORDINANCE NO. 6106, AE AMENDED, CPON APPLICATION OF FERNONE0 R. viLLAREEAL, BY GRANTING A SPECIAL PERMIT eCCOROM BY THE PLANNING COM� .MNTOEUEJECfT. THE EC.ITIONE NEREINAFTEA ME SET FORTR ON LOT ]B. N.. 5. CARNENOALE #2, SITUAT- ED IN TEE CITY OF OJHPIIS CHRISTI, NUECES COUNIY, TERAE: KEEP CT ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OP THE EXISTING ORDINANCE NG ALL OeDI- NANCES IN EOV_Cf NERD. ANO DECLeeYNG AN EBER- GENCY. COOMNAE, the FY_.B Ce_..ion bee fotwa to the City .—til its report. and ee.. ning [he application of Fete— E. Villetteal fat m dment to the zeeieg map of the City of Cetpe. Cbti.tf; end ENEREAS, public heating vas held et which heating all petal.. wishing to appe.t and be beatd were heard, t consider tha same be£Ote the City Council of the city of Coxp s Lhtlscl, in accordance with p notice to the public, said public heating having been held ee Wednesday duly 14, 1976 , et, Bettie of the City Ce.a 1. the C..il CO—t et City Ball in the city of Cutpua Ohtieti; and WeeREAS, by motion duly made, seconded end tattied, it vas decided by the City Council that t approve the betefnaften sec forth eeendmeet would best serve public health, necessity end conveelence and the general velfete of the City of Carpus Cbtisti and it. citizens: NON, THEREFORE, HE R ONOB.. BY THE LITY COUNCIL OF Tim CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TERAS: SECYMN 1. That the Zoeing Ordi­ of be City of COtpo. Chti.el, Texas, passed on the 21. .1 of August, 1937, epl- -E of te ... d in Volume 9, P.E.e 565, et seq, of the Otditele. end Resolution Rete... a ®ended from time to lit.. and ie pa ticelar as emended by Otdinence No. 6106, as emended, be and the same fa heteby amended by ..king the ch.nCe heteiC.ftev alt ant. MICROFILMED 13321 JUN 171980 SECTION 2. Ihat a Special Cowcil Pezmlt be gzmted on — IS, Block 5, cazdemale 62, situated in the City f rnrpus Chziatd, Nueces Cowry, Texa, according to the Bite plan, approved by the P1mning C ffisslov, £ox a 2 -story bu1—S With three sp tment wiea, all as moze fully desexibed m the site plm, attached hereto and made a par[ M1erevf, marked Exhibit "A ", and subject to all otO- conditions of "E-1B" Ove- —I, Welling Bistricc. In the — the Board o£ Adleetmevt grants any special exception or varimce to the Zoning Ordinance, applicable to the pzoperty is Chis Special Pe and effect mM1atsoe SECTION 3. That the official xov3ng map of the City of Corpus SECTION 4. That the Zoffivg Otdinance eM Nap a£ the City of Corpus Chtistl, Tecas, approved mn the 27th day of AuCwt, 1937, m mended fTm time to time, except as herein chwged, shall 1maSV is full fotce and effect. SECTION 5. That all ordinances of patty of aldinmces is conflict herevtth are —by expt ae Iy pealed. SECTION 6. That the necessity of —daately -eking aforesaid chmge for the purpose of maintaining at all times a comprehensive zoning atd£wnce far the city of Cm— Chzieti creates public emerges y and w imp etative public necessity re9uizin8 the suspension of the Charter —I- t t no ordlwnce vx resolutlm aha11 he peased fiwlly on [he date of its lntzvduction and chat such atdinwce ar reaolativa shall be reed at three sevetal meetings of the City c-Oal, and the Nayoz baving declared that evcM1 mergency end necessity exist, and having --d the swpenslan of thn Charter rvle and that this ordinance be paeaed finally on the date of its introduction and to effect and be in full farce and eff� —tt from end after its pass T IS ACCORnxNOi.Y SO ORDAIN D, chic the daY of dAAat ld- AT[EST: Ci Secretary MAYOR '/ 1HE CITY OP CORPllS CHRISTI, YAS S. BROCE A4CDCK, CITY ATTORNEY Assistant City A—— 1 / SURTON LANE A O Two stormy 3 U.,,/ U I c 5 W 4 3 Ex, hny Go aye m Lot / -8 i 5x° G— d—d4le N. 2 3 2S' j FERNAADO R. VILLARREAL � CASE No 676-1 �s' �, C.R,R,,, T.... LoRroa TO THE —ERS OF — CM C—CIL C. ",—, T—, FOR T-E ...... . T .... . .. ...... C . ..... or Tx[ row [co ixe , C E.ER-11 EC—ITI .1.R or — C.— R.- OR RE--E.T T— .. .. RCR.—... —11 T.. E :,Il IIIE — .—E-1 1� T on, Bi.c Tarr ox L...... .. A— all, G— L.—, E—RO L. S—Lc T- -- R I-- . — .1 T— ti- — --- vor e. 'A_ L... 0...... T.IT.. E-A— ­ A- R Tx Mll eox WLICI Gnec —R., SR. E—RO L. S..—