HomeMy WebLinkAbout13329 ORD - 08/11/1976R E =Ef ACREE- i®1'1'itI1T1 DEL OP SCAAN@1 �T=EC ZA NY, ISC ; DEVELOPERS ESTATES —I, ,I Io' S-Ci� TEE CII — ITSMUE — I-1— — Tid COST IS c-- C— —1 TIES _I_ PARR IN C_ _C IST. —1 10. =SIM, ALL IS IS � — IT — IS I — s— — C— . -- IS _Ag —o' NAARED IS IT 'W', ANO —E I PART —Cl; ATI:�- POR Tina CITY'S EST— COST IIIIII—E TO Paolecx 1. 22-30; � CTCC—G AN EKSURSI. E IT C— I TI CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY of CORPUS CMTSTI, —: SECTION 1. That the City lttII9IT I. SCA be hItIty it .—l- 9-- with III, St-, Realty C­ —, C.I.p.TS If SIlCI.. E.t.t.. —1, — 10, —tIby the City 1111 I-- the d—p— — I-1f the ..It of conetcnc ¢g —Itt OT—II.t. crowd the C.di— ­k II Schanen E.—I. west, — 10, all ae is III — in the I —I—i copy If —th Is aItannea —d —It 'W', aM made I p., --, SECTION 2. That — ie hereby appropriated out If — 220 Street — 1-1 $13,4)].65 out If N.. 220 Street MIA — for the City'. I-- —I If the ...t. applicable to P-J-t Na. I0 -72-30 SECTION 3. That the necessity to ..Ih.i.. the —till If the afarmevtleved agremev[ I, .. .1y CIt. I. th., —.— If public .....ity requiting the ­— If the chItmt .1, that no Td—t. oI -1—ThIl Shell be passed IiIIlly on the date If but that such I-- or --t— I-1 It teed ee three eevezal meetings If the City C-1, -A the My- h—g declared awh merg.,y and necessity W —I, having TI, .. tId the -­— If t ztez —1. and iMt It. ordlmvice take Ilt— I. I. E. I— f.... Ill— Erom and If— Ste paeeage, IT IS ACC-- SO — lhi. the CITY Secretary MAY O C— OP C.— —SIT, —S "PRC— .T CT MICROFILMW Cify jug 17 aeietant Att—dy 13329 ?a THE B.. of TEXAS BH— OF ECE.X TEL. Xg--1 I. —1—d I.I. between the City of Corpus C—ti. herein- after called "City" and Oel St— Realty Company, IBB_ . Texas Corporation, E. E. President, B—I.p— ad B.B.— B-1— —1, U.., 10, W(U:RYAS, the "Developer" In compliance vlth the Platting otdi.—t., —t— IV, S--- F , E- dedicated . P.1— of Sth-- E.I.— Unit 1 bd tvision for sae as Parka and Ptaygrouoda, and HHEMS, the "City'." Platting Otd—te pt—d- tbtat the -'City" Bb.11 b— it. P-- of the .— of —lb and 9.tt- an P.—t on ny --1 E ... din P.tk being dedicated THEREFORE, the "City" and the X­ M f.1j..: 1. The "I.I.P-1. —1 .... —t ...tarn i.pt--. for and on behalf of — "City" i.l.di.g — —I E.1t., p.— and id— .. —k—E. C—. and Ntk— — vh.th bound the above described dedjt—d Mk. The i.p--t. will E. --MB I. ..—d— — the pl... and ... .­—d by the B,-M—t of Engi nearing & M,—1 C—I.M.., A.B.., 8, 1175. This Adt--t —11 it .11 -d void h-ld the ..bdiVi.— c.nstuctimn ­h­­d b, — ..... . I i— an ... not be -- out ­t­ the ­ I­IM ­.if— ib the --y'.'- Platting 0--­ The cons —t— will be contracted for and --d by th, "D-1­t". 2. The "City" U— 1. —iM-- the of the above --Bd t ... t-tt— —I pl. engvneering as IX shown ." the attached Construction C— B-1. and Map, both of —.h are --d EXHIBIT "A" -M—1 E.—I. and .— . p— I-- F r p—,— of into A­--, the — of the "City" t—h-B—A to the -C-1­," I. estimated E. be THIRTEEN THOUSAND, FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY SEVEN AEC 65/100 ($13,477 65) DOLLPHg. The actual reimburaemene bill be adjusted ....d-& to — —t-1 c ... t—L.. —t after p rron of Che —. The -'—y-.-' P.,-bt to the "B-1.p.t" bill be Md. after completron and B. Tne "Developer" agc a to 1a1 ... ify Ih. "City" ag.i any a.j. 4. The Agreement shall became effective and shall be binding upon and —1 j.— 10 the benefit of p-t.- h—t. —d —p —j— heirs. this the day of , IM APPROVED _/�± d., of 1916 BR= .—I C— Ayl- -t City All—— mi, STARK REALTY .—., INC. iR PARTICIPATION N— ESTATES NEST UNIT 10 JOB NO. 8220.20 085CRSPTION QNAITIITY UNIT COST 1. Clearing and Grubbing 0,522 AC —OB- 3. i%va[SOn 1, ON- CY 1.15 1 /2" Type "D" Hoc HSx 1,549' SY 1.65 TOTAL 26.30 1,255.80 2,555.85" 4. 6" Compacted Calirhe 1,549' SY 1,66' 5. Prime coact 1,549' SY 0.19' 6, 6" "L" Type —b and CLtter ]35' 3.60 2,511.34 294.31" 2,646.00' 4' Sidewalk 2,964' SP 1.00' B. 2,964.00' COncre[e Cylinder, C rb 1.41 SIT 2],00" 9. Concrete Cylinder, Badeaalk 0.)3 NT 2].a0' 39.61- 19,)1' 10. In -Place Henai[y for Hat HIx 0.38, EA 13,50' 5.13' 11 Caliche Baee Nenaity 1.92 BA 13.50' 25.92' 12 Sub8rade Umaiey, Pavesent 1.92 EA 13,50" 13. grade Nenelty, Curb 3.6] EA 13.50" 35.92 49.54 Bub - Total: $ 12,4]9.31' Engineering Pee, BR: 998.34" TOTAL. $ 13,4)].65 ' 7—zo -7G "EXHIBIT A1e Al O O a� l0 9.ao1 s� E I4�G dy' �I 1. IF• r, ..94i T°I452W _.?__''__�_. _______ •� -_ __ _'5___'_'- IX41. =' V 9 •' n 3> i� � _ 2Z�:I� 24 �I& 25 i PA IZ rz K It L.1215'I L. 65e T -2529 � yniYf IIy W,�'�Ilw .. ��h��2a.T •�+_._ 918v' L -4o G5' 1 z� w - O %9. O b6 `� 'tip u, (i ifr 4' ryS n� ��Z �a�•. u- ni L >laa av' i. r� °any »I ro wi,. <e, �.ryi.nrl r� ..itn �� > °�Uy31- :,' °'4 inpa,• -"-� ,ra e' t 13 ,'�x arz• stag a 3 3i.y;\ ©, � ",1�,. I '•a 1h• °m•r\��j�z., 215 U' by T•512 -- "-iaou•W —77-77-1 f2, _� - .vi, di -,' . "i'r::yJ Ih• 4 " "�'P ,9 r r. i�o' e? � a t' II '� la R!• � CkEn :,�. ', ;n� ''"y3/ � "/` '' C�1z. ew �5mx »v u,I �" ;I �1= ° SHac�" I •� nry,�29, CI` °55a L•'+e +� T• 9 n I 'ul w - , __ �� �lUr y � „I �\ 0.0 CPM OF COSSU9 CNAI6TI, TFRN& , CENTIFICATIDN OF FlMf6 (C.ty Charter Artrcle ry Sectaon 23J August 3, 1976 I aI—fy to tna C.ty Council that $ 13,477.65 , the amount llq -ed Tor the coot=- , greemen ga ti. or eupendrturea contemplated iv the shove and foregoing ordrnance Se in the Treasury If the Caty If Carpus Chri,tl to the n=ea=t oe Fund No uW N-me P oject No Project Name Schauea Estate, Hest, Unit 10 r / 1L FIN Ne. 5 �h i 23Q5 a 7731/69 a TO THE PIENEIERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL C..— C--, TE-1 ...... FOR T.1 :T" IT ll I" E"E ..... ..... or .. . a _L., E.E_: �I 1", c"I"Tc, "ILI 11 1111111111T T"IT — '"C' III I .C. ... .... L .... ... L - T— .1 .—IL; 1, TH ­l—, -1. -1 C—TIR L— 111E F111111 I" -Tl IT 11 I.T—.1., .. al — T-1.1 or T.., CIT, C .. _ . MATOR THE — OF ­5 W I STI . T—S NE C..— .111 11 111 J.... L.. .. G.- T,... All E—n. I — lila, &T. GILL lxl_ ... . .... /lily, Eovaxo L. S ... L, T.L =.—I. j—I Wav 411, DII. OIL, T,IT.I 11C RNIT. GILL I Boo LLLl G-L --., -.. L. S.IILF