HomeMy WebLinkAbout13336 ORD - 08/11/1976r, lC.M fib•8 /11 /]6:let APNIORIEING AN AMENDMENT OP AESICNMENT OP —C STADRANT PACILITIES AT OUNFGS CHISTI 9803, DAT® — 14, T1970, ANO TOMENDED AND P1@NGEO BY ONDICANCE NO. 10780, GAT® APRIL 5, 19]2, AND ORDINANCE NO. 13740, DATED AUGUST 6, 19]5, SO AE ;;,LIT "TAN" DENTAL ,TEE NHZCH NILL BECOME EFFECTIVE ADGUSS 1, 19]6, THtODGii dULY 31, 19]], AND TO PROVIDE FOG cEHTATN CAPITAL IH'ROVEMENTS IN THE RESTAURANT AREA TO EE MADE HT THE CITY; FURTHER PROVIDING FOR NE- NEGOTIATION OF ,TES ON AUGUST 1, 1977; DELETING ANT RIGHTS OF DYNETERLA. IN C T ENGAGE IN TI¢ SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGESOPANY RIND GRANTS➢ BY PREVIONG INANCH{ A COPY DP SAID At—SNT BE— ATTACHED NERETO, MARRED E%HIDTT "A" AND MADE A PART —GI 1. ALL PERTINENT PGRPOSES: AND DECL4RING AN EMERGENCY. CHRISTI, TEBAS: SECTION 1. TLat there iv hereby autM1Orized an amendment t0 the Assignment of Leese of Restaurant Facilities at p e Chria11 Intermt10m1 Ai,.tt, authorized by Otdinevice 9803, and intended and amended by Otdlmnce 10780 — ONLUnce 12]40, eo ae to provide fot a remgotiatim of rental rates for the period of August 1, 1976 to ug e 1, 1977, end pt —ding for certain upi— imprw®enta t0 be md. by City, further providing fax z negotiation of rote. on August 1, 1977 ae more fully set forth Sn said amendment, a copy of vM1icM1, in eubetentlally [he sine form, i. attached bereto, marked EzM1Ib1t "A", and made a past hereof fax ell pertinent pmpoee.. SECTION 2. All teferencea in Ordimnces 10780, 12740 end th. contract. imorporated thereby relating to liquor, beer, vine, aie or ocher elcOhal3u beverage. ere bezeby repealed. SECTION 3. The necessity to authorize the .--id ®end - ment of lease .o that vpe..ti'. v£ this facility may continue Sn m ezdetly mamez czentee public ®ezgemy and an p .tine pub11C nereealty requiring tfia .uapemlon of the Cbartet rule [hat m Otdimnce Or xesolutiov — be peened fimlly an the date of its introduction end that ..th Council, and th. Nayor Raving declated such emergency and ne . e .1[y to MICROFILMED JUN 171980 13336 eaiat, aM having tequeeted the euapemim of the Chatter rule and Gat thfa atdimnte be p-- f—ly an Ge date of ita -- dantim and take effect and be in full force and eff.t./�ft. and / / /e///f///����t ��- rte peaeege, IT IS ACLO&DLiGLY So o&DAINPD, GSe the 4A— Y -4i 9, . ATTC9T: ATTgD. Tgg LI Y Lf CL 9 L �1 9 DAY Cy ADG➢ST, 1976: d. Cg AYCCCg, C a oPAgY .r /9� I rlaeietant CS A[[om —:hb.8 111176 1st — NTATE . Tg%ag I IO90i1 ALL MEN tt THESB PRE9ENTN: COUNTY OP NUECEB , Oyvetexla, Inc., M1ereinef[er called Lg99gE, Se [he miner ae leeeee of a 111.1 from the City of Caxpua Christi, herelmfter called CITY, cove Svg c xca apace and fltture. at the termlml building of the Carp.. Christi Inte[retioml Aitpo[t, which lease was th --d for e period of five (5) 1... come —. August 1, 1970 by Otd3vanc. No. 9803, ­-d and approved July 14, 1970, — WNeM . Otdimnce No. 10780, passed and eppzvved Apzil 5, 1972, authorised a 5 -yeaz —.3ov of said levee, to August 1, 1980, and mevd- mnte the[etn pr—v i for changes Sn the rental zeta. through July 31, 1975, end Suly 31, 1977, and 11@ ., ly t—, Inc. has euffe[ed a lose in .ales due t. te.chednling of flight. by the cv®ercivl air caxrier.: and Wde , CIt, he. agteed to [¢place o[ repair [he teftlgeta[or, e[¢am table and di. —.her prerin.e: NOW, Td8RgP0ge, In consideration .f the prmlaea aM £or and 1n caneidexativn of the charges, ees, t—I cmemnts and agremevte cov- tamed herein, the part3ee hereto dv he[eby agt- an the Eollovlvg. The pazties mutually agree that the lease, ee intended end emended, entered into between the partie. be and the same is —by <m- tinued cv the dace of ezp ecivv thereof — the texme and covd3civve of said lease axe continued ea p a. he — ®ended. RETICLE II In consideration of the wntfnuecinv of this 1 , City g e tv replete ar repei[ the refrigerator, steam table hil di.hwa.het p[e i.— iesee ag a p y M1e y he following p ce g vv .teas revenue co®encing August 1, 1976 aM c.nt3nuivg thrangh Suly 31, 1977: Oros..v food sales at the rate of 8.26 %. D­ttti., Inc. —1 b. ns tight by pt—Iy —Iti co Sn any wy offer for -1. ..y alcoholic b.­ it i. -- b—Y that Dyve'—, Inc, ..1- —11 be restricted 10 food sales oily. The Ceamlml —C. apace hereby I— > tt­ t. Ethibit attached f- all purpose.. — P.tt— ­t. tmt the —.1 ­ ­ the lease will be t-9--i as to food .—, and restaurant gross ­ effective Au­, 1, 1977. In the ­ that .,.ny t.t.. ere t _­ p.., either P-tY —11 the tI.It 1. cancel — I.— by giving tbitty (30) days —tt.n notice tc the other party. The --- f. ..j-t to —b- tbe — f.— difl-li— of — t.— building t.q.— of the ­1 —p— h—m ­ pt, aided, however, tMt P— .mIl be g— t. — —d- -f — reduction i. the .—t. 1—­ 1. the I— building made ­U to the ---, ..d. if each ttd.,ti,, is necee.ita[ed, rental W11 be adjusted accordingly. —, — O — i. —pli— b—ng the xaepect3ve P.ti— effective day of 1976. .—T. c. Assignor aM Lessee —i­ and gob le .... —T: cM w cmus cuss city s.—,a I.. Heroin Town , City iMVager ---_PA Y OF ._, 1976- J. WCE —=, — ATTDRNRY C—, C T- 4—A - TO ME �.MS OF ME CIV —NCIL COnvua I .... TI, T—. ll'ILITI*" I—L 11 T- CITI --L, 1, 1. T- 11 IT 1s C .. . .. R—IT—LI, ­R a=--- ME CM OF CORMS CHRISTI, TEXAS 0 Boo GILL FY Ec .. o L. S..— Mx •xovz oxo ixaxcz vns I-- ar T. J- - E-- .c A E. R.T. GILL 8 .. . .... G— L—n., S, E—R. L. -- 4 i, �i 1:1 Ej Q tlw , , �,­N , y'gkNO P "N 7 'o Rt­iq it '� ii 4 t 77m)� Xt K�, p, .2" i 17" "1 ANA", 41 Wt 'k1A k 7 "i 1 A A I�F kl� V V ig. 4 k" 'It ,V` A �4 N" I, "T, L A, 4w�, �J, a �gq' "T, V'Yag, N. N 1.� M". jl� 7r vl?, -N. "rf �1� kl, 3 �­q V 0 f""'vTYv . i�p "I'; 4p �T �tM"0, 7�. iio 21, - Rxi _M� W,4 N� JA'k -j i-�. $Awl �W -17 Gr;,, 1V`1 7,7� q p e, 5;r Rl""6 R N�, . ... .. .... 4g, ,�i .4Z V NIM M`,,4 - ni4- w 0 W ­41- Y ka A .R % - , MIS;o 1 L16 �AKf .K� 4, IR'pa-4;1 �4 'iR "A 4�A ;J, W 'w X1, W6 "It 7? 'Y —M-, V; E ON il�` N 4 N' Tff Ig" S AM 21 , 4s� , R6, �,�m6,9 W, R-5,4 Z NK, f, V�, Q "Ir r N ug v -s� RQ', "'2 'RV f1, 4 N W� 'o . .. .... RR ?p 34 z ti 6, .F A A , AJ, A 61, nx "Wo Vii R 9R,t! "W"16k j I't _j q i"A -0,1_,ill� U." V V, Z' -.7 M, Y,, �J j -77 7777 it j T: �j A it i T t; A L ? 51, 4 el J�T A U,�_J 11- - I 1� <N c 1>1 . M"r - " I - .0 -w-" 11, 1, " ",